Buck Brief - What Does Hunter's Conviction Mean with the McEnanys

Published Jun 12, 2024, 10:00 PM
In this special episode, Ryann McEnany from the America First movement joins alongside her father Mike, a dedicated patriot, to discuss current political trends. They explore topics such as the expanding Trump country in Nevada and the implications of the Hunter Biden conviction. Buck and the McEnanys speculate about potential vice presidential picks for the upcoming election, offering valuable perspectives and entertaining exchanges for viewers interested in politics and current affairs.

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Hey, everybody, welcome to the Buck Brief very special episode. I guess you could say we have the mc and eighty family joining us, or at least a portion of it. We have Ryan mcininny with us right now, who you all know from Trump World. She could tell us what her official title is and also a special special guest star that she will introduce. Ryan. Good to see you, Good to see you.

Thank you so much for having me. You know, I'm just a part of this America First movement. I'm here in my own personal capacity right now, but with the America First Policy Institute working on digital marketing.

But right here in my personal capacity.

But we are actually in Bishop, California, hence where my dad is in the shot.

He's a huge fan of yours. But were they said, yes he is.

He's a huge, huge American patriot. But we are busiting my brother and Bishop right now. He's a Truma one er doctor. But anyways, my father, a lot of people call him the Eagle Commander. He has his own little following of eagle people that love him so much, and just a man of wisdom who loves this country.

Cool. Well, so you drove through, I mean I know you're a part generally of the America First movement. And if for anyone who doesn't know, Ryan's sister is Kaylee Mcanenny, who you know from Fox News as well as being Trump's excellent press secretary. I mean, she really set a new standard for you. Must be very proud, Mike. Well and you Ryan, but you know Dad, the special pride that Dad's gonna have, and what a great job Kaylee did for Trump in that White House. But Roan, you and I were just talking before we got going on the show. You're telling me you're driving through Nevada and you're feeling like Trump Country is expanding. Tell me what you're seeing out there.

It is, first of all, a brutal drive.

My mom failed to tell me that it was a three hour drive from Nevada to for Yeah, to where we were going.

But you know, the one.

Thing I noticed is Nevada is Trump Country. When I took so many photos of Trump flags, bumper stickers, Let's go Brandon stickers, f Joe Biden, one sign even said my dog even.

Hates Joe Biden.

I mean, this was two days before the Trump rally, and so I know those people weren't just there for Trump, but it is actually Trump country in Nevada. It gave me so much encouragement.

Now when we.

Crossed over to California and Bishop, it's a little bit different. You don't see it. You don't see it as much. You see gas prices up, but that's about it.

Yeah, I can imagine. So you know, as you and as we're talking here, I mean, some big things have already happened this week, Ryan, we had the Hunter Biden conviction. And do you think that does that move the needle one way or the other? That does anyone care? How do you view it?

I'm actually really glad you asked. First off, I don't think people care.

I was just in Washington, DC interviewing everyday Americans outside of the monuments, and among them, I interviewed a veteran Black Americans, an independent, and a woman and a few others, and I asked them, first off, do you think that the government is being weaponized against Donald Trump? Every single one of them said yes, all very diverse backgrounds.

Even an independent voter. So I don't think it's going to move the needle.

I think people know that the government is being weaponized against Trump. And actually, right here, I have some polling on the Trump trials. It's a Scott Rasmussen poll and it's prior to the jury decision. Fifty one percent of voters believe Donald Trump was less ethical than most politicians. Following and then following the verdict, that number was unchanged. In other words, the jury decision was not news for anyone. It's not gonna move the needle. Hunter Biden might be different. I think the people are seeing a two tier justice system and they see him as a spoiled brat. I think that that Trump's might not move the needle, But but Hunter Bidens might get somewhere.

We'll see. I mean, I think it will also be interesting to watch how how the sentencing. Honestly, both of these sentencing situations go. Mike, do you do you have a strong feeling again, mister Mcininni in here for a second, Pops, Mike, do you have a strong feeling about whether Trump is actually gonna get any kind of a real sentence in July? Do you think that they have the stones to go through with that, or are they probably gonna give him a you know, probation or something.

I think this whole, uh, the Hunter thing is just his political cover for Joe in the in the Josephs Department to do what they want. I'm worried that, uh, And I'm worried that they're gonna They're gonna when the judge hands down a verdict, a jail verdict for Hunter, even if it's a short one. And I heard you earlier say he's ought to be a house arrest or something, and it might be that that's going to give the ridiculous judge in New York City the leadway to you know, put the hammer on on Trump too, which would probably help Trump, you know, but I hate to see that.

I got to think, I mean, Ryan, go ahead.

One thing about the Hunter Biden trial. I get them, you know, I just did the Trump trial, Hunter trial. I started off with the Trump one. But following your question about Hunter Biden, I don't think America is falling for it. I think this is a fake trial. I think it's a distraction from the true Biden family crimes. You know, the people want to know about Hunter Biden taking money from our foreign adversaries. That's what we want to know about, not this fluff trial. You know, people don't care about that, and so I think this is all a distraction. I think it's a way to balance the the justice system, to make it look fair to what they're doing at Donald Trump.

But I just think the American people are seen through it.

Yeah. I think that the polls certainly certainly indicate that the strategy that they've had up to this point of we're just gonna throw all these charges at Trump and then everyone will say, oh, he's a convicted felon. I don't know. I don't know a single person who has changed their view. And when I say no one, I haven't even I haven't come across anywhere in the sort of online ecosystem anyone who legitimately was for Trump before or even leaning Trump, who then has said, oh, because he's been convicted of a business a business records, you know, misprinting effectively, I don't want to vote for him anymore. Like I mean, Mike, I just don't see that.

No, I mean you make that point. You know, pretty much every day we got to toughen up as Republicans. We got to toughen up. We've got to realize we're in a battle for the soul of his country, and we gotta we gotta fight a little tougher. We've got to be a little bit more resilient. You know. Basically, everything that they've told us, they being the media and the government has turned out. Everything they said was true is turning out to be false. Everything they said was false, it is turning out to be true. It's only a matter of time. More and more these this house of cards is falling. And you know, as far as Hunter goes, I mean Hunters to me, I could care less about Hunter Joe. I think this is probably the first time ever that kid has ever been held accountable for something. And I got a feeling that who politically, you know, the polls, whatever, may not change. But I got a feeling that hurt Joe. I got a feeling that him finally being punished for something he's done is going to hurt him. And I don't know that the record in the Biden family of how many lawsuits or how many crime crimes they've committed that they've been convicted of, but I got to believe this, This was going to hurt Joe.

Yeah, we'll come back into this, and I want to know Ryan and Mike where you are, respectively on the Trump VP pick. So I want to hear your thoughts on that. We'll get to that in just a second. But first off, our sponsor's Porter and Company, and Porter Stansbury's been a good friend of mine for a decade now. I've mentioned his most recent documentary. This is a guy who built a billion dollar business starting by himself in his dorm room, just writing and thinking and predicting back in the nineties. And Porter is just an incredible visionary. You know. He's also cut his salary to just a dollar per year. Why would he do that, Well, he says he's found a much better way to save and get paid. Porter explains there's essentially a new form of money in America and it's making some people wildly rich. Most of the richest people in America use it, and you can too. It's not gold or bitcoin. What Porter points out is that it's well, while every American is legally entitled to use this secret currency, few know very much about it. He wants to change that. Go check out Porter's latest detailed presentation at Secret Currency see twenty twenty four dot com. I doubt you'll see this idea opportunity to discuss anywhere else. Go to secret Currency twenty twenty four dot com. That's secret Currency twenty twenty four dot com. Okay, Ryan, you're first. You're probably gonna upset somebody in the political sphere here, but I can't. You're on the hot seat, so just embrace it. Well, best VP.

Yes, you know what.

I've always said, Trump, Trump's gonna be the guy, our guy de Santas.

It's it's not his time yet. Trump's now the guy.

I would love to see Trump Desantas. I know that's not an option, but I just think that they are so like minded.

Maybe a little too like minded. Maybe that's why.

But to answer your question, I think Tim Scott would be amazing. I love his demeanor, I love his Christian spirit, and I think Trump needs that. I think Trump needs someone who's a little bit calmer than him. And also I think that Tim Scott can reach can he can move the black, the needle with the black, with black Americans, the black vote. He's my guy. I've liked him from the beginning. That's what I have to say you.

Got, yes, sir, you got five or ten thousand votes we need in three or four maybe five critical states. And who can move that needle? And I've heard you say, I know you like JD. Vance and I do too, by the way, all of them, I love all of them. Who's that guy that can move that needle and get that five or ten thousand extra votes we need? And I think, well, when I heard from up above that Tim Scott's the one guy who can who can move that needle? And I know you also think, you know who's who's the best guy to be our president in four years? And I don't know if he would be our best pick for but hey, we'll run for it. We'll do the Democratic way again four years from now.

And Ryan, have you seen have you seen the there's some reporting that actually Ben Carson is under consideration now as well. Have you seen so much? You know, I've always had a very high opinion of doctor Carson. He's a real doctor, unlike Joe Biden. You know, he's like a brain surgeon for children, doctor, right, not a not a I wrote a BS dissertation at like, you know, community college on education. Anyway, she didn't write a dissertation. That's a whole other story. She wrote like a think paper or something some other thing. That's Joe Biden anyway. Doctor Carson the realist of real doctors. But what do you think about him as a VP.

Pick similar to Tim Scott?

I do love that Doctor Carson is a well renowned doctor. Wasn't he the first doctor to split Siamese twins?

Connects at the brain.

He is a man of God, He is intelligent, can can move the needle with the black vote between him and Tim Scott. I mean it's tough. It's tough. I like that they're both a man of God, and I think that's the most important.

Mike. What do you think doctor cars Yeah, I don't know.

I don't know. I mean, it's gotta be somebody that can, can, you know, help be a megaphone for Trump, and I'm not sure he is the guy for that, uh, but an inventive I'm excited whoever's going to be. You know, we can't worry about who's gonna be present four years from now. We got to win today. We got to win today, point blank.

Yeah. No, I I preached the same thing on my show day in and day out. Mike, let me ask you are you Are you a firearms owner? Mic?

Oh yeah, yes, absolutely.

Do you know about Bear Creek Arsenal because I'm gonna be doing a little bit of a dude. Oh yeah, I heard you advertising it.

Now I already got the Crockett Coffee.

Oh you're the man Crocketcoffee dot Com looking at me throwing it in there? I got where's oh here it is boom. And not only have I got the Crockett, I got a Crocket Coffee T shirt. You know what, Ryan, give me your address, I'll send you and I'll send you. They're not available for selling yet, but we have some. I'll send you and your dad some Crockett Crockett gear just because you're such a such great supporters, or at least your dad is.


I don't know if you ever listened to the radio show, but that's okay. We will put you on the spot. But your dad is the man, so he listens in. So we'll send you both gear. We'll send you both gear. You gotta you gotta check it out. But but back to Barrack Creek Arsenal. It honestly is a phenomenal firearms company, and I've got my brother buying Barack Greek Arsenal. Now, if you're looking for quality firearms, are the best possible price. There's all these foreign gun makers out there that people know very well. Some of them have operations in the US, but they're foreign based. And yeah, look they make good products, of course. But if you're looking for all American and best price combined with best quality, Bear Creek Arsenals. What you want, go to Bear Creek Arsenal dot com slash buck. Use my name Buck as your promo code. Get ten percent off your first order. Exclusions apply. That's Bearcreek Arsenal dot com slash buck promo code Buck for ten percent off your first order. All right, one more for you for the macin any team here and we'll start with ry Ryan. Are you with me as in the on the side of light, truth and justice that no matter how crazy it is, it's going to be Biden or Harris in the election? Or do you actually are you subscribing now post hunter conviction to this theory that they're going to replace the Democrat at the DNC.

I don't know, I don't know.

All I know is that Biden is he is crumbling day after day after day. He reminds me of my former dog Sophie, who recently passed, who had dementia, was becoming blind, losing her mind. And I hate to make that comparison, but Biden in it. I think, you know, maybe the Democrat Party might use the first debate as a test to see what the people are feeling and thinking. I think maybe they could swap him out with Gavin Newsom, which has such a punchable face.

By the way, if you watch.

Him on the debate stage, he is, he's he's slimy, he is, but that's it seems to be. That's the top of the town. It could be him. He is a poor reputation with California. I don't know who else it could be. But Biden, man.

I gotta tell you, I've learned not to bet against you.

That is a smart man right there. Your dad knows, Your dad knows what's up. If you listen to the radio show.

Yeah, the Bosters predictions like if we if we were betting real money on this clay, would you know, Clay's got plenty of cash, but we'd be putting a dent in the clay fund because I've been I've been running the scoreboard up on him.

Oh yeah, yeah, I'm I walked around the house and he's the smartest guy in uh, in media, the political media.

That is so kind. That was very nice in the interview right there. That's the best thing that's ever been said on the Buck Sexton podcast. Ryan. So you got two quiet? All right, Mike, you get you got two questions before we close up shop? What do you got?

One? This is my only chance to talk to you. And one I remember where I was and I will never forget where I was that there I heard Russell Inball died and uh, you know you're taking over that show. It's been amazing you and you and clave done a great job.

Thank you.

I never thought I never thought it could happen. But you guys mix you know, sports and fun and you know, you know current events and obviously politics in such a great way. And I didn't think it could happen, but you guys somehow managed to bridge that gap. And the other thing. Last thing is I heard it masking the other day and you don't have to tell them. I appreciate your modesty, but you all were talking about bench presson. I was waiting to hear your max, and I never heard it. You held back. But is it plus three hundred?


Oh, I wish I could tell you. I wish I could say a plus two three hundred. I mean I could throw I mean, since this is the podcast not the radio show, I mean I could throw up two fifty right now. But that's that's that's about worry. I'm about two fifty, which is you know, I mean, it's it's not horrible, but you know, I wasn't gonna say it on radio because because half the people will say you're lying, and the other half will say, that's so wimpy. How can you not bench press at least three hundred plus? I can't. I can't win either way, right, But yeah, about you know, two fifty, I mean I work out with two twenty fives now, so that's like kind of my that's what my my. You know, I'll do reps four to six two twenty five, so about two fifty ish is probably the one rep max. So there you go. So there I answer. I answered your question. So and that's funny. Actually I can live more now than I cold when I was younger and leaner you know, maybe I've got some of that old man, old man you know soon hopefully soon to be dad working on that. That's right, so yeah, yeah, well this is so fun to hang out with it with the macanadies. Uh, this is great, Ryan and Mike, you guys are awesome and thank you, thank you so much. So that'll be it for the show today. We'll talk to you again soon and to everybody at home, Shield time.