George Noory and Dr. Michael Salla explore his research into secret government and military operations that have continued in space since the end of the Apollo program, whether humans will be able to return to the moon by 2024 or if they were warned by aliens never to return.
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Now here's a highlight from Coast to coast AM on iHeartRadio. Well, let's talk about some fun things space. What's new with you out there? Oh, well, it's very exciting. There's there's so much going on the Moon, in particular the things that are being discovered on the Moon, the international cooperation that's going on. I've got a number of sources that are giving me independent data of that on that. One of them is actually currently serving with the US Army and this source has performed US secret missions to things being discovered in our Solar system as part of the secret space program. So, as I've been saying for many years, and I'm sure many of your guests have said as well, that you know, there are parallel space programs. You've got the NASA program, the conventional civilian space program, which is all rocket propelled and it takes a lot of time to plan and send these missions up. And then you've got the real space programs, which run by the different branches of the US military, the National Reconnaissance Office, and they have advanced anti gravity spacecraft using space time propulsion systems, and they're able to get out far into our Solar system and explore things. So this is so, you know, one of my sources is saying has told me shared that he's part of these classified missions, and yeah, they're discovering stuff all over the place that is amazing. When did we end our Moon missions nineteen seventy two, Yeah, that's right, nineteen seventy two with the Polis seventeen. That was the very last mission. And you know, and people always ask, well, why in the world are we stopping the Moon missions? I mean, after landing on the Moon, wasn't the next logical step for manned missions Mars? And of course since nineteen seventy two there'd been no manned missions to anywhere else than low Earth orbit for the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle and so but that's the official space program. Now. Many of my sources have said that we were told or warned off the Moon. William Tompkins the former aerospace with a number of major aerospace companies. He was actually working at a major aerospace company TRW, in nineteen sixty nine and he says he was there they had live telemetry from NASA and he was there at the TRW headquarters there in Los Angeles, and he saw like a lot of the others. They're watching the Apollo eleven, ending that the Apollo eleven landed near that crater, was it deceived tranquility and they saw a bunch of large extraterrestrial spacecraft that were parked on the rim of the crater and they were just kind of menacingly perched. And the message was sent that look, you can conduct a few miss missions here, but eventually you are not allowed to establish bases on the Moon. Well why do you think they did not want that? Well, the Apollo program, and Bill Tompkins made this very clear. The Apollo program was a cover for the Navy's secret space program called the Nova program, and they were using they were building these huge boosters called Nova and this is a fact, and that there were they that the Satin five rocker, the Saturn five rocket, was going to be replaced by a larger booster rocket are called the Nova rocket, and these were going to take a lot of equipment and resources to the Moon, and the Navy planned to build bases on the Moon, military bases. And so this was part of the real reason why we were told to get off the Moon, or to not to return to the Moon, because because Apollo and the national Space but the civilian space program was it was a cover for this military program to establish manned bases on the Moon and eventually on Mars. But the extraterrestionals that were there and their allies said, no, we don't want the Navy up here, We don't want any US military establishing bases up here. If you come up here, you come up here on our terms, and you're not going to develop your own things. And so they said, don't come back, and so that's what happened, and so officially, and that's why the NSSA program stopped, because we were warned off the Moon and so there was no need to go ahead with a cover program. It meant that the Navy, the Air Force, and the US military had to make deals with those that were already on the Moon and use their bases rather than go up there and build our own bases. So so really that was what was going on, that we were warned off so that the US military would not establish its own basis. And of course still, of course I talked about this his book The Day Beyond Roswell. He talked about the Army's Horizon project, and the Navy had its own program over. So this was why the Apollo program was stopped. The real powers that were on the Moon didn't want US military establishing these bases. They've talked about going back with a astronaut crew in twenty two twenty four. That's only two years away. Now, that seems pretty aggressive, Michael, Well, that's right. Yeah, that was something that was exhilerated under the Trump administration. I think Trump came in and they had something called the Oriyan program, which you planned to use these space SLS rocket launchers that would replace the Saturn five that was being These sl launchers were being built by I think Boeing and Lockheed Consortium, and they were going to return humans to the Moon by twenty twenty seven. Well, Trump came in and his administrator, Jim Bridenstone, said no, no, we can, we can do this much more quickly, and so let's fast track it to twenty twenty four. And so that's what they did. So, and they came up with a new name for it called the Artemis program. And so this was really international coalition to establish basis on the Moon. And the key principle here for anyone listening is always that whenever there's a national space program that's aiming to establish anything in space, that's always a cover for a classified military space program to do much more behind the scenes. So, because what you have here under the Artemis program that aim to return humans to the Moon by twenty twenty four, in this multinational space alliance headed by by NASA, was that you behind that You actually had a multinational military alliance that was going to build basis on the Moon for an international military coalition that is being created right now as we speak by the US Space Command, which was also created during the Trump administration. Why is there so much interest to go back to the Moon? Is it because it's so close, it's a launching pad for Mars? What do you think? Well, the mood has always been fascinating for people. It's kind of like, you know that that old adage, you know, white climb Mount Everest because it's there. So I think once humanity developed the technology to go to the Moon, it was like, well, it was a done deal that we would eventually use that technology. And of course it happened under the Kennedy administration. Yeah, but that was always a cover for these military programs. And what's happened on the Moon recently, is that there's been a change of ownership that the that extraterrestrial human alliance that had dominance over the Moon, that was the one that stopped the Apollo program and of course stopped the US Navy from establishing these man bases on the Moon. Under the Nova program, that extraterrestrial coalition has been replaced or has been removed from the Moon, and that has opened the door for humanity to step in and take control of the Moon. And that's really a fundamental shift, which is why there is this big, big return to the Moon. And it only happened in the last few years under the under the Trump administration that all of this was exhilerated. And of course you have the Artemis Accords being signed by an alliance of international space programs in twenty twenty under the Trump administration, and so so yeah, everything is being excelerated for humanity returning to the Moon in a major way in a space collition. And that is made possible because though those extraterrestrials that had basis on the Moon and gave NASA and the US military the thumbs down back in the late sixties early seventies that no you're going to stop these missions here. That coalition is now gone, and that there's kind of like a new sheriff in our solar system, if you like a new umpire who is saying no humans you you are allowed to go out and colonize now. And so that's what's happening. What what's going on with the possibilities of a secret space force doing something on the Moon now that we don't even know about. Well, what's happened is that we have in the United States. Of course, you have a Space Force as the sixth branch of the US military, but you also have Space Command that was established only three months before Space Force was officially created in twenty nineteen. And Space Command is what integrates the space assets of all of the different military services, the Navy, the Air Force, the Army, and the Marine Corps. And so Space Command is launching that is combining all of those space assets into one unified, cohesive program for US military operations in space. But what Space Command is also doing is it's setting up something is called the Combined Space Commands involving the major nations like the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany or Australia. In a one integrate military service that is going to operate in space. So what you're having right now being created under US Space Command is an integrated military coalition to take control of not just the Moon, but Mars and the rest of our Solar system. And that's being assembled right now. So agreements have been reached as I was getting this information about this international space coalition being formed to go and take over one of these space assets and these base, these secret bases that were built from the Moon and elsewhere in our Solar system. General James Dickinson, who's the four star general in charge of US Space Command, I mean, he acknowledged back in August of twenty twenty one that Space Command had reached over one hundred agreements with different national space program militaries and corporations. And that was confirmation for what my sources were telling me that Space Command is the key player in setting up this multinational space coalition that combined both civilian and military into a renewed thrust out into space and taking over a lot of the bases that had been secretly established from the Moon and taking control of our solar system. Michael, why do you think the Soviet Union then of course Russia just never pursued going to the Moon after they were ahead of US in the space race. Well, it was very expensive and to launch a moon program, a civilian moon program. Now, the Moon program was always a cover. I mean, Apollo was always a cover. So it was like you had how could you hide from Congress and the mass media that your military was using advanced technologies to go to the Moon or set up a basis on the Moon or on Mars or elsewhere in our solar system. So you would have a cover program, and so you would spend like I think the Apollo program in the in the what was it from six nineteen sixty to nineteen seventy two and the twelve years, I think it's spent like thirty billion dollars, which was a lot of money at the time. And the Soviet Union just didn't want to do that, and so they decided that it was easier for them to just not not have a Moon program, even though they did go through the steps, but I think they recognized that once the US was going to be first to the Moon in terms of setting up a military basis on the Moon, the Soviets kind of like backed off they knew the US would be would be first, and they and they watched as the US was told not to establish these military bases on the Moon. So the Soviets kind of took their queue from that, and and so they really just really tried to bring about an outcome that suited them, which was that the US military would not be allowed to establish bases on the Moon. And there's a a researcher by the name of doctor Peter Bader, who I'm sure you probably came across the name. In the late seventies. He put out these audio letters and he talked about the Soviets and the Americans having this competition to establish secret military bases on the Moon and eventually engaging in a battle, and he called it Harvest Moon. And it was a battle that had extraterrestrials involved in there and involved essentially, the US was ahead in terms of establishing space vehicles and being able to create bases on the Moon, but the Soviets were ahead in terms of the building directed energy weapons, and so there was a space battle, and the Soviets used their directed energy weapons to destroy whatever the US had built on the Moon. According to Peter Bida, so fascinating information, but definitely the Soviet Union has always had its own program, has reached its own agreements with different extraterrestrial groups, has participated or collaborated with the US to a certain degree. They've kind of like been cooperative on some issues with the US, but another they've been very distinct competitors. 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