Rod and Karen banter about their holiday card pic, restaurant etiquette, a doctor who overslept, and Dick Trickle. Then they discuss some breaking white people news.
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I listen to the Black Guy Who Tips podcast because Rodin Karen Ahut. Hey, welcome to another episode of the Black Gut Tips podcast. I'm your host, Rod joined us always by my co host, and we're live on a Sunday, ready to give you some podcasting. Got a little bit of a late start, but it was a lazy Sunday.
It'd be like that.
We were just chilling today, yep, just running errands and doing you know, cool laid back stuff. You can find our podcast everywhere that you find podcasts and search, the black Out Tips will come up. Leave us five star reviews on Apple Podcasts. Who didn't get any last week? What the fuck? It's almost Christmas, right, y'all?
Don't love No merry Christmas to us.
But also don't forget the show notes. You can see we got live tickets on sale. I believe there's three VIP tickets left up right now.
We'll try to open up more. I'll contact them. I wasn't playing, y'all, was like, p all eyes on me. Yeah, I'm not even gonna lie.
When I did the VIP thing, I'm like, hopefully we'll sell something Like I don't I didn't do that on some like, yeah, VIP, that's that's what we're gonna sell all out first. But y'all, y'all are looking at the prices and going, if I got to pick, I want to see them. So I guess we're gonna see at least forty seven of y'all right now, yep, the official weapon of the show.
Oh go ahead, no no, no, no, no, uh we y'all.
We were stuffing the cards last night, so we had a great I enjoyed doing that with you on the load.
Yeah, I mailed, we're mailing the cards out. I went and bought a whole bunch of stamps. I always forget that that's part of it, in addition to paying for the cards and shit. But you know, I got a real dope design this year.
Y'all ain't gonna lie. Absolutely love it. It was so pretty.
Yeah, I'll show you guys here if you're if you know, if you're in the chat or you watch it on YouTube later. It's a pic. It's a picture that we took with the Charlotte Hornets. They have a thing where season ticket holders you can come in and take pictures with the Hornets with Hugo and it's like a Christmas motif and the car, and then I went into Fiver and I had someone do vector portrait art where they basically digitize it into like a you know, make it more look like a cartoon and you know, and then uh made that the image for the for the thing, so like I'm I think it looks really cool. And then on the back of it, of course it has. When me and Karen did the five K and the darkner metals, that.
Was big for me.
That was an accomplishment all in itself. When I go, you know, nigger, what do you do this year? Like bitch I did? I did a it. Well, it's not a marathon, but that's what I keep calling it.
I was out there.
Moving and ship as far as I concern, it's got damn marathon.
And the message says can congratulations. If you're reading this, you made it through another year. Thank you for listening so sharing and supporting our podcast. We couldn't do it out listeners like you. Now, let's make it through the next year the same way.
We always do together.
Love riding Karen, so happy holidays and uh yeah, I can't wait for y'all to get those in the mail. And I include a little sticker in there, as we do year after year. So some of you guys got the new Dracula motif the horror sticker, and some of y'all got like the old school stickers because.
We ran out eventually.
But uh yeah, man, thank you everybody, and I hope you enjoy your cards when you get them.
I really do.
And uh not to get off well it's actually own topic slash off topic when we went to the Uh well.
I guess it's would ha been my random thought?
I don't know, Karen, you're just over there freestyling. There's a whole thing that we do every show that you know we do that. I play music and we put commercials in it and shit, and you just you know, you're just doing what you want.
To do to then you go ahead. Okay.
The official weapon of the show is funk Chier and the unofficial sport bullet ball Extreme Extreme, and of course, as always, you know, we have different things that we talk about on the show, different segments, one of them being the banter segment.
I guess, I guess we know Karen, you do have banter? I do Do you have any.
Talk to me?
Do you have any talk to me. Do you have any banter? Banter?
Banter? Banter?
Do you have any banter? Talk to me? Do you have any banter? Banter? All right, Karen, I was.
Gonna segment we had went to take that picture. It was actually a really really cool experience because that's my first time, you know, our first time doing something like that, and so we win. It was really fun and a really cool experience. We actually got to go out on the court, which I've never been, like on the floor floor itself, because that's what a picture was, and so we got to go on like the NBA floor. I've never got to take a picture with Hugo, So for me, that was really exciting to take a picture with Hugo. And it was a really cool and fun experience doing that. You know, if something we do again, I definitely would like to do that again.
Okay, all right, anything else for your banter?
Yes, you don't have any?
Oh see, if not, I could keep going.
I asked the Twitter a question, but I realized I phrased it the wrong way. I said, if someone were to get their food first at a restaurant and they asked you, hey, do you want me to wait till you get your food before I start eating. I was like, would anyone say no to that? Because I've never heard anyone say no to that, and I would never say no to that. I would feel like an asshole to if you got your food first, and I'm like, no, let's just wait till I get mine. It feels like something a parent tells a child or something.
Most of it would be like you got your food, gohead on and eat.
But it was my mistake for phrasing it that way, because then it turned everybody into this scenario or whatever, like no, the person who asked is the asshole. They should just wait to get there, you get your food, and then they should eat. And that was when I realized something. I don't hang out with assholes, and.
I don't realize that too. I don't even well, hold.
On, hold on, play, hold on, because I know you want to agree, but just and I appreciate the bad, but I just I'm saying I don't mean it in the everybody I hang out with will wait for me to get my food. I mean, I I honestly insist if you get your food before mine, go ahead and eat like I like, like I it wouldn't like what I The question I asked made it seem like I was eating at a business dun't lunch, or like hanging out with a stranger or somebody that that I'm.
Fifty to fifty on.
Like, I can go either way and be like, I kind of hate this motherfucker right now. I'm I honestly, if like, if I'm out with you and my mom and somehow your food comes out before mine, please eat it while it's hot, don't wait because I'm like whatever cold, Yeah, just fuck it.
I don't care. I And so.
I guess in my mind I was assuming the same of so many people.
But like someone used the word.
Etiquette, and I was just like, this, this has become too big of a scenario.
The word etiquette should not even come into what I'm talking about.
I'm just like, if you and your buddy go out to eat, his wings come out before your burger, are you really like, hey, hey, hey, what the fuck?
Buddy? Right be hungry until I'm not hungry. Like It's like, I don't really care.
But it just made me realize I don't really kick it with a lot of people that I'm not a very judgmental person in general about stuff like that. But also I don't kick it with a lot of people that would make me even think.
Twice about like that. And also vice versa.
If I got my food first, I wouldn't be like, well, oh boy, like it's not a scenario.
It's just like okay, yeah, let's move on, so all right, can go ahead, all right.
And it's one of those things where because I've worked in restaurants, I understand most Americans are customer all the food coming out at the same time, but it's not. It don't always work like that, and depend on where you go. Some places, some places will flat tell you whenever it's done. That's what we give it out, Like we ain't gonna wait for everything to be come all out at the same time.
Yeah, I wonder if people were just imagine like a steakhouse or something. I'm just saying, you just go to any place anyway it But you know what else, Also, I I know I'm a bit I'm not the same as a lot of people people. I'm very laid back about stuff, and I just have a different approach to like there's and like a lot of scenarios that people care about I don't. You know, it's like when people talk about things that make them jealous and stuff, and it doesn't and it always surprises them with the like kind of stuff that that doesn't bother us, you know. But I guess another couple it will be like, Damn, that's fucked up. You really didn't wait till I got my food. But to me, I would It would have literally never crossed my mind to think about like that as a thing, Like damn, man, last night Karen got her fish before my steak.
Does she just started eating.
She didn't even ask, Like I literally never would have registered it as a thing. But it made me when I realized that question. It made me think, oh damn, people really be keeping Yeah.
Yeah, And for me and my mind, I'm like, I don't want to be rude.
And have you you eat cold food because.
You ain't no my shit. Yeah, in my mind, I'm like.
And I'm the type of person to tell a restaurant both of us are bring it out whenever it's ready, Like we get the advertisers after the trading and the first I don't give a fuck.
They'd be so shocked they'd be looking like I U shures like, and in my mind, I'm like, there's no reason for us to wait twenty minutes for some wings to follow to didn't.
Wait for the food, if you know, because also we have worked in restaurants, and I'm gonna tell y'all, right now, it gets ready when it's ready, y'all, all you.
Really doing is getting cold soup less.
You are like if the wings are ready before the soup, or the soup is ready before the wings, all they're doing is sitting the soup there longer on.
That counter and being like, don't bring it out till they.
Get throw it in the Walmost so, the mystique and the illusion of it is just beyond me. I know what be happening in them kitchens, just bringing My shit was hot and fresh.
When it's done, and sometime that shit be super hot. I had a doctor's appointment and uh, I was sitting there and it was somebody else in front of me, and one of the people in the back came out. It was like, yeah, the person that was supposed to see you, they overslept and they're running late and we don't have nobody in here. And I was sitting there, going, person, I need to see you know, cause you know it's multiple people back there. I was like, I really do, and it wasn't. I was like, thank god I had to be. I was like, oh my god, I hold the person I need to see. Woke up this morning. That made it to work on time cause I got shipped to do today.
I'm honestly surprised that doesn't happen more often or or more importantly.
I'm more I'm surprised they just said the truth.
Yeah, they flat out told him and they was like, I'm sorry to tell you they overslept. We thought we had a backup, but the backup, you know, isn't here. They was like, you can either, and they bought him to the back, but I can talk to like you can either reschedule or we can just basically you can see someone else. Like they kind of gave them.
That option, right.
Yeah, that's interesting they told the truth, because I just figured they they lie and be like, oh, so the machine is down or whatever. You know, I didn't think they come out and be like maybe they didn't like that person.
There's like, you know what, Ronda overslept three times. They got tired around this ship. They're not gonna get mad at me. They finna get.
Mad, right.
I was here this morning, I woke, I clocked in on time today.
Professionalism is lacking. Okay, we just what happened to live? This is another quick one. But I'm surprised that that NASCAR dude didn't go by Richard Trickle. Like it's weird that his name is Dick Trickle. We all know Dick Trickle, even those of us that don't like Nascar. We don't know what he looks like. But just the name Dick Trickle is too funny. And why didn't he just go by Richard Trickle or Rick Trickle or what like. There was a lot of ways to work this, and my man did he was he just getting picked on this whole life, and he just went with the joke, Like, fuck it, They're gonna call me Dick Trickle anyway, I'm gonna be Dick Trickle.
I don't know.
I have lots of questions about Dick Trickle. Rest in peace, Karen.
I don't have anything else, Okay, all right? Cool?
Well I don't really have much else either. We can go ahead and get into uh some news, uh and all that stuff that's happening on the show. Although you know, I think the we've never started the show with this news before, but it's such big news. I feel like I want to cover it because it's gonna lead us talking about bigger things.
E shout, I don't know what happened.
Happened girl, These whites down and wild and let me know what happened these whites? Come on, Chas, but all the chemo e O T. What is crack over there?
All the Earl Gray is spilling? Come on? So you remember last year?
And oh well this year actually and I and I'm just gonna let you guys know for the record, this segment that we're about to do, I'm about to be very.
Very very obnoxious.
Okay, I'm just gonna let y'all know there's no way around it. Let's just all accept it up front. Some of y'all ain't gonna like me talking all this shit. Some of y'all gonna be ing and preaching. Some of this shit is gonna be about y'all, not you specifically. I don't know which of y'all participated in this bullshit, but it's stuff that we talk about a lot on the show. So it's stuff that you know is giving me, like, if I had my smug mug right now, I'll be taking deep, long SIPs, refilling it, taking most SIPs. But one of the white goddesses that everybody decided to hate all of a sudden, Blake Lively, is it the news?
Okay, this is a singer, right.
No, she is an actress who's married to Ryan Reynolds who had a movie come out. Okay, yes, who had a movie come out that was critically acclaimed. But the press run for the movie was very controversial.
So the first thing in the press run was her and the.
Director fell out, right, So that's before the press run starts. But it of course was a thing where the entire cast and Blake Lovely were not doing the press run with the director. Okay, now to Rod mister common sense over here, who's kind of been around the block, being through a few things. That was the media red flag on the director.
If something was wrong, because no one of they all do this together.
And it didn't really seem far fetch, like I didn't think I was stretching it.
I didn't think I was looking too far into it. Like something happened.
I just you know, I won't bring up any other more pertinent relevant situations or whatever. But I'll just say, we've seen stuff before where it seems like everybody on the production sides with one person and the other person is over there by themselves, and very rarely is it just.
Everyone was a piece of shit except this one guy.
But in this case, this guy Justin Baldoni, who's the who I believe was the director. The rumor was like, oh, it was about the cut of the film. Blake Lively and her husband Ryan Reynolds. They rewrote scenes, and Blake Lively went with the editors and recut the film behind Jason Justin's back, and she fucked this whole thing up, and he's very upset. And meanwhile, the film's getting great, like the critical acclaim meaning not about the drama, right, just so people going this is a great movie. People are saying, we like this movie. Okay, that's the first thing. And it was a little bit mantanna went up because I was like, you know, because it's not it's white people's business, so I'm not fitting to go too hard, right, it's white people's business.
So I'm like, okay, that's interesting. Now.
I cursory followed this. I wasn't in the weeds. Come to find out on Instagram, the entire cast and crew unfollowed this man, but not Blake Lively another red fucking flag, red fucking flag like went down. Because my personal belief is even if he did her wrong and that was all like they.
Had a falling out.
I know, the sniveling people of the entertainment industry, they gonna stay friends with everybody because they don't know where one of these jobs coming from. Keep so if it's some shit where it's like, well, that's between y'all, they would have kept it. So to me, it's like, dog, what are you doing on that set to make everybody pick a stand because they know you looking at them follows.
Yet and so not trying funny, particularly in today, today and age, that is making a state.
Yeah, and everybody's watching it. Ydia is watching it. Fans are watching. They know who don't follow each other. They know there's a few, they know there's a beef. Okay, so you got that going boom, that's the that's the press run, that's that's some weird shit.
Then the second.
Thing was it became a campaign of saying, well, she's been going to the red carpet and they've been wearing dresses.
But this movie is about domestic violence.
And she's hasn't been great with talking about the survivors and da da da dah. And once again my ears perked up because in the trailer you can tell us about domestic violence. So it was like, we saw the trailer many times, both of us.
I remember we've done small reviews.
If you listen to the part where we talk about trailers, we always were like, this movie seems like it's gonna be about domestic It's that movie.
I remember exactly what's talking about, and what does her wear in the dress got to do and anything?
It was a dressed with flowers, and well, we're gonna get into that. We're gonna get into the specifics, but just I want to point out on its surface, like you don't gotta get into weeds, Okay.
Right on the surface, it's like, why is that a problem?
What do y'all expect her to do? Show up at the press one with a black eye? It's a fucking movie, and at some point it becomes a mockery of the victims of this of domestic violence. If you do show up and you're like, oh, it's guys, this is gonna be hard and terrible.
Don't see it. It's you know, like, so, okay, very interesting, very interesting. But I noticed it. I noticed that shit.
And then the third one, this is the this is the one when I knew something was up.
Motherfuckers started pulling up.
Old interview clips or her okay, and they were like any interview that went awkward in any way, no contexts, no details. It was like, ooh, this Like one of them was a woman asking her about pregnancy when I guess she it was like her baby bump when either she didn't want to talk about it or dad decided not to talk about it. And so for the rest of the interview she was a little bit staying office like hey.
Because it might've been something that they agreed on that they wouldn't talk about, a cover or something. And she basically like, you broke this, but I'm not gonna be ugly and just walk off because you broke it, but I'm gonna make an aquaray for you because you knew that this was something that you probably shouldn't have touched.
And when you're doing a press run, shit like this happens a lot by the way, like you know, I just saw Like there's an interview where Big Pun's widow went on a podcast and a podcaster tried to make it a fucked up interview by being like, you.
Need to apologize to Fat Joe.
Her and Fat Joe have had a lot of problems because she claims that Fat Joe never paid Big Puns royalties and money to the family after he died and blah blah.
The point being you knew this as an interviewer.
You didn't just ask her about it, which she probably didn't want you asking, Okay, but you didn't just ask. When you asked, you said, why don't you apologize the Big Punk to Fat Joe, Meaning you're saying it from a perspective of I'm on Fat Joe's side and you're a piece of shit, Like you need to apology.
You owe him an apology.
Yeah, And how do you think that interview is going to go? Like not trying to find it. I'm either gonna look at you like I'm not answering that question, or either I'd be like, oh, you set me up. Like some people don't respond well to that, and they would actually fucking end the interview. And they would look like to ask was like, no, no, no, I'm not answering this question. This is not something that I agreed to come to. You're an asshole for even asking me this goddamn question.
Like a lot of times.
Depend on the situation, they've actually predne these questions, y'all, So this is probably some shit that they were probably told not to ask.
You're on a press run. There's a reason there's not thirty seven.
Clips like that.
One person goes off script and then what happens is you people, And keep in mind, this is years ago.
People went and found this shit. People found any.
Awkward interaction she had with it, like a cast of a TV show or something, being like, look at this, look at this. And both times, like I said, it's white people. So I never cared too much. But both times when I went to read the articles, because you know, I read them for white people news, I was like, this, that can't be what everyone's upset about, Like this, like I'm reading this and there's no fucking way y'all are human angry, And so what it started to remind me of, and this is when I have.
To get my smug mug out.
Okay, it started to remind me of Johnny Depp and heard.
I could see that. Yepy, what was that again? Yeah?
Because see the difference between me and so many of these other folks is I am not necessarily sympathetic to to like white women, white people, celebrities, rich people. I'm not really sympathetic as much as I've talked about it so many times. I'm not gonna lose my soul to the Internet and the pressure on social media to get down with these hate campaigns. Right, and I watch I watch people that I otherwise respect consistently consent for years. Now we know what is We know the manipulation that is happening, We know the constant attempts at manipulation, and I can consistently watch people fall forward, each each different iteration. Why you know this is while I love having this show because we can come on here and not have to you know, we're not fighting the Internet, we're not fighting bots, we're not fighting unseen forces.
We can come on here and just say some shit, Like, guys, this.
Free Britney thing isn't a little fucking crazy at this point, Like some of this doesn't feel weird to y'all as.
Right, and something is wrong and something gets off, and it's the same way we were talking about Kim K. It's the same way we were just talking when we we and for years now, and I have seen some of like the fan base for us being consistent. I could see their perspective change and going, oh yeah, and I am part of the problem. Like I just watched people's behavior over the time, people have learned, people have been burnt, people have realized that they have been caught up in the wave of the Internet and more than they thought they was. So I've seen people's perspective on this thing kind of in real time change as they are like, hey, I don't really give a fuck about this situation. I don't really give a fuck about these people. Why am I actually angry? And so because when we particularly with Kim K for years, we used to bring her up and people would come and be at him and you were like, I understand they're not perfect. I understand they do fucked up shit now things to be angry about. But some of this shit y'all talking about it don't make.
Sense, Okay, So people, and I think a lot of this stuff started off with bad faith actors who just were getting social media attention. They just wanted detrow, they wanted to manipulate. And unfortunately, so many people have taken up debate that. Over the years, we've taught the world that hey, people can be easily manipulated online. You just need to say the right things in the right order, and they will take it upon themselves to go be your flying monkeys. Yes, and so in the case of this Johnny Depp shit, and I still people I still remember.
We talked about Johnny Depp. There would be people that were right in.
There were people in our mentions, there were people on our comments that were still to me sounding red pilled by Johnny Depp's manipulative tactics. They had fallen for it. They had been on the TikTok videos. TikTok is like a fucking TikTok is like all this shit on steroids. It creates its own ecosystem and algorithm that you end up being like, this is the real truth. And it goes all the way from I hate ex celebrity or cheesecake factory and dates or cooking with Kaya to fucking Palestine, Like yes that we're to We're gonna let Donald Trump win that it is that strong and there's never really seemed to be a limit to what it can and can't get people to believe, because if you talk to people who just scroll on that shit all day, it's like talking to a crazy person if you don't scroll as well, because you'll be like, what what are you talking about?
And and and and For me, personally, y'all, I had to this is something I personally had to learn it because and I am still online, not as much as I used to be, but I remember when I used to be online a lot and online heavy and tweeting and posting and all that stuff. I would realize when I would talk to people offline and I would be like at such and such and such such such an oh did you hear this? And people who were not online will look at me like what are you Like we will literally talk two different languages, and one that was like, oh, there's a difference here, like like the language is different, the cold is different.
Who they have no idea who I'm talking about.
And that's when it dawned on me, Hey, this it's really it's not.
Really, you just spend more time trying to fucking explain the shit, because no one knows like you just Oh and you have to see this video. Oh and did you know about this? Oh and did you hear this? And this blogger and this person? And you know, even when it's my friends and I'm talking to them and they're going down the list in my brain, I can't help but be like you just named ten people whose opinion I would never seek out, Like they're just not worth knowing what the fuck they think about the world.
So No, I'm not gonna go listen to Joe Budden's podcast. I'm not gonna start listening to Andrew Show's. I'm not gonna follow academics twitst stream.
I don't care how popular it is. Nope.
I know a garbage person when I fucking see one, and I don't need to like let that person become.
A tent pole in my.
In my brain to where they're a reference point just because I don't respect them. I'm not saying that my brain is like a reflective of society, meaning that, oh yeah, because he's such a big deal, I should be. You know, I'm in denal of how big a deal he is. No, it's the opposite. I'm saying, in order to keep my shit separate in that who ride is what the tent poles of my morality is, right, I have to shield certain shit out of my life to be like, I don't go over there and play in the Joe Button field, because yeah, he's talking about Kendrick today, but he'll be saying some foul shit about women or justifying some other manipulative abusive shit, or some fucked up way to be.
A friend to someone.
And y'all will y'all don't accept y'all don't understand you absorbed that too. You don't think you do, but that radiation gets in you too, that poison gets in you. It ain't all just oh, I like this opinion about this. And you know, people, if you go to our Spotify, rapped or whatever, people, the people people that watch our show listen to Joe Budden, Charlotte Mane like all the people I'm talking about. So we're just one person. But the reason our show don't sound like there is because I don't. I don't consume that content, right, you know, there's no need for our show to be the other show that is telling you about what they say over there all the time. Right. So anyway, all that stuff to say, a lot of this stuff is manipulated, and it shows up in ways that.
Feed into are already primed to.
Hate people isms, meaning most of us, even the women listening, whether you're straight, gay, whatever, most of.
Us have been primed our whole lives to hate women. Yes, period, yes, period, be it your don't somebody else.
So it don't take much for me to tell you X woman that is well like famous, a woman who is who has got her feminist bona fides, who has stood up for this, that and the other time and again.
It does not take much to tear.
That woman down in most of your minds because you already have them on the ladder that has like vasiline on the steps. Right, it's like her, she's gonna slide to the bottom way faster than most dudes will.
Okay, So like that's why you know, for years on this podcast, I've been a person that takes up for Taylor Swift.
But I'm not really taking up for Taylor Swift. I'm taking off for the truth.
Like it's not really about you need to It's just guys, some of this shit is a lot you're listening to us, and you're in our audience. I would like you to be smarter and more informed than I read x lie on social media.
And now I'm just running with blank lit right like you should have.
It should take more proof than that for you to just throw these people in the fucking track, right, And yes, I get it. They're a white person, they're a woman, they're a man, they're rich, they're this right, which means you already have a certain level level of like jealousy or hatred or bias or whatever against the person, which makes you easy to program. Just it's so many people out here volunteering to be hated by you.
It's not secret.
They openly, like I'm musa, say some hateful shit, and we'll do extra work to go find somebody that's minding their business or doing good in the world.
And we never fucking wonder why people who do and put good.
Shit into the world, why do we need to be hating them? You know, Like I won't go through the whole Taylor Swift thing again, but I have before.
I remember looking to the trying to get to the bottom of.
It, right, because that thing't really bothered you. Yeah, I couldn't understand. I wouldn't did research. I don't even really fuck with her like that. And I'm like, nah, this is weird that the woman who stood up for artists pay the woman who sued a man for sexual harassment for grabbing her ass. She only got one dollar out of the motherfucking lawsuits, but she needed to make a point that you're not gonna do that shit to me.
The woman who uh is votes Democrat?
Uh, the woman who endorses Democrats, the woman who endorsed Kamala Harris. You're not gonna tell me this woman is a right wing Christian, anti gay piece of shit?
Who told you that? Right? Who told you to think that? Who told you to say that?
There are plenty of white women volunteering to be that jk Rowland sitting right in your motherfucking face, There are plenty.
Why would she need to secretly be anything.
She's so famous that if she wanted to be a piece of shit, she don't need to do it behind the scenes.
No, she don't.
They're gonna fill up arenas if she openly comes out and bes a piece of shit, because we've seen it. It's all made it all the way to the White House. It's fucking weird, you know. And I remember when like Demi Levado was having like beef with her, and Demi Levado was shitting on her about you don't really hate women, you're not a real feminist and mother hate help women. And then Kasha came out was like, Swift gave me money when I was suing doctor Luke and I was blackball from the fucking industry and she never told anybody, and none of y'all would know. And the only reason I'm fucking saying something is because y'all motherfuckers are lying on her right now, shut the fuck up, because you didn't help me at all. You just went on Instagram and start talking about her instead of help it. What are you doing to help women? Boom still not good enough for people to this day. I've had people I've had to block off my social media because if you share any article about her, and it could be something as in knockaisa as Taylor Swift went to the Chiefs Game. Here these motherfuckers come and I'm like you, you are prime to hate women, and you think the reason it works is because you think it doesn't.
That's the only reason it can worry.
Everybody think that exception to the rule.
Everyone they think their shit is different, Like, no, no, I just hate that she goes to Kansas City Chiefs games. Bitch, you've been manipulated to think that. You don't you know who else goes to Kansas City to to uh these games? A lot of their famous ass girlfriends. You ain't never felt this way about nobody till now. You ain't never been like the guys. They found a fake note online that said that that was her explaining how to understand football. It's not even real, but look how fast your brain was, Like it's real. I don't need no backup. I don't even know it's real, and I got a conversation. I gotta talk some shit about it. And for the record, wouldn't even shouldn't even be a problem, shouldn't be a scandal. If Travis Kelsey had a fucking set list of her songs when he went to a concert, we'd all be like, yeah, that makes sense too. He probably wasn't fucking with that music until they started dating. That she wasn't fucking with football till they started dating. Anyway, My bigger point being, look how easy it was and that's the biggest star in white people's world, this Taylor Swift, and it's so easy for people to turn the hate train of yes, yes it is, and but heard we saw what happened with that.
Johnny Depp hired a.
Firm to manipulate online coverage and it essentially worked on public opinion. To this day, many people anti Amber her same thing. Had to block those people off from my social media back in the day, because all you have to do is share article. It's not even giving an opinion, any article that's just like Johnny Depp on tape saying abusive things to her. Here they come with some reason that that's okay, and I'm like, hmm, all right, I don't I don't know what you've been red peeled with.
I don't know what TikTok you've been down. I don't know what.
But a lot of these podcasts, a lot of these people have been using this information. They've been getting a lot of attention off of it, and you get a lot more clicks and views.
Off of hating her. This is a fact.
I watched a documentary that things called Johnny Versus Amber, but I can't be sure the name was it was either on Netflix or HBO, and both of those The documentaries pointed out the people who make content that said she ain't shit got way more viewsing the people that went through and was like, well, no, this is why Johnny's line.
It was like, nobody wants to hear that shit, right.
And so when you when you're in an attention economy, what kind of content you're gonna make.
You're gonna make the fuck her content. That's the one that's working.
Right because because that's the one that's being rewarded. And like I said, I've told this story before and I will continue to tell this story. It's one of those things that everybody thinks that they're above it until they ain't. Because I remember, was it leading the Dunham if I'm penounce in the name right, Uh, it was a period of time where every time you bought her name up, I would rent and Raven get mad and shit like that. But what I realized I wasn't ritting and Raven at her. I was written and raven at the people that represented her online and all that type of stuff. And those two things are are because she didn't do anything to me.
Honestly, I don't even think you were renting the raven. This is the point I'm trying to make, and I'm not trying to I'm not trying to be a dig about it.
But I don't even think you.
Were ranting and raving at the people who support her any of that stuff, because you weren't interacting with them.
That's true. They weren't interacting with you.
They weren't finding your tweets about her and trying to fight with you or anything. You were doing what I think most people are doing. You were trying to belong and the people around you, the people around belonged, had made a crew, They had made a group out of we hate Lena Dunham. And if you're not in that I Hate Lena Dunham camp, you're not signaling that you're in the group. And so you, a person who's never watched anything Lena Dunham has ever done, would go on these rants on our show as if you were offended by these things that you had never seen. And it was interesting because I did watch Girls, and I remember being on here like yeah, the show is all right, Like it's not groundbreaking to me, but it's also not this thing that's incensing me where like every week I'll need to be upset. I understood why there were any black people in it, because I said, this one seem like she grew up not really around black people. Black people may have been in her school or on her block, but she didn't. They weren't in her social group this, so why would I want her writing characters that don't fucking exist in her world?
Which is what she's gonna do right Correctly, She don't have She ain't about to hire a bunch of black people to take over her show and make it the black girls show. No, it's gonna always be the show about the white girls that are her friends. And some black people might be on the periphery, but they not real people in her life, right, And it never made sense to even want that from her. Agreed, And she can still be a terrible person or a great person, But the point being, it was not about that for you, because you didn't even know anything about her. But that is what I think. So much of this is predicated upon a great soul. The reason I wanted to make that accurate is because I think it's germane to the point I'm making about this, right which is you motherfuckers don't even know or care about Blake Lively. Beyond she married the Ryan Reynolds and they had a plantation wedding that they apologize for. That's the most that most of y'all will ever know about her. The rest of it is just look at this tall, traditionally considered beautiful, rich white lady, and I.
Need a reason. I don't need much of a reason to fucking hate this woman.
Agreed right, And for me, that's why I say I thought I was above it all.
I thought I couldn't be tricked and ended up being tricked.
And for most of these interactions, like you say, a lot of it is people wanting to be wanting to find a place to be known, and not wanting to get kicked out of whatever their social group is.
They aren't willing to admit it.
Everybody goes, we're all adults, but we're actually not a lot of us still treat the internet and social media somewhat like high school. If don't nobody want to be on the outside of the group.
And I can have this conversation with people to their face. I've tried it before on podcasts and stuff. No one thinks they are everyone thinks they're above it, so you just can't fucking talk to them. I've had like the Taylor Swift thing is a a stickler for me because I will go like, oh no, I did the research on this, and I actually know the answers to the stuff you're saying.
It don't matter. You know, they want to hate that.
They want her to be a bitch so they can hate her, So it just doesn't matter.
You can find out.
They'll say stuff she's done where like, well, if she really said that, then why she ain't endorsed Kamlin Harris. She did, well, still you know something something about her I don't like. Okay, fine, but it can't you know, country that wouldn't elect women twice can't possibly be anything in our in the water. It can't be us. It has to be the women every single mother fucking time.
I agree.
So when they started pulling up these old interviews, that was when my Johnny Depp since went off and I went, this is a hate campaign. Cause finding when they go find old interviews and TikTok is great at this now where they pull up the clips and then they have everyone wants attention and much like how Jail Covin talks about the hack jokes and shit where someone makes a hack, makes a joke and then thirty seven people just steal the joke and just act like they made up the joke and give no credit to the originator.
Well, that happens all the time.
With this shit too, And it's the perfect ecosystem for a hate campaign, because if I want to manipulate a hate campaign, I just need to find one or two popular people and be like, hey, this clip of Blake Lively is her in this interview and she's being a bitch, And that person will go and they'll make them that TikTok because they're gonna get that that they're.
Gonna get the ball rolling.
And then all these other people who consume that content, they gonna make the same TikTok. They don't come back and go, oh, let me explain it, or I don't know if this is real.
Let's be a little skeptical. No, it's like, oh, that's got seven million views. Also, Blake Lovey is a bitch, Guys, Blake Live, He's a bitch. Blake Glave is a bitch. Good like me too. Share this's retweet and tell everybody watching the restaurant videos.
On to please.
That's basically what happens.
And so, now, Blake Lively what I think where I think the curve ball came in. Blake Lively is a rich white woman in Hollywood too, and unlike a lot of these rich white women in Hollywood who you never know where the hate campaign necessarily comes directly from right. But there's a reason the music industry that Taylor Swift is fighting would like you to hate her.
Yes, you know, trying to get people. She's trying, not try, She's trying to get everybody play. Even your black ass is talking about hate this bitch. She's like, no, I'm trying to get you paid too.
Yeah, there's a reason they were wont There's a reason Doctor Luke would be like she did what, No, I'm boxing Kesha out of all money.
She's floating her.
I need to get Johnny Depp pr phone on the phone, Like, I'm not saying that's what happened, but yeah, it's not beyond the realm of possibility. Here's a So now she fought back, and that's normally where a lot of these people don't do is because you know what I am rich, i am famous. I'm probably getting a lot of advice saying, don't say anything, don't try to don't try to fight back on this, because it's just they're just gonna take you fighting back as proof that you're a bitch. So just let it pass. You'll continue to get work and you'll be okay. But that ain't what happened to Amber her. Her career is in the fucking gutter. And she was one of the ones for white people, like she was booking rolls left.
And right and and Lily Last Time We've Seen You.
They brot her out of Aquaman two essentially just because they was on something like we don't know right, even though we know there was a hate campaign. We know it's a PR firm that manipulated a lot of stuff. We know a lot of these online sources were were caught up in it, like people that were campaigning for Johnny Depp. Later they're in he's on their podcast, he's meeting with them, they're taking pictures. These were not unbiased actors. This is not good faith. But nah, you end up taking her out, you end up you're scared and the people around, and it's to make people.
Around you scared.
That's the purpose, you know, it's the point is to make the people around you go, You're toxic, and I don't.
I'm scared to be hugging you. Scared scared. You know, I heard bad things.
You know, who knows that they Like, someone said Mama was an assholeer on the set to Just by f Y. I don't know how true or not that is, but I can also see a world where he's seen all the negativity. He's seen the world leaning towards Johnny Depp and saying she's the bitch, and he's like, well, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be the one person standing up for your ass. So I'm being my trailer. You know, maybe we take her part out. You know, I'm not saying it's right. I think it's cowardice. But he wouldn't be any different than most of y'all. Yeah, he wouldn't be any different than y'all on the internet that was afraid that they don't have a single tweet saying something supportive of her because y'all didn't want to deal with the backlash in the box and the assholes And that's just digital, that's not even you're not a celebrity, you're not.
A star, you're not right, You're a regular ass person.
So all that to.
Say, like this, there's this clip that went viral of her interview, right. Daily Mail brought this up on August tenth. I think this is her. It looks like Kirsty Fla, a Norwegian entertainment reporter, uploaded a YouTube video of twenty sixteen interview in which Miss Lively snapped back when Miss Fla commented on her baby bump and remained testy for the rest of the conversation. Miss Fla titled it the Blake Lively Interview that made me want to quit my job, so the titles already, you know, and told the Daily Mail that it's time that people behaving badly in Hollywood are anywhere else for that matter, gets called out for it. Okay, it wasn't the first time she had posted a video aligned with a client of Miss Nathan. Now, Miss Nathan is the person that works at the PR firm that smeared and be heard and as I mean, as I reveal now the PR firm that Jason BALDIONI hired to smear Blake Lively, meaning this was a hate campaign.
It was not just a hate campaign.
It's by the same people that did a hate campaign successfully before.
And the reason they know what to do, the reason, the only reason we know.
So the rest of y'all don't get to patch yourselves on the back because y'all wasn't on it like I was. Okay, I know I was out here on the limb. Y'all was probably skipping past some of these episodes and Rode don't know what he's talking about with this white people news. But the only reason the rest of y'all know is because Blake Lively actually sued this motherfucker and it's in the lawsuit so now, and the lawsuit came with receipts. It wasn't just say, hey, stop talking about me. It was I have proof, I have text messages, I have DMS, I.
Have Oh, she was tired, right like I have information you.
Did this, And now everybody, of course is righteously jumping to her side, which you know, great, but you're gonna be manipulated in a month for some other motherfucker that y'all don't know. So I can't even real no one's learning a lesson. We're a month away from all of y'all being on like, hey, man, uh, you know, Beyonce ain't shit or whatever, and it's just gonna be the same cycle because you're.
Fucking stupid and they know it.
They know you're fucking dumb, and they know you will keep falling for this trick.
Oh they know it.
Don't take much from y'all to go from I like this person of whatever marginalization to I hate this person like that. They know it, and it's just she's just the latest one. But now you have to wonder how many other people has it been that we just don't have a receipt song because they either didn't have the money to fight back, they didn't have the time to fight back, or it was done in a way that was a little bit smoother and we can't trace it back as easily.
Oh not even easy.
I mean shit, took about a year for Blake Lively and them to come up with all this evidence. So some people ain't got the time and the money. We just we just hate to hear their name for some reason.
We'll never know why.
Uh. It wasn't the first time this woman had posted a video on line with a client of Miss Nathan In twenty twenty two, in the midst of mister Depp's legal battle with miss Her, miss Fly posted clips of her interviews with the actor tagged hashtag justice for Johnny Depp.
Yeah so so this is her thing?
Yeah, I know people who are fuck Johnny Depp, fuck fuck what he did to Amber Her, who are also like fuck Blake Lively, fuck Taylor Swill.
Then you didn't learn shit.
You still taking everything at just woman's wrong till proven right. You know, it's crazy how easy it is to fucking manipulate people. Now, the things she's swing for are more than just the like, uh, it's more than just like he this hate campaign. What she essentially says is he's sexually harassed her on set, made the movie uncomfortable to film.
Wow, made it a hostile work environment.
And then when he knew they keep in mind, this is a movie about domestic violence. Jason Baldini has a podcast that's about not about toxic masculinity and how not to be a toxic masculine man. And right, so he's a male feminist, like pro whatever guy, and so it seems to me to read it's not beyond reason to say he went on the aggressive because he was like, I can't take the hit of someone as famous as Blake Lively, who's actually worked with me, coming out and being like in a movie.
About domestic violence.
This man was a piece of This man who claims himself to be a white knight is actually a real piece of shit, real.
Like not these aren't in the middle things she had.
There was like there's specific things in the lawsuit, Like one time she wore a low cut dress because she was breastfeeding, because she had just had a baby, so she wore a jacket overerneath the over the top of the dress. Okay, while they were on set or whatever, and during a meeting or whatever, like the dress pop, the jacket popped up in a little bit and she closed it back and he was like, no, leave it open, like you know, like like trying to make and she said, I'm not wearing this.
The look sexy.
He was like, well, you look sexy to me or whatever, and she was like, well, that's not whyle I'm wearing it. He's like, well, I'm sorry, you look hot. This is mister consent, mister no toxic masculinity. And he's saying this in front of people like this is on set.
So other coworkers.
Because the thing about if you've never been on the set, y'all, there are people own the camera, people behind the cameras.
There's whatdrob makeup hair people.
You know.
Sometimes it's hundreds of people are just randomly walking around.
On the day of shooting the scene in which Miss Lovely character give birth spoiler, mister Baldini and mister he suddenly pressured Miss Lively to simulate full nudity, despite no mention of nudity for this scene in the script her contract. On previous creative discussions, mister Baldini insisted to Miss Lovely that women give birth naked, and that his wife had.
Ripped her clothes off during labor.
He claimed it was not normal for women to remain in their hospital gowns while giving birth. Miss Lively disagreed, but felt forced into a compromise that she would be naked from below the chest down.
When the birth scene was filmed.
The set was chaotic, crowded, and utterly lacking in standard industry protections for filming news scenes, such as choreography. The choreography the scene with a intimacy coordinator having assigned nudity writer, or simply turning off the monitors so the scene was not broadcast to all care on the set and on their personal phones and iPad. Mister Heath and mister Baldoni also failed to close the set, allowing non essential crew to pass through while Miss Lively was mostly new with her legs spread wide and sturbs and only a small piece of fabric covering her genitalia. Among the non essential person's previous present present that day was Wayfair co chairman mister Sorowitz, who flew in for one of his few set visits. Miss Lively was not provided with anything to cover herself with between takes until after she made MOSTO requests. Miss Lively became even more alarmed when mister Baldeini introduced his best friend to play the role of the obg y n when ordinarily a small role of this nature would be filled by a local actor. Miss Lovely felt that the selection mister Baldnnie's friend for this intimacy role, intimate role in which the actor's face and hands were in close proximity to her nearly k new genitalia for a birth scene, was invasive and humiliating.
It was the fucking and not your fund. This is why you need intimacy coordinator. This is how you get sued. This is why you need these people.
And if you don't.
And the thing is as powerful as we think Blake Lively is as rich and spoiled and all this stuff that y'all, all of us think she is right, all of us assume she's walking through the world with her head hell.
High and just demanding everything.
The fallacy in that is the scarcity model of how would none of these motherfuckers really have that?
None of them?
This is the kind of thing you think on set, you take a stand, But it's the also the kind of thing that they're wrong. You take a stand, you become what she was until she sued, which was a bitch nobody should want to work with who's just impossible to deal with on a set. That's what happens, and that's what we accept and that's what we run with, and that's why it's fucking dangerous to be like, I'm gonna just accept that this person is just a piece of shit, and we just none of us knew why. On another day, she wore lowcuz dress to facilitate breastfeeding but had to cover it up with a quat. When the jacket briefly popped open at one point to reveal the dress, mister Baldini commented about how much he liked her outfit, which flustered Miss Lively. Later that day, mister Baldoni pressure Miss Lively, who was in her pre approved wardrobe, to remove her coat in front of the crew and multiple.
Background actors in a pack bar.
He said he wanted her to see her onesie under the coat because it was zipload to reveal her lace bra, consistent with the past practice. He said, I think you look sexy, and a tone that made her feel I go didn't exposed. With other female cast present, she said, that's not what I'm going for. He bristled and replied, I'm sorry, I deeply uncomfortable. Miss Lively said not that either. He responded to sarcastlear, I guess I missed the HR meeting. This is mister I got the podcast.
Yes you did miss it, bitch. This is why you the reason why everybody else got to go to it.
Yeah, this myster I have a podcast on how man should act and walked away. Another woman on the production spoke to miss Lovely after it to offer empathy and to share her own similar experiences with mister Baldoni commenting about her in sexual terms. That's why I told you, I don't it's not her versus him thing.
When the whole fucking cast it's you, it's you.
As a result of mister Baldoni's behavior of May twenty nine, twenty twenty three, another cast member lodges a sexual rascing complaint about his gross and unwanted comments towards her and others. It's not just it's never just one thing. It's never just one thing. During a car ride with Miss Lovely, her assistant and driver, mister Baldoney claimed Miss Lovely that he had been sexually abused by from a girlfriend, which he had since shared publicly. At the end of the story, mister Baldoni shared that it had caused him to re examine his past. He then said, did I always ask for consent? No?
Did I always listen when they said no? No? Mister Baldoney claimed this.
Was an example of how we all have things from which we learn and grow. Miss Lively was unsettled by the suggestion that he had engaged in sexual conduct without consent. This the guy that has podcasts on consent. When miss Lively exited the car, the driver immediately remarked that he did not want miss Lively to be alone with mister Baldoney going forward.
Okay, that's when the drivers like, you know what, yeah, dog, no, I'm not Yeah, yeah, it's gonna be at least three of y'all back there at all times.
The pr team that they hired were the same ones that slandered.
Amber. Heard right.
They were shocked how easy and how much this shit worked on Blake Lively. Even they were shocked, like, wow, this hate campaign is working.
They have.
Text messages that are in the lawsuit. Oh, she had to advantage. It's like I got the time, bitch.
Right, And that's another thing, fighting back text time. Yes, because none of us, almost none of y'all. I'm not gonna say us, none of y'all tend to believe the fifty to fifty.
It's gotta be like in Stone, it's gotta be like this.
It's gotta be fifty seven paragraphs in a lawsuit like he did this, and he did this, and there's witnesses this, and this person told me that it's gotta be like that. Because if Blake Lovely would have just did a podcast and been like, no, this dude's the ass whole, it wouldn't have been good enough.
It's like, well, maybe he is, maybe she is. Who knows?
So the firm that they hired, this is a text message between them, Jennifer Abbole.
The narrative online is so freaking good.
These are women, by the way, Okay, these are women setting up this hate campaign of misogyny. Is a woman who didn't do anything wrong, but they got hired to do it just how they make their mother fucking.
Money, right, soulless.
The narrative online is so freaking good, and fans are still sticking up for Justin and there literally has been no pick up of those two articles, which is actually shocking to me. But I see this as a total success, as does Justin. You did such amazing work, Melissa Nathan. Narrative is crazy good, So did you do good work? The majority of socials are so pro Justin, and I don't even agree.
What half for them? L o l haha, so funny.
Fuck you in your life, bitch, We're just gonna ruin your career. But hey, this is the job, This is the job. This is what we do. You know, I don't know I'm being a bit righteous right now, but I deserve it.
Okay, Yeah, because this is something you kind of talked about.
I've been talking about this shit for years.
Yeah, and like you say, some of it don't make sense. Like the dude that plays Mario, I feel like that about him, because that's another Mario will be about to come out. Chris, Chris pat Gary to you when they start, When the Mario trailers and shit start coming out, y'all gonna his shit gonna roll back.
I broke down the Chris Pratt thing on the show before, and once again, I don't I'm not expecting to change people's minds, but I expect to have this archive of being like being in tune and being right when motherfucker's finally come around and they'll be like, damn, Rod was spitting because the Chris Pratt thing didn't make sense. I remember going through all the people that went to that church that were celebrities, and I said, why are y'all stopping at Chris Pratt that church if he's a hateful biggot and we but he's very private and won't say it out loud, but he is a hateful biggot that just hates trans people, gay people. Why the fuck are y'all letting all these other people that go to that church slide because that's not just him, that's one of them celebrity churches.
And I went. I can't even remember everybody.
Was on it.
I remember going on the podcast. Y'all should be like all these people are biggest, not just him cause he and if we be, cause you don't have any public comment, you have no the thing is you have is well, he went to this church and then he comes out and like, I don't even go to that church. Like I went to that church a couple of times. That's not my church. Church don't matter. Truth don't matter, dog, Truth don't matter.
And I get it. He's a rich white dude. Why would fuck would he fight it. I'm I'm winning. Yes, Jaane's gone.
Gonna put me in something else. Marl's gonna put me in something else. I'm gonna be in every summer blockbuster. I could take time to fight this and clear my name. I could, you know, try to like get you guys to listen to my ex wife that I would never disrespect my son and talk about not being proud of him or no shit like that. I would never do something like that, But y'all ain't gonna believe her when she tell y'all that. Anyway, she told you all that, and what did y'all say? I don't know something about it?
Right? Y'all are so fucking dumb, so easy to manipulate motherfuckers.
But yet like this, the whole thing has been so wild to see. And I'm glad she fought back and revealed it. But the proof of it is, you really don't know until the next one. No one's gonna learn shit until the next one. That's when you learn, is will you? Will you see the next thing and be a little skeptical? Or are y'all gonna turn on I don't know, Charlie, just whoever? Are y'all like, who's the next person that y'all gonna be? Like? Everyone loved her and now we fucking hate her, and just we decided we saw an old clip on TikTok and twelve other tiktoks and a bunch of tweets and now we hate this bitch and they're right, and now I'm wrong. You know, they had an article on The New York Times about this, and for the record, I think what really set me off, because you know, I didn't care that much because it's white people knews. But what really let me know I was right? And this is this is the sign. Okay, this is that, this is always I go out this a lot. I go on Facebook and I see Jake jail Covid. He's made a post and.
He's like, I don't know about y'all, but I'm.
Tiding with the cast and crew of some fucking c W Shaw I never heard of, and the director book, and not with half of a couple of the most annoying people, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. I'm taking the opposite side. And I didn't even know the rest of this had dropped yet. I don't even know if it had dropped yet. I saw his comment, I saw his thing, and the first comment I left was a gift of I think it was Jameis Winston warming up to play quarterback like he was getting loose shaken, stretching and throwing, getting ready to throw passes.
And I said this the jail Jinks warming up, Karen. When I tell.
You, maybe twenty thirty minutes later, this shit dropped. Oh no, I said, this, what the fuck I'll be I'll be trying to tell jail, but he you know this, he.
Can't help himself. He can't help him can't help himself.
Okay, he hates these beautiful white women's and he just immediately like the bit just need to be put in their place like they used to do me.
Whatever it is, I don't know, but it jumped out of.
Him, and I said, I'm gonna go start looking ship up now, because this is my sign that this I'm right.
Like I have.
Secretly been feeling like I was right for over a year, but this confirmed I was one hundred percent on point because jil so, yeah, this this this, this firm does this public manipulation for the celebrities and stuff to like help their clients. So uh yeah, they said, he wants to feel like she can be buried. A publicist working with the studio and mister Baldoni wrote in August two message to the crisis management team expert Melissa Nathan, and Melissa Nathan.
Wrote back, you know we can bury anyone.
In the following weeks, Miss Nathan, whose clients have included Johnny Depp, the rappers Drake and Travis Scott went hard at the press, pushing to prevent stories about mister Baldni's behavior and reinforced negative ones about miss Lively. The text messages showed Jed Wallace, a self described higher gun let, a digital strategy that included boosting social media posts that could help hurt their cause. And attorney for Wayfair said in a statement to the Times that the studio is executives and public relations representatives did nothing proactive nor retaliated against Miss Lively and accused the actress of another desperate attempt to fix her negative reputation. So the studio was with him on it. This is like, this is fucking crazy in a movie about domestic violence.
Yeah, And like I say, the biggest thing, I'm gonna go back to this. The biggest thing is when like the cast, like the stars are like, hey, we're not following you on social media either. And like you said, the stars actually did a lily a separate press run from him, because normally, like they all do kind of individual press runs, but they have like a spand where they have someone Oh, these are the ones we kind of all have to show up to for the crew to be like, We're not showing up to none of that shit. Fuck him, Yeah, something is wrong. Like, I'm gonna agree with you. They have seen some shit.
It's just crazy because this is one where we have the actual proof of it. Yeah, So hopefully this is one that I hope people can't argue.
But I don't know people hate.
Women enough that you know it's the same way they don't. We don't hate women. But fuck that bit chilly Clinton. Right, she wasn't a good enough candidate campaign, you know, Like, but we don't.
Hate women, right, we don't hate them.
Though Trump's campaign was just apparently much much better and more organized and whatever. I hope my leg she put out a statement, I hope my legal action helps pull back the curtain on these sinister retaliatory tactics to harm people who speak up about its conduct and helps protect others who may be targeted.
What's crazy is I feel like this election, I feel like Joe Rogan's following uh In many.
Cases, a lot of the podcast Spear of the Man of Spear All that has been a direct retaliation to the Me Too movement. Yes, but the reason that it was considered the direct throughout retaliation. The premise underlying all of this has been because the me Too movement got too strong. Remember, it's because he started. Even the accusation against the man meant his career was over. We must free Jonathan Major as we must. You know that ship to this day, just to this day, y'all still talk like that. If it's so fucking strong, how can it just pour down one of the biggest women in Hollywood like.
That, Nobody saying shit and nobody cares if.
It's if me too was so fucking strong? What the fuck happened to times up? How the fuck happened to all those movements? What happened to all that money? What happened to clearing up?
Hollywoo? What happened?
Oh, you can't even say the wrong thing in the interview. A man won't even have a job. Apparently that's not motherfucking true at all. Apparently you can be on the set. There's another part where he there was like a dance scene where the cameras weren't even on for the scene because it was either like rehearsal or like it was something where there was no dialogue in the scene because the audio wasn't rolling for the scene, right, and so he went up to her and did some shit where like he put his lips close to her neck and was saying like sexual stuff to her, and it's like what Yeah. On another occasion, mister Baldoni and miss Lively were filming a slow dan scene for a montage in which no sound was recorded, so there's no sound to be.
Right, because they're gonna put all the stuff in afterwards.
He chose to let the camera roll and have the performance scene, but did not act in character as Rile. Instead, he spoke to Miss Lively out of character as himself, so I guess he stars in film and directions. At one point, he leaned forward and slowly dragged his lips from her ear down her neck as he said, it smells so good. None of this was remotely in character or based on any dialogue in the script, and nothing needed to be said again because there's there was no sound, so those sounds going into the scene. Mister Bobdoney was caressing miss Lively with his mouth in a way that had nothing to do with their roles. When Miss Lively later objected to this behavior, his response was, I'm not even attracted to you like gaslighting, like bitch, you crazy. I don't even like women that look like you. I just put my lips in and said said, say you smell good, and all this shit out of character just because this is what I did.
That is what I do.
You know what I'm saying, That's just that is that was That was actually how dedicated I am to acting.
But yeah, this dude had his own Go Be a.
Good Man podcast. The lawsuit list the mans that were addressed, she says, because it's conduct. Among these demands, no more showing new videos or images of women to Blake, no more mentioning of his alleged previous pornography addiction, no more discussions about sexual conquest in front of Blake and others, no further mention of cast and crews Genitalia, and no more inquiries about Blake's wait and no further mention of Blake's dead father. There Also there's also demand that there'll be no more adding of sex scenes or sex or on camera climaxing by Blake Lively outside of the scope of the script. That script that Blake Lively approved would sign on to the project right. The sue claims demands were embracing approved by the studio, but there was a huge conflict over how.
It would be marketed.
Blake wanted more a more upbeat pitch about her character's resilience as par the marketing plan, whereas baldon't e wanted to focus on the domestic violence and chose to go off script from the plan.
This makes sense as to why.
Those trailers were so fucking men. You talked about what was like these traits for y'all.
Hold on, I'm not saying the trailers.
Okay, This makes sense as to why the plant the the batlash to her appearances without him, remember, because they didn't go with him turned into this is not saying enough about the domestic violence. That's what he wanted. So she wanted to do this thing that was like, listen, this is this movie we need like we need to be a more uplifting resilient like we want to We want to show people that this is She's not just a victim, right, This is not just a movie about your victim. You're the look at the trauma. It's a movie about coming back from it. It's a movie about about resilience. It's a movie is about perseverance. That's what we want our pr campaign and our press run to be about. Right.
He's like, no, I want this to be about the domestic.
Violence and the trauma of the character and what they went through, right. And a lot of the fight online was she's look at her, she's too she's being too happy. She's making the movie sound too nice, she's making it seem too fun. People aren't gonna know what they're watching when they see this movie. People are this is not written. And it's like I remember seeing the trailers, like it's obvious what the movie is about. It is And in two, no one's gonna do a press run like woe was me?
Trauma, trauma, tranma trying to set a movie?
Right, Yes, And of course I'm not this person that was a character I portrayed in a movie.
So I'm still blake Lively.
I can't show up and be like I'm not crying during your time my interview.
So of course that's how it breaks down in the social media manipulation.
All of that. The press run is being done wrong.
It's because he was saying, that's not the press run I want it, So y'all need to start hating this bitch. Lively claims him and the company engaged in social manipulation campaign to destroy her reputation. To suit includes text from Baldoni's publicist to the studios. Publicists would say Baldoni wants to feel like miss Lively can be buried and we can't write, and we can't write, we will destroy her. The sue claims the campaign caused Lively's harm, harm to her business, and cause her family severe emotional distress, but Donnie's lawyer, Brian Freeman lashed out of the lawsuits, said it's designed to fix her negative reputation, adding the claims are false outrages and intentionally solations and an intent to publicity to publicly hurt. So she once again she's the real asshole, and some people are gonna roll with that. I'm sure she's the real asshole. This guy's innocent. Fuck those text messages and fuck the evidence, Fuck anyone else who comes forward. Fuck everyone I'm following him, Fuck them doing the press run without him. It's clearly all her and she's just a piece of shit and she needs to salvage her reputation and that's it, guys.
Nothing to see here.
Freeman goes on to say Lively was a nightmare on set, threatening to not show up to set, threatening to not promote the film, ultimately leading to its demids during release.
Yeah, I don't believe any of that.
I can tell you how I believe that, Karen. Would you show up to a to a set, would you threaten?
Okay, okay, if this ship was happening to you, Okay, yeah, towards the end, yeah, I can see that, right, But then they're.
Spinning it into like, look at this crazy bitch. Okay, because I was like, that sounds crazy.
But then but then.
Yeah, because it was like, Okay, I've had enough of your abuse.
This is it?
Like and it was probably somewhere whatever kind of getting to the end or some shit like that.
She was like, you know what, I'm tired of this. Right.
He reportedly asked her his trainer how much Blake Lively wade, which she felt was fat shaming, but he said he said he did that because he has a bad back and he was trying to protect his back.
Bitch whatever, you don't even know how much.
I weigh also like that could be a misunderstanding, right, but let's talk about that. If you have a bad back, either you can pick her up or you can't. Agreed, it's really not a It wouldn't matter what the fuck her trainer said. What was It didn't matter what number it was. If it's in the script for you to pick up, then it's in the script. If you're gonna have someone else do it, then you're gonna have someone else do it because you got a bad back.
It really the number don't matter. But when you're the fucking weirdough, of course, the person's treating it like what are you saying?
You know what I mean, like what do you what does this really mean? Are you trying to talk more about my body?
Mister? I need to see them titties, you know.
But yeah, the other shoe has to drop on this shit always or nobody's gonna respect the person that's being targeted as the bitch.
So yeah, it's just it's gonna be interesting to see where it goes.
I'm sure it's not over because I mean, if we learned anything from the Johnny Depp ever heard thing, people will go out of their way, bend over backwards to be like nah around, it's really her fault, like like it don't matter to this day. It's still to all there's people listening to our voice right now that just hurd Damn they did that.
The Blake loved the same people that did the Ember hrd.
That like you ever Ember heards a bitch though, come on, let's be for real guys, all right, we know what we know she's she's the asshole.
Like it's just is what it is. And I don't think you can undo it for people.
They're just gonna be red peeled out thinking no one thinks they're Redhill.
Agreed, and it's gonna be interesting whatever her next role in the movie is people gonna bring this shit up regardless.
Yep, it's gonna follow her around. I mean, there'll be some people that see her as a hero for a while. But you know, justin Valdoni in his side are not gonna be done engaging in this.
And so I feel like we'll get they'll have their response, and then we'll see who takes him at face value again. I'm sure you know, maybe he'll do his podcast or whatever, but there's not gonna be anyone who comes out and goes this God sounds like a piece of shit, and it sounds like this PR firm with this woman is a piece of shit. It sounds like Johnny Depp's a piece of shit. It sounds like the fucking studios a piece of shit. And it's weird that all the people who worked on the film except for this motherfucker sided with her.
Sounds weird to me. Weird, you know.
But let's see how players out in the court of all or whatever, because we still a woman need to go above and beyond to proof that she ain't the problem.
Anyway, that was That was White People News, the in Depth edition. I honestly don't feel like talking about anything. I'm sure there's other things to talk about.
We'll get through them in the during the week, during the week if if that, you know, it's a holiday week, so who knows how much will be on the air, how much you want, right, But.
It's not White People News. But I just think it's uh. I'll say I'll talk more about it later in the week.
But Zeil records revealed payments from Tory Lane's father to blogger malagro Amid Megan.
Megan was like, he is Pam motherfucker. She was like, this hate campaign on me. I'm the fucking victim makes no goddamn situse cause she was like, I'm not gonna say that, I'm a bitch, I'm tied. And she came out she was and everybody was like, oh, bit you hating you know, making music and shit like that, and you're like, no, this shit is fucked up.
It's coordinated.
Imagine how many of y'all are on Megan the Stallion's side but was against Blake Lively.
I just want y'all to sit with it because somebody I know.
I'm not talking to everyone, but some of y'all are the people I'm talking about.
You know.
Some of y'all know the people don't talk about. Imagine how easy it is to manipulate you all these if it's a black woman all of a sudden, you can you're a little more skeptical. You can be like, ah, I don't know if Megan thee Stallions, y'all, y'all talking crazy what y'all doing, But what is Blake Lively all of a sudden? It's nothing, you know. I was listening to a podcast the other day and he had like dudes writing in letters and stuff, and one of the dudes wrote this letter about the election, but it turned into basically like a weird black conservative anti woman rant, and one of it was like, people that believe that are the same people that believe Tory Lane shot Megan thee Stallion.
Bitch he did?
He in jail for it, right.
And I'm like, yeah, so you an easily manipulated dummy, got it pretty easy. Yeah, okay, so you're a fucking dumbass. I don't need to respect your opinion. But it's funny because there's people that don't see the connection between that. Now, when that person finds out Tory Lane's father was zelling payments to a blogger who was promoting, Hey, Tory lanez did not shoot Megan the Stallion, will that person go back and go, fuck, they got me zero percent chance they will go no, no, he paid the payments. But you know it was the real truth, because that's what I need to believe. So I can tell you hating this black woman agreed. So anyway, this is me gloating. Let me take a long sip of my smug up and.
You say, did we play robbers right?
Did we get that clip yet?
I'll played it earlier in the show, Okay, And I.
Don't mind playing it again.
Thank you.
Okay, I've been very smug. Okay, got your right.
Clips, rubs pray, rubs pray.
What was that again?
Yeah right, I've been right about all of that.
We've been right.
About all of that.
Yes, Yes, I told you. What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you? Cause I told you? And when did I tell you a long time ago?
And what did I say?
What happened when I told you? Exactly what just happened?
But first, a deep sip from a very tall glass of I told you so.
H m hmmm mm hmmm mm hmmm mm hmm. All right, guys, we'll talk to you the rest of the week. Thanks for listening. Until next time. I love you. I love you too.