3025: Big Steakhouse

Published Dec 21, 2024, 8:40 PM

Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.

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I listen to the Black Guy Who Chips podcast because Rodin Karen Ahut.

Hey, welcome to another episode of the Blackout Tips podcast. I'm your host, Rod joined us always by my co host, and we are live on a Saturday afternoon, ready to do some podcasts. And this is a feedback show where we talk about the things that you want to talk about.

You know, the.

Comments you left on our page on our website, the blackout tips dot com, the votes in the polls, all that stuff. Housekeeping up front. Two things that are going on very important. First, our RSS feed maintenance is happening, meaning that rapid feeds, the site that we use to put it all in one place, they're undergoing maintenance. So you may have some issues accessing the main RSS feed right now. I don't know when it'll be done, but I've put up a workaround where you can go directly on our website and use the RSS feeds there a little bit different as they're not all in one single feed, but send out email to all the premium listeners and with this you can just access to using your email and password that you you're username and password that you have as a premium listener on our website, So it's actually a little bit simpler than the other method. But you know, just keeping the heads up on everybody, and eventually we may even switch all the way completely over to just that because rapid fees has issues sometimes and you know, it gets a little tiring dealing with that stuff.

I agreed at any rate.

That's so if you didn't get an email and you are premium, email me let me know if you, uh check your spam photo, if you if you if you're premium and you didn't see the email, and if you need any help with your password being reset or anything, email me. All the email is the blackout tests at gmail dot com.


The second thing is live show tickets are still on sale and we're moving them.

You know.

I want to say, you know, the show's over two months away and it's about twenty tickets sold out, you know, the uh the VIP tickets. I want to say, it's like forty two or something. It might be hot and so maybe like eight left if.

It's that many. Yeah, the I'm gonna get show down pretty soon.

So just letting you know. If you know some of y'all gonna wait till last minute. I will do my best to try to make it so that we can open up more tickets. If we reach a point where, uh, you know, if we're sold out of VIP tickets and there's you know, two months left, I'll see if I can get them to open up, like twenty five more or fifty more.

So I don't know.

I don't know what the limit will be, because you know, we have to make it so that people get a cool at least a minute or so to hang out and take a picture with the experience. I don't want it to just turn into like a picture meal and be like bye bye by by.


So it's a fine balance and we're working on it.

But you know, we're looking forward to seeing all your pretty faces and all our peoples when they show up in February twenty eighth, the last Friday a Black History Month, the blackest Friday of Black History Month. We all know that's the rules, and so that's the show. That's the housekeeping. Let's get into the show.

Show. Do I say the official weapons, the folding.

Chairs, the folding chair, okay, the unofficial sport bulletball extreme All right, now, let's talk about the people that did something special.

They went to the blackouttips dot com and.

They looked on there and they looked to the right hand side and they said, ooh, I can give these people a little bit of change. And what do I get for that? Nothing but the love and kindness from my heart. This isn't the same as being premium. Okay, this is you saying, hey, I just want y'all to know I appreciate you monetarily and we are gonna shout you out. We're now listens to Charlotto, Rod and Karen were welcome the good folks who tied to the black dive. You tips all new shilling new billings. Let's see who we got him, Pete B. Thank you for your donation.

Don G. Douglas, R. Johanna M. Laura F. Christopher from Hawaii. We got a.

One time donation that's actually for our last week on Keith and the girl at that says thank you for reading our dead pat ad on last week. So we finally made money.

We finally made money.

I had to send I had to send one dollar that the Keith Malley, you know, because that's that's only fair.

Tabitha m April G.

Corey the Tickolah email I put in the wrong saying uh wanga from down Under and Marlon b Yes, Marlon Bee. That's everybody. Thank you so much, everybody who just threw some money our way, put a little summer that Christmas.

Tree that so goes hard.

No five star reviews this week, not even for Christmas, for Kwanza, not even for Honikah.

I didn't care about it.

Else for Christmas, not even for Festive festiv Us.

Just nothing. Mm hmmm.

All this work we've been doing all year and y'all said buy humbug and gave us some cold I said, what y'all doing that?

Sad day?

Can't even get no fire stars.

Ain't getting no fire stars. Nigga.

All right, we got Let's go to the website. Let's get to these episodes. We did three episodes this week, threey twenty two, a Cornucopia of Joy where we had seven comments. Let's get into it. The first commentor is happier? Correct Rod, Thank you for your feedback on the or on rumor the rapper trademark. The idea is even better than I thought in the beginning. Finally, the toy to make household chores cool for boys and for teenagers. His tracks can be more raunchy, like swallow up, thank you to the blackout tip. My load is huge and no refractory period needed. I don't know if those tracks those just sound like porn names. I will be so rich and also share the wealth because it's the right thing to do, and it's also good for feminism and fights of other Is it's perfect? Ronald Raphael replied and says I was down with some evil sickness last week and couldn't keep up with the flow. Rumor of the rapper is the deal. I got a young German who raps that fits. His dad introduced him to me while I was in Monster. We are about to be rich, Apia. I like how you put himself in it. Apia also says being an immigrant myself, I unfortunately noticed a long time ago that it's not given that oppressed people do understand impression as a concept. Polish people are now the least problematic immigrants in the eyes of many. There are still some bias, some they will steal your car jokes, but it's less than when we came here. They are white, they are mostly Christian. The cultural differences are rather small. The mentality among them is more now that we seem to be okay is here. Let's enjoy it and get as far as we can from the other new immigrants who are way more different to the German public. Deep thoughts only when people realize that we are all of the same value and have very similar inner struggles. Wanted to be loved, except that wanted to be safe, asking what the point of life is anyway, fearing hardship and hurt the world will be better. Anytime someone creates a them and us narrative is bad.

I always imagine that our.

Souls are like drops from a big ocean or small lights, separated from one big light. When you are behaving shitty to one another, to another person, you are bullying your fellow ocean drop or light neighbor. There's no other SHITTI or ocean all came from the same one.

Behave not you.

You are already the best blackout tips. I mean in general dating dating was already hard before, only different.

I feel you, Ronald.

Raphael says, back when I was barely three years in America, I got deployed to the Middle East. One day, A bunch of US sailors of mixed races, no whites, we're having a chat about living poor with my favorite chief, who's black, by the way, says, if you've never had government cheese, you ain't black. That was my first time hearing about government cheese. But more importantly was the fact that a government gave a citizens cheese, and he didn't realize that he was talking to someone who hadn't had access to cheese until the age of twenty six at basic training. Couldn't afford cheese, and my family never brought cheese during my childhood, so it joined other foods like pizza that I only saw her cartoons and books, but never dreamt of eating because man's couldn't afford it.

Back then, after I pointed that out.

To my chief, he was like, wow, but you don't count laughed my ass off. Funny enough, cheese and pizza are now everywhere in Nigeria, not as exclusive as back when I was there. I was too shocked back then to hit my chief with the perfect response, you ain't black if you haven't been ran over by an ambulance. Happened to me at the age of nine in front of a police station.

Well damn well, at least she.

Was close to right there. They have to care you follow that you could limp right in and report them.

You could roll in and shit.

This is why I needed need a tome machine helped me out to the black out test nation.

I'm down on bend the knees. You know now that I'm typing.

My chief never still said if I'm black, I haven't had government cheese to this day. And thanks to Ride, I got a middle name too. We needed a blackout test DNA test live on the show a SAP. I did not forget all of you associating me with NFTs and trying to recruit my kid. I'll report y'all to her grandma. I don't even know what this is. Is this even to us who's talking about your kids? NFTs? You probably brought that up. This ain't no NFT podcast find.

Because you take that picture it and.

He probably was doing crypto and ship in them pictures. And you said you raised a little hustle on some of your other comments.

Nah, he did say that.

And also this don't help your hustling background.

Knowing that she was raised poor Nigeria and never had cheese and pizza, that sounds like the kind of background story of a motherfucker.

That's like, and then I had to start hustling for a living.

It's the same way the puffy was having roaches on his face and he was like, yeah, I used to wake up with fifteen roaches on my face, and now look what happened to peff Daddy. I'm just saying, I'll report y'all to her grandma, whose wrath is a giant.

Way from the nearest river ocean.

Except you bring offerings to the gods, our deity, our water guys, our inner seat on your behalf.

Please Mama, don't hurt on. Hurry up with the offerings.

Shoe Booty says, when it comes of the holidays, I hope this eases a little other feelings mature young lady is having. It really isn't about the stuff or the things are going all out for those I just wanted to echo your sentiments so they know it's not just a platitude. I can't remember the best presents I ever got though through any of the years. It never been about the things. Going all out really means making the time for folks. The best part about the holidays is being able to visit with the with loved ones. We don't get to see as much traditions like making my favorite cookies. The disappointment is never from getting not getting enough. It's missing those who aren't here any longer. I hope everyone is able to find a bit of joy even if times aren't great. We'll always have lean years, but don't let that damn your heart, Ipia says.

I agree.

What I like is having some time off, being able to reflect and do some needed things around the house, go on long hikes, and generally calm down while having time for my family. I don't need any kind of present at all.


We have all kinds of end of the year meetings at work, and people got sweet cars and said all kinds of nice things, and it made me happy. Mostly the message was we really like what you have to offer professionally as a person. The cost of it was like nothing, and it was really nice. Yeah, people get caught up in that materialistic stuff. No matter how much of our media, like you know, the TV shows and movies and stuff we watch, how much of our Christmas media is like, it's not about the stuff. It's just about the times and the people. And no matter how many times we write that lesson down, there's always a part of us that deals with insecurity. That's like, but is it like, am I doing enough and my family not gonna appreciate me. I wasn't able to get everybody a beautiful gift or a nice thing, you know. But yeah, it's not really about that at all.

All Right.

On YouTube, we got four comments. Cauturo says, please put out more lipsmack and good episodes.

Smiley face. You know, we try.

You know, we've been doing it a lot better at it this year than we have been in the past. But once again, it's like we put out so much and we do so much. It's just hard to to do more of anything. But I'll take it as a positive sign that you liked those episodes.

Yeah, it's some little smacking good fans out there.

Yeah, for sure, I know they are. It's just you know that we kind of have to do that when whenever we can.

It's like, it's not like.

We don't have a schedule.

Yeah, yeah, because we already have so many shows we do. Shorty p one.

Hundred says I always thanks to Rod for distilling this past election into three categories. One progress and preservation for all, two utter offenness and three bo standards small upside. The final numbers reveal that it wasn't a blowout, but hey, it is what it is. Chris Matthews and others play coy too great commentary, thank you and yeah, I mean that's they want you to feel like it's a blowout, like it's a mandate, and I.

Just that's the only way to keep you tuned in.

Yeah, and I refuse to give them that like it's not It wasn't and we're not going to just give in to that shit. And the chicken chatch iss any joke was for me, says Rashad Jones.

Shut out to you, baby.

Okay, thank you' all. I'm glad you appreciate it.

All right, that's a corner copy of Joy the Poe was. Have you ever been to a live blackout to this event? Seventeen percent of our audience has eighty three percent of them have not, which I understand our listeners are all around the globe. I actually think that's a pretty high percentage that that any of these people, that.

That mean people have been the one. We've had events different places.

We've had a lot of events at this point, but you know, uh, it's very special when some of y'all show up and we get to see you face to face and talk to the people that we, you know, interact with and sometimes people we don't even interact with, just people that are just fans and you know, been listening and doing it and supporting the show for a long time.

So I always look forward to that me too.

All right, let's get into a little bit of music so that we can play some you know, pay some pay some some some bills.

I was wrong.

There are four tickets left for for VIAKA.

Yeah, I said. I thought I was lording that because I remember looking at the thing this morning and I was like, oh, just getting low.

So that shit'll be gone by monday.

All right, Well, I'll talked to him about opening up more, but yeah, I probably cap it at seventy five because I just feel like anything more than that, I don't even know how you you know anyway?


Three O two three Content versus Art with Morgan P. Campbell as our guest. We got a couple of comments. Ron the Raphael says, yes, bring Morgan Campbell back again. I enjoyed this episode and got his audio book immediately. It's really good listening to his voice. I somehow miss Morgan's appearance on the Mundane Festival. Great q Anda is on the writing process too, I think I got extra motivation to start writing Chef's Kiss.

On the content point is true.

NBA soccer, the number one sport around the world, got leagues in every corner of the earth, but there's only one.


Easier to sell it as American than the last white patriotic hope. Yeah, NHL exists, but hockey is in many places too, with good money in Russia before Ukraine invasion.

Yeah, Canada as well.

Ain't nothing like the NFL, and they have no need to go NBA or soccer routes when the world turns into the NFL.

They are pure cocaine. Yeah yeah, And it doesn't matter the quality.

It's on right now as we speak on Saturday, when normally this was reserved for like college college football, and they was like, man fu fuck college football. This is a holiday, specially a holiday special on the twenty first.

Is there a holiday today? No?

And it kind of fucked me up because I see it. I was like, that's replay. I learned it. Ask Roger without to replay. He's like, no, I was like, ain't they got forty five hundred bowls? Like this is nothing with bold time, They're like, fuck you and your bowls.

And because we'll watch it no matter how good or bad football is, it doesn't even have to be these marquee matchups, like sometimes it's a marquee matchup. But you know, football is so random now with parody that a lot of these teams you can predict they'll be good, but between injuries and just randomness, you never really know. There's not that much difference between the best teams in the NFL and the worst teams in the NFL anymore. And the point is we'll watch anything NFL. And that's one of the reasons I don't really apply the patriotic, the patrio patriarchal view of the NBA, where it's like we must fix this game. Like every year you think you're gonna fix this game. No matter what they do, you're just gonna find a new thing that's other than just People don't really want to watch it as much as football, right, People just don't want to watch as much as football. NHL ratings are down, no one's talking about it because it's a mostly white league and everybody just goes, well, that's what it is, it'll be fun.


The Black League always gets the treatment like it's gonna go away tomorrow.

Right, And the same thing with NASCAR. You know, people talk about NASCAR NASCAR ratings has went down, but y'all not talking about how can we, you know, do, what can we do to this sport to make it better?

I Bill says, I also prefer comedy to be funny, crowd all the time. Isn't the advertisement for a special that would make me watch it if I want to be sad?

There's already enough other content to choose from. Yeah. Yeah.

The Jamie Fox thing, that was just a lot of like I'll cried from beginning to end.

It was like a testimony in church.

I'm just like, I was like, this must not be a comedy. I seen those comment I was like, Oh, this in a comedy special.

Yeah, And that's not what people were saying they wanted before it came out. So that's another reason I'm like, I'm good on it, because before it came out, people was like, he's one of the best comedians, He's done my favorite stand up specials Da da da da. And then afterwards they was like, Okay, so it's really like more inspirational. I was like, oh comments on YouTube, we got a couple. Jason says, y'all, I love discussion on art versus content. My two senses that art was always going to lose out once everything became so easily accessible.

That goes from movies, music, TV shows.

It's hard to have people to value things that are so accessible, and therefore they don't value to people who create them.


I mean, so that's part of it, I think, and I think that's valid. The thing I would add to that is it's the gaping maw of people just needing something as opposed to a curation model, because I do believe if everything was easily accessible and it was only just people making art, not just content, I think art would still be valued. Yes, But I think people just constantly need to be entertained by any and everything, and after a while they just kind of stop giving a fuck.


Sometimes it's almost the point like they you know, it's like whenever I see my.

Certain people or my.

Friends or whatever, and they're on Twitter and they're arguing with somebody who's obviously not a fit a real person, Like at best, they're a person that you shouldn't respect.

And at worst, they're literally a bot and they'll.

Be arguing with them and I even when I tell them about it, even when I'm like, hey, you click on that thing. This person, if they're a real person and all they do is respond to people talking about Drake, why even go back and forth with them? They're not a real person you would respect in real life. But I had to recognize they need that. That person needs They go on Twitter and they look or whatever or Facebook, whatever.

They need somebody to argue with.

And if it's not a real person, that's secondary to the need to vent or rage or be distracted or procrastinate from something else.

They should be doing whatever it is right. And I feel like.

Once we start making those type of once we start ignoring stuff like is this even real, that's how you get to a place where like, oh I just love reality TV. That's not really reality and it's not really TV, you know, Or I just hey, I just look at this streamer and all they do is react to stuff, or you know, hey, have you seen this video of this couple arguing and you're like this is fake? No one would one, no one would support some toxic bullshit like this, but two, this probably isn't even real and no one really gives a fuck. And so it's more than just the accessibility. It's that we don't have. We can't be satiated. It's the word I'm looking for. It's the difference between like, Okay, listening to Kendrick Lamar's album I'm good, that was my hour of music for the day.

People are more like, I need eight hours of.

Something, and I listen to Kendrick Lamar's album and now I just need seven more hours of whatever.

By the time you get the.

Hour seven, it's just people playing an hour longer farts and you're like, yes, at least I'm listening to something. That's why I feel like it turns into a murky line of content beating out art.

Yeah. And the thing is, this is why artists fight for pay because when people can't tell the different, because the thing is for artists, particularly if it's something unique that that person can do that literally no one else in the world can do, and it's getting treated just like them farts. These things are not the same.

Yeah, And so I'll take but I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just saying that's to me, it's like you gotta go one step further and like, it's not just accessibility, it's the fact that we can't turn off the spigott and be like enough here. I'm just I'm only gonna keep my standards to things that are crafted, thoughtful things, things that took talent. Nah, I watch anything, then people make content about the art, and then that becomes more popular than the art.


That's why talking bad about players made Stephen a Skip and honestly the inside the NBA guys more popular. When I was a kid, if you wanted to see Penny Hardaway, you could either watch the one game every two weeks he played on TV or hope you Sports Center at the right time. There was no YouTube where you could always see him, so we valued him more and the disrespect would not be tolerated. Basically, what I'm saying is that the rapper was like that rapper was saying, we don't necessarily need to bring crackheads back, but the world was a better place with VCRs. Ce Mola says, ah yes to the shout out for Call and Response books. It's down the street from me. Amazing bookstore will see if I can get the book from them online. Shout out to Morgan Peek Cammera splaining in books Books Slanger to the Stars.

Uh. The poem was, did you read a book in twenty twenty four? Yes? Or no?

I did.

Of the audience said yes, nine percent said no. Well look you still.

Got like nine ten days. Give it a shot.

You might be able to get you one in before if that's the thing you're into.


Yeah, and I'm fairly a slower reader, but I did. And what I realized doing it it actually, how can I explain it?

It actually tickles.

Something in my brain that sometimes avid readers kind of take this for granted, but it's one of the things, but it just tickles something in my brain. I was like, oh, yeah, I'm actually really enjoying this because I'm not gonna lie most of my life and most of the shit you're forced to read is fucking boring and I don't give a shit about. So I'm like, Hey, if I'm gonna read something, it's gonna be something that I won't read. I'm not wasting my free time read some shit I don't give a fuck about.

Go ahead, there's some trying to make you read things you don't want to read, okay, because there was a lot of energy coming off like you like something was happening.

No, no, no, no, no, no no, I'm.

Saying like, no, I know what you're saying. I understood what you were saying. You just said it like someone had snuck into the house and nobody.

Forced me to do anything.

It's just a lot of like like, I will read what I want to read, like I don't think anybody else.

I haven't.

I was having flash back some school reading bullshit. So I was like, hey, like like for me, So for me, reading wasn't always a fun and enjoyful experience like those people that love to read reading it's like, oh it's fun. I'm like, fuck that ship. This is boring.

I don't give a funk about none of this.

So I apologize.

That's what I was coming to apologize. I just I was just noticing the energy. So I'll be listening, all right.

Last episode of the week was Cooking with Kaya episode three twenty four.

We got five comments.

Shoe Booty says that white Land shirt reminds me my husband got a shirt from an upper coming boxer who's a friend of a friend or was a guy. It has a guy's nickname on it. White magic. I tell him, baby, you cannot wear that shirt outside of the house. Don't go walking around with some white nonsense shirt. Yes see, I would be googling his ass.

Right trying to figure out the hell is happening?


Like what you mean is like white guys are magic to combat black girls are magic.

I don't ever know.

Joannina says, I stay with Bomani A one on a good steak as a crime.


Sure, stand with him if you want to. I'll be the listen. I'm okay being the only honest person in the world. I'm fine with that. I don't nothing can shame me from the truth. I didn't say I put the A one on the steak. I said, I always want to regardless of what the fuck the culture dictates, I will always in my mind wonder what this should have been better with some A one that's it?

And sometimes answer to that question is yes.

Sometimes the answer is yes. But I'll tell you what.

Much like Karen's angry rant about reading what she wants to read, if I want to put some A one on my steak, in the restaurant.

I paid the exhorbitant amount of money for that steak. Yes, you don't pay for that steak.

No one can stop me. Okay, y'all just gonna have to deal with it. Says if your man can be taken by a hot woman on the internet who cooks, your bond is maybe not so strong. I ain't that the truth? Yeah, And that's a new thing too, is there's a lot of reaction videos where people are making content that is like she caught her man watching Cooking with Kaya and broke his PlayStation and shit like that.

Oh you've been saying that bullshit too. You just flipping, You be like, what the fuck is this?

I don't Here's the thing.

I don't believe any of it's real, So I'm it's not triggering to me or anything more. I as always, I get more bothered by the fact that it's so hacky, it's not clever. It's like, god, man, I wish I don't know that can't be gatekeepers and I get it, but damn I wish like motherfuckers had like a punch up session or something like.

No reject this one.

Take the sketch one step further.

And make it actually funny because I cut off my man's dreads because he watched Cooking with Kaya just sounds abusive and not that funny the same way that most of the relations like.

And this is why people get paid to be funny.

Right, This is why people why get paid.

That's why some people are so much better than them.

Most people are not fun They think they are, but they are not.

This is why because when I watch stuff like these relationship reels on Instagram, the amount of times that it's just somebody being like, domestic violence is hilarious.

It's just so like but it's not.

But you didn't do anything to make it funny, right, Like, like I'll even I'll even accept some of the tropes in the skitch, like when the ones are like you know when you do something and your wife gets mad, and I'm like, man, more than likely your wife don't get mad and it's not a big deal, but you're using that old trope of some bullshit. But sometimes it literally just be like, uh, you got something like I'm gonna punch my wife in the face, ha ha ha.

I'm like, why are you sharing this?

And I know that's your real wife because the account is like Greg and timmy strong common.

You're like no, And on top of that, you're looking at hounds presented and you're like, there's no setup, there's no punchline, there's no like what is happening here?

It's just so weird.

Yes, it is.

Anyway, And how many men can she really take? They aren't so easy to care for. I have one, and the communication and so on is enough work with one, and we are a good match.

But I also have children at a big, big farmer job.

Maybe a woman who doesn't have that could manage with three, maybe four when she really tries, and it's good with time management. Five when if she has someone to clean the house, but that's it. Five are not so many overall compared it to how many MAGA has taken it as pretty harmle Yeah, I just think, yeah, I just think a lot of people are even overplaying their reactions to her at this point, like it's all just content.

Yes it is, you know, like you like renting in your car about how much you hate her?

Is also you trying to make some level of like infamy and attention off of that, because like most things, if it really were something to hate, you could ignore it. It's it's like when people shit on Keith Lee. And I'm not saying Keith Lee has to be this perfect person, but most of the time over the criticism is so overbearing that it's a performance, and then the performance becomes viral hopefully for those people. Right, That's what they're hoping is like, I'm gonna be the one person that says he's a huge piece of shit and then people will click on it, even if they're just disagreeing with you, like, but he's not a huge piece of shit, You're just kind of calling him that that. People are so fucking thirsty they'll accept that. They'll be like good people are mad at me, and at least they're at least I'm mad. At least people are clicking all my thing and leaving comments.

Whether they tell me.

To kill myself, I'm wrong, fuck you, or even if they agree, none of it matters. I'm just accepting that the way that the algorithm is set up, where a like and a not like are equal, there are some people who's inner whatever is set up the same way.

Agreed, And it's also one of those things. Once I realize everything was currency, like like I hate to make it that simple. But literally, for everybody, everything is currency, every interaction, every yeah, yeah, every everything is currency. That's why people cooking with kaya people make the comments because that's currency. And the currency does not mean money. The currency means it's something that satisfies something within you, like a form of payment, like you like like somebody just.

Put a put Well I said before attention.

Yes, when once it comes to social media, attention is the currency for most people. It's not, you know, it's It's why we always stand down a little bit to people whenever we talk to people within this industry, whenever we talk to people that are trying to get into the game, or just people that question our methods and.

Why we do things the way we do.

The big disconnect is that we are people that still think a certain type of attention is good and another type is not.

What we want.

Agree and I think in order to like, for a lot of people, they make the compromise as soon as they start creating.

I'll take anything like.

It don't have to be validation, it don't have to be support, it don't have to be worthwhile, it doesn't have to be thoughtful. I'll take any fucking thing I can get You can tell me kill myself.

I will. I will react to it. I will share it.

You can tell me you hate me, you can call me fat, you can call me a piece of shit, you can say I hate your channel. I'm leaving it up and I'm just gonna interact with you because at least you showed up to say something compared to all these people that consume content and don't say anything.

So, yeah, that's that's what I think.

Yeah, And they do think with an odd ball because, like I said, I'm like, no, Chad, I don't need everyone's attention. And like I said, I look at you, tell you that it's my ass night. They're like, no, you're here. I'm like, no, you ain't got to be in this room.

Right, all right. It goes to the next one.

Papa row eighty one says, I live in Indianapolis, Indiana, and there's a small town just south of here called white Land. I highly doubt that's where that hoodie came from, although it does feel quite sundownish like most of the areas once you're out of the city up there. Yeah, it's interesting too, because like we weren't playing Indianda that night, he just had a white land shirt off.

I'm like, I don't know what that's about. I have no idea, even he says.

Honestly, I get annoyed with all the sexy chefs, men and women, not because I don't like sexy content, but because I'm a certified fat ass, and when I'm watching a food video, I want the food to.

Be the start of video.

Well, I mean, if your fingerman and a chicken fil a, I feel like that's still the start video.

That is the start of show.

I prefer my food content and sexy content to be separate.

Just giving me the recipe.

Every time I see a dude finger in a chicken cutlets, spanking their food in a sexual way, or a muscular dude cooking in an apron, I scroll. I don't particularly find anything particularly offensive about Cooking with Kaya's videos, but I'm not her target.

Audience, and that's okay, that's something for everyone.

I only heard about her this week because I was getting a bunch of VIDs from on my for you page of women asking them men if they heard of Cooking with Kaya and getting upset that they say, yes, you see, that's what I'm saying. It's our content, and like JL Covad talks about this a lot too, and he always talks about comedians. But I think it's everybody, or I think it's a lot of people, Like I would even go so far as say, I think it's just people trying to be fun like, not even comedians that do stand up, just anyone trying to be funny. It is embarrassing how many people have no pride and don't mind being and derivative. I just it's embarrassing to me. How are you not embarrassing yourself when you're the ninety seventh person to rip off someone's joke?

Who who definitely was someone originated that joke?

So if if the thing is like, uh, let's say the joke is something like you ask your man if he's like cooking with kaya and when he says yes, you slap him. Right, somebody did that one the first time and to me, share it, retweet it, that's it, Like, Hey, this is a funny video.

If you're into that. I don't.

I wouldn't have thought it was funny, But if you if you thought it was funny instead.

These greedy motherfuckers, see.

That this person got five million hits and they go, well, I'm gonna just do this.

I'm gonna steal.

This joke sometimes word for word, word for wording because of because eventually down the line, no one will know who originally started it.

Anyway, no one gives credit and no one shares. It's what I hate about how Twitter. Everyone does likes, but they don't retweet shit no more. It's right because it's like I need discredit somehow anyway, So yeah, you do that bullshit and then you make.

Your own video just stealing their shit, and you don't get five million views.

You don't get four million views, you get seven views. You sold this piece of shit, you sold out and stole somebody's contents so you could get seven of your own views, and being.

A seed of thousands of copycats.

Right, you don't stand out like like like you know, that's one thing I do one hundred percent agree with Jail about about that, because it was like, but where the fuck is the creativity when he goes on those rints. I'm like, I get.

But also it's what bothers me is that it effectively makes sure that no one ever gets credit for actually being the trendsetter, right, like and that's just humanity. That's not the system doing that. That's us being fucking weirdos, just stealing pecell shit.

I hate that shit. That's just playing weird.

I don't understand why people have to make a big deal out of If you don't like it, just keep scrawling.

I think a lot of it stems.

From jealousy of seeing young pretty girl have fun on the camera. Damn, just let the girl twiger if she wants to.


I really think they saw her getting a lot of attention and it was like, I have a take, just to see if they can get some too, of course.


And lastly on YouTube, damn cooking with Kyle got twelve comments?

What the fuck? All right? Here we go replay hard.

Emoji, says alleged Night Allegedly nah nah, So they must have watched, uh listen to it and then went to to YouTube. But Rid, you are the CEO of the Blackout tips exactly exactly.


This is not for you.

I'm gonna be calling on y'all.

I'm gonna be at the meet up like, uh, this person is wearing Air Force ones.

I'm gonna need some help.

I don't gonna need some ELK.

I don't know that we have fans that wear air Force ones, but if they do, I need to report them.

I don't feel safe.

Ramseyph Does says, once I go on VAC, I should be able to catch a live catch a live show, love y'all. Jane says Rod I couldn't agree more about Travis Hunting the overall young celeb paternal critiquing. I honestly think cause celeb culture is at a breaking point with the addition of social media, or maybe just a breaking point for me.

I'm exhausted.

I just can't imagine being genially upset or mad with people for just being young and living their lives. It really needs to I don't know what needs to happen, but I'm not even gonna say that because it was good. I was about to get kind of dark on y'all, but just I'll allude to it. I think we're at a point where, knowing how in tap on tap these celebrities are with social media, and knowing how fucked up everybody is trying to get reactions, it really is a thing where I could see someone harming themselves based off of social media and people being so faked that the same people that harass these folks will show up in the comments like, oh check on your strong fans. I can't believe people do stuff like this because something's just fundamentally broke. We have too much access to each other, but mostly we have not enough discipline, right, we should have a level of discipline where like you see something and sometimes it's just like, Okay, that's domb that a lot, Yeah that's dumb.

That's the decision.

Like I not everything should rise to a level of like admonishment, but also more importantly, it shouldn't like it shouldn't all a ride to a level, a rise to a level of like you need to interact with them, because I think that's the part that really gets me is like when you see Travis and Hunter and his girlfriend going on their platforms and you know, basically talking about how sad everyone made them. It is weird that that's not the calling, that's not the call off the troops moment where everybody's like, whoa, I'm forty seven, Why the fuck am I so attached to this narrative about this kid who I've only ever seen five to five seconds to a minute snippet of their relationship at a time.

Why am I so into this? Why?


Why do I give a fuck this much? It's just it's weird that we don't have that question for ourselves.

But we'll be like, why is he with her? That's weird.

Gina says, I'd love a sound chime for my glasses. That's a great idea, Karen and Rod, I hear you about the A one. I went to Halls chop House for our anniversary and yeah, I sure wanted some, but I was too ashamed to ask.

But you know what, that's why they do it.

That's why them fucking chefs get away with this bullshit because they make us a shame. That's why they let that rumor out there.

Like, you know, if you.

Get a one, would not be surprised that the chef will come out and cry like a single tear, like I like that glorentale in front of your face, like a Native American when you throw trash on the ground in a commercial.

Yeah, even if they don't have a one, they have some form of steak sauce, like they all like in house steak sauce, something that they make that you could dip your steak in if you ask for it.

They know what they're doing. It's probably how they save money on steak sauce.

I guarantee you, but you bet your bippy.

I should put some of my left over steak the next day when I had left overs. I do that too, because I'll be trying to test. But you know what, the test is now not as good as it would have been any steak was fresh. They know what they're doing, y'all saving money on a one big steak. I'm only your bullshit come out big steak. Davy City says that Little Wayne voice had me dying. We don't deserve the dedication, thank you.

I don't.

I don't know that I do any impressions well, but I do like doing them, even if they're bad. And my little Wayne is one of my favorites, and he don't make enough news for me to get to do it on the regular.

And I'm not even really sure how good it is anymore, but I don't care. I just like reading it in his voice.

Jah says, Yo, have these people seen Yoki stirrup? Kanya is g ray to compare it?


I was saying this on the pre game yesterday or the other day. Hey man, Yoki. She be double cheeked up, and she'd be out here shooting guns and all kinds of shit, like you know, they just I think it's literally just Kaya got a bunch of attention, and so everybody start going crazy because it's like the new trend to hop on. But there's plenty of sexy, like I'll be double cheeked up handing my man a plate.

Accounts all over the place.

Yeah, and maybe because they've been around so long, there really wouldn't be a point in trying to like call out Yoki at this point, Like you don't, You're not gonna get that extra boost of attention even from.

People being like leave her alone.

So anyway, but yeah, listen, anything with butts, it's gonna be in my algorithm anyway.

So I'm gonna see it.

And I'm just like, is Yoki fishing in the swamp for catfish? I don't know, but she's wearing short shorts and that's why we watch crazy Dude says had to report them.

I'm on some I'm one of.

The seven and banter joke have me in tears? Rod, Oh my joke about Prince Joshua. Yes, because that's purple heart levels of perseverance.


Also, if you can use Burnet's Hollandais or have a steak oscar style, then why not a little a one.

On the side, right? I know I'm right, Customers always right, Uh?

Anime Prince says, I'm glad that I'm at the age just into my thirties.


I don't know who any of these celebs are. Whenever I hear about one, I go, who the hell is that? Then go read a book. Although I think you're spot on about this weird obsession people have with celebs. The internet has created these parasocial relationships where people can give unsolicited advice or commentary. Now, it's the Internet. If you put your business out there, of course you should expect some feedback as facts. However, the venture all behind it feels like they're miserable as fuck and there's some trauma they need to seek therapy for because it's clearly their only insecurity is projecting on the others.

That's the part.

That's yes, that's the part because I'm I'm like, I also understand why somebody like it might not be my exact thing, but I do understand why somebody does it. They're on TikTok because their friends on TikTok and other bat football players on TikTok and other girlfriends on tap, Like, I get why that would be a thing. And in your mind, I'm sure when you're making the content, y'all doing them little dances together and shit, you're not thinking someone eventually is gonna use this content to be like you need to divorce her. Of course not, and it'll become a ground swell with a bunch of fucking grown ups that you're just like. These aren't even the people I thought of when I made this video. I was just thinking it's funny for me.

And my friend.

Further thing from my mind, Uh.

They feel more power dunking and bullying these junks labs than these racist celebrity politicians and podcasts to pour their whole card every election.


Rashad says HP and their subscription ink service can burn, and hell agreed, Why can't y'all bully them? Fronk Travis Hunt a girlfriend, everybody, let's collaborate and bully HP to.

Stop trying to sell us ink subscriptions.

Ran All of a sudden, your ink shit stopped working, right, You just be like I'm not paying this bullshit no more.

Ain't Gohe and Clothing says, now Rod come getters, don't blame.

Me, y'all Ricking Marty, y'all don't know it when you see it. Blame ricking Marty.

Lamar says, if she could cook, has an education and a career to match my.

And my goals dot dot dot.

I don't know what that means, but uh yeah, I mean I cooking with Kaya seemed like good money to me. And also like all these people are gonna milkshake up. So I don't even know why y'all start the early hate train.

They're human.

They gonna eventually let y'all down to give y'all some reason not the fuck with Dell. I don't know what the reason will be. It don't seem to take much, but it will be a reason. Everyone that gets popular on the internet goes through this. Y'all gonna look up something old, or they gonna say something artful, or they gonna have an opinion that's we just fucked up and bail. It's gonna be riding season. But right now, it's like she just shaking her ass and cooking food that you know, looks mid to great.

There you go.

Good luck, CEO crisis Hotline. Good idea, bad idea, three said good idea, which means ninety seven things. Yeah, it's a bad idea.

Y'all the CEOs, I get it.

Yeah, we got one. We got one billionaire listened to the shows like, I don't know.

I think I need my own line.

I think I need to be protected.

Every goddams need to know what's going on round here. Yes he does.

We got no voicemails, so we're gonna go straight to emails. All right, you know the email addresses, the blackout tips at gmail dot com. We got two emails. Feedback show Nikki Giovanni, good morning. I was listening to the feedback show and her heartily agree. I was very lucky and privileged to have miss Nikki Giovanni as a professor at Virginia Tech. Another black creative and I were the only African American students in that class. She treated us like family and looked out for us the most she had. You mean, she was racist to the white snobs. Kid, She had a powerful, strong voice and the wonderful stories. The race of her wife did not hinder her love for black people. Her work always pushed for love and understanding, and I'm glad she asked someone by her side that embodied that what she believed.

Here's a pick she took with me during the semester.

Let me see if I can show it to everybody, and then I'll elaborate a little bit more of my thoughts on this. But yeah, this is this is obviously during COVID because you got the mask on, uh, and then she's got the face covered up.

Yeah, that's dope. So the one thing.

I also forgot to mention last time, we talked about this concept of like black pro black activists and people like that that marry or date white people. I always and this seems like such a fucking obvious point, but you just never really see people make it. But it should be obvious to all of us. All of those activists that are pro black are actually being labeled pro black, but they're really pro equality, yes, and so of course to them it is not necessarily it's it should not be off limits to just to date someone who is or marry someone who's not black, because they've always been pushing for equality.

America makes it.

Pro blackness as if it's just like an even thing like the playing fields even, and you just leaning towards black. No, leaning towards black is leaning towards equality in America because black people have not been treated equally agreed, So what has happened, especially since the aving and Internet, But it's always been something that's been prevalent within the space of you know, just just activism and black commentary. Is this idea that black people should exclude others and being pro black is about excluding people that aren't black. And I think that has always been an idea that is not fully fleshed out, and not everyone has agreed to that. So this thing of like, so we all recognize that we need be not fucking with white people at all is a thing that people say, but I don't that's not always true. It's like when people knock out a knockdown integration and they're like, why did we want integration?

We should have just built our own schools.

It's like, first of all, both things can exist, but two, there's only thirteen percent of the population that's black. Building your own schools sounds good. Building your own hospitals sounds good until you get into a wreck in a car and you're two hours away from the nearest black hospital and five minutes away from the nearest white's only hospital. Then you do want some motherfucking integration, right, You can't wait for the white fire department to let the Black fire department know, and you don't worry, my house will burning the extra thirty minutes. So anyway, all this stuff to say, like, we get into some real philosophical takes that people have that aren't really thought out that well.

And when it comes to dating, this is very prevalent.

It's extremely prevalent where it's just very simplified takes of like white bag, black good blah blah blah. And of course we are a lot of people can't help themselves, but they always conflate the macro with the micro. When it comes to romance and your politics. Sometimes it will check out and sometimes it don't. It really because because it's too fucking random. It's my point, right, life is too random. You can find a person that meets all your political boxes that is just a terrible fucking person.

Being a relationship with, Yes, like it happens all the time.

There's people like I impro this, that and the other, and you get into a motherfucking relationship with that motherfucker you like, I hate this motherfucker like apparently being checking off the black whatever the boxes are, you know, the race box, the gender box, that my politics box. You still fucking don't know how to take do the dishes.

Haa, whatever the issue is. And in a lot of times, I personally feel a lot of this fit people's own insecurities or whatever. Like a lot of people project that's what a lot of a lot of things going down to, Oh, you're projecting, and they don't want to admit it if they's particularly if they're not being truthful to themselves. So it's everything but that and neck like you're a lunatic when you go no, no, no, no, this is not their problem. This is your problem that you have some internal thing that you need to figure out on your own, right.

So I think a lot of it just can't be quantified in the way that we try to quantify shit, you know what I'm saying, Like there's all this where we just sit around to be like this, it's this. It's that it's like we're using very broad brushes to paint, and you really need to know people on an individual level to have the analysis that we're trying to have. So like, there are some white people that I can understand that being in a relationship with them is a non white person is not just a lot of work, but it's a lot of like they're they're not the person you would want to do that with because they don't have any respect for you, or they don't understand. They say, I don't see color. They think you're just making up racism. That I do get that, but we don't just know that while looking at a white person, you gotta know something intimate about that person to say that agree. So instead we're just looking at snapshots and assuming things. It's no different than the Travis Hunter thing and his girlfriend, except y'all did it to a one picture you saw Nikki Giovanni.

It's fucking It's terrible, and I hate I hate to see it. I hate that.

But people are just so fucked up and confused about love and romance in this world that I don't think anyone really knows what the fuck they're talking about. And it'd be better off not listening to the vast majority of people that talk about these things, because they're just projecting their own insecurities on everybody else, and most of these motherfuckers ain't happy and ain't found the answer either, because a lot of this is a crapshoot.

Yes, and most people are trying to navigate this shit the best way they know how.

Yeah, So to me, my line is simple.

It's just a good catch y'all, consenting adults, ain't nobody abusing each other.

Have at it, have a b I don't give a fuck. You don't need to believe.

Or ascribe to the shit I do. Don't know your psyche and your upbringing. I don't know what makes you work what doesn't. Only thing i'd advise is, in general, and this could apply to everybody in every type of relationship. You probably don't want to put everybody in your the inner workings of your business, because no one looks.

Good to everybody all the time.


And it can be totally reasonable, totally rational, totally normal, And there's gonna be somebody out there who's turned their lip up, cross their arms and be like, fuck what you just said? Right, So, you just gotta find your people, whether it's one person a group of people. However, the fuck y'all get down and as long as y'all can balance it out and be happy. Hey, good luck to y'all.


It's hard enough as.

Is, right, that's all, that's all that's matter. That's why a lot of people into what are very miserable because they're inviting people in these relationships that should not be there.

DJ Zenway says, Merry Christmas and happy Kwanza too, Rod and Karen. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me get through this year. This has been one of the most difficult years of my life as an older adult. I'm experiencing the fun of being unhoused. I don't say this because I'm seeking sympathy.

I don't need it. Well, you have mine anyway.

I know you don't need it, but I'm just saying that I feel you that's messed up. Yes, you know that's something that's hard to go through at any age. Because of my faith, I know that I'll get through this, but I want you to know that in addition of my faith, you guys have helped me too. What has definitely been the most interesting year of my life. Outside of my personal and talking about worldly.

Events, you two have helped to make sense.

You helped to have us be able to vent our frustration, if no more than through Karen's rants.

We feel it vicariously.

Yeah, I'll be feeling it. That takes a lot of energy, and I want you guys to know we appreciated. However, I do have one complaint. Everything was going great. What the hell is this about? Come on, now, we help you do we help you get through houselessness.

I feel like, however, I feel like we.

Almost made it to the finish line.

Didn't We almost have it all? DJs anyway, was like, but I have notes. I hate when you don't appear.

I hate that. I hate that you don't appear.

I hate that Karen and Rod are like crack because I want them back. We don't want you off the air no more. We don't want you off the air no more. We don't want to keep off the air no more.

This is slave draft.

We take breaks, well, massall.

I was open as I get to seize my family this Christmas.

I was trying to try to into.

The lower Flida. I need breaks sometime.

Okay, listen, you gonna have to deal with this because I'll tell y'all one thing, fam, I am not working myself to death for this podcast or any thing. I need joy, and this show ain't gonna be the same without it, this joy, This show won't be the same without the show. Product will falter if I listen to podcasts, a lot of them. And there's a point, as with certain podcasts, where shit turns into work and.

You can tell and you.

Hear it, and I personally don't.

I don't want you to feel like you're doing me the favor of recording your podcast, right, you know, whatever your obligations are with sponsors and friends and all that, you know, your brands and your company. I understand that it is a job. I know it's a job because I work hard at it. I'm very good at it. Caaren works hard that she's very good at it.

And we're prolific.

We're more prolific than the vast joy of podcast in the world period. But even with all that shit being said, I'm not finna be doing though. Hey guys, the Black Rod and Caring, I, oh lord, we got us another show.

We have to do something today.

And I've listened to podcasts like that and I had to stop listening because it not enjoyable for you. So it becomes not trying funny, not enjoyable for me as a listener nerve.

For the vast majority of what we do, we keep our promises. So when we tell y'all we're gonna have a show, we have a show. And we tell y'all we're gonna do something as a bonus, we do it.

You know.

So I just want people to, you know, enjoy that stuff. I know you're mostly just messing with, so I'm not, but just if to anyone that ever thinks about that, that's why. And so yeah, and then also like you probably don't have access to it at the time, but we do a lot of work behind the paywall and guest appearances and all this other stuff, and many of our guest appearances you can go get for free, so like whenever I'm on MC University, you can just go listen to that.

They're not necessarily.

Charging people for every one of those appearances for our nerds the Karen Hunter Show, Like, so I would just say check that stuff out too, don't just you know, but yeah, I can't apologize for requiring rest, you know.

Yeah, and most of them, most of the time, Roger has to tell me, okay, I've had enough, Like let's take a break, but I'm not gonna after the election. I was like he said, he was like, I'm tired, and I thought about it. I was like, yeah, nigga, meet too.

But okay, just acting a little stupid this morning. But I just want you to.

Know as much love that you guys are definitely the best black podcast out there, if not the best podcast. But since you had spoken earlier in the year about not ever being recognized, I'm letting you know you're recognized by me.

Thank you, z Way, thank you zin Way.

Yeah, by recognition, I just meant, like, you know, podcast, the Hall of Fame ain't knocking on our door. You know, I don't know that if we were a white podcast, they would have for sure. But I don't don't know that, you know, agreed. I mean, it can't be that many podcasts in the game since two thousand tick.

Definitely not that many black podcasts.

It's definitely not many, with over three thousand episodes plus behind the paywill, it's definitely not many that aren't famous celebrities that just managed to monetize this thing before Patreon, without any corporate overlords, without anyone writing us a check and coming up with the concept, you know, you know, without relying on these like huge celebrity bookings with guests and interviews. Just two people hopping on here, hanging out with their friends and just talking. Ain't too many like us, and that's enough validation for me as a person. But it's not like I don't notice, like damn, there ain't a lot of people giving us our flowers, and you guys giving us our flowers definitely makes us feel great. You know people that write about us that are you know, listeners. We've had people write us up, you know, so it ain't nothing to complain about, like our life ain't happy or something.

I'm great, I'm gucci.

But learning to be okay without validation is the thing that honestly gives, gives and makes.

Me feel more free.

Been sitting around looking at every list and wondering why we ain't on it ain't that the truth?

All right?

That's it for the emails. The last thing is we got some physical mail. You can find a melon address the blackout tips dot com. Slash about has the melon address. We got this one. This was actually just our friends mailing us, but they also you know, podcast listeners and friends. The Felders Michael Felder and his family send us a picture of them and their baby.

I got to see him in person for the first time. You had met him.

Before I had. I went down this house and he gave me some desserts one time.

Right, I missed that one, but I got to see him at We was like it was random. We would just walk into the one is game. I looked. I was like, I think I know who that is.

Talk to the earth, genuine person, the greatest, one of my favorite people period. We got this one from uh the Romeros who look at this adorable picture all on y'all Christmas on y'all Christmas gear.

Okay, y'all look, y'all look cozy as ship right here, right, y'all warm and ship. They look mad.

I want hot Coco now.

Happy Holidays.

The Romeros in the back says dear Rid of Caraen Merry Christmas. Love Nadine shoe, Oh this shoe booty. Oh so we probably put a face with the picture. Yes.

Was she the one that says she don't want her husband wearing that white magic shirt? Because I can see why. I can see why people might take it the wrong way.

Y'all never nigga, Like, what is happening here, y'all? I love their cars, Yes.

Never know, but yeah, thank you y'all. Look cozy in the door.

Yeah, just like Roger. Is that Cando brunning bitch? I'm a card holding bitch.

We got this one. That is this a baby doll? Who is this from the Cannon family?


And there's no note a message on the back, but I just find this hilarious. It's her and I feel like this is just a cabbage Patch baby ball doll.

Oh that's a doora ball. Let's go cabbage.

Patch, y'all are fucking hilarious.

Yes, with a static love guitar and Tricksy shout out the tricksy. Come on and look, Trixie done got dressed up like this a fashion.

Shit Trixy got outfit changes.

Let's go, Mama, ain't out here just with the baby, like with the baby in the same thing every time.

Come on through coordinated.

Yes, coordination. I love it.

That's hilarious.

Allright, We got another one favorite time of the year here with these cards.

Ain't it though?

A lot of cards?

All right?

Let me see this looks like a Christmas hat with a bunch of legs underneath.

I don't know by the ELFs.

All right, let me open it up, it says, and on the inside has like pictures of presence all Mayor holidays, we feel with Santa's magic good chair and lots of fun that will last all year.

Uh oh, it's from Allegra.

I appreciate you both being a common soul for my burning rage. I wish all the joy, passion, peace and love for the rest of twenty twenty four and beyond.

Allegra. Ah, thanks, that's so nice of you.

We got another card, and then I think got a couple of packages too.


I like the cars. Y'all find out melting the dress on the blackout? Who tips about section and send us some calls? I like the cards.

The blackoutis dot com slash about Oh my bad. This one has cheese on the front with some cheesey jokes. And you know we love a good pun, it says. Gudha tidings and hat breathe New.

Year, all adorable.

You know we love, we love. I wouldn't say a good pun, but a cheesy pun. These are obviously bad puns that you sent us, so we love a bad pun as much as a good pun, maybe even more than a good pun.

Sometimes we love the bad riding Karen.

Just a cheesy wish for a happy holiday. I couldn't resist getting this car. And one of the one of the first black OUTPS episodes I listened to, you were joking about white people loving cheese.

They do cheese eaters.

Come on Bell, fact check time lo l wish Yeah, Tanya's.

Like, I do love cheese. Okay, oh, this is on Tanya.

She took us out we had in New York and that's when we had that fau Grois.

Yes, guess what else we had cheese?

We did?

It was nice, fancy wine and cheese.

Absolutely delicious.


We get back up there. It is a date.

Wish you a very married Christmas and a happy new Year. All the best, Tanya. Thank you, Tanya. And like I said, we got a couple of packages. So let me open these up. See what we got in here.

This one I believe is from that says make sure I didn't leave nothing in the package.

Okay, cook.

It says to ride and carrying the Blackout Tips. And it's wrapped and there's a card. I like to open the cart first because I'm classy like that, like reading the fortune. You know, you read the fortune and then you eat the cookie. It says warm winter wishes. Make sure y'all can see that. It looks like a brink. What is Oh, it's two squirrels. It's two foxes in a cave underneath like a snowy tree habating.

I don't know. They just cuddling, you know.

And it says season greetings, thank you for being a part of my life in twenty twenty four, and I wish you a lovely twenty twenty five. Stay warm and safe this winter season. I hope you're able to eat a lot of good food and spend lots of time.

With loved ones. Linda aka landor thank you Linda. And then she also took a picture of Santa Oho.

Is that a dogie? I see a dogie?

Is that your dog?

Or is Sanna? Sanna just have a dog too? I feel like that must be your dog. That's adorable, by the way, Yeah, I love that.

Come on through fence.

And then and this is wrapped in.

First of all, this is wrapped in like newspaper ad rap all, but it's rapped so neat. I can never this is amazingly. Wrap this right, all right, I'm gonna open it up. See what come on through Sunday section right. Oh, it looks like it is holding a DVD or CD, says Rod and care He's a CD with the most notable disc tracks from late twenty twenty three and early twenty twenty four, including tracks not on streaming services. I apologize for the audio quality of some of them and overall quality of SOF, but now you'll have access to them for posterity. Thanks for your delightful coverage of this notable event. It brought a lot of joy to my life.

Landorf. Yes, thanks, and I'm sure a lot of.

It is from Kendrick and Drake first Person, Shooter Drake and j Cole Hiss, Meghan the Stallion, Bigfoot, Nicki Minaj. Oh yeah, that's the worst one, like that seven minute drill Tender Quavo push ups, Drake.

I'm gonna be playing this in my car. I still got a CD player.

I do too.

This is some move music Champagne moments, Rick Ross. That was my number one play track on title I played the.

I don't know, I know you won't go around with no underwearing the Doctor's White Boy Boy. It was hilarious.

Uh Taylor May Freestyle Drake featuring Ai two Pocket Ai Snoop Dog, Weakest Link Chris Brown.

One of the strongest distracts of a year, Winn the Dough. Kendrick didn't bring it. He was about to have it over hose and bitches.

Quavo You four your Kendrick Lamar six one six in La Kendrick Lamar Family Matters, Drake Buried Alive in the Little Part two Drake or I don't even remember that. Meet the Grahams, Kendrick Lamar not like I guess I was done listening.

To Drake at the at a certain point at the at the like.

Meet the Graumds. I think I didn't check on it. Meet the Grams not like us Hart Part six and BBL Drizzy. This is a good ass take.

Yeah. BBL Drizzy was my number one. It was one, number two, yes, and Kendrick was number one Spotify Yes on Spotify.

All right, we got something from Amazon, which probably means is on our wish list. You can find the link to our wish list in the show notes Knock my Headphones Out in the show notes of every episode, but I know it's the holiday times and people want to go on there and they're like, let me get you out something. Most of the time they do put the like think the note in there to let us know who is from and any message you have to give.

But sometimes they don't. And when that happens, if you're listening to the show, just right in and.

Let us know right because we don't know if they don't add it.

They did include it with this one says happy holidays and Mary New Year. I'm so late, but still congratulations on the Q high Pitch Singing, Episode three, episode did You Justice lood of green Eye bandit from will from William O. John said, thank you fam, and let me see what we got in.

This package here. This is just some plastic. Let's see. We got saltic caramel, hot chocolate. Is this is a candle? Let me see.

Let me get my that's a candle that's right at Roger Sally.

If it's a candle, I put it on there. What does it say?

The pure sweetness cocoa, the sweet chocolate, flavor of salted caramel, pepper Creek Farms.

I don't know what this is.

I don't know. I'm about to open it. Is it just actual hot coco? Is it like powdered hot cocoa?

Let's see, I don't even open this. Okay, Oh it is. It's literally powdered hot cocoa, which is funny.

This is so ironic. Karen was asking if we had any hot cocoa in the house, like yesterday the day that's crazy.

What do y'all? Y'all got ship staked out of our house?


And now I know this one for me though, it's some incense. Oh it's Japanese incense. Now look this this what's so dope about this?

Okay? Sometimes I put shit on the list that I'm curious about and wouldn't.

Splurge on it for myself, so I'd be like, I don't know, you know what I'm saying, and you came through.

Uh it's.

Nippon Koda Karagi incense sticks, sandal wood Japanese quality incense.

I cannot wait to burn this motherfucker right.

Here, dog, Okay, I can he gonna burn them?

I cannot wait.

I want to see how fast it burned, what the smell quality is, because when I tell y'all open them up, they strong already smell they strong, just before they even been burned.

That's a that's.

We burn incense so much. I had went to go get a time massage and uh she she was like, do you burn that sense of candias? And said yes, she said, because it's only your clothes.

Yeah, we as in me, yes, you never burned in sense? All right, nope? Okay.

Uh. And then this last one is a four piece keen sheet like for our bed because we have a large sized bed.

Uh C. G. K.

Lennon's for unique and superior sleeping experience linens. Okay, so I cannot wait to you know, take care of.

The poundtown on that. Okay, hell is wrong with you? To be comfortable in here?

We need to We need to have the right thread for the right moment.

Whenever I'm putting in this work. We need to be to look right. Thank you, babe, only the finest. This says. Both the bad sheets and balancing board are from me.

Much love and many thanks for both of you. I'll be sending a card to Lisa.


I don't think we got the balancing board yet, so it may be separate. Yeah, maybe they haven't shifted yet or whatnot. These were the packages they had when I went to pick them up this morning. But I'm sure we'll be checking in again next week. But at any rate, thank you everyone who you know wrote in left us comments. Uh you know, get your review game up. We need some five star reviews. We're never not looking for five star reviews.

Always looking for them. All these people that came over from these various places. I love y'all, I love Ride on the Karen Hunters Show. Leave us five star reviews.

We want them, we like them, we love them, and and uh yeah, we'll be back throughout the week, uh for for you know, it's the holiday season, so it'll be intermittent and uh we you know, still have horns games and stuff like that to go to.

But yeah, man, really appreciate this.

Y'all make us feel loved, and especially every time we do one of these feedback episodes.

And uh yeah, we'll be back soon. So until next time, I love you,

The Black Guy Who Tips Podcast

Rod and Karen discuss pop culture, politics, current events and more from a comedic perspective. Be 
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