The Breakfast Club Best Of Episode(Nick Cannon Interview, Black Thought Interview, E-40 Interview, Asking For A DNA Test Wrong?)

Published Jan 2, 2024, 5:06 PM
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Since up, white guy.

You guys really are like the hip hop, early morning late night Talkhill.

Breakfast Club is the most powerful popular urban radio show.

Like from the Black Mothership in New York City. It's DJ Ymvy and Charlemagne.

To God, it's different. You know what I'm saying, Like, y'all know what y'all talking about.

Thanks to y'all be Black.

I love y'all collectively known as Breakfast Club.

So I'm always nervous.

When I do the Breakfast Club because sometimes you say stuff and it's just gonna get you in trouble.

Everybody, what.

Ray right?

Ray Yo?

Charlamagne, Jaffy, what up are we lost?

This is your time to get it off your chest.

I got an indoor pool, door pool.

We want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club.

Get on the phone right now here.

What it is?


Who's this?




What up?

DJ V CHARLEMAGNEA God and the beautiful lady that y'all got up there? My name Diana from San Antonio, Countdown City with Texas.

Get it off your chest.

First of all, I want to say thank you for giving us knowledge, for investing, and Uncle Charlotte's for all the information. He gives me a mental health because that's put me in a good position that I'm in now.

That's right.

What I want to get off my chest is, Uh, I'm tired of this job. I'm a truck driver and I'm tired of this job because I've been working for like a year trying to get my raise. I finally get my raise and then they cut my hours. I'm like out here struggling. But we's gonna make it.

Work, all right.

You in that truck now, brother, Nah, I'm not in the truck right now. Actually just got off, but I wish I was so I could give you go to harm for you know what I mean?

There you go.

But I want to know y'all if I can get like a signed copies off the book.

All yah, I got you.

I don't have any more of mine up here right now, but I do have a State of Emergency by Tamika Mallory and Anita Copax by Shallow Waters. Those of both off my book in print. Black Priller is Publishing. I'll send you off for show for.

Show, and if you can sign it for me, I already got stoop one. I just would appreciate it.

Yeah, we'll get him out to you. Hold on, okay, Hello, who's this? This is Cal from Atlanta.

Hey, Cayla from the at L. Get it off your chest, Mama.

This one is a huge, huge Finatalie done.

But they talked.

About you on her life that day.

I feel in a minute to talk about this because.

I didn't like it where she cannot prepare. What you have done for your community and for the people is.

On a whole other level and she she could never even compare.

And it really makes me head.

Well, thank you. I just you know, I'm just happy to be here. Thank you. God is good all the time. Thank you very much.

V what's that you say about you?

Hard body?

All right?

Thank you Caylea, thank you, Cale, appreciate you call. All right a Kayla, gotta love Kayla. Right, get it off your chest? Hello.

De Tody from Detroy, Hey, tod do Hey years.

So I want to get on my chest about this money. This government always come out they running matter. How is that possible when all they have to do is keep making more money?

Like and then when they.

Say they oh who do they owe? Like how do you owe something?


I'm thinking it's gonna be sitting all in a room somewhere, everybody give all the money back.

I don't know what you're talking about this morning, man, what are you talking about? Exactly?


The deficit is going up and up. Like when I was in middle school, they just say we all.

Owe your kids.

Oh how we all owe something that we ain't borrowed at?

Or who are you boling that from?


You mean like America's in that the US O?

Yeah, Like who is this money from?

I have no idea. That's not my that's not my that's not my lane. I don't know what you're talking I don't know.

How can I know?

The US government spends more money than it generates.

So that's why the national that keeps rising.

Yes, that's what I mean.

How do the national debt? So who were supposed to pay all this money back to? Like, let's say everybody paid all the money back? Where the money gonna be at?

Where the money gonna be at?

Yeah, in the bank, in a room, or where it's gonna be at who gives permission to? Like how they get Oh?

Yeah? And another thing, this is who I really wanted to.

Say about the conspetitution.

Why don't you I think the competition.

Need fifty five new people to write it over.

I agree with that.

That that I agree yeah, and that's back in seventeen whatever time.

It's like, it's new people and new colors of people.

We need fifty five Now, how can we get a petition going on.

To do that?

I definitely agree with that. I definitely think the Constitution needs to be updated tremendous.

Get it off your chest eight hundred five five one oh five one. If you need the vent phone lines wide open. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

And from Newday.

Is it your time to get it off your chest?


Wait up, whether you're man or blessed, time to get up and get something. Call up now. Eight hundred and five eight five one five one. We want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club.


Who's this too tall? From Betray?

Too tall?

Too tall?


Their what's going on? Charlotte? What's going on?


And what's your actual height?




How tall?


Six eight?


You know what I'm saying. So he's standing tall around his part?

Okay, and you can't play no basketball, hu man.

I played when I was younger, man, But everybody asked me why you don't play basketball like them getting riched some other way? Donal or nah?

You just tell them the truth. I'm trash. I'm tall and trash on the basketball court. It's okay, yeah for sure, man, But y'all want to get off my test.

Man, I don't know what the world coming to man, messing with cash money, Drake and bird Man and all that Drewski, you know, especially PG man PG A leegend. If people talking about you look at Besky and stuff. I don't know what the world coming to man. They about the lead cash money records over there alone. Man, But no, boys get on at the wall and mag know your third world type stuff.

You know, Well, Drewski's playing, Bro, those are skips and sketches.

He just he just needs a comedian.


You do you think bird Man taking it like back.

A bird Yes, yes, Birdman is in on the joke.

Everybody forget when bird Man and Drewsky did that Instagram live together.

Bird Man is clearly in on the joke.

Bro oh man, all right, that one wasn't it been?


Then? Man? What's something? What's something that you talking about?


PG matter? He's a gangster man looking they start to put respect on his name.

When you say when you say today, you do realize you're just talking about a bunch of random comments on the internet, right man?

But comments on the internet, the online stuff, you know that people taking a round with him. Man. You know, BG just come on and got yours the family all that online talking about he's a youngster man. But I don't know what he joking.

Bro, you gotta stop looking at Todether. You gotta stop looking into these Instagram commenters.

Bro, I cannot wait until y'all just put the phones down and stop worrying about what a bunch of you don't know y'all say they say about y'all.

I'm sure BG don't care about people with no face talking about him. That man just came, just happy to be home. He's celebrating with his family. He about to get in the studio, get to some more music. I don't think he cares. Salute the BG.

And one more things, Charlotte, have you ever met that with little Mama?

Man for calling it and the place christ and y'all listen, Little Mama has been on Breakfast Club like five times since then.

That's thirteen years ago. Yeah, like literal thought.

Yes, Oh that's good. That's good man. I said, well, man, it's a it's a pleasure being on here with Ya's hard you do y'all. Man, y'all need y'all need the ball lines and something. Man, we go car.

Bro, But thank you for calling and checking out.

Right, brother, I have a pillow.

Man, y'all have a blessed sus.

You know what is there's two things that people always say. They were like, Yo, what's up with Charlamagne? And Little Mama? And I'm like, Little Mama's been on the show several times. After that, people always say, what's up with you? And DJ Drama. I'm like, Drama's been on the show many times after that?

But you know why don't because the way the Internet moves, it's like, even though that happened thirteen years ago, if you never saw it, say you just saw it yesterday, it's new to you. You know what I mean, You don't realize that was thirteen years ago. You had we had the inter that has these little moments in time where these these frozen moments, these moments are suspended in time, right, and so to us we know the context. It was thirteen years ago but somebody might just see it and be like, oh, that happened yesterday, right, you know that's it.

I get it, Get it off your chest.

Eight hundred five five, one oh five on if you need the Vent phone lines wide open.

It's the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Learn everybody.

It's DJ Envy, Charlamagne the God. We are the Breakfast Club. We got a special guest in the building. Yes, indeed, Brother black Thought, welcome back.

Yeah, man, thank you, thank you, thank you, Larry black Thought. I'm great. I'm great. I feel great this morning.


I had an amazing book called The Upcycled Self.

Ucycled Self. What does that title meant?

You know?

Essentially, it's about, you know, putting those parts of our of our of ourselves, of our of our past. You know what I'm saying that you're no longer going to service or no longer going to service in the same way, to a to a different use, you know what I'm saying, to a better use.


So that's that's what it's about. Really, it's a it's a self help memoir of sorts.

Yeah, the art of becoming who we are. I always wonder.

Why did it take us so long to discover who we actually are.

I mean, you know, it's a it's a it's a process, you know what I mean. It's it's it's valleys and peaks, and I think it's uh, you know you you you you arrive at in understanding of who you are, you know, uh, over time.

So it's really no shortcut, you know what I'm saying.

It's a uh it's a lot of people that think you can go from A to Z, but you gotta go.

B, C, D, E, F G first, you know saying.

And it teaches you too that you know, everything is parallel, like there's really nothing behind you.

Absolutely, you know what I mean. Yeah, Yeah, And in this book is about that too. It's about you know, accepting uh the present.

You know what I mean.

It's just you know, living, uh, being more intentional about about your So yeah, that's that's That's where I'm at with it.

Did you get a chance to deal with all the trauma before you put it in this book? Or was it some of it was releasing that trauma by writing this book.

Yeah, a lot of the trauma, you know, it was it was addressed in during the process, you know, And that's That's what made it, you know, just like this was my therapy. It was really you know, a cathartic sort of experience, and more so than I'd expected. I mean, you know, you know your your history, right, but when it's laid out there, you know what I mean, when you have it on on the Q cards and you know what I mean and you're reading it, uh.

You know in a linear sort of way.

I mean, it just hits different man, it hits it hits differently. And there was something that uh, my co author, Jasmine Martin was able to, uh to employ like a tool she was able to use during this process that it really hit me hard when I was reading one of the final drafts of the book and it was you know, she was able to speak. There's an a side section where you hear, you know, my mother, like you hear my mother's perspective, and the way she was able to, uh, you know, just to approximate my mother's perspective in her voice, That's what really really hit me hard in the process.

Did you have a question your faith as a kid growing up because you talk about so much death in your life and yeah, all the stuff that you've been through, did you ever say, you know, what, does this really exist? Is there really a god or whoever you believe it? Did you have a question your faith at all?

I did?

Yeah, There's definitely been times, you know when you I've questioned my my faith? Uh you know, or I mean just on the existential tip, you know what I mean, like if there's a god, you know, how could all of this you know, loss and trauma and death, uh, you know exists. It's some of the stuff that I write about. How was the world this ugly? If you made it in your image? You know what I'm saying. That's one of my bars from a song called Dear God. But yeah, to answer your question, definitely.

How did you get that back?

And the reason I asked is if you don't know when you read the book, you're line out that you lost your father at a young age.

You lost your mom at a young age as well.

I murdered.


Yeah, So how did you get that faith back?

Through the arts?

Visual art, which was my gateway you know, into music, and and that's that's what really saved my life.

You know what I'm saying.

It was a game changer that I would have been on the I was already on it. I was on that path. And you know, me meeting quest love when I did, which you know I talk about in the book, and just getting on on that musical trajectory of the arts is what really saved me.


I know you was a baby when your father was tragedally murdered, when a teenager when your mother. Was you able to process that pain in the moment or was that something that you dealt with as you got older?

Yeah, I think it's something that I'm still dealing with.

I definitely was not able to process it in the moment, you know, no matter how hard I tried, right, you know, I wanted to feel all the emotion that that you you know, you expect you would expect one to feel when you experienced that sort of loss. But I mean for me, it, I mean, it took forever before I was even able to shed.

A tear about, you know, my mother's murder, you know.

And I think it's just because there was so many layers of callous and in scar tissue to to sort of work through.

And that's what that's what this book is about.

It's about that armor that you know, at one point in time it might it might serve as a defense mechanism.

It might you know, protect you.

But as we move through life and you get into different spaces, you start to interact with different people, and you know, you're now you in these different dynamics, they no longer service in the same way.

What about vengeance and revenge Like, how do you ultimately let let that go?

I mean, did you? Yeah?

Yeah, I mean I feeling I definitely feel like I have. It's that that was just a wise move. I think I definitely came to to to understand as a young person, when I was still a teenager that uh, you know, holding on to uh, to to negative energy in that way, you know, it's as as detrimental to you know, the beholder as is to whoever you're trying to project it upon. So there, Yeah, I've never really sat with, uh, you know, the whole vengeance in that way, you know what I mean as far as like in the in my dad's case, uh it was it's still it was never a solved murder. But in my mom's case, uh, you know, they they they apprehended someone shortly after and uh, you know we went through the trial and everything, and you know, he received the sentence, and then there was a mistrial of it all and he was we had to sit through it again. So I sat through actually through my mother's murder trial twice, you know. And but in that, you know, once it, once it was done, it was something that I had to let go of, you know what I mean, in order for me to be able to move forward.

So and you still had love for fulfilling regardless of everything that happened.

That got to be tough to absolutely, Yeah, yeah, I have.

I have, absolutely have love, you know, for for Philadelphia.

That's that's the place that made me.

But you know it's also it's one of those you know, it could make you, it could break you, you know what I mean.

And it's the city of brotherly love. That love. It has always been a tough love, all right.

We got more with Black Thought when we come back, don't move.

It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Morning everybody at j Envy, Charlamagne, the guy we are the Breakfast Club were still kicking it with Black Thought. Charlomagne, I was gonna ask with the roots, when you guys created the roots, When did y'all start making money? And the reason I asked, is because it was new, Like when when the Roots came out, it was something that hip hop hasn't seen on that platform or respected on that platform. So when did the Roots finally break through and was like, nah, this is hip hop's bad.

I want to say around two thousand and six.

So was it hard to always, you know, break into a market, sell it to a promoter because I just remember the Roots so early on and just like this is just so different, and sometimes in hip hop different, it's hard to break through.

It was very hard for us.

It was you know, super difficult to what because we didn't really look or sound or feel like anything else that was that was happening. It was a lot of uh, you know, we always had to prove ourselves right and and you know, I mean it took so long for us to even break even financially, and that's something that just came over time. Uh, you know, just paying those dues on the road, you know what I'm saying, Like you start at one point touring and then you're able to sort of get your stock up just through when you keep coming back, you.

Know what I mean.

So we were able to sort of build on on on that relevance and it was wild. It was like when we finally hit a point, you know, six o seven, you know where we felt like, yeah, you know, all of these years of two hundred plus days on the road started to pay off. That's when, you know, there was a whole seismic shift in the way people started to receive you know, people were receiving music and you know, concert tickets and all that thing. It was, you know, we went through a revolution with the you know, streaming and that whole thing. So and then that's when the Tonight Show opportunity presented itself, and that's what made it make sense. It was like, you know, we had just reached, finally reach stuff.

We hit a stride and and everything was changing.

You know.

So yeah, that that in that uncertainty, uh you know, the the consistency of the day job, in that platform that it would it would represent you know, it looked really good.

Was there a particular moment?

Was it?

Was it a Jay Z using y'all a lot, or like, was it a particular moment that caused that shift?

You know, when we started to make some bread, Yeah, I meant.

Get recognized by enough to where the Tonight Show was like ya want that well.

You know, yeah, and I think it was just over time, man.

You know, we you know, we've been around for I mean blessed enough to have been around for such a long time that you know. A good example is, you know, there's a festival that takes place in in in Denmark and.

Copenhagen every year.

It's called Ross Guild, and uh, you know, we started playing at Ross Guild before we were even you know, allowed on the actual festival grounds, like we were you know, two tenths you know, out on the main strip right and you know, we we worked our way up from you know, the outskirts to the tenth you know, right.

On the borderline to you know, uh you know, third and fourth.

Stages until we came back and we were able to headline, you know with it was the Roots and Bruce Springsteen co headline. So you know, but yeah, that was over you know what I'm saying many years and it's like Roskilda isn't like we've.

Done that around the world, you.

Know what I mean, just because we've been able to keep up appearances. So yeah, yeah, I guess we just paid our dues, you know. Yeah, and then once we got you know, we got into Late Night and we started doing that thing. It definitely represented a change in our career where we haven't been able to tour in that same way. So yeah, everything that we had done up until that point, it's just been a blessing. And it's this sort of thing where we probably had taken it for granted and thought we'd be able to do it forever.

But you know, here we are and now.

Yeah, it's uh, it's just more of a blessing and just a greater opportunity when we do get to go out and still touch the fans.

In that way. Now.

Now, when you decided to write about the altercation you had request love, Yeah, back back in the nineties, you have to ask him if you could speak on that.

No, I didn't have to ask him because he's written about it in one of his books. And it's the sort of thing that you know, like, that's my brother, So I mean, I know if it's good or not, you know, And.

Also that's it's like to me, those are best relationships.

Oh yeah, if you can have, if you can fight and then get over it, yeah, hey man, Yeah.

And you know, it really takes it takes it takes love for somebody to get you that upset, right, you know what I mean, Only my my loved ones have ever really been able to get me that ribbed up, right. So it's it's there's there's something in that. But yeah, you know I was. We were all kids at that point, you know. Now now I'm an adult, so I would I would, I would have dealt with that situation a completely different way.

How long did y'all not speak?

I mean we lived together, maybe we didn't speak for the train ride home.

But it's like once we got.

Back to its and and how was that I had to be uncomfortable?

Awkward? Like, bro, yeah it was.

It was definitely, you know, it was awkward. It was uncomfortable.

You know, It's the sort of thing that I would laugh about, you know, almost most immediately. Like that's just where I come from.

And the name black thoughts, where exactly did that derive from?

It derived from you know, my my, my time as a visual artist and uh, you know, just dealing with paints and you know, just the color palette. I realized that you know, so much more went into you know, arriving at the color black, you know what I mean?

Uh, than than one would think.

There's so many different nuances and colors, other colors that go into you know, arriving at the color black.

So that's sort of what it.

Would it began as, and over time it's it's evolved into something you know, that has taken far, far greater meaning you know both I guess to me and and to you know, to people who support me. So yeah, at the time I didn't think, you know, I wasn't thinking of black thought as the concept of a people you know what I'm saying, But that's sort of what what has come to mean.

Absolutely, Yeah, well man, black thoughts book man, that's right, cyclesycle selves.

Yes, we appreciate you for Jordan said, what do you want people to get out of this book? If they if they can get one thing out of it, what do you want them to get out of this?

You know, if if if one person is able to see themselves, you know, better understand themselves or better understand you know, their path, their their lived experience. If this is going to be you know, an entree into someone else being able to start to work through their stuff, and you know, shed some of those layers of armor that are no longer useful, you know what I mean, those layers of callous and in scar tissue. Then not yeah, then it's it's it's a win. And I've already you know, experienced that. You know, I've already had some of those conversations. So I feel this book has already been helpful.

All right, And y'all get nominated program this year.

I did back a couple of days ago.

Congratulations Black thought the album Yeah, I know, a cappella not even with a beat, wow, just the voice.

Love it bars wow?


Yeah yeah, love love letter to hip hop?

How did that feel?

It feels awesome.

It feels feel awesome like in that moment, I didn't really realize it until, you know, my homie started telling me like, yeah, you know, it was wild, like this is, you know, your first Grandmy nomination, you know what I mean, like outside of the roots. And then another homie hit me was like, Yo, it'd be wild if you win this joint like that's the flex. You ain't even need music, you know.

I said, like, do you still I don't want to say need it, but do you do you like that type of validation?

I do?

I do.

I still appreciate that that that sort of validation. You know what I mean. That's not you know what I do it for, but it definitely uh yeah, I mean it feels. It's great to be recognized, you know what I mean?

Absolutely well, it's black thought. We appreciate you. Pick up his book, The Upcycled Self. It is the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, it's.

Topic time.

Eight hundred five five five one to join into the discussion with the Breakfast Club.

Morning everybody.

It's DJ Envy Charlamagne to God. We are the Breakfast Club. Now if you're just joining us, we're talking about a situation that comes out of blue Face and Krashan's relationship. Now, blue Face allegedly took a DNA test, uh secretly and it proved that he is not the father of their child. So we're asking, is it disrespectful to ask for a DNA test and is it even more disrespectful to secretly doing.

And you got to say, we don't know for sure if like that DNA test and.

What he said is real.

Yeah, we said that leg yes, So I mean he's saying he took it and it's not his, but we don't know for sure.

It don't even matter about them, no, Yeah, let's let's let's talk about the situation.

Yeah, so that is the question.

So, how would you feel if if you were dating somebody, you were pregnant and a dude got a DNA test and you didn't.

Know how serious? Are we like locked in or we just like having fun?

Doesn't matter?

Yeah, yes, it doesn't matter. If we just having fun and like we are honest about the fact that we're dating other people and that happened, I would have to respect it. I would want you to be able to just know me and trust me, but I'll have to respect it because we are obviously dealing with.

Other people, and I would expect you to get a DNA test. That'd be the first thing I'd do. If it was just a girl that I was out here having fun with and she got pregnant, the first thing I'm going to do is say, let's get a DNA test.

But even if you're in a relationship and you feel possibly that baby is not yours, you wouldn't tell a person because that ruins the whole relationship, that relationship, that ruins everything what you might want to know, right, because what's the first thing. Usually a guy's mama say that baby don't look like you. If the baby say that, baby don't look like you.

But you also know too, as a guy, what you're doing and how often you're doing it, and how locked in y'all are.

So I don't know how often the woman is doing it and how much you know.

They could be doing it under each other all the time, though, like that.

Don't mean nothing, really, No, women are like cats. Men are like y'all.

See men when they go out there cheat, they get you know, they they do it in the open, in front of everybody, like you'd be driving. You're driving down the road, you then pass the yard and seeing two dogs stuck together.

You ain't never.

Seen two cats having sex with each other ever. That's why men are like dogs. Women are like cats smarter. So I don't think it's disrespectful, No, sneaky, I don't think it's disrespectful.

You know, to go do what?

Uh you know?

Blue face?

Did you know?

You can't tell people, trust their intuition, trust their gut, And then when they do tell them they're being disrespectful.

Because if a.

Man sneaks and does it, and he's right about not being the father being mad at him for sneaking and getting the DNA test.

That's just a deflection.

But even if the woman really thought that he was a father, yes, but like it's not like she's pinning the kid on you. She just really thought you were the fire.

You put the other options on the table.

You should have put the other the kid.

Did you put the other option on the table?

Said that in the beginning. I said, if we were just having fun, and I'm but if you're.

Not having what if you're in a relationship but you did creep.

Off, well then that's messed up. Of course that's messed up.

So you can't be mad at a person for having some intuition and feeling like they should go get a DNA test.

Not at all.

Hello, who's this hell?


This is hey Jay. Look I want to talk to us.

What's your thoughts.

So I don't think it's disrespectful at all to ask for a DNA test. It is disrespectful to get one behind the parents' back. But you could just straight up everyone and if they deny the dad, get the DNA test and you know they can take them on the court.

I think you got to protect your peace, man.

I get what you're saying, but you know, asking for a DNA test is going to start a whole other audible the household. Correct, So so I wouldn't much rather let me go do this on my own.

But if you do it on your own and then the kid is not yours and you decide to stay, do you didn't have to have a conversation about the fact that you snuck it like it's a whole thing.

No, No, because the reason you stuck was true.

Regardless of what you decide to stay, You're not gonna You're not gonna say nothing to the.

Woman I would be.

I mean, I'm not saying that that can't happen, but I think it's very rare to find the man who snucking did the DNA test, found out the kid wasn't here, and said, I'm just gonna keep this to myself.

I don't know.

It's cold, people need heating a hot bed, you stupid d.

Yes, yes, indeed, what's your thoughts? D this happened to me.

It's not disrespectful to ask for a DNA test, but it's disrespectful all my language, But it is this respectful to go behind my map. It's by my child without without me know, very disrespectful.

I feel like whether we messing around or not.

And I say it's.

Your baby and you believe it, then he's like that, go for it, don't believe it.

Got to get a test, like just.

Be real, Well, technically somebody's back is.

Well, technically I'm not just swapping your child. I'm swapping my child because it's still our child until I find out it's not.

What is the act.

I'm doing it for me around as.

Well, or just I don't want to go through the beef. You know, you know good and well, you're not gonna take that. Well if a man with you and be like I'm gonna put you out, No you're not.

You're only gonna go through the beef if I find out the child is not mine.

Child is hours.

I ain't gonna come on like what the problem?

Just like I feel like, mom, you know what the problem is?

That doesn't He looks like the would.

Make it even worse. If you say that to me, you better be ready.

I say, unless your kids old enough, and they'll be like, mommy, why did daddy put that cute tip in my mouth?



Now you're in trouble in trouble. There is.

There is no woman on earth that's gonna take that well. No a man coming to her saying, I don't think this baby is mine? Can we get a DNA too?

And he looked like the other one is that.

The only way a woman takes that well is if y'all not not in the relationship, if y'all was just sleeping around with each other and you know, it was still I don't think it's like.

She can't you can't really be mad about it, but you still be.

Like if she said the child is yours and you're like, well, I wanted to get a test.

If you're just sleeping around, if we don't have no relationship but we don't know each other, I don't think does it.

You gotta be practical and you cannot be upset. But in the inside and in her group chat, she's gonna be like, y'all know he asked me for it, Like she gonna feel little way a little bit.

Hello, who's this?


This is Race Stair.

Hey Rachel, talk to us. What's your thoughts?

So I'm big on telling everybody, like, get a DNA test, Get a DNA test. It's mama's baby. Daddy's maybe so rather y'all together. No matter what's going on, a DNA test should be had. Nobody have to sneak into it because it should already be something that's disgusted. That's something you should talk about before you even have a kid with a person. I want to make sure there's not ayb I'm gonna get a DNA test.

Yeah, you know, I just thought about something too, Like, you know, if you go to a woman and you ask for a DNA test, if she knows that it's a possibility the baby may not be hers, she probably would get highly highly upset because you only it's two things go have you gethighly upset because you know the baby may not be his? Are you gonna get highly upset because he asked you? But if he asked you and you know it's his, you're probably just gonna be just sitting back waiting to give him that little smirk like now what?

But that's not so I wouldn't get mad like my baby daddy. I was like, please, do you get a DNA test? Like I tried a lot of them and everything, like it's the possibility. I don't know. You know, I'm gonna tell you why I did it though my baby daddy. My baby daddy is from the country in South Carolina. He feels as if he don't have to do anything because it's not proof that it's.

His part from corner.

He's from Dylan.

Yeah, that's country country.

So he feels like he don't got to do nothing without proof. So when I was putting them on child support, I'm like, just get a DNA set. Just get one. Just get one, you know, child support. They asked you, like, do you want to get one? He will not get one, and he finally confessed, like I already knew it was. I ain't had no doubt about it. I'm like, you still should have got one, just for your security, like that black and white paper would have made you feel a whole lot better. That's right, you would not get one, But I feel like everybody still get one. I got five brothers. I been telling my brothers all the time. You don't know what these women do.

That's right.

Even married people y'all think should do this as well too.

No, no, not married people.

I see you just in a relationship with somebody and y'all not committed, or if y'all just sleeping around.

Yeah, I want.

That piece in my life. I don't want to have to go through that.

But I think any any time you have any intuition, any inkling that they may not be all.

Get a DNA test that feeling for a reason.

Hello, who's this?

It was something? Talk to us, brother man.

I used to work with a guy right he found.

Out it wasn't here.

When he was like, where you going?

She said she still and said I'm going to see my daddy.

And he was like, what, so you have to get a DNA test?

I heard as she's from the meditatory DNA.

Once want the woman have the baby? Hu, they're gonna have a DNA test? Is goodbye?


What the hell that? I don't know? Jesus Christ? What's the mother of the story? More the stories?

What I said earlier, If you have any you know inkling, or you know your instincts are telling you it may not be yours?

What's wrong with getting the dnahs?

Moral can also be just pull out?

What are you talking about?

Don't get pregnant by somebody that's gonna have to question you.

You'll get pregnant soon if you go in with the pullout message.

Just what why what I'm just saying.

I want you to get on this radio sometimes and defy Delaware stereo.

We call it dirty Delaware, and all you.

Do every time you get the opportunity to guest holds on Breakfast Club is reinforced the dirty Delaware stereo tech dirt coming from a woman.

They're not using kind of if the person is potentially pregnant, so you're not going to use them.

Guys, don't be like that.

Don't don't with that discuss I don't like that.


It's the Breakfast Club of One.

The Breakfast Club.

Morning Everybody.

It's d J n V Charlamage the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Our special guest host Chris kling his hair.

What's up?

Have we got some special guests in the building.

Our guy you can in his hair?

Yes, with a special guest Klondike Blonde.

We got a future superstar in the building, integrated to you all.

Yeah, no seen, but he hasn't been here. But you can do it every damn thing out there.

Yeah, I mean, I'm good man.

I'm excited about you know, obviously, here to talk about the new show that we launching on b t V H one but just working man, you know how to go just the grinds, doing my morning show thing too. So that's probably why I really ain't been able to be up here.

What's your superstar? Speaking of you the superstars, how do you feel about your son being a better rapper than you guys?



Who you think?

I I go?

I want none of my wax sauce to get on him. So he's doing I'm calling back now.

Somebody said he over the ghost right for you?

He should?

Nah, My son is amazing man, And like seeing like that. You know, when I'm young, kids really got the natural swag like I'll be. He'd be putting me up on the new game and stuff. And the dope thing is he's a rapper, but he's also a producer too, so he's really into that space of like making beats and DJ and gaming and all that stuff. If he wants to do that, I see he really got it. He y'all see him rocking them stage and doing it every night on tour with his mom.

So that's pressure though, right, because he's Nick Cannon's damn right, there's no pressure.

Of being Nick Cannon's.

You're still a superstar, but now being Mariah's daughter and singing yes true, that's the presson. So that's why even with Monroe, we gotta doing things like I taught her how to play guitar. We still I want her to have other aspect. She really wants to be an actress too. She's talking about she wants to go to the Yale Drama School and make sure like if she.

Really gets like she's taking it serious.

And she's already talking about, you know, getting her her degree in theater at Yale. So like just trying to, you know, as a father, trying to really guide them in the direction. And we never pushed it on them, but the fact that now they're really starting to embrace it as they get into the teenage world, really want to cultivate it.

So I'm proud of them. Man, they do it skip with one of your child's moms, Yes a lot. Yeah, any other child mom be like, why do you do so many skits with what's interesting? Because like I mean, everybody kind of got they lane. So like on my morning show, The Daily Cannon, I have, you know, one of the mothers of my children, she's in radio.

She dj Abby Daily Rosa.

So that's kind of her space, so our social commentary and daily conversation, that's her lane. Brie is on selling Sunset and like kind of like a social media gurgle and stuff, So that's her lane, and everybody even behind the scenes, like you know, some of them have like foundations, and we do a lot of philanthropic work.

You'll see that someone literally like doctors.

And writing op EDGs and BCIs, so you'll be able like the people that specifically the mothers and my children that I have in my life, I try to cultivate whatever it is that they're into, and even kind of goes all the way back to the business of like future superstars, Like I feel like I'm in that season. I'm in my era of just helping others and kind of amplifying whatever it is that they got going.

And sometimes it just happened to be my baby mama.

Yeah, that's always been your thing though, I mean you too, man, you don't get enough credit for all that you do is you know, helping people and putting them on and allowing them to shine. So I feel like we're kind of those guys that get to say, all right, if we see something in somebody, we can kind of put the mechanisms.

Around them and allow them to do their thing allfreasons to God. There it is now Klondake Blond, how are you, man?

I'm doing goody? How are you?

I'm blessed?

Black and holl the favorite. Now where did the content of future Superstars come from?


And why Klondike Blond?

Why did why her?


I mean, if you go, she's to go.

She her vibe is punk rock rap like and if you saw her episode that actually just aired, you know this week is really these people have compelling stories. If we remember what VH one was always about, was like we saw the behind the music, and it was really like telling the story sometimes you know it was a retrospective story, but now it's like these are the origin stories.

So this is like before the music. This is in her journey man.

I mean everything that she's gone through in life from you know, there's a lot of tragedy, there's a lot of things to wear. How her music helps with their anxiety and to be able to kind of create your own genre. We went on this tour and I just wanted to highlight and tell the stories of these people that are just more than.

Musicians because we didn't.

We don't have that no more.

We don't have other than platforms like y'all had. But we came up with VH one behind the music, you know, one oh six in partings. So I feel like we can now still be those curators to help this next generation, because I just got frustrated as somebody who has a label and has artists, and like, yo, what happened to that promo run? What happened to putting people on the road, coming into radio stations playing the song, meeting pds and shake your hands, kissing babies, all of that type of stuff, And we did that. I started the tour with Live Nation, and then I put the cameras on it, and you know, now we got you know, a tour, a TV show.

They on the cover of Vibe magazine.

It's like so now it's like this is like that that starter kit of like all right, the way double XL has the Freshman cover, But now we got the cover of the magazine, we got the tour, we got the TV show. So if you see one of these acts, they literally gonna become you know.

The next What you just said is why I feel like it's hard to build superstars nowadays.

One you don't everything is so microwaveable, you know what I mean. Everybody wanted, want it now, and then when they don't want it no more, they on to the next thing. But if you know someone's story, if you know what she went through, if you know you know her relationship, you know with her family and the things that you know how close she is with you know, her brother was one of her biggest fans and had a tragic accident and now she's doing it for her brother. If you know that the songs that you know Ray she has all the tattoos is connected to growing up in a trap house and mom and dad being teen agers. Like when you know that about somebody, when you hear their music, you're like, Okay, I'm connected now, And I feel like this generation of kids they're figuring it out through their phones and social media, but it's never amplified. You never get to see it at a level where you know, hopefully we're doing with super Future Superstar.

So like what you're being from Raley, North Carolina to South, how did you get discovered? Because it seems like no one really looks for us.

Down South exactly, especially in Carolina, right right. So the thing is I did move to Cali when I was twelve.

Okay, so, but this was in the Bay Area.

Even in the Bay Area, I couldn't really like get my name out there like I wanted to. So since I turned eighteen, I moved to Atlanta because I knew, like growing up, I knew that was a spot like to be like to get discovered in to pop off your career. So that's really how I got discovered in Atlanta.

What about the name Klondyke Blonde.

Honestly, it came out of my ass one day, really whatever nowhere, Like I had just cut my hair and bleashit blonde and I was about to upload my first song. I'm looking in the mirror high as hell and I'm like, I'm not feel to upload this song under my government name. So I don't know, it just came to me. I was like, Klondike Bland, this is it. So I really I uploaded this song, I put the name is Klondike Blond, and it's just fuck what.

I mean?

Well, honestly, it's you know, she's kind of truncating her story a little bit, but she was on the grind for a minute and actually had a song that went super viral. A lot of people already her drip record went crazy like twenty thirty million strin and I heard like my kids were singing it off of TikTok and I'm like one of them, annoying ass.

Like I'm back on my d Yeah.

I mean.

I didn't know about it, Like I seen my kids singing it, like what is this damn song and the like you got to make sure it's not something appropriate. Yeah, And it's like, oh, this joint is crazy. And then through our connection, you know, through Frisco Chuck in the Bay and everything. She they who runs incredible music, was like, Yo, this is this is that record? And then we met her and knowing that she was already moving as I was like, yo, this she's a superstar, Like when she walked in the room, like that's a star right there. And then from there I was putting together the future Superstar tour and we're like, yo, we could probably make this work. And you know me, I'm always thinking TV shows, movies, products and all that, and she embodied everything that we were trying to put together with that young energy fact that she already had something that was popping and really just wanted to cultivate, Like yo, when you see somebody. I was like, all right, we're gonna tweak it like this. We're gonna take all that viral sensation and put something on. And I was like, Yo, she's a rock star. So we've been going with this punk rock rap movement that she created.

Do you feel like you had your I made it moment?

Yet I feel like I accomplished everything I said I was gonna do as a kid. But being here and seeing that like I accomplished those things, I still see that I have way further to go.

So I don't think in my head that like I'm where exactly where I need to be.

She's definitely gona write track, but I'm on the right.

Yeah, you definitely almost there.

Yeah, So we got more with Nick Cannon and Klondyke Blam. When we come back, it's the Breakfast Come on, all right, welcome back.

More than everybody, it's DJ env Charlamagne the guy we are the Breakfast Club is still kicking it with Nick Cannon and klondyke Blonde.

Now we taped this in in You yesterday, so Chris Kayln was here Charlamagne. Why why did you just focus on music though?

With future superstars, I think we're gonna I mean, that's just the first show that I wrote out.

You will see a lot more stuff.

I mean, obviously in the space of you know, comedy is where you know, we get off really well, and you know, platforms like wild'n out has birthed so many stars, So I don't I have that place where I can implement social media stars and even comedians and actors because wild'n out is going to continue to go and do do what it needs to do.

So I feel like I have that lane.

And again, part of the music thing for me was people didn't know that there's a lot of people like Nick Cannon does music.

And then then so the fact that is like see this mother, not even just the word music like before I was rapper.

Right now, music.

This music is something every project, all of my successful projects, Charlotte Mane have music in them.

And I'm a musical gospel song with Kim Burrell.

With Kim Ky, I was lying.

I just was like, you know what, I'm not gonna do them like that.

And I'm not even talking about I'm.

So like mass singer America's got talent absolutely all music based stuff, wild'n out every like, and I say this all the time.

I make all the music on wild'ing Out.

But it's just like people just they see the aspect of like drum line, like everything, like everything that I do has a musical vibration to it.

It's just that, you know, for whatever reason, because like this, the narrative is that I haven't been successful.

Nothing to do with me.

You're the corporate you. I only say rap. I don't feel just that music.

You see how the comedian I take the rap the clip back like, but now it's like now now I'm not successful in music like people do those things though, But that's why that's the whole purpose.

Of Future Superstar and itself.

Like we joking, we're friends and shit like that, but it really is educating people to the space of like, Yo, I've been a music executive for over twenty years, but.

Do you think you overworking? We know you had health issues before, yeah, but you it don't seem like you slow down. It seemed like that made you work harder.

Like gave me more.

I mean the clocks start ticking faster, like it gave me like yo, I really had to get serious in that sense of like yo, all right, let's it's bandwidth more than anything.

It's like, all right, I got a lot to do. You know, God ain't done with me.

He's he's blessed me with the opportunity to have gone through some real and now it's like all right, now, let's get your health together. Let's lock in and really focus and make the most of your time. So every day that I wake up healthy, it don't hurt. It's like I got to get to it. Like that's the blessing in itself. So do you really think like the hell yeah, especially like during that time it got dark, like during like you know, twenty twelve to even like twenty sixteen, cause I didn't know and I couldn't get this right. So every time I got one thing rightly, I get a blood clot here, a pulmonary embolism.

I couldn't like my lungs.

Like, So once I got to this space of like all right, I figured out, you know, how to stay healthy and how to stay alive, then it's like that's the constant reminder of like you gotta do something with this.

You got to turn your pain into purpose and and for me that became.

Helping others, like and you know, you go through this this spiritual transition of like, all the things that feed me are probably not the best for me. But when I'm feeding others, that's when I feel the healthiest. That's when I feel the drive to do so. Now I live in that space, I'm like, all right, what can I do to make the world a better place? What can I do to lend a hand to the next artist? And you know that's you know, that's that's that healthy journey for me to where it gives me that drive because I don't feel like I'm busy. I don't feel like I'm doing too much. I feel like, yo, this is this is my calling. This is where I'm supposed to go with it. So, you know, hopefully, however, anymore years I got left, was.

That the reason you started having so many kids?

People say that I don't know, like I if I, if I took the spiritual you might.

Have said it in an interviewer joked around, Yeah, but.

If I'm being serious, it wasn't like I set out to do it. It probably got to that space of like I value being a father, I value life. So I was I was never against the concept. And if we want to have deeper conversations about you know, like what I talk about in therapy and even as as men, it's like there are those times and we've been you know, I call it access to access. I have the ability to do my thing and bro and and a lot of others. Probably I could I could have stopped, you know, and and or even not had the children. But I was welcoming the idea of it and was never against it. People say, or people's opinions about me is none of my business. And and if anything, I take that that low frequency energy and shifted to where it's like all I keep talking because I'm doing the work.

How you how are you women? In Christmas?

It is it low frequency energy? If people say, Nick, why don't you wear conn?

Who told you?

I don't wear condom?

You need the sue you use, the kind of you need your suit?

How do you do it Christmas?

I mean I joked, I say all I'm saying Nick and everything, But it's really structured in a way to where those I kind of take that week and turn it into Christmas week, you know, And and there is because I'm traveling and flying like I'm trying to be every everybody.

And even Thanksgiving was the same way.

I was in five six different Thanksgivings at the time because it's not it's my mom's house, because my grandmother says.

Nobody said twenty minutes, thirty minutes.

I mean dinner, y'all play spas I'm out to the next time do you eat?

I mean, I'm telling everybody. You know, everybody cook different. So the last time you got my white baby mom, I'm not really eating pumpkin pies.

One of your baby mom's breech.

She said, how you juggle your twelve kids for the holidays is your problem, and.

I don't see it as a problem. I think she was saying, like that's it is, but it's I don't.

Involve her, like sheel like a baby Mom's gotta make it easy for you too, right, they.

Do, and that's what I, like, I said, I give them credit to where like even in the process of like they say, this is what we want, and it's everything from Christmas pictures, the slid riding the pictures with saying that our experiences, like I make sure that every kid who wants to do something or we have certain things set up, we make time to go do it.

So I'm all over the damn place. But it's fun.

I mean, y'all see my ig, You see me, like we're having a ball. Like you know how much money I spend at Disneyland a year.

We can imagine a lot. I got six.

Crazy thing is because I used to host Christmas Morning at Disneyland, right, and so I used to get that Disney bag like it was like and it was there were perks, so all of that stuff was free.

No longer for you, it's no longer free. And how we had two kids then.

So like to be twelve and every birthday christ like I'm literally at Disneyland at least once a month, and to move around Disney like I probably I'm probably spending two hundred thousand dollars a year.

Cause you got pay for the chaperone you got.

Didneyland is expensive a top, like if you're trying to stay in the hotel, and now it's it's not how it used to be, like you gotta make reservations and stuff. But so I spending two hundred thousand dollars a year at Disneyland.

You need to give you, like a membership or something.

I used to be an employeed. Like I I'm like, Mickey, can you can I get back in my job? That's what job?

I need back.

But there's any woman that you had a child with, did they feel like they were gonna stop you from doing it and you were gonna be the one?

Did y'all ever have that.

Conversation to them?

I mean, the women in my life are so amazing that they are elevated in the sense that they never tried to change them. They knew what it was and it wasn't like it was just a process because all of them started off as true companions. And I look at them now, like those are the people I talked to, like that's my circle, That's who I That's who I go to when I'm having issues because the world a lot of times is against us. So like we gotta stick together in the sense of like I gotta protect them and they gotta protect me. Even not to generalize them as a group, but just individually, those are the people that I go to when I'm depressed, when I'm the relationship or not.

All right, we got more with Nick Cannon, the Klondyke Blonde.

When we come back, it's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, all right, welcome back. More than everybody. It's dej nv Charlamagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. It's still kicking it with Nick Cannon and Klondyke Blonde. Now we take the cit of you.

Yesterday, so Chris Kaitlin was his and I got a question, Nick, want to get married? Do you look at you see that?

Never again?

Absolutely no. I mean because last time I got I used my words in correctly.

Last time we was having conversation, i'd be forgetting the mixes on it, and I said it was a eurocentric concept. What I really meant is the colonial aspect of marriage. It's a business, and I've been in that business before. I don't want to be in that business no more. It's so much paperwork. I don't want the government to be involved with my love life. I shouldn't have to have a legal document or a contract to let someone know how much I care for them. Now I want to be their protector and that provider. It's kind of like the child support system. If you take care of your children, there's no need for paperwork. Because I want I want my kids to have everything that I own I want. I don't want them to go without at all. I want them to live an abundant life. So I don't need the government to tell me the minimum that I need to pay, because I'm gonna give them the maximum.

So same thing with love and marriage.

If I put you for life, I don't need to be binded by a contract or a ring. And therefore that's in the way those contracts are designed.

That's from a Roman Catholicism approach of how we do it.

There's ways to have unions and covenants and marriages through so many other philosophies and life specifically. You know in our African community from the diaspora, they do it differently, and you know, I'm learning and understanding those processes, but I know you go over to the continent, it ain't about contracts, it ain't about paperwork and rings. It's like, nah, this is my wife, this is my wife, and however that moves around. So the concept of the American society marriage, I'll never do that again. But who's to say I can't find a life partner that I'm a rock with. I'm wen't know, Like were in that state where It's like, by the time I'm in my sixties, I want to be on an island or the top of a mountain in Tibet somewhere with somebody I.

Could rock with forever.

So I'm living like cam A Lliles actually told me a long time ago.

He said, I can't tell you to get married, but I can tell you you should always have somebody to share you experien.


He you like that, I can see myself doing that. And then the fact that people like, aren't you worried about getting lonely, Like I got twelve kids, they never gonna be homeing somebody coming over, like.

But even with that, that's scary too though, right because I read something where it said you spend seventy percent of all the time you're ever gonna spend with your kids between one and eighteen.

That's when you.

Think about it, that's probably true. Many times. You've probably seen your parents as you get it an become an adult and you're out in the world trying to pick things out.

And then even when you think about like the time that they spend at school and sports and stuff like that, there's other people with your children throughout the day more than you are, and I'm learning that too, because I'm trying to be present at all of these games, and you know, I'm picking them up from school and knowing the teachers and spending time at the recitals, and it's like, I want them to at least see my presence there because I know there's gonna be a time where I'm on a film set for two months. There's gonna be time where I'm on tour over here. So I want them to see me every free time that I can. Because when you think about the person with the average person, one are nine to five from eight am to three of them, they are under the supervision of a completely different adult.

And then even by the time you get get to where you tired, they tired.

You might get to see your kids what from six to eight and then y'all sleep and then again like so like the average because with my with my therapist, we've done the the math on it. The average time that a parent spends with their kids a day is less than three hours. And then when you think about like that's why weekends are so important, that's why vacations are so important, because that's when they really get to know you, and that's when you really get to it's all. It's about the qualitative approach, and it's really about creating as many core memories in that amount of time that you possibly.

Your therapist talks about average parent, you ain't talking about you, right, no, because.

Clearly, but that's what to me.

I'm trying to go above and beyond.

When it comes to that that parenting aspect, because I'm trying to create the best core memories as possible. Because core memories can be in a positive light or in a negative light. So you know, I don't ever and that that's all about keeping your word. That's all about managing expectations, because if I tell my kids something, I'm gonna make sure I do it. And and you know, obviously I have a strong support team that helped me accomplish a lot of that. But again, you know, is as important as it is to sit back and analyze these things through therapy.

Uh And I mean you know this very well.

It's like you're.

Constantly trying to grow. You're constantly trying to figure out how can I be a better dad? And considering the circumstance, I.

Saw the mask Guttie Murphy too. To give you some advice.

Did you see that?

I love it.

I was waiting for the advice.

Absolutely, not.

Eddie quick too, because he was.

I look up to the Eddie Murphy's, to the Bob Marley's, to the Muhammad al Lei's, to all to the Doctor Saves, to all these people who have giant families and providing for them all in all of their When you talk to anybody in Muhammad Ali's, can anybody in the Marley family?


They love their father so much and they like, man, my father was amazing.

Like that.

I hope and pray people look at me the way my children look at me, the way that Eddie's children look at him.

I hope and pray that.

You know the way that people admire Muhammad Ali is the father that he was. Like that's hopefully, you know, ten fifteen years from now, my children are saying those type of things about me.

Well, we appreciate you for joining us. Nick Cannon and Klondyke Blonde.

Clondyke Blonde next door like is it a project dropping?


What is it?

We are working on a lot of records right now within the punk rock rap little genre.

She and that vibe that that little uzzy, that juice world that she's like that whole festival vibe. So she you know, you're gonna see her doing a lot a lot of shows and like, yeah, she got the tatted Up record out right now that's streaming going crazy. You know, the tattoo world is a real world that she's embraced and living and like her punk rock rap music is gonna is gonna go up. So she's one of those artists that stream. Like again, that was one of the issues created. Like you heard the song, you heard the song on TikTok, you know that, but you never see the person. Now we're gonna turn her into the superstar that she needs to be and you know, allow her fans to kind of touch her in the way that you know it be.

Hopefully we take it to that level with.

All on Incredible. I know, Justina Valentine.

Hitman holler, yeah, those are I mean, there's a plethora of acts that we're working with. And again I don't like to be like, oh, you're signed to Incredible, but these are the people from the artists that you see on you know, even people like DC. Young Fly is an amazing artist. It's just that we gotta line it up for when it's time to focus on his music because he's doing so many other things. So the artists that we're focusing on at the moment is Klondyke, hit Man, and Justine are the ones that you're gonna see in the like within the next sixty days dropping and you know, we got a lot of Season two of Future Superstars is gonna be a whole nother run.

He's until you got to come to Charleston.

We do have some talent percent.

I mean, you got Caroline.

You can hear some awesome thing.

You know.

We we are.

We are Carolina right here, Carolina over here. I'm gonta be there tomorrow.

My grandmother just turned hunting at four. Yeah, shouts out to Kareem Cannon. Happy birthday, So spending my great absolutely Cannapolis, North.

Carolina, Connapolis.

What's that next to Concord, Charlotte.

All right, well it's the Breakfast Club? Is Nick Cannon, Klon Dake Blind, Thank y'all, let's go.

It's time for Donkey of the Day. So if you ever feel I need to be a donkey man, be with the heat.

Did she get the name? Please?

Doesn't I had become donkey of.

The day the breakfast club. Bitch, you're a donkey, michael On Red.

There you go.

Donkey today goes to a man in Fort Mayers, Florida named Kevin. Now, what does your uncle Shalla always say about the great state of Florida?

Staying with me?

People, they're crazy as people in America come from the Bronx and all of Florida, and today's donkey of today is no different. Now, I don't know if this man's name is actually Kevin, but that's what he said his name was, and I don't know if that's really his name, because this man made some other claims that make me.

Feel like I don't know if we could believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

And because this man is just running around saying things that we don't know if we can believe, we the people need to get this man off the street and get him some help. And now I know it's just saying I know, it's just saying, Charlamagne. Since when do you want to get people from Florida some help? Well, that should let you know the severity of the level of donkey we are dealing with. Would you like to know what Kevin's claims were let's go to NBC two for the report.

Please here at the McCastle in household on Shadowy Road, it was all but a typical Thursday evening.

We were eating dinner with myself and my two daughters, and we heard.

A noise at the door.

Oh but nobody was knocking. Instead, this random man was inviting himself in for a bite to eat. Brian got up from the table and found this guy standing right in his living room.

It was in he was in the house.

He started telling me that he was a ghost and that I shouldn't be able to see him.

That's right, this guy thought he was a ghost.

He was shocked that I could seem him, thought he was walking around and that nobody could see.

Brian is barely able to believe what he's seeing.

I could tell his behavior was not normal. Who knows what this person might do, you know, if they had a chance to think.

After causing this scene inside, this guy who claims his name is Kevin, came running outside to where a crew was cutting down a tree. He hopped up in one of their trucks and locked himself inside. So at this point, this man barged into Brian's home. He thinks he's a ghost, and now he's locked inside a tree cruise truck.

I think it's all wild.

After coaxing the man for a while, the tree trimmers were finally able to get him out, where he then took off wearing nothing but his bathing suit.

Let me tell you something, man, If you come to my house with a bathing suit, no shoes or anything else on, and I'm in there eating with my daughters and you are advancing into my house, you get into my house and you claim to be a ghost, I promise I'm gonna make your claim come true.

That's right.

You may not have been a ghost when you entered, but you shall be a ghost when you leave. Okay, if you die, slow my full fourth, make sure all your kids don't grow. Look, man, here's the thing I know. This man is probably dealing with some form of mental illness. Within that moment when someone invades the peace that is your house, you in there with your kid is the first law of nature is self preservation.

I gotta protect me in mind.

And at this point I don't know what your angle is, but if you're coming in talking about you a ghost, I don't have no choice but to defend myself because you might be trying to make me one.

Okay, I don't know if you're a friendly ghost or a demon. We don't know.

If you cast for a Freddy Krueger slim Off and Marion Morgan from The Ring. You're breaking somebody's house talking about you a ghost, then you deserve to get sent to your makeup and becoming the ghost of Christmas past. They said he was wearing nothing but a bathing suit, no shoes or anything else. You know, another way to look at it. That's not a ghost, that's a crackhead. Okay, maybe Matho all right, maybe bath salts, maybe finty beauty by fifty I mean fentonyl All I'm saying is I know drug head behavior when I hear it. This man was feeling for a hit, so he was doing what drugheads do, breaking and entering and stealing stuff looking to make money to get it next hit. See what happened is he didn't expect for these people to be home. And I have to commend the father here because he knows rule number one when dealing with a full blown crackhead.

Okay, you must remain.

Calm, all right.

It's like if you saw a bear or ladies, when you see that guy you left on read Claudia, you can you understand that, right, you just just remain calm. But the moment Kevin realized he wasn't invisible and could be seen, that's when he knew maybe, just maybe, he probably was still high.

Okay, yes, this man was.

Clearly still under the influence, because whenever I'm high, you can't tell me I don't have superpowers like invisibility or mind reading.

But that's a whole other topic.


I agree that we need to find this man some help, right, but first we have to find him.

So they are asking if you have any information that might help investigate us, you can submit an anonymous tip that SWFL crime stoppers are call one eight hundred seven eight old tips. But I am a person who loves to see things from both sides, and I've lived long enough to know to always be skeptical. But listen, so Kevin says he's a ghost, I take a step back. I think to myself, what if we are the ones trip? What if he's not a crackhead and he is indeed a ghost?

Who you gonna call.

Something strange.

That's all I'm saying. Who you gonna call?

That's right?

Maybe he identifies as a ghost.

Maybe he identifies as a ghost. Right, that's right?

Or what you're absolutely right? Please give this man who identifies as a ghost, Kevin the big as he Hull all right, and we can't deny him if he wants to identify as a ghost. Who are we to say he can't be a ghost?

I don't know. That's a good question. Crazy, that's a good question. Well, thank you for that. Donkey of the day.

The breakfast Club God.

Let everybody is DJ Envy Charlamagne the God. We are the breakfast Club. We got a special guest in the building.

Forty. What's happening?

Broken back?

Right on?

Man? You know what I'll be wondering, eat forty? Do you cook the Thanksgiving?

How do you let somebody else.

Get my mother in law, father in law, my wife, and my son iron skillet Master?

Do you take the breakiving on Thanksgiving?

I'll take the break I can find all the beverages.

Okay, okay, okay, Well why do you take a backseat on Thanksgiving?

They cook better than me?

Bro Really yeah, I'll go crazy, but you know when it comes to Thanksgiving foods like you know, dressing, and my mother in law make these these them, you know, the yams over it, Ruth Chris, the sweet potato castle.

Marshmallow it she do better than she has. What is it?

Walnuts? Is walnuts on their pecan? She do it better than that, Like, she do it better than the Ruth Chris sweet potato castle. Yeah, so stuff like that. Wife, you do potato salad and all that, and chicken spaghetties and not your normal chicken spaghetti too. We'll talk about all that. But I'm hungry right now because you think it's red sauce, but it's not.

It is not red sauce. Nah, you can't.

You've about to see your ingredient.

I can't because I'm a co packet. It's already in motion like the ocean.

Okay, okay, we got going to spoon the book with you and you in Snooper on the cover. So you and Stoop this did this together? Can Snoop cook?

Snooky cook? He got his little you know what I saying, his little wickles that what does he cook?

So he liked to do fried chicken and stuff like that, you know, I'm just all over the place, like space with mine.

I'm liable to do.

You know, some orange ruffy or something with some panciered orange roughy with some almonds, almonds and some butter and some white and white wines.

I saw you do that the other day. I saw you do a mozzarella stuff turkey meating.

Yeah, go crazy.

I don't even eat cheese, but I'm like, man, I would have to taste some of that.

It's delicious.

Brother, Yes, where do you evens?


Just being being greedy? Being greedy straight up? You know, I've been cooking for many moons.

I used to work at this restaurant in Benicia, California, called the Kamonos Restaurant. I started off working in the I was a teenage started off working in the kitchen, washing dishes in the pantry. Next thing, you know, a guy by the name of Lewis. He was the main chef there. And this place was like a to me, it was like a Michelin Star restaurant. A lot of rich people go there, but it wasn't. They wasn't giving out Michelin Stars at that time. But if they was, that definitely would have been it because dude taught me how to make orange.

I talked about orange, ruffy chicken.

Gordon blue a scargo UK stand me, London London broil, you know, just all kind of just elegant stuff, you know, and so uh but you know along with magazine Street you know, top Ruman noodles with eggs and stuff like that. Yeah, stand me, I just go crazy. I just do with what I feel taste best. You know what I'm saying. I love making ox tails and a power pressure cooker, ox tails, short ribs, it's a gumbo things of that nature.

This is interesting because you know, I've wondered where the because I love watching you.

I've been telling you this. I love watching you on Instagram and seeing you cook. So your family come from a family of cooks and you worked in the restaurant.

Absolutely wow.

Yeah, you surprised with the receptiveness that you get from the cookie because I almost seemed like it, like I see more people loving more the cooking than.

Some of the music at times.

Hey, you know people people love music, and but they love food more than music. I think, period, don't you think? So when you wake up in the morning, you're trying to hear music how you want to eat kind.

Of both, you know, yeah, you kind yeah, it kind of go hand in hand a little bit.

So you know, so in twenty fourteen, I got a power pressure cooking, So that's when I started making all the all the meals and stuff like that. And then you know what I'm saying, me and be Legit got a song. Beler just said the goon with the spoon. You know what I'm saying, And we said on a couple of songs and whatnot, and I was like, you know what I started. I started hashtagging gooon with the spoon, and then I told my boy cousin Feet to have his guy go make the logo.

So he went and made the logo. And so I feel like, you know how.

You got McDonald's, and you got RB's, and you got Jack in the Box and so on and so forth. You know those logos they subliminately in your head. That's what I want to do. When I got the vector, I put the vector on the on every post that I did, when I made the when I did the cooking, so you would always see gooon with the spoon down at the bottom right hand corner. And so I knew what I was doing because I knew I was finna go into co packing. So now the gooon with the spoon is just not just me just on Instagram. I'm a it's a brand, like I co packed. Like I got going with the spoon, ice cream, six different flavors, I got going with the spoon, sausages, chicken, Terioki, pineapple, Philly chicken, cheese, steak, and mild beef and hot beef. I got gooing with spoon, burritos, you understand me, and many more to come. So now we got the book and Snoop Dogg was like, he said, nephew, come on, man, listen. Well uncle, I'm you know he called you Biace left you. But man, let's go. Let's do something man. Because he was already in the he already got his own book. It's a best seller too, and so he had the outlet, and I was like, you know, it's only right. You know, I don't have no pride problem. You know that's the problem with people. They got Priday. You know what I'm saying, put your pride to the sides, you know what I mean. I'm like, we're better person to let you know what I'm saying. Put it out on the platform. It's everywhere now. So it's out now the gun with the spawn.

And going with the spot. You weren't be Legit wasn't talking about cookie.

It's a double untiondre.

But it's a good way to turn a soul called negative into a positive.

So check games.

So I feel like, you know how when you play basketball, a lot of people like say like say, for instance, we got when we got McCaffrey on our team of the forty nine ers, my cousin had Dallas cowboy boy fans. Yeah he was for real, you think so? And he was like, you know, we talked big Bronco to each other, and I ain't talking about Denver Broncles.

That's just a phrase I said.

And he was like, I ain't gonna lie care for your dog, right so that the dog is not a dog in a bad way. It's like you know what I'm saying, Like that's just like being a beast. So you know why can't be a goon with a.

Spoon cut tract.

Yeah that's right now that you did mention basketball, can we tell Warriors a little bit? You Warriors, Draymond Green, just just you know, grab the poor light skinned brother, out his damnit, out his shoes.

Man, what you want me to say? What you want?

You're talking to me?

You know, I'm not feeling to go against Draymond.

First and foremost, he's shopping in a porcupine spine and he observes everything. And most of the time when he said we run rewind the tape, yes, when they called some bad stuff.

On him, he right most of the time.

So I'm just rocking with Draymond because when he when he reacts on something, I take his opinion.

I know I'm rocking with Raymond.

He's realm and he should. That was my favorite NBA.

Player And nobody do nothing to none of his team especially and stuff.

Absolutely, and you don't win championships without a Dramonday protective because because it was Roman Rodman was a fool with it.

Was He was a fool, they was. They was with it.

You needed for the Pistons back there, they were fools with it.


Now, Now there was an incident that happened in the Sacramento when you were out at the playoff game.

What happened during that time?

Man, I just was just being me, Man, I was just sitting courtside like I always do. I just so happened to go to Sacramento. I just did a successful bottle sign that Total Wine with all my liquor brands. The line was wrapped around the building. I know Sacramento loved me dearly, and just a heckler in the background and you know, just was drunk or whatever.

I just I just was like, tell me to sit down.

I was.

I was what, I'm at the basketball I'm front row, you like behind me like three rollers up or whatever. He can't tell you new to this.

I've been doing this this Mobe Dick was a gold Fisher did and so she was like me to say down again. And I look back and I didn't cut her out or nothing. I said, hey hey, And next thing you know, the security came in. We just put it this way, man, We got it straight because I know this Sacramento loves me. I know Sacramento king fans love me, and the owner got big love for me. As a matter of fact, I'll be at the gold One Center what December. December got a big show there. So they own that building. So were rocking, all right.

We got more with Eve forty when we come back so don't move. It's the Breakfast Club.

Good morning Morning.

Everybody's DJ n V. Charlamagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. We're kicking it with E forty Charlomagne.

I know, I know you're here to talking about your your twenty seventh solo album, Ruler Thumb.

But you know we can't way more than that. I don't know why to keep putting twenty more than that. You're thirty thirty something, Damn Jesus, because you got to put my EPs up in that thing, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, my solo epiece, Mister Flamboyan came out in eight, nineteen eighty nine.

Do you count the compilations too, Like, no, no compilation.

I ain't even count the compilations or the albums with the click. Yeah, I've been doing this since uh Comra Defraud was a probably.

But you know, a couple of weeks ago November November ninth, nineteen ninety three, Federal album Drop.

It really was nineteen ninety two. We used to play it up a year because we was in the we. When you say when we, when you talk about independent, we was the real independent. Like yeah, Stanley, I'm talking about using City Hall Records as our main hub, and UH music people, we didn't have a big distribution deal, you know, until like ninety four when Jive Records and every label that that did rap music, they had a big bid and wore on me, and uh they wanted you know, they wanted me stick with It Records, they wanted us, you know, and Uh, I went ahead and went with job. But now they put the We used to always put it up a year because it would take some time to get to other states. And when it did get to other states, we wanted to soak in. We didn't want them to think the album, the album or the EP is old.

It's just our method.

My uncle Saint Charles, I'm sure y'all heard me speak of Uncle Saint Charles. That's my mother's brother blood so you know, everybody say uncle, this uncle, that's my that's my bloodline. And he, you know, helped you know what I'm saying, Uh, the Boy and Master P and many of us. You know what I mean from the beginning, because Master P used to be out there with us in the Bay Area in Richmond, California. So PC and how I was doing it, he was doing his thing too, but he wasn't doing it on the level that he was doing it when he once he got to with Saint Charles and then he just took it to big heights. So it's been and that's my brother right now to this day.

So it's been thirty one years since Federal.

Then not that.

In nineteen ninety two, Dang came in And what does your mind go when you think about that?

It was gonna start off as an EP because that's what we was doing when you do solo stuff back then. It was and I just have too much gas, and uh, I was like, man, let me, you know what I'm saying. Let me just go in and ask the more songs to to make it an album. And that's the mind frame I had a lot to stay, being fresh from the soil and way ahead of my time.

Do you remember the impact it had?

Yeah, walked again. I'm the dopest bro. Only only suckers and clowns can't see it. You know what I'm saying.

I'm I'm above, I'm beyond what they think. You know, you go back and listen to all my old stuff, you listen to my new.

Slaps right now. Rule of thumb. You understand. I'm the epitome of mob music.

I've been in every era from the you understand me, the black Fists in the air with the you know, with the with the African medallion in the late eighties to you understand, to the mob music area to the G funk to the South music with cash Money and and and a Bar and MJG and all all these casts. You understand me, master P. I'm the Hyphee movement. I'm just everything all in one.

You think that with them celebrating fifty years of hip hop, they celebrated you the right way.

Yeah, I was. I was part of a lot of it. I was part of all dead.

They invited me to pretty much everything everything. You think they celebrated the beta right way. I think they reached out, took me and Short was there, and they reached out to you know, Hammer, Hammer already said he you know a lot of them reached out to him. People didn't know that, but you know, Hammer chose to do what Hammer do.

He he'd o G.

I got nothing of love for him. You know, Hammer wasn't even tripping. I don't know why, but I didn't ask you. But that's my big Bro.

You know what's interesting when you say about how you've been able to transcend through every genre, it's because your flow and rhymes have always been so unorthodox.

They don't fit a time period anyway.

Absolutely, it's no time limit. That's real, bro.

Nobody could bite it, nobody. I don't even know what I'm gonna do when I get in the vocal. If I don't know what pattern I'm gonna do, I don't know none of that.

I just do it.

I'm a professional beat picker, and I know I'm ahead of my time, you know, cause I like to do things that's innovating. I like to do what everybody else don't. Even my slaps. I like them to be up temple, I like them to be slow.

I do it all.

So I'm just I love to talk about the you know, the hard times, the struggle climb up the ladder, trying to climb up the ladder and climb up and you know.

Get over the fence of the ghetto.

You know what I'm saying, because that's what we all, that's what we all worked hard for us to, you know, provide our family with uh, you know, with a better life.

Was it between forty that did Federal and E forty that did Rule of Thumb.

The difference between the FOYD that did Federal and the FOID that did Rule of Thumb is now I the things I would have said back then, I think things out, you know what i mean. Like back then, I was just a young, hard headed, managed little dude, you know what I'm saying, just just spitting what I spend.

Now I'm more of a I'm more of a teacher, you know.

And when I did talk about like trigger play and sliding and you know what I'm saying and all that whole spinning the block and all that stuff, it.

Was it was never.

Like glorifying.

It was never glorifying. It was I'm a storyteller. I'm a poet.

You know.

I got a verbal paint brush. I paint pictures with my lyrics. So that's one thing I've always did. And I talk about the consequences and repercussions about the situation. A lot of cats, don't you know what I mean. If you do this, this could happen. You can lose a love one. You know, they gonna take it out on somebody else.

You know what I'm saying. This is how this thing goes, I spit all that, you know.

We had a Coco Jones urepare one time and she was talking about one of the first times she ran into you, you remember, I.

Saw but.

I go up to him and I was like, oh my gosh, like you had just seen my cover, my uh my freestyle of your thinking about on wilding out and he was like, yeah, Nation.

I was like remember.

I was like, because I feel like I'm like I gotta get away, get away, you know, and.

He was like that's good, that's good.

I was like, all right, I walk away and I'm talking to my manager.

I said, what's the rhymes?

Who was that anymore?

My manager goes, girl, that's e forty No.

I was like, oh no, I don't remember. Bro all right, well I don't.

I know what she's talking about, but I don't remember. And I wasn't drunk. She said that the rock Nation rock me, she said.

She walks up to you and she just started rap and bust around.

Don't I don't, I just.

Because because I've seen her saying something about she said, I said shorty? Was it shorty? I don't even that ain't even in my vocabulary basic for that's basical for fody water. You know what I'm saying, I say some ways looking in that. So you know, maybe she was just I don't know, maybe she thought I was somebody else. I don't know, because me and Buster we got we rapped different, two of the most creative rappers on earth. And you know, maybe she thought that or something. But we don't look alike or nothing, you know, but that's my guy, you know. But I don't recall that.

But hey, it is what it is.

It's you know, everybody don't know me because I've been around, like I say, ever since.

You know, Yogi Bear was.

A Teddy Bear, you know, the late eighties. You feel me, and so you know, maybe she didn't know me. Really, you know, I don't. I don't get offended this gravity.


I got to ask these one liners that you have forty do you write them down?

Because you have a one liner for everything you must If you had to count how many one line as you do, it has to be thousands a day.

I just got memory like a spelling bee sick.

What I'm saying, You don't write it down and nothing, you just I just I just you know, log it in. You know, I heard porky pone spawn. I heard like a tab pole this morning. I said he was young as a mustache.

I just heard so many plenty.

If you sit down with me, man, you hear a whole bunch of stuff. It just come out natural, like an afro.

We appreciate you for joining question.


The book is out right now. Of thumb is out right now.

Yeah, twenty three slaps back to back. Stopped playing with water forty.

It's the breakfast Club.

Good morning, the breakfast Club.

Everybody, EJ N G.

Charlamage the guy We all the breakfast club now, charlamone, you got a positive?

No positive notice simply this man, Be careful what you wish for others, because it just might get to you. All right, to wish bad things for somebody else is actually like looking for something bad to happen to you, because when you wish bad karm on somebody else, you bring bad karm on yourself. Okay, you are consuming and bringing in negative vibes into your life. Instead, be the person you wish they were. Be the person who brings only positive thoughts and good vibes into their own life, because being negative yourself will only bring negative into your life don't poison yourself hoping somebody else will die.

All right, breakfast club bitches, You y'all finish or y'all done.