Tues Early Bird: What Bobby Enjoys About Show +Things We're Stressed About

Published Apr 30, 2024, 12:54 PM

Bobby has a heartfelt moment and shares what he enjoys about each show member! Plus, find out the things we're minorly stressed about right now and more!

Mom transmitting as.

Show Welcome to Tuesday Show Morning studio.

All right, let's go around the room.

Well, do I get to know, give me a minor stressor from your life, meaning I'm not talking about the most stressful thing happening, but a minor stressor somewhere between like three and five on the scale.

I'll go first to have you guys a second to think about it. Eddie and I are.

Building a pickleball court in my backyard, and so I've told you not to stress about that. I'm not stressed about that. But we the asphalts down, we're ready to roll. Let's get to sit now for like thirty days. But Eller can't go in the backyard because she'll run on the asphalt and that's normally where she goes.

She runs in the woods.

So she's just miserable in the house and that's a bit stressful. She has a little side yard, but it's not big enough. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna send her. It's like a six seven day camp training camp.

Or they train, they get to run.

But like, I'm stressed because I don't I don't like when she sleeps overnight. I'm nervous that she's not gonna be scared, So that's stressful. That's my minor stressor right now because she's miserable in the house, and so we're also gonna send her because we're gonna be gone to a bit for iHeart Country Festival. So while we're gone, we're not gonna be there anyway. She can also learn some manner. It's like a manner's camp slash. I don't know, have fun camp. Ella's our dog that we adopted. So that's my minor stressor because I'm just like, what if she's miserable and sad, She's like, am I ever going? She probably has issues because she was on the adopted from the streets like I was.

And that's sweet of you, because when I boored my dog, I don't think twice about how they're sleeping.

I don't even board Stanley. He gets so sick or gets hurt every time he gets bored. Really, yeah, somebody has to stay at the house. He's also a fat bulldog's been broken eighty four times. That's my minor stressor.

Any gosh, my minor stressor's ranger or from what I'm gonna wear to eyeheart country festival, Like, I have no idea and I feel like I normally know by now to like trying to figure out communication with my ex husband now that he has a girlfriend likes.

That's a stress.

That's minor. It's minor.

It's not a I think it's but that's just the like, that's just where I am, Like, I'm sitting here contemplating. I was like, well, I guess i'll saund both. It's just where I am, like, so it's like what do I wear. It's not it's not major. It's minor because it is a shift in how we communicate and new uh, circumstances arise that didn't previously exist, and so it's learning.

So that's why it's minor.

I'm very happy for him, and I think it will be great overall. It's just still new and new things to process.

So it's minor.

And then also it's like okay, yeah, well I'll deal with that and I'll figure out what to wear, right.

Okay, Well man, that was a bomb drop right there.


Yeah, okay, so you know I like butterflies, right, And for my birthday, which was March twenty, first, I got these like seeds to plant flowers and it's gonna be my butterfly garden.

And I planted and I went outside. I picked a little area in my backyard. I planted the seeds. It's been about a month, man, nothing's coming up.

Any chance that your four kids have destroyed that area?

No, No, there's a little fence around. I put a little fence to not step in this area, like this is sacred. Any chance you don't watered it. It's rained, it's rained, and when it doesn't rain, I'll go take a little cup and kind of dribble water out there. But they're not coming up. And I'm worried that my seeds just won't come up for the season. And what are the butterflies gonna do.

They don't even know that's a potential home, so they're not gonna be missing out. Yeah. It's like if television was never invented, we would have been like, where's our favorite TV show?

But I've read that they love these kinds of flowers, man, and if they don't have them, then I.

Love breaking Bad. But if it never existed, I wouldn't know a good point.

It's a good point. Hey, good luck with that tanks, man. Yeah, lunchbox.

My minor stressor is like who am I going to meet up with this weekend in Austin? Like there's so many people and only such limited time, Like people want to have drinks, and it's like, man, I gotta get with this group. Okay, I got an hour? There can I get over here to this happy hour? So I mean that's my stressor is do I have enough time for all my people in Austin this weekend?

Are you scheduling anything out? Are you just playing it by.

Ear planning it by ear I wing it?

Are you telling them that you're going, Oh.

Yeah, people already hit me up. Hey we're gonna grab drinks. Oh yeah, yeah, we'll grab drinks.

But it's just like you don't you don't as sign a time. You just say we are and then you yeah, because it's so hard to assign a time because you don't know what. You gotta be fluid because what if you're having a great time with one group, you don't want to bail on that group to go meet with the other groups.

So I invite them to come with the other group.

I thought he's gonna say to be fluid because work stuff pops up.

No, of course, I don't think that was gonna be a lunchbucks.

Do you have your outfits picked out?

Oh yeah, it went bracelets again, no man rings, Oh, no necklace.

They didn't.

You were going hard though, and you said do that.

Well, this time my outfit was provided by J. C. Penny and so they gave me like a sheet of things to choose from, and there was no bracelets on there.

You can add them, though, I'm sure you can accessorize.

I could.

I did.

I sent it to Ryan and he circled everything and that's what I got.

Okay, Well, good luck, thank you, and good luck with all your friends.

By the way, guys, it's his friends.

Let's open up the mail bag, the mail and we breathe all the air to pick something we call Bobby's mail bag. Yeah, hello, Bobby bones. I never expected to find myself in this dilemma. The other night, my wife had a dream where I was awful to her. Apparently I said nasty things. I treated her terribly. She woke up feeling upset at me, even though I did nothing. Showed me all about it, and then she wanted me to apologize. I said, that's ridiculous. She said it would make her feel better if I apologized. Now, I don't want to make it a thing that I'd started apologizing for something happens in her dream, my crazy would you apologize to keep the peace? Signed husband of her dreams? I mean, what's the problem. Yeah, I don't understand.

Go ahead, she i. It's the easy thing to do, is Yeah.

I just be like, hey, I'm sorry you had that dream, and also for whatever I did, I'm sorry. But also she shouldn't be asking him to apologize for something he did in his dream.

So I just have a problem with that. You know, that's weird.

Eddie. Look, I don't know why women do this, but they have dreams.

All women do.

My wife does, bone says your your wife ever done? Have a whole bit of my stand up set about it? Yeah? And what do you do about it?

You're like, Hey, my bad, sorry for the guy in your dream who looks like me.

Who did you wrong? It wasn't me, But there's no problem here. Just apologize and get over it.

Yeah, why can't they? Why can't me and her dream apologize? Oh he's not going to.

He's a bad dude. The dream guy not gonna apologize.

Yeah, what's what.

If me and her dream best thing good? Do I get rewarded for it?

Good question, because I'm happy to suffer as long as she's honest about the good me and the dream when it does really good things. But then you got to account on her to be honest about it. Yeah, I would just apologize, get it over with. Literally, there's no precedent me and say here that you always have to How hard is it?

Oh? Man, I'm sorry I did that you in your dreams. That's crazy. I would never do that in your life. Right, that's right.

No, I'm with you. I feel like that's the easiest thing. But like, why are women y'all are saying this?

Is no?

I knew I was saying it because y'all just said, don't you said?

You have a whole stand up thing.

About it about my wife specifically getting mad at me in her dream and my wife does he just said women?

Eddie put the women tag.

Yeah, thanks a lot.

Does your wife do it?



Okay, yeah, I mean my wife's crazy, but but she's never got mad at me for a dream. And that's why I'll tell her. I'll just tell her.

You let me back up.

I don't know why any human would require an apology for something that happened.

In a dream. Exactly like crazy, not really rational if you think.

About it, I hear you can you tell someone quit being crazy?


Yeah, that didn't.

Relax. Those two things work every single time.

Relax. Listen.

If you just want to move on with life, you say I'm really sorry that I did that to you in your dream because I would never do that to you in real life, and then you're able to move on and avoid whatever. If you're trying to set a president, you just do what you're doing and avoid it. But sometimes presidents are worth setting because it's a dream. Just apologize, but then give the little tag at the end because I would never in.

Real life do that. That's a good tag.

Because that means that's fake life you're making me apologize for. And then also say, the next time I do something good in a dream, please let me know, because I'd love for you to wake up and tell me how great I am.

And you'll never hear anything because she a't gonna tell you.

The good exactly why why?

Hey, I'm just kidding humans.

All right, thank you?

Closing up, We got your game mail and read on the air.

Now it's sign the clothes Bobby failed that.

Yeah, walk us through it.

Okay, So my friend is newly dating a guy from another country, so he doesn't have any family here really some friends, and he had to have an emergency ependectomy or whatever it's called.

Can I just stop for one second now to guys, do we believe this friend is actually a friend of hers or is her why her?

I don't. I don't have a decision. Okay, we's just torn on it. This is a true story, right, yes, Okay, go ahead.

After date four he had a call an ambulance come get him and then they're like, oh, yeah, you need to have your opinions removed, like right away.

So then, as the person that's.

Newly dating him again only four dates, I have a list of things of like multiple choice of what do you do if you're the girl?

So the girl did one of these? Or are you asking us what we would do?

I'm asking if you would do, and I'll tell you what she did.

Four dates is a decent amount after like date that bridge of date two to three, that feels like you're starting to at least wade in needy by one date two to three is kind of that gap, and three to four kind of thighs you go on four?

Okay, go ahead, do you a.

Wish him well via text and ask him to keep you posting, bro B, visit him in the hospital, maybe bring him a get well balloon or okay, c stay with him in the hospital. D let him stay at your place until he fully recovers.


First, I would like to say it depends on how much she likes him and sees that it could possibly not marriage, but it could possibly be a relationship that lasts a long time. Because if it's a relationship that she sees some real future in number one is off the table. Now it can be you can put on the table if you want. But if it's you've been on four days and you because if you do one, it's over. Once his appendix is heill, it's over. You ain't dating anymore.

I think he was a defactor in like taking into consideration that this is someone you know doesn't have family in this country.

Still even more so, if you do number one, you don't date anymore once he's better, Which is just the text hope that HBD, oh sorry wrong letters that means happy birthday, hope you're doing well. Get well. So no, it can't be a if there's potentially a future. So B would be you go to the hospital, right and stay with them stay.

No, no, no, no, B was visit just visit balloon.

So B is okay. I think b's okay. I'm not doing D unless I think there's a chance to like marry them.

D is like take them home and take care of them. D is like they stay at your place till they get better.

Yeah, it's like spongebass stuff.

So give me, give me what B and C are.

Be's visiting with the balloon, C stay with them in the hospital and then yeah, I.

Mean I could see like a hybrid of B and C.

But that's not even a question here, I would say, because this is even a bit that you pitched, your friend probably did A or D. But I'm going to say I would probably do BE with a little bit of C. If it were me personally, i'd probably go BE a little bit of C. But I'm gonna bet your friend did D or A because it's not that entertaining if they just go to see him in.

The hospital, right.

Yeah, So I'm gonna go your friend did d Okay, what do they do?

My friend did at.

Keep me up David?

Yes, she's out, it's over done. She didn't like him that much.

No, the thing is, I think she does. It's just interesting how different personalities like. She just didn't want to overstep or assume.

But also it's interesting because I think he was texting like hey, yeah, you can come up here, and she's like, keep me posted, get better. So it's like, would you, as someone you're newly dating, be like, hey, I'm.

In the hospital, like come business, not newly?

Four dates is not newly dating? Four dates is pretty new day.

But at four dates, if you decide you don't want to date anymore, do you have to have a talk or can.

You just think?

No? No, I was ghosting Tea. I was ghosting Champion of twenty twenty. You know back in the day.

I want it.

Three times in a row, three years in a row is amazing. Still got the trophies right, So no, no, no. If they're in the hospital, you can do that text day, but you're never get to date him again.

Okay, I think they may have something, but she texted we were.

In the hospital.

I know anybody and somebody I've been on with a few times. Didn't even come to the hospital like randomly to bring me stuff out.

Oh that is that's a lot to respect of somebody, somebody to come by the hospital.

Yeah, that's great.

Morgan, I would do it.

Wait Morgan, what do you think?

Oh yeah, I would not have just in a text.

I would have been up there in visiting.

I wouldn't have hat let him stay. That's too much. But if she's interested, you would. You'd be visiting for sure.

Visiting and spending time up there.

It just shows how we're so different because I agree, like I would go buy and visit. But I really do think she liked him, but that was still her way of handling it. But maybe it's just like too some people just keep people.

But I would like as an investment, like I'm investing towards the future more than I am like having feelings or emotions about it. That would be like if I like this person, I need to show up and make sure this person still likes me when they come out of this.

Did she get the ick that he has like an emergency surgery? Like that all happens because sometimes people get the ick at really weird things.

And that could have just caused like, oh, like his appendix ruption.

I don't know, Yeah, you don't like them already, and then this happens, you're like, oh.

Get ick come out.

Okay, that just means you're grossed out, but yeah, it means something. It's something that happens that makes you not like it's yes, basically grossed down.

Talk to the older person working.

Yeah, so like if you get an ick, like it's kind of like an almost red flag and you're kind of like, oh, this will give me an out.

I don't like kind of like if you see something and.

You're just like my wife calls out my ex sometimes.

Is that like, give us an example of.

Your maska right now? What are my ex?

I would say probably that when you had longer hair, ask.

You, oh yeah yeah beard beards in. I didn't ask you. I didn't ask you for my ex. Oh no, you know what I mean. You're you're speculating now.

But you remember your hair.

Like your speculating. I liked my hair like that. You're speculating X and that is not nice.

It's interesting.

Your here's not like that anymore?

Made me cut.


The beard was definitely an ink not ink head.

I'm gonna ask though, but you can't. It's unfair to speculate on an ix because it's.

Hurtful because it's you said no, you said.

It's not a nick then you just said what you're no.

I feel like I was taking context clothes and you came in with the little ponytail and you were like, Oh, my wife hates it, which means I'm gonna wear a ponytail that's in.

The front of your hair.

Tail was so funny because it wasn't pony it was like.

Unicorn, like a horn. Yes, I asked my wife on my ex where we'll get back with her? I'm tell your friend bad move.

Okay, what country are you from? Oh? I don't know. I know that they met at soccer.

Uh he's Brazilian, Europe. It could be I mean, that could be anyone, Brazilia, anywhere, but America.

It's time for the good news.

So a little backstory before we get to the good good part. Back in twenty twenty two, fifty cats were found crammed into a hot car at a rest stop. They were living in the car with the owner. It was a really terrible, terrible situation, but one of the cats escaped and was found severely injured with a fractured jaw, covered in all kinds of little like gross things.

But how do you put fifty cats in a car? That sucks? Okay?

Well, a veninarian named Nicole, she took in the cat. The cat survived was determined to live, so they ended up naming the cat Hercules.


Yeah, that's good.

My dog Dusty, who is not alive anymore at Stanley and Eller. But Dusty, they raided like a kennel where they were holding at a bunch of dogs. That's how got they rated a There were like way too many dogs in this place.

And then I saw it on the news.

I was like, I'll take one, So went and got one during the show and took it and had him for like fifteen years. It's awesome, but I felt that's crazy fifty in a car. Dust used to close your door. He said, he was trained like crazy. You know, Stanley does my bulldog h nothing? Yeah, just paper weight. I'll love him though.

Now the cool par fast forward about two years and you know, since then he's been living with this new owner, Jill Lebron, who's a pediatric nurse, she fostered him at first and then decided to adopt him. Well guess what he's now in ads at Target. So he's a feline model.

Wow, fragrance free clumping cat litter and there there's hercules.

Yeahs on the cat litter. There's some select products at Target, which is just really cool because he was once you know, in a car, escaped on the streets, about to die.

And now look at him turn.

His life room that held that vet. It's like a little percentage, you know, be nice. Oh yeah, slash agents true. All right, there you go. Good story. That's what it's all about.

Was tell me something good.

We searched the internet for riddles for kids, we play this game called Riddle me this. Your example is what belongs to you, but others use it more than.

You name your name? Yes, yes, who riddle me this? Amy?

You're up first when I finished the riddle. The second time, you'll have fifteen seconds to answer the riddle.

Ready, pretty easy. Round one?

What goes up but never comes down? What goes up but never comes down?

Who riddled me this?


Your age?


I would have lost that one.

Lunchbox? What gets wetter as it dries? What gets wetter as it dries. Who riddled me this so correct?

Good job, Good job, good job, good job.

Next one, eddie, Round one, pretty easy. If an electric train is traveling sixty miles per hour and going against the wind, which way will the trains smoke drift? If an electric train is traveling sixty miles per hour and going against the wind, which way will the trains smoke drift?

Who riddle me this?

I see trying to mess with me? There, it's an electric train, there's no smoke.


Whoa go ahead? Everybody got through the round, so we'll get a little harder. Let's try and do the math.

That's the whole point, you know, Amy, Who riddle me this? What state has four eyes but cannot see? What state has four eyes but cannot see?

Ten seconds left?

What state has four eyes but cannot see?

I don't understand. They can't see part can't Mississippi?


M S S I P.

Four eyes can't see part I can't see it eyes?

Okay, got it anyway.

Lunchbox, riddle me this.

What's as big as a hippo but weighs nothing at all? What's as big as a hippo but weighs nothing at all.

Who riddle me this?

What's as big as a hippo but weighs nothing at all? I have no idea.

It's a crazy man.

What is as big as a hippo but weighs nothing at all? Answer the word hippo?


It's the hip hop shadow shadow.

I think that would weigh something that.

It's ridiculous, lunchbox eliminated, Eddie. Yeah, what has a mouth, a bed and always runs?

That's a river? That's correct. Cat, you read a second. We're down to two.

Riddle me, dude, Amy, there's only one word in the dictionary that's spelled wrong.

What is it wrong?


Wow? Trickers? Good job, well Eddie, Come on.

Miss Jones has four daughters. Each of her daughters has one brother. How many children does miss Jones have?

What say that again?


I don't know how you get randomly the math one? Because I go, I go on order all the way down.

I have dysfunction.

Dude discalculates whatever.

Miss Jones has four daughters. Each of her daughters has one brother. How many children does miss Jones have?

Riddle me this? Oh, she has four daughters? She has four children? Yeah, Miss Jones has four. Each of her daughters has one brother.

You wrong, five kids?

The main question I read with each have one brother?

Five? So you didn't even listen. It wasn't as.

Thing amy you won. You want another the one for fun? Sure, Grandpa went for a walk and it started raining. He forgot to bring an umbrella, and well didn't have a hat. When he got home, his clothes were soaking wet, but not a hair on.

His head was wet. How is that possible?

Grandpa went for a walk, it started raining, he forgot to bring an umbrella, and he did not have a hat. When he got home, his clothes were soaking wet, but not a hair on his head was wet.

How's that possible?

Grandpa's balld.

Okay, just have to listen. She knelt, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you messed.


In a one story house at the corner of the road, the bedrooms were yellow, the kitchen was orange, the living room was red, the garage was blue, the entry hall was green, and the sitting room was purple. What color were the stairs?

It's a one story house, corrects.

She's good, she's a listener, She's real good. Wow, that's just too much info. Man, that's the point.

It's trying to trick you a too much info?

Oh much? Well, let's just go until you mess.

Okay, what number is odd until you take one letter away?

Then it becomes even? What number? Then correct? Dang?

Take a the S.

Yeah, even s seven goes to lose the s. It's even.

This may be the greatest run and riddle me this history.

I follow you all.

The time, a copy your every move, but you can't touch me or catch me.

What am I? Well, I follow you all the time, a copy of your every movie?

Is this sort of like the hippo ors.

But you can't touch me or catch me? What am I?


Correct or reflection? Both have been accepting. I'm the beginning of everything and the end of everything. I'm the beginning of eternity and the end of time and space. What am I? I'll do it again, I'm.

The beginning of everything. I'm the end of everything.

Yeah, I'm the beginning of eternity in the end of time and space.

What am I?


You're E letter E.

Yeah, this is the greatest run in riddle me history.

How is that? E? I don't understand that one the beginning of everything? E? E correct end of time.

E uh huh eternity e space e.

That's crazy, Amy, that's amazing that you got that.



Three doctors said Bill was a brother. Bill says he has no brothers. How many brothers does Bill actually have? This is a good one.

Hold on.

Three doctors said Bill was their brother. Bill says he has no brothers. How many brothers does Bill have?

Ten seconds?

I'm trying to think of this something.

Three doctors said Bill was their brother. Bill says he has no brothers? How many brothers does Bill actually have?

Three seconds?

Three doctors say, three different doctors and.

Bill's Bill has three sisters.

I deserve this. I am sexist. I was picturing three old men in my.

Sor that's I'm the millennial that has been you can dish I'm sexist. I mean I'm not, but definitely have work to do because I was pictured because brother's men.

You're autimately.

Hey, no, no, you're good, You're all good. All right, good job. There's Amy, our winner.

Here's a voicemail from Alex from DC.

I just finished the segment where you guys talked about everything that was annoying about each other and as entertaining as it was, can you guys do like what you guys really enjoy about each other? And I know that'll be hard for Lunchbox, but it will be really good, feel good, and I know Amy will love it too. Okay, love the show.

We can go one here. I'll go first round. We can do it different segments.

You're gonna do one about every everyone here, I.

Do wan about everybody there. I'll go with Amy first. What I enjoy about Amy is well, a couple of things, but what comes to mind first, because it's very recent, is to watch how strong she has had to be during a very turbulent time in her life, which was her dad dying, getting a divorce, lots of personal things happening at once, and even for a bit where she was like, hey, I need to take a break and step away from the show. I thought even that showed lots of growth because I always encouraged that. Or she didn't force herself to come in and in dear and fake that she wasn't doing good. So I think that's what my answer would be now, is kind of the courage and strength and also the ability to be open to different types of growth.

I mean, Amy's definitely not the same person, and none of us are.

But Amy's definitely not the same person she was seven or eight years ago, even fundamental ways. But she's never shied away from being like, you know what, I think I'm changing and I'm good with that.

That's what I would say about you.

Thank you thought, wow, it's beautiful, Wow, its deep. I thought you were just gonna be like I like that.

She makes me laugh.

She's a good friend.

I thought too, Mano, I thought that's what came to mind.

Okay, thank you.

I appreciate that.

Eddie, he makes me laugh.

Get ready to do when it's one line, you know it ain't good.

No, I think for those that are new to the show, I would say that Eddie is my best friend. Now it is my best man at my wedding, Eddie. A couple of things that come to mind. I'm just gonna go cause this will be like an a word speech where they're like, I wish I would have said this.

So I'm just going from I'm dominant here. Two things.

One, Eddie had two children and then you gotta call going, hey, we needed to come and foster this baby. And he was like, I do not want to do this. He didn't want to do it. He was many times I don't want to do it, But to watch him now have two new children that he fostered and now adopted, and like he constantly preaches how even to me away from microphones, how much he loves it, and how awesome it is like for him to be so like I don't want to do it, to be like it is like brought real meaning to my life. Like that shows me that people can pivot a bit, Like they really can believe one thing and then kind of learn another and admit they were wrong a bit. So that's cool. And also Eddie's just the best to be around.

I have.

I'm such an overly type aid that it's annoying even to myself and Eddie's just like fun and happy to be around and like along for the ride and let's just go. But he's also the funniest, funniest person aside.

My wife is like the funnest person I ever met.

But we've worked together, like on stage so long that he's at times over there lobbing me softballs to make me funny because he knows what I where I'll go if he sets me up. And I think with Eddie. That's probably what I would say. Those two things would be the two things I would.

Say, thanks, man.

The first one outweighs the second one, but the second one helps me a lot, because that's very unselfish you to go. I could take the joke here, but instead I'm going to actually set you up because I know you'll see this set up and let you be funny. And I think that's an underappreciated skill.

That you have.


Cool, Thanks, You're welcome man. Wow, Lunchbox is deep too, you mean, look at you. What a treat you show up every day? Laugh to Brok, Lunchbox doesn't care what people think about him, and not that really any of us do in the way of we come and we say things and they can be unpopular. But I'm not even talking about that. Like when he talks about eating his own toenails, like it takes a different kind of d G a F to admit that kind of like he admits a lot like uh that he like loves smelling his own shint guards And yeah.

I do after every start game, man, before I put them on, then after I smell them every time and don't wash them. Still smell the.

Same the fact that he can do these bits, with these cringe bits where he goes up to people is like, will you put lotion on me? Like, that's it, that's I don't have that. I don't have that. So the fact that he does that and will show up and go because I don't know, it's got to make you uncomfortable sometimes too. And if it doesn't like something's broken, Man, we need to get that checked out. But I probably have something broken.

It doesn't it.

Now you can just do that and laughing to myself, thinking, man, they think I'm crazy.

Just is wild to me.

So that and Lunchbox has been here the longest, all before all you goons he was. He's joined the show without even a microphone. We only want We had two microphones and not even one for him. So Lunchbox has been here longer than than all you guys. So with lunch it's the ability to just go and you had to develop that skill.

I would think, right, I think I've had it. Oh my god. So that would be I would say about Lunchbox.

Now when I was door to our salesman and they would say, oh, maybe tomorrow, they were really saying no, But I didn't understand that tomorrow.

I went back to It's okay, the consistent there's mine down over the next Well, we'll catch up with everybody tomorrow.

Mike will do another one if.

You boy, we got to do that. I like it.

That's cool. Man who left that voicemail Alex in DC. That's awesome.

D We We appreciate that because we did do two segments of how annoying, But it was only.

Because a caller asked, well, yes, all.

Right, here's a voice noil we got Hey, Bobby, is Eddie doing here? Trans brands great question. Doctor Raglin's on the show on Thursday. Yeah, he will talk about this with us. Eddie did not want to go to Turkey.

No, who would A lot of people they did, but he said yes that He was like yes, and I was like, well, there's also someone we can talk to that's really good in America.

So we're gonna talk to him on Thursday.

A lot of guys can listen in on this, so we'll find out probably later this week or next week. All right, here's Keimmy from Virginia calling.

To you Amy a morning corny. Where do you take someone after they've had a peekaboo accident.

You take them to the ICU.

Hope you guys have a great day.

Talking to later.

That's pretty good. I haven't I heard that one. That's very good one.

I told it years ago, Bobby other pretty good. It is really good.

And I think when I did it, y'all are like, Wow, that's actually good.

That's a pretty good one though.

Yeah, yeah, no, she did great.

Yeah, I think she wrote that one right.

Amy's Pile of Stories.

Typewriters are making a comeback and it's all things to Taylor Swift and on a new album she sings about.

Left a typewriter at the house or whatever.

And now typewriter places are like, yeah, we're our repairs have gone up, more people are visiting, like it's just one place. Even put a sign on their door that said tortured poets inquire within.

I think we are the very very very last generation because we caught the very very very tail end of typewriters. Yeah, even like electric typewriters. I took a typing class. Yeah, I think we all. I did, and it wasn't with a computer. That's crazy, man. We we were at the very end of typewriters at the very beginning of internet. So if you're like that jinx versus what millennial.

Millennia, you're right in that which we are in that fringe.

You got to experience like the old world and still be good at the new world, which is pretty crazy.

But yeah, don't get a typewriter. Everybody the ribbon it's miserable.

It's a period, and then you have to go wide out if you message any race, it no, and it doesn't do a little squiggly line under it if you spell something you just don't even know.

Well, I guess that's one thing.

People have even asking like is ribbon still available? And they've had to clarify like, yeah, we got ribbon. We got plenty of ribbon, lots of ribbon. And speaking to Taylor Swift, the University of Tennessee is going to be offering a course on her next semester. Colleges seem to do this around, but this one made the news because it's going to be a comprehensive understanding of Taylor's impact on celebrity and then strategies I guess Taylor used.

So what's happening in these colleges are smart about it is? These are mostly classes they were teaching anyway when it comes to culture Strategy PR. But all you got to do is attach somebody famous name to it and makes the news and the people love Taylor Swifts. Look like, I'm getting in the class and they'll probably a little more of the study of Taylor and how she did it. But really it's a it's a PR class that has been taught anyway.

Okay, I thought they invented it. Just really celebrities.

They do modify them a bit, but there are classes that were, for the most part, already being taught in that category anyway, which makes them a little more appealing. And I wonder if it counts towards like your it does, okay, good like a if you're like in a PR or communications or like an elective. For example, Garland County Community College is doing how to be left handed.

It's me. It's about me. That's a one day class. Yes, you can show off, you're like this socks and you get out all right.

Go ahead, sour Patch kid, flavor Oreos are happening.

Oh that does not sound good. I don't like that.

I like Oreo flavor and I like sour Patch kids. But that does not sound good together.

Well, so what's crazy is it all started as a joke.

Back in twenty twenty two, the Sour Patch Kids people tweeted a photoshopped picture of this oreo like they dreamed it up, and then they tagged Oreo and said, what if we actually made them?

That would be fun.

I bet you it did not start from a tag. I'm gonna I bet you there's no.

Two years ago still though this.

Happened to be in negotiations already, we're talking about it.

Oh, because I learned this in Oreo.

The Oreo oreos and the strategy behind it. Yeah.

Oh dang, it looks disgusting and I love both of those.

Okay, well I'm intrigued. I'm going to try it.

And they are going to be in grocery stores next Monday, so May sixth. And then something that maybe coming back, Jennifer Aniston maybe redoing Dolly's nine to five.

Oh that would be good. Oh the movie Okay, I thought, just think of the song.

I'm like, wait, yeah, so no, originally Dolly Jane Fond, Lily Tomlin and name remake it.

I'm Amy. That's my pile.

That was Amy's pile of stories.

It's time for the good news, Bobby.

About five years ago, Michael Hearn, who lives in Atlanta, weighed four hundred and fifty pounds and obvious that weight was negatively affecting him in a lot of ways, his health, his heart. His cardiologist said, if you don't lose weight, it's not going to be good for you. So he's like, all right, So he starts to just slowly change his lifestyle. He's now lost over two hundred pounds to what she says, mostly.

It's eating like cutting back.

It's not even cutting back, it's just eating the right things because you can eat a lot of protein or a lot of vegetables and you really don't have to cut back so much as long as you're eating right and doing a little exercise.

But he's now become more active.

He ran his first five K and now he's going to do one hundred half marathons in all fifty states.


So yeah, I was like to a stage he's got sixty three done so far.

Dude, I wouldn't think losing two hundred and fifty pounds.

Is possible two hundred. It just that's just a lot of weight to lose. You think it's just so hard. Mike d lost over one hundred crazy, he keeps going. He's a negative seven right now. But sometimes I don't even see him turn aside. I'm like, where am I go? So yeah, big shout out to Michael Hearne in Atlanta. It's a great story. It's super inspiring. That is what it's all about.

That was telling me something good.