Rod and Karen banter about GPS glasses, Indiana Jones rejected names, losing an AirPod, digital services, a new headlight, Imagine Dragons, Canva, Zoe Saldana is a great actress, Karen witnesses a weird car wreck, Nick Chubb, weird sweatshirts and steaks. Then they discuss Diddy news, Lil Wayne saying he has no issue with Kendrick Lamar, Chance the Rapper's wife filing for divorce, CEO hotline, and Cooking with Kya backlash.
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I listened to the Black Guy Who Tips podcast because Rod and Karen are hot.
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Hey, welcome to another episode of the Blackouts podcast. I'm your host, Rod, joined us always by my co host, and we're live on a Tuesday. Ready to do some podcasts and find us wherever you get podcasts. The official weapon of the show is chair and the unofficial sport and bullet ball extreme extreme extreme just you know housekeeping stuff. Uh doing balls d sports tomorrow. So this will be the last regular episode of the week. And we got a heart out in about an hour and eight minutes our seven minutes now, so this might not be that long of an episode.
Also, we have.
Live tickets of course on sale the Lincolns in the show notes it is I have asked them to show me exactly how it's slid partitioning broken down. We have fifty live VIP tickets avail like that were available. Thirty six of them are gone, so that's only fourteen left if you guys are doing the math, and it may be less because I don't get the totals until the mid till midnight every night.
Yeah, refreshes later on, so.
You know, we may have to open up more tickets. I can't make the whole damn thing v IP meet and greet.
So I don't even have to die.
Yeah, I don't know what the limit would be on that, but we'll have to figure something out with that, you know, try not to be rude, but get everybody in and out to where we get a picture, say hey, give them a signpost and move on. But yeah, so v IP meeting greet tickets are going, going, going, almost gone. I made the holiday cards. They're designed there, I've addressed them. They'll they'll they'll be mailing them out soon when we get them. Just let you know. So people that are still emailing in, it's pretty much too late. Like I got as many because I went over the hundred, I went okay to accommodate everybody, So there's only like a handful that aren't accounted for. And I still need to send some of the friends and family and stuff. So it's possible, but it's not. It's not guaranteed you get a card from this point on. If you already send an email, your card is coming. All right. I think that's all the show notes stuff. Uh for now, let's get into the actual show stuff. Karen banter, do you have.
Any Do you have any.
Do you have any banter?
Anter banter answered?
Do you.
Talk to me?
Do you have any banter? Banter?
Alright, Karen banter?
Away you have any?
I have I have something too. I think we may try to do a speed round or we'll just set a time limit, cause you know, and try to get through it.
But go ahead, my first thing. And they might not.
They might already have this. I just don't know if it exists yet. When are ain't gonna make it where your glasses can ping to let you know where they are at all times, you know how like with Apple you I know where my phone is, I know where my notebook is, my iPad, like my earbugs.
It tell me what the left honey is, but the right one is.
I wonder why they don't have for glasses where you could put like something on your glasses kind of regardless of what your phone is.
You can chime it, but like an air tag on it.
Yes, so you can chime it to be like oh what my glasses?
Oh they on my face? Oh there in the corner.
They probably have that with like Google glasses and Apple glasses, but those aren't prescription glasses. Those are just technology. So I absolutely feel.
You on that I'd be more convenient.
Yeah, I definitely think charge well. I just don't think people don't already don't want to pay as much as they pay for glasses. They're already looking for the cheapest way out. They don't go to the Toomedris glass space. I mean, we had a big thing on the show. Everybody was like, listen, you don't go to legigity dot com got their glasses one leans free one, like, you know, they pay you to wear the glasses.
So I don't know.
I don't know if more expensive glasses is gonna catch on, but I like this idea. You know, I don't lose my glasses very often though, because you know, I wear them pretty consistently. But I definitely feel you on that.
Yeah, and you're gonna go I'll go, uh yeah, I go first. I go next.
I want to see the list of rejected names for Indiana Jones. You know, when they was coming up with that and they settled on Indiana Jones. What was California Smith? You know, Georgia Brown?
Was it?
Louisiana Jenkins? In the mix that's coming up.
Was it always white? Indiana Jones to me could have been a black person's name. That's not that's a white man's name. He could be race swap French, Montana. I mean, what what names did they? What names they ride by to get to Indiana? Jones go, hey, you next?
My thing is this is this? This is more of you saved my my AirPods. I was in the kitchen and one of my AirPods was getting loose, so I pressed it in my ear and I was like, okay, I'm good, but apparently I went and't good cause next thing I know, it said and that felt like slow comedy music as it like fell out of my ear and fell down to sink and I reached and missed and it fell into disposal and I was like, bitch, I guess you're staying there because I'm.
Not reaching down in there to get it.
And Roger got it for me because I was like when it felling out, saying all right, be headset, I guess I'll be one enough pill. I was like, no, bitch, you dad, So shout out to you forgetting them because I went and reaching down in there.
Yeah, I'm not scared of technology, like it's a boogeyman or something. It's not Final Destination. So I reached my hands in that, which are much bigger than yours, and just pulled it out. It's like it's not even that deep. You just reach right in there and get it. That's true.
But I was scared.
I was like, no, yeah, I know, I know, you're old scaredy. You're the you're basically the maid from Tom and Jerry that back. Oh tis, yeah, I don't know why that. I mean, it's not it. Just don't turn it on and you'll be okay. If you if you, if you want to, you can go to the circuit breaker and turn it make sure that it can't turn on.
Oh okay, I didn't no.
Reason to lose a half one hundred dollars headphones because you superstitious that the fucking final destination shit gonna pop out of it.
Like, nope, these are your headphones now, disposal.
Did I mention this on the show.
I'm not a fan of this thing where you buy a new printer and then they try to sell you a subscription for the refills on ink. No, why are we complicating this matter of fact? I gonna add something else I recently, I have a meat thermometer that is Bluetooth and it comes with an app and you can like get the perfect meat every time. Okay, it's like boom chicken bone in chicken breast. I wanted exactly one hundred and sixty five degrees. I want it succulent. I don't want to over cook it and then shit be dry and then I don't want to eat it.
Right, yea perfect.
I love it. It's the best invention ever.
Yes, it is the best purchase you could ever made.
The Youngly meat thermometer, we had big fan. Well, these motherfuckers just send alert through the app the other day and the app has a bunch of shit in for the record. So the app is like, hey, you wanna make some recipes? Hey, you wanna get some other appliances? Hey, Like it's always trying to like notify you to do something, and half of the recipes don't use my thermometer. So it's just like, hey, would you like to make spaghetti to night? And I'm like, I just want and this this is what I thought I was buying when I bought it. I want to plug my thermometer into.
Some meat and tell me if it's cooked, right.
And I want to say, this is the temperature, and then you let me know and this.
This is the meat and this is the temperature.
Seemed like a pretty simple transaction, right, don't need to add recipes to this. So they send a message to the app and it's like, we're gonna stop supporting the app on the eighteenth of December. I'm like, okay, well, as long as the thermometer work. And it's like, oh, and that means that thermometer will no longer be working. I'm like, cause you spend all the money on recipes. No one gave a fuck about them recipes. Everyone bought your app for the thermometer, and now you're telling me it's not working. And this is the future we're headed for all that digital shit.
One day they're gonna stay ain't gonna support it no more.
Yeah, one day they're gonna stop supporting these printers that use ink by the ink by the page subscriptions and shit like that. What the old way was better? And I'm not just saying that because I'm old. I'm saying it because the new way is a fucking hustle.
It's not buy it, it's mine the fucking end. That's it.
It shouldn't be like, oh, and then the subscription service when you need ink. You know what I should do When I need ink, Go to the stove buy ink. Same thing I do with eggs. I don't have an egg subscription service, motherfucker. You don't charge me fifty cent per egg in my own motherfucking house, Like a right, use a lot of eggs this week, we might as well go ahead and pre charge them.
No, I'll decide when this egg time around.
This bitch, and I don't like this dude fango digital bullshit because it's just it's not real soul off and I don't like it. All right, that's it, go ahead.
Uh My thing is, uh, my next thing is, you got some headlights replaced, and I got a bub my head, A bulb in the headlight replaced. But the bitch is so fucking bright. I thought they replaced all the black bulbs. And I was like, that got the ten thousand white bobs.
I was like, we've had this car for years, I ain't never seen it bright. That ship was like boom, I look at the white bulbs they got.
Uh, that's that's red.
You look, this is banter and I don't. I mean, look, I can notice it too. I was like, I can see everything on this road now, right.
The street, and I was like, if the lines is faded, you ain't got to worry about it.
You're gonna see that fucking line. Yeah.
I was like, man, I was just out here like this right now, I can see what's going on.
I don't know what I was thinking. I was like, I ain't never going back to dog streets again. Fuck that.
It's like, in imagine dragons, like liking Nickelback because I'm asking us have good taste to not because apparently I think I like imagine dragons a lot. I every song I hear a bout them slaps to me. And so you know, I heard people are doing a revisionist history on Nickelback. Now it's kind of cool to like them again. I don't know the rules. I never was in the Nickelback in the first place. But I asked that question on Twitter and I got a lot of judgment, a lot of strays. I never profess to be the most complicated musical taste outside of hip hop, So sometimes I just like some light fare. But that motherfucking song that they did for a Mission Impossible Fallout and that's my mop. And the song they got with Jied that opens up, that opens up every episode of Arcane is fucking amazing to me. Yes, And I don't know how it's not the same song. The song that they have with Jed that opens up. Oh yeah, that that's the right one. Okay that that that shit is banging too. So they like two for two for what I know now, I'm sure they have way more than two songs. And I didn't go through their discography because I don't know where to start, and I wanted to ask before I start, should I even start? Am I gonna get a lot of judgment for like in some basic ass shit because I feel like the basic shit be hot, but everybody too cool to admitute. It's like when people turned on Maroon five when they did the super Bowl and I was like, Maroon five, shit, not my bop.
I fuck with that Maroon five. I know the words to them songs, the word words.
I don't even really know what we arguing about right now, but everyone won't be fake. So anyway, I'm into. I think I'm into a magic Jackon's camp.
Shout out to the Plug and Play on Camber.
I like, really really smart nerds who I like, why waste your time trying to trying to figure out HTDP whatever the code is here. It is just plug your shitty and play. And I'm thankful for them people because I was able to make some really some really cute stuff. They moved and all that shit, and I wouldn't have been able to do that shit out by myself at all. So shout out to Plug and Play for dummies like me.
Yeah, she's talking about the If you are on our social media, you may see some videos promoting our live show and stuff like that. Those assets were made with Canva, who's not paying us. This is not an ad, so I'm gonna move on.
But I just like Plug and Play. I understand me too.
I was watching Lion this and Zoe's out. Donna is in it, and she's great in it. She was, Honestly, I've.
Been hearing that everybody said that she's been acting her ass off.
Yeah, she's honestly an underrated actress. She's a pretty strong actress in general. Like she's been in a lot of stuff where I thought she was really good in it. And I have to say, in hindsight, I get it, Zoe. I get why you thought you could do the blackface. You know, you had to try. You had to at least give it a shot. Who knows the limits of your acting. So when she put on the big lips and nose prosthetic and darkened her skin, and those white ladies in the makeup chair and then the director's seats and the writers said, this is a good idea, we think you could do it. I get why she believed she could do it. Now should she have done it? Obviously not. But if we had the attitude that you just can't do it, we would have never got Tropic Thunder with Robert Downey Jr. Sometimes you just had to take that shot, you know. That was her steph Curry heat check of acting like all I do is put on blue and green skin and get billion dollar movies.
Yeah, what I happened.
If it's black, well you'll get roasted and you'll never be able to do it again. You have to apologize. But you had to try. And I get it now that I've seen her inlying. This is because she'd be killing that role.
I saw the weirdest thing ever I've A was uh uh at a stop sign, trying to make a turn into traffic, and I seen like this car towing another car with a chain.
Don't ask me why. And then the car stopped like that.
The front car stopped and the back car ran into it, and then they stopped looked around.
I was like, nigga, you got a whole nother car change behind you. Nobody else hit you but that car, and then they went on up the road. I was confused.
They got out the car. No, they didn't get in the car. They just looked around, like, what the fuck hit me? I was like, the fucking car, you got the car?
And it was so funny. It was a person in the front car and it was a person in the back car. I don't know what the fuck they thought they was, Oh, maybe the person in the back car. So the hit brakes and they didn't.
Must not it, but they would have they would like chain together, so that I guess one was kind of towing.
I understand together, but that if the person was in the back car, they must have supposed to hit breaks, okay, and it was they was probably doing some like ghetto ass towing.
Yeah, what happened?
I don't sound like an actual toe truck situation at OH.
I was like, nobody paid for this service. You call your uncle, little.
You gave somebody a six pack and some cigarettes and told him to come and tell you.
I was watching.
This joke is for like seven people in the audience, and they'll either get it or don't. The rest of y'all won't get it, and that's fine. This was for me. Nick Chubb, the running back for Cleveland Browns, he broke his foot. Before that, he broke his leg bending the wrong way. Like a year ago, he came all the way back broke his foot. This year he's had another break. I think when he was either in college or as first in the NFL. This dude, this dude has had some brutal injuries, and I have to say he if he don't win the medal or the award for perseverance, you don't win the Prince Joshua Perseverance Award. I don't know who else could win it, because no one but Prince Joshua has come back this many times from breaks and tried to dominate car I'm doing. I've seen a dude with a sweater on that just said white land on the back, never heard of brand, didn't seem affiliated with sports team or like a location, and I'm afraid to google it.
I'm afraid to look it up.
Just like the second or third time, I've seen some shit lately and I've just been like, I prefer not to know.
Ain't that the truth?
I saw a deal with a shirt today on my walk. It said boys get sad too, and I hope it's I hope it's for good mental health stuff. But also I don't know person like that could be like, and that's why we voted for Trump. I don't know, I don't I don't know anymore. Right, stop wearing weird sweatshirts? Right, words mean things?
What happened to just gold panthers or whatever? The fuck? Basic patriots? Why can't we go back to being basic bitches?
Yeah? Now, God, I'm looking. I'm looking at all y'all sideways at this point.
White Land? What is it? You want to go back to white Land? Right? You from white Land?
This is one of these white genocide shirts. I just don't know about because I don't know white.
People like that. It's cold for something.
I didn't see him hanging around no black people in that shirt. I've never seen a black person with that shirt, right.
I don't want to find out I'm in danger. I'm good dog.
It didn't have like the white Land, you know, the white Land Tigers, Like nah, just said white Land.
I was like, uh.
And the last thing is, I don't care how expensive a steak is. I still want to throw some a one on it. I'm not saying I would throw a one on it. I'm not a fucking you a savage. I'm not a philistine. Okay. I said this on Twitter and Bomani texted me like, can't take niggas nowhere? And I'm like, listen, I didn't say I do it, but I'm gonna want it. And I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting. And what's even worse is I think I'm the hero here. I think I'm brave. I think I'm the only one willing to admit it because I think the rest of y'all be thinking it too. I'm not saying you supposed to drown your steak. It ain't one sauce. I'm not even saying you guys to put it on every bike, but it's cut you in a nice steakhouse, and you know it's frowned upon. You be like, oh, I'll just have the steak as it is, and they ask you to like they be daring. You're like, would you like anything else? And you gotta be like no, no, no, the steak is fine, it's perfect. Tell the chef my compliments.
But what I really want to say is, yeah, give me a little bit of a one and they I know the chef is gonna be sad and he gonna be offended. He gonna be in the back.
Like these motherfuckers comeing in here. These broke bitches, always messing up my mind. Okay, I understand. I just want to dip. I'm like, lett, I want to do a taste test every time. Is it better what after A one? Is it better with the A one?
I can see that that makes sense. That's it. I don't know why. Yeah, I have had steak where you go. I don't need anything else.
I'm sorry, I'm not culched enough for you. Bo my knee, but at least I'm honest. Damn it, my integrity needs something. All right, Let's get into uh some of the shell stuff. Oh man, it's been.
A while, don't anything wanting a body and you.
Like, every time we do this segment, there's so much.
Oh my god, what the fuck you're in anyway? All right, here we go, let's get into it.
Did he fed sees, drugs, weapons, and more from violent detention center? So basically they rated the jail that Diddy's in and they seized a bunch of stuff. And this is back in November. I'm pretty sure the judge said they couldn't use some of the notes and stuff they got from them, and then did he tried to use that to get out of jail, Like they confiscated my my notes and stuff about my you know, my defense and whatnot. But uh, he's still in jail. They said he's staying in there. Oh yes, Diddy's attorney's demand gag order to solace witnesses, witness claiming to have freak off tapes. Yeah, we're we're at that point now where I have no idea what is and isn't real when it comes to on Diddy, because there's so many people, so much and there's just nothing. We're at the point where there's probably nothing you could put past me that I would be like Diddy would never but also at the point where because of that, I have to be honest and say I can't really be a good judge on what's real, right, Like if it's freak off tapes and they out there, I don't know, why the fuck you are like not talking to the Like why aren't you just talking to the fucking.
Prosecution, you know what I mean?
The letter sits grandeary witness Courtney Burgess, who recently gave multiple interviews claiming she's seen video of Diddy a sort of ineborated celebrities.
He claimed at least two miners on the recordings.
Burgers also said he has Kim Porter's unedited memoir and was negotiating a publishing deal with m I don't know, that's crazy.
I don't know, right, Like, like Time of Fun, a lot of that shit just need to be vetted. Like it's like it seems to be somebody's job to actually go through this and be like, this is the truth, this is a lie, this is what.
We can verify. We can't verify that we're.
In and that's only gonna happen in the courtroom for the rest, right, And we're in a very bad place in society.
Right now, where attention.
Is so powerful that is more powerful than the justice system. Meaning if if this was true, this is the kind of thing I would expect most people not to fuck around about because just because legally, hey, I've been sitting on this evidence that he actually did this stuff, And I would like to go on some podcasts like why aren't that don't seem like a thing that is legal to do. But at the same time, I think people would do something as dumb as that. How many times have we seen the NDA violated over these past few years, and it's like, that's illegal, you're gonna get sued, you're gonna lose everything or whatever. But at the same time, fuck it, right, Like, at least I got fifteen minutes of fame. Let's see. Double XL mag said that TMZ obtained a document which was supportedly given to employees of Diddy that was supposed to be the NDA for his freak ass. You hereby irrevocably agree that you shall not at any time, use of time, use of disclosed directly or indirectly. Okay, first of all, why is there a typo in your NDA? I mean, was it that don't make not not at any time use of disclose?
Is this real right? That's why I said, shouldn't it to be verified? The lawyer really looked at this. I don't think so as much fucking reading as they do. They doing and proof read shit.
The doc also warns against taking pictures of filming without previous consent from Diddy because he gonna be doing that. It's like it's like the yearbook. They're like, don't you take a picture, We'll send it to you afterwards. It also prohibits people from doing interviews or writing books about what they may see. The agreement lasts for seventy years, or the life of the artist plus two the years after that death. Double Xcel has reached out to Diddy's team for.
Who knows, who knows? Who knows?
Maybe Russell Simmons claims he's retired, but a Jane Doe accuser isn't buying it.
That's right.
Russell Simmons is in the Diddy news because he was a fore founder. He's he's he's an inspiration on this front.
The Jane Doe accuser accused Simmons of running from the court's jurisdiction to avoid taking accountability for his actions because you know that Nigga and Bali and he ain't never coming.
Back, oh, never coming back.
Doe, a former Death Jam executive, sue Simmons for rape in February.
Simmons argue he can't be sued in New.
York because he's stateless and living on retirement visa visa in Indonesia. Doe disputed the legitimacy of his claims. Yeah, he ain't retired as much as he ain't coming back to face no justice. Right, that's oh yeah.
I'm surprised he those people aren't even gonna work with him, So you might, as we're not trying for you, might as well be retired quote unquote yeah right, all right, Well do a couple more.
Matter of fact, I skipped some of these because I don't give a fuck. Let's see, d did he suit over wild car chase through dark New York City streets? Well, obviously that's old because he's in the dark New York City jail right now, so it couldn't be new. It's on the summer of the summer of nineteen ninety six. Damn, it's open season. Everybody pulling out.
I was in eleventh grade. What is we doing? Here.
This nigga stole twenty dollars from me. It's time get the lawyer. On a night in the summer nineteen ninety six, plain Off DeWitt Gilmore was assaulted by defending Sean cons and a group of his associates, including his bodyguard, on the street in New York City at the exiting the club playing off in the company his friends Lance calf calf Or Cafe, and Rico, while Rico in our last name. Okay, that's probably not the point. It shouldn't matter, but it really does bother me that Rico Land's got to kill this whole government out there. Rico's like, listen, just call me Rico.
I don't think this court.
I don't think this case gonna work. He come looking for a round two. I ain't see nothing.
They approached his vehicle and a Suzu trooper parked the damn It was ninety six, yes, because that's when everybody was driving.
You probably can't eve find that bitch nowhere do they even sell it anymore?
Was you singing? Was just singing? No pigeons? Was you playing forty thieves?
But like this, if you are driving that, you are driving an official hoopkie if.
Y'are now partner the club.
As a planer and his friends prepared to leave, Defendant Cones and his associals pulled out, and a gold convertible with Defendant Cones positioned in the passage of seeing his bodyguard driving, Defendant Cones initiated a verbal confrontation with the plane of tarna him with derogatory language, escalating situation with threats of violence. His words included what's up, bitch were intended to provoke and intimidate the plane of why are they fighting?
I know it's a lawsuit and they gonna just give yo the good side.
But what happened?
Because I don't think even as as horrible as people say, did he is? It makes no sense. He just was riding down the street, randomly picked a car and.
Was like, fuck it, we shooting, not ran heating. There was no random there. Yeah, I feel like they left something out.
Then counter rapping intensified as defendant cones bodyguard and additional vehicles carrying armed associals joined to form an authorize surround the planet's vehicle. Defending Cones and his associates blocked the plane's car created in the sense of immediate danger, defending cones and socials brandish firearms and shots with fearing for his like the plane off Gilmore with Lance Cafe and Rick Rico's witnesses Rico really ain't put his last number, were aggressively chased.
We gonna like you ain't never gonna find me?
Right, I might as well call him Bob right, aggressively chased through the dark city streets, and manster of age the scene by accelerating through traffic narrow list gave it a potential daily and Bush. Gilmore never pressed charges against Diddy to avoid harassing and retribution. Gilmore recently reconnected with Calfe, which brought forth new insight and testimony and evidence of the events.
Y'all said, Oh, he in jail. You know that's what a lot of this shit is. He in jail. So everybody coming out with everything now called the lawyer.
Let's see, we can get get this settlement. Let's see Diddy is struggling to find a buyer for the La freak Off mansion. You don't say yeah, in addition to it being possibly a crime scene, even if everything is legal and you don't go to jail, just knowing that A you're desperately selling.
It, meaning I'm fitting the low ball.
To ship out this offer.
Yeah, but to everything is slippery.
I'm good, m M because I know it's it's felled crazy up in there.
You know what, do you probably have to redo the whole house.
I'm not here falling down the steps, falling in the kitchen, up, homie.
I would buy the Bang Bros. Airbnb mansion before I bought a freak off.
You know what, me too, And at least I know they had stand ups.
Yeah, like I knew they had to have some test and everybody was cleaning right. I can get a new black Coke sofa, but this, you know, I can drain the pool. But the Diddy freak offs that feel like that's a funk that lives within the walls and the paint.
It ain't ain't never going nowhere.
Yeah, so, uh, let's see, I'll skip some of these because I don't give uh Diddy's ex bodyguard foules one hundred million dollars defamation lawsuit against rape accuser.
Once again, we'll see in court. You know that that's you know, that's the reason I can't really say much about the jay Z shit with.
People are like, see he's swing.
I'm like, I'm not saying that means he's guilty or innocent. That every statement, everything that has been tried, has been tried by the guilty and the innocent. When it comes to these type of accused accusations, we'll see.
We will see.
Chargers were dropped against the man accused of being Diddy's drug mule with the pink cocaine, the White boy. I think that means he cooperating because while they dropped the charges, they got you dead to rights. They caught you with drugs, you admitted to being the person carrying the drugs.
They ain't after you.
So then you just gotta be like, what y'all need to know about Diddy?
Ain't that the truth? I'm not going to jail for him.
One of Diddy's anonymous lossit accusers has been revealed as Anna Kine, the ex wife of NHL player of Vander Kine. I think Evander Kine is a black NHL player.
His wife is white though, or his ex wife is white.
Yeah, he was that black dude, I remember him. But yes, she's one of the people that uh and not the reason I say this matters is because not because of her race necessarily, but because I remember what hoisby. It was when famous women started putting their name to it, right, that people started being a lot more considerate of the women who weren't famous, caring, and that was you group and bit you just trying to get to come up. And then all of a sudden it was like, what he did it to her? And and then everybody changed. My aunt was like that, I think it was what was it, Beverly Johnson?
It was one of them.
It was a black supermodel that everyone holds in very high steam.
And she came out and said he assaulted me too.
And I remember on that day she was like he did that shit, and that she had been for a while being like, I don't we did it. We need to listen to all the facts. Blah blah blah. Okay, it was her. And as soon as there was Beverly Johnson, I knew a lot of people that was on the fence that was like, nope, he did it. Because I remember before that people were lying and saying there was all white women and shit, they weren't reading the article.
We was like, y'all knew No, these women are all types of race.
But they was like, nah, Jill Smith denies any link to Sean Diddy comes I ain't been nowhere near that man. That's as solid as it gets, I guess.
I mean.
And the fact that he said this a week or two ago and we ain't seen like a bunch of pictures of Will and him partying.
I'm assume he on the up and up.
Uh don't care about did he spending Thanksgiving and jail?
Bishop td Jake's medical emergency sparks Diddy conspiracy theories. So td Jakes was in the poor pit and it appeared to have like a medical emergency and had to go to the hospital, and so then people started being like, you know, did did Diddy do have something to do with it?
Is it related to Diddy?
Because there was a time where people were saying Diddy, Like there was a person on TikTok that was saying, you know, Diddy and and td Jake's they gay and they be having sex and they be at the freak offs. We never saw any proof of it. But do we really need proof on the internet anymore?
No, we don't. We do not, right, So I don't.
Think these are actual This is I don't know that these are actual provable facts.
That right.
All right, let's move into other news, guys. All right, that was that was a speed round of Diddy. Like I said, we got a bit of a time constraint here. Let's get to just some regular ass, regular regular news, all right. Lil Wayne clarifies there's no issue between him and Kendrick Lamar says they've spoken about the Super Bowl half tom gig. He said, I told him he'd better kill it.
That's good to know.
I mean, I'm really you know, I think that people were hitting a little way up online and I don't really even think he might even understood what they were saying. I really do think, because you know, it's a certain slang online and if you're not up on it, you don't know what they're talking about. And he just responded, but yeah, I could see them talking behind the scenes.
He said, Oh, I misunderstood you dog.
I'm sorry, you know, you know whatever their conversation was, right, Yeah.
He So he was on his boy's Skip Bayless's show and he got asked about I guess the snub or whatever. He clarified, I'll give you two answers a general answer and a personal answer. Generally, I just believe that they for whatever reason, I believe that it's over my head, meaning I don't know why that's personally the person I am. I mean, look at it like you ain't there. You gotta get that. Bayless then speculated on politics playing a part in the NFL's decision. Wayne agreed, but said that's another part of it. I think there's things that I can't control involved in it, so it is what it is. Additionally, Baylor's mentioned Kendrick's track Whacked Out Murrors, where he named Wayne and his lyrics, and Wayne said, after listening to the lyrics that he believes Kendrick is a fan. I think he's a fan, like I'm a fan of his music. I think he just means he saw how much it meant to me. I think that's all he means. He didn't let me down. I told him he better kill it.
What's funny is He also admitted in this part, this was his first time hearing the lyrics, which that's what you.
Said, which means I really was like, yeah, people heard it and they just ran with it because it's like I don't really think he understood or he hadn't listened yet because the response I was, you know, and so for me, I was like, let's let's see. And also, yeah, the way Kendrick was rapping, he was like, I'm a fan. He was like, I'm sorry, I'll let you down or basically I'm sorry that you're disappointed that you didn't get selected.
You know what I'm saying.
But basically Kenjri was like I'm a fan, like I was rocking your shit, like and I'm sorry, you know, did I let you down? You know, because he's you kind of see how the internet responds.
I think the other thing is.
Lil Wayne had a moment where he said some shit on Twitter that everybody was flipping back on him. Where because when obviously when Kendrick won or got the Super Bowl, everybody was like, you know, congratulate on or whatever, and you know, Kendrick said that only Nas really congratulated him. That might may or may not be true, but still Wayne obviously went with the I'm heard, I can't believe it didn't pick me.
It's my city.
I thought I had this, not congratulations, just dry hate, dry hating. So he had tweeted something about and you may have deleted it because I'm on his on his page now and I don't see it anymore. Oh no, here this man much respect to the goat coach Bill Belichick. Not sure why they're all hating because Bill Belichick got that job of Chapel Hill and people are not liking the pig. People are very critical of it. But I believe it to be envy and just a bunch of folks that don't know how to simply say congratulations or not a so say congratulations, I don't say shit. A wise man once said, you can love me or hate me. I swear it won't make me or break me. Okay, that is extremely ironic that you say that. When Kendrick got the Super Bowl, you were not congratulating and you were not saying naa. You were talking about don't wake up the Giant after he put out whacked out murros like you made this a lot about you, And I do wonder, Karen, if it is what you're saying where he just heard other people were telling him to take something personal and you know this is what you need? You high as fuck and shit he not on the internet like.
That, right, That's what And my thing is this and all drunk aside.
If you're not aware and if you're not in tune with yourself, people around you will influence your decision. You have to know how to filter and make up your own mind. And I think you know with like you say, him not knowing, not being on the internet, and on top of that, not actually going to find out and all y'all nigs is famous not reaching out the Kingdrick directly at first. You just went on the internet and was saying things based off of what other people told you.
It's crazy because you know him and Drake ain't even cool. So I don't even know why you're doing this. But anyway, Chance the rapper's wife filed for divorce months after separation announcement. So listen, I don't want be all I told y'all, so okay, but y'all know, at the same time, I have to be I have to be able to gloat, have to be honest. Okay.
When I saw that man daggering on that beach.
Not around was and y'all tried to tell me that's just some culture, and I said, not Chance culture, not mister super saved up. I just want them butterfly kisses or whatever, like I just you know what I mean, I'm just like, it's all about Jesus over here, and this nigga was daggering on the beach with big booted women that he don't know, and y'all try to what he can't. Just you're being up tight. I'm not sex negatim. I'm just fucking aware. Typically when super religious people do some ship out of character like that in front of.
The rest of us, people start judging and that's not what their wife signed up for a lot of them.
So I just have to get I have to get my credit real quick.
Yep right, ye.
What was that?
And for the record, if y'all see me daggering some chick at the beach and that ain't my wife, y'all have full fucking uh y'all, y'all should be speculating you.
Yeah, I think so too. We don't, y'all, But like, I guess they ain't together no more like I mean, at least honestly I feel disrespective. Y'all didn't at.
Least question what the fuck I'm doing. Y'all think I'm just reckless like the like damn this motherfucker. That's a you know, right, he's a proudy animal.
Nah, chances out there daggering chicks. Man, Oh, that ain't good.
Y'all know that ain't even Rod's character. He is a wall flower child something and something's going on.
And Chancellor Jonathan Bennett is one too. Okay.
So they met as children. They begin dating in twenty thirteen. They're working their first child of twenty fifteen. They split in twenty sixteen, reconcile later that same year. In twenty nineteen, they got married, got their had their second daughter. I mean, this is, you know, sad in that sad in the way of we don't know them sad, like all right, that's sad. But you know, for them it might be a happy moment. They you know, they're they're kind of you know, divorce for a lot of people is actually a good moment. Yeah, it don't seem good when you're going through. It's not good a lot of times. If the shit ain't working out, it's better to be out of a bad or negative situation that your kids are witnessing, Yes, especially if you're just doing it for appearances to the rest of a bunch of strangers. That don't have to live in your motherfucking house.
Ain't that the truth?
They don't have to live with the consequence of being together, and they don't have to lift the consequence to not be together. And at the end of the day, it's not always an end, it is a start to a new life.
Right. New York State is considering creating a special hotline explicitly for CEOs to report perceived threats.
Nigga, that CEO why they got to have a special hot line.
I don't even think we have a hot line for kids getting shot up at the school. I think they still got to call regular nine one one they do CEOs getting there. I'll tell you what, if CEOs get their own special police phone call line, it's not really beating the allegations that they just like the rest of us.
And we shouldn't be cheering when one of them shot in the streets like it's not helping. I'm not saying it's not fair.
I'm not saying if I was a CEO, I'm not saying I wouldn't call the line. But I'm also saying it's not helping that y'all creating new special rules instead of being like we'll call nine.
One one, right, and I think a lot of it so that shit won't be recorded.
And nope, if you call if something happens.
What do you mean, I'm assuming this special hotline is gonna be a hot line. You ain't gonna be talking to like the normal ass people when you be like ems fire, You're gonna be talking to somebody special.
This is a special, dedicated hot to get into public, right, And I think that not too funny.
I kind of want to hear that because because because listen, once you make it a hotline, it's like nine one one, every call to nine one one is not a successful accurate call for an emergency. So you're gonna just have CEOs calling being like hello, uh, seven one one. I just saw two. I just saw two people who don't They were not wearing suits, and they walked about a block away from my building, and I just need some help.
I don't.
Call's gonna be fucking They're gonna be like, why do we have opened up this fucking call your assistant?
Uh, I'm at a dinner right now and this man just used his salad fork on his apartee and I think I'm in danger.
I think I'm in danger. Somebody say it's gonna go straight to Commissioner Gordon.
That's good.
It's gonna go to the fucking Eric Adams. That's gonna pick it up the phone.
See YO hotline. Can I help you, Eric? I need some help right now. Okay, you know I donated that Turkish money to your campaign. I bought them buildings.
I'm gonna need you to get it. Ain't gonna be recorded, Okay, just letting you know right now. Okay, I found a straight cat. That's good. It's gonna be pointless ship.
I saw a man park a car and get out of it. Okay, it wasn't. No one got out the car and then for someone else in the back. He was in the front of the car and he's coming towards me. I don't know what the fuck is happening, but I just know I feel I'm feeling very endangered.
I feel threatened.
Okay, just please hurry. God, oh God. My doorman was looking at me funny today. He might I only left him a fifty dollar tip this this year for his bonus.
Normally it's a hundred.
Normally it's a hundred of Eric, I need you to come on down, put on your suit. But yeah, that SEEO hotline is ridiculous.
Right, just got a regular normal name on one, alright.
Like y'all niggas don't need no motherfucking special ass.
Right you didn't need one before? Right, that's wrong with y'all with you?
All right, let's see what should we do next in the speedy round of the blackout tips. Oh you know what, maybe we do some who news? Okay, Uh pull up my who news music. Have fun.
Cooking with Kanya? You know that is no I think I might, I think I might, all right, I don't know.
Well a lot of people that's a who you don't know? So this qualifies is going into the news. Yes, cooking with Kaya. She's a TikTok person, Okay, okay, and uh things, there was a lot of backlash to cook it with Kaya. Uh this this this, this is her right here.
She sing her song every time. Okay. So she showed us the food.
You know, she got some steak, baked potato, big ass piece of Texas toes.
Something cooking with Kanya cooking.
Now what anything you noticed about this woman? Just off the rip, just off the first eye test. Anything she got big boobies and she got them out. Yes she does, and so she kind of got giving us sex sexy, little sexy thing people. Okay, and that's that's her doing the recipes. She cooking some asparagus with some butter on it and some soft feaper and all this stuff. Now, I'm not gonna front Okay, as an amateur chef myself, these recipes are pretty accessible. They're not that complicated. A lot of times you have the ingredients around the house. Presentation might not be the greatest presentation, but I mean, you know, she she she looked good.
Considered scissors. Yeah, I see sizzling czling. A lot of people probably do want the system bad anyway.
So there's been a lot of people who have done kind of some what do you call it, uh, like copycats, you know, TikTok is. Okay, Yeah, because someone does starts a trend, other people jump in. Now they want to do trend, and now we all doing the thing.
Yeah, we see them I think on YouTube where people do these videos. You see them like dress a certain way, right right, I don't sitting around with that.
Well, apparently a lot of people don't like it.
She amassed have following over seven hundred thousand followers and two million likes on the videos and a short amount of time. Uh do everyone knows to cook it with Kaya chant and the lighthearted twerk because she twerks to a lot of times a durable right. And you know there's people doing a lot of stuff out there to get these views. I know there's chef's men, chefs that's out there finger bang and chicken cutlets.
I've seen that.
I've seen the dude that talked with the slow, deep Verry white voice when I'm like, brother, it's just a recipe. But it's like, next, you want to put the honey, butter garlic onto the tuna.
Some lady is like, yes, I do, right, and they selling it. I'm not mad at right, I don't have a problem with it. I'm like, your technique is sex selle.
Yes, it does.
The reason everybody on TikTok look good, All the viral people on TikTok look good.
I can't.
I'm never gonna make it just looking like I look and not putting on makeup, hair lighting and shit. I just be going there like, hey, man, y'all hear what Kendrick said. But if I but if you like got you know, com gutters and shit, you ain't got no shirt on it, you'd be like, did you you hear what Kendrick said?
A million views? It's it's a physical medium.
It is what it is, right, and nobody complaining that that that that video was adorable.
Well, one video particular caused division amongs women online spark of the train hate Train of sorts and the clip she rocks a black halter top and a slick back ponytail while snuckling declaring I can take your man with this place. I just cooked for him, showcasing the steak and potatoes. So we didn't get to that part of the video.
Child, she don't know you.
But cooking with Kaya said she can take your man.
Uh, maybe it's the end.
Let's see, this is the finished product.
Let me know what and this is the finished product.
Let me.
Take a good Yeah, it's a lot of it.
It's a lot of women that brag about I can steal your man like this is not new.
I feel like because she looked good, yes.
And you're just fucking like it don't make sense. I've been around long enough to know.
I hated it when I see it like like the response doesn't make sense. She's making a video, a sexy video, which a lot of people do, and she's cooking and if she could take your man, you need to talk to your man then, And I know it's who.
News, but I feel like I'm about to get a little bit deep on y'all for a second. In a second, but let me look play one of the responses to it, because also I feel like people make responses because they want to go viral too, yes, so even the responses aren't really genuine.
And I was like, okay, cause she said, you know, cooking with Kanye is blowing up everywhere, and I was like, I don't know who cooking with Kaye is. Let me go look up cooking with Kanya, and y'all like get over there to cooking with Kanya. And I'm wondering why my sixteen year old daughter know who cooking with Kaye is anyway, because when I see what her video is doing.
And I'm trying to figure out what she was okay with telling me that I'm doing a great time cooking.
Because cooking with Kanya is blowing up, and I bet I know my husband, You bet I know who makay is, I might have to do a video on.
That to be like, yeah, I gotta.
I think people just trying to get a boost off of the.
Content, right because it doesn't make no sense because the thing is, she's not the first, she won't be the last.
That's all types of videos like this, and.
People aren't on a responder because she's just quote unquote the thing right now and everything judge. People started sharing because that was the whole purpose of it. And the thing is, she got a following. People love it, it's cute, it's adorable. Ain't nobody breaking no laws like you know? And I really do think a lot of this is just hate and a lot of people have insecurities and they are fucking projecting all all lot of these responses. It's just projecting this person don't know you, they don't know your kid, they don't know your husband, they don't know your man.
How can they steal somebody don't know lose? Oh, she just a girl that's cooking.
She's just the goodest kicking because gil on the outside it may seem like that, but if you really like watch some of her video, you will see that she's a pick me woman. Like she panders to me, and I think that's why women don't like her, because women in general do not like pick me women, like we don't like pick me girls. I don't know how else to say it.
Her entire platform is that's crazy because like, yeah, and she don't owe you no feminist practices when her fucking content, no, and just don't fuck with it, right, that's crazy.
And on top of that, this is just me.
I think a lot of women are about as bad, and some are worse than women with controlling other women. If you have things that actually naturally draw women because you know, we all aren't built the same, which is fine, but you know, some women are like, hey, if my man look, bitch, it frustrates me. I know I'm not the only woman in the world, and I know my you know, people have eyes, they look and shit like this. But I think people's insecurities and the things within them jumps out at this period of time. And you know, a lot of people use a lot of women in these things. They use men as an excuse to cover the fact.
That they want to control another woman's body.
But yet you tell people that they have the rights and the freedom home in life, and all this other shit.
But you don't really mean that though, even using your kid as an excuse.
Yes, if you don't know what your kid watching on the internet, that's your fault.
Yes, that's not that's not Kaya's fault. She didn't. She don't have to.
It's not like she's on there fucking She's not doing anything that a kid can actually watch her video. There's actually nothing in the video that's like whatever right where it's like, oh, you can't watch this because she's topless or whatever.
That being said part of this.
In this like deluge of hate, she got somebody leaked to sex tapes of hers on Twitter. So like somebody, whether it's an ex, whether it's I don't know, somebody out there, wanted to drag like and I'm you know, my guess if it is a person with the tape is man, yes, because you know it's her and a man in the tape, and I'm like, I don't know. That doesn't seem like, you know, pick me men love her?
Don't the other thing too?
Without this pick me men, this, that and the other men are fucked up.
So even if a person were to like this might be.
Her natural just having fun shit, right, and but the fact that she made a joke about taking your man, because it's obviously a fucking joke. She doesn't know you, right, she made a joke about taking your man, and you went to we need to destroy this woman. Her sex tape gets leaked out there, clearly people try and make her life miserable about this shit, right, my man better not watch you know her take.
Times he's like your insecurities, ma'am. Yeah, it's just it's it's crazy stuff.
And like I said, I would love to chalk it up to like, oh, everyone's having fun. They're making content based off of being fake mad at her content. But some of these people are actually real mad. They're all serious.
And try and attack it from like some bell hook shit.
Like at the end of the day, you don't have to like it, but like the same way, y'all watch some nigga with no shirt on talk about psychology and that's okay. We're not like, well, this is very woman woman centric.
He's a pick, he's a choose me.
Like we just be like, yeah, that man don't wear shirts and be talking and even looking with his green eyes and the camera saying dumb shit that ain't that great? Like her food doesn't look like it's like top chef shit.
It's just right. She's at home just cooking.
People just clicking on the shit. It's just content, right, And that's the thing. Everything is just content. And once once I understood this thing, an event happens and everybody rides off of the event. No matter what it is, be it Kendrick, be it Beyonce, be it Drake, whatever it is, an event happens. And also the thing gets nothing funny. People get people are bored, and and people who spend a lot of time on the in our times, they're bored. And when people are bored, they will find any you know what. That just happened on a Sunday, because Sunday is the day. Sunday is the day with nothing's happening online. Okay, I about to say, because Sundays day when nothing happening, and people just do shit. And so for me, I realized, for a lot of people, if there's not a fire, they have to start a fire. This person was minding their own business, doing their own thing. And a lot of this, in my opinion, comes from a lot of jealousy, a lot of hate, a lot of personal insecurities, a lot of projecting from men and women, but particularly women. You know when you show these videos like, oh, you're doing this because and on top of that, you think you're gonna get something from it because you're making the video based off of what she did.
These people are these people who love her and enjoy her. They're not gonna watch you. They don't give a fuck about what you're talking about.
Yeah, and so this is the part I said, you know, it might get a little bit deep, but there's a couple of things happening here that I really think is interesting. One, A lot of this is in the peer group, at least what I'm saying, A lot of this is in our age peer group, Like people that are thirty five, forty forty five years old. This woman is twenty three.
And I know we're all.
In the pool together at on social media, but this is twenty three year old shit. Yes, and I don't understand this, like forty five year old mentality on a twenty three year old, right, And it happens a lot that like this also happened with This also happened with Travis Hunter, who just won the Heisman. He has a girlfriend that he's been with since they were in like high school. He's about he's already rich because he's got the NIL deals. He's gonna go to the NFL. He's gonna be a top five draft pick. He's gonna be rich in the NFL. And he's he's And they have a show together that's like I don't know if it's a podcast or video blog whatever, but they have a show together where they're on the Internet sharing about their life and relationship and stuff, you know, and they're I mean, they're both young. They're both you know, twenty years old or something, and he's been very openly public about I love her. I'm going to get married to her after I get my first year in the NFL. And so everyone is just like, don't do it. You're too young.
She just with you for the money. You don't know her.
Because they go back to these they've been together since they were kids, they've been together for years, and they go back to like her first date story with him, where she was like, I didn't really like him at first, and then we went on a date and you know, I was like, eh, my girl, my homegirls like girl, you know whatever, and so and then she's a gold digger. They're people speculating on her race. She's black and like Latin, I think, but they're like, she ain't black.
This is what they do to you.
There's a lot of insecurity and issues that people are putting on him, yes, right, whether it's just the you know, whether they find him to be unattractive or goof or whatever, their ideas, a woman like this cannot genuinely be attracted to a guy like you or or be you should be wanting to like play the field, not be set up, tied down whatever. You're making a huge mistake. Now, in all fairness, they would probably tell that to most young people about to get married, right. But once again, they're grown ups, right, they're like live they're grown ups, and you're very grown meaning you making you talking forty five year old shit to somebody that honestly is a stranger on the internet don't know you. If the people in his life that actually do know him and that girl right don't have.
Issues, you should probably drop it.
If they're having relationships, spats on the timeline or whatever. That's because twenty year olds do shit like that, Yes they do, because that sechially those growing up in a spotlight that never turns off. So like, y'all every one of us had did something like so like they've been showing this video where there was like a photo op that he was taking photos with fans. She was ready to go, and they were like, look at her. See she's supposed to just be there. You're supposed to get up and hold the camera for him, you know, and all this shit, And I'm like, yeah, but they they essentially kids.
I understand the argument that don't get married because you're too young and you immature, but we actually don't. We just see these little clips and extrapulate a lot. So it's just very weird to see grown ups doing that. And it comes back to cooking with cod twenty three. There's a certain level that we we lost something because we're all on the internet together. It's not sections of the internet, whereas before social media, you were hanging out with your peer group mostly so I really didn't have a reason to be all up in a twenty year old's business. And I see the same thing with like these like Haley Bailey, the Yeah and her baby dad.
They've been commenting a lot about that lately.
Yes, and I know people think it's normal because it's become normalized. I think that shit is so weird and unhealthy.
Yes, like.
The fact that we can't put partitions on our commentary and are coming down on people. It feels like a furnace that needs fuel, and so we're throwing twenty three year olds in there. There's plenty of stuff to be mad about every day, from someone in your peer group, from somebody who's actually.
Doing dangerous things.
Young people making mistakes is gonna is as old as time. The thing about Travis Hunter, he's gonna be rich. She could take half his money. He gonna be alright, Like I'm not saying I want that or nothing, But we shouldn't even be fretting over this dude, Like hell, he don't figure it out one way or the other. But in general, something's wrong with us that we have this gaping mall that needs to be fed sacrifices all the time, and we're down there cooking with Kaya and Hailey Bailey and Travis Hunter's girlfriend, and the same people that claim they're protecting these people, that are rooting for these people. The Travis Hunter had a video where he's like, y'all are making my girl miserable. She's been crying, she's been drinking because a miserable. I love her. I'm not going anywhere. Y'all just need to leave it alone.
Bows is another one, Jonathan. It's like this pattern is something I can't unsee lately, and I'm taking this time to talk about it because I find it to be a very unhealthy, unhinged mind state that has become extremely popular, and no one's stopping.
To be like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Maybe we don't consume these people is entertainment. They're fucking humans and their kids, right.
And and to piggyback on what you said, most people, when they reach a certain age, somebody has showed you some grace. At some period of time, somebody somewhere has showed you some kind of grace, and grace says. With the Internet, it just disappears you're supposed to come out and you're supposed to just know what to do with all times. You are supposed to make no errors. You're supposed to make no mistakes. And I've said this before and I would continue to say this again. You old ass niggas was fucking up too. The only difference was you did not have the Internet. If we had the Internet, a lot of errors, a lot of our mistakes, a lot our fuck up will be old lived for the Internet to see forever to get them grades.
Well, I think not.
Just that, but I think that's where the insecurity comes from. You're talking about a bunch of forty year old, unhappy motherfuckers that made mistakes. It didn't work out the way they thought it was gonna work out, and they like, I gotta save this girl whose album I bought. That is like, I'm not advocating against the idea of giving some advice to some kid, you know, some person whose life you're in, right, you know, if your nephew came and was like, I'm gonna marry her, and you like, son, you sure that makes perfect sense. Me, I'm talking about this hate hive shit that is happening. It's something people are harassing these folks into tears while claiming to support them. Simone Boushin and you can make it are you know she shouldn't even be on the internet.
What fine?
But your ass on there too, and you're using your Internet space to try to like connect with these people, and you're just fucking making their lives miserable. There's something there's something deeper about that that is so weird, where it's like, I don't feel that it's actually this paternalistic, maternalistic instinct.
To protect these people because love will be right.
I take it one step further. I think it is to feel in the furnace of hate. I think it's just like, you know, we need to hate Chris Pratt, we need to hate Taylor Swift, we need to hate Aquafina, we need to hate, we need to hate, We constantly need hate. What the fuck else is gonna keep us warm at night? If the furnace gets cold because we didn't put anyone in it, and it's like we're out of shit, because these celebrities are not politicians, right, Like, if you want to hate somebody, hate the people that are making decisions that actually affect your life, hating some random girl that's dating this guy who knows him better than you do, I don't have I don't. I think that's just out of pocket and out of control, right.
And also it getting to the point where you're getting to not trying to find it to the bottom of the barrel, and once you get there is anything, It don't matter what it is.
Anything has to go into the machine.
Because, like you say, it's easier for you to waste the time and energy and the effort on cooking with Kaya than to be fucking mad at your neighbors and your best friends and these motherfuckers that voted for Trump. It's easier to be mad at cooking for Kaya than it is to look at people and hold your politicians accountable, because a lot of people and if those things take too much effort, to vote take too much, if it takes too much effort, it's easier for you to sit your ass online and be mad at a fucking twenty something year old than to actually look at bit, like what the fuck am I doing with my life? There is something just bothering me. I need to I need to look within myself. And I've realized it's people are broke and they don't want to be fixed. And when you don't want to be fixed, you turn it into rags. It's a lot of sad motherfuckers out there, and they have taken their sadness and their disappointments and and and and wherever they are in life, be it they mad, They kids, they husband, they work situation, and they don't know what to do, so they go online. They're fucking harassed twenty something year olds versus trying to figure out what's the root cause or the problem that's making me goddamn miserable.
Yeah, yeah, it's it's kind of crazy just to think that it's crazy that we're here right and it doesn't feel like anyone's questioning how we got here and why are we here and why can't we leave?
And because it's not normal.
Because it feels like that's the real that's the real battle, is that people need to say chill the fuck out, because whether once once people are leaking someone set like sex tapes.
And you're like, good, got that bitch, You've lost.
The plot because you ain't protecting her, you ain't protecting your man, you ain't protecting anybody. That's just pure fucking hate revenge. That's you know, that's that's a revenge porn as they used to call it, you know, and you're and you're advocating that to get back at some fucking stranger on the internet because you don't like the way her titties be shaken. That's that's an insane thing to do and it shouldn't be normalized. And uh, that's why we had these conversations here. I gotta wrap up because we gotta go. I gotta be on another podcast, so we got to end this episode. I'm sorry everybody. We'll be back Saturday for feedback hopefully. And until next time, Uh don't forget the live show tickets because especially if won vi IP, they're pretty much gone. So until next time, I love you, wh