We play Never Gonna It, where the question is: Nearly one in ten people say they feel they have to do this when preparing to host a holiday party. What is it? We also play a round of Cool or Uncool? In the Anonymous Inbox, we help a listener who wants to get lunch with her boyfriend's ex to find out what went wrong in the relationship.
Transmitting, Hey, welcome to Monday Show Morning Studio Money.
I hope everybody's good.
I want to start with the story from Raymondo about couples and when they're likely to argue.
What do you have over there?
So they did this study.
It's Men's Health Secrets and it's the Rondel Press, and they said couples fight most often.
Which day do you think of the week? Yeah, Monday is fine.
Okay, So pick your day in your head and think of why so Monday?
And why Monday because it's the start of the week, a lot of stress going in you.
You're upset because the weekend's over. Great, great theory, great amy.
I'm thinking Wednesday because well, because like Monday, you've had the weekend to relax, so you're a little bit more refreshed. And then by Wednesday, though, you're already like I'm over it.
And you're your refreshment.
Your window of tolerance is shrinking and you're ready for the.
Weekend a year. Okay, lunchbox, it's easy, guys.
It is Sunday because you've had the weekend to relax and everything that is leading up that week you have to get ready and one person is doing this, one person's watching football, someone's taking a nap, and Sunday is when the.
Telling us what his house is. Someone needs to go.
To the grocery store and they haven't gone to the grocery store and they leave it to the last minute, then we don't have anything for dinner. So I'm going with Sunday. That is just all hypothetical.
I like kind of where Amy's head is. I would go Wednesday or Thursday. Thursday feels too close to the weekend though, Like Wednesday's that middle you knowday, Like it's far enough that you've kind of lost your refreshment from the weekend and it's still long ways from Thursday.
Yeah, you can taste it. I know, Thursday you can taste it. I know, but you never heard a case of a Monday, for sure. But Mondays suck because but you're refreshed like anything. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go start with Amy.
On this one.
What do they say, Wednesday is the day you're gonna argue the most because it's the farthest from the weekend in both directions.
Let's go.
Good job, Amy, You're good at that.
When I'm good at that, at white specific something.
Hey, Ray, what does it say best day? Yeah, it's a hard shot.
Yeah, yeah, But also I was also factoring and being a mom, and I think that's Wednesdays are typically my more difficult day with like again my window of tolerance with my kids.
It's like same, we still have homework. We meaning you've already had a couple and you got a couple more days coming.
I'm gonna listen if the next president wants to run on no more homework?
And yes, right, What's is there an other version like the best day?
Yeah, so Thursday is when you're going to argue the least because you've gotten your complaints off your chest and you're only a day away from the weekend, Friday being considered part.
Of the weekend, so one day apart.
Well, like Amy says, you can taste it, Yeah, taste that weekend. There's the weekend because you can taste it.
Yeah, Bob.
Of the question to me, Hello, Bobby Bones, I've been with my boyfriend for two months. He recently opened up to me about his ex and where it did not go great. No one cheated, but he said it was really hard for him to get over and she still creeps into his.
Lifetime to time.
I've had issues in the past with my boyfriend's exes, and I want to get ahead of any drama. I told him, Hey, I want to meet her and have lunch weather so I can get both sides of the story. He's someone I can see myself having a future with, and I want to know what I'm getting myself into. I think it's a great idea. We should all do this in new relationships. He does not think it's a good idea, but didn't flat out forbid me from reaching out to her. Do you, Bobby, think it's a good idea? Would you go to lunch with your significant others X if you had the opportunity sign X to see No?
No, no, No, I wouldn't.
That's very easy.
Though. I think it's great that he did not forbid you, because that's a flag if somebody forbids you from anything as an adult, just generally speaking. But I would also be like, I don't like it. I don't think it's a good idea. What are you going to gain from it? It just does not feel like that is an environment conducive to coming away with anything positive.
So for me, I understand the curiosity of wanting to know what you're getting into. But that's for you to experience yourself. Because people are different in different relationships, so.
Different ages and times exactly, it's not going to be the same.
Right, So that's just I don't know. It sounds like a waste time and not healthy.
I would even say that if you had the same experience with him doing the exact same thing that he had with her doing the exact same thing. But because they're two three four years apart, he's not the same exact person, so you're it's not The comparing of notes is not the same. It's not professor teaching a class and you can have the notes because you know at three pm it's the same classes teaching.
It's not the same. Nothing's the same. And also it's weird, very and it's uncomfortable. And also why would she do that? Why would she say yesterday?
That's because if she's pretty real scorned and but if if it is, but again they said no one was cheated, she still creates it to it.
Oh, it is a very bad idea, just generally speaking, Morgan, do you agree or disagree?
No, I agree, it's a bad idea to make sure.
Yeah, she could be like, oh, is there anybody think this is an okay Ideagan would be like, I'm fifteen years drenger than you and you sound old.
Just want to no, no, no, I totally agree with you. I think having an ex involved in any way, unless there's kids, there's something involved, is just not the best idea. I think that means there's lingering feelings for one, if not both of them.
Also, just unfollow them too, period.
Don't follow your exit when you date somebody new, because even if they're not saying anything about it, it's like an unneeded possibility.
I just stop, let's move on. Oh wow, you think that he's gonna be direct? Unfollow? What about on Facebook?
If I were a girl and my dude who's still following their ex even if I trusted her? Everybody be like, why don't you just un follow for like the just because yes, like a tribute to me? I see that that would be weird. Okay, that's it, good luck, Do not go. Don't goe tolunch with there. That's crazy. You're crazy. Maybe she's a crazy one that emailed us.
Even thou that they always feel like that email us. They're not the crazy ones. Maybe she's a crazy one. Actually did cross my mind. Okay, thank you. Here's a boyemail from Logan.
Hey, Bobby told a pretty funny joke to my kids the other day and my wife thought it was funny too, So I wanted to share it with you guys to see what you think.
What do you call statured? When he sits up? Get it? Let me know if you guys think that was funny. Yeah, sadder sat per the planet. We love that one. Watch a comedy special one. Sometimes I'm like, dang, why didn't I think of that? Or but you don't think of your joke? Sometimes I do, sometimes I do. I think a couple of times you have it is a different and we noticed that Amy. Did you write that one? All?
Next one out breaking el one.
So I was watching last week's Survivor episode and there was a guy. He had been a vegan for years, then switched.
To vegetarian before.
Heading on the show. So it was day fifteen.
He hadn't really eaten anything except coconuts, and he was starving.
He won some chicken wings in a game and that I'm starving and he ate the chicken wings. So my question is, what would Mike do you do if he was in the same situation? Would you eat the chicken wings or continue starving? Like?
Do you are vegan? How long have you been a vegan for like seven years? Chicken wings is the only thing to eat? What do you do in that situation?
I would do it because I'm not really a vegan for more reasons, more for health reasons. So if there was nothing else I could eat, I'd eat the chicken. I eat the chicken. Same thing with me and a human. What do you mean I eat a human?
I mean it is because I don't think I could. I'll offer you the human. No, I'm take me in lord elevator stock Well got you get? Sorry, sir? Like I need one? Like it is what it is? I love stories? All right, Bobby?
Is there a sign that you're a real adult? It's not eighteen? But like, what is what is it.
That happens when you're responsible for other people?
But because I was in a build of fourteen twelve even take care of my sister, I think so.
I think they're adult things.
I think that's like the most adult thing that happens is when it's not just you, it's you also taking making sure somebody else is okay. So to me, that's the when you when you ask that. It's when you have responsibility for someone else that's adult.
Wow, Or like even a pet maybe, oh is that a pet?
Not so much because you don't go to jail your pet dies in my car. But if like your little sister does out trouble.
By the time you got older and your sister was older and you weren't in charge of her, did you just like not have to be an adult until you.
No different or different adult things Like I had to like pay bills at seventeen, right, Like paying bills is a thing I had to learn. I think surviving as an adult thing, to survive without help is very adult, but some adults survive with help. I would just say being responsible for something that's not yourself. To me, that is when adulting starts.
Well, a new survey was taken and most people believe that true adulthood starts when you can pay for things yourself and you are able to if you're dependent upon a parent anyway, because other things that made the list, they were just kind of lower down and be moving out of your parents' house, being financially independent, putting responsibilities over your personal life, and having fun like having to actually make a decision like I should stay home tonight.
Having a bio new refrigerator, not a small one that is used because it's much cheaper.
I try to explain to my kids all the time, like I'm forty three and sometimes I still don't feel like an adult.
Oh I never do. Yeah, we never do.
But yet when you're a kid, like my daughter's seventeen, it's like she thinks she knows she's.
An adult already.
Like her favorite line right now is, well, I'm going to be eighteen in April.
I'm like and.
Truely, the reason that we are adults is because we have lived and we have experiences. That's how we've matured. It really isn't a number.
I think legally we should change the adult age to higher forty. That'd be like we should be higher.
No, But like they we know now, the brain isn't fully developed till twenty five, but.
Yeah it is. You have people being able.
I think people should drink at eighteen twenty five eighteen, Yeah, well you got Uh.
There's a new plastic surgery trend that is blowing my mind.
I'm writing it down.
Yes, okay, people are actually going to plastic surgeons and asking to look like Cindy lou And who who Cindyla who?
From what part of her? The nose?
They are like like getting an up Cindy Lou.
It was it was like the old Who's on first having costello? Cindy Lou Who Cindy Lou? Who is Cindy Louz?
That we just did that?
Yeah, doctor SEUs, is how the Grinch stole Christmas? Like this timeframe, maybe they're trying to get it in time for Christmas, but they're saying, yeah, give me the stubby, upturned nose just like Cindy Lou.
And do my ears like Betty Rubble and bringing a picture of perfect Plenstone.
That's all hard.
Seeing my daughter she was talking about like trying to shave her tooth.
Like a fur.
But yeah, see again, no adult brain if the brain isn't working, because I'm like, why would you want to at this age? Your teeth don't grow back once you shave it to look like a vampire.
You're good, that's true. What you can't give an ears which I did.
Okay, Well, I mean I guess if she could pay for it, she could.
Uh. Vintage germs, that is totally a thing.
A lot of people love thrift shopping and buying secondhand clothes. Well, heads up, they are covered in germs. So never buy something from the throat.
Store because it's just aic. Plague was on this jacket.
You may not be thinking about all the bacteria and fungi and viruses, which, sure you may wash it, but you might put it on cold. But experts are saying, like, wash it on at least one hundred and forty degrees so hot hot water, and that'll make sure to kill any germ from the previous owner.
Like Jars Wayne, like Cheers was on. There's just some old germs.
I mean, but I've been guilty of. Like you know when you try staff on, like it'll be a vintage T shirt and I just throw it right on my body.
See if I like it? Oh my god, guys, get r out of here right, Maybe that's it's time for the kidnews.
How much box.
Serenity was out in the middle of the ocean about two hundred and thirty miles from Bermuda, And that's the name of a boat people. There's four people on board when all of a sudden, it starts taking on water, taking on water. It's going down. So they put in a call, help, we're taking on water, we're sinking. Give them their location. So the coast guard back in North Carolina puts out a call, well, help, there's a disney cruise out there, like, hey, we got to save these people. They drop a rescue boat.
The rescue boat gets the eighty miles and rescues the people.
It's goofy in the boat.
And so they got on the boat. Then they took them back to the cruise ship, put.
The life checking on. You're saved. So then you just like stay on the disney thing for.
I don't know, Amy, I just know they got to say they gotta put on the disney.
Yeah, for sure, they got like a sweep for it. Go back to your voice, Oh kay, cook, is that that ladder safe to get on? When the helicopter comes, get up there, it's okay, I'll help you. You sound just like thank you. Oh my goodness. That's a good story. We love a good safe, we love a good save. All right, that's what it's all. About that was telling me something good. This is a funny question.
Twenty percent of people say that they feel the need to do this when preparing to host a holiday party.
So it's never gonna get it. No, you're not gonna get it. You're never never gonna get it.
Twenty percent of people in the surveys say they feel they have to do this when preparing to host a holiday party.
What is it?
The segment's called never Gonna get it because it's it's virtually impossible to get the right answer, but there are many chances to win.
And on the phone right now we have Carrie Hey, carry good morning, Good morning. So what's gonna happen?
Is? I'm gonna give you a chance to answer the question first, no pressure, It's almost impossible to get immediately. But twenty percent of people say they do this. They feel like they have to do this when preparing to host a holiday party. What is it?
So you get to take the first guess out of the blue? What do you think?
Oh, good lord, Well, most people would probably clean their house like shampooter carpets, YadA, YadA, YadA.
We'll go with that.
You want to, let's go with the shampoo the carpets, and that will be incorrect. But that is a good guess. But that's why this game is called never gonna get it because it's so hard to get here.
We got no, you're not gonna get it to Okay, So here's what's next.
There are four players in this room. They have all written out an answer. You get to pick two of them. If I were to introduce them, Amy say hello, Hi, Hello, Hi Hello to Amy.
Lunchbox, Oh hello, nailed it? What's up?
Hey, what's up?
Those are your four players there, carry picked two of them. If they get it right, you get it right.
And Lunchbox, Yeah, smart lady. Man, I'm not I'm not confident in this one. Wow, it's a hard one. It's like she cut off the cake and two pieces and ate the bottom half. What do you mean? You guys all to day?
You guys have the one that I'm just saying you too. It was like that, you know, they're the icing and the good. Wow, she's eating she's eating the butt of the bread.
You might get it. Though people are different, they like different things. That's sure. That's a good point. I think about that all right.
Twenty percent of people say they feel like they have to do this when preparing to host a holiday party.
What is it now, Amy, she did not choose you. What was your answer?
Buy alcohol? Okay, buy alcohol? One in five it's incorrect, Morgan, she did.
Not choose you. What do you have?
I was on the same path as her with cleaning, but it was a much more particular is cleaning the entire toilet, not just like the inside, You're cleaning the entirety of the toy outside of the toy.
Yeah, like that toilet butter we sparkling very specific and specificity is a big deal in this game. But that is incorrect. Okay. So if Eddie and Lunchbox, good it, she wins. If not, there's another chance, Eddie.
I hope you got a good answer, man, because I'm as good as mine.
Not really.
One in five say they have to do this, They feel like they have to do this preparing for holiday party. Lunchbox, would you.
Have hide your valuables? Oh wow? Okay, really good? That could be it. That could be it because peopleould like to steal. Well, I wouldn't say that people, but they.
May feel like they need to do it just because they're paranoid.
Did the butt of the cake. Yes, become the icing? I think I think you just did. Do we put icing on top of the butt of the cake?
After this?
Well, I don't know why.
The only things that were coming to my mind are by alcohol drugs.
Eddie, what is your answer?
See mine's not that good, but it's possible. So maybe they're going out to buy everyone a gift?
Yes, maybe do we icing the cake? Because party favor would be a gift. I would consider that a gift.
Not bad.
Hey, did we move up to the top of the cake? I still think, generally speaking, there at the top of the cake, but not today.
But maybe not today. Okay, here's what I'll say. How does she feel, Carrie? You heard their answers. How do you feel about them?
I feel pretty good about lunchboxes because yeah, your stuff absolutely.
Just people, according to Lunchbox like to steal. They love to steal. I do so, I don't.
I'm not telling you how that one of them are right, by the way, But Eddie, yours is wrong. Oh no, yours is wrong. On opposite day, you are correct, we're moving up to the top. Got on back to the icing club.
You're still goodness? No, it's not Brenda, No, it's Carrie. Oh did Brenda come from? I don't know who's he chatting with over there? Yeah, where did Brenda come from? Like out of nowhere? Carrie. We got a bunch of coal prizes for you to stay on the phone. Congratulations job. Want to hear that song real loud? He did it again. Watch out for those thieves, he did. Yep.
Don't invite people to your house so you feel like they're people love to do he said it, and he's right, he's right.
Tell them that story about those bears.
So these people had filed insurance claim because bears broke into their luxury vehicles and tore them apart.
Were they in the mountains? Were they at a place where there were bears?
Yeah, I mean it was believable enough to where. I mean they set it all up. But there's a it was a Rolls Royce like it was.
Those bears went hard like it it was. It's kind of crazy.
Well, then as they started to review the footage of the bear a little closer, they're like, huh, those are not real bears. Those are humans in bear costumes. And turns out is the humans that filed the insurance claim like they set up this whole scam.
Wait, they were in the bear costume? Who filed the insurance clauss, Yes, they were scamming the insurance.
Okay, so I have the actual story from the ap and what's been dubbed Operation bear Claw. The California Insurance Department said four Los Angeles residents were arrest of Wednesday, accused of defrauding three insurance companies out of nearly one hundred and forty two thousand dollars by claiming a bear had caused the damage to their vehicles. The group is accused of providing video footage from the San Bernardino Mountains in January of a bear moving inside a Rolls Royce and two Mercedes. They gave them to the insurance companies. Photos provided by the insurance department shows what appeared to be scratches on the seats and the doors.
The company viewing the video of the Rolls.
Royce suspected that they didn't move like a legitimate bear, but someone in a bear costume. So then now I'm watching the news from KTLA, it looks like they went to the people's house and they found the bear costume and it looks like it looks like a they're clause though it looks like little knives. The they made like makeshift claws to scratch the doors. This was almost a perfect crime.
They attached like a hair pic.
So it does look believable though if you can really start only because it's dark and if they're using the like like the infrared, but it's not red, it's like white, looks black and white.
Yeah, it looks like that bear's going to town in there and it's a person and it's a person. Wow, hilarious. They almost got away with it. Now, I told you my in laws one in the mountains, like two hours from now. I have a video of bears inside of their car. They were carrying luggage into the cabin they had rented, and three bears jump in their car and all the food and someone from another cabin came or that like worked around there and had to scream at the bears to get out, and the bears are one at a time running out of the car. I don't think those are humans because all they stole was basically like the world the originals. Those are the real bears. So there was slobber all over inside the car, but shout out for that. I'm glad they got caught. Don't cheat, but that's original. That costume was If someone wears bear costume at Halloween, they win the contest.
Is that real?
They win the.
Contest for great But they did get caught. And how about the person who has to go to their boss and go I, John, can you cut them office? Yeah?
Look at it. I think that might be a human. Yeah, that does look like a real bear.
I think the bear passed by the Volkswagens. I know the bear pass passed by the Mazdas.
And is it weird to you that it went right int the rolls? Royce and tumor saites, John, I think it's a human. Crazy story.
They took a DNA test, turns out their cousins they've been married. Selena and Joseph keona As a couple married for over a decade, were shocked when they're twenty three meters DNA test revealed their cousins. The revelation comes after Selena, curious better family's heritage, initiated the DNA test. The couple, who have three children together, never suspected they were related, despite both families attending their wedding. The discovery left them questioning the future of their marriage. Well, I hope that doesn't happen because you've already had the kids. If they have tales or a third eye, it is what it is, right, we all have tails.
We know you have a longer one than we do.
But yeah, we all have bones back there, Especially after their viral attention they got on TikTok. Despite the backlash, they have stayed together. What's what's going to benefit of them flitting up? Yeah, there's no benefit to the playing up. But in they're a little like okay, but let's let's read more into this. Emphasizing that their bond and family life had not changed. Selena expressed a sense of liberation. In response to their experience, they launched a dating platform, before We Be, designed to help people avoid unknowingly dating relatives.
Oh okay, good, I thought you were going to say they launched a dating site like it's okay, it's safe here if you want.
To date your cousin. Not a good site, to be honest. So that's cor cool.
So what I did not see in the story, and I read two different versions of it, is what level of cousin they were, because I think on this show we've drawn the line fourth cousin and on if it happens to happen. Yeah, it's fine if you find out later, right, right, because fourth there's almost no the shared.
Anything is very low. But for sure first is no. No, no, no, that's no. That's like only when you experiment when you're like a teenager cousins No oh no, and that one's terrible.
Okay, yeah, yeah, so I would if I'm just guessing, I'm guessing it had to be like third or fourth cousins because if both sides of the family were there and nobody's like, he's like, hey me, maunt Julius.
You mean you mean my aunt Julie.
Right, you would think someone at the wedding would like put it together.
But nobody did, and good for them. There's no reason for them to break up this out.
There though, because then you have to think of what their kids may have to deal with at school, like hopefully they're not getting like picked on.
Yeah, you're right.
If it's like a twelve year old and you find out your and your parents put on TikTok to their cousins, that's gonna be a good day school, right, that's gonna be a rough Monday when you go back. I'll give you a person or a thing. Tell me if now it's cool or uncool. We have our panel here of uncool people deciding this, yes, deciding.
Amy will start with you. Crocs. They're cool. I know they're cool. People wear them like they're cool, but I don't. I'm gonna go uncool, and I think that's what makes them acceptable.
Yeah, they're so, but also they got way cool to where I think it's kind of flipped.
The pendulum is the kids they're cool.
They're so uncool that they're cool, that they're a funky looking shoe, and people wear them because they are that that is why they're cool.
I can accept that now. I guess that mullets well, Amy, I mean god, it depends on the guy.
You know, I'm gonna go because they were so the thing for a minute. But if you're doing it now, it's so derivative that now it's you're about a year behind.
Oh yeah, it's not cool anymore. Once Morgan shaved his, everybody else started to shave it to. He was the reason that it came back.
Yeah, I mean he was a big it's like mustache or just a single mustache, Like that's kind of a thing again, but if so many people didn't get start doing it, it starts to be uncool because it's the oversaturation of mustaches, and that started to happen with mullets.
I just like a beard not on the list.
Oh that's just you purman out over them. Uh, prank videos, Amy, I mean uncool.
I'm going to go.
Cool with the caveat of so many of them are fake now that it starts to make them uncol because you question all of them because they try to set up all these prank videos like look at this, I put this grocery hamper on this guy's head.
In the grocery. You're like, that's absolutely that's not for real.
So I think they're cool if they're legitimate and nobody is hurt or embarrassed by them, like fun, embarrassment's good, but like humiliated by them? Right, So I think they're cool then, But the world of prank videos is now, let's just get a bunch of streams.
So they try to they fake them so bad on social media. Yeah, I think you nailed it.
A lot of people are over them because of just the saturation of fake ones, and people don't like seeing other people intentionally hurt. So if it's harmless, then it's funny. Those they're okay with, But more often than not, people are.
Not a fan of the prank videos.
I think the fake ones have made them un cool because it's so many fake ones. Food pictures on social media, Amy.
That's cool, Fine by me, I'm gonna go cool, Yeah, mostly because I do them some.
I don't know.
I like, I'll I never like a picture with food in it, if there's people in it, like half eaten food. Oh yeah, you're never dude, I'll gather the picture. I don't want to be in a picture with half eating food. That's disgusting.
I don't feel that way. I'm yeah, yeah, yeying that you are very much that way.
I would run on that like you have been, Like if the burger has a bite on it, you don't want that in there.
If it's like let's take a picture and there's food on the table, it's like a quarter of theway eating and half weaight, Like, I don't want to be a part of the picture. I don't want to be in the picture. I want to see the picture.
If all the food is or eyes and not touched, that's fine. Or if there's no food but halfy, that's disgusting. So I hate that.
But if it's like something really cool, like check out this, because food is art, a lot of times people make it in a really cool way, visually stunning.
I want to go. Food pictures are cool, Morgan. Yeah, they're cool.
People are making them artsy to your point, like they're putting them in their photo dumps and their artsy photos of food, and that's cool.
We do two more, Jimmy Fallon, Gosh, yeah, is he not cool? I'm asking you what you think? Well, now I'm nervous. Has he done something?
Great question?
That would be like if we knew a crime committed, we lu Amy into saying no, I know nothing.
Okay, cool Morgan.
I think he's kept up with this cool because they still do trends on his social media and those are pretty entertaining.
I think he's done a great job at maintaining being cool without being trying to be overly cool, because there is a line. I think he's cool. I think he's wildly talented. It's crazy to can seeing how good he can do everything and then finally these nuts.
Yeah, that's cool. Is it cool again? I think I think did it ever like lose a cool or was it ever cool? I don't know that. It doesn't ever get old to me. Okay, do you know who? The best is that it.
Exactly exactly it all would be to get amy to go who and then you maybe you've just been around us doing it for so many years that is fact. Yeah, so but you're gonna go these nuts?
It's cool? Yeah, I love that. Uh Morgan, I don't know.
I think it might fall under the same kind of situation of prank videos where people are getting tired of it.
I don't, I don't and nobody's getting hurt.
I know.
I personally am not like offended by it, but I do think people are getting tired of immaturity in a way.
Do you know who does it a lot too much? You know them.
Exactly trying to get away the whop like sometimes little and mature things.
So that's what helps keep us young. He is though, Yeah, he's like twelve. That's another round of cool on cool, thank you. It's time for the good news.
When baby Scotty May was born, the doctor said, you know what, You're never going to be able to walk because of a rare genetic disorder. The parents the baby, it was like, what's English. No, I told the parents, like, it's she's not going to be able to walk at all. Well, parents didn't stop there, say you know what, We're going to try our best. They put her in therapy. They worked and worked, and now Scotty May is four years old and she just took her first steps.
I wonder and that's I love it because that means that does parents were committed to, you know, giving the kid an opportunity. But I wonder to if technology advances so much in years we're born, then four years ago with whatever disease that she was born with, it was outlook not good for the development of but ass technology, especially with AI being able to lead us in appropriate directions. Right, it's like technology can develop big time and maybe the doctor, now, if the baby were the same exact condition, it'd be like, hey, you got a pretty good shot to walk.
Did this happened to baby real or Scotty Manx Scotty May? Yeah, you wonder.
I love the story for the human part of it, but also love it for the advancement of medical technology part of it, because I'd be willing to bet that's what it is, like heart and soul and technology.
Well, she's four and now she took her first steps and then Rando Marathon one. Parents are saying like this is the start to her walking on her own, which she's not doing yet but hopefully she will soon.
I was seeking of the parents like and how they didn't like take information and just roll with it, like they were like, oh, we're not going to give up. Yeah, because so I'm I just like, could tell me something good and encouragement for parents like totally don't give up because if I mean, the child would not be walking if they had parents that were just a little more like, Okay, well, I guess this is just guard we were dealt.
The doctor tells me I have COVID. I'm like, well, it is what it is. I don't believe it. What do we learn here? Don't believe anything unless it's on the internet. You do not believe it.
Right now, that is a great story in many many ways. That's what it's all about.
That was telling me something good right now. Time for Amy's Morning Corny.
The Mourning Corny, did you hear about the turkey who lost his left leg?
Hear about the turkey who lost his left leg? Yeah, he's all right now, all right, that was the morning Corny.
It was, by the way, because Eddie's bad pickleball. He's like the worst in our league, and similar happily just start playing. At the same time, Eddy's still worse than them.
What do you call it?
He's the goldfisher, He's the gold it's the lowest.
Amy has brought something for you. I think it's so kind of her to think about you when we're not even working. But okay, tell them what's up?
Okay, So Eddie, have you ever heard of the eighteen minute rule?
Good, Well I came across it, and apparently, if you practice a skill for just eighteen minutes a day for a year, you're going to be better than ninety five percent of.
People who the world. And it's not just pickable as anything at the skill.
Yeah, like, whatever the skill is, you pick it, you just need eighteen minutes a day, which we know you have.
I have eighteen minutes period in life box.
You're like, like, just start now and then we'll check back in three hundred and sixty five days eighteen minutes a day, which is it's also known as the one hundred hour rule because if you do the math, that's all.
It means you've done it for a hundred hours, and you could just practice. Could you do like, if you can't do eighteen in a day, can you double up on one, like on two days. I think you probably could do that. Absolutely.
Yeah, because it's one hundred hours, you're looking at the hundred hour rule. But I wouldn't save it all up one hundred hours one day.
But that's just.
Encouraging for anybody that's wanting to pick up a new skill, whether it's a piano or maybe you're wanting to learn a new language, give it eighteen minutes a day.
My wife and me and my wife just crushed Eddie and Reid. We have to keep bringing met them, beat them like the little mud hens rs.
I don't worry after the eighteen minute practice every day, we're doing nineteen. So catch us well one minute up. Yep. Here's a voicemail from last night.
I was zeld over twelve hundred dollars through a series of multiple payments.
Into my account over the course of a.
Week from somebody that I don't know. They reached out to me saying that it was meant for their mechanic and that they needed me to send the money back out of concern for it being a scam. I told them they needed to go through Zell and try and retrieve the money. I haven't touched the money yet, it's been a couple of weeks. Do you think the money is mine? What should I do?
Now? There is a scam and I can look it up and tell you exactly what the scam is where people send you money and then ask to get it back in a different way. And then what happens is, let's say I send Addy some money and I'm like, oh, can I get that back? But I'm only sending them money off a card I stole. Oh, you're cleaning the money by sending it to me. It's the accidental payment scam.
So what we're gonna do is teach you about a scam alert.
Scam alert, so a fraudster will send you money from a stolen credit card, then ask to get it back, claiming they made a mistake that leaves you liable for a fraudulent charge. When the cardholder disputes it, making you basically a money mule. Whoa, because you just transferred stolen funds. That's what's happening there. Oh my goodness to the caller, you did the absolute right thing by going to Zell or saying that must they must go through Zell in order to get the money back. But what if it was really for the mechanic, Okay, thedn They just go through zel and it was an accident and they need to fix their accident. So what's gonna happen is you're probably just gonna have money taken out of your account when the person realizes their card is stolen. If I were you, I would not give the money back to the mechanic. I don't even believe it's a mechanic. You know why they pick the mechanic because everybody loves a mechanic.
Everyone needs a mechanic. Everybody loves one. Ever the needs one. Yeah, it'd be like I was like, I'm a preacher. That is a scam. We had we had a scam, Hey scambler and one Hey Mike d So you had one in your work email?
Yeah? What was it?
For free predator tickets? The hockey team here we have an NHL team called the Preds. The Predators. Wait, that's very specific.
Yeah, And they said it was like employee appreciation, like hey, to all the employees, here's some free tickets.
Oh, was this one of the things where our company does it to test the trick?
Well, it said iHeart management, but management was misspelled, so it is a scam.
But was it I heart doing it to No?
I think it was just somebody else. So they usually they send them out and it's like, hey, did you fall for it? But I think this would was just somebody hacking into like the company email and trying to make it look real.
How would you misspell one of the major words if you work for me as a scammer? And I was like the company the manager of the scammers, you would not work for me as a scammer anymore if you can't spell management.
But I thought that's part of like what they have to do. Oh, No, I thought they misspelled because.
Amy you're thinking it's a company one they misspell on purpose. They're thinking that it's a mess up because they'll speak English. Okay, we'll learn English better if you're gonna scam for me. But even the Boston isn't knowing he does and that's why he just fired. Why just fire my lower level scammer.
They're doing it to show it to teach you. But he's saying, it's not that I know, but this is just straight type. This is a straight Okay, Well then then they're right. They're from Zimbabwe and they need to learn English. Is gonna work for me in my scamming company.
It's just crazy how specifical they are getting now, like finding your company email from your company and that, and that's like a typical email we would get like hey we get free your tickets sometime and.
Come to the front dests. Go to the front desk is govern for Zimbabwe.
Got you?
Put you in the back of the van and you're out of here.
Oh so lifelog dot com has like this is just something. I googled the Zel scam because I'm trying to figure out because I use Zel for some things, and.
I was like, wait a second, this is a sounding familiar.
And they have a whole article eleven zell scams, just Zel specific, just Zel specific, and one of the number five in at number five is the romance scam.
Hey, Greg, can you get us on some sexy music because Amy tells us the romance scam.
Yeah ahead, we'll tell it to us.
Well, they'll just use Zel like it's like they build a friendship with you. You start to share personal details. Eventually they express love and I mean they're true.
Just wait sexier than that. I know that they just haid watch out for it on Zel. It could happen. We we had music behind the two and everything and all right, thank you. And that is the end of the first half of the podcast. That is the end of the first half of the podcast. That is the end of the first of the podcast. That is the end of the first time of the podcast.
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