Shoot Your Shot and Tami Roman Interview

Published Apr 17, 2017, 3:30 PM

Monday 4/17 - Today on the show a listener tried to shoot her shot at her friend after they had a night of drinking and they hooked up, but it didn't go in her favor. Also, Tami Roman stopped by to promote the new seasons of "Basketball Wives". Also, Charlamagne gave Donkey of the Day to Steve Stephens for going on a killing spree.

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Fifty percent right special year, I love you fifty percent right. Rat to sit down didn't become the most prominent form for you. Wait your ass up early in the morning. But they told me it was, y'all. I said, oh, hell yeah, I'm getting the things us morning ship say three people's choice. Actually, unless I got you, maybe people. I can't believe you guys are the basket. Look if we know this breakfast club petition. Good morning Usa yo yo yo yo yo yoo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo. Good morning Angela. Yee hey, good money. He's amby showing me the guy past to the planet. It's monday, Yes, it's Monday. Back to the work week. Good morning. Yes, different type of week for me this week. That's right. Your book comes out tomorrow, My first book. My first book drops tomorrow. Drop on the clues bombs for that damn it. Black privilege opportunity comes to those who created. Make sure you go pick that up now you can, have you up. Have we interviewing you? Um, if y'all have read the book, interview to Okay, Angela, you read it all right? I haven't done by tomorrow. If I got time tomorrow, the morrow's a busy day for me. I got I got to view tomorrow. You know, I got Colbet, I gotta do Elvis Terrain. It's a lot going on tomorrow. If I got time, guys, I have time for you guys. I'll fit you guys into my schedule. That's all right, busy book pass, we'll pass on you, pass on me. We're gonna pass some time. We'll cancel that interview. You know, that's all good. We'll cancel. Let me know. Shout that. Everybody got from Corryben, Kentucky at to do a show in Kentucky and I had to go to a place called Corbin, and I kept asking, hey, how's Corban. It was like, they don't like black folks out in Corban. I don't think they like black folks in Kentucky unless they're playing basketball for the Wildcat. But it was actually nice. It was me and Flow at him. Floor Rider performed Oh that's black. Contrary to popularly, Floor Rider's blood back. You know he brought out he brought out Gorilla Zo Black. Yes, it was a dope show. It was actually really really good. It was in the crowd. It was maybe three four thousand people there. I've seen about three I haven't heard that name in a long time. Gorilla Zone. I think Gorilla Zoe is signed the Floor Ride. If I'm not mistaken. Gorilla Zo got some records. It was. It was a dope show. I mean, Gorillazo got a classic. You got hood, hood and words a classic, right, especially with the remix with Jeezy on it. Yeah, it's what's happening. No, only get it cracking already heard about your baby. You can stop to acting to say, I'm drunkn in the mother a hide and the kite. Let's mind in my cell phone in the same night. Now it's Gorilla Zoe from Miami Atlanta. I was confused. I didn't know Atlanta. Right, let's go from Atlanta. I don't know, but they were there, so I ran into them over the weekend. And then of course Easter. I have so much. I have more fun Easter than my kids. I do an Easter egg hunt every year, and I had all the eggs and I get so excited about that. My kids looking at me, kids, do we have to do this? But still I get so excited every year. It's just fun. I think you just like being neckd under the bunny suit. That's what I think. I wasn't naked. I just hit the eggs. That was it. I didn't dress up as the East egg Bunny this year. Did you lay any eggs? No? It's sad that they don't even let Jesus headline East. Jesus don't get the headline. None of his own holidays. No, Jesus don't get the headline. His birthday. You don't get the headline the day he was resurrected. You got the Easter Bunny, the Cadberry Bunny. All kinds of stuff that's in the box come before Jesus on Easter. Actually I'm I'm in La and I actually went out and did an Eastern brunch as well yesterday. It was an adult brunch though. Yeah, it was an Eastern brunch for adults. So there was a bunny. Yeah, it didn't have anything to do with that. But they had chocolate eggs. How many eggs did you get? Like ten of them? All? Right? There you go. You know the whole story of Jesus. People used to paint their bodies and they used to go hide and then they play hide and go for on a kate and whoever found who would have sex with each other. So he was man, man, you have sex with that guy. You're a woman, find sext to the woman. You have sex to the woman. That's the whole thing of I've never heard that. That's why the bunny represente because the bunny is a symbol of sex. That's why Playboy uses the bunny. Hall Drop one, the clues bombs, Charlomagne, the gott all. That's for me in my next books called The World Star Hip Hop Conspiracy Theories. Okay, when my first book is out tomorrow, black privilege, opportunity comes to those who created damn it. All right, well, all right, well a lot of things happen over the weekend, so we have that for you. And front page news, all right, keep it locked it the breakfast, local morning. Let's get in some front page news now, NBA, let's start off. Cavaliers beat the Paces one on nine, one o eight. They barely got by the Paces. Bucks beat the Raptors ninety seven eighty three, Spurs beat the Grizzlies one eleven eighty two, Jazz beat the Clippers ninety seven ninety five. Now at Sunday night, the Wizards beat the Hawks one fourteen one O seven. The Warriors beat the Blazers one twenty one, one on nine. The Bulls beat the Celtics one O six, one on two. Isaiah Thomas though had thirty three points. He was playing pretty good. And his sister died over the week, and she was twenty two years old. She cracked. They believe maybe she fell asleep. They really don't know what happened. And we have some audio of Charles Barkley talking about before the game. I said Thomas was crying, and Charles Barkeley talks about it. I'm not feeling comfortable with him sitting on the sideline crown like that. Uh, that makes me uncomfortable. So that tells me he's not in shape to play. I mean, I don't know how this Knight is gonna turn out, but to be sitting on the sideline a few minutes before the game crying, that makes me uncomfortable for him. That's just that's just not a good look in my personal opinion. I understand what Charles Barkley was trying to say, but he didn't say it sounded very not compassionate. Yeah, because he picked the Boston Celtics to actually win Game one. So what he was trying to say was I don't feel comfortable about the Celtics winning this Game one because of the emotional state out there Thomas is in. But he left out about ten different words. I mean, it sound like he just did not even understand why there Thomas was crying at all. And the Rockets beat the don the last night one eighteen to eighty seven. That let's talk about this. This guy that killed somebody on Facebook, this coward. Yes, Steve Stevens. He's thirty seven years old in Cleveland, Ohio. He's suspected of killing seventy four year old Robert Godwin on Sunday. It was in a residential area in Cleveland. Now, Steve Stevens had posted on Facebook and he said to his I guess ex girlfriend, Joy, you was my everything and you betrayed me. So what I would like to say is f you, Joy. You made me do what I did today, and everything that's happening and going to happen is because of you. It's your fault. Now, he was on Facebook Live and I guess he felt like he was just gonna go out and kill random people. Here's what he said on Facebook. The love of my life works. Her name is joy Lane. We've been together three years. We're supposed to get married, but it was just some bush that I just couldn't get with it with her anymore. But anyway, she's the reason why I'm making this video, and she's the reason why I what's my tipend today because she can feeling me crazy And now I'm just on some murdered type. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to kill as many as people as I can over here and him, because you know, I've never really been on the sucker like this is some sucker. Hopefully, I'm gonna try to kill many people as I can't be on death row or whatever the case may be. And he says he has killed other people. By the way, they haven't found any of these victims, but he claims that there are other homicide victims. Here's the thing, Steve, Now we know why Jolia doesn't want to be with you anymore, and he definitely made the right decision. Yes, And number two, you just need to die, Like I don't understand why you sell yourself. Why are you killing him? To some people. When people get to that point. If you get to that point before you go out and say I'm gonna kill other people, just kill yourself. Get it out the way. You don't want that, don't want to be here, stupid if you if you don't want to be here anymore, just get rid of yourself. Used to suddenly Grandpapa's goal to his family come and man literally be seventy eight years old and had to die a sucker death because of you had. Yes, the actual shooting was on Facebook. They did, of course take that down, but imagine having to see your grandfather or your family member on his way. It's just awful. And they haven't found him yet. And that's what they still haven't found him. They found out their grandfather got killed on Facebook. You know what I'm saying, Like people probably was hitting them, like yo, do you two were just having your grandfathers on Facebook? You're like, what, my grandfather got no Facebook pad. Now they're saying that he could be driving to New York or Pennsylvania. They believe, don't come here. We don't need those problems. We've got enough terrorists and they are still looking for They are still looking for himself. If you see him. They said they got over three hundred tips so far. A white Ford fusion with temp tags. White father was looking this morning on my way to work, I was looking for white for fusion. Can a white Ford fusion with temporary tags making from Cleveland to New York? It's a bottom on hundred thousand miles on that white for fusion right now, by the way, come on now with timp tags. I'm assuming this new. He just got it, so it could make it. You gotta stop at all kind of gas stations. Cleveland is a long way from hire Cleveland in the Midwest. Yeah, with that forth fusion, nough, he could get about four five hundred miles, don't you think so? Hell? Yeah, all right, well that's front page news. Tell them why you're mad eight hundred five eight five one o five one. If you're upset, you need to vent callers right now. Also tell them why you blessed, maybe had a great week and maybe had a wonderful easter. Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. Phone lines of wide open call us right now. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club, Yo, DX. You know what makes me mad? But truth can't handle them truth, I tell him why you mad? Want the breakfast club? Hello? Who's this? Well from the VA? Why are you mad? Bro? I'm mad and really ruled my used to me. Yeah, you lived till you seventy eight years old to diet the hands of one of these new ND words cow man, Oh my god, in a new d word type of way. Because they got a broadcast everything on social media and he's a friend, Like, that's ridiculous. That is so ridiculous, it's wrong. My whole used to battles. What happened to being mad at your girlfriend and didn't wanting to be super sex successful to make her jealous in the long run? What happened to? I don't know. I don't know. Thanks for calling them, bro? Hello, who's this Keith? Now you mad and blessed the same damn time? Huh? Tell us why you're mad? First, Bro, I'm mad because of the dude. I want to just go around killing people for no reason. The other day it was a good day and like you said, you know that's somebody gritted at it. Get ready to go to East State whichever, what help whatever you're going to. Dude got killed on Facebook? Come on, man, I ain't lived seventy eight years old for it to be seventy eight for this bro not at a man. And that's another thing. You guys need to keep trying to light on that because a lot of people out here that don't know about it, and they can be getting up this morning and they can be their last day. So if you can just keep mentioning that. Hey, by the way, I keep people saying, keep people saying that. Like people was on social media yesterday saying the media is not covering this. I'm like, that's not true. Y'all need to get off social media and turn the news on like it was. Some people don't. Some people don't watch the news. I watched it day at night. Yeah, I saw it on seeing it before I saw it anywhere. I seen it everywhere yesterday. I don't understand that the media start on social media and on CNN. Yeah, And like I said, you see, hey, good money, how are you? It's a white Ford fusion. So if you're looking for a white Ford fusion with temp tags, I'm guessing the timp tags from Cleveland, Ohio. You know, definitely, uh, call somebody, don't try to stop him because he got a hammer, so just call the police. You're also blessed, right, bro, bless yeah, bles, I got eight kids, and we had a one off the time, yester kids. Ain't is it all that? One women? All the kids? There's three but the one in the brows, but other two hills. And I got one from Majordan, one from the one I went now with Jordan and my kids farm. Damn daddy was a rolling stone. Huh yeah. But I'm done. I'm done man, kids. But see, I want to attend, I want attend. I got eight one side in the big house. How many girls? How many girls? Five? A bad part? I got five girls? Because you were a whole past life. When you were in a past life, you get you get a bunch of girls. You right, that's what it is. I got two girls. I want a boy, but you know, I'm scared you might not get that. But all right, thank you bro. All right, bro, tell them why you're blessed? Eight hundred and five eight five one oh five one. If you're blessed, you need to call call us right now. Tell us why you blessed? Is the breakfast club in the morning, the breakfast club? Are you blessing? Highly favorite I feel blessed. Tell the congregation at eight hundred and five eighty five one five one, it's the breakfast club. Tell out who's this, yo, broa tell them why you blessed? Yo? First of foremost, I want to tell um Charlemagne the godline. Bro. That's adult knowledge that you put out there, because a lot of black people don't know what the east the bund and represent when it on the east of Many. Yo. Yo, I'm man because I'm mad because I went I went to church. I normally don't go to church, but like I went to church yesterday and they blowed me because to me, Christianity, everything about Christianity is the white because the ladies the paston says La shar Page put out a song saying Jesus took her black soul sifted in red blood, and she came, my white is slow. What the hell is it? Get out right? What is the church? And get out right right? You know what I'm saying. I'm sitting there like that don't make sense because like whose is white is curio? Because white that's the easy thing to get dirty, and like what was white is dirty? Easy wash there to do something else. But like white people. People don't go to church normally. They definitely doesn't go to How white Easter is. The bunnies are white, the eggs white. Know what I'm saying. They got brown eggs. They got brown bunnies, black bunnies. Why not? Why they don't use them? I'm not talking to y'all this morning. Hello. Who's this? Hello? You have that guy all messed up board day Low? What's your name? Bro? Big Rich? I'm out here from Georgia, Man, Big one. Tell them what you blessed? Hey man. First of all, I'm gonna say I love y'all. Show Man l Man could grasp on the book and everything we got call out here in Georgia. I'm happy to have Paul one of five back all here. But I want to say I'm blessed because the past month my wife went through a mental illness and it's been pure health force, man, and we're just now starting to see some recovery. So I'm blessed that you're coming back and I'm happy that you did he able to spend these We went to church this weekend, man. I mean, there's been a lot of blessed for us. So that's people. Black brother, thank you bro. Hello, who's this? Hello? Hey? Tell them what you blessed? Damn blessed? Because I'm riding with my crew to work and everybody else fare is up up the beach and we've got John the driver. He's away when y'all work at that. Y'all sound like y'all a rap group, yalla? Man, Now, ain't a right brain, no right group. We're gonna do some patison journey came from Queens, New York. Y'all were here though. We're working over on the waterfront. Got the home building going up. Yeah, yeah, Oh, y'all got good money there you go? Yeah, why not? Why not? Twenty one were listening to y'all every morning on our way there. You'll get like twenty dollars an hour. We're hoping to get that by the end of this week. Right now, we right now, they got us up for sixteen an hour. Ain't dipping up flew doll along showman out there? Man, goodness great, she's tell them why you're blessed? Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. If you're upset, you need the vent, you could call us at any time. Oh, you can tell us why you're blessed. Now you we got rumors on the way, Yes, we sure do. We are gonna talk about what happened with fifty cent. A woman is suing him. Will tell you why and let me know if you think it's legitimate in any way. Also, imagine you're in the middle of doing an interview and you get punched in the head. We'll talk about that. I know a lot of people wishing that happened to me for the past seven years, wishing. All right, we'll get into that when we come back. It is the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club. It's about Angela on the Breakfast Club. Well, at this point, we've all seen that video of fifty cent. Now the way they're describing the stories, he punched a woman in the chest. Her name is Danetta der And what really happened when she was pulling him off the stage and he retaliated, it looked a little dangerous by punching her in the chest. Did you guys see the video? Absolutely fast video. All right. Well, after that whole incident happened, she then went on stage and she tworked in everything. I guess he brought up on stage realizing what happens I wonder if that's gonna hurt our case, the fact that she came on stage and everything, because now she is going to sue him, and she has a law firm behind her and everything. And she's also going to sue the Locks because Rittie was performing with them the venue, the Baltimore sound Stage. Well see that's because I'm sure somebody saw the video reached out to her and said, look, you know you have a kid, get some money, right, man, right, Because this is what I think. I mean, it seemed like it was a reaction him doing that because he felt like someone he might not even realize who was grabbing. He definitely didn't realize that he was trying to just get away, like somebody pulled him off the stage. So that's what it felt like. And she didn't seem like she was injured because then she got up on stage and started working. So we'll see what happens. But she does have a lawsuit that she's planning to filing and sue him. Yeah, we'll see. She played it wrong. She not smart. See what she gotta do is she put the clutch her chest soon as she got hit, falling fall to the absolutely I remember one time I got in a car accident. My man Herb was riding with me and her her grabbed itself and Herb said, I'm gonna sit right here. I'm gonna pee on myself. Her really did pee on himself in that car. By the time the police didn't get ready. We both got money because I followed her leap. So you urinated on yourself as well. Like I hear out of my left head. Like the cop came and knocked on the door. I just was like, I just stood there, just like I can't hear you got my head hit the windshield. Send somebody crashing to you, guys, Yes they did. I was driving in the person rand to stop sign bound. What you got, I'm at the seven thousand. That's it, that's it, that's it, your damn mind. I was living in most count of South LiLine. This is after lawyer Fees got definitely radio and you know, somebody hit me on my bike right and I did the same thing. I jumped up, and the doctor see me, was like if I was you out, lay down, So I said, all right, I laid down. You know, they gave me a hunting, really a hunted. This is when I was. I was, I was twenty one years old. They give me a hundred thousand dollars. Maybe you've been out here getting money. You've been sewing people and sticking them up for money. Did you have to year out it on yourself? I didn't have to year an I never wrote a bike again, though, But that was that was pretty goostening. By the way. Wow, I'm that guy that's always looking for a good lawsuit. Okay, Ever since I've seen Friday and that's all you zel fall out in that store, I'm always looking for the floor to be what stow and ain't no cautuing wet floors. All right. Well, another woman who was injured at a Tiger concert is now trying to get her money. She was really injured though. If you see the picture, she had a four inch gash on top of her head. And that's all because a lightstand came crashing down on her head. Millionail, right, So she was Rakina. Here's what she said. I was at a concert in Grin Rapids. I worked my way to front stage and a light tower follow in my head. I was later transported, but I went to the hospital where I was treated for injuries. I had a cut on the top of my head. It was about four inches long. I also have damage to my back. I know that Tiger has a lot going on right now with other people, but my situation happened five years ago. So on list of like priority wise, I should be taken care of. This was a big incident. It caused a lot of chaos in my life, and it's been five years. She's better than me because I'll still be learning to talk right now, five years later. I still learn to see the pictures. If you ever vote TV, I'm sure you can see the pictures of what those injuries look like. They are really bad, That's what I'm saying. I'd be sitting there with a person doing sign language because i haven't been able to speak in five years. I'm just learning not to talk. I'll be saying every other word I'm showing you. I'd be still being a wheelchair. Another person who might have a lost to this, Arie Spears, he was doing a radio interview with I got Corey Hokoty Home fifty one fifty is the name of his UH guys, and things went a little bit left. I guess Arie Spears was a little bit tipsy. And this is what happened. Shut the up while I loudest is out of light skin. Ye wish it could be black. That'll do that work, though I know, go ahead, I'm not drunk. I know I don't drink. I'm very clear minded. Uh huh, which means i'll more because I'm drunk. That didn't even make no sense with airy Spears said, that's how I know he was drunk. He said. The guy goes, I'm clear minded, I ain't drunk, and air speces that means few up more because I'm drunk. What does that even mean? He was drunk? Well, he was arcument with one of the co hosts, Zoe Williams, and things did go left, and Airy Spirits did end up getting punched in the head several times. I don't know if he didn't. That man didn't connect with none of those punches. That's why I didn't understand why Aria, but he did Airy spirce to defend himself cover aries was covering up like it was a hurricane drill in that video, like he had to get down and put his hand in over his head. Like what did y'all got to leave Leskin Brothers alone? It's gonna get to a point where we're just gonna knock, gonna take it anymore. Well, Air spent on Twitter and said so on the fifty one fifty Show with Corey Holcom, I touched dudes feeling so much he swung off on me without warning. Peep it, bitch and word, that's not true. Aries. He gave you plenty of warning, like he told me what he was gonna be, backed up in his chair, he sized you up, he gave took his glasses off. Stop it, stop it. Just take the l. The l's on camera when it happens. The best thing to do is just tell the truth. Trust me. I know I have a can't I get a drop video out there? You should just take the larries. It is what it is, all right, Well, I'm angela. That's your rumor report. Did AARs tell him you had a soft buttered chin? Though it sounded like you're saying, he's like, you got your little soft buttered chin. Shut the up while the loudest is out of light skinny which they could be black. That'll do that work, though, I know, go ahead with you, Okay, I'm not I don't drink because it's very clear minded uh huh, which means off because I'm drunk. Soft butteret chin. That's my new name for a waffle color for soft bullet chin. Relax with your little soft butteret sh envy. I'm tired you shut shut the soft buttered chin. Shut the f u. I ain't got glasses. That's the other thing. That's another one. In time he took the glass. He gave you three one three. All right, Well, lad is the room of report on the morning. Everybody is dj envy angela ye, Charlomagne the guy we are the breakfast club's getting too front page news shut off with sports. NBA playoffs and Cavaliers beat the Paces barely when nine one o eight, the Bucks beat the Raptors ninety seven eighty three, s First beat the Grizzlies one eleven eighty two, Jazz beat the Clippers ninety seven ninety five. Now Sunday night, last night, Wizards beat the Hawks. Warriors beat the Blazers one twenty one, one on nine. The Bulls beat the Celtics one o six, one on two. Isaiah Thomas, of course, his sister died over the weekend. He scored thirty three points. She was only twenty two years old. And this is what Charles Barkley had to say about seeing him crying before the game. I'm not feeling comfortable with him sitting on the sideline crying like that. That makes me uncomfortable. So that tells me he's not in shape to play. I mean, I don't know how this night is gonna turn out, but to be sitting on the sideline a few minutes before the game crime, that makes me uncomfortable for him. That's that's just not a good look in my personal opinion. Charles Barkley mess that one all up, because I think he was trying to say that he felt he wasn't comfortable with his prediction that the Celtics were gonna win Game one because of the emotional state out there Thomas was in. But the way he's that, he just sounded all insensitive, like he didn't even know why did Thomas was crying since he just died in the conconent, like come on, and the Rockets beat yeah, and the Rockets beat the Thune, and she's broadcasting a lot from La So and the Rocket beat the Thune the Last Night one, eighteen eighty seven, Now, tell us about this crazy range you guy, man right, please have issued an aggravated murder warrant. That is for Steve Stevens. He is from Cleveland and they're saying that he posted a video of a killing on Facebook. He claims to have killed other people. The reason for this is because he's mad that his girlfriend broke up with him. Listen to what he said. I got a lot of built in anger and frustration. Man's my name, My name is Stevie Steve. On there, listen. Man shamed the fourth Sons of Perseverance. Man, I shamed four district. I shamed. They don't make it the most important. Y'all shamed myself. Dog, I just snapped. Dog, I just killed thirteen mothers. Man, I'm about to keep killing until until until they to the cashman. I don't believe he killed thirteen people. I don't think so he's gonna be kill a seventy four year old man named Robert Godwin in the residential area east of Cleveland. So there is an aggravated murder warrant. Now they are still looking for him, so they are putting us on alert. If you are a resident of New York, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Indiana and Michigan. They're asking that you be on alert for this suspect. He is driving a white Ford Fusion that he recently purchased with the Ohio temporary plates. They do believe those plates may have been switched out, though, Why is New York and Pennsylvania analysts? How far is Cleveland in New York distance? They said they pinged his cell phone somehow, some way, I guess the last time he used it or it was on and it was in the direction of coming this way. Now they only have found that one person that he's killed, so we don't know about him saying that he's killed thirteen other people as well. Why didn't he just kill himself? Like, I don't understand that, And I don't understand the logic of you in love with a woman and she don't want to be with you no more? What makes you think going on a killer spreed is gonna make her feel bad? It confirms she made the right decision. Yes, yes, I don't get really sad story, especially for the family of Godwin now has to suffer after this happened. Uneasily, God blessed that brother Robert Goodwin seen your seventy long ass life to die at the hands of a coward. All I was thinking all weekend long is is just imagine your pops walking to the corner store. Mine has been minding his business easter, and some crazy the range guy comes to him like she did this to you? Like what are you talking about? You pull out a gun and you shoot him? Coward? Oh my goodness. And y'all gotta stop showing that video for I don't know why y'all even click on that video to watch it, Like I'm looking at the headline. The headline is like watch Steve Stevens murder or somebody on fit. Why would I ever click that? Like why would I want to see that? Why? Something's wrong with you if you're clicking on that video? All right, if you do anything, Circulate the picture of them saying they're looking for him, Circulated pictures showing his description when he's driving. Let's trying to get him off the street. And it should be open season on that dude. When people commit crimes like that and they're just out amongst us, somebody should be able to offer I said the same thing. He should go to jail, He shouldn't have a trial. He shouldn't have to sit and PC. He shouldn't have to know. Somebody should be able to offer him right now. Absolutely, arm the dangerous papa's ass. What happened to dead? Are alive? That's would be wanted dead? Are alive. Absolutely, that's what this should be. All right, Well, last front page news. When we come back, let's change gears a little bit. Now, we're gonna open up the phone lines and allow you to holler at somebody. Hate the name of this right now, it's called shoot your shot. Now there's somebody that you want to highlight at or you want a chance with. Eight hundred five eight five one oh five wants to breakfast Lugal morning, the breakfast club wanting everybody is DJ en ve Angela Yee Charlomagne the guy. We are the breakfast club. Now each and every Monday, we do shoot your shot. But that's when we open up the phone lines and allow somebody to call up here and possibly shoot this shot with somebody that they think is feeling them or they are feeling so this morning eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. You can always hashtag shoot you shot. We got somebody on the line, who's this Hey, Sam, now, shot, Now, what's the situation you cre you crushing on? After a night of drinking and partying with a bunch of my closest friends, Um, the night ended up going a different way than I thought, and I had to tell us, Okay, if I have this friend, her name's Lisa, and I'll just put it right out there. So I'm gay and Lisa straight. But I just always always had a thing for her. And after we went out, we took it a little further than we ever have before and we started making out in the club. Is it just making out? Did you touch it? Did you touch the tat to us has to ads? Vagina? Oh well, I mean there was some there was some touching going on. Yeah. I mean I've I've been around the block here. I know the difference between you know, like just a fun makeout session versus some sort of like romantic connection, you know. And I I've always liked Lisa, and now I really developed these feelings for her after we's kissed, and I want to turn her out. You want to turn it out? What does Lisa describe Lisa? Put the people out there? What does she look like? Oh, she's beautiful, she's taller, she's she's an average you know, she's naturally sin if you will, um does a big ass. Listen, I respect you for not taking advantage of her while she was doing. I like her just how she is. Let's just put it that way. Listen's great. You want us to call her because you want to eat her up. You want her to be a snack. Want you want to call you a little snack for you put it bluntly, But I you know these would be baby steps. She's she's straight, but I don't think that she quite realizes be each other. Do you know this side of her? It would have to go slowly. How long have you been gay? Have you been gay all your life? Or did you just recently become gay? Did you ever have no? No, I mean practically in my whole life. When did you grow a taste for vagina from day one? I was twelve when I really really discovered it. I mean, you can't out looking the walls stop. And you know I've been very, very open and honest with everyone. A family. I'm fortunate to have a family that man expects. We're not mad at you, baby. You know, if this is twenty seventeen, if people still tripping off that. Then you don't need to be around those people. Now, let's call it. Let's call this woman when we come back. Her name is Lisa. Correct, Yes, I now keep a lot. When we come back, we are gonna call Lisa up. Hashtag shoot your shot. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning morning. Everybody is DJ Envy, Angela Yee, Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. We're in the middle of Shoot your Shot. Now. Shoot your Shot is a segment that we do up here where we open up the phone lines, or you can always email us Breakfast Club AM at gmail dot com. If there's somebody that you're feeling, maybe you want to shoot your shot, maybe you want to give it a try. We allow you to call somebody and if it doesn't work out right, we'll help you. During the conversation. Hashtag shoot your shot. We have Sam on the line. Now. Sam has developed feeling for her friend Lisa. They hooked up one night after drinking. I believe they just kissed, but Sam wants to take it to the next level. Let let's see what happens. Sam is the balls in your court. Hello, Hey, Hey Lisa, Sam, Hey, Hi, how are you? How good? How are you? I'm good, I'm good. So I'm just gonna be like really forward and fun with you. But so I don't know about you, but I had a great, great time with you the other night at the club, and you know, that makeout session that we had just just changed everything for me. And I really would like to, you know, talk to you about exploring those feelings further, because I really think that they're there, and you know that was not just some that was not just nothing. I want. She wants to chase you from your navel to your your mouth. Yeah, she wants first about it. This is Charlemagne and DJ and for the breakfast club morning. She wants to be your guy of college. She wants to see what your vagina looks Yes, she wants to see what your vagina looks like up close and personals what she's trying to say, Damn, damn is that good or is that bad? I had to I had to pull in some reinforcement here and and by reinforcements, she means a vibrator, because that don't like veenis listen, let me ask you a question. Have you are you buy cars at all? Baby? Yam. I mean I had a really good time, and you know that I care about you, that you're you know, I value our friendship so much and if I went that way, I totally would. But I just don't that was just like a one time thing. I'm but there weren't feeling of there there were, there were definitely feelings. I know that that wasn't just nothing. And you're denying yet have you ever been with a girl before, Lisa? Lisa, you know you want to sizzle with Sam? You know I shot you kissed him, what you kissed up? It seems like you want to try it. Sam seems like a nice lady. Why don't you? Why don't you try to give it just touch to see what happened? What? I don't think that's how it works. I don't know how it works, but I'm sure I can't work like that. Why don't you give it a shot? Just go out on a date, taking nice and slow. There'll be no looking at the on the first date, y'all, just taking nice and slow. I have a conversation to see where it goes. Yeah, I just don't think that's how being gay works. I think you know and you don't have to start off by being gay. Just start off by having a sexual experience with some I wouldn't want to leave Sam on, you know I value her. Well, I'm just I disapp I'm a little I guess why. I'm a little frustrated because I'm confused why you would go that far with me in the first place. Then you know you you already have let me on, you let her on. I'm so sorry about that. I really really like that was That's so wrong. So you get her all hot and bothered. I mean you weren't even we were even really, we weren't even drunk. Like, I'm just I'm upset now because why would you do that? If you I mean, I have made it pretty clear to you how much I like you, and it just this is sad. You know what it is. You don't get made made. A lot of y'all feel like y'all want to be fake gay. And now look, you don't broke the girl hot because you want to play acting like you want to give short when you deep through what? Yeah? Now, how does this Sam? How does this affect you friendship? Can y'all still be friends? Of course? She's one of my best friends. I mean, I'm not gonna. I just she's definitely not gonna drink around you anymore. I just really thought that that was there was I know that there was something more in that. Maybe it was just an alcohol Sam, don't I'm sorry, got shot you miss, don't beg not Lisa? What about a threesome? What about finding a guy and bring her involved? And thought that way? Well, I know for a fact that Sam is not down with that, so that that would be unfair. I mean, to make her be around a guy in that situation just because she wants to fe with me, that would be weird. I'm not I'm not going to do that. This is terrible, this is bad. I'm sorry Sam. Well, Lisa, hopefully you guys can everything could be all right and not be awkward. Yeah, not saying if if you're still in the mood to use your mouth, um what I can make some calls for you. All right? Well, Sam, Lisa, we appreciate you guys for trying to shoot your shot. I'm so sorry saying I thought we were gonna get this one for you. All right, guy, Will Lisa tell her you love it? At least I do say it. Prove it with your mouth if you love us so much, Lisa roblatoris right now, all right, it's all your faults. Geez. All right, well, there you have it. I'm so sorry it didn't work out. Sometimes the shot doesn't go in, it happens, all right, there's still potential to keep shooting. It's the Breakfast Club of Morten, oh reports report Breakfast Club. All right, before we focus on just Tyrese, let's talk about the faith of the Furious movie. That movie is breaking. Records are broken international record now. That is the eighth film in the whole Fast and Furious franchise, and over Easter weekend it made fifty five hundred thirty two point five million dollars globally. That is the strongest worldwide debut ever, actually beating Star Wars The Force Awakened Furious that. I can't believe Tyres didn't put a long Hisstagram post about that. Yeah. Now, in the United States it actually opened with one hundred million, which is down from the Furious seven movie, which took in one hundred and forty seven million. But even in spite of all that, it still did really well globally, so it broke every single record most successful. Ever, Now China actually did great. They made one hundred and ninety million dollars in China off of this last fate of the Furious Now Tyrese in the meantime personally has had to apologize for some statements that he made. If you remember, he had some things to say about women and relationships and holding out. Here's what he said. I realize from putting up that post is that we are the first to attack each other. Period. So if I if I offended women from making them think or believe that I had, I don't see the value in you because you may have hair makeup this and that my words will twisted us. The last thing I'm doing I was to alienate my own fan base and demographic. But I still feel the way I felt like we noticed more than you think. Okay, yeah, that's it. That was the energy he had on the Breakfast Club right all right here he was when he talked to b Et. If you guys heard this interview, this is what had people really upset. We don't have the audio. You don't have that clip, even though you had you told him to get it answer leave. I appreciate all the ladies out there that are still single and they're holding out. Don't settle. Don't settle, because I'm gonna tell y'all right now. Now this might be harsh, but such skeezers, holes, tramps, and overly aggressive, promiscuous women, they're never without a man because they don't have no standards. They're ready to have sex with any and everything they want to have sex with them. But when you are single and you actually love yourself and you know your value and your self worth, you'll hold out until God send you what's yours. Now, why do people get mad at that? Because he was telling women not to settle, and he's saying that if you decide to have sex and don't hold out, it kind of makes you a slut skeezer. Those are the women that are never without a man. You can't tell a woman if she wants to have sex doesn't make her a slut, skeezer or any of those things, especially when you probably had sex with those kind of women all throughout your life. It's the fact that women feel like they want to have sex that enables us to get a nut. I don't know if you all to realize that that right he's saying when you're single, you love yourself, you know your value. Hold out. Nope, you don't have to tell a woman what to do. Yeah, she can do what she wents if she's an adults reason. Energy changed. Over the weekend, he put up a post on Instagram. He said, my mother taught me better than this. Lesson learned In life, you will learn that it's not always what you say, it's how we choose to say it. For the record, I'm far from a misogynist. A male chauvinists are flat out mean. My intentions were there, but my delivery was effing horrible. So he apologized for that. He said he's been getting dragged and he feels the heat from his poor traice of words and approach to his messages. He said, trust me, please accept this is nice since there apology from my poor choice of words, It's a real lesson learned for him. He said, I apologize as a man first for the things I recently said about choices women have the right to make, for the terms I've used and the way I've come across. I was raised to think and feel certain ways, and I'm learning new things that combat those messages. I'm telling you, man on the Internet, women, especially women of color, are undefeated. Another man waves the white flag because of the on slot that will happen when you come out your mouth sideways about women on social media especially. But he was definitely wrong for that. He was definitely wrong to judge all women based on much decisions they make on who they choose to sleep with. That's really nobody else's business. Hey, By the way, that's two and on a wide away. If Tires was right, I wouldn't side with them. I don't want problems. As French took French out quick. French ain't even last twelve hours French online dancing now trying to forget about it. How much you hop around like they used the rabbit bunny. Now. A girl, Mary Jay Blige was having some issues. If you remember, she was on the Breakfast Club and here's what she said about her divorce. But you know, I have to keep my head up and try to and let people see how I'm gonna come out out of this, because everybody's watching to see if I'm a crack up, to see if I'm a spouse out, to see if I'm ana get petty. I'm gonna get a little petty because I'm y'all know, I'm just trying to get through it, and it's it's really it's ugly and it's terrible. Well over the weekend, this tweet's surface on her account f can Do Isaac's I effing hate him and his whole family. I unfollowed him on IG and all my fans need to hashtag strength of a woman. Four twenty eight dead day, all right day? Can do? Dead? Do you? Dead day? All right? Well, she also came back after that and said, hey, guys, I was hacked with that message about can Do. I don't hate him and his family, nor do I wish death on him. I just want this to be over. So she's talking about the whole situation with the divorce, but I can feel where she was coming from because the video did surface over the weekend also of can Do, and I guess starshall of the artist that he allegedly was cheating on Mary J. Blige with surface of them going into the hotel together. She saw that and have you have you ever gone to Kindu's ig mentioned his shambles like crazy, he must not read him. I'm gonna I just picked three random was just now the only suit you watching will be on a mannequin in the window. You go, digging butt pirate did a damn job the lazy mother. But it's really sad how at least just attached to a woman to try to suck her dry, crusty lip ass couldn't keep his dirty and his pants like, oh you can do Isaac's comments or discussed. I wouldn't turn my comments off a long time Mary J Blast because when she said F can do? I said, yes, girl, yes, how it is that was a collective f can do from all women. Huh, all right, we're liable to stand next to can do. Absolutely. Don't try to bring him to the breakfast club. No, no, no, no, no parties what you can do? All right, but thank you for those roommors. Time for Donkey of the Day a Democrat, So being Donkey of the day a little bit of a mi so like other day. Now I've been called a lot of my twenty three years that donkey of the day is a new wife. Yes, donkey today for Monday, April seventeenth, goes to a man named Steve Stevens. Now Cleveland police are looking for Steve Stevens because he killed an elderly man and posted posted the video on Facebook. God blessed that seventy h old man Robert Goodwin Senior, who had to go out like this at the hands of this cowards Steve Stevens. Now, why did Steve Stevens murder Robert Goodwin seenor on Facebook? Well, let's go to seingn for the report. Active manhunt underway after sour for a suspect. Authorities say May a video of himself killing an elderly man then posted it on Facebook. The FBI helping Cleveland police in the search for Steve Stevens six foot one, two hundred and forty four pounds. You can see him here last see driving a late model white Ford Fusion with temporary plates. Officials say Stevens is armed and dangerous. His mother Maggie Green Telsey and and she spoke to her son's Sunday and that he said he was shooting people because he was quote mad with his girlfriend. Authorities say hundreds of leads have poured in they are urging Stevens to surrender. Officials say Stevens did not know the victims, seventy four year old Robert Godwin, just picked him at random. Godwin's children say they are devastated. He's a good guy, I mean, very good party. He'd shirt off his bet I mean, and I don't I'm not just saying that for these cameras, and I just say, you know what I mean, I don't know what he's not. You feel like it's gonna stop. It feel like it's gonna stop. Jesus Christ. Steve Stevens. Steve Stevens decided to go into killing spree because he was mad at his girlfriend. His girlfriend didn't want him anymore. Steve Stevens explained it more on Facebook Alive. Let's hear it. The love of my life works. Her name is Troy Lane. We've been together three years or we're supposed to get married, but it was just some some books that I just couldn't deal with it with her anymore. But anyway, um, she's the reason why I'm making this video. She's the reason why I wish my typen today because she can feeling me crazy. And now I'm just on some murder type so and it's up too, because you know, I've never really been on those suckers like this. This is some sucker. Hopefully I'm gonna try to kill as many people as I can be on death row or whatever the case may be. We're all human, man, you know, and I guess me I'll got breaking points. I went to my mother's yesterday, so I was trying to get some you know, talk to my mother. But I guess it's the way I was raised. She didn't even give a man. I was telling my mother I was on some home suicycotypes about to kill some people. Didn't care that Vink's about to happen with the next few minutes. You can blame it on her name is Joy Lane. Saw her far her mother too. It's her far too because she don't want to create a faster than I am. Lame everybody with himself Stephen. After yesterday's actions, I totally understand why joy didn't want you. She made the right decision by not wanting to be with you. In fact, I applaud Joy Lane for having the foresight to get out of that relationship with you. That young lady seems to have dodged the bullet literally. Okay, what happened to? When your woman doesn't want to be with you anymore, you just glow up, become successful and make her jealous. What makes you think killing someone is gonna make Joy say, you know, maybe I should reconsider being with Steve because he out here killing people. Furthermore, not Joy, not your mother. No one is responsible for your behavior, but you. Okay. I talk a lot about the power of choices. That's all. Life is a series of decisions. Okay. Destiny is not a matter of chance. It's a matter of choice. Or Stephen, joy Lane or your mom didn't choose to pick a random man and gun them down in the street. You did. Now you have to live with the consequences of your actions. Now. One of the many things that disturbs me about this situation is Stephen said he was reaching out to people asking for help and he was getting dismissed. This is one of the reasons I stop and give everyone as if they need it. It happens all the time. People reach out and they just want to talk. Sometimes it's family, sometimes his friends, sometimes it's random people on the street. But I just feel like you have to stop and take the time to listen. I understand we are all going through things in life. We all have problems, we all have issues, but sometimes our problems fail in comparison to someone else's and you may not have the answers for yourself, but it's possible you have to answer for someone else. Okay, just don't dismiss people because you just never know what somebody is really going through, and for people like Steven will feel like they are at their breaking point. Don't stop talking and tell someone listens. Okay, go to a random church and talk to a pastor. Go check yourself in a cycle, or go talk, go check a local psychiatrist. I just don't stop wanting to talk and tell someone listens. Because Steve, Steve Stevens, you didn't make anything better. Okay, whatever you were dealing with you could have got through, but now you have made poor choices that will haunt the family of Robert Goodwin seen you forever and will haunt you forever. Because if you don't end up dead somewhere, you're going to jail. So what is the lesson to be learned from this situation? Don't make a permanent choice over temporary feelings. Please give Steve Stevens the biggest heat Hall Police and by the way, Steves six one two and forty four pounds ball with a full bid. Last scene driving a white Ford Fusion with temp tags. Do the right thing and turn yourself in. Steve Stevens Off. You see this guy called the police asap. He needs to be off the street today. Don't remember that he's armed, so don't try to be a hero and go and do anything. Called the police right away and looking at his guns online, he got about a couple of he got about four of them in a video that he's been he was shooting that on the range. I feel like, I do feel like guys like this should be wanted that are alive. I agree with you, and I'm not saying go out there and play vigilante. I'm just saying, if you happen to have to chop on you and see him, you know, don't be afraid to let it go. There's no more is for innocent people. And he knows. It's not like he's he knows what he's doing. He's telling you, mom, you did this, and because mommy did some I'm just gonna kill random people. And I know it's some suckers like you know what you're doing. Come on, man, you know exactly what though. He's making all the choices, poor choices. It's upset me. It's like really upset me because all I can think about is my pops walk into the corner store on Easter Sundays, maybe going to get some milk or something. He lafting. Somebody comes up and say, hey, you know this person, you shoot him? Business have a chance to defend himself. Just you know what. I don't. I don't because he's mad that his girlfriend broke up at him, like get out of here. Yeah. I don't condone suicide either, but I do wish in situations like this guy's like hurt yourself. Note not innocent. Yes, all right, all right, well I was the dunk kid today. Thank you sir. When we come back, Tammy Roman from Basketball Wives will be joining us. It comes on tonight, I think in premire is the New the New season premiere is tonight at nine. I believe so, Tammy Roman, don't move. It's the Breakfast Club. Go Morning, the Breakfast Club Morning. Everybody is dj envi Angela Yee, Charlomagne, the God. We are the Breakfast Club. We got a special guests in the building. Well, well, well looky here, la, Yes, Tammy, Hey, good morning, welcome back. Thank you for having me. Also it's basketball wives now, no la basketball. Ye, it's like Miami. Everybody's just joined together now I am. You know, we haven't seen that super trailer. Yes, so let's talk about it because we can predict what's gonna happen. You know. Let me tell you something. Evelyn's back, and I think the fans want to see that. They've been waiting on that for a minute now. So she decided to join the show again. And you know, it's it's a lot of ups and downs. We've had our issues that we have to hash out. Jackie has issues with her. There's a lot going on and Jackie issues. It looked like you and Jackie was going at it too from the super trailer. Yes, yeah, we did editing. No, Jackie and I had a little problem because I've never been involved in the Jackie matrix before. But I finally got caught up first time for everything writing anybody this season, it is what inquire looks pretty close. It looks close's envy, It's pretty close. But I did not fight good. I held it down. You also, probably, I would assume on these shows now, you can't put hands on each other. I'm sure in the contractor doesn't say anything about that. It does not, It doesn't because I feel like in all these shows now anything could happen. So they've always been putting stuff like you can't throw things, you can't know. It doesn't say anything about that. They say they're not responsible if you do disclaimer. Yes, came back, I am. I mean, it's the point of getting pregnant by a multimillion dollar baseball player If you're gonna come back to the reality TV that you did, well, I kind of feel more importantly than that. What's the point of coming back if you've had your own show you basically said you would never come back, and then now here you are, you know, but you know, yeah, I don't know what her motivation was because I was saying when I watched the trailer, I was a man. This doesn't seem like it would be good for her. It really is, it really is. And I think, you know, once her show got canceled on own, you know, she wanted that, she wanted that to continue being in the limelight. I would have personally loved to have Jen back. Jennifer feels like Jennifer feels actually Jennifer feels like Evelyn actually blocked her from coming back. Is there any truth to that that she said she wouldn't come back if Jennifer came. I'll tell you one thing. Jen came and I had a scene on the show, and Jen came to support me, and from that scene, they wanted her to be on the show. At that particular scene, the producer we had at the time called Evelyn, and all of a sudden, Jen wasn't taping anymore. Now. I don't know if Evelyn had anything to do with that, but the moment kind of disappeared. Okay, baby, ain't got as much juice as even tam to be, like, no, I want Jen on. I don't. I don't, I don't, And I'm okay with that because I want my juice to come from things that I actually care about. Yes, exactly. I can't wait to see the Bonny Chronicles once this show starts too. Oh, it's gonna be on in popping for those. But it just kind of came about. I was on vacation and the girls were talking, you know, mess and I was sitting on the balcony like, you know what, I got something I want to say about that, And so I did a response and it kind of took off, so I've been doing them ever since. Yeah, you don't get balled or worried about what people are saying about your Bondy chronicles because you do one with Remy mar and NICKI hilarious. Thank you. I'm you know, a fan of both of those ladies, so I kind of take it as comedy. You know, nothing's off limits, you know, and if they take it personally, then you might want to check yourself because it's just all in fun exactly. But I do love both of them. But I mean Remy, you know, kind of slade. I would not let nothing distract this from the fact that, yes she did. Now, you said back last year that you regret your plastic surgery my butt injection. Yes, some people say that why did you regret it? Was that I legal like illegal ones with basement shots. Yeahs. So you can't just oh, it was one of those bootleg places. Yes, yes it was um and I just had to tell you about it. Who told you about it? Because it's not one of you just go somebody said, oh, I got I got a person. I'm not gonna tell you who, but I'll just say I live in Houston. I know a lot of strippers, and I, you know, asked who who the plug was. But um, I didn't like it, you know, and I still don't. I feel like I put too much in. You know, you may not think so, but I feel like it's you know, I can't fit my clothes, you know, and I got to find jeans to go over the egg but oh okay, okay, go over the ass. And you know, it's it's just all problem. I've heard with injections though, that you have to like keep on doing things so that they don't get hard and stuff like I had a really great lady. I don't have that butt on the Florence. I don't. I even girls they do. They have to like rub their Yeah, she's trying to fake. She trying to get off the team and figure it out. You know, if I did, I would have a bigger bet. I have a little bit. No mines is real natural and jiggly and soft and you know Reggie likes it. But you can't take it out now Because I was asking the same question. I was saying, can you take it out? Because I would take a little out if I could. I don't know if they can do that now. What was the pressure to get them? I wanted it to be a little more shafely, like a little more plump and round, because I never really had a butt. But once you start getting those injections, you know, the people are like, you know, you need a little more here, a little more there. And then before I knew what I had, what I felt be a huge ass. Well did the ig models too, like always going on Instagram and seeing these chicks posted up. No, it's just me a personal thing for me. Yeah, the girls are I there's a way too big. That would not inspire me at all. It's so close to your daughter. What did your daughter say about it? My daughter's like, mom, you don't have to do that. Why are you doing that? You know, like I have what I do and what my kids represent. You wouldn't even know I raised them, but they're like my voice of reason. I gotta spread it to get up in there and get it now. I always wanted that. Yeah, I gotta take one. Yeah, yeah, you have to true you never thought about this. Interesting. We have more with Timmy Roman when we come back from Basketball Wives, which premiers tonight, to Don't Go Anywhere, As to Breakfast Club, Good Morning Morning. Everybody is DJ, Envy, Angela Yee, Charlomagne the guy. We are the breakfast Club. We have Timmy roaming from Basketball Wives in the building. It premiere is tonight at nine on v H one. Now now your daughter also her career as an artist. We saw you with Duffy with DJ Duffy and you guys had a big falling out over that. Did you guys resolve that? Thank you for mentioning me and that that read I appreciate that you ain't making the more. You ain't booked all the time. Book. It wasn't just V it wasn't just Envy, but it was like, real DJ is a book. They don't have time to be the real DJ. Shut up, shut your mouth, man, I didn't know when did that happen? Now Emmy gets a book, he don't get paid, No kidding, No, Emmy is a great real DJ. Okay, thought was the posted boy for that? I said, callin took Kelly Gan, but Duffy wasn't. Wasn't she like currencies DJ or something like she's a real D. Yeah, she's a real DJ, But I mean the way she was playing, it was like she was doing more than what she was actually doing, and so that offended me and I had to just speak on it. But um, you know, at the time it was tumultuous. Now, I haven't thought about Duffy. I'm sure she hasn't thought about me. If we were to see each other, we could probably have a dialogue. But you know, in the moment, it was what it was. Oh, you're gonna be very involved in your daughter's career in this season. I am not. I just uh handed her over to a gentleman named Thomas Tucker an empire. Okay, it's not like trafficking. Well, you know, it's it's you know, when you it's your kids, you relinquished control. You want to be involved in every aspect. And I finally have to say, yeah, you know know the Tammy. You don't know the music game. Let somebody who does him? Is that time to suck her from Detroit? Yes, okay, I know him. That old TV. They make you look like a bully all the time. And then I don't understand that person. Sweet right, Yeah. I used to always say Tammy smokes down to the filter. I smoke Capris down to the filter. Jesus, get it right. Yeah, I am because I'm so not that person. But I think, you know, I finally come to understand with reality TV, even though it's reality, they have to make us characters, and so somebody has to be the bad guy. So when I have those you moments that are few and far between, they're going to only use that. Is it hard to get past that perception of you? Though it has been. I think now people are starting to really see me by way of Bonne Chronicles, and you know, I'm doing a comedy tour and I've got you know, books out and emoji's out and all this other stuff, so they're starting to see a well rounded you. You. Yeah, when would there be some real basketball wives on basketball wives? Y'all know the ball. None of y'all eating ball basketball players. We got a baseball player. We've got Bonnie Jill on the season. She's with Kareem Rush Matoya Matoya. Okay, she's on this season two he is and everybody knows that's Dwayne Wade's baby's mother. One. All right, so you do her? Probably? Yes, Yes, that's good, be good. When I can't wait to see this one and how this plays out. Yeah, I always feel like situations like that are touching because I always see like, you know, we've seen other ball players and have women go on the show, like Royce when she was on, and you know, we saw how they had the whole restraining order. She wasn't allowed to say his name. I'm surprised they haven't done that with her. Well, we're not going to say that he hasn't done that, which is why we keep funneling new people in. You know, she does up until as much as she can, and then you know, things get shut down and other people waiting. It stays far away from the story because that makes it hard. That makes it hard to film too, because the reason that you're on is because of this person, but then you can't even mention it. Yeah, she stayed far away, but she brought her sisters, who were very vocal about the situation. It's interesting that Shawnee created this show. But then I feel like there's been people on this show that she doesn't even really get along with. So I always wonder like, can she say I don't want them on here, or does she say, well, even though I don't really f with this person, it's better for the show if they're here. I think I have seen both moments. You know, I've seen her say I don't mess with her. I E Laura go Van, she got to go. And I've seen her say I don't mess with her, but she's good for the show. I E Brandy last season, right, So Brandy's back this season too, Right, Brandy makes us an appearance this season? Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't say she's back, but you know, I give you clarity. Always thought, sure they should have just stayed behind the scenes. Clay executive. You know a lot of people say that, but I have to say this. I think it's good for her to be involved because there are a lot of times there would not be a show if it weren't for Shawnee keeping us, you know, being that nucleus that kind of keeps us all involved because really, realistically, a lot of us wouldn't be around each other. We wouldn't talk to each other. We don't talk to each other. And I think she's that one common denominator for all of us. Is she still with her young boot too? Um, Shawnie has a new boo. Okay, there's a new voo. He's a good boot too. But I can't I can't disclose he's older. Okay, so it's a hard somebody. Okay, is it hard dating like a thirty year old? Like? Are there things you feel like he just isn't a mature because you know, men mature a lot slower than women. Anyway, I actually have a good one now. I know that there are other things that he wants in the relationship that you know, at this age, I'm not gonna do you know what I mean, Like, I'm not going to the whole penis right, you know why why not? Yeah, I mean, it just takes too much time. I just can't tell me. Come on, that's nothing to do. I know, I know how to do it. I'm just not going to at this age. It takes too much the whole vagina. Then I would be okay with that because they have the rabbit and they've got other things that could fulfill me. I'd be all right with that. Okay. Yeah, Like we don't have to have sex for forty five minutes. I'm good after fifteen twenty, you know, Like that's just certain things, you know. And he said, no, no threesomes, no threesomes at all, absolutely not, you know, because people don't respect the threesome code, you know, how I feel about that. They want to come in and do stuff you're not gonna do, you know when they're gone. So no, three simes. I'm not putting myself in a trick back. Now, what about a tammy spinoff show? If I did a spin off for me, it would have to be like some Bonnet chronicle sitcom type signed Felled meets you know Martin type stuff, or either Allah Dave Chappelle, Okay, sketch comedy show, something like that. Something for that. No more reality, No more reality when you get to the comedy thing. When did this happen? Because I started doing bone Chronicles and people liked it, and then I did one show and I was like, oh okay, y'all like this and it kind of took off. So all right, Well, we appreciate you joining us and nine eighth Central on v H one, and thank you for stopping through. Thank you for having me. Next time you come, I want you to sign a bout it from me, because I'm away. I was trying to get about it this morning, so bad the streets. You could have got one. I'll send you one of mine. Every's gonna do the bout it Chronicles and you have to do one I'm doing. I'll be bringing a bout it tomorrow. It's Tammy Roland is the Breakfast Club. Good morning the Breakfast Club. This is the Ruble Report with Angela years. All right, well, Jazz Prince is actually going to for real go after Birdman to get the money that he owes to Drake after you know, Burdman hasn't been paying people their money. According to sources, Burman don't pay nobody. But having the nerve to get mad at me because I said, why would you sign the Burman when he got a history of not paying people? Right? Well, I guess you know, Drake's been signed to them for quite some time, so they probably didn't anticipate all these things happening. So they're saying that Birdman is just not following through on his contract. He's supposed to pay one third of Drake's profits to Jazz Prince and his company, and he hasn't done that. Now they're saying that this new contract that Drake has breached his original one and they didn't get there four million dollars they were supposed to get, So now they're suing. I would never understand not paying somebody when you have the me means to pay him, like the money is coming in. Yeah, the money is coming in. I'm gonna be honest with you. Birdman has a lot of irresponsible financial habits. He seems like the type of person who doesn't know how to manage his money. Like if he was to look at a person and say, yo, he got a bunch of tats on his face, he's probably terrible with his money. Burman fits that description, right. So we'll see what happens. And you know, you's little Wayne some money as well. Quite a bit some money, Yeah, quite a bit. I don't know why. I don't know. I don't know what Little Wayne situation is. Now what rock Nation? Because he said he's signed to Rock Nation. I don't know what that deal is. But I feel like Burdman should just let him go cut ties and give him his money and let him go make some money because it seems like Little Wayne's been in a bad space right because of all that all Right now, over the weekend, J Cole put out his documentary for Your Eyes Only on HBO. It's a sixty minute documentary. Then you gotta see that yet, No, I didn't want to see it yet. Nope. Yeah, I'm out in LA so I haven't had a chance to see it, but I promise you tonight I'm gonna be watching that. And what it is is he's being a voice to voiceless members of the black community in several different areas in the United States. Here's a little clip from the trailer. You gotta keep going. It ain't no eat one. You gotta keep moving. I'm going to do it because I can't depend on those people. I can't depend on that. You can be a voice, he can be yellow. So many of us are hurting and we're confused and we're angry. Should voice hurt so bad? But I cannot write. You be involved. You gotta make some Even if it's that one, I would have all your voice. You gotta make that. He should be able to sue. Please, just can't run up in your crib and said we thought you was telling drugs. I didn't understand that. Like, I mean, I can understand the neighbors having the cops on him. Yeah, but sho the cops do an investigation for before they just run up in your crib like that. I don't know. I guess the neighbors are complaining sounds a little crazy. Can't just do that? I say my neighbors telling drug they just run up in the house. He just sounds like a lawsuit. Well, it's good to know j Cole's living his wraps because I was thoughting the question, especially after that full folding clothes record, Right, I didn't expect I don't. I don't see him as the type of person to be folding close well after Also in this documentary, he visited different cities including Baton Rouge, Atlanta, Ferguson, Jonesboro, Arkansas, and of course where he's from, Fayetteville, North Carolina. And he doesn't use the names of the people that he came in contact with, but he does tell their very powerful stories in the sixty minute documentary. So when you have a chance to watch that, you should go ahead and do that. All right, Well, I'm Angela Yee and that's your rumor reports. All right. By the way, you guys, I'm in LA because I'm going to be a guest co host on the Reel this week. This week. Okay, it's actually this week, so starting tomorrow, you can check me out Tuesday through Friday on the Reel the whole week. Yes, go ahead, angelie. How your life change when you get ass shots? Oh? I don't have no ass shots. And this was planned before all of that. But I'm saying, as soon as you showed them, cakes happening the real shout, That's all I'm saying. No, this is already planned from months ago, much and I don't have the ass shots. Okay for everybody on my Instagram, that's saying I didn't have to do that and all that. I don't have any Hey, suns out, buns out, well, congratulations but bigger than mine. Jean got bigger hips. Guys, Yeah you do. What was that Instagram page? But it was when we're talking about somebody's uh fatty, and it was like, man Fatty, Man Fatties. I don't I don't know, don't ask me. I didn't even know man Fatty, Man Fatty? Was this instagram that keep hitting me? From man Fatties dot Com contacted why guest co hosting on The Reil next week? All right, well, Happy Birthday the Red Man in a mix of get some Red Man joyce, a lout to Redman, one of the greatest m sees of all time, an happy Birthday, chance to wrap the two. All right, when we come back, we got the people's choice mixed. Don't go nowhere and shout to revote. We'll see you guys tomorrow. It's the Breakfast Club eight hundred and five eighty five one or five one the Scots