Bobby wants to test out games that he was thinking about doing on the radio show. He also shares why he feels this is the better show. Bobby sings a prominent part of a song and we try to guess it. We also talked about the news that came out about UAP’s aka UFOs this week. Morgan went to the Mariah Carey Christmas bar and gave us a review. We then 'test kitchen' Amy's Wheel of Topics.
It's time for the Bobby Bones post show. Here's your host, Bobby Bones.
Thank you.
We're gonna test out a couple of games once. I don't know who was with me, I know some of you were. We went to the Taco bellt test kitchen in northern California. Well, it's north of LA, so I guess that would still be Hey, Scooba. What's the official geographic name of I believe it's if it's still in sane spy.
It's Irvine, California, which is down in Orange County, closer to like Disneyland area.
Where it was. Okay, but that's north of LA. That's south of LA. Oh I have no idea then, Okay, yeah, yeah, it's.
More Orange County, so it's closer. It's between LA and San Diego.
Okay, I just knew. We drove like an hour from LA. Yeah, it's a long drive, depending on traffic, could be two hours sometimes. I went traffic report, scoop steak, everybody, Wow, it's a traffic chase right now. I went to that kitchen and we got to eat a lot of the stuff that they're trying out, some that never made it because they have a whole test kitchen there. We're gonna use this show now as a test kitchen for games and segments that I feel like, I don't know the we risk of putting it on the big show yet, But also it could be way more entertaining here anyway, and also low key, I feel like the post show sometimes is better than the real show only because we get to stretch out. We have to worry about hitting certain clocks, and I don't have to like be out at a certain time because of an hour clock where affiliates have to flip. So at times I feel like this is the better show, not because we're choosing better content, but because we have a little more room. I think we just need a new name for this show because post show feels like and we've done post show forever. It was just like, it's over, let's do this stuff we never got to because it wasn't as valuable. It's not that anymore. So just put that on your plate, boys and girls.
Maybe listeners could name it.
Yeah, we'll just call it the better show. I just know, because it's not always better. But I just I don't even want listeners. I don't want to just come up with a name and if we like it, we'll.
Go with it. Okay.
Yeah. Usually if it's like a listener thing, then lawyers are like, you can't. Then we got to compensate them. If you're there's gonna be a content. Oh, it's just so everything's so lawyer. Yeah, that's all. We had to stop the music intro of the contest. Lawyers like, you can't do that. You can't have a contest where you pay somebody, even if it's your own money, to do a listener song contest. I don't want to fight a lawyer. I barely have my law degree, you know, No, you now, I know, but I read some stuff. No, I read some stuff once law books. I did take media law going college. You did, Yeah, but that doesn't count. No, that's just one class that doesn't count. But I like know the very very basics of the basic But no, I don't not really like I know what some of the long words mean. Basically, it's what that means. Okay, So we have a couple of games. Let's just do one of them now. And I literally just came up with it as we were sitting here, which, by the way, fun fact about this show. A lot of the games we come up with. It's just Mike or myself going, oh, that's a game. That's that's it. There's really no research. Some shows have a lot of research in their games. They wanted us to research the name of segments, and you know what we do. We just name them and run like anonymous inbox. They were like, we should send this through research. You know we did name been Ranka.
It takes months just what we'll figure out for this show.
No, what we figured out is we never figured it out exactly. Tell me, that's not socratic. Okay, here's the game.
I don't even know the game is.
I will sing the first so we do that first note of a song game, which is perfect because it's one note of a song that's been recorded. Also, it gets a bit risky because we can't play music up to a certain point on a podcast because then it is considered music on demand, and you can't have music on demand on a podcast it's free because then you're not paid, right, lawyers. So I will just sing one part of the song randomly and can you take it from there? Yes? Now, you guys already have a bet, because I was doing one before we started this. I was sitting in here, and I did one that prompted the game where I went it. Oh, and that's all I did. And Eddie got it because he heard me singing the rest of the song under my breath earlier. But I wasn't playing the game. I just went ooh, what is that to you? Amy? Oh?
I was? I am Well, now he cheated. I have some kind of feelings.
I was singing that one though out loud to before we came on. But if I go, oh, he cheated because heard me singing the whole song, didn't cheat?
Do it one more time?
And also, I'm human, it's probably probably not perfectly on right.
Yeah, I'm assuming you're not right. So that's that's part of the game as well.
I have no idea this one. Oh that's what I hear.
Give me the people and free myself. That's a Doobe Gray dripped away want I.
Mean because I would like, oh, yeah.
This is kind of an oh bones, did I not just say I am human? You're human? And we all sing it differently? Okay, so but this is the one that you guys are fighting about. Yeah, and Eddie was trying to bet Amy money.
Because she said I know it.
I do know it.
I feel like.
Nobody knows this one except for me in my head. And I went like this, I do you want me to go? Well, let's every think about it for a second. I like you to write it down because I do want to hear your answer.
I that's pretty easy.
Okay, good, I love it. Oh Am?
I writing it down?
Yeah, just because I don't want to be piggybacking.
No, he said, Amy, write it down.
Sorry, I said everyone. No, I did say everyone, and also Amy because she wants to yell it out. But I want everybody to be able to play.
And this is the bet. This is the ten dollars bet.
She never took the bet. I don't think she should bet because there's I don't think she's gonna get it.
Okay, why wouldn't I get it?
I'm human and on flawed. That's why.
So you're not it's not even really I.
It's like.
Maybe, but it's not.
It's what makes this game really hard.
Like this song is e I okay, letch talk. What do you have?
I saw a little silhouette gello, mush gello.
Moosh, we need to name of the song.
Oh you?
I thought I was supposed to finish the song that is called Bohemian rhaps City.
Okay, Morgan, would you written done?
I did not have something wrong.
She did not play fair enough. She is human, she's flawed.
Yes, Eddie, Bohemian Rhapsody really.
Well, similar to Lunchbogs. I thought we're just spos to saying it. So I got to think of the title. But I have I and then I go one.
So my guess said, no, it's really good for you.
What is that?
It's Alanis Moore said, you.
Want to know? You want to know, so I think even Eddie might have guessed that earlier. This is a second guest. I'll let him cheat you because we already.
Held bet ten dollars.
He only wanted to bet you didn't get it. He didn't want to bet on him, He didn't want to about on him. He wanted to bet you wouldn't get it because he didn't get it. And what he heard was, it's not that's not it.
No, well that's exactly what it sounds like, exactly.
I'm flawed. I'm human. Now the answer is we got it. I see a little I got it. Hey, no, you got it.
I got it In the first guess you did to to No, I didn't have a first guest, but you heard him.
Guess I heard Mike. I knew that. It wasn't that.
Okay, here's another one ready, here you go. Oh, I can't do another it's another eye, but it doesn't have enough of it doesn't have enough suff just doing doing this off the top of my head. Mhmm, I was gonna do. I can't do another eye because I was going to do I took her out. It wasn't I was gonna do that. But the iye and took her is falls too close? Another one?
What the.
I just need more than that one. I can't but I didn't have this game planned. This is the problem, guys.
Okay, so now we'll call it two seconds of Bobby.
No, it's not even that. It's just I don't have any songs even on the list in front of me.
I'm right, I know, but I know, but I already on it. Okay, on it, Honor, who's on a on a?
Oh, I don't want to be Honor.
This is easy.
I'm in clear right, Oh, I got dangerous minds. What is that name? Gangster's Paradise?
Amy Chattahoochie, go in your head on a Chattahoochie.
I don't think that's the way down, way down yonder.
Way down yonder on a chad.
You may be right, but I am human.
Unfold Yeah, way down yonder on.
A chadow's on that right?
I don't know what I'm thinking.
Eddie, mind stupid.
I have on a boat.
That's not as I go there, I'm on a boat.
Okay, here time you want to guess.
Yeah, I think it's a guards works on a cloudy night, is what I was going with.
Like honor, but you're higher, but this is honor?
That What is it now, Eddie, I'm an idiot. It's Hotel California, sing it on a dark desert.
Highway, on a dark desert highway?
Is it always gonna be the first line?
Or is it just?
I don't know.
They just came over with the game two seconds ago.
There are no rules.
I know.
I have to clarifying.
No, you don't know that. It doesn't you get two guesses.
Okay, here's the easy one.
Okay, Okay, so it doesn't have to be the starter of a can.
Okay, can.
I think I got this one?
The name of the song.
Yeah, you do.
If you know the song.
You know the name of the song, and we'll do this one and then we'll play and eliminade everybody one by one. If you miss it, uh, lunchbox?
Can you feel the love tonight? I don't know the name of the song, though.
What is your answer?
Can you feel the love?
Incorrect? Eddie?
Can you feel the love tonight?
Correct? Can you feel the love tonight?
Okay, so I got credit.
You said the whole thing except the last words. You know the roles on any song game, you have to say the whole title written. Missed it? Amy?
Can you feel the love tonight?
I had Can You take Me?
But nobody loses because the game hadn't officially started. But in any lyric game, he knows this, even though he's whining. You have to get the whole title right, because he would have. You guys would have lost had.
Because you said what are you? What are you? Basically he said what are you locking in on? And you locked in on the wrong answer. Can you feel the love? But you did good?
You're human.
I'm not flowing.
Okay, give me a second. Any think of a song because I don't have one. Here we go, okay, here we go, got it? Here you go? What? What?
Stupidest game? Say one more time?
But I'm in.
You're doing it different.
I'm doing exactly right.
Every time it's a little different.
I'm doing exactly right according to the best of my ability, because I'm a human and I'm flawed.
What what?
What I'm in? I think.
I don't know a song with what in it?
What I mean there's multiple songs with what?
No I know that's what makes you. But it's also like there's no song with.
A song with what in it.
That's different than when making guesses too on the screen because he doesn't know the answers because he is not right. Yeah what? Okay? Time?
What were we thinking?
Incorrect? Mike? Do you want to say yours?
What's up for Nownes?
Incorrect? Well, that's good, Morgan.
What love got to do?
That had been a good one too for lunch Box? What's what? It's wrong? It doesn't matter.
I'm clarifying because we don't We're not.
Doing that one, so it wouldn't matter.
Okay, But I didn't know if it was like what like if you.
Had to say that I do if that would have been that had been what?
Okay, I'm clarifying because I don't know.
What if you just certification there's no rules in the boxing.
What if you just.
Uh, what amy.
Want to be? What? I'll tell you what I want, what I really want? So tell me what? Ye what?
I would never do a song in the middle of a sentence.
You said, it could be any part of the song, but it has.
To be like the first line, the first part of the line. I'm not gonna extrapolate a word.
There are no rules.
Hey, all that's all I had in my head is I'll tell you what I want, what I really really That would.
Be a very very tell me. I couldn't I couldn't even manage that game.
Yeah, but that you would do like suh.
That's correct, right, It would just be so.
Yeah, I have what's love got to do with it? What? What is love?
I heard it? Actually?
What on track with?
What is love? The jam? Let me let me figure out what is the song?
What's love? What is love? Yeah? That is hold on quire a second. I want.
No one's saying I can't guess.
It's like I'm forcing it's hard me to think of a song that I can find as dedicated first sound too. Okay, Okay, here we go. Mm hmm. You wanted to want to keep going to his freaking Chattoochie game. You put that on my head and planted it and do it. She's planted the seed of chattoochi and I can't get it? Not great?
Know? How would that go?
I have no I've know you logging into Okay by stop? How about okay, hen what did you say, hen or? And what you need more? Hannah?
I got it, Hannah, I already got it. I'm over the wind.
Have you seen hand or hand?
Okay, I'm in.
Hannah what Hannah, I'm in?
Hold on?
Mike's got it?
I got it, Hannah.
Mannah, Hannah, I can't always a hand or Yeah, I don't know.
I have a guess, but I don't know if I have a right hand.
That's a good well, Bobby, you nailed that.
Yeah, I mean I'm in.
Were like, I know, I feel like I have.
A mid po face. You didn't have po faced. Yeah, we're gonna go to your first amy since you're not quite there.
I'm getting there and I don't want the world.
Answer is.
I always love you, Whitney Houston.
That's not right.
Okay, I also have I will always love it.
That's not right, Eddie, you have and too much. On the end, this is Hannah.
Don't want the word and you.
Got it, you just didn't get it. I don't want the world to see me because I don't think Amy one point, but.
I don't get it because I didn't have it.
Good point. I forgot the rules.
I won't tell them your name.
No, that's a different Okay, okay, so that is one. We have two more to go. There's no points, so I gotta think of two more. Okay, here we go. We men, we we.
I don't know.
A song probably won't be a radio game big games I'm in.
I think it has a chance.
It's fun for here because we're stupid, but we.
Don't have the time, right and all the argument and stuff.
Yeah, that's fun for podcasts. Yeah, we.
Gosh, there's a lot of this.
There's a lot of all these stupid game.
I mean they all sound the same.
We all right, didn't answer, guys, I'm in watchbox, hold on, no, I need to answer. I mean Amy got an hour, I know, but we literally have time to we have to do stuff. Amy. We will bring our family in correct and correct any.
Good I have. We shall be free Garth Brooks Morgan.
I didn't have anything. I couldn't find that.
It is we shall be free. Yeah, have a little time.
We shall we we shall be free.
We are family totally.
I know. No, nobody's arguing.
It could be we are in the world. It could be.
We know that. Okay, one more, Okay, that's fine.
What what now?
I'm just tired of the game. I'm trying to get through it.
M M jim crazy.
I got it?
Did you watch it?
You reminded me of Chimpanzee.
I think Amy will have this one.
You still know the title?
Mm hm, I just have the artist?
You do know you? If you knew it, you'd know it.
Do I think I know the song? I can't.
You would know the title.
I'm trying to get there. I can't always get there. We don't have time.
Okay, hold lunch. Watch your answer?
Yeah, who let the dogs out?
Eddie? Oh that's good. Go on take the money and run?
Who go on?
Take it?
Like Steve Miller, Ran Morgan, don't stop believing Amy.
Steve Miller ran, take your money and run.
Oh how about this?
Why I look just like Buddy Holly.
Yeah, take your money?
Yeah I did. She got basically, I got like five, dude.
I don't know.
I don't Bobby, I don't think I got I got one. I don't think I think I got can you when you started.
Count taking score Lunchbok's got none? Bro was making sure we were online, So she gets point for just doing that. You got, we shall be free? And Amy saying iris, Yeah, we shouldn't get iris. I know there are no rules though, so I give our five points. Fun game, Okay, not really that fun for me because then you guys are arguing and I'm like, what do you mean to do? I'm human, I'm flawed.
It's a lot of pressure for you to just pick as.
Also, I wasn't prepared right anyway, That's what we did. We just did that for ten minutes. We do have another game that Amy created that we're going to test out in a little bit or a bit maybe is it a bit.
It's not really a game, and it's more of a bit wheel. I would call it a wheel.
Bit All the wheels we're going to but it's not gonna We'll test it a little bit. I got other stuff to talk about. I do want to do the alien stuff because they had to testify front of Congress again. It's all over the place. I watched some of it on like CBS News last night.
Guys, But what's the term they're using?
What's u ap?
Yeah? What is that?
So they stop saying why they stop saying UFOs because they don't fly. They're also in the water, right, there are parts of that. We know less about the ocean than we do the moon. So there are certain parts of the ocean where they are seeing things moving faster than anything that we have the ability to make.
But even the A is aerial, right.
No, it's not. It's anomalists A and a enamelist. I saw that word us, yes, but then they said, why do we change it from ufo to ariel if we're going it's not because it's flying. Okay, So then they're in that place like we got on another A word, So then they kind of had to do another A word. Yeah, No, it's a unidentified anomalous phenomena phenomena, phenomena phenomena. So I have a lot I think, well, so let me just play some stuff here first. So this is all in front of Congress, and so they have to go and they just get asked questions and they have to answer. And so ray, I know, I have a bunch of clips here. We'll try to stay on the same page. Retired Navy Rear Admiral Timothy I'm not sure to say his last name, Galadet sent his opening statement that he became aware of UAPs during his career working with the Meteorology Department with the Navy, and pushed back against the secrecy of UAPs.
See do you believe, just for the record, that the federal government, any part of the federal government is knowingly concealing evidence about UAPs from the.
Public, Yes, sir, yes, yes, what do you believe UAPs could be or are strong evidence that they are non human higher intelligence?
I echo my colleagues's comment, sure, genuinely do not know, don't know, but we must find out.
So I don't know who that all four of those people are. That we must be off on what clips we have here.
But I got that, and then I got Michael Schellenberger.
Okay, that's the only two clips you have? Ye, who are the So I have four clips? Here is this four clips?
Those two bottom?
Okay, so are those the people that we're just answering there? One of them is the rear admiral. Is that a term rear admiral or no rear means if that's a short if that's shortened for something.
I mean maybe maybe something high.
Up Here is Michael Shellenberger, who have build a secret program called Immaculate Constellation ran by the United States government to document u FO uf sidings. Was that that ray?
Nope. Previous one was witnesses saying if the government hiding anything? And there's this is Michael Schellenberger.
This is a clip of Congressman Robert Garcia asking the four witnesses what the UAPs could be.
That was that was the first clip.
Okay, here's a second clip, Michael shellen Michael Shellenberger reveals a secret program called Immaculate Constellation ran by the US government to document UFO and up sidings. The mission is to document UAPs. Go ahead.
I think that what the American people need to know is that the US military and intelligence community are sitting on a huge amount of visual and other information. Still photos, video photos, other sensor information, and they have for a very long time, and it's not those fuzzy photos and videos that we begin in those very clear.
High RESK high resolution. How many how many visuals, graphics, videos, photos?
I mean, I've been told hundreds, you know, maybe thousands. I mean, I also wanted to say, because there was some there was some conversation around concern around the revealing of these materials, revealing the source collections. But some of these are shot from helicopters using normal videos of oceans. I just think that's absurd that somehow you're going to be revealing some secret US technology by revealing that you've shut you've photographed orbs off the coast.
Of Kuwait so clips aside. I watched a lot of this because I'm just generally interested. And one of the guys was talking about I think an F sixteen is the fastest plane that we have. I'm going to be off a little bit here where it goes like sixteen g's. Maybe maybe that's why they call it an F sixteen. Oh, that would make sense. I never put that together and it may not even mean that, but.
That's what my father in law flu.
Yeah, Air Force apparently that's the fastest plane that we have. And after a certain point with those g's, anything that we have that we've created will start to break apart, because if you go twenty five g's, it's not only does a human go blackout.
Then read out than death, but the aircraft.
The aircraft starts to break apart, and that some of these UAPs going one thousand g's and if you do like twenty five to thirty, your crap breaks from what we've developed, and some that they have recorded go a thousand or two thousand g's and they're like, either this is something and they one of the guys, the military guys gives a he says, either this is something that we absolutely don't know what it is and it's not from here a UAP, or if another country has its power, this could be nine to eleven times a million, because they could destroy our whole country. If they have the ability to do this, they could just literally own us, kill us all, and take all the land because we have no capability to keep up with it. And it's a security issue, which is why they're having this hearing in front of Congress. And some of the questions and if those are the only two clips we have. Some of the questions are like, again, these are former military guys, high ranking military officials, and they're like, do you believe that these are not from our planet or from And they're like absolutely, yeah, it's crazy, and yeah it's crazy.
But is there a U N for space?
Well, we have Space Force? Now why do you think they created that? Let's be honest, right right now. For sure, it's literally a branch of the military.
That protects well space.
He means there are the other planets that have no no, no, no.
No no, because I was singing, doesn't that mean they'd have to have a representative.
Yeah, like yeah, gunzonggongan from Mars. I don't know.
I mean like for a UN for like America for the word for the Earth, so.
Like in movies, there are because like say it is that is the UN? What what you're saying is the UN.
But I'm asking him there if that's a thing, because like you talk about, if it's another country that's way more advances, that's trouble. But if it's another bean from another planet, then we should kind of unite as the Earth.
Right, But what do you think the UN is? I guess is my question. I'm just asking you generally.
Oh, it's just a group of countries that kind of get together and talk about how they can.
Save the world. What you're saying is but for some.
Time, But that's on land by the time, about for space.
No, that's just general, right, they've it's never had to be for anything other than land. So the UN is the United Nations, and yeah, they're a group that work together to take care of each other. If they need to join forces, they do. But I think you're thinking a shield from Marvel. Yeah, yeah, I think you're thinking of that. Yeah, but the UN is what you're saying, because it is.
Trouble if like Russia, say that's another country.
Is like Russia not in the UN, Russia and North Korea, Iran not in the UN. Now, would they probably want to be a part of the team if we realized there was something that was a threat, probably for the sake of But if like they said, it's uh, it's defense they're worried about because if it is another country that has this again he said, it's nine to eleven times whatever number you want to put there, because of the ability that these craft whatever they are, have if it's made by another country, so either way is pretty terrible, even if it's somebody else that has it.
And they see they've seen these things kind of like at our level. So way up in the sky.
There is a according to some of the ex military and some of the Pentagon former Pentagon employees that have been in these departments, there is a retrieval program. This's been around for sixty seventy years where they have and I want listen to one guy explain it, because you have to explain it to me, you know, ELI five big time. And so he explained it like, they have found UAPs and they try to reverse engineer them. So if it's down, they try to take it and go, how did it do this? Let's take it apart and see if we can figure it out. And his comparison was, what if you took like I think he said, a ninja motorcycle and you gave it to the to the Pilgrims and the Mayflower. They found that and they were like, oh god, what is this. They wouldn't know how to do the fuel injection. There are so many levels before they can figure out even what it is to reverse engineer it that they would maybe be able to push a button and start it, but even they'd be like, what the crap. They compared it to that.
And with these people speaking, I think other people that have stayed silent. What do you think, Bobby, they may come out. You don't think.
People that is I mean, I think people that feel like they're protected otherwise they know things that should know, or they know things. Even some of the questions they were asked, they were like, we'll have to tell you in a closed session. And these are people that were called to testify.
So the people are former Pentagon insider, veteran investigator, retired Navy Admiral Galladette, journalist Michael Schellenberger, and Michael Gold, a former NASA administrator. So it's not like your brother who saw something at trailer park one.
Day at the ranch. Yeah yeah, out in the ranch. Yeah, he's having a few beers.
And if they're like asking your brother, it's different.
We're like, so who my cousin can talk about aliens and very intelligent way or.
I don't even like to the word aliens, sorry because it feels like little green.
She wouldn't use that either. I just said that because I'm ignorant, But yeah.
You people.
I like sand Aliens. It's fun. But I think if you do that automatical, that's Little Green Men on the movies, right. We did that on the whole. We talked about a bit on the podcast The Bobbycast because my wife did the podcast with me and one of my dearest friends has been Rector the artist is singer. We talk about simulation all the time. And well, Caylen and I talked about on the podcast was us always talking about it because we went to dinner and I don't know, fifteen minutes into it, we just dominated the conversation with it, And so Kaylen and I were talking about it, and we're only talking about the fact that Ben and I won't shut up about it while we're at dinner while four of us are trying to have dinner. So but that's there. But anyway, I just wanted to bring that up again. I wouldn't spend a bunch of time on the real show because I think most people would be like, huh.
Pass and they're talking, they're testifying to the Senate.
Can I tell you why, Congress? Can I tell you why? I think it's right now? They're doing it because it's right around election, and it's election over shadows this so much that if this were on like a March March, non election year, it would be the main freaking story. But because you've got Trump announcing new cabinet members, new people running, the election just happened, Like, it's not the biggest.
News, especially ones that are controversial.
Yeah, it ish. Yeah, like Matt Gates Attorney general that was announced. I don't think he will get confirmed, but yes, it's happened. I think it's happening at the same time.
For that reason, I wonder if Trump's in on it. He's like a look, look, he's.
A president though, like he probably knows stuff. Remember, I mean, it's not like this is the first time. Like I'm sure unless they don't tell the presidents like that. Also could be a thing where everybody doesn't get to know everything.
Oh, I would think that they know.
I would think there's probably we have a system and checks and balance, a system where every not one single person knows everything.
Sure you would think that the president would know, though if there.
Was, I don't think the President's with CIA does most of the time like some.
I don't even probably because he doesn't want to know.
No, probably because they have a system of I mean, every not one person can know everything, because that would be all powerful, and they don't want anyone to be all powerful.
Right. But you know, sometimes if you know, then you get in trouble.
I don't know, you're doing movies now and now, No I'm not.
I'm not. I'm not doing movies like you know something like I rather don't like sometimes, yes, you don't want to be complicit in what's happening. So and as the president of the as.
The Supreme Court just rolled, if you're the president, you're not complicit in anything if it's in presidential duties.
Oh well then okay, how.
Does someone keep a secret like that? Though, Like they're not they're literally going now. But if somebody knows, yeah, say you're the guy that you ever watch bibles?
Are He's been just saying it for twenty years, exactly this over twenty years exactly this.
What do you mean? Like if you're in the military and you know something and you're not speaking out.
Like Private Garcia, like here's your information. You don't tell anyone, you're the only one that you'll lose your job.
Like I was married to someone yet like.
Yeah, but like we're all human, man, I got to tell someone.
Okay that then you talk to you, but no, you don't talk to your wife like no, I there's so much where I'm sure some guys maybe speak, but other guys they take the oath very seriously and they I happened to literally be married to one that he saw it as his duty to not say anything and he didn't want to also again put me in a position where I know something that it was just like safer to not say anything. And plus that's what he took an oath to do.
And they don't just give people confidence information like you wouldn't get comfor I was an example, they wouldn't give it to private Garcia.
Right, you go through like a process to get that secret.
Just using that an example.
But if I had all the requirements and they told me, I don't think I could.
Really, you wouldn't have the requirement, all.
The requirement you may not like you may not. Well, I was just thinking about it, like you may not make it through the classified.
Flo you gotta tell somebody, don't though, and you can't, but then you do. But if you do pre then you won't have a career.
Right, what if your wife's like, hey, I'm leaving you taking all the kids unless you tell me, and that would be okay, that's tough.
But it's not just aliens, no, not you a it to be that. It could be anything that is confidential, top secret information.
It's gotta be hard.
I'm sure you know what people keeping.
It okay, and I do. I think you're right. I think that it does get difficult, and it gets like to where sometimes it's too much. And I think that they're people blower.
If you share a whistle blower, Yes, if you share something that is supposed to be kept secret for because you think for the betterment of X, Y or Z, you are a whistleblower. Whistleblowers get killed. Whistleblowers are well, you're talking about them sharing for their jobs.
He'd be sharing it just to his wife, but just my wife.
But maybe he's having coffee with someone and right, that's how it gets out.
But a whistleblower is only if someone is doing something bad, right.
No, whistle blowers are in my mind good like they're doing it for a good reason.
That's what you means, you know, I mean something is being hidden that is bad.
That's why they're blowing the whistle.
They're blowing the whistle because something bad is going on, so they need people to.
Knowin Keel are saying the same thing, just different.
Yes, but like you can be a whistleblower against you aps. You're not saying it's bad that that's happening. You're saying it's bad that people don't know. Correct, like there's nothing bad happening.
Yeah, Like one of the persons I can't remember which guy was, but he just said, he was like, look, the American people, we deserve to know. And I think he even said and I believe that they can handle it, because that's part of the problem.
Is we can't ca't handle it.
Can't handle it.
I'm gonna let them know right now, put me on their Congress. We can't handle it. We're ignoring it. It's so bad, we can't handle it.
It's they come to along from Blanklin eighty two, the whistleblower.
Yeah, because he on the bass guitar satanic the satanic sounds of the basic in the whistle.
He was one of the ones who had them like release some of those documents that were classified because he was saying, like, this stuff is real.
I've talked to people, and then he.
Was famous enough to pressure them to release stuff because people have told him and they probably shouldn't have, but they knew he was famous enough to leverage it to get it released.
Oh man, a couple of beers. You're like sitting with a rock star. You're like, you want to hear something crazy. Don't tell anyone.
They will also test. And I've done this with you guys, and I've let you guys know certain things that I know. I got to executives that aren't true, Like I know who shares stuff with people on this show. That stuffishers doesn't get shared anymore. So. Elon Musk had a thing once that was pretty genius where he sent an email out with some secrets, not secrets, but like internal company moved the period of one spot in every email, and then once it got came back to the news, he knew based on that one period moving exactly who leaked it. It's so genius.
Oh gosh, Yan, I forgot about that story. He's that's crazy. Who did that? Was it? Yeah?
Yeah, it's Tesla that that I believe did that, But I know that was part of what they did to figure out who it was. Again, there are things that I know that have come back through other people to me that only a certain amount of people knew that I just kind of planted to see who would talk, And like, I think that's a so they don't get competential information I tell you about about you have peace us in this room because I know all the secrets. So yeah, anyway, aliens bad unless they want to be nice to me. He froze up for a second, because I am an alien. People watching, like, Oh, there's a guy in these testimonies that looks like an alien behind one of the guys. Have you guys seen the video of this goal.
No, it's like they zoomed it on someone of the back.
It's mean, it's mean, but he has like the general face structure of what Hollywood has made us think an alien looks like. And he's sitting right behind the guy and it looks like he's like watching over him to make sure the guy's not saying too much.
You know what I'm I mean, it is me.
But you know what I like about that is just like there are really funny people out there, and I'm glad they get to like use their humor to like just do stuff because that's that's funny.
I wish I could.
That's funny, it's funny.
What is just things that people like catch on TV?
Hard than I felt back because he just like he didn't choose to look like that. I know, I know. I want to find the video because I saved it on TikTok. I'm pretty sure.
TikTok has allowed people to just give them an outlet to be funny.
I like it.
They don't seem to be they don't seem to hiding.
The UAP sidings are becoming increasingly brash, if you will. Certainly there seems to be some indication that they're being provocative, meaning that they're in some cases literally splitting aircraft formations right down the middle.
So that's an air safety issue. Anyway, I'll find it, and you guys will laugh your butt off and then feel bad for it because I guy didn't choose to look like that. I'll be honest with you.
You didn't send me that clip, did that? What? You didn't send me that clip?
What clip like that?
TikTok of what usually you send me funny tiktoks.
No, here's the thing about Eddie. I just said, Edie, two bogs all time. Never get a response. Eddie sends me one one TikTok. I don't respond, he gets buy her. So we did a bit about it and then he sent me a second one. Read what you said? Yeah, I said, so I sent him a message back.
It was a good one, right, it's good John Popper Blue Traveler.
It was a It was a clip of John Popper Blue travel Harmonica Blue Travelers saying it and in renting and maybe then somebody and that one or you're doing hook. That's there's the second biggest one. What's the other one though?
That's it.
That's the run around I'm thinking of. I'm just trying to explain your Blue Travelers around. I give you around. Well, it's your far wed feed things up. So anyway, Eddie sends his clip of him playing harmonica on hook and then I responded to it like I'm supposed.
To go ahead, Yeah, he said, I acknowledge. I have received this TikTok, watched it, enjoyed it, was amazed by it, and felt a bit of nostalgia at the same time. Thank you for sending this, and I look forward to more of the sharing of tiktoks.
You're not going to reply that way every time you want to hear.
You get it. I sent them twenty over a year and never got a dang thing back.
You know how you write lol at things, just like, but you're really not laughing out loud.
I really ill that.
Well that don't expect after one TikTok for me to now treat you like I wanted you to treat me after all mine. That's all that was funny, Thank you. Morgan went to the Mariah Carey Bar all over for Christmas Bar, the pop up.
At Virgin Hotels.
How was that?
It was an interesting experience. I realized that there was multiple people across the states that were going to different versions of this all across the country, and so Nashville's wasn't quite as decked out as some of the other ones, but it was still really cool.
They had all here.
It's all these Christmas decorations are put up. They have a little Mariah Carey like photo situation where it says all I want for Christmas is you with a little neol sign over it, and then they have a bunch of drinks and bites that were curated for Christmas, Like I got this.
Kind of chocolate, the lower effort.
It looked like that. Like somebody was at the New York one and I was like, dang, you guys got a decked out one o ours?
Is that New York?
She lives there? Yeah, I don't know if she does in New York.
I think she has a house there.
I'm sure she has a house everywhere.
Yeah, I don't know where she did. They say she's her mail. Then they say there's like a limit, like a twenty minute limit to be in.
There or something.
Oh, there was. Well it was a pr event though, so they didn't.
Limit us, but there might be invited, so.
Like check it out. So we got to try. I ate some devil legs and had spiked hot.
Chocolate New York City penthouse.
Oh yeah, I'm sure she has a play if she had to live in one place. Though, you live in New York fifty time and then in California forty nine percent of the time because of taxes.
Oh she does.
Have a mansion in Beverly Hills as well.
Or you live in Florida. Why the taxes owners, there's so much higher in California. Oh, just a mass of difference. But if you play ball, you want to play in Florida or you want to play in a place that doesn't have a state tax, because again, it costs you so much money to play in certain states just because there's state tax. That's why when I was going to play professional football.
It was hard to decide.
Yeah, so I didn't. It's a good choice, man, the choice I decided.
I was going to do this.
Let's do a mitteral ray, we get on that. All right, Okay, we have a couple of things we have to do that am on the list. Let's bring in the wheel and we're gonna do the test kitchen for Amy segment. And on this wheel, Amy, I want you to explain this segment because I just have like a general idea of it.
Okay, well, so I have a bunch of options on the wheel. It's sort of like just random.
Sort of like we gotta work on the description the pitch better. We gotta really work on the pitch better.
For me, I'm out put it.
Hey guys, No, it's like a roulette of conversation or roulette like story time, because everyone's whatever it lands on, everyone has to share something. So yeah, we can. We can workshop the name, but the idea in my head was that just spin and whatever whatever it lands on. We go around the room and everyone has to share something that is related. Like if it's a foody, fine, you have to share like a recipe or food you're obsessed it for throw food concoction. If it's a daily habit, share something you do every day.
We have no knowledge of what these are. I don't even know what these are, but you can see them now. But I'll just spend it. Eddie can go first.
Okay, here we go that Eddie throwback.
Don't know what that means.
This throwback would be a memory or story from childhood, high school, college, something like that, or anything that's a throat you would consider like a throwback Thursday type story.
I love it throw because any story from your past.
Yeah that you want to share.
Give us something interesting from your past.
Okay, okay, So, like my dad bought this piece of property one time, and it had a big tower, like a big radio tower, probably eight hundred feet tall. And we were having some beverages one night, me and my buddies, and we were like, I bet you won't go up there.
And I was like I bet yea, I will. So we all climbed the tower nice and it was.
So high and scary and nobody died. Nobody died, but it was pretty scary. So you could have died.
We totally could have died. The wind was moving the towers.
The riskiest thing you've ever done.
Yeah, probably, And no safety harness or anything.
No, no, no, you know you can walk right in the middle of that thing, like just in the middle.
Hold all the bars.
Why did you die? Buy that? Uh no, he bought the lane and the tower was on it. Oh got it? God? Yeah, got it? Okay, Hey interesting, So like, yeah, that's a throwback story. We didn't know about it. I like it. It spur the moment.
Man, that's you gotta be quick. This is tough.
Okay, let's do a lunchbox.
Here we go, Oh, we do a divil one.
All right, lunchbox. You have cringe confession.
Cringe confession, So share a cringe worthy story or like a cringe habit that you have to come up.
Let him do his own though, guys, don't let's not.
I don't know that I have anything that's cringe worthy. I mean, you guys thought it was cringe worthy. When I saw Sam Hunt walk and I got the family out and walked on the other side of the street to say and so he'd say hi to me. I mean, because I found out where he lived, and so I would drive through the neighborhood and I saw him walking one day, so I went down the street, parked through the family on the sidewalk. We walked on the opposite side of the sidewalk, same direction as him, and then he looked over. He's like, hey, lunch, what up? But I don't find that cringe.
Okay. Rolls a couple of roles on this game.
If you do a whole story like that accounts you can't tell a whole story that isn't a story because like you guys think this, and then we'd listen to a whole story that's like, but that's not it now he can't wait.
No, I mean, that's cringe if you have to.
Like do your story and then that's it, or we'll be like, well, there's this one and you tell but that ain't the one I'm using and.
It's not as good as you. Like when you tell a story that we've already heard, but we'll take it right.
Or don't say you've already heard it, because we probably heard everything each other has. You have to do it like a listener's never heard it. Like I guess my crunch story would be the time that I wanted to track Sam hunt down and knew where he lived. And we'll just all play along because listeners haven't heard every story. So again, we're flawed.
We're humans, We're flawed, sure, we're This is the test kitchen, right.
This is the friggin test kitchen.
Welcome to it.
Do you have another one you want to do?
I'm trying to think if I've done anything cringe worthy.
Guys, there could be a cringe habit.
What is a cringe habit that I eat my toenails?
Yeah, we go, that's perfect, Yes it is.
I do.
I rip them off with my fingers, line them up on my like need.
To like them, cut them first with like a nail clipper. Just rip them. That's cringe.
And then as I eat, as I watched TV, I sit there and snack them. Sometimes I stick them in between my teeth like a dental floss.
I would even approach it as instead of asking us if we think this is it, just do it, just say it like I think my cringe at or my old story is, Hey, we've never done this before. We're just preparing this for the real show. So just like with confidence, you're committed to it because none of us are going to go we've heard that story, because we probably heard most of the stories that come from this wheel at some point, unless it's like something brought up out in like a nervous trigger. But every listener has heard every story, so.
I shouldn't say I don't think it's cringe, but you might.
If it's what you've decided as cringe, that would be the story you would share. Hey, Ray, yolo, what's Can I ask you? What?
What you are finding humorous at the moment the very beginning of the game, just the not knowing the name was just hard.
Is it's not a game?
I'm watching Ray laugh. I love watching right laugh because I never exactly know what. As my grandma would say, tickles him because he laughs at the weirdest things.
And then Lunchbox trying to get away with sharing a story and then telling another one hilarious.
Yeah, Ye, there wasn't anything like you guys think things are cringe, but I don't find them cringe worthy. But so I have to think really hard of something that's cringe worthy. I don't find it cringe. I think it's cool what I did.
Okay, here's how I prepped it eleven days ago.
So I no, no, I like, I think we're getting to a decent place with.
Ray wanted me to have whatever. This is what I pitched, roulette of random topics. What if we put all kinds of random topics and categories on the wheel and when it lands, everyone on the show has to give a quick story, recommendation or update that matches the category. I'm thinking rapid fire, so no time to think too hard.
Which is why every spend has to be different. Because if we did one category and we went around doing his story about the next tell tower, he climbed up, we're all thinking of ours, which isn't fair to that person.
And then I said, you get the idea it could do some tweaking.
Perhaps that's what we're doing right now.
It just popped into my head.
So far I'm into it. I'm into it, But we have to do the thing where you can't like try extra story to get away with, like doing three stories inside the bit, right, Amy. Ready, Yeah, here we go.
Funny fail marriage, that's funny, that's not funny, that's hilarious.
Continue on.
Okay, Well I got, I got. I got married in two thousand and six and thought I'd be married for the rest of my life. Divorce was not an option, so much so that even on the show back then and we were in our early to mid twenties lunchbox and Bobby would say, what if he does this and he has to go to jail, And I'm like, I'll go visit him in jail, Like just divorce was not an option. Well, fast forward, and I guess I got divorced. Why don't you get divorced? Guys, like a year and a half, I don't know, I don't know. Times weird, but somewhere in the last four years.
I got divorced because it's fun.
What it feels like. So I guess the separation officially started in twenty twenty one, and it was, well, it's been one of the most difficult but also you know, beautiful things, because yeah, I never expected this, but we've made it on the other side and we're wonderful co parents. And while I don't recommend divorce at all like, I just think that sometimes you don't have to cling to something so hard just because you know, a younger version of you found it completely unacceptable.
And see what was funny about that was that she said marriage and we got a good laugh and then it turned into something serious and something we can take something for it.
It is I mean, what was the topic?
Money fail?
Money fail?
It is not.
I guess it's you know, that's what I came with.
Yeah, one, all right, here we go. Foody fine, mmm, And I think this could be a drink, a good restaurant, a favorite drink. It's something you can recommend to people.
Yeah, so this is just the type of people.
The Amish boy. Well, hold on, Amish boy.
What are you? What's going on?
So I found an Amish store. Okay, we're good, and I mean they have milk there. Oh that's boring. I get that at the gas station. No, no, no, you go to an homage place and they sell milk. This stuff tastely gets straight from the udder and they they only have strawberry milk. So this food he find, Yeah, it's only during the summer. You can't even get it now. And if you find an homage place, and cal Yeah, and you find the strawberry milk it is. My dad came all the way down from Michigan. He said, this is the best milk he's ever had in his life. But it's out of season now. That is a great food. He find it good.
He would have never thought. I thought he was going somewhere else about Amige people specifically, and I was like, I don't know if comfortable.
We started with Amish Boy, but I think you.
Can google if there's an.
Amish comma boy like Amish Boy and not Amish. But we didn't know.
I think even google maybe where some of those Amish like grocery type stores are, and maybe if there's one near you. I think they have like good bakeries and they.
Have a furniture store down south of Yeah, like an Okay, how about this one?
Mama, just kill the man, Mama.
Bohemian Rhapsody. No one does the second. I'm going to tell you to do the same song. Well, there are no rules, but I'm just saying, my Mamma, Sharona.
He's doing it. He's hybriding the games right now.
Okay, Morgan, Yeah, let's do it. Bucket list.
Okay, So bucket list is well, it is just like it sounds something that you have on your list. Actually, you can share something that you want to do that you haven't checked off, or something you have checked off.
Oh okay, well I would really like to go scuba dive the.
Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Yeah yeah, oh wow, yeah before it goes away.
Oh yeah, but you jump in the water again, and how much?
How much have you scuba dive before?
I've never scuba dived. I would have to learn to scuba dive and go down there and do it. But it's like disappearing, so I don't know that I have a lot of time left.
Yeah, but in your life, it'll still be there.
Even if it takes me to like retirement age.
I think it wouldn't all be gone by then. But yes, it is slowly.
Is that because people are touching it.
It probably is a combination of things. I'm not from of Congress. I don't feel sharing public session.
I mean I think probably one man made reasons, man reasons, and then two like pollution, global warming type stuff.
Have you ever scuba dived?
I had to get certified.
Did you do that for your show?
I did I did. Oh, you're welding, Yeah, I did. It was it was called I had a name. I can't remember the name. But yes, I had to do certification tests scuba dive. I had to all the equipment. I did it in a pool because you have to just learn how to breathe with all the equipment and you have an instructor. It took like.
Six hours total over two days underwater welding.
No, but specifically yes, but I'm talking about what that career is called. I just can't think of it. But there are people that work underwater. It's like construction. It's all underwater. It's construction. It's there's a term for it. I did break a bobby bone, so yes, I got certified to scuba dive.
Was it hard like when you were doing the certification?
Just time consuming?
Okay, did your ears hurt?
Did they pop? So?
I was so deep when we were actually doing the construction and the welding underwater that you have to learn when you go down, you have to go down at a certain rate, and you can't come up at a certain because your ears will explode. Your body has to adjust at every level to the water pressure. So One of the things is if you get down and something happens with your air, let's say gets cut off, you can't just swim back to the top immediately, even if you can't breathe, because you will ear everything will explode.
You feel like I would have a panic attack if that happens.
And that's a big part of it. And they keep communication. It'side your ears. They even test you because I had to do training prior to the welding with but they have this big rope basically on top of your head, the helmet. I swear to god Awa ninety pounds alone, and so I'll read it here and into Deep I'm breaking Bobby Bones, which is on Amazon now you can take I take on a challenging underwater project diving deep into the body of water to complete a daring stunt or activity related to the aquatic aquatic environment. Nah, a bunch of big words.
Is it hyperbaric welding or marine construction welding?
Probably both? I don't remember right for you. You remember, I'm gonna guess forty ft WHOA, I'm guessing. Yeah, it was so deep that they you in the test and they cut your air off, so so you know what it feels like, and so you're like, they're like, hold your breath, will cut your hair off. And then they go, okay, we're now going to give your air back, just so you know the feelings in case they have to even switch your air supply up there because you have to cut it off. Switch it.
Okay, go to like my nightmare list. They don't want to change it to.
Skydiving scuba diving over here. This was doing construction underwater. Way different because I was under there for like hours because the whole thing was can I weld this whole thing together? And like an hour and a half or something. So that's way different because you got to go under and stay under and you have to work. What you wanted to do is go under and swim around, look at stuff, come back up. Okay, that's easy, it's it's fine. I don't like water, though, like I don't like I don't care about the beach.
Just do you like because you've said you don't like beaches and you don't really like snow, is there any outside environmental thing that you do you like?
About seventy five degrees and pickleball, no clouds in the sky, maybe a couple occasionally, but that's just good like good spring weather. Or I can do anything any activity outside I tell you about ouside. I just don't want to be able to not do something outside, which if it's raining, yeah, or on the beach. What am I doing on the beach hanging out? Dude? I don't hang out. I don't drink like that's what everybody who loves the beach loves to go on the beach and drink.
I can sit out there without drinking. Just listen in the water. The way would you prefer to do?
What give me options on the beach? Oh, drink, yeah for sure, But if not, I can sit there for hours without drinks.
I don't think you can sit there for hours all day. Just sit sit there, do what? Just think?
Look at the ocean.
I can with the sun rise or the sun set, but not the mister hours.
The middle of the day is just stupid.
When I get bored too, I'll walk down the shore and look at like seashells and oh look there's a little.
Fish right there and stuff like that. Just enjoy the beach.
It's beautiful out there.
I find it not to be beautiful.
And as you're walking down the beach and you're dodging all the screaming kids. That's peaceful.
Well, I mean we didn't have to be a crowded beach.
Like hop tops cutting my feet. Yeah, okay, I'll do mine and we'll call it here on this. This is good. I've got an entire book here.
How long do we have?
Which pet people would like to share? I think the pet peeve that probably annoys me the most, and I know it is a phrase that is used for effect more than the literal meaning. Is when someone declares that you couldn't write it any better, and it's not even that crazy of the story, because I've never seen a situation in my whole life that someone couldn't write it better if they added just a couple of fun elements. Maybe it is an alien, Maybe it is a talking dog. Maybe when someone goes you couldn't ride any better. There's never once been an example of that where I'm like that is accurate. So I think that's pet peeve when someone uses that. I have one hundred, but that's the one I'm gonna go with here. I'm dedicated to that. I put the stamp on that one, and that's my pet peeve. Also people cutting in line, but I don't want to do too many.
It's one exactly.
Exactly, Okay, so there's that boom. I like the game. I think we do it. I think if we I guess it though, I think if we did it, we'd have to move a little quicker.
That was the intent. Yeah, like it would just be what would that look like like for all of us? Like if we were to go back and everything we shared, like, how would we share it? Would I just say marriage and then we move on?
Yeah, no, no, you would. You'd get like thirty seconds to tell your story. It'd have to be framed. It's better on podcast form, I'm telling you.
Yeah, bones, what if that's part of the game though, You you only have two seconds.
To come up with your topic. And even if not, we should like whatever it is time, I may have nothing right, so you just make it up, No.
Make it want you do, not make it out.
Or you draw someone's name out of the hat and only one person does it in the segment, and then the next week you do someone else, like it's this week it's Amy's turn to be on the wheel. I mean that way you don't have to force everybody into one two minutes.
Like the difference. I like all the people because we have five or six minutes. You get thirty seconds to do it. I like going around the room. We couldn't do six people, but we could do like the you know, the main four pretty easily. And there's also over one hundred percent.
You can it.
Literally, I'm literally breaking rolls, not just to be funny and mession games together.
And I almost said literal and you hate that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean I don't think you could write this game any better.
Exactly exactly. Okay, Abba, you can pull the whill, thank you. We're also gonna do a little because I have got four things quickly, we're gonna do it. Let's set up the sword game play. I'm gonna I'm gonna take lunch boxing. I think lunch box can be eddy in the let's hit each other with swords game, but a couple of things. One to have three things that we're gonna do the swords. I want to play the Club of Mike Tyson talking to a kid reporter. This made me laugh out loud yesterday. So Amy, you gotta imagine she's probably twelve and she's interviewing Mike Tyson because Mike Tyson has a fight, is it tonight or tomorrow night? Tonight tonight against Jake Paul on Netflix? On Netflix seeing it pop up, So if you have Netflix, you don't have to pay for it. Correct, that's awesome, that's great. Yeah, I mean it's awesome.
Thank you to my sister in law because.
Usually these things are like pay per view. Yeah, so it's gonna be on Netflix, and so they're doing a lot of press for it, and I don't think that's the game we're playing, Eddie. I didn't do that.
Oh oh sorry, that is my bed. Too many graphics.
Dan is that I didn't do that.
Well, I would admit it, but I didn't do it.
You gotcha. So he's talking to a kid reporter Amy. I want you to imagine that she's like half his size, probably twelve, holding in my microphone up to Mike Tyson, and she's just asking kid questions to Mike Tyson. It's you know, it's always a cute thing. I hear you go for this fight.
You are setting a monumental opportunity for kids my age to see the legend Mike Tyson in the ring for the first time. So, after such a successful career, what type of legacy would you like to leave behind when it's all said and done.
Well, I don't know. I don't believe in the word legacy. I think that's another word for ego. Legacy doesn't mean nothing. That's just some word everybody grabbed on to. Someone said that word, and everyone grabbed on the words, and I was used every five seconds. It means absolutely nothing to me. I'm just passing through. I'm gonna die and it's gonna be over. Who cares about legacy after that? No war, nothing where you're dead with dust, absolutely nothing. Our legacy is nothing.
Well, thank you so much for sharing that. That is something that I have not heard before someone say that as an answer.
Can you really imagine somebody saying I want my legacy to be this way when I get dead? Why you think POINT really want to think about you?
What's the that that I think I want people to think about me when I'm going Who the kid, my kids, maybe grandkids?
Oh my god, thank you.
I never have really heard it as said like that. We're hilarious, We're just dust, kid, you know, just legacy here, didn't matter who asked the question.
Yeah, yeah, I mean the kid handles it. Well, well, okay, that is something I have.
Then it keeps going like who the he's saying the word as well, I mean goodness, Okay, I got two other things, and then we're getting the swords. Morgan is an update on the Walmart security person that was following you thinking you were shoplifting.
Oh yeah, this is all over TikTok.
So you about you are just in general, no.
Just in general that there's people doing this that they get hired by places like Walmart to follow Gosh, they have a name. I gotta find where I sent it. But they get paid by places like Walmart to kind of act like a normal person walking around and follow specific people that they find that they think would be shoplifting.
So it's not someone who works for Walmart specifically, but they hire, they contract people to come and look for people that are shoplifting. And someone thought you might have been shopliftings they followed you around.
Yes, and so this is happening more often, And there's people on TikTok who are these people who will go and follow others And they talk about that experience like getting paid to do that.
And the person was following you, man or woman. It was a woman. See, I would have thought had been a man like trying to like use that opportunity to hit on him. Not that it couldn't have been a woman, But I wonder what you were doing to make them think you were shoplifting.
I think it's because I was really dilly daling, really like I wasn't. I didn't go in with a purpose. I was walking around, I was taking pictures. I was just hanging out in Walmart on a Saturday night. So maybe because I didn't have a purpose, it was more like, oh, this is somebody who could do something, you know, because some people walk in and they know what they're doing.
I would think if I were a shoplifter, i'd be very efficient in out, wouldn't be doing a lot of dillion or dallying. But I'm not a shoplifter.
But maybe it's because you're waiting for the perfect moment, so taking it out.
One other thing I wanted to follow up on I did mention in the Thursday Pile. I had a story about Danny DeVito because we were talking about bald guys.
Yeah, sexiest baldman and.
I met Danny DeVito and we had googled it. He's four foot ten and he was in a makeup chair though when I met him, so I didn't know his although I think I sat with him, but again I sat he must have because so context I was hosting the Today Show. I did a few days of hosting The Today Show and he was one of the guests. But I was in my dressing room and I come out and he's in a chair and Dandy DeVito to me, uh Nick at Knight on TAXI wasn't alive for it. Didn't watch it in real time, but did watch Taxi, then Cheers obviously him and reapp when we're married on Cheers, and then Sonny it's always sunny Philadelphia and so a fan of Dandy DeVito, and so I walked up and I had a suit on and it was kind of a pinstripe suit and I was like, mister Davido, I'm hosting, just want to come and say hi. And first of all, he was so nice. He was he his makeup chair and he's like, hey, what's up. And then he starts to talk about my suit. He's like, Hey, you know, I just got into textiles just invested in my friend were in textiles, and he's like, that is a great suit. He's like, if you want this to happen, what you could do is take this button and he does it. And by the way, I wasn't really listening because were you like this is I was like d Vito, But he spent like five minutes talking about, Hey, I really like your suit, and so if you wanted to look a different way after like you got a few uses out of it, you could do this and it'd be like a brand new suit. You moved the button here, you did this there, and we finished and I was like, that was awesome. That was dandy DeVito.
You know that's cool because you normally don't soak in the moment.
I know that I was soaking it in. Well you were because you weren't listening him. You were like, that's dandy video there. It was like more than soaking it in. I was like, this is dad freaking DeVito. More than like I shall enjoy this moment. I was like, this crazy the dandy DeVito is talking to me, and I was like looking at him in real life. And there's a weird thing about people you only ever see on TV or only on YouTube or TikTok and you finally see them, You're like, can I touch you? Just like, are you real? That was happening? And then I'm like, his whole career, he's been famous longer than I've been alive. Yeah, but all that more than me, like being healthy, that's amazing. And then we went out and did an interview together on the show. Him and his daughter were together because they had they put out a show, a cartoon or something together and him his daughter were interviewed, right, Mike, Lucy de Vito, that's correct it because here's the picture me Hoda, who, by the way, just retired, and that's the retirement. Uh, Dandy DeVito and Lucy de Vito. That's fun Okay what we heard you? I want to beat that's funny. I's got a text from Andy Roddick, who's a number one tennis player for a long time, and he's like, hey, I want to come. He there are pickleball tournaments now they're will be fun to play in. And he's like, let me come be your partner with these tournaments. We'll just show up.
He was probably listening to how trash I am, that's what you're talking about.
I don't know what he's listening to to.
I mean for.
Pickleball, just come up.
He probably no Bobby posts about pickle I figured he probably just.
He always like he'll sometimes he listens. He listens a lot because he lives in North Carolina. I don't know how I heard. I don't know, but but maybe he was listening to the podcast like you and your wife beating me and read.
Does he play pickleball?
Or is he?
He no, but yes. At one point he texts me is a couple of years ago. I don't think he would mind me sharing the story. Maybe not even a couple years ago. And he's like, hey, I just gonnavited to play in a pickleball tournam. It's like a million dollar pick a ball tournament on ESPN. And he's like, how hard is it? And I'm like, I'll p paraphrase our entire conversation, h you're freaking Austin at tennis. There's no You'll be great at it and you're an amazing athlete. And he's like, oh cool, I'm gonna take some lessons next week and the tournament's next week. And I'm like that's fine. So he goes out and wins the whole thing. He won the tournament, and he had injured himself like a couple of days before, he like tourna meniscus in his knee or something like that, and he still won the tournament. So, but some of our friends who are really good at tennis now play pickleball with us, and they quickly. They've picked it up so quickly because their movement. Like George Burgh, the singer, he played number He was number one Austin at Westwood I in tennis, and so he got good real quick, even though he never played pickleball and also were annoying. He was the number one tennis player in Austin as a high high schooler. We're like, dude, what what what do you not? Can't he played golf a University of Texas.
Yeah, And and he's gonna be in a pickleball movie. Good question at Ben Taylor pickleball movie The Dink. I think you got to announce that he's in that.
Are you doing a pickle ball.
Sound like a dodgeball spin off or something probably the same kind of same thing, the dink though, the dink?
Okay, okay, So that was the Dandy DeVito story. Hey, Scuba, do you want to walk us through this? Yeah? So basically what we're gonna do is do you want to come in here? You'll come in yeah, sure, Okay, that'd be easier, he said, yes, he is doing the Pickleball movie. Yeah, I saw that today. I think when we play today, the weather's gonna be awesome because it's going to be no rain, just clouds. That's the best kind of day, no wind.
Dang Roducks's gonna be in there with Ed Harris, Ben Stiller and Jake Johnson.
Jake Johnson from New Girls, Yeah, Morgan and I.
And Mary Steinberg.
Wifeed Dancing's wife came to our million dollars show and Ted Dancing both of them were stay you were talking to them like Danny de Vito. I was like, can I touch you?
That's crazy?
Okay. So there is a really fun game called Let's Hit each Other with Fake Swords. And what I like about it is the name is this hilarious. And two I'll hold a sword up like it doesn't hurt. And it's much like throw throw burrito, where if you want to like play harding compete, you camp but also it's super fun, but it's card game. You just don't grab the swords and hit. So we were talking yesterday and it often gets it comes up like who would be better with this, Eddie or Lunchbox? And I think Lunchbox will be better than Eddie of the swords game?
And why is that? Because he's faster?
Maybe like what is it? He cares a bit more?
Oh about games in general? Yes, yeah, like family game, family game night. I'm there to have fun.
On our podcast yesterday, Eddie asked the question and he wasn't being funny because George is is psychotic as am I at anything competitive. I think it's more so insecure and we uh, you know, there's a love we're fighting for deep in our hearts. And Eddie's like, do you ever just play anything for the sake of playing it?
And they both were like no, Well.
Generally the answer, I mean, it's no. If I'm gonna play something, I want to win. But if I did say, if I'm playing a child that I don't have a close relationship with and everybody's watching, I won't be stupid.
You have a close relationship with the child, yeah.
They'll beat them. Okay, But if it's like somebody's nephew and they're like, dude, Okay, you're an idiot. I'll let you win. I'm not don't care or I don't care that much, but no, yeah, like it's unhealthy. But I think Lunchbox has a bit of that where he doesn't want to lose.
Either competitive I wouldn't say edge, and I think.
Lunchbox is a bit of a better athlete to naturally over something if you neither of you have trained at it.
I think no, I don't because like it's not true.
One of her persent not true that Lunchbox could possibly be a better athlete than me.
But you keep saying that.
I think depends on the sport it does.
I think if you were to line up one hundred sport activity games, probably.
I don't know, there's a lot of track like that, because.
I think Lunchbox's hand eye coordination is probably a little better than yours. I think he I think his like capacities a little more than yours. I think he cares a little more than you.
I don't know, he sounded like he cared there, man, he got pretty much cares.
But I do think he's a little better of a natural athlete.
Than God right heart.
I mean, he keeps saying this, and I've sat here and been like, what ever.
Now I'm like, what are you talking about?
I think he just moved generally moves better, and I'm not youn't touch his shoulders. That's one thing I can. I don't have a right eye. I can, I don't haven't eyes.
What do I need?
What sport are you playing?
He shoulders? That one? That one you win. I'm not saying that you can't do physical things. I'm saying you would have to much like myself and like comparent me in lunchbox. But there are some friends that I have that are really great. I think George Burr's a better athlete than I am, but I think if I train more than him, that's how I beat him. I think you could train at things to beat him. But if everything's even, I think he wins way more than you do.
And use the word way. No, I'd say we're pretty.
Oh not, But now he's being convinced that he's because I'm not.
I'm not like, I'm not challenging you, lunchbox. I'm just saying we're probably pretty.
That's not to be insulted.
To say that I am at least of an athlete than lunchbox is not true.
Less, I don't get offended if people say I'm less of an athlete than someone, because then I find more pride in beating that person after they are naturally more gifted.
Naturally, you just keep going, don't you.
He just keeps going. I do think he's naturally more gifted as an athlete than you, but that doesn't mean you're not as good an equally as good a person.
I mean he can get me in soccer, like, he's a good soccerbody.
For I think you can bitch press more than him. But yes, I got him there, him there. I don't know. I'm gonna play golf, but anyway, that's not the point. The point is I bet on him on the swords game because I think, yeah, pick a.
Ball, I mean right, probably got you there.
I have no idea.
I think bowling, you probably got me there, scoo back.
Yeah, we're gonna play so real quick, Eddie, this is your chance to prove me wrong.
Okay, scuba line us up here, so you want to be the fight boss on this?
No, okay, then I'll be the fight Okay, I'll be the fight boss and I'll set up the game. We're gonna do a scaled down version. Normally it's three to five players, but we're doing these two for the sake of what we're doing. So you'll come over here, Lunchbox and Eddie if you just want to walk with me real quick. Yeah, Organ's on video. So Eddie, I'll put you over here in this side, and then Lunchbox, I'll put you next to Bobby.
Eddie, can you shoes.
Got him there?
I would just.
All right, So here's over hereby it doesn't believe in you.
I do believe in him. It was just who do they think? Nobody believe in you more than me? But I think it would take you longer to train to be good at a naturally athletic thing, much like myself.
Go ahead, Okay, he's also good at basketball. To remember, we played uh knockout. Okay, anyway, so here we are at the game. So we're doing this this version. Head of player, I don't.
Know about that.
No, no, you are. I think if I had more confidence. Okay, go ahead, all right, So what do you mean to do to move?
At some point? Okay, let me just stand overy.
Okay, So what you're trying to do is you want to get three matches. That's how you win the entire game. Throughout this process, you're going to then go after the cards. That's how you get more cards to your deck to then get three more matches. The matches are basically three purple, three green, three black, whatever the case may be. So right now, the game is set up where you each have one card. You both have a purple card. Yeah, so right now, on the kind of three, you're gonna put your hands up in the air one, two, three, and when I say three, you're gonna point to what you want. If you both point to the same thing, then you have to do a duel of that card that's facing up, and the winner of the duel of what of that card then gets those cards.
Okay, you got that, and if you if you hit different ones, And for those that are listening, if you're like, we're super fast, explaining the rules as much easier if you get it at home, but we're for the sake of brevity here.
Yeah, go ahead, all right, so three two, one, there you go.
I gotta pee. So I got this card, Yeah, now grab this read that out loud.
For the entire sword fight. You must keep your knees stuck together like you got.
A peekay, gotcha.
And you can only hit each other in the front or the back your abdomen area. Basically, you can't you can't do heads. You can't do the judge.
No heads or leg only abdomen or bag.
Your knees have to stay together.
And yeah, scoot together a little bit please, Yeah, feeder out knees or in.
But you can't put them so close together.
But just a little bit, just a little.
Bit, all right.
And hey, okay guys, guys, knees touch feet out.
Okay, And that's on the card. What about no, no only.
Why are you holding your junk?
Oh that feels weird. You're holding your wiener? Yeah, but you are in character. I can respect that. But that's one Eddie that.
You want to come back.
How you come back? So Eddie, you get you get that card in your cards. Now, let's let's just do this one now, I just want to skip into just do like that, these two cards. We'll do this one first. Yeah, this is called twenty second duel. When you saw the sword fight begins, you must count down out loud from twenty to one second at a time. If you haven't been hit by the time you reach zero, you immediately win. When the sword hold on, I may not have explained that, right, I don't even understand know what I said. When the sword fight begans, you must count down out loud from twenty one second of time. If you haven't been hit by the time you reach zero, you immediately win.
So you guys count together, just together, go twenty nineteen, twenty.
Eighteen, Oh amy to he get him? Yeah, okay, one to one. We'll do one more, all right, dude, you gotta be a better athletes than that, you know, practice all right? Last one. Yeah, We're just gonna do one more sword fight dizzy dueling, spending a circle three times while your.
Chin is careful. They're by that really expensive screen.
No, don't be careful. That would be hilarious. We just can you imagine me they tear the screens out? Do you know he getting new screens? No?
No, okay, I'm like no, even my son, we have this game and he has that sword, and I just we just got one of those frame TVs for the living room, and I'm like I've been waiting for it and I love it. And he took that ding sword and he's poking at something on the TV and I was like, good thing, this is a squishy sword, but do not touch with the TV. But it like makes.
You No, I like, okay, it spend in a circle three times while your ten, while your chin is touching your chest.
I'll say go and you'll spend on my number, so no one cheats. And then after I say go, that's when you go, okay, yeah, that's fine. Just you can say back, here we go and go one two.
I said wait till I say you you can't.
No, you didn't listen. That's the point that someone would cheat like you just did. That's why you're not natural athlete. I said, spend three times. And then when I say go, go, yes, I saw you not a bad not a bad tactic. If well, I mean here we go, I no, it's even better. Now here you go and go one two, three go.
I look like your tie from my side on my side, I saw lunch.
From my side, I saw Eddie get on, but I saw look at because.
I don't have an angle. But also I was freaking out, y'all, we're going to hit the TV.
Yeah, you're disny. Not everybody, just sit down. Okay, we'll do one more card. That's not that one. We just okay, here we go. Pardon my French. Anytime a player shouts two, the other player must yell shay. And if you don't do two, shay automatically lose. Otherwise you stort fight till the end. Okay, right, well, anybody can say too, Oh yeah, ready, go hold on your name.
In the head.
Only go with the clean shot.
Oh my god, I don't even care anymore. We need better rule. We've been better judges than we are. One more time.
I don't understand.
It's French.
You're supposed to say the whole thing. He says one, you say the other one. Lunchbox is saying too much. You only say one part of the two.
Sha. Well he's he is dominated. So okay, Lunchbox, you'll just say to Eddie, you'll just say this is funny. You got them he stabbed.
He already said that once you started. You started.
You guys are doing on the tip. That was it. There was no go, it's only the spins.
Yeah, so then Eddie one.
But if we're playing the real full game, you'd have to get three cars.
Yeah, you keep going back and forth, back and back and forth.
That was fun, and Eddie I would say, I'm more athletic.
That's not what it's always about. But the better athlete doesn't always win. A natural athlete though. It doesn't matter.
You did good, Thank you, thank you.
We're done.
Good job, guys. It does feel good to win.
It does feel good.
Now you're acting like you're competitive.
I'm not tasted that yet. Winning.
All right, we're done. Thank you guys for watching us on TikTok or YouTube. Subscribe please, I know we're doing this live. Please subscribe and that's all and we will see you guys on Monday. Right. I don't know why it's a question. I guess that's one of what day today is.
Today doesn't feel like Friday, but it is all right.
Thank you guys, see you later.