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Hey, everybody, welcome to Buck brief special treat. My good friend, my old friend, not that he's old, but I've known him a long time. Andrew will Cow. He's the host of will Cow on Sale. I'm the host of the will Cow majority on Serious Xempatriot, one of my first buddies in the business. Mister will Cow, you're looking good, sir. How you doing?
I missed the Freedom Hut and I look. Let me just say this your career. I am so proud to have been there with you at the beginning of your journey here.
So can I This is a true story. I wasn't. We're gonna get to the news in a second, everybody.
Will Cow was the first ever radio show that I was a guest on. Think about that first ever. He had to tell me, you had to give me the like get close to the mic thing. I had no idea, because you know, I was, you know, because when you don't do this, you're like, I don't want to be so clod the mic.
It's weird.
You gotta be right on the mic. You gave you my first instruction, like no, because I was sitting you know, way back here anyway. Yeah, man Wilkow, so thank you, thank you for that. A great man with a great show, Andrew will Kyle. Go check out his podcast, listen to him on serious. Let's let's dive into some of this because I say, you're great. People should hear the greatness the situation of Kamala Harris right now. So she's got her base. That just we're protesting like maniacs, lighting flags on fire, attacking cops outside Union station in DC, a place you and I both know well. But she condemns it.
And look at this.
I'm like, wait, but I thought she loved the anti Semites. What's going on here?
This is a woman who ran a bail fund for rioters in twenty twenty. Any statement she puts out is just to appease Jewish voters and Jewish donors. Yeah, we know her husband's Jewish, so what they don't know what to do with themselves. They died this rot into the Democrat Party. This talk of tolerance and diversity and let's all hold hands and get along. These people are pledging themselves to Hamas, and the media is memory holding this fashion than we can keep up with. The only thing they seem to know is January sixth. They forget all the riots that went on before, during the day after Trump's inauguration, all through twenty twenty with George Floyd in June of twenty twenty when they tried to storm the White House to kill the President of the United States.
The fact that.
These people are growing in influence in the Democrat Party really should frighten anyone, not just conservatives, not just Republicans, but anybody who worries about people who pledge themselves to a terrorist organization.
So, you know, you would think that this would cause problems within the Democrat voting base, right because they're trying to make sense of Michigan having Muslim voters who clearly like Hamas a little too much or don't like the Jews, or however you want to say it. And then you got a pretty considerable contingent of you know, American Jewish voters who I think have got to see the Democrats and say they're stabbing us in the back on this stuff. With the campus lunacy and just the Democrat Party in general has been way too cozy with some of these anti Semites.
Do you remember the media wagging its finger and the Democrats wagging its finger.
You know you're in a cult.
You forgive all of Donald Trump's transgressions. He said grab him by the P word, which we know is him speaking facetiously.
They tried to.
Go back to the seventies on lawsuits related to real estate.
You want to talk about.
People who can't seem who are I guess conflicted by cognitive dissonance.
This is happening right now in front of you.
And when somebody says Hamas is coming, and you don't take that seriously when you see a Democrat Party that is invited in some of the most evil, evil factions in our society. Don't talk to me about domestic white supremacist terrorism when you've literally got people raising Palestinian flags and saying, if we get our way, we will join Hamas. People who will kill those who worship on Saturday first, and then those who worship on Sunday second. You know it would be too easy, right, we were all college kids.
Most of us were college kids. We know, dumb.
College kid stuff, right that you hope people grow out of. I don't think this is just to be easily written off as dumb college kids stuff. I think these people think there's a generational jealousy. I think they're being They think they're being part of something revolutionary. They just don't know what that revolution is, right, They don't know what that means. They've never met someone from Hamas. They don't know what it means to live in Gaza. They think that they're part of some revolution against the oppressor of Israel, which tells me they don't really underst stand what Israel is either. If you look at the way Israel Israeli society is, it's kind of the San Francisco of the Middle East. If you were to ask any of these people where would they want to live, Gaza or Tel Aviv? If they knew the difference, they'd say Tel Aviv all day every day.
Do you remember that Net and Yahoo line from the speech earlier this week, He's like gays for Gaza is like chickens for KFC.
That was the line, and it is it was. It was quite a line.
I want to ask you. We're gonna have to just a quick word from our sponsor here Andrew. But when we come back, I'll let you. I'll let you marinate with this one for a minute. Is Kamala Harris going to be formidable, whether it's fair or not or anything else. Is she going to make this a close election with Trump? And yes or no?
And why?
In just a second. But you know, I'm a firearms guy, so is Andrew.
By the way, you.
Ever tried Bear Creek arsenal stuff, Andrew, you ever fired their stuff?
It's great. I'm a big Oh I gotta get I gotta get you.
Well, oh no, you do not live in a state that bens the Second Amendment, so you actually would be okay, we might have to get you some Barcreek arsenal stuff. Barck Creek Carsal's amazing. I love getting out to the range here in Florida now that I can enjoy my Second Amendment rights too and check out all of the of the latest stuff that they've got. I've got I've got a nine millimeter handgun from them. I've got a couple of ars from them. Honestly, just fantastic stuff. They offer a wide range of premium calibers at a fraction of the price of their competitors. You don't need to spend fifteen hundred and two grand on an ar. You can get a bar Creek Arsenal AR for a fraction of the price. And it is Every bit is accurate, every bit is good, really well made stuff, all made here in North Carolina. By the way, go to Barcreek Arsenal dot com. Use promo code buck get ten percent off your first order. That's Bearcreekarsenal dot com. Slash buck use promo code buck for ten percent off your first order. Mister will Cow, Kamala Harris.
I am gonna check them out. I'm gonna check.
Them do please? Do I know?
Actually I know, I know you're you're a gun guy too, so I'd love to hear what you think of them. I mean, I honestly, you know, I know they're a sponsor, but it really is the truth. Everyone I know who has tried them out has been like, this is amazing and the prices are phenomenal. So tell me this, Kamala. Is she formidable enough as a democrat, not as a human you know, not as a person, as a human being. Is she so smart and great? No one's saying that, is she good enough? With the Democrat machine behind her, andrew that she's gonna make this close.
I think the polls are gonna be a honeymoon. This is a very exciting moment for a lot of people. It's the glass ceiling thing all over again. It's Hillary two point oh. But there's also you kind of see the two thousand and eight vibe that if you criticize her, you're a racist and a sexist. I've been saying, Look, I think we're all saying this. I don't think it's anything that I invented. We've seen, you know, campaigns come and go, and people vote for all sorts of reasons.
I don't think there's anything more.
Powerful than that grocery store receipt or the price above the I think that cuts across all races, socioeconomic status, regions of the country. It's not when we see infrastructure being talked about, for like the New York City subway, and somebody who lives in corn country doesn't really care. And if we're talking about agricultural issues, people in Metropolitananians might be like, well, I don't know, I just go to the grocery store. This is something that there's no escaping and There might be people who want to make that historic vote, but can they afford another four years paying the freight? Right, there is a cost. We're talking about the co pilot taken over here. It's the same plane, it's the same airline, it's the same route and the same destination. If you're voting for kamal Aris, you're voting for another four years of exactly what it is.
We're living with right now.
There's been no change in inflation, there's been no change in the border, and one is affecting in the other. The cost of feeding, housing, and clothing people in the country illegally is being paid by everyone, and the most vulnerable people who thought that by voting for Democrats the Democrats were going to spend lavishly on programs for them.
The Democrats have.
Shoot aside people in the major cities for migrants, and if they're angry about it, they have every right to be.
Is she formidable, Yes, because Hollywood's gonna get behind her.
M hmm.
And there are going to be people who vote because of race and gender. But I think when push comes to shove, if it's your heart versus your head, I think lots of people are going to vote with their head and not their heart.
Now, if you were advising Trump on this one, now, I'm just gonna say, I've known Andrew a while and you were not shy about dropping some bombs.
Like you, you.
Will say stuff, You will take it to the opposition, to the enemy, and not mince words with Kamala. For Trump, this is you know, they're going to have a debate. They may even have more than one debate.
You know, Fox has thrown their hat in the ring to try to do another one with com Ama and Trump, which I think actually makes sense. I think if they're going to debate once, they probably should do it twice because that was the plan for Biden. Should he go after the should he go after her past? And we all know what that means? Or do you think that's is that a trap? Is that is we just want Trump to win. So what's the best approach for him so that he can explain who Kamala is to the American people? Is it all policy or does the personal matter?
I you know, it depends on how you know the gut or she goes I wouldn't draw first blood the performance at that debate with Biden. You know they prepped for the combative Trump they got in twenty twenty. They didn't know what to do with the policy Trump, and the policy Trump was amazing, and he got his zings in when he said, I don't know what he just said, he got his things in. He I think the reserved policy focused Trump is the most dangerous Trump. And I think if they want him to talk about Will Brown, which we all have done and there, but it's true. It's not like we're making this up. I think they want that Trump. If they don't get that Trump, he needs to give them the Trump they're not prepared for. And her record is abysmal, it really is. And I think if he look and he's gonna do, Trump is gonna do what Trump is gonna do. I thought his performance with Biden was near perfect. If he stays, if he doesn't give them what they're looking for, that's the problem for them. So I think keep that in your back pocket. Right if she gets dirty, you know, you might have to play that game a little bit. But I think his record is EON's better than hers.
Yeah, I mean, I think I see what you know. What you're saying makes sense to me too, which is when you're Trump, just you can, you can focus in the accomplishments and the reality you know, you don't have to get And I think it's likely she will go super personal. So then we'll see if he decides to meet her on that battlefield. I want to ask you about the speaking of Trump, the attempted assassination, and just where you are on that investigation, what we found out about this and just like the shrapnel thing, the FBI director said, as I'm sure again you're a gun guy. I'm a gun guy, you know, and we both know like we're like civilian gun guys. There's you know, we have friends who are Seal Team six operators and stuff. We're not saying we're that, but we both know enough about firearms to understand like shrapnel from a five five to six round. We'll get to that in one second. You know, it's hard to imagine what Americans, or rather what Israelies are dealing with day in and day out. As an American. Everything changed on October seventh, Hamas engaged in the horrific barbaric attacks, took hostages, and now the war is still ongoing. That's why so many in America realized is a time when Israel's friends need to stand up. I've partnered with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews the IFCJ for that reason. This organization is dedicated showing Israeli citizens they're not alone and Christians like you are supporting Israel through the IFCJ.
Every day.
This support helps citizens of Israel remains steadfast and strong. So visit them online at supportif CJ dot org. That support if CJ dot org. Andrew FBI director our buddy Jim Jordan ask him questions how judiciary. FBI director says, we're not sure if Trump got shot or if it's shrapnel.
What the heck is that.
This is I feel like we're we're in a And I said it on my radio show that that Kamala Harris is now the Mandela Effect candidate. That we all saw it, right, we all saw it. We saw I believe the photographer is a New York Times photographer. And forget how you feel about the New Yorkers. Whoever got that picture should get a pullitzer. But we've seen we literally saw the slow stop frame. We've seen the the animation that explains the trajectory, and and you don't have to be Seal Team six weekend shooters. Yeah, shoot out at one hundred and fifty yards, right, if you've got someone that somehow got arranged finder flew a drone over scaled a roof and got into an unobstructed position. You don't have to be an expert marksman to make that shot. There are optics you could order online that will that will basically zero you in pretty quickly.
The kid, hold on, hold on one thing. You know, this kid apparently used iron sights. That's that's what we're being told.
Iron I was I.
Was told I had a I had a guy tell me, I had an Intel guy tell me it was a red dot.
So we don't even really know. I mean, we know.
It's not the point that we can't know the most basic and straightforward things about this. But they're questioning whether Trump actually got hit.
I think they're trying to take the heat off the failure here. This is this is this is a failure.
I've asked.
I asked John Jonathan Gilliam Navy Seal, FBI agent, Terry Shappard, green Beret sniper, and Charles Butt former Secret Service agent, and Gary Burn, former Secret Service agent, about about all of this.
And they are baffled how this kid. I asked the question, what's worse if a.
Foreign agent, a foreign clandestine unit, the most trained people in Russia or China or North Korea, or terrorists that have spent training with state sponsors of terrorism were to put together a cracked unit of guys, who could you know.
Defeat the Secret Service?
Versus a twenty year old weirdo who comes from you know, gamer Central casting. Who's worse some twenty year old like potential in cell basically defeating every layer of security?
What's worse?
And it seems like it's kind of worse that some twenty year old kid with no training, no experience, basically just being able to climb up a ladder in full view of the public, and the public is going, hey, there's a guy up there with a gun. Some all of that adds up to utter failure. And I have to wonder, is Christopher Ray trying to be protective perhaps of a fellow law enforcement agency.
Is there a fear.
That that that that sympathy for Donald Trump will affect the outcome of the election.
I don't know.
I don't know these spooky people, but it scares me that the director of the FBI could sit there with a straight face and try to cast out on this.
Yeah, that frightens.
Bizarre, right, I mean, and and not gonna work, And so you wonder is it just desperation or but you know, Andrew, we're coming up on time. I just wanted to put out something fun. No, No, we're not there yet. Hold on, don't don't run on. Andrew's very busy. He's got his TV to do.
How do I get to hang out with you?
I know, look, but but I was gonna I want to ask you a hangout question. I've got to do a quick read here, but I'm asking a hangout question just as we come back. You can think about it because you're wearing a pan Terra shirt. Now, I'm gonna admit to the audience that I have Actually, I can't even think of a Panterra song that's on me.
I don't know pant No, you're a testo, You're a tso dead mouse guy.
I used to listen to a lot of EDM this. I don't think the audience knew that until now, but that is true. I did listen to a lot of EDM that I know. You that is fair, he does, will kind of I go we go back, dude, we're getting old. You realize we met like thirteen fourteen years ago. Now something like that thirteen or fourteen years ago. I mean, you know we're going to be coming up on our twentieth here, Andrew pretty soon. So three you get three heavy metal bands, and that's it the rest of your life. Hold on, Andrew, the former rock DJ, will answer in a moment, I'll let you think about that one. A good friend of mine, Porter Stansbury, is a multi millionaire. Built this company starting in his dorm room in college over twenty years to become one of the most successful financial research firms in America. But he decided this year to cut his salary to one dollar. It's a publicly traded com it does hundreds of millions of revenue every year. Why would he cut a salary to a dollar? Porter's making a point one that he thinks you need to know about. He wants to teach you about what he calls a secret currency. It's not gold or bitcoin, but he says this secret currency is making some people very rich, and it's critical to understand. While the dollar's being destroyed, how to make this secret currency work for you, I strongly recommend you check out Porter's latest detailed presentation at secret Currency twenty twenty four dot com. That Secret Currency twenty twenty four dot com. I doubt you'll see this discussed anywhere else. Go to secret Currency twenty twenty four dot com. All right, mister Andrew will Cow of Willcom Majority, go check it out. Three rock bands to rule I'm sorry, heavy metal bands, heavy metal bands to rule them all?
What is your list?
All right?
Well, I'm gonna give you, well, I don't know if Stained is considered heavy metal.
I think that's considered new metal or alternative.
Will include it for the purposes of your list.
So we got Stained, Okay, So then I'm gonna say stayed because I've known Aaron Lewis personally for fourteen years, and I know from just sitting with him the emotions that led to the lyrics, and they are undoubtedly bigger now than they were twenty five years ago. And I watched them as I came up in music radio. I watched them come up, and then to have him cross over and be equally successful in country, I just think Aaron is in a category unto himself Pantera.
Pantera is.
If there's any band that captures your I don't, I guess, anger and frustration and just is the cathartic letting loose of how I felt maybe when I was twenty. There's just dimebag Daryl is just there was there's no one like his guitar riffs, and then that then you're.
Making it hard.
That's right, hot Sea, I hear.
I am also equally a huge prong fan. I know that's bands to start with, and Tommy Victor is to me equally a riff guy.
All right.
Anthrax, you know what. Anthrax was a first love. But scott Ian's politics have really kind of I saw them recently and they were they were incredible.
I can't do three three is to it?
Yeah, I asked, I asked how the election is gonna go?
And Andrew's like locked in like a like a you know, like a sniper rifle. But I ask about rock bands. It's like, how dare you, sir? There are too many loves anyway. The true rock DJ Andrew will Coow and also a great talk host, So check out Will cow majority uh Andrew uh. When I'm in New York, I want to come by and hang out in the studio again. It'll be like the stylet come on the show and that's great to see you.
What if I come to Florida. You're down in Miami now coming out.
I literally I got a little I got a space here for a guest. I mean, I got a home studio. You come here anytime. They'll Clay and I do the show, no problems, So you come come check it out. Good to see you, my friend. Thank you so much for joining us anytime.