February 29, 2020 - The Brandon Tatum Show

Published Mar 1, 2020, 3:00 AM

February 29, 2020 – On Ep. 25 of The Brandon Tatum Show, we address the following topics:

0:00 – Biden declared winner in South Carolina; where is his campaign at, and does this affect the momentum of the other candidates?
9:01 – Activist Derrick Gradenigo calls in to talk with Brandon about Trump in the black community
18:26– We take your calls! Topics include liberalism in modern America and possible candidates to follow up Donald Trump.
26:14 – Continuing with your calls! Topics include the Convention of States movement and responses to Trump’s behavior

Follow Derrick Gradenigo on Twitter @DGradenigo and IG @derrickgradenigo

Follow Brandon on Social Media:
Twitter @TheOfficerTatum
Instagram @theofficertatum
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tatumbug34
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/btcruiser34 

The Brandon Tatum Show airs every Saturday @6 PM Arizona Time
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