Full Show: Jess Hilarious Announced As The New Co-Host Of The Breakfast Club, Shannon Sharpe Responds , Elon Musk First Human Patient Receives Neuralink, Jam Master Jay Murder Trial Begins+More

Published Jan 30, 2024, 5:03 PM
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Yes, so the breakfast Club is old wayta the breakfast Club.

Envy and Charlomagne the voice of the culture.

Then i'mnna come here when this thing. See y'all different, y'all the coach, it's different.

You know what I'm saying. Like y'all know what y'all talking.

This is probably becoming the most prominent form for Hill.

Probably be here next to all of you guys.

It's really put.

It in perspective to the breakfast club. Bitches.

Wake up, good morning, Usa yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo.

Charlamagne got peace to the plane.

It is Tuesday, Yes, it's Tuesday. What's happening? How y'all feel out, y'all? Everybody gets so quiet? Man, I feel great. I am blessed, black and holly favored. Man, How y'all feeling beautiful morning? Any anytime you wake up beautiful morning.

Another day on the nerve?

Man, God is absolutely God is good. Man, God is good. Wake up this morning and give thank God for it all. Gratitude should be your attitude. What's happening absolutly. Now it's Monday. No, it's Tuesday. Today is Tuesday.

It's Tuesday. Yes, how you.

Feeling, man, I'm feeling. I'm feeling all right, man.

Can I can I salute Jess hilarious? Salute to Jess hilarious. She is the third co host of the Breakfast Club.

Yeah, if you didn't hear yesterday, we announced it on social media once we got off the air.

That's right.

Yeah, So she is officially the third co host of the Breakfast Club and she starts next Monday, next Monday. So that just means that we don't have to do rumor reporting no more.

Just what the mess will be here?

Yes, And what I mean when I say Jess with the mess will be here, not that justs has the mess, just does have the mess and her news is real, that will be rumor.

Reports, that's right. Yes, Yes, she starts on Monday, Yes, next Monday. That's right, super duper exciting. Congratulations to es. Well deserved, well deserved, earned, well earned? Reserved, yes, earned, not given earned.

That's right? All right?

What you do yesterday? Anything?

Yesterday? I worked out yesterday. You know, I'm working on my third book. So my third book is on the way, so that's been consuming a lot of my time outside of, like you know, other business endeavors. But the majority of my time is yet working on my third book, which is which is coming to it And you think.

That's right, Okay, Yeah.

We just wrapped up my second book, Real Life, Real Family, where we talk about raising our six kids and you know, I got one twenty two, one just turned twenty. I got a ten or nine to seven, and a two year old. So we talk about the differences and the errors, how things have changed, you know, because when I was raising my twenty two year old, when she was a child, things change. You don't do things differently. You learn from either mistakes or you learn to do things differently. So we talk about all of that. So I'm excited for that. That should come hopefully this year. So we're super excited for that.

I kept it light yesterday on a Monday, and I'm tired this morning for some reason.

I don't know why. Ain't.

It's weird because you wake up on Monday. Yesterday I had mad energy, and then it's Tuesday, and Tuesday feel like how Monday's supposed to feel.

Now you wake up on Mondays sometime and you Monday. Yeah, yesterday, we knew the announcement was going out, so we were all that's why that wasn't that wasn't that I was excited.

That was No.

I had a lot of JA. I didn't have no enegy for that.


I was glad.

I knew. I've been felt that forever. No, that was exciting.

I mean too world like that was excitement to me.

It was I knew what that was gonna do. We had some fun with that, Yes, we sure did.

Yes we did.


All right, Well, let's get the show cracking. We got front page news next. We'll tell you what's going on. Teslam Figure will be joining us.

It don't move.

It's the breakfast club.

Come morning morning.

Everybody is DJ en Vy Charlamagne the guy. We are the breakfast Club. Let's get in some front page news. Now, some quick sports. Ben Simmons has returned after missing thirty eight games.

Who cares. Yesterday he uh played.

In eighteen minutes at ten points eight rebounds, eleven cists, not ten points eight rebounds eleven assists.

Well, congratulations to Ben Simmons. I'm glad that the brother's back on the court. But it means nothing, absolutely positively nothing. It's so funny because my mayor Rob Talk, he's a big Brooklyn Nets fan, and he literally sent a bunchet. She sent the budget tech to the group chat. He was like, I will not get my hopes of over Bill Simmons. I'm not get my hopes over Bill Simms' not hopesule Bill Ben Simmons. You know, he acted like he was writing on the chalkboard because he didn't want to get his hopes up. So I just want to tell all Brooklyn Nets fans out there, don't get your hopes up because Ben Simmons is back. Okay, I keep calling him Bill Simmons. That's how long you've been gone. I can't even remember the.

Neck well they wore last night one forty seven, one fourteen. And also Chaukille Stevenson is claiming that he is retired from boxing at age twenty six. He said yesterday that yesterday put on this Twitter, I'm officially retiring from the sport of boxing. I'll be in the gym forever, perfecting my craft and helping the next generation become great and chase their dreams.

But I ain't effing with this week boxing game.

Yeah, I don't believe that ja Kille Stevenson is too great, too young, and I think he's probably he's probably having problems securing a major, major fight like a lot of those guys I share. He wants to get in the ring with the Devin Hayinees, you know who tank. Maybe it's it's not happening for him, So he's probably frustrated, and I'm sholders, That's what I think it is.

All right, Well, what up to is?

Hey, what's going on? Dj MV Charlemagne gott.

Let's jump right into it. Let's talk about the drone strike in Joding.

Yeah, three Army Reserve soldiers you know, rest in piece of them of it. The sad story of the Defense Department has released the identity of the three US Army Reserve soldiers who were killed Sunday in an attack at a base in northeast Georgia. Now, these were the first US deaths in months of strikes by the Iranian back of militant groups since the Israel Hamas War started on October seventh.

Let's take a listen.

President Biden meeting with his national security team in the situation room under pressure to respond after an attack the Pentagon says was launched by Iranian back militias in.

Which US soldiers were killed.

We've now learned the names of the three fallen troops Forty six year old Sergeant William Jerome Rivers, twenty three year old specialist Brianna Alexandria Moffatt, whose family described her as a very loving person, a very giving person. She loved life, and twenty four year old specialist Kennedy la Don Sanders. Her mother talking to us tonight, she.

Never expressed any fear and Tower twenty two is nothing that she ever mentioned to us.

She was full of life.

She enjoyed life to the fullest. You know, she was just a ray of sunshine for anyone that came in contact with her.

Man Man horrible, Sending healing energy to the family of those three soldiers, thinking all the veterans out there risking their lives, you know, for us on the daily. How did the drones get through to be able to do something like that.

Yeah, they thought that it was typically a friendly of this area that they're in. They typically see friendly drones come through, so obviously this was not one. Now this is the third attack that has happened, but the first time there were casualties and more than thirty people were injured with an explosive pack drone struck when destruct the base near a shelter where some troops were sleeping, according to the US officials. And I didn't want to play this clip with United States Secretary of State Anthony Secondary of State Anthony blinkoln this is what he had to say as far as retaliation.

We will respond strongly. We will respond at a time in place of our choosing. And obviously I'm not going to telegram what we might do in this instance or get ahead of the president, but I can again tell you what the President said yesterday. We will respond, and that response could be multi leveled, come in stages, and be sustained over time.

I don't I don't even like the fact that they're telling what they might do or what they might not do.

I think they should be quiet and do what they got to do.

But my question to you is is how do we know the difference between a friendly drone and the evil drone? Why don't we just shoot down all the drones that they're coming in out? I always thinking the thing as a happy drone have a happy phase on it, Like how did they decipher when it's flying in the air.

Yeah, people in the military with no more than us.

But yeah, if I'm a soldier and I'm out in the field, I wouldn't consider any drone friend.

Ye every drone, every drone gotta goes down. But you were in the military, so yeah, better insight.

Right, Well, it was at a US base, so you know a lot of times you don't want to shoot down stuff that's friendly as well. So when they were at a US base, and let me just kind of put this point out there as well. You know, you'll hear a lot of people say, oh, reservists. I just want to say this as a veteran. People say, reservists are never, you know, around anything dangerous. If you do an administrative job, you're not around dangerous. I want to point out that these people were not working dangerous jobs. They were at a base which is supposed to be secure. And so when you have drones that are around with them doing you know, surveillance or it could be any type of any type of activity that the base itself is doing. So you don't know what's friendly, you don't know what it would is possibly has intercepted.

And that's the thing about going to war. War has real casualties.

This is a risk, you know, that you take, and it's unfortunate when something likes this happening, they're able to you know, to break through and we get a casualty. I want to say this though, Progressive congress Woman j Paul is asking President Biden to seek permission from Congress first before any retaliation, because we covered that a couple of weeks ago. Remember how they did some airstrikes without technically, you know, receiving permission. So they are asking that President Biden seeks permission, and this is what she had to say.

Well, my heart goes out to the families of those service members and this was a terrible tragedy. I think the challenge now is that we are increasingly getting pulled into a wider and wider war in the Middle East, and I think we have to be extremely careful about what our next steps are.

I wonder if you know there's any liability because that I keep reading the headlines that they call it a drone mix up. But if they a drone mixed up was cited in the deaths of the three US troops and the Washington posts that the US mixed up enemy friendly drones and attack that killed three troops. I wonder if there's gonna be some some liability on somebody's.

For yeah, I would just love to know more about the drones and how they decipher which drones can come into you know, our territory, which drones can I would figure that all drones would be you know, you couldn't have any drones with their people, with our military as so the other the other night, well, I don't I think.

It was the Chiefs game.

It was a drone that got too close and they damned their empty the field like they got they damned they got all the players off the field. So I just don't know how how the differences worked with you know, with military because.

When you're on a military base, because again it was a military base. So when you're on a military base, you see that type of stuff, you know, happening all the time, and again trying to figure out is it friendly is it not friendly? They believe though that this is an Alamic Islamic resistance of a rock that has done this. Uh, and so again those drones coming all the time, it's not really quite clear if they're going to say, hey, it was the US's fault. Was it the militia, you know, the malicious fault. And so we'll see how that all plays out. There's some folks that say, you know.

It said the American the American Air Defense is confused the enemy drone with a friendly one that was coming in at the same time.

Right, you just can't shoot down every drone that comes in. So I do understand your point, d Jamie. But on a base, you know that those are the kind of things, you know, that are happening.

It could be any reason.

They could be testing, they could be, you know, doing surveilling, and it could be any reason why you see it. So you can't just necessarily go into, you know, shooting everything down because this was the area that was supposed to be safe. They weren't in the field, you know, they were at a base sleeping. So all right, well, rest in peace of those brothers and those sisters.

All right, Well that is front page news.

Just just one quick question, since, like I said, you were in the military, what would you want to see in return?

I don't that's a tough question.

Because everybody else looks at it differently.

But since you were actually on the field, like you were there, like, what would you want to see in return?

Well, my actual job was an M sixty gunner, so I actually protected you know, troops on the ground on the plane and that was actually my job. So if you were to ask my put my military hat on, then I want to see retaliation. But if you were to ask my political side, when you look at getting into this war and how many wars do we have going on, and how do we's just gonna make it harder for them in the Middle East, then yeah, you got to kind of look at all those things. So military side, M sixty gunner side, retaliation, But if it's not done right and it's putting us in more danger and more soldiers are in danger, then now we got a bigger problem because we've got a couple of different wars going on in the East right now. So kind of hard question.

Well, thank you, thank you, and we'll see in a little bit what we talking about when we come back.

Yeah, I know most of our listeners are driving while they're listening to this.

If you are driving a Toyota, you definitely need to listen to this they are sending out a do not drive warning. They want you to some particular Toyota brands. They want you to stop driving immediately. And if you are, if you want to make four hundred thousand dollars a year, you might want to apply at Walmart. So I'm gonna give you that information when we come back.

All right, get it off your chest. Eight hundred and five eight five one oh five to one. If you need devent phone lines of wide open, it's to Breakfast Club.

Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Right right? Hey, Yo, Charlette mane day, what up are we lost?

This is your time to get it off your chest.

I got an indoor pool out.

We want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club.

Get on the phone right now here, tell you what.

It is we lie Hello, who's this?


This is Shakira, Cara, Shake Cara, Good morning.

Good morning, good morning, and be good morning.

Charlotegne peace peace. How are you?

I'm all right?

How y'all doing less black?

And how he favored? What's happening?

I was just calling to congratulate y'all because I was mad at y'all because y'all wasn't answering the questions about Jess.

Listen, man, we had a little fun. Why can't we have a little fun?

That's all.

I get it. I get it.

But I just was like, man, what happened? I wasn't like thinking something funny was going on. It was just like, what is it that's going on?


She was supposed to start February fifth the whole time, So it's like, yo, let's have a little fun for a few weeks. Man.

Get the people going.

You know, we know that now.

But I'm happy for y'all. This is a great story. And I'm calling from Tronston.

By the way, I can hear I can hear the geechee in your throat? What are you talking about?

I hear it through you.

Okay, you already know, you already know.

Have a good question you too.

Y'all have a blessing, absolutely.

Slew to everybody in the eight fourty three man, everybody in Charleston, South Carolina? Man, did I tell y'all about my Ford Family scholarship? Remind me to tell y'all about that in a second?

Hello, who's that.


You be saying you'll be talking us about.

That all the time.

Well, I got I gotta let the students know because the deadline is February sixteenth.

The students have university, Yes, but go ahead.

Oh I want I just want to shout out that hilarious congratulations to her. But I also want to say, don't forget about Laura la Rosa. She really can handle herself on the radio. I like how she did that partisan Fontaine interview, and I like how she handled Charla Mane. What's your friend?

That was on Real house bos.

That come up there sometimes.

Ebony Williams, Ebany K.

Williams, Ebony K Williams, Yeah, remember her, Ebony K.

Williams paid that conversation.

I really liked that too.

They I liked Laura la Rossa, but shout out to jess Olirius. That's a good selection as well.

How much Laura call your pay? How much Lauren pay you to call him it?

And I'm nothing, man, Lauren.

Lauren nothing. I love hey. Shout out to Shout out to my friend e w her husband Julia. Shout out to my brother, my nephews, Dominic Greats and Cree.

I love y'all.

Shout out to my best friend Kay love her sister Rachel y'all.

We love y'all. Thanks for what y'all do.

Breakfast Club, Thank you, brother.

Shout out to the whole Delaware too, that.

It's Lute Lauren. No, yes, lou l Laura la Rossa. Get it off your chest.

Eight hundred and five eight five one oh five one. If you need to vent, hit us up right now. It's the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, the Breakfast Club. This is your time to get it off your chest. Eight hundred and five five one five one. We want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club.


Who's this yo?

Top of the morning.

Envy Charla name peace bro Get off your chest peace yo.

Just first and foremost of me, I want to give a shout out to my twin sister, our husbandd Gloria and Keith.

They out in Long Island.

Them to them boys, they got them king boys.

Keep the Kuran.

Shout out to Elwood John Glenn out Long Island High School.

The boys just wanted some wrestling tournaments.

They from monsters.

Look them boys up, look out for them. Another most important thing.

Shout out that just allarious.

I thought y'all was playing real close to the chest.

I love it.

Thank you for the hat too big. Appreciate it.

Oh you got the hat? You got the black Effect out.

Yeah, you're already and everybody want it.

I appreciate that.


You can go to black Effect dot com too. We got our merch store up. You can get Black Effect hats, Black Effect t shirts.


But yes, man, sleuth to the good sister.

Just hilarious.

It brings me great joy to see that. Y'all are happy that just Hilarius.

Would be the third co host on The Breakfast Club starting February fifth.

That's right next Monday.

Hello, who's this?

Good morning?

Your boys?

Love you from the brays. Good morning, familiar, Love you, bro.

You know if your chests love you.

I want to officially welcome Jets from the Bronx Ball and let him know that me and Tessa out here riding for.

Okay, well she starts next Monday.

Man, you and test ain't a couple either way, love you.

I just wanna let y'all know.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah we are.

You just didn't get the memo. Yeah you'll get the memo.

You'll get it.

Don't worry about it.

Okay, all right.

What y'all need to be thinking about is getting just like some welcome gifts, you know what I mean, some housewarming stuff. You know, somebody out they might want to provide some furniture.

You know, I got him, I got I got you, Jess.

I know you got a hubby and all. But you know, me and Test gotta take care.

We're gonna bless them, bless them with what.

I'm gonna talk the Test later, we'll figure.

Out we forgot all right, man, have a blessed little bit love. You're supposed to provide a love seat?

He love?

Who's this?



For three?

I'm sorry, I thought you were on the video already.

Day four to three? Low Country? What's happening with part of the that you call it from Florence? Florence?

Everybody in Flow Town with my God, DJ B Lord, what's happening?

Get it off your chest?



I just really want to spread some positivity today, you know, the girl that we live in. It's so crazy we focus so much on these little beefite what's going on with Megan and Nikki that we don't take time to be grateful for what we have as individuals. We live through these celebrities, you know, So I just want to encourage someone. You know, no matter what you're going through, it's going to get better right now, but it will always be better. Don't get into your intrusive thoughts, don't you know, take your own life.

Your life has work, living.

Here here for a purpose, and I love you. So that's to much all I want to say. Because we have all this negatives going on, I want to try to change the narrative and put some positive out there.

Well, thank you, and then you know, listen, I'm gonna give y'all something positive because you know Florence, South Carolina, you know, right close to Orangeburg. You know, if you're going down I twenty six, right, So I want to tell you that I have a scholarship fund at South Carolina State University. Okay, it's open the current South Carolina State University sophomore and senior students for spring twenty twenty four. You must be a State of South Carolina resident, and you must major in English of Communications. Our related fields because that was my mom's major at South Carolina State are studies in mental health related field psychology, counseling, or psychiatry, because you know, I'm a big mental health advocate. So you can go to bit dot l y slash Ford Family SCSU Scholarship. That's bit dot l y Ford Family SCSU Scholarship to apply. The deadline is February sixteenth at eleven fifty nine pm for all South Carolina State students. Man, go get that Ford Family in dowmanged scholarship courtesy your uncle Shawla.

All right, and get it off your chest. Eight hundred and five eight five to one. When we come back, we gotta talk Taylor Swift and the Tailor Bowl.

That's what I want to talk.

Larius and the Club Bowl, we're gonna talk that too, but we're gonna talk Taylor Swift and the Tailor Bowl.

I don't want to talk about Taylor Swift and Tailorbow because that's disrespectful the Usher.

And you see it, And that's exactly I said this two weeks ago.

I said, if Taylor Swift make it to the Super Bowl, that's what people are gonna start doing. It's gonna be all about Taylor Swift and we're gonna overshadow our good brother Usher Raymond. It's still the Usher Bowl. And the fact that you said that is the Dominican man is crazy to me. I'm not a Dominican man that came up and hip hop and R and me, don't you and you're gonna call it the tailor Bowl knowing Usher performing, I'm not.

I'm not Dominican performing about the Usher Bowl.

Ain't no damn tailor Bowl.

We're gonna talk about it when we come back. Is the Breakfast Club, Go.

Morning, the Breakfast Club.


Everybody is stej n V Charlamagne, the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Let's get to the rumors. Let's name or you gossip?

You chatting?

Is the rumor report?

I mean, I guess were on the Breakfast Club.

This where the tea.

Spells right right now.

Yesterday was announced that Jess Hilarious will be the third co host here on the Breakfast Club. She starts next Monday, February fifth, Yes indeed, and people were super duper excited. A bunch of people wanted to say congratulations to her, like b Simone, Tammy Roman Taylor, Bennett, d Ray Davis, My sister is a star earthquake congratulations, sist do that ish much love, Porsche said Supreme Rollout. Then Claudia Jordan, happy for you, Jess Hilarious.

Needy leaks.

Congrat congrats Jeff, so many people. We just wanted to send warm wishes. And also it was a fantastic rollout.

It was great, great, great, great, great great job.

And salute to ovio Eli and Nick for doing the content for that. Excuse me they recorded it, they didn't record it.

Okay, Okay, continue, Can I finish what I'm saying?


Loop to Eli, ovio Eli and uh, we're a team here, but I'm just gonna slute. Can I finish what I'm saying?


No, too bad.

Salute to ovio Eli and Nick for taping that Charlemagne salute for you, because Charlamage nothing.

Charlemagne was all over nothing. I've done nothing on your show for the past fourteen years. I'll just be here nothing. Okay, suit the clubs, not su Santa Shop. No, I want to salute so no man.

And everybody. Congratulations now.

Also, sisters, would you let me do my last one?

Was I got four days left?


And also Shannon Sharpe talked about Jess Hilarius and they wanted to congratulate her as well.

Oh, Joe, we got to give a congratulations to Uh, Jess Hilarious. She's the new co host of The Breakfast Club. Hey Envy and Charlemagne to God. Okay, so congratulations to her.

Congratulations Jess, y'all, bring y'all, bring me on.

I'll tell you what I didn't look.

I know she's a median.

Yeah, just funny now, Yeah, a body ain't no laughing matter though?

Did you know she was like that? What a body like? Like many body? Yadda YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA, YadA body.

It's hilarious. What Nope, ain't nothing funny about that.

No, I ain't know that.

I did not know Joe. I know, let me see you know, so you know I got twofold old Joe. I pull up a different site right.

Enough like that?

Nah man, I'm saying something to hey, like Kyrie dribbling to basketball.

Hey man, you gotta go.

I feel like we had a cookout in the summer, and I gotta tell my partners day.

Don't be looking at my sister like that. That's wrong with you. Okay?

And she young enough to be your daughter, Shannon, you fifty five, just thirty one? Cut it out, okay, Kyrie, Irvin, Kyrie Irvan got to do it this.

I want you to look.

I want you to see just the way Kyrie Irvan sees the earth. Okay, fly you don't see nothing. Cut it out on, drop on the coos bombs for sharing the shop and woke your sinkle. Okay, I told your single last year at the airport. I forgot why I was that. I think Vegas or something. You told your single Shannon Shop. Love what you're doing over there, man.


Now all the papers, all the new paper talk about the trailer bowl, the tailer right, the trailer bowl.

I'm glad you said that, the trailer bowl.

Say it again, Envy, you want you want, you want smoke at the Swiftiest, say it.

Say it again, the trailer bowl. That's right.

Why is it the trailer bowl because the trailer park trash. What you're saying, Envy, I'm reading from the post. Wasn't why they say the trailer boil.

I didn't get that far. They said it's the trailer bowl. They said, why is it the trailer bowl? Why do you say it?

I thought you were saying trailer park trails. I wasn't saying that.

Oh, Travis and Taylor So's trailer oh, you going, he said, Trailer Park.

I just thought you were insulting all their fans for no reason.

I was with you give let's go, let's go, Trailer Yes's go.

I had your back. I was like, let's go.

Let's got what we doing. Now they're saying that a couple of things. Well, let's saying that the Super Bowl tickets went up, they believe thirty three percent. Now tickets on average is twelve thousand dollars. The lowest price you can get on a ticket is ninety eight hundred dollars, which is seventy percent more expensive than last year's Big Game.

I know they're not attributing that to Tailor Swift.

Now they're also saying all the private jets, the reservations for jets landing is sold out, So if you have a private jet, you can't land in. Oh, come on in the spot because so many private jets will be landing.

Now, I ain't got none to do with Taylor Swift.

They also United Airlines is doing something special for all Kansas City chiefs and Tailor Swift fans. They are adding more flights from Kansas City to Vegas, and they're naming it like after her album like Flight Why nineteen eighty nine, which is her album Flight twenty two I guess, which is her album in eighty seven, which is No. Number.

You're not doing this, Yeah, so that that's what they're doing. We're not doing this the next two weeks. This is why so many of us was hoping the Ravens beat the Chiefs because we knew that everyone and their mother was gonna be talking about Taylor Swift for the next couple of weeks. Right, We're not doing that. And here's the thing, Black people, I'm talking to you right now. We have the tendency to elevate things by talking about how much we don't like them.

We're not doing that with Taylor.

Because what happens, We're gonna do that, and then all the Swifties and everyone who loves Taylor gonna start defending Tailor, and before you know it, it's a civil war on social media and all the chatter is about Taylor. No, let's keep the chatter about Usher Raymond the Fourth Okay, and Usher continuing to get his much deserved flowers at the Super Bowl in Vegas in two weeks.

That's all we should be discussed.

Well, what's the last thing. They're saying, the Super Bowl viewership is expected to increase by fifteen million if Taylor Swift an. She has a show in Japan the night before, so they're trying to figure out if she will make it in time. And now you could actually bet to see if Kelsey is not opposed to Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl. What's the odds on that? Red Did you check the odds on that? Or you check gods on it? You checked the odds on that.

So it has nothing to do with the fact that the San Francisco forty nine is one of the most storied franchises in NFL history. They won like what five super Bowls, I believe, has nothing to do with the fact that Kansas City, the Kansas City Chiefs are like the newest dynasty in the NFL. They've been to the Super Bowl four out of the last five years. Has nothing to do with that, has nothing to do with the fact that Usher Raymond the Fourth is performing at halftime.

It's all because the tailor Swift. Hey, if y'all get the hell out of here.

Hey, they say, if Taylor Swift at Tendnisday, saying the viewership's gonna increase by fifteen million.

Shut up, man, She's already.

Tracking her plane to see when her concerts over in Japan and she flies back to see her boot playing in the Super Bowl. Man, please do you think he on provols? I don't care, Leave me alone.

Super Bowl is the biggest thing every year in America as far as viewing, And now all of a sudden, y'all going to attribute these hundreds of millions of people who've been watching the Super Bowl for years the tailor Swift.

Cut it out man.

Yeah, they're saying the average price of a thirty second advertising spot went up, and they said it's sold out because Taylor Swift is gonna be going to.

All time record for Super Bowl viewers were set in twenty fifteen for the Patriots versus the Seahawks.

It was one hundred and fourteen million.

Last year's ratings for Kansas City versus Philadelphia drew.

One hundred and twelve million viewers.

Okay, the America already watches the super Bowl.

Cut it out, man, And lastly, they have another bet to see.

Who's going to commercial? Tailor? Commercial? Please go commercial right now?


No, who's gonna be a tailors commercial right, super Bowl, Bob Travis Kelsey, That's that's the only person gonna be in tailors with box.

Okay, that's go go to the commercial, right. Please, that's a breakfast club. Your mornings will never be the same morning, everybody.

It's DJ, NV, Charlemagne the Guide. We are the breakfast club. Let's get in some front page news.

What up chairs, what's going on? DJ ANDV Charlemagne and guy breakfast club family.

He said, let's jump right into it. Let's talk to some of these car dealerships. What's up with Toyota?

Yeah, this is really important. I know a lot of our listeners are driving. But Toyota has said that they are urging the owners of fifty thousand older US vehicles to get immediate recall repairs because an airbags dysfunctioning, and they say it could possibly kill motors. They said they are putting out or do not drive advisory covering some of the two thousand and three to two thousand and four models of the Corolla, the two thousand and three two thousand and four model of the Corolla Matrix, and the two thousand and four two thousand and five R A B fours that have airbags. They said more than thirty deaths worldwide have happened as a result of this, including twenty six US deaths, and hundreds of injuries has happened as a result of this. So if you are driving a Toyota, definitely, this is not a recall to you know, take lightly.

Definitely get look into that so that you can be safe.

We let me ask you all a question when they say stuff like this, Right when Toyota said, you know, stop driving and get immediate repairs, take them to a PA.

Okay, it's underwarranted, Okay, just making sure And I would, I would, I will say this. Usually that happens because somebody gets into an accident, and usually somebody passes away and dies, and they want to make sure it doesn't happen again. So they're encouraging everybody to bring their cars in to to prevent any more deaths of accidents injuries.

Such an inconvenience man, because you know what if you you know, you got to get the work day, you got to get to school today, you know what I mean, you got somewhere to be the day, like literally.

Right now, Well, you don't have to bring the car in right now. Some of these costs. People have for six seven years and they've been driving for six seven years and they haven't had an.

Issue, and they got to stop sitting this messages.

But they want people to bring their cars in as soon as they can for repairs, get immediate, repairs, meet immediate, or people have been driving these cars for like six seven years.

Yeah, but see, you don't want to take a risk. You probably want to do a media though.

They get immediate.

If a doctor tell me, hey man, you need to get here immediately, I'm not gonna be like, well give me a minute, doc.

You know what I'm saying. I've been driving it.

I've been having this ailment for five six years. Anyway, I know I'll be cool.

Well, I do want to say this.

A lot of the dealerships, it's an off everybody, but a lot of dealerships they'll give you a rental car, you know, while you take in the car because it is inconvenience. To your point, Charlotte Mane. But the reason why I do these recalls guys, and I know you say, well, Tess, you're always doing recalls. They do the poorest average. They really don't reach out to people that well when you do this when you think about it, when you bought a car six years ago. They probably have the wrong email on file. They don't call you, you never see it on the news. So I pay attention to these recalls because what if you literally I got one for my car the other day, one of my older cars. They were talking about the sun roof, and I wouldn't have thought to check that old email. So I do these guys because again, most of our listeners, how many eight million are listening in the car every morning. So when I see these car recalls, it's important. So you can take a chance, I guess, and not go in immediately or go in immediately.

Yeah, it's you know now. They definitely going when they can.

But they also send letters out, and the problem with those letters is nine times out of ten you always think of them trying to buy your car, them trying to say your new car. So half the time I don't even open up the letters.

You just toss them.


Are you maybe moved? Since two thousand and eight, everybody and I stay in there, I've moved. I've been in three different cities since then. So just how they get this information out, you really hardly don't see it, and I just think this is important for our driver.

So that's why I do those recall stories.


Absolutely, Now let's talk about Walmart. You can make four hundred thousand dollars and no college degree needed.

Yeah, you want four hundred for the possibility be clear to make fourhundred thousand dollars without a college degree, Walmart said, a store managers can earn that much. The company announced Monday that it will give twenty thousand in stock grants each year to the supercenter managers. On top of that, managers can earn up to two hundred percent of their base pay as well as yearly bonuses based upon the store sales and profits.

So we got to keep that in mind.

Some of the smaller stores may not make as much as you know the larger stores, but they can make an additional two hundred and fifty six thousand dollars annually. With the higher pay and the stock all of that combine means that you can make up to four hundred and four thousand a year now, Walmart said. It noted that no college degree is required to become a manager, and that three or four and that in three out of four people in management roles at stores really did start as hourly workers. It says it takes about an average of five years to move up from an entry roll position to a manager position. And just to give you guys what those salaries are, because I looked into some additional information. Typically they may start at maybe eighty nine thousand dollars at some of the smaller stores, and can go up to two hundred thousand dollars a year in some of the big city So shout out to Walmart. I worked at Walmart back in the day, So shout out to them.

Man dropping the clues.

Bond for Walmart. Okay, that's fantastic, dude. You already know how I feel about Walmart. That is holy grounds to me. When you grew up in a small rural town like I did, Monks Corner, South Carolina. Uh, that was where we hung out late that night because it was open twenty four hours, you know what I mean, at the Walmart.

It was nothing else to do.

So when you were a young kid, you know, you're young teenager and twelve o'clock at night, one o'clock at night, it was walking around Walmart. It was open twenty four hours. You know, at the time. So that's a very honorable position. Four hundred thousand dollars to be a store manager at Walmart. That's a that's a great living.

And maybe I should have stayed. I worked at Walmart, Target, all of those of store. So look, you know.

It's so interesting.

I love I still love Walmart, but you know, Target is like Walmart was my childhood, Target is my adult life.

Why Tarja, little boogie you like.

To I guess, I guess, I guess because up here, you know, up up here in New York, New Jersey area, I see a lot of them. It's close to you know what I mean. I go to Target to the Targets are closer to the meeting the Walmart. So even though they I mean, they definitely have Walmart up here, but Targets are closer to me. And I used to go. I love the Target T shirts when they need to have the most simo T shirts. And now they got the good Fellow T shirts. It's great quality.


I agree.

I'm still I still like Waldmart over Target, though, but I'm Walmart.

No no no qualms here, love Walmart.

All right?

Well that is front page News.

Taking tis absolutely.

And make sure you follow at Teslin figuro on all social media platforms at Teslin figure O and subscribe to this great shot on Chase of Podcasts. Host about teslan' figure on the Black Fuck I Heart Radio podcast network.

All right, when we come back, let's open up the phone lines eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. Let's talk Sha kill O'Neill. Now, she kill O'Neil was doing the podcast.

Is it his podcast?


I think that was his podcast called the Big Podcast, The Big Podcast.


On the podcast, he was talking about man, it should never open up to a woman, and this is what he said.

You open up a woman?


Ever, no, never.

When's the last time you think you've opened up to a one?

We don't your whole life.

I'm gonna telling you. They gonna tell you again.

Because you know what.

But it's a trap, because you know what, because once you do, whenever something going down, they're gonna throw it back in your face.

That's what. That's why. So you can't ever, that's why you crack it. Your dad left.

Yeah, Now do you feel that way?

Do you feel like you'll never open up to a woman because you feel like she'll throw it back in your face. Let's discuss eight hundred five eight five one oh five one will take your calls when we come back.

It's the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

It's topic top eight hundred.

Five five one oh five one.

To join it to the discussion with the Breakfast Club. Morning everybody. It's j n V. CHARLAMAGNEA gud. We are the Breakfast Club. If you're just joining us. Were opening up the phone lines eight hundred five A five one oh five to one. Shaquille Onneo was doing his podcast, and this is what he said about opening up to women.

You open up to a woman? Yeah, ever, no, never.

When's the last time you think you've opened up to a one? We don't your whole life.

Bro, I'm telling you, they gonna tell you again.

Because you know but it's a trap, because you know what, because once you do whatever something going on, they're gonna throw it back in your face.

That's that's why. So you can't have a that's why you crack it. Your dad left.

Let's discuss eight hundred and five eighty five one on five.

What's your thot, Charlamagne?

Uh, I mean it depends who the woman is, and it depends what your relationship with the woman is. You know, if it's just some chick you smashing, yeah, you probably don't want to open up to her, you know what I mean, You probably don't want to be vulnerable with her. But if it's you know, your wife, a you know, longtime partner, or you know a really good friend, a best friend, or somebody you consider a sister, yeah, there's nothing wrong with opening them, opening up to them and being vulnerable with them. And I don't even want to make that agenda. Thing Like people tend to, you know, if they're not good people, they'll tend to throw things back in your face, you know, when it's when it's convenient convenient to them, or when they you know, trying to throw a jab at you or throw a shot at you.

So it's just it's not.

A gender thing. It's a people thing to me. But if you want to just keep it about women, this depends on who the woman is, as simple as that. You're not open up to your mom. You're not going open up to your grandma. You're not go open up to your wife. You're not go open up to a long time partner. Of course you will, like I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with somebody that I can't open up to.

I think it takes time. I mean, thank god I'm able to open up to my wife. But I think it's also what you see, right. I think watching my dad, my dad never really opened up to anybody. He just kept everything to himself. And I think for myself it was one of those things as well. Starting off, you open up right. So for myself, when we talk about opening up your feelings and really having those conversations, did it took a long time because one, you didn't know how to because you didn't see it in two I would say the same thing. It's like, you know, these your deepest, darkest feeling sometimes and sometimes you don't know how to open up. You don't know how they're gonna because once you open up and you're able to be free, it's the best feeling in the world.

And I tell you something else that's good. This is why I'm a big proponing the therapy. You know what I'm saying, Like, sometimes you and your significant other gotta go sit with somebody. So when you go sit with somebody, it's kind of like a referee there and it's a safe space, you know. And I think that it's something about, you know, revealing things in therapy that cause you not to bring it up later. Like sometimes if you reveal things just amongst each other, you know, later on when y'all having an argument, you might just pull it up with something about that, something about the therapy of it all makes it sound seem more official, and you don't just use it against.

People, you know.

But even if you go beyond just feelings and emotions and you go sexually, right, A lot of men won't open up sexually. Like I was just thinking, men won't open up sexually.

Pause, Hey, what's up with this guy?


I was God, damn, that.

Was so flagrant. A lot of men won't open up sexually, say, I was, you know, I was.

I was talking to Big Mac pause, and Big Mac was reminding me that Anne Barrolls was talking about, you know, how allegedly Kanye likes fingers in up okay, stop, but that he opened up to it, and that's to be between them, correct.

I have no idea what you're talking about, no morement. I really don't. So I don't even like having so called serious conversation.

I don't like you.

I don't like you, Okay, I don't like you guys. Crazy guy said, men won't open up sexually. Then his very next thought is about a man getting a finger in his butt. Right, there was no need for me to pause that, ladies and gentlemen. He fast forwarded to the scene. He wanted, Hello, germ, Hey, what's that Germany?


Man about the topic?

Yeah, finding to your woman. No matter what you tell, when they get mad, man, they can always bring your beast up and charge you.

So you don't put up to your woman.

I do things I can't tell because I know if you can use against me any point of time.

Now, how long you been with your woman?

We've been good for twelve years, married for five.

Damn, you don't trust her yet.


It's not about trust.

It's just like with certain things when you do it in chalge and find until your woman and you think you did, until that argument comes and in the contack like, damn, this is just stu be litt.

My brother, Yes, my brother, my brother. It is all about trust.

You don't trust her, you don't trust you don't trust her to not use your feelings against you.

No team, good morning, Hey, good morning. What do you think about what shacks at.

Absolutely really, as soon as they are hurt, they're gonna throw that right in your face.

So you don't open up to you your significant other, hold on you, lesbian.

What we said women, we say, shack said, I mean I get it in shacks. We can open it up to all people. We talked about women specifically, that.

Was that was I wasn't in that one. So from a woman's perspective, yes, yes, a man will absolutely take your most sacred secrets and blow them right at you as soon as they're are said.

And mass how you make this about us? This is about y'all this morning. Man, This is not about what men will do. It's about what women would do.

We do what we want to do, right right, yeah, right, all right.

But no, I'm joking, but that's what I said earlier.

It's about people because if people, you know, if you don't trust the person, you know, men are women, anybody can use something against you, and you know, y'all get into an argument.

That's why I like I like that.

I like to have issues with people sometimes because whatever a person says to you when they're mad, that's what they always wanted to say to you, and that's what they always felt about you.

To begin with absolutely eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. If you're just joining us, we're talking about something that Shack said on his podcast.

Let's listen.

Yeah, ever, no, never, when's the last time you think you've opened up to a woman?

We don't your whole life.

Bro, I'm telling you, they gonna tell you again.

Because you know but that's a trap, because you know what, because once you do whatever something going down, they're gonna throw it back in your face. That's what that's why. So you can't ever, that's why you crack it. Your dad left, Yeah.

And asking your thoughts at five A five one five.

One is the breakfast Club in the morning.

Maybe let's say if we're all talking about it, you know we talking about it.

It's topic times called eight hundred five eight five one five one.

To join into the discussion with the Breakfast Club morning, Everybody's d J n V. Charlamagne the Gude. We are the breakfast Club. If you're just joining us, we're talking about Shaquille O'Neil. He was on his podcast and talked about opening up to women.

You open up to a woman, Yeah, Ever, no, never.

When's the last time you think you've opened up to a woman? We don't your whole life.

I'm gonna tell you. They gonna tell you again.

Because you know, but it's a trap because you know what, because once you do whatever, something go down, they're gonna throw it back in your face.

That's that's what. That's what. So you can't ever, that's why you crack it. Your dad left.

Yeah, So we're asking eight hundred five A five one O five one, what are your thoughts? We got JR on the line, JR.

Good morning, morning, good morning.

What's up?


What's your thoughts to what Shack said? Brother?


I believe it.

Man, Like you know, women they the kings when it comes to the arguments, so they gonna have the right fuel. So as soon as you open up to them, that's what they're gonna throw at you.


So you don't want open up to your woman, you know't tell us some of the things that you need to tell it because you know she's gonna throw it back in your face.

Yeah, you gotta kind and keep something to like, you know, crying in front of them like that my life. But uh, yeah, you know, certain things you can't do, man, because they're gonna they're gonna use that against you.


Man, y'all don't have y'all don't have real people in y'all in y'all circle. Then, I mean, I do understand. You gotta be careful who you trust and tell your problems to, because not everyone that smiles that you as your friend, but damn your significant other, the person you lay.

Down with that night.

You should be able to cry, to complain. You should be able to get whatever you need to get off your chest. If you really love that person, that person loves you. Hello.

Who's this?


This is hey Lauren, Good morning.

What did you think about what Shack said?

It's true what Shaq said a woman would some depending would throw back in your face. But would anybody come for a person that's in an argument. It doesn't matter male or female. A person who is upset is going to use anything.

To make the other person upset.

So I still think what he said is not fair because.

It's not just a woman.

A man would do the same. I mean, y'all haven't argued but a person before.

Okay, No, I mean I mean me and my wife, we get into arguments, but There's never been a time when she threw something into my face that I told her that was bothering me or that made me insecure, and vice versa. That's part of love, right, If you love somebody, you don't want to use the things that they tell you or the things that you know that hurts them or doesn't against them, right.

Yeah, I mean listen, man, Personally, to me, a good friend is all about trust and loyalty. Like you don't even want a second guess whether you can tell your actual friend something. And I mean, you know, our wives, our husbands are significant others. Whatever it is you're dealing with, you know, you should consider that person your best friend, you know. So if you can't trust him, you know enough to talk to them, and you know you don't feel like they're loyal to you.

Damn right, damn, damn, damn damn.

All right, let's go to one more caller. We got Cassandra on the line. Cassandra, good morning, Hi, good.

Morning, Cassandra.

What's your thoughts?

She said, First of all, what you're about to say that is the.

Stupidest I've ever heard in my life.

This is why he's dumb.

After divorced down.

Damn, Okay, continue, No, that's what I have to say.

Let's see, why do you think it's dumb? Because it's not just about women that you can't trust, right.

Exactly, Because at the end of the day, can I stick to your woman?

Who's gonna stick with your homeboy?

You'll do?


I can wholeheartedly say, without a shadow of a doubt, I trust women way more with my feelings than I do these niggs.


I was very surprised that, of all people shocked them that.

Come on, well, I think he's speaking from personal experience. You know what I'm saying.

Clearly, Uh you know, clearly he's been traumatized in some way, shape or form by by a woman who violated his trust absolutely.

Again, and this is why it's probably still single.

I don't know, Jesus crazy, shout the shack. What's the moral of the story.

The morel the story is, when you completely trust the person without any doubt, you'll automatically receive one or two things a friend for life or a lesson for life. Okay, that is the key to a good friendship. To me, a good friend is all about trust and loyalty. You don't want to ever second, guess whether you can tell your friend something.

Man. All right, all right, when we come back, we got your rumor report, we gotta tell you about Kanye West.

He's back in the news. We'll tell you why. It's the Breakfast Love.

The Morning Morning everybody. It's tj Envy, Charlomagne the guy. We are the breakfast club. Good money?

Are we going to say it when just comes? Is it gonna be like dj NV just hilarious? Charlomagne to God, God, just hilarious.

What is gonna be?

V gotta be a rhythm with your mouth j A M V God we are the breakfast Club.

I like that. I like that R that.

I was thinking of how we gotta do the intro there because what good morning us.

Just hilarious, hilarious and then Charlamagne piece of the go.

We figured it out. We figure figured out, figured out, figure it out.

It will get it together.

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

If you don't know, Just Hilarious starts next Monday, February fifth.

Next Monday. That's right, super duper excited for jess mm hmmm. We finally was able to tell people.

Listen, man, it was fun.

In the last few weeks We had a lot of fun playing with you idiots, okay, And it's a shame that people are so quick to think the worst.

Yeah, they had.

To make up their own stories, their own conclusion. We never said nothing, nothing at all, you know, But it was fun.

It just makes you really think about what people do at the higher life levels, right when you think about you know, military agencies and you why they have psychological operation divisions.

It's just so.

But it's also scary because people just make up their own stuff.

It's so fun.

No, it's not.

Nobody cares about the truth from the lives more entertaining. I tell you all that all the time.

But bro, they were making up all types of rumors and all types of saying she got fired on her day.

All they said that she actually did one show.

Yes I saw that, said said she did the first Joe she got back.

From breaking then we fired her. It's interesting, man. It just goes to show, especially in this year, this is going to be a year of misinformation because it's the presidential election here here in America and also in South Africa. And when you think of all of these things like AI, you know, bots and everything else. It used to be believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. Now it's like, believe nothing, nothing at all.


I don't believe nothing. I don't know what you got to use the sermon like you never used it before. Okay, but y'all damn sure. Ain't you none with us the past few weeks? Thank you, though, I appreciated the rollout.

Now when we come back, When we come back, we got Kanye West. We got the rumor of report with Kanye West. Here, we'll tell you what he did. He snatched me for phones again. We'll get into it next. It's the Breakfast Club, come onting, his sister mourning. Everybody's DJ n V, Charlamagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Let's get to the rumors. As to all Kanye West, call.

Out a name or you've gossip?

Is the rumor report?

I mean, I guess we're on the breakfast club.

This is where the tea spells right right now. Kanye West was walking down Hollywood Boulevard. He was on his way to Charlie Wilson's Walk of Fame ceremony. Him and his wife were walking down the street when a TMZ reporter approached him and started asking him questions about his wife. Kanye got mad, snatched the phone, started screaming on the woman. And then after all of that, you offered her a job. She's tim What do you feel like it's okay? I'm a human being?

Would you think hand you a white woman?

You go walk up on me like that and ask me?

Said, Rumma, ask like that?

Ask me? Y'all my wife talking about you?

She got free will? Are you crazy?

You ain't saying it's America?

You got free will?

Or you work for the death.

You guessin the hells you running for TMG coming, I'm gonna ludger. You understand that I'm here to support Charlie Wilson. You come and ask me some drum ass. Not my wife. That's what my wife. I'm understaying.

You wasn't asking when I couldn't see my kids?

Where is your.


How do you knowing me? Miss?

I don't know you?

What it's her name?

What is this lady's name?

Melanie's blood? What's your address?

What you make to hear?

I'll tell you double what they fail you?

You're the contact?

Yes, I will, I will.


Kanye is a sucker. Right when that man was yelling at him and his wife. Last week.

He had nothing to say. He's could daddled. Remember y'all forgot about that just that fast. Remember that play that clip in the field so.

Nifty you ain't boy?

They saw playing with Cordy too.

Boy, I am a god homie. Who's the fun homie?

Kanye had no smoke for that man last week. He will get him and his wife. He's could daddle.

I'm with this boy, I am the boy, not whole, not sue, I ain't but fiasto.

I ain't mo step this.

His mother block.

I am homeless twelve years day a Listen, this is oh set. That's his graduation by little boys.

From much much.

Kanye had no smoke for that man last week. He skuld daddled, got in his vehicle and didn't want no issues. Why he ain't why he ain't getting that man face? And have a conversation with that man, why he ain't getting that man face? And ask him why was he asking you all those questions? Why was he talking to you like that?


Why you ain't telling him you was a legend. I'm serious for his job. I don't respect that exactly.

He needed it. He need that man need he was a homeless man. That man needed a job.

Why I don't respect that he snapped a phone from a woman and that all tough?

I respect that.

Soaka well also Meghans Stallion, she's facing backlash over the Meghan's Law bar in her new record hiss.

If you don't remember the bar, here's the bar.

Don't be mad at Megan mad at Meghan's Law. I don't really know what the problem is, but I.

Can see y'all want me staring.

Shoot neake me.

Every chessue now if you don't know, Meghan's Law was inspired by Meghan Conker. She was a seven year old girl murdered in the nineties by a sex predator, and they created this law.


Meghan Conker's father said he didn't hear the song, but one of their youngest kids told him about it. He said he was happy that it actually sheds light to it, but he said it's still Uh, the song is so vulgar that he has a lot of negative feelings towards it as well.

I mean, you can't tell that man how to feel. He's a father, so I can't tell him how to feel.

Yeah, but My question is with Megan's law, it's a law, right, So I'm sure a lot of people google to see what Megan's law was, right, which which is.

Probably what he wanted.

I mean, he said that though, man he said he said he was happy about the attention that that you know, was brought to it because of it. But I guess he's talking about the rest of the song. It's the vulgar lyrics.

People hear.

People hear rap differently than we do. You do know that, right, especially if.

He's not in the rap at all, he don't know what's going on.

It's kind of like when a It's similar to when an artist wants to sample a record and then you know, somebody will listen to what they want to do with the music, and they don't approve of the lyrics, the content content, they don't approve of the sample.

That's what That's what this kind of feels like to me. Yeah, but I feel like this is a play with words. It was he was she wasn't disrespecting the law, right.

Yeah, I think he's talking about the rest of the song, the rest of.

The language that was used in the like the whole record, like the Curse words and whatever else she was saying.

You know what I mean, That's that's what I personally believe. I don't know, okay now.

Also, lastly, most death, he responds to people. You know, I think about a week ago he was talking about Drake and said Drake wasn't hip hop.

We have the original post like is Drake hip hop?

Drake is pop to me in the sense like if I was in Target in Houston I heard a Drake's song. It feels like a lot of his music is compatible with shopping.

Shopping with the edge.

Fair, I like Drake's musics exactly what you're saying. We got a lot of backlash for saying that.

People will say.

That is so funny, man, I would love to shop with an edge. What is shopping with an edge?


That is well.

People criticized him a lot for saying that, and they started saying Drake is hip hop and how this is how he responded to that, and thank you all.

To hear what it is that I have to say as it relates to some of the comments that I mean about Drake. First of all, I don't hate anyone my opinion his mind, it's legal. There was not an opportunity to try to slamer him or to clown on him.

I have reached out to him.

I have no response just yet, but I will say this, the young man is very talented. He's been able to be very successful with that talent, and I have no issue with his success or anything that he's been able to achieve as a result of his talent. I do feel it's some of the criticism that he's received in the past has been mean spirited, unfair. I don't want to participate in that. Nonetheless, it's not sacrilegicus to have a critique or an opinion of a public figure, particularly one of that magnitude.

Drake's hip hop is and most most does not have to defend his opinion. If there's one person that has, you know, the right to an opinion about hip hop, it is definitely most Dea. Okay, that's his opinion. Artists objective. Who cares what folks say about your opinion. I don't like when people you know, by not bao, I don't say boo or ben when people respond to the backlash on social media, because you have to expect that right when you put your opinion out there, it's gonna be people that agree with you. There's gonna be people that disagree with you, but it's still your opinion. So you got to stand on that right. But he didn't take the common back. He didn't say Drake is not hip hop or Drake is hip hop. He feels the same way.

He was just saying that his comments doesn't come from hate, doesn't come from a place where he's saying Drake is not talented.

He just doesn't his form of hip hop. He doesn't believe Drake fits.

I'm just mad that Target or somebody hasn't, you know, hired Drake to do some commercials, you know for people who like to shop with an edge. Okay, that that should be the super Bowl commercial. Yeah, what is shopping with edge? I don't know that, but they can show us during the super Bowl. That'd be like a great commercial for the Super Bowl. Shopping with an edge? You know, a bunch of people walking around dressed like Kanye is, dressing like Kanye wearing a black mask with a black leathered jacket and black jeans in the summertime.

Is that shopping with that? Is shopping with that? Especially where that Walmart is or that Target is.

What I'm saying, yes, that would be a fantastic super Bowl commercial. All right, well that is your rumor report. Now who you giving your donkey too? Man for after the hour, I want to talk about why man is will take you where money won't.

All right, yes, we'll get to that next.

It's the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Your mornings will never be the samee.

Some Donkey to Day is just so themself watching Charlotte Man ready for.

I never heard the donkey other day. Say it again, Charla Man, I'm a duncan. Yes you are, Charlotte Mane the same.

That's true.

Donkey to Day for Tuesday, January thirtieth goes to a Chicago man named Mohammed Work who I think I pronounce his name right, soons everybody in Chicago. Now, this is a very interesting story to me because a model that I live by is something my grandmother and mother always told me, and that is man is will take you where money won't. I believe that whole heartedly. I think that it costs nothing to be kind and people will always remember how you made them feel. Okay, people will forget things you did, they will forget things you said.

But they will never forget how you made them feel. Remember that.

Okay, when I tell you this story, I tell all the youngins around me, all my nieces and nephews. When you're working with people, but you want to be said about you when you leave them, is that you are a pleasure to work with. Because once again, manners will take you where money won't. That's right, Bad manners close open doors. Good manners will make you matter in life. Your manners open doors that you know your beauty can open and buy you things your money can. Okay, and this brother Muhammad work who clearly believes the same. See Muhammad is a bank robber, Ladies and gentlemen. Yes, I can confidently call him a bank robber because he robbed two banks. Okay, once is a coincidence, twice as a pattern, and he did it twice.

But he didn't just do it.

See he walked into one bank with a note that said pay it back soon, and then less than seventy two hours he was acquitted of And this was less than seventy two hours after he was acquitted of committing a similar bank robbery. Okay, gather around, let me tell you the story. See two years ago Muhammad work Who walked into a local bank and pressed a note against the glass that read give me the money, please, thank you, and he left with five hundred and ninety five dollars. He was found about a half hour later with about one hundred dollars less in the note that said give me the money, please, thank you, still in this possession. Okay, But let me tell you why our court system is flawed because in court work Who's attorney argued that even though he committed a crime, it did not amount the robbery because she said robbery involved stealing something by force or intimidation. So his attorney, married judge, claimed there was no implicit or explicit threats of any kind. Who knew you could go into a bank just be nice, Just be polite and ask for what you want and you shall receive it.

Well, look at this.

If you have ever been refused credit or alone, all you had to do was be nice. If you got a history of mispayments, the possible fraudulent act ivity on your life, don't worry about it. You can still get alan. Just smile and say give me all the money please.


By the way, a jury agreed with his lawyer, work Who who's thirty one years old, was released from custody this past Friday. So one Monday afternoon, armed with his new knowledge of the jugital system, empowered by the fact that he didn't do anything wrong because he was nice about it, he then walked into another bank and handing an employer a note that said, please give me the money. I'll pay it back soon. Banker's gift, yes, gife. I don't know if he was trying to spell give a gift, but he said banker's gift gife. I don't know what he meant, was a gift to give anyway, bankers gift me in advance. Well, it worked again, and the bank teller gave work Who more than two thousand dollars and allowed him to walk out before calling the police.

First of all, dropping the clues bonds for that bank teller.

I'm so glad you didn't try to be a hero, because that bank ain't dying for you.


Chase is simply the name of a bank. It is not an action you should when someone robs one. Okay, just let them walk away. Now, let me continue to explain this story. The teller described work who is wearing a surgical mask, neon green gloves, and a neon green win a cap. Investigators later found survellags footage of a man wearing guess what, the green hat, the gloves, and buying clothing and a backpack at a nearby target store. So they arrested him just about half an hour after the alleged robbery, with two hundred dollars less than what he had been given at the bank.

Okay, you know how I know Mohammad doesn't think.

He's committing any crimes because in both cases he didn't try to get rid of any evidence, still wearing the clothes he committed the crime, man still holding onto the note that he used to commit the crime. And now he is set to be charged with both bank robbery and bank theft, which do not require force or intimidation. His lawyer, who got him off initially married judge, says that this is a more appropriate charging decision. In fact, she said because of the jury is not guilty verdict. I believe the government is now charging both bank robbery and bank theft, and a case where there is not evidence of force are threat of force? I think they have to throw the book at the man simply because you have to make an example. Are you gonna have a generation of polite, well mannered crooks right thinking they can get away with crimes simply by saying please and thank you? And that's not how any of this works. Because here's the thing. People judge others on how they act, not what they say. Folks can say anything, remember what I said earlier. People will forget, you know, what you said, okay, but they won't forget how you made them feel.

You have to follow that up with actions.

If you have manners and you say please and thank you, but then do something foul, that's not good manners.


Having good man is being polite, helpful, and respectful the others shows you have self respect. But robbing someone after you say please and thank you shows you do not. Please give Mohammed a work who the sweet sounds of the hamiltones?

Oh no, you are the dog of the dogee all the day yee.

It's kind of like when folks say no disrespect. But but I think instead of saying no disrespect, you should just be like, please, man, I disrespect you. Please, may I please disrespect you? I'll apologize for it later.

That's what it feels like, all right, well, thank you for that dunkey today. Yes, all right, Now when we come back, let's open up the phone lines. Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one shout to Michael Blackson, comedian you know, friends to the room. He put a question out yesterday. He says, is it appropriate for your homie to ask your girlfriend how she is doing?

All right?

Eight hundred five eight five one five one?

Context? Does it matter? Yeah?

If you if me and my significant other art together and my homeboy walks up and he gives me a pound and he said something man, and he turns my wife and says, how are you?

No, that's fine, I think he on the phone, I said, with context checking up on her. So so that's like your homie reaching out to your girl, your wife and saying, hey, how you doing?

That is the context.

But why is he doing that? Like she sick?

Like was there a car accident? Like did she just have a baby? Like what is the reason she's doing that? Because that can happen on social media? Right if you know, like if you see your homie significant other on social media and you know something happened, you send a DM like yo, you're good, or you see her post something in the story.

And you reply back, oh you're doing better? How you feeling. I'm saying context matters.

More context it does eight hundred five eight five one five one, because you know, the first thing you're thinking, it's like, hell, don know my home We shouldn't be reaching out beause your insecure. But when you think about it, like you said, I if somebody gets into a car crash, like he just checking up on you, you're okay. Or if somebody just had a baby, yeah, hey, congratulations.

If I saw you, if I if I see her, if I see my homeboys girl out and about, I'm not gonna say, oh, what's up?

How are you?

Just what?

Come on? Man?

I need more context. He didn't give no contact.

You didn't give no context. That's all he said. That was that was his context.

That's all he said. Okay, that's all he said. But let's let's have this conversation. Eight hundred five A five one oh five to one. That's all he said. Is it cool for your homie hit you up here, hit up your girl and ask her how she's doing? Hit her up, I would assume on the phone. Let's discuss eight hundred five A five one oh five one. Would you have a problem with it? It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club, Morning everybody. It's TJ NV, Charlamagne, rigatde We are the Breakfast Club. Now, if you're just joining us, we're talking about something. Shout the comedian Michael blacks and put on Instagram yesterday he was talking about, you know, homie shouldn't be checking up on your girl. That is the question needs more context, Mothersucker eight hundred and five eight five one oh five one.

Because it's all about context, right, because like if if I don't know, if you, if you, if you, if my, if my, if you and my girl know each other and we cool, do y' all cool? And you know she posts something in her story, right, and and you know she might have been in an accident or just had a baby something, and you just ask, how are you?

You're good?

That ain't that?

Ain't that don't bother me.

I'm thinking about it, and now it don't bother me because you're thinking about I'm thinking about my friends that actually have my wife's number, right, and if they hit it, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Yeah, if I see you in the If I see you in the street, you know what I'm saying. Mean, if you see my girl in the street and you say.

What's up? How are you? You know what I mean? Stuff like that? I gotta know. I gotta know more context of what this checking up is. You know what I'm saying.

But like I said, and like my friends that have my wife number, I wouldn't mind, like if they hey, just checking them on your house? Everything, Well, if it has to be context, because why are you checking up? It's just out the blue? Is it just Tuesday? But hey, I'm checking up on you on a Tuesday?

You know what I mean?

I don't know.

And then what if what if it's your if it's your wife right and it's like your first cousin and we all cool. I have a problem with that. I that's what I need more context than this this question.

Hello, who's this going on?


I appreciate y'all. Let me call up here?

What up Alex?


What's up?


What's your thoughts? Brother?

Playing and stuff on?


All here with Charlemagne saying, you know, it all depends on the context. But I think everybody should keep things cordial. You know, no social media, no hitting each other up.

And if I'm not involved, you said.

No social media, So you don't even want your homies following your girl on social media?

Nah, too much, too much could happen. It's too much room for stuff to go left. And that's not even being insecure.

This it is.

I figured that. I figured that's that's more so respect thing.

You know, how how old are you, brother?

About twenty five?

Twenty five? All right, so how long you've been dating your girl?

We ain't gonna get in for that, you know, long enough.

You don't know long enough to care longer to care about my homie hitting up You.

Don't remember, hey, man, But did she put a lot of uh bikini picks and have naked clothes on Instagram? Is that how her Instagram looks?

Not necessarily, you know, sheep. She keeps thinks pretty h pretty professional in there and respectful. But at the same time that she did and she did start doing that. You know, I don't want nobody hear me up out of the blue, like you know.

Yeah, you sound like a little security But I get it, all right, brother.

It just really all depends on context.


There's a lot involved, Like Ain don't.

Even want his homies following his wife his girl on Instagram?

Bro, they might just be his homies. I mean I said this about context. I don't know how close he is to these boys. You know what I'm saying, Like I get it.

Hello, who's this boy from Illinois? D boys from Illinois?

Now what's your thoughts? D boy from Illinois?



My thought is Charlote magnet like steeting homie called him and talked to his wife. That's why he hated all the light skinning people. Never, let's get that out of the way exactly.

If you call it, if you call it your.

Man's girl, you ratting on it.

If you're calling your man's girl to say, hey, how you doing, you're ratting on.

Your posts on your partner. All right, thank you, thank you?


I mean there's no As I said, it's about context, like I need context.

Mellow, Yo, what's the word envy with?




When you when can your significant other call your girl on the Obama phone?


Hold on, can my significant other cool many girl on the Obama phone? So you almost got me? Then I bang it that but I'm not gonna hold you. If you're my man and you're talking about girls, you are no longer my man.

But she barely like me. So what's the about you that she's with you? Her up? Like Wendy Williams talk about how.

You doing no grabbing? Something happen, accident, rapping. She just had a baby and your homie just want to say, yo, congrats, how you just checking up on you?

Okay, but why are you telling her that you're my man not her man? Like ain't on top of that, like my shorty she from New York. They're toughest men on earth, like they no, no, why do you mean you back?

Why do people I mellow mellow? You were trap you and Travis real cool?

Wrap it?

If TRAVI at your girl be.

Not, that's completely different.

You know why.

I'm not about to I'm not about to do that.

But it's okay, it's not gay men be the biggest snitches to your woman.

Okay, but at least they not trying to get her.

Yeah, but they telling on you in case if you're doing something that you ain't got no bend to doing what you shouldn't be doing.

Anyway, the black men don't cheat. There you melow.

You said it.

Right, mellow, I'm sorry. Please forgive me, Please forgive me, brother, have a good, mellow mistake. That's right.

I believe I accused that black man a cheating, knowing black men don't cheat. And but I did say, you know, hypothetically, because you know black men don't cheat.

Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one.

We're asking would you have a problem with your friends directly checking on your partner? Let's discuss. It's the breakfast Luff morning everybody, It's j n V. Charlamagne the gud. We are the breakfast club. If you're just joining us, we're asking, would you have a problem with your friends directly checking on your partner? Now, this conversation comes from Michael Blacks and Michael Blacks and put in the post. Is it appropriate for your homie to ask how your girlfriend's doing? So that is the question. Let's go to the phone lines. Hello, who's this? He a w from Elmont, Long Island. What's up?

How you doing?

I'm good, I'm good. I'm good. Now now we'll question what would it be a problem if you feel like your man's friend is checking up on you?

No, because if it's a problem. I shouldn't be a girl in the first place. I should know how to conduct myself, and so does the friends. It doesn't have to be a negative situation. Now everybody's a creep out here, Okay.

That's why I keep saying context matters in this situation. And I wonder if Michael Blason is saying that you know, the friend checked up and he didn't know the friend checked up, Like if the friend checked up and you didn't know the friend checked up and you found out the friend checked up, that's different.

Hello, who's this Hi?

I don't want to say my name, but good.

Morning, anonymous.

What's your thoughts?


I feel like it's okay only because I'm speaking from experience been and I went through a rough patch one time, and his best friend is also my friend, him and his wife, and so he was the only one that knew about the situation that was going on. So of course he checked up on my husband, and he also told my husband, I'm going to be checking up on your wife as well, because you know, nobody else knows about the situation but me, So I'm gonna check on her and you know, make sure she's doing all right. And check up on both of y'all. And he told my husband that my husband was fine with it. And he told me that he told my husband that, so you know that was okay.

Context context matter.

And he also told you he told you, yeah, he went and told your husband about I know what the situation is. I'm going to check up on her. That's different. That's respect, that's that's big respect.

Yes, exactly.

Thank you.

Did y'all work it out? Is everything better?


Everything is great?

All right? Amen, go with mama, all right, thank you you too.


Oh you know, I was born in nineteen hundred and seven. Ye's when I think Penny, I think good times at Hadaway.

No, it's not even Penny. It's canny like Tanny, like the color.

Kenny, like the color like the color can can Tanny?

Okay, all right, that's different. What's your thoughts, mama?

So my thoughts is totally not ethical for women for men to reach out to other women and act them. Is they okay? Because that's opening other doors to like condoncise your man up to see if you're accessible or not. And I don't think that it's appropriate. Like sometimes they be trying to flick act like they cool just to size your man up or just try to butter you up from when they see the doors open. So I never think that that's okay. Now you need to show respect for your man at all times. You can't just be out here just being accessible even to their friend because nah.

No, thank you, Teddy.

Enough, have a good day.

So what's the moral? The other story?

I mean them all the start to me is just that context matters, you know. I mean like that's just a big, broad general question.

Can your man? Can your homeboy check up on your woman?

Like I need more context because I think all situations vary.

Well, all my my friends that have my wife's number, I wouldn't have a problem. I'll be honest with you. I really wouldn't. It's not too many friends that I have that have my wife's numbers. So and the ones that do, I know those my family family. So anyway, when we come back, we got your rumor report, we got to tell you about Elon Musk and his brain chip.

Yeah, brain chip, we'll talk about it. It's the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, the Breakfast Club, Right morning, everybody. It's DJ Envy Charlamagne the guy. We are the breakfast club. Let's get to the rumors. Let's talk Elon.

Musk or you've gossip beat is the rumor report?

I mean, I guess we're on the breakfast club.

This is where the tea.

Spells right right, you know.

Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla. Now, after years of testing their brain implants on animal neurolink, the company is doing their first test on a human in. Elon Musk, of course, owns the company who.

This morning Elon Musk announcing that for the first time, his company, Neuralink, has implanted a brain chip in a human. Musk saying the person is recovering well. Initial results show promising neuron spike detection. Neuralink's goal is to help paralysis patients communicate by connecting their brain to a computer. People paralyzed from stroke, from traumatic brain injury, or a spinal cord injury could see the benefits. The FDA approved Neuralink for human tests last May after years of testing on animals.

Here's one electrode on one thread that when we stimulate clock causes a flextion movement of the leg.

The company demonstrated the ability of its implants to stimulate movement allowing a monkey to play a video game. Musk says the first human users will be people who've lost the use of their limbs. But speaking about the long term, he said, imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer, that is the goal.

I mean, that's amazing, acknowledgies.

We can really help paralyze people are folks who have you know, uh problems, folks who have problems with their limbs.

People communicating. It's dope. If it's like you said, if it works, that'll be amazing.

I just don't wanted to make stupid people smart. Like you know, God made dumb people for a reason. Okay, I don't know why that you know, made silence happen into the rooms. You know they dumb people serve a purpose now but you know if well yes God, no, God, God know what God doing. I'm telling you, man, God made dumb people for a reason.

All right, Well, now moving on, jam Master Jay's murder trial begins began yesterday. Actually, now, this murder has been unsolved for twenty two years. Uh, there were actually people in the room where he was murdered. And now after twenty two years, those individuals are starting to say what actually happened that night.

On twenty years after his death, the trial's finally begun for the two men with the murder of run DMC's jam Master j. Opening statements took place this morning in Brooklyn Federal Court.

Lisa Evers was inside the court room and she joins uslide from downtown Brooklyn with what we learned on day one.

Lisa, friends, fans, and supporters of jam Master Jay showed up at Brooklyn Federal Court for day one of the long awaited trial. Carl Jordan Junior and his co defendant Ronald Washington are each charged with two murder counts, one in connection with drug trafficking, the other for using a gun. In the prosecution's opening statement, Ausa Miranda Gonzalez told the jury it was a deadly ambush of Jason Mazell on October thirtieth, two thousand and two by Carl Jordan Junior seen in this court sketch and a striped tie invest on the left and Ronald Washington on the right.

The motive revenge over a drug deal gone bad.

The heinous acted eating them a lot spirited. Jam Aster j probably haunting the hell out of them.

All right, Well that is your room report, and.

I want to tell everybody. Did we tell you abot that Just Hilarius starts next Monday? Yes, yes, we did all morning long. Yeah, just salute to Just Hilarious if you haven't heard, Yes, she is announced. She's the third co host of the Breakfast Club and she begins next Monday.

February fifth.

We sup brick sided, So salute to Jess Hilarious.

Yeah, we announced it yesterday.

You know what's interesting about the rollout we did for Just Hilarious if you saw, for those who saw the video on social media, the majority of those people you know, from the the YouTubers and the podcasters and everybody else who had a theory yep, and was spreading false information about what they heard and what sources tell them.

Most of them lie to y'all like that all the time about everything.

Okay, but y'all don't care because nobody cares about the truth and the lies more entertaining.

But those lives are not sustainable, Okay.

You can't build a solid platform, a real credibility off lives. Eventually that house of cards will fall. But you will learn that on your own. That's okay, And it wasn't everybody that was in the video, you know Slute, the Claudia Jordan and our Renolds. The reason we used them at the very end then was because that was the reveal and they were the only people that I heard who got it right.

Yeah, that's said. Yeah, it sounds like a yes, yeah.

You know that's saluted them.


But you know, it is scary because so many people believed in what people were saying and they had no clue, there was no sources, there was nothing. They were just making stories up, which.

It's very it's just human nature.

Believe it, because you know, this was not as serious, but this just themagic something else that's more serious that's gonna be happening in the next a couple of months.

It's not scary. It's just human nature.

And when you live in the era that we're in where everybody has a platform, folks is really just looking for content.

That's it. Like content They hurt other people's lives.

Nobody cares about the truth and the lives when, by the way, it's always been like the tabloids and everything have always existed. There's always been rumors in gossip. The difference was the difference was the people that spread the roomors and spread the gossip.

We knew it was rumors in gossip.


Now, these people get on these platforms and speak, uh, you know, with zero knowledge about things, with extreme confidence confidence, and they think their feelings are facts. But as I always tell y'all, your feelings are not facts. Your feelings about something are not facts. If people would just say, oo, this is a rumor, this is gossip. You know, I don't know, I really don't know what I'm talking about, but this is what I think. Correct, it'd be totally different. But they don't do that. No, no, all right, but Jesse Larry starts Monday, February fifth.

That's a fact.

That was funny yesterday too, even watching people, even watching people try to act like that wasn't always the case, because everybody made up all these scenarios in their mind. But no, she was alwaysupposed to on February fifth. But there was people saying things like, oh, that's probably because they tried to back out and it was and it was a breach of contract and they had to acknowledge it.

Shut up, shut up already. At what point do you just admit you're allowed and wrong all the time. Shut up, shut out.

I gotta go with it. They gotta keep you.

Really don't gotta keep you.

Get you gain more respect if you just admitted I was wrong, we were wrong. We don't know what the hell we be talking about? What You're entertained, don't you?

I was.

I was highly entertained.

I was.

I totally understand why the military has psychological operations with y'all. Don't. Noah's okay, one day, I'm ready book all the social shut.

Up, shut up, just one day, one day He's covered.

Are No.

I'm just saying one day, one day, one day, one day, a long long, long time for night that I'd be.

Like, what really? That too?

And that and that and that and that your yes?

All right? All right?

Well people show us mixes up next, get your request. It's the Breakfast Club.

Good morning, the Breakfast Club. Your mornings will never be the same morning.

Everybody is tej A Envy, Charlamagne, the guy.

We are the Breakfast Club. Uh. I want to say again, salute to Jess Hilaris. She is officially our third co host.

Yes, she starts next Monday, February to fifth Man. That's right.

Yes, you know, it was a long, tedious process last year's rotating all the different guest hosts. But there's a story behind all of that though. It's it is incredible how God works. I've known Jess for about a decade now and it is just very, very interesting how God works.

I'll say that absolutely, we'll talk about it.

We'll talk about it. We'll talk about it one day, but she'll start next Monday. That's next Monday, February fifth. Esse Hilarius officially joined the Breakfast Club.

That's right, and when we come back, we got the positive notice the Breakfast Club.

Good morning morning.

Everybody is DJ Envy Charlamagne to God. We are the Breakfast Club. It's time to get up out of here. You guys, have a great day. We'll see you tomorrow. Charlaman, you got a positive note.

I do, man.

It's simple and it's about the truth. Always remember the truth cannot be deceptive, and one who sees it cannot be deceived.

Remember that, have a great day.

Breakfast Pities, you're finished for your de