The Breakfast Club Sits Down With Pacman Jones To Discuss Politely Raw, Gucci Mane Beef, NFL Drug Policy, Trump, Recent Arrest. Listen For More!
Wake that ass up in the morning. The Breakfast Club Morning. Everybody is the j n V. Just hilarious, Charlamagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. We got a special guests in the building. Indeed back, ladies and gentlemen. Pac Man Jones, welcome back.
I should just be on this goddamn show, bro. Like I'm sorry for my words, but like I'm getting I've been here a couple of times. You've definitely keeping the real.
Every time a camera go on your face, packed man or microphone goes in front of you, you say something the same thing you do to you do something that's true.
So I watch you, and.
Okay, I don't think I've ever just straight up said funk a person like you know.
Now, I don't think so let me thinking that wrong with it?
But you know from that, bro, I'm from the West side of Atlanta. Due you, Bro, it ain't no courses. What is the problem I'm coming on?
Like, what is the problem over it?
They ain't got no problem, you know what I'm saying. But I just I sit and hold a lot of ship in my pocket and then I decide when should I let it out? You know what I mean? So I was at a fucked up point in my like life, like I was really like outside when he was. I don't want to fuck my career up and do all that. But like I Gucci, you have never made more money than me, not per year, like any year that he's been born, that I've been born, He hadn't made more money than me?
Is he all you're saying that he has?
Or he's well, he said he want to fuck his career up and end up like packed Man Jones. But ship on my side, you know what I'm saying. I ain't talking about forty music that either that time ten?
How long?
How long ago was that lyric?
Man, I don't know that that's what I'm saying.
I don't even remember when it was. Why you watch did the Beef? With the Beef? That lyrics? That was really like I just like, yeah.
Both from Atlanta, so usual people from Landa comes out of LA being.
From Brooklyn and being from Queens there we go. You know what I'm saying. We respect what y'all got going on over there, but like when you're fucking with that on our side of town, you know what I mean?
So, but like you haven't seen him having a conversation, y'all haven't.
Actually, I got a call the other day about a conversation, and I ain't gonna everything out right now, but he's a conversations.
You had a conversation.
And you're still up here talking about what I just told you I did.
You also said you don't funk with the whole Decatur though. One thing to be for one person.
It's just that side of town, bro, Like you just have to like you like on the west side, like we all kind of like stick together to work with each other. That side over there stings is fuck. They don't even know how to work with each other. You got a couple of them, like, I don't like, it's only probably two people, three people with indicator that's big d Ike and Jody. Hm hmm, that's it Jody Bree nah Jody, Oh okay, one sixty joy. But besides that, No, man, I don't funk with nothing on me.
Forty years old, my business.
Bro. Let me be on, bro, I don't think you're talking about Look at me, bro, hold on, our mother fucking looks no bag. Mike looks heavy, right, you don't always I'm outside like.
My life is fucking amazing, and you're here for politely raw, but you ain't nothing polite about you.
You don't think so you don't think that was sir?
No, explain what that is though?
How did you?
What is politely raw?
What is it?
So I came up with the politely raw? Like all right, I could be like not an asshole, but I could just tell it in my way and not cut it speaking up for like the world, shout out to my teammate, been on my a g but like my show Hackman Jones show, like bro, it's just me like what y'all are fucking? I don't know if y'all politely bro, but y'all are wrong. I'm politely bro. I'm I'm a little nicer than y'all. You should not even bro, you are all the way You're right.
I'm trying to be a better person though, I'm trying to be like you.
Got to do your job, bro, like I always tell people, like when I get locked up, I know people are gonna talk about me because that's their job to do. Now I get to talking about motherfuckers, whether I like their music, whether I like the way they playing or they're not playing good? How this play look what they did over here in p L L. How is the hockey game? Like? And I just I try to kind of keep it a little different than everybody else, like had a good chance to. Like Paul mcazee is one of my best friends. His shit is way different, like and if you watch back show, you can tell, like, all right, he just got his own little you know what I mean?
I fuck with it especially yeah, but.
Like and I try to take a little bit of what he doesn't put in me or show me I should say, and like doing it my own way. And like I'm right about ninety percent of the ship that I say.
Do you think stephen A. Smith was right?
Since he has a job to do? Was he right to say what he said about Bronnie James? And how'd you feel about lebron confronted him about it?
Love Brian gott to confront him. That's his fucking child. What are we talking about? Bro? Like Steve and they got a job to do too. I only think I would critique with Steven A is all right, you can talk about the play and how you do it, but don't get into the family shit. Like there's no way I would have did now if I would have said, all right, Bernie up, that's cool, But I don't need to say uh and your dad don't know what he's doing. You can't do that because then that goes. You ain't really critiquing the play. You're critiquing us as a and that's a problem. I would smack the fuck out Steven Smith. He even said that by my son, like that's just me gp all right, cool, what is Let's go and take this ride. But I'm finished. I'm fin time I seen him. It would have been premeditated. Like I was telling my cousin Hale, I'm like, it one't really about what he said about Brnnie. Is all the other ship that he said that connect everything? You get what I'm saying. The article wasn't even about Brnnie. The article was about what he said about brun to bring it to Brannie. So that's what I think about. I think critiquing this play is not wrong. The way you critique the play is. I think he could have handled that a little better, Like why do you even need to throw all the other ship and it just say he's fucking suck like, but when you start throwing different things in there, then it become personal, like like it's a personal Evendetta didn't know what he was doing.
Though, when you talk about you politely, Roy, you know some some people gonna be mad at the things that you say too.
Now they don't give a fuck.
Have you ever confronted somebody about what they said about you, Pack?
Noah, because I don't give a fuck, and I respect people like your opinion, like you certain certain things, like your opinion. What you say about me is your opinion. Bro, I've been locked up one hundred times. You don't say some shit about me. I ain't never confronted you about a pack. I mean, hey, bro, you know you could consider this a little I was. I was innocent on that. Did you know that? Like? But that's the part of the game, bro. So but I come from a place where if you ain't being talked about you ain't shit irrelevant anyway, I don't mind nobody talking about me, and I like talking ship though I'm probably wanting. I'm smart as fuck. That's what people really don't know about me. No, I'm dumb. Just say people, I got.
One thing you said recently that I do agree with. Our Greek sports leagues should stop testing for weed.
What are your reasons for saying that?
I'm saying, Bro, they give us all these perkosets, Like I got a fucking script of hydro croton right now, fucking one hundred and fifty pills a month. Damn. So you're telling me what because I had C three C four next search, I'm fucked up, Like I'm like, my body is in a lot of pain. But what I'm saying is like, they rather give me the perks and the hydro codons and ship and then I can't even smoke weed, But I can go ahead piss on this test before a game with these perks and hydro coltons, and that that's gonna affect me way more than the fucking weed. You take a percocet and all this ship before the game, you might feel a little, uh jittery, And no, that's she's gonna have you looking. Oh yeah, yeah, they're smoking a joint.
You can't even perform, No, no, don't say that.
Don't just I know a lot of mothering people that perform on perk on thirties. They can play a whole game. What they mixed with gatorade? What sweater God? I swear to God, like I've had. If I said the team, I might right now, the league no more.
Don't matter that I need to see some.
But I sweater God. I've seen people take a perk thirty and play the whole game.
You wouldn't even know it though, you know what's crazy.
I wanted to do the NFL help you if you get addicted to that ship, like if you end up getting addicted to perks long after your career.
This is what I will say, though. The NFL will help you if you want to get help you here. If you don't want to get helped, they ain't stun your.
You were talking about beating the urine test. You're giving out some of the exclusives to people out there.
So now you see everybody talking my well, I never even pissed. How in the hell have just me, little little bitty me come up with a conversation in the studio with dam before I did his show, and I'm like, hey Pop. He was like, man, you get them everything but that we and I was just sitting everything. I was like, oh, so let me really, I can tell him now I don't play no more, you know what I mean? Like, and I was just sitting there right here, like how we sitting before I went and did the show, And I was like, you know, I never used my own piss. It's you know, deal because he was like, yeah, nigga, I know that now, you know. He's like, well, Ship, you're smoking up the whole time.
I never tried to.
He's like, bro, you've been smoking the old time. And I was like okay, And like I sat there and I thought about it for a second, and I was like, you know what, let me tell these people, like and I can really tell everything because I ain't want to give everything away. But it's just so funny how transset and time I said. Everybody else said, oh yeah, we did the same thing, same thing. I heard a lot of good stories though over this last week of how different people did it.
It made me wonder how much does the NFL even care if it's so easy to beat. But if it's so easy to beat.
I thought they would follow you into the stall to make sure that you are using your own urine.
Yeah they do, Bro, Bro, you just gotta be It's all you know, I tell you like this, if a nigga go to jail, he can find out how to light a match, right all right, just think about it like that, all right, if I'm finna be getting drug tests for fourteen fucking years and it's already for what three years in college? Like it don't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. But like, all right, I know the piss gotta be one first and foremost. I know the cups that they're using already googled them boom, I don't order ready, you know what I'm saying. So it's it's it's simple, though it ain't really that hard. Just think about if you're pissing me right now, and I'm pissing, you see me pissing the cup, you ain't really worrying about nothing really after that point, after you see that, and like I had it to t like I would fucking.
So you can't.
I can't believe what's interesting you advocate.
You advocate though that that.
Shouldn't be tested.
Though, Yeah, that's what I'm navigating. Cant on like two dispensaries. One of the biggest in Ohio is King City Garden. I'm a part of cookies. I'm a part of a lot of ship than when it comes to week, I'm an advocate of week.
Right, what would you say the benefits are having TAC system for any athletic.
I mean for any athlete, every all the other athletes, but me, like I deal with post a matter the squares or fucked up like for real, for real, like and I can admit that that's why I'm at a place where I'm at right now. But like I rather smoke and take all of the stuff that they trying to describe. Yeah, Like I went to Cleveland clinic. Everybody noticed about my life. But every year I go to like a two month rehab and just to like mentally reset my ship, reset myself from everything else, you know what I mean, Not like, oh, nigga a problem, No no, no, no no, it's basically me cutting every fucking thing off of my life and fucking like twos together, just get myself together, you know what I mean. So normally I go to McClean hospital, which is in Boston, and I just take that time. And then I realized, like, damn, ship is way different now. You gotta remember, they're prescribing me a lot of ship like as far as megs so like, and I'm not really a big mega. I'm totally the week on all levels. I might take it like a muscle relaxes some ship like that. But I ain't really into all that other ship. Like I've always been like that. I ain't never smoked to I got my own back. All on my niggas was smoking the hood. I'm like, no, bro, I ain't doing that because all of them was bombs. No, I made it. And like we had Tyson, Remember Tyson. Tyson was the number one player in the country and two days before signing day, they bust the projects. Nigga got three pounds a week in the in the crib, they take a scholarship.
He was the number one d tackle in the country. Bro. So I always looked at different things like all right, I'm gonna wait to do that, you know what I mean. And like going back to the story, why I didn't even know, like my mom, this is how I found out, Like my mom was bo polar. I'm calling I'm at McClean hospital and the doctor asked Me's like, man, do you got anybody in your family is like dealing with bipolar or dealing with anything. I'm like, no, shit, we already you know what I mean. So he's like, call your mom, this is real shit. I called him, I'm like, mom, you ever deal with bipolar? Like, yeah, why I've been taking that mess with my whole life.
Damn you now, damn you don't want to let me know, so I cant least that's why. That's why I jumped the line of Something's why I.
Respect you, though, man, because you know, in order to eradicate the stigma around mental health, everybody gotta tell this story. Like you know, we don't tell our stories, we won't know. My dad was the same way with me when you find out I was dealing with anxiety and depression. Now you want to tell me that you've been on you know, ten to twelve different medications. Now you want to tell me you was going to therapy your whole life.
Damn you could have been told me that.
Now that I look back at shit, I'm like, damn, I had a lot of different triggers now that I know. But like I'm like, once I start once she told me, I'm like, oh, I just smacked the hell out of him, you know what I mean. But like it's crazy, like our community do not talk about mental health. Our community don't talk about when you're having a bad day. Our community is all Instagram, like everybody is rich, everybody having a great day every day. That is cap is a motherfucker. The white folks burh, they going seeing strings, they got doctors. I mean, it's okay to tell the motherfucker that you're ready to jump off a bridge. It's okay to tell him, Hey, I just I'm going through some ship today. And then like we don't use the resource. Well, we really don't know about the resources career. So so like I don't want nobody to know really what I'm going through because I don't want nobody to look at me different.
We're just getting around to using the language.
Yeah, we just realizing the language now crazy, So now we got to start actually going out there to get some real healing. Yeah, that's why I'm glad when you say that you're taking your two months of batticle.
That's dope than me.
Oh yeah, I gotta do.
I do every year, regardless of what's going on every year.
That's hard anything else.
Talk to you String every day, every day, every day.
About to call him now, damn.
In vegasy might be I normally don't call him to like he's gonna think something wrong.
Don't call.
Because that means.
I might be going through something. Right, let's sorry, this is good if he don't answer, So what if he going to say, he's the screen shrinks got strengths.
You shouldn't even go You shouldn't even go to a therapist that don't have a therapist finished telling us how you passed.
Oh so yeah, so I would go like boom, Like first of all, I figured out the cups. That was the first. That was the smartest thing I did. The cups. So the cups, because I can't get them cups from everywhere, you know what I'm saying. So I had ordered like two hundred cups. Two hundred cups, Yeah, I mean like I had them like damn there to the te like same bag, same everything. But before then I would like have my boy go up there and let him take the dude and I would just take the cups. But they called on to it because motherfucker, I ain't gotten him about ten fifteen cups in there, you get what I'm saying. So that's how initially I was just going there and take them down down. They catching onto that. Let me fucking go order the cups. So by that time I had them figure out the size, what the cups was, where they was getting shipped from. Boom boom, bom boom. So I would take the cup. I already already have my piss like in the cup. Go to the steam room. Make sure the motherfucker hot. You know what I mean, because that's the first thing that they check on the big temperature. So if the piss cold, it's a bad day. But like I had it down to a t, bro like, I would go woll my piss up boom, always well wards like jogging pants. I would let him see me pissed. I want him to see me pissed. You get what I'm saying. But I got some right here for his ass though, you get what I'm saying. So on the way back, it's just a quick flip like boom boom. By the time we've already there, I'm already there with the other cup. You gotta put the stick on it because they don't put the stick on it. So while we walking. Yeah, Bro, I made so much, I ain't tell this part. I made a lot of money doing it or selling bitsiness, you know, helping people pass.
Yes, nice, So why are you giving the game away from free?
Now? You can still what I'm saying, like I ain't giving me all everything. I ain't telling that they know they know anybody get man, just a matter how many motherfuckers got suspended for we like doing our time like I'm playing in fucking two thousand and five. I was the first fucking defensive player pick I retired in two nineteen. It's a home motherfucking time to pass the picture I'm talking about. I don't want to say noning, but I bro I've helped and I you won't tell what you charge, but you're charging. But all right, so we only get pissed one time. Just think about this a yeah time, any time if you pass it? Okay, all right, what do you think that is worth fifty your career? So quarter twenty five, thirty five, thirty five, thirty five, Hey what next day? In what? Who see somebody.
Who has reached out to the league, anybody else reach out to you from the league after this relation say something like as far as me like right now, Like well, because you've been in the media like before now talking about this, how many people recently like yo, yeah.
Like yo, put me on like I say, like three players three like that's playing right now? But did anybody get caught out of my crew? Yeah, no, no, I'm undefeated, bro wow. No. And like I had one like close running in Nashville, and I won't say the person name, but like I end up paying him, and like he got a private fucking script, like uh, runway path for his plane. I won't say the name, but I kind of gave up a little bit of way just then. But like I was pretty good. I was. I was, but I had client cli clientele.
He had a clientele.
And now I see why people just did cocaine. Cocaine being your system four.
The oh yeah, in the eighties, I see what they did. Like, that's that's funny. You said that Alder brothers ninety percent of them and the other out of hunt, I would say the other ten percent of the white boys. Everybody smoked up. Hmm, like everybody, even the coaches.
Mm hmmm.
I done gave some coaches some week before, but I ain't gonna say no names. Well, like a couple of places I went to, they were smoking heavy.
Have the policy the policies did change, right, they got a little lighter, didn't.
It's a little lighter. It's the same though it's like I think what ten percent now used to be fifty team percent? Now you it's basically like I think, if you don't smoke walking in right now, you should be good.
That didn't fail, especially if you live in a state that's got a legal recreational I don't know, you know how that ship is, like it's a private entity.
I can't wait to hear what you're gonna be talking about on politely wrong. This is crazy.
You're doing political stuff too because you're Trump supporter.
Right, yes, I am, now who don't like it? Like, my opinion is my opinion. I like, like I was somewhere like two weeks ago and to do something. Man, I seen you with that Trump at all. I said, okay, what is your brother? And he just went in and like he is trying to take away so skilled. I said, oh that school, You're done it. My opin is my all opini. As far as business wise, I agree with Trump. I got paper dang, and all my folks that that was in the hood, they good meet. Huh, you got the economy. We're gonna get hup. You know that she's gonna get up. You know that she's gonna get up. Bro.
I don't know.
You don't think so. The last two motherfuckers ain't this ship for you? It was down when they was in this motherfucker.
I don't I think. I don't believe in none of them. But you know, I just think it's gonna get back up.
I don't know. I think so.
Only mean I say that because when we have an eleven recessions in this country, ten of them have been led by Republicans.
Yeah, and the economy does do better.
When was in the last summer.
Hell yeah, we was right there the research.
The only thing that's the recession was COVID.
No, I don't think star recession was Trumpett Nigga checked COVID. He gave me the check. I don't COVID was playing. You see that God damn getting rid of his ass. Huh cod Oh No, the motherfucker. Yeah? Or you don't want to talk about that. I mean, I don't know. They don't think Faulty put COVID like, no, drop this in here. How you think COVID got here? Uh? It leaked from a lab and China man, leaked from motherfucking fauci.
I could have been.
I could have been to get all that money couldn't have been a biological warfare.
Yes, but it came from a lab in China. Came you think he was in the crib.
He made a lot of money off that. I don't know the tests and everything, but it's a COVID test, really real, I'm just asking, y'all.
I don't know what man, I ain't even gonna lie to Oh.
No, Like I still like got like six home tests, and I swear to God the other day there is no bullshit. Like three four months ago when they was talking about all this ship was coming back, I'm like, you know, I'm just gonna take on these motherfuckers to see if I got fucking got COVID. Surely ship is come back positive. I'm not even fucking coughing.
Right, when did you do that?
This is like three months ago?
Why you had come up and because something you could be asymptomatic.
Even during COVID people tested positive and didn't. I didn't have something, bro, So you didn't. You didn't figure out a way to beat the COVID tests. You could have really made some money with that.
We would have made killing with Right.
Now, I understand what you said. Okay, you're being a Trump support a cool But do you agree with all of his spilis?
No? Okay, all right?
You just care about the business stuff, the taxi stuff, corporate stuff, smart business.
I agree that, who Michelle, they all right? I agree with all that. I think some things that Trump say, And like me being where I'm at right now, I understand how people can take ship and twist it. And when I say take shit twisted, I'm talking about ABC News, cb CBS, like all that ship is. I hate to say it, but like it's kind of corrupt. And I've had a chance to be on the other end, like I was on fucking ESPN for sixty days when I was going crazy and ship acting the full, like I wouldn't even allow nobody to fucking even look at ESPN in one house, Like it was like a rule, but like it was crazy, like certain things now, some of it was true, but a lot of stuff they took and just made their own twists on it and just to sell papers or just to be in the headlines. And I understand that part because I know how to get clipped, Like I know what to say, I know what to ask you, I know where to ask you. That's gonna say all right, everybody's gonna follow this, So I understand what they're doing to a certain extent. Some of the ship I can agree with, but like, I just don't believe in tearing a person down or that I know it's not true. That's what I'm saying, Like you're you'll see a headline that, oh, package, I'm just throwing some shit out there, pack just beat these folks as da da da da. But it didn't even say, oh, yeah, well he was approached by DA you know what I mean, And like it's it's a gift in the curse, I guess. But that's the one that I heard. I hate about the media nowadays.
You don't know who performing and who being in authentic no more because exactly what you just said, People will say things just to get because they know what to make a headline.
Yeah, a lot of people doing that. Even I ain't throwing nobody up. But like when you start talking about your dick on the show and talking about like you having sex and ship, That's what I'm saying, like, why would you even say that? M The only reason you'll say that is because all right, somebody's gonna clip this in about oh he got six pills or some ship like that, and you I ain't saying no names, but y'all know what I'm trying to get in the circle. But like certain things, I don't know. Motherfuckers say they so I guess for anything though.
Damn, but what if that really happened to you? Though you like you're talking about when talking about geting surgery.
On surgery, I wasn't talking about Chad, Chad, my boy. I was talking about I was talking about people at that that circle. It was. It was you caught it between Okay, there you go. You caught it with you kitchen, Like I just I don't know, like certain things like I'm not willing to like what do you get out of telling somebody about what you're doing?
Depends what the topic is.
I don't know. The context will tell me what you mean. I'm asking you a question.
You said, depend on oh yeah, depend on the topic. On the topic.
Why would you tell me about who you fucking? And I mean, what's your dick look like? Do you think.
Telling you what my dick looking?
Come on, so you think you think shop the whole live thing? You think it's all cap.
You you're talking about in particular.
Okay, how do you not know?
You want live?
Ain't doing all that? They funny? You think you think the video is real? Oh?
No, I told him he knew he was on line.
No, I'm asking you, of course, do I think it was run around the course? I'm not running around shigg I'm telling you she knew he was.
No, I'm not asking about the lived You're missing it again, I'm not missing what do you think that video was real?
Let me ask a better question. I don't know when you have to fake it? I don't think he was.
What reason would he have to fake it? What would he be trying to me? What would he be trying to prove?
I don't Yeah, I don't think it was.
The rumor man, the man walking around with the little dogs and everything. Man, y'all, if y'all, if y'all really, if y'all think now, y'all smart than man?
Don't do that.
Man. I love him, but like, come on, listen to the face. Come on, don't do that, bro, I don't know. Don't call it.
What I'm saying, Jesus Christ, because we never sing, so we're not.
Like the forest.
We're talking about Come on, bro, that to me, that was funny.
You need to go on Nightcap. I'd let to see you on Nightcap.
I've been on that show before.
You ain't going It's crazy.
No, they have they will have me back because they know what's so with me.
I am viral.
They don't. I'm gonna tell this what I'm telling you. I'm gonna tell him on his own show. Hey, hey, so what that said?
Do you think NFL should get rid of to touch push?
I do? Why? Is just like they talking about concussions and ship like that's that's immediately immediate impact, like you like you're getting hit in the top of your head.
They're always down even at a short distance like that. Yes, that's still hurt.
Like let me you run, let me hear, let me hear a bunch of as you see which one that's a concussion? But you got realized, like that's it's like it's like it's mm hmm. It's different. Like me personally, I think that ship should be bad.
Said the most difficult thing he had to do in the league, Jasey Kelsey said he was one of the most difficult things he had to.
Do because he started ship they started that ship. Shout out to Kelsey, good dude, every punk ass nigga, let's go looking talking to you.
I thought you said he was saying that to you.
Probably I was. Me and him have a really good like story from like pre game and shit, because I was like mentally, I was trying to see, like who can I like fuck with? That's always been like a part of my game as far as football wise, Like I'm a big chirper and I don't think I played against nobody that I haven't like all my friends. My cousin Miew Jones played with the Dolphins, never talked to him before a game when I played against him, I'm on demon time and I've always been like that. But like Kelsey, Kelsey, he talked a lot of shit too, But we had a good love pre game.
What happened? What happened to you after the Jake Paul fight with Tyson? You gotta rest of what happened?
Uh some races as uh Misgans Mexicans. Yeah, I should have smacked the fuck out of him, and I ain't even smack him. I still got locked up. That was the bad part about it. So I'm at the Lowe's hotel with Jerry Jones own of course, which I'm standing up on it. So we it was after the fight we had the hotel, were in the lobby and ship and I backed I backed until like I was, I'm standing at the bar and I backed up like this, and I kind of like it was a lady and two dudes. A look that in my bad and the dude was just all went on. So I'm trying to think, like niggas you through.
He sure because you look at.
Down yeah, but it was like six something though, So at this time I was down. I was downstairs, just me and my camera dude, so I'm like, oh, they just think this ship here was a joke, hunh. So he just kept going church church chair and then and then like it just got to a point where I forgot, Like I was like, all right, I'm fine, the fuck him up. And when I went to go fuck him up, if you see the video, it was a police officer that was right there. So what's not on the video is I want to grab.
The mm hmm, and I hate the police office.
Like mm hmm. So she locks they locked me up for like some bullshit, But it's.
All getting what's he going off in his language like.
You can in the video. No, he was talking in English for you to understand, for me to understand. Yeah, like and like everybody knows what the mom bro like. One thing I do not tolerate though it's nothing racist, Like I got a lot of friends that's white to any color that you can name. But like I went to West Virginia, Like my friends are white, and I hate to say, I don't like I deal with but like all my friends, like my friends friends besides my family, I'll say, out of I probably got let's say sixty friends.
This biscuy world.
Yeah, my boy own that. That's my r shot. That's so good it is.
I was thinking about that, you know that.
So listen this this is the real truth. My my best friend Chris Harvord, right, So we went to West Virginia together. I took him from West Virginia. He's been with me ever since his dad on that. Wow, it's funny that you just said no.
Because I was in Rhode Island.
There's this business spot in Rode Island called Irregardless Biscuits.
I was eating.
I'm like, man, this ship is the best buscus sounds I had some tutors back in the.
Death Good like, yeah, that's crazy. Chris Harvord is my man, his dad on on that too, that's funniest fun said that that's crazy. But yeah, so out of forty friends, I'll say I ain't got no friends really, Oh my god, I got ten of them. This niggas, I don't really do friends. I'm so like, I'm different. Bro. At what point, though, even when you realize y'all had a good yep.
You're looking right at you, At what point do you say to yourself, like, you know what, I got to back out of these situations because of who I am.
You can't just go on everything.
I'm on bullshit time, Bro, I'm I'm Malcolm Etz. Bro, I'm not Martin Luther King. That's the best way for me to put it for you. In playing turns, I stand with the people. I stand by certain code and I treat people I want to be treated. But like, if you want to be on bullshit time, I got energy to respect, got to be.
I've never been nowhere. I've never been nowhere, and they like, man, this niggas is so rude. People never had that situation in my whole entire life. Like I went to school for a special education, so I got a lot of patience.
Yeah, so say something that I I love you said, being sound and stable is more important than money.
Yeah, I'm saying, like, at the end of the day, bro, like how much money do you need to be? Okay? Like that's just me, That's how I'm thinking. Like, and I've been to a point in my life. Well I'm just like, all right, you need to get the money, get you need money. Then you realize, like god damn, you got everything that you want, your nigga, you still ain't happy. Niggas still miserable. It's a lot of these motherfuckers mother Like, I ain't trying to shoot numbers up. Well, I'm talking about being theres or with one hundred million. I me personally, the most money I've probably ever had in my account was probably like thirty six million dollars. I ain't gonna tell you all what I got now, But what I'm saying is I was miserable as fuck like a lot of that time, and like it's half if it's doing that, but like like I'm way more what's the word of content and happy with where I'm at. Now, and like do I got money? Yeah, of course I got money, but like you gotta find a spot and like, well you content with yourself because at the end of the day, like ship, we all die. You ain't gonna die with the fucking money. What are we gonna do? Like are me personally how I look at it, Like, all right, I need enough to survive, that's first and foremost. So let's put this ship up right here, all right? Then I got these kids, Let's put this ship up for them, all right? How much more do I want to play with a funk around with? And like That's how I look at it. And I got some good people that's in my corner special investment wise, like Jerry did a lot for me as far as helping me, uh not worry about tomorrow and have fun today as far as they put this ship up, bro, put it up, put some of it up at least, like so you can be cool. But I just feel like that money shit, it's cool, Like everybody need money. I'm not saying this because don't got money. That what he's saying. No, I'm not fucking saying it, but I'm saying is like what you can have a whatever you want, but like mentally, you gotta find you a spot like for you.
Like having a peace of mind is way better than the money.
Would you say you are sound now?
Yeah? Hell yeah, Like it.
Goes, it goes up and ups and downs every day.
Well I'm saying I have ups and downs. That's why I gotta strength that I talk to you, got all these other things that let me know when my triggers are coming. Like I love heart and I I hate herd Like it's hard for me to explain, like mentally, like how I fucking move around every day, but like either it's it's it's only in the off switch. Is either I fuck with you or I love you or I don't fucking like it. And like I treat business like that too, Like I'm not doing certain things the make just to make some money. I ain't. I ain't. I ain't doing that.
Like what's the trigger for you?
It's a lot if you're in the club first day out, come on. I'm starting off my dad with a no, no, just a lot of cirp.
Man, you know. No, music don't trigger me. That's that's definitely not like I'm ways too smart to let.
I just it's just certain ship Like I don't like to be touched like at all, like and I don't like being like around a lot of people.
So how does that in your relationships with women? Like you know that when you're trying to get.
Talk about touch with women, I'm talking about definitely not with women I don't.
Know about serious, So how does that relationship be caring?
Like, it's just the Mexicans. You don't like to be touched by.
I don't like to be fun with and a lot of times and I could say it's some times like I let my guard down and that's why a lot of times should happened, Like there's no way I should not be walking around with security.
Yeah, yeah, but you do.
Huh hm hmm.
I don't put that out, not even to protect to protect you from others really keep you run.
I'm worrying about me doing something to somebody else because if it gets there, I'm gonna do whatever necessary to least if I if I got the means of doing it, I should say this, this is so premeditated, I would not do it. I should I shouldn't say are you married? Oh? Yes, I am nice.
Since twenty fourteen, yeah, beautiful.
That's a long ass time. Beautiful. It's hard too, Yeah, it's hard. Like it's hard. But the good part about it is you got somebody that really love you. Yep. Like it's unbelievable because I've done a lot of fucked up things. I mean, like I was a rock star for like the first oh, it's like the first three four years of let's getting married. She was a rock star too, but she evolved.
You changed?
Huh you evolved?
You changed?
Well, she's changed. How about that?
There you go, she's changed me. I don't know what do you mean by change? No more?
You're not here a bunch of other no more? He said, You asked me?
But what what? What? My relationship was?
Politely wrang what is it?
Is it open? I ain't got nothing this same for everybody to know what I got going on. But okay, hey my boy, you.
See how quick you can start talking about sex?
You did you come up with that with?
You asked me conversation?
You are you still out here? What did you ask me?
You just asked me to a bunch of girls. I was rejected. I'm sorry that was me The first couple of years of my relationship but you did.
Put this out there. I wouldn't. I wouldn't never ever, like, And I've been around a lot of chicks and ship like as far as me being with another chick, nah, as far as me taking care like she's done been through so much ship with me, like she deserved everything. I don't like, I don't own ship. She own everything like I give her everything basically like and that's just me because when I was going through all my ship, it was one motherfucker that was there with me on the lonely ass days that was like, all right, motherfucker you okay, really not but okay, and she stuck with me through. She brought tea might be the strongest woman I'm talking about include my fucking mama, Like she more stronger than my mom. And I'm willing to say that she deserves it back. And I enjoyed myself if you was asking me that, courtion. But like I know, I ain't not now getting shipped from me besides her. Hey, bro, I'm done. I'm doing a hundred thousand right now. But like, no, she is. She is. She's fucking undefeated, bro. Like, and the way she's dealt with all the ship that we've been through. I'm talking about like we dam she is she a soldier. I'm very thankful for. Yeah, we got as Anya's my oldest daughter. She at Misissippi Stake. Shout out. Know she just ran in the SEC championship the other day at Texas A and M. Then I got Trainy and JUNI which is by t. But yeah, all my kids are fucking unbelievable.
It's just got an offer from d On.
Yeah, amazing bro like he is, he won of one bro Like this kid is fucking running thirteen flat and a hundred at seven years old, Like this is shit unheard of.
Wow, your boys act like you?
Oh God, he's not.
I wouldn't say he hit like what. They don't act like me because they don't come from where I'm from, the slump of the slump. These motherfucker's got ten six bathrooms in this fucking house, nineteen thousand square and end pool. So he been not act like the way I acted. But he have certain characters. I shall say that I got. He's competitive as fuck competitive and I'm talking about anybody. And the other day we was shooming basketball and we go to the little place up here by the house, and we played like on Tuesdays and Thursday, and like he's crying if we lose. I'm like, bro, these kids are eighteen nineteen. You're the youngest fucking kid out here, but you ain't even passed me. I'm like, bro, are you serious right now? So he understands like that competitive competitive spirit, And like I always say that shit like if you grew up in it, you get to skip the line like people talk shit about shador Like, bro, what are we talking about? Bro? What are we talking about? Yeah, his fucking daddy was playing a football game and a goddamn baseball game in the same day and putting out goddamn a song. Like, yes, these kids have different characteristics than other fucking kids because guess what, he know what it takes to get there. He know the preparation, because guys, why he's fucking sitting there watching his daddy do the whole whole roller coaster. And I hate when people like try to shame some of the kids that dad made it. Most of the kids that come from I'm talking about like when your father's in your life, I should say, but like that come from watching or being brought up in that or unbelievable.
I'm all for a black nephotis me too.
All the time?
You get what the owner of the Bengals his niece, they granddaughter, guess what she is? The VP twenty three years old? Jerry? Every grandson in there, like.
So Jerry Jones's whole family on half of the everybody.
Yeah, they all got a percentage everybody.
How do you feel about Michael Jordan's son?
I gotta go people to know you define got.
To get my son anyway, Michael Jordan's son.
Just tell me Marcus was it?
I like Marcus. I heard he just got caught up with some bullshit or herd. But I like him. I love Mark. I've had the chance to go on trips and chill him. He's unbelievable to you, won't hear me saying that?
Bat Okay, well great people.
What I respect to though, man, is just you know, you speak about Chris, but that's your adoptedce Ton.
So that says a lot about you.
The fact that you was able to keep him where he keep him motivated to get where he needed to be.
Yeah, culture, bro, Like, once they see you getting up at six thirty five thirty in the morning, going through your regular routine when you really I don't have to work out. I get up to do what I like to do, just because it's it's just emmy. And I think when you got kids and shit that's watching you every morning, seeing different things, it's easier for you to put it into it. You know what I'm saying, because oh yeah, you see me doing the work. You know I don't have no problem with doing the work, and I will work out with you if I need to. But like I think, it's it's been a good, good ride. Bro watching he'll be number one pick up draft.
He going to Ohio State right.
He's committed to us.
Up with Deanna Colorado.
That's his choice.
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Shout out a bet online. We need a back another bad it's bad for the kids, not for me.
It's the Breakfast Club.
Good morning, wake that ass up in the morning.
The Breakfast Club