Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.
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I listen to the Black Guy Who Tips podcast because Rod and.
Karen, Hey, welcome to the Black Guy to his podcast. I'm your host, Rod joined us always by my co host, and we are back with some more podcasts. And today is a feedback episode. That means this show is all about you, the listener, and what you wrote. If you wrote something, whether it's a review, whether it's a comment on our website, whether it's votes in the polls, whether it's emails, voicemails, We're gonna get to all of that stuff. The official weapon of the show is always and the unofficial sport and bullet ball extreme extreme extreme. Of course, you know how we always start. We gotta give props to the people that gave us the money. Okay, let's shout them out with the donation segment selection from the choir.
Man have atention, we're not listening to Charlotteton.
Rod and Aaron were welcome to good folks who tied to the Black Livery Tips.
That's right, new propers, new Copper. Oh wait, Dide, that's all right. I don't know if that was anyway.
Adam Adam mess recurrent donation, Marianno recurring donator, tyrone Em Dorothea S, Joe H, Jason F, Michael Irvin to play make a waste bees by Sewer, Yeah, bro Oh, Michael f Uh, Mary H, Allison H. Stefan H. The H has all come through together as a family. Corey B, Jeff.
M Uh, Jonathan H.
Makeo h. Some of the H is getting here late. It's all right early days and photographer Marvin b. Yes, Marvin Buh, Michael w J four and mcco f round out everybody this week. Thank you for all the generous donations.
We appreciate all of y'all. That's why you get the shout out.
All right, it's time to shout out the people that leave us five left us five star reviews. Okay, we got.
I believe three new ones. I believe. Oh let's go three.
Looking at this right, I think it's three new ones. If not, it's two new ones and I'm reading one again. The first one is take all of the stars. This show is pure gold. It's from Miss zero Chill. This show is pure gold. Don't know what's going on with politics? Roder Karen to tell you have no clue who the latest celebrities are. That's okay, because neither this Karen and Rod Willi's funny to all of us. Seriously, thank you say you get me. I never know who any of these people are. Don't know what the white's are up to. They got you. Want to test your knowledge on racial tendency's names, actions, locations? How about a friendly game against the race? Not sure what book to read, show to watch? Cozy game to play? Rod and Karen has some suggestion for you. This show has everything you didn't know you need. It's like listening to that friend or family members that actually stays up on current topics and wants to make sure you do too. No hot takes, just well thought out opinions, observations, predictions and facts. Open your third eye because Rid and Karen a hoigh everyone's favorite play cousins.
Oh that's sweet, thank.
You, miss zero chill.
That was a really nice review.
You took the time on that one.
Yes, thank you baby.
Now we don't ask that you take the time. Okay, If y'all just want to leave like a full word review with five stars, we'll take that too.
Longs it's nice, we take emojis.
What a vibe?
This is?
By Charison one five to nine or maybe c Harrison one five to nine, Rod and Karen our whole vibe. I loved them and won a full relationship advice show. They'd be amazing. I need that content hard emoji. All right, you're like the third or fourth person that's asked about that. I don't know they would do something behind the paywell one day. I have to think on it. I think of a way to make it kind of original, not like a copycat of so many other relationship advice right, it would be different, so funny and on point five stars. It's from cheesy Mack who says greetings riding carrying and Rod greetings carrying a rock.
Shit. Now I'm in front.
Your segment on job. Your segment on job potlucks was so hilarious I could totally relate. Many years ago, I'm talking decades. I worked in the financial industry. In the day after Thanksgiving sucked because New York Stock Exchange was open and I had to always work the day after. My manager wanted to make it more tolerable by having us do a day after potluck. I would bring my own leftover from home because I was the only one in my department that looked like us anyway. See, that's another thing. I didn't even bring up the cross racialness of the prob. Look, I didn't even want to get that whole.
Can of worms. That's the whole thing all in itself.
Yeah, eiing a can of worms. You know, you go in there be a can of worms, and they'd be like, this was my family ate back in you know, the old country. I'm like, no, no, I'm from I got an old country and it's called the Old Country kitchen.
That's where I go to come on own country kitchen.
Anyway, in addition to my coworkers having suspicious, questionable hygiene habits, we had a coworker that was visibly affected by HIV. We told him to only bring package paper products or soda. Nevertheless, I never got sick because I was extremely selected by what I selected to eat from my coworkers. Your right ride, they sure police your plates. They really do be all on your plate. And I never thought about that. I mean, decades ago, the stigma around HIV and also the medicines that.
We did not have, right, it was very different.
I can't even imagine what that person was going through. Right, That's another that's just another element of this of just why we need to just get rid of the pot look like it's just it's it just invites more problems. Who knows what shit was said to that person, how people were acting, because it's already was stigmas and stereotypes around that in general. I remember when people didn't want to play with Magic Johnson because they thought shaking his hand and sweating it on you was going to give you HIV?
Like just stupid shit.
Why are we inserting a pot look into this already fraught situation. I love anything about your show and I look forward to ride on Fridays with Karen Hunter. You both are terrific and I love Karen's laughter and authenticity. Thank you for both putting in the work to deliver outstanding content and levity. Many blessed to you both. Death, Thank you, dev thank you, We appreciate you. Oh man, that was nice. Well, you know what, Let's get into the comments on the website and YouTube next. Our first episode of last week was episode three thousand. We made it to three thousand last week.
Think of me, Look at me? Who would have thought? Who would have thought? Who would thought?
We made it? Look at us, look at us?
I had no idea. You'd asked me, I'd have.
Been like, well, ride gonna go ahead and boot me off. I'll be doing something else with my time.
Three thousand episodes of this bullshit right right, y'all still listening, just making it up as we go along?
Ain't we making it up as we go along? Sorry? Or congratulations? Right? And we don't know, just long, just.
Breaking every rule of podcast. Episode's long as hell, rambly.
Yes, we do multiple shows, they yeah, And it's hilarious because every time when we used to go traveling more, we go to these like speaking comferences, and people in front of us have all these rules and regulations and ship like this, and then when it's our turn, we'd be like, yeah, we hear what they saying, but we ain't follow none of them rules. Everything they said, we did the fucking opposite.
We made it somehow at us. We made it the power of blackness.
Yep mm hmmm.
Apia says, good explanation about the POC for Trump because they don't want to be victims. I got that from Jail Cove in this podcast. Rain on Your Parade is a great podcast, a good podcast. I listen to it every week and he dropped some gems on there sometimes, and when he's not dropping gems, he's at least trying to be funny and entertaining and that and I value that in my comedy. Uh I don't value that anymore, but I still like uh humor, and I like to laugh at stopfulness and so, uh you know, I listen to that, and uh, you know, I've been trying to crystallize in my mind what it is about these minority, marginalized groups that fuck with Republicans knowing that their policies absolutely are against them as a group.
And uh, I think Jail just hit the nail on the head.
They're reverse engineering victimization, and they're like, I can't be a victim if I'm supporting Trump. The rest of you are victims. Are you black people who won't get off the plantation? You're victims?
All? You know? That kind of thing.
I think they think when I'm in this corner, he will be in mind and see that I'm not like the other victims. It's like when poor people vote for parties who promise lower taxes, especially for higher incomes poor white people mostly here here too. They don't want to accept that they are the ones who need to support paid by the taxes. They vote to make the tax my taxes go down. I mean, thank you, but I'm good. Even the image of me as the queen of white women seems like a great photo opportunity. I'm so glad it didn't go this way. It seems dangerous, you know how some of us are. And also I'm already very busy work, family, dogs, yoga, writing them good comments. The list goes on and.
No good comments.
Is this even something you can refuse? Seems also dangerous. Yeah, never accept the queen of the white women labels. It's a trap.
The trap.
Ronan Raphael says, Yes, what an amazing start to the week. Week congratulational episode three thousand. Congratulations to myself for six years of podcaster, So I finally get to say this to y'all. I love you three thousand. Well, congrats to you on six years of podcasting as well, Ronan Raphael, that's dope. Brother in Arnold Sarzenegger voice, I still have easta baby or in English, I'll be back with a brand new multi universal hustle. Since we're celebrating, I won't make Rod speak Arabic today I'm not. I'm not a nice am. I not a nice guy. Also, I love my fellow the black aut tiest nation. Three thousand, y'all get a holiday discount. Sorry, I can't offer a military discount yet to the next big event on the horizon. It's gonna be so great. Harry claimed your offer before October thirty first two first class tickets to two for two anywhere. Just say you're a guest of insert my government name, which I don't think he's told everybody see a scamming to the end, Matt Nashville, right say he's he wrote in about his dad voting for Trump last year, yeah.
Last week, and in short about my dad.
Yes, he's all of it to get long, please skip. If you're not feeling about hearing about racist white people, listen, listen, Matt, let me tell you something I love to hear about.
Racist white people. We're here for the story. It's just what I meant to Okay.
If you looked at my Kendle book collection, you think I was just just a stand of racist white people of the books. I just be wanting to know the stories. They're not gonna skip my history. I'm not shamed of they racism, tell me more. Okay. The anti government sentiment is what my dad likes to lead with. It's what he's convinced himself as a lifelong Republican who voted for Obama once. Is the reason he's all in for Trump. The full truth is he's always been comfortable with xenophobia, sexism, racism, et cetera. He raised me to be anti government. Never trust the politician. If you don't vote, you can't complain. I only retained the last. And he'll tell the anecdote of finally getting a raise while Trump was in office as a reason he's pro Trump, as if somehow Trump personally told his boss to give him a raise, ignoring the fact that it says more about how greedy his bosses were, because you know, they raised what they were charged charging for labor. But you see, Trump's a businessman, He's not a liar like the rest. And when you push, he deflects to, well, what good of the Democrats done? And no matter how long the list is, it's never good enough. My dad is easily swayed by the dog whis was in fear mongery, mostly I presume due to a lack of education, introspection. When I've challenged him indirectly on this transphobia, I thought I had made some headway, but when we discussed Trump, he was like, we're back to square one. So I'll keep working on him. He is my dad, after all, and was there for me more than his father was for him. He raised me to be better, and I'm working to raise my kids to be even better. Sorry for unloading this here. Dad never really came up in therapy and mom and other shit. Well, in a way, there's no need to apologize. I mean, we're having a dialogue. This is the feedback show. It's not like, yeah, get me to absolve you of white guilt or justify your dad. You know, I can only be honest about what we discussed, and so last week I just had to be honest, and you know, to be too fair. I some people would have taken the way I was talking and took it very personal and been like, fuck y'all show, I'm not listening anymore. This is really racism against white people. I'm not saying you obviously you didn't, you wrote back in, but there are those types of people out there that do that, and you're not one of those people, So I appreciate that.
Can you never really.
Know until you You never really know until you have an exchange on the show. And then how people respond is when you find out like, oh damn, they really were not here to take an exchange. And there's some I think genuinely well meaning white people that just haven't dealt with the fact that black people are.
Aggrieved, marginalized, all this stuff.
And sometimes we're gonna say, shit, that is true for us, and it is inconvenient for the person hearing it. Yes, as a man, a straight man, this happens all the time when I listen to other shows, and I just personally, I just don't take it personal. You know, if I disagree, I disagree, that's fine. I'm not telling somebody that I have to agree with everything comes out of our mouth. But it's never personal for me in that way. But I think it's a It says a lot about a person if they can listen to somebody kind of unload and be like, nah, this is why you know. A great example is like five six years ago, at this point, there was a lot of podcasts talking about street harassment, and women were giving their perspective on men talk cat calling and shit, and I know so many men that took it some type of fucking way like, well, how I'm supposed to get I can I can't get nobody.
To know, you know, that kind of shit.
And so I'm glad that this exchange didn't turn into that.
You know, so uh from my perspective, because just you know how we how we are, and we we say things, and we we joke and and go back and forth with our audience, particular people on the feedback show. A lot of times you can tell how the relationship is going to go based on how to respond back because the quote unquote conflict on the listeners in would and how they respond will determine how, you know, the relationship moves from forward, because like right just said, we've had people where we've said things joko jokeo jokefully and or we said things that are that we feel that are truthful that they might not like and instead of them writ and back and just more going into more details so we can quote unquote have a conversation. A lot of people paying the gonna shut shit down because it's not what they want to hear, and or they'll blame us for whatever insecurities that we might tap on the rises within them and they'll either just stop communicating with us at all, which is fine because that's the right to uh or or the right end want confrontation with us, like we're just flat any wrong for every thing we said.
Yeah and uh yeah, that happens all the time, or not all the time, but it happens sometimes. And you know, the one thing I've just decided for the show is is I'm never gonna get on here and why I'm not gonna pander. I'm not gonna, you know, just say shit, this is people want our opinions. I'm never trying to offend people. But you know, so I'm glad that that it. You know that it worked out because we it could have you know, I was taking a chance, could have been worse. Thanks again for the show and all that you do. I hope to come to a live show when we stabilize our lives. Sorry for getting deeper air of my family laundry in space. Don't apologize fucking white people. That's it. That's what I'm saying that I mean, Aia says, I'm glad you did. She's replying to him. My father isn't as bad, but he can fall into the ones up there unclear what this means.
Not the ones up there.
The politicians are millionaires, a bad explanation, isn't given are stealing from us and lying us hard working people.
And he has fear that other immigrants.
We're also immigrants here, even if I married a German Man who works for the German state will take away everything that we have, or the Chinese even without immigrating. What doesn't fit into his worldview is that happier family is doing pretty great. He is happy, is also confused how can it be? But he is helpful with the kids, an extremely reliable family orient it's that that's good. Yeah, and I always that's another thing like because I've seen, especially over the last eight or so years, especially once social media really rolls to prominence, there's been a lot of bombastic declarations of people telling folks like, but fuck your family, don't even talk to your family, to cut them off or whatever. And maybe that will work for some people. Okay, I'm not denying that there's some people you need to cut off. Yes, there's some people that thrive after cutting people off. There's some people that never regret or feel bad about cutting people off or whatever that there's no hole in your heart, there's no wound dead for you. But there's a lot of people that can't slash, won't slash, are willing to work with people that are flawed, yes, and so in those cases that voice has become so silent in our conversation where we're like, but I think it's the silent majority of people, and we're attaching the level of shame to something that I don't think needs to be shameful. I think most of us have an understanding of why, especially you know, it's like the people mad at Diddy's kids, I don't even understand like either. We all know what that is like to have somebody that you that did something that it wasn't to you, and it's hard to believe and it's hard to it's hard to pull that vision together with how you've been treated. It does a head trip on you and it may take time to work through that. It's not an immediate thing. We don't know these people that are celebrities to us, they're not family members. They never burked us, they never fed us, they never bandaged our knees. We don't have any head trip confusion for the most part when it comes to something like this, we're just consuming this. These people like products. But I would say even in those cases of just parasocial relationships, how many people can't reconcile when you know a podcast listen to does something fucked up?
A celebrity whose social media.
They beyond says something fucked up? How many of us still can't handle that? How many people did it take them a long time to cut off R Kelly's music? How many people still listen to, you know, Michael Jackson or something. I know some of y'all think he's innocent, but I'm just saying there's a lot of people that don't, and yet you still play that music. How many people listening to James Brown. It's not as cutting dry as people like to say, but I think, especially once you had the racial little akning, not the George flood and shit, you ended up with a lot of people acting like, you know, you better cut through to go to your family and Thanksgiving. I don't actually care about that. What I care about is the stuff you do with you know, your rote, the shit you can't control. You can't control, what the fuck your daddy do, and you cutting these people off isn't actually going to change their opinions, is not Typically it's not going to change their opinions normally, it's actually not going to bring them to the table. And different people as different ways. So sometimes you get people to come around because you do hang around, and no one wants to talk about that. It's like that's gone away in our society, Like no, we're all polarizing. You just believe what you believe until you die. No one ever grows of changes, and I refuse to believe that.
So I can.
Absolutely see why people are like, look, my dad's conservative, and I don't really fuck with his politics, but he's not a bad dad to me, Like he's a good person to my kids or whatever. And we're talking about race, which makes it hard for people because they're thinking, like, not fucking racist white people, which is typically what I think as well, but take away race. A lot of y'all have conservative parents when it comes to gender ideology. A lot of y'all have conservative parents when it comes to religion. A lot of y'all have conservative parents when it comes to sexual orientation. A lot of y'all have conservative parents misogic and when it comes to uh immigrant, when it comes to like immigrants, misogyny. As you said, care, a lot of y'all have parents that don't align with your values on every point. They raised you and you figured it out and hopefully what be on what they thought was capable. And sometimes it's up for the kids to bring them along, you know. Sometimes that relationship is it changes as you grow. And look, if you need to cut them off, cut them off. This is not me advocating for y'all to like to change their lives, but I'm just advocating for the fact that I understand when people are like, yeah, my pops he says some eye rollly shit every once in a while, but I still fuck with my pops. That's my pops. And I think that went away on the internet.
Yeah no, So I think that the internet. And once you realize this, you will view things differently and you have compassion, but you have a better understanding. A lot of people go on the internet and they do a lot of projecting of their anxiety they do. They do a lot of projecting of their hurt and their pain. So a lot of is loan something that's happened to them in their lives where either they wish they would have did it and didn't do it, or either they did it and they may regret it, or either they did it and they felt like, because I did it and it.
Worked for me, it should work for you.
And the thing is, average person, like you said, does not function like that. Most people, most imperfect people live around other imperfect people.
You know what I'm saying. So you go through your life.
Trust it's somebody you let down, you disappointed, you heard it normally unknowingly, you didn't live.
Up to the expectation of whatever the case may be.
It's something that has happened that you did to somebody else. And sometimes I think people have a tendency to forget that they impact the world as much as the world impacts them. Everybody always look internally, but sometimes it's external shit that you do that you kind of overlook. And most people want compassion, empathy, sympathy and understanding for all of all of their actions. They want to explain that, they want to sit down to the table and talk and tell their side. But if somebody grieves you, you don't want none of that shit. You like, No, we ain't talking about shit you and the reason why I know because I used to be that person, only his shit. You have done something to me and this is the end, you know, And I had to learn me personally. I had to learn how to have more compassion and also had to learn how to not let others pick up other people's anxiety and let it become my reality because those things are not the same.
I think it's interesting how you went to a place of someone doing an action, like someone did something to you, and you know you've done things to other people. Because I'm not even really talking about I don't think the listeners talking about that. I'm not even talking about like an action. I'm just saying like a person has a certain attitudes and values that are whether you consider an old school conservative whatever, that you would not operate your life by. And there's like this. I think on another level, there's this societal impost that has been growing since social media came to prominence of cut everybody out of your life, and not because they did a thing, but because they have a either a belief system that is not perfectly aligned with yours, or because they have values that you know that that don't align with yours. You should cut them off because it is immutable they will never change.
Being around them will never they will never grow.
That kind of attitude is what I'm talking about, less so of a this person did.
A thing, and I understand, but that, in my mind, that comes from somewhere. That doesn't that that action for you to get to that point doesn't just happen out of the busk.
But that's what I'm saying. It's not about getting to that point. I'm saying people are advocating for you to do that, whether you've gotten to a point of not. It's like, don't go to Thanksgiving. I remember that, don't go to Thanksgiving. It did to tell someone to do that. Now the persons not coming to you and saying, my uncle did a horrible thing and I don't want to see them at Thanksgiving. People are saying if if your folks are Republican, don't go to Thanksgiving if you're that kind of.
Thing, And and I understand that, but what would cause a person to just after blue tell you to do that, like like like them, that person that's telling you to cut that person off.
That stems from something.
Right you're saying. It seems from somebody doing something. I think it's cultural. I don't think it's that's my point. I don't think it's about somebody did something to me. I think it's about the fact that I'm telling you what to do. I'm not doing this in my own life.
This might not be how I operate. But I'm telling you person whose parents I don't know, a person whose parents didn't raise me. Fuck your parents. Don't go see them. If you're miserable, if you're depressed, if you're crying, I don't care about that shit. If you see some light of hope in them where you might be able to like bring them together as a family and y'all grow and heal from these things, fuck that shit. Just be militantly against them, and and just stay online with me.
That is that is the real truth and measure of.
You as a person. That's what I'm saying. I don't think it's I think it's even worse. We're not waiting on people to do a thing. We're preemptively saying fuck those people.
And I agree like like like, and I do agree with that, and and and maybe I should have phrased it differently, but I did not mean that for some people that statement, I say, it's true.
But for some people.
I never said you were wrong. I just said I said, it's interesting how you went to a place of someone doing a thing. That's all.
The conversation wasn't about someone doing something to people. It was just I got conservative parents, and sometimes they say some shit and and I don't agree with it. But you know, I'm still trying to work this out. I'm still trying to figure this out. So they're not It's not like some act necessarily that they did to the person like this, Like, but in your mind, you went to an act. I think that said something about the tone and the tenor of this culture is that we are treating people like they did the act right. We're treating people like like if someone said, my parents slap me in the face at Thanksgiving, that's an act that we go. I'll see why you wouldn't go back to Thanksgiving. But I but if someone said, my dad is watching Fox News and I'm trying to show him, you got to get off of this ship, there's a lot of people like, nah, fuck your dad, get get away from him.
Get it.
That's terrible. Don't let him be around your kids.
Da dah dah.
And I'm saying that's that's a reaction that comes from like a disattachment from that person and their real reality. Like I don't have to deal with the consequences of your kids never knowing your grandparents of their grandparents. I don't have to deal with that. So I can just tell you fuck them and walk away. And I think it's very performative.
Okay, okay, and and and I agree, and I do also agree for and I feel like some people do do that part on the internet. And I also agree that for those people, I think sometimes it's just social pressure, social media pressure. And that's that's what I say. That's the reasoning is social media. Like for me, it's a reason why they're doing this. This in my mind, this ship don't happen out of the blue.
Maybe like I think it does happen out of blue. I really do think that's So that's what social pressure is. You need to act like this if even if nothing's happened to you. This is the code of our social media performance. So yes, so people take on things that they don't truly believe because it's the most popular sentiment at the time. So all of us constantly overreacting or constantly going at people and being like, no, fuck that motherfucker. Yes that is you don't actually need to have had a thing happen anymore. That is the code of the streets. What what is weird now is when someone says something like our listener just said, like happy in this and this and Matt are dealing with where it's like, yeah, my parents can be a bit conservative, or they can be iron cringe worthy. Sometimes I still love them. I'm showing them that the things they believe are not necessarily true, right, but they're in my life. They're not like these are. I'm not labeling them as just this piece of shit, irredeemable motherfucker.
Right that, I'm just going in the trash, right.
And so that's what I'm saying is like that type of sentiment it kind of died out in our in our social discourse. That person stopped existing for a while because we started associating it with the worst of the worst. We're like, your daddy's calling people the N word, and then you coming on Twitter and complaining about it, and we're supposed to just act like, well, it is your daddy, you know, what.
I'm saying, and and and and and and that that part I one hundred percent agree with.
I think we're saying the same thing.
I think you just caught up in the fact that I'm going even the social pressure is a reasoning for me, and you're going, no, that's not a reason.
I'm going, Yes, that is the reason in my mind.
That's not well, no, I'm not. I'm not caught up on anything you you said it was like specific things people did. I'm clarifying. I don't think people have to do a specific thing anymore to have people tell you fuck them, cut that person off. I agree, yes, Like I think the idea of someone doing a thing is always a valid thing, like if someone if I take my uh fuck.
I'm not trying to be funny right now, guys.
It's gonna sound funny because it's around this time of the year and everybody brings this ship up. But I really this isn't trying to be funny. But like what happened with Elon White, which is gonna come up, he's gonna probably have to get off of social media for a few weeks again year because Thanksgiving and these motherfuckers do the ship every year. Yes, they do forears, but like I do understand people that felt like strongly like no, like they did a thing to you. You her black fiance. You come to your white wife, white fiance's house and the parents are making you sit outside, or they're being so rude that you're sitting outside. I forget the exact thing. Once again, I'm not joking. It's not just an example. Yeah, but that is a perfect example of what I'm talking about of how big that guy. It's been year, Yes it has.
I don't even know how long it's been. It's been years. It's years.
The social pressure of mocking him and being no, that is a real thing. That it's none of our real fucking business. They could have worked it out behind the scenes, that could he Maybe she shouldn't have shared it because people aren't capable of handling it.
No, they are not.
They that family could be happy and together and everything could be fine right now are but the point being, but we would always look at him like something wrong with him for that. We'll always look at her like something wrong with her for that. He shouldn't have married her. All this type of shit, right because we don't want that to exist. Anymore, this idea that maybe they grew, maybe they changed, right, maybe right.
People don't look for that.
People only expect that in themselves. They don't that in other people. And whatever happens online is a time frozen. Is the moment frozen in time and you are nothing beyond above or you will always be that thing. But that's not people people, that's that's stupid because if somebody was to take your worst moment and say you are your worst moment for the rest of your life, you couldn't function.
That doesn't make sense.
And so in that case, they did a thing. So I understand how people can get to like this, this anger, Like I get why people get angry about that a thing happened.
Yes, right, we have transferred that to.
Your parents, said an opinion you don't agree with, Fuck them, get rid of them, right. That is the part I'm discussing. And that's why I said it's interesting you went to someone did a thing, because I think that's what the internet has done to us, is we are now treating everything is a thing like you know, okay, like we're going we're The treatment is as if you made my fiance sit outside, but it really might be that my dad doesn't understand, uh, the terminology for transgender people yet, right, put it on the internet. They gonna get they want to doc your daddy until you stop talking to that motherfucker.
Agreed, Right, Yes, it's it's it's it's like the the from that perspective, every because the Internet, everything's on ten and there aren't levels of infractions, and sometimes something might be a one or two or you can work it out and everybody act like like you said, as simple infraction has has to be the most extreme thing ever because the Internet, the machine has got to be always be angry and put somebody or something in it.
The idea that a person with a good heart can make a mistake has died.
Agreed, It's just die.
And I refuse to believe in that reality. Say so, that's why if you you know, right in here and you're like, my dad does my mom that whatever, I'm not doing the like, man, fuck them unless you tell me they did some egregious ship. It's got to be egregious. It can't just be we've you know, this motherfucker believed in this or thought that.
That being said, I stand by what I said last.
Week and I'm just I'm more I think I'm just being more honest than a lot of people are about these things. I can throw your parents away because they not my parents.
Right, That's that's I'm not giving here.
I'm not giving you advice. I'm just telling you why I'm not gonna go through all the like, Hey, he say it's just about this and maybe that. I don't need to give him a benefit doubt. For my own self protection, I gotta go. Motherfucker. Seemed like a bad person to me, and good luck if you can figure that out. I can be wrong.
I hope you can. I can be wrong, right, I don't know them agree.
I did not see anything else other than what you wrote, So that's what I mean. I didn't even want to get caught up in this so long. But whatever Pamela says, congratulations on three thousand hours.
I like our conversation. People talk about we always agree on shit, Okay. I wasn't disagreeing you keep putting this out here.
Like I said, it was interesting. You took it to a to an act and that's it. I'm just you was the one being like, know what I'm saying is I didn't disagree with you.
I know what you said, okay, because I wanted to be sure that I completely explained myself in a way that you could understand.
I understood it perfectly from the beginning. At no point was I saying you was wrong or misquoting you. I think it's interesting because I think that's a paradigm shift we've witnessed in our lifetime. It went from people have certain attitudes too, they did a thing, that's it.
That's all.
And I don't think you know, most people would argue with you if you say someone did something to me, Yeah, man, what the fuck? Who who's doing I mean, I shouldn't say most people. There's some people that will continue to argue with people where you're like so and so sexual abuse me. It's like, did you know that's your daddy.
I'm not. We're not that. Obviously, we're not, and we're not advocating that.
I'm actually kind of glad that it came up, because someone projecting on our conversation would probably be writing in next week, like y'all said, it's okay for people to smack your children.
And you just got that. I got to deal with it.
I did not say that we didn't say that, so don't project.
No, we did not say that. We just voicing our opinions.
Pamela Ma says, congratulation only three thousand episode. I continue to listen as long as y'all want to do it, Pamela, Thank you, Sean says Roder Karen three k episodes.
Congratulations, Apia. Good to have you around.
Whenever someone tells me that they are thinking about Trump, I say, you mean the son of a Nazi, which sometimes gets them thinking. I even had a student say that Elon supported him, must mean he's not all bad, to which I said, you mean the son of an Apartai lamb Bard. It doesn't work every time, but I like to set the frame that these right wing racist nut jobs are not people we should consider legitimate anyway. Neither of them fell far from their rotten racist trees, and they are both nuts. Yeah, that's an interesting tactic. I think the thing about attaching someone to their parents is interesting here because we do know there's a lot of people with fucked up parents that go on to be perfectly you know, uh, great people to society that that look at the example that parents sit and say I will not be that. But Yeah, Trump and Elon Musk did not decide to do that shit, so fuck them.
They did not.
Michael says, it's such an honor to have my silly comment but the title of Queen Karen and King Rod's three thousand episode. I haven't even been a frequent commenter, but I've been a big fan of the podcast for many years. I first heard Rob back on twelve and followed you on Twitter for a while for I finally got a ound of googling and find out what the hashtag tbgwt meant. I kept seeing it in my feet. I've been hooked ever since I saw you live on at Negro com My husband and I were shy and didn't say hi, but we had the time of our lives.
And I've been.
Subscribing to Premium for years. Listeners, if you're not Premium, you're missing out. Much love to you both, Rod and Karen. Here's to the next three thousand all thanks you appreciate you.
Uh, yeah, that's funny too, because I just talked about twelve with Elon just now. That's such a coincidence. It's so random. But yeah, shout out, shout out to twelve man twelve really put a lot of brought a lot.
Of listeners to to us.
I know we didn't get all the twelve listeners, but I never was after getting all the twelve listeners.
Only the cool ones, Only the cool ones. So if you stayed over here, you're cool, shout atter. You don't go back and tell the other ones they're not cool.
They won't know how to take it, you know, they will not. MS barn says, congratulations on three thousand plus. I know there's so much more behind the paywall. Yeah, yeah, it's just three thousand for the regulars.
Yeah, this ain't clean to behind the paywall child who I ain't even counted.
It's a few thousand behind there.
Two Probably it's a lot of episodes behind the paywall. I could go look it up right now, but it's I.
Know it's a lot. Yeah, I want to say, don't include the guest spots. We do.
That's correct, that's correct. I want to say it's over fifteen hundred or so, like it might be close to two thousand, be hundred paywall. I'm logging in to go check. But but yeah, Between Balls Deep Pregame, nerd Off movie reviews list smacking good. Then there's some episodes of shows that are defunct, like we stopped doing them, but you still have another light skinned moment.
I love that Real House Husbands, that was fun.
Me and Justin's fake reality TV shows. There's just a ton of them. Yeah, I'm looking now. Oh oh wow, there's actually twenty one hundred episodes behind the pay off twenty one Oh god, we're the most prolific podcast. It's not close.
If you outwork us, goddamn, it's it's not close. And like I said, and that's not including particularly over the years, and we've actually slowed down, but all the gain spots and stuff we've done, we've been up with.
You slowed down, you slowed down, slowed down. I'm sorry.
I'm on MCU University every week. People, Yeah, I'm I'm doing.
I've slowed down. I will yes, I will agree. Yeah, I've slowed down. And a lot of times when people ask if you want me to be on, say you on Ride and Karen. We are two separate entities. Like a lot of times they say Ride and they mean Rod ain't Karen. Karen don't show up and they be like, were Karen, cause you ain't ask.
For yeah, Well, I mean it just depends.
Karen doesn't put a lot, you don't put a lot of your stuff out there, you don't tweet a lot about stuff, you don't really interact with a lot of people about stuff, and so I think a lot of times they just assume you're not interested. Oh okay, you know, like I think I was listening to some of these podcasts and maybe I leave them a comment on Twitter or something, and every once in a while they reach out, like, hey, you ought to maybe review.
This thing with us or whatever. I'm sure, why not?
Sound like a good time, even he says, congratulations on three thousand episodes. I'm not sure when I started listening, but I remember the days of Group of Tales of Hate nas Terrell Jones. This show kept me saying during the dump years and has pushed me to view things in a way that I never had before. I could do without the Rby slander. But other than that, there's a five star show because ryder Karena Hot Shoe Boody says choming in the Whisper slyly, I think Rby's is good too. Ev I don't know how many times I have to correct this with the audience, And I'm mostly blaming this on Eve for spreading misinformation. My Rby slander has never been that their food isn't good. My Rvy slander is simply that it is clearly some sort of money loner.
In front for a criminal organization. That's all. They don't want to tell nobody.
They'd be buying other shit, and you'd been like, how can y'all afford to buy other shit?
Nobody having to drive through?
They give like ninety something percent of their revenue to Republicans. Uh, if it was Chick fil A, y'all'll be losing your motherfucking minds about it. So, I mean, I can't. I can't ignore the.
Truth for anybody.
So I remember once I think I even wrote an Arby's rap that I made. But yeah, so if that's slander, fine, But I'm not slandering the food. Y'all should be happy that I'm not slandering the food. I'm letting y'all cook with the food, even though they don't really cook the food until you order it, because they're not really playing on selling. They're not prepared, because that's not what it's about.
They're like, oh, ship, we got to make food.
Yeah, so I forget where I put that Arby's wrap, but it was it was a good time.
But yeah, if I find it, I'll play it on the show at some point.
Problem, but did you name it Aby's Rap? I don't know.
I'm looking at I got. The only thing I'll say is Arby's R d C World, which is a completely different thing. Yes, but yeah, it was. Somebody had to do it. Somebody had to tell y'all the truth. And I'm listen, I'm a truth teller. So if that's what I gotta do to get y'all to to to to be honest with yourselves, then I guess that's just what I have to do. You'd be a messenger, Okay. Some people have are called Okay, I have a calling.
People know many a call. Few are chosen. People come here.
People come here for some real truth, and so yeah, I'll just have to be the one to deliver it to y'all. And I'm sorry that y'all can't that y'all can't accept the truth.
Honestly, that's really what makes me sad is.
That y'all can be like, you know what, man, I'm supporting a criminal organization that's up to something shady. I'm not Look, maybe it's not even that.
They drug dealing. Maybe they not.
But if I told you they was like the corporation from Angel, the TV show.
Angel, they over hell fives, then.
Yeah, will any of us be shocked if it's like, oh, that's who been summoning the vampires.
That's what's wrong with the community, that's what we've been going missing. None of us will be will be shocked.
So I just think a lot of y'all need to.
Chill out anyway.
Uh, but yeah, I didn't call the food nasty?
Is the point they connect it to the Black Cart Corporation.
Shout out to the right exactly.
So yeah, that's all I'm saying.
Let's get to yeah, because I think Push a T did a rap and then I did a response to the RBS rap or something like that. Anyway, Uh, let's get to the next episode. A next comment, hustling up Flow says can grasp some three thousand. Last week, I mentioned Charlomagne the God's ads here, and you were hoping that maybe the tie was turned with viral clips of him with Anderson Cooper and others. Sadly, I've maybe seen those things once, but I see his ads on network TV all day.
Every day, and doublely during sporting events.
I mean, can somebody sell a pieza or something to use up these ad slots. I don't think it's damage control. Out did to daydamage, and I'm hoping he pays a price for that, and frankly, I hope it cools off all these other people rushing to bring them on their shows for political humor. H I so, I do think the tide is turning, But I think you're overstating what I said.
I don't.
I don't think he's turning the tide and and doing all the damage. I think you're extrapolating that out of something that I would not say. I don't think it's possible for him to change the damage he's doing to the political discourse.
I think he's kind of a chaos agent, and.
This last two three weeks where he's tried to like pull come back to the fold or whatever, I think that's very calculated. I think, honestly not to be too cynical, but I'm gonna be a little bit too cynical for some folks. I think a lot of these people are doing this because they think COM's gonna win, and they just don't want to be on the losing side, not even the wrong side, I mean with the losing side.
Sexy Red endorse Kamla Harris last night, like this is not this.
They don't give a fuck about us. They're gonna be rich and famous either way, and right now, there's no.
There's way too much risk of being the.
Pro Trump person if Trump wins, because we're gonna be so angry if that happens, and there will be a cost paid not by him, that will other people that we feel help pay the way for him, especially within marginalized communities. There will be a backlash for those people that will be strong. And those people can't actually be supported by the Trump voters because those Trump voters and those Trump people cannot align with those folks and their black audiences and black esthetics. So a person likes Sexy Red and not be floated by Trump supporters. They're not gonna come to their concerts. They don't want to see her music, they don't give a fuck about her. Nope, the breakfast club can't be floated by Trump supporters. They're not listening to Hot ninety seven. They're not sharing the clips. They don't give a fuck about Gucci Mane or whoever is in the studio with them, like they only come through when it's some Trump shit and to use them for a pro Trump right wing shit. So I think there's a cynical move where you have to pivot just in case Trump don't win, or just in case he does win, and you end up being on the other side paying a cost that he wouldn't pay. So I think when I say turn and tie, I think he's trying to turn the tide for himself. You're probably a bad example of that because you don't fuck with him already, So how could he possibly turn the side to tie for him personally where you would be like, you know what, cool?
I appreciate you coming around. The reason I.
Say that is because you just the thing you cite is evidence is the ads. He can't control those ads. He sent a season desist. Now he could sue. By the time he gets through court, the election will be over. Yes, So you're blaming him for something he literally has no control over at this moment. That tells you a lot like he can't come back for you, and that's fine, you know, I think that's a reasonable point of view, but let's just be honest with each other. Mature young lady says, why am I uphill cheese and hardest fuck? As soon as I heard about the live show? Will I be your VIP?
You damn right?
So if you see me on South trying doing something strange, just way because I'm trying.
I'm getting my coins.
Together for her live show, which means I need a fresh the black Out test shirt. I've already started making plans with miss Bars to hang out before and after all.
That's the sweet Yes, get your paga finalia.
All right, Let's look at the YouTube for comments over here. Let's see what they say. We got say you to congratulation on three thousand episodes, jav City Congratulations, graduation, congratulation on three thousand plus podcasts. There are a lot more blue signs in the yards here in Florida. Prayers down for the Orange coachest out Shallah agreed, My mom says, congratulation on three thousand podcasts.
Thank you, Mam.
Sola says, exactly, It's all about white supremacy. What did Harris and Biden do about white supremacists? Infiltrate the police? And military poor report by FBI Homeless Security twenty twenty. White supremacy is the most lethal threat to America p FBI Homeless Security Again, What has Biden and Harris done?
What? What wrote there? And die ten years before all Americas? What is Harris done? I'm sorry I wrote that, Ai High user from Channel Sorry.
We don't do Republican controlls over here, and you're not gonna get me to respond to that because those are lies and miss and out of context statements at best.
Mary Garland been arrested in people since January sixth, and.
He's still today and he's still getting them.
White nationalists and white terror is getting locked up every day in America right now, and it wouldn't be happening under Trump.
Let's just be honest.
I also love how their alternative is like, and Trump's gonna stop the white terrorists. He one of them calls coming from inside the declanhood. Paul, Have you thought about it?
Yes? Or no?
Because the title episode was think about it? Sixty eight percent of people have thought about it. People have not thought about it. I thought about it, but y'all really, y'all really just gonna tell us y'all not thinking about it.
You good a lot.
I appreciate your honesty, though I appreciate y'all being real about it. All right, let's get to another episode. But first it's about time to get some commercials. Like all right, episode three thousand and one, judgment falling off the Bone, we.
Got eight comments.
Let's get into it. Apia says, I don't know where Barbie is living nowadays, but maybe she moved to Europe and needs Black Friendship Project like I do. She might have, Well, she didn't call it black Friendship project, she just called it project friendship. I suggest you started listening to Blackout Tips as an entrance and give Karen and Rodd some of that Barbie money. Is a premium subscriber.
I take that Barbie money. Melibu, Barbie, come on down.
Sean says, in my head, there are two sound effects that I hear that you don't play. One is a gunshot followed by a clangy triple ricochet ending in a grunt from the sword fight sound effect whenever anyone catches astray. The other is the reverbrating thud of a boot hitting the hardwood floor whenever someone stomps on the joke I heard that thud so hard this episode. Rest in peace Barbie's friendship. In the project's joke, you had such a bright future, but your time was cut short, and it be happening, Michael says, Rod. You cracked me up when you said to Karen, behind all those sweeties and babies, you're just a furnace of rage. I'm here for Karen's outrage segment. I can hear the theme music now outrage rent to me Himdale says, I agree, hilarious, and it made me think of Bruce Banner when he generally says I'm always angry. I'm always angry.
I try not to be. I'm glad I do.
Karen is always outraged, and baby sweetie, I'm here for it. It happens to us all, Karen. Everyone plays the outrage somewhere. Mine is at the post office when people carrying a whole ass conversations with the postal work instead of buying your stamps, paying for postage and moving along.
Rod, You're in an.
Awesome straight man, and Karen makes you even funnier or more of the straight man when she busts through your joke walls.
Like the Kool aid oh man chef's kiss. I do it for y'all.
Sean says, if they they had used rock sugar with the Marion Berry notts and done it as a promotion free side, maybe, but as per your survey, they don't.
Look that good.
Yeah. I I just really feel like they missed it. They needed a writer in the room. They missed a lot.
Writers make a big difference if you're.
Gonna do it, and and the look it's a it up, it's a it's a it's a restaurant. So I know what they don't. They wouldn't have right on staff. And but just looking at it, I'm like, either you go with something that looks like crack rocks or you just leave Marion Barry the fuck out of it. I would have left them out just because of the location. Because but if you're gonna be offensive with it, go all the way. Don't have ass it. Yeah, go all the way I would have. I'm sorry people listening, okay, but just understand it's some of these are jokes. But if I'm doing the Marion Berry knots, first of all, we're smoking them in a pipe.
That's just one.
It's no motherfucking way like it was cracked. It wasn't cocaine.
If you're gonna do it, do it expeditiously, jump right.
And if I'm if we're doing a viral video, I'm having everybody put a garlic knot in a spoon and then maybe put a lighter underneath it. Now that's technically like heroin, but you get the same, Like, dam I'm dressing people up to look crack ish, you know, because the whole real point they're trying to say is these all like crack. So I'm dressing people up like Pooky from fucking you know, New Jack City, and I'm gonna have people doing looking like the cheeseburger dude for minutes. Like if if you're gonna do it, go all the way with it. If not, then you shouldn't do it.
You shouldn't do it.
I agree, yeah, because that was terrible idea. You shouldn't do it then.
And when I'm sure when I laid all these ideas out to them, they'd be like, this sounds like something we shouldn't do, and I'd be like, exactly.
All right, don't do it at all.
Call on scarface, not for some shit. Calin Tony montanas or something, and hope you don't get sued because that's crazy what y'all did, right, CP Shelter says, I was about to leave a comment telling you to put the clip out, to clip out that judgment falling off the bone bit for social media, but soon as you made it a title of the episode, I'm guessing your own it. As Rod would say, that's a bar.
Uh. Yeah.
I just submitted everything yesterday for like the last four episodes of social media clips, and there's a lot of them, so we'll see what makes the cutting out because we don't really choose the final thing. And I think they put out stuff. It takes them a while to like put it out. They have like a schedule they want to do things on. But those clips have been doing pretty well. People have been watching them. We've been getting some comments. I've been trying to direct people to come listen to the podcast whenever they see those out there. And thank you to everyone who likes them and shares them in comments on specifically Instagram. A lot of y'all are doing it on Insta, thank you, thank you. Everybody does it on Twitter as well, so we appreciate y'all and it helps our show, and it helps the Inflection network, the inflection point like because they're monitoring those things as well, and that shows that their hard work is benefiting the podcast. Personally, I think Kon's like candas owns, Mark Robinson, Shelley Winter, etcetera, should be excluded for the Fucking with Black People segment. Well, that's why you ain't in charge. They are often the ones. They're often the ones doing it to us rather than being fucked with. I'd always give them a zero and play the clip of the woman saying, think I'm supposed to feel sorry for that bitch?
I don't.
How about a new, separate segment just for them. You could call it coon in the Game. I hear what you're saying, and I appreciate the ideas. But the reason that I like putting them in Fucking with Black People is specifically for the point of being like, no, I'm not fucked with when Candice Owens has something bad habitat That's important because what those people and I hate to take y'all behind the inner workings of the podcast, but what those grifters do a lot of times is when something happens to them. That's when they claimed that's when they claim blackness. So canon zans it wouldn't be surprised, and I don't keep up with it like that, wouldn't be surprised if Kna Zones popped up somewhere and being like Australia band me because I'm black. Yes, if I was a white guy going there spreading this anti semitism, they would have let me in the country. And so I'm gonna always throw them and fuck with black people. The other part is, and I think this is the part that can't be denied if you're honest with yourself, they always are fucking with us.
Yes, they are.
Just seeing Jason Whitlock's name makes me a hundred your cars. It don't really matter what he's doing. They'd be like Jason Wuert got a haircut to day, I'm like, mm hm, your cars. So I would be lying to the audience if I took them out of fucking with black people, they had one hundred fuck with me all the time, So uh no, they stay in.
They make the segment interesting.
It can't. And also the other part of this, and this is once again taking you into the mind of the person that does the show and creates it. Fucking with black people can't only be a nigga got shot by the cops. I knew, because at that point it's so depressing, there's no reason to do it. So we have to sprinkle a little bit of sugar, which is us laughing at coons to go with the This white man shot his black neighbor and the cops didn't arrest him because they said they was afraid of the white man, which is a real story that we will be bringing up one day.
It goes a little it goes down a little.
Bit smoother when one of the stories before or after it is Jason Whitlock says Angel Reese is terrible at basketball. You know, it just helps. Sorry, when you read the story of the CEO trying to claim that this Marion Berry Notts had nothing to do with Marion Barry, all I could think of was that sound the clip. Just call them niggas, and you can make the same point with nigga nots. Thank you for all the facts, So thank you for you know, giving me a reason to explain why why we do some of the things we do with fucking black people. I guess why I do because I coordinate that second show, Shoe Booty says, and PIECEA is a crabby franchise of gentrified pizza.
That was the other part.
Pizza look that good? PIECEA didn't look that good? Like they got pizza in the background.
Was like, hmm.
Anyway, there would have been a way better way to honor a local legend than a tone death mocking dessert where it's less about the berry pun and more about the crack joke. They could have had some kind of berry theme dessert, which without being shitty about it, it's your cars, right right, They didn'tven cross my mind. But yeah, it doesn't have to be a joke. You could just be like, we are honoring Mary Berry, Marion Barry's legacy and contribution to this community. Come get a Marion Berry. Uh uh, not like the Marion Berry not And it's like, oh, because something funny. No, it's not funny, just Berry's in it and it's delicious, and Marion Berry helped our community out a lot, and people around here respect them. Didn't even think about it because our coaches a fucking joke to them. Anyway, Even he says, it sound like Candice Ons cooned a little too close to the sun good because fuck her. Uh comments on YouTube? We got five comments. Uh chinga tu maga facts, says big Tone. Uh oh, I don't know what chinga. I think that's Spanish for like something bad. I don't know, but I don't. I don't speak that, and I don't want to assume, So you just says rods Crockpot rushed the judgment. Analogies were delicious. One day Soon replied, I enjoyed your show today. Guys, Karen, you are too funny about the movies, but I feel the same way. I hen't forbid if they bust out the check book. Oh, I've never been in that situation. Somebody busts out a check book at the movie.
Register four, I'm like, Lord, have mercy, you ain't you ass person?
Ask somebody who's still owned checks. I'm still judging you. We're all turning the ipia in w we know. I don't ain't even been like checks. What is a check? Jason says.
The good news is after the movie that movie theater rank. Karen went on, I don't think we have to worry about her being in any true crime documentaries anymore, at least not as the victim that was a hell turn. I was not expecting that was one room she did not light up. However, I agree one d P Yeah, I'm telling y'all that's that's how she is underneath autist.
I just love the laugh. I do too. I love to laugh.
I say love to laugh.
I said love v laugh. They love your laugh. Oh I love my laugh too. Uh noney of beer says Karen's amc banter was golden girl.
We are all screaming tech support. Yep, everybody can relate to.
It makes sense.
It's stupid, all right, Poe was Marion Berry knots I'd buy some. I wouldn't buy any, or I'd bother them if no one was around to see it, I'd buy some. A seven and a half percent says they would buy some. I would not buy any. Ninety two and a half percent says no, which that adds up to one hundred percent, which means zero percent said they buy some of no one was around to see it.
Well, I have to be the one. If I knew no person would ever find out monitor me, I might try and just to just to see if the security cameras was off that day they had a malfunction.
It was right before closed. The employees was like, we're gonna throw these out anyway. You know, there's no reason to keep the.
No reason to hold. Only thing we make a fresh batch of cracking. I was just ordered to slice a piece and they was like, you know what, we're gonna throw in on the Marion berry.
Knots for you. I'm just gonna put it in the box without you having a registered and pay for it on your credit card?
Are you good with that? I tried.
Episode three thousand and two Typhoid Maryland. We had thirteen comments. Wow, let's see what people saying. Don't imagine it's mostly about those pot looks Apia says, we have other great things America can export from Germany, cars, healthcare, free education.
The Nazi stuff isn't the stuff the export I'm telling.
You rightly, fitting to the baby stuff and other topics. Uh is what is this a war Hitler anti semit question mark?
Titan? I don't know what this link is.
It's a classical cover of German satire magazine that says terrible suspicion was Hitler anti Semitic?
Oh no, oh, that is some good satire. And this is what it looked like for those looking.
But yeah, but yeah, people, I feel like people treat Tump like that.
Sean says.
Never had a company potluck, not something usually done in Japan, but I have made stuff for parties. Once I made a three seven pound three layer of cheesecake with fresh fruit fouling, a filling between the layers, and a hard chocolate coating.
It was dense.
Wisconsin cheesecakes go hard, but not like that fluffy and was stuff that they call cheesecakes.
Okay, that's slander for no reason, right, Both of those are good, by the way, it's all it's all in the same character.
So it was hard to eat more than a sliver because it was so filling it took.
I took none of it home. But my go to is guacamole.
My guacamole is always fresh, always flavored, gotta be generous with the kum and coriander and chili, and always finished no matter how much I bring.
I might tell people to grab.
Something four it's gone, but I never had to push it. Guacamole is an interesting proposition because see, when I think of potluck stuff, I typically think of people making stuff at home, and then bringing it from home.
To the job.
Guacamole, the at least the kind that I make, the fresh con that I make here shout to Nicole nick Jue who showed like she showed me how to do it, and I've been doing it ever since that con. I don't it don't hold like that's not some overnight shit. I'm sure there's a way to story, but it's hard, Like, yeah, you gotta like guacamole got to get gone. No, don't I want no leftover guacamole, the not the fresh cond anyway. Maybe that like process shit. People be like sitting eating on it for days. But if I get some guacamole that I made is fresh, I'm eating it that day or it's going in the trash. So that's interesting. Justin, says Barron Donalds is a first generation immigrant. His mother's from Panama, his father's from Jamaica. Donald's has no real connection to Black American truth be told. With him being the first generation immigrant, he probably hates Black Americans and thinks he is better than us, like some black immigrants believe. I don't know how much of asked to do with him being an immigrant, but yeah, I think we have it on good authority. He hates Black Americans just from his policies and what he supports. Abben says. Unfortunately for him, the Nazi he will meet on the street, will I ask this question about his family tree, he will be seen as a non white person the end. That's yep, that's that Negro wake up call. Everybody be waiting on Republicans to get it. Hustl Noflow says on the potluck question. In the early two thousand, I had my first job that did potluck instead of just restaurants and catered food. I was one of a couple of blacks in the department. I signed up for the green bean cast roller dish I had never actually had before because my family.
Never made that.
Because that was one of the last options available to sign up for, I learned how to make it out the back of a French onion can damn French's onion can. I am a pretty decent kid cook, so it came out okay. The dish was a hit as of the coworkers food. In later times, working in the department with more millenated people, we developed a methadis share with each other the food to still clear of based on observers of the cooks, such as which people didn't wash their hands in the bathroom and other general hygiene issues. Thankfully, school started transitioning to allow purchase goods for classroom parties, and that worked this way.
That worked its way more and more to the office.
I'm old enough to have bob for apples at school carnival, something that sounds super crazy to me now, something I never let my kids do. So my view community grossness have evolved over the years. I ain't eating that rans at artichoke and orange dip. The other messed up thing, though, would be when the office had a commercial cake but the server was one of the people that licked their fingers when cutting slices, oh, and touched them to the plates. No thanks, I gave that up for lent until next year.
Oh that's gross.
Ronna Rafael says, you know it was barn Donald's that I had in mind there last week's koon Joe take his black car to give it to Aquafina. I like her. Okay, give it to Sean King. Where are you at in pals done? Where's Sean King? Second Rod's point about Puerto Ricans that I've been fucking with the GLP until the MSG Nazi rally. It's a bit sus to me that it was the final straw. Mark Anthony ad for Madam VP was full of sins against the community by Orange, and yet I still knew Puerto Ricans who were talking that he just a businessman BS yeah, shot out the nikki jam Anyway, I hope that anger translates into voting blue.
I agree, who is a nikki Jam.
He's the he's a he's an artist, a musician. He was in Bad Boys for Life. He's the worst part of that movie. And he was the dude that took his support of Trump back after the Puerto Rican joke that the dude made.
Yeah, for a lot of them, that's where they drew. They line.
It's like, oh, they ain't never really like y'all. Y'all just thought y'all something y'all. Some of y'all thought y'all was super special. And then he hit on y'all too, and the nigga's like, yeah, he don't like us, what make.
You think he don't like you?
And his reasoning was some shit, like I just thought Trump was a good business man to be good for the economy. Shoe Booty being says being part of a small team at work means easier to vet who can bring what to the propluck. Honestly, we are so food motivated that could be on my manager's list of hiring questions at this point, what would you bring to the potluck? No one on my team makes a bad food, and for that I'm thankful. At Hollow, at our Halloween get together, everyone brought their lunch from wherever they wanted and brought in deserts snacks to share. My bunt cake was a hit and I cannot recommend this dish recipe enough.
And she sent a link to how to make a chocolate bunk cake.
Mature young Lady says that our last office job, I was a one woman morale department. I would organize potlucks. My mom would cook on my behalf. We knew which coworker would not to ask to contribute. One coc worker was known to be a cat lady and we definitely avoided her shit. Tommy D says, my first year at the job, we had a potluck. My supervisor told me to get stuff before Gloria got there because she will walk talk all over the food, but I was it was too late.
Gloria was standing at over the food.
She was talking and I could see tiny food and spit particles flying out her mouth onto the food. I looked at my supervisor and moved his lips with no sound coming out of his mouth to say, I told you, oh yeah, uh Donald Donald donald didn't come out tom oh Byron Donald's didn't come out to mop but John Sener's theme song that starts out with the anti up sound. As a wrestling fan of unofficial senor hater, I had to clear it up. Okay, thank you him deal says right, it's real firming to here. Someone discussed not wanting people to eat up their food they bring so it can be brought back home.
But I have an eighty percent rule.
Once the pot, much as I guess what's the pot is eighty percent done time wise, I removed what's left of my food and clean the space to make room for other nasty food people ain't eating because I hate carrying empty real dishes anything that ain't plastic home. I'm not sure I understand. I have an eighty percent rule on the pot is eighty percent done time, Oh pot luck. Oh okay, i'ld have corrected from potluck to pot much Okay, once the potluck is eighty percent done, time wise, I remove what's left of my food and clean the space to make room for other Oh.
Yeah, I can see that. That's not that's not a bad rule, I guess.
I personally, I leave it there until they tell us come get our dishes. If anything is left, I'm happy because whatever I made I want to eat. It's just very rare that my shit has anything left. But if something is left, I'm like cool moe for me. Uh even, he says. When I used to work in corporate where there was a potluck, I would only eat my food and one or two of the black people who I knew were clean. I made the mistake of eating this one white lady's devil egg because she was nice and I didn't want to hurtr feelings. I should have known something was odd because there's no peprika on it.
Dog even eat no peprika is a sign I don't care what nobody SAYSIG.
Giveaway that luck, no peperk on it, I won't fuck with it. I never had a good one with no peprika on it. At. I don't know, because I don't even think peprika tastes like nothing.
It don't.
It really don't taste like it's just a visual sign like, oh, they put their foot in there.
Peprika like food color a little bit read.
Yeah, but it means it means they put some other shit in there that go with the peprika. Say, when I been into it, it tastes it only tasted like yolk and mayo, no salt, pepper, relish, mustard, nothing. It was discussing. I learned my lesson after that. I heard that dish that got people sick was a Filipino dish called pansit, which is a rice noodle dish that has vegetables of various meat, sometimes seafood. It's so delicious, but according to my friend who used to make it for me all the time, it's a dish usually made.
For big parties the day of because it's spoils quickly.
And apparently this person made it a couple of days before the pot look, which is why everyone got six. So maybe it wasn't an accident. It depends on that they ate something too. If they got sick too is accident. If they was over in the corner watching y'all get sick.
They tried to kill y'all.
Nate your boy says, I guess I was lucky when it came to potlus. I used to work for a chemical company that international chemist on the roster. When we had potlucks. We had Vietnamese, Filipino, Louisiana, White West African, Indian, North and South style and Southern Texas redneck racist ass granny recipes passed down to their more progressive grandchildren. See Pauladine and her use of butter all captured. Needless to say, there were certain dishes that we would skipped, but there were no casualties in twelve years. Who practiced safety and kept clean lab benches, So I guess the practices followed them into the kitchen.
That makes sense. That is lucky. I could see that working out.
Like they're scientists that are lab trained, right, so they probably know not to have fucking cats on their counter.
Right they understand cross coxcamination and shit.
Because what they do make a lot of sense. All right, let's get to the YouTube comments. Baby Tashiro says, I would be embarrassed if I was a person in the community attending a Nazi rally and they should be embarrassed.
See Nathan says, it has to be a mental illness.
Jannine says, long time, first time in a long time, and then one hundred.
Percent would eat what I cooked.
And the way my coworkers would be mad, be big mad because I would go to Ryan Gosling and crazy stupid love. When Steve Carell opened at Velcrow wallet. Alice says, yes they do at four to twenty four mark. I'm not sure what the four to twenty four mark is.
Like, I don't well either way.
I mean, I guess you don't have to directly be the person that would go to jail. But the way these laws are, you don't know. She's talking about the obg y ns that do they do abortions or not, and she says yes they do, okay, And like I said, we had people that wrote in and said, there's dude that We've had people wrote in and said theirs doesn't I don't.
I just don't. I didn't know very so thank you for the answer.
I guess they can do, though, yes, noney Bien says, wait ride images of Barron Donald's playing the spoons to the Dixie song gave me tears. Earth truly is a ghetto. Nathaniel says, stop it.
I'm dying over here.
Potluck mad, it's red flags. None of your bier, says till Tis. The season had to revisit episode thirteen forty eight for the Potlucksnan against Yes eight. So obviously it's an episode of our podcast.
I mean I said, I meant title my bad.
Yeah, I'm about to look it up right now. I don't know off the top of my head. So it's called office Potluck. Is from twenty sixteen when we discussed office potlucks, and that was a very fun episode. I remember that and yeah, we got a lot of comments back then. It was like the first time I brought it up on the show. And it turns out pretty popular sentiment. Apparently a lot of black people are thinking about this shit.
And it ain't changed and it almost.
Ten years, ten years.
Yeah, I'm surprised people still have such strong feelings after people been working from home and a lot of people can avoid it now, not that everyone can, but a lot of people can. Let's see. Rebecca says, I was so pissed off Sunday when watching my Ravens game.
There was a long ass pro Trump commercial. Yeah yeah.
She also said, speaking of seafood in Maryland, the son of the owner of Popular Popular Agi seafood.
Just murdered his girlfriend here in Baltimore.
But that's random and ship Rebecca records, like, you know what else is having over speaking of seafood? Speaking of seafood?
What we would have to say something about seafood on the show.
I know we talked about the seafood in the pot. Look, okay, that's still why are we on the subject of seafood?
Did you know somebody that somebody murdered somebody restaurant.
That's hilarious, Rebecca, that's random speaking of seafood.
She's just trying us to talk about it. Yes, I don't know nothing about this this food or this person, but that is that is pretty hilar speaking of seafood. You could do that with anything on the show. Speaking of basketball, did y'all know that I was playing basketball with this dude and he said, like no, we know anyway, rebec Cam says, oh my god, laugh mass off. If he holding the motherfucking sick while pouring the gas yup. Definitely a racist pos Another great episode. Y'all submitted that clip too. Maybe we'll see if that comes out. Jingsville says, laugh mass I saw the news put about the sword in the fire and thought about child.
Don't know if that was a good thing or not.
Who knows. Thomas says, these fucking Christian nationalists don't care so long as their genders pushed down the rest of our throats. Trump is the trojan horse for his Christian bullshit.
Driving behind the car of the day, I saw a bubblestick, he said, Catholics for Trump. I said, what should have rear ended them? What? And it been like, look, God works in mysterious ways. I'm trying to kill you to keep it. I'm just kidding, right one day what.
Oh, just joking, guys, don't do it.
I'm just trying to stop the antichrisis. Trump one day soon says, thanks for.
Talking about mammograms.
Can remember, ladies, know the density of your breast as your doctor.
Yeah, that that that matters, you know, Like you said, it's one of the things where you kind of learn as you go because pride to mammogram. I didn't know what the fuck the density of the breast mean. It is some kind of technical term for it, and I was like, the fuck is this?
Did I have to go look it up? It's like, Oh, it just means dense breast, that's all you have to say.
Rich says, uh, some of these people won't get it until they are in chained with no rights, being shipped to the fields, being held in cages, until they get deported to countries they never lived in, or have someone break down their door taking their home because they're no longer considered an American citizen. Germans during the rise of Hitler is an example that no one should want to follow. An old boy is a bitch if you had a nerd a hop on camera with that hat and then then stand on business. Yeah yeah, Nick Bosa. Alexandra says, my mom's favorite doctor retired to teaching this year. She said it was stressful and the parents the patients are becoming more hostile. That's interesting too, because I think that's something we don't talk about a lot, but that goes since the pandemic, that goes up and down every scale of people facing positions and businesses, anything dealing with the public. People have been reporting back that there's been a lot of hostility coming from patrons that wasn't there before the pandemic.
And you know what, what you saying makes sense because I've realized a lot of doctor offices I go in now they have signs where you go in, they have signs throughout the hallway, do not harass, do not yell, do not hit, like like they'll tell.
You we'll call the police on you with how you arrested. You know. They was like, people are just trying to do their job.
Say God, damn are people coming back here and just showing asses in the doctor's office?
Right, She'd rather deal with papers than patients and the climate. My obgyn also retired, and I only found out when I went to schedule my annual, Like, ma'am, you've been looking at my intimate parts for like years.
I hate finding new doctors to creating a new dynamic.
I saw on.
It's such a stupid, random fucking thing.
I just thought, But I wonder if it would be helpful if on the description for these obg u I ns, if they had some level of like detail or customer feedback about how they specifically like treat people's private parts. Like I know that sounds like some really childish ship, but at its essence that is kind.
Of what the hell yet the job requires.
It's the thing that they can't say because it because it would look weird and creepy and probably gross, especially if it's like a man or some shit like that. You know, like there's there's like a weird there's a sexual element to it that would just make it too creepy. But it probably would be helpful if it was like, you know, warm the forceps or you know, you know, hey, I'm a man, but a nurse will always be in the room with us. Yes, you know, and I know.
You're joking, but that shit matters.
Like if there's somebody going, oh, I will always make sure to warm up the I don't know if you call them stirrups or whatever the thing is, because not trying to funny, there's nothing worse than them being cold. And they've came a long way because now they use plastic, you know sometimes and before everything was fucking metal. It'll be cold, and some of them, even if they use metal, they'll warm them up ahead of time.
They'll let you know, like like they're very very.
Sounds so immature, no, but but I know that at its course, that's what would ease my mind. I think of what would ease my mind when I go through situations like that, and it's just stuff you can't do, you know, it's stuff you can't really. Like if I'm looking for a new dentist, hey TV's on the ceiling. That might actually be a positive, but they can't put that on the fucking like, hey guys, TV's on the ceiling.
Because because with most doctors they don't. Really they might, but they don't. I don't know a place I'm pretty sure they is. Y'all that you can like write reviews, but you can tell like, Okay, I've been.
Something, but like even in the review, people aren't gonna put that that's true.
I see we're saying, yeah, they're not gonna.
Be like doctor doctor Yolanda Jones has very warm, tiny hands and that's why she's been my obg y n.
You know, like they can't say no, treat my inside right.
But when we all like to know, we'd all like to fucking know it's very very gentle. The last thing I want to find out as it's happening it to me is like, oh, this guy's gonna check my prostate and he got Victor Winbiyona hands like, I don't want to find that out when I get there. I want to I want someone to have told me so I can know what to prepare for. I could be like, nah, that's not for me. I don't have a agreed. You know, I don't need this Nigga Scotti Pippen in my buttthole or whatever I saw online. Someone said people truly don't care unless directly impact on. The comedian's racist joke directly impacted one group, but the entire Trump presidency was awful towards everyone but rich white man.
How is this election even close?
Trump has always been a racist, sex as bigger than person forever. There should be no more surprise outrage against him. Everyone should make it to their mission to never have him or anyone against freedom step foot in Pennsylvania. As I'm sick of this shit. That potluck poison sounds like a tempted murder.
I don't know what the police say, I will be looking for another job or I don't care what they say.
Yep, I agree, yep. I'll be like, oh no, I was trying to kill me here. I'm out the Poe. Have you ever cooked food for a company potluck? I have, and I think once or twice I cooked for Rogers.
I think that may like macro unn cheat something like that, And every time I would cook it, it's a hit Roger Green, like I ain't got nothing to bring back, it will be gone. They would be like every time they would have one, but like tell your wife the cook.
Somebod macar fifty seven percent have forty three percent have not.
But yeah, that makes sense, all right?
Last episode or the week three thousand and three Loud Working, we got eight comments. This is our episode we have my man Zach from the Liver Corporate podcast on talked a lot about work stuff. Booklyn Shoebay says, hey rd A Karen, great episode. Y Payless is a supermarket in Indiana. Oh oh so it's not a shoe store there, Okay.
Okay, I didn't know. I've only known that as the shoe store. That's why I was confused.
I was like, what, my ex husband is from Indiana and I've shot there.
They have free samples, cookies on fire.
Okay, you solved the mystery.
Thank you baby, because that makes sense. I was like, how you give it free samples at the shoe store.
Yeah, he threw me off Rona. Raphael says, that's a cheap ass baby. I died when Karen said that that baby story was too much.
By the way, shout out to your Halloween designs.
That's sexy cool as a universal time traveling lord, I respect the sweet design. Back to my costume, shoe Booty says, this episode is just what I needed today was having a loud work moment, even though I worked from home, where I made sure I was sending out my little teen messages don't try to catch me at to two today.
I put it in my time see you, no game, no ball by uh.
My team here is great and there's no quiet quitter necessary when you got a good boss, and they really emphasize work life balance. Put in your eight hours, do a good job, don't be bothered the other sixteen hours of the day. She also said, Lucy a campground adoption story for the I guess for that story people. Sean says, I think there was a huge difference in the way businesses would run before Jack Welch. Of course, Welch was part of an overall movement where businesses were no longer chartered for actual country to contribute to society, but rather to increase shareholder value.
Thank thanks Freedman for that dumb idea.
This shift from employees as a means of optimizer business to employees as a means of optimizer profits has led to the toxic corporate culture that Gen X and younger people grew up in, and things have gotten worse since the push for right to work longer hours for less money, and be fired at the whim of your boss laws aka right to work not submitting to be victim a waste step sty percent low wage workers in America have been victims of wage deeph and wate DEPH accounts for more than half of all theft.
In the US.
AKA. Quiet quitting is not ground for dismissal, I mean yeah, for dismissal in reasonable states.
In fact, firing people for not being willing to.
Be victims of crime is illegal in the states with reasonable label laws. Unfortunately, right to work laws harm so many people in the US. Do you think we'll ever get back to pre Wels, pre Freedman world where business were meant to do something in the profit motive for secondary I just appreciate your faith in me and care because I don't know who the fuck Jack Welch is or Freeman say.
That never came up on the podcast.
So this like you just wrote some like PhD stuff and we was on like business one on one child, Yeah, we intro I'm sure that we don't left one hundred I'll tell you what I'm what I am sure of without even knowing just from contest clues.
That was a very smart thing. You you smart.
I mean we already know you smart. You know many times too smart. Then I'd be like, I don't know what the fuck Sean's talking about, but I appreciate you have so much faith in me that you thought I would know what you was talking about.
You're real when Sean appreciate, educate the audience and us.
And if you're asking when we ever go back to a time where it wasn't like it is now.
No. I love to be optimistic, but no, even and I don't.
This is not despairing in her any way, but this is like one of the things I was telling my friend. He was like, uh, you know, this Kamla Harris campaign is a little bit worrying from me because some of the biggest donors and people that she's looking at for cabinetcies are people that are huge, like Wall Street, you know, corporate interest type people. And I said, yeah, the alternative is Trump. That that's not her fault. That's not a thing she can't win without those people who made it that way, Scisions United, which is not her fault.
Yes, they did who made it that way.
So what she's supposed to lose by saying I reject any level of like corporate influence over my campaign and over my platform and over my administration. I reject all of it. I don't need to work with y'all. Y'all, y'all need to bow down to me. And then when she loses, and we all call her a loser for losing and say what a stupid decision she made. They went and contributed all their money to Trump and Republicans and that's why the fuck Trump and the Republicans have soul rain over the economy. We would all call her stupid. We would all say her campaign would badly managed. I'll say she really fucked shit the bed and fucked America over. And I would say the reason that this really has to be made into this binary decision is because we Americans don't stop these things. We haven't done enough with our own votes and our voice to say we want corporations to be handled in a different way, we want businesses to be rained in, we want capitalism to have better guardrails.
Right, they're not people.
When we decide that we're we're not gonna do that with our votes because we can sit something out, or we could be a one issue voter, or we don't care about this. We only care about that. That's what the fuck happens, and we have to the politicians have to navigate.
By the rules that we set as voters.
Right, And so we told them, hey, man, we don't actually give a fuck about this economy shit. We say we do, but really what we mean is I don't want to pay this much for gas and that's not enough.
I don't want my taxes to go up, like like, it's very very simple.
Yeah, and many times it's not even that right.
Many times people say I don't want my taxes to go up, but then they vote for Trump and their taxes go up, and they go, I'm gonna vote for Trump again. So what are we really talking about? What are the real issues of America, if it wasn't, if capitalism wasn't in America, wasn't so racialized. It is inspiredly this way most places. But if it wasn't so racialized, we would have a fighting shot. But the racism did us in as a country. So you got people that should know better and be like, I'm not supporting this racist motherfucker. Because even they're lying, even about their tax policy, it's stead they go. If they're being honest about the racism, I'll let them lie to me about the tax policy, yes, sir, And that's why we're fucking I'm here for the racism. Come on, I'm here for the racism too. Care I love racism.
I don't know. Oh sorry, I was just trying to I was just trying to agree with you. But they out here for the racism, they not me personally.
I get it. I'm sorry. I mean, I'm not here for the I hate racism.
Do you read it out?
It's the worst, Okay. I don't play with no racism.
So some of y'all.
You messing with that racism and all that shit, seeing with the racism.
Not me.
Why who would play with racism in America? Karen?
I don't know.
I don't know how that place stop. EV says, this episode reminded me that I do not miss working in the corporate office.
These people truly do not care about you.
When I was on mattornity leave, I got a call from my boss asking me to come back early.
Because they were short staff. Yes, I repeat, I was on mattornity leave. And that's one of the reasons that you had to stop working at Rby's.
I see, because you know that they don't give a fuck. They're like, you come in here and mix this cocaine.
Child. If i'ma gona turnly kiss my ass, I'm not coming back in Well, they got the mets.
At that point, I was making as much as my side hustle as I was at my job, So when I got the call for my boss, I was so pissed. So I did go back to the office to couple mattorney ly short and on my first day back, I handed in my two weeks notice, even though I planned on't work in there for at least one more year, And for the next two weeks, I didn't do shit because what were they gonna do?
Fire me? So I guess they were still short when I left, you better than me because I wouldn't have went in.
But that explains why the at Harvey's be so long. Y'all in there on maternity leave, putting in two weeks notice, and they'll take me thirty minutes to get my food. That's why ev I know you work there. That's what it's really been about the whole time. It's starting to make sense covering up for him, says.
My work situation can be described as one or the other.
The work can't be done on a nine to five schedule because medical conventions and congresses don't work that way, or the traveling. My job is more of a lifestyle, I guess, but a well paid when no one cares how long I work or when I as long as the work gets done. When I work on the weekend, I can decide if I want money for it or a free day. I have lots of freedom, but also tons of responsibility. Overall is good, but you need to be extremely organized. The main office is three hours away, so I'm only there about four times a year, four important means. And that was because our poe was Are you more of a quiet, quitter, allowed worker or neither that was a thing. We'll get to the results in a second, but let's get to these YouTube comments real quick. Damn, says Jason Jasper. I really wanted Kamala on rogan interview. It sounded crazy, but for that hour I really would have flipped him. It really thinks she would have flipped them. Yeah, I think that's one of the reason he's afreak. I'm serious, cause.
She came in really, really reasonable.
As a dude. That just the boogeyman of Kamala Harris is more powerful for Joe Rogan and his listeners than Kamala Harris is.
The reality of her is not scary, and I'm not like.
She'd come in warm, nice, friendly. Yeah, it had been the completely different.
And him talking to jd Vance to me was more damaging the jad E Vans and Trump than uh than talking to Kamala would have been. But whatever, I don't give a fuck about him and his folks like that, but I still think it was whack his reasoning for not going to do the show her right. One thing I've learned over these past couple of months is that her way, her charm is way underrated. As she owns rooms, Trump looks so weak in those one on one interviews, he's are orange hunched over. If he didn't move the damn hands so much, he just looked like furniture. Meanwhile, super small commal assists back les cross like Phil Jackson and runs a tryang on all those white men.
Little Rogan wouldn't have made it.
I agree the Nicki Helly story about her not getting called by Trump is perfect. The one good thing Trump did would strip every single remaining Republican of any respect ever amongst their own base. No one sees Nicki, Tim Scott, Tad Cruz or any of these clowns as leaders anymore.
That that's one of the main issues with the party that I just I'll never be able to understand.
If Trump does not win, what y'all have thrown your future aspirations in the thrown crash because he has demeaned you so much you can't be a leader.
Mike Pince presidential running run did not even get off the ground.
Not the second time in twenty sixteen he thought vice president was a was a test run to be president.
One day he did.
It's dad, He's a fucking joke, Yes he is. He's a fucking joke that won't even stand up for himself against Trump. It's crazy, like NICKI had is a fucking joke, Now, yes she is. She meant something to people, not South Carolina. Yeah, not to me, but to respectable people who are serious about voting, serious about the plans for the economy in America.
They announced, Go, nah, she's a fucking joke.
That's crazy. Y'all did that for this man. Meanwhile, say what you want about Joey B. But he's leaving a damn party looking like the OKC thunder nothing but emerging talent. So many people were elevated in his term, exactly exactly. I wouldn't trade the Democrats roster for the policing roster right now. And I'm not saying that because of politics. I'm literally saying, if you just height, age weight.
Uh, looking at statistic popularity, you know, you know we're up here with double doubles, tripping doubles, breaking breaking, breaking league records.
A lot of stars of right wing spears aren't even politicians. Now, no, that's how fucked up it is for joke, That's how fucked up it is for Republicans. Like AOC is the kind of person that could have just been a left wing podcaster and would have been very famous and popular anyway. Yes, but she's within the big tent of the Democrats.
That matters.
Even if you don't like some of the people in the squad, it matters that they are in the tent and they're popular with constituencies that you want to bring into the folk. They're not just sniping at the Democrats from you know, YouTube. It matters, but Republicans can't really say that. CPJ Morgan says, the embeddedness of the anti blackness and philanthropy is breathtaking as well. D I stuff is written down and then we straightened down. The bye By is living gas lighting. Agreed, and JVCD says at the forty one thirty five second mark, it's me every day, Rod is right.
Oh, let me see what this is? Thirty five? What did I say? Is it quite loud talk? Let me say five whatever?
Come in loud as hell?
No, loud working, it's louderking. There we go. Let's do it loud working.
All right, y'all. To Poe, are you more of a quiet quitter or a loud worker? Quiet quitter? Forty one loud worker twenty nine percent and neither twenty nine percent.
So there you go. I feel like I'm more of a loud worker.
Uh, just so I want to get out of there and feel like I don't have any pressure on me. But that's just because I've been telling y'all I'm leaving the whole time.
I kind of I guess I do neither because not really quiet quitting, because I just these are my hours and I'm.
Out, you know what, IM type of thing.
Particularly when I went into the office, I was like a ninja. I was one of the first people in now and when it was time to go, if you bleak too hot, because what was that was right at the corner, I would hit that corner and hit that door. The door was like less than twenty feet, I'd be out that door and gone.
So for me, it was just.
Like, well that's more of a quiet quitter.
I guess, okay, Well then I follow that cadamistry.
All right, let's get into the voicemails, and now I can use this opportunity to get up and get my phone.
So here you go a little longer break to normal, because I didn't know where my phone.
Was all right voicemails. We only got one collar this week, and I don't know this person, so we'll find out together.
Hey Brian, Karen, did your boy meets your boy? First time calling in? But I just had to tell you about my voting experience early voting experience. I live in Fort Bend County, which is the county of basically the suburbs and the portion of Houston, and next to us is Harris County, which is the main county that Houston lies in. Anyway, I'm in line at the polling place for early voting, and there's a Vietnamese gentlemen and a white lady, and they get to talking pretty loudly about how the Democrats stole the election and how the machines now are fixing the way that they can't manipulate blah blah blah blah blah, whole bunch of nonsense. Anyway, the guy keeps mentioning that he is not properly able to vote. I guess here in Fort Benn County he was sent from Harris County to Fort Bend even though he lives in Harris County. So what ends up happening is somebody overhears him one of the polling ladies. She comes over to him, takes him to the front of the line, has him fill out some kind of fort vote actually sorry. Before she gets to the forum, she asks if he's registered to vote. The man says registered. Nah, I never did that, So then she checked his ideas it's your current address. No, that's not my current address. The lady gives him a form to fill out to They claim that your vote will count today. So I'm telling everybody, just so you know, get out there and vote since you can counterate one of these nonsense votes. Somebody's gonna get to pass. I mean, me and all the other black people in line have it looked at each other like and you believe this shit, but hey, it's happening. Get out there vote. Make sure you can counter at that. Rob proudly. You man, you're eating right and getting in that gym in network.
Keep it up. Take care, thank you, nature boy.
And yeah, it's funny though, because the other way to take that story is if you're home and you're making excuses for voting, like where you're saying yourself like, man, I don't I don't know if I got my registration right, I don't know who got my paperwork.
That I do the thing.
The job of the poll people, no matter what side they're on, the job is to help you be able to vote.
Yeah, that's their job, and they don't actually.
Give a fuck what your politics are as long as you're not violating the law, like showing up with propaganda and shit does not to let you be in there with that. But if you show up and you're like, man, i'm scared on license might be a thing. Show up, they'll walk you through it, provisional ballads, a bunch of stuff to make sure your voter is counted.
It can be intimidated.
I still remember my first time voting being like, I think I was eighteen or around there, and was like, it's gonna work.
It's gonna work the way they say it's gonna work.
Am I gonna get up there and they're gonna say excuse me? But I actually no, you know, like I didn't know. But it can be intimidated, but it's not as intimidating as you think, you know. Ironically, to relate it to the thing he ended on, it's kind of like how I was with the gym. I was so nervous about going to the gym working out. What was gonna happen Where people are gonna be looking at my body judge me, Where people gonna say negative things to me? What was I gonna look stupid of messing with machines and weights and not knowing I was doing. Were people gonna videotape me, put me on social media like you see all the.
Time these days.
I had so many anxious concerns and it stopped me from the positive aspects of it.
And it honestly was a fucking lie in my brain. My brain was lying.
People are very positive, they're very supportive, they want to help. If anything, they mostly just mind their business. They in their own world. They got their own shit going. People aren't going to the gym sick because motherfuckers are in there, mostly health nuts, and they don't want to be around nobody coughing. They're gonna flip the fuck out.
Yes they will, you like, don't make me sick.
So so like the things I thought was gonna happen in that gym weren't true. You know. It's like when people take a zoomer class and you're like, oh, should I stop?
I mean, it's the pandemic. I shouldn't take a zoomber class. The people at the zoomer aren't gonna show.
Up to be coughing and dying for an hour.
You know around too much. The average person is.
If they feel sick, they're like, let me stay the fuck home from the gym. I definitely know what I don't want to do with COVID do zoomer in a room full of people coffee and looking at me like I'm crazy. So but my brain went to an anxious place, and I think that can happen with voting. It can feel intimidating if you haven't done it before. And I don't care what your age is, they will. I'm telling you, they're so helpful. They no situation they haven't seen before. Go in there and they'll walk you through it. It'll be fine. So there you go. All right, We got emails. Get to these emails real quick. Oh this is just a note to Raquelle. I emailed you as well. She emailed us last week where she said that she lives in Columbia, South Carolina, and she when she get up money right, she's gonna become premium and all that stuff. We have a listener who has two premium subscriptions, which I think.
She did by mistake, which for the record, if.
Y'all have two subscriptions going and you don't want that, you're not trying to do that, like email me, go to your PayPal, cancel one of them. I'll refund you. The goal is not We're not here trying to be like we need to get as much money, but we're trying to because we can't control PayPal, we don't actually know if someone has a duplicate subscription. Sometimes PayPal will email people and be like, your shit's gonna get canceled because the money isn't coming through or something. And I think people sign up again by mistake to be like, oh, well I don't want to da DA. I don't get any notification of like this is their second account, so I would not know. So double check your PayPal, make sure y'are not getting double billed. The goal is not to rip anyone off. We appreciate the people that are like, I'm just doing it to help you all out because I've I'll be if I find someone has a duplicate account, I'll email them and be like, hey, it says you have duplicate thing, what's up? And then people, I mean, these people are so nice, but they'll be like, oh, it's fine, I don't want the money back. I'm just like, okay, Richie rich but nah, I'm like, thank you.
But at the same time, the purpose is just one.
If that's all, you're right one, you know that being said Raquel, if you're listening, this listener was like, don't cancel my second subscription, give it to Raquel, and I email Raquel, email me back, you know, email me back, let me know, because uh.
Hey, I would take the free premium if I was you.
You know what.
I'm like, Hey, somebody, you need to get behind this. Paywalk girl. It's fun over here. It's fun over here.
We thought we couldn't make it. Fucked around at us, like and sit down an email going hey, y'all boss, deep gonna be late.
I was sleepy, That's why I didn't make it out. I was not a cloud like.
It was an old school Me and Justice just an episode this week, and it was very fun.
Y'all should check it out. It was some pretty good conversation.
I thought about putting putting on the main feed just so I can get a simpler what we're talking about. But I don't know. It's too funny for y'all. Y'all couldn't handle it. You need to pay money to be able to handle this. This is from Angelo.
Adrian and her come on our show because they promote Democrats abroad and this year.
We really like.
She emailed me like a week or two ago, eleven days ago, but the notice is so short, and our schedule is fucking crazy with just not just guess horns, games, a bunch of stuff. We couldn't make it work. But I was like, tell me what you would want us to tell people? And her schedule's crazy too, because you know right now they're going around promoting voting to everybody. Yes, So if you live abroad, here's the message Americans abroad, they're still time to request your ballot and vote. Request your ADSIT ballot today at vote from abroad dot org and vote. Ask for your ballot to be sent by email, then please send it back electronically or by carrier to ensure it a ribs on time. If you need help getting a ballot, send it back, sending it back or have questions, they'll help via email or you can go to one of the daily Zoom help sessions. You can find everything you need to vote at Vote from Abroad dot org. You can use the Blue Voter Guide if you need help figuring out who to vote for. Blue Voter Guide helps you make quick, informed pro democracy choices of candidates and prepositions, by I mean in proposition propositions. By showing you what's on your ballot with endorsements from trusted forward looking at organizations. You can use it whether you vote from a broad at home, or your playing or your local polling station. That's Blue voter Guide dot org. Remember to remind your family and friends to vote Angela.
Thank you, Angela, Thank you Angela.
And we do have people that listen from abroad that our American citizens stay up on that because guess what, what happens here impacts you abroad, because if they fuck around and change their lass here, discun fuck around and change where you live.
I'm gonna say it one more time because I know someone's gonna write in after the election, like what was the link Vote from abroad dot org and the guide is Blue voter Guide dot org. All right, uh oh no not Janine uh Rod and Karen as a Janine lol at simply g inc.
It saddens me that you will use my name in your scenario.
I laughed off the insolt, but just wanted to say, howdie your sister in Toronto, thank you Janine, and honestly your spell your Janine with a G and I.
The Janina I was talking about is a J and O Y, so it's fine, don't worry about different Jine.
And if another Janine rides in, I'm gonna lie and say it was the one. Actually, Janina I'm talking about is spelled with a Q and a K and one of those upside down looking a's. So if your name ain't spelled like that, done right in.
If they got one of them squeaking the marks off the top of the land, they.
Got squeally marks and shit, Trey says, hey, Rody, Karen just wanted to thank you all for keeping me and the rest of the listening are the insane. During the twenty twenty four election, I'm going to still be nervous and anxious leading up to Tuesday. But if what I have seen on social media abou Kamala's ground game as it relates to her campaign, I think she would do good on Tuesday.
I mean, if I'm being honest with you, I don't think we're gonna know shit on Tuesday. I mean, I hope I'm wrong. I'd love to in Tuesday, it'd be like Kamalah won in a landslide. But I think even if that case, in that scenario, Trump ain't fitting to concede. Shit he gonna say is stolen. Republicans will fight on that lie. It's gonna be legal battles in every state that you know, especially the swing states in the ground. Like, I don't think this shit is. I think part part three of the Infinity.
Saga of the vote is gonna be on Tuesday. Yeah. And also this is just my theory.
I think that he knows he's gonna lose, and I think he's prepared to lose. And so that's why the past week or two he's been threatening lawsuits, he's been threatening everything's fucked up. He's been threatening everybody's against him, like he's already prepared, and so deceeds for the discord, like he's just prepared for that. And he's basically I'm gonna drag this own until somebody says I have to fucking stop.
Yeah, I'm starting to see early voting trending in the way I hope they would with a ton of female voters showing up a show. And now hopefully we can keep this Momnim Model Weather Tuesday. Thanks again, Rodnan Camp. Yeah, they're scared over there too. They real scared about it, especially that women vote turn out being hired than men so far. They're absolutely shaking in their boots because women, whether they white, black, indifferent, are like, I don't want the government telling me what to.
Do with my body.
And you know, these white men are writing, you know, doing podcasts and shit like, what's gonna happen if the women are secretly voting against the men, Like okay, last one is from Donald Merk Krimet family and shit. I hope it gets. I get this in on time.
I love the show truly and deeply, and I got received to prove it. You guys deserve out of praise you get in then something. However, I feel there's an aspect of y'all show that's not gotten. This just due audio quality.
Listen, I've been rocking y'all for a long ass time. Y'all basically my introduction to podcasts. So when I tell y'all, I can't even count the amount of podcasts I turned my nose up at, have up on and never gave up on, and have never come back because the audio was shit. Hey, I know some of them are good because y'all introduced them. I probably powered through an episode of two playing through a fucking megaphone, but.
That ain't worth the hassle.
I always say y'all had the best podcast for ivous reason, consistently in taging the humor, empathy, et cetera. But goddamn, I leave a stone unturned and audio quality shall not be able to look not on my watch, y'all have y'all take care. I'll try to stop procrast date right there to my favorite show piece. Thanks Donald, thank you.
And uh yeah man, audio quality is important.
It kills me that like these shows with me and Karen are so easy because there's like a setting now that makes it very easy.
For y'all to hear all the sound effects and stuff.
But it kills me that when we have a guest, I can't use that setting, or the guest gets a huge echo and the podcast listeners in the chat get a huge echo, and so in those instances, the audio for the music and the clips sometimes doesn't sound clear on the YouTube, but it always sounds clear in audio format on podcasts, which is why, y'all, which is why I'm gonna continue to just have to do it that way. I'm sorry for the YouTube people, but you know, that's the secondary market at best for us. We're still an audio podcast first and foremost. But uh yeah, man, thank y'all everybody. That's it for this episode. We appreciate you.
We'll be back.
Throughout the week once again. Our schedule is crazy busy with these Hornets games and shit going tonight. I think we got one Wednesday, we got one Friday, have.
One last night. Had a good time at the game. Yeah, came with my mom last night.
So yeah, well, well we'll fit in some shows where we can, and uh yeah, talk to you soon.
Until next time, I love you. Wh