The Big BurnThe Big Burn

LA Wildfires Special Coverage with Jacob Margolis: What to expect when recovering fire losses and rebuilding

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LAist Science Reporter Jacob Margolis looks at what Angelenos affected by the LA wildfires can expect as they try to rebuild their lives. In this hour, Margolis turns to experts about what to know about housing options, recouping losses, and making homes and neighborhoods more fire resistant. And he also gets insights from a 2017 Tubbs Fire wildfire survivor about the recovery and healing process after losing everything.



David Wagner, LAist Housing Reporter

Alex Robertson, lawyer with Robertson & Associates, LLP

David Shew, former Cal Fire chief, Napa County Fire Administrator

Stephanie Pincetl, Professor at UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and Director of the California Center for Sustainable Communities

Melissa Geissinger, a survivor of the 2017 Tubbs Fire in Santa Rosa.

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  1. The Big Burn

    45 clip(s)

  2. The Big Disaster: The Big Burn

    31 clip(s)

The Big Burn

It’s easy to feel like we’re in a dark timeline. Waking up to smoke and flames, staring down a futur 
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