We spin our new wheel and the loser has to try out the world's most sour candy. Bobby addresses the controversy of Lunchbox stealing free concert tickets for himself that were meant for the other members of the show. In the Anonymous Inbox, a listener needs advice on whether they should propose on Christmas.
Come on transmitted cross.
This guy.
Welcome to Tuesday Show, Morning Studio Morning. I have a new brand of smelling salts. When a trim later, this one has a frosty the snowman looks like he's on something. Oh man, the last time was like a devil.
Well that kind of looks like a devilish frost in the snake, Like Frosty's overtaken.
So it's called Absolute zero smelling salts. We're trying you if you want to take a run at this coven. So I have these here.
Edie's like ready to get What it did to my sinus is pretty amazing.
Oh it did help you open them right up? You guess to get those apps on TikTok about those It looks like a chapstick thing you put in your nose. No for your sinuses. No, yeah, tiktoks just different everybody.
No, because no, my allergies are throat and like not really super sinusy Uh.
There are some drama here on the show.
I want to get to give me a second because I want to get all my tea dotted and I's crossed or whatever they say. But drama here on the show with concert tickets. There were some drama with some concert tickets here in the studio, Morgan, do you want to take this story?
Because I know they were offering up tickets to what show? Yeah?
So it was to Brett Eldridge's Globe tour.
Is one at Bridgetone, the big Christmas show and it's happening this Friday night. Yeah, so who says what?
Well, so we got sent an email and it was like, hey, if you want tickets, make sure you sign up, and.
This is coming from Scuba.
He's like, make sure you only put two down because they only allotted eight for the entire show, so you could go in and select it. Well, when I went in to try and select a ticket, it was like kept bouncing back at me.
I was like, what's going on?
And I look over and Lunchbox was over here entering eight tickets trying and he's.
Put it trying to take all eight tickets.
No, I mean it said, how many tickets do you want?
Max? Eight? I'm like, well, if they're offered me eight, why would I not take eight?
Do you have eight friends? Friends?
I had my wife and I was like I had to invite some friends and I mean I'm sure they would like Christmas music. It's good time for us all to go out. Did you did the email not say max eight?
It definitely said max.
Just like everything, he can't read anything like the Christmas card I got them and said his freaking steak dinner was only through March. You're seeing now he's not paying attention to the details here. It even says in bold max eight. That's the allotment for the entire show, for your entire DA tickets and pull the email up, somebody, Jesus.
The history of Lunchbox sto is he tries to take advantage of everything. Ever, So were you trying to get eight tickets? Yes?
Or no? Yeah?
Because it said Max eight, So I thought they were offering me eight tickets.
I was like, wow, say just for you.
No, this is what the email says, and we're it says it does say Max eight. When you get to the tickets request part, please only ride into the eight allotment is for our full show.
All I saw was do you want to get to the Breadelders show, click this link?
So I clicked it. And when I'm.
Billing that out, it's like a Google doc or something it's your name, But can I just ask this question? And I said how many? I don't have six friends or seven friends that I know i'm gonna take. I'm not going to ask for eight of something just because they're just there. I wouldn't be able to find eight people, no problem.
But that's not the point for him.
I'm not confused by his actions. It seems very on brand.
It's like someone offers you like, hey, here's one hundred dollars or do you want one dollar?
Well, I'm gonna take one hundred dollars. Achnology is not the same.
You're trying to compare it to what you would do.
Well, it's like this, if someone saying there's a limited amount of tickets, even if it's not max eight. If someone's like, hey, we're offering you free stuff, I'm not going to take them absolute max that they're offering me. It's like when he goes to Saint Jude takes every free backpack that's not meant for him.
If you're at a buffet at a restaurant, they're like, we're going to offer you four milkshakes or are you gonna have one?
Would you only take one? Yeah? Would take off four.
If it's what would you do with the other three?
Take them home, put them in the fridge, find someone on the street, Hey, you want a milkshake? I mean, why would you leave something free on the ta Okay.
Well nothing free was left on the table, first of all. And you're right he doesn't pay attention to anything, because then the email it says directly we have eight total tickets. Does anybody think he was trying to take all the tickets and now he's just backing out of it? Yes, oh you do think that.
I feel like I feel like he was trying to sell the tickets, get them all and then make some money off them.
Oh, you can't sell those.
That's a dumb theory.
You can't sell those you can give.
They had to enter the name, like.
The first t I'm hearing about. This is right now that I blocked other people from getting tickets.
Like I literally just aw, did you have taken two? I filled out for.
Max eight, So I guess I got to go back in and not say, I mean, then, did you tell friends already they were going?
I hadn't lined that up yet because I was waiting for my confirmation emails, saying that I got my tickets.
It's good. About how many is he getting?
He'll only get two, but right now it's like he's getting eight, but he's not getting eight. Oh yeah, at the email the manager and be like, yo, that do not allow that.
But they want tickets, Well yeah, they'll have to just put those back into the bottles.
There's eight total for everyone here on the show. And does that make you fe unchbox?
I mean, I think they it's a little confusing when they when you give me a sheet and it says max eight, seems like they're offering me up to eight tickets.
But that literally right before that, it says we have eight for the whole show. It says that before. I didn't get to that, but that's what I'm saying. I didn't see that part, But is that It's like I didn't know you couldn't rob a bank.
Well you're still going to jail for robbing it. That's that's different.
I know that he just sees the word free and he just enters without knowing, Like he just is like, oh free, that number, that's all me.
Yeah, who's going to the show? Who wants free tickets? I should say, because there's there's because there's only eight. Well, there's four left. If Lunch gets two, Morgan gets too. If you guys want tickets, Ray, you're going definitely. Do you want the tickets?
I'm gonna need to Okay, there's six Abby, Yeah, okay.
Well okay, so that's all the tickets. Mike, did you want to go?
I wasn't on that email.
I wasn't email.
Yeah, yeah, I don't know. Let me check my email, seef I send.
It to Well, so then I think I'll actually just get one and not take up.
Maybe these are.
People who express that they wanted to go, and I was like, oh, here's who wants to go?
And I don't know.
There's so much express things they can the show express.
There's the thing, there's so many times they send emails and no one responds ever or says they want to go, and they don't go. So then I get to pour them like I'm I'm giving up on putting time into inviting everyone if no one shows up, but something I.
Don't know, And that's why I said yesterday many.
So then what then what I would do is if they all want to if eight people want to go, they just get one.
Ticket, no plus ones tickets. That's no plus ones in this one.
Sorry about that Christmas.
Not even going now like you're going.
I wants to go though, well Brett at bridge Stone that Christmas. This is something that's never happened before. Yeah, it could be a show.
Hang, guys wrong, I've already booked a babysitter my wife, so.
You guys can.
Get there are eight show members, everybody would get one. I know is because of it doesn't mean it's true. But if there are eight people that want to go, get one. You'll get one ticket. If you want to back out, then you guys can do the twos. But if if eight people want to go, everybody will get one ticket, and then you can buy another one for your significant other.
See what you started, Lunchbox, No, no, you by you didn't even know the concert was coming, so you didn't even care, so you.
Were out because he didn't get an email, didn't Scooba was.
Out there being an email and saying I want tickets.
Okay, but that doesn't mean that you get them over anybody else, Scoo. If there's a they get one each, okay?
And also though too, since your best friends Brad, you probably would look up Mike or Amy or or get anybody else. Okay, no, that's a ridiculous thought.
I'm not calling my friend being like, get tickets.
I have tickets, and we wouldn't want Bobby to do that.
Yeah, no, not do it. So I don't care how you work it out. I want out of this. But everybody has to be offered a ticket.
So here's what we do. Re send the email.
Everybody here, Amy, Ray, Abbey, Lunchbox, Morgan, Eddie, Mike, kick off, Kevin.
One, two, three, fight how many eight?
That's eight people eight tickets. That's a and then whomever doesn't want it. Then if somebody doesn't claim one, we'll raffle up. We'll draw for the other the other one. Okay, you gotta be fair.
Okay, Morgan, it doesn't even have a significant other. She is out on that.
Have a shoe hanger.
I didn't even fight.
For my numbers. I know what I'm saying. You're out on the drawing of her drawing for two. That's not true.
Amy is a divorced she doesn't get it too, So now it's down to me, Eddie and Mike.
That's not true. But just let me know we send it today, please, okay, all send you right now. Okay, thank you, and you guys, you have like fifteen minutes to claim your ticket and we'll go from there.
Yeah, all right, thank you. Show.
There's a question to because.
Hello, Bobby Bones, my girlfriend and I've been together for three amazing years. I feel ready to take the next step and propose. I'm thinking about popping the question coming up on Christmas.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not one at Christmas magical love, family, long memories.
The other hand, it might be too cliche. Do you think a Christmas proposal is romantic or too predictable? Scientists the season for love, Let's do pros and cons.
You'll always know your anniversary of your proposal, not that it really matters, because that ends up being a thing you don't care about, but you'll always know it and it'll be in the calendar like I need, like remembering points for other things.
And that's good. You'll always remember your where you propose when you propose.
A plus if you don't have a great gift for her and you were gonna do it anyway, A plus reason.
To propose because you need a great gift.
If you're about to get married, you're in that stage where the relationship is going great, why should say you're to get engaged and you owe her a really good gift of a thoughtful gift. And so if you don't really have that perfect thoughtful gift and you're gonna propose anyway, what better gift than a ring? So that's also good her family all being around, gotta look at that as something that may not be able to happen in March. All great, that's another pro cons you're gonna make a lot of it about you.
I mean with other family members.
Y, yeah, okay, and that's okay, that's okay.
But everybody's normally together in one place, which is fun.
Yeah, which is fine, Which is why I said it's great that everybody's dead. But you're gonna take a whole holiday and it's mostly gonna be then dedicated to you guys. And if you're okay with that, and other people maybe kind of be an annoy kind of not that's okay.
Is it cliche? Sure, But that doesn't mean it's wrong or bad. So all I'm gonna say is if your first instinct is you want to do it, then go ahead and do it. Don't overthink something. Is it cliche? A little yep, but some cliche I thinks are awesome. So I'm gonna go first, gut first instinct. If it's yes, don't talk yourself out of it. If it's no, don't talk yourself into it. This is a gut thing, by the way, you know, when you have a gut feeling, it's not your gut, it's your brain.
Is that right?
They say gut, Well, you don't think out of your belly, But it's not even that. It's all brain.
It's all brain, and it's the it's the reaction other than the response of your brain. It's it's your brain quickly assessing a situation and giving you instant thoughts on it. So it's not really your belly your gut. It is your brain. But we say gut because we think differently about it. I say you go for it based on the fact you were gonna do it anyway.
Amy, Yeah, I think it's totally okay. Just assess the pros and cons for yourself and make sure it's a good holiday for her, Like does she love Christmas? Is like a happy time of year for her and then if it, if it is I they go for it. It could be special. The only problem is you need to get her a little.
Extra gift that's okay, but doesn't be a big one. That's why you do it. If it saves your a gift, a big one. I'm it saves you that gift that big gifts. You have to get them that saved. So that's another reason to like. That's in the pro columns. The only thing, well.
Depends if you don't have a great gift and you're gonna do it anyway. There you go, close it up, all right, brook in North Dakota. Here we go Morden Studio.
What does Santa Claus spend his hard earned salary on ho ho hoes?
Merry Christmas?
You guys, wait what unless I missed it? It's good, I do it. No, I get it.
But there's gotta be something a little more family friendly that I didn't get.
Maybe it'd be like what does a what's a lonely stand? I spend his money on? Pile of stories?
So experts share how you can handle any greed that may pop up with your kids during Christmas time, and these tips might work for lunchbox too, because greed happens. So first of all, we need to help our kids know what to expect, Like if there's gonna be some financial boundaries, it's okay to be upfront about all of that from the get go, so that way they're not expecting something and then let down.
I remember Eddiot said that you tell your kids they get one substantial gift, like you, that's about this is what you're getting. One one big gift. Yeah they get that and nothing else.
And big is relative.
Well, yeah, you know what I mean, like one, Yeah, you're okay? Would that count? Yeah?
That would count, like just having that expectation and maybe you even say like a price range. If you've got that. You can emphasize gratitude as well. The holidays are perfect time to do that.
And you can what does that mean? Emphasize gratitude?
Think of what all they have that they're thankful for.
Make them think about it, yes, like.
You have them journal it out or go around the room and like have your kids share.
You love a journal? Would your boys journal? Eddie Chance?
I do love a journal. But you can also do verbally like and maybe even before after you open gifts, like, hey, let's talk about something and that we're thankful for. You can also teach them how to deal with disappointment if they are sad in some way because of a gift that they got. Help them process those emotions. Don't just shut it down.
Can you teach them disappointment and be like, you got nothing this year, and then once they have it, see how that feels. And then give them the gifts a good idea, right they got.
Both, okay, yeah, and then highlight the reward of giving back and giving to others, and that way they can take the focus off themselves and put it on other people. All right. Uber eats Roulette is something that's also happening this holiday season or wherever you may order from. And what you do is you've got your friends, you're all hanging out, and you set a budget, maybe it's twenty dollars thirty dollars, and you each order something from a random place, but you don't talk about it at all, and one by one, the orders just start showing up at the door, and it's like a fun way to be like, oh, we're going to have this to eat in this tea in this ta Some people call that a potluck. It is, but it's like a order roulette.
Yes, yes, but this is what would happen.
I would play the game and it'd be all peanut butter and onion stuff, and I'd be hungry.
You sitting in the corner. I don't eat peu, peanut butter onions.
Yeah. Well, whatever you ordered you'd like, it should be a part of it, and I.
Would eat it all.
Yes, okay, go ahead, and then something you like to eat, Bobby A one?
Oh, I have a look. I'm out to catch up at the house right now. I got five bottles at A one, and so I order these. There's this place called Clean Eats that I will leave from if I'm in a hurry.
It's near the house, and it is what it is.
It's a pretty clean place to eat as far at, not like the tables and stuff. Like the food that's cleaned for your body.
And if I don't have much because I like mustard, a one can go in the place of any condiment. Ever.
By the way, every steak is better where they want, and a one can be subsuited for any condiment.
Ever. Thank you for saying that I love a one.
Go ahead, okay, well, this is how you can get one hundred dollars steak meal from A one. They're doing this whole competition thing right now where you can go to a steakhouse and BYO B. But it's not beer, it's BYOB like your bottle of A one.
I do that ice to sneak it in all the time.
Yeah, So you show up to the steakhouse and all you have to do is take a picture of the A one sitting next to the steak and then you submit the photo onto their website. You can google all this to find out the details and you could win a shot at a thousand dollars reimbursement for your meal. I mean undred dollar.
Okay, here's thinking about A one. People will shame me. If I go to a nice dinner for work. I'll be like giving A one and the waiter will be like oh, or they'll be like, okay, we can't and they'll put it. So we have a little bottle right half the time to remember, I'll take little bottles.
They want to nice places. If I remember on the road, I forget. But how do I not have an endorsement deal?
They want? Unbelievable? Hey, school, But can you get the CEO of A one on the phone. I have my hold right now. You want to talk to him? You don't, but that would be awesome. I would love to talk to the CEO of A one and tell them how excellent their product is.
It is that we've actually sent audio to pitch to them, like, Hey, this is like the best person you could have as an influencer, radio, social, everything, nothing at the moment, unfortunately.
Okay, well let's take it into our own hands. I'd love to do that. You get the CEO of they want on the phone.
So I love that this is a clever campaign, but I also like their meaning behind it. They said that they want to start a movement to empower people to enjoy their steak exactly how they want.
Yeah with A one, Yeah, you should have be.
Shamed for however you want to eat your food?
Be one for A one. His names Abrams, Rivera, Carlos Wait is he Alo Carlos Abrams Revera, Okay, he's not it. I don't know, dude. All right, that's it.
I'm maybe that's my pile.
That was Amy's pile of stories.
It's time for the good news.
So it's definitely the season of giving and making time for others, and it's good to remember the older people, the people that are in you know, long term care facilities and loving laps. Quilters. They have a mission to keep these senior citizens in mind. And they quill all year round and then in December they delivered the quilts to the home so that not only do the people feel warm, but they feel loved and seen and cared for. And every time they look at their quilt, they know that someone's thinking of them.
Quilt. That's a weird word. Quilt.
Yeah, my grandma used to have quilts. Yeah, it's an old person word too. A quilt Now it's a comforter or a blanket. Never used the word quilt. Maybe if we say like five times quel, quel, quilt, quilt, it gets weirder.
Yeah, yeah, I love what you're doing. That's great quilting. Yeah. Good for them, that's good.
Laps their little lap quilts.
Yeah I said it again. Quilt. Yeah, great story. That's what it's all about. That was tell me something good. Got a brand new wheel. Everybody ordered it, thank you, So everybody's name is on the wheel. There are three empty spots. Now what I also ordered when order the wheel, these are the World's Sours candies. Oh so whomever loses is going to try the world Sours candy. Oh you're on the wheel too. Cool course, I'm on dude. If it's an open thing, I do it. But there are three empty spots. So what I'm gonna do is spin the wheel. Whoever it lands on has to be in one of the empty spots. Okay, so we'll do three spins. Remember it lands on is one of the empty spots.
Got it?
And then we'll come back and then we'll spin the real one. Okay, uh, first time doing it. This will may fall apart, it may dump over. I don't know. But let's spin empty spot. All right, let's do it again. See empty spots you don't want to land on? I guess.
Oh this is not good.
Oh no, and it is. It's all three of these. I think you need to spin it harder. I'm afraid it's new. It's like getting in the car just off the line and going. I think you just put a slam as hard as you came to feel like you're like sort of just like you know what I paid for it? You know what when you pay for something. Your lotlegit. This is full diamond. I'm this money diamonds. Be careful one more time. Let's spin.
Now we're talking.
I swear to God, I I think it might be uneven. No, no, no, it's not uneven. I mean all the different ones. But that's four for four. Tell me it's not uneven.
Okay, Well, I'm glad it's a blank one because if that had been to any of us and it was always going to land on, there we go.
That was not a full regular spin. I was seeing a slow spin. We didn't know what. Oh, eddie, another test. If it was uneven, it would have just stopped on this.
Give it a strong one.
Not yet. Oh there you just proving that it is not uneven. There's three there. Now this will roll everybody ready, come on, maybe go to the opposite direction that may. Oh we just had three that weren't on it. Again, here we go. This one counts. Ready, let's hurt yourself. I hurt my hand. Okay, here we go, and it is. It works, It works, comunion, come inion, It counts this time. It just need to get warmed up. Do we ride on anybody else?
It would have been the real time no.
No landed on to other people would.
But he didn't say.
But the one I did was like, this, is it any marker?
What about we need to be permanent?
Is it its own special marker? Yes, permanent mark You don't use permanent market. Okay, so.
That'd be funny though, to permanently put lunchbox on one.
Of them, all of them anyway, which one do you want lunch whatever? The one right there is Morgan's fine, I don't care.
You can take a whole section.
He's all the way up there.
That was not smart, Edie, there are two away. Do you think that's the one that's landed off? Its kind of like, let's spin.
Come on lunch box, Oh Eddie, I'm.
Gonna take it the opposite of mine.
Give me the red okay, and let's right there you go exactly.
Well, actually that would have been an empty spot if I wouldn't have picked it.
Okay, so the wheel is now full.
It is so dumb. It was so stupid.
If you're to practice, spin it, which doesn't count. So we'll take a break. These are the world's most mega sour raspberry bombs.
Raspberry, but it's not gonna taste like raspberrycause it's go so sour.
I do not know how sour it is or if it feels like it burns or is sweet. I bought them off Amazon because I thought it looked hilarious. We will do the bit when we come back.
Right after this. Okay, we have a wheel in the studio. Everybody's name is written on the wheel. We'll spin it.
Whomever it lands on has to partake in one of the world's most sour candies, Mega Sour Raspberry Bomb. You'll put in your mouth and you will close your mouth.
Sounds sour.
I have not opened the package yet, saw a story about it on the news. Found them on Amazon, bought it. Now we can spend that person wins, or we can spend on that person is taking off the wheel.
I like that better, wins one. All right, here we go. We know where it's going.
The world hates me, Lunchboks. This is the thing. He's in victim mode all the time. You think how it landed on you because you keep putting that out there.
We're gonna spend it whomever it lands on. Well, then have the world's most sour candy. One spin and one spin only, And I'm gonna spin the crap out of it. Ready, let's spin. It's a good spin. Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh more again. Yeah, it landed in between two Morgan. Oh wow against me Morgan. Yeah, if you'll deliver this to her anything, And what's the rule bones like, keep it in there the whole time. Well, you put it in your mouth and then hold it in there for like just like yeah, one ball, put it and then for like thirty seconds.
What look like they look like a sour ball.
They they have like oh my gosh, that's like a giant warhead basically, yeah.
Yeah, nuclear warhead. Ready to go?
Two should indeed, why thank you for your any reactions.
Guys, one go and it's in.
Okay, it's not bad, ye, then hold on your oh mm hmm.
She's holding her face tight.
We've also spent my mouth going on. Yeah, my eyes are watering. Maybe I can't taste it all.
Because of my my.
She can't taste because of COVID, so it's not but.
My nose isn't reacting.
Oh she got the lucky yet we have to spend it again.
My eyes were water though, what you say My eyes were waterroom like crapp.
She sounds like she's dying.
It's not that bad to her because she can't COVID no smell. Guys, I don't know if it's that though. I don't know that's that. This is supposed to be like this hours thing every bomb.
She's doubting it. Wow, Okay, spin it out.
I kind of want to eat it.
Now. Let's see if you work for somebody who doesn't have has no smell cod So do we.
Take Morgan off the wheel or and add like maybe lunchbox on there again?
What do you want to do there? You know what for that? We had eddie? No an extra eddie. Okay, we'll leave her on. But if a lands al will spin again, all right, let's spin that.
Wow, calm my god.
And it may not be that bad, maybe not the way Morgan made it sound. A rip chip. I don't think it's that bad. Thirty seconds ye to go ahead and don't and don't like hide it. Just put it on there and go got a little sugar, give it run. Yep, that's in my mouth. Oh yes, oh.
D it is?
Oh I don't know. Oh, he's he's gonna bomb. I don't know.
I can do I can't even hold it in my mouth. I'm trying to go side to side. I don't know if it's like the sugar coating that tour, because it's not. It's not ending the Showberry Power. Okay, you get most of it off there, Okay, I think it was just the coating.
Yeah, No, for sure it's the coating, because now it's still sour, but not as bad.
Now it's a pretty good. That's pretty nice. Now you're enjoying it. No nice, okay a holiday treat? Was it a sour as the cell? Yeah?
Do whatever sugar they put around it is intense. It hits you boom, like what do they call it a bomb? It hits you like a bomb. And now now it's a nice little treat. And I wouldn't mind just sucking on this for the rest of the show.
What do you like to your kids? Be like, yes, want some candy? The prank? Oh yeah? Do you want to back of these into get absolutely?
Do you?
You all should all try your broken. It has caused you to not taste at the same level because you can't smell so yeah.
I mean a little bit.
Yeah, you are broken.
It broken And.
That was intense. What did it feel like?
Okay, so you got the warheads or whatever multiple times fifty really yeah, and you and was literally trying to just go back and forth my mouth so it didn't touch my tongue really, but that didn't help.
I think there's something in the middle because little juice is coming out now and.
That as I kicked to it.
Okay, well that I'm done. There's there's more to this. I'm done, all right. Well, if you guys want to see, we'll put these online.
It's not it's not done.
You can put it back in.
NOSS coding and.
You go back, go back to town.
There's like a juice in the middle. That's why they called a bomb because once.
It comes off, oh like explodes in your mouth.
He's like coming out little by little.
Just like zings your tongue.
Are you still eating yours? Addy? No, I took it out. Oh yeah, I took it out. I'm yeah good, not good. We should do it again. Then somebody has to keep it in the whole time.
Oh my god, it's still in there. We're still going right now, and then we're a.
Fair assessment from Morgan.
Yeah, So Eddie, should you have to put it back in no thirty seconds.
We didn't say the rules.
We have to do it again if we did it later. Okay, let's i'll reevaluate. Now, I'll reevaluate the game. We'll come back. Rolling Stone puts up the top ten best TV shows of twenty twenty four a number ten, True Detective Night Country. I think we watched that. It was a while ago, but I think we watched that. It's like in Alaska, Jodi Foster was in it. Yeah, now I forget what jees I watch because it's just like it's a lot. They just disappeared because you bene them, you forget about him so fast.
Yeah, I like that. That was good. Number nine my brilliant friend on HBO. Don't know what that is? Anybody?
Nope. Number eight A Man on the Inside Netflix.
Oh, I just started this.
What's it? What's it?
It's about a guy and he basically goes undercover in a retirement home.
Ted Danson, I see that thing come up where it's like it's it's.
New though, Yeah, it's brand new.
I just started so far. It's intriguing.
It's kind of like a sitcomy type show.
At seven Fantasmas HPO, don't know it shrinking. That's good on Apple Unity Plus number five. What we Do in the Shadows FX no idea.
That is so good. Go ahead.
It's like a mockumentary of bats and Dracula, and like, uh, I love vampire. I love a mock vampires. Like it's like The Office, but vampires. It's it's funny, it's hilarious.
I'm in, I'm just convincing. What's that called? What we Do in the Shadows Number three, Mister and Missus Smith on Amazon Prime.
It is really good. It is good, and it has a CHILDE can't be doing it. What's the name, Mike Lenald Glover, Donald Glover.
It's really good.
Wait is that a TV show of the movie?
Yeah? New Based Today.
Yeah, I loved it, but I also loved Donald Glover. Yeah, and I really liked it, and I like Donald Glover. I thought it was good. I recommend that one.
That was a good one. Ripley at three. We've watched it on Netflix's Black and White, Eh it's old or new Black's new? Oh, it's fair. It gets eight out of ten. I don't know.
Black and White just made me think I'm watching something I don't know, a showgun on Hulu at two somebody somewhere at number one on HBO.
I'm left out.
Yeah, I'm like, what in the world.
Don't know what that is either, But you have to think rolling Stone ms buttut a cool guy list, all right, So I've put out a normal guy list.
I top five, number five Chimp Crazy. Oh never saw it, guys, I watched the first episode. You gotta watch more. It gets even crazier. It's about monkeys, people that have monkeys as pets. It's the same people that did Tiger King.
But they can't say it's them because then the people will know it's the same people from Tiger King. The relationship people have a monkey's it's not dirty like that. They don't like fall in love with a monkey or anything, but they treat them like kids. It's wild, I know.
But the even the graphic, the promo for the show, it's like her and her nightgown like next one.
I never wanted to watch it, no interest. I had no interest in Chimp Crazy. Weird. It's I'm putting it on the list.
Can I just say the first episode, It'll blow your mind when you find out that the lady was breast beating her child on one boob and breastfeeding her monkey on another boob.
Well, you just told her that our mind would be blown we find out, But you just told us we just found.
Out, and my mom wasn't blown. Yeah. Monkey.
Number four the penguin also on Max. Don't think of it as Batman. It's literally like, uh, the Sopranos. I mean it's not there's no flying or no superhero stuff. It's really good.
And the guy that's in it to plays the penguin doesn't look like the guy in real life. Who is that Farrell? He puts all the makeup with other peng one.
Yeah, penguin. That's number four. Number three is from which I stumbled upon Dude, so good. They live in this town, they can't get out of it, and at night these creatures come out. And it's more than that. They compare it to like a new Age Lost, But I never watched Lost. From I watched all three seasons.
It's awesome. Number two Presumed Innocence. Oh so good.
Forgot about that one, didn't you, Because I did, sort of going back to all the shows I watched.
It's like after I watched that. I was like, Okay, Jill and I needed It's like that was something you were so excited to watch. It was so good. It was like, oh, what's the next show?
Yes, and at number one all the seasons of Slow Horses, and it's on Apple Plus.
It's a spy thing. It's a spy show. I love a spy show. Those are my top five and I wasn't trying to be cool. At least I've seen one of those because I picked Chimp Crazy. No cool, listen is gonna pick Chimp Crazy. That Chimp Crazy man, it'll it will blow your mind. So there's my top five. We'll put that up if you want to see it. Favorite show of the year.
If I were to say, I mean now that you bring up presumed innocent.
Good, I was legit. Huh yeah, it's legit as legit and we get sometimes recncy bias where the last thing we watched is the best. But that's been a minute' why I forgot about it for a minute.
Yeah, because right now I'm well, I'm sneaking in land Man. I'm not supposed to because I really want to finish Yellowstone, but Landman is so good.
I know, I'm letting it build, though, so I can I know, I.
Know, I'm so se be letting it build. I'm only doubled, but I can tell I'm gonna love it.
Watchbox favorite show of the year, Squid Games.
That's that wasn't new this year? To him, it was that'd be like going Friday Lights. All right, Yeah, Squid Games awesome. Not to take it away, but I mean, like a new show.
What did I watched? It was new Shrinking was hilarious. Good new season Shrinking was out. Oh it's I haven't seen the new season thing? Uh, dang, what if I watched this?
Survivor, Man, it's been a great season. Survivor's great season, Eddie great.
I'm gonna go presumed innocent, mostly because I can't remember what I watched.
This year, Morgan.
I think the one that's coming to mind for me is Masters of the Air was the one on Apple.
I never watched it.
It was good.
I don't like time Pieces, but it's all I don't like the colors.
I don't like the colors of time Pieces, like it's like too great for their little Dohlia.
But then they came out with a movie of all the real life people that they were portraying it was.
It was wild.
I'm sure it was good, just I'm not giving it a fair chance. And Elvis was in it. Man was.
Rocking around the Christmas Tree hit one billion streams on Spotify. It is the only holiday song by female country artists to pass one billion streams.
That's crazy. This it's an old, old, old song.
Here you Go, Christmas Street at Christmas.
So her name is Brenda Lee. She was in my house. We did an interview. She's like eighty. She's so cute, firecracker too. So we were talking.
I thought this song amy had been famous since it came out. It didn't get famous till the nineties when it was on Home Alone. Yeah, and so this is us talking about here you Go. The last time that we talked, we were trying to get that Christmas song up to number one. We were a boy did it go to number one?
And you did it?
Oh? I didn't do anything.
Well, you helped with it.
Rocking around the Chrismas Tree went number one. Yeah, that's really exciting.
When you think of how old it is. It truly is.
What's remarkable about that song is that it has been around for a long time. It has sustained and also it even sounds like the audio quality sounds like a song that was recorded many years ago. Yet it's so good. It continues to not only just linger around, but again it's always in the top two or three, and it number one. Finally, at what point did you realize this song is going to just stick around for decades?
You know?
I never dreamed in the world that that would be my signature song. I always thought I'm Sorry would probably be it. And that song was written by the great Johnny Marks, who was Jewish, who wrote all the great Christmas songs. And I said to him one day, I said, Johnny, you don't even believe in Christmas. I said, how are you writing these songs? He said, I don't know. But when I sit down to write, that's what comes out.
When it first came out, was it a hit? Was it a holiday hit? Or did it take a while before it It took a minute, Yes, it did. And that's surprising because usually a song has its biggest when it's released, usually has a shot, and then if it does a hit, it's kind of done.
Yeah, well, especially back in those days, I mean, it was played but I'll tell you when it really took off. One of my friends called me one night and said, Brenda, have you seen the movie Home Alone?
And I said no.
They said, well, your song's all over it. And I said which song? And they said Rockin' And that was really the catalyst that brought.
It to where it is. So that means it had to have been out twenty five or thirty years before the Home Alone? Right, probably?
And you're right, I guess even for me, that was when Night and I was a kid. Yeah, that was my introduction to that song. I'll we darn nineteen FIFA came out. It became a hit in nineteen ninety. That's pretty crazy, really cool. There was a suitcase with five hundred thousand dollars in jewels in it. First of all, that's crazy. I got to have like nine security guards without half a million dollars in jewels. So this tourist was robbed of a suitcase containing half a million dollars worth of jewels while visiting a pizzeria, because if you got half a million dollars in jewels, why not stop because a pizza. Thanks to an Apple air tag hidden inside the suitcase.
They found it.
Which, by the way, if I'm stealing a half million dollars in jewels, I'm taking the jewels out immediately and dispersing them.
I'm not leaving them. Why did everybody do everything wrong in this?
Although they got the jewels back, the cases ongoing as detectives try to find out who was involved. How did they know there was a half a million dollars? How did they There's a guy I know of, a guy I know, I don't know him, but he went and he bought a Superman one comic book, the first one ever, and he bought it an auction site and he paid a million bucks for it.
Now, he bought it from a place in an auction He went to New York to get it. So how do you get a million dollar comic book?
So what happened was they said, you come in at this time, you stand around like everybody else, you make a normal purchase like everybody else, and we're just gonna put it on your backpack and you just walk out of the store. So, because they didn't want it to be known that he had a million dollars, they had him blending in Wow. So he walks in whatever and he buys something a little some little and they just take it and they put in the case and they put an alms backpack and he walks out. Now as he walks out, there's somebody that came around for the back of the store that kind of escorted him around to make sure you wouldn't be robbed because nobody knew. But he got on the airplane with a million dollar comic book and his backpack.
It just flew home, no security. Stressful. I was stressed out like crazy. Yeah, I thought that was thought that was a pretty while. But also, why are all the jewels in the suitcase? And why are you going in to get pizza with? Get him to where you need to get him, and then go get pizza.
And then if you rob them, take all the jewels to him, get get him out of the case.
Yeah, with the air tag that did him in. It's time for the good news. Man.
It's always cool when superstars go back to the community where they grew up in and they give back. Well, that's exactly what NFL legend Derek Brooks did. He went back to the elementary school that he went to in Pensacola, Florida, and donated four hundred pairs of brand new shoes and socks to the kids. He says he remembers man holiday season was really tough for families back then.
To pay for just basic necessities, so he thought he'd do this for the kids. That's pretty cool. All the kids like sign them, to sign them, and I'm sure that's awesome. Good story, that's what it's all about. That was telling me something good.
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