DONKEY: Five Men Arrested After Blocking Traffic While Twerking At Intersection

Published Mar 13, 2025, 5:24 PM

Charlamagne Tha God Gives Donkey of The Day To Five Men Who Were Arrested After Blocking Traffic While Twerking At Intersection. Listen For More! 

Damn sal Man, who do you give a dusky the other day? Soon?

Now? Well?

Sexy red Donkey of to day for Thursday of March thirteenth goes to five Memphis men Michael Sanders eighteen, Rashawn Bryant twenty two, Jordan Smith nineteen, mandre Cole May's eighteen and Desmond Subbury eighteen. All of them have been arrested, and young Kashlin needs to let all u y ns know something. Please please please stop with the organized crime seriously. Man, if you can create, you know, a criminal enterprise, and you can also you also have the brains to start some type of small business. I'm just sick of hearing about young people coming together to form drug rings and fraud schemes, even organized stuff. If you can put so much time and energy and doing the wrong thing, then you can put that same time and energy into doing the right thing. Okay, you youngins are not applying yourself properly, and you could be. And that's what frustrates me the most. Okay, unity and group operation is a musk. But why do we only seem to see unity in group operation when folks are coming together commit crimes in this country? Not playing with you.


They are ready at all times to introduce you to their good friend Rico. And these five Memphis men, sadly are the latest example of that. Would you like to know what the criminal behavior was? Would you everybody take a deep breath, Come one for the deep breath, because dic type of organized crime is triggering. Let's go to the Miami Herald for the report. Police.

Tennessee cops say traffic came to a halt at a downtown Memphis intersection when five men leapt from their car and began twerking before baffled motorists in Tennessee. It happened Monday, March tenth, about three blocks east of the Mississippi River, and the dancing was still in progress when a police lieutenant drove up. What the officer saw was a twenty sixteen Chevy Malibu blocking traffic at a green light and four men twrking around the car outside. A fifth man was spotted dancing on the car's hood. The five men were taken into custody so the offense would not happen again, and they were charged with obstructing traffic. The men ranged in age from eighteen to twenty two. A motive behind the stunt was not released.

Five Memphis men got together to disrupt the lives of law abiding citizens just trying to go about their day of vehecular blockade caused by booty. That's what this was, hey, Michel Rashawn Jordan, Mandre Desmond. When you were scrubbing the ground, cheeks the concrete, did you think about the ambulance you may be keeping from getting to the hospital, The person who just got a job. First, they'll work and they about to be late because of your traffic tampering through torque terrorism. This should be an episode of law on Order torqu Victims Unit. Okay, Not only is this a criminal enterprise, it's a whole production. You all probably had glorilla blasting, Okay, cameras out just to synchronize routine of reckless rump shaking. Why first degreef for loneius fraggle maggotry. That's what this is, Okay, the unlawful act of throwing it back in a way that disturbs the peace, blocks traffic, and disrupts people's everyday lives. Why we cannot let the ass cartel get away with this? Are we really gonna sit back and allow underground network of professional rump shakers to disrupt society. People like this don't think of anybody but themselves. The only real luxury any of us have is time, people, okay, because it doesn't come back. So imagine you running late for something important, rushing to pick your kids up, trying to make your Brazilian wax appointment. I have one today, by the way, and you're stuck in traffic because five grown ass loose booty bandits decided to turn the highway into the Magic City Monday. They are all charged with obstructing a highway or passageway. But I feel like this should be a free cocase. This is a free cocase.


There has to be a stiffer punishment for this organized booty movement because this was a coordinated effort to weaponize the wobble in public. Where is President Trump to sign an executive order to stop discrete scripting syndicate? Huh? If he doesn't intervene, this could get out of control. Okay, men will mimic this behavior all over America. This could get out of hand. Do you really want criminal organizations dedicated the torque related in fractions? Popping up all over the country. Do we really want booty trafficking d D. Don't you answer that? Okay, the illegal transportation and distribution of reckless working across state lines. Do we need that? Let's do better? Please give Michael saying this, Rashaun Bryant, Jordan Smith, mandre Cole Mays and Desmond Subbury the biggest he hull.

I have a question now, if this was back in your day, and.

Five went back in my day, like you wasn't born in nineteen hundred and seventy seven.

If five women would work it in front of you, would you mind? Would you call the police back?

First of all, I don't have time for your hypotheticals. Let's deal with the reality of the situation. So that's what's wrong with people nowadays. They don't never want to deal with the reality of things. Let's deal with the shared reality. Somebody show you this muck shot.

Look at that.

Don't get bricked up over there? Can you see this? Just Jesus, can you can you see that? Somebody sitting this picture to jail.

I don't want you to get bricked up over there, bricked up the bread up. Don't get bricked up over women.

I mean, if you try to get somewhere, that's olf, that's right, Like, what are we doing? This thing got nothing to do with the agenda of nothing. Why are you disrupting traffic, stopping people's day? Okay, we got things to do. You're just hopping out of a twenty sixteen Chevy Malibu to twerk in the middle of the street for what In twenty twenty five? Come on, stop, they got none to do, agender.

Hey, you looking at the picture because.

I'm trying to figure out what they all identify.

One with redhead right then you know what? Hey, hey, it don't matter.

There was an executive orders to be right.

You're right, you're ablutely right, right, ah right, Okay, Well, thank.

This pride every day he's talking about.

All right, well, thank you for that. Dog of the Day.

Donkey of Today is sponsored by renowned personal injury attorney Michael the Bull, Lamb and Soft. Don't be a donkey when you need a fighter on your side. If you're ever injured, go to Michael to Bull dot com. That's Michael to Bull dot com. And when you mess with the Bull, you get the horns.

Wake that ass up in the morning.

It was Clod