We try and guess the top Christmas traditions on The Bobby Feud! Plus, Lunchbox offers up his most cringeworthy interview to date and find out who knows their Hallmark Christmas movies!
The more.
This Welcome to Tuesday Show Morning Studio mining Amy.
Have you seen Santa at the mall yet?
I haven't.
Is he there?
Yeah? I think I know he is because Lunchbox went to see him. And I always thought I thought it'd be for Klein and I to get.
A picture with Santa.
But then we I think we just feel stupid waiting in line when all the kids want to meet Santa too. But probably not as stupid as what Lunchbox felt like, because here we go.
Lunchbox went to the mall.
I went to the mall. I got in line.
There's families there with their kids, you know, everybody's all excited, and I'm just standing there.
And I'm just waiting in line.
I had to wait about thirty five minutes, and I even had one father asked me, excuse me, are you in line? I was like yeah, and he goes, oh, okay, and I was like, they're like, oh, we're your kids, like not just me?
And he was like okay. So were they side eyeing you the whole time? That is weird?
Definitely side and I felt like they, I mean, I felt like people were just kept looking at me, like, is he really waiting in line to see Santa? Is he really waiting in line to see Senna? And I was really waiting. I got up to the front of the line and I told him, look, I don't want to buy any packages.
I just want to sit on the big man's lap. Oh, so that's how they make money.
You have to buy like a a picture package.
Yes, and the cheapest was not. Yeah, it's expensive.
And what did they say when you said you didn't want to buy a package? You an adult man forty years old wanted to sit on his lap?
And I said, oh, okay, come on up.
And I guess they can discriminate, right.
Yeah, I can't say no. I mean, it's just Santa. I'm going to see Santa teme. What's on my wish list? And what did Santa what? What did his eyes tell you when you're walking toward him? He was I think he was looking around me to see all of the kids right behind him. And as I approached and he saw no kids, he was like, are we really doing this?
Like he had that look like is this a serious thing?
And I said and then he kind of pat it and I was like yeah, climbed up on.
His lap, he patted his knee once he realized you weren't kidding.
Yep, that's what he does.
Like, come on, you know, I guess he does that with the kids, so I guess it's a natural reaction.
But he patted, and I climbed up on his lap. All right, here is lunchbox sitting on Santa's lap.
Oh Mary, Christmas, Santa, I'm good.
How are you all right? I gotta confess right off the bat. I've been a little naughty this year, but just with my wife. Okay, that's it, so don't hold that against me.
Now, I got a couple of things on my wish list.
You bring me lottery tickets every year, but they're always loser.
Now we'll see. So, Santa, I need to hit it big.
I need to hit millions of dollars this year. I need a big lottery ticket.
I get pat off. Yeah, but I mean I bought millions so I can retire. I understand, okay. And then number two is Tina Turner.
When you go down her chimney, if you can leave her a note letting her know that I'm a good guy, because I've been dreaming about meeting her. She's my favorite artist of all time. Okay, and then our last one. I got one person on the nautilust Abby who I work with. She is a liar, She lies and lie. You can't trust her, Santa, So I need you to bring her a bag of coal.
And that is it, totally what I can all.
Right, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Santa, Thank you, Davie.
All Right.
I heard a couple of things there, okay. One I heard Santa just wanted lunchbox to go away.
Two I did hear Santa bro out with lunchbox a little bit and go, hey, man, I want five bucks the other day, which I thought you that I think is pretty funny. So what happened when you left?
I don't I mean, I felt like he was just like he asked the girls, He's like that was interesting or something like that, some along those lines, and they just kind of laughed and went on our merry way.
Whoa Merry Christmas. Then the next group came up with some kids, Nice job, Lunchbox. Thanks.
Did anyone else think that Santa sounded like Scotty McCrary or Trey Sakin.
Josh Turner's Josh Turner Moonlighting.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Bobby Bones Show.
It's anonymous Shino, anonymous sin bar.
There's a question to be.
Hello, Bobby Owns. I've been dating this girl for five months. I thought I nailed her Christmas gift given our time frame of dating. She had told me a couple months ago about a brand that she loves, so I went on her Instagram. I found the brand. I bought her some shirts and lounge pants based on posts that she had liked on her profile at her sister helped me out with the sizes. Gift is set and ready to go. But this past weekend, she out of nowhere, gave me a clue to my Christmas gift and said, I'm going to be so surprised. She added that she can't wait to see my face when I open it. That leads me to believe she went and did way more than I did. I'm thinking she got me something awesome. Now in my shirts and lounge pants I got her are gonna be lame in comparison, So I didn't to step it up, get her something bigger or did I do enough? Signed boyfriend anxious of a Christmas surprise? Yeah, it's tough. One, so I don't feel like she's the type of person I know that's getting you a gift as a score. Keep though, right, And I think if you feel the same as I'm saying, where if she's getting you an awesome gift, but she's getting it because she likes to get gifts for people, that could be her love language, that could be she loves you.
I don't know.
But as long as that is authentic, then it doesn't matter because I think she'll understand you've been together five months. And also, I hate when people say I got a surprise for you, because I always built overbuild it. Somebody's like, oh, this surprise, come, don't I don't want to know you like surprises. You just don't want to. I'm gonna hate knowing how a surprise coming. But if you can surprise me, that's great. I would not spend too much time invested in worrying about this because you don't know what she got you. Maybe if you're close with her sister, ask her sister. Hey, this is a little bit tough on me right now. I'm anxious because she was ragging out how good are gift is? Do I need to step up my game? Because sister could do a little recon for you.
Yeah, that's a good idea, but I wouldn't.
Spend too much time worried about it. You can always get her back on New Year's about how about one more gift with a ring?
What throw one more gift on it? Just in case? Sure, just in case you don't want you don't want to be the one puble.
Though is if you get a really great gift and she kind of gets you something crappy and she's described it wrong, you know you'll but then she's like, you're being.
Clingy, You're it just happened going too fast? Yeah? Too much? Man, that's a weird time.
Five months is a weird time for Christmas to come up, because that's in that kind of purgatory spot like either you're just now a relationship like a full relationship for a couple of months, or you're not quite there but it's still there.
So I think you did good.
And if you feel like she's not someone doing it to keep score, then which do.
You want to be with someone that's going to get Yeah, but sometimes.
You don't know until you know. I'm a big scorekeeper.
This is one way to find out if my.
Wif would have known that, she probably have married me. I love to keep score. Good luck with that boyfriend. Anxious surprise.
Let us know what she got, alright, we had the ule Tide. Carroler is back in studio. Abbey is a member of this group. They are dressed in their victorian apparel eighteen hundreds. It looks like like if somebody was out going paper get your news, that would be a Newsy. That wouldn't be them. But they kind of remind me of each other because it's something. It's it's like old school and they sing songs, and so they're gonna do the song that Abbey has a like a solo in Uh huh, what.
Is one line? Yeah, Okay, here comes Santa Claus.
Okay, here she This is the ulti Carroly's featuring on very own Abbey. Here, let's go.
Here comes Santa Claus. Here comes Santa Claus.
Ride down Santa Claus Lane, blue cin and mix.
In and all very near blan a lane, bilzinging and singing.
All is Mary and bright Dane your stockings and see your press.
Santa Claus comes to night You come Santa Claus. Here comes Santa Claus.
Right down Santa Claus Lane.
He's got a backs Toys and Girls again.
Jingle jingle, what a beautiful sun?
Jump, cover up your head.
Santa Claus comes to night, Santa Claus.
I could see because we've done this, We've had them here a couple of years. And Amy gets really jealous. You can't sing one. I can tell by her face really last time life spot's got a single or something. Do you have a good generic one that Amy can hop in on and just just follow her soul on?
You know you want to, you know you want to.
Don't be shy.
What do you have got? What's a good old generic one that Amy can do? Oh?
Do you have a space for an Amy solo in there?
Yes, have you heard our twelve Days of Christmas?
That's yeah. Listen to Amy. Okay, are you ready to go? Guys?
They're starting I don't know, okay?
Two, three through the show? One more open say to This.
Is a doing all the way.
Rights saying a slig oh, dingle bells, jingle bells, jingle long way, Oh fun sla hey, gingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way?
Oh have fun to ride one supen sligh.
Now the ground is white, going while we're young to the girls to night and sing the slave song.
Just get a bottle, leg to forty.
Post bean and get you doing open playing the lead.
Jingle bells, jingle bousting A long way?
O fine? Is she riding one spend?
Say hey, dingle bollstingle bells king along the way? Whoa oh f.
Horsley know you one? No, no, no no? Do you know police that? Yeah, let's go one two one police, Navy Dad. At least Nabby that at least nab me that prospero annually. Belly, see that. At least nay that at least nab me that.
Litleas Nabby that prospero annually, Belly see that.
Marry Christma?
Is you marry Christmas? I don't want Is you'll marry Christmas?
From the bottom?
Ama, i't want to? Is you marry Christmas?
I want to?
Is you marry Christmas?
Many Christmas?
From the bottom?
I think he actually needs to be in the groom.
A Spanish song. That was awesome. Thank you guys, Thank you Bobby, Bobby. We know that you are.
Saying I'm not saying I don't know, but I don't even know any more songs.
Baby it's cold out, the baby it's cold out. I don't even know.
Hey, what about white Christmas? You know that one you have that you have it?
It's really good sinus infection, Bobby, come on, that's fun for me.
Okays, go on, give me something fun way Christmas.
That's not that fun. Okay, that makes me. Santa Claus coming to town? Okay, ready, Oh what out?
You better not?
Better not.
I'm telling you why is coming to the clause.
He is drumming in town.
He's making up jacking it to find.
Out who is not your nice.
Santo Claus is coming to town. He's coming in town. Yes, he sees you and you're sleeping.
He knows when you're away, he knows when you've been bad.
And good, so be good for goodness?
Sing Oh better watch you better not cry, you better not part.
I'm telling you why.
Santor Claus is coming too.
Alright, Well that was a lot more fun then than I was expecting, and I expect a.
Lot of fun. It was fun. Thank you guys again for coming by.
There they are, they're ull Todd carrolers, thank you, and Abby, great job, and well you can't wait till next year.
Well, it's the only reason I like Christmas.
These guys, Merry Christmas and happy.
Holidays from your friends at the Bobby Bows Show.
It's time for the good news.
The Pizza Roma is a pizza shop and they get a call one day, right and they're like, oh, I'd like to order sixteen pizzas. They go, okay, no problem, put the order in, put the pizzas in the oven. They're ready to go. No one picks them up and didn't pay for them, did not pay for him. They're like, oh my gosh, this is like two hundred dollars worth of pizzas.
So they go on social.
Media and say, hey, if anyone like maybe forgot their pizzas, like we made these pizzas, they're here, they're ready for you. And they happened for like a week. No one ever came up and claimed the pizzas, until one guy says.
You know what, man, I love you guys, I love your place.
I'm an army veteran, I like to do good things for people. Let me pay for the pizzas. I didn't order them, so he went and he paid two hundred dollars for all the pizzas.
Feel like they.
Should do some sort of if it's like more than four pizzas, some sort of deposit or pay for them all yeah, or don't start the order unless you know it's for real, for real.
Well yeah, but that's why.
That's how you get a deposit, yeah, or or paying for it at all. But I guess if I order a pizza now, we pay for it all up front. Yeah, maybe just some some local chains still do it the old fashioned way. Sure, say, don't do all fashion anymore a new fashion. What about Amy's pizzas?
Like they ordered them to her house, they moved, They must have been doing it old fashioned way. They pay for it, they were paid for Yeah, and they brought him, dropped them off her house and Amy's like, I don't know those are for it and I'm gonna move And she moved.
Who would pay for those just to drop them off in? Like, you're paying for a joke. That's an expensive joke. How many pizzas was it?
I think it's from four different places. I don't remember exactly.
Eighty bucks for a joke. It was like, and it's going to make her move out of her house. That's a pretty solid's a pretty sound investment.
Because the first time it was like I thought an accident is like Pabajohn's And then like the next week pis to bring me from Domino's and like and then and it was like different like different name, different credit cards, or I can't remember something because I looking at the receipt to see if there were similarities and I couldn't match anything.
How long until you moved and you thought I can't handle this?
Well, was that in coombination of a letter that was put in my mailbox? So my mailbox was up at my so I had a little fence around my front yard, so you have to go through the fence and up to the mailbox which was attached by my front door, like and you lifted the lever and put a letter inside. And I got this note, and I'm like, this is this is odd that like you're someone found where I lived and is dropping me notes now.
And then at the time when I was married, Ben.
Was going to Afghanistan like a lot, and I was alone, and I was like, I'm leaving.
So I talked to Daniel from Tiger Daniel who have offense probably was the mastermind him or Lunchbox. And Daniel has said I'll come to a light detector, like I did not do this. He's like, I will show up because he lives in Tolls. Now I will drive to Nashville take a light detector. I don't think he did it anymore. I think Lunchbox did it. I mean, he hasn't said anything this whole time. I know, I think Lunchbox did it. But okay, Eddie, great story. Good for that guy. Do you know the guy's name?
A yeah, Travis Tuesdale. He's the one that stepped up and paid for that. Travis.
Good dude.
That's what it's all about. That was tell me something good. The game is. Is it a Hallmark Christmas movie or just a movie.
We made up. I'll reach you the plot.
You tell me it's a real Hallmark Christmas movie or just any Christmas movie.
Guys, I don't know the brand.
Okay, we go, Yeah, it's it originated as Hallmarks were the ones that were really good at it, and now everybody.
Makes one something's a fake we made up.
Okay, So we're gonna get Megan on real quick, who lives in Baton Rouge Louisiana.
All Right, Megan, here's the deal.
Megan can pick anybody she wants to play for her of Amy, Lunchbox and Eddie or whoever she picked. If you win, she wins a one hundred dollars gift card to Sonic. All right, Megan, we're gonna play Christmas movies. Is it a Hallmark movie or one that we made up? Who would you like to play for you?
I'm gonna go with Okay, who's been in.
Her own She's been in one Hallmark Christmas movie except on Max Hallmark write transwer down, reel or fake.
That's it.
The movie is called a Christmas Affair a couples going through a rough patch during the holidays. They each meet a new love interest on a website for people who are married but looking for a little excitement, but turns out they just rematched with each other and just don't know it yet.
Humm, interesting Christmas affair? Real or fake?
I'm in in for the whim And.
You didn't write anything down in but you said in how can you be in? Are you cheating? Because she gets changed it. If it's in her mind, you can always change it.
I was gonna say in a night, you're gonna have to come to me first.
Oh boy, there was already controversy.
You in.
Yeah, Lunchbox, fake, Eddie, that's fake man, it's too negative, Amy, fake.
That is a fake movie. Nice.
The next one, The Bipolar Express, Let's stop it. Michelle reflects on how our experience with bipolar disorder has impacted her life finding love around the holidays. The film takes you on her euphoric highs and debilitating lows of the bipolar mind.
Is that a real Hallmark christ movie.
Or just any Christmas movie? Or is it a fake one? The Bipolar Express, I'm in the.
Wind, Okay, I'm then Lunchbox.
That's fake Eddie, that's fake man, Amy fake.
Okay, that's funny.
Though I started to think maybe it was some sort of you know, documentary. It's like awareness and you know, support for those.
That have bi buller.
Yeah, I could see that happening.
Christmas in Croatia, Owen learns the true meaning of Christmas on a missionary trip to Croatia. Christmas in Croatia, h simple, Oh.
Boy, Christmas in Croatia.
Gosh mm hmm.
It's all sound like they could be like bad movies.
That's while I was thinking that, I was like Croatia.
Lunchbox by Amy's not it? Are you fake? Eddie Real Amy?
Christmas in Croatia is in fact fake. Couldn't get.
It sounds possible, It does everything, sounds possible.
No Box Express, Never been christ It's the kiss, Never Been Christed.
After friends Naomi and Liz reconnect with Chris, a high school crush, a love triangle forms and forces them to re evaluate their lives and friendship.
Love trying, Never been christ Hmm, I'm in. I'm in for the wind.
Lunchbox fake Eddie real Amy, fake Real?
Yeah, it's never been Chris Amy. I know trouble. I know why not go one? Because I didn't get Hey, what's that on? Never been Chris? I'm gonna check that one. Oh Mark, Okay, I always thought love triangles didn't happen In the Caul.
Marking movies AI and I, a woman loses her fiance in a tragic accident, and it's sad to spend the first Christmas without them. She creates a virtual version of him, using AI to spend Christmas with him one last time.
AI and I Executive producer written by Bobby BOMs.
Okay, lunchbox, fake Eddie, fake man, Amy, fake fake, it's fake. Okay, Santa Baby Daddy, I know what channel that's on? Santa Baby Daddy. On Christmas Eve, Nick discovers he's a dad after a man dressed as Santa delivers a baby boy in his doorstep with an O claiming that he's the father. Turns out the Santa was hired by his ex girlfriend, Amy's all in, who had just passed away. Nick decides to raise the baby with the help of his family. What's what's it called?
Santa Baby Daddy.
Santa Baby Daddy.
Baby baby was delivered by Sannah from his ex girlfriend died.
Santa Baby Daddy. All right, I'm in the lunchbox. Fake Eddie, bake maybya.
Oh that was great. It was budding. Next up, Flipping for Christmas.
Abigail, a realtor, tries to help her sister with the flip of a home that was recently inherited, but her co beneficiary, Bow has his own ideas and how it should go.
Flipping for Christmas.
I like that. I'm in.
I'm in lunchbox, Fake Eddie. That's real, Amy, that's real.
Come on, I mean that could be that could be any movie. It's not even like you say alone. It can take place at any time of the year. So that didn't really have any Christmas to it.
Yeah, they're just flipping a house during Christmas. What I'm saying the Christmas that the title baby babies get dropped off all times year. It's a wonderful night.
Simon returns to his hometown for Christmas and falls in love with Melanie, who is the owner and head chef at his favorite restaurant. Simon helps Melanie devise a business plan to keep the bank from repossessing her restaurant on Christmas Eve.
It's a wonderful knife.
The concept.
I am in for the wind. Eddie has six, Amy, lunchbox have five.
Here, it's a wonderful knife.
Wonderful knife obviously a play on Amy.
You know you're playing for a caller, so you better get a round. There's no pressure. May Christmas knife then feel bad?
Okay, I'm in.
Lunchbox. That is fake, Eddie.
No, I do I think I saw this on the Guy that's real Amy, fake, it's fake. No, everybody's even now. Eddie had six, You two had five?
Are you tired with me? Yeah, I thought I was being your next up, unless it's a tiebreaker.
On Dreaming of Dwight Christmas, Dreaming of d White Christmas like a White Christmas, Rain, Wilson comes back as his character Dwight from the Office, who has a scheme to get every one in the city to buy him Christmas presents after setting up a fake toy drive.
Dreaming of a Dwight Christmas. In for the whim, I'm in lunchboxing. That's fake. That's not real. It's fake fake.
Uh, it's sudden death, except if you miss it, you're out. Okay. This one's called checking it twice. Hockey checking Okay.
A journeyman hockey player falls for a real estate agent in a career crisis when he's traded to her hometown and moves into the cottage lunchbox.
Wait what Wait, there's no speed like that in her hockey loving family's backyard. In the name of video bus, he disrupted that.
Checking it twice, a journeyman hockey player falls for a real estate agent in a career crisis when he's traded to her hometown and moves into the cottage and her hockey loving family's backyard.
Yeah, okay, man, that's tough. That's a tough one. I'm in because it sounds I want to say that.
I don't talk too much, but it sounds like Amien. Yes, Lunch, I'm in the wind.
It sounds like the Mighty Ducks because he's a meddling highker player falls unless so I put fake.
I think he took that, and it's.
Kind of Eddie real, Amy, real, it's real.
Yes see you lunch, two people were main I guessed fake on every single one.
The next one is called an ice palace romance.
A journalist faces old fears when she returns to her hometown ice rink to cover a story. With the help of the owner and his young daughter, she begins to reevaluate her life's purpose.
I'm in.
A journalist faces old fears when she returns to her hometown ice rink to cover a story. With the help of the owner and his young daughter, she begins to revalue her life's purpose.
Is romance?
Okay, Amy, thank yeah, your answer real, it's real.
Oh wow, my sister a shout out really absolutely through the holidays because smile on her face.
She lost her son three years ago. And just that I love her.
We got it.
What's your sister's name?
May her name is Holly?
Holly? Okay, yes.
We can say something to Holly and that I know that sometimes the holidays can bring a lot of pain for a lot of people, and I my hope is that you'll do what you need to do to take care of yourself during this time, and that your loved ones will respect that, and that you feel loved in other ways and maybe find a way to celebrate.
Thank you like traditional guilty.
Have a whole monologue here for twenty minutes. Seriously, we hope you have.
All sweet of you to sweet of you tow you forgot.
Your name is the Holly is the sister Bobby Bones Show.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Tim McGraw here. I look forward to Christmas each year because at our house we have an afternoon Christmas Eve spaghetti dinner party with all of my family, and all of my family and faced family come in and we have spaghetti and meatballs and garment bread, and we play games and make fun of each other all day.
That's what Christmas is all about. Happy Holidays from The Bobby Bones Show.
Having two kids makes you live longer, but three kids will kill you.
Oh about four? You're already dead?
Yeah? Four? This is not real, dude, You've been dead for years. A study found that having kids makes you live longer, but only if you have max two. People with two kids are up to ten percent more likely to make it to seventy six years old than people who don't reproduce, but having more could actually kill you. Yeah.
Wow, So all right, I'm going to live the longest.
Yeah, because Lunchbox has three and I have four, Well I may live forever. You have zero.
No people to live longer than people know kids?
You said? You just read that denial there?
Get ready, I'm coming on. Yeah, i'mventually we're going to have kids. I think as long as I work. I haven't like tested me.
Oh if they work? Yeah? Did they swim? Why don't think you need to test it? No, I'm just saying she's not pregnant.
Now, we plan to have children, and as long as physically everything check out will be rolling down the river. There's only one way to test it. No, there's they're changing order online. But there's a good way to test it, you know. Okay, I'm not I'm not arguing with that part, but you said only one way to test it.
You know what I'm saying, that's pretty much true. And is there a difference of two kids and four kids? Yeah, dude, when like and no disrespect and if anyone's listening anytime you say no to dispect, somebody's getting direspected and my boys are listening, Like what all. I'm sad.
Daddy loves every single one of you equally, But as soon as you take even one away, the dynamic is like completely different, Like Wow, it's a lot quieter, Like for some reason you.
Take two away, We're like, dude, I can do this for the rest of my life. This is amazing. Like I don't know what it is.
But that four kid dynamic is chaos. It's almost like just they gang up on you. It's like walking in on a gang and they just do whatever they want.
It's crazy walked into like their their hideout and they're just like you don't belong there, like bikers in a.
Bar and you're like, what the the music stops? Exactly? Do they ever all four team up?
And it's not like they team up against the parents.
It's just that to get control of the environment as a parent is almost impossible with four because there just is so.
Many of them.
And even the baby he's like four now he's the youngest, but even him, like with the four they're all crazy, he joins. In all of a sudden, he's like a teenager too. But as soon as like the baby and say the youngest one goes away, it's just different.
It's just different. It's it's doable. It's so much easier. It's crazy. Do you divide and conquer?
Sometimes, And that's kind of where I've talked about. But you guys make fun of me. There's one on one time that we do.
Because it's important because when it's four kids, and you try to like because it's.
Not that it's not that you just say you do it every day.
You like talk about how you spend all this one on one time with all your kids, and it just comes off as a little ward cleaver, and that's not the truth. Well it's not just me like I'll take one and my wife will take one kind of thing. Even Yeah, I hear you, that's what we do. Everybody have two kids, don't have three I'm too late or four.
It is what it is. All right, thank you, guys.
We has two thousand Bobby bone Show listeners. What's your favorite Christmas tradition? There are ten answers on the board. We rolled the dice before, went on lunchboxes first, and if you win the game, you get to pick one of the five doors, and if you pick the match you door, you win fifty dollars.
All right, all right, lunchbox, go ahead.
Favorite traditions from Bobby Bonehill listeners. Open presents, opening present, show up to me?
Number one answer have.
Yourself point yeah, eating the big meal, eating.
The big meal, show me that eddie over to you. It's the first round, so points are just singles. We've got Christmas caroling? Show me Christmas caroling? What amy?
We asked two thousand Bobby Bunchhow listeners, what are your favorite Christmas traditions so far?
Just number one?
Opening presents, matching pajamas.
We're struggling, guys. Christmas tradition, Sure it is, show it to us. Well, we're double points now. There are still nine on the board.
Okay, got it, Go ahead, leaving cookies for Santa.
Good cookies. Number five answers straight cookies ten points. It says making making Christmas cookies.
Yeah, so I'm just saying that's for Santa or whomever the heck wants them. I weren't trouble man. What else do you do?
Christmas tradition blaming the Father's son, Holy Spirit.
Amen, going to chart tell me.
Wow, I'm shocked bront in the world.
I've never gone to church on Christmas Day, Christmas, Christmas, around Christmas, midnight, midnight Mass celebrating Christmas.
I've been to midnight Mayhem Arkansas lays a backscaine. You have living eddie bones? Give me watching Christmas movies? How about that movies? Number three? Answer works six points? Nice show bones. How about decorating the Christmas tree tree? Number two? Answer nice job work four points points. You're double in the second round. How about putting up Christmas lights around the house? Yes, yeah, I.
Like leading up.
Christmas light sight seeing, that's all part of it. Yeah, check this one out. Go ahead, finding the pickle in the tree, finding the pickle in the tree? Hit me, that's my tradition, all right? Amy Stockings, you have no points? What what you just yelled at me?
What Stockings?
About them?
Christmas stuckings?
We're hanging by the franging stockings.
Oh, let's points are now tripled. Lunch Box eleven, Eddie twenty two zero. We has two thousand, Bobby, bunch of listeners. What are your favorite Christmas traditions? Number one's opening presents. Number two is decorating the tree? Number three, watching Christmas movies? Number five, making Christmas cookies. Number six Christmas lights. That's it, triple points. You need one there, lunchy.
Yeah, man, what are you feeling Christmas tradition? Golly, what do you do?
Guys, how do we not do this one? How dumb are we? How did this get to the third round?
Go see?
Oh yeah that's a good one.
You go see.
Yeah, we're dumb.
Visit mister Nick. What Eddie going shopping? You need to buy presents. You are in the lead right now, show me going shopping.
I hate shopping. I know it's still a tradition. Yeah, okay, Amy, what you can win trouble points? We have no points on the board.
Ye all right, how about egnog it's get out of here.
Our winner is Eddie.
Number four listening to Christmas music? I said, Caroline, not singing? Just listen listening all right at number seven decorating the house.
Else you say that opening lights up and putting lights on, which I got anyway.
Right outside the house.
You got that.
Oh, ice skating, don't do that? Who does ice skating? Mammy had a written down Amy, when do you ice skate?
I've never heard you say one Christmas I went ice skating.
Yes we do, and we're going this guy, I think.
I've seen you do it every Christmas with your kids.
Actually, yeah, my kids are like they can't wait, They're like, what are we going to do?
So she sent me in.
I'll show you a text.
There's no need. Don't do that.
Next up number nine making gingerbread houses, well we do that, and number ten going on vacation or traveling to visit family.
An you didn't need any more.
Nice job, budd Okay, Now it's a text text for my daughter about we have five doors.
Behind one of these doors a fifty dollars prize. If you pick a door, I'll open it right here. You'll hear this door open, and if you hear this sound, it means you won one through five Eddie, am I picking the door went to open?
What door do you not want to open. I don't want to open one. Okay, I shore show me door number one. Yeah, there, sell, we want another door. We don't want to open number five.
All right, let's show Eddie he doesn't want door number five.
Show open door number five.
Please, that money was in door number five. Sorry, but you're still on winter going into Christmas. You have a blue Christmas without me.
There he is, Addie.
Everybody Christmas, everybody, Merry Christmas and happy Holidays.
It's time for the good news.
So Norma Hernandez she has cancer and she was an upset that she wasn't able to get her nails done before she had to go into the hospital. Which I can understand that feeling. I feel like when my mom was in the hospital fighting cancer. A lot of times she wanted to look good, you know, feel good, feel good, you know, So she didn't get her nails done. A local nail salon heard about it in Lubbock called Absolute Nails, and they showed up at the hospital to give her a complimentary manicure.
That's awesome, and it's about so much more than the complimentary manicure. It's about the thought and caring enough about it to take part of their day to go help her, and I'm sure it made her feel so much better and cared for. That's a great story. See, you don't have to be a millionaire to affect people's lives. And shout out in Lubbock, what's her name? We g got my nails done there?
What's it called?
Oh well, her name is Norma but Absolute Nails absolutely no.
One put up my calendar next time? Loveick getting nails done?
Yeah, and then shout out to normous friend Debbie, because that's how Absolute Nails heard about it. She was calling around a different salon city who could possibly come up to the hospital to help.
Shout out to everybody you know, Yeah, that's it, That's what it's all about.
That was telling me something good, like I felt this.
I don't know that I would do it, but it seems like something that would actually happen to me with this guy was trying to kill a cockroach and one thing led to another and he blew up his whole apartment. One thing led another Like I don't I felt that because you just are so dialed in accidents happen. You're trying to kill the bug. It's annoying you're trying bigger things to kill the bug. Next thing, you know, the table catches on fire. Boom, sow's a curtain and now it's too big. How did the fire even come in? Like what happened to just smashing it with a like a shooe. So he saw a he saw a cockroach, one cockroach, and he started spraying insect aside. Okay, or just kill her, right, that's the sex side.
So then with all that there, it did not kill the bug.
So then he's like, well, all right, the guy was like cooking caught on fire insecticide and then everything else open flame.
Yeah, got them. They don't know if the roach lived, broach can still be chilling everyone. Everything. Everybody's alive stroid except the roots. Yeah.
Experts are now warned that to even spraining your electoral out let's have the same results, So don't do that.
But like I felt that, like he didn't know that I was supposed to know that. That's from strange times. Let's go to Amy and get in the morning. Corny, the mourning corny what.
A gingerbread men use when they break their legs. Candy canes, French candy cans, candy Cane.
That was the morning corny, wake up, wake up in the morn.
And the radio and the doors already Lunchbox, more game too, Steve Bread. I trying to put you through Fox. He's running this week's next week. Abobby's on the box, so you knowing this.
It's about it Ball.
So I haven't heard this yet, but I'm being told this could be on the list of Lunchbox's most cringiest moments.
I thought, how you told me that you set up an interview with Guy Fieri. Yeah, and that you talked about food and life and we were going to play it back. But that's not what happened. Now, that's not what happened.
I got an insider tip that he was opening a chicken restaurant in town and that he was going to be dropping by the chicken restaurant. So I mean, you know me, if he's gonna be there, I'm going so you go.
Was he there?
Oh? He was there, And there was a lot of people there, news cameras everything. Oh okay, and I mean talking bodyguards, like four guys in suit.
So it was like a press day. I don't know if it was a press day. It was a press day. So everybody told Yescuba has a press day.
He was.
He was in town filming stuff for Dinish Dives and Drives and all that, and they're doing a press thing about his chicken restaurant.
Okay, and so I was like, man, well, I gotta go, And so I went to get an interview. So what are they? I went to get an interview because I got to go.
But he had no like press credentials.
I just had me in a T shirt and shorts and flip flops and just walked in with my my iPhone. Nothing official, just really just walked into the chicken restaurant and just planning myself against the wall and boom, I hid behind the TV cameras.
Okay, when you have to hide to get an interview. This also, Hey, Mike, can I read where it's off air?
Can I read that on the air or No, Scuba, that's just that's just context for you that that kind of gives everything away. And oh it does, Yeah, okay, got it. Okay, So I'm gonna hit the clip. What do I need to say before I play the clip?
I mean, let's just say that he was he was about to do some stuff, say he was about to do stuff for TV, like they had all the news channels there, and.
I was like, you guys, wait, I got myself. He didn't know you were talking. He had no idea who I was.
Here we go to the Bobby Bull Show. I don't know who you are.
You are.
You know, I'll say, you know, I know. I'm Lunchbox morning show.
Lunch for you.
I better be legit. If you're eating my girl about all this. I'm going to find the governor and listen. I am one of her, so legit. We're on a hundreds of times all over the baby. Let's go, Hey, what do you want?
Hey, just make sure you're listening to this guy fierce and you're I get my name right now, get my name right now?
There you go.
I know, I know you just got it wrong. So this is guy Fiddy.
Don't miss the Lunchbox because he gets my name wrong every time.
But you know what, I'm listening to the Bobby Bone Show. Now, come on, Lunchbox. What about that got him to do a liner show? Embarrassed it my name?
It's okay, it wasn't you.
I know.
It's like I'm li sending out my Henchman.
Yeah, Like it's like I'm one of the villains in marvel sending out one of the guys to beat up superhero and he knows you.
He said, I know who Bobby Bones is. Wait, guys, were you not in press?
Then I thought, hey, let me get a liner from him, Like he has made his back to me, and.
I just go up and I start talking him on the shoulder. My guys are how is that?
How is that a liner? Because it wasn't very crazy?
Oh you added the less of the craziest moments maybe later tomorrow.
No, I don't understand. You didn't think that was good. Hey when he said, you were all up in his grill, like, what are you doing? Him on the shoulder.
Said, hey, say you're listening to the Bobby Bone Show. Okay, I was trying to get him to say that he listened to Bobby Bone Show.
I thought that was cool. You know how you say, Oh, there's Jason l. Do you listening to the Bobby Bone Show? I thought it be cool. Guyed do it?
I like it.
You're trying to say his name to his accent? Well, because I said it wrong, and he goes, get my name right?
Oh, god. Okay, so then why are you saying how many markets were in?
That's best. If you're like, he's like, are you legit, I'm like, we're way legit. They don't. I don't even think that numbers rightly. I think you're just yelling at numbers. Yeah, sound big.
I think it's more than and you don't.
Oh, it is more than that, I should say.
But also, he's in syndication and he's probably in.
The world. That's what I'm saying. So he appreciates syndication. He understands big time. Let us play the next clip. Okay, can I describe the scene now? Okay? He is standing against a wall.
Let's just say no, no, this is not let's not let's just say this is let's let's let's talk about it. So he's about to take questions from all these cameramen like local news stations. I'm like, they're gonna ask dumb questions. So I just turned around the iPhone started selfie mode, and I did an interview with him, me and him without.
The news cameras. Did he know you were doing?
I just start yelling at him. I'm hanging out with guy. I'm hanging out with Guy. You guys don't believe me and Guy, I'm best friends, right Guy? Best friends?
So no, No, I'm just excited.
You have to mislest ship that starts. I know that's why I got to get out of here quickly, But I just why. I wanted to make sure everbodyknew we're friends. We're friends, right, we're gonna have to say we're friends.
Nuts start.
Lunchboxing, Guy, are good friends? Lunchbox? He's out of control.
My question is, okay, look, if you want to come to my house and cook Mother's Day and get me out of.
The doghouse, how much would it cost?
See how much you already owe me from the last one? Well the chevny, haven't you owe me for the last one? So probably with another set, it's gonna be. It's gonna be up there around twenty grands. So that's cool, don't you Marty out of state?
Check again? No, hey, no problem? Can you change the kid's diapers? Also, why we're there? He's out on that.
And that's when a security guard came up and said, okay, you're done.
Sir, No you kicked out?
Yeah, changed diers?
How it's like great?
Was that guy doesn't want he's trying to be a super nice guy and play along so you can they can remove you. And he's like just trying to joke and it's really not like you're not presenting him a good canvas to joke back to.
And then you're like, bab was I How great was that?
And I thought they would give me some of the chicken guy chicken when I was on my way out, but they didn't give me a chicken.
Yeah, you weren't walking out on your own power though. They don't usually give parting gifts to people, but they have to escort it then throw you out the door and give you a gift back.
Hey, yeah, thanks for causing a ruckus. Sorry we had to kick you out. Here's some chicken.
That's true. Vibe was like, it's like he was sending a message to his team. This guy's out of control. Ha ha ha, Like that means get him.
How great was that? I don't know, that's not the word.
It wasn't great, man, Really, thank you for this exclusive interview. I wonder if we submitted for like an a CM for when you know, behind the scenes biggest interviews.
But you don't think guy had fun. No, I think it was quite annoyed and was a great sport about it. I mean because the I will be.
Honest one of the news cameras like, hey, man, you were in my shot. You're in I don't care about your shot. Like I'm not worried about you got him?
I got me and guy. Here, Me and guy are having a guy. We're best friend's right, guy, and I got it.
Give me DAPs In the video you'll see him give me DAPs man hard hitting interview.
Lunchbox, Thank you, guy fiery. I don't know if you'll ever hear this, but thank you. I'm sorry for not killing him.
I'm very sorry about that that you had to go through that. That is something else.
But diners, what is it again?
And go to guys Chicken Yeah, chicken guy, Chicken guy. Oh check, I get it, chicken guy.
I'm sorry diners, dives and drive ins. That show's pretty good.
Yeah, I mean really good. I mean really, it's a little modern. All right, that's it.
Lunchbox, thank you for that, and welcome. Because this has been a topic of our show, I wanted to share this from the Hill. It's the holiday tipping guide. If you have to tip people. For example, they have on here trash collectors.
Yeah, well cash or a gift.
Card worth twenty to thirty dollars. Morgan, did you ever end up tipping your guy?
I put a check in the mail. Some trash men reach out to me. They said, don't do cash because it's easy to get stolen. But do it check written out to them.
So I wrote a check and you're playing the mail mail to that address? I did, thoughts, you're crazy? Did you tip your mailman too?
I left her treats. I always leave her treats every year.
Well, how come another guy gets money and then mailman?
Because are like sanitary to leave on a track.
A mailman comes every day, the trash man comes once a week. Who do you think deserves a tip more?
Well, there's also a gift card with the treats. There you go, thank you.
Nothing happened for you to say thank you to She changed her story once I busted her.
Mail carriers is another one on here, especially if you know the person. If it's a consistent person. A gift which could be treats or a gift card where it's twenty dollars or less because cash cannot be accepted and it's.
Nice so eat and they come every day like you said, did a good point. Yeah, teachers and coaches, oh my gosh. Or tipping then now too you there's no obligation for you, man, there's no contract or signing by here.
I mean I coached my kid's soccer team. I didn't get a tip. Get gifts at the end of the SI what you take them? Heck?
Yeah, a small item or gift card or join with other parents for a larger gift to all coming together.
I'm going to send an email out to the team saying, what going together season was? You know, into two months ago? I never got a tip?
Please do that. No, but that's not around Christmas, I know.
But now it's Christmas time, saying hey, just let you know I'm still accepting those gifts.
Babysitters are pet sitters a gift or cash equivalent to one night's pace.
You already pay them to do their job, and they already charge a lot of money, Like, what are we doing tipping extra?
Because I mean, if it's a listen, if you have a baby, you don't have to. But here's the thing. If you have a babysitter that does a good job and you really like and you want to.
Yeah, we pay a lot of money to show appreciation.
And you're able to do it, then that helps, you, know.
That's why I pay them when they're there. I'm not going to pay them for not coming, right, But I always found and we feed them while they're there too.
I always found that if you make people feel like they're wanted, yeah, that when it's borderline, they'll want to come and do a better job for you want to even come work at all?
All right, you can tip us you get paid every day? Well, we pay the babysitter. Babysit every day. Every time you pay the babysitter salary. Though, do they get a check every week from you? No, they don't babysit every day. Okay, but do you work every day?
Do you get your baby your babysitter? Health benefits?
Health benefits?
No one gives them to but health benefits, you're right, no, but benefits are something that everybody gets.
You can't just walk out and be like I want to pay this much benefits. No, your company has to pay for a lot of it too. Yeah, did you ever have portal one?
K I don't know, I haven't checked Mike, hadn't done it for you, And we went on Mike to help me log into that.
Do you want to check our stocks? Lunchbox?
So we are down, we are, We're gonna have to the holidays.
Where is a good place to Oh, oh, candycne dot com.
Yeah, but overall wall estate, we're sayings when you invest in the mall, I don't know.
No, the mall is dying, man a right now?
Forty two dollars seventy seven cents for the forty two dollars seventy six cents for what overall?
Okay, yeah, but yeah, oh wait, only down forty two dollars and sixty eight cents.
Get all back up? Thank you by Bobby Bone show down, Sorry up Today. This story comes to us from Florida.
A fifty six year old man is facing ten years in prison after defrauding the government of seven hundred and thirty two thousand dollars in disability payments. He worked for the post office in two thousand and nine.
Said oh, hurt my back on the job, I can't work anymore, and nine yes, yeah, okay.
So for ten years he was getting disability payments bad back, and someone said, hey, you might want to look into this. He had only got fourteen dollars in pain meds. They survey surveillance at his house. He was working on a race car, doing yard work. Checked his Facebook. He's weightlifting, going on kayaking trips and trying to rehab.
That's like trying to rehab you back into that, Yeah, like trying to.
Build back up. Wow.
I mean, if you are obviously ripping off somebody, you should probably hide it.
Yeah, you shouldn't do it. You shouldn't rip it. But I'm saying, if he's defrauding, right, go on in. You can't publicly be doing squat records, you know. All right, I'm lunchbox. That's your bonehead story of the day, and everybody's headed out.
If you're traveling, If you're flying to the airport early, be safe, wash your hands after you go through the little detector, you know. Also be nice to people. Amy was telling me a story about being at the airport.
Yeah, and I happened to be sitting where a TSA meeting was going down, and it was tons of people gathered around their manager and I think they were having their little team meeting for the day, and I just felt so bad because the manager had to make a point to remind everybody like, hey, some travelers are going to be awful to you today, but don't let them get to you. Just treat them with kindness, do your job. You know they're going to be nasty, rude, mean, that is not your problem. Like it just I just felt bad that that had to be part of their team meeting was how to like stay calm, don't let them get under your skin, just do your job because of nasty travelers.
And it's so true.
They probably have to deal with some of the rudest people. But I love the way that they handled it and they were all like, yeah, we got you, like we're good. And the manager even said, you never know why they're traveling, what they're going through. They might be going like maybe somebody passed away, there might be something hard going on in their life, so just treat them with kindness and grace.
Sounds like a good leader.
Yeah, And also I'd like to say that to you guys about Facebook, and you never know what those people are doing over there, what they're going through.
Yeah, just because they're awful doesn't mean you're awful, Okay, loves ry. Have a great holiday by everybody.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
From The Bobby Bones Show.
The Bobby Bones Show theme song, written, produced and sang by read Yarberry. You can find his instagram at read Yarberry, Scuba Steve Executive producer, Raymondo, Head of Production.
I'm Bobby Bones. My instagram is mister Bobby Bones. Thank you for listening to the podcast.