The Free Market on The Brett Winterble Show

Published Nov 21, 2024, 9:49 PM

Tune in here to this Thursday's edition of the Brett Winterble Show!  

In this segment, Brett shares a clip of renowned American economist and statistician, Milton Friedman, discussing the complexities of something as simple as manufacturing a pencil. From the graphite and wood to the rubber and metal for the eraser, manufacturing a pencil requires hundreds if not thousands of people to cooperate, each for their own gain. Friedman uses this example to explain the efficiency of the free market and how it holds people, companies, and countries together, not with the threat of war but with the promise of prosperity.

Free market societies do not need an overarching autocrat or tyrannical system to ensure that everything works, it's the exact opposite. Systems that use power to control the market complicate and disrupt economic growth.  

Listen here for all of this and more on The Brett Winterble Show!

For more from Brett Winterble check out his YouTube channel.