#309: Brody's pissed Skeery would rather have dinner with his girlfriend than him; Skeery got "free dessert" from United after the sticky valve problem; Brody is still fighting with Hulu; Skeery plays back the audio of Brody's Temu mic problems which caused him to sound like Joe Pesci; more examples of people who try to correct the boys with their wrong answers; Is 5-10 minutes late really late or on time?
Start Up, dot Up, start Up, Brooklyn Boy, start Up, Brooklyn Boys, start up dot Up. They making noise dot up, start up, dot.
Up, Episode three oh nine, The Brooklyn Boys Podcast, three h nine.
Scary, We're almost We're only one hundred episodes away from four oh nine, which was not only a cleaning product, but a name of I believe the name of a Beach Boys song. So we're only one hundred episodes away from four o nine three nine? Yeah.
Is that like the engine on a car? Is that it a car engine?
I think so? Is that giddy up? Giddy Up? Giddy Up? Four oh nine? Each Boys four nine? My father used to listen to it. I didn't know it was four oh nine. But okay, so we're only one hundred episodes away. Scary excited? Yeah, man, so excited for a non milestone number. Yes, but it's one hundred episodes away from a milestone. Okay, it's a pseudo miles. Yeah, I'm really excited. So I am excited because you got fucked by an airline and an airport. Yeah, and I understand that you have an update waiting. I got free deserves and slice time when you teased me, well beck to listen to Slice Time. You can hear him tease me and say he tease the story. He said, I got an update, but he wouldn't tell for it. But yeah, he reseat a little before you know.
Well, we'll get into that in the second, but before that, yeah, I have to. Just before this podcast, Brody was having all kinds of technical.
Errors and getting and getting on the air with us. I don't know. It must be his day ninety nine cent equipment.
He's the last couple of times that we've met.
I ha Slice Time. It's been just a chore to get you up and running.
And I don't know what's going on, and we don't really we could please spare me the details. But all I kept saying at some point, for whatever reason, maybe your bit rate which was changing, something was different. Its fine now you're good to No, you sounded one hundred percent. We would not be doing this podcast right now. Had you not sounded perfect. We just can't go unless it sounds great. But you have you Alredy offered me, sounding poorly. Yeah, all right, so I recorded you because you didn't believe but I sound good now.
The sound amazing. Now, Now what you said was I sounded like Joe Pesci, you said, I sounded like like I was talking like Joe Pesci. Yourick. Get the drive through, Brody. You're gonna laugh your ass off when you hear yourself because you didn't. You didn't get the jokes. You were annoyed, you were passed saying that right. I didn't hear it. You didn't hear it. Scary. What I realized was I had a bad cable connecting my my device that that makes the microphone work right to the computer at a bad cable. Yeah, so I replaced the cable and I sound I sound sexy as always be with.
Me, dispar with me. This is less than a minute. This is Brody sounding like Joe Pesci. Again, this is what happens. You don't spend thirty seven million dollars on your zons, right, this is Brodie.
We were trying to get this up and running for.
Like, switch microphones right off ship microphone. Then you switched microphones. So yeah, I switched microphones. I'm gonna switch back to the How's that? How do I sound?
You sound like you sound like Joe Pesci and good Fellas You're on You're frozen, I.
Know I'm changing my wife WiFi shuts up when you change it? Are you gonna whack me? Jeah, I don't know what you're talking about, so I don't get the humor. I don't hear that. You don't hear that. You sound like Joe Pesci right now, obviously I don't. I hear myselself through my headphones.
Hello, yep, yeah, you sound like shit. Well no, I kind of liked you better as Joe Peschie, to be quite honest, because sound like this. I'm not even kidding.
I could do that voice if you want. That's that's exactly what you sounded like. Did I sound like that? Like a fucking wise guy? Yeah? By make you laugh, I can put a fucking voice on you, prick. There you go, all right. I did sound exactly like me doing the Joe Pesci voice. You did cale you didn't believe me. They trust me. You sound like Joe Pesci. I didn't understand how a cable I USEDID there was static, I get static. There was static there too. You sounded like a staticky Joe Pesci. I bought a two pack of cables, not two packs your cores of cables. By the way, this reminder TUPAC spelled back, which just could put that's an original. Yes, So I replaced one of the cables. Now the other cable is hooked up, it's it seems to be fine. I'm gonna use the cave, okay. So I'm gonna use the cable that came with the bad cable to play audio off my phone later in the podcast. So if it sounds like shit, I know that the two cables together were ship from Amazon. Okay.
I don't care how we get there, as long as we get there.
A lot of the reviews on Amazon are coerced and bribed. Is that a TMU cable that you got there? I see? It doesn't make sense if I already said it was Amazon, Well maybe they could sell TMU brand cables at Amazon. Team Move's not a brand. I don't believe. I don't believe they have their own product. Speaking of TMU though, they're sneaky bastards. So I was looking to get a new pickleball paddle. By the way, nobody should ever buy anything off TU, but I don't unless it's a piece of shit and you're getting it cheap and you know it doesn't kidd Okay, so I wanted a new pickleball paddle. I did my research for the best intermediate paddle in my price range. I watched YouTube videos, I read reviews. I found the one I want. It's the I think it's the Vadic Pro. In case you guys are wondering, it's got a little purple V on it on the bottom of the of the paddle, part right of the face. Anyway, before I bought it, it seems to be ninety nine dollars everywhere, like it's a set price. Like you can't buy an iPhone at the same price everywhere, you know, like certain items don't don't get discounted. Ninety nine dollars everywhere. Dyson products are like that. Are they a client? No?
Okay, I know you were a lot of them. I wish I wish they were a client.
Yeah. So I do a search for that model pickleball paddle, and I see ninety nine dollars Amazon, ninety nine dollars, Dicks ninety nine dollars, RII whatever, and this is forty two dollars, TIMU. So I'm okay. They they absolutely aren't selling the same paddle, but there's a picture of it. So I click on it. You know, when you go to Timo, you have to put up with that fucking spinning wheel of discounts. Yeah awful. Yeah, So I found the X, I clicked the X off. I'm like, I don't want the discounts. I'm not putting my email addressing, and I don't want eighty percent off. You've got ninety percent off, like okay, Timo or Tamou. Guess what. I don't give a fuck how it's pronounced. Some people say whatever, it's emo with a tee in front of it. So I look at the racket and if you click on it, it's not a high resolution picture, but if you can just see close enough, it's not a V. It's like a pee with a swirl that made it look like. It's not the same racket. It's like the Wish or Tamu version of this racket I bought. So you have to be careful because you're like, oh, there it is. You know that they're knocking it off. And if you're buying something for quality not appearance, like if you buy a knockoff handbag, even if it's not made as well, it still looks like the coach bag you wanted and for the one month it holds up. You're like, hey, look he's got a coach, she's got a coach bag. But you can't play paddle ball with a knockoff piece of shit plastic timou racket. So I'm just saying, be careful, careful. I think Gandhi on Our Big Show bought She's not from what are you talking about.
But Diamond a TAMU New York Jets starter jacket.
How do you think that one?
Is it starter with a d starter starter basically or whatever it is supposed to be, like the authentic one, right or whichever one is supposed to be authentic.
Yeah, yeah, well because she doesn't care about the authenticity of it, she got it. No, yeah, well you know she got a jacket all right. It was first it was kid size. Did they spell Jets right? Yes?
But everything was Someone took a patch like a Jets patch, like a really awful felt patch, and they did some bad stitching onto the back like jacket.
So it said sewn on, but it was like it was it was not, so it wasn't even sown.
It was like freaking I don't know how the hell they got that on there? They did it like some jankeny job selling like it was like a twenty cent patch and then they put the patch on.
The sleeves, the Jets logo, the round one. It was just awful. If you're in a place in life where you have to buy that Jets jacket, then God bless you. You know what, pay for what you can afford. Drive the old car. If that's what you can afford, there's nothing wrong with that. But if you're Gandhi on the Morning Show who makes a fairly nice salo, buy the original jacket. Yeah, she can afford the original starter jacket. Even if you go on eBay and buy one used, don't buy it. She shouldn't. She's not the ones should be buying knockoff to move starter jacket. Please? Was it at least green like the Jets? Was it the same color? This so reminds me.
I want everyone to leave a talk back if you've shopped on Timu or one of those knockoff awful awful sights or tim or the ones that there's a couple of similar ones just like it. Yeah wish wish, right, yeah, yeah wish And it was a third one. Anyway, Uh what did you buy?
And uh? How did you?
How did it disappoint because we know that there's a disappointment coming.
I'd love to know how shitty was it? Yeah, describe? How do leave a message? I bought a shirt and I didn't like it. That's not funny. Yeah, no, we want to hear a description. It was a sleeve missing, you know, like something funny. Yeah, okay. By the way, they call it wish because it's like, I wish I could afford the real one with scary and Verdie. You know what I just did. I did the Todd move. Yeah, the morning show guy throwing a punchline and then.
Throw a punchline, hit the jingle, shotgun jingle, go to the commercial. And you also did something else. You took a victory sip. Oh yeah, he's got a bottle of water in front of him. That wasn't intentional, but I guess subconscious. So if you tell a great.
Joke, it wasn't intentionally, Like, no, subconscious, it was subconscious. Right. But if I'll say this, if you also like, let's say.
You you hit a home run or you make a great play, go back to the dugout, you take a victory sip.
It's like, look, look what I did. Here's a toast to me, a toast. Yeah you did that. Yes, Scary was always quick to call that out. If anyone said something funny on the morning show and anyone took a sip like victory zip, he's taking victory. He called out ego snacks and victory SIPs. Explain victory ego snack. The ego snack is when doctor fat lost. By the way, you can't have ego.
Snack is me being a heterosexual guy and then going into a gay bar. Yeah, and having and and and being impressed that, you know, if guys are going to hit on me, and if a guy hits on me, feel good. That's an ego snack.
But I have a question. Wouldn't you be the same in a straight bar if a girl liked you?
Yeah, but it's but it's the ego snack is something that's in a situation that necessity, you only wanted.
The ego snack. That's the difference. He went there specifically for the ego snack, right exactly? What more than that? Okay, Yeah, so scaryould call out ego snacks if you if you did something that was you know, you did for your own ego and you're like, oh, yeah, he did that for his ego. By the way, speaking of of doctor, you know, not exactly a doctor, although you are not currently on the diet program. Oh boy, yeah, I had really I'm not mentioning it. I went to dinner with him lunch, I had a problem. Yes, yeah, that went for a Talian restaurant lunch where I would have loved to go. Great restaurants and a great restaurant. And you made it a point to post that you ate healthy or you ate small portions. No, I didn't, Hey you did. You wrote something like, ha had a sensible, sensible Italian feast. Right.
It was more of a tongue in cheek because I really didn't.
I was going to bring this up.
How do you go? No, how do you go to lunch? Or did it with a fat loss expert?
Or well, let's say I it's somebody that I'm working out with, like my personal trainer, right, Well, that's same idea. The thing is the people that are helping you lose weight, get in shape, be healthy, and now you're sitting across from them having a meal. How the hell do you order? How do you eat when you really what you're doing is undoing their work, undoing their work right before their very eyes.
Okay, here's the good part of that. Both of those people, it's in their best interest for you to gain weight. Why do you say that they should be buying you lunch and buying you dessert and and appetizer because if you gain weight, scary, you got to go back to doctor Wants's face to lose the weight, doctor fat loss. Hit.
I'm just helping you finish the sentence and filling the blank. I was helping you fill in the blank, filling filling the blank by hitting the jingle hit it.
I do not need need help mentioning the man's name. I've gone out of my way not to say his name. It really works though his program works. M I mean, I know it.
You know what else works me eating your mouth, your mouth and teeth, Chicken.
Franchise and Ville milanaise.
Oh my god, we went to a place called ilk Coliseo not a sponsor.
Yes, and you left ill and we paid you know I did not paid paid retail as well.
Oh my god, tell me you are classic Brooklyn red Sauce Italian in the part of it All eighteenth Avenue, which is sub named Christoph Colombo Christophero Colombo Boulevard. That is the sign that's below the Eighteenthdavna.
Otherwise known as we Don't give a Fuck about Indigenous People Street, exactly right in the middle of the neighborhood.
We grew up, all the cafes and all the you know, Italian and I know where the restaurant is.
I grew up in the same neighborhood. Scary, you know what, that's one of those places would have been nice.
Speaking speaking of Well, are you familiar with that place, because it's been this I've never been, but I know where it is.
Yeah, great spot. But funny you ever you ever say something dead serious to somebody and they respond, ah, that's funny, it's hilarious. Yeah, but you were like, no, I meant that seriously. So scary. There was an outside shot Scary might be going away this weekend, and he was looking forward to it. Solid might be going away this weekend, away this weekend, looking forward going away this weekend. And then he suddenly wasn't going away. So he called me less than and going, hey, I'm not going away this weekend, and he was kind of upset that his plans fell through, so I so we were texting each other. So I texted him. I said, Wow, since you didn't have plans this weekend, we weren't going to be in town, and now you are in town, you don't currently have plans. What a great opportunity to take me out to dinner. And he wrote back, Aha, that's funny. Well I was serious? Oh you being serious? Yeah?
There was no smiley face, there was no there was no humor, funk. But don't you know that if I'm in town, the first person that gets my time and attention and my money is my girlfriend.
Yeah, but you don't see her every weekend. There's been weekends where she has not been available. Yeah, this could have been one of those weekends.
Yeah, but in this specific weekend, she's kind of excited that I'm not going out of town so we could spend some time together. In fact, but was she going with you tonis out of town? Probably no, but you weren't going to see her anyway, No example of a time where you could take me out to dinner. No, But two months ago she said, hey, just in case you don't go out of town that weekend.
She laid the ground.
The backup for that Saturday night is We're gonna go to this awesome restaurant in Brooklyn that just opened up. So I'm gonna go have some Middle Eastern food with her on Saturday night.
And that was planned. She made the me.
She she food blocked you, not me, I said she Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, let's be clear of that. She food blocked you. Screw hor Hey, it's my girlfriend.
Well, and so I'm giving you good advice then, oh, speaking to your girlfriend.
And tomorrow night, tomorrow night, my British British warren is in town. Oh, britt war British warring is coming to town, and you know, all the guys.
Are going out, so we're gonna do something. Uh fun. I guess We'll let me ask your question based on history. Does does Indian matt have a problem with British.
War You would think based on the history the textbooks, right, textbook history from way back in the day. It's actual history, actual history that you read about in textbooks.
Yeah. Yeah, Britain conquered India. India was part of the British Empire for a long time. Yeah, which is why you can get great Indian food in Britain and that's why sometimes Indian looking people can sound British. Yeah, oh, speaking of uh, they sound British, some of them. Yeah. A lot of a lot of people don't know how this works. They don't know the difference between England, Great Britain and the UK and the Netherlands. Don't understand. I don't understand how that it is. Also, Yeah, so you should look that up because it's quite interesting. But somebody posted an article about Liam Neeson, the actor, and they posted as bio and they said, what do you find here that's incorrect or weird and it said he was from I forget what town, but a town in northern Ireland. It said Liam Neeson is from the UK and a town called like Malay Malaysia wasn't Malaysia, but Malaysi malaydi no, no, wasn't Maladi. So everyone was like, oh, they clearly made a mistake. That town's in Ireland, and Ireland's not part of the UK. For those of you who know geography and are screaming at your your phones right now, Northern Ireland is part of the UK and that's where that town is located. So being from Northern Ireland you were part of the UK. Ireland is independent, Northern Ireland is part of the UK. But all these people were so fucking confident. Oh my god, it's such a mistake. He's not from the UK. So I just want to clarify that. Clarify Netherlands and UK Great Britain like butter, like butter. Clarify speaking of your girlfriend, h do you want to are we taking a break here or do I roll right into your girlfriend? If you know what I'm saying? Whoa, hey, now you're an all star.
I was gonna make another point about what you were just talking about, and I forgot what it was because the two things, No, two things I wanted to bring up, because I branched off into two directions. See this is where my mind works. But we're just talking about we're.
Just talking about your girlfriend and you're going in a restaurant. British Warren, British Warren. No after that, and Indian Matt No after that, the textbook, nothing after that. No, people getting things confused. Oh you said Indian people sound British some of them. Yeah, but and things that they could sound confusing. Oh that could be anything with you. No, just now, people get talking about the Netherlands and the UK and Great Britain and England. Oh yes, yes, yes, sorry.
I had somebody try to correct me on the text messages.
At work.
At work, I was talking about the Kansas City Chiefs and I talked about you know, I talked about the fact that it was Missouri, correct, and someone people like, why is Scary such a dumbass? Oh no, The Kansas City Chiefs play in Kansas, Kansas City, and I went back and forth with them, and I said, listen, I know there's a Kansas City, Kansas to Kansas City, and then on the other side of the river, on the other side of the river is Kansas City, Missouri.
It's a city down by two states, right, right.
But but the more I'm sorry to say, but the more upscale and popular side is Kansas City, Missouri.
It's a city the same Kansas state that houses the city Saint Louis. Saint Louis and Kansas City are both in Missouri. So this dumbass was like, Mike Scary here to correct Scury. He was talking about Kansas. He talked about the state of Kansas, and I'm like, while there may be some Kansas City Chiefs fans in Kansas because that may be their closest football team. This motherfucker was trying to get at me. Now I know he had he had a two to one.
Area code New Jersey.
Of course, so I said, Brah. I knew it as a because he was talking like sports and whatever.
I said.
Number one rule of correcting someone is to be right now. There are people listen. There are people in this podcast listening to this podcast right now who up until I just said it, thought that when they hear Kansas City, they think Kansas. But when you hear Kansas City, you think Missouri. It's actually Missouri. You're thinking, right, It's like Brooklyn, Iowa. It can happen right now, Kansas City, Kansas.
In nineteen eighty five, Yeah, the Saint Louis Cardinals, located in Missouri, played the Kansas City Royals in Missouri in the World Series and they called that the I seventy World Series because I seventy connects the two cities in Missouri in the same state. Now, now I have heard that one of them, I might go to Kansas City, Kansas, because the barbecue, I understand, is fantastic.
Well, if you cross over that bridge into Kansas. I also hear that, you know, I just make sure you just be careful. I hear that's not the greatest of areas.
I don't know. I've never been there. You know what can happen, Well, the house can fall on your your your your sister. If she's a witch.
That's that's a different part of Kansas, all right. Oh, anyway, that's when you were talking about.
But I understand it. But you know what happens if you leave Kansas over the bridge and go back to Kansas City, missouris that they say you're not in Kansas anymore. You have to click your heels three times to get back. Take your victory sip Glyn Boys podcast.
We will be right back.
So what have we learned about Scary's girlfriend Robin. Well, number one, she monopolizes Scary time on the weekends and books in advance, and you can't see Scary because she has to have her claws and scaries back. That's fine. I love Robin. She likes her man and no one else can see him unless she's busy. I get that, no problem. We've also learned that she believes in aliens. Yeah, she does. She believes she is an alien. She believes she is possibly an alien, possibly, And had I been writing AI songs back then, I would have written AI song. By the way, I have an AI song update for you. We'll talk about that, lady, Oh, I can't wait. Involving the Jersey case, the Jersey kid. Yeah, but we say, by the way, you complain about something, but by the way, yeah I didn't.
It went out to feedback on the AI speech, I wrote, roasting Brodie, Where's that?
What happened to that? I got DMS about it, saying it was hilarious. Now, I said, I was going to do a DM speech about you, but I didn't have time this week, So I mean, okay, maybe next week's we'll table that table that. So your uh, your girlfriend thinks she's an alien. Uh huh, we've established that. And now there's another problem with your girlfriend because she thinks she can see into the future. Well, that she's clairvoyant. She posted on Facebook. This must have been about a week ago. So last week I was on a flight and I could have sworn I heard the people in front of me say James Earl Jones died, which he did. I did a quick Google, but thankfully it appeared he was still alive. So I assumed I heard wrong. Today I got this notification on my phone that he died. So now I'm wondering, what the hell did I actually hear and who said it? What's going on? So your girlfriend is claiming that she heard James L. Jones died a week before he actually died. Yes, I was there. I was there for it. I was sitting her next to her on the plane. You heard someone say, yes, you heard it.
No, she heard it, and then she turns to me immediately and said it right then and there in the chair, said hey, they see James James James old Jones died. And I'm like, I didn't hear that, but she heard it?
But she mean, are you sure they didn't say? Isn't that that scary Jones guy? No, it sounds similar. On a plane, you know that James Earl Jones died. Did you hear that scary? Is that the scary Jones? Isn't that scary Jones guy?
It sounds the same Jones Jones guy died, same thing. Yeah, So what's up with that? You didn't hear it? So you just believed that she heard it. Yeah, I think your girlfriend maybe an alien with premonition powers es esp have we thought of that, like, for instance, Scary.
She knew in advance your plans were going to get canceled for this weekend and thought ahead and said, you're not gonna go away in September. I want to have dinner in Brooklyn. She knew your plans would be canceled. She knew something's going on. Scary. I'm beginning to think she's either a witch or an alien or both. Maybe. Okay, maybe you are into something here. Your girlfriend's a witch. She bleeds green. Something's wrong? What was that?
Showy? Speaking of bleeding green? Gandhi star on a jersey from Timo, also bleeding green. Hey, oh my god. We didn't talk about this because we issued our podcast last Thursday or Friday. But last Friday night in Boston, did you see the fucking brawl that they got into on stage.
At the James Addiction concerts.
Well it wasn't a brawl, but well, first of all, Perry Farrell, Perry Farrell, the lead singer, a sixty five year old man by the way, must have he thought that, hold on, he thought that Dave Navarro his guitarist and the rest of the band was playing out, playing so loud and they were drowning out his vocals.
So he fucking just goes up to him, and this is all over the internet.
He just punch it, kind of shoves him, and then Navar was like, what the fuck? And then they stopped playing, and then he had to be restrained. And then the drummer comes from behind the drum kit and gut punches. The lights went out. The gut punches Perry Farrell three times. Nevertheless, James addiction, they're over. Dave devar Well quit, he's an he quit. He said he's done. Yeah, But Perry apologized. And I heard they're resuming the tour. Are they really resuming it? I'm not with Dave Davarro, They're not.
Anyway. Can you imagine that. I just wanted to say, shame on you, Perry Farrell, Shame on you. I don't know what the hell is going on.
If you've got demons in your head, if you've got other issues happening. For that, I'm apologize, seek some help. But your your fans paid all this fucking money to be at your concert. You're diehard fans who with you all these years, since the late eighties when you guys formed and they're showing out crazy money. They're showing out crazy money to be there, and this is the display.
This is what you do. You're a showman. Well he's a drug addict.
Will shut up and fucking sing and finish the show and settle your differences after the show. You don't need to do what you did. You're a two senior. He's a senior citizen. He's fighting, he's inciting a riot. Bandmate on stage, the band Queen's Wright got into a fight. Also the how selfish and egotistical is that? And self centered?
Jeff Tait, who is the lead singer of Queen's Reich, had to fight with an argument of disagreement with the band for like a couple of days, and then they had to fight before they went on stage during the show, and you could find this online. He had a problem with the drummer, Scott Rockenfeld. He turns around as he's singing, walks up to the drum kit like some singers do, and spits on the drummer. Oh shit, So they got into a brawl. At some point later in the show. They had to cancel the show, terrible spit on.
Him, setting differences that tell you differences outside. You have to do this for the two hours that you're on a stage in front of thousands of people.
Terrible, awful, just awful display. You know.
I just I'm just thinking that you know, people shouldn't shouldn't support them, Now put your money somewhere else. I feel bad for people, because you know people, You hear so much about people spending their last dime on a concert or saving up to go somewhere, and you pay all this money and this is what you get. A show, a half ass show that has to be shut down and not finished because of a fight, an infighting between two of its members, which, by the way, you're taking I.
Think we spoke about this on the podcast.
I think you're taking a big gamble by going to see Oasis. If you've got Oasis tickets for their tour.
We're gonna have a guarantee that they're gonna actually make it to the They should have made the reunion the next day before anyone got into a fight and changed their minds. Oasis reunion is coming.
As you know.
Noel Gallagher and Liam Gallagher, notorious for ripping into each other, physical altercations, canceling shows, going off late drunk. How the hell do you do you think that that is going to that tour is gonna go off without a hitch, or do you think that.
People are gonna wind up? You know, I think I think that last five shows don't get done. I think they start the tour with all good intentions. They the money comes in, they make just enough money that they don't need it anymore, and then they that's it. Then they stop to the tour right in the middle, gotta go by so sad. Anyway, all right, we are you gonna say, should get your girlfriend on the phone.
You want to get her on the phone. Yeah, I want to know if she's a witch, what she available?
She working? She's not, she's certainly not working. I don't have my phone, I do. I mean, she doesn't have to work. She can just conjure up whatever you want to need her. I don't know. Yeah, I'll call if you want to have a number you have you have a phone system there, Yeah, you know I can. I can plug in the shitty cable from Amazon. I'm like, oh, don't do me any favors. I'll get it.
I'll handle this one, all right, all right, let me let me see if I can get her on the phone.
Well, we aren't planning on this, tell me right. That's why it sounds a little hapazard, because we don't plan shit on the Brooklyn Boys.
We never do, and it always I don't know slices. Do you like do you like when we edit shit? Do you want us to edit shit out and make it sound polished.
Or do you like it?
Right, Well, yeah, i'd like to know. I'd like to know what their opinion is.
Some people saying they were very some people say we were it's very professional to issue a podcast and not edit it.
No fuck that.
Okay, I have to set up while we're calling you. Hey Robin, you're on the Brooklyn Boys podcast.
Hi, Hi Robin. Hello, so good. I saw I owe you an apology and then I have an accusation. Okay, I owe you an apology because I had said this. I texted Scary and I said, since your plans got canceled for this weekend, my wife didn't take yes Scary's plans, why don't you take me to dinner? And he wrote back, that's funny. So on the podcast. I said, no, I wasn't joking. I really wanted you to take me to dinner, like we haven't hung out in a while. He's like, no, it's the weekend. I got plans with Robin. I said, how do you have plans with Robin? You originally were going out wait without Robin. Now I have plans, he says, oh h. Robin months ago said if the plans fall through, on the backup plan, I want to go to dinner in Brooklyn if your plans fall through. So I'm like, how the hell did she predict this? Well, that reminded me. Number one, you think you're the child of an alien, and which makes you half alien half human? Right. Number two? I read your post on Facebook that you predicted James Earl Jones's death a week before it happened. And Scary did not hear the people say it. He said, you told him you heard him say it. And I said to Scary, is it possible? Instead of Robin hearing James L. Jones died, they said, isn't that that Scary Jones guy? And he said nope. Robin was convinced she heard James L. Jones died. So now I'm putting pieces together. You think you're an alien. You correctly predicted a week in advance that James L. Jones would die, you posted on Facebook, and then you correctly predicted Scary's plans would fall through and that you would be hanging out with him this weekend. So I'm apologizing because I don't want you to get mad, I mean, cast some spell on me. Are you a witch? Robin? Are you a witch? No? I don't think so that. I appreciate your apology. No, no, no, don't be. If anything, I'm a good witch.
So you're okay? Oh?
If anything? Oh, Glenna, the good Witch of the North.
She's so if a house fell on you in Kansas City, Kansas, it wouldn't be you wouldn't actually hit you, or would hit your evil.
Sister exactly, take her out first. Okay. So you're not denying you a witch. You're only denying you're a bad You're not a bad witch. You're denying you're denying your a bad witch. Yes, to find out a bad which I think I could have some psychic abilities. I have dreams and things that seemed to come true.
So anything lottery numbers or winning the Super Bowl this year a.
Richer that way exactly. No, Butcury was sleeping when I heard it.
I wanted to go turn to him and say, did you just hear James Rrol Jones died andantly out?
And were you meditating or in some kind of trance at this time when you heard it?
No, I was just trying to eavestrop. No crystal ball involved, no vigil board, nope, nope. Couldn't fit into my carry on? All right, something odd something, Robin. I don't want to take any more of your time. I don't offend you know. She's got nothing. She's got nothing but time. All right? Did you watch Agatha All Along on Disney last night?
Did I watch what Agatha all Along? The new Which TV series on the Disney on Disney Plus. Oh no, no, I don't have that channel. That would be good then, oh scary does? Yeah? I got that log in? Yeah, all right, I know what you're doing this weekend after dinner. You're going to home watch Disney Disney Plus. Okay, very good, rob, Thank you at it. That's all we got, Robin, thank you? Say she got We let her off easy, all right? And how did you know to answer the phone when it rang. She's a witch. Okay, Brody, you convinced. Keep smoking that good stuff. Okay, I want to hear your free dessert story.
Now, yeah, this is if you remember a couple episodes ago, I arrived at Newark four hours late because of two things. A ground control to major Tom I'm waiting for that at Newark Airport. We were the next plane to land at Newark, and then right then and there that diverted us to Dulles in DC.
When we landed air.
That's where the complication started as a they discovered a sticky valve and our flight caused by the grounds crew of the radar went to ship I guess at Newark temporarily.
Played by Gary Bergo so the Newark so.
Because that's why we couldn't land in Newark because the radar went out on the ground at Newark.
So anyway, the short story there is by the airport, well, it's one one. It's like a domino effective issues.
So now a mechanical issue arises where there was a sticky valve valve and they needed to replace the part before we could take off from Dallas and go back to Newark.
Right, you got fucked. You got home time, and then we were sitting there. We couldn't deplane the plane deep plane.
Because we were an international flight and they couldn't receive us. So we weren't even at a gate or a hangar nothing. We were at the end of a tarmac in the middle of nowhere, on the ground. And then they had to shut off the air the air conditioning and everything, and then shut off the entire tower. It was awful, right, I told you so.
Add into the fact that your father was waiting for the airport he had a.
Home caused a four hour delay. I'm not going to spare you, but you want me to read Can I read you the email? Customer care so Scary Scary emailed them and complained all of these things, and they wrote back a shitty response which.
He sent to me and I heard it. I read it rather. So this is the original offer he wanted my opinion? Is this enough?
Right? Okay? So the very original email said sir mister Jones, I'm sorry this was your experience. We will use this information to get better. Oh that's nice of them. Yeah, I researched the details of your flight and because flight blah blah, Blah on that date was diverted to Washington, DC due to Federal Aviation Administration or airport equipment failure. Our goal is to consistently provide a safe, on time and seamless experience, and since this wasn't the case for your flight, I'd like to make it up to you. Oh that's nice. I'm going to deposit seventy five hundred miles into each of your mileage plus accounts you and your girlfriend. Very nice, very nice of them. The miles we posted to your account Somewhat unforeseen circumstances can present operational challenges. We appreciate your feedback. Again, they're thanking you for the feedback. That's code for saying you're not getting shit, but to thank you, especially when considering how to improve our performance. We appreciate you as a Value Premier Platinum member and we hope you were Your next journey is more enjoyable with us. Yeah. Right, And I also have the email you wrote to them about what an inconvenience, And nowhere in here, by the way, does it addressed the fact that they turned the air off and you sat in the brutal heat of the plane, right, and they didn't provide refreshments or anything to cool you off. Nothing, nothing, nothing, seventy five hundred miles. What's the value of seventy five hundred seventy five dollars? So right, okay, that's not even twenty bucks an hour?
Right now, keep in mind we came back four hours late, so it's intinuark when we finally all a said and done.
All right, So I wrote.
Back to them, Hey, wow, I'm grateful of the minor gesture to add seventy five seventy five hundred miles to my account. This doesn't come close to meeting my expectations of what a major airline, which I have been loyal to my entire life, should be doing to make me whole.
We arrived four hours late into Newark.
We were grounded in DC because of a mechanical maintenance issue, and while I fully understand these things do happen, it then becomes the responsibility of United to make things right for its customers when these issues arise. We sat on the tarmac without air conditioning, trapped, we couldn't deplane. My girlfriend suffers from severe anxiety as it is, and being put in this situation made things worse. We also incurred unnecessary expenses because my dad was supposed to pick us up and.
He couldn't wait for four hours. We had to.
Take a yellow taxi to my house, and then she couldn't get back to her house, so she needed to take another taxi from there.
Back to our house in Brooklyn.
Yes, I'm requesting some flight credit me put in both of our accounts immediately as compensation for being put through this, plus the eighty seven dollars taxi ride and sixty five dollars Uber ride in addition to another five thousand miles each in our accounts, and seventy five hundred doesn't even get us an economy save or ticket, which is twelve thousand, five hundred miles. Andrew, that's the guy's name. If this was you and your family, you would be livid. My time is valuable, I always. I also lost out on an important sales meeting with an overseas client I needed to tend to.
Oh that's a new one. I like that, you like that wrinkle.
I kindly asked that you do the right thing here and keeping me, my family and friends in your good graces and proudly flying with United all.
The best because even is not even but less than even sure as hell an' even? Well, David Brody, you'd be proud of me. And I think I'm going to ask you at the end of this if you think that it is so now they've is there an opportunity for me to get ten percent of whatever you got?
You didn't help me for shit. I did this the slices slice Hold on here, I did this slices. I'd like you to leave it. Talk back, oh, please, knowing that I taught Scary about fighting for himself when he never did before, knowing that I told Scary to embellish and add the fact in that his father was at the airport, which he was not, and then he added more things based on that suggestion, leave us a talkback. Did Scary do this all on his own or with the guidance and the power of Brody? Thank you all right, go on, Scary goy story. Hey, thank you for.
Your kind words and for providing the unexpected transportation receipts. I've authorized one hundred and forty four dollars in ninety nine cents. That was the total amount for the rides okay check to be issued to your address. I appreciate your patience and understanding regarding our inability to fully reimburse your travel expenses. So there you go, there reimbursing me for that.
All right.
They're going to say, Nope, nope, we're.
Not there yet, because still that's even right, that barely, that's getting even all right. I've researched the deep and furthermore, I've researched the details of the rest of the issue, and the compensation offered is in line with the challenge you experienced. So as a Premiere Platinum member, I can make a one time courtesy exception of an additional one hundred and fifty dollars electronic Travels certificate for both you and Robin, So one.
Hundred and fifty for me and one hundred and fifty for her.
You can use this certificate towards the purchase of your next United or Express United Express flight blah blah blah, And here's how it's going to arrive. We appreciate your business and look forward to welcoming you on board your next United Airline flight in the future. So, in summation, I got we each got seven five hundred miles deposited into our accounts. We each got a one hundred and fifty dollars travel voucher, and we each got compensated for the unnecessary uber expenses, so we that's even.
Okay, and that's it. That's all you got. Well, here's what I'll say. What do you mean that's all I got? I had one hundred and.
Fifty dollars back and seventy five hundred dollarsand flight miles.
Let me ask you a question. Oh boy, if somebody said to you as your plane was approaching newer Careport Hey for two hundred and twenty five dollars, how do you feel about getting home four hours from now and during that time sit on a tarmac with no air conditioning, sweating your balls off? What would you say to that? Because that's roughly fifty six dollars an hour to be inconvenienced. Now, for some people that's a decent amount of money. They might say say okay to that. I'm asking, Scary Jones, is fifty six dollars an hour worth it to you to be derailed four hours and sit in the plane with nowhere conditioning, no drinks? I see where you're going with this. That's where I'm going And you making me feel I got there right away.
You're making me feel You're making me feel like I wasn't really made whole.
After all, you did a very good job. You went back at them right You went back at them, and again slices his proof. They can do more, but their first instinct is to do as little as possible.
Which is which they did in the original email, offering me seventy five hundred miles and thinking I'm gonna go away, but I wasn't gonna tell you.
They appreciate your feedback, how it's gonna help them in the future. The more they're fucking you, the more they say, well, thank you so much. We're gonna use this as an opportunity as a learning experience. Again, we'd like to thank The more they thank you, the more they're admitting they didn't do shit for you. They know they fucked you, and they're trying to smoke and mirror you with thank yous and appreciation. We're gonna listen to the audio of the call and make sure no they're fucking lying to you. Get more from them more so.
I tried, but I thought I would stop there. You did better than you did the f I didn't take the grape soda. You want me to go for the grape soda slices.
Here's your second homework assignment, same conversation. Did Scary get enough?
Did he reach brody level?
Did he did he pull the ripcord too soon? What would you have done?
Would you have would you have done the math or realize that because Scary cleanly didn't do the mask And there's no guarantee, by the way, that if I wrote back to them again that I would get anything else from them. So okay, So now, at what point is it not worth my time and energy to keep going and keep going and keep going.
Like I don't know what your time and energy's worth. But since you didn't go away this weekend, you have all weekend now to do more. Just ask yourself if you put an email together that said, in essence, you gave me fifty six dollars for every hour I was inconvenienced, my time is more than that. I don't think two hundred and twenty five dollars is enough for being re routed for four hours. And the issue here isn't even the red it's the fact they treated you like shit when the plane was on the ground. They did not come around with cold beverages or cold come. They tried that one time. They came around with some water, A big deal. Yeah, where's the free sodas? Where's the free alcoholic beverages? Like one each little bottle? Hey, sorry you're sitting here so Alice. I'm proud of you. I'm just not impressed by you. Do you see the difference? Yeah? I love you, I'm just not in love with you.
You just have away with higher standard making people feel like they like shit like.
Or no scary. I'm rooting for you. I feel like you have more talent than that. I think it's did a good job, all right, But from we're making you the planes.
We're perching our airport. We're twenty seven thousand feet. We should be touching down in about fourteen minutes. Please continue to enjoy the flight. We won't get back to you, and you need to put your trade tables in the upper position. And again we know you have a choice in airlines. Were appreciate your funk. Oh sorry, you have an option? Would you like to be rerouted for four hours? Going to be here for twenty five dollars.
We're going to be here for the next four hours. Thank you, We're it right.
You could take you could take two hundred and twenty five dollars, mostly in credits because some of it was money back you already spent, and I can give you some some credits towards your next flight, forcing you to take this airline again. Or you can land on time. Which do you choose? The lady or the tiger? Which door are you choosing? Scary Jones? Land on time? Or get a bunch of airline credits that you won't even notice. Wow, way to reduce my reward. Got scary? Final Jeopardy answer is land on time? Land on time? Slight?
Thank you, Thank you, NICs leave a talk back for us. Thank you.
This is your captain over.
This is your captain over.
Wow, that was an opportunity to hit a jingle. You're not hitting a jingle.
No, because I feel deflated right now.
Well, hey, I'll make you feel better.
I feel like shit.
I'll make you feel better.
And I just I'm going to tell you how this sound effect.
It's right good. I'm gonna make you feel better. I'm going to tell you the update on my Hulu No Ads story. Okay, so where we left off in this this perilous saga, this saga. They told me there's nothing, this perilous flight. We cannot return your Hulu no ads upgrade for six dollars and forty cents and now a month, even though we accidentally deleted it. So I said, you know what, let me call one last time, one last time, all right, Ariana grande, thank you. I'll call at a different time of day, and maybe I'll get a better ilk of people. Maybe I get somebody who knows what they're talking about. So I get a guy on the phone and he says, you know, we don't really have an escalation department that can get on the phone. They're not they're not forward facing accessible, is what I think. He's what he said, meaning they don't talk to clients, they don't talk to customers. So I said, listen, I have already been on the phone twenty three times with you and Verizon. Please is there a super so I can communicate with my supervisor through text messaging? What would you like to say? So for forty minutes, I went back and forth. Tell him, I said this, What did he say? He says, blah blah blah. Well tell him, I said this, he says, So I finally got to the point where he says he's going to make an exception and talk to you. It said, oh fantastic. So I got to talk to Hulu Dan from Hulu Hulu Dan, who says to me, can you log into your Hulu account on the website. I said, well, I'm driving right now. I can't really do that. I'm on the parkway and I can't pull over. So he says, here's what I'm gonna do. All you have to do. I've set it up is when you get home, log into your Hulu account and there'll be an option to upgrade to pay seventeen ninety nine for Hulu No ads, okay, I will then credit you the seventeen ninety nine going forward. All right, we'll do what's called split billing, and you'll only have to pay six dollars and forty cents. So you get your way. You got your way, I said, Dan, that's great. But if I talk to anyone but you, I'm not gonna be able to do this. So here's what I want you to do. I want you to give me a case number and notate everything you just said in the case number. He says, you got it, And I hear him typing, and he says, and he says, Okay, here's your case number zero for above above five five six five blah blah blah blah blah. I said, so, Dan, no matter who I call with this case number, they will know that I can go in the app on the website and pay for Hulu it adds, and you'll switch it to my carrent account and then credit me. Absolutely. Oh, Dan, you're the best, he says. Well, listen, if you upgrade with an iPhone that automatically goes to Apple, here's the phone number for Apple. Gave it to me without even me asking, And when you give them the case number, they'll know to credit you. Great. If you do it through an Android, it automatically gets charged through Hulu and will know when you give the case number. Got it all right. I couldn't make it any simpler. Fantastic, Good Dan. I love you Dan.
Great for now, until there's a there's an uproar, until something else happens.
Right, So I call Hulu about an hour later because I've pulled over. I got home, it's calm, it's quiet. I call, I give the case number and they said, oh, yep, all records show you spoke to Dan. I'm looking at the notes. There's nothing in his notes that say you can upgrade it on the website, because I went to the website and there's no option upgrade. There's no option once you have Hulu, no ads. You can't buy Hulu with ads, right cancel? Okay, So I'm like, so I blow it. I fucking lose it. Hulu Dan told me Hulu. Dan told meh So. Then they got so. They said to me, go, well, we'll review the call and we will be sure to use this as a training opportunity. Oh, just like your fucking letter you got so. I said, that's great. I'm glad it's going to help you with your training opportunity. But you guys fucked me. Well, I wouldn't say that, sir, you still have Hulu. I go, fuck me because I have ads. You canceled my Hulu to ad. You won't give it back to me. They said, we suggest you so after a while. By the way, this guy was American. This guy I spoke to was Trevor, and Trevor says, after a while, he says, sir, let me tell you something you need to call Verizon because they're the ones who gave you the bundle. I said, I read a call Verizon. This is what he said to me. In a polite way. He said, Sir, I'm convinced that if you call Verizon with the fervor that you are unleashing on me and Hulu, they will be sure to upgrade you. I said, are you saying that my loud persona is what how you're referring to it was my fervor. Further, yes, sir, my fervor, he said. The way you are handling this call and using with the current fervor, I'm sure they will give it. I said, listen, Trevor, are you under the impression that you think, after hearing me for the past forty minutes, that the thirteen times I called Verizon I was not in this particular fervor. Do you think I was not loud with them? They will not do it? He said, Sir, what do you want me to do? I said, I would like my huluud adds back, or like you to give me free or credit me a year's worth the Hulu free or something so I can get my Hulu. No ads, he said, you know what, sir, here's what I'm gonna do. I shouldn't do this. I normally don't do this. I'm gonna do this for you, and I hope you appreciate it. I can get in trouble for this, but I'm gonna do it. You're gonna give you my Hulu. I am gonna credit you one month if you take out a new account with Hulu for seventeen ninety nine a month. But by the way, sir, you should know it's going up to eighteen ninety nine a month on October twenty seventh. We will credit you a one time convenience fee as our way of saying we're sorry. So for the rest of my life, I have to pay eighteen dollars a month, which is twelve dollars a month more and all you're giving these eighteen dollars one time. That's correct, sir? Are you not appreciative of that? That's like the Gladiator? Do it not entertain you? So I said, you know what, you can keep your your one time offer of eighteen dollars. I will call Verizon with that fervor. So I called Verizon with that fervor and I got Randy. I can assure you, scary, his name was not Randy from Verizon. Ohay, put me on. He connected me to the supervisor, who he claimed was Michael. I can assure you his name was not Michael. Michael says to me, it's not a problem. Here's what we need to do. We need to cancel your Disney bundle. You'll then take out Hulu with ADS, and then you'll take out a new Disney You'll you'll reup with the Disney Bundle. We'll give it back to you and since it'll be a new account, then you can then sign up for Hulu with no ADS. I said, Michael, not your real name. I've already been told by your company fifteen times that I can't do that, that once you cancel it, I won't get free bundle anymore because it's a promotion. Nope, they're mistaken, I said. So you can personally guarantee me that if I don't get the bundle back, you'll credit me the amount that I have to pay every month. Absolutely, and you'll notate it in my account. Absolutely. Said right. Well, I'm going into a doctor's appointment now, but when I come out, I will call back and we'll do this absolutely well, I called back, scary, and guess what, Verizon will be using that call as a opportunity for training. Because Randy and Michael were incorrect. There is no way to cancel my plan and give it back to me. So I am not getting Hulu with ads. So I called my kids. I told them the bad news, and they all contacted friends who have Hulu and I are now all getting Hulu with no ads from friends of theirs that they go to college with. And I get nothing. So I am now the only one in the family with Hulu with ads. How about that? And my wife of course, the two of us now we have ads. So they fucked me.
So in the grand scheme of things, you did a little better than I did. Okay, but it's a training opportunity.
Scary, It is good for you. Glad I could be here for you. I think it's Christmas. Were here? Hello? Oh fuck you? Podcast? The slices deserved an update, that's the story. Did they ask for one? Though? They yes? I couldn't follow along. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I fucked me. They all fucked me, and I'm helping me. My point was, instead of helping me, they lied to me, I get it. They were gonna give it to me. They lied, and then they said, well, we're going to listen to the call and use this as a training a trainable moment. I'm really really sorry, having a sorry, why what happened? That's in the fact you're not going away this week? Green card holding it up to the camera. No, yeah, man, you hate that. I hate it. Well, you don't vote. You felt for the old scam. If you don't vote, you don't get called for jury duty. You get called for jury duty more than anyone I've ever known. I got called for jury duty, so pissed. Well, you better get Robin pregnant so you can tell and say your wife's pregnant.
You can't leave, please tell wagging the dog here, I gotta find way. How am I going to get out of it?
What do you tell them? What do you say? Okay, right now there slices of tell hotel. Who's going to say, Well, you have to I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go.
You have to go to day one, to just sit in the big, big pool of Jersey, the big chair.
If you don't get called on the first day, they send you home. Now that's not like that. In every county.
You know what, how many people call or I've heard with just pleasantries and awesome stories and oh my god.
But guess what.
There's thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of thousands.
Of fucking counties in this country.
And I live in a very busy county, Hudson County, New Jersey.
So everybody knows what county live in.
Who cares? Yeah, I live in Jersey City, Hudson County.
That hasn't changed that since COVID, it's all online now, I excuse me, I forgive me. You don't have to go anymore? Yes you no, I didn't. You have to show all really because I had. All I had to do was go on the on the zoom call with the judge and like one hundred other people, I have to report in person. Oh you're fucked.
They give you a questionnaire and they say, if you answered yes to any of these questions, leave now.
I don't know.
They'll say, like, have you or anyone you know been mugged? Are you or anyone you know?
What police are? They want to know if I can? They want to know if I can you be impartial? Can I be impartial. I said, yes, all right, although I don't Yeah, I don't know what. There's no good answer here.
It's listen, it's a it's a public service. It's part of being.
In a mass.
Yes, I watched the fucking video. Yes, yep, you know part. I know it's my CID, my civic duty. You can be part of a greater thing. But I'm not gonna get paid that day or anything that whole week. You get, well, you get paid for like five dollars. Yeah, but I don't want to know. I can't fucking live on five dollars a day. No, well, five dollars a day is forty dollars a day. You went to fucking Washington, d C. For fifty six.
It just sucks. You know, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna do what I gotta do.
But use so funny, but seriously, this is Hudgon County, New Jersey, and it's different. Things are different here. There's a lot more activity, there's a lot more crime, there's a lot more cases. It's just not really you know, this isn't like the.
Most you know what they say, you judge the jury of you're judged by a jury of your peers who weren't clever enough to figure out a way to get out of a jury duty. Yeah, dang, thanks right, As it turns out, I've never served jury duty. I've been called a bunch of times, never served for jury. Dudey, do you want to sit on a case right now that I have no job? I would do it, except I take to take care of the dogs while no one's here, so that would be a problem. I'm my sole caregiver to the dogs. But I listen. I was pre law in college. I love the law. It depends on what the case was. I wouldn't want to be sequestered. I wouldn't want to be on a month long court case. And I sure as I wouldn't want to be on a court case that if you do your job, people want to kill you for doing it. I want no part of that. But if it was like a helping somebody, if it was like a car accident case, I would do that.
I don't want to go I'm urder trial. I don't. I can't get excited about it. And for the slices that are like, oh, come on, scary, you should be happy. I don't know anyone who's really excited about going to jury duty ever.
Essusually retirees love it gives them something to do. Some of them not all.
Yeah, but I know, but for me, it's a thorn in my side. I'm not going to get paid. So it says that your term of service is one week or one trial, so a trial could go on for weeks.
Yeah, well, why don't you try to figure out if you can get jury duty the week one of your many weeks of vacation. No, I don't want that. That's even worse. But then you get paid. Oh yeah, no, wait, yeah, I don't know what you're doing your vacation.
I went to Hudson County five dollars courthouses, five dollars a day. That's what my time is worth. You can't even give me fifty bucks, seventy five dollars a day.
Yeah, oh, five dollars a day. I thought it was an hour, five dollars whatever it is. It's five dollars a day for eight hours of work. You can't even get lunch for that. The food truck out right outside is more expects you get. It's ridiculous. Anyway. You could barely get a jet starter jacket on Temu the five dollars. But, by the way, so I got some modio. I want to play a couple of Instagram videos that, by the way, they would TikTok videos that people posted on Instagram. Okay, okay, so this is a This is a video. I think it's bullshit. At least I thought it was bullshit. This guy is saying your car says everything about you. I just want you to listen. Scared drives a BMW. I drive a Dodge Charger. Yeah. I don't know if the other shit he says is right or wrong, but listen what they say about people who drive BMW's and Dodge charge can't wait for the stereotypes go all right?
Can you hear this on the cars drive? If you drive a Nissan, you're messy. If you drive a Honda, you're a freak. If you drive a BMW you bougie.
If you drive you're hood as fuck trying to be classy. If you drive a Toyota you laid back, you chill cooling, you're Demurejures and Camaros angry steroids, road rage. You can hear that crazy as fuckres and Camaro charges and Camaros angry steroids, road rage say personality.
The guy's completely wrong, except when he said BMW people are bougie fuck him, people with charges are angry fuck him. Yeah, no, they're all charged up. It makes sense. Actually, but when does he come on it's crazy? Where does he come off saying people drive Dodgs charges are angry?
Fuck him?
What did he say about Honda drivers? I forget you are a freak. Yeah, I don't know what that supposed to mean.
You're free? He got the he got the boogie thing right, No he didn't. That's a stereotype and you know it. You're a boogie best And I'll play that song right now. No, no, I got want one more clip to play now. I want I want your opinion on this based on when you were born. This is about being late, which sometimes you know, here we go.
Is being five to ten minutes late actually considered okay? Is being five to ten minutes late actually considered on time?
Okay? So that's my question to you. No, being five on time?
No, it's called it's called late for a reason because you're not on time.
So five and ten minutes late, five to ten minutes late is late, Okay, you're gen X right, Yes, yeah, okay, let's see what Let's see what the generations say.
Is being five to ten minutes late actually considered on time. In a new survey, gen Z says yes, five to ten minutes is totally fine, but other generations aren't so forgiving baby boomer generation wopping, seventy percent of them have a zero tolerance for being late. And there's a more work we're talking gatherings. What do you consider the okay amount of time to be late to an event? Personally, I'm somewhere in the middle. I think five minutes and you're.
Fine, okay.
I think if you make an appointment for eight o'clock and there's a reservation for eight o'clock and you show up at eight oh five, I think you're basically on time eight five eight.
I think, no, it's certain. It depends.
So yeah, for like a for like a like a dinner reservation, Yes, depends on the situation.
If you w a reservation wedding, yeah, because they give.
You fifteen minute grace period so you can get there five five, eight ten.
If it's for.
Work and you've got to and we got to be on the air, I do a radio show and it starts at six o'clock sharp.
You come in at six oh five. You're fucking late.
Yeah, you're late a lot. I did that a lot.
You did a lot, A lot, A lot. If it's for a doctor's appointment, same thing, you're late a lot a lot.
You're late a lot. There'ser appointments. You're not late because doctor's appointments keep you for forty minutes. Either way. They take a show up twenty minutes earlier your appointment, and then they keep you waiting in the waiting room for forty minutes, and then in the little room for the in the waiting room, in the exam room another twenty minutes. You never late for a doctor's appointment. Fuck that all right, So you have a few more. But if you have to be in between Boomer and gen X in your opinion, yeah, in my opinion, gen Z is like, you're not late. I like the gen Z angle. Yeah you're not late. Okay, it's like you're lucky I fucking show up.
You also shouldn't show up, you know, carrying the Starbucks and a donut if you're gonna be late, If you have to be there at nine o'clock and you scroll in at nine fifteen.
Who was starbucking to say, wasn't this someone on our show? Yes, doesn't work there anymore. Yes.
Used to come in late, Yes, and they would stop it. They would stop it duncan. Yeah, like you had time to go get your fucking coffee, but you don't have time to hear, oh, sorry, I'm late. And they would have duncan coffee and a donut. And they every day that comes late, I stop a dunkin. I stop a Duncan. Yeah, they go, oh, my train comes in at a certain time. Yeah, but then you stopped the duncan. You had to be at nine o'clock. It's twenty five after it's nine.
And they never once said like, oh, I got the Duncan before my train was late. They go, no, I got the train. It's by the day. I got grabbed the dunkin and I'm here. Yeah, that's a bad look.
That's unfortunate if you really did get the duncan early on in the trip.
But you should have you should have allowed yourself to time. And by the way, that person we're talking about was was someone who was an intern and two semesters with us, but the second semester was late all the time and stopped for coffee because she must have felt like, oh, I already got the internship. Constantly late, so uh, there you go. There you go, speech for the Ask your opinion on that.
I like that.
Speaking of late, I had an appointment fifteen minutes ago that whoops.
I'm not gonna make it on time.
Boys, boys,