Wed Full Show: Lunchbox Tries Renting Movie Theater + Jobs We Couldn't Do

Published May 29, 2024, 5:00 PM

Find out why Lunchbox attempts to rent a movie theater, what he requests to bring and if he's able to do it! Then, we share the careers who could never do because we don't think we're qualified and more!

The committing Hey, welcome to Wednesday show more studio.

Remember it's Wednesday, Okay, Wednesday. It feels like Tuesday. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. And he's like, okay, I remembering Wednesday. It's Wednesday. I hope everybody's good. Uh, they get to know you. Questioned in the morning, is is there one career that you can never do? One career, one job, one that you think you could never do. What's number one on the level you already have one, Eddie?

Yeah, accountant, because I have disc calcula and that's like the dyslexic of math and numbers and stuff. So I did. I would like give me like two years for me to figure out your taxes. What's four times nine? Oh?

I can do the nines thirty six. He did his fingers. He does that thing where he puts on.

Yeah, you put ten fingers up right, yeah, and then this is only how you do nines. Now give me another, Like, give me a nine times four, nine times four. So you take your fourth finger one, two, three, four, put the fourth finger down. There's three on the left, six on the right, So that's thirty six. Give me another one eight times six. No, no, no, that's not that's not nine eight times six thirty six, say sixty four one. I'm terrible. You do your kids suffer from trouble with numbers? One of them really? Yeah, one of them does, the other one does.


About your dad or your mom. My dad's really good at math, my mom. I don't know.

I wonder if it how it was passed down? No idea, man, lunchbox. What is the one job or a career that you cannot do?


Easy? The mortar funeral home, per I don't know if they're the same, Like they work in the same realm, but.

I could same area, but not exactly the same.

The dead thing. I can't do it, no way, too sad. I'd rather be homeless rather be homeless, let's take that jump. But like, there's no way I could just deal with dead people all day long.

That's the option.

I mean's not terrible? Would that be? That would just be depressing to me?

Talking fine? Either, Yeah, I get that. What about like crime scene like that, like autopsy people you do that?

I don't know, watchbox, you said you.

I don't think so.

That'd be tough to take out every body part.

And see it.

Probably at some point just becomes science in another day. But for me it would be tough too, But it's not my The one I couldn't do because I think I could do that.

I would just have to be desensitized over time.

Amy, Yeah, judge, I can't be a judge, Yeah, because whoever speaks last, I'd be like, Oh, that's a really good point, and then the next person speaks up would be like, well, that's an amazing point too. I mean, hopefully I'd be able to like find justice for the people, but I just feel.

Like coin flip justice. What does the judge decide sometimes really depends on what.

Kind of case it is, Okay, find your judge.

Anybody that has to make decisions like that.

Mine would be a military because I would run away.

Oh man, Like I'm thankful to have people to do that and fight and go and risk their lives because it'd be like all right, time to go.

A soldier pusher because I'd have to do the first part.

Or a writer journalist yeah, still, you gotta bear.

I just I don't have that kind of courage so I can.

I was watching a clip on TikTok of Vietnam when they were announcing the birthdays on live television. It was your elevision special and if your birthday comes up, they pulled a ping on ball. You're the first one to go on the draft, like you're watching to see if you get drafted.

There was an episode of gosh, what was that show that they're all like step the family. They were all like a step brothers and wonder yours No I was on NBC was really big. But anyway, there was an episode about the draft and it started with like the nursery and everyone born on that.

Day, this is this is us.

And it opened up with the nursery and all the babies born in that day and those were the babies that were going to go to war. It's pretty crazy. That's intense.

I can work with dead bodies all day. I don't want to have to go and be brave, because hey, look at me.

Not brave.

Not a lot here, not at all.

Glad you guys are here. Thank you for being a part of the show. Thanks for listening. You could be listening to one hundred things, but you're here with us, so we appreciate that. Alright, let's open up the mail bag.

And you send the gay mail and we read it all the air to something we call Bobby's mail bag.

Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones. I'm a guy in my young forties. I love rock music. I have the posters to prove it. I've been talking and with an amazing woman for the past couple of years. I've been even having conversations about moving in together. But there's now a catch. Without saying it directly, she made it clear that she wants to live in an adult environment, which means taking down my kiss in ACDC and Van Halen posters. I've collected these for decades. I've even had some of them framed. I love my girlfriend, but is it right for a guy to remove part of himself from the walls of his own place? Yeah?

Is there a compromiser as a time for the rock posters to go? Signed? The classic rocker?

Now, I've dealt with this, I mean semi recently, and that it wasn't rock posters, but I single forever until I was thirty nine. You know, I never had anybody live with me, did my own thing. It was never rock posters, but it was definitely like it's like a clinic.

His walls were clean.

There really wasn't a whole lot going on for sure, a dude lived there, and my wife came in was like, hey, why don't we uh, like, I don't know, put some texture, put some love, some warmth into the room. And I was like, no way is how I like to live. Well, a smash cut. There's texture and warmth and love in the room now, yeah, and you know, I don't even care that much. What I would suggest is take these off the wall. If you need to dedicate a little room to them for yourself, like a bedroom or like a man cave or whatever.

That is cool.

If not, put them away for a little bit until you get to the place where if you guys buy a new house, build a new house, dedicate something for that. But yeah, no, no, you're gonna lose this one because the posters have to go now.

And for one, I would assumed, like when you first said he had these posters, that they're all framed because he's in his young forties, so that means he's legit just has posters on the wall.

That means he's mature and likes decor and takes care frame.

That's I would say a compromise. We keep the framed.

Ones like frame in jerseys, and maybe the ones that are just posters stuck to the wall with tape or whatever like.

Either have those framed and have your own little man room, or let those ones go.

Roll them up, and if you need to put them away for a second, that's okay. But you should lose this one. It's time to move on a little bit. But you keep some of them, and then when you have your own dedicated space, put them up.

And then when y'all are married and you get obsessed with things like memorabilia and helmets, you need to stop.

But because you're talking, you're talking to me, not this season, I know.

But you acted like your home is all sterile and now it's full of hopeful helmets.

It's not. It is not everywhere you look.

It is not meant.

Trying to sit on the counters a helmet. You get to wear it when you sit on the couch. No, only at the studio. All my helmets are at the studio. And then not only that, there's one room upstairs or it's like my gambling room or i'm sorry, my content room, or I have multiple TVs and there's so a bunch of Arkansas stuff up there. But that's kind of like it's not a man cave. It's like a little man room. But I have a dedicated.

Spot for that.

It was just clarifying for it.

Need to clarify. I'm all good.

I've grown up, Caryl, and I'm sterile. No, I'm not Cyril, not like I don't. I don't think I'm Sarah.

All right. Uh, you gotta move on, man, Maybe not fully, but you gotta move on. That's every guy goes through this man, every guy. But you're like me.

He's like forties. Sure, time to change. Is hard to change that once you get older. That's my wife.

We got your game mail and we land it on your air.

Now let's find the clothes.

Bobby failed.

Yea, and he claims we need to declare a state of emergency. I'm not going to play any sounder. Last time we did that, we got five a million dollars. Yeah yeah, now it will be like official. But that's a big deal. Okay, what's the state of emergency?


I went to five different grocery stores looking for Bell peppers. They're out. Oh that's it. I thought it was gonna be something. Oh no, no, no, it is a big deal. What's going on? Like, why are we not producing bell peppers. And everyone I asked, they said, yeah, I don't know. That's a good question. We just haven't gotten any of this week. I thought it was gonna be the cicadas. They're just killing us. That's weird too. Are they eating the bell peppers?

Why do you mean?

Bell peppers? So many bell peppers? So he is. I got people coming over this weekend and I'm making fahitas and I can't do that without bell peppers. I hate bell peppers. No, no, but you understand that that's a fata. Who's coming over yet?

Friends, other dads, other parents. I wasn't imagined, can you I got tons of bell peppers? I bottom all just so i'd be invited, and.

I'm just googled. I don't see his shortage.

I guess I'm hostaging all the bell peppers. I went to five different grocery stores and I'm like, I don't understand. Like usually I get strawberries, they're out of season, blah blah, bell peppers. How are they out of season? What are you about to say? Say?

Can you imagine you showing up to my house with a bunch of other parents. I've been to your house I've been a ton ki around Okas, No, no, there's a thing going on.

You know, I'm not coming.

I just want to be invited. I don't want to come. It's terrible.

I did in no way do I want to come to that.

You've said this so many times. I'm like, so we just invite you and assume you're not coming.

Just invite me and then I'll say no because it sounds terrible, But then I'll still feel like I was invited.

Okay, it's awful. I got to start doing that. Yeah, because you say that hundreds of times that I never invite you.

But what if it's a thing that like, you're not I.

But is there a chance you'll come? No? No, no, not for something like that. No chance. Okay, so what are you doing this weekend? I'm pretty sure you wap us up? Hey man, you want to come over to the house for them? For you? Is me a bunch of other parents there and their kids? Yeah?

Lots of kids. I don't know, Yeah, lots of kids. Oh man, I appreciate the invite, but I'm a past Are you sure? Yeah, I'm good.

I just I just looked at my calendar. I have some calendaring to do.

Hey, if you changed your mind, you know that's all I need, right.

I started doing that all I need right There no shortage.

Not that I can tell Google to the grocery store.


Are you guys getting crushed by cicadas at your house yet?

Did you know what I saw on the side of the road, like on the gutter, Just a bunch of dead cicad They look like leaves.

So this happens frequently. But there was the big one that's supposed to happen two years ago that didn't. I guess we're two years late on those things that are every like fifteen years.

That was raised state of emergency that two years ago they were going.

To be like we were be able to drive down the road, were't gonna able to see because they're gonna be so many.

Well, it's still not that bad that it's driving down the road, but they are everywhere.

And they're so loud.

It's so loud all the time.

Around three pm, they get really long.

Every state doesn't have this, though, I've learned. It's not all over America this is happening. It's like certain pockets of the country.

And do you know where they come from the ground like they've been in there this whole time.

That's what I read in the headline.

I didn't continue reading the story because I'm ciccaded out. But they're everywhere, and apparently there are a couple different versions, some that come out every year a little bit, and then some that come out every ten years or thirteen or seventeen or whatever.

The number is.

This is that time of year.

Does anybody know the truth about it? Morgan? Are you cicada educated? No?

But they have taken over my house.

They literally live in one of my trees, and if you shake it, it's like a beehive comes out.

It's all sad.

Don't shake it in a tree. I thought they came from the ground.

See, well, they're hanging in the trees now they make so.

Right now they're mating. That's why they're so loud. They're mating, and then they go down. They put their larva in the ground and it stays there for seventeen years, but sometimes overlap. I think there's like a thirteen and a seventeen that will overlap, and I think that's what's happening right now.

So we're hearing them get it on that's.

What they're doing the ground. They're all dead from doing it last time.

They really do.

You see them.

Crawling out of the shells sometimes like I don't begetting tests. Second, that is awesome. It's larva.

And then they go into that where they lash onto something and they crawl out of that shell and that's when they get their wings and they fly off and they made My.

Dog keeps eating them and there's nothing I can do. And I googled it and it said that's fine for dogs, but there's something in there that my dog is loving.

So the larva is in the ground, not the full cicada, just like chilling like a bear in a cave.

Well, the larva grows into that little bug that you see that attaches to the trees where they look almost kind of like roaches a little bit a little smaller, and then they break out of those shells, almost kind of like a butterfly. So think about a butterfly process.

Because Eddie, he built that stupid garden and these are all the cicadas.

Yes, but they're the same like life cycle where they start it as a little as something a larvae, they grow into a worm and then the worm becomes a moth or a butterfly as they go into the cocoon. Their cocoon, though, was a bug, and the bug once they shed that skin, they become a flying bug.

For everybody out there, there's no idea what we're talking about. These bugs are everywhere. They're everywhere, and they're loud, and in the afternoon they scream, and they're big, they're humongous.

They're like aliens.

I didn't happen in California where I was living there, so I didn't know about until I moved here.

The twenty twenty four emergence of periodical cicadas is a rare double brood event late April all the way through May. In early June, the thirteen year browed XIX will emerge in the southeastern United States, while the seventeen year browed XIII feels like Super Bowls and be honest with.

You will emerge in northern Illinois.

This is the first time since twenty fifteen to thirteen and seventeen will emerge in the first time since eighteen oh three.

I don't know. It's just a lot of bugs.

It's the first time they've been up to other since eighteen oh three and it won't happen again until twenty two to forty five around then.

So hey, enjoy you guys, Yeah, good time.

Oh we're part of something like this is a big deal for them.

Big deals are't always a good deal.

It's time for the good news.

Which Bobby.

A picture for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He's a rookie as Paul Skins. He's donating one hundred bucks per strikeout to the Gary Sineize Foundation, which, by the way, I think they measure the top ten fastest throwers so far this season by a starter, and he has like eight.

To the top ten.

Oh maybe nine because he's on like one oh one point nine as a starter.


So he's also Libby Dunn's boyfriend.

Do you know that? And I don't know who?

Are you kidding? Are you guys like you guys one hundred years old? Don't I'd like you don't know who?

Gymnast oh ivydn Livy Google.

He called her Olivia.

I think Livy's her nicknamed.

Yeah, I mean a noo spots. We got two oldies here, Like no, I think he's trying to add like he doesn't know who she is.

I don't know who she is man well, and she's viral as crowd.

Yeah, she's viral because she is smoking hot.

Yeah what Bobby's probably.

Like, she's super.

They won a national championship at LSU this past year.

But that's what she's a gymnast. Yeah, yeah, it doesn't matter. It's about Paul Skins. It's her boyfriend.

He uh had seven strikeouts and four innings doors opening game and he's done it one hundred bucks per strikeout, which she'll definitely be a lot her tic.

She blew up on TikTok big time.


Well, and Gary Sonise that's like Lieutenant Dan, right, Gary Sonise is Lieutenant Dan.

Yeah, that's awesome. That's right.

And he knows who Gary is, but that's because he's older.

Yeah, all right, thank you. That's what it's all about.

That was telling me something good.

Let's play What year was it?

What year?

What year? What year?

What year?

What was it? What year?

What year?

What year?

What year?

What year was it?

Okay, here's how it's gonna work, so you can buzz in it and he time. I'm gonna give you three things inside of a year. Okay, when you buzz if you miss it you're out, got it?

Here we go number one. What year was it?

Transformers is released in theaters? Gosh, Umbrella by Real Lunchbox two thousand and six incorrect, Amy two thousand and seven correct, Amy one point, we got three and lunch once is out of that one of that one, So it would have been Transformers release in theaters, Umbrella by Rihanna and jay Z goes number one, and the iPhone is released.

That would have been two thousand and seven.

You're welcome, maby, next one up. What did you do to help her.

If she was gonna guess two thousand and six?

No, you didn't know that, Okay, next time, I'm sorry. Okay, what year was it? Blake Shelton Lance's first number one with Austin Scrubs premiered on NBC Eddy Eddie two thousand and three and correct.

That's thought I was in a guest dude.

Yeah, the first Harry Potter movie came out Lunchbox Lunchbox ninety eight incorrect.

Oh, you remember when Harry Potter was I do think we're in the nineties though.

Blake Shelton Lands's first number one with Austin Scrubbs premieres on NBC, and the first Harry Potter movie came out.

Gosh, it's not ninety eight? Is it nineteen ninety seven?

It is two thousand and one.

Dang Scruby show so close, We're gonna be five not three?

I like this? Next up?

What year was it?

I Swear by John Michael mcgummy Lunchbox? Lunchbox ninety four? Correct?

What the was a four week number one? Also?

Kurt cobained Eyes, The Lion King, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Dumb and Dumber, and The Mask all come out in theaters.

That's a great year ninety four.

Yeah, he left, It's fast.

I had wonder one.

Good job.

What year was it?

Tom Cruise jumped for joy on Oprah's couch to proclaim his love Katie Holmes.

Oh my gosh?

What year was it?

Gold Digger by Kanye West goes number one?

What year was it?


Two thousand and four?

Incorrect? Eddie Eddie two thousand and three incorrect? The Office premiered on NBC.

What year was it?

Tom Cruise jumps on the couch on Oprah Lunchbox? Go Ahead two thousand and five?


Yeah, yeah, they're all around it Amy.

Last one, Amy, you need this to tie. Okay, what year was it? Napster launches, go ahead lunch.

That was nineteen ninety nine, that's correct, Yes it was. It was fall semester.

No, No, it's later than that.

It was false Semestershman year freshman. I guarantee it. It was in the dorm.

John Hodges, if do you guys want to do a side bet?

I don't think it's not ninety.

You said two thousand and one you don't want to side bet yes or no?

Because I would to a side bet if you guys.

Are both so sure, because we were also sophomores in the two thousands.

Side bet yes or no?

Hold on?

Side bet is lose ates of dead cicada, hold on, hold on?

I have to think of my bet.

Side bet, side bet, side bet, side bet lose ates of dedicata.

Side bet yes or no.

I'm not eating a dead cicado.


Nastal launches the matrix is released in theater.

He already guess though.

I know that's why he's doing it all because I got it right.

Only got it right.

Nine boom boom. John and Fred would sit there and download music overnight.

Who's John and Fred John of the People My Gumery Dorm and Fred Savage.

Wow, I guess I was late to the master party.

Let's go around the room. Amy, what is on your mind?

Well, I saw this whole article about women that give birth in their forties.

They live longer, Like.

If you give birth in your thirties, you live past ninety five. If you give birth in your forties, these women are living past one hundred.

Is it reset their body till like an I don't know.

Probably it's just this like will to survive to like, oh, I would take it like your kids and stuff.

Hormonally, chemically, yeah, could change it.

There's probably lots of things like I'm new again.

Because I gotta be a new mom.

Yeah, what if you did at fifty? Is that possible?

You can?


You can? That's right? Canerous It's not as easy.

But I'm thinking, okay, Like I'm forty three. I was never able to get pregnant before, and that's.

Why we adopted. I don't think adoption counts because I think to.

Bobby's point, I think it is something happening chemically inside your body and whatnot sure, but who knows? What if I get re married and get have a baby. Maybe I live a lot longer.

I may have twenty twenty four and Muradi Magamma set the world record seventy three years old sevent right through in vitro, but had a baby. So what if she has me three hundred? Maybe that's the key. Just see how long you can go until you have it.

Lunchbox was on your mind.

I just need to know. I used triple A for the first time, and man, it was awesome because I got a flat, I got a nail in my tire and they came out. Dude took the nail out of the tire and he patched it. And I've never seen someone patch a tire right there on the side of the road. And he was like all right, And he sat in his car for like fifteen minutes, just waiting waiting. I was like, is he waiting for me to tip him? Because he's just sitting in his car waiting and doing nothing. So I didn't know, are you supposed to tip? Did you? No?

I would say yes, it's a service. Really, I wouldn't have thought that.

That's why I didn't know. And I saw him just sitting out there and I was like, is he waiting for me to go back out there and tip them.

I doubt he was sitting in his car waiting like, Okay, he's supposed to tip me, like I'm sitting in my car.


I would agree that's probably not. Why was there fifteen minutes? Right, He's probably doing paperworkers on that. But I would think you tipped somebody that drives to your house for a service, and and you receive your service base on how fast they get there, how good a job they do, how quickly you can get back on the road. I don't think it's an easy everybody knows this type thing, but I would say, yes, I'm googling do you tip Triple A? Here's the question, should I tip the Triple A driver? Tipping roads side assistance isn't necessary, but it is welcomed and appreciated.

Yeah, because I mean he did say like he moved here from California. He said, in California, they teach him how to patch tires with triple A. He goes, he's the only one in the like Nashville area that with Triple A that knows how to patch a tire. So he was a specialty guy.

Didn't say anything about a tip a tips in a tip.

No, but specially that means I didn't have to spend all day at the tire shop, you know what I mean? Like he didn't just oh man.

Did he have his number? Can you venmo him?

I don't know.

You're good lunchbox really saying right now, oh man, I feel bad I should have tips him.

I didn't say that. I'm just saying that, all right, Eddie, what's on your mind? Yeah?

One of the best things about my job and where I sit is I get a perfect front row view to lunchbox computer. What usually is on it naked girls, like you know, yea, there was.

Some girl I did she was naked the other day. She was like showing off a Tiffany necklace and so she was laying on the bed and it was her nude.

I mean people knee but so, but that's not what I'm here to talk about. He was ordering something, and I wanted to kind of get theories around the room of like what you think he was doing and why he would order this. It was a te ball trophy, Like why would he be looking at te ball trophies and buying one mm without any knowledge?

I would assume maybe he's coaching his kid's T ball team and they won, because he wouldn't get them trophies for not winning. But usually Tim, he does not do participation troph none of us really do.

He just gets angry about it though.

Like does he have a little awards with himself?


Maybe when he gets you did good on the show.

Today, MVP.

I'd assume he's coaching something and got his kid won.

Okay. Maybe. Usually the league provides the trophies if they deserve the trophy. That's why I think that he did buy his first participation trophy for his kid. Lunchbocks.

No, I am the coach of a T ball team. The end of the season is coming up, and so they are undefeated, and so that needs to be recognized, and the league does not provide trophies.

Wow, you're going to do it?

Is it the only undefeated team?

I have no idea. I don't know what other team's records are.

Are the wins and losses?

And no?

Okay, so wins and losses. I guess they didn't lose. They're no losses.

It feels like a bit of a participation trophy.

H t ball. The parents had voted and they decided we should do trophies.

I don't know. I think you're missing what I said. You didn't you didn't respond to what I said.

It feels a little bit and I have no problem with it, but it feels a little bit like a participation trophy.

I was not the I was not the one that was driving the trophy bus. The parents thought, you know what I mean, like first season, that they should maybe get trophies. So when the season ends in a few weeks, they want to get trophies.

Yea, yeah, I feel like you're a bit deflating moving away from my But so did you buy one just for your kid or did you buy one.

For the whole team? No, for the whole team.

You paid for all of them.

Well they're gonna pay me back, are they?

I hope got it.

Yeah, so you bought all the participation Well I'm the coach, I know, but still I'm the head coach.

And you get and say, we don't do participation trophies like you say.

No, No, I tried to. I said, oh, you know, we don't really, I mean, we didn't really win anything. They're like, yeah, but this is their first season playing. And I said Okay, look, we live in America, and you know what we do in America. We vote, And that's what you said, yeah, sending the email.

Yeah, do you if they kept score, do you think your team would have lost any of the games?


I don't think so.

You don't know, so not really undefeated.

Man, I mean we were pretty good. We could hit the ball like one of the Dodgers, the other team. They we had dinner with one of the families and then again I was like, man, you guys can really hit. Like what's your like secret? And I was like, good coaching, of course. I like it.

Well, participation trophies, I liked it.

He is in I feel like he doesn't want to admit he's for participation trophies.

No, no, I'm not for a participation trophies.

This is America and they voted.

But he's also a dictator, and he America does't have a dictator.

Look at it.

We've played soccer in the past and guess how many trophies we got. Zero. We didn't do trophies. I like it.

Good for you for getting a participations trophy for your team.

No, it's not participation trophanes.

First place and what's on my mind? I ordered some shoes from uh this eBay account. I like eBay now, it's kind of fine. Get st up cheaper who knew apparently everybody for twenty years. But so I got to accidentally click to send it to the studio instead of my house.

And so I opened the box, and so I.

Got these these Travis Scott's right the top, right man and so.

But they didn't put a second shoe in there. Yeah, wait, well you have one shoe.

Stop it. You bought one shoe.

What do I do with one shoe?

So I'm going where I can't believe they only loaded one shoe. And so there's a way you can contact people on eBay or give them bad reviews. Again, I'm new to eBay as far as like using it. And so I go, you bought one shoe. I go to the page and it says size eleven Jordan one low retro Travis Scott left shoe only. I buy a left shoe only? Who would sell left shoe only? I never got to that even parentheses left shoe only. I just saw, hey, what a deal for a new Travis CA. So I bought them and now only have one shoe. What do I do with one shoe?

That's the way you got a deal.

No, there's half off because you got one.

I know now.

I didn't know that then I thought I was like, got a great deal.

So when we hear these stories in the news how people go and steal only one shoe off the display case, this is what they do. They go to eBay and they sell the one shoe.

Dude, you have a hot shoe in your hand, on your hands right now.

How dumb?

I waited like three weeks. It had to go through an authenticator eBay. If it's something that is needs to be authenticated so it's not a fake, they send it off. I went for three weeks for this my pair of shoes, and I got one left shoe.

Well you know what, though, I saw this kid playing basketball with two different shoes.

I want to do.

I've got another pair of Travis Cat. I'll just wear the right shoes one and left shoe the other one. But I feel pretty stupid when I went to the pages.

Fired up, I guess send a message. Look, you forgot to put a sack and shoe in there. And I was like, let me see a.

Left shoe on it may not be stolen it. Maybe that someone that only has a right foot got it and then they sell the low foot.

Maybe they only have a right foot.

But most people I know they have a fake leg. They have a foot, they still put a shoe on her and they wear pants.

Yes, like my buddy Scott.

So I.

Mind, I'm an idiot. I have one shoe if anybody wants it. It's pretty dumb, dude, pretty dumb. Thank you.

I'm done your Amy's pile of stories.

So we got some new emojis to look forward to. Some you'll probably never use, but one you might use almost every day.

That one being a face with bags under the eyes.

Always tired.

Yeah, it's so small. How do we tell about the bags are there?


Because if you're just in one emoji, it can pop up big. But once you do two or three, it only.

Sends them in that little liar.

So that bag eye one just better be some big old bags, you know.

The other six fingerprints, leafless tree, a harp, a shovel, a splattermark, and a root vegetable.

The harp's fun. And I'm looking at the baggy eyes. It almost looks like the eyes aren't baggy. It looks like the eyes are like four.

Oh, what would the heart be good for?

Like the harp?

What would you give me an example? Like, if you're telling a story, a fairy.

Tale or a sad story, put the harp in there.

Hey surrounded, you know, like already talking about a story back in time, like you're dreaming.

Or a dream.

Okay, okay, So this woman is going viral because she hasn't cleaned her TV remote in thirteen years?

How do people even know that? Is this her thing?

Well, because she knows that she bought the TV thirteen years ago and she's never cleaned her remote. And she started to look at it and was like, oh, this is kind of disgusting.

A couple of things. Has anyone purposefully set out to clean their TV remote?


Never I have, But I bet you that it's like fifty percent.

Yeah, I bet I bet you There are a lot of people who they don't go, I've never cleaned it and never will. I've drawn the line. They probably just don't even think about cleaning.

It, which was what she was sharing. She's like, WHOA, I just never thought about this, but now, come to think of it, it's looking a little grimy. So she cleaned it. And this is the reminder to everybody else to clean it. And all you need is like a cotton cloth and some rubbing alcohol and then a toothpick if you want to get into the tiny cristy.

Too much work, I'm not cleaning it. That's the case.

Also, how about that TV thirteen years is still working?

I need brand of the TV. That's what I hear.

So survey was talking about the difference between a trip and.

A vacation, like do you have a different.

Spobby, Yeah, vacations. I'm not comfortable with trips. I get a lot of work done. What interesting. I never know what to do when I'm on vacation, But trips I know exactly what to do.

Okay, Well, a trip falls into like events, like you have to go somewhere. You're taking a trip for a wedding, or a trip for work, or a.

Trip for this.

Yeah, but a vacation is supposed to be something you just plan for yourself somewhere you want to go, no other agenda except for what you have on your itinerary for you and your family. Yeah, and the vacations are what are life giving to us.

So we need to try to do them.

Okay, I'm totally confused about the vacations though. Okay, is that it? Yep?

Maybe that's my file.

That was Amy's pile of story.

It's time for the good news.

So I just want to shout out Drew Patchen because he's a kid that was battling brain cancer last year.

He had to go under.

Surgery, chemotherapy, all the things, and now he's cancer free. But instead of just moving on with his life, he has now set up a lemonade stand and is running it to help other kids fighting cancer, and he's donating the money to cancer charities in Missourians.

Good for him to want to help other people, because I know me, if I finished, I'd just be like, I'm good talking about baseball cards.

He personally spent a lot of time at Saint Jude and so he saw a lot of other kids that were battling alongside him. So to be able to give back and support them, that's what he wants to do.

A plus what's his name, Drew? A plus Drew, That's what it's all about.

That was telling me something good. Here's a voicemail from last night.

Hey love this show.

What would you do as your partner told you if.

They weren't sure, if they were in love with you left six years you've had ups and downs and made it group, but now you're not sure what to do.

Well, there's a few things you can do.

One, check their phone, like sneaky check, because maybe there's something going on, because a guy just doesn't go I'm out in love with you anymore if there ain't nothing going on. You know, I'm saying fellas, Yeah, yeah, I'm just saying check the phone, but sneakily like because if you get caught, though, then that's on you. Number two, it's probably some sort of barrier between you two that has been created and there needs to be communication about it. It can happen sometimes with kids or a new job or a it doesn't matter. So you know, talking to a counselor would be good to at least figure out what that barrier is.

Talking to somebody probably is the real answer.


Better helps great, I forgot the code, but betterhelp dot com is awesome. You can use a counselor and you do it on your phone. But yeah, you need to talk to somebody. I'm sorry that's happened to you, but if it's a dude, twenty percent chance and he's got something shady going on. Checksphone, Yeah, checks phone. Let's do something lighter though. Now, okay, time for the Morning Corny. The Morning Corny.

How does a crab answer the phone?

Has a crab answer the phone?

Yeah, cla sill.

She looked at me like she wanted me to answer. That was the Morning Corny. Let's watch.

Was really upset because this guy named Benny Blanco is dating Slena Gomez and this guy named Bennie Blanco spent a bunch of money to take her on a date.

And he's like, I hate it. Okay, quickly, why were you upset?

Because he was bragging about taking her to the movie theater and he's like, oh, and I did so much. I didn't just take her to the movie theater. I brought my own nacho machine. I brought a deep fryer so I could make her favorite treats. And she likes a comfy couch when we watch a movie, so I had the front row of seats removed and I brought a couch in. And I'm like, this is so stupid because normal people can't do this. Crab like, why are you bragging? It's like you have it's unreal listing. So so annoy.

Challenge Lunchbox to call the theater and see if he could bring this stuff. And we looked up how much renting a theater would cost, like three hundred bucks, but could you bring a nacho machine, a deep fry or whatever.

I here's the call.

Sure, Hello, thanks for calling. How can I help you?

Uh yes, ma'am. I was just calling to see if you guys still do that thing where you can rent out the movie theater. Oh.

Absolutely, yeah, we have some great passages for that.

Uh well, because you know, I was, you know, one to romance my girl, and so I was thinking about written out a whole movie theater and so I was just trying to figure out some details on how much that cost.

That is so romantic of you. I love it. Yes, So for four hundred dollars you can rent out an XB theater and for two fifty you can rent out a classic theater and those do have the lounge seats.

Well, speaking of lounge seats, I was wondering because my my girl likes to be you know, comfortable when she watches the movie, and she has like a favorite soft couch. Can we take the the seats out of the front row and put the couch there.

Oh, we actually can't take those out there through into the floor.

Okay, So if we can't bring our couch, what if we brought My wife loves nachos. Can I bring my own nacho machine to make her some nachos?

Oh? You know what, you actually don't need to bring one. We do have a nacho bar at our pop coin station.

Oh okay, cool, Well what about a deep fryer.

We do actually have a lot of treats at our concession tame, we have candy, we have So you're.

Saying I can't bring the deep fryer, I can't bring my nacho machine, and I can't bring my own couch.

That is very romantic, it's very thoughtful. I think that that would probably break some house code violations. I know that you know you have a vision in mind, But if you still want to rent it out, you can let us know.

No, thanks, It is so nice.

Yeah, the laughs in her face.

Okay, so what do you find now? I can't even do it. Unrealistic, son, He.

Might have used their nacho machine.

Yeah, like, can we we unscrew the.

Seats for this amount of what will we'll do?

Well, I don't even know that he would unscrew the seats.

Really, the space up front, you can just put a couch up there if it's so close, Eddie.

Yeah, So Lunchbox, what is your conclusion?

My conclusion is it's stupid. We don't need to be printing these stories that can't happen for normal people. We can't even do that, so it's so dumb. He doesn't get credit for doing all this amazing stuff because it's impossible.

So unless it can happen for normal people, you don't want to see.

It, right. I mean we just called and they said no health code violations. Okay, so he can't happen. So when we put it in the People magazine, women get the ideas like, oh see how romantic it is. No, you can't even do it. It's not real.

I actually haven't thought about it once since we talked.

About it, only that you had a problem. The reason I thought about it, like, I.

Wasn't thinking, oh man, that's so great. I hope that happens for me.

Do you think people see Selenny Gomez and go celebrities are just like us.

They do, but then and they think, oh baby, my boyfriend can run out to Pop the theater and get me my own nacho machine.

So dumb, but you could have No, you can't, like she said, she just said.

Machine or use their Nachosly.

That's not the same thing as bringing your own. It's not the same thing as bringing a deep friar.

He's really attached this deep fryer. What would you want to deep think?

I don't know, probably some oreos fair. I don't know what Selena gome is. His favorite treats are.

But that's Barney standing by any.

Do you really think Benny Blanco made hi because if the movie's going on, he doesn't have time.

To worth a deep frar, So you're suggesting he brought someone to do it.

Yeah, he's like, did it?

But couldn't you sneak in a deep friar just like you sneak sneak in drinks and stuff.

And then put the couch under your shirt.

You get an outlet in conclusion lunch box.

And that story is full of crap.

You know, I think it happened.

It's unrealistic. I don't know how it happened.

We all agree. It's unrealistic though, because I can't do it.

I tried to do it.

Okay, thank you, lunch Box.

I don't know what you Let's write this nothing, but we have proven that Lunchbox could not do this at this theater.

Okay, now we know in case anybody else is.

Okay, thank you. Let's do the news Bobby stories.

Before I give you the answer.

A recent study of job satisfaction found the happiest job the happiest industry.

What is it.


No doctor? Becauld you make a lot of money?

No? I feel like they also spend a lot doctors.

Yeah, I read this whole article about Yeah, they because of medical school. How expensive tuition is for that. Then they're paying it back and then they just have expensive lives.

Gambler's professional.

Maybe gambling, but a gambler'd be that'd be a tough life.

Construction workers, Oh you show up, you get something and set complete.

So okay, Lunchbox, why are you grunting?

You're out in the heat all day, long hours. It's just no things.

Yeah, unless you're like a foreman. I sa people when I was root and nows and just stand over me.

And they do they wouldn't do crap foremans.

They're the ones that's sitting in in the pickup truck like coffee, do nothing.

Yeah. Yeah.

Job satisfaction number one, despite hard physical labor, construction is number one. Some of the biggest reasons good relationships with co workers, time spent outside, and you don't bring the home the work home with you. They can also make their own schedules. No, I don't know that's always true.

And if it rains, you don't work.

Boy and the golf course, we pray for clouds. We do the opposite of a rain. Damce we do the cloud dance because we knew we go on the shed. We just hang out in the shed. They like play poker in there. We're never that prepared. Mostly we just hang out and keep praying for more rain.

You didn't have to like clean clubs or something for people.

The rich kids got to work with the carts in the clubs.

He was maintenance.

Yeah, grunts, we or maintenance. They didn't want us near people. We started working before people were on the course. Yeah. It was a class thing, you know. Ah, the grunts. The only time I almost got fired and my whole life, you're racing, Yeah, I was on a golf course. We had two green mowers, and we'd have to we'd have to beat everybody to the course because we'd start right before the sun.

Would come up.

And you have to mow with green mowers, these perfect lines, and you flip it. Couldn't let it roll out on the edge, You flip it. And we put them back on. And we were racing omen carts like drag racing. And I got caught, and I vowed then to never do anything wrong the rest of my life. And I haven't look at you, look at me. Bamboo hr Software company with that story. Avoid coming into contact with chickens. Health experts are stressing the touching, petting, or grabbing chickens could lead to salmonella live chickens. Medical professionals advise wash your hands after any contact with chickens or ducks or live poultry. People with weakened immune systems should avoid chickens all day together.

Does this include if you have your own little chicken to your FARMO? Yeah, like your own chickens or is it just a random chicken?


I think any chicken for really.

Yeah, but if you do handle it, wash your hands.


Yeah, yeah, I ever tell you guys have a butt hand on a non butt hand.

I don't want to tell you which one's Wait, oh my goodness.

If I just scratch my butt, it's always one hand because I never wanted my non butt hand to touch my face. You mean part of your you mean like outside your pants? Right, it doesn't matter. Yeah, but it doesn't matter even like washing my butt. I have a butt hand on non butt hand. Really, I've always had it, and your non butt hand has never touched your butt. It changes every year, okay.

Sleep, I mean yeah, there's cultures that do this.


Wait, it changes. It's not just your dominant hand, because I definitely think.

How do I keep up? It's very easy.

I declare this is my butt hand for the year, and so twenty twenty four has.

A butt hand for the year. Yeah, and my other hand doesn't touch the butt.

For the year.

Eddie, If you were watching it, like you see Bobby's man, which hand would you guess is his butt hand?

Dominant? Left?

That's what I was left handed.

But yeah, but hand could have been twenty twenty three.


So what year we am?

Man? I don't know where you started, don't.

Even know what if I was when I came out, I was born. A zero is probably left hand, so even numbers are probably left hand, all right. Anyway, moving on, Caitlin Clark's go to fast food order revealed there's a whole documentary on ESPN plus she has once she goes to eat breakfast bacon, egg and cheese sandwich from McDonald's an iced is it machiato?

I'm not sure what that it is.

I don't know if it's like a it's like a latte situation. I think sweet and I don't know what.

Vanilla sweet cream cold foam from Starbucks. And everybody's freaking out. And this is from athlon sports. They're like, oh my god, she But professional athletes are college athletes, high level athletes. Their bodies can pretty much eat anything, and for a while, I'll still perform at that level. There's a place where it changes a little bit for us. It changes a lot earlier. Yeah, but there's a place where they just have to put something and it's going to produce what they need for it to produce. But it's a pretty good bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.

That pretty good. I like that. Yeah, there are worse options.

A macchiado, whipp cream, ice flavored sir a flavored sauce, milk, and shot of espresso. Well, that didn't sound so bad because I don't like coffee. But I can do like a chai tea and put a shot of espresso in it makes it taste worse than the dirty chi worse.

Yeah, whipped cream, I like ice good.

I don't like cold though, A cold espresso kind of psycho killer likes that.

I like ice taste.

A San Diego police officer resigns after locking himself in the backseat with a female detainee.

Is no, she says something else too.

So New York Post.

A San Diego police officers resigned after he was caught locked up in the backseat of a squad car with a female detainee who propositioned him last year. Yeah for sex clinical term. M. The guy's name is Hair, So when I say hair, that's his last name. Hey, Oh, okay, last name?

We got it.

Yeah, Hair, who had been with the SDPD four two years, found himself in the vehicle with the female suspect after he arrested her on suspicion of stealing a car outside a convenience store.

After Hair arrested her.

He was supposed to bring her to the police headquarters and later to the detention center for questioning. In bodycam footage released by the police department, the suspect was heard propositioning the officer after asking.

Him he was married.

Then Hair can be heard asking the female suspect what she's doing in the back seat. Then he turned off his body cam and he slowed his vehicle as he drove onto a residential street. About twenty minutes later, Harre called for a fellow officer to help him out of the police car because he couldn't get out.

He's the back door's locked, you can't open them. He got in the back seat, he turned off the body cam and then he was like he.

Wasn't thinking with his head. You know what I'm saying.

He was.

They wasn't thinking it was hair, you know what I'm saying. That's from the New York Posts.

Hilarious, Hey, police, sir, just like.

Yeah, we need the note. Is it rude to snack while grocery shopping? Supermarket employees have thoughts. Nutrition experts advise against grocery shopping while hungry, but the debate of eating while in the grocery store is still alive. Some find it acceptable. I think I would find it somewhat acceptable if you're buying it, of course, yeah, well, I mean you have a body yet, but you're assuming you're buying it.

Yes, you buy it. If you're going to snack on it, you have to buy it, right.


So, but here's the bit that I think will be funny to do.

We send lunchbox out to a couple of stores, like grocery stores, and like he gets big stuff like rotisserie chicken and he starts eating it while he's shopping, or like a whole thing of deli meat, and he pays for it. We give him money to pay for it. But see if anybody says anything to him, or.

What if I snack on it and then get to the register and be like, I didn't really like it. I don't want to buy it.

They may eat you for shoplifting.

What if he opens like a gallon of milk and start that.

Too, You can do that. Yeah, there's all this stuff.

It's just like a full cornicopia of like his I finally, could this be considered murder or at least attempted murder? Someone opened a package and there was a live rattlesnake inside.

Oh yes, murder.

This guy, Elijah Bowles, believes that's what happened. He picked up a package, found a live rattlesnake inside. I'm gonna put cotton balls in the box so postal workers wouldn't hear the snake's rattle. What He picked up the package and asked a friend to open it. They drove away and they pulled over real quick. Snake was about two to three feet long, called nine one one. Luckily he didn't get bit.

But oh, yeah, that's crazy. How did the snake not bite him? Aol? Maybe the snake was like, oh this is weird. Yeah that's up. Yeah, thank you, that's Bobby.

A flight had to turn back after a guy took off ball of his clothes, got button naked, ran down the aisle. He knocked down a flight attendant. He was arrested when they land did it But they landed at their normal spot. If a dog poops will turn a flight around.

But you got button.

Neckd Jimmy running down the aisle and they're just letting it fly.

Maybe he did towards the end.

Yeah, maybe it's at the end of the flight was already descending, and I'm not trying to tackle him.

Why I do think that makes you gay? Naked?

I mean he's naked, man. I ain't trying to eddy.

I mean you don't want to touch that. I tackle, I'll tackle him.

You would, Yeah, if you're gonna hurt somebody, his vulnerability is out in the open.

He's not hurting anyone. He's running up and down. Matter.

Let's just say though he's maybe on something.

Making a bad decision. And if you don't think I'm a grabbing twist, you're wrong. That the way he's going down and stays no.

See, that's what I'm saying.

Grab what his vulnerability right there for you? You know, a man secures of running naked down the aisle of an Australian domestic flight, knocking down a flight attendant, forcing the plane to I guess they did turn back.

I just read the headline. Let me bring this to the show. Just that's what I do.

Mm hmm, well, mm hmmm.

I'd be annoyed, I understand is you wouldn't tackle like somebody trying to open the.

Door because there's no gun on. I know that this guy's got no gun because he's exposed. Yeah, and I have maybe I would get the door I'd get from.

This is the only time you've ever said you tackled. I go, I jump piggyback.

On any airplane, there's likely no weapon.

People who have had a job that required them to have certain tools and they've gotten through the metal detector with like box cutters, and they're like, oh my god, oh my god, what do I do that? They just do them in the garbage. But yes, I agree, I hear what you're saying. But yeah, no, no, he's not. Nothing's hidden from me.

It's all there.


Imagine the video you tackle the naked guy in a plane.

Your kids, everyone else is going yeah, and you're all over.

I gotta fight in his own style. I get naked to take him down.

Oh, it's only one way to do this. Uh. Yeah.

It was not clear how or where the plane passenger removed his clothes. I mean, you would think he busted out of the bathroom. Sure, he's slowly.

Disrobing in the sea, or someone's gonna go d you see the guy next to him, like, what bro, what's up?

No, he koolaid Man's out of the bathroom door. Flap hits and he comes out just running.

If you find out someone did that, is that like a no go in dating?

Like it just depends if there was like a if it was a reaction maybe to a medicine, a bad medicine.

What medicine?

Medicine dude, Like he could have been on some new medicine that made him go crazy. Yeah, but yes, I think it probably is quite the flag that's waving in your face. You just need to see why the flag was waving, if it was red or not. But probably read. But I would think there was a struggle happening in this person's mind at some point.

But how awesome. How can we never hear about hot chicks doing this on a plane? That would they don't take the medicine that would that would not be undateable.

Yeah, you don't prescribe to them.

I don't think.

Yeah, No, it's it's always dude.

Well not a lot of but not a lot of naked, but there is there is a high chick, but not a lot of naked even dudes.

But there was the one woman who was.

An alien yeah something, and she's like I saw, you know, she flipped out on the plane looking yeah, Tiffany Gomez. I think there's something to her name, so there's one. Yeah, yeah, you tackle her. She didn't need to be tackled, didn't tackled. But I'm just saying, like it's always like not good looking.

She was escorted off and then she was watching the plane take off and she's like, it's not going to make it.

Like she was, you're on that fight.

I don't know, and not that somebody just freaked out, but that someone said, this plane, if you stay on it, I know that it is going to crash out. I think of getting off, but I'm puckered the whole time.

I mean, just in case I might take my clothes off.

One up and down the aisle. I'm so nervous. And that's how it.


But if someone's like gus, I'm getting because like Final Destination, I never watched a series of movies that I would see clips, and I know there's one thing where they're on an airplane.

They're like, get off the plane.

I got a preview getting and then the plane ends up boom. But if like someone said that, I wouldn't get off because I need to get where I'm going. But the whole time I would be a little concerned, Yeah, because what what if that was the one person that wasn't nuts?

Yeah? What if they what if they're Amy's cousin their psychic.

True, like because that's like a different psychic.

But still I'm not saying her cousins, but there's different type of psychics. So maybe she's in the plane, she's like she gets this what do you call energies energy and that comes to them and or are the ghosts that comes in Scuba's butt, you know what.

I mean, like the right one and it is like I'm over.

Oh man, this is the plane that's going down.

And then it left his mouth and he cried, and.

You have to get off the plan? What are we talking about?


When the ghost went in him and came out his mouth after he wrote, drove to work and he cried.

Scuba cried.

That's how it came. It's what came to you.

Didn't feel it come through your mouth, but when it left, did it come out your mouth?

Came through my almost like my eyes or my face.

Yeah, but you really know which orphie it entered.

It a great point though you don't know where it came from.

Trust me, We do, but you just said, we know. There's a voicemail from Brittany in Illinois.

I just saw.

On Facebook that you guys are coming to.

A local station here in Decatur, Illinois.

I just wanted to say.

I'm super excited to hear that, and I love listening to your show every day.


Thanks, We are as of yesterday on in Chicago, in Chicago Land Area. We're very excited about that. Atlanta, Cleveland. We're like a little virus that could. Dang, we're spreading. People don't want us to, but we do. It's like a little virus that could.


And if you're new and you hear us and you're like, what the heck is this show? New things are tough, especially when they sound like us. But if you just have a little patience with us, I think you'll feel like you're.

Part of the group.

Here. We're just a group of friends. I was able to find all my friends and bring them on and do a show. I'm the only one that worked in radio before we did all this. And hopefully you give us a chance and you become part of our friend group. That's that's the goal here. But thank you Brittany for that. You guys can leave us a voicemail at any time, even if we're not on the air. Eight seven, seven seventy seven, Bobby Eddie wears a boot on his foot. He like, fractured his pinky toe or the old bone above it.

It hurts side of my foot. Yes, it's bad news playing baseball. But Cardinals, there's nothing you can do about it. Right.

It's one of those injuries like if you not not stub your toe, but if you slam your toe, this can.

Happen, like if you break a rib. You just gotta wait.


So he's walking around his boot. I feel bad for him. However, he's using a wheelchair at stores.

Now he's no, he's not.

It wasn't my idea, but you okay. So I went to the grocery store with my son. I brought one of my boys with me. I'm like, oh, you can help me cause I'm kind of in my boot or whatever. And we walk in. He goes, Dad, there's an electric wheelchair. Why don't you use it. I'm like, that is the greatest idea I've ever heard. I didn't even think about it, dude. I sat down on that thing. I drove all over the grocery store. It was awesome. Do you have a problem with it?

I mean, I guess it makes sense.

He does have an injured foot, but I just see him walking fine.

Oh, here here's the thing, A lot of water, slow, a big boot for correct and here's the deal. Like if I saw an item and I'm like, oh, I'm gonna have to get off to get this, like off the wheelchair, I would like act like I'm falling off instead of like because.

You don't have to do all that. I think it's okay for to use that machine, but then you get someone to help you.

That could do that too. I didn't do that this time, but I can next time. Just be normal. You can use it. If they're not gonna get judged, No they're not.

That's that is literally, it's not for people that just have a disability.

So it's for anyone, and it's just.

Someone that needs it that needs help shopping with it so they can and get through and go get to the aisle.

You know that you can do donuts in that thing and like without hitting It.

Does seem fun.

And if I had a broken leg or something, I think I might use it because that's there to help the shopper have a normal experience shopping the normal amount of time, when they probably can't because it hurt. Now to question two, mm hmmm, I don't even want to ask you did handicaps?

I didn't, but he can get When I was done, I put the chair away and I'm like, gosh, my cars are really far away now, and I'm like, I could use the handicaps spot. You have to be cleared for that. And if you get a tag, you're telling me if I park in the handicapped spot with my boot and limp into the store, someone's gonna be like, whoa, whoa, where's your tag?

They're going to toe you because you don't have a tag on your car. They're not going to go search you out to go like through the lips, sir.

But you can file for a temporary yeah tag, Could you do that for me? You want me to do that?

Yes, but you don't need one by the time you get the tag in the mail your field, I don't know.

They say four to six weeks in this thing. I mean, this could be a hard four to six weeks for me.

I'm gonna go here we go. Don't park in that spot unless you've been cleared. Now they get to be the ones that clear it. If you're cleared by whatever group does that, then boom, what who does that? I like the city.

It says temporarily disabled placards.

Valid for six months.

With a temporary disabling condition.

That's me, man, I'm in a boot.

Why don't you just write on a piece of paper.

And draw draw that little man? Put it, just put it there.

I'm going to need ten dollars, so that's okay, you got it.

I'll give you ten bucks.

Dude, this is amazing, and I need your plate number, title number and vehicle.

And then.

Who was it here that saw the perfectly healthy huntry artists parking handicap.

Wait, I've never heard of that. Oh you have. We saw it a couple of times.

There's a country It is perfectly healthy.

Don't be that person.

I'm in a boot.

I'm wildly healthy, like physically fit, greatly marking a handicapped spot.

Yeah, this is the one that was at the liquor store.

Was it honestly couldn't be more fit? Probably?

No, I know the liquor store was just Ray just wanted to rat somebody for getting beer.

Yeah, I say a lot of a lot of alcohol, pajama attire.

Whomever it was. I felt worried the way the.

Way that Ray described it. But then I saw the picture and it's like they have some have some beer. Okay, another quick thing. We were doing the Bobbie ooshr Olympics with the dudes here, with all these sports that we have all suggested.

Eddie's in a boot. Yes, what do we do now? We're gonna have to change some of the sports. No, I can't do long?

You like battleship? Now there we go. Is it your sport Jenga? Or do we wait on you?

I mean it could take a while. I'll find out more today how long this is really going to be. But yeah, it could be a bit.

He's going to the orthopedist today. So do you want to man up and just do it? Or do you want to you can't do it?

We need him.

One of the things scooter race what nice.

I'm getting good at that.

But what we can do is we can do like one a week or something, and then we can start with the ones that his foot doesn't effect, like a shot sure or bench bench press.

I can do that. That's two weeks. But like the running I'm out. Yeah, but we won't do that. Well, you're gonna lose anyone less unless I can use the scooter.

You can still lose.

You lose with the scooter, he'd finish, you'd lose.

I get one point.

Bobby Bone show up today.

This story comes us from Pottstown, Pennsylvania. They father at a local Catholic churches in hot Water after he spent forty one thousand dollars of the congregation money on candy Crush, Pokemon Go, and Mario Kart Tour.

I mean, I'm just glad it's innocent fun, you know.

But but he stole money.

I know, I thought he was gonna I thought it was gonna go hard, like somewhere like drugs. Yeah, like a drug.

I don't think you should get like a lesser sentence because he played Pokemon.

Is no, no, no, no, no, for sure not but at least it's innocent fun.

Those games, though, Man, they get you, dude, Like in the game, you're like, oh, for like ten dollars, I can get more, Like yeah, I get the new Pokemon, Mike.

Are they all called Pokemon or is just one called Pokemon? Oh Pikachu's I'm thinking of are there multiple versions of Pikachu. There were different Pikachu's.

Really didn't know that. But rights You is a Pikachu. Of course he evolves into right You.

You started at Pikachu too, that goes into right.

So the show is called Pokemon, but it's based around Pikachu.

Pikachu's the main character, right yeah, yeah, the main one, and then he has a bunch of buddies like Mario Karts. If you ever to play Mario Kart, it's about Mario in a cart, but he has Bowser and Louis.

Yas and yeah, don't call him a geek. I know what you're gonna call him, you do geek? Ears?

No, I mean this is the nerd minute that's supposed to be the Bonehead.

Okay, go ahead, I'm.

Lunchbox at your bonehead story of the day.

If you listen to yesterday's podcast, you will hear who was offered the acting role.

And I'm not going to like hold it out. It was me, and.

I had a conversation with some people yesterday about it. I still don't know if I'm gonna do it, but I'm requesting a couple of changes, so I can do it if possible. However, I still don't know, and I also don't know if I don't do it, if they would be open to anybody here doing it. Yeah, which is kind of hilarious to think you can just pass it on to somebody else.

But Amy has offered her acting coach to you guys.

All of us.

What do you mean like to access my treat No?

I feel I could reach out to her, book a session and everybody joins. So everyone's to join, Eddie, lunchbox, Bobby.

I'm good, Okay, I'm in.

I'm not even good at acting. I'm just good. I have no interest in being.

A better actor.

Okay, Well, then lunch talks, Eddie.

I already have my coach. I'm good.

But you never even met him. It's a herm even met him.

I met. That's kind of died down. I've been busy, three kids, is I mean? It's hard?

Well, mine is really great. She's worked with a lot of I should go like.

A group acting Oh, i'm in, I'm in, or bring her up here and we record it with you guys doing some stuff.

That's even better.

Okay, I'll see. She's pretty busy.

But yeah, I think about this the limelight of national attention.

Yeah, I mean this has actually lights, like I mean this is the real stage.

Yeah, yeah, that sounds there is a stage right there. Yeah.

So Amy has offered, But again it would just be for fun because I don't know that one I'm not going to do it or too they would be open to somebody else doing it.

It's not me.

But you always got to be prepared, you know what you always say.

I'm always prepared, stay ready, always got to get ready.

I just am always ready to stay ready, never got.

To get I'm ready. So that's that's nice of you to do. Are you still going to her?

I haven't in quite some time, but what a better time to bring.

It back, right?

Yeah, See, life gets in the way.

I got to get back on those books because she fills.

Oh her books.

I was like, she told you to read books books.

Okay, So that's that.

I'll let you guys know in the next few days if I'm going to do it and then we can move to stage two.

Is if they'll even let one of you guys do it. I don't know.

They may think, like, who is this guy too big versus britches?

I'm not too big. I just don't. I don't feel comfortable in what I'm being asked to do.

You could.

It's not a work thing. I'll work all day, I'll work for twenty hours. It's something that trailer I no, no, nothing like that. I would say this in the past.

I have.

I have not said certain songs because they are bad words in the songs.

I don't curse, and I'm like, yeah, I'm just not gonna do that.

And people will be irritated to me, like say the name of the song, and I'm like, I'm not saying the name of the song. There's a bad word in it, the A word or the D word. It's something similar to that.

Love scene, but you're just acting.

I hear you, but it's not worth it to me. It's okay, it's a love scene by myself.

That's what you want.

It's like a Christmas movie that.

Happens during Christmas. They go cue the candy, came talk there we go. I gotta go alright by everybody
