Rod and Karen banter about ear cleaning, AI phone commercials, 3rd lane on a bridge, Black/Dark Soy Sauce, and hijinks attending the Hornets games. Then they discuss Jaime Harrison not running for reelection, RFK joining Trump's administration, Muslims who voted for Trump regretting it already and what this election was a backlash to.
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I listened to The Black Guy Who Tips podcast because Rod and Karen or Hunt. Hey, welcome to another episode of The Black Guy to His podcast. I'm your host, Rod, joined us always by my co host, and we are live on a Sunday afternoon, ready to give you some podcasts. And took a little bit of time off a little weeky week to.
Recharge our batteries, refresh ourselves. You know how it is.
We have been working hard throughout the entire election cycle without really taking any breaks, which you know, that's that's not what I've been to.
You can find us.
Everywhere you find podcasts, just search The Black Guy Who Tips.
We have a couple show keeping notes.
I just want to put up their little housekeeping for everybody that's a big fan of the show. A couple of things going on. The first one is Christmas cards, you know, holiday cards. We're gonna do it again. I'm gonna send y'all holiday cards. But of course the condition is you email us. You're mailing address in the correct format. Yeah, not one sentence, not all runos, no payt spaces. I just want to copy and paste it onto an envelope sticker.
And if you don't know It's one of those things where you can search online, particularly if you outside of the United States, but it's no only name address and like a PO box or apartment.
Followed by the state, the city, state, and zip code.
Yeah, just look it up, Google it. It's not just one sentence. Some of y'all do that. And it's not that I am going to be a dick and be like I'm not sending it to you. I'm just saying, be a nice person to help me out, and I'll help you out. It just makes the process a lot faster if I don't have to go in there add punctuation and spaces and stuff, so you can email us. The black Out Tips at Gmail is the bottom at the bottom of the show notes in every episode, we typically just send people, you know, like a nice little card to thank you for being a listener and stuff. When we run out, we run out, I'll probably order about like one hundred or so, and if we get over that, then you know, it might be too many people, it might not be able to but you know, I think one hundred's gotten it done in the past. First come, first serve, Yeah, first come, first serve, So make sure y'all do that we wanna, you know, we want.
We like doing this.
It's a fun little tradition that we started and we've been doing it for years now, and it warms our hearts. The second thing is, so you're gonna warm in our hearts, warm our pocketbook. Okay, but with that, I mean it is Black Friday. It's African American Friday Sale. It's the Black Friday who tips sell the annual sale that we do.
What it is is this typically a subscription.
For a year of our premium behind the paywill content is one hundred and fifty dollars, all right, and we work hard for we're more prolific than anybody else's premium stuff that I would guess by hours and by just episodes, and we earn that money. But it also is what keeps our podcast Black independent, you know ourselves, you know, able to do what we want to do, talk as long as we want to talk, able to honestly, it's what enables us to be able to sign a deal with like the Inflection Network and not be like, man, if this doesn't work, we're gonna be out here shine and shoes, you know. So anyway, I'll put the link in the show notes. We'll make a separate episode post about it as well. I also emailed everybody who already signed up for this last year because the deal renews. Yeah, through PayPal, the deal will renew. So if you've signed up last year and you haven't canceled it, you don't need to re sign up. Okay, this isn't like some type of weird grift. We're not trying to get more multiple moneies out of y'all. Just if you want to stay in, stay and if you don't go to your PayPal account and cancel it, that's fine too. You know, we definitely understand all that. But yeah, you can do that and also email me if you have any questions. You should be able to check your PayPal and see if you're renewed. If when it renews, all that stuff, the price is the same. It's one hundred dollars now, So it's one hundred dollars eight dollars and thirty three cents a month to get behind the paywall and get balls. The Sports Movie Trade, Sport movie Reviews, the nerd Off pregame. There's just so much stuff back there, honestly.
Yeah, and there's several shows that we record Live, just specifically for the premium people.
So for those of you that's.
Been kind of debating on going premium, this is a great time to get the whole year at a discount rate. Yeah.
When we record balls these for it's the pregame a nerd off, we go live. There's a chat room, there's a crowdcast. It's a fun time. It's very interactive. So get behind the paywall. We've given you guys some glimpses behind the paywall before, but yeah, so make sure you guys sign up for that and if you have questions, email me the Blackout Tips at gmail. If you have issues where you like I can't use PayPal, email me the Blackout Tips work gmail dot com. I've already talked to one person already about like, okay, here's what we're gonna do. So yeah, there's other ways to do it. Venmo, cash app ze, bunch of stuff. So that is most of the housekeeping really for that stuff. The holiday card addresses and the black Friday who Tips sale is back for twenty twenty four and it ends December the sixth at midnight. Okay, I know some of y'all like to wait till the last second. Some of y'all like to wait till like a minute after midnight. I don't know what's up with you those, but y'all like to do that. I'm just letting you know. That's when the program. The program is gonna be like I always get some email or something from somebody three weeks later, like, hey, man, I know it's twenty twenty five, but what's up with that Black Friday sail?
Come on, man? The window open long? At hell? Is this ain't even really Black Friday?
It's like the seventeen You got so much time to do this, so makes y'all do.
That three whole weeks? All right, let's get into the show, show stuff I get. Do you have any banter?
I do?
Okay, all right, let me pull up the banter music. Sorry everybody, I wasn't prepared for this. Here we go.
Do you have any Do you have any?
Do you have any banter? Answer? Answered? Banter? Answered? You talk to me? Do you have any banter? Banter? All right, Karen, go ahead.
My first thing is I thought about this before, but I have very small ear canals, and so because of that, uh, it actually has a tendency to just kind of clock my ear my ears up and it's nothing like I can hear in things like that, but there's just a bunch of damn ill acts. So I've made it a part of my like my annual duty because like the older I've been getting, the more diligent I have been on self care. I make sure I get my mimigram every month. I make sure I get my annual every month. I make sure every year, I'm sorry, every year. I make sure I get my eyes checked every year. And uh, normally when the have to check my ears, you know, they.
Take their little things.
She always tell me it's she cleans it, but she can't actually clean it, like the like the people that uh specify that that are specifically that's their job. So I just put that on the things you know to do yearly too. And I went this time and it was really neat. I've had my ears cleaned out several different ways, but I've I've had you know them them dig utensils. I've had you know, water flush, but she actually vack and cleaned my ears out. I mean it's probably not back and clean, you know the technical term for it, but.
Sh in my e I'm going.
And it was just sucking out the ex in my ears and she was just kept going down there seven different times.
It was just a really really neat experience.
And so it feels good to have your ears clean and things like that. And also as you get older, you're hearing, uh might differ, and so this gives a professional chance to look at my ears just like a look at my eyes. So because I want to find out what's going wrong ahead of time. You know, I love my family, but you know a lot of old black folks wick to there on the death bed and be like, well, I guess I go bitch, No when sure's too high, No, I'm going find out, tell me in advance and we can fix it down. So I just thought that that was a really really just a neat, a different, different experience of getting my ears clean clean, you got a thing.
It was, it just all me.
Only thing I really wrote down was that they have these new commercials for artificial intelligence on phones.
And it's all like, uh, like one of them has Bella Ramsey in it.
She's the girl from the Last of Us and little Lady mormont on uh how the Game of Throngs and she's talking to her agent. In this commercial, she's playing herself, you know. So she's talking to her agent. Her agent sent over an email with a script attached. She didn't read the script. She was supposed to read the script. There having lunch about the script, and then she's like, hey, can you summarize it for me? It's like it is a romance with this doesn't and then she pretends to know that it's like what the script is about. There's another one where a woman like her daughter is talking to her husband. Like the woman's husband like, so, I guess their daughter is talking to her her dad, Oka, you know what I'm saying. And so the wife, the older wife, is watching the daughter give her the dad a birthday gift and she's like, oh shit, I'm the mom and I'm the wife, and I fucking forgot that my husband's birthday. So then she like uses Ai to create a video montage with a sentimental song of a bunch of pictures of him and his daughter and them together, and it's like this is the gift I gave you, and sends it and then it walks away and it's like, oh wow, look at AI saved the day.
And I just got to say.
Both of these commercials just make the people look like uncaring assholes don't give a fuck about friends, family, and work. That's like, I mean, maybe that is the pitch. Maybe that is how people feel. Maybe all of y'all are fucking assholes, and y'all are gonna go buy this shit and.
Be like, well, I got to get the.
Phone to make it so that I actually don't ever have to give a fuck about a person again.
But those are both not appealing to me.
It was more like a loss of society to watch their commercial, like is this what the fuck we've become? Is you just gonna artificial intelligence your way out of human connection?
That's some bullshit if you're into that.
And also it's one of those things I think, for particularly in America, it's go go, go, go, go go go, So people are consistently going.
They don't really take time off. We have the least amount of vacation days.
We need the least amount of vacation days on the table for the amount of time we have this as a populace.
So people are already always busy.
And they always are going, and so.
This right here is like you're busy, you know, you're super busy, you know, you doing some shit.
Here's something so you don't have to focus on the things.
I hear what you're trying to say. But these are for both examples are shit you supposed to care about, like it's not astand like if it was like automating some shit you could give a fuck about, Like it was like, hey, we will automatically unsubscribe you from every political text message you get. You don't gotta do nothing, you just you open up your fucking phone. It's like, take me the fuck off this list. Oh thank you, sirih you took care of that for you, for your boy, that's fine, But this ship is like, oh, your kid is having a recital. You couldn't you couldn't be bothered to show up, and you couldn't even think about it. Here's a here's an AI response that makes it sound like you went to the recital and the right things to say to him. That's such bullshit. If that's a selling point, and this is it marks it marks a.
Clined societally.
If that is a way to sell you anything.
That I understand, Like for things that are like monotonous and things like that, I understand but it's one of those things.
But yes, there's some things you.
Either just need to be like I bad, I forgot, or either just take the time and the effort and just do it the right way.
But I'm not trying to give advice. I'm just saying the fucking commercial suck.
I said there had to be some better shit y'all could have came up with AI to do those.
Both of those examples are like, all it is is you're a horrible person. Bella Ramsey is a horrible person that doesn't even read the fucking sports agent does, but then accepts the lunch and then lies to the agent like she read the bullshit that that's not good. Bella Ramsey is a dickhead. That wife is a piece of shit. That's what the ad is for. The ad is you I'm a bad person. Those are bad ad.
I don't want to take the extra effort.
What's next?
They gonna have an ad where it's like, uh, you cheating on your wife, but you need an alibi.
They're gonna have an alibi call on your back.
Yeah, And then like it ends with this this tagline from a song. It's like I'm a genius or whatever. I'm like, no, you're a piece of shit. You're not a good person. Don't sell me this bullshit. Who the fuck does this? This is gonna Oh no, the police at the door. They knocked my wife called her because I was beating on her. Uh help me AI and was like, oh, just tell them that she hit you first.
I'm a genius. Like, why is that a commercial?
How do I notify everybody I haven't been using protection and everybody's got herbies that had sex with me last year?
Oh? Shoot, this group email text to everybody, I'm a genius.
Some bullshit and I don't like it and I don't support it, and I won't be using that shit.
Sounds like you are taking this as a personal slight It is, yes, because if we.
Should all make it personal, what is it saying about us? Go ahead?
I'm sorry, yeah, that's a society. Yes, what is it say saying?
It's not so little commercial? It's like Apple or some ship. What the fuck are you saying about your people that buy your products?
We know y'all don't give a fuck about your.
Family and your jobs and your loved ones and your artistic endeavors.
Just make it up. Fuck them, You ai.
AI to the rescue.
That's hilarious.
My next random thought is I was coming home and I was going across the bridge and uh, and it's two lanes and it's like space on the side for a third lane, but it's not actually a third lane. It's like the side, you know, like I don't want you you call it that the boundary of the road. And so all of a sudden, you know, two cars I was in there, I was upfront of cars beside me. Did all of a sudden rolled up beside that third car, And I was thinking, there is not a third lane, but like once you go across the bridge, it does kind of pick up and turn into another lane because people are kind of coming off up up off the highway, and they created another lane on the other side of highway.
But as you go across the bridge, it's literally only two lanes.
And all of a sudden, three cars was going across the street, and I slowed down because I was like, are they gonna merge into the cobb side me, Like I don't know what was happening. I'm just glad everybody made it across the street safely. But it was just wild how people that this person decided they was gonna make themselves a Plaine.
It was just weird.
And I also learned that dark sauce and black dark soy sauce and black soy sauce is the same. I did not know that men Rogers was looking for dark dark soy sauce. Uh.
And the lady was like, uh, it's black. I was like black.
I was like, oh, that must be the word that y'all using the place of it. So I I learned that that's that's a new thing that I learned.
What what? What's so? These are just more like observations.
So on the highway, somebody just went around and you was like, that's I'm writing this down.
We got to discuss this. Okay, yeah, this is my random thoughts. You said they.
Already Listen, you understood that something I'm just trying to follow.
You know.
Normally I try to think of like a funny joke or anecdote or.
Something we could like riff off of.
This is more just like, man, I was riding down the street and a car didn't it made it right?
With no light on?
Show with that what's up with that nigga ship? It was random to me.
I didn't expect it to be three lanes going across this goddamn bridge. It was wild and random, so I thought I would share my random experience with y'all.
No, you understood that, Simon. I mean, I didn't say jokes.
You ain't saying you know, you ain't saying they had to make connections here.
No, No, they don't have connections.
I just know some motherfucker somewhere is looking at my face like rogers want her to shut up, and I'm like, no, I just don't know where to hop into this double dutch. She's doing a double dutch that I.
Don't even know.
I don't know, but that's my own beat. This is all new to me. We didn't prepare this. It's not rehears This isn't you know miss Mary and mac mac Max. She's just doing some ship that she made up. And I'm just over here trying to see if I can can figure something out to contribute that doesn't like detract from what you're saying.
So, third lane on the bridge, and what was the next one?
The next one the black and dark? Soy south the difference between them, because me and.
Roy, are you why do you think there's a difference though.
Because when I when I accalated, I was like, do y'all have dark soy sauce? And so I was looking for other words dark soi sauce because that's what I thought was going to be on a label. And when she came back there, she was like this one. I was like, oh black, so black and.
Dark the opposite of a difference.
It's the same, yeah, yeah, but I didn't mean differences. It's the same. But I didn't realize the words were kind of interchangeable.
Yeah, which threw me off.
So we was going up and down the lane just to looking, just looking, and I guess she saw we were back there looking.
For one for a while. For you let me come back and help these lost speedpers.
Yeah. I was doing the same thing. We went to like this Asian Vietnamese market because I wanted to. I got to saw a YouTube commercial about making like this onion or oyster sauce chicken, and I was like, you know what, fuck it, I want to try and make it. You know, I like doing stuff like that, And so I went to go get the ingredients and they had all the ingredients, but the way the lanes were broke up at the store, and the way things are kind of fould and you know, a lot of stuff was not in English, and so I just couldn't find everything. But I was determined to find as much as I could. And yeah, stuff like dark soy sauce versus black soy sauce. I was like, I don't know, and I'm sitting there staring at it for five minutes and then a lady comes and it's just like that's it, and I'm like, oh, okay, So I guess I was close enough or it just don't make that big of a difference. But she don't give a fuck about my recipe. It's my recipe, and she got bottles to sell five ninety nine. Nigga, get the fuck out of my store. The thing that bothered me was when I side a receipt on my bank, you know, cause I still balance my check book. Basically, when I saw the receipt on my bank, it said like the name of the store and then oriental, And I was like, is that like a they can say it thing?
Because I thought we was off oriental. I thought we was done saying that one.
Is that the name of the place something?
Something? Now I'm sure it's the name of the place, but I'm just saying like it was on the receipt. You know, I didn't even feel comfortable. I was like, oh, I feel I said, yeah, it's not my fault. Obviously you said it yourself. But it's like if I went to a to a to a grocery store and it was like, you know, Rods Ghetto Paradise or whatever on my receipt, I'd be like, Eh, we calling, are we still using that? Uh for?
Is that a thing? We're saying?
We're not at the common parlance? So I don't I didn't see it on the sign on the store door. It's weird that it's on the receipt.
Now, hopefully nobody is scanning my of transaction.
Nobody going that your bank statement going.
Okay, Rod, what did you went to?
No, no problem.
I'm just trying to come up ways to contribute everybody. I don't want nobody looking at my face thing.
And I don't give a fuck. I actually do care. I'm just trying to figure it out.
I just went through my thoughts and kept it trucking.
You know, I know you would have, but they would have rode in and said, I'm a horrible husband and I'm secretly abusive.
So just I'm trying to I'm trying to dodge the charges. Go ahead, what's no problem.
And like he said, it's got random thoughts. I am all over the place.
You know. We go to the Hornings game and it's this it's this man who is an usher download he's there like every game, and I think he's secretly sending Klaus cousin because.
We all starting to get another characters around us. I have to say, sitting down low, to me is actually better than sitting up there with the monitors and going to the buffet, and even with the nicer seats, which I did like those nice seats because my knees get start hurting if we sit for too long, and the bleachers, But it's much better being around people and stuff, and I actually enjoy, uh, you know, watching the game with people. People always end up talking to me for some reason, but honestly, I don't mind. Like they've they've never It's always either about some sports ship or they're being funny.
I have had any bad interactions.
Often it's team it's people from the other teams, and so far they all been pretty good sports about stuff, and so yeah, I've actually been enjoying sitting down there. But you get to know some characters, such as Santa Claus, the usher. There's also that black man that whenever that we come in, they always have like a DJ playing old school music, and there's a black man that's like a janitor.
Oh he knows I'll just be over there with his.
Mop and he'd.
Be like, shout out to the DJ while he's sweeping.
Yeah about He's always in the same spot. I don't even know if he's sweeping. I don't think he's just standing in that same spot every time.
Like I know, it's not a mess over there every time you're just standing about the DJ boo like pick up the pieces.
Hey, yeah, and you just see him over there too, stepping with it broke me a the ps, like the us.
Hey, you don't know nothing about this boy. Y'all ain't old nothing more about this.
That's what he tell us every time we see him.
It's fucking hilarious. It makes me crack up every single time.
In the in the even the woman that is the usher for our section, she knows us now, mostly because of Karen on Shore, but she knows us now, she don't even.
Ask to look at our tickets.
She'll be like, oh, I know, I'll be showing the tickets off scare like something gonna happen, But I'm gonna get to my seat and in security gonna come and be like, you don't.
Own these seats, you don't belong here.
But yeah, so it's nice. I'm really enjoying going these games. It was such a great uh, such a great investment, man. You know, I really like I know some other people. You know, y'all take vacations, y'all go into France, y'all.
You know, whatever it is you w into. You know, I'm more happy for you.
Maybe that I'll be doing that one year instead of these tickets. But right now, Uh, these tickets are real God sending and a reprieve to have something to look forward to and some fun to get out the house, you know what.
And may I really do think this was one of the best purchases, particularly doing the full year, because like you said, it gives you a an excuse to get out the house, an excuse to kind of break up your monotony like in your day. It just gives you something to look forward to whenever that time comes, and particularly the game this week because it was like on a Saturday in the afternoon, and so we got to see a lot of kids because normally the games are like later, which is like you know, six, seven, seven thirty, so the games ain't getting uhing like nine thirty ten. So you got smaller kids, you ain't trying to drag them out there and have you know, depend on the age of the kid trying to get home and getting traffic. You know, it's Lake school night and all that shit. So it just was just really really fun to see all the troudren.
Then when you have it and the people that's sent around us, like I said, they've been fun.
You know.
I talked to some I talked to some Bucks fans yesterday, and then on the other side it was a dude that was talking about, you know, the dark Rivers can't.
Coach, and I don't think you could coach.
And then when we played the Pacers and I converted over to the to the dark side where I think Tyrese Haliburton, it's sorry now, and I just kept yelling at every time he had the ball, like he's sorry, he sucks, and I got some people around me those in the hard They was like, I agree that he sucks, and we started talking stuff too, and so it's just been fun. It's been fun. I can't recommend it enough. If it's something you're into like that, well I would. Actually, I can only really recommend it for basketball only because I think football is only eight games a year, and I'm pretty sure you can't really get to know the people around you for the for the pants that we sucked, so most people are probably selling those tickets to other people, so you're not gonna be around the same people, right. I think the general tenor of football fans is just much worse than NBA fans, Like NBA fans are typically a little bit more fun, a little bit less racist, a little bit more approachable. You don't have to worry about getting a physical fight at a game all the time.
So I can only recommend it for NBA.
I haven't done the other sports to know, like hockey could be cool.
I don't know how to.
Baseball could be cool, and I don't know, but I can definitely tell you if you got like a NBA team in your city, it's a good investment.
Yeah it is, And also about the game last night. It was a little girl behind us. This is why I love the kids. That little girl loved to us from Jannis. Every time Yannice got the ball, no matter what was happening, that baby was like shoot.
I was like, baby, he ain't gonna shoot in this situation.
She was like shoot, shoot, shoot Yonnie.
She thought Jannis was literally listening to her. Yes, like Y's gonna look up in the crowd and be like, oh, what'd you say?
The other thing that was funny too, is that about kids that I love is that the kids don't mind just rooting for both teams and the heartbeat. They just want to have a fun time at the game.
They like, somebody scored yay.
I really hate, I really hate that adults lost that, and I blame it on these fucking nerds, these fucking loser as Michael Jordan dick sucking nerds. God damn rued everything because it's like they don't even understand what the point of watching sports is. If your team can't win the championship like they like, it's such a loser.
Malecontent, negative ass like bitching attitude. I don't give a fuck about a salary at a time like this, I don't give a fuck about uh, how many years a contract is man, just it's the game fun to watch or not. I'm not doing statistical analysis of what percentage of the shots are threes versus two's. I'm like, dunk on that nigga or hit that jumper, pass that ball or don't. That's what happens when you're at a game and you're watching the game for me, yes, like I so like, Uh, I really hate how miserable adults are about sports because they know every fucking thing and they hate everything, and all their teams are supposed to win championship.
There's no reason to play.
They simultaneously hate when their players get injured, but also don't want a player to play a fucking game if God forbids the stakes aren't the highest, right, Like, you just not a play a game because it's your fucking job. You get paid a lot of money and you're healthy enough to do it, so why wouldn't you just play all the games you can play? So they're mad when the players are like you know, and they're like, we're gonna sit this guy out because I mean, listen, our team sucks.
Why would anyone.
Want to see this player play, even though they're individually great, if they're not playing for a championship, fuck it, which I hate.
And then they do the other thing.
With like someone like Joel and Bea who's chronically injured. It is like Baud, I can't play back to back games. I'm always fucked up. Then they get mad at him, like your ladies, they bitch, get out there and get the work slave. It's just misery, misery, misery, and I refuse to let my sports be misery. So that's the thing I like about the Hornets games. That's what I like about going with you is that it just gets to be a fun time forty one times a year, and that's that's all I'm really in it for. I just I wouldn't even watch it on TV if it made me even a little bit miserable.
Agreed, agreed.
And also I think with me, when I go to the games, I like to see the other teams because you know, particularly this year, with us going all the games, we go literally get to see everybody because before we kind of had to pick and choose, but now we're gonna get to see everybody, So I'm excited about getting to see everybody this year.
And for me.
Yannis did a dunk and I was like, ooh, okay, here on the other team, and that dunk was nasty and the whole arena erupted. It didn't matter what to me what side you was on, you know, quote unquote.
I mean, that's why you want to be there so you can see that shit. You're not rooting for it, but if it happened, it's like, glad I got to see it.
Yes, glad, I'm glad I got to see it.
And the last thing talk about the Hornets game. What's hilarious to me is a lot of people they don't know and understand the scheme of and I know a lot of people do this, like going down to like.
The lower levels just to sit.
A lot of people they don't wait till like the third quarter of possibly the fourth quarter. They like to come down sometimes during halftime. I was like, that's a terrible time because you know, everybody is basically going to get something to eat and coming back. So when these people come back, you're gonna be plopped in their seats, you know.
And have you never done that before? Yes?
A half, yes, a half, but some people they don't know how to coordinate it right.
Well, so there's a lot of moving parts.
Okay, they what you supposed to do, and well, I don't know if they just not doing it or they just got got slipping. Okay, you scope you sitting in the two hundreds or wherever. You see some seats down low that nobody sat in for the first half. What you supposed to do is go get them seats at halftime or right at the halftime, sit down there for a little bit. I would not risk the rest of the game, but third quarter, maybe a little bit of the fourth quarter, and then you get go back to your seat, so you leave. The problem is other people be scoping them seats too, and so sometimes you go down to take four seats with you and your homies, but somebody else don't want to take two of them seats them and they homie and so you got a weird thing because none of y'all got claimed in them seats. So you would have sat there in the first fucking half, dummy, And you don't want to cause no commotion because then you got the usher like, hey, now I gotta do my fucking job.
And get you out of here. So I think that's really what's happened.
I don't think it's just that they like don't understand the etiquette.
It's just that it's not coordinated.
So like everybody ain't got the same you know, agenda when they come down there, so you got people playing musical chairs.
But it's definitely it's definitely funny when people do that stuff.
Yeah, because some dudes did that and I was like, they was like, excuse it. I was like, oh, y'all can just I was I was, I was game. I was like, oh, y'all can just move down one. They went down and say, oh, we're good. I was like, long as you move down one because it was plenty.
If the whole road was empty.
I don't play that shit. So when I came back and they was in our seats, I just went, those are our seats. Now at that point, they gotta figure out what they gonna do. I'm not gonna tell you you can stay and leave. It ain't up to me. Only thing I want you is out.
Of my seat, agreed, And that's what most people.
Dudes, don't be don't be fucking with me. And then the rest of between y'all and God and the usher dogs. So that's it.
That's it for me, all right, cool? What that was our banter? Plenty of news that get into.
Let me play some music and it will come right back, all right, plenty of news get into. I didn't play the at the election beat thing because it's like, you know, it's kind of it's pretty much over. There's a lot of political news that still sucks, but that part is over. Yes, So I do a little bit at a time. It's gonna be a lot of political blitz. I don't know that I'm gonna get detailed into everything. Just for our own sanity and yours listening. I'm sure y'all don't want to have to do this. And also, I think a big part of our job here, and a big part of the Republican plan, is that they want to blitz us. They want to shock us into numbness and apathy. But also they want us to be like pie in the sky. I mean, like the sky's falling. Everything is terrible, I feel terrible. Part of this was like an emotional attack on a lot of folks, and they want us constantly panicking, overreacting, full of anxiety, paralyzed by terror and fear.
They want us to fill those things. And I'm gonna do my.
Damness to not give into any of that despair type bullshit. It is what it is. Meaning I'm not gonna avoid reality. I'm not gonna sit up here and blow smoke up your ass. But I'm not one of these people that's turning in my fucking survival card.
Like, well, I guess that's it.
I'm dead, Like I'm not giving up all my rights and all my freedoms and ship like that, Like I refuse. And I think when people panic and and like you say, they going all these different directions and nothing gets done. So you're you're technically just kind of just giving up.
Yeah, we're just gonna keep you all the breast of the news and monitor the situation. That's that's all I got for you.
Yes, And I can't speak for nobody else, but I know for me all Joks aside, I have not.
And I don't know when I'm gonna go back. And I know I'm gonna go back, but I don't know when I'm gonna go back.
I haven't listened to not one political podcast. I haven't really paid attention to I haven't listened to anything to steal election. Like I have literally tapped out, like literally tapped out. Like you said, I see things because they kind of come across your your your your thing. But I cannot uh a deep dive into that, like my my, the way my mind mentally functions, Like when I said I was tired and I need to break I met that shit. I will come back, but as of right now, probably have the ship Roger stelling me gonna be a surprised because I tapped out.
So, like I said, I'm not one of these people that's gonna obsess over everything. But I want to keep us abreast and stuff because I think it does. It's a detriment to not know, agreed to not know at all. It's just and it's not gonna protect or help you to not know any of this shit.
So we're just gonna try to sanitize it, man.
I member.
We used to do that yall's man segment during the Trump administration. May we'll bring that back. We never had music for that, y'all, man, but maybe we'll do that.
Do that.
I'm gonna delete all the.
Like old election election news because, like I don't give a fuck about doctor Phil at this point like that, but I want to talk about some other stuff. Democrat National Committee Chairman Jamie Harrison is not expected to seek renomination, so he'll probably be stepping down from the DN as DNC chairman. I think it's gonna be interesting because a lot of the reaction from Democrats and leftists and people that vote Democrat and of course act people that are so like woke that they don't vote Democrat because they're just no no options good enough.
And this happens every time Democrats lose.
But there's something here that I think people should stop and take a breath.
You lost about one, you know what I mean.
It's like when you lose a Super Bowl by one? Do you break your team up? Like that's it for the team? We done that? That was a damning because to me, this is what the electoral college is designed to do, is to make you feel like you got trounced, like like to make you like, oh, you lost every swing state. Yeah, but if we lost every swing state within the margin of air, you lost every swing state by you know, tens of thousands of votes, that's not unrecoverable. That's not a burning shit to the ground start all the way over from scratch. To me, the only way you truly believe that is if you're like, democrats should always win in a landslide in any year that they don't is damning, and which is how people treat it, by the.
Way, Yes, yes they do. And that's very, very, very dangerous. And there these are the things. And I look at people and I'm like, oh, sometimes I look at people, Oh, you're not smart, because it's a difference between like you saying you barely crossing the finish line and you was like, well, we just didn't have enough. If we tweak what we have, we can keep going, and then just saying this is shit and blow it up, because every time you blow it up, you have to rebuild. Like you have to rebuild, which means you're gonna have to bring new people in, which you mean they got to learn the process, which means you have to go through a learning car like it's a lot of shit that has to happen every time you blow the shit up, it ain't. And then you're gonna cry and complain about why ain't gone get done? Because the veterans, the people didn't knew what the fuck that they were doing. You got rid of their asses because as far as you was concerned, y'all didn't go in there and just mollywop.
So fuck the whole process.
That doesn't make sense.
Yeah, I think you know a lot of people giving in to their fear and their anxieties. And also, for the what it's worth, a lot of people just always had certain rights with the Democratic Party and they're just using confirmation bias to say whatever their issue is is the issue that the party has right, which is why a lot of the analysis is all over the place. A lot of white people are on some you know what cost us this election was dealing with all these marginalized issues and activists and and.
Think tape groups and stuff.
So we don't like that, y'all wanted like us trying to say we're including and protecting the rights of trans people and talking about that hurt the party. Us Bringing up reparations or health plans to help black men, that hurt.
The party us.
Uh uh bring even us bringing up abortion was not as helpful as it's supposed to be because it hurt people. It hurts, it makes people leave, and it makes people not want to vote. Uh you know, Palestine makes people not want to vote, stuff like that.
Uh so so you got those people.
Of course, then you have your pro Palestine people who are like, that's what killed it, you know, is the pro Palestine y'all weren't pro Palestine enough. Meanwhile, black people and Jewish people are the only little marginalized groups that showed up showed up for Democrats, So there would have been a trade off. You would have lost some Jewish vote, but no one wants to talk about that ugly trade off.
Which it is. You let me see who else had this issue.
Oh, then you got the the people who think it's about donors and rich people in corporate interest and stuff like that, as if that's not what the other side is completely given into, as if you can completely win the election without that, and most importantly, let's say someone did that, as if that is the reason that all these other people set out, which I don't know that that is. I think that's an issue people have with the Democrats that they have. It's an issue they have with politics in general. But it's an issue a lot of people only really level at the feet of the Democrats. But at the same time, they level it at the Democrats, but they don't have any of the evidence to back up that. There's this huge movement of people who are just waiting for some party to be like, we will not accept a single corporate donation, and then all of a sudden, all these people a gonna be like, Yes, I've been waiting on this my whole life. You know how I set out every other fucking election before this. Now I'm sitting in I think it's just pie in the sky fan cast, and I think what we're ending up with is everyone working backwards from whatever it is they want it, and a lot of people just telling them themselves. They are like, what you really wanted was you tied all this black people shit? Yes, you tied all this fucking woman shit, You tied all this motherfucking diverse LGBTQ shit.
You tired of it?
And now here's a chance where everyone's looking at the licking their wounds. They're feeling like they got beat in the landslide, and you can go.
What if we just stop fucking with these other minorities and stuff?
What do we just made it a party of working working, white class people, white working class people. And then the white people will come back and join our coalition, and we won't need these.
Blacks and these women and all that.
We won't really need them anymore because we'll have the whites back, to which I have to say, this is why I will always defend Michelle Obama, because this party does not have the stomach to do that. That is going low. That is going very That is going low. That is what going low would really look like. Like everyone think's going low. It's just like I call Trump fat or whatever. You child, grow up, Hey, going low is some shit. Like we looked at the trans people and said, I'm sorry, but your rights is very inconvenient because we losing certain people that we think will vote art for us, but they get hung up on you having rights, and so we want them Dave Chappelle's them, Joe Rogan's we want them people back. So we not talking about your rights no more. I'm not saying we're legislating against your rights. I'm not saying right, I'm not gonna call you out and demigod you. You can come to the rally, but I will never support you. I will never return a glance. I will never say a single word in my campaign about and I don't know if it's getting ready to happen. I'm saying that that's what people. Some people want this, and their strategy is if you do this, that will fix the party and you'll get a certain group of people back. And this is why I said, I go up from Michelle Obama because you can't outload how low the other side is willing to go. So you think, oh, if we stop talking about trans groups, those voters will come back. I'm like, if those voters set out an election where every commercial with Charlemagne to God talking about trans prisoners getting surgery, where Donald Trump was lying and saying they were transitioning your child, and you come back home as they don't give a fuck, Yeah, they're not coming back, and they're not. And if they do give a fuck the other way where they're like, I hate trans people, you can't out hate the other side. You're gonna have to write some of these motherfuckers off and find some new group or some new thing. Because that's really the math. The math is the math. It's not even a huge difference. Honestly, Like, as the numbers come in, the votes are still being counted, your popular voter is gonna end up very close, if not her winning it, but it's gonna be closer than we thought.
But it's not Biden, which is the most ever.
And I have a theory as to why Biden got the most ever, And it's not just that he's a white man. But I was thinking, like, what's the thing that really brings us together? Because you know, other white men have lost the white man. You know, we've watched Al Gore lose. We've watched uh do cock is lose like white man? No, I think about it.
It's can I guess?
Go ahead?
What really brings us together is fucking up the economy and and and and and like and like putting us on like the brink of shit.
Yeah, I want to say, what brings us together? The only thing I've really seen do it is Republicans winning.
Yes, bigger because no, normally, like because I've I've been long, I've been here long enough, y'all, this is how it goes. We'll normally go Democrats. Like if we have a Democrat, people take shit for granted. This that this is this is how it goes. People take shit for granted. Everybody kind of your rights and shit go up. You knowing all this shit, everything's good, you voted Republican Union. All of a sudden, the military budget goes up, money starts going all these places. You want a lower tax, like just stupid shit, tear ifs all this shit. All of a sudden, economy's tanks, like like something fucks up in the economy tanks. And then when the economy tanks, that's when why people go, oh shit.
Y'all fucking up my money, I'm losing my house.
Whatever it is. Because with Obama we.
Had the housing collapse and all this shit.
Everybody go oh shit, everybody get scared of want a panic, and then you put a Democrat back in office, and then you go through the same thing again. And normally the thing about Republicans, they've done studies and they always tell us that, hey, if we would just keep putting Democrats in office, we wouldn't have these dips. But because America goes back and forth with the bullshit and it's all on white people, if white people were consistent with their votes, we wouldn't have this problem.
I'm just saying it's the share depression. It's sad because it ain't just white people. It ain't just them. You know that small percentage of marginalized people that went a little bit higher for Trump in twenty twenty or did that go a little bit higher for Trump in twenty twenty four, or those holdouts. They really have to find out it's not it shouldn't be this way.
I don't prefer to be this way.
But I was just thinking, you know, I had a week they really think about this shit, and I'm like, only time I've really seen America as a coalition come together on the left has been because they let shit get so fucked up under Republicans that they went, oh my god, we're in another war whatever, Oh my god.
We don't have this right we used to have. Oh my god.
The economy as bad as you said, Like it really is the only thing I've ever because at the end of the day, people are selfish. We might be at a point where four years ago Trump was so bad. The pandemic thing was so bad, his reaction to it was so bad, His many scandals in office were so bad. I can't call that that was I can't really call how much of that was just Trump and how much of that was just like shit is going bad.
Someone else, come do it, you know, because.
Obviously for a lot of us, it was like Jesus Christ, this is terrible, like Charlottesville and all this shit. But I don't know that that moved this group of people that set this election out. I don't know that that moved this group of people that voted for Joe Biden but didn't vote for Kamala Harrison. I don't know what moved them for sure. And I'm and I'm not arrogant enough to assign one single thing to all of them. The only the only thing I'm willing to assign to all of them is that something about a black woman was.
Too much for them.
And I don't think Kamala Harris, I mean black woman. She didn't run as black women. She ran as Kamala Harris President for everybody, but some about that idea they could not get over. And every analysis since then has been trying to, uh, you know, wallpaper over that very obvious fucking point into like what did the Democrats do wrong?
Did they really do wrong?
Because she she she polled at the same numbers as body, and she had turned out very similar to very close to bout in Like is it was it a she did something wrong. Or are we supposed to look the electoral college results and go this was a landslide, America does not want her? Or can we be honest and be like America's seems to have some issues when it's a black woman at top of that tick, you know.
But anyway, so I didn't mean to getting that huge tangent. But let's see.
Getting rid of some of the old stuff, get to some of the Oh, these these are kindly gonna be the stories that are the most eye rolling, is okay. Some in the US farm industry are alarmed by Trump's embrace of RFK.
JR and tariffs.
He won farm country by wide margins in this month's election, with rural voters helping fuel his return to the White House, but some farmers, economists, analysts, and others in the agriculture industry are voicing alarm over Trump's plans that could disrupt America's one point five trillion dollar food industry.
I hope y'all get with y'all want it, because he can cut y'all fund And he not particularly if you not wanted, if you ain't some of the big boys, he don't give a fuck about d these these acres of land that you got in tien buks fucking to nowhere.
He don't care about y'all.
Y'all getting ready to pay and getting ready to lose y'all farm, and they gonna take everything away.
Trump moved this past week to put RFK Jr. In charge of the Department of Health and Human Services, which includes the FDA, a nomination that requires confirmation by the US Senate. And the thing that's been floating around is you get all these whispered like these these journalists keep reporting like privately Republicans are saying that they will not confirm these choices.
That Trump is making publicly, they're sucking his dick.
Oh yeah, so I don't actually give a fuck what the private reports are. We saw this happen so many times in his administration, where they were all the quote unquote decent Republicans were constantly privately shocked and outraged Paul and then they would go in there and his ship would pass pretty much unanimously, maybe a two holdouts at most, even many times people that people hold up as the Republicans who were anti Trump were voting with him.
The vast majority of the.
Time agreed, agreed, That's why I don't want to hear that.
I don't give a fuck about what you What do you do publicly, what do you do to my face? What you do behind the scenes is irrelevant. If you stand here in front of my everybody, all these names, y'all flown around. Now, people gonna get gonna get up there with no problem. Ain't nobody gonna protest but the Democrats.
One thing I did think was funny, though, is there's a picture of Trump and his uh Elon Musk and his sons and shit, uh and uh rfk Jr.
On the plane.
And they're on I guess you know, Trump forced one or whatever the fuck.
And they're uh eating McDonald's. That's his favorite food, right. But r k Jr.
Is mister health God, he's gonna change what the kids eat.
He calls that stuff poison, all this stuff.
And so this is the picture of them on the plane together, you know, eating this this McDonald's, Uh, and R k Jr. Looks like a he's never held McDonald's in his life.
You know what.
He looked like the models doing them.
No, he don't. He looks like he's gonna throw up.
I mean, yes, as far as far as they look like they don't ever eat the ship.
He looks like he doesn't eat that shit.
No, those people's bodies look like they don't eat this ship. Yes, his fucking face looks disgusting. He looks like the smell of McDonald's makes him want a vomit. But he gotta pretend that he's eating this ship. It's a photo op. It's you know, it's it's it's I don't know who knows. They probably got It's like, I g you gotta put underneath it.
It's an ad.
But you got Mike Johnson on there, Elon Musk, one of them Trump boys, like the sons Donald Trump and then and they're all smiling except for RFK Jr. Who looks like he just got busted cheating on his girl again, Like, oh, no, one's supposed to see me with this McDonald's.
We're sposed to see cheat cheating.
And the thing that I think is interesting about this picture, uh, is one thing Donald Trump gonna do after you hold yourself out.
He gonna make sure the world know that he know you his bitch. Yes, that's what that's what he do.
It's not that he won't welcome you into the fold and make you a useful idiot. You know, it's not that unless you're black, it's not that. It's that he needs you to know that the world.
Knows you his bitch. And that's what making rf k Jr.
This is like calling uh that one guy's wife ugly taed something tad cruiz.
It's like calling his wife ugly and the being like, yeah, you can.
Get in the cabinet with your ugly ass bitch ass wife, your bitch, and everybody's like Jesus, you're still working for him. It's like I know I'm his bitch, and it's like, Okay, r k Jr.
Is McDonald's. That's his You my bitch, you know what I mean?
The little Marco Rubios as he calls him, like he called the man little. Then he give him a cabinet position, you know, sleepy being Carson. Then he go be in charge of the hut.
That's this is his.
You, my bitch, got your bitch, look in the camera, smile, that's right, you, my bitch.
Bitch. Hold that Coca cola. U turn it towards the camera.
You could throw it in the trash at them, but the picture need to let the world know.
He he's mine.
Yes, And I think that's what's so interesting about that, okay Jr. Picture And of course, of course you know, the fucking around and found out.
Of it all is what they called that, Shott and Freud or whatever.
I think I'm gonna have that, y'all think I'm gonna have that for at least four years.
Of me.
Trying my best not to laugh moniacally on this microphone that people having buyers regret yep, because I'm I knew. I don't know how you didn't know. Yes, I'm not accepting you didn't know as an excuse.
It's one of those things where you got cars here in America. If you have a car that has a lot of problems sometimes and that we call them like limit, Like you got a limit of a car, and so you know, we going, ay, that car is a limit, don't buy it, and they're gonna, but I want to and they're gonna. Then you gave them like a list of ship that's wrong with it, and the manufacturer calls, you know, and and all this ship that's wrong with it, and they go, no, but I still want this fuck the best car.
And you're gonna well, it won't get you where you need.
Like you you're kind of for one of them, and the person that's like, fuck it, I want the car.
And after while you go sure you had the car.
And then they broke down the side of the highway somewhere where you roll past.
Demmy, y'all you got.
All I'm gonna do is just look and keep driving, baby, because that's the car.
You won't it.
It's even worse because we all got to be in the same car, so it's even worse. I'm not gonna be driving by like this doesn't bother me. It's not my life. I because I you know what, it wouldn't bother me if I told you, hey, that.
Car is a limit, you went fuck you.
I'm picking the car I want to and I saw you on the side of the highway. I'm like, well, he made a bad decision. I keep riding, no problem. People make bad decisions all the time.
It's the fact that we're in this uber together, my brother and I don't have it in me to not read you for filth.
As the fucking radiator starts smoking on the highway, I am to not go out. I'm not that big of a person. You know what I'm saying. I don't have the turn the other cheapness in me to be like, well, hey, we all thought this car, we're all in the car together. Now we have to make this work. What what help would it be for me to start being upset? My temper is not gonna fix the car any faster. That's right, those things are true. But I also don't give a fuck about that. No more so when I read this shit and it's like they worried about the terrorsts fucking up the price of tomatoes. Yeah, that's what we was worried about too. That's why we didn't vote for his ass.
But you know, I hope you and your fucking tomatoes go out of business. Bitch.
I'll put cucumbers on a sandwich and forgot to I'll fucking grow my own whatever.
I gotta do.
And if I got to do, I just got.
Us go and survival mode. I gotta figure out how I'm gonna pay for my tomatoes.
You fucked up, right.
And so the next one is this Muslims who voted for Trump, upset.
By his pro his real cabinet picks.
The fuck they thought was gonna happen and see not time fine, this not to be angry. This is the bullshit that make me mad.
Aut that made me mad about the whole Palestine Israel thing. It's like, Okay, y'all know neither Canada is perfect, but y'all do know he is gonna make it worse, like y'all do know. He is gonna make it worse like like you do understand this. He gonna look at Benjamin and y'all who and and say you got the green light, motherfucker, like like you know, and now you know, y'all won't turn around like I'm crazy when I told you that he didn't give a fuck in the first place. And you know, and and for some people, and and and I don't care when nobody says. I actually think that, in my opinion, a lot of that ship.
There are some.
People that that was really heavily this was their one button issue. But I think a lot of that was generated by them robots in their eyes and ship.
And the reason why is.
Because after the election, a lot of these pet peeve issues drop, Like I'm coming, nobody to say, like a lot of these pet peeve issues they fucking disappear, right line.
Yes, Why aren't they at the UFC fight where Trump showed up last night? Why aren't y'all outside where the signs at.
I mean this the president elect, This man got the power of the future. Don't go on TV crying about Joe Biden. Do something.
It's too late. It's too late. The leverage he had was winning the election.
That was all the leverage that he was gonna have to be able to do something and be like, you know what, the people chose me for four more years, or Kamala and you know what, dog were cutting off the weapons supplies we caught. We need to see fire today, cause you can't run me up against the clock like you've been doing when you kept wilding out to November hoping I would lose the election.
Well I didn't want to lose, bitch, Do what the fuck I say? Or you're cut off. You can't do that now.
And last time I checked, Donald Trump called the ship, said they need to turn it into glass, said it would be front property. He don't give a fuck. He don't give a fuck, So pardon me as I have to. I can't have any other response to this, Like I said, you've made me cold.
I don't if you're a Muslim that voted for Trump, how that's done.
That's like if one of these niggas, and you know what I'm gonna do it, if one of these.
Coons come out here in the next couple of months and be like, you know, I'm Tim's gutten.
I can't believe Donald Trump didn't put me as a cabinet.
Over hood because I did so much for him.
I'ma be like, you know, and I hate just said we're not a racist country, but that was a racist thing.
No black people got a position.
I'm gonna be like, suck my dick, you coon lip, motherfucker, because you know this, okay, you knew that when you was shining them gumbs up and going on tour for him, you were going on tour for racism. And y'all love to poor. This racism happened to me, not the rest of you blacks, to me and me. Only can the blacks come out where's black lives matter?
For this?
That's what's gonna happen. And I'm not gonna feel.
Sorry for them. So in case you're thinking, well, y'all just feel this way because y'all not Muslim wrong, because when it's black people, I'm gonna be the same energy. If you've voted for Trump and they write one of these dumb ass articles, I'm a black Mary for Trump and I thought he was gonna do this. But I'm in prison, good bitch, and enjoy jail. That's the fuck you should get because you sent a lot of us with that there with you when you absconded from the community, when you decided that you don't need to have no responsibility to voting booth. So no, I don't feel bad for this, these motherfuckers, and uh doubt this was why I always thought it was a dumb plan. And you have to mitigate harm, and you failed the test of how to mitigate harm.
I agreed, I agreed.
And you know, it's just one of my things where you're thinking of all these groups that are gonna be affected. Like you said, it's a percentage that went up across the board for him, and so for a lot of these groups, you're like, hey, dog, he gonna pass.
Shit is gonna directly impact you, And so I don't want to hear it. I just don't.
I told him, we said it the whole time. I remember, like I said, we had people right into the show. I had I remember someone on Twitter like, how can you support this? And I said, because the other choice is Trump?
Right, grow up, grow up? We think this is cat and is everything bitch with This is real life. What's wrong with y'all?
That's an insane thing that I'm the bad guy because I'm like, if we have a choice between a knife and a bullet, we should probably go at the knife. I'd rather get I'd rather get get, you know, cut on the arm and than shot through the heart.
Yeah, but I mean, how can you even support one of them? One of them is coming right, y'all don't have a choice.
I'm gonna get hit by one.
So yeah, it was just you know, anyway, this I guess y'all found out. But if you're writing these articles expecting sympathy, Nope, And when they get to the white people, oh boy, oh boy, because it's coming for the whites that farm ship just to be them terrorists.
That's the beginning. That's just the beginning.
I don't even know how to tell y'all were probably gonna have some people stop listening to the show. I'm just gonna let you know because person but the first time they write about this union voted for Trump, Yes, and.
All their jobs gotta set to Mexico.
I'm sorry right because them people, because the thing is the head of one of the union's I think team Masters, not mistaken teamsters.
Was like, although he is team Mas, yes, more like team Masses yes.
Like he was like, I'm going for Trump, like, but they were individual parts.
It was like, no, that don't make no sense.
This nigga is anti unions, like the whole party is anti unions.
Yeah, so yep uh.
You know all y'all at got mad because Michelle Obama sauta that we had a childhood obesity crisis and was like, maybe we take some of the fucking sugar and the kool aid out of the goddamn vending machines and y'all lost. Y'all goddamn mins, like not only feed my kid pork bacon straight to the veins now, because no black woman's gonna tell me what I can do.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Is out here, like, listen, I've been looking at the young boys testosterone and they balls are not producing enough sperm. I'm taking the seed and the nut oils out of the rotation. We offer that and y'all like, thank you out for mail.
That's what we need. I'm gonna go tear my balls on the mountain side. Thank you. We appreciate your efforts so much.
This is not the then they stayed at all, you know, at least uh well, he shows his arms, he has no shirt on it all. I'm not offended at all, not even a little bit with his cheating ass. You know, like y'all, the double standards is coming and I'm gonna laugh when motherfuckers are like my child.
Was not able to eat pizza to day. I'm like, it's not funny.
People over time get all fucked up and screwed up.
Yeah. Yeah, like like a lot of people didn't don't think this shit gonna impact them. But when they started passing the body, these fucked up ass laws and everybody go like, oh shit, I ain't think it's gonna be me.
Well, bitch was. He gave a laungingst of shit.
He was like, I'm coming for everybody's neck and you ain't believe it.
And this is the last one because I'm not gonna do all the story is every day because I'm not going crazy. And I'm obviously gonna get riled up every time we do this segment for the next four years.
And I don't want to.
I don't want to go crazy, But I just thought this was funny. Have you heard about the blue bracelets? Blue bracelets, the brew lace, the bru blue bracelet is a symbol that democratic women are gonna wear, probably white All right, let's just go. Let's go with the truth. It's mostly it's white women. It's white women, y'all. Is that it is like the safty pins. Yeah, we did this before, so they gonna wear a blue bracelet to let you know.
I'm cool. I'm not like the other whites. Just need to let you know. Yeah we lost, we didn't come through. The Roe v.
Wade thing wasn't just enough. It made some movement, but not enough movement. But I'm not like these other white ladies.
I'm down.
Mm hmmm, I don't. I don't care about any of that bush shit. And yeah, like I said, y'all like to pull shit out. The thing that frustrates me about this and and I think that this election is gonna and people gonna people are responding very, very differently this time because for a lot of people that were bullshitting before, they wouldn't bullshitting this time, and so particularly since uh com of the loss, they come up with that same energy. So I would not be surprised people, I get the fuck out here. We don't care. What we needed for you to do was show up to the post and vote. Doing shit after he's elected is irrelevant because he don't give a fuck. You don't give fuck about your protests and give fucking about your march. Well, you know what he gonna tell the police go out there and gun them down. He does not give a fuck.
I don't think it's gonna work, but I do appreciate the effort every time because I definitely understand the need to want to be like, hey, I'm not with them.
I don't agree with that shit they fucked up.
And the reason I like it is like, say, you on the train, you're on the bus. You know you left your wallet at home something like that, you had the hornets game. I'm looking for these blue verses. Okay, let me hold twenty dollars, you know, like, ma'am, come on now, y'all know what y'all did to the country. Y'all part of the reason I don't got the twenty let me hold some, you know, reason why I feel like all these people with the blue versus to keep like twenty dollars in cash on them too, Like let's just complete the circle, like just basically be like an atm you know, cause I'm not gonna ask for y'all to march. Don't put the pink pussy hat leave you can leave them back in the closet with the mothballs that they took accumulated over the years. I don't really need all that performance, but occasionally I do need five dollars cash to pay for parking. You know, you have a buy a hot dog. You be like, ah shit, I'm two dollars short. Look around in the line behind you, any blue bracelets, maybe you maybe you got money plus the tip. Now I don't know, you know, pay it forward as they say. You see me in line ahead of you at the Chick fil A, go ahead and take that off of me, you know what I mean. Or you see me behind you at the Chick fil A and the drive through, go ahead and take that off of me. Just go ahead and do that for me, So y'all appreciate the blue bracelets. I'm not gonna get on them too hard. It's just more everybody's mad, and so we always forget when we're mad that there are legitimately good people on the other side that feel terrible that took an l two. You know, I don't and I don't you know, there's a deeper philosophical conversation that we may work our way up to one day, because I don't know that I have all the words for it, that I'm not prepared to really say it all flat out, but but you know.
Fuck it, Let's just do it now. They won't have to do it later.
A big part of this backlash that everyone's talking about to me.
Is kind of the way a certain type of.
Opportunists saw twenty sixteen and the death of George Floyd. By by that, I mean they were I think accidentally. I don't think they meant to do this. They accidentally unified groups that typically would not align with each other because of their hatred of each other. But I think they accidentally unified them behind this idea of I just don't like being CHASTI being cajole, being mocked, being picked on, being the aggression of being put in my place or whatever, And there's a human element to all this shit that you know, we've talked about on this show, I think more than most shows that talk about these topics. One of the through lines of the Black Altips has been we have constantly been like, everyone's still a person, and so whether you wrote some hierarchy and some pyramid, whether you have like ideas of how community should work, there's only a certain amount of cajoling any human being can take. It's not about being right at that point. And I think social media, especially exacerbated this problem to the nth degree because the way we communicate with each other on there, it is rewarded by inflammatory reading this like it is, It is rewarded.
By over the loudness.
And you know, I remember there was a story. We covered this topic many times. But I've always said, like, the tools of the Internet and social media are the same tools that if you wrote up a you read a clinical book about a narcissist, they're the same tools. Yeah, flying monkey is harassment, shunning, you know, gaslighting, It's all the same, yes, sir.
And the thing that I've always pointed out.
Is that most people don't care that it is that way unless it is happening to a person they like. Right, So, if you harass somebody I like, that's bad. If you harass somebody I don't like, that's actually good. But at the end of the day, both.
Both things are harassment.
If I dock somebody I disagree with, that's that's to me, that is still bad. And if you docks me, that is all so bad, like because we didn't have a good exchange of ideas because we can't agree on something. And I know, because these are behaviors, I wouldn't necessarily participate in it. It would have to be so personal, it would have to be very, very personal. And I'm not saying these are This is less of a judgment of any individual. I'm just talking about the environment that we are having these quote unquote discussions.
You're right on social media, right, And I think.
What happened with people like say a Joe Rogan, who did not start off as a red pill conservative, but there's a thing that did happen where there was content being made out of bad faith aggregation of these people's work.
Everyone goes to comedians and goes, why the fucking comedians so fucking anti this and anti that, like comedians are divided.
Now you got the I the pro.
Liberal ideas comedians, and then you have the like closet to hashtag very loud conservative ideas in comedy. And that's not a thing that always existed. It's not a thing that was always pronounced. There was a time when, honestly, there were a lot of comedians you couldn't tell their political leanings through their comedy because a they it was supposed to be a performance, and so they could be playing a character.
They could just this is the job is.
I just thought this was funny. But the thing that really fucked that up was kind of like how Tumblr started and Tumblr and social media.
They take like a.
Comedian's stand up that he was performing in a small club venue, working things out, joke, not even finish yet, and they take it and they be like, in print, not audio, not video. So and so said this, and they presented to you like it was a ted talk, like like Daniel Tosh got on the stage.
And said I hate gay people and he meant it and.
It was no joke, and then he walked off and everybody was like, Wow, what an interesting moment, what an interesting speech.
He gave tonight. But that's not what happened.
If you've ever been in a comedy club, people say all conds outland to shit and say, dude, you could take our show and type it down and find something and be like, wow, we took guests the race and apparently this show is a racist piece of shit, right, and someone could roll with that that knows nothing about our show and be.
Like, that's who the blackout tips is.
I hate them, and so comedians I think was honestly one of the first pillars to fall because a lot of them took you know, and I mean they're human. Once again, they're human. They're only designed for a certain amount of ridicule, mocking whatever. They're not all the high level philosopher shit they claim to be. And so you keep picking on me, you keep taking me out of context, you keep I'm in a room full of people laughing. Eventually they start becoming this reactionary group of people that claim it's about free speech. It's not, but really it's more about the changing landscape of what the environment that they put their commercialized speech. Then it's a reaction to that where they're like, I don't like the way y'all are making me feel so now I'm gonna.
Make you feel bad. Yeah, And that's how you get a Dave.
Chappelle doing shit about trans people for years, which is a topic he never touched on, never really seem to give a fuck about in the first place, not that he was woke or even progressive on ideas of gender or whatever.
But like he's stuck there.
His mind can't move on to just I'm just gonna do it hour comedy that really got shit to do with this, right, Like, this shit don't really affect my life. I'm not even having these problems in real life. When I go places, everyone still greets me and treats me well. All the communitians still fuck with me. Why am I even obsessed with this?
Trans people aren't.
Even by, Like they don't even give a fuck at this point, But the Internet gives a fuck, and their activist give a fuck. Social media people that want content give a fuck, and he's feeding into it because his ego gives a fuck.
Right, Yes, So, Dave Chappelle's a guy.
That I think ten fifteen years ago people would have put on the side of I wouldn't say liberal, but on the side of like, you know, wasn't a good one good person like Funny does. His comedy might offend you a little bit, but for the most part, seemed to be on our side.
Yeah, he's doing his job, and the job was to tell jokes and make you laugh.
Right, But over the last fifteen years or so, it's become an economy of making sure people aren't on your side, like to be like, this person's not where they need to be one hundred percent of time, Therefore that the enemy. Therefore we are harassing them. We're doggy. I've always pushed against this idea on our show. I think it was subconscious for me. I'm only crystallizing it now and awaken this election. But I'm like, maybe this is why. I'm like, why the fuck are we going in on Chris Pratt?
What right? What is that about? Why are you going in on Taylor Swift?
Like there's at some point there's a need inside of you that is not being fed, so you're making up shit, like you're you're turning nothing into something. So it's like when people go silence is complicity, and I'm like, but it's really not. Though it's really not, because sometimes silence is I don't know what the fuck is happening, and I need to shut the fuck up and be in my lane.
Right and staying in your lane. Ain't nothing wrong with that way.
More people need to do that shit, Yes, but seeing people kind of this crystallized after the election because I'm trying to make sense of the way people lined up, especially when you look at the demographics that shifted to the right. And some of that shift is just other people staying home, but some of that shift is a shift, like because you can say, well, people stay home. If those motherfuckers stay home, that's a shift, my nigga. That's a shift from reason you were voting for something to now you're not voting. That also counts as a shift to me. Yes, I can't. I can't say it was because you're so progressive. No, you didn't vote and you knew what that was on the tab and you said that's fine, looked at the bill, said that's cool, y'all go pay that.
So him, Dave Chappelle.
Joe Rogan, who at one point was a Democrat, at least by his own words, but then once he got into the politics side of.
It, it was from a lens of the comedy.
It was like, my friends who are comedians, they are now having their speech policed and they're being the worst things are being said about them.
Were just fucking comedy comedians.
We're not supposed to have all this weight of the world on our shoulders. And this is before he had any of his platform was as big as it is now, right, But for years and years and years of him having a platform, at this point it is he's been redpiled. He's now mister like Tony Hinchcliff was just saying jokes when he called Puerto Rico trad what's the problem. That's my friend, Dave Chappelle, come on the show after every one of your specials about trans people, you know, bring on experts that are anti science, anti vacs, all this stuff, right, And I remember thinking to myself, like Joe Rogan has called made jokes about the N word on this show. Now, no black people's ever there when he does it, but he's done it, and you would think there'd be certain black people that are like, I'm not doing this fucking show like this dude makes fun of my blackness when I ain't there, So why the fuck am I gonna hop?
On his show to make it seem like that shit is cool.
Fuck him, or when I do go on this show, I'm gonna bring it up and be like, Hey, what was up with them fucking N word jokes?
Dude? I thought you was cooler than that.
But it don't come up up right because it show's not actually confrontational.
His show's about actually finding common ground. His show is about something people pack themselves on the back for all the time.
But I see it now in hindsight, and I'm like, oh, I.
See his shows about having the conversation, and we don't really have conversations. On the other side, now, we like the illusion of a conversation, we really do. We pat ourselves on the back for the illusion of a conversation, like the idea that everyone comes here, we actually have the same ideas, we align point for point, we agree on everything, and then we pat ourselves on the back like, look at us.
We fucking did it, guys, we did it. We solved everything.
But over there, because of how strict it's will come over here, that is now the default place where you can go and be wrong. Yes, but you can go and fish yourself out without thisas you can go and try to like figure out, like how should I feel about this?
What is this really mean?
And it would be fine if you went over there and it was really just an open minded free fall.
But it's the illusion of an open minded free fall.
Because what a certain type of red pill, type of grifter realizes, Oh the dummies coming over here and they're looking for answer, Yes they are. And on the other side, when they ask those dumb ass questions, they get hit with Google is free.
I will not do labor, but I already said you should know.
This, yes, and people are human, y'all.
Like I get it, I get it, y'all, but particularly online, you know, it's very hard to have those conversations. But that's one thing about the left. The left is very the very that like to punish, even though they claim it's on to else.
But we love to punish very We like I said, we always have the social death penalty. We don't have we're against the death penalty, but we're for the social death penalty. Motherfucker fuck up one time. We don't ever want them. There's no path to forgiveness of coming back. It is basically like fuck you, fuck you forever you apologize.
Apology not good enough. Fuck, you shouldn't have did it.
Get a time machine, bitch, go back to when you did it, don't do it.
That's the solution, right And also for.
Me when I say we're very punishing and I've seen it done, I've been on the internet long enough and I've seen it done over and over and over again. It's one of these things, and it goes across the board. And I know we have people that are listening that are highly educated, but some of it is them a percentage because you know, you talk over people's heads.
You don't like to break down shit.
You always act like y'all niggas is dummies and y'all have degrees like me.
That's definitely a part of it, But that's not the whole part. I don't think it's I don't think it's that because there's a certain way they talk over there that is also over your head. So like just because like they have their own people that are quote unquote these wacky academics, you know, that's that's always a funny thing.
That's so funny. They're like, I'm anti vaccine. Now I have three.
PhDs, and I'm this that and the other and they use a bunch of big ass words that you don't understand and I don't.
Understand, and they got their own coded language. You know. It's so I don't think it is.
I don't think the issue is even the language. It is the attitude, which is for them, they want you to learn, they want you to come over there, and our side is very much like, fuck, go learn on your own and come back when you're ready to fucking have a conversation. And their side is like, oh, you don't know about RNA structured decomposition, Well, let me tell you. Here's a link to this blog, here's a thing I wrote, let me give a conversation, let's talk for three hours on Joe Rogan Show about it.
And we're very much not like that on our side.
I agree, and that's my point.
It's like, it's okay that you do this, but also, you know, you also need to take the time to break things down versus just kind of just smacking people in the face out of their ignorance.
Because the thing is, when.
Words change and terms change, and.
These new phrases and shit came up there, most of y'all just made up and found out three seconds ago. I found out ten seconds later and all of a sudden, I'm a fucking idiot because I hadn't processed it completely yet.
It's the difference between like, oh you don't know, let me tell you, and oh, you don't know, get the fuck out of here, right. And I think it's out of protection because keep in mind, the people on the left that we're talking about, we're marginalized people. Where the people that you know, we got some stakes in this. It's not just an academic discussion for us, agreed. So if you come to me as a black person and go, well, I think I don't think cops are doing anything wrong, there's a protection I'm sending out when I'm like, get the fuck away from me. Like it's not just as simple as like I guess I'm just an asshole, but it's like, by necessity, it becomes a rough goal for a lot of people. And then when you add in the left wing grifter types who really make a lot of content and money off of this attitude of look at how I am shitting on these people, Okay, Like it's not just them, Like it's part of their signaling is like I told this white bitch this. I told this, I said, listen, white man, you sis gendered. There is something to that to where it's not just I'm saying it to protect myself, but I'm saying it so that you see me saying it, so that you click on my video and not that next video.
You know what I mean, It's part of what.
I'm selling as well. And years of this, Yeah, it adds up.
Yeah, it erodes and and and the thing is, you know, because it's it's a coalition, it's a collection of people over here, and so with that, you're gonna have people from different economic statuses, financial status and things like that. And the thing is, you know, you have to continue to teach people, continue to educate people, and not shun them.
Nobody's asking you individually.
To do it, but as a collective we have to because like just said, the conversations got to be had. We quote unquote claiming we had a conversation, but we're not really having the conversations. All we're saying is you don't know. This whole cis you don't know. Get the fuck out my face.
But also so that's like that's the online component of it.
So because like I'm trying to make sense of it, and I'm like, how the fuck did Dave Chappelle align with conservative white people that definitely have like white premises leanings like this, like that Joe Rogan thing does not just start and start with trans people. There's a bunch of fucked up shit they got to say about a lot of different types of people. And I'm not saying he overtly says it, but just he will have some money on this show that it's like, oh ya, I'm uh, that person's white supremacist. Yes, And the ideas they're expousing great replacement theory and shit like that, are racist ideas. And that means Dave Chappelle is in the crosshairs. And it's something that Davejapelle's seems to have stood against his whole life.
But you know what, Dajeapell's never really stood against having that conversation. He ain't afraid of it. He ain't afraid of.
He He's more turned off by people being harsh about the ideas than he is by the harshness of the ideas that hurt him. Ideas And he did a whole fucking special on that after George Floyd that had basically no jokes and shit so ideas that in but at the same time, his strange badfellows are now these people that promote these ideas, because he's like, I don't really have a place over there where I can't make this joke, I can't say this thing, I can't be wrong, I can't like there's no level of good faith in it. Everything I say is one hundred percent bad faith. And I'm only using him as example because I'm thinking of all the different types of people and that collection combines up that whole thing of like I don't want a black woman as president is not about Kamala Harris as a candidate. It's about what black women have come to represent to these people in social media and life, because how many people listen to black women, black women gonna save us, black women, magical, black magic, black you know, black girl magic.
And a lot of these people have.
Quietly or loudly, But I think a lot quietly, yes, wietly, like you just a fucking person, Like I'm a person. Sometimes you be wrong, sometimes I be wrong. No one's fucking above being wrong. And you know, I think this, it's it's made these people I don't know that they even find each other, because I would not I would hesitate to say, all these people that are voting for Trump are these like we all listen to Joe Rogan, We are like some of these women probably don't fuck with Joe Rogan. Some of these black people probably don't fuck with white women.
You know, depending on the group. Some of the black men do.
But you know what I mean, Like, there's a bunch of different group circles and the VN diagram in the middle where they meet. Is that ship that Trump was saying, It is that that woke d These them they telling you what to do, They're telling you how to think.
They got dasty at.
To It makes you feel like you're losing something, even though you're really not losing shit.
But you don't like that. So we're all free thinking over here.
Together collectively to go say to these people, fuck you.
That is why.
Because you know how people keep going why they're so mad they won. They're on Twitter trying to fight, they're on Facebook making.
Weird posts like they want. But you know why.
They're mad because it was fuck they said fuck you. They this vote was them being mad. It's not necessarily a clean logic to it. When I talk about people that said I'm just not voting because she's a black woman, I'm talking about people that sat home. I'm talking about people that voted Democrat down ballot but not for her. I'm talking about people that switch their vote, people that voted for Biden but then voted for Trump. Those are the people I'm gonna be in sense with them forever. But this other group of people, it's definitely a collection of individual gripes.
Yes, that come together. It's the karens going.
It's white women being like Karen is a slur to me, and and we're like, shut your white ass up. It's not the same as nigga. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. But is there something too that impose to label somebody at Karen because they said something you didn't agree with, or how we throw it around at some point where it's like, I'm just mocking you for being a white woman, like.
You didn't really do.
At some point it switched over from this white woman was doing something racist and public and we called her Karen to just like I was at the store the other day and I saw this white lady and her Uh, they double charged her for her groceries and she went to customer service. I'm like, look at this, Karen. I'm like, nigga, you do that too. I guess I'm a Karen. I don't want to get double charged for grocery. But it just becomes like, now we're just mocking each other. This is not really a conversation anymore. The blue bracelet thing kind of reminds me of that, to where like we're mocking the idea that you're somewhere being devastated, being like, I have to find a way to signal to people that I still want to be a helpful person and a member of society, of this multicultural coalition. I want you to look at me and understand you are safe with me. I would do what I need to do. Whether it's true or not, whether you call that bluff or not. We're shitting on them, right, We're shitting on them for trying.
We're like, fuck you, bitch, you should have tried the booth, nigga.
If I'm wearing the bracelest because I did go to the booth and try, I'm devastated, Like you're devastated.
This is fucked up.
And so my point being, we had or have we still have, Actually, we still have a multicultural coalition that has to go high. That is the only way it's gonna work on this side. Ye, everyone is going to have to want it for someone else. Yeah, just them, Yeah, someone else. Yeah, because the week because of our because of the harshness of the environment. And this is for the record, not taking any of the oners off of the conservative environment, the toxicity over there. This ain't no excuses for these motherfuckers. Y'all know how I feel about the motherfuckers. What I'm saying is the Internet as a medium has made our society this harsh towards each other.
And Also the thing is.
When people on the left say they want to have a conversation I particularly online, they don't really want to have the conversation. They just want to really come out and scold you for not agreeing with them. And so, like you said, as a collective, we actually are going to quote unquote have to.
Have a conversation.
It's not a conversation on our side.
And for years I've been like, yeah, fuck it, we just gotta have the raw numbers and go out here and win.
We gotta want it worse than the other side.
Right, But now I'm looking back at this election, and I go, oh, okay, I'll say the flawing that I forgot.
People are people. They need emotions, they need to feel good.
Yeah, and people ain't gonna take you punching them with so much and be like, fuck it the fuck I'm over here for anytime I move, breefe say something.
Somebody smacking me online?
Well, then why would I continue to be over here when all I see is abuse? People don't look at it like that, but these people that you're talking about view it like that.
Well it's because it's true, though, agreed, Because because this is the thing we do look at it like that.
Look at our side, what do we say, don't tone police me?
Right, Like we have a bunch of rules over here for us when we don't want to be talked to, just any old kind of fucking way.
Because it's like, hey, we're.
Gonna respect each other over here, and then you have people from over there that are disrespectful, So of course we're like, fuck, you don't come over here.
Makes no sense.
But there's a whole bunch of other people that literally don't know. They don't fucking know. They don't keep up with the terms, they don't read all the goddamn books, they.
Don't have time for all the goddamn books. They don't know that.
The term changed this weekend to the next time and we're using this now. They don't got that, And all of this is exasperating enough, and sorry, there was a there's a way to inspire that person. And this is why I say, uh, for the rest of my life, I'm never listening to no nigga shit on Barack Obama pure But but the reason I say that is because he understood this so much better than all the people that think they're smarter than him do.
He just knew how to talk to motherfuckers. Yep, that's that skill is underrated as ship, Yes it is.
He knew how to talk to a motherfucker that was racist to make that person go, I don't think I'm racist, no more that no one else can do it.
I ain't seeing nobody else.
Him and Joe Biden the only fuckers I've ever seen look at racist in the face and be like, but you're not racist, right, and then being like, I guess I'm not yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. And I'm like, what kind of Scooby do ass magic trick was that? So we have a problem over here of how to communicate these ideas in a way that aren't just communicating idea, but are influential and motivating people to align with the idea. I mean, look at what happened with the Palestine. Shit, how much of that conversation online with just everybody shitting on each other. Very little of the Palestine conversation was like, hey, so this this is the history of this.
Region, right, this had to go other places to learn that information.
Yes, I want I read.
I went to podcast, read long form articles, all kinds of shit, read a book like that.
Very little of it was.
About influencing people to your side through educating them.
It was assuming the worst of the person, you know. It was it was well, how can you be for Biden? If you if you so? You okay? What babies getting killed? Now?
Think about the structure that motherfucking sentence for a second. That is a sentence that if you've been online, you've heard red saw.
Maybe even had leveled at you.
Can you imagine you human being that just got accused of that going yeah, no, I love babies getting killed. Zero people think that, and what you would think, like, what the the retorical ideas?
I asked you a question like that, and then you're supposed to go, no, I would never be for babies getting killed.
And then you go, so, then how can you support Joe Biden? And then I'm supposed to go, well, I don't. I would never support Joe bid love babies, and right, so we're not voting, right, yeah, of course, now we're not voting. That's what they want. They don't want a conversation, they want the illusion of a conversation.
Meanwhile, if you go back and go, okay, well I have a follow up question. So we're not fucking with Biden, what happens after that, Well, that's not the problem. You're not going No, No, I would like to know because what happens when we decide he's out of office, what happens to Palestine, what happens to those babies that are the babies that remain, the babies that are left, what.
Happens to the people, what happens to the.
Land that But we wouldn't be responsible for that because we didn't vote, So that's not our problem. That's not our fault, right, but it kind of feels like it would be our fault because we would have allowed something worse to take the place of something already bad. So it feels like that would be something we could have prevented and it would be on us.
No, that's not how this works at all. That's no. No.
So I guess you like killing babies. That's the side where we have that's the issue we have. On the side is everybody likes killing babies because they disagree with you, and that type of extreme rhetoric is what manifest online, is what propagates online.
But well, right, it turns people.
But my point is it is the language of online and it's not exclusive to the left. Like, don't get once again, I'm not saying these things are exclusive to the left. There's a group of the right that is like this too. Yes, but what they'll do is something more devious where they'll go, you know, trans people are sexually assaulting children, and you care about children, don't you? And people go, I do care about children, Well, then you should be against trans people.
Shit, not even true.
They pull up one article then motherfucker telling you this, get busted abusing children three months later.
None of it fucking matters. It's because that attitude is I'm bringing you in, let me put you on. I'm bringing you in.
I'm not rebuking you, I'm not telling you, I'm not.
Pushing you out. I'm letting you in on the secret.
So like a big thing this week was mostly white people, but I'm sure some other people too.
This is a thing like she commulss should have went on Joe Rogan.
She would should have went on Joe Rogan. You're not getting he's already legitimized. You're not gaining anything by not going on his show. You're not go ahead, Can'm sorry. You sound like you want to say something.
Yeah, yeah, it's just one of my things.
It wouldn't have made a difference. Well, this is why I'm getting too.
They're like, whether she went or not, legitimately, I feel zero way, one way or other. It just like if he would have done what he was, if he would have done that thing where they said just come out here, we'll get a hotel room or something, you can interview her for an hour and ball, I would have been fine with that.
Like a lot of people would have been mad. About that. I would I wouldn't have been mad. I wasn't mad she did the thing with Charla Maine.
I think she's a competent, established, well spoken person that can sit.
Down and articulate her ideas.
And I think the interview would have went off without a hitch. I think he would have tried a couple gotcha things. I don't think he would have got her. I don't think it would have been a big deal. I think he would have.
Looked kind of dumb.
But here's the thing that y'all that you have to understand about that if she would have went on Joe Rogan, it wouldn't have been confrontational. He doesn't do confrontation like that, not like that, like he might try to ask you a tough question.
You know.
He wants to look objective with Trump, so he's like, I don't know about that man, but it's gonna come out and support Trump.
Like we all knew that.
So that's not the part that to me, is where I think the consideration lies. Like whether she did the show or not, I don't think she's making huge inroads with his fan base, and that is the part worth discussing. Why do y'all think it's so simple. She goes on there for three hours, and all of a sudden, these white people that.
Listen to Joe Rogan, these dudes that are in all this.
Shit, are suddenly like, Oh, she's not bad, I'm gonna vote for Why do you think it's that simple, Cause you.
Really don't respect them people over there.
You don't really think them people as people because and you really don't understand Joe Rogan's platform and appeal. What Joe Rogan really has done is slowly been red pealing his audience the way he's been red pealed for like.
Ten years now.
One appearance on his show will not change anything. It just won't, because you're talking about trying to change people's mind in three hours when there's literally hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of hours of the other thing.
These people are in a completely.
Different ecosphere mentally, like they do not exist in the fact that you think we all have in common. They don't exist in that and what is allowable and not allowable, what makes someone good versus what makes someone bad. They don't even have the same value system because for eight years they've been slowly changing that value system So this idea that Kamo is just gonna walk in there, have a great interview, and then walk out of there with one hundred thousand new votes, it's a pipe dream that is once again rooted in this fallacy of giving whiteness this plausible deniability. That's like, they don't really want this, they just need to hear it from someone else. We just she just needs to go on a campaign trail and talk to them. No, they were never gonna vote for her, because it's the same guy that told.
His audience and it was exposed on the show lie.
But this is a guy that was willing to believe that there was a child at an elementary school who was dressing up as a furry and eating out of litter boxes in the bathroom and it was all because teachers were allowing the wote stuff to be in it. This is a guy who legitimately, sincerely believed that had to be fact checked and told it was wrong, and still doesn't come away from it, like maybe a lot of the things I say about Trands stuff is wrong.
Doesn't come away with it like that basically.
Goes okay, all right, Well, anyway, here's the next bullshit thing.
I might that might be true, that I might believe.
Right eight years of that. You're not battering that down with three hours of talk. So you don't even respect the.
Apparatus that you believe red peeled these people.
And you think you about to just fix this in an election cycle. You think you're about to just fix this through a couple of well, we'll have some left wing podcasts. Left wing podcasts harsh as fuck.
It's not listening to.
The tone has to change, and the and the thing that I find the most interesting is this is not something Kamla Harrison her campaign needed to know. We're responsible for or fucked up in the Kamala Harris campaign seem to understand the assignment. They were the ones like, we gotta be president for everybody. We gotta bring in conservatives, we gotta listen. We gotta say Dick Cheney.
Is good, Liz Cheney is cool.
We gotta say all the shit to let these people know you can come here with your set of beliefs, just because we're trying to be the better alternative.
Hey, look at our economic policies.
We passed that we're pro union, We're standing on the union lines with you. That's not what this election was about. I think this election was about a cultural pushback. Yes, and she just became the symbol. And that is what Trump understood. That is different than other politicians. He never ran against Kamla Harris. He ran against a black woman. He ran against an idea. He ran against wokeness and transness and inclusiveness, exclusivity and them.
He ran on grievance. He ran on them.
Yeah, I told you that, and that them is all inclusive.
But whatever your issue is, if it's a them on the end of it, he was like, I'm gonna get them.
And the thing with our big tent over here on our side is that our tent has a lot of people pushing out other people from the tent. It's not this is not a big tent of like what's supposed to happen, what used to happen, what happened for Barack Obama, what happened to Joe Biden. You be in the tent, you look to your left and you see George the second Bush. You see George hw whatever whatever you see that that bush that you don't like, and he over there hugged up on Michelle Obama, and what was supposed to happen. What used to happen is you look over there and then you look at me, You look at Karen and you roll your eyes, and then me and Karen rollize with you, like this motherfucker.
Now, it's give him the fuck out the tent or I won't out the tin. That's it. I'm leaving the tent. I'm leaving a tent. Fuck it.
If y'all gonna have him in here, ain't room enough for both of us. And then you look around, tent not big enough to win, no more, a.
Little less full tent, a little less full tent.
Done shrunk. It used to be.
We're single issue voters that kind of understand we need to tolerate that that that dreaded word.
Tolerate each other.
And I've always said this ship about civil rights and the law and cops and policing and stuff.
I was always like, I don't really, y'all.
And maybe it's a generation thing, y'all a little too worried about how these people genuinely feel. Yeah, Like when I go to a job and they say we're a family, I have never been fooled by that. I don't never care whenever someone is like, you know, I hate the word ally. Just be a good person.
Yeah, I hear you. I ain't what you're saying. That's that's I mean, that's I guess that's nice. Here's what I'll take. Follow the goddamn law.
That's all.
So if.
Your business is a publicly like, people can come in your public business, and the law in our city is you can't be in here being like I don't make cakes for gay people and blacks.
Follow the goddamn law. That's good enough. Now, Look, when I ain't around and I ain't, you could be back there in the kitchen making my cake like I hate them niggers. And I'm gonna have to just not know.
And when I get my cake and then you can look at the same services everybody else, I'm gonna take it back to the crib, cut it up, eat it, never knowing it was made by the KKK cakes, you know, And I.
Will be just fine.
I'm like that too, because, like I said, it might be a generational thing. At the end of the day, I just want you to aby by the law and just leave me alone.
That should I have known when I looked at your business and the cake business was named kk Cake and all the k's was capitalizing kke k Cake.
Maybe I should have known, but I.
Didn't know, and you followed the law. So we don't need to go there. I don't need to know your fucking attitude.
Do I need to know that every man is upstanding in every person?
No, I don't. Boy, If you follow the fucking rules, we'll never have to know that.
We will never have to know.
Just follow the fucking rules. And so that's what I care about.
When you see why black people are always very very pragmatic about laws and government, it's not because we are so patriotic and love this country. We're just literally never seen it work no other way every other time that every time black people have progressed in this country, it's because we made the country do what the fuck is supposed to do by putting it in writing. We don't trust this country in writing. We won't take any handshake agreements. We just was like, write it down, write it down. Well, okay, so this is the thing. Y'all got the right to vote. Put it write it down, new amendment. Damn bitch, no nah, because y'all be bullshit and other groups haven't learned that they're gonna suck around and learn it this time probably, But my point being like we're I don't need hearts in mind, it's nice to have them, you know. If you get like a transcendent figure like Barack Obama who just know how to talk to him, make them think they got the hardest of them, fine, fine, but that shit ain't coming out. That shit don't grow on trees. They didn't make two of them, y'all. Name all the mother motherfuckings, motherfucking politicians y'all thought should have won the primary. And I'm gonna tell you right now, zero of them are Barack Obama.
Right, and most of the country don't know who the fuck they are.
Zero I do know who they are, and zero of them. Gavin Newsom ain't Barack Obama. Pete Budajag Love the dude, he ain't Barack Obama. He not gonna make them sea past him being gay. Barack Obama has some type of gift to make them see past him being black. I have my ideas for how he did it, and I understand the resentment for how he did it, But Nigga, he did it, and everybody else been coming up short.
Since yes they have.
And so I think the broader point that I'm trying to make here is like.
A coalition of.
This necessity was formed from all these bitter motherfuckers that just got tired of being like I don't like being called sis had and us being like, man, it doesn't mean anything your sis had, bitch, and them being like, okay, okay, I got something for your ass. This is the something they have for our ass is Trump. Their point isn't that they believe in Trump. No, it's that they don't. They are as much about him being a symbol.
As he's a symbol as he is about him being himself. That is what I have come to believe over this last He's a symbol.
I don't think there's I mean, there's other ways people can try to break this down individually, every little single issue, everything the bigger thing because I'm thinking what's common, because these groups don't have a lot in common.
They all over the place.
Women are giving up the right to bodily autonomy to be over there. Black dudes are literally giving up their freedom to be over there.
None of these motherfuckers getting access to power.
I looked at that cabinet that cabinet was whiter than motherfucking your grandmama's China cabinet. It wasn't not a nigga in that motherfucker and won't be ain't trying to be. But why is barn Donald's up there shucking the motherfucking Dixie? Because it's it's something else. It's not just as simple as like, it's not. It's not as simple as just the biggo tree. They don't even all hate the same them, Yes.
They don't all. That's why.
That's why I use them as a collective, because the them is scattered all over the place, y'all.
Yeah, And so I think it's looking at the analysis and the poster back, I just think so much of it is missing it. Because if you start from a place of one dismissing the bigger tree, then I think we can't have a conversation.
I think that's just stupid. I think you're a child and you need to grow the fuck up. Now what.
I don't necessarily know what you can do about it, but it exists. There's a lot the bigotry over there, and they're selling it and people are buying it and they not and they're not accidentally getting it.
They don't. They just either don't care or they want it. That's the only two. So we gotta start there.
But then the second, the second thing is how did these motherfuckers that hate each other end up together? When that used to be the calling card of the Democrat Party was I don't like you, you don't like me, but nigga.
We don't we need to.
If you get a little something, I get a little something, fine, I'm gonna look the other way, you know, like that's cool, and all these like fixes that everybody has, it's just like, throw the marginalized people out.
It's not gonna work.
And here's here's the last thing I do want to say, because I gotta go to the gym, and I know I feel a buster and I've been talking, but this is literally all ever thinking about for a week, and I was like, when I get back on.
The mic, I just want to say this.
At some point I was gonna say for a whole different show, but I just rather get it over it now.
Because there I'll tell you this much.
If anyone rights in or here's this and says you guys made it sound like it's our fault on the left that these people are biggest thank you for proving my point if you're write in with that bullshit, because this has been a very nuanced, long waited discussion that covered a lot of angles and at no point was.
It and we shouldn't feel that way. No, I know why we feel that way. I'm black too. I want to protect my space. Fuck you get out of here.
It's aggressive, but it's not a learning environment. It's not and we don't really have a learning environment for people to come in and learn. It's a very like fuck you attitude, and they're fucking us back.
This is them going fuck you back. And we're like, but look how fucked up things are gonna get. And they're like, that's how much I don't give a fuck, right, I like, I'm hurting myself to hurt you and I and even if you just to let you fucking know.
But here's the last thing I was thinking about this this morning when this all started. I had a homie hit me up when it was Kamala Harris and right before, or actually know, right after, Joe said it should be Kamala Harris.
I'm stepping down. Kama should be the nominated, Okay, and he hit.
Me up and was like, you know, I don't think she can win, she's losing candidate, blah blah blah. And I'm like, yeah, I don't agree with you on that. I actually think she's a winner candaday. I think she's I think you're thinking of like some shit some white people said a few years ago, and we have no reason to keep believing that bullshit. And I think that I think she acquitted herself with the campaign she ran. If you if you literally watched this and when it was the campaign she ran, we just see the world completely different and I don't really know how we'll ever see it the same. So it's just not worth fighting about. I don't want to fight you about it. I'll you know, I'll listen, I hear you out. But I just can't imagine any argument that it will erase what I witnessed in North Carolina, US picking all Democrats down the ballot except her, except her. That that's not a campaign issue, my man, when I see these ads that ain't campaign issues, that's not the economy, it's not it's not Palestine, it's just it's not.
It's not it's not what you wanted to be.
And this because you have your piccadillos with the Democrats in general, and so whoever it was gonna be, you were gonna have this issue and if they lost, you gonna act like that was the reason they lost. I'm just telling you I saw my own eyes. No argument will ever convince me. People just kind of wanted this shit.
Yes they did, and nothing else would change my mind. Like I said, particularly if you lived in these swing states and you saw these commercials. The bulk of the country did not see these goddamn commercials we saw here.
That shit makes a difference. And so this is what I'm saying.
The thing that he said was when I was like, well, if they don't pick Kamala, this will be the biggest betrayal in the history, like maybe since the right to suffrage went to black men first, this will be that level of betrayal to black women as the people that essentially have done a great job of trying to make the Democratic Party live up to what the fuck it said is gonna do.
You said this, bitch, not me, Yeah, right.
Right, And maybe those things hurt the Democratic Party in general because white people are and men and people that you know, people of privilege are not possible to living up to what they said they wanted to do.
That could be that.
Listen, there's some people coming out that are They have these very harsh takes about like we need to get rid of all these DEI woke initiatives and just get back to the economy.
They could be right.
It don't make it okay, It don't make it morally good, but they could absolutely look at the math and be right and be like, we gotta drop all this defund the police, all this trans lives matter, all this blah blah, we gotta drop all this shit. We gotta drop blisten to black when we need to get back to just the economy and then social issues we just not touching them. I don't agree with it. I think it will hurt the party. I think it would hurt America. But the lesson that white people are probably coming out of this with is not the one all these motherfucking political theorists on Twitter thought, which is they're gonna be even more progressive that they never learned that lesson. It's always gonna come out like how do we get these white folks back?
That's what the fuck happens. The only way it won't happen.
Is if marginalized people stay on the neck of a Democratic party to say no, we are pushing further.
That's the only way it will happen is if that.
And I don't know that that people had a willpower for it, but I mean, I know Jasmine Crockett is I think trying to run for like speakership and stuff, so like it could happen. But I just I'm a little like, we'll see because I feel like in the past, as all the American history I've.
Studied, they jumped back. They're like, hey, oh, y'all tripping right.
But the point sorry, but the point I'm trying to make is this that I thought of this one when I said that about they better pick Kamla because if not black women are like, I don't even.
Know what you you can't fix that bridge.
And he said, you know, not to be harsh or anything, but like where they gonna go. And it bothered me at the time, but I didn't really have like this hadn't all, this hadn't happened yet, and I hadn't really sat down and thought about like because I'm like, I get your point, but this feels different. Than me, and I don't know why it feels different. And here's why I think it's different.
I think people.
Still think black women are like the even good people with good intentions in their mind, it's still the Republican version of like welfare queen black women. Black women the most educated, the most educated, the most entrepreneurial, the most employed, the like the better financed.
Than any other group in this goddamn country.
The reason when you say they are the backbone and the Democratic Party, part of that is also because they did the work. Like It's not like because the Democratic Party was like, we need a background, you know what I'm saying, like, hey, hey Democratic Party. No, it's like they they did the work. They're competent, they're they're ahead of other people. They see a bigger picture. They understand when you.
Always had to care about to collective.
They understand, we have to put another fucking face on the same point that you're making because they know that you won't listen to me.
So this idea that black.
Women individually and collectively won't manage to survive without the Democratic Party is as not half.
Of this shit don't even really affect.
Them, not even And that's not like being like weird, like, but like half of this ship that that people trans issues, not one hundred percent of black woman issue, like just a black woman issue.
What even a black trans woman.
There's other issues I gotta deal with that they might not, like, maybe it's a bathroom bill on my state.
Maybe it's just.
Some other shit I gotta deal with. But not every black woman is trans. So you're talking about a small percentage of Black women there that are like, this is what I'm dedicating my time to. Now when you've seen a lot of black women in the Democratic Party lining up for inclusion, that's for the benefit of everybody because they deal with so much marginalized. They're like, yes, we should help out LGBTQ people to of course, because we know what it feels like everyone else that only got that one.
They're like, I don't.
Know about all this, but I don't feel comfortable. Okay, then you got economics. A lot of these women are doing fine, better about their damn self. So you so like, what are we talking about when we're talking about families and all, we gotta have a family. You know who makes that demand Mostly black men who are trying to get control over black women, yes, being like they breaking up the family. No, you mean they're breaking up the patriarchal construct of a family in which you believe you should have a promise of getting to run a household and your kids and tell them what to do right, you should make the most money and all this shit. This is not This is a different conversation for another time. I'm not trying to break it all down with my point being the idea is like, this is what the black women should want.
Nah, a lot of black.
Women like I'll be just fucking find by myself. I'll figure my situationship out and and and then education wise, you know, maybe you could bring up student loans. I think student loans is a real issue for Black women because of how much education they have, and because we don't necessarily have generational wealth.
That would have helped everybody.
That would definitely help black women with student loans and stuff.
But it ain't no reason to feel stuck with the Democratic Party.
Student loans wasn't even on Joe Biden's fucking agenda when he got elected. So like this is there's a there's an assumption that, like black women are so desperate that they're doing this work right, And I'm like, I don't think that's what's happening. I don't like, just statistically, I don't think you have the argument to back that up. There are groups in this country that actually are doing worse than black women and should be more desperate, who are like.
I'm gonna go fuck with these Republicans.
I don't think black women are gonna put fuck with Republicans, but I do think it's totally possible to be like, Okay, Democratic Party ain't doing it.
They ain't got it now.
They writing all these fucking op ads about how we the problem.
They tired of.
This idea of like Kamala came to represent the harsh fold of the to me, the online internet version of a black woman listening to black women shut the fuck up, you caring blah blah blah. She doesn't promote that, but that's what the right was able to sell her.
Ass. That's the unifying idea that I'm talking about.
That's where Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle can shake hands, is man, these bitches ain't finna tell us what to do.
Oh with all they woke d I boy black, I'm Indian. I'm a woman. I don't give a fuck.
Okay, I don't like that y'all came in here and tried to tell me how to handle my business, and I'm gonna put you back in your place, know your place aggression, as Professor Carritha calls.
It, right.
So, I feel like this idea of putting black women in their place really was the undercurrent of this last probably eight years of the Internet ever since, like Black Lives Matter popped up, and it was a bunch of black women getting a lot of credit for that movement and writing stuff, you know, like we're reforming what the family structure is and we are a leaderless movement and y'all better not do TV.
And we fuck Obama and fuck you and fuck the police.
There's this idea a lot of people collectively it was like, nah, fuck y'all, though I actually do I'm black.
I want police in my neighborhood. I just want to do their job. Just do your job.
Well, that's not what we decided, okay, Okay, Well, when it's my turn to have a say, which I will, y'all are gonna feel how I feel today, and it's not right.
I wish people were better people but they not better people. These the people we got.
And there's a math to this where it's gonna be like, how do you figure out the numbers to have more numbers than the side of these people who collectively said fuck.
You to all of us.
My guess is you'll find those numbers after Trump, just because I don't think they're gonna be swayed. I don't think the environment is gonna change. I don't think anyone's gonna start educating pulling people in. I don't think you're gonna find any left wing podcasts that actually have converse, real conversations with people that they don't agree with, that say offensive shit that did they vehemently disagree with and are willing to be like and come back next week and we'll do it again.
I think that time is dead. I think that shit is over.
So I think the only thing that could bring people back together is being so fucked up in this country where it's like, oh man, the eggs costs MO, the gas costs MO. The fucking I can't get a house. Oh he lied about this thing. The flooride isn't in the water, my teeth falling out, whatever the fuck it's gonna take that before these motherfuckers wake up and go, Oh, that's what y'all.
Meant when you said vo for Colin Harris.
I just wanted to say fuck you real quick. I didn't know it was gonna have consequences. Elections and the the last two albums of the nineties by Trial Call Quest got the same thing in common. Consequences y'all didn't want. Okay, sorry, consequence. If you listen to this, I actually thought you it was a good rap. I'm sorry, But my point is this idea that black women are like left with nowhere to go.
It's just ridiculous.
And if they literally abandon the party, which I do not see why, I can absolutely see a.
Path where they would.
I'm not saying they should. And I know there's a lot of black women listening. If l Droy is listening, I know she want them people that's gonna stand and fight.
I'm not so. This is not me encouraging this, but I would understand.
I agree, baby, and I know we gotta go. But this is how I truly feel the whole Democratic Party, the totality of the Democratic Party, has taken the strength and the backbone and the nuances and shiit that black women have done for this party for centuries, for granted, Like they just took that ship for granted, because in order for nobody to kind of make that statement like where they're gonna go like we don't have a choice, you know, Like, and the thing is, this was a smack in the face and in our minds were like, well, we did it for y'all, and y'all told us no. So you rejecting her as you rejecting us. So you're gonna have a percentage of Black women that are that are going.
To be like, you know what I I'm gonna do.
I'm not gonna vote then since you say I'm the problem, I'm not even gonna participate in the process anymore. And you're gonna have a lot of Black women like me that's going I would do the bare minimum, which means I.
Will vote, which I don't think that I don't think the Democratic Party can survive or come back if that's how most Black women end up feeling. And and I'm just it's a very tenuous time because, as I said to start this whole segment, we lost by one point. You know what I'm saying, Like it's a it's a game where you lent oh Man forty nine, forty eight tough loss in the Super Bowl, and people are like, burn this motherfucking team to the ground. And I'm like, y'all, sure, get the black women off the team, get the get the gay people off the team, get the trans people out of the team. This like, y'all sure that that's the reaction you want coming out of this election, because I promise you, the worst thing that can happen.
Is that you get your wish, yes, Because.
If motherfuckers really start going, Okay, we're not wanted here, we're not wanted here, you will never get those other white people who haven't voted Democrats since the civil rights back passed.
They're not coming back.
They like what's over there, or they don't care about what's over on the other side. This this pipe dream that they're gonna grow a heart like this, like the Grench on Christmas Day.
Is not happening, bro.
So I really do think we're in a precarious situation. Everybody better be careful what they fuck you. You know, That's why I'm not like, I know it's an eye rolling thing. I know some motherfuckers don't like it. You know, I know that little voice in your head is mocking me when y'all hear me talking about this shit. But that's why I don't want to participate in the light and these motherfucking A white woman said I didn't vote for this, and I said.
Bitch, like, no, I don't know. She probably didn't. She's probably fucking devastated.
It sucks.
It fucking sucks, you know what I mean. I'm not yelling at you because you went to Thanksgiving. I'm going to my Thanksgiving too. Maybe my Republican honor be there.
I don't know, but it's but it is what it is at this point that that's not what it is that's gonna win this thing back. If it's gonna be one back, there has to be a place to land for everybody. I got Kamla Harris's campaign understood that I did not realize. This was never about Democrats, It was never about the campaign.
It was always.
About the idea of the left and the culture of the left. And I just I did not understand the amount of angst people had towards it that they would willingly burn the country to the ground to be like but at least at least.
I'm sticking it to y'all too.
And so that's why I think is that that's where I think the commonality is. This is a lot of people going, yeah, well, sure my house is on fire, but the whole neighborhood on fire. And uh, that'll teach you motherfuckers about saying I got too many Christmas lights or whatever the fuck, Like the whole neighborhood gotta go up because y'all said the homeowner association said I couldn't have that many lights in.
My friend And you're like, well, a damn holl why can't it just be your house?
Yeah, Like, we're like the fact that Donald Trump is appointing Darth Vader the new head of space for us. Come on, Dark Vader, and we're sitting over here being like, well, shit, Kamala, who went on Joe Rogan, we're missing a fucking point building a new moon and shit, what damn what's happening here?
That's the moon?
Like we like, that's a death star.
Yeah, we're sitting over here being like, oh, Voldemort named the head of education. And then we're like, but you know what the real problem is. She went on call her daddy but.
She didn't go on that's the real issue.
She didn't go on to Joe Rogan show, like we we are missing the motherfucking point, and I don't know how you fix it.
I wish I had the answers.
I I don't know who the next transformative leader is gonna be.
I don't know who's gonna step up into this void.
I just don't think bringing back the old Democrat way is gonna fix it.
I don't think.
Making at black women and being like, y'all got this right. I don't think that's gonna do it. And so maybe it just takes some time to start seeing the future. But sadly, what I think is gonna happen is day after day after day of being innodateated with Trump doing.
Wild shit and the consequences coming home at some point.
People and they gonna be like, Okay, yeah, you know. And I really do feel like, I hope you get everything that you ask for and dreamed and won't it.
Yeah, the only problem is we're in the car too, Yes, be on the side of the road.
I hope y'all don't get everything that y'all wanted, But you know, I hope I can survive, y'all getting what I wanted. That's that's how I'm.
Looking at it.
And so anyway, I gotta go because if I'm not gonna make it to the gym on time, and.
I really do need to work out because I took yesterday off.
All Right, y'all, that's it. We'll be back. I hope you enjoyed this. I mean, y'all said, y'all wanted it back. Now you got two hours. That's being mad about Trump.
All right, you're happy. All right, We'll be back until next time. I love you. I love you too,