Bobby is putting a squash on some rumors that have been spread about him over the years. Plus, the show all brought something to share! Then, find out the sketchy moment Amy saw in the work parking garage and more!
Committing Alisca.
Hello, Welcome to Wednesday Show. Hello Mike, Hello, Hello morning.
All right, so we're going to get right to the anonymous inbox because we have a really cool guest coming up in just a second.
So let's go ahead and open up that mail bag. Hit it. It's anonymous sin anonymous sin bar A question to be Hello, Bobby Bones.
My twelve year old daughter has been taking gymnastics lessons at the same gym about five years. In that time, I've gotten to know the gym's owner, and I'm impressed by her, to say the least. My daughter is serious about her training and her competition, so I'm hesitant to do anything that would upset that. But I've been thinking about asking her coach, the owner, on a date. Do you think I should run this by my daughter first? Should I give up any idea that I have about dating her coach to prevent any awkward situations?
Signed mister whistles Chaser.
Oh, so we got a guy who likes the coach, likes the gym owner.
Twelve years old. I mean you want to you can go fro no.
I kind of try to think of the positives here, and if she's single, you're single.
What if they could have this cute, amazing.
Awesome life, travel around, do gymnastics, Like, I don't want him to miss out on that if he really likes her and I don't know that you involve your twelve year old or what if you take her out and you realize like, oh, we don't really have anything in common, and then you just kind of let things go back to normal.
They will never go back to normal. Problem. No ever, no oh ever.
What I would say is it's risky because if you're twelve year old, by any chances ending her or being coached her time at this place in the next couple of months, I'd wait till then. If she's not, she's just there indefinitely. You have a tough decision to make because it will be weird for your daughter both ways if it works or if it doesn't work, especially if it doesn't work, and if it doesn't work because you sir get tired of her. It could be the other way too, But if you get tired of her and break it off with her, it's going to be really difficult on your daughter. Like that will bring in a whole element that your daughter doesn't deserve. And I never account on anybody and being mature after a breakup ever, which.
Is a bummer because it's possible.
Yeah, but I don't count on I never count on me to do that either. So what I would say is there are a couple things to evaluate. One, have you spend enough time with this coach to feel like you have enough things in common that if you do like each other, then it could be something meaningful. If you're just looking to hook up, dude, you got to find somebody else hook up with. Oh yeah, that can because it'll screw your daughter up big time. I don't really think you need to ask permission. I think you can have the conversation with your daughter, but permission probably not. I'm okay with it as long as you know that there will be repercussions if it doesn't work out, and you may have to put in a new place.
But I like your tip of like before you even ask her out, like, make sure you kind of get to know, try to sneaky, get to know things about her.
And if she's been there for a while, maybe he does.
You need to make sure that foundation is a little stronger than you just meet somebody and ask him out. Like that foundation of friendship, that foundation of you have the Matt the big things in common without feeling her out, and also knowing that if it doesn't work out, there's a really good chance that you may have to move your daughter somewhere else because it could get awkward. You just want to make sure worst case scenario is taken care of before anything else.
But I do say go for it. You only live.
Some people say once, yeah, yeah, I've about a couple of near deaths. I'm like three, But I say.
Go for it.
But go go for it with the with the yellow yellow flag up.
Yeah, and don't ask for mission.
But have the conversation because twelve is starting to be an adult ish that at least they think they're undul I agree even though they're not.
Here's a voicemail from last night.
Hey, I just wanted to let Amy now that I Refire three is out excited to hear her movie review.
Amy did not review this yesterday.
Terrified three, Yeah I'm not going is the new version of Terrifire two, which was the most gory movie ever that Amy had to go because she lost a bed and you did not like Terrifire two, so you're not going to go terrified.
No, I didn't lose a bed, so it's not happening, but terrified too.
It was horrible and they said I was gonna throw up while I watched it, and I didn't, but it was still disgusting and a huge waste of time. And it was just me and my daughter, her friend and then some old man in there by himself.
That's weird.
Yeah, next one, how do you six a pumpkin?
What's the pumpkin patch? And he picked a pumpkin with a pumpkin patch.
It's pretty good pile of stories.
So being hungry comes from a combination of not eating soon enough after your stomach tells you to all right, familiar and if you feel like you're acting like a toddler who hasn't had a nap, will you would be correct, Like your brain starts to freak out. And the reasons why is because your stress hormone is going up. It's your higher cortisol, you have lower serotonin, which is a feel good hormone, and then your blood sugar is so low.
So there is a reason why you're acting like a six year.
Old hungry And I'm angry, hungry yeah, so you've got to listen.
I just know I'm hungry and that makes me angry.
Yeah, but they said picture it like if it helps, Picture it like your stomach is trying to send your brain a text message.
Like hey, I'm hungry.
Well, if you keep not feeding it, it's just going to keep pinging you.
With text messages.
Like an expert was talking about the best foods to have on hand if you want to avoid being hungry, crunchy vegetables, chickpeas, Greek yogurt, berries, and almonds.
Sounds fancy. What about something like a kickcat.
Well, that might help temporarily, but then your blood sugar may freak out. Okay, You're probably more successful than you think, because a lot of people just tie success to money.
Anybody feel that way, Yes, thank you, Bobby.
So I've got six questions you can ask yourself that might help you feel like you're more successful.
Is one of them?
Do you feel great when you wake up way early in the morning for a show that should not be as early as it is?
If it is, I got a guy, I got a bad answer.
Okay, Bobby, are you someone that appreciates what you already have?
Yes? Yes, yes, answers yes, yes.
Are you constantly working on your life and yourself?
Okay, and yes, and I read books and I try. Yes, I'm gonna do a very good job sometimes that I do. I'm actively trying to better myself.
So that's kind of the next question too. Do you have a growth mindset?
Yes, but again I'm so bad at it, but I will say yes, I am trying to get better in a bunch of the areas I never that were deficient for a lot of my life. Yes.
Do you live out your values?
Oh? Yeah, easily. I value working hard And.
Then these two kind of go together.
But it's if you're doing work, like when you see opportunities to rise and you jump on them, or you're actively trying to achieve your goals, than you are a successful person.
I feel like this.
If you're successful, are you successful? Do you feel fulfilled in your life at this moment? Generally speaking? Is over a seven amy, Yes, you're okay, you're successful at the end?
Oh, is that you just have one question?
Yeahs fulfillment. It's some people don't have enough money.
I don't have enough time, I don't have enough Well, we never have enough everything, because there's only so much time energy to given a day. But I feel like if you're above that seventy percent, because I think it's a c right. I don't want to get kicked out of the Honor's dorm. I can nablow an eighty, but you have above a seventy and the fulfillment. I think that is a success Eddie percent success fulfillment orderline.
Did I have a D in that club film?
Yeah, it's in life because kids like I'm fulfilled, but the kids like push me over that, like I'm exhausted. I'm not fulfilled, Like I can do better at like having a more me life, you know, like a little more me time.
I don't have me time.
You don't have time to work on yourself.
Not really, No, I mean we work out that one hour I think is my me time for my mind and my body hanging out my bottle field.
You're very fulfilled in life right now.
No, one hour out of twenty four hours when you play bickleball.
Yeah, you play ball and you travel. I think he didn't realize how successfully is you gamble? Pretty successful?
Yeah, and he goes you gamble like that's a good thing. Lunchbox fulfilled.
No, I could have a less work time. I mean I worked too much more.
Than the most fulfilled of everybody up here. Work life balance like nap like crazy. I do the easiest version of this.
But I'm saying like, if I didn't have to come to work, I could spend more time doing whatever I wanted.
That's everybody in life in the history of time. But you have to pay the bills. So I'd love to hit the lottery. Then I'd be totally fulfilled.
All right, Amy, what else you got? So?
Keith Urban he has a coping mechanism when he's watching his wife Nicole Kidman, and certain scenes during maybe her TV shows or movies that might get a little uncomfortable, and he says he just has to simply look at her performances as art and that she's doing her job. Apparently she's got a movie coming up called Baby Girl, and there's a scene.
Yeah, pretty aggressive, dirty scene.
I guess it, says inn sfw bango.
She's the bango of it.
I would be really hard look that.
It'd be like, dang, look at look at that.
It's hard.
That is art.
Pull your friends over, check look at this hard Oh all right, I'm Amy.
That's my file.
That was Amy's pile of stories.
It's time for the good news.
So a widowed mother of thirteen just became a homeowner thanks to Habitat for Humanity in Springfield, Missouri. Now she has three biological children of her own, but she has adopted ten children. That's how she gets to thirteen. And she's been working with Habitat for Humanity for a few years now to secure her home. And she's gone from paying rent and rent and rent, not going towards anything. And now she's so excited. She's like, now I pay a mortgage and she's just so excited to be paying towards something. And so this is all made possible because of Habitat for Humanity.
Question is Habitat for Humanity not buy them in the house.
They have a home buying program, so I think they have different levels in different types of programs you can be a part of, But this is a home buying one where you help them. And I think it's a whole like you've got skin in the game type thing.
So obviously they've done some of it, and they've built it, Yes, got.
It, and they've given them the opportunity to buy it down, and I tried.
I told you guys, yeah you were I would just ordinated errands go pick up the lumber.
Yeah, I was like, bring stuff.
I didn't carrying stuff because they were afraid I was gonna mess it up and get this.
This is cool too.
She completed two hundred and fifty hours of sweat equity in her home, so she contributed towards the building.
It's good story, that's what it's all about. That was telling me something good.
Halloween is tomorrow, So I'm gonna give you a quote from a scary movie.
You name the movie.
For example, You're gonna need a bigger boat.
I never would to consider that a scary movie. I don't know that I've seen it, Like I know about it. Shark and water, water eats shark, Sharky's water more to that. But know that seems like a nature movie more than a shark movie. Like Free Willie Jaws, Willy.
Is just happy, Jaws is sad, Jaws is mad? Okay mad?
Is that?
Do you guys consider a scary movie Jaws? Yeah?
Yeah, yeah, interesting because my kids won't get in the ocean after they see Jaws. Like that's not happening.
Okay, well, here we go. I'll give you seven seven you get right right transfer down. What's your favorite scary movie?
Mm hmm?
What's your favorite scary movie? And I will say this as I do these. I'm not quite sure the voice because I've not really seen many scary movies.
I'm gonna try to do my best. You did a good job. You nailed that one. Thank you? Are you part of SAG? What's I am? Yeah?
Thanks for asking? Yeah, I pay like eighty bucks a month a year.
News. I'm in for the wi. What's your favorite scary movie? Then I'll play the clip. If you get it or miss it, we'll judge how I did.
Every good yep, amyl you guys, Lunchbox Scream, Eddie Scream from nineteen ninety six, Scream.
Just some scary movie, like scary movie?
Uh huh? What's your favorite scary movie? I knew that one.
I knew this game is not about me, but I do have bad on that one. Okay, Amy zero, the other guys won. Do you want to play a game? Do you want to play a game?
Do you want to play a game? I'm in for the wind.
I'm in Amy Saw lunch Saw Eddie Andy Man.
Yeah, what's that game? Can't Delian? Yeah? And it's Saul hit it. Oh do you want to play a game?
Good job, I had to watch all ten of those that don't have.
Battle gives out in your brain. Okay, here we go. Number three.
There, there he.
There, I'm in.
They're here, lunchbox in the lead, right now, they're here.
They're here. All right.
I need an answer, Lunchbox n Marey on Elm Street, Amy Culter, Eddie Pulter, geys the answer from nineteen eighty two. Poulter, guys, we're all tied again. Here you go, Number four. We're friends till the end. Remember this is the end, friend. And then I'm no idea if this is somewhat even close to how it said.
We're friends till the end. Remember this is the end, friend. Yeah, sounds good. Never seen it, don't know if I'm even right.
I remember the lunchbox Chucky, Amy, Chucky, Eddie Child's play.
Child's play.
Chunky was a character, but it's called Child's play Eddie with the point hit it and.
No, we're friends to the end, remember this long friend.
I didn't realize that so dumb. Here we go. Next one, Hello, Clarie, name that scary movie? Hello clariees use Eddie with the lead. He's struggling. Hello, I'm in lunchbox Amy. Silence, Eddie. Silence of the a correct. Silence of the lambs is correct. Here you go, Hello, cry two left.
I do not know how to do this one. So whatever I say, guys is not the accurate way. I don't even know what this is.
Red rum, red rum or red rum, red rum or red rum, red rum. I'm in red rum, red rum.
And then clueless. I'm in for the wind lunchbox, dark knight, Eddie. That is the shining Amy candy man, how would you do it? I don't know it. I swear you said it like Heath Ledger. There's I think it's like a kid. He goes red round, red round, go ahead. It's murder backwards. Oh my god, it is. It's murder backwards. Yeah, holy crap. How do you know that? That's in the movie? Man, that's awesome. Do you know race cars? Spell race car backward? No, it's called palodrome. Spell race car. Write it down.
Wow, yeah car same thing, Well not really, because his murders what palindrome.
I believe it's called palindrome. You ever? Do you ever do? Taco cat? No same thing?
Please see if that's palindrome, taco cat, spell it backward.
Cat? Wow? Mind blown? Man, that's crazy? It down all right? Last one?
The power of Christ compels you?
Really? Yeah? What I mean? The power of Christ compels you? What is that? Show cold? That's that's he's company alf That's why she can't win anyway? So what do you have? Fifty shades? Agree? Amy?
The Exorcist?
Eddie never seen it the Exorcist. It is the Exorcist. And Eddie wins another game?
Wow? Does that mean one more more game? Game earlier?
I did Amy being something?
Mike did Eddie lose the game? Yeah, we'll have to go to the records. If Eddie, anyway, you win this game, we'll check it out. And Eddie has continued to win. One more win and he gets lunchboxes his teams on he wins.
If I win row, I get his theme song? You want it?
He's won like seven in a row. No, no change, do you want my theme song? You're just throw All he does is win. We'll check it and come back, all right, bring what you got lunchbox?
What do you have?
Others a pizzeria in Germany that they have this number forty pizza on the menu and it was flying off the shells, flying off the shells, and health inspectors went in. They're like, man, something suspicious going on here. Tipped on the police. Turns out, when you order a number forty get a bag of cocaine with it.
Oh wow, I'm surprised they got away with that for so long.
Can you imagine getting that?
But I think people aren't getting it surprised. I think that's why they ordered that. That's why I don't think anybody's like, I want a forty.
Why what if you accidentally just say number forty.
I got a feeling number forty was never ordered by somebody, just like a kid goes in.
I don't think they give them number forty. Yeah.
I think it's probably a secret menu item or something. But yeah, number forty and you get a bag of cocaine with it.
I think that's crazy.
What I have for mine is I would like to address a few of these internet rumors about me that have been going around.
For the past few years.
And I will tell you they're mostly not true, but the ones that did some of them that are kind of true, I'm not You'll just hear that.
There's five of them.
Some of them are just so not true and then people start talking about it and it becomes a thing.
So I want to put them out here.
We go.
Number one.
Bobby Bones actually comes from a whole lot of money. The reason he says his father abandoned him is because he does want people digging into his father's wealth. His father did split from his mom, but set Bobby up with a cushy lifestyle early in his career.
This was written about me. Amy.
Yeah, definitely not sure.
That's not true. That was a hundred money funny though. Yeah, that would be the place that hilarious.
I mean, you would be really committed to this other narrative that we have, like because we've gone.
Your hometown been Mountain Ben, and I.
Really just sold you yes and you went all in. Yeah.
And I think at one point I dabbled with running for office and I got invested. I got a research invest to get it pretty hard. And I think that would be a hard one for me to decide to get into politics for I've been lying about that the whole time, you know. Uh. The next one, Bobby invested in an A plus list country artist. He got the idea from Toby Keith, who was an early investor in Taylor Swift. Bobby has made more money from the success of this artist career than his other endeavors.
I don't know, no that, I have no idea. It's not legal. Is that legal?
You do that?
Of course it's legal.
What do you mean You can invest in an artist and then it happens all the time.
But as a radio okay, oh that might it might be a little weird.
No, only if there was me playing stuff and not acknowledging it or playing it out of place. Like let's say I invested in I'll just give Kerry Underwood. I did not, but it was all but Rod our guy who programs the music, put her in. I have nothing to do with that. Good point, so there would be a way to get around it. So it's true.
I did not say it's true. I did not say it's true. All right.
Next up, Bobby Bones was recruited by an organization at the Pentagon to slowly incorporates the messaging that aliens exist to his audience. He was approached after he shared a story about he classified documents on UFOs and they felt he was too close to finding out the truth and decided to bring him in.
Tell us, now that might be true, and you go on and on about aliens.
I just think they're slow rolling us. There's I'm slow.
It's very slow, but it is very deliberate, and there are things that are popping the little head out occasionally going oh wow, we can't explain this. Oh wow, we'll change the name of it. Oh wow, there are all these reports. Oh wow, we're going to go take it in front of corn. There is just a lot of stuff happening. It's a slow roll, that's all I'm saying.
All right. Next up, Bobby actually has great vision.
He only wears darktor and glasses because he was told early in his career he needed a trademark to stand out amongst other white males and they have stuck ever since.
Hmmm, that is not.
True one, because like sometimes I'll see for crap, I'll do signs on your right side just to test you.
You never turn around.
It's my right eye has eight percent vision. My left eye has started to be just like normally near sighted, which sucks because they can't read with them my glasses and I'm colorblind.
So that is absolutely one hundred percent not true.
One final one, Bobby being to this songwriter pseudonym and has written multiple number one in country top ten songs for artists to use a fake name to protect the artists from being black balled by competing radio stations.
Well that true.
Have you written any.
I'll say this, A couple of those are absolutely not true. Absolutely one not true. A couple of those there's a little bit of validity to them. I knew it, but I'm not saying it.
Not a lot of it.
Not not like they've nailed them. But I didn't grow up with money. I can't see.
Well, so now you're leaving what's out there?
Yeah, he's not going to say the aliens.
Because the Pentagon knew it. Okay, it's I have nothing to do with Pentagon aliens.
And it's almost like they gave him that word slow roll.
Yeah, the words like this disapproved.
I would like to those because those are the ones being written about now in articles and so everybody knows, Okay, bring what you got, amy, right.
So this story just gives me hope because a man was reunited with his class ring fifty four years after he lost it on a golf course. He's eighty two years old now and his nineteen sixty four class ring was lost at Uniontown Country Club near Pittsburgh and a guy was recently golfing. I found it just like randomly saw the shiny object in the clay, went over, picked.
It up, saw who it belonged to, contacted the guy got it back to him. So this gives me hope.
Wyomy cares if someone broke in her house and still a ring and we're still looking for it, there's a there's a reward, like a six hundred dollars reward if you can find Amy's Texas A and M class ring.
I thought it was a thousand.
No, you keep elevating the money I'm spending, ye know.
No, Texas A and M Class of three.
Whoop? And then at a your last what do you got? Okay?
So I was at the convenience store and I'm waiting in line to pay for my snacks or whatever I got, and this guy walks in a turnaround.
He's in a Spider Man costume.
I guess he was going to Halloween party or something walks in the has got the mask on and everything, and the attendant goes, hey, hey, hey, you can't come in here. Take your mask off. He said, I can't. It's part of the costume. So he said, well, you got to get out of here. I'm calling the cops. The guy says, I'm just picking up some beer, like, let me just where there's like, no, I'm calling the cops right now unless you take unless you take that mask off.
So the guy's like, fine, fine, I'll leave the mask come off with the head or was it one full body? It was like a onesie thing with a mask of part of it.
Also, you can't sell beer to somebody in a mask to yeah, even if it's not even like I'm scared that you may rob me or something like every teenager would wear a full bodysuit mask and be like I'm here to Bobbyer.
It was crazy because the tenant was so scared, like no, no, no, no, no, you are not coming here with that mask. I get out of here.
I guess it's like common during Halloween.
I'm sure I don't think that it's Halloween, though, so I think it's not allowed when it's not Halloween. I would say it's pretty common during Halloween. But you just can't sell alcohol to somebody can't see their face, right, just not wear a mask us maybe lunchbox for sure. All right, thank you guys, that's what we have. It's time for the good news.
Joe and Gina fell in love in twenty twenty one.
They decided to get married.
So on their wedding day, they're getting ready to get married, tie the knot well, Joe starts coughing the blood, like, oh my gosh, it's not good. To take me to the hospital. He ends up in the hospital on his wedding day. So what do they do. The nurses come in, the doctors, they get dressed up, They put a blanket over Joe, and they set up a whole wedding ceremony in the hospital room and two nurses were the bridesmaids.
Sounds like put a blanket over and then he like didn't no, no, no, just.
To like set up stuff, flowers and all this stuffy rolled them. That really worried me. To you, Amy, I was like, no, yeah, not over his head. Yeah. Do we know if the wedding like counted?
The officiant came in and they signed. They said, I do kissed the bride.
They made sure they did nothing after once he was healthier, right, I didn't say that, No, no, no, I mean like, if it just happened, I'm sure they would have like a thing again, like a real wedding.
Do you hope?
But yeah, it's probably easy to because you get the chaplain on up.
There, he's already downstairs. Oh he's good now. Yes. And they had their honeymoon in Texas. Good good time.
I bet you they have a party and everybody gets to come. That would be the play coughing up blood though. One time I had blood coming on my butt and I called the doctor and I was like, that's how I let it. I love to talk with that. I wasn't in my doctor. I just called the random number and I was like, they said, hello, thanks calling doc. I said I have blood coming out of my butt. And they thought it was quite aggressive, an aggressive way to lead that, and they were like, excuse me, I said that blood coming out of butt. She was like, do you have a hemorrhoid? I was like, I don't know what that is, And turns out it did?
You did? It was I didn't. No wedding was canceled. Nothing. Yeah, I was training. I was training, and I didn't know what was going on. I just that's what I called and led coughing up. That blood coming out. Man, that's scary stuff.
All right, there you go. That's what it's all about. That was telling me something good. This guy hit the jackpot. This guy hit the lottery. It wasn't even a lottery ticket. He didn't spend any money at the gas station before scratch off. He got Giselle pregnant.
Yeah yeah, gisell Man.
Supermodel Giselle is expecting her third child, but her first boyfriend Joaquin Valente, a jiu jitsu instructor Brazilian.
Brazilian. Yeah, how weird. It doesn't matter, Like how cool. Like here's the thing about a trainer.
When you work with a trainer, they do have there is this boss uh servant relationship. EDDI and I have home with ours, Like he tells us what to do when we get mad, and we do it anyway. He told us to do wheelbow wielbarrow the other day and and we're like, we're allergic, and he's like do it.
We're like, we did it. So imagine if you want to get us pregnant.
But it's like they formed a relationship there, and I mean that's the jackpipe.
I mean we also get to be Tom Brady's Eskimo buddy, and.
I mean I get it if you do both.
I just have never heard that if you exmo brother is really what it's called call mud because the're gonna have kids for the Eskimo brothers. You want to kid with your brother, you know. I mean, oh, yeah, that's true. So they're eskimos and that's what it's called. And if you both do put the same girl, I get it.
This guy just like in as a little jiu jitsu road beating people up. Next thing, you know, he's training Giselle and there all those rumors back in the day room. They're like nothing to it. All of a sudden, he's got her in a hammer lock. Next thing, you know, I'm pregnant.
Because that's how it happens. That's exactly how it happens.
Why I don't get hammer locks, yep, because I don't want to be like I'm pregnant.
That's crazy. Good job, dude, I think all we can do. Yeah, it's for tom Brady at all. No, have you seen tom Brady. I've seen tom Brady's your girlfriend.
Hold on, tom Brady hired this dude to train his wife.
It doesn't matter. They're not together. He doesn't want to be with us. She don't want to be with him.
Yeah, she didn't want to be with him because she fell in love with the jiu jitsu dude.
I think there was more than that.
From my sources, my inside, very inside sources on the situation, I don't think there was more than that. I don't think there's anything that was happening the no infidelity at all.
I do think that it was.
Check out tom Brady's new girlfriend.
What what does she do? She a trainer too? Who cares?
Really? What does she do? And how old is she?
She stands there and looks pretty. I don't know what she does. I just I've just seen pictures.
Okay, her name, it's it's a new one. It's not even the Irena shrink anymore or whatever.
Who is it?
Here does try valiant Setani tried that one. Let me see if this is the one. Yeah, so she's and I'm not sure if this is the one. There's a company. He's a single ready to ming anyway, Congratulations to Giselle, mostly congratulations to her.
All right, Amy joke, let's go the mourning.
Why do ghosts make terrible liars?
Why do ghosts make terrible liars?
You can see right through them?
That was the mourning, Corny, Let's talk about all the drama happening in the parking garage because Eddie got yelled at by a woman.
But I think he was driving recklessly. No, I wasn't.
Amy saw something, And I'm not sure how I feel, because sometimes you will exaggerate.
What did you see in the I.
Do think that I witnessed people that were going to break into.
Cars We're going to or work.
They look suspicious, and I felt unsafe because it's dark out and it's you know, it's early morning, which is late night for some people. And I'm pulling up and I could not get through. So there's this one gate where it like just and you feel much safer after you go through it because it fully conceals you. And I was like nervous. I'm like, I gotta get in. I got to get in. They were two white guys. They had hoodies on their hoods were up, screwdrivers coming out.
Of their back pocket. I think they were breaking into cars.
And they're signs everywhere in the parking garage that says, you know, make sure you lock up your valuables. Like, clearly they've had issues in this parking garage before, people breaking in were close to downtown. I just felt like I witnessed.
Any chance they were fixing?
No, they looked great, but I also was like, dang, you should probably put the screwdrivers away from.
Your back pocket.
Working out of here.
I don't know why they would have been here so early.
Well we get hear what about their hoods? Were they up and a suspicious way or up like my ears were cold?
Way they were up in a suspicious way.
I don't know.
It just made me glasses, like we're kind of looking nerdy.
I didn't see glasses cause.
I saw a guy.
Wait, you didn't see glasses, but you saw the back pocket of this.
Because I saw the back and then I only saw their profile when they turn, so you can right, No, I didn't.
I went into the gate and thankfully it closed right behind me, and I just drove up to work, and then I was going to take the stairs that day, and I thought, I don't even feel safe taking the stairs.
So what did you do like yourself in your car? No, I took the elevator.
But do you all get nervous this sparking garage in the in the dark. I'm getting real nervous. Maybe I'm making up scenarios in my head because I feel just I don't know, something's like uneasy about it.
Morgan into support group because you guys are being like kidnapped every other day or something.
No, I'm really not. I don't.
I think that I witnessed shady people.
I did see someone kind of hovering in the parking lot.
But what I but this is a lot with cameras and it's in a building.
I know it's the bottom floor before getting into the big gate.
Yes, yeah, this is where I saw the guy.
Okay, white dude, glasses nerdy, got no hood though, But what I thought was no, no screwdriver. What I thought is he was looking at us because we had got they've gotten complaints of people driving recklessly.
In the road.
You got yelled at, So immediately my mind went to, like, oh, now they're surveying us to see if we're driving safely in the morning.
What about Tim? Why don't you call Tim when you get here? Who? I had a scaredy and be like, Tim, I'm here.
I do today?
I texted him, I said, Tim, I tried to take the stairs, but I got too scared.
So can you come meet me?
Okay, that's all you should do.
But I don't want to feel scared coming to work. There is a different vibe though, than where we used.
To work in the city.
Man. Yeah, we're four minutes more we used to be, and it's different.
It is different. Okay, guys been the lookout for men with screwdrivers.
So I ordered a Bertie, a birdie that is. It's a safety device. Ch It alerts like a loud sound.
That's what it is.
I got my daughter one too. Pull it No, but I can bring it tomorrow. One time I forgot it.
Wait, got something for your safety?
Yeah, since I'm the kitchen counter.
Because I was showing my daughter how to use it, because I ordered her one too.
You've been so shaken up by the fact that you're driving to work only four or five days that you ordered something for your safety and then you forgot it.
Yes, because I was showing my daughter how to use it me.
Yeah, okay, guys, whatever, I'll bring you tomorrow. But you can get a two pack on Amazon. So I got her one, a new one.
Yeah, I'll bring it tomorrow.
Yeah, but that's probably why I didn't feel safe this morning and yesterday morning.
It Eddie thought he had hepatitis A because, yeah, my wife sent me a whole article on it that frozen strawberries. This certain kind's a recall on it and it can give you thatpa.
And so, were you feeling sick? Yeah, I make smoothie.
No, I was feeling sick, but I wasn't feeling sick for my stomach. But I was feeling kind of sick. Wasn't feeling right? And then, yeah, I drink smoothies every single day. I make them with frozen strawberries.
Is there a HIPPE test? No, I don't nothing to know. You just don't have it. You just giving up on that.
I looked at the article and it was from twenty twenty three, so it's like a clickbait headline.
No, I really thought I had hippe and then I read the article. I told my wife threw all the strawberries out, getting the freezer, and then it turned out that the article was from last year.
Why did you think you've been sick the last couple days? Did you have Amy's COVID? No, I did take COVID tests. I took strap tests, all the above. They said negative. Probably bad sciences.
Okay, but question, are your freezer strawberries from last year? Because stuff in the freezer can be in there for a long time.
That's a good point, so you might have hippe against Oh no, you still have COVID.
No are you sure?
I'm symptom free as long as you have no and no fever, no symptoms, no nothing, I feel great songs you're.
Trying to convince the boat for her. Yeah, well come back in a second. We got a voicemail from a wife and she's like, my husband sucks. I love him, but he sucks.
Alright, hit mey Riyan Studio. I have a question for the guys in the room. My husband is pretty handy.
But when things break or need to.
Be fixed at the house, he thinks that he can fix everything, and that's not always the case. So sometimes projects take twice as long as they need to or twice as expensive and are really much more of a headache for him and for I. How do I break it to him that maybe we should just start calling the professionals.
To come fix things.
I don't know how to do this without hurting his feelings. Thank you.
I'll step back on this one for a second, because I don't fix anything. I am not handy. I just call somebody, so I don't know.
I don't know how to tell them can They'll never give it a go rarely, and then I expect to break it. So Eddie, I'll go to you, because you do fix a lot of things. Well, it's a sensitive issue.
I used to I used to be the do it yourself guy, but after yes, lots of money, after lots of time wasted, I realized that it's just easier and better to get someone professional to come fix it.
But you realize he hasn't realized. Do not tell him that you're going to hire someone else to do it. It's just got to be a point in his life where he realizes that, you know what, this isn't worth it anymore. So you're just letting him break things and cost the family money until he figures it out.
How do you teach a kid not to touch the stove. You gotta let him get burned first. Touching the stove doesn't cost you money. That's true, man, I'm telling I broke in washing machines.
Where Like on TikTok they said, you unscrewed the little drain out it cleans out your washing machine.
I did it. It broke the whole thing. How to buy a new one.
That was the last straw my front door screen door. I replaced it, put it on there. It was backwards. I'm like, this is ridiculous. Waste the time, waste some money.
Okay, So again the question is, how do you tell him you can't. You gotta just let him find out on his own lunchbox.
Don't insult your man. If he wants to try to fix things, that's his thing. Let him fix it, let him break it, let him go through a little bit of extra money. You go get your hair done, You go get your nails done.
He don't.
He doesn't you. Oh, your nails don't look good. Whet you just do it at home. He lets you go do your thing. Let him do have his thing. He's mister fix it, aka, mister break it.
Let him do it.
So I guess I'll give a bit of a practical but slightly dishonest option here. When he's at work, just hire somebody, Hire somebody to have to fix I never even address that's broken.
You just have someone coming and fix it.
If he comes home and he sees someone working on something that he's over, it's over.
It's like she's been checking.
Isn't that a problem for him to work through? I would just be like, this is deeper.
Than this issue, Like you're not being You're not in your rational brain.
What I would do is I would hire someone to come fix this stuff when he's not around, especially if it's costume.
Give that.
These guys are saying he's going to lose it out.
Of town these guys, Is that how you want to listen?
To listen, I know, and let.
Him keep breaking stuff. I don't feel like that's the best.
Or if there are two options, one you can do that to be dishonest, or you can go full honesty. It's going to be very uncomfortable at first, but I think the comfort level will eventually be back. Is where you should go look some stuff. I don't feel. No, no, this way you do you say hey before you fix that I've read and I've heard there's a lot of really great videos on YouTube.
They can like show you how to do this.
They're talking about work today, like you can even encourage him to learn about it a different way so he can.
Try to fix them.
Like, hey, babe, I'm not going to think any less of you if you can't fix this.
If anybody ever says to me, I think, I'm not going to take any less than you.
It is no matter what's afterwards, they're thinking less of men. Yeah, it's like, I'm not trying to be rude, but you're always going to be rude when you say that.
Why do you feel like you have to fix this and conformed what society execs you?
I know, So let's break the mold.
My wife doesn't expect that when I like one thing I can do in my house for some reason or TV living, sometimes it just starts muting for no reason. And I've told her that I figured out this plan. I go back in the back room and I did it. Oh, I literally just turned thing off, turned back going home. But I do a little whole little song and dance with it to make those.
But you're a good example of being your progressive.
I know what I'm good, out on what I'm not, and I want to waste money on things I'm gonna break anyway, right, So either be as honest and I have somebody fixing when he's not around, or recommend better ways for him to fix stuff, because yes, a guy will take this to heart for sure. And that is the end of the first half of the podcast.
That is the end of the first half of the podcast. That is the end of the firstep of the podcast. That is the end of the first time of the podcast.
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