The Frequency of the Universe - Best of Coast to Coast AM - 5/29/23

Published May 30, 2023, 10:19 AM

George Noory and energy healer Patti Conklin discuss her work with tones and frequency to heal the human body, how emotions can lead people to get sick, and how she aids people in cleansing their body's energy before they transition to death.

Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast am on iHeartRadio.

And welcome back to Coast to Coast. World class energy leader. Patty Conklin is the creator of color Works and Tone Works, a visualization process that uses active vibration within your own body to release or heal specific symptoms, emotions, physical challenges. She's a vibrational mediator, teacher, lecturer, radio personality. Host of the TV show Healing Within, an Adventure Inside on Binge Networks, author of the book God Within. As I just mentioned, Patty's primary goal in her work is to help people become insubstantial without transitioning. How do we let that go with judgment while we are still living? In addition to facilitating health of mind and body, she extends her understanding of energy medicine as a keynote speaker, Patty Conklan on Coast to Coast. First time for you.

Patty, I hear right, it is Thank you so much.

Welcome to the program. Tell me a little bit more about you. How did you get involved in this.

Well, it's golly started twenty eight years ago when I first stepped out and started doing this work. But I have a unique gift that I've had since birth, and I have just followed my knowing source whatever you want to call it, but you know, had a visitation when I was seven and kind of was given that instruction of teaching people to become in substantial without transitioning. And as I grew older and got into my thirties, I started working with it and have been working in sixty two countries and over the last twenty eight years and just been teaching and helping people with that process of having good health and understanding what was taking place between their body and their emotions and just helping them get to that point of insubstantial without transitioning and reversing disease if possible.

How did people first start coming to you for help?

It was word of mouth. The whole career has been word of mouth, and so it started very slowly. I took a weekend hypnotherapy class in all seriousness, I think when I was thirty two and hung up my shingle, just kind of to see what would happen. And people started coming in in a small town here in Georgia, and then it just became international within six months. But I had really you know, in my late twenties went to different scientists attempting to figure out why I saw the world a little bit differently. And I think that unique gift is what has made this such a worldwide focus in helping people. It just it's been a little unique but fun, but word of mouth. We didn't have to do heavy marketing. We just let people come and have their experience and told friends and family and it spread like wildfire.

Did anybody or does anybody in your family possess the same ability? Might have been genetic, No, no, they don't.

It was really kind of a one off. The family was was, you know parents. I think made it to eighth grade, and when I was in my twenties, we realized that I had a genius I Q but my brain wave was uniquely different and so as far as we know within the family, it's kind of the first one.

I introduce you as a energy healer, but what would you say your expertise is primarily.

Vibrational manipulator. I think probably more. It just doesn't look good on business cards, but it's really about taking the human body as is, you know, if we take it into a quantum physic particle theory aspect of taking the particles within the body and manipulating them, you know, allowing the getting the emotion that's been stored in the cells out of the body. And that's just a very uh you know, manipulating the frequencies within the cells to be able to remove remove those blocked, blocked energies.

Are you dealing with the power of the mind to Patty.

Absolutely, I mean it's it's not only getting the emotion out of the cells, which is something that I can help with, but it's helping people understand the patterns that are getting them into ill health, you know, that are getting them into areas where they're blocking their body even more with their energy. It's them understanding how much power they do have within their body and that the body's always listening. You know. I know that there's a lot of people now that talk about this, but you know, twenty eight years ago, we weren't talking about it so much. And people have to understand that their state of mind, how they're thinking, how they're speaking, is indicative of what their body's doing.

What does negativity, Patty do to the human body?

Oh goodness, it does so much. No matter what you're thinking or saying, those emotions are going into the actual cells of the body and start starting to slow down that energy field and energy's energy until it's not. And when we get to the point in the body if somebody's having an incredibly negative emotion, you know, whether it's just one emotion that's really negative and the rest of them is upbeat, whatever, it's still going to store within the body, and as it gets denser, it's going to slow the body down. And then we finally reach the point where we can qualify it and quantify it with diagnostic equipment and be able to see a disease. For me, it's really how do we goes back to the how do we help people become insubstantial without transitioning? And to me that is how do I help people get out of judgment without having to die to do it? And getting that out of judgment usually creates a healthier body.

Do you know what's wrong with somebody when you look at them?

Typically yes? For me, if if I'm looking, if you're looking at a television and the cable goes out and you get the snow, that's my world twenty four to Seven's that's what I maneuver through every day. So when I'm working with somebody. Whether they're on the other side of the world or whatever, it doesn't matter as far as I'm concerned. They're sitting with me, but I'm looking at that particle density, and those particles will rearrange and either I'll hear them or see the particles creating a movie. It's pretty much instantaneous of knowing what's going on within their body, and then it really comes into how do I help them understand what's going on with their body. I don't want to just tell them what's going on with their body. I really want to then go back into the mind and say, well, you know what was taking place at age seven? What was taking place at age eight within the family, and they'll start talking about it, No, it was a great time. Well yeah, but you know, did this happen within the family or within yourself and kind of get them into that AHA moment, because I really believe when people discover the aha moment, it means a lot more to them than somebody just sitting and going, well, this is what happened to you when you were And I don't like to go there. I want people to understand so that they can connect the dots of what their behavior is and start to rectify it.

How many people come to you, Patty and know they have a problem and tell you, you know, I have a kidney issue or I have an emotional issue, or do they make it up to you. You have to decide now they.

Come in and or call whatever. But they will say, you know, I've been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, or I have an issue going on in my kidney. When they start talking, the body starts talking, and while I'm interested in what they're saying, I'm more interested and what the body saying. Because they may say, you know, I'm having this kidney issue, but the issue isn't in their tendrils and they're in their kidneys. Maybe there's a tendril coming over to their adrenals and the issue is really in their adrenals. If someone has been you know, going to other practitioners or acupuncture or chiropractic and you know they're still having issues and they're getting it, you know, treated by someone else, typically the issue isn't stored within the area they're working on, so they may think. They may come in and say, well, you know, I've been having a kidney pain or I've got a kidney that's shutting down, and I'm sure it's this emotion. Most of the time, it's not that emotion at all. Most of the time it's a subconscious emotion that's stuck in there. And so my job is to lead them into their subconscious just by dialogue and having them begin to understand that possibly it's a different emotion.

It's almost like you're almost like a psychiatrist.

In some ways, yes, in some ways, yes, it's it's just I think people across the board, you know, really have a belief in what's going on. But my rule of thumb is, you know, we're outside of cancer if we're dealing with other maladies that if you haven't gotten it treated in three sessions, if it still isn't fixed, then you're not dealing with the core emotion. You know, you're not. You're not where you think you are emotionally in terms of what's really wrong. And it could be something so simple. I mean, people think it has to be a trauma that's going to start creating blockages in the body, and that's not true at all. It's really for most people, it's an everyday behavior that's started young and they continue to do it and they're not even realized maybe that they're being codependent or being judgment or incredible anger that is leading up to this disease process. You know, I think most people today really begin to get it that there's an emotion behind that disease from everything that I've looked at in my lifetime and looking at people and looking at how they're functioning, there's always an emotional component. If an environmental let's say, an environmental allergy is something that a person is dealing with, Yeah, the environmental situation is definitely affecting them, but there was an emotion that created the lapse for the environmental allergy to begin taking hold. So it's not just fixing that environmental allergy. It's going back into why are you personally being affected by this environmental allergy and the person next to you isn't. And it all has to do with how we're storing those emotions in our body throughout our lifetime.

How many people are suffering illnesses, how many people are not, And what's the difference. Why does somebody get sick and another person doesn't.

Well, yeah, great question. It's how we store it, It's how we store it. You know, if we took two people identical size and age and so forth, and put them in two identical cars and they crashed into a wall, they're going to have different, you know, different injuries. And the reason they have different injuries is because how they stored the emotion to begin with throughout their lifetime. So I know, you know, Louise Hay, you know, beautiful people have written books throughout the years about where we store specific emotions in our body. I haven't found that to be true. I think it's generically true, but it's not specifically true. And so when we first storm emotions, say we're two years old and we're having our first temper tantrum, it's going that temper tantrum is going to go into the weakest part of your body in that given moment. And so when you have temper tantrums throughout the rest of your life, it's going to go back to that same originating spot where it first stored. And I think that that's what's important. It's not about what the event was. You know, we don't have to go back into looking at them and regurgitating their life and figure out what the event was. What we need to know is where did they store that originating event and take it from there. That's pretty easy to then move it out of there. But some people will store, some people won't according to how they stored emotionally throughout their lifetime.

And how do you plunge that though? How do you rid the body of stuff like that?

Yeah, it's it's uh. I do a couple of different processes, you know, from from my vantage point. Remember, other than my weekend of hypnosis, I've never had any training. I've never worked with anyone to learn techniques taught really fun self taught. So my feeling is there's two active frequencies in the universe, and that's tone and color. And so I first started out using color works of simply you know, spending fifteen minutes talking to people about what's going on personally, professionally, and physically. And as they talk about those their body starts giving me the information and I'm more interested in the body. And then I have a very simple exercise of moving them into say color works, and color is just you know, what color do I need to remove, you know, eighty percent of my judgment out of my body, and it's bringing those colors through and the sicker that someone is, you know, if they're coming to me with a stage four cancer or you know, muscular dystrophe, something that has been crippling them for a while, the colors will really come through blacks and reds and oranges, and you know, in the healing community that's like, oh no, those are you know, heavy colors. But those colors as they come up through the body literally are so thick that they shake the cells very very violently and remove that emotion from the cell one cell at a time. And so when greens and whites and purples come up, feels great, but they move so quickly, they're so high vibration, they're not able to get into the cell as much. So you can really tell whether someone is you know, very blocked. I mean they can tell whether they're really blocked or not according to what the colors are that are coming up. And so if you're using color as a template of frequency and not as an emotional adjunct, you know, if you can take the emotion of what people think color means and set that aside and just say, no, we're looking for a frequency. We've just asked your body to do a task. We're looking for a frequency that is going to accomplish that task without you getting all up caught up in the emotions. The other thing that's happened through the years as I've been, you know, doing this for so long, is I'm really good at by, you know, manipulating those frequencies and being able to push energy into the body and or pull disease out. And so it's really working color work, tone works, or my own frequency.

When somebody comes to you, Patty, isn't are they at their wits end?

You know?

It's it's it's across the board, George, it really is. There are people that come who maybe are getting ready to transition and you know, getting ready to die, and they want to clean out their body. They'll have a belief in reincarnation, and they'll want to get stuff out of their body before they die so that they're not bringing it back in with them. Sometimes it's parents calling for their children that they've been diagnosed with cancer and working you know, with the little ones. Sometimes it's people just knowing that they've got their beginning to store, beginning to have a disease process, and knowing emotionally that there's something stuck in there that they're not aware of that they really need help moving out. So you know, it's it's across the spectrum. You know, a person will call and say, you know, I've been diagnosed with stage four cancer and the doctors have given me six months to live. And I can look at them in that moment and say, yeah, you know, let me talk to your doctor. And because I think we've got a misdiagnosis here, I think we can do something different. And then you know, sometimes it's the ultimate, Well, you know your doctors are right now, how can I help you be at peace with with getting ready to cross?

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The Best of Coast to Coast AM podcast, hosted by George Noory. A media phenomenon, Coast to Coast AM 
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