Thurs Full Show: A Relationship Update + Rejected Segments

Published May 23, 2024, 5:00 PM

Bobby and the show members check in with Morgan to see how her new relationship is going, and Morgan says the "man in uniform" is still doing all the nice things he was doing before they were ever official. Plus, the latest round of rejected segments is here!

Mom transmitting this.


Welcome to Thursday Show Morning Studio. Mormy, you get to know your GTK question of the day. Who is in your life that you want to thank right now? Who are you going to say thank you to right now? It could be anybody in the whole world, but you want to thank them.

All right, let's go, Amy, I'm going to do a thank you in advance to my sister because I'm about to hit her with a lot of questions as I move, because I'm going to be moving. I'm going to be selling my house and be moving to a new house. And she has all the style and design and arranging tips.

Oh she has a reality showverybody that doesn't know that's a good thing to tell you.

She had, yeah on ITHG TV. But her and her husband, that's what they do. And it's not even just that I need new things at all. It's sort of she's just really good at arranging things. Like I'll put the same pieces of furniture in a room one way, and she'll come in and just rearrange them like totally different. I'm like, how did your brain even think of that?

It's called establishing dominance.

So in advance I'd like to thank my sister for how much will we be hitting her up in the.

Next month or so, lunchbox.

I would like to thank the lifeguards out there because the pools open this weekend. The city pools open, and that means we can take the kids and we can wear them out, and we can learn how to swim and we can have a great summer. Because the pools are about to open, it's important, and the.

Ladies and the bikinis will be there.

Let's go, Hello, Mama, you had to make it weird, Eddie.

I want to thank Max the streaming service for bringing back one of my favorite shows that I thought was Dead Dude. In the early two thousands, I would watch every episode of Cold Case.

You remember that show? Never watched it? Oh, it's so good.

It would always start with like a music mond, So if the original crime happened in the seventies, it'd be abb a dancing queen, and then'd be these girls dancing, and then it would slowly fade away to like a girl dead in like the canal, and then it would go to current day and they'd be like, oh, remember that girl in the canal. We found something out and they solve it. It's so good and on mats now they have the entire seasons, all of them. It's all on Max. So all the old ones, but they're making new ones. No, no, no, he brought back the old ones. I think they started making it that they would show.

On like one of those weird networks that was like a Fox Business or.

A t L. No, it's like CBS. This was a major network.

Was Yeah, because sometimes they'll show like locked Up or what are the prison shows?

That's good? What is that on? I don't even know?

Yeah, you maybe any but like I never know the network and I really don't flip the channels anymore because it's but it's all streaming.

Yeah, but Cold Case do what. I'm amazing. Shark Tank is the show that I would do that. You should watch it and watch it, watch it. Never know the network. But that's a cold Case, Cold Case. I love it. Yeah, all right, I want to thank Carol Taylor.

And I have a signed Larry Bird basketball right here, signed by Larry Birds the basketball player.

Let me see that.

No, nope, now let me tell you what happened. I had a Larry Bird basketball and Eddie signed it. Accidentally. We were signing balls for our Too Much Access show, which was basketball at the time, and my Larry Bird ball was on as a prop on our podcast set at my house. But we were signing balls right by the chairs and Eddie actually grabbed the ball signed it.

I still have the Larry Bird and Eddie signed ball. It was kind of mixed in with all the other balls, so it was an.

Accident run by Larry Bird ball. Hilarious, tragic.

But Carol sent me this ball signed by Larry Bird because Morgan, can you help me with this? She has a relative in that used to be in the Celtics.

Yes, so her uncle used to be the.

What's the religious thing for the Celtics, the religious Yeah, I believe he was a priest for the Celtics and for a long time, so he had a connection to the Celtics's ball about and she hit them up and they're like and she like, she jumped through some hoops, got it signed and then send it.

Over to you. It's so nice.

So Carol, thank you, She wrote a note, Sorry it took so long for this to get to you. I appreciate all you do. You're the best part of Monday through Friday. So you want to do something for you to pay it forward. Hope this brighten's your day. Thank you, Carol Taylor. That's very kind of you, and I will keep it far from Eddie.

Okay, this is bothering me because it's chaplain right, probably chaplain? Oh yeah, that's that.

Sounds going on, right, Celtics Catholic? I imagine I'm.

Not Maybe it is, but in my brain I couldn't think of like, you.

Know, we're just filling out the word Orish Catholic because Celtics they're Irish.

But I mean you like at a hospital they have that like and I was bothering me to you like I could. I was like, why is my brain not give it this word? It's chaplain?

Okay, thank you Carol. That is super nice, super kind to you. I do not deserve it, but I will accept this gift with humbly and lovingly. How's that usually make fun of myself? I get a gift or something I'm just accepting. So you drop fell off my death. It's round it rolls.

Who knew. Let's open up the mail bag.

You friend him a game mail and I get all the air get something we call Bobby's mailbag.

Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones. I'm a sixty seven year old father to a wonderful daughter. She's decided to stay with her boyfriend, who recently got out of jail for stilling two hundred thousand dollars from his grandparents. Because of this, I'd not want to leave her a large sum of money when I pass. My problem is, how do I tell her I'm removing her from my will. If I tell her, I'm scared she'll hate me and ind our relationship. But if I don't tell her now, she'll be disappointed whenever that time does come. Her boyfriend is already stilen two hundred dollars from her checking account since his release from jail.

What is happening?

He has a gambling problem, but continues to deny it. I cannot take the chance that he wouldn't steal it from her. On a larger scale, she stands to inherit a lot of money. How do I tell her? I know I can set up a trust for her, but telling her my decision is the difficult problem. Signed planning ahead in Florida. Well, here's the first thing you should know. What I think she knows? Bro When you dieing will matter to you.

Well, that's true. I don't worry about it.

That surprised you're gonna fix you at all, You're dead a little bit of it. You just have to decide you and your daughter in that relationship and what you want to leave her, and don't base it on exterior factors like her boyfriend.

That could change, it really could change. But also she's with a freaking loser. So yeah, he steals. Yes, that's it, she's a loser. You can't fix that. You can't. You're not gonna be able to fix who your daughter is with, not at this point.

If they're adults. Leave her in the will, you're dead. If he steals on when you're dead again, it doesn't matter.

I'm sure you're gone. You don't want to.

Hurt that relationship with your daughter, and don't make a decision on the future of your daughter based on factors that may not even exist in the future with your daughter, like a loser boyfriend.

But God, a conversation like this like maybe spur her to be like, oh maybe I should break up.

I think she knows. I think he comes out of jail and she steals from him. I think she probably already knows. Yeah, man, she's just with a loser. But don't let that affect your relationship with her and something that doesn't involve him, because he may not be around. I'll tell you what, leave me, leave it to me, Leave your money to me, and you're will give me the executor. No, I just want I just want the money. And if I feel she's doing a good job on a crumber, a bread crumber, Uh, leave her what you were gonna leave her. You can't predict what's going to happen in the future with her boyfriend. If she's smart, she'll dump them. And if not, God, love them. But that's not really your problem. You're dead and yeah really won't be Yeah, you're dead. Yeah, it's the beauty of death, I guess. Or you could just set up a full trust and then let that be a half surprise to her.

What does that mean?

I don't know what that is.

This is a trust, uh, dictating when it goes out, who it goes to, how much at a time, at what age X person gets X money type of thing. You can do that and again, she won't be totally mad at you. She may be annoyed, but she won't be totally mattered to dead dad.

You twenty dollars a week, Yes, but it's.

One hundred if you're not with him. Yes.

Yeah, that's a tough one. I would say, don't worry about him. You can't predict future, so don't try so do what you would do even if he wasn't in the picture. Not married, if they're married to, probably a little different. They're not married, Thank goodness.

All right, there you go, close it up. We got your gammail and we laid it on her. Now let's found the clothes Bobby failed.

Back here.

Here is Alyssa from North Carolina.

I have a question for the parents in the room. I have a two and a half year old, and I lately have noticed that when she is not in a car with me, I'm listening to a lot of heavy metal and rap music, which I think I'm drawn to because normally we're listening to kids songs all day. Do any of you do something similar when your kids are not in the car, And what are your kind of go to genres or artists? Love the show?

Well, that'll be a nightmare to have young kids and have to listen to oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, Amy uh.

I listen to pretty much everything.

Now your kids are older now too, that's cool.

Yeah, yeah, my daughter likes to listen to Nimmunogen more so I listen to all more hardcore stuff when she's in the car.

Yeah. Amy's daughter listened to hardcore stuff ever, because she's listening to Eddie. No.

I believe we have a responsibility to teach our kids the music. So I teach him all the classics, I mean, dude, from when they were little. I start with the Beatles, I go to the Beach Boys, I go to Elvis, and by the time they're like.

Five, they know everyone. Do they ever get annoyed like dad's teaching us Billy Joel.

No, because I'll give him the phone and be like, all right, so and so you're picking the music for like the next ten minutes, and they go straight to.

Elvis and they never get annoyed. You want to give them multichoole stuff, No, dude, they love it. They love it, I'm telling you.

And maybe my sixteen year old he'll be the only one like, hey, Deck, can I play like some hip hop like that? He's the only one that has like special requests for what he wants to hear the rest.

I think I've trained him. Well, watchbox man, I ride in the silence. Oh he hates music, that's right, man, I don't understand that. I'll be honest. He runs in silence. He rides. I like silence.

And sometimes when the kids are in the car, they'll say, hey, can we turn on some music, which makes me question their DNA? But I put on anything I got, put on hip hop whatever, But you don't care. I don't care.

I just turned into a station and all right, cool here, listen to this.

But your wife loves music, so that's kind of half their DNA.

The right do you have?

And I'm asking this because I didn't know some people didn't have this? Do you have an internal monologue or an internal dialogue?

What do you mean?

Well, I guess monolog would be your you're not talking to yourself, so an internal like a dialogue with yourself?


Sometimes do you ever not have one?


Yeah, like when I'm watching TV or something, or like when I'm out for a run up that man, there's a nice run.

You're running a good pace.

Look at that having one? That's a cool house, or like you ever not have one?

Yeah? Well, I'm watching TV. I'm just watching TV.

Does he sound like you, like, does he yell at you my guy?


No, no lunchboxes? Does he yell like, hey, that's a nice house?



Can you yell at everyone else? So? Does your monologue? Yeah? Yeah? Does your inner inner voice sound like your voice? No? I don't know. I don't. It's like a sexty British one. It changes like we do our GPS.

I don't really understand sound like anything.

That sounds exactly like me. It minds me because and that minds like to me, they're both talking at the same time.

The times do this, but I remember do this? Do this?


I guess I just hear the I just know their words, but I don't know that I hear it.

So I started to watch these tiktoks about and I was shocked that some people do not have this. They don't have an internal monologue or dialogue. If you think you're talking with yourself, don't know what it is. But they don't have that internal voice, and they just are their voice when they think something, they say something, or but there's not like things happening ideas, there's not like internal arguments. I wonder if I should do this, And they say that for the most part of the people that have way less other people that are way less stressed, and that that voice is stress.

That voice is.

All the things that could possibly go right or wrong that you're running through one hundred times over.

That's what they mean when they say like you're in your own head, because like you're whatever's happening in your head, talking to yourself, whatever it is you're thinking that you're worrying about something.

Thirty to fifty percent of people don't have an inner voice. That's wild.

Like two of my kids, they'll be like just staring off into like the clouds, and I'll be like, what are you thinking about?



And I'm so shocked because if I'm staring at the clouds, I'm thinking about something. That's the only time I'm staring off. But them, no, they can stay at the clouds and not think about a single thing.

Can you talk about anything?

Yeah, I can sit in the backyard and just sit there and kids are running around.

I'm just like, chill.

Would you define yourself as stressed in any way?

There's nothing to be stressed about in life, right, But what about any sort of aspirations.

You can't stress about that.

It happens, say stress, let's say intensely focus.

On Oh no, I'm not intentionally focused on anything.

No, no, nothing, Yeah, like what are you intendally focused on?

Like money's always kind of a thing. I'm just like, man, am I going to pay for this?


Maunds like stress? Yeah? Always? Yeah, yeah, I'll see. I don't stress about that. I just figured I'll figured.

Out my kid, like finals are coming up, like is he gonna do well?

Like how's he gonna do? Stress out about it? Yeah?

You why say that? That's just stupid? Really, But I don't loop as much as I used to. You're right, Like if I was when I had a little bit more anxiety, and I would loop thoughts over and over and over. And I've that I've gotten that under control, so that's better. But so sometimes I'm thinking thoughts. Sometimes it's like, oh, should I go do that right now? Maybe I shouldn't do that. If I go do that, then it's just this, Oh what about in the fall? If I do Oh, and then we do the podcast and then oh yeah, if I could get this person, yeah, I mean, and then it bounces back to the past. Present future. Yeah, it's you know, it keeps me.

Oh man, he chills.

I wish I had more of that, Like that is something I'm envious of, lunchbox of he can just chill.

Yeah, just chill.

Let me a little bit of stress is my fantasy baseball team. I mean that's what I thought.

You know, I feel like I have a roundtable of about six and sitting around.

A table, you're all talking.

It's like yelling at each other about different things and finding what they mean is even gonna be about? But yeah, no, I wish I had less of an internal voice fifty percent.

Don't have one.

Anybody else not have an internal voice? Everybody, everybody does except the luchbox.

Here guys, boys talk to you all the time. Yeah, right now, something else the same. I'm sitting here, mine starting to meet in Spanish? Right really, No, that's me dude, Thanks you talking? All right, It's time for the good news.


The Pizza Roma is a pizza shop and they get a call one day, right and they're like, oh, I'd like to order sixteen pizzas. They go, okay, no problem, put the order in, put the pizzas in the oven. They're ready to go, no one picks them up and didn't pay for them, did not pay for him. They're like, oh my gosh, this is like two hundred dollars worth of pizzas. So they go on social media and say, hey, if anyone like baby forgot their pizzas, like we made these pizzas, they're here, they're ready for you.

And they happened for like a week.

No one ever can came up and claimed the pizzas until one guy says, you know what, man, I love you guys, I love your place. I'm an army veteran, I like to do good things for people. Let me pay for the pizzas. I didn't order them. So he went and he paid two hundred dollars for all the pizzas.

Like they should do some sort of if it's like more than four pizzas, some sort of deposit or pay for them all yeah, or don't start the order unless you know it's for real, for real. Well yeah, but that's why that's how you get a deposit, yeah, or or paying for it at all. But I guess if I order a pizza now, we pay for it all up front. Yeah, maybe just some some local chains still do it. The old fashion way. Sure, say, don't do all fashion anymore? You new fashion? What about Amy's pizzas? Like they ordered them to her house and they moved. They must have been doing it old fashioned way. They could pay for it for yeah, and they brought him and dropped them off her house and Amy's like, I don't know, those are four and I'm gonna move And she moved.

Who would pay for those just to drop them off in? Like, you're paying for a joke. That's an expensive joke. How many pizzas was it?

I think it's from four different places. I don't remember exactly.

H e bus for a joke.

It was like, and it's going to make her move out of her house. That's a pretty solid's a pretty sound.

Investment because the first time it was like I thought an accident. It was like Papa John's. And then like the next week, it's to bring me from Domino's. I'm like fu, And then and it was like different, like different name, different credit cards or I can't remember something because icept looking at the receipt to see if there were similarities, and I couldn't match anything.

See how long until you moved and you thought I can't handle this.

Well, it was that incombination of a letter that was put in my mailbox. So my mailbox was up at my so I had a little fence around my front yard. So you have to go through the fence and up to the mailbox, which was attached by my front door, like and you lift up the lever and put a letter inside. And I got this note, and I'm like, this is this is odd that, like you're someone found where I lived and it is dropping me notes now. And then at the time when I was married, Ben was going to Afghanistan like a lot and I was alone, and I was like, I am leaving.

So I talked to Daniel from Tiger Daniel who have often said probably was the mastermind him or Lunchbox. And Daniel has said, I'll come to a light detector, like I did not do this. He's like, I will show up because he lives in Tulsa. Now I will drive to Nashville take a light detector. I don't think he did it anymore. I think Lunchbox did it. I mean he hasn't said anything this whole time. I know, I think Lunchbox did it.

But okay, Eddie, great story. Good for that guy. Do you know the guy's name? A, Yeah, Travis Tuesdale. He's the only stepped up and paid for that. Travis. Good dude, that's what it's all about. That was tell me something good. Elder versus millennial, A trivia game, generational. It's been a brutal season.

It's lunchbox versus Abbey. Lunchboxes have three to one lunch. You're gonna get your questions first.

Let's go. He's a captain of cringe.

He says.

All he does is win.

He ended up driving back with his family on his Atlanta trip, so now we all know his wife wears the pants in their relationship.

It's lunchbox. No, it's called compromise. Alright ready Yeah.

Group released their debut album in two thousand and seven, which gave them their first big hit, Love Don't Live Here?

What Group? What Group?

Released their debut album in two thousand and seven, which gave them their first big hit, love Don't Live Here?

One direction incorrect? Abby, you can steal.

Don't live anymore?

Who is that?

Oh my gosh, love don't Live Here? It's a country oh lady A, Oh my gosh, why did that just do that?

Oh, you gotta switch on with Gray Country on Me Lunchbox.

Blake Lively stars as the lead character on What TV series about affluent teens living in New York City. Blake Lively stars as the lead character and What TV series about affluent teens living in New York City.

Uh Sabrina the Teenage with wrong Maddie?

Not gossip Girl?

What's your answer? You say not gossip Girl? Gossip Girl? What did you say that? He said not gossip Girl. Originally that was in my head.

I said it out loud, gossip Girl?


Forgot that that gossip I don't really assume.

Next up. Yeah.

Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson started together in What two thousand and three rom com about an advertising executive who bets that he can.

Make her fall in love with him quickly.


Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson starred together in What two thousand and three rom com about an advertising executive who bets that he can make her fall in love with him quickly.

How to Lose a Guy in ten Days? Correct? Wow?

Okay? After that round boom Abby two on two steals Lunchbox one let's introduce his opponent.

She's our phone screener and producer.

She's the singer of the song Hey They're downtown, and continues with this game even though listeners what is it.

Down, lady, Yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

She's the singer of the song hey their hometown, and continues with this game even though the listeners want her to step down.

Oh yikes, Abby, Abby, Ready, these are questions a little older than you.


What singer went number one on the Billboard Hot one hundred and nineteen eighty one with their song Physical?

Let's get physical Physical.

Her name is.

Oh She's in Greece, Olivia Newton, John Right, you were just passing lunchbox, Hinds.

If you would know that, it wouldn't matter anyway, Abby.

The nineteen eighty Winter Olympics hockey game between the United States and the USSR is often referred to as the Blank on Ice. The nineteen eighty Winter Olympics hockey game between the US and USSR is often referred to as the Blank on Ice. The battle incorrect lushbox, Abby, It's sort of like, if you win this game, it's a miracle.

Miracle on ice.

And the movie was called miracle became that great? That is a miracle current score Abby three? Lunchbox two.

Oh man, I need her to miss and I need her to get it right. You said that I needed to miss that I need to get it That's not what you said.

I don't know, Abby, What nineteen eighty five song features various artists and the song was recorded to raise money for African famine relief.

Changed This what?

Nineteen eighty five song featuring various artists, was recorded to raise money for African famine relief.

Change the World Incorrect, lunchbox, We Are the World a documentary. Let's box to give you three questions? She can't steal? Yeah, let's go what.

Disney Star transition to pop Princess with her two thousand and three album Metamorphosis and featured songs like So Yesterday and Come Clean.

So Yesterday, So Yesterday? Hillary? Correct? Yeah for good?

What's the name of the South Korean artist behind the twenty twelve viral hit Gangam Style Sign?



TV drama series set in a high school followed the lives of a group of students in Newport Beach, California.

Oh see correct, I just needed overtime folks, wake me up. I have to get this one. You have to, Abby, just like doesn't even no pressure? Oh Abby?

What? Artists released their Private Dancer album in nineteen eighty four, Elton John.

Correct, Okay, hold on the closter Private, that's a.

Whole different song, Private Dancing, Dancing for money, ideal music, will do.

Favorite? Okay that lunchbox four? Abby one? Only one more game in this guy before we put ourselves out of her own miserable. I thought it was over, and you want it to be over.

We can make it happen. There are a couple of life hacks from Amy. The first one you've done?


What is it?

Ice cube? And the burger like when you put the burger? When you put the burger on the grill, like it's in its patty, You just take an ice cube and stick it in the center of the patty and then grill flip accordingly to whatever, uh whatever you want. Although I do think you should cook a burger well done?

Okay, what does it do?

It makes it more juicy?

Can you just pour water on it?

Though that'd be the same, But the ice that would pour water all over your grill like the ice cube is contained in the and then it spreads out evenly as the ice cube melts, and it's just this juicy, delicious burger.

As you're making the bring stuff at the day.

I'm just I'm interested here. If you put as you're making the patty, do you put the ice cube in there rather before you put it.

On the grill?

You could do it that way, like put in the middle or once you lay the patty on the grill. This is what we did. We just had the ice cube and then just right in the middle where you can still see the ice cube.

Would you have known it was extra juicy? Had you not known there was an ice cube put on it? Or were you like like, wow, let's see if this I tate you know.

What I mean?

Yeah, that's a good point. I don't know, because like I knew it was there, but I could tell something was also different.

It makes sense though, to add juice makes the juice or a little water.

So okay, ice cube on the burger. And what is your second life act?


I keep seeing that people go into the shower with their jeans because the well, I could never shower with my jeans on. I wouldn't be able to get them off, But you just take them into the shower with you and clean them in there and then hang them to dry. Because what's happening with our jeans in the washing machine is like they're getting like stretched and pulled and they just get messed up. So you take them in a shower. That way they're not they don't get tangled up by the washing machine and damaged. I guess is what people were saying. And then you do the soap and you rent them out and hang them. Yes, yes, yes you can. I guess take your laundry detergent in there.

Or bar soap.

Maybe you could use your barcla whatever you can clean the certain parts that you want to clean. I don't know. It was like the guy that founded Levi's was first talking about it or something. It's like washing machines are damaging the jeens, So just take your jeans into the.

Shower with you. What if you wear them into the shower and scrub them while they're on you?

I could do that, But could you get your pants off? I guess, I guess they're not as tight.

I've never heard it, but if I look it up on TikTok, A lot of people are doing it. Yeah, thank you for the life acts. That's amy got some messages from listeners calling me a loser. So what I did on my Instagram, which is mister Bobby Bones, I posted a kind of a highlight reel of me going, Hey, I want to play on somebody's rex softball team. Here's some clips of me playing softball, like when recruits are trying to get recruited by college.

Yeah, it's a professional video.

Well it's our show. Too much access, But I was playing ball. I just took clips from it, and I was like, I want to plan.

On somebody's team. I think I'm gonna play with the listener on their softball team. Really when? Why are you laughing?

Because I just like, how when are you going to do this? Like how do you add this to your schedule?

Like for real?

Oh that's your question. Yeah, you'll squeeze it in. Can we buy tickets? I don't believe they're ticketed. Oh bums, this is what we pin for. I think it's open to the public. Let's go. So the guy messed with me said we play on this certain night, and I said, what time? They told me?

I said, I think I'm in, so not confirmed yet, but I'll let you guys know. And I posted a video because I tore my shoulder like a couple of little mean Meani minor tears my rotator cuff and I didn't happen in the yr playing catch about every day. We just get the ball and throw it around in the yard and people are like, you're not kids, you're adult men. You did around to play catchy.

But Bobby really didn't have a dad growing up. So I kind of feel my responsibility.

To use How did you determine which team you went with?


Are you telling you that you hold on standby? We got two questions. One here, I'm gonna go over first to lunchbox. Go ahead.

How did you determine which team you went with? Because I'm sure more than one listener offered you a spot on their team.

Because this is a co ed wreck team where I know they're not I will take it seriously, but I don't want to show up and suck on a really good team. I think I'm okay, And so I was like, it sounds fun, and he's like, you can play first base?

We have that we have it open.

I'm left handed. I just played first base or outfield, So I got some wheels on me. But I'm going to play first base, and I think that's what I'm gonna do.

Like do they practice during the week too, so you have games?

That's a great question. You must practice, I don't think so.

But you just show up and like know how to work together.

Well, it's baseball, I know I kind of know what to do when the ball gets hit. I don't even know you have play a single game. But what's your team name?

I don't know anything about it. If I can't commit. All I said was if it's a nine o'clock game, I can't play.

Are are they younger? Older?


I did didn't look at their question.

I just blindly said I think I'm in because I want to play that bad and had some other people offer, but this person felt I was just in the mood when I got that one.

A name of your question was you're playing catch with Addie in the backyard, and it's like, okay, you're not a child. Stop playing catch? Like if you said why didn't have a dad growing up? So like if your wife is like, hey, it's time to come in for dinner, I'm like, can.

I find more minutes? It's not dark yet all the way.

Do you say, remember I didn't have a dad, and this is me catching up on that.

She knows.

Do you remember Field of Dreams at the very end where he's like, you know, playing catch with his dad. That's kind of what it's like in the backyard, Dude, Eddie's the ghost.

So Eddie needs to get home to his family. But he's like, you know, I'm just going to be dad to Bobby.

Right now.

We're like in a time machine.

Right now, we played catching a time machine in the yard's pile of stories.

All right, I have a relationship rules that actually work, so I'll run through them.

You tell me how you the rules I have? Now, maybe you could use some updating.

All right.

Fights should be about solving the problem, not winning.

Winning only you know it solves the problem winning. Uh yeah, but that's not just in relationship. That's all life. But I'm not saying that's good.

The healthy thing, right you should be about for me? It's healthy solving the problem. I hear you go ahead, never bring up past arguments? Is ammo in a current Fight's not pretty.

Good at that rule?

But how do we know that?


I tend to keep notes on everything, all of you really us.

Yeah, once it's forgiven, then we.

Need to do it and say forgiven. But I bring it up is I've forgiven you for this, but remember this. That's not forgiveness.

That's not okay, Okay, I love this one, just in any situation in life. But assume the best. Assume good intent until other evidence is given. Like, assume the best in people.

The evidence is while we're fighting, But what if you're the one at faul.

That's never the case, or like, don't get mad at them for something when you don't know the full story. It's like, assume the best in that person and then maybe you can.

Find us all all that. That's a human nature thing. I think. I think I tried to do that, but I don't do a very good job of it.

Okay, what about this one. Don't expect them to read your mind.

I do with my wife to not with you guys. This is a universal fighting thing for me.

But go ahead, Yeah, don't expect them to read your mind. And don't play mind reading games yourself.

I expected mine to be fully read and predicted they can't, but I don't.

I guess I don't expect it consciously, but we're together all the time. I'm like, oh, she definitely knows I do this or think this, and it's not fair. I would have I stuck with these rules, all of them.

Honestly, I know some of your ways.

You need to stop. Go ahead only.

Because you've shared. Okay, Uh, what can I do to help? Is way more powerful?


Why didn't you.

Powerful? In what way?

I feel better after? Why didn't you? I feel more powerful when I say why didn't you?

Yeah, but you could come along and say, hey, well, how can I help you with this?

But most fights aren't How can I help you with this?


Most fights are I'm sorry I didn't clean my feet before I went to bed, that's all me. Does it work to say, like, what do you want me to do? No, it doesn't, because I'll do the thing. I'm so terrible to fight with. I'm like, just tell me what to say and I'll say it to you.

Right, That's what I'm saying. ILL learn from that. I don't want to be he anymore, so just tell me what to say. And she's like, then you don't mean it.

But then there's no way I could possibly say it because I've already said to tell me what to say.

These are just rules in a relationship, not all of them pertain to fighting. It's like you could get mad, like Caitlyn could see you did something weird that you never do with the laundry or the dishes or whatever you do, and she could be like, why didn't you do it this way? She could say, how can I help you learn how to do this right?

Like I don't like your tone.

That yeah, okay, So have you ever been told facts no printer?

Well, yeah, I sent facts emojis when it's like that's correct, I's a over a fax machine fa x, Yeah, I's in a fact machine. You do Yeah, all of us millennials do that, okay, gin z So just my wife does it all the time. To me, she sends fax machine if something she says and it turns out be true, says me, machines.

I've just started doing it because she does it all the time. Yeah.

So if your younger friends or your kids are saying facts and then they add no printer, it's just a way of saying like this is legit the truth. Like what I'm saying is like I don't even need to print it out I'm just gonna beopop it right on over to you be a fax facts.

Okay, what else?

So the boot dot Com had this whole story about what album you can't live without? Like if you're on a deserted island and you only get one album the rest of your life, what will be And they asked Luke Holmbs about it and he said it'd either be Tom Petty or the Eagles.

That's not an album. Well, and can you say greatest hits? Because I don't feel like that question. You can never say greatest hits?

Well he did.

He said greatest hits because you get more bang for your butt.

Well, that's not it. It's an album, like you have to pick it a literal album.

Oh, because I was gonna say Georgetrait Box it.

Oh my gosh, you can't actually get to it. Yeah. I don't think you can pick a greatest hits for that question. What album do you you take? Amy? No greatest hits allowed?

Well, yeah, all I have is i'd have to look up what the hmmm, I just look up what the album is called?

Maybe a George Straight album? Yeah, yeah, Eddie Bob Marley Exodus.

Is it?

Because you're on an island.

Yeah, because I'm gonna be on an island and I want Bob Marle.

Stranded. No, no, lunchbox. I guess in M and M and album, which I mean music got him.

I don't even know the name of one. No, there's one called I think there's one called Curtain Call. Yeah, that's not the one you want, you know, I don't think that's Is that what it's called? Well, yeah, well there's a few, or an earlier one. But I'm just saying I was impressed I knew the name of an album.

Yeah, I probably go probably Counting Crows across the lab wire. Oh a lot of album now, but that's the greatest hits. So I'm probably gonna go counting that's August and everything after. I do that August and everything after, or Casey Musgraves, like same trailer, different parts. That's a good one, man, But I can't do too that's shooting. I'm going counting Crows.

That's their first one. Yeah, yeah, all right, Amy, is that it?

Amy? That's my pile.

That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the good news, which Bobby.

Pulpa families in the news because their entire community stepped up. So they had a service dog and went them for a bit helped them for different medical reasons, and the dog went missing after a car crash. So Brian Ainsworth was driving his car. The steering wheel fell apart. It was an old rebuilt bar. The steering will comes apart. I can you imagine a cartoon. He crashed into a creek and then he pushed his way out of the wreck. Their dog, Tango, who obviously was freaked out by this but was the service dog, took off running. His wife shows up and he's all crying, not so much because the car, because the dog's gone. And so they get on social media and they're like, hey, uh, Tango, our service dog is gone. So people that had never even met them showed up and they started a huge like search party in the community and they ended up finding Tango. Somebody didn't even know found Tango because the victure they posted and they ended up coming to the search and Tang goes back as a service dog with his family because of somebody who did not even have a relationship but just saw somebody needed help. Also, the steering will coming off, Holy freak out. What could you forget to like, screw it?

Is that a bowl? Wow?

That's from News on six and shout out to the paulpa family and everybody in the neighborhood there in Oklahoma. That's what it's all about. That was telling me something good. Here's a voicemail from Katrina and Witchita.

I was just curious how Eddie's no parenting Sunday is going.

I don't think we've parkeing update in a while.

Eddie, are you parenting on Sundays?

You know what we've been sewing the like basketball tournaments that I don't even I don't even think about no parenting Sundays.

We're like on the road all Sunday. Explain what no parenting Sunday is.

So it's like you take Sunday and you just say, you know what, I'm not going to parent today. I'm gonna say let them do whatever they want. And if they fight or they do someth wrong with you, guys figure it out.

They pull out knives.

Not well, if it's something like that, you got to get in the middle of parenting at that point, you're being an adult, you're adult team.

And how did you feel no parenting Sundays were going? Oh, It was awesome. It was awesome.

It was so relaxing because Sunday should be the day of rest, right, so for us, we just took the day off. Man, it's great. No parenting Sunday is a good thing.

I did your wife feel about no parenting Sunday? She loved it.

She was in Oh yeah, I think it was her idea. Well, she's secretly parenting behind your back.

Probably. All right, let's go over now we have.

Amy and she's gonna do the investigative Corny. We have ninety seconds to get as many of these right as we can. The investigative Corny starts now here.

The morning.

Why did the pickle get special treatment?

Cucumber pickle? Deal? But he got a good deal? What's the deal? Uh? Pickle? Why did the pickle pickles? Because he was in a sandwich? What I was gonna say? Okay, I got a guy. It's hour? Is a deal? Is a deal? Deal? Reference? Good deal?


Yes, he got a bad deal? What is again? Big? He's a big deal?

What? Yeah?


Why should you never make plans with croissants?

Good job?

What kind of music do alvocados listen to?


An avocado turns into walk a mole Okay, rock a mole, rock and roll a m M.

I'm pretty proud of that one. Ships and salsa.

What type of music or what kind of music do avocados listen to?


Walk, walk and roll? Walk and roll? All right?

What type of music is played at a Chinese restaurant?



Took the chance and you deserve that. No cancelation Thursday for me? But ahead walk you Okay?

Do you know a pickles favorite folk singer?


How do you stop people from stealing bagels?


Walk them up up, even on them?

Okay, what do we do that? That's a record?

Yeah, I don't like when we do like well, she said, what did walking? I just felt it felt dangerous. I wasn't doing it. I mean check you cook in a walk?

I have to absolutely, And I gave as a softball because it gave it to you right after.

Maybe political party doesn't it?

Good job though, guys, Wow, that's our that's tie for our record. On the phone at Tallahassee, it's Jara. Hey, Jara, welcome to the show. Good morning, Good.

Morning, studio morning. Okay, Bobby, I have a question for you. So I recently started your book Fight Grind Retreat listening to it on audiobook, and it made me think about whenever you and Caitlin first started dating and now that you're married. Whenever you first started dating, you said that she had never read any of your books. So, now that you have been married for a few years, has she read any of your books?

Amy, you want to answer this, you know, no, I mean yes, I'll answer it. And the answer is no, she hasn't read them.

And she won't. Why would she. She's married to you, exactly good. No, yeah, she's good. That's what she's good. I'm good. I get enough.

No. I've written, I guess three books. But my first one about my life was called bare Bones. It's my life story. My second one was called Fail until You Don't, kind of like my version of how I was able to achieve any sort of success at all through hard work. And then I did a kid's book called Stanley the Dog. She did read Stanley the Dog. Yeah, yeah, No, she has not read them, and I don't ever really think she will. Her like some of her family has. When we first started dating, she was like, let me do what this guy's about. Like an aunt. One time was like, Yeah, I read you books. If I like you like, well, what do you think?

What do you think? I appreciate that?

Hey, what if I send you because I have a bunch of books to the book company just sent me through another like run a print run. They have to readprint books again if it sells, so super lucky. It's like our eighth print run we've had to do. But I have some books up here. Would you like me to send you a signed either Bare Bones or Fail until you don't?

Yes, that'll be amazing. That'd be a little letting gets out considered from you, guys, So thank you.

Well consider it no more. Which one would you like? The first one or the second one?

Definitely the first one. That book definitely touched me in many ways and inspired me more than you know.

Well, thank you very much. Okay, I'll sign that stand the line. Appreciate that question. By the way, if you guys want to get baar Bones, it's called bare Bones. I'm not lonely. If you're reading this book, it is pre wife, but it's up on Amazon or wherever you buy books. Now, speaking of relationships, Morgan has almost been with Man and to Form for three months now. This is a real thing, right, It's yeah, it's very real boyfriend, girlfriend, Is he still surprising you?

Yeah? I mean he's still doing things all the time. He's constantly bringing me new sunflowers.

Like still bringing flowers.

We like it, go ahead, some flowers are staying. He cooks and cleans for me.

He awesome.

Is tells me take care of my animals and even like goes to the extent of learning their whole routines.

That I have for them.

Like, yes, it's it's constant. But what is like one I love I love this fault.

You know, I'm curious she deserves the first he does four to six months of everything's awesome. And if he is doing this stuff like learning the because that's a very important thing to Morgan her animals, like it is for me. And the fact that he did you tell him like this is what animals do? Or does he just go as he just figured it out himself, Like he knows it's important to you, So he's this is.

Huge for me. He's actually watching them for me when I go away for a trip.

And no that he just started to be like Okay, I'm gonna watch everything that you're doing for them.

So he's aware. He's like, you'll leave me notes, but I'm gonna make sure I'm.

Aware of what honeymoon. Wow, he's gonna watch the animals when she goes away. That's that's huge for me.

I don't trust a lot of people to watch my animals.


He cooks clean loveow bomb still but they're together now.

He's been getting somebody who goes out. Hey, he does. He goes out for like two or three weeks and then comes back. Love momb love Body was gone one time, and he's been gone since.

He had to go be gone twice, but he hasn't been gone since that second time.

He's back now until August.

Man in uniform, back to August. Every time he leaves Morgan, you still can't talk to him like he's no.

That was just the one time I can talk to him. Now on the other things he has to go and do it.

Do you feel better about this relationship three months in? Then you have your past three months is in or they all felt pretty amazing? And when does the normal start to happen?

I would say like ride in this timeframe is when some of this starts to back off.

So that's why I'm so okay, what's happening? You keep doing it. Things are keep happening. You're so consistent like it.

So that's why it's so shocking to me, because this is when the time frame have definitely when a lot of that newness wears off.

Enjoy this period. Don't let people like I don't know, certain people go what sucks about them?

Is there one thing that you guys have a disagreement?

Have you had an argument?

No, we haven't had it.

But that doesn't resually happen.

Okay, but every relationship starts as this if it's a good one. Like my wife and I didn't have a fight until three or four or five or six months in three or four viers, I don't even know. I'm making sure we've ever had a fight. So I would say, don't let them bring you down. I'm happy for you.

Thank you.

Is his cab light on?

Oh yeah, it's definitely on.

That's good.

There's not even a hesitation.

What does that mean again, Well, guy, unless they're unless they turn their cablight on, which means they're open for business. They're not over business. They're trying to do other business. They're like dating around doing their thing, getting really walked, you know what I mean? So oh, but the cab light means all right, I'm ready now for relationship and let's seriously see what happens.

Okay, Yeah, like we're talking about like future things.

He's oh, you're talking about moving in what kind of future things?

Like dinner next coming to my sister's wedding?

Good? He's your boyfriend?

Weird? And that's July.

I am just telling. Will he be in the family photos? That's what a photosop.

I'm happy for you, thank you, except for I feel like three months is a little generous right now? Is it really three months? Yeah? It was the beginning of March. We're at the end of May April.

Is that first day you consider or is it first?

But then?

But he was going for half of that guys, but that's what they can talk.

I guess they didn't talk for three talk for three weeks, three months.

Take it down. That's a quarter of the time.

He also wrote me letters while he was gone for those yes, and written yeah.

That's awesome. Hand that is not talking about.

Yeah, you got somebody who wouldn't do it, somebody who didn't get that.

I'm happy for Morgan.

I just feel like there's got to be what's wrong with them?

No, no, no, no, no, I have I am no longer on me. He's living a double life train out of respect for Morgan once she made out of respects once she made the relationship official, and like they're together. I want to respect him and her. I just am curious, like, what if there's something even a smidge annoying about him and that he does wrong?

Feel free to bring it in, But I'm not going to press you to have this relationship that's in this honeymoon period for you to put any sort of smear anything on it.

Thank you, live your life.

I'm happy he's perfect, basically, I'm not saying that. No, that's not the perfect though.

I'm just not going to tell you, guys exactly whole time.

Like that. That's why I'm not all times. Okay, I'm done. You guys are haters. This woman claims that she was hit by lightning. She was killed by the lightning strike, then she came back to life with the ability at times to tell the future. Now, I don't think she claims she can tell everything about everything in the future, like she doesn't know everything's about to happen, but things come to her.

Her name is Elizabeth Crone.

She claims her to seized grandfather gave her the names of things like these super Bowl winners, the name of the next president in the past, like she has wins that she can prove. She has kept track of her saying this is what's gonna happen, and then it happens. So she went around to talk about how it was a full out of body experience. She did get hit by the lightning. Nobody doubts that, and her body did go into a place where they considered her dead. Wow, so medically not alive whatever that term is. She claimed that while she was dead, her grandfather it's like what up hmmm, because he's dead and shocking you're here.

I got that.

So is that you don't want to go back because if you go back to life, then there's gonna be like pain of divorce and for you. And she still wanted to be alive, so she came back to life. Elizabeth Crone on the Sherman Oaks podcast, chose to return and then she has dreams where things like super Bowl champions, next President's uh, the t w A flight eight hundred disaster. She dreamt, dreamt that and it happened, correct flight number. A lot of claims here.

Did she get divorced?

Yeah, I would assume if that's the case. She can't predict everything.

She said that, but the Super Bowl that states may not have legalized gambling, and back then, I'm sure they didn't drive to vegan maybe not.

Everybody's like degenerates in here.

Her grandfather also gave her a couple of for sure predictions, like the result of the super Bowl that year, which she said it before it happened, and that George H.

Bush was going to be the upcoming president way back in the day, which he did.

Okay, but both of those things are fifty to fifty.

Well this is this is super Bowl was like way before the game was even announced, before before what happened.

It wasn't like the week of the super Bowl. I'm also not advocating that it's absolutely true.

I'm just saying, based on what I see and the claims that she made, she picked the super Bowl champion whatever year that was like fifteen years ago, before the playoffs even started. But again, we're only seeing her wins. I don't know what she's missed. But she did claim that George H. Bush was going to be the president before he was even the Republican nominee. Okay, that's that's that's a big one.

So do I really think it's true? No, it's one of these. Can I prove it's a lie?


I can't so cynical Yeah, like probably not.

Maybe she got lucky, but sit here and go not true because what if that is what is able to connect like a huge shock to our system.

Brain whatever parts of the brain.

We don't even understand how it works yet that's how we like can I don't know, man, I wouldn't risk it though, I'm not taking going to any sort of plug in right now going. I can't wait to find out who wins the super Bowl.

Let's go.

But it's a pretty interesting story. Talk about if you believe that stuff. And I don't know that.

I do.

I know your cousin is a psychic. That's a that's a claim, yes, And I have trouble believing that. For the sake of it, I do, But I think it's interesting and I think some people do have a gift of being able to understand people in situations and because a lot of people have a lot of gifts.


Some people can just run faster than others, and I can't it go as hard as I can, I still cannot run as fast as some people physically.

Some people can just think math better than others, like they just see numbers.

My wife can when she talks to people, every word she says or hears is written in front of her.

That's crazy.

And because of that, she has photographic memory, which is it sucks durned fights because I can never claim something because she remembers everything. She can hear one song once, no every lyric. She can spell any word backward forward everywhere. But it's not like she worked to get All of us have these natural gifts. So it would be weird to me to say, well, that can't possibly be a gift that somebody has. Whatever gift it is that I don't quite understand.

But I don't believe her. But still it's cool, right right talk because it could be.

The average American enjoys one hundred and twenty extraordinary days a year. It feels a little high to me. Wow, one hundred and twenty a third of your month, a third of your year is bound to be extraordinary. According to a new study, the poll of two thousand American They did a poll of like people who eat at restaurants basically, so they found average Americans and they said, hey, how good is this day?

They found out that a third of them are extraordinary and extraordinary.

It makes the day extraordinary for you give me a thing or two that you could classify that's just such a that's a high it's a high bar there extraordinary for me. I think Arkansas winning their Saturday football game makes it.


Yeah, it's a good start.

It's cute. It's cute. Your dedication to Arkansas are cute. Yeah, it is like every time every time something's like awesome, it starts with Argansas, like esports.

It's not cute, But what is it?

You're dedicated.

I don't like cute.

Okay, it's all it's it's consistent.

You're consistent, Like what dudes do You've never been so manly. Bobby thinks.

Arkansas wins a big game football game, or it could be like a they play a lot more basketball game, so every basketball wins not extraordinary, but like a big basketball win is good or that's better.

That's it for me to like consider it extraor it's Sonny in seventy five.

I care wake up with anyway. If I get more than six hours sleep, I'm on the right track to it being a good day.


But if you just say extraordinary, coming to my mind is like a big raging back football win, that day is extraordinary for me.

You Yeah, I want to wake up feeling great. I want it to be awesome weather. I want to be outside, like on some sort of a hike, if we're with family, I'm not irritable.

Yeah, it's extraordinary.

That's only and that's only like one week out of the month. Four hormones and all the things, because I'm aware of it. I'm aware when i'm earedablee I'm like, why am I being here? And I try to rewire.

I'm not aware when you're irritable.

I know I send that energy out and it sucks.

That's okay, you're good. We've done this for almost twenty years now, I know.

But it used to be like at least two good weeks out of the month, and now it's d.

Last box.

Oh you know, sleep in, kids don't wake me up early, my wife makes breakfast, I get a good run in, get a nap in kids don't fight all day and then at night.

What's the slap of the hands in the mood eddie?

Yeah, I guess I'm gonna start with the weather because like the weather's good, I'll take the top off from the jeep. That's like always puts me in a happy mood. And then I think, Lunchbox nailed it. Kids don't fight, man, that'd be great if there are no arguments going on.

With the kids.

That's a happy day. Sw ns digital with that story. Oh and and slap slap. If you have a love bite hickey, they say how to make it not blow up on you and get beggars to put ice on it almost immediately.

Who gets hickeys? I don't like. Who does that? I don't know.

Recently Taylor on her neck.

The first remedy for healing hickeys is to just put ice on it. Yeah, anything super cold. So for those out there listening that are getting hickeys, it's done with.

That's the universe. Why don't we have hickeys anymore? I mean, we usually get hickeys. Understand if well, also we understand that if you.

Put pressure on parts of the body where the blood flow is a bit different, like neck where the skin the cartilage it hickey's up fast, so you don't.

Suck on that part.

Yeah, but but it usually happens early in a relationship, yah, because you're like going young, right, Yeah, when you're older, you're just like all right, it's like marking your territory.

But you have you know.

But also when you're older, it's like, I also know not to do that. Yeah, it's dec'ly where not to do that?


Nature's fat burner, they say, is basking in the sun.

Common wisdom says people are less hungry on sunny, hot days. U V radiation lowers levels of hunger hormones in the body, but a simultaneous increase and the stress hormone, I don't know how to say that word, increases the breakdown of fat. So it's not an unhealthy thing or even that people know. But they found that people just out in the sun because of those two factors.

They find that. So it's like it's a nice thay you go outside and you just act sure. It didn't put that in the study.

What about the sweat, like does that help burn fat? I don't think the sweat itself. I think what you do to make yourself sweat.

Probably, like the sweat process is the fat burning coming out of your body, like it's melting.

Yeah, it's melted fat. Yeah, that's thought. That's interesting. I don't think that's true. That's interesting, Doc, you aren't, that's right.

The world's most expensive feather sold in an auction from BBC, a single feather of the now extinct New Zealand Whoi bird, has said a world record the feather. The single feather sold for twenty eight thousand, four hundred and seventeen dollars. I was surprised I got it for that much. Yeah, okay, it's me No, that's crazy. The feather, which was predicted to make about three thousand bucks, ended up making twenty eight thousand.

The Whi bird is sacred to a certain group of people.

Their feathers were often worn as head pieces by the chiefs of the tribe, and their families also gifted and traded them. The last confirmed sighting of this actual bird was nineteen oh seven. And that's cool, m So the feather went for a whole lot of money. Although it looks like just a feather that you find near the lake.

What color is it's been I'm sure like dark Brown Mallard, what are your things get done? Graded?

It's been great cards. Yeah, the feather has been graded authenticated. Yes, Yes.

Katy Perry says Ariana Grande is quote the best singer of our generation. Katy Perry has spent seven seasons on American Idol. She's also a huge pop star, obviously, and she says Ariana Grande is the best. I can't argue with that. Also the best. It's everybody gets to make their own the best.

What do you call that? Subjective? M Yeah, So who's the best singer?

Okay, they're not including like.

I don't care performing straight up, Like when I ask the question, who comes to mind Taylor Swift?

But singer.

That's why I said overall like, Okay, okay, singer. That's why I said, are we.

From Dan and Shay Ill? He doesn't have bad notes, He's great, Shay.

There are other text texture tonal singers that I like, but also, but I wouldn't say just purely the best. Shay is probably the best. I think Lauren Elaine is really clean and clear and underappreciated because he does have a distinct voice and kind of a gravelly voice. But Luke Combs can really sing and he can hold up. He can hold pitch really well. Yeah, like so those three are great.

Those make sense vocal Yes, and Taylor, I just went over. I was overall like super bizar.

Like Adele would be. Never heard her singing person though, real Yeah, good point. I agree.

I agree with you, but I've never heard her sing in person. I've never heard slain Dan singing person. Great, Bruno Mars is like, really good, I've heard.

Him singing person.

Carrie Underwood with carry before, I mean, we didn't do it, and I was like, oh, she started singing it maybe not what I sing.

We had her in the We had her like in the recording studio for one of our albums, and oh that was unbelievable.

I missed that day he did. You weren't there, but yeah, I remember singing with her.

We both came out on the rhymem and we're doing a song, a funny song we wrote, and I do my part and it's like carry out when everybody she comes out and she starts singing, it's like alien coming out of her throat.

Oh man, it was that. It was that coodol I'll say, Lady Gaga. Yeah, because she can sing. There you go. I saw with Tony Bennett, and I mean I was shocked and she could sing so well. Yeah, really good singer.

North Carolina man shares half of his one hundred thousand dollars lottery prize with a friend. A North Carolina man kept up his end of the pact. It was made years ago, and he split it one on a scratch off. He said his first move was going to his buddy because they made an agreement that if either one of us won a big prize, we'd split it. His buddy didn't pay for it with them. They just made the deal. So he's gonna do some home improvement projects. But he split it with his buddy. There you go.

Can we do that here? What do you mean? Here's the problem.

If your buddy you have to say you have to maintain a certain level of investment in buying lottery tickets. If I'm the only one still playing, I'm not doing it.

You don't know. The other guy wasn't playing right.

But if I'm spending one hundred dollars a week, you're only spending by dollars a week.

We ain't splitting it.

But what if we say here, like, hey, if any one of us wins the lottery, come on, let's all split.

No, because you wouldn't buy lottery tickets and you just wait for me to win.

Sometimes we do, though I agree we wouldn't wait for you to win. You've never won, right, Like we're really counting on the day Lunchbox wins.

You would say that agreement.

But if you're not buying lottery tickets, you're just hoping I win, then you get a split that doesn't seem like a good deal, That is what I'm saying.

It doesn't.

You'd have to agree to spend a certain amount, so that's pretty contractual. That's what I'm And I don't know what their deal was, but they just both agreed that they've won, they'd split.

It sounds cool.

They probably they must both like each the same amount.

Ish ish Yeah, yeah, I like each other. A lot of people probably wouldn't went to the buddy and paid that off. All right, that's the news thinking over the past thirty days. Here the top five rejected segments from you guys that we've not been able to do for different reasons. Either they were dangerous or boring or combination. Rejected segments.

Rejected segments number five, number five, and I put this in the category of.

That's boring.

Yeah, yeah, Morget submitted I did something for the very first time. I changed grocery stores.

Hey, this is very exciting as an adult. Okay, is it? You go somewhere for your whole life and then all of a sudden you change. It's a big change in your life. Well, you haven't gone there your whole life.

I did Walmart, well.

Vamber for my childhood, and then my entire teen adult twenties. I was at Kroger, and then all of a sudden, I went to publics and I felt like as a whole new world.

Right, okay cool. Rejected segments number four.

This one, I wrote in parentheses lulls because it's just my self importance here that.

I don't think the person has an understanding of. It's not real lunchbox.

His mind was blown that people didn't know what he looked like just because they'd heard him on the show. He feels like every single person who's ever listened to us has looked us up interesting, and he actually thought, wrote mind blown that people didn't know what he looked like.

Yeah, one dred percent.

We met some listeners and it was at the iHeart Festival in Austin, and they were like, oh my gosh, we listened every day and they knew everything about the show. They're like, I can't believe this is what you guys look like. And I'm like, what do you mean, Like, yeah, this is the first time we've ever seen you guys. I would say, it's not common. I said, hold on, but it's not. And then these people were like they weren't dating, but they were like best friends. And they were one from smoke a Home on one from Dallas and they're like yeah, they were in their thirties. And I was like, you guys don't use social media, like you don't look at.

Us, And it was so crazy they use it. Maybe that we don't rank up in their top things that they remember to search.

No, they literally talk about the show every day, like she he listens in Oklahoma, he listens in Dallas, and they'll call each other and talk about it, but they have.

Never seen us. I was just like, this is the craziest thing I've ever heard.

It is kind of crazy because like back in the day, when you heard a guy on the radio. You never knew what he looked like like. You couldn't even find out how what.

Do you look like unless you later on went to the website. Percent of America is on social media and they're on it all the time. Look at it. Just walk down the street. Everybody's on their phone.

I mean, they're looking us up. We're not that important to some people where they enjoy us and must go and follow us.

And I hope you do. But and I think that's rare, but I don't think it's long blown. It was crazy. I mean they were just like, wow, this is I mean.

And I was just like, usually they think watch Box is bigger or black. Yeah, sure, yeah, the bigger. I hear a lot. They're like, oh he's a black guy. He's not a big guy there. Yeah, okay, this one, let's go next one number three. If we did this, I wrote, we'd never get a guest. So Mike Dee suggested the Friday Morning Roast. If a big artist wants to come by to promote the album, we have to do a segment with them in here where we roast them before we do the promote them.

Oh gosh, that'd be so awkward. Not bad I mean, and if it.

Was one of our friends, but they have to be really close to us because roasts. I enjoy roasts when I write like monologue jokes. They're funny, roast, happy roast for the most part. But I can only do that to people I either really like or really don't like and so or really know. But yeah, we couldn't do that with like people that we just kind of know.

Do you remember when Tyler Hubbard came in here and you're like, do an impression of him, and I'm like, in front of him, I was like, yeah, baby, he looked at me like cool man, not funny.

Awkward, not really a roast imitating, but awkward.

Yeah, but this would also be awkward if we didn't know them, more like, hey, look at you, You're stupid.

And Brian Kelly came in and told that joke to his face, Like.

I said, some people like people I don't.

There might be like a fight afterwards, right, It would just be weird. Artists wouldn't come in to get roasted. A couple would because we know them and they know it all and good fun John party, Oh yeah, yeah, that'd be fun.

I love John.

No, John, we hang out socially. Sometimes he could come in and take it, but not all. Kane could probably come in and take it for sure.

It's a friendship.

Yeah yeah, right, take it too, but only we can't do the road. Stop talking myself into it. So I know, I think projected segments.

Number two.

This one is labeled nice try click bait to Eddie. Eddie's headline that he sent me was I slept on a Calx class night he fell when TV.

So I was like, okay, let me.

We may want to talk about this, or it may be so crazy, we may not want to talk about it right now, but talk about it in three months when it's not an issue anymore. And so I wrote, had a rough night, my wife had him been sleeping well, so slept on account.

Hey Neil did. Hey, Sometimes you just have a great title for something.

Like the time you found quote unquote underwear are and you didn't know.

Who though face mask, it looked like underwear.

And then finally I rejected segment number one. This one I titled everybody loses. Mike d said, I saw that Eddie's wife is now selling her art. I had no idea she was an artist. Can we hire her to do a new portrait of Lunchbox and then auctioned off for charity, to which I thought, everybody loses. Eddie's wife hate that the listeners lunch Everybody loses that one.

The charity would win, not how much.

You know, sometimes charities don't want to be associated with certain things, even if don't bring them money. But Eddie's wife is quite the artist is really cool. Oh yeah, man, I don't think she I don't know. Ask her running buyers. She wants a photo of lunchbox. I'll see what she said.

That's rejected segments. Rejected segments. Let's play voicemail number three, Raymundo.

I was thinking, So Morgan lost the draft and she always wins. I think her popularity is starting to go down. I think the boyfriend is killing her popularity because I think her popularity was boosted by all these simps out here on the dat.

So yeah, thoughts on that, Morgan, Morgan, you have a new a new boyfriend.

Maybe it should have just been like a boy band from the late nineties, where's like just say you're single so people keep liking you. Morgan, do you think that could affect your your losing the drafts lately.

You know, I haven't thought about it, but I didn't. I guess.

I also didn't think that I had a lot of simps out there either, So that's new information for me.

She dumps this dude because she finds out she has It's not even simple easy. It's a person, it said, It's like a normal person.

How do you know this?

How do you think simp is? Why was something single income mail?

I like person?

You know, I wasn't fall for anything. You're so in touch with the kiddling. I didn't feel like that's not even new it is. I've never heard that last couple of weeks.

I've never heard that in my life, but it's new.

It's something who you can't you kind of like are infatuated with someone. You're kind of simp after him.

Yeah, and you can simp on anything after him. Yeah, Like I'm not cooler than you, guys, but I'm not that much cooler than you.

Tw me how to use it in a sentence? Something I would say, like, you're simp over George Street. Okay, so if I was on Georgia's Instagram, I could be like, I simp you.

No, I don't think that's what you'd say. So, it's the same thing as a stand.

No, Simpson a little dumber little they'll fall for anything, or they know they'll fall for anything.

They're just do.

But there's a they can be in the same like the uh, the old three circles where they share each other right in the shared space.

Yeah, there's diagre.

There's something diagram crossing over between Simpson stands. Yes, but one doesn't have to be the other. God wow, okay, I'm gonna use that one today. I don't use it, I just know it.

So Morgan has some sims like.

I don't use it's not even a current term anymore. But I never used lit, but I knew what it meant. Oh, you know, I use cap now now you're cappin.

You're capping man. You don't use that. Wants her to use that, and if you did, I'd be like, I mean a simme. I want to be quick.

And I do understand the frustration of some of our listeners. They're like, oh, this is a bit. Yes, it's a bit, but the show does not know what's going on. I got an email two years ago. I didn't know it was two years and they were like, hey, we want Amy to come have a part in this movie.

Can she do it? And I was like, of course she can do it, but she needs time off work. Of course she can do it. I'd be a hypocrit if I didn't allow that. I have eighty four jobs.

So she goes and does it, she kills it. The movie comes out, it's called Holiday Harmony. It's on Max. Amy has a really strong cameo in it, so check it out. And so that comes and goes. We did a whole bit there too, because at a time it was novel somebody got offered a movie role. I got an email about a week ago forgot to bring it to the show, and just randomly I was like, oh, I forgot to tell you guys, And then my head goes, ohkack.

We make this a bit. So it's a bit, but the show does not know.

And I've cut from the possibility that who the executive producer asked me if they could do the movie.

I've cut Abby Morgan Ray that's it, huh and Mike and Mike d.

Yeah, okay, so it's a Christmas movie, which I accidentally revealed.

So what does that make you think? Who do you think it could be me. Why why you it's you? Thinking it's you? But why do you think it's you?

Because they need someone that envelops the Christmas spirit develop Yeah yeah, okay, isn't that that's I don't think that's what you're looking for, but it envelops go ahead, so they see me as a Christmas person. I really like Christmas, favorite holiday, love getting gifts, and I'd be perfect.

Okay, yeah, yeah, ay, who do you think it is?

I deep down I hope that it's me because I love Christmas movies and so what I've always wanted in doing that other Christmas movie was so great and I wanted to do another one. Even took more acting lessons after that. Should have taken them before I did the movie, but took them after the movie. And I just want to keep my expectations in check though, So I'm gonna say.

It's Lunchbox Eddie. Who do you think it is?

I'm starting to lose hope that it's not me. I think it's Amy, and I think she's acting right now, acting like she doesn't know she hasn't miss you.

They don't mean. I don't want to say too much. I want to be me so bad though, dude, So I'll cut somebody. I tell you who it not, who is not? Go ahead, go tells who's not. I tell you who it's not. So it's gonna be down to two. I'm gonna tell you who it's not.

Can I've messed out by saying a few things, and I've heard I've heard the hints and what I've said.

Now, I'm just trying to be as generic as possible.

It is not.

They don't want the hispanic cop. Come on, it's not a goodness. This is huge. Oh my gosh.

All right, I'm excited for whomever I.

Swore they're gonna do Holiday Harmony Part two, three, four or five.

I couldn't even for something else I don't know, but this this thing that I was emailst not. Oh my goodness, we're going to Hollywood, so oh my, take the family to that. Yeah, what do we do the job here out there on set? It's not a oh my god, I'm not gonna bring anybody back in. I'm okay.

So that's okay, So tomorrow or Sophie have a minute, but almost maybe announce who it is.

It's at least not me that that's what it is a very Mexican Christmas. I got a question. That's all for now, I got a quest. Thank you, Bobby Bone show sorry up today.

This story comes those from Cambria County, Pennsylvania.

Police got a call about a break in an apartment. Someone ransacked it.

So they show up and they notice it in the kitchen, someone that knocked over some spices, some Cajun spices, and there was footprints of Cajun spices all the way.

Out like a loony it sounds like a looney tune. Or they just track them through the spices.

Yeah, and they.

Followed the Cajun spices footprints to an apartment a couple of buildings over.

That's where they busted. They were making gumbo.

Like I feel like the Cajun spice footprints they would last that long.

Maybe it's just like they just eventually, I just turned into little trickles of cage and spice.


It may not have been the full footprint the whole way, but they were able to follow the Cajun spice all the way to a party.

Oh dog could sniff that though, No, sound like a cartoon.

Yeah, they couldn't snif it for that long. I mean sneezing the whole time, right, what kind of.

Idiot tracks cage and spice the whole way. Yeah, okay, I'm lunchbox. That's your bonehead story of the day. Amy. What's on your podcast this week?

Walker Haze is on and we're talking a lot about parenting and I loved his answers. You could tell they were not like planned out at all. It was just being honest and real. We talked about addiction, sobriety, transfer addiction.

Transfer addiction. What's that is that?

Where a player leaves another college and goes and gets in the portal and then get addicted.

I'm addicted to going to different colleges.

Yeah, man, yeah, well a lot of times. Like for him, it was when he gave up drinking and he's sober. He started going to the gym for like four hours a day.

Oh, I transfer addiction everything. Yeah right, now you're one healthy one to the next step.

What are you addicted to now? Memorabilia? No, I have semi transitioned cards. Okay, fourth card. Yeah, but it's either be addicted to that or be addicted to meth. No, man, cards are better. I choose cards. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, but I know that about me, but what are the four things?

Well, we ended up doing four things gratitude with him, so he shared four things he's thankful for. But I mean in a nutshell, it's the sobriety, parenting, some life lessons. H And he gave an answer. I've been asking people like what three words they would tell their eighteen year old self, and his three words like he came up with a quick and they're or he didn't know what was coming and they're good. I'm like, oh, I love it.

Check out four things with Amy Brown.

Hey Morgan, if I do this impression, this is me, This is me in a nutshell, look at me in a nutshell?

Who's that?

What is that?

Impressure? I have no idea because Amy goes in a nutshell? This is me in a nutshell? Is that, mister peanut? No, it's Austin Powers.

Oh in a nutshell? Oh, I don't remember that.

I don't do them pressure very good. That's what he said, you know, And he had to watch me like kicking stiff. Goodbye, everybody. I wear the bubbybone, sir