(Thurs Full Show) Bobby Announces The 58th ACM Awards For The First Time + Miranda Lambert & Jordan Davis Call In About Their Nominations + What Happened To Bobby's Back?

Published Apr 13, 2023, 3:59 PM

For the first time, Bobby announced the nominees for the 58th ACM Awards on the show! He got to announce some of the major categories including Entertainer of the Year and Male and Female Artist of the Year!  Then, Miranda Lambert and Jordan Davis call into the show to talk about how they feel about their ACM nominations! Plus, find out why Bobbys back has been killing him and he feels like he has a knife stuck in it.

Welcome Thursday show. More in studio. Let's go around the room of First, he said he pulled an Amy after doing something pretty bizarre. He was a story. He actually got into someone else's car. That's right here. He is producer. Ready, everybody, guys, I almost grounded my kids for saying something offensive to me. I was very offended by this. They listened to the show in the morning and they said, Dad, when you guys sing like on the radio, it's cringe e. And I'm like, what are you talking about. Apparently we sang like happy Days. We were doing the TV song game or whatever, and we started singing together, you, me and Amy. They're like, when you guys do that, that's cringey. You should stop doing that. They didn't like us just having a good time. That's what I said. We were having fun. They didn't like us creating a joyful noise. I guess not. It's not like we think we're good singers. We're just here to have a good time. We think our listeners are singing. I get at Eddie kids. Hey, that's how I responded too, So it makes some cringe huh. Yeah, they said it's cringey, Dad, stop doing that. You knows a little song called free Falling. We all know the words too. Come on, let's just all sing a little bit together. We're not all gonna sing, are we? You know? I don't think so, Yes we are. She's a good girl. Loves and mom, love Jesus. And that's crazy. Don't Oh whatever, guys, you know what, I turned the radio. Don't like kids, loves and America cars. We're just singing. We'll do that because it makes it feel good. Eddie's kids. That's wrong with them. I don't get the words right. Should I ground them, sing their devices away for a day? Do more? Don't beat them? That's crazy, Okay, go point goin all right. Next up, he's upset with ray Mundo for getting his hopes up for the Vegas trip, and he's also been known not to leave a tip. It's lunchbox. Uh. Some people say I don't have proper etiquette. I don't know how to act professionally. So I come to you, Bobby with an etiquette question because we got an email from a company that says, hey, there, we have extra tickets to the hockey game coming up later this week. What companies like a hotel? They las come in their suite like a spot. Okay, got it? Yes, and they're like, we'd love to see you back in the suite you came earlier in the season. Would you like to join us again? That's great? So my question is, does that mean they're inviting me and my kids? What do they say? Is it generally wide open? Do they say let me know if anyone is interested? So it wasn't sent just to you, No, I was sent to like Morgan, I think Abby and maybe a couple other people. I don't know anyone on the show isn't. So I'm just like, hmm, So, how many tickets would you asked for? Four? Because my baby doesn't need a ticket he's under two. Are you would take him as well? Absolutely? Take five people. Take five people up to the sweet So I'm just wondering. Can I reply and be like, hey, the family and I will be there. No, that's not how to reply, okay, but I think you can reply and say, hey, we'd love to come. There's four of us. Do you have that many spots? Because I mean, just think about it, this is a great night at five. He said they don't need ticket, Amy, Yeah, I know, but I'm well still you're bringing a two year old into a sweet. You didn't say I'm bringing a four year old year old of US smartphones, don't say who the US is. I get it. I get it because I'm looking at it like this free tickets to a game. A sweet has food. It's free dinner. Yeah, I mean it is a and then they have this dessert cart that comes the kids get free dessert. I mean it is a Are you salivating? I guess the problem as you're taking three young, young kids to a hockey game whenever it's not really kids. I don't know they like the hockey there. I know your kids do. I'm talking about everybody else in the box who just aren't really expecting, like the play pen at Chick fil A. That's what I was wondering. But I'm like, hmm, this is it. Didn't say no kids allow. I wasn't in the box the first time, and they're not gonna say no kids allowed. That's morgan. What do you think You were there right? Didn't you go? Yeah, yeah, it's a really nice sweet. I don't know if it's made for kids to be in there. Maybe it just asked that be like, hey, thanks, it was great to meet you guys. Do you get my Do you like you guys? Allow of kids? I don't know, man, Is it cool if I bring my kids? Yeah, we'd love four if you have room for all four of us. Then they don't tell them how all my kids are because there was because there was like kids there the last time, but they were like fourteen thirteen. That's yeah, there was your fraeenagers there. Yeah, that kids. A two year old is very different. Oh yeah, I would just say I would reply and say, hey, thank you for the offer. We would love to come whenever you have four spots open. Me and my kids and my wife would love to come. Okay, all right, that well, you're still putting the ball in their court and they may not reply to you at all, but you're gonna show up all older kids in the extra and they're gonna be like, what just happened? That's that show bids, baby, that's on them, that's it. That's on them for being nice. Man. And I hope they got kid friendly dinner. And the kids are always six and I mean everyone in there. You can ask, but I definitely wouldn't just say, yeah, we'll take four tickets. Okay. So ask first, they don't say how old they are, I would just say our kids a loud in the sweet. You can say that our kids allut on the sweet. My family would love to come that think it's fine. Okay. And if they say how old, say fifteen. But then don't all the ages, just say one age and then you combined all the ages. Yeah, that's all I was gonna say. Adam Up, she thinks a lot of things that happened to her are signs from God. And people think her tailbone that looks like a tale is really odd. Here she is Amy everybody. So I just need y'all's help convincing my friend. And she doesn't listen to the show, so I'm gonna play this back for her. But she has a boyfriend. They've been together for a while, but he stays with her more and more and more. Well, don't tell such way to lean. I need you just lay the scenario out there. Okay, Now we already don't like a boyfriend because Amy has framed it that way. Okay, back up, there's a girl. She can't ring a bell. Her boyfriend has been staying with her more and more and more, so much so that like now he's gotten rid of his place, but he's saying to her, oh, but I'm looking for another one. I'm looking for another one. But this has been like months, and in my opinion, the words like hey, how can I help out with rent or bills should have come out of his mouth at this point, but they have not, And so I just I don't feel good about him, like she thinks he's amazing and I'm not feeling it. And to me, this is a sign that like, okay, he is he really looking for a new place, and now he's full time with you while he's shopping around and he's not offering rent, and it just seems weird to me or to help in some way the situation, because this is mostly about you. Yeah, I'm picturing and I don't have anybody living with me. I say, it's actually her, really about her and her idea. A friend cool with it, Your friend's cool with it? Right, he loves him. I just feel like she has blinders on, but that's okay. We've all had blinders on it sometimes or not my problem. And if she's not asking how do I fix this, then I don't think she'd be forcing a fix as a I don't know. I think she's a little frustrated with the like the bills, but she just thinks he's so awesome so it doesn't matter. But I'm like, this to me is like saying you're not awesome. He doesn't have the wherewithal to say. You're going to play all this back from her? Have you trashy for her boyfriends? Yeah? I mean it means I think, I think, I think so. Your your friend has never said anything to you, all this to her, So I'm not trayhy. I need y'all's opinion to play back for her. What I'm going to say is, I'm gonna call you Marcia from the Brady Bunch. Marcia, Look, you have this dude. He's stay with you right now. You know him better than anybody does. If you're in love and letting him live, love and live what I say. But if you need to find a way to tell him this, we'll be happy to help you. But right now, I'm not going to impose my judgment on you or him like some some people. I'm telling your judgment. I'm saying he doesn't even he doesn't even have to pay. Why do you hate him? Could he offer her you are you? Are you mad she's spending more time with her going on? No, I just think that I don't know. Fine, never mind, maybe he shouldn't offer. I really thought they'll will be like, oh yeah, yeah, he should offer to pay. That's not the point. The point is isn't should he offer? Should he not? The point is you want us to tell her something that we're not comfortable with. Because if she's happy, we're happy. If she's like, how do how do I figure this out? We're happy to jump in. But she's not asking us. You're asking us for her and she don't even care. Well, obviously she told me he hasn't offered to pay for a reason. But did she ask to ask us? See, I'm all said. Did she say that he doesn't come out too hey? Love and lives? What I said? Okay, she hasn't paid him like three months or hasn't found a place, then I think you'd probably evaluate it. But for now, give him three months put him on the clock. Thank you for that, Okay, Ray go ahead from Mountain Pine in Arkansas. He's motivational and uplifting. He even got Eddie to start weightlifting Bobby Bone. So my the right out of my back has been killing me, like lower not all the way lower back, but lower part of like the middle part of my back, and it's just like it feels like a knife jammed in there. And so I had a physical therapist. I was like, yeah, I need you to like do something so I can work out. And he was like, yeah, you got a rib. It's out of place, not broken. Is that a place so I do not happen. It could be many ways, like going hard in the gym, and so I did this stuff where he's like lean here and then he's like you should be good now. I was super sore for like two days, but he somehow popped the rib back into place. Wanted to know ribs could just pop out of place, and then he said, if it had been higher, it felt like a heart attack. Well, sometimes it happens to people up in the top of their ribs. The small that it's they're not gonna die, but people can't breathe and they feel like they're having a heart attack, so they get sent to the emergency room. They go to the mergency room and the doctor's like, you just have a rib out of place, and then they get sent to like a physical therapist to basically pop it out. Crazy. Didn't know that was a thing me either dislocated rib. I thought I had a rib poking in the lung or something. Yeah, I've heard that's a dramatic, but that's kind of what I thought. But I'm good. It's great. He just went punch punch, punch, pull back, did a couple sizes my ribs out of my I'm not dying. It feels better now are He's still so still sore, but it does. I can have all my range emotions, so now I can go back to training for the focalypse whatever it is. Yeah, I'm just thinking, how how do we prevent you from popping it out? You don't, it's just a natural, natural deal. Ok, this guy's crazy. Amy. We worked out for an hour and then you wanted to play pickaball afterwards. I'm like, dude, I can't even walk. How are you gonna go play a game? I believe if you want to go hard in life, you gotta go hard at life. Sure, unless you're forty four, and I'm not forty four. Forty three all talking about me, but I have a pickaball tournament coming up against professionals. And other celebrities next month. Your training is I'm training. I think you got that ribbon plays. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. All right, welcome to the show. Let's get going here. Thank you guys for being with us. We're gonna announce the ACMs later this morning. We're the ones that have the envelopes that are sealed that we could tell everybody you're nominated. We don't even know yet, but we're gonna do that later on. As Ray says, it's time to get the mail. Yeah, just a minute ago, goes what about to do? I said, what did we always do it? This time? He goes get the mail? I was like, yeah, all right, time for the mailbag. Something Hello, Bobby Bones. I have rules in my house that all of my kids know they have to follow. One of them is they can't watch anything inappropriate on YouTube or TikTok. Well, my son's had some friends deble recently, and one of them was showing all the boys inappropriate videos on TikTok, lots of profanity. Knowing that I don't let any of my sons watch these types of videos, so I took his phone from him for the rest of the time. He was at our house and I let him have it back when he left our house. Now he told his parents and they asked me about it. They think I wasn't the wrong to take his phone from him. I say, my house and my rules. My question is, in my case, can you discipline a child that isn't yours? Am I in the wrong for taking his phone? Signed disciplinary? Daniel didn't know as a dude, ye are the ones with hearts and have to make decisions integrity. Dad's like, I just give me a beer. I'm gonna go first. I have no kids, so my answers probably gonna be stupid and wrong. I think you just have to tell the kid he needs to go home more than take his phone from him. Oh, because you say, we don't do that, and if you do it again, you can't be in the house. I probably wouldn't take his phone. I'd probably just say you should call your mom to come get you here, you should ride your bike. Comb That's the discipline that I think you do instead of taking something from him. Now, if he's spending the night, it's a whole different thing. If he's there and you know he's there for twenty four hours and he's you say you can't do this, I'm have to take it from you, or you just put it in in relaxation, the relaxation cabinet. Oh that's good, good man, say something, but I'm gonna go. Yeah, it's fine to make sure your house, your rules, but if you can, I would just tell the kid he's got to go. Amy. Yeah, I would call the parents first. I would as a mom, I would try to call the other mom and say, hey, this is a situation, this is what happened, how, how would how can we handle this together? Are you cool if I Takeaway's phone while he's here, because this is kind of our house rules and that way the kids can hang out and have fun. If not, then you're probably gonna need to come get him. If that ever happened. I'm mandn't have any friends when I was a little or TikTok, but if some if a mom had called over and talked to my grandma or my mom and said, hey, this is I would have been told to go home and get whooked right immediately. So I'd be like, don't call my mom, I'll just go home. I was I gonna tell I don't even think I was to tell him. I just go call them all. What I'm saying, Yeah, if somebody, but it doesn't matter, Like if you call my mom, that's worse than anything you could have done to me. Oh, I would rather you take my phone and flush it down the toilets. Just don't tell m Just don't tell them. I'm all I got in trouble at all, because that's the death penalty right there. So okay, that's yours Eddie. Yeah, okay, So my house, my rules. So I mean this is easy to me. Like you take it the phone away, you say, all right, you broke the rules. Sorry, this is what it is. And then when you leave, you have your phone back. Easy and the parent that's upset that you did that. I mean, no, No, that's part of going to someone's house. Like when my kids go to somebody's house, whatever their rule is, that's whatever it is. And you can discipline my my children, they can whoop your kid. I wouldn't even call it discipline. Go up your kids, no, because it's a discipline. So I'm just asking that's weird that they call this discipline because that's not the taking the phone away is not discipline. That's just falling the rules, you break the rule, this is what happens. But that's disciplinary action. Well, now see when you say popping, I'm like, oh, that's a discipline. I wouldn't do that. So I just think it gets a little tricky if you don't let the parent know you're taking something to their kids. Yeah. Really I did that once. Yeah, I hear you. I took all the iPads away. It was awesome, love it. I just say it gets a little tricky, yeah, because their parent made get upset, like, you can't take his phone. I would pay good money for that. He has to call me if there's an emergency. And you say, yeah, yeah, that's just the rule in our house. That's what we did. My bad, you know, I don't know. Okay, But then it's all good, my bad. We're gonna say, well, my kids can't sleep with their phones in their room. And so when my daughter was having someone spin the night, I was like, hey, the rule is the phones are on the outside. And the mom actually wasn't comfortable with that because she the daughter had some anxiety spinning the night away, and she's like, I really think she'd be more comfortable having the phone near her. So I made an exception to say my bad. No. Apparently I had to ask the mom and she wouldn't have been okay with it, because the doctor she wanted the daughter to be able to call or text her at any moment. I would just say, it's just generally not wise to discipline people's kids if you're not super close to the parent. That's true, it's just because people will sue, people will write stuff on the internet. I would just say, hey, kid, we can't do that. If you do it again, you got to go home and does it again. Yeah, you gotta go home, kick him out of the bar. Well, yeah, I gotta say, yeah, all right, thank you. We appreciate the email, the mail was delivered or whatever. Ray says, thank you, closed it up. We got your That was about anybody watching this season of Ted Lasso. Yeah, yeah, yet I'm waiting. I'm not saying no is and I don't want to. I'm letting it build up. I'm all caught up. A good season. Absolutely, anybody watching Succession this season? No waiting in season two again, I'm watching the whole thing, and I'm that's the one we're staying up on. And then I when someone writes an article that's like Succession stunts this week, and I'm like, well, that's not like a spoiler, but I don't want to huspposed to fill the end of it. I don't know what I'm gonna feel stunned then the whole time I'm waiting there going is it m my sound now about to be stunned? Is it stunted? So? And that's like a major like an article on a major side that Succession stuns. That's almost a spoiler. You should write Succession existed, it was on. I feel free to watch it. That's all I want to know about that stuff that somebody's telling me. The Tetris movie is good. Yeah, well I haven't seen it in in a movie or a show. It's a movie. I believe it's a one of the guy who created a Tetris. Well, it's about the guy that Martin that made it big. So he goes to Russia to meet the creator of Tetris. And I guess there's some drama in that story, but it's a true story. You ever see when they took everybody loves dram and try to make it in in a Russia. Yes, that was really good on that so good. It's like the creator like Paul Rosenthal or whatever his name is. I could probably get his name, but he took it over and they were like, it's so big, bring it to Russia and we'll recreate it. But it's like they still find slipping on banana pills hilarious. Their humor is so different that it just doesn't translate over there. Phil Rosenthal was the guy's name is really good. Lunchbox wanted to recommend a show which I think is hilarious, and you're gonna see why the Lunchbox show. Would you like to recommend? It's a show on Hulu called The Bear. My sister in law said, hey, have you guys watched The Bear? It's about this chef, and so my wife and I started watching it, and man, guys, it is fantastic and it really it kind of related to me because when I worked at Jason's Delhi, I felt like that's what goes on. It's like back line, Oh, watch out, corner, oh line back behind, and it's drama filled. It's really entertaining. So that's why he's been yelling corner when he's walking by people. Probably, yeah, I told him about this show. I told us about the show about a year ago. We all watched Hi about a year ago. Yes, because you said it was good. Yeah, we've talked so much about that show. He like, send me a message and was like, hey, I gotta recommend the show on the air. I didn't even say anything back. He's like, I'm watching it because my cousin said too. I was like, the season two is about to come out in June. Oh really? Yeah, all right, well I'm not done with season one. I didn't know there's gonna be a season two. You'll be stunned it in of it. Well, don't do that. Yeah. That cousin reminds me of Lunchbox. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. Think I'm like Jimmy well, show man. Let me tell you though, the Bear good one. It is a good one. Anybody else gotta show they want to recommend right now, or a movie or anything. I watched Air at the theater. I thought it was a great I would wait till it gets out of theaters because I hate the theater. But if the theater, they need to at least have two things. They need to have a box you put your phone in that it's just there, and if you want to look at it. That's okay because it's in a box. It's in depth, so you can look at it, but the light doesn't go out. It's interesting that way. If every people want to look at their phone, that's fine. There's to be a little box built it right to the hand thing. You put it in there, and then there's like little walls on the side of it and you look at it, but you gotta look from straight above that way. Light's not blaring everywhere. That's not about That's what I would That's what I would make up if I were theaters. But they're dying anyway. You said that five years ago, and they all have been. They've had to completely remake themselves. Yeah yeah, all of them have food now. Recliners need full food. Yeah, man, they need full food. The place I had just had normal popcorn and stuff. We need food. We need a salabar. Well. Just so you know, theaters aren't dying. Oh no, they've had a change, or they would have been doing. Our AMC stock is up thirty nine cents today. I said I was back in the theater when Iday when I mentioned what was up forty cents. Though we can't do that. We can't, we can't do this down to thirty nine. They play this song thank you Guys for hanging out. Bobby Bone show we can't, we can't do this thirty nine for the Good News. There's a mom and her three year old son. They live in Maine and they're going to Walgreens. And their three year old son just learned how to ride a bike, so it's his first ride. They ride the bike to Walgreens and they park it right outside. They go in and shop. When they come out, the bike's gone. It was stolen. Police come, they do a whole thing. Well, there's a homeless woman there who lives in her car. She kind of saw the whole thing. She felt so bad for the boy. Listen, she's homeless, she has no money. She decided to go to the store and buy the kid. With a little money that she had, buy the kid and you bike. And the mom was like, this is crazy. So here's the homeless woman talking about this. What this little boy was thinking when he came out of that store with his mom And so is bike missing? I cried. I worry about what that little boy would be rolling up and thinking about the world. That's awesome, that she didn't have a whole lot and still wanted to give it to the kid. Isn't that amazing what happened to her? So the police put the store out in the news. People saw the news and they raised money. They raised up to twelve hundred dollars for her, and they gave it to the homeless woman. So that's really cool. But the fact that she did this, like she's not in this situation to help out, but she did. Let's watch if you see the kids bike gets stolen. Well, I maybe would have tackled the person's stealing. Okay, stop, you're not gonna be a hero. Doesn't happened you see him right off the time them you can do about it. I mean, that's just show biz. Baby he wants That's the lesson. I would have said, Hey, man, buy a lock amen, Like you know what I mean, Like, you gotta have a chain. If you're gonna go somewhere with your body, you gotta lock it up. That's why it's suffered me to go place, I gotta take it inside. Like if I stop on the way home to pick up lunch, you gotta take it in the store. You take your bike in all the stories yeah, I don't have a lock. Well, hey, why don't you buy a block? Many? You keep your bike in the building here? Yeah, you do? You know where baby taking it from the building? No, because there's cameras everywhere, and I figured, like, you have to have a key card to get in here. So they stole my crap from here from office. Yeah yeah, but that was inside job. I think that's the theory. Okay, that's a great story. Thank you, thank you. That's what it's all about. That was tell me something good. Here's a voicemail from Liam in North Carolina. Sorry I miss Friday's show. Just curious if you got your money from lunchbox. I love the show, keep it going. That's when everybody now, I got my money. I saw it pop up my Venmo, like three hundred and eighty bucks or something. He didn't say anything about it all I know that I saw it pop up. I'm assuming that's what that's for him, unless you're just giving me some money. Hey, when business partners make deals, no need to know. You know, when you get your money, you get your money. You know, that's that's how business works. How much did you missed? Again? Like one hundred and seventy bucks. Okay, so you made a little over two hundred dollars. Great, that's a blot of trouble. No, no no, no, hold on, you couldn't make that in the stock market. Yes I could, and that amount of time, I'm like, yes you can, I'm a check. No, but you put ninety in. It doesn't matter. I got my money, got your money. And now we're looking at other businesses. And for some reason, like I'm not as irritated anymore, I'm like, maybe we should do another business, Like, hey, don't worry. I can't. I can't get back in with him. Now there's some coming down the pipeline. I think we lost money when you sent the shoes wrong. I think we lost money in a couple instances. I didn't send them wrong. They claimed they didn't get them even though they signed for him. Well, you didn't even to Abbey did the work also, So Lunchbox, thank you for the money. I'd like to You're welcome and go. Hey, more businesses coming down, okay soon? And Abby, you want to say something Lunchbox too, right? Money? Yeah? So he had he got you a job or like a gig on a rooftop of a bar, and he's done this crap before to you where. Yes, your last job that he offered you was out in Vegas doing what well, he told me he got like an actual gig. But then he took me out on the street and made me saying like a cup in front of me. Hey, you gotta make in Vegas anywhere. There are reasons, so we don't believe him. But he did say he's got a gig for you. The what happened there? Yeah, so remember he brought in audio where he was talking to some lady from a hotel and had a rooftop bar that there was a gig. Do you remember that? Yeah? I do. Okay, well I actually met with her because she reached out to me and she was like, hey, Abby, I'm that lady that he was talking about, and I do really want to offer it to you. So if you want to meet me at the hotel, I'll show you a room. And I did. Wait, here's a thank you. I want to play the audio lunchbox talking to the lady. Go ahead, Okay, what is your offer to Abby, because I'm booking her gig. Tell us what you're offering, Abby? I think drunk this eybody listening, listen to a bunch of drink. I should have said that that way, but I told you it was the grand highest downtown rooftop bar, and you guys didn't want anything with it. Send a demo tape where she already hired. She's already hired at Luna at the Grand Hyatt twenty fifth floor, the rooftop bar, like five to seven maybe on a Friday night, on a Monday through Thursday. She just has to pick the day. Yeah, and does she get paid hers at volunteer basis volunteer tips? Okay, all right, you heard it here, Abby, I bought you a gig and you have to promote it for us. Say, I never did nothing for you. Okay, So you called her? Yeah, I actually met there and she took me up to the rooftop and everything, and she said I could do Friday or Saturday. Did you have to sing for her? No? I didn't. She's heard her sing before. Oh how she were really talking about that? Are you scrinning right now now? Did you play clips for her? Yeah? So, but what are you wanting from this? It is not like you. I'm just saying, I give me so great you guys say I'm took singing for dummies. Yeah, I was trying to help her out. But you you know, we expect something, some other shoe to fall here, right, I understand that. But you know you guys say I'm always hating on Abbey and then our present her with an opportunity, and what does she do? She scoffed at it because you're doing wrong. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. If I punch you seven times and here on the face and I lift my hand for the eighth just to wave at you, you think I'm gonna punch you again? Are you flinch? Right? So that's what it feels like. But if if this is awesome, this is new lunchbox, turn over a new leaf. I'm all here for it. Let's go. When are we doing it? No? I feel like you do want something out of it? Like when when are you doing the show? What are you up to? He wants money? Right, what are you up to? I'm up to nothing, guys. This is out of the goodness of my own heart. Okay, we know that's not true. Abby. What's going on? So? Are you gonna play the show? Yeah? I'm going to so I'm in the process. I gotta find more guitar players. You know, why don't you going to play guitar? I struggle with it. I don't know if I have enough time. I'm trying. A lot of excuses comes from Mabby. Everybody with Abby is an excuse. Not everybody plays guitar. Carry Underwood, doesn't Martina? You're not carry here you go when you start. This is what I'm talking about. You carry Underwood and Martina McBride. I'm just saying that's why you get laughed at. Okay, Abby, good luck finding a guitar player. Are you are you gonna pay them? Um? Well, I thought we'll split tips, but I probably should also. You know, so you're looking for a guitar player that will split tips with you? Yeah? How much? How much? She's never gonna take this gig because she's never gonna find a guitar player. Why don't you go back to that band that you were in that hired you for the airport and the gig? Why are you being angry? No, no no, it's no Are you gonna go to him? He will be He'll be my first go to remember, the one that never called you back because we never said their name on air. That's not true. Okay, so good luck. He got your job, your yodlers, the yodel group, you're in with the carols, Carolers not whatever. Go so abby. You could promise I'm like twenty buck twenty bucks an hour, you know whatever, and then just hopefully that you make that in the tips, right, yeah, because I mean this is a super nice hotel. You know, people are rich, they're staying there. They'll give a lot of tips. I hope. I don't know that for sure, not for sure. They're gonna like to sing, and she'd do karaokee versions, like just take a boombox, absolutely can so can you really? Because they have a stage, you can do whatever you want. It's your world. Meaning I don't know that she'll be super pumped about it, but you could just show up with a speaker and played into single yeah style. That's how he started to play a play speaker from the bathroom and then sing with it and turned into viral sensation. Now he crushes it. Yep. Okay, well anyway, thank you, lunchbox eye. I would try that. I would try to find the getting karaokee versions and sing them. Ask her if that's okay, call and ask her if that's okay. Okay, all right, Oh that would be awesome. Okay, Lunchbox a great job and give me my money. Hey, great job on getting nay. Only two months later, I get thanked for getting Abby a job. I got out of the job two months ago, already two months be schedu two months ago when I deserve my money. So we're even. I know. That's why I've been a partner. Hey, be an Abbey to be beenness partners. That's what he wants. He wants a partner. Money, that's what he wants. Don't agree tips too. We'll see. We'll see how much he makes. She makes five hundred percent. You knew he wanted money. Okay, we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. Okay, good luck, Abby, Hope take advantage of the situation. Okay, I'll come support you. Oh my god, he's gonna watch the tips and then right down, I'm gonna be that annoying person when you go to a bar and they walk around with a bucket, Hey, did you tip? Did you want? Lunch Box, tell me a little bit about Thomas Jefferson. If you don't know anything make up the closest thing you think. Thomas jeff was a bald guy. He was very important forming America. He had he kind of looked like George Washington a little bit. They were pals from childhood, and was bald, but it looked like watching what you mean, Yeah, I didn't he have the little line like the balding. Are you thinking of Benjamin Franklin idea? So you're really literally just making it literally, have no idea what Thomas Jefferson here, You're thinking of Benjamin Franklin? Okay, cool, Yeah, that's maybe I was thinking of them. But I know that he was important. Like I said the Declaration of Independence. Was he a president? I don't think he was ever the president of the United States, And he did sign the Declaration of Independence at some point he was one of the twelve people. He was. There's a lot to unpack and then, and I don't want anybody to use as a reference. But today, as Thomas Jeffers's birthday for in April thirteen, seventeen forty three, he was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, founding father who served as the third President of the United States. Of America. He died on the fourth of July. I have the irony there the same day that John Adams died on the fourth of July. They both died. John Adams the second President of the United States. So yes, okay, good for me. There were fifty six people, by the way, that signed the Declaration of Independence, not twelve twelve colonies. Did you know two people actually passed up the chance to sign the Declaration Independence? Why who are those? John Dickenson of Pittsylvania and Robert R. Livingston in New York? Why would you pass out all the busy I don't think they knew at the time what it was going to be. But yes they knew what it was then or what it meant for the future. But maybe they didn't agree with every part of it. But here we goes Thomas Jefferson's birthday. So we're gonna do is play How good of an American? Are you? Great? Pretty good? So far? You have to get sixty percent of the answers correct to actually pass the test to be a citizen. And if you don't pass this test today, you get sent to another country. We'll just spend the wheel into a country. You got to a random country on the wheel. There are Qatar rat No, it's a terrible day. Oh boy, okay, write your answers down. I'll give you ten questions. You gotta get six out of ten? Rite season? Is it six out of ten? Just here? Or is that what? Really? What people have to sell you? What people have to get sixty percent? If you don't, there is a punishment. You'll have to do some homework and present it. Oh, deport is not really a gonna do that. But if you don't do the homework, then we depart you. Question number one, you gotta get six out of ten. Write your answers down? And what month do we vote for the president? Oh? I see a very good Yeah, let's go over to Eddie. October Lunchbox, November Amy, November Lunchbox and Amy are correct. I do early voting. Stop it, good loophole, you stop it. Who said, give me liberty or give me death? M h m me liberty, give me liberty or give me death. That's braveheart, that's mel Gibson, give me liberty version Lunchbox is doing give me liberty or give me death or give me death? Very famous speech. Tough one Morgan Freeman, pot of my head. Uh, this is on the test. JFK. Let's not him. Maybe maybe I give me free answer everybody in Yeah, Eddie, Paul Revere. Oh, what he was rumored to have said is the British are coming and give me liberty or give me that possibly, Lunchbox I remember this from a play that I saw van Buren. Martin van Buren. Yeah, what was that play? Hamilton? Yeah? I don't know if that's you don't know that Martin van Buren was in Hamilton either, Amy, I don't know. Lincoln. No, it was Patrick, Henry Patrick I've never heard of. Never. Okay, Next up, Bobby's talked about him. What are the two parts of the US Congress? Eddie has no points? Two parts, no, boy, Eddie, Legislature and judicial. You know you're a father of four, Yes, I'm not a founding father. Someonea say you are your house of my own home? Yeah? And what are you gonna say to your kids they hear this segment? Is that not right? It couldn't know. It's not gonna be farther from the REI. It doesn't matter. Lunchbox House and Senate, I'll give it to you. Yeah, yeah, the House reperus Amy, haven't senate in the house. Yeah, and those two things are what now, I don't park from Congress. Okay, only remember that, like there's Senators and then there's Congress. I can only get one more wrong. I gotta sent out. You're gonna get home work. What is known as the Supreme Law of the Land in the United States, the Supreme Law of the Land. What is that called the name of it? Yeah, they called the Supreme Law of the Land. What what body? What document is the Supreme Law of the land. Oh that's different. Yeah. I had to give you too much. I gave you a little honey. Hint. What's that called love your new hurt? That's the Bible, Amy, I was gonna say freedom. I'm in Eddie. That's the Declaration of Independence, lunchbox bill rights Amy, Declaration of Independence. Wow, you're all wrong. It's a constitution. You miss one more. No, not deported yet, you'll have to do home. Boby even gave him. We all go, oh, yeah, okay, now we got it. If we can just talked about the declation, Okay, that constitution, not the Declaration. I have no idea. Huh. If both the president the vice president can no longer serve? Who becomes the president? Still alive? Baby, I'm in. Do you need their name? Okay, Patrick, Henry, Okay, lunchbox. It was Nancy Pelosi at one time, and she was a Speaker of the House. Amy, Speaker of the House, Eddie, Speaker of the House? Correct? Good? Who smart? What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful? System known as Oh man, I love this one. I love this one. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful? It's a system known as Yeah, ed if you miss this year, eliminated and you'll have to do homework. I mean, Eddie, judicial lunchbox. Checks and balances, Amy, checks and balances. It's checks and balances. Oh god, I'm done, Eddie. You're gonna play along just to see how I'm done? Right left. The idea of self government is the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? Oh? That's easy to relax, guys. The idea of self government is the first three words the Constitution. Eddie, We the people, lunchbox, the preamble, We're the people, Amy, We the people? Correct? I remember that in fourth grade? So you know the US Constitution is a living document, meaning it can be added to or altered. What are these changes or additions called? At that? I know that the US constitutions living document. It can be added to or altered. What are these changes or conditions called? And yeah, Eddie, amendments? Amendments? Amy? Shoot, so close? Is that? Is that? What is the change like on a real estate document? Yeah? Yeah, the contract? I just said, okay, and you got you have to get another one? Right, you have your homework? What was it? Lunchbox? You're in the declarer, You've already accomplished citizenship. My teachers would be shocked at this. How many amendas does the Constitution have? You got it? Suck out? Hey? They all get this wrong? And I get it right? Can I say no? You say, but no, you got it? I mean in the country? Oh, lunchbox thirteen Eddie, Oh gosh, that sounds right. I put twelve though, Amy, twenty seven. Well that's not good. That sounds right. There's only two more questions here. Second, what's the twenty seven? The midman? What territory to the United States buy from France in eighteen o three? Ooh, I'm in what territory did the United States buy from France in eighteen o three. Lunchbox, the Louisiana purchase Eddie, Louisiana, purchase Amy Louisiana. That's all. I row down. You have to do one more word that doesn't count. You said we'll give it to Yea. So now Amy has cleared one final question. What did Susan be Anthony do? What? What was she known for in Susan b Anthony? Yea, and you can still high for the win here I'm in and I'm right lunchbox, wait, hold on, hold on, lunchbox. So the flag, yes, that's your Ross Eddie home made the flag, that's your Amy underground l road. No, she fought for women's ride, lunch boxes, the winter stay in the country, Eddie will doubt you a full report, three pages note page, three page reports. Oh my god, space goods on, Martin van Buren. You can only do times New Roman twelve. That's the font size and oh my goodness. And don't repeat anything or we'll put the shocker on you. What do you mean don't repeat? You'll do the same type question with You have to write a three page pay Martin van Buren, you got a week to do it. I feel like I should make deliver up sixty to seventy five seconds on Martin van Buren. I don't know who that is. All Right, we gotta go. We spent too much time doing this. Not proud of myself. Let's back to you the greatest America in the room, USA, USA. This is Annie from Texas. Hello, what could dude? What did you rabbit travel on? Hey? Half planel plane? That's cute. The fact is he thought it was so funny, made it so much funnier. I hear's Irvin from El Paso, Texas, My Morning Bobby and Morning Studio. I just wanted to back up Lunchbox. I saw him at the golf course. He was returning to golf club, and I was appalled that there was no news outlet there covering this story. This definitely should be in the news, definitely up there with Shack lunch Box. He being awesome. Eastern El Paso. Were you getting golf in El Paso? No? I wanted to El Paso. Did you return to golf club? Yeah? I did? How does he now? I guess he saw me. I don't know. Some guy did say hi to me in the clubhouse and I tried to get a reward. Nothing, man, But don't say you try to get a reward. But then what you should say is, hey, man, it's just I do. I wasn't looking for reward, looking for no sort of press publicity. If it happens to come, then you know I'll shine into different direction. Yeah, you gotta do that. No. No. I even asked the lady at the front desk for a reward, like I mean, I mean, why did you want? I asked her for free golf for life, free for life, okay, or a free round free driving. The big difference a free round. I said, free golf for life. She goes no, and I said free round no, And I said free bucket of balls on the range. No. So what if someone would return to your club, though, wouldn't you just be happy it happened? And I said so, I mean, I'm a hero And she was like sure, I said what do I What do I get? And she gave me a fist by him I mean, and that was nice. You aren't doing it for the reward. I was hoping I was gonna get at least a free round of golf or golf for life, which you've been real golf for life's pile of stories. So when choosing your child's bathing suit for the summer, there's a color that we need to be avoiding in the skin tone color. Oh yeah, yeah, that's what I would say. Well, yeah, I mean that might look a little always weird. Yeah, sure, kids, don't do that. We're any money. Joy's over. Next story is coming from a swim coach. A swim teacher is saying like, hey, I would really recommend you not buy blue swimsuits for your kids, because when they're underwater, you can't really see where they are with their body. I mean, you can see certain parts of them, but if down below, it's way better if you have your child in a bright colored swimsuit so that if something happens, it's easy spot. Okay, Well, and if they're above water, don't have them wearing a nude blush colored too, because that's weird. I mean, Eddie, you're a former lifeguard. This is a good tip. It doesn't matter, guys, I could see anything underwater that shouldn't be down there. A good lifeguard can do that. I didn't think about that blue. We're blue, we're peak, we're nude. Whatever you want, we're nude color like that. I'm looking at a picture of the viral post and you really can't see the kid, but that water looks like a so much chlorine in it. I mean it is foggy. Yeah, that makes sense, it makes maybe light blue, maybe stay away from light blue? Ally, what else? Got the videos on TikTok? I want to see it. And some restaurants are starting to put time limits on diners, Like the minute you sit down, the clock starts ticking and you've got ninety minutes to get in. And let me tell you, that's awesome. The pitch clock in baseball is awesome. I love things being timed. I wish people came to my house. I'll be like, all right, I always had a scoreboard. All right, welcome everybody. We're having a little get together tonight. It starts and feel free to, you know, talk to your friends, have a good time. There are there's ninety minutes on the board and it starts ticking. That's stressful. No, it's not. It's actually not stressful at all because all that stress at the end is olviat up where do I go? And then at the end do you give them like a ten minutes Tenna. You know they see the clock at the scoreboards huge, it's a massive scoreboard. Just for example, we had a birthday get together and Matt stell Is, one of my good friends, sings a couple of good songs from Arkansas like me, and he was like, well, I guess I should probably get on out of here, huh. And I was like, I guess you should. And what's gonna be great is make a scene about it that you're gonna go. That makes everybody else want to go. It opens the door for them because I know there are other people going, oh, I should go. I just don't want to be the first one out. And so Matt had been on the road and I knew he was tired, and he was like, I'm gonna go. And I asked him as a favorite, said hey, would you say loudly I guess I'm gonna get on out of here? And he did that. There are a couple of people are like, yeah, we should go too. That's why I did that. Absolutely, I thought that was awkward. I didn't hear guys I requested it is a special request for me. What else, Guarth Brooks, did you finish that story? Long minutes oh the same amount of time. Oh my god, Well, I'd like to say, I think that's too long. What restaurants need an hour and a half? Restaurants need about a fifteen minute o'clock the sixty if like you're a if you're gonna like tip, well, if you're like a good patron of the restaurant, nineties, way too much. So you've never gone to a restaurant with like friends and gotten lost in conversation and a meal and it's like two and a half hours later. No, No, that's who that's a long time. I'm hours. I guess, well, who's friends? Women? Yeah, what happens fifty minutes? You can get bonus time if you're good up to seventy if you're really good good, Yeah, all right, what else? Guards Brooks gave it. If you're bad, they turned the clock timer down for some reason. Yeah, go ahead. Guard Brooks gave an update on his friends in Low Places Bar in honky Tonk. It's coming to Nashville and it's a little behind on construction, but we got good news. It's taking a while, but that's how construction is. And these guys, but they're working on it. Every time you go down there. They've got a billion miles from It's just a lot five floors of honkey tunnel. That's a lot of fun. Render you drive up guards doing construction surprised. Yeah, it's taking a minute, but it's gonna be worth it. Right. Well, you know about this? Uh yeah, I got a lot of free alcohol from that place because apparently you can't keep from the previous bar. So we got high Noon, white Claw, you name it. We got it for free. So you mean the old bar that was there, they just had the alcohol. They didn't take it with them. Yeah, and they had to dump out tons of liquor that was already over. But how did you get it? Bay's dad, he's doing construction on that right, So then Guarths just gives it to your wife's dad and he gives it us. That's pretty cool drink. That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the good news. I want to say nice work to New Birth's Missionary Baptist Church right outside of Atlanta. They did a deal with a food pantry called King's Table and then a wireless place. Because they put this whole thing together. And here's why it's so important. First of all, they gave way a thousand boxes of free food that itself is amazing. And then because they were working with the wireless place, they gave away a thousand tablets to people who don't have a computer or the ability to get online. And then you're like, well, how do they pay for internet? Well they did that too. They got everybody twelve months of free internet access. That's cool. So they got on food and then the ability to connect. And you know, sometimes probably most times, we take it for granted, but to be on the internet that needs to happen with a lot of folks. You have to be on the internet to even function and to have a job, to have email. If you have a job, that's constantly sending an email. So just a big shout out to the community there and this new Birth Missionary Baptist church. I saw another story word church. Whish I knew the town that it was in. It probably coming to me. But they bought like three million dollars in medical debt from a company for fifteen thousand dollars. Because you can buy you can buy debt and then you can do a couple of things. So they you can then go and try to track down the people yourself and try to get the money back, which you're probably not, or you can just go you own it and then you can just go, well, I own it and they don't owe me anything anymore. So what they did is they bought a bunch of the debt from the talent. It was three million dollars worth for fifteen thousand dollars and then they said at a big party and they burned it up and they said, you're debt free. All the medical amazing is in North Carolina. Yeah, I don't, boy, So why would someone say, if you do, someone will be three million dollars? Why would you sold it for fifteen thousand? It was a church and went and Salem. Well, because they know they're not getting any money, aren't will get something out of it? Right, So they know that they can sell this amount for way less because they're gonna get nothing unless they tracked down the money, which they're probably already trying to do unsuccessfully. And who do you like, where do you go buy that? Are you trying to go buy debt? For what reason? I make the news? Like I'm trying to figure this out, Like if you're trying to make any news, that's gonna go enforce it and try to get the money back from Yeah. No. No. So like if I go out and I go to somewhere and say, hey, I'll buy your debt for five hundred bucks, you don't buy it from somebody. You buy it from like a debt collector or a company that has all these people that owe money. Oh, you should call around a few hospitals and see if there's any debt you can buy. There's an organization called rip Medical Debt. There's able to bid medical debt when it's up for sale and buy it off for a penny on the dollar. And so that is I've never that's mind blowing. It's because people just haven't paid those bills for so long and they know they're not going to get anything for it, so they'll sell it for much cheaper, thinking somebody will buy it and then try to enforce it and make even more money then. So it's called rip. Yeah medical you're dead medical debt? Yeah? Oh is it okay? Not your dead person? No? No, no, anyway, I love those stories. That's all. That's what it's all about. That was tell me something good. It's time for the investigative. Morning Corny guys, we have thirty seconds to get the one corny, Right, come on, you're ready, Amy yep. Last time you get someone there was a possible. Yeah, I don't do that. She did Mandarin. We're like, we don't have the language, much less a joke. So let's go with the morning Corny. Go Morning Corny. Thirty seconds on the clock. The clock starts as soon as she finishes the joke. Go, who were the greenest presidents in US history? Green plants? Uh? What about like the dollars, the ones of them dollar bills? Washington like the Washington the greenest presidents in US history? What's the great plant? Uh? Um? Money money, Abraham lincol Benjamin was U tremendous tree. There's hedges, there's our field, bushes, bush bushes, bushes, the bushes, bushes, the bushes. You gottah. I don't think I got I was. We got that in time, but I didn't declare it to be the answer. I was just saying words. Oh, we say words, that's the answer. Oh, I don't know the come on, Ray, Buzzer was there was the shot up. I don't know, eddiot before Tim for sure got it. Buzzer, you know what, We'll just take it cares. Don't like we're playing for a scholarship. We're taking it from somebody as some other kid. Are we even right? Oh yeah? Are we right? So? Who were the greenest presidents in US history? The bushes? We want to play in game? We're still you know, it's okay. Hearts kid on the phone. We got Jannet from Texas. Janet, what's going on this? More? Then I dropped my son off at school and watched him walk through the crosswalk with the crossing guard and a truck on this hit him. They stopped and the crossing guard was waving his stop sign at him. And the moment he and the other child were out of that lane, still in the street with a crossing guard waving the stop sign at him, the truck continued to pull through and it was a company truck with the company name on it. So I called the company. They said they would have a talk with him. Is that a Karen move or was it justified? I think your kid was almost hit by a truck. Listen. All you really want to happen from this is whomever the boss is at that company to go. You guys got to pay attention in a school zone, not because of the business, not because because you may actually hit a kid, you may kill a kid. Yeah, so I don't know that it's a Karen move. And I'm gonna say it's not a Karen move because there could be a young idiot dude driving this truck that doesn't pay much attention, doesn't only know school zones because it doesn't have kids, and learned a very valuable lesson that day. Then maybe he didn't learn in the morning, but he definitely learned when his boss said, Hey, man, I just got a call about you almost running over kids. You cannot do that. So I don't think it's a Karen move at all. You totally justified, daddy, not a Karen move. That's your child, and you're a Karen. I'm I don't think I am no, no, man, I'm just a caring parent as well. I said that there's a fine line between caring and Karen. That's right, Hey, Jenna, I think you're all good. Why did you have guilt about that? Um? I don't know. I just started to feel bad, like maybe a tattles when I shouldn't have. But I okay, I felt that it's hard. It's always weird to call somewhere and complain. So you're not a Karen, and we appreciate your calling. We appreciate your calling the company as well. Jenna Okayan, all right, see you you have a great day. This guy paid all this money to get the leg breaking surgery where then they put in rods and it makes you taller. I just want to read you some of the story, and I feel bad for him. He's not even that pint sized, and that's with how they start the article. Size a little. It is as a pint size. Minnesota man has splurge more than one hundred and seventy thousand dollars on two leg lengthening surgeries to make himself more attractive to women. His name is Moses Gibson, forty one. He says he struggled to get a girlfriend due to his height. Now he's five foot five, at least before it starts raise five foot five, five foot six maybe on a good day, right, yeah, five to seven, so I'm two inches above five seven. We measured you. He's the same exact height as kne and it's five six. Yeah, and we we've measured him countless times. But you got married, you had girlfriends, Yeah, the hottest chicks at every school I was ever at. So I don't know what to do. This problem is so do we. I don't think it's his sure, well, some girls not give him the time of day, at least romantically because it was height. Yes, but it doesn't lock you out of all women. And he obviously has money you take away or you take out loan. I mean he has debt. And then you find out he's because originally five to five and then kids are they're gonna be short too, Right, You didn't have any trouble finding girls to day being short and always with the class pictures. All the tall guys were in the back. They're after the talk to the buddies. I was always with the girls for thirty minutes it took to take the school pictures. I loved it, so thirty minutes a year during the school picture you really had your pick of the letter. That's also when I would get to know girls in my class. So everybody say, how'd you meet Melissa? While I was standing next to her for the past forty five minutes in this school picture. Yeah, I was the only guy in the bottom row. It was just crushed in the school picture time. I mean there was a one a year where you just like looked your right, okay, got you, look to the leap, got you. I mean whenever pictures we did, if there was a singing performance like music class, I was always in the front with the girls. So it didn't matter what it was, it was pretty cool. I mean, how did you meet her school picture? That's ever actually been said by Ray. But okay, so it was not not an issue. You were yeah, here we go. Yeah, it was all about just talking to them. I don't I don't think so. Most females are totally fine with the guy's height. If they love the dude's personality, they do not care how tall he is. Don't you think though, At times a guy's personality may not have a chance to shine because maybe a girl will be like, I don't want to give m a chance because he's not tall enough. At a bar, yeah, you're it sucks going to bars. I'll tell you that much. You stole to get up to it. When you're sitting out at a bar stool, you're fine, but but yeah, it's tough at bars. Honestly, it's so mean. So okay, let me tell you more of this story, because Ray has a confidence about him and I think that helped him get the quote hottest chicks at every schooling one too un Yes, So this guy who again, the pint size guy, Moses Gibson forty one. I don't believe he's pint sized, but they say of the article. I'll keep saying, hey, that's funny. So he began talking with a spiritual leader who says, hey, you can increase your height if you put your mind to it. And so he started taking medicine apparent and then thinking didn't work either. He tried to lay, prayed to be taller, none of that. None of that worked, and so then he realized it was this painful leg lengthening surgery. He went and saved seventy five thousand dollars for the first surgery, and then as he was working in software engineer, he uber at night and saved all that saved the money said you have thousand bucks. Twenty sixteen, got three inches taller, went from five five to five eight. Wow. Now I don't know that there's a big difference in five five and five eight, but I mean, but like if someone's already judging you on your height. I don't know that anyone's judging that five seven and above. Mark Ye, like he's got to be five seven or I just can't get with them. It's like six foot and above if they're already making that judgment for the most part. And so he's like, all right, five eight it is well, second surgery, ninety eight thousand dollars going through it. He's trying to get two more inches. They broke kis tibia and fibia bones, which are the two they're on your shins and you're up here, you know. They the tibia and the fibia. I'm trying to one's like the big long shin bone, right, and then the fibia. I spent a long time since I've done this. The tibia is the shin bone T S. I don't remember that one T and S or letters next to each other. So that's how the tibia was. And then the fibila bone is the other bone on the other side. I think, Man, if I'm wrong, let me know. Anyway, they're gonna break them, put screws limbs, little fake limbs in it, and now that's what's up. He's trying to be five ten and they still work like the legs bend and everything normally. Yeah, because it's not a bendy part, that's just that bottom part. But you're gonna fall, right, You're gonna fall like for the next mone I don't think they're stilts, bro No, but you're not. You're still on the ground two inches. I bet you're tripping on things like a little times when you wear when you were tall shoes, do you trip sometimes sometimes it's a little bit. Then there you have it, you and trip. You gotta think when when you're like fourteen or something, there's a tall kid, they're not as coordinated because they're not used to being tall. They're clumsy. You'll take a second. Yeah, dud's gonna have to get used to his bodies. Who's gonna be falling downstairs? And well, the crazy thing is as he got to change the mark of his head on his door torso in his arms they're still the same. Yeah, it's gonna look weird as his arms are gonna be disproportionate to his legs. His arms just going to the bottom of the wreckage, it looks like like a dinosaur fella just he recks in it all day long. Yeah, so one hundred and seventy thousand bucks. Hey, Mike, just so I avoid all of the messages coming my way, can you show me the legs in the bones in the legs, the tibia. The fibula is a long bone in the lower extremity of this position on the lateral side of the tibia. So the tibia is a shin in the Okay, so I'm right. So it's all below the knee, yes, okay, so let's they break it down below the knee. So now he's got a bunch of hotties. Think he's being off of a stick. Wow for him or with his legs. Well, he keeps asking to be and take pictures, group pictures. No, no, no, no, now he's in the back ray. We're not really making fun of you, and we wouldn't have, but you just hold a ridiculous story in it. If you just said I think it was confidence that got they allowed me to have success, would have been like, we like that, But you said class pictures. Bro. Yeah, I was trying to think of examples. My bad. I like it, No, no, but no bad. But I'm just saying that's why we just make jokes, you know, all right, that's what's up. Thank you guys. Don't forget. We're gonna reveal the ACM nominations and like twenty thirty minutes for the first time here nobody knows yet. They're about to deliver us the nominations for the ACM Awards. We did not have them. They will not give them to us, which is probably smart. I'll be honest, it is probably smart that we don't know you. I might have been at six thirty this morning being like, I don't want to say, but it rhymes with so we'll do that, and probably like twenty minutes or so, twenty five minutes. But they're driving over now, police escort and Lunchbox is going to meet them in the garage, And I thought, do we even let Lunchbox get them early? Is there awaking? But he's gonna go meet the coff car out there in a few millions with him and make sure he goes in and they're sealed. Yeah, I'm just excited. Open you don't. No, you're not gonna open one. That's the thing. Don't open one. We will know, I mean on the air. Yeah, I don't know if that's gonna happen either, But we'll see see what happens. Michael Jordan's last dance sneakers So for two point two million dollars, their shoes that he wore. Two million bucks. They said two million bucks on the auction. I went for two point two. They are just a pair of shoes he wore in an NBA Finals game. So they're the only complete pair of sneakers worn by him in the NBA Finals game to be authenticated by the NBA's official authenticator. It's just a guy who goes, yeah, that's real. That's really them. I mean, that is cool. Two point two million dollars. That's they're black mostly with red like trim on the bottom. So they're Jordan's. Oh yeah, yeah, they're He wasn't wearing something different than now anyone on the barcleys. But yeah, two point two million dollars. Wow, that's crazy. And then if you have that, because it looks like they're side mind on the toe as well. If you have them, you show them off. But I'm worried that all the old heist movies, where are they going and they like do lasers to cut the glass and steal them to steal a jewel or people know that you have two million dollars basically sitting in your house, and your houses just ripe for somebody to try to break in. Yeah, but people have like dinosaur bones, like but who and where? Well, supposedly he gave them back because he had to. I just would hate for people to know I had some forworth two million dollars in my house because I would constantly be nervous when I was going to break in and steal it. And you're like, well, I got all the security in the world. Well for two million bucks, somebody can hack that stuff. Yeah, but it's cool. I mean, I wish I had him. I'd wear them. I have two pair of shoes at my house that I got at a charity auction. One of them are signed Game war Lebrons, their size like fourteen his shoes, and one's a sign pair of Katie Kevin Durance And then you know that's what. I don't know. They're worth a nickel. I think if that bro, do you wear those and play with I can't. They're so big you could put like or something in at least we're while you're playing NBA two K put plants in them, something socks, so they just sit in there. I don't have any authentication papers on them because I bought them at a charity auction. But there's real as could be game worn shoes. I'll bring a man a chal them to you. Yeah, and I think about him. They're just literally just to my closet, next to other shoes. Do you smell those things? Like, what do they smell? I guess I'm not free. They smell Lebron I don't know. They have some of his powder when he throws in the air. That's cool, I mean, that's awesome. There's something I want to share with you guys too, unless you'd probably go out to the garage right because I'm hearing they're driving up. So you can clone somebody's voice. We've talked about this before where they have the technology. Now, if there's enough of someone's voice, they can then create other sounds. Out of the sounds, they make other words. So a woman in Arizona says that scammers use that AI software to clone her daughter's voice and then try to get a million bucks ransom out of her. Now listen to this. Her name is Jennifer DeStefano. She got a call that said it was her daughter crying, saying she messed up really bad. And so it turns out it was an ID spoofing scam. But she was like, I don't have a million bucks and the person's like, well, what do you have? It's like fifty thousand dollars. So the people that were with the mom started calling nine on one. They called the dad. The dad's like, wait, what goes up to her room because he thought maybe she'd been abductive from a room. She was up there a sleep in a room. Oh so weird. So here is Jennifer d. Stefano talking about getting that terrifying phone call with her daughter's fake voice claiming she had been kidnapped. I pick up the phone and I hear my daughter's voice and it says, mom, I messed up, and she's sobbing and crying. And then I hear a man's voice say put your head back, lie down. And this man gets on the phone and he's like, I've got your daughter. This is how it's gonna go down. You called the police, you call anybody. I'm gonna pop her some expopful of drugs. I'm gonna have my way with running a drop rob in Mexico and in the background, she's going helped me, moms. I never doubted for one second it was her. So that's so real because they're using her voice from what they got off TikTok, because the kid had TikTok and there's a lot of videos of our talking. So they're about to pull the voice off that and that is terrible. That is and who does that? What kind of loser? What kind of scum human evil person? Gosh, I mean, I go, still, somebody's two million dollars shoes before I do that. There's no kids, are That's fine. Yeah, I'd break in and then do a heist. But that is really really bad, And so I just want abody to know that's being done. I don't know if that's being done all the time. But because this technology is not happening, it's a new scam. We shouldn't talk on the radio anymore. They're gonna take our voice talk now on Oh what are we supposed to do if like the one time you're you know, someone hears this, and then tomorrow, let's say they get a call because their child really has been abducted, and they're like, na, na, I heard this on the ball, I say i'd find the kid right before you start saying, but that's a new thing. Um. So the more you know they're cloning voices and be aware. Lunchboxes in the garage right now, lunchbox, How you doing, buddy? Hey man, I'm just waiting. I'm waiting to get those envelopes. Apparently it's the cop cars coming around the corner. Now listen how they knocking on that garage? You go out there? Okay, the garage door was open, so he was knocking on the run. Well, if it's closed, he needs It's not closed, it's open. He's doing theater the mind right now. That's not even real. I want to hear it open. Oh boy, okay, I just telling the pull on in, Pull on in baby. Okay, hey guys, pull on in baby, say okay, we're gonna come back in a second. Apparently they're not there. Can we out here? I open the garage? No one here? So the garage door was closed. You're saying it was closed. Now I'll close it back so you can hear it again. When are they get I don't need to hear it again. Leave it open. They're bringing the ACM Awards. Two lunch boxes in the garage that they have a police garage doors. I don't care. He's gonna get We actually don't know. We don't hear it. Oh you don't hear it. So they should be there in the next minute or so. Get the case with the envelopes in it, bring it in the studio, and in the next fifteen eighteen minutes, we will announce for the first time the ACM nominees for twenty twenty three. Okay, yeah, yea. I'll wait un hill till they're here so you can hear me. Good bye. I'm good. If they're not there yet, I'm gonna go ahead and jump out and we'll come back in a second. Wait, wait, hold on, they're here. They're here, all right, good get it. I don't we can't. Can we hear the great turn of the music? That real down? Let's listen? Okay, okay, I think he shut it to open it, because it definitely was not shut when I look at few minutes ago. We hear it though for me. See all envelopes for you, sir, thank you. I was having a sign time what he gonna sign? Let's go? So now he owns them. Now he gets to do it all right, he's coming in right now. I will do it. And oh man, you listen the first envelope. Do you want to know which one it is? Yeah? I kind of want to know. Okay, Entertainer of the Year. I figured that way won't come. We'll be back in a suddent. I'm dressed up for the occasion. Yeah, right, man, tuxedo for the announcements here, that's what this deserves. Now, waist down, you can't see I'm just in shorts. Of course, I want to spoil it, but I look good on top, bad on bottom. So it's time for the announcements of the ACM Awards, all the nominees. By the way, the show will be hosted by Dolly and Garth. The fifty eight a CM Awards will stream live exclusively on Amazon Prime Video Thursday May eleventh, eight seventh Central from the Forth Center at the Star in Frisco, Texas. Now, these awards are being stream right now on our Bobby Bones Show Facebook page, so you can watch them in all of their glory and see me in a bow tie that's slightly too tight. I had Abby help put it on. She goes that choking you as a dent is it because you're working out. Oh probably, We'll say that for sure. Yeah. So we have all the major categories to announce, and I'm very excited to be the one to do its. Very excited they trusted me this first envelope for Entertainer of the Year. This is big. You want us to cheer after everyone when you want it's like, wait, wait until the end, you got and if you cheer in the middle, I'm gonna have to score you out. Entertainer of the Year. Your nominees are Jason Aldan, That's the Trouble is a Hard Brace's Leave, Breaking Down Water, Luke Combs, Black Around Way southun Fin Backs on Desert Rain, Miranda Lambert It all Stars so done. Keeper. Also for Entertainer of the Year, Chris Stapleton, j Ship, Probably, Carrie Underwood, I'm the Kid, Kane Brown, Are you Become Get? And your final nominee for Entertainer of the Year is Morgan wallen Way. Congratulations to all the nominees for Entertainer of the Year. Cheer everybody love. Oh well, that's a great one. Okay, I thought this, we wanted to say, but we just dumped it all in the Wielbarrel and I'm an idiot. I was in here going, oh, he's about to announce the winner. Wouldn't that be hlatous? I was like, every announced in the winner and I'm an idiot. I don't be on the awards show. I understand. I got the first Navy name was the winner, and I was like, and then he started naming other people, a lot of winners. Everybody's winner today. Next up for the fifty eighth ACM Awards Female Artist of the Year. Yea, take a listen to the envelope. Yes here we got wonderful ladies. Let's open it up. And your nominees for Female Artist of the Year are Miranda Lambert, Ashley McBride. It's just a rook. You ain't got a La Blaney Wilson, I got a heart like Spender, Carle Pierce what he didn't dream? And your final nominee for Female Artists of the Year Kelsey Ballerini. Congratulations to all of our nominees. Nice. That's what a voice sounds like, an angel, So all that stuff. Who wanted to say in the middle of it, we're not showing favoritism the one time in our life. Yeah. Next, up Male Artist of the Year. As the envelope hits the microphone, I'm about to lose his bow tie. I' about to start choking. Can you Can you breathe? I can breathe, obviously, but it's like I always have something in my throat now, but it's the bow tie just strangling me. Male Artist of the Year. By the way, you can still watch all of this on our Facebook page. Just go and search for Bobby Bones show. Feel like your neck is turning red. It's my whole head tomato here you look? Are you dizzy? Are you breathing? Mom? Male Artist of the Year. Your nominees are Luke Combs, Chris Stapleton, and Kane Brown Baby I Got Country, Jordan Davis, when you gives me the way that when you get cats seem And your final nominee for Male Artists of the Year, Morgan Wallen. I any everybody, all the comments that you were thinking during it. We don't want to say specifically after anyone, but released them now seven. He deserves laughter all this time. He deserves that one. Wow. Wow man, I'm dolling him after the show. No tas he loses. That's right, all right, We're still have a few more categories here. The next up fifty eight Daniel Lacey m Awards that will stream live exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. These are your nominees for Single of the Year Bang it on the microphone? Yeah, hold on? Does that do? I don't know? Proves we have envelopes. Yeah, your nominees for Single of the Year. So what's gonna happen on this one is? This is awarded to the artist, the producers, and the record label the record company sing All of the Year. There are five nominees. The first Heart Like a truck Landy Wilson, producer Jake Joyce record company Broken Bow Records. Next, He Never Wanted to Be That Girl Carly Pearce and Ashley McBride. Producer is Josh Osbourne Shane mcinally the record company Big Machine Records, Warner Music Nashville. For Single of the Year, the nominee is She Had Me at Heads Carolina Coleswindow, California. Producer Zak Crow record company label Warner Music Nashville. Also up for Single of the Year, Thank God from Kane and Caitlin Brown, Dan producer Dan Huff record company RCA Nashville. And your final nominee for Single of the Year goes to Cody Johnson Until you Can't, If you Got very Good, Very good by you, If you Got da Producer Trent Wellman, record company label, Warner Music, Nashville Cojoe Music. Those are your nominees for Single of the Year. Do you think, guys? I sing it all the time. I was worrying favorite they played it so much. Man, I got tired of that song. I still jammed that one. So you don't even know what we're talking about. You got a man, Okay, I'll say. The fifty eighth a CM Awards will stream live exclusively on Amazon Prime Video Thursday, May eleventh, eighty seventh Central from the Ford Center at the Star in Frisco, Texas. So here's what we have remaining. We have Album of the Year, Group of the Year, Duo of the Year. We have three more awards. But here's what I'm going to do. Before I pass out, I'm gonna hit a little break. You're gonna lose the time. Well, I'm just gonna take it off for a second. I think I need it. When we come back, I need to still look good, right, Fashion words or what do they say? Fashion pain? Is fashion, pain hurts. I don't know what they say. I don't know. So we're gonna come back in a second and do more of the ACMs. You can also watch on our Facebook page. Just go search for the Bobby Bones Show and all the entire list will be revealed on the website and social today at nine thirty eight thirty Central, and you can use the hashtag a CM Awards. All that being said, give us a second. I'm gonna get a few gulps of oxygen, and then we're gonna come back. Everybody good about that? All right, We'll be back. Movie Mike's Movie Report. In theaters this weekend. Rinnfield starring Nicholas Cage, where he plays Dracula. The movie follows the story of his assistant Rinnfield, as he finds love and realizes he no longer wants to be Dracula's lackey. Also in theaters this weekend, The Pope's Exorcist starring Russell Crowe. This horror movie is about a priest who has performed more than one hundred thousand exorcisms in his lifetime. So check that out if you're like me and are into movies that are gonna make it hard for you to sleep at night. I'm movie Mike and that's your movie report. Check out movie Mike's movie podcast wherever you get your podcasts. The fifty eight ACM Awards on Amazon Prime Video coming up on May eleventh. We just announced all the nominees for Entertainer of the Year, Female Artist to the Year, Mail Artist of the Year, in Single of the Year. We still have three major categories to go here a first Duo of the Year one. Here we go because we're gonna be in there, okay, nor opening the envelope. Your nominees for Duo of the Year this year's ACM Awards are Brooks and Done, Most the Line Brothers, Osborne, Old y'all got Dan and Shade for Days, Maddie and Tay and the War and Treaty Line is no Due. Those are your nominees for Duo of the Year. Everybody clot now that they're doing. They deserve it. So on. They got screwed last time, all right, they did. I'm talking about what was happening. What happened? Oh, you can't make you see you did? And then I looked over. I thought something's wrong. Oh okay, that I got excited, I will sit on my hands. They're never gonna let us do it again if we get excited. Okay, we're not excited. Well, after this segment's over, we'll be excited to say a bunch of controversial crap, but not during this because this is a segment we dedicated to them. Two categories left, Group of the Year. You ready for it, let's go here it is on the microphone. Your nominees for a group of the Year are Lady a Reason, a little bit down? Yeah, yeah, Midland people, Zack Gotta Drinking I mean Old Dominion Bag, and finally Zach Brown Band. We're all that's your group of the year, everybody, Okay, I wonder how they split their moneys erk. Who knows that I could be talking about any one. I do think though, probably that's just the same same groups every time. Yeah, we need to start a band. We need to start and maybe not finally, Album of the Year. It is another one of the big ones we're playing for this. Here we go. Album of the Year. Let's open it up. You're nominees for the fifty ACM Award Album of the Year are by the way, This is awarded to the artist, the producers, and the record company. So I'll be reading all those because they're all part of this nomination. Ashley McBride, Lindeville Ashley McBride, producer John Osbourne, record company, label Warner Music Nashville. Hey Ray, because they're gonna use this clip, let me say Lendyville again. Yeah, we'll just act like this part didn't happen. We'll headed it out even though it's live. Album of the Year. Are you ready for it, everybody? Yeah, because the only thing I don't want to do is screw it up. I want to do this perfectly. Yeah, all screw it up. You got to go to that. You're good, good, good. This is awarded to the artist, the producer, and the record company. Ashley McBride presents Lindyville, Ashley McBride, Hit It Ray, There's Nothing, producer John Osborne, the record company label, Warner Music, Nashville. Next Up. Album of the Year Belle Bottom Country Landy Wilson, producer Jay Joyce, record company and label Broken Bow Records. Album of the Year nominee, Growing Up, Luke Combs in the Middle Producers Luke Combs, Chip Matthews, Jonathan Singleton, record company, Columbia Records. That there are two left Prolbum of the Year Palomino, Miranda Lamberts producers John Randall, Luke Dick, Miranda Lambert and mikey Reeves. Record company label Banner Records, RCA Records, Nashville. And your final nominee for Album of the Year, mister Saturday Night, John Party. They call me mister Saturday Producers John Party, Bart Butler, Ryan Gore. Record company label Capitol Records, Nashville. Those are your nominees for Album of the Year. Yeah, a lot of records that bad song, those all had good songs. Yeah. And that label my favorite. Oh that's a good label. That's the label. Those are your nominations for all those categories we do have. Um, let's go over to Miranda Lambert, who's on the phone right she's calling. She's on the phone. Yeah. We as soon as she was nominated, we got to nobody has a Rollodex, but every number it's always just texted, Hey, Miranda, Okay, so we just written we just read your name a lot so album of the Year, you know, because you share that with a lot of other folks. Does that one have a different kind of significance to you. Yes, absolutely, It's it's pretty fun to get to celebrate stuff like that with your with your best beats. You know, it's awesome. I'm so thrilled with that because Palomino's such a labor of love and I'm I'm pumped. That was awesome news. That was good morning coffee news. What about Palomino to you felt different than your other projects also, you know, critically acclaimed and people acclaimed. Is that to think people acclaimed? Yeah? Yeah, what about Palomino was different to you though? You know what, I've never written a record like kind of kind of concept. I mean, it's not a concept record, but it definitely had this comment threads through and we got to make up some interesting characters that we met along the way on this whole journey of Palomino because we sort of covered the whole map of the United States in this record, and so we were writing with a purpose to like meet these people and go through this storyline. And it was really really fun and cool, and it was we wrote it during the time where we couldn't travel at all, so it felt good to like write about freedom hearing a lockdown portion of our life, you know, well, Miranda, congratulations, so great to talk to you and I hope your day is awesome. There she has Miranda Muli by Miranda. Thank you guys. Bye. I didn't know she was gonna be nominated for album. What we did during the break is we called her after she was nominated for female and it just happened. She was on when we did album. All right, tell me that ain't yuh? And on the phone as well. We have for the first time nominee for Male Artist of the Year, Jordan Davis. Come on, Jordan Davis, where are you right now? I'm pacing around my kitchen like an idiot. I'm actually still in kind of the same spot wherever you read my name. I've just been kind of walking back and forth because this is absolutely crazy. How do you feel because I feel that this is a major marker for your career because here you are in a major category and awards show. How do you feel about this? Only I don't know six minutes after you heard it? Yeah, I mean, well, I'll be honestly, I did not expect to be in this category. There's a ton of crazy talented people in there, but it definitely feels like a like a step, you know, I mean, we it's tough to think back on where we started and think that we're now up for Male Artists of the Year. It's just it's crazy. I guess he's talking about him in the mouth of his pocket. He said, mel Artist Year. Yeah, yeah, hey j D, that's you, buddy. I don't know, it's crazy, man, Um, I'll let you like digest this. We're gonna talk to Jordan tomorrow anyway, which we had scheduled just about you know, random stuff. But Jordan, you deserve it. Man. Congratulations And well, would you have gone to the ACMs had you not been nominated? That's the question. Yeah. I was going either way because I mean, my family's on in Dallas, so I was going, but I was kind of expected to just be going to hang out. Now it could be a lot more fun, and he'll probably been more on clothes because you want to look better on camera. Yeah, you know, you gotta look sharp, and then you gotta practice that when they put your face in a box and they're they're showing who might win, you have to practice your Oh I'm so happy anyway that that face just in case you don't win and be like oh, because I would not be like some of them and then it would go viral. So you're better than Definitely, I'll definitely be. I'll have that face ready. So hey, congratulations man, all seriousness, you deserve it. And first time ever nominee Male Artists that the year Jordan Davis. Jordan, we'll talk you tomorrow, buddy. Thanks, Bobby. All right there you he's got a shot. The guys killing its killing it, so I'll say one more time. The ACMs are hosted by Dolly and Garth. They're fifty eighth. I've been to every one of them. Wow, wow, you look good. Thank you. Yeah, I've been every every one of them. Ams will stream live exclusively on Amazon Prime Video Thursday, May eleventh, eighty seventh Central from the Ford Center at the Star in Frisco, Texas, Dallas. Cowboys. That's all right, let's go Cowboys. All the nominations we posted up on the ACM website and socials today. Thank you for letting us do this. And I think that's it. I think now shows over time to go home. In the next second bal and ounce the winners. All right, that's what I just thought of a joke for Eddie because of the cowboys and like, at least tonight, Yeah, that's not funny at all. Why she takes a shot at you joining this great moment? Okay, thank you guys. Back in a second. Now, the nominee for best looking, funniest guy and all in Nashville that's grown his hair out get a little curly this year? Who could that be? That's me? Thank you, thank you, thank you. I do believe that we as a show and me, I'm gonna say it, I should be commended for not throwing any funny or terrible jokes in the middle of the announcements. I took it seriously. If there's a time, take it seriously, I did it. I didn't do any jokes in the middle of the categories that take a lot of effort. It did because man, I had They were flying at me fast and furious. In my head. I got a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. And the devil is like, come on, say the joke, Say the joke about can bown getting screwed so many years and finally get his recognition. And then the other guy's like, say the joke. But I didn't, even though they both were telling. I know, but like a Kane Brown finally getting the recognition that that dude deserves awesome for male and for Entertainer of the Year and him and his wife for Single of the Year. That I'm talking about, Jordan Davis. That is why I'm talking about. That hurts my hand when I hit the table. Okay, I digress. Time for the news. Thank you Bobby's story. This is a little later today because of what just happened. Just in case you ever wonder what time it was, Americans under the age of forty five are staying married now more than ever, divorces way down. New data shows younger couples are approaching relationships very differently from baby boomers who married too young, then divorced, then remarried. New generations are being picked here about who they marry, tying the knot at older ages when education, careers, and finances are taken care of. Basically, this is a result of US divorce rate that is dropping dramatically. It's down almost eighteen percent, which is pretty significant. And yeah, when you're young, you make a lot of terrible decisions, and some of those if you're eighteen nineteen, twenty one, twenty two twenty five. Turns out you weren't full developed or you didn't know really who you were, who they were, who you're gonna be, and now you gotta figure it out. Luckily for me, I got married at sixty one. Ye, so yeah, man, so I don't know who I am? You know what was? Absolutely? That's from Bloomberg? Did you know your pet and dogs all wrong? Especially dogs you do not know well, because here's a story. According to Vets, the best place to petted dog is under the chin in a very loving manner. The one thing you should never do immediately is start patting a dog's head, especially if you don't know as a dog or have a relationship with a dog, because that movement can be seen as dominant or an aggressive gesture. If a dog feels that a hand that they're not used to is touching them from the top of their head, they might think or feel like it's a bigger dog or other thing attacking them or touching a part of their body that is very vulnerable, which is the head, the top of the head. So they say, if you don't know a dog and you must pet it, which we all do it. Yeah, Okay, you don't pet the top of the head, pet under the chin. That's why dogs love me because I go for under the chin every single lets you go for the butt. I was gonna scrush up, but that feels good because they can't reach it or their chess, the butt or the chess because they can't reach that with their own you know. Pause, So they're like thank you. They're like, oh my bunch, beenage for three years. That's from Mental Floss magazine. Moving on Michael Jordan shoots, which we mentioned earlier. So for two point two million dollars are the ones that he wore in the NBA Finals game nineteen ninety eight. Air Jordan thirteens from the Last Dance documentary over two million dollars. That is crazy. That is from The Daily Mail from study Finds dot org in a survey of two thousand men under the age of forty three. Get this, only fifty four percent of men brush their teeth daily every day. Who doesn't? Who doesn't? I don't. I don't know a single person sometimes LaunchBox, I guess everyone's mostly you still do. Yeah, every once in a while you realize it's five o'clock at nine You ever brush your team you're like, oh, man, five o'clock, sure, cut off. I would think like eleven forty pm. And you're like, well, I'm already in bed, not five o'clock. And you talk the whole day evening ahead of you. No, it's like five o'clock on. Man, I haven't brushed my teeth because I'm just not gonna do it today. Only thirty five percentiment and wash their face every day. I don't. I don't do that. Oh who does that? I don't because anytime I do, if I use like, my face breaks out and I have good skin right now, luckily, so in the shower you just let water run over it and that's it. Sometimes they just keep it out on the water. Baby. Sometimes you don't shower face when you shower. No, just water. Wow. I don't use soap or anything. I don't I have, but it just never works out for me or itch. I think I might be allergic to face soap. I think after you started you heard what I said. I said what I said, and I'm moving on. I said what I said. Nope, not even my wife or whatever you're about to say, Nope, Nope, I said what I said. I'm allergic to it. A couple of things I'm allergic to. One not being at to play PlayStation all the time. Oh yeah, for sure. And there's no medicine for that. Yeah. Sometimes I'm just like, I know we're suppoially eating dinner right now, but I need to control or just in case I need to play PlayStation access to A twenty four seven. I think I have the allergy too, Do you have that? Outsame? One? Thirty percent of men floss, only thirty I floss or day, And if I don't get to floss, I use those floss picks, which I do consider some similar ish, not fully but similar flossing. Here's a difference. So it's the thread is not exactly the same. It is flossing in washing. Okay, thank you. HBO is changing their name to Max. It's not HBO Max anymore. As of May, it'll be called Max. Why you ask? Guy spent a lot of time reading this story because I love HBO Max. It is my favorite. They have the best content on HBO Max. I feel. So they were merged with like Discovery, all of those channels, so they're smashing it all together and they don't want it to be just known by HBO so they're not going to take away the HBO stuff, but it's not going to be a dominant HBO product because of all the things they're bringing to it. So they want to somewhat change the brand from people thinking about it's just HBO, people thinking about it's just a great service with a lot of things like the Discovery Plus brand, which has a bunch of stuff involved in it, and so the costs aren't really going to be any different. But here's what is funny. There'll be three tiers. There's Mad Max ad Light, Mad AD Free, which are identical to what what they have now, and they're offering a suit like a super ad Free. It's just all it's a confusing what they have hold on at They have Light ads add Free and then Max ad Free. But if if AD free, I'm glad you asked, I don't know. So it's actually called Max Ultimate AD Free. So it's priced in nineteen ninety nine a month or one hundred and niney nine dollars for the annual subscription. What they'll do here, it's a light to stream it in four K. I don't know the difference. I know when it's crappy, but I don't know the difference in like three K and four K and eight K. Yeah, and you can download everything, okay, what you can't do otherwise you can only stream. I don't know. It seems like that's in waste. This is like the car wash at the gas station, Like there's four different car washer. They're all this the oil change. Yeah, okay, spot free rents Okay, I really need that for an extra eight dollars. It does nothing. Okay. That's from the Daily Beast. Production of season two of House of Dragon has begun. I love Game of Thrones. I love House of Dragon, maybe even more up on a first season watch because House of Dragon is much easier to follow. But they're working on season number two. Is a great show. That's from the Hollywood Reporter. Also in the news, a miracle new hangover cure could be probiotics. That's what I'm talking about. It's a pill full of good gut bacteria that may have nasty side effects from the night of booze. Now, before I talk more about this, is there anything that you guys live and die buy when you would get a hangover? Eddie your first it's a suit. It's a Mexican suit. Man Like since I was I don't know, twenty twenty years old, my dad would make manudo after a long night of drinking and I'd be like, Wow, this is amazing. I feel better. Your dad would make it for you. That's my dad, so he would do well. He'd make it for him too, for both you guys would be at drinking together sometimes. So and then what about people like myself who grew up in Arkansas. We did not have access to Mexican culture soups. We're just screwed because they got the hangover. Is only you can make it. I'll send you the spice. No, I don't want to make it out drink, but I'm saying it. Was it something about that specifically? This in other foods as well, like was it a super salty thing or this specifically? What is it's probably a lot of fat. Is a soup with the stomach lining, stomach lining and corn. It's delicious. But before we go, oh, you know what the crap? We eat hot dogs basically a picked but thank you, yes, and limbs. Yeah, it's like full, you're going full pick rectum and you're eating and you're putting mustard on it. So now we judging Eddie's stumba thank you, yeah, lunchbox of here. I don't get hangovers never, No, not that. I mean I can't even tell you in time I got to hangover. That's crazy, Amy, I mean, might all mountain dew in a cold shower? Well, I thought that was every morning for the show. Teen wins one million dollars on the first day that he can play the lottery legally. What California. Caleb Heing had his eighteenth birthday as a gift as grandma got him my California lottery scratcher. Well, and scratching he did. He won a million bucks. That's crazy. Wow wow wow. Oh. Then do you think he's gonna be good with that money? Yeah, it's gone. Does he get about half a million from it after taxes? Maybe six hundred? Give the grandma no nah, Maybe take her to dinner or something crazy. And then finally in the news, pagers like together, hold on, here we go Party at one. A man boards a plane realizes he's the only passenger on the aircraft. Some Fox News. I love it. I wish it were me. His name is Paul. He got on a flight, and when he gets on the flight, He's like, am I way early? And they're like, no, you're the only one who booked it. Drills on there, that's amazing. Yeah, so he did nothing that the whole the flight cost him one hundred and forty three dollars and nobody else took flight, and so it just there's a picture of him the only person standing up in the flight, and you go, well, why would they still fly if there's like one person on it? That plan's got to get to another spot, right, so you just eat it the crew. Yeah, so that's I would be running up and down those aisles asking for drinks like it'd be amazing. I like to sit here and have this drink. Then I'm gonna move over there and if I get a couple of peanuts and then I want to go back there. So that's what's up, and that is the newby's story. Sorry. The day this story comes to us from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a man was about to go rob a bank and he's like, all right, I got my beanie, got my mask, got my note, ready to go check check check. He's run down a checklist, ye walks in, has the beanie on, has the mask on. Only problem is he has the mask under the chin. Oh, and so he's not covering. He just had like a surgical mask. Oh. So it's like a COVID man. Like a COVID man ask and so got a little harder than that, his eyes, mouth, everything. Put it up on the news. They recognize him because he was anti masker. No, no, he has a mask on. He just forgot. Maybe they couldn't hear him. I don't know, but he had it around his chin, and so he's right there on the camera. Yeah yeah, okayah, I mean, but he did have a checklist. He had it all there. And if he, you know, had some sort of disease, infectious disease, well he got it on. Everybody gonna give him benefit of the doubt. That's the trick. Though. If you're the teller, you'd be like, I can't understand. Can you pull your masks down here? If they're robbing you, Sarah, would you take your whole ski mask off? Sorry, it's hard for me to tell you exactly how much you want here? Yeah, right, okay, go ahead, I'm lunchbox at your bone head. Story of the day, Big day, all the ACM noms happened. We got to announce it prettty cool. So I don't know, pretty neat to do. I got dressed up. I always love getting dressed up. Do you nah? I kind of hate it, but I did. I got it today though, lunchbox. You went to home depot yesterday, Yeah, and I got a ryo be freaking blower And let me tell you, dude, it blows like no one's blown before. I can know. What are you blowing though? The backyard, sticks, leaves, dirt, anything, Dude. I can blow my kids over. I mean it's awesome. It's like Easter eggs they are left over. They just throw the eggs all the ground. Then what do you do once you blow into a pile? I have them pick it up. They have fun, they have it calls. You have your kids pick it up. Yeah, Hey, how many can you pick up? I bet you can't pick up as many as me. And they pick it all up, Mark, And then I got some earths grow mulch. And let me tell you Amy's sister, She's gonna regret not putting my show house on the TV show because you're mulching. It looks so nice. It looks like a real nice house in the backyard. It's Spring Black Friday at the home Depot, which means the time to refresh your outdoorspaces. So lunch with the home depot. Yesterday he got that big blower right. Let me tell you what it is, Thobe eighteen vault cordless blower and some bags of earth grow mulch. I thought about bringing the blower in here and showing you guys, but I didn't know. Yeah, probably better not to do that. It's time to do your spring at the home depot. This is your season, your space in your place to bring it all alive. Do more this season with Spring Black Friday savings at the home depot. How doers get more done? All right, that's what's up? Thank you guys. I mean, anything going on today with you? Softball game? I mean not for me but my daughter and we just watch. Is it a lot of that? Are you into a lot of softball games? Oh? Well, some of them are away? We don't really no pressure. We're talked about that. But don't the away games just down the road too. They're not like all in town. It's not like back in the day we used have to go an hour to pay teams. Right, Yeah, I mean we just kind of write those off. Yeah, it's like, yeah, they're away, but she goes. Of course she goes. They take a bus. There's just a lot of the parents kind of we have this agreement. We're good with not going to the well, not the hardcore players, like the really good ones, but us, you know, my people. I have a telehealth call today with my doctor, so instead of like a physical for some of my insurance stuff, we can just get on zoom. Which to think about the pandemic. One of the benefits of a lot of things going wrong is that we had to learn to do things and then we went, oh, this can actually be done in a way that's never been done before, like getting on Zoom with the doctor. And so I have that today. Said, they put an hour in for me to do that. We don't have to show them on zoom for now. Yeah, dude, they do like a full exam through the zoom. I don't think like a hand comes out or anything. That's what I said about what don't have to show them like weird? So I have that today working out, you're working out with me today. I'm there, dude, all right, So you guys, thank you for being here. You guys, have a great day. We'll see you tomorrow. By everybody,