Rod and Karen respond to listener feedback.
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I listen to the Black Guy You Tips podcast because Rod and Karen are hot.
Hey, welcome to another episode of the Blackout Tips podcast. I'm your host Rod, ready to do some podcasting with my co host Karen, and we're live on a Saturday morning. You may have seen us around the internet and clips possibly that clip form that you can share the show. If you're on Twitter, if.
You're on Instagram, whatever.
You follow our show on their TBGWT on Twitter, the Blackout Tips on Instagram. If you follow those, share those clips, put them in your stories. We appreciate that it helps us go viral, leave a comment, all that stuff. We're not just doing it for no reason, and we want to show the Inflection Network that it's worth, you know, doing that extra work for us.
So you know, and many of these are clips that y'all suggested. There's some coming in the chamber, so we still got something loaded up. I'm finding old clips and putting those up to so like, uh, you know, share that stuff.
It helps us out tremendously.
Yes, we're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube.
There you go.
The official weapon of the show is vote. The unofficial sport and bullet ball Extreme and today's show is a what it's a feedback show.
Yes, it is here all.
The stuff that y'all had to say about, all the stuff that we had to say throughout the week, and this is just how it goes, is where it goes, is how we do it. Let's see what was I gonna say? Oh, YouTube, I don't know what to tell y'all the sound for the thing. I'm gonna have to lead that little thing click so we can get better. I'm trying to experiment to see if I can figure this out, and it still kind of feels choppy when when I do it without clicking the little options.
So I'm going to try to see and I don't.
Know what this means for YouTube, if it's gonna sound like a weird echo or what. Right, Just trust that I'm trying and working on that right at any rate.
So, we got emails, voicemails, we have comments on our website, we have votes in the polls, we have comments on YouTube. We're going to get to all that. But there is a special group of people that they donate to the show. They go to the blackoutatus dot com, the website. They look on the right hand side. If you're on the phone, you turning sideways and you can see on the little sidebar, it's like, hey, do you want to like support the show? And you can do that financially through PayPal. Through recurrent donations of any amount, we shout you out. If it's a one time donation, we still shout you out. But that's what we do here, and that's what this say is, and that's why we want to give these people some love.
We're not going to send me.
And Karen.
We welcome to good folks who tied to the black hundred tips.
All right, New day, New pay Let's see who came through with the money, okay, because it ain't nothing funny because done nothing moved with the money.
Jay Full hit.
Us at the recurrent donation pal medastone magic. I'll find zo M. I got a one one time donation. Now this is a not through our PayPal. I was on the Karen Hunter Show and I made a joke about white guilt and how people need to send me money through my cash app to alleviate they white guilt. And somebody sent me two dollars. David K thank you uh for the two dollars. I was just joking, but I appreciate it. I'll make sure to spend it on something black.
Jasmine J.
David c Audumn Harvest, LLLCED, Kyle K. James C for Doctor Professor Bambit, Kimberlee, The Falcons Diva, Jason F. Ken m, Derek LW Zach from The Living Corporate podcast, and lastly lawrencey. Those are all the people that put in this week on the donations.
All right, let's.
Talk about the five star reviews. We got five five star reviews. This one is a re up from our girl Allegra. She says, typically long winded and voicemails and written input, but this will keep but we'll keep this relatively simple.
Just listen.
They are awesome and two independently lovely individuals. Thank you, yay you love to see heart emojo. At the end, we do a gray Gray says love it. Five stars. Started listening when I heard Rod on Karen Hunter. I love you both and predicted that Karen was at Aries before she even said her birthday Lol, love you Aries, sister, and Rod Yay.
Yes, she's very fiery. Aries again five stars. This is from Kay Patrick.
Three two nine who says, here are five more five stars for Karen and Rod.
Thank you. Come on, we'll take five, ten, fifteen, twenty half a miny you feel.
Like it must we love it intervals A five yes, sir, A fun time, says Fruited Pebbles, who says this podcast is very informative and sightful and all around fun.
I highly recommend.
Thank you, yah.
And the last one is from a Lovely Day on Twitter, who says I could barely and barely as B E A R L Y keep it together average spraying finger and typing. This is difficult, but I had to give y'all five stars for the bear segment alone on episode two nine nine to one. Where you might be seeing it in on your social media, be on the lookout. A hint, given the lookout, everybody on the Instagram. Share with people, let them see how weird and funny.
We are right the way. I laugh through this entire thing.
I love a good pun, and y'all did y'all thing firing bear puns back and forth. Please make sure you upload that clip to TikTok and YouTube shorts. It's good, silly, fun love y'all today.
Thank you. That was so nice. That's why we do it. That's honestly why we do it, guys.
All right, let's get to the five star. I mean to the comments on the website. The comments on the website is what we're gonna get to. But first, I'm gonna play a little music that's probably gonna sound terrible on YouTube. Sorry, but we have to. You know, we gotta do something, guys. I gotta make money. I can't be broke.
All right.
I think that's called turn by DJ Jaffa. All right, let's get to these comments. We had four episodes this week. The first episode has sixteen comments. It's well down eighty nine. It's okay to give a fuck, and it's our feedback episode.
Y'all had something to say.
Yeah, and I think I know what sparked this, and it's went exactly as I predicted. Which let's see the comments and we can get into it. So the feedback episode if your response first, as always, because she on that German time.
All right, in the future time, like Wanga.
Rod said something that made me think, and it was like it was that saying boat is a great way to mask being totally uninformed. True, I'm not interested in sports not even for football. When I have when I have to talk to someone who loves talking about it in a work setting, that's for small talk. Otherwise I don't care. I can always say, what about football this year? It's crazy no matter what year it is, and what is happening no matter what year, So I seem.
Informed and the other one goes off.
I've seen what the undecided voters in the New York saying the New York Times. The main criticism about Donald Trump is he's too extreme. Kamala I don't know enough about her. One of these two can be changed by the undecided voter alone. It's not turning Donald Trump less extreme exactly. These are not real complaints. They are not real issue.
No, they're not. That's why I said an undecided voter is bullshit. They come around every four years, like Jill Stein, like the the Green Party, like Cornell West. They are not real because if they were real, we'd be hearing about were voting for the mayor? Are you undecided?
We would literally hear about them, and like your basic ass, we're burn't for Congress, We're burnt for cynic on the off cycles now, not the four years. The two years between, like like, if this populace was real, we and they were serious and people actually really catered towards them, because you know, they don't cater towards you unless you fucking vote. And people don't want to hear that. So I don't want to hear that because nobody's quote unquote catering towards them, and a lot of times in me personally, I think it's just a hype from the fucking news because nobody gets a goddamn about these people into this voting time for the president.
Well it's also weird too because we group undecided voters into this one big pot and just act like they have everything in common and so, well, if the candidate would just do this, or they would or this policy or whatever. And I find that it's wish casting where people are projecting onto this mass group of anonymous people some value system that they agree with, like, oh, you know how we would get those people as if we were more blank And it's always your wishless it's never no one ever wants to admit the opposite and be like, you know how you.
Get more of those people if.
If if instead of running Kamala Harris, they ran a white man. Nobody's gonna say that ship because you know that's very unpopular and fucked up, and you don't want to admit that. You want that group of people right like that. They're like if those people, well, I think that in that group of undecided, there's a lot of tangents. There's a lot of there's people just lazy and our voting. There's people that are just uninformed and not voting. There's people that are just cantring in our voting. There's people that are ultra conservative and even more conservative than the Republican Party. There's people that are ultra liberal, more liberal. They claim to be more liberal than anything the Democrats can do. Like, there's a bunch of reasons people don't vote, but we just treated like, oh, just do.
This one thing.
And I stopped believing the stuff that comes out of their mouths years ago. So I don't really trust the when they go out and interview those people. It's a waste of time for a person like me to read it because I don't trust what they're saying anyway. I always just assum it something else, and they don't want to say it out loud.
I agreed and Also, I say I stopped believing it years ago, because the thing is, if you've been alive for an extensive period of time, this quote unquote phenomenon that they try to act like every four years, it's just something that's just sprung out of nowhere. It's not true. I've seen enough of this. I got tired of. And it's not as it's bad, But when it first started it was terrible because they used to have like these. They still do, but it's not as bad it's had to be as town halls when people woul pile up in there and they were asking them like these stupid ass questions, and you would listen to them and you'd be like, oh, okay, your mind like like from their comments, you be like, your mind is made up, And I'm like you, you don't want to say what the real reason is. Be it racism, be it you think you special, be it you know, whatever the reasoning is. You don't want to say that. Because the thing is everybody wants to feel important and everybody wants their boss to be heard, and people don't And I've seen this on social media. People don't want to tell the truth because the truth will cause people to fucking dismiss you, and we won't be having an argument when you say things. If you be like, oh, I'm just racist, people like, okay, motherfuck, we ain't got to have this conversation. But because everybody wants to back and forth, this pointless anyway, because nobody's mind is going to be changed. That's what they want. They want you dead, they want you engaged, they want you to act like these people fucking matter. So people don't want to tell the truth because you tell the truth, people like me would dismiss you and move on, and then they wouldn't be they would they wouldn't be a quote unquote conversation to be had for this piece that we want you to click on and view and watch.
Yeah, I think that all of that's true too. And then also a lot of them are lying to themselves, so they don't even know what their truth is. Like they're not like there's a like how many people don't have a racist bard in their body, But we literally caught them doing some racist Like We've covered so many articles where somebody just clearly blatantly did some racist bullshit, and then when news talk to them, they're like, don't have a racist bone on my body. Some of my best friends are x amount of race or whatever. And it's like, right, you would have to admit something about yourself to you yourself that you ain't ready to deal. So if you ask somebody flat out, like, is the problem with Kamala Harris that she's a woman? Vast majority of these undecided people ain't about to say that.
They're like, no, it's just I don't know her.
Right, it's the problem that she's black. And you won't admit that either, because whatever the reasoning is, it's just not just it's not you're not gonna admit what the real cause is.
Yeah, that's what I just said.
It's whatever it is they're going to unless they can admit it to themselves. They can't tell that truth to everybody else. And it's a shameful truth. So if it is those reasons, they're not gonna say, you know, And I think all the reasons for the undecided just are shameful. I think even even stuff like just being uninformed or being lazy, you would have to admit that to yourself. And no one's gonna sit there on a paneo and be like i'mna be honest, I don't even look up shit about these candidates. I don't know anything and I don't care. You know, I'm going off vibes, let's see. But yeah, the person could just sit down and read some stuff about Kamala or even watch some videos if reading it's too hard. But no, that the person is informed and somehow Kamala's fought somehow didn't she knock on your door at a time that works for you to inform you in an informative way. So sad, only by logic alone, you should vote for Kamala. Donald Trump is too extreme on the other side, you don't know. Imagine one glass is full of silky, stinky urin and the other one might be urine or take good tasty water.
I drink the second one and it's good water.
Then Appier got replied back a few hours later and said, I wrote this comment before hearing the voicemail targeting me.
It hurt me deeply. My only move is leaving.
And then a lot of people reply to this, which explains why we got so many comments on this episode. The first one is from Karen. You said, Apia, we enjoy your feedback. It's called the feedback show. It's the place where you leave comments. As stated on the show, we don't have an issue with you and feedback at all. Feel free to keep sending it in and we will keep reading it, which I think counts more than any listener to the show's opinion. We are the host, So what's gonna happen on this show is what the fuck we say is gonna happen. It's nobody that can make change that. But it's not just us. And one of the reasons I didn't do some long ass ran or whatever get angry about it on Opia's Behalf is because I truly did see this coming, the amount of people that show her love throughout and this is not this is just the start of it. I'm gonna tell you right now, if you don't like something about our show, if you don't like us, you don't like the host, or whatever, the worst thing to do is to do write in some petty mean shit, because all that's gonna happen is people are gonna put their arms around us as a community, as listeners, as people they like each other.
That's just here for good vibes.
We don't have a very mean show, so we don't have this fan base of people that's always like roasting each other and kicking people out, and like, we only do that out of love to each other. So when it's happened last like Saturday, and someone left that voicemail which we were not expecting, we.
Obviously were like cat by surprise because.
When that happened, it was like, in my mind, I was like, well, not everyone gonna write in and be like we love Apia, And that's exactly what happened. So not one person wrote in to be like, well that person had a good point. Everybody's like, man, fuck that. You know.
Your thunder says Appia. Please don't mind that, lady.
I can only speak for myself, but I think most of the fans love you too hard. Emojis Amani of the shot says Appy, Please don't let one person negativity turn you away. That voicemail was rude and unnecessary. The fact that you are a white woman living in Germany gives you a vastly different perspective and lived experience for many of us, and that's a beautiful thing. Folks say they want diversity, but when they have to interact with someone who has different perspective, they can't handle it, and Opiua said she applied a hard emoji to another person. Leah said, this is my first time commenting. I had to come support.
Opia, Apia.
I look forward to your feedback every week. It is nice to have a perspective from a person living in another country. You are a true fan and supporter of the blackout tips. Love you and mister Apia. Dizzy Lizzie Gal says, Jesus, I'm offended on Opia's behalf.
What the fuck you'll find Apia.
I enjoy your feedback and all the while, speculation regarding Diddy yours is not one that was off the wall. Listening back again, I think they were just upset about Diddy.
It is what it is. That's what I think happened too.
I think whatever was going on with that listener, they just heard, you know, someone even discussing like something about Diddy that was less than just damning like fuck this vibe right away, and I think they called in to be like I'm sick of this Apia shit, you know whatever. But once again, as we've talked about it last week, I'm that kind of thinking doesn't really bother me because I've done a lot of thinking as a person that is naturally empathic. I've done a lot of thinking about that and like, where do I stand on that? Because I truly do believe that people are not necessarily just born like monstrous stuff happens to them. But at some point it is still up to that person to, you know, to to address their behavior and there and the things happening to them and their trauma and not pass that on.
I can't.
I can't have more. I can't want that for you, and I can't let the damage you do to other people just go be excused by that because we've all gone through some shit, you know. But yeah, I think sometimes people hear shit and just lash out, and I think that was kind of what happened.
Eve says.
I'm writing in to say I'm an ip your stand. I'm shocked, honestly, right, I for your.
Stand coming coming at the back going, I got something to say.
I didn't see this coming.
I enjoy her feedback, and I'm still invested in her search for a black friend. She makes me smile, and that voicemail felt rude. Apia, please don't stop writing the sign your problematic black friend in America, Amani writes in it says, thank you for recommending the podcast Good Game with Sarah Spain. That interview with Christine Brennan was so good. Sarah got with Christine's philibustering ass.
A lot of people have even on the balls Deep pregame, people are saying that I need to sit down and listening to that one.
I don't be suggesting no bullshit, folks. If you haven't listened to, highly recommend you do. I have now listened to a few other episodes and appreciate Christine's I think she means Sarah's nuanced take on how racism, sexism, and homophobia are impacting the w NBA players.
She gets it.
Yes, Sarah really does the work, does the reading, does the listening. And what I like about the episodes after that, because I'm listening. I'm a listener now, Like that episode made me be like, all right, boom, were on a good game.
What I really like in the episodes after that is that they still discuss the Christin Brennan stuff. They're still discussed the w NBA, but they also talk about like the actual WNBA, actual sports stuff, Like it's not all just you know, bashing Christine Brennan.
Or whatever. And I love that the other people's perspectives.
Come in and like they you know, like no one's getting shut down, because I think what happens a lot of times when you're talking about somebody who's held in high steam, like Christine Brennan was, you end up with people being like, you know, come on, now, she's done so much, and we like, they're not piling on her, but they're just calling out like but she is wrong, or she is twisting facts, or she is leaving stuff out. She's she's trying to get in some semantics. But at the end of the day today this is some fangirl level behavior. It's not just a hey, Kaylen Clark is good. It's it's it's it's some she's going beyond uh. And I love that conversation.
She understands how to be an ally, how to use her voice and platform to elevate people with marginalized identities.
I appreciate the fact that you consume and recommend this type of media. It's why I love the show. You all make me laugh, keep me up on current events.
I'll be busy, and I learned lots of new things.
Karen and I at Karen, I have the message on audible and then it will be my next listen.
Yes, I need, I need to finish listening, but yeah, it's it's been interesting, uh listening and to continued listening. It's not a long book, but it's also for me because a lot of the stuff he talks about his heavy I kind of break between, like, you know, go a little bit, break go a little bit, break little.
He says, I love apples feedback as well. That person is just a hater in regards to celebrities and mental health. I feel have feel bad for kind. Yeah, and I'll admit I don't know his full story, but from what I understand losing his mind at the beginning of his spiral. He also knows better having been on medications for a bit. It's not the first time I heard someone with bipolar saying their meds numb their creativity. The manic phase makes them feel like they can accomplish anything, and in some cases they can, which perpetuates the idea that they don't need meds.
But damn it, I create so hard.
Seeing Kanye's side with Trump, just knowing Trump was loving showing off that food, having zero cares about him.
Me too, man, Like I more I'm with certain people.
I can't say for everybody, but and I do understand the cut off, Like, if you're not gonna treat your mental illness, there's not much anyone can do for you, Especially people that have money and fame and celebrity. There's a lot of people who will enable them and will just hop on and they don't really give a fuck about that person's mental health or as a human being at all.
It's just what access can I get.
Some of the saddest moments I felt in the recent like five or six years, have been videos of watching Kanye West in a room full of people that are just leeches, where like, if I can tell from the camera, phone or from whatever video you're putting this on social media, if I can tell this man's not in his right mind and he's saying stuff that is unconscionable, then everyone in that room can tell.
And that tells you so.
Much about these glomers on, these untalented people, these people that are always looking for cloud or something. The fact that they could sit there in a room, because if that was a person that I loved, I was if we were doing this podcast and Karen started talking like Kanye West in the middle of podcast.
I shut this motherfucking podcast down, right.
We need to have a conversation, not because I'm worried about getting canceled or whatever the fuck thing that, but strictly out of like Karen's not in her right mind, and I'm not gonna no matter how viral this would go, no matter how much people would tune in, It's not worth it now to have my loved one literally going through something like this in front of y'all for so so we can get a little bit more clicks, agreed. So I just don't like that, And yeah, it bothers me. And understand how other people feel about Kanye. They but I have a hard time rationalizing that. No, the real Kanye is just a neo Nazi Da da da and the guy who'd spent eight to ten years of his career start talking about race and society and all this stuff. Is that was that was the real That was the fake Kanye.
Also, it just happens to coincide with his mom dying to him going I'm not going back on my mess right, So whatever whatever people have to say, you know, to I think people have to set emotional boundaries sometimes and a lot of times the fuel and the energy for those boundaries is anger. And so I think that's one of the reasons people are have to stay so angry at Kanye is because they actually loved and defended what Kanye was doing to start his career in a way that I think the only way to remind themselves to not feel that way about him is just stay angry at him. And I just mostly feel sad about what happened with him, And yeah, it's and I always feel sad, but you know, it doesn't change anything. It's just, you know, I still it's not like I feel sad and now I'm gonna call him a genius or be like he kind of got a point, Like no, I still feel that the stuff he's saying is pretty much bullshit for the last five to six years and uh yeah, and I'll just leave it at day.
And the media is fucking horrendous and dealing with mental health. I will never forget the pop Arriizzi Hound and Amanda bonds, so she was very clearly in the throws of mental health episode. South Park wasn't off the mark with their Britney episode. So I haven't seen the Brittany when I don't think, but uh yeah, I've been saying for years on the show about Britney's beers, like and honestly, I look at a lot of the peace that are now angry at the media, angry at Justin Timberlay, angry at her parents.
And a lot of them, I'm like, but I remember y'all laughing about her.
Yes, I remember that that was like that shit wasn't just Perez Hilton. It was a societal like it's okay to laugh at her having a mental health breakdown. Yes, knowing she was a child star and all this shit, it was like jokes.
Yeah, I remember that. You probably had to be of a certain age, but yeah, it was the tabloids like that shit would be like everywhere, and it would be like things that people would talk about for days and weeks on end. And it's also one of those things where and this is me on our side looking in a lot of these quote unquote free Britney people. I get it. But truth be told, y'all people really did not understand why, what's it up? How it's set up for any of that shit? If her father's abusive. Yes, these things need to be changed, but that and the other stuff, you know, they go hand in hand. And then you know, once things started happening and she started coming out and she started doing these things, everybody was like whoa, whoa, whoa. It was like, yeah, these things may have been in place for a reason, y'all, but y'all was just like free or free or free or free or not knowing anything about the consequence and order repercussions. And her family would know much much better than we would know about her making these choices in yes, I.
Mean two things can be true, like that you might be right about the conservatorship and all that stuff. It's not like but it's just people went from and I saw people say this from like, well, she you know, her father and like the conservatives ship is abusive and messed up to she shouldn't be under any supervision or anything. Everybody that has ever said that she has mental health struggles was basically lying. And then she's spending holding knobs on Instagram and it's like, y'all don't know this woman.
None of us really know this woman. It's more than just like a father.
Goes a court and goes conservativeship, right, there has to be a bunch of steps taken between that to make that happen, and the same way there's a bunch of steps taken to undo.
It, and so it's just weird.
And then I always felt really bad about the Britney stuff because she was obviously reading the comments and these people are fucking unhinged.
No one should be.
Subject to that much attention from the internet and reading it all because these people say some wild, very offensive, messed up shit about people, and if they know you're reading it just gets worse.
They don't go home.
I should have some personal responsibility. Britney Spears might read this comment, they go, oh, Britney Spears might read this comment you look fat, your bitch or whatever, and people just think it's all love or whatever.
All right.
Also, I've discovered I know someone who legit doesn't know who he's voting for, and he's black. I had to whole back my disbelief because he was on his way out with his nephews, but he was like, I'm not sure Harris is about the kid it all and being shocked and not having a time for a full length discussion, I was able to tell him that walls definitely is and told him about the free lunches and free menstal projects for his state public schools, as well as his being a public school teacher. He did thank me for the info and said he looking to it further, but I'm still sure my eyes were as big as Saucer Place. I kind of wish I had said straight up, Trump doesn't like black people. He only likes people who can make the money, and as soon as you are used up, he'll throw you away. Project twenty twenty five is super clear. Hope I said enough to change his mind, but damn yeah, you never know what's gonna reach these people. IPI a reply back yesterday and said, now that almost a week went by, I can reflect on the experience.
This voicemail made me very sad.
I really cried and couldn't even stop in yoga and was honestly confused by my emotions. Fitting the title of the episode, the title was It's okay to give a fuck. It's the feedback show. It's not like I dominate every show or am the only one to comment. I thought things were fine and that people enjoyed it, so I was confused why it was bad that I said, in my opinion in a hopefully funny way, and that I don't know about black life in America, and that my wish to connect was somehow sick. I don't have the black experience. That's obviously true, but how is my how is it my fault?
And I'm here to learn new stuff I know him about my life, like about a European immigrant experience, big farming, yoga, lots of good stuff to offer.
Is this bad?
Suld people who aren't black rather stay in their bowls among themselves.
I thought this was also bad.
This is an honest question, this was this was this way I will never get a black friend. And I heard now at least two are required to be considered non problemly bad.
To catch them all.
I really enjoyed to enjoy the show, but I don't want to make people angry. Ave says we love you Apia obviously, as I love you too. And I have bachelorette news. I met a second black door THEA. Oh black Chelorette news. I met a second black door THEA on a convention of damn did she just to the show too? A convention of neuro radiology who tried to be friend me and she was as the other one again the same height as me. I'm almost five ten, all right, so it's been a week. There'll be more comments about this throughout the shows, I'm sure, because I think there's some stuff on YouTube and all this stuff. The main thing I will say about this is not everybody's gonna like you, and I, as a person that likes to be like I know that sucks. We do this show literally thousands of people here what we have to say all the time every episode, and sometimes we get comments that I do don't like that I think are mean, that I think are unfair judgment or whatever you know words you want to use, and.
I hate that shit.
And it will never not like I've got a thicker skin, but it will never not bother me. That's like, all I'm doing is given my opinions. Some motherfucker don't like me, but I do care a lot less than I used to care. You know, I used to care a lot, like, damn, this motherfucker don't like me?
Wow? What did I do? How can I get them to like me?
So now I'm just like, well, I'm not your taste and there's nothing you can really do about it.
I'm not going anywhere.
You can choose to not to go somewhere, or you can just continue to be upset and get ignored or whatever. Someone left a comment on our page this week that I ended up talking to Karen about like just privately while we were shopping or whatever, and because I deleted the comment because I've explained this so many times, but it was a person saying, like, when Karen gives her banter, Rod just looks like he wants her to wrap it up and get it over with. And it doesn't matter how many times I explain this to people, Like what my thought process is? What all the amount of shit I have going on over here on my side screen?
Karen literally is.
Her job is to show up and talk. There is no like, she don't have to do no research. Look at the next second. She doesn't cue up any clips. So there's times that she's talking and I'm doing that thing. Other there's also the thing of me being in my head where I'm like, just shut the fuck up, let this person get that complete thought out, don't interrupt them. And I'm working on that too, because, like I'm realizing it can be a more conversational thing, and I can sometimes interject in the middle over thought if I know where it's going and stuff, But in general I'd rather err on the side of shutting the fuck up, keeping my mouth closed and her finishing her complete thought then interrupting this woman on the microphone. It was also my wife, you know, constantly or whatever. But I think at least thinking about it rather than like, why has this been a critique from a few people on the show. It's not a lot of people.
I mean thousands of people listening and don't have a problem with it.
Hundreds of people, if not thousands of people watch our YouTube videos. Only two people have ever made this comment. And of course the video medium is not what we got in the podcasting from it. We got it in it was audio audio. But we're not like, we don't have the big time like studio setup where like someone else's filming is a producers telling us our segments. They're editing out every little chopping this, that and the other.
We do this live.
You see every single frame of our face. You see everything that happens on the air. One of us the emergency use the bathroom. You just see one of us leaving like this is what the fuck we do for a living. It's why we're so good at actually, But this element of like performance visually that I need to like be super engaged when Karen is talking, I think that only really comes up when the listener or viewer has a weird level of projection and second hand embarrassment of me not like performing for Karen's every thought during banter. And the truth of the matter is, some shit is not for me the same way some of my banter is just, Hey, here's a thing I wanted to tell the audience. It's not necessarily a thing we're telling each other. Some of it is, some of it is, some of it isn't. Sometimes it's not that relatable. Sometimes it was funnier in our heads. And what is the funniest part is And this is why I say its projecting.
This happens to me all the time.
I come up with banter all the fucking time, and sometimes it's just not as good as I thought it was. It just don't spark the thing and you And it's like a fine line between like do I keep going and hope that they catch on and the audience gets it, or do I like wrap this shit up because this one the ain't hitting you know what I mean.
It happens all the time, like if I have three four banters.
Sometimes I just be like, all right, this one, ain't it boom and caring back to you, you know, like that's just part of it. We're trying to do this lives and we don't pre do anything, so we don't neither of us knows.
What the other is going to say.
Right, we be all over the place. I know I do.
Right, So if Karen said something that is like off the wall or something that I just like, if it's about if Karen said something about her hair products, I don't look at me. I don't know, And I can sit up here and pretend to be like, oh really is it the projuice is in it? Or I can like make fun make fun of her segment or whatever. Sometimes it's not even a joke for Karen's just object. Wrap it up so I can get back to talking.
Wrap it up, bitch.
Let me tell y'all something. Let me tell y'all something. Talking. I do a lot of talking because it's hard, But a lot of my talking is just reading shit.
Yeah, a lot of it is reading y'all's feed back reading the fucking articles a lot of mine talking is I welcome the motherfucking break.
Is my point.
If Karen starts talking for ten minutes on some bullshit about I sure will about car doors or whatever the fuck, and she got like a whole thing she want to do, I'm gonna sit here and let her do it, and I will. And what you're seeing on my faces relief like, oh cool, y'all.
Go fuck up. Y'all know I could goddamn talk. And on top of that's so funny. It's like E Roger says, it's a lot of times when he's talking, because you know, I feel a lot more comforting him. I'll turn around and I'm always uh interjection and interrupting the ship that he has say all the time, like.
And y'all don't never write in about it like I do it all of the time. Project on to me, how come, y'all don't never do that ship when I feel like.
I am Karen? Karen always got something to say?
How about all the fucking time when she try to guess what I'm gonna saying, she be wrong? I do like that ain't gonna stop either, what about that shit, y'all.
Don't never be like this one's for Karen.
Let Rod finish his point because you he's guessing stuff that he gonna say, and it's not what he gonna say. It is not and he kind of loses track of his thoughts and just takes him a second to get it back. You never right in about that shit. Stop bringing your.
Weird gender and fucked up shit to our show. No one hates each other over here.
We love each other, and we let each other finish our motherfucking where I let her finish her sentences, and then.
That's how it works. I you know, like, I don't know what this is. You know, it's the woman that's like when Roger's not laughing at her jokes hard enough? Nigga, what is wrong with you?
Y'all want this to be the morning y'all got a fake laugh at jokes? If I don't think they that funny or I don't understand.
Morning A black guy who tips podcast network. How are you guys doing out there this morning? It is Saturday, October the twelve, twenty twenty two. The weather it's sixty five and Sonny right, Oh, I could put it on, but but I not me.
That's not what our show is.
But anyway, so I say all of this to bring it back to I feel if I gotta go through this and I host the motherfucking show, yeah, y'all gonna get some too. And it's not that I want you all to get some, but it's just they don't universally love us, and the show is it's literally fucking us.
They have a problem if it's for us.
If it's not for us, they don't even have a thing to listen to.
Someone rough for comment on our Spotify That just was like, snooz fence, What the fuck you want me to do?
Nigga, don't come down to your dib and slap the dick out of your mouth, right you on the docks.
Leave me alone. You don't have.
Anything positive to add, there's no It's just it's just someone being an asshole, right, And so I try not to let that shit get to me too bad, because just everybody has their own shit. More than likely these people are actually triggered by some other ship they you know, oh we don't. I don't like how much they talk about Kamala Harris. I'm a I'm a black conservative I'm a hotel or whatever. I'm gonna say. That's boring. And what they really hoping is to hurt my feelings. Yeah, that's all Karen's feelings, hope our feelings. We had someone right in to say I should leave Karen. They don't understand why I'm with Karen. This is years ago, fucking crazy.
Yeah, they talked about by why you whip me? And and you know, and like I say, like I said, we're used to it now, but you know, it's one of those things where they, you know, they talk about me not dressing up, me not being makeup, me, not having my head done, her accent and now when we first started, my accent was was a big thing.
Yeah, but but like one, none of them know what the fuck they talking about. And most importantly and this, you know, for Apia when she hears this, it's our show.
That's it.
What we say goes. If we don't like some thing, we'll say.
We had listeners that we had to be like, hey, that's enough, you you'll be wild, you believe you saying a lot of wild.
Long ass ship won't got time for this.
There's had there's listeners where we just had to stop reading their feedback or stop playing their voicemails. Yes, there there's there's listeners who only would say stuff to be triggering or angry purpose or whatever the fuck. And that's like, that's they that's they ship to deal with. But it's our show. We decide what goes in and goes out. So unless we got a problem with it, you good, I mean, and then and unless you personally have an issue with it. So if you, you know, if it makes you feel like I don't want to contribute to the show because I thought I was being universally loved and apparently some motherfuckers don't like me.
I understand.
I'm never gonna tell you to like you better write it, but don't not write in because of one hate ass person don't like you. Fuck them, But like I could, we every time we hop on this mic is basically saying fuck them to somebody that told us to stop.
So oh yeah, because yes, sometimes we can get petty and stuff too. I forgod, there's been a while ago I think somebody had wrote it in about me saying bitch or something like that, and uh uh, because you know, everybody has their days. I just repeatedly said it on purpose, because it's one of them things where it was like hey dog, hey I got the mic.
Yeah, but mostly just fuck them, don't. I wouldn't worry about it.
Now it's easy for me to say, I have thousands of episodes that it took me to learn.
Fuck these people.
It took a while.
They gonna listen or they're not gonna listen. Agreed, and and and the and to be one hundred percent with you. A lot of times the motherfucker's complaining. Don't even put in on this. So they got all this complaining for some ship they get for free. You you know what I'm saying, Like you're a person, you donate to the show, you listen to our premium shit.
Uh so that means you get behind the paywall, like you you leave feedback. That's that's the content. We need to continue to do the feedback show.
It is what it is.
If they don't like it, they just they just ask out. They just gonna have to not like it. And uh, it's fine if people disagree with.
Each other, okay, and everybody ain't got to like each other. Yeah.
So you know, all this really did was show you how much of the people in the community who actually listen to the show and probably would have never said a word, just just like oh, I enjoyed, I enjoyed these Apia never said a word, and they would have never let you know. But look at them now, they're like, oh no, I love you, I love what you do. I love your contribution. And if you can't hear those voices and let those voices get through, then then that means there's an internal issue because what you're getting, uh, nine people to tell you, hey, I love you, don't stop contributing and letting one person who didn't like it when is to me, that's not fair to yourself and I and I think knowing you, Apia, you would not If I said that's what happened to me, you will and tell me to stop making a podcast. If I said, Apia, one out of every twenty people that listen to The Blackout Tips doesn't like me and doesn't like our show, I think on your outward voice towards someone that's not yourself, wouldn't be like, well, Roger, you should definitely take a week off and stop stop podcasting and maybe considered don't coming back. I think you'd be like, man, fuck that person. Not a lot of people got a lot of love for you and would miss you and what you do. So I hope you keep going, you.
Know all right?
Comments on YouTube, Tiffany Street says, I totally agree. I used to love a man the Seals until she started becoming problematic. She almost always seems agreed, like sish you didn't know that self diagnosing yourself with Asperger's and telling the world you're on the spectrum because you could relate to the diagnosis wouldn't raise some eyebrows, right, And Also I can't just get down with folks who never seem to take accountability for their actions.
Everything is everyone else's fault. She's never wrong. Yeah. Also, like a big red flag for me too is.
The people who say anyone talking bad about me is saying they're doing that to me because I stand up for all these other people.
I know people that stand up for other people.
That that'sn't Sometimes you can just be an asshole and and it always makes that And the reason I don't like that is a red flag is because it always puts whoever's critiquing them.
In the.
In the bad guy category.
Like we just did a whole thing about people right up here, and sometimes they don't like shit about me and Karen. Did I say it's because me and Karen stand up for black people? And no, I'm like, I don't know what's wrong with them and why they don't fuck with us. But whatever it is is, I didn't need I don't need it to be because I'm Martin Luther Malcolm X. It's just they don't like something about me.
Fine, they could be projecting whatever it is, but I don't need it to turn into like I'm a martyr. But that Amanda series does a lot of like it's because I'm doing this and I'm so woke and and I'm like, so Easter not she not doing those things?
Like that's hard for me to believe.
It sounds like it's an interpersonal dispute and you're trying to turn into some macro shit. And I don't like that shit from pretty much anybody like you having an interpersonal thing. Keep the micro to micro like the macro shit. You gotta prove the macro shit to me. You can't because that's too much of a get out of jail free card for people. Is because all of us got something, yes, so we could all be like, well, no, no, man, it's really about the fact that I'm a black man. It's like, so, it's not about the fact that you slapped her husband in front of her at a party because I'm black.
Like, what's shut up?
You did some dirt shit that don't make sense, especially when it comes to having an influential platform.
It's not the time to tell people not to vote for Kamla Harris. Yeah.
I think a lot of people did not like that because you feel some a way about guys in Israel.
Well, what was funny about that is she didn't really blame it on guys in Israel. She was like, she's not talking to black people in America. Da da da da. And but at the same time being like, she invited me to the White House. I talked to her. It was just like a weird rambly thing.
But yeah, not to say we don't have empathy for that situation or because you don't feel commonly did enough for black folks, even though she has. It's just dangerous. It's just two dangerous of a time. We really only have two options for our country. Yeah, basically my Steve or my miss Tea says listening on Spotify's I usually do while working the way I pause at voicemailing, random YouTube, my raggedy ass cousin acting like they're new here.
Lol, don't do appiel like that.
We family, and that's on period. Come on back over here to the inch verts table. Were playing a regular, quietly aggressive game of space and rolling our eyes at our more vocal cousins.
But that's not why I be aggressive, just snacking calls on the table. I ain't saying shit, so.
You just says, I, for one, appreciate and look forward to what opias to say. Olivia says, I look forward to what opiaz To say. She has become a staple of the show. I think that voicemail was nasty and aough called for hope. Opious feelings weren't hurt by the caller's opinion. They weren't hurt, But you know what, that's what that's what y'all's comments do to help, you know. I think I think letting somebody know like this ain't real, Like maybe this person got an issue with you and they really did.
Like that might be real, but that that is not all of reality.
A lot of people don't agree with that person JV City says great breakdowns and blends thank you, thank you, all right. The poll for this episode was do you think Chapel wrong gives a fuck?
And fifty seven percent said yes, forty three percent said no.
That was very interesting, Poe, because I would have cared a lot. I would have bet one hundred dollars it would have been a hundred percent.
Yes, she cares a lot. Then the reason why I said she cares, her action shows that she cares because if she did not care, you know what, no concerts would have been counseled. She wouldn't have made no clap back online and been like I'm I'm both for a fucking come hour. She wouldn't have done any of that shit. She'd have went on with her happy, white going life and went on about her business and and said you know, and she wouldn't even have to say it is what it is. The comments would have been out there and she would have just moved on, and everybody literally would have moved on. Yeah, you'd have had a percentage of people that would have been upset about it, and a percentage of people that would have stoped fucking with her. But uh, you fucking with your money, so you care?
Oh my god, can you stop talking?
Jesus, I'm trying to do a podcast solely about me and my opinions only.
I just basically a solo show with just a woman happened to be on screen at the same time.
I'm bit just be talking.
What is going on with these.
Women? Got all these opinion, all these words taking up space? How damn you and your vagina come in here flapping with opinion as your husband?
Don't you realize I hate you and every time you talk is more hate and seething inside of me.
I'm not That's not my face of listening, Clearly, it's a murderous face of murderous intent. Why aren't you understanding I'm just trying to teach you for three thousand episodes?
Why am I head?
Did me stop talking and stop contributed to the show?
Stop giving your opinion? Damn bitch? Damn Are you happy now?
MANU? But nah, I agree. I think it's to me. It's so obvious. Chapel gives a fuck a lot. She canceled a real life show because of the Internet.
I'll be damn if I fuck up my money because y'all send something on the goddamn internet.
Fucked up everybody else money too, Like, Yeah, I don't know, dall, she cared a lot, but maybe y'all fans of hers and don't want her to care, or maybe y'all might see that as an insol like she actually doesn't even really care about this, But I think she cares a lot about what people think.
Uh twenty nine to ninety stars bars and hard R's got four comments.
Uh DJ says, when y'all was talking about the British commentary and football, this video reminded me of that, and it's bad British NFL County commentary.
How about soccer? I'm assuming no, it's the Super Bowl Cup final.
Oh wait, they're gonna get an echo now, you know. I don't. I think y'all will get an echo in the chat to see if this fixes it?
Well, America's prom nights. Look at the blue team. There's thousands of them. This is sports equivalent.
Will the base they said, the blue team, I'm like, damn, you need.
Migration and some blow count for his morning joke. Let's got mixed up with them? Will happen?
Blow me?
There's so many players, these fellas are employed just to do the coin toss. They look suspiciously out the object in his hands, unsure whether or not this is a trick. Brian Stork Rookie must be a double barreled name. He's caught having a pooh and dunce is his way out of it. Make sure you're all worrying.
That's hilarious.
That is good.
In some bloke, but it's a trainer's running them beside him. That's a hilarious The drift guy, all right, there's some doing like he's doing a trick.
Let's see. Shoe Booty said.
That fake Dennis story is wow. How do you set up a whole practice in the US without a license? Thinking about the logistics, the purchasing equipment, materials, medication, et cetera.
Don't you need a license to even order that kind of stuff?
Right? You do?
He must have been on motherfucking e Bay like a motherfucker.
I can't even go to Sally beauty shop and buy pro stuff without a beautician's license. So how come dentistry items aren't more regulated? Their hair dye right out here freestyling on our teams.
Even, he said.
Cheryl Hines reminds me of a character on the show called Community whose famous quote is I can excuse Alison. I think it was Alison. I can excuse racism, but I draw the line of animal cruelty.
Yes, that's one of my favorite lines.
Cheryl is one of those white women who look the other way at all the other batshit crazy things her husband did. But when people start calling her out, that's what she seems to start caring for her.
I never I'll never understand it. I just don't.
I don't know if it's a race thing. I don't know if it's a privileged thing, a money thing. I do not know how people marry people like that where they claim to stand for the opposite. Either you really do agree with them and you just lied to us. It's a public like no, I don't agree.
With that shit, or you just do.
You really think those things are just differences of opinion and not important. And I don't know how that happens. And I can't really feel too bad that he, the serial cheater, is cheating on your ass again, like that's what he do. I'm surprised I haven't been more arrests for the Veneer technicians. TikTok is right for people advertising veneers for thousand dollars less or one thousand dollars or less. And it's usually done in someone's basement or they'll come to your house to do them. And the customers always end up looking like Matt Dillon. And there's something about Mary.
A thousand dollars for veneers thot. Yeah, everything everything can't be Walmart. It come to your health. It comes to your teeth, like your eyes. Certain it's certain things you don't plad this. You actually don't want the discount, like like you know, day, but we got it for the lo lo No, can I play the regular ass price? That was like, but no, no, no, whatever? The what is it? The market suggested retail price? That's what I want.
Yeah, you get what you pay for. And teeth is something I think you want to pay for.
You want to pay for that shit?
Yeah, I think you might want to. You might want to warranty on them. Teeth is bro right because if it not getting another like you're not just those gonna grow on tree?
If anything, it's about your safety. You know, nobody cares about what kind of surgery you're getting. It's about your safety and your health.
Yeah, y'all gonna end up like the BBL people dying in basements and shit, and like, yeah, I didn't even know you could die from a blood clot yo too, It's like, you absolutely can, but you're not supposed to because they're supposed to be a professional.
Yeah. When somebody put cement there instead of whatever it's supposed to be there, you're gonna have a problem.
Yeah, you just gonna be in the basement sounding like that dude from Goonies and shit you don't want baby roof uh.
And the kicker is uh.
People advertise classes for becoming to tech and it takes less than a week to get your certification. In quotes bitch week, I've seen follow ups where they end up fucking these people. Teeth uughs so bad that people get really bad infections, can't eat, lose all their teeth.
One guy had to have his job on removed. These so called techs need to be under the jail. But obviously part of the blame lives of the people purchasing services. There's no fucking way I'm going to a service called teeth by Tasha. You are asking for problems that teeth when.
You walking down and they doing teeth and braids.
That's a problem of teeth and weaves, right, It's like, yeah, we do.
We sell ribs, we sell molars, insizes. Come on, I can get you a burner phone if you give me enough time. Just go have a seat and nothing.
Right, but what bill you're trying to pay? We cover at and teeth right Verizon?
They putting teeth in your mouths with a cigarette hanging out their mouth, like, oh, I see that right there. Boy, it ain't nothing. But some buy cuspics and I said, I'm gonna go ahead and put that in there. What they tell you at the dinner, they told you a little bit about fifteen hundred. Now I ain't gonna be no fifteen hundred. What I'm gonna need to do. Go down and get you to buy cuspops from Lows and then I'm gonna put them in for you. I'm only gonna charge you the label. You know, you pay for the parts, and then you give me a twenty four pack of mill of High Life. I'm gonna take care of you for your nephew. I'm gonna get them teeth fixed up.
Come on, but what you're here for the resting you on your line to the right, the teeth line to the left.
Right, is this the teeth in check cashing gass?
Oh? Remember we take five percent of your check people. Don't be cheap if you if you don't want five percent of your check taking, you need to gone somewhere else.
Now you get these teeth, don't forget to stop down by the kitchen. My mama selling five dollar barbecue plates. Okay, gonna get you some catfish plate ten dollars. So you put your new teeth to work. Now, let the super glutle cool before you do that. Don't just hop straight out the chair. We have some we have some problems with that.
Last time.
You should know when something walking in everybody behind bulletpoop glass.
Right, Yeah, that's crazy.
I'm you gotta walk past somebody grandmama watching Oprah and to get your motherfucking tea.
That's not right, right, Kids running around this ship because it's a slash daycare. Two.
Ain't no magazines in the lobby because it's they then right, it ain't even lit well right.
This is old black tail magazines over kids, toys and shit. Get out of here, right, y'all? Really, I can't believe the ship. I'll be read anyway.
Let's get to the YouTube comments on this one. We got four comments. Alexandra says the judge should have added time for wasting our tax dollars with her bad attitude. I know it's not right, but these trumpets are so annoying. They're so proud for when it comes to being a criminal, Now go to prison. I do think it's right when the judge do that. Like whenever the judge is like, oh, you're not taking it serious, then I'm not taking it serious.
Not in more days. Shixby says, I used to see Sir Major Page.
In the hood grocery store. I would go there to get fat back. Coincidentally, Mike uh, and that's the guy who is doing veneers. Mike tom Will says, I love the sloppy history facts. Tangent Roder, Carrot are great at Riffin, thank you, But I just be one of those shut off fuck up.
I don't know what they.
Carter Thomas says cars interjections do in the Black Lives Matter conviction segment, Chef's kiss emoj heck, you appreciate that.
The poll was Have you ever had heart attack? Or salt pork? Neither one me neither.
Sixty percent said no, which means forty percent of people have had something.
So how old are y'all now trying to be fun? I you know, you know y'all in your seventies eighties?
You know?
Or did your grandma make you take it? Because I claim you have a certain age, You're like, the fuck is this?
Did you take it? Did you take it with you when you were working as a porter on the railroad?
Did you take it while you were picking cotton? The fuck is this?
Did you wrap it in an old piece of cloth and put it in some in a ten full box.
Right out at the Revolutionary Walk?
Come on, now, the truth heart attacking salt pork? Come on, man, that's not on any restaurant.
Mean you know it's not.
You can't heard attack in salt pork if you're fucking twenty twenty four, Man, if you pull that shit out at the motherfucking uh. If you go, like someone come down your house for a dinner party, you pull out salt salt pork and hard attack, they gonna lead.
That's gonna be like, the fuck is this? If your child.
Bringing that to school for lunch, They gonna Social services will come by your house.
Yes, be like, why you feeding your baby? This's brick. They ain't gonna know what it is. They like, you try to kill your kid?
That's beyond the struggle meal. They gonna have to like, is everything okay at your home? Are they feeding you?
What? I say? Do y'all need?
Do y'all?
Do y'all need Social services of food stamps? Let us know so we can go ahead and get this started for you, because no, baby, you ain't supposed to be eating this.
Six percent of y'all have had hard attack as salt pork? Are you going to Civil War reunion reenactments?
Gotta be?
We want to be authentic with it, right, and it's got a fall homes.
What are y'all y'all rising the James K. Polk plantation or some shit? What are y'all doing?
Right? Y'all making bars or soap and ship?
Two percent of y'all have had hard attack and thirty two percent have had soft pork, So I guess soft pork must still be around.
Yeah, it's still on.
I guess hard tech went out of style.
Hard Yeah, hard attack said I'm out of here. But Salt Pork said, we're gonna find a well make away. All right, let's go to the next segment, and I'm sorry you two people. I gotta play some music that y'all will probably hate, but it is what it is. At this point, Tony said Johnathan major.
Z soft Pork, and I agree, I believe it. You can convince me of that episode twenty nine ninety one. You can't kill a friend. TM six comments.
Let's get into them, DJ says Bear Doctor Umar, we don't need Polar Bears paperwork, Ron and Raphael. I was ready to comment about the cocaine. Then the Holy Bears took over. I laughed so hard I completely forgot my latest hustle.
Dang, that was really good.
Give me some more, Bear Doctor Umar, DJ Jovin says unbearable.
Karen almost choked on my food.
Sean says, I could barely bear your arsign pun Run. I was about to be ursa out laughing on the public train. Then you kept going, I mean, I don't think I'm a Koala fied to add anything, ted ted A ted A speaking sending y'all digital bear hug he or the good work. Thanks Sean, ev He says, I think Kamala is doing amazing for going on a non traditional media interviews in the mainstream media's piss Yeah they are. Why would she go where her audience is the fact that they have a problem with her going on? Call her daddy, but is I think it's called her daddy, but it's radio silid about Dump going on Andrew Schultz's podcast is exactly why she's paying them Dust in the first place.
Yeah, they don't.
They don't say anything about whatever Trump does with his like whenever he does something that's unorthodox, they act like it only works in his favor. So they're like, oh, Trump went on a podcast, so smart, so savvy. Kala Harris goes on the podcast. Why isn't she doing an interview on sixty minutes?
Oh she did that too. Why is she only doing interviews on sixty minutes?
You know? Speaking of Dump, I saw a clip where Schultz lapped in his face when he said it was a truthful place.
I guess person.
I guess Schultz is an asshole to all his guests, but Dump won't push back because his favorite.
Target as women. I hate that orange motherfucker so much.
I didn't watch a single one of those clips because I feel like I'd just be doing them the favor mm hmm.
And actually I do not care. And I listened to the day that they was basically talking about that, and they were talking to like, you know, newspeople, and they actually you know, bought up the fact that people were hating, you know, on that, and one of the persons was like, yeah, talking about they hating on it, but it was like, heyed on what they were hating on the fact that she was doing non traditional stuff versus coming, you know, me coming to them, and they was like, yeah, a lot of it is jealousy and things like that, because you know, they feel like, you know, they deserve quote unquote access to her. But you know, you have to actually go out and reach the people that you otherwise wouldn't reach, you know, because it's going to be close, So you can't be fucking around. I don't nobody got time to be talking to the they're basically singing to the choir. Got on traditional me to so much singing to the choir.
So I also think that she's doing the race her way, and honestly, that's the only way to run the fucking race. I agree, everybody got a fucking opinion. None of these motherfuckers know what they're talking about. Everybody, none of them if won an election or lost the election, right, And at the end of the day, she's gonna get to blame if they lose, no matter what. So if you think doing some things differently is what will help do them. Because y'all were hating on the traditional shit that Joe Biden was doing.
Nobody liked that. It wasn't good enough. We were gonna lose.
She comes in, She's raised more money than anyone's ever raised in the history of a candidate, and she's done it in a shorter period of time than anyone's ever done it in the history.
That's una study.
Maybe y'all don't know what the fuck y'all talking about. And y'all's misgivings of personal grudges and gripes are yours, and they're gonna be there no matter what. It doesn't really matter what the fuck happens. You're gonna always be bitching and complaining about something. And at this point I just am not giving a lot of credence to it. It's like, okay, so you mad again. Congrats always mad.
I understand the.
Bigger picture, even when it comes to myself, like we'll talk about it tomorrow, I'm sure. But Obama had a viral moment doing some like talking to black men that for Harris that and he kind of had some scoldie comments that went viral about it, and I'm sure we'll talk about tomorrow. While I don't appreciate the scolding tone because always makes it sound like this media narrative that black men are like somehow like like we're white men or something like we're like forty percent of us only vote Democrat when it's eighty percent at the worst, and most of the time it's ninety percent, you know, so nine out of ten voting black men vote Democrat. So having Obama get up there and say like basically like and I'm seeing y'all not be enthusiasm. Da da da da, it is kind of like, come on, man, like that's not that's not that's not what's happening. I understand there's some prominent descending voices, but just say that, you know, or there was a way to frame this as, hey, y'all are the right guys, y'all are here, you're supporting Kamala Harris for president.
You wanted to hear me talk, Here's what I will bring up.
Let's take these tools and go out into our communities and fight against the ignorance of that last eight to fifteen percent of.
Black men who are trying to behold outs, who are trying to vote for Trump. Let's go educate them.
I think that's a much fu more thorough message that will reach a lot more people than just hey, y'all gotta do better. Y'all not doing good enough right anyway? My point being, I went on Twitter. I saw all these people doing long ass threads and bitching about it. Not saying that those black men's emotions don't matter, not saying don't count, not saying they're not valid. But I personally don't really give a fuck bigger picture. I still think we need to do what we need to do and vote for Kamma Harris.
That's it. It really is like the same way that I get on this podcast and I'm like.
Yo, if your issue is Israel and Palestine, you need to be voting for the Democrat because they will be better even if they're not the best, and they will listen to you, even if they're not perfect to you do better than Trump will do. Yes, And I sit up here and I say that, and I'm like, I take the emotion out of it. Okay, Well, this nigga is yelling at black men.
That's me right, I'm one. He's directly saying something.
About the demographic I existing and being like, y'all ain't doing enough, which is not factual, Like it's not true that we're some like this rag tag ne'er do well ass group of people.
We are actually voting, and we're voting at.
The high second highest clip for Democrats, definitely far and beyond for men.
And no one's fussing at anyone else.
No one's trying to get the six to eight percent of black women in line that's not voting. No one's gonna frame that narrative where we know that our sisters aren't Kansas owens right. No one's gonna go at Latino men, who once again still don't vote as high as black men do.
No one's gonna go at Asian men.
No one's definitely gonna go at white men or the biggest demographic, white women, which is the main reason if you could just win white women, you never lose. No one's gonna say talk to them with disrespect, no one's gonna come at them and yell at them. So I understand that's a weird double standard happening, and I don't like it. That being said, I ain't really about to spend no time yelling about the shit.
I'm over it. Cool. You said what you said, peace, You.
Know what I mean.
I like, I don't like it, noted moving the fuck on. The bigger point is to win, and it's always gonna be the bigger point than me. A personal gripe is not enough for me to risk the fucking election on.
Ain't that the truth?
So yeah, I don't have to like every moment, but I still stand on and it's not I saw one of my friends doing this long runt and he was talking about how like it's people that make a certain amount of money and they just want institutions to stay the same and they want their kids to go to schooling. I don't have kids. It's not about just institutions and shit, it's not selfishness. Even though I don't think anything's wrong with being selfish about your vote in this election, it's your vote, So if you want to be selfish, be selfish, But that's not why I'm doing it. I just legitimately think the country will be better off under Kamala Harrison it will under Trump, Yes.
Sir, it really just don't.
It's that simple to me. Just the rest of it, YadA YadA, YadA, YadA YadA, And I mean it.
The point, the only point I'm raising here is even when it's black men, I mean it, it's not just a well they that's because they're not talking about you, they talking about me. Now, Okay, I'm still gonna be there early voting on the seventeenth. I'll see you guys, and we're gonna get this thing handled.
And the.
Same, like I said, I'm similar to you. I do understand how people feel. I do understand people person or gripe. I do understand for some people that's a trope, you know, type of type of thing.
Yeah, And it's easy because most of the people talking have never had it done to their demographics, so they don't feel anything like they don't know what this feels like. Essentially, you know, where like the guy that everybody looks up to as a presidential figure and an established black man is choosing the stick, not the carrot for your specific demographic. And his call to fame is that he's a carrot over the stick guy, meaning even when it's a Republican, even when it's racist people, he'll find a way to be like, well, hold.
On, they're humans, let's show them some empathy.
We're not gonna win over they disagree, but we're not gonna win over their vote by just yelling at them, except when it's the black man. Then it's like we can yell at y'all niggas, and so, yeah, I get why people feel a way about it.
I'm not saying anything that.
I don't think I'm saying anything controversial to be like, yeah, he definitely did that different to us than he would with someone else. And all that being said, No, it doesn't, I don't. It doesn't feel like a thing that's gonna change anything from my vote. It's not going to change the way I feel about this election. I've been saying there's bigger shit to fry than that for the whole time, and this can't change that anyway. Swabi p alright saying, imagine my delight when I heard Ryd and Karen discussing the fat bear Week incident. Watching the bears of Brooks Falls catch salmon live on YouTube is one of my guilty pleasures.
The salmon run usually starts in June and July.
The bears congregated this famous spot to feed up on salmon before going into hibernation. The Fat Bear Week contest is basically viewers like me voting on which bear got the fattest over the course of the moss they need, they feed them salmon. The incident on the bear on bear violence shook the bear watching community. They are not handling it very well. Not me, though I respect the bears for what they are. Wild and dangerous.
Animals ain't nothing bear.
So incidents like this, while still shocking, is not beyond around possibility for me. The grizzly event was captured live on the webcam, so folks started killing in real time. The people in the bear community YouTube, a bear watching YouTube community who gave the bears nicknames and think they're cudly cute stuffed animals, are probably seeking therapy at the moment. Just wanted to give a little context of the story while acknowledge of my appreciation for arding the story to be discussed by the Black opteps a pleasant surprise.
Swabi, Well, I'm glad you enjoying the bears.
The pole?
Oh wait, not the pole.
Comments on YouTube two comments, Rashad says the finess of milks laughing emoji. I forget who I said that about, but I always like that. That's always funny to me to call some white people some milks. Jason says, why do we need poll up bear paper work? That was a pretty popular line been titles show the poet.
Do you party? Yes cocaine or no?
Ninety eight percent of our artist does not party. Two point two percent says yes cocaine. So shout out to that two percent.
Y'all be safe out there with the cocaine.
Now, okay, enjoy yourselves, but not too much.
Definitely not too much. You got you got to come back. A barrier of.
Bad news is the last episode of the week, and I forgot to hit the record button because I've been recording these things a little differently. So there's no replay on crowdcast of this episode, but you can watch it on YouTube, but not the actual video.
It's just I just put up the audio in video form.
Okay, sorry him deal, says sir earl is the official clothing of the black guy who tips community.
Now the camouflage.
Just want to know because I have no outfits and will need to head to Walmart otherwise. Also, should we refer to Karen as Emma Sue once she gets her camouflage get together?
Also? Are we afford a Chevy community for clever clarity?
I don't know which one is better when we roll up to them Poland stations cause blasted neck.
If you buck, I'll say Chevy, which.
Incidentally feels like it should be the official voting song for the podcast. Also, on a really random note, I did no to your story about beating the fellas in two K.
It wasn't two K, it was.
It was NC DOUBLEA whatever. Yeah, I was in college, like in two thousand and two thousand one.
Anyway, But I but I did beat people in two K as well. I don't have a story about that as much. Actually, you know my story about playing NBA two K.
I had a dreamcast. So the NBA two K was.
Literally light years better than NBA Live. But for the time it came out to now and but nobody was playing it. It was like branding. It was like iPhones and Android. Like you could say the Dreamcast is the Android. You can say it's better in every way. It don't really matter if don't nobody won't play it with you, right, it is what it is. And this is before like a lot of internet like online playing. So basically, if you couldn't come to my dorm and play me in one of these games, I was playing by myself anyway. So people would come by, they play NBA two K, they see me playing it, and to a man, they'd all enjoy it for a little bit, and then I would start whopping up on them because I'm the one that's playing all the time, right, and then they'd be like, man, fuck this, I'm playing NBA live. So that's my only story about two K anyway. Uh, there is no was because they're okay. So fellas okay.
I guess I was a.
Sega guy and more importantly the owner one of the best sisters that ever was ahead of his time to dream Cash. You brought the wonderful Oh yeah, yeah, I'm I'm ana dream We both are Dreamcast. People stood in line at the at the mall and everything.
We did was a kV toys. I don't even know if they fucking existed anymore. We were at the mall. I don't even know if that all exists anymore. Down down there in Fabbiel standing line that was back then. When you stand in line at midnight, yep.
Sean says, it's someone who has my grains cluster headaches. Eighty three days was my record, and a wide range of other headaches. I had not heard of this use of vibrators for headache release. I mean, I knew that orgasms could recruits hadache severity and duration for some individuals. However, there may be an inverse effect effect, but putting the vibrate on your head, who would have thunk it? Also, two of the only known ways to prevent and stop migraines and cluster headaches, LSD and psilocybin are currently illegal for no goddamn reason, and the most effective drug for paying relief of headaches, THC, is illegal here in Japan.
My headaches aren't as bad as they used to be.
But this fucked up war on drugs, and that started because some white asshole didn't want Billy Holliday singing about lynching and spreading like a cancer across the world like a cancer needs to God damn in. I want headache relief, and that means I need LSD and Solo Sivin Salo cybin to be legal. We would be nice too. Sorry that was like the tangential, but I may have some feelings on topic.
Eve says. Even though the coach CBS.
Interview was out of pocket in the network called the guy out for it, they could have kept it because I doubt nothing's gonna happen in that dude unless he comes on air and inches of public apology himself or is removed from that slot. I think the network only said something because of the backlash. That man also owes the two black women he over talked to an apology to the lady who damaged the Crown Chicken. First mistake was going to Crown Chicken in the first place. That chicken is dried in a Popey's biscuit.
I've heard nothing but bad things about Crowns Chicken.
Damn uh got comments on YouTube.
Aero said shout shoots shoots that I guess shots at my own name and workplace.
You work at Crowns Chicken.
Kiki says, when you talked about the venues the part that's left out is Live Nation owned venues at every scale in both big and small cities. Live Nation also owns some of the acts, so they cannot go to non Live Nation venues. To add insult to injury, they take from every part of your tour in a way that makes it impossible to tour and make money. We are stuck in a monopoly and we need government action, and Shakespea, says Pearl Jam tried to warn them.
Yes years ago. I remember, and at that time I didn't understand because I was younger, but yeah, they went to Congress. They was like, ah, y'all, this Live Nation is some books. Oh shit, we worked too hard for them to be taking our money. They was like, hey, y'all, tickets price gonna go up. And this is like decade Lily, decades ago, like probably twenty years ago more. They was like, hey, y'all, this is gonna be a problem. Everybody laughed them not your funny, laughed them off, and I know they was like, bitch, we was right.
Trey says, I was wondering what was going on with the crowdcast replay. Yeah my bad, My mom says, you do the back squad and where camouflyes did that shit with ten toes down and my mom said, damn, damn caring it's the folded chair. The poe was, have you ever driven a delivery order back to the restaurant? I'm pretty sure I have.
Yes, I have.
Nineteen percent has eighty basically eighty one percent has not. So that's your that's your poll.
I don't remember we picked it up a delivery, but one time we had ordered like some Chinese or something and got like the wrong size or something like that, and I show enough did I I got in my car and drove my ass right on back up. There was like, hey, that was like my bad hans one twice. It's big.
I was like, okay, uh, yeah, we've definitely had to do some stuff before. Let's get to the voicemails once again. Some loud, noisy music that y'all will hate on YouTube. All right, let's get to these voicemails.
It was like we got five of them.
Okay, hey, Rotten Karen, it's Nikki.
Just catching up on shows of one of the episodes from the Week Before You guys, Roddy talked about going to the grocery store and then asking too many questions the dispensary I go to, there's this one your who works there. She's only have a whole life conversation with you, ask you a whole bunch of questions. It's like, ma'am, I'm just trying to get my edibles and go home. I don't want to tell you I'm doing this weekend. You already know what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to fucking relax. So yeah, and then listening to I think we spending this episode talking about the veneer guy.
So she's working in the healthcare phil there's actually a lot that's actually a really big thing right now where people are pretending to be dentists and stuff to get people veneers and like maybe on group on you get.
Your Keith done in the back of the nail salon and all that stuff. So I'm not surprised. It's like a really big crack down right now. And ninety percent of time they black. So yeah, there's a whole there's a whole world out there are people trying to give you fix your teeth. No type of training. Well, I'm on my morning walk trying to get this exercise in.
Talk to you guys later.
Oh, thank you, congrats. I mean, you know, good luck on the exercise and all that stuff.
That's dope. And uh, I had no idea about this venire shit.
I didn't know it was an epidemic.
Yeah, I did not know, and I didn't know it was a mostly black thing.
But I mean, I don't even But if I ever even is trust I'm not going to nobody's groupon. We're not gonna We're not gonna be in the back of the loads. We're not doing none of that ship. I need a doctor's with a PhD. I need to but like this, I need to be able to go on my insurance and type your name up and your name should pop up on that list.
I need to know you didn't learn that shit on Instagram, right, Okay, Like even with like I've seen groupons that I would do, like a lazer maybe, but like you can verify that that person is, you know, optometrist or whatever.
The fuck? This just sound like y'all going off vibe.
Right if I come in and bitch you, we cash on. We got problems.
Uh row Hi, I'm rapping, Karen.
This is Roe.
Just wanted to talk about the Feedback episode where where you brought up Amanda Steels and her comments about Easter Ray, specifically the interaction she had with a cast member on Insecure or part of the crew who didn't appreciate being called the Android by her. One of the great things about your show is that you guys always bring me or show us such a different perspective on something that everyone has almost the same view on. And I know, for me, I was very sympathetic at Manda Feels during that Shannon's Sharp interview because they sort of brought in her childhood and how she was rejected and all of that stuff. But the whole child actor thing, and that really set me on the road to be really on her side. And I never thought about it, you know, even though I would have thought about it myself personally. Can you like, can you imagine why somebody wouldn't want to be called the Awards? Can you imagine what could have happened to them or a family member why they wouldn't be wanted.
To be called the inwards?
But she's capable of that, and I gave her a pass because I felt that And I think this reminds me of something from so many shows ago where you talked about the flying monkey. Rod had read a book to talk about the flying monkey effect on social media. And I've been so mindful about myself on the media and in social media not falling into that trap of attacking anyone or supporting a cause because somebody has given me a very specific view of something and told me, you know, to go forth and conquer. And I didn't know exactly why that your intern interpretation of that interview hit me so well until we revisited it during the feedback.
Yeah, it's interesting. So at first of all, thank you for calling.
Yes, it's so interesting because, like I said, I didn't work from empathy backwards to get to a place where I can draw like a boundary between like this is reality and this is what is happening. I can have empathy for somebody and still feel like, yeah, but what you're doing is not right, and especially people that heavily prey on people's empathy. That is what a lot of narcissists do. And that's one of the reasons that you find that a lot of narcissists, victims are impaths, are people who are naturally inclined to be like to always want to give somebody a fair chance, or to empathize so much with their emotional state that they leave the logic out of it.
You know.
It's like someone coming in and saying, I hurt my hand. You're gonna go get the bandages and wrap their hand. But if they tell you I hurt my hand, and by punching an innocent old lady in the face, that changes, Like, it doesn't change their hand hurts. It doesn't change they need medical care, but it should change something in you about what your action should be going forward regarding that person. And if they hurt their hand every day, you just start to some people and they just got my hand, hurt my hair. Some people just start going this person's hand hurts all the time. I feel sorry for them. So whatever happened, whatever they say, I'm just gonna leave it alone. Well, the rest of the neighborhoods walking around with black eyes, like I keep getting hit in the face by this person, and we're like, but what did you do wrong? I mean, the person they didn't tell us that they said they punched you in the face, because you know, things are da da da, So I think what happens is a lot of people can't hold both things at the same time.
So you just go with what this person told me is true is the only way to look at it.
They got to the internet first, and I now am responsible to not like this shit, not like these people that they don't like too. That's how I have their back. But it's not really it's not really the you know, it's not really the thing. And then Shannon Sharp's show is one of come on, give the most like the most like self centered version of the truth. And I'm not saying that for her, I'm saying for everyone that goes on there. Shannon don't challenge anything. He doesn't really like. The amount of research that him and his crew do is always like patted on the back, meaning the people that show up don't expect him to do any research, you see what I'm saying. So when he's like, what about that time you did this album, they're like, oh, you look that up. That's how that's not really much of a compliment. That's really like, I didn't expect you to look up anything I'm talking about. So all that to say, like that is the place for that. But I think people forget that Shake Club Shay Shape is the place for the most self centered version of everyone's truth, and so we just start walking around like this is the God, this is the truth. No need to ask anyone else, anybody they don't like, we just gonna assume that person's wrong and the person that went on say is right.
And I just think it's a fucked up way to navigate the world.
You need to be like a little bit more discerning because if someone goes on the show and they have three hours worth of problems with other people, at some point it's like, well, what is what is your role in this? If I had to do a podcast and it was like, can you talk for three hours about everybody that's wronged you, it would have to be because I'm taking like an hour on each one.
Or some shit.
It wouldn't be because I got three hours worth for motherfuckers I can keep bringing up.
I don't give like that's crazy. I don't have that much.
But anyway, point being, I understand the empathy, I understand why it happens, but that narcissist and social monkey thing is real through social media. We've done an episode on this show years ago where I talked about I read up on narcissism, And I said, you know what, tell me the tools on social media are not the same as the tools that narciss used on people.
I can literally show you.
The shunning of people, all of that stuff, the harassment of people, like all that stuff, and I've seen in an action.
Once I saw that action, I can't unsee it.
So I feel you on that, and I'm glad that at least I gave you another perspective. We give you another perspective on that, because I do think people run with shit, and I see otherwise smart, thoughtful people just being like, well, there you go, that's the answer. I'm like, no, Now, just imagine for a second on the other side, that that's all you gotta do. If you've ever had anyone ever a low on you, which me and Karen have had a few times at this point, if you've ever had someone publicly just fucking low on you, there's a there's an anger inside of you, but there's also a level of what there's a level you realize there's nothing I can do about it. Agreed, And at the end of the day, a person that's willing to believe those liars is already getting the worst impact, because a liar is a thief of time. And if you stay alone live long enough, and they stay alive long enough, the people that will lie to about our character, they'll see it. They'll see how we handle shit, and they'll see the character of the person that lied on us, and it's gonna break.
The veneer the same way no pun intended, the same way.
The cracks broke for us, where we were like, Oh, this person's full of shit, They're gonna see it too, and you just gotta live in that.
That's it.
That's all you get. You don't need to try to prove them wrong.
And So when I see people like say Esray in this case, but also many other people she has problems with who just don't go back and forth with her, I don't go, oh, that's because she's right.
I go I identify more with those people.
Then I do with the people that just go back and forth with people like this All day. I've had to sit down a few times and been like, if people want to believe that bullshit, they just gonna believe it, right, But if they can't see the work I'm doing, the way I carry myself and the stuff I'm talking about if they can't see I'm handling things the best of my abilities, then I don't know what to tell them. If they're gonna believe this person is always having problems with everybody else and they're gonna throw me in the group too, then they then I.
Guess that's what they want, right, and there's nothing you can do to prove them otherwise. And the thing about flying monkeys, we kind of talked about this before. Anybody can be subjected to being a flying monkey and not be aware of it at the time. It's almost like you almost have to understand what it is to understand if you are participating in it or not. Because the thing about flying monkeys, a lot of times people always associate that with social media, but people in like your every day to day real life will treat you as a flying monkey and you not even know it, with rumors and lies and shit like that. Like you know, but people don't look at it from that particular perspective. And the thing about it when it comes to flying monkeys, everybody's being benefited. The narcissists person is being benefited by everybody giving them their undivided attention all the time. And the flying monkeys are benefiting from it because not trying to be funny. And and I group myself in this category. A lot of people love and enjoy and like to be told what to do. They don't like to think, you know, because the thing about a narcissist. The narcissists don't want you to think. They don't want you to analyze their actions. They want you to be all wrapped up and so tied up in your emotions that everything they say is true and everything everybody else say is false. And the second you start analyzing and saying, hey, somebody just don't feel right, all of a sudden you have to be kicked out of the group. You no longer can't be here because what they can have you doing is contaminating the other people around you and actually making them realize that this person is full of shit, and all of y'all are being used. Then all of a sudden, guess what that long list of people You're on that list too now and you don't understand why. And then these same people you are flying with, all of a sudden, I'm flying at you. And then all of a sudden, you have an understanding and you have your eyes will begin to open up like, oh, this person was full of shit the whole time. But the thing about it, while you're flying, guess what, you can't see the ground. You're so high up you don't see the reality of what's happening on the ground. You know, that's part of a trick. And as somebody who can easily be persuaded or persuaded to be a flying mockey, you have to be aware of that stuff. You have to be cognitant, you know, think about that stuff. You have to challenge these things. When these things come at you ask yourself, why askt yourself. Is my response something that's genuinely mine or is my response based off of somebody else? Do I care enough? Does whatever I'm about to respond with? Does this impact me? How important is this? Will I care about this in twenty four seventy two to forty eight hours? Is this life or death? Because the thing about it that you will consistently be in a panic mode because that person's in a panic mode and they passed their panic alone. So if you're not in a panic mode, to their mind, what are you doing? So you have to analyze this because this shit will and I've been the witness of it, and you know, been on the other side of it will fucking impact your life. Your personality will change. People around you be like something's wrong with you. Before you know it, you're accusing everybody a shit. You're accusing them of not being faithful to you. Because it spreads like a disease, you know, when people to realize that, and all of a sudden you are like them. You're isolated, don't got no friends or got no family. It's there's something wrong with everybody around them, and all of a sudden you become not only a victim, you become a perpetrator too, and don't even realize it.
Yeah, I can't say it better. I think, Yeah, I think that flying monkey thing is so serious. A lot of people are prone to it. And the Internet gave people a lot of access to monkeys, but essentially potential flying monkeys. And once you've seen that weaponize on somebody or had that weaponize on you, you'll never be the same because me, it's like oh no, no, no, no, no. Nobody just gets a pass of years and years of years being a center of grievance and I'm just supposed to be like, well, clearly they're just a good person and everybody else is bad.
Nah, all right, next voicemail.
Hey y'all, it's Jen. I don't know if you're having a feedback show this week, but hopefully you're getting some much needed rest. And if you don't have a show this week, then we'll hear this next week. I just wanted to comment on your election coverage of this media blitz as they're calling it. Yeah, I'm super excited that she's doing this, these unconventional interviews. I think that's the waves. I agree with you that it's similar to Obama's campaign, where you know, they're going off the beaten path and reaching people where they are meeting people where they are super smart. I think she's becoming more comfortable with every interview. I also just wanted to say that I'm so glad that all these critiques that we thought were going unheard in the first Trump election are finally being heard. Like that sixteen minutes roast, right before they introduced her interview, I was like, yes, this is what we need. You know, obviously they're left leaning, but like, this is what we need for media, Like this admission that the way that Trump is doing things is completely ensured. I'm so glad that we're starting to get just a little bit of that. I think we deserve that. And then I also wanted to say that I don't know if this is just how the court system works and when the timing ended up being, but people like Miss Tina Peters who are getting arrested for nine years, thank god, the timing of it feels really good because it's like, oh, if you're trying to do this shit again in twenty twenty four, this is what your future is going to be. It I take it a few years to get there, but you will go to jail. So I'm really grateful that things are kind of starting to come to light. I'm still going, I'm still getting the word out, trying to vote, like obviously some absentees out to North Carolina. Gonna know y'all need it. Yeah, I'm doing apart, but I'm optimistic, more optimistic, and we'll see what happens. All right, talk to you later, Thanks guys, Bye, Thank you, j And Yeah.
I couldn't agree more.
Got three voicemails from somebody I don't know, that leftist at like one in.
The morning, So.
Hey, Carrion Rod for that I meant to called last week, but I just got so busy here, but I was calling this. So this is about one of the topics, or two of the topics from last week. First one, Netflix saying that after one of their executives endorsed Kamala Harris and donated money, that subscribership dropped and they lost a lot of subscribers. I'm calling bs on the reason for that, because the them mothersuckers just raised had a rate increase last month, my birthday month, so basically ninety five percent of what I was paying before. So well, I don't know if other people feeling that, but it's freaking made me mad because basically they're asking me to pay double for the same stuff.
I'm one of those people who signed.
Up for Netflix back in the day, never stopped, never like stop and then restarted and all this other stuff, and this is how they repay us. And then they would slick about it, talking about, oh, we're offering it in a new version, and I read online they were like, oh yeah, because if they technically give you something new, they can not.
They don't have to honor the Grandpapa class, so they can suck it.
When Richard didn't come back.
I'm a subscribe to that mug for about a month and then I'm not subscribe, So I think that might have.
Something to do with it.
I don't know, but if other people got their rates doubled, they probably was like fuck this for these mediocre movies.
The other thing and I probably get cut off, so I'll call back, is Amanda Seals. What in the light skinned it foolishness? Is this JAYL Covid need to come and get his girl because she's making it look bad for the light skinned, the mixist people, light skinned mixed it royalty princes looking down from heaven and doing that mean that jiff that be online and him shaking his head like girl.
Knowledge and it's gonna do that.
Yeah, I'm in the Seals this.
Girl, And now when I found out she was from my hometown, I'm like, ah, that explains a lot, girl, you cannot. First of all, my issue with her is that she's one of these people that her whole personality online is just being contrariant and just saying that she is standing up for black people, which I'm all for a black women in particularly I'm all four. But then she during the pandemic was online dissen her new Man's Baby Mama, So I'm like, where's the pro black women sentiment? Then girl, and then the way she'd be coming out the Isa.
I work in the industry.
Everybody I know ain't got nothing bad.
To say about Lisa. That is very unusual.
And you could tell that Issa was like, oh, well, maybe you know, cause she's an EmPATH.
Like Rob and how I used to be and now I'm bitter.
But Easa went on her show, was like, you know, she's probably like, well, maybe she doesn't still appreciate it. Come of on her show and let her know that I love her.
That is, I mean, even though she is paying her a check to be on the show. And it's by far the best role that Amanda Feels has ever had as an actress. So anyway, she goes on her show and then she still talks about her kitenkick rocks. I put Amanda Fields in the same category I've been putting Monique in for years, and people said I was wrong, But it's like, girl, at some point, it's you. If you get in a fight with everybody, is you. And these are the same women who talk about I'm doing this for us. I'm doing this for black women in particular, and no, they're doing it for that particular black woman that they are.
They're not doing it for all black women.
Because if you're wrong, you're wrong, and stop hiding behind that.
So that's my two cents. Love you guys, keep being fabulous, and I will keep listening.
All right, Bye bye, She called back one more time.
But listen, I can't agree more with everything you just said, especially the Monique thing and the Eastern ray Impath thing. I was so fucking I almost feel embarrassed how forgiving I was to like the Monique shit to people like Amanda Seals and stuff.
Now the thing I do is I try not to go into a place.
Of like I will always be angry at these people from because they like, I'm not mad at them on any level.
I'm not even mad at Amanda Seals.
I just see this person as like this is their nature, and I just wouldn't want to deal with a person like that where you literally try to help them, you try to make an olive branch, and they just gonna always see it as some sort of like whenever this goes bad, which it always does, it is always going to be on the person who tried to help me fault. It's gonna always be that. And once you had it done to you, it's just I can't unsee it. I see it now when it's happening to other people, I'm like, oh, that's fucked up. And when you talk about working in the industry, you're right, it's so rare that someone like someone is as big as Ray and everybody just likes them like and I don't mean like them like on Instagram, but like everybody because you know the industry, everybody works. If you work on a project, you work with somebody that worked on another project, blah blah. Right, there's certain jobs that everybody wants cause it's like yo, the way they treat people, the way they empower people, with the professional the lack of a huge ego on the Star.
Like that kind of stuff.
And the Easter Ray's productions have gotten a lot of love because of that, because she does run a tight ship. What happens is these people with their Internet grievances rely on the vast majority of us, y'all the regular people, like the regular people not knowing how stuff works. Yes, and that is a detriment that we're to a society that we're living in right now. I think right now, people not knowing how stuff works is definitely being used against them. You know how many people don't know how the government works, and when you listen to them complain about voting or the government, you quickly start realizing, oh, they.
Don't actually know how it works.
And they.
Right like I was, and I'm not even deep in the industry.
I'm barely a toe end to just late night comedy writing and what that has, like the people and friends I've made, and the amount of stories.
Where it's like, oh, that's how that works. Like what I heard on the internet was this, But then.
Someone's like, no, that, you know, Like even like I said, the quickest way, the easiest one is it's a Ray didn't come in and intervene in all this stuff.
With my job. There's nobody that would do that. That's not how that would work.
That person hires people. But there's also producers, line managers, executive produce, there's so many people that organize this shit, above and beyond you. Because honestly, the nightmare not just for Ester Ray and the like as a talent, but the nightmare for a workplace would be a situation where everybody goes to Ester's office like she's mom. Right, that's not tenable because what if? Because what if is an asshole? And now she has unchecked priority where she can just intervene in people's interpersonal conflict like she's hr and she can just go out for who's her favor who like Look, we wrote lines for Tiffany.
We don't know who this camera guy is. Fire his ass. I don't care if she called him a nigga or not. Fuck it.
He don't have to like it.
Because that's really what if you listen deep down to what a man that's advocating, that's what that's the scenario she wants.
What would make easther a good person?
If Easa becomes a flying monkey and fires this man or tells him, you just gonna have to deal with it.
We got nigga.
We say nigga a lot on this show. Oh well, no, listen, first of all, don't even come to me. That's that you walking in my office a waste of time, you know, Like Bo's name is on the show, and Bo is a good friend of mine.
But when I'm when I'm working in game theory. You know how many times I walked in his office and ask for something? Fucking zero zero times. He's not he's his name's on the show. He is a boss.
He ain't the boss of everything. I can't be in there, like, hey, man, I wanted to know about this camera production.
He was like what what?
As a whole team asks the presidents over that, Hey, I don't like the way this intern was talking. Okay, we'll go talk to the fucking intern or the manager of the interns or the HR department like so anyway, they to all on us not knowing how shit works. And that's a big tail because what do they insert instead of the here's how this will work. They go, I'm standing up for us, for all of us, y'all know me. I'm always standing up for us. If people don't like me, it's because they don't like that I stand up for us. It's like, okay, what really happened?
All right? She left one more voicemail.
Sorry, hey guys, Well bet again, I'm sorry about that. I was actually mind but no, I just wanted to call back in and just say, like, the Amanda Seels thing really bothered me because she she just reminded me of someone close in my life is just a narcissist. Everything becomes about them under the guise of, you know, being the voice of the voiceless or the you know, marginalized, and it's just narcissism. And you know, I mean the fact that she on the set of Insecure, she insisted on calling a cast member the N word.
It's like, girl, and you might skin day again.
I go back to the light skinnedness. She she making it bad for people. They ain't beating the allegations with her on the teams.
But but yeah, like I mean, honoring people's boundaries, Like you want people to honor your boundaries, but you never want to honor other people's boundaries, right, And you know, honoring people's boundaries only work for you when you are feeling superior, morally superior to people.
So it's just annoying. I mean, she's always been sort of annoying, and now that we.
Know that she can't even I don't think she can control herself. And I think once before she was like I'm on the spectrum. It's like there's plenty of people who are on the spectrum who aren't jerks. Like she's just a jerk at this point, I feel like and trying to be a bully. So I also think she might be mokey jealous of EASA's success and how everybody loves Etha. So but it's like, just do your best, girl, get up the other day and do your best and stop trying to bully people like and not everything need to be online, girl, I know that's like, but not everything every thought that possibly in your head, you need to get online and tell people.
So, I mean, I wish her the best, but having had.
Experience with narcissists, like you give them an inch and they take a mile and nothing's ever their fault. I didn't ever take ownership of anything, and so she's just I mean, I wish you the best, but if she keeps behaving this way, she will not be working much longer. So anyway, I love you guys, and I promise the last time, okay.
Go ride.
Yeah, Like I said, I haven't even talked about the colorism stuff with her because I know there's people that really like go in on it and have kept up with her history of like talking about it and making herself kind of the victim of it.
So I'd rather refer to those type of people than me.
But yeah, man, it's just all I know is just the common denominator is always her, and whatever it is that makes her that way is just how she is. Like, I don't think it's I don't think it's a thing she is going to change about herself. And I know too many people who have like had stories of working with her that have been like, no, she was terrible to me. And that's I mean once, I have multiple friends that say that, it ain't hard for me to be like, oh, okay, like like I know, I know their character, so yeah, that she was a jerk to you.
And I'm not saying nothing criminal, nothing actionable, just just jerk behavior.
Listen, I did something that's a jerk. Sometimes people are jerks. It's all good. Last voicemails from my mind.
There's I pay Karen Day. I'm just polling in about the whole social media things, the negative stories and fake accounts and stuff. It's like, I've noticed on my personal account that it's not necessarily like even negative stuff because of course a lot of people I'm friends with or follow they don't really are in like that negative space. But even with positive stories are fake, and I noticed that there was this one story that just kept popping up in my in my timeline, you know, it's fake about like this was a woman winning the Koran competition and it would only be a screenshot that they were sharing, and I was like, this looks familiar, and I was like, can you put my finger on it? And then silight, I went into the comments of another share post about it, and then someone was like, this is throw a beauty pageant from twenty thirteen. I was like, I know what to say, pageant.
I kept seeing it pop up, and then I was just like, politely correct persons, like actually the story of fake, this is the actual story. And I kept doing that and it kept talking up, and then finally I.
Just made the post about it.
I was like, hey, I keep seeing this.
And then once I made that and made the big correction like, hey, is the actual story and these are several links confirming this actual story, then I stopped seeing it in my timeline. I was just like, I feel like the algorism is a testing us and it's texting us in the worst way. But yeah, this it's all y'all have a great weekend and enjoy your your hornets games play Sorr, No is it? I don't know. I'm not paying attention, but I listen.
It's just.
Oh no, all right.
Anyway, she had everything, she just didn't stick the land, and she was like she felt like she lost a little confidence last ten seconds.
But she did good.
Stuff. All right.
Let's get to the last segment, which is us reading your voicemails, I mean emails.
Oh my god. This first one is a book. This is a novel, Katrina.
Did they space it out or did it? Was it one big block?
No, they spaced it out, But Katrina, Si, they got a.
File hunt, they got a file hundred let a word count.
I don't know how many. It's so long. That's a chapter of a book. Are you trying to reach that quotera like you? I hope, I hope you donate.
I hope you go behind the page please, because I'm gonna read this ship.
But I just want you to know, Sis, just a lot. This is a lot.
I just typed, I pasted it into a word document and it's eleven hundred and thirty four words.
It's three pages. Girl, It's a lot, all right. It's called the Flag. We love the flag and boosy, hey Rod and care Two quick things.
How wanta say the way Rogers said that don't sound quick?
Quick sis quick? The first quick thing is all right, hey rider, Carrid.
Two quick things one, Karen, when you said you saw a group of American flags together and not nervous, I felt that it got nervous. I felt that in my spirit. I've been the same way since twenty sixteen. When I see an American flag hanging from someone's house or car, my gay, black woman ass gets nervous. It's crazy to me how it becomes a symbol of hate. Don't get me wrong, the flag in America have always been on some bullshit, but the maga maggots have legit co opted the flag to me, you and your non white kind of not welcome here. It's become a warning and that's disheartening, disheartening. That's why I was so overjoyed to see Harris reclaiming it as a symbol for her campaign to see all the people in the DNC wearing red, white and blue. It gave me the warm and fuzzies, like we really do have a chance to rewrite the narrative and make it a symbol of equal rights and inclusion. I'll never be ignorant to the ship show that is America. It's history, and housenophobia is in his DNA. But never in my life until Trump have I been so scared for everyone that's not in my vicinity.
Every time I see an American flag.
Hell, right now I see someone on the street corner asking for money while wearing it on their T shirt, I do like ride and put my little coin posts away because uh, it's giving Confederate energy. Yeah, I'm not I'm not a big flag person either, but I'm not against the flag either.
It's kind of like I'm like one per person, one per house, like just one.
Yeah, but I will say, man, I remember I was watching I was I was going to a restaurant. The white guy was in front of me and T shirt and the back of the T shirt had American flag with a fist up that said freedom.
And I said, white people freedom different. Yes, it is your freedom the same.
That's not giving me the Like if I see a black person with a shirt on and says freedom, I'll be like, Okay, I know what you want.
I know what you're talking about.
White people freed you gotta ask some follow up questions like what what you need to be free from exactly?
Like particulars of the freedom.
Your freedom of freedom of escape like what like and if what and if you're escaping what you're escaping to.
Yeah, I just need to know what's your freedom look like?
Is it?
I need the freedom to say anything to anybody, they can't say nothing back, freedom of speech.
I need to have a freedom to get my gun, Like, what's the freedom anyway?
We will see what happens if Harris wensday she wins at her campaign sticks with the patriot theme. I will be out there in red, white and blue cowboy has in boots, come and God bless America everywhere I go. Oh and I'll get a shirt that says reclaiming my Flag with Harris's face on the child.
Let me write that down. Somebody make it so I could buy it.
She also said okay on the number two two fuck boozy, that raggedy ass, homophobic, transphobic woman, hating child in dangerous sperm donating insecuring himself. Sorry excuse for a parent or a black man can kiss my cats ass. And that's and that's me being kind hearted generous leaver that I am. He and people like him serve as a litmus test for me and is the reason I was able to see my brother for the hotel piece of shit he is and cut him out of my life. He acted like he was okay with me being a lesbian when I came out, but then call me one night on a vicious rant about Dwayne Wade's daughter, citing boosy and the sexual assault of his sons. He paid for the way I cust his ass out from the top of his head to the sosa his feet.
The ancestors had to be proud that night.
It's a great way to see who people really are because they talk a good game, but snitch on themselves on they side with or cite certain narratives. They will smile on your face, tell you they support you, then try to burn someone at the stake that's part of your community because the Bible said.
Tell you.
The Bible said, tell you they support women, and try to discredit abuse of victims because bitches be lying. Tell you they're all for equal rights, and then vote for a xenophobic monster who puts children in caters. It's asinine that people gravitate to these ideas because the bigotry never stops there. It's the same concept as the old saying, first they came for them, and I said nothing. They're coming after you too, your fucking Dingleberry, put get your shit together. That's why I see it in marginalized people's few hate or being maga makes my head spind How can they not see that they're literally next in line. You don't have to care about me, but at least have some damn self preservation. I agree that that's facts one hundred percent.
Like, that's one of the reasons I don't. That's one of the reasons I.
Think I don't have that much resentment for like what Obama said to black men, because I understand that on a moral level, I like, maybe the numbers don't line up, maybe you shouldn't be making that thing public. I get all that this is not me, but but like, morally, I do find it to be worse when brothers are the ones participating in the bullshit of America. When it was like, I'm a propagating this misogyny, I'm a propagating this rape culture, I'm a propagate in criminality, I'm a propagator xenophobia and racism.
I do feel like it's worse.
I don't know how to tell, like I don't I understand logically that black men are not. I don't think we're worse than any other group of men. Obviously, white men clearly have the resume and track record on everybody.
They're lapping us.
But do I look at black men and go, But we know what it feels like to be oppressed, So why we contribute to other people's oppression? I do all the time guilty is charged, and no, I don't feel bad about that, and I never will.
I do.
I am black myself, and I do. That's what gives me empathy, not what takes away my empathy. But I know a lot of black men who use it as an argument to not have empathy. Where it's like, man, I'm already black. You want me to care about some other people. It's like, yes, I actually think it's easy to care about other people because of that.
But that's just me anyway. I hate to hear your brothers like that. Let's see.
I used to call it ignorance when I'm starting to believe it's something more sentenced. Their privileges intoxicating, and even though the next on the topping block doesn't prevent people like my hotel ass brother from handing over the butcher Knight. It's always it always seems to me that wanting dignity and equality for everyone is the path of least resistance, as it makes things better for us all. But it always seems like the majority of people don't see it that way. They see equality as a finite resource to fight over. I keep wanting to believe that they are not the majority, but in fact the minority and are just the loudest. But I guess we'll see how true that is November fifth. Well, Shit, even if they the minority, they can win the election. They've been winning with the minority for the last like whatever ever since Reagan laws like one they like everybody at won as a Republican after him, I believe has not won the popular vote. WHOA The second part was a long run. Boozy has been a trigger for me ever since he publicly attacks Aiah a child, then admitted to aving his children sectually silted by and in front of other adults, and face no repercussions. Now when his name comes up, I dust off my soapbox and sip some limon water because I have things to say I had. I can't help but call out the parallels and the hard people like him calls and the harm people like Trump calls. Most of the time, I just talked back to y'all while listening to Spotify. But this thing with his daughter not being able to come around her siblings really set me off. I experienced something similar years ago, and that's a pain that is hard to articulate. It's an accusation and assassination of character and a reduction to who they know you to be. It says so much.
Ivy and her.
Siblings will never forget the harm inflicted by this man who is supposed to love and protect them. As Greta Thurnbird would say, how dare you? Inconclusion, if I forgot to say it, fuck Boosie and anyone that agrees with its transphob with homophobic sassics, bigoted and disgusting ass views. Ain't no way this man is still allowed to be in the public eye when we heard from his own mouth that he had his children and his care sexually assaulted.
I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't get it. I really, I'm just repeating myself, but I don't get it. What the fuck he said that out loud and just nobody thinks anything of it?
Right, nobody thinks it's a problem. I'm trying to tell you, my kid, Oh, we're gonna have some motherfucking problem.
But it'd be the same thing too, where they do this thing where they're like, oh, yeah, so how come whenever people talk about sexual assault and we bring up how some of these women sexually assault young boys.
And y'all don't care about it, I'll be like, do y'all right?
Do you do y'all for real?
Cause, like, why are we fucking with boozie?
If he said the same thing about his daughter, his ass would be under the jail and everybody would be like, don't fuck with that guy, Like, don't let him come around he said, yes, I have grown men fuck my daughter because they not gonna be gay.
We would be like, get this motherfucker a sell today.
I don't get it anyway, the white people don't value all little black boys.
Is wow?
That man deserves to be under the jail. Oh okay, we're on the same page, and I hope not. I just hope he's next to on em and M's list. Somebody gotta get him out of here. I wish all his children love healing and good therapists because they will certainly needed. Yeah, it's gonna be interesting too because with that many kids and his ignorance, some of those kids are gonna grow up in his ignorance and propagated, and some of those kids are gonna grow up being victims of his ignorance, and I wonder what that will do to that family.
Anyways, Thanks is always for being an awesome big cousins that you are.
It's always comforted in reminder that there are people out there like y'all and the Tips community.
Y'all all my family in my head.
And I hope I can catch the live show on person in February. If all goes well, I'll be the chick in the red, white and Blue Cowboy boosts.
Yes, easy, the spot.
Came, Thrillina. You know it was long, but that was well written. They didn't flow, you know what.
Yes, because a lot of times when people write long shit, it'd be like run on sentences. They be floating off topic. You were like, no, but I did. I got an essay I thought it out. It sounds like you're playing, so kudos.
Yep, you did that, good job.
Steven says, Hey, I just need to let y'all know that that when the idea that Yogi Bear was a coon came out of Rod's mouth, I went on to be with him.
Uh and by him, he's capital h. Y'all have no sense.
But the way Yogi says picnic was the biggest red flag, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Standing in line at the pearly gates. Stephen from b.
Moore, right, pick a nick basket, pick a nick when sounds a little sounds a little racist, see terror.
Says hi, y'all, this is really for care.
But girl, I still say the official weapon of the show is the taste sometimes too. I stay, okay anyway, love to show thank you for all you doing. I see you Rod lifting those weights.
Let's go. Yeah, you know, I try to do it a little something something. You know, we are putting up two fifteen. You know what I'm saying, bragging and shit, it's probably not ship.
It's probably like people that's like, uh, like it is funny because like everybody's journey is there on and sometimes somebody will be in there and I'll be struggling with something and then they just like throw up some plates, so I'll be like, oh, okay, pardon me.
I'll be over here by the kids table lifting weights.
Come on. That gonna be me, Me and the kitty kids.
Ray Jay is the most seriously unseerious person in the history of man knowing is that funny without actually trying to be funny. Vince Stable wasn't lying about ray Siefers in that interview Love the Show, best in the game for thirteen years, just from DJ something else he left us on our YouTube, but we obviously had finished reading those comments. So all right, y'all, that's it. That's everything. Thank you for listening. We appreciate y'all, and we'll be back with another show tomorrow. We have ray Soni on the show ten thirty a m. Sunday.
Y'all know that's our girl. We're gonna talk to her about being on the staff writing.
Everything loves the New Everybody hates Chris Cartoon, So can't wait kicking with her.
You know, she's one of my favorite people on the earth. And uh yeah, until next time. I love you too.