Palm Reading - Best of Coast to Coast AM - 7/4/23

Published Jul 5, 2023, 10:19 AM

George Noory and author Vernon Mahabal explore his training and experience as a palm reader, how the lines on the hand are created, what they represent, and how karma and past lives can impact events that happen today.

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And welcome back to Coast to Coast George Noory with you, Vernon mahabble with us as we talk about palm reading, and we'll do that next hour. By the way, Vernon, give me a breakdown of the palm, the lifelines, the lines on the hand, the digits on the fingers. What are all these things?

Absolutely, I want to start off by saying that these configurations, the lines, the stars, the tridents, the shapes of the hands and fingers, they are created by the soul and our soul, according to the Vedic palmistry or astrology are sometimes called siderial astrology, is situated in the innermost core of our hearts. It's our eternal self and the hand represents all the let's say, the knowledge and awareness that the soul is emanating into the hand, and it actually goes through the arms from the heart into the arms into the hand. So our hand, our palm is a GPS unit of our soul. So it's the soul that's actually generating the shape of the hand and the lines and so much on the hands. So in brief, first of all, I do want to mention that so many people come to me, especially doing a party or a social event, and say, oh my god, vern my lifeline breaks. Does that mean I'm going to die early? I hear that so many times, and I want to caution ty. I want to let people know that the lifeline has absolutely nothing to do with the length of life. It has nothing to do with health. It has everything to do with relationships.

Yes, And is the lifeline the line that cuts right across the middle of your and.

It starts at the top where the thumb demarcates at the side of the hand, and it forms a semi circle around the ball of the thumb, and so it it curves around. It's the curving line. It forms the perimeter of the ball of.

The identical twins have the same fingerprints.

No, because their souls are different twins, right, So, even though even though they're born from the same mom and they kind of look the same, sometimes there they're individuals. Their souls are different, their karma is different, and so they're going to have completely different fingerprints astrological sequences.

Why are the fingers broken down in three digits?

Oh, great question. Every there are twelve segments on our fingers. They represent the signs aries Taris, Gemini, Cancer, Leo Virgo like that. So those are the twelve signs, and the planets are on the palm, and the signs are in the fingerprints.

Then the thumb has two digits.

The thumb is an interesting unit, George, because the thumb is not ruled by a planet or an astrological sequence. It is ruled by our mind and our intelligence. It is our It is that mechanism that gives us free will, the human thumb. That's why it's often said that animals don't have a thumb, and they don't really have a working thumb in the same way that we do, and an opposing thumb, because they're ruled by instinct. But our thumb is the indicator of our free will. So even though the planets and the signs in the houses dictate in a sense if you will, our karma, our talents, our ability, still the thumb opposes them in a sense. So what that means is that we, ultimately, even though the planets have so many attributes good and bad, challenges, good stuff, bad stuff, the thumb is that ability to overcome struggles or difficulties or something so that our thumb is the free will and that's why only a human being has one. So it's not rule by any planet or any sign. It's ruled by our own willpower. And I think Napoleon Hill once said, what the mind can conceive, one can achieve. Well, that represents our thumb Berner.

With nearly eight billion people on the planet, are you telling me that everybody has a different thumb print. There are no matches, identical matches, George.

The hand, even even the left hand is different than the right hand on everybody. And that's because we are an individual soul. The new agers, the mind, body spirit people have it right in that we are one, uh, and that ultimately means that we're we're we're created by the supreme personality of Godhead. We're one in substance. But what they don't understand, and what they will understand in the future, is that we're different. In the Vedic view, there's a Sanskrit verse that says nityo nityenum. This is a Sanskrit verse, nito nity um chating us chatan on them. It means that the soul, we're one with each other in spiritual substance, but we're different from each other, uh chating us chatan on them. We're different from each other in individuality. So it's through our individuality that we can express love. We can express love through one now, we can only express love through our individual individuality. So our hands reflect our differences, and it's through our differences that we make the world an amazing place.

You have talked about fourteen to twenty four year olds, and you're seeing something there. How did you distinguish that.

George, I am seeing something on their hands that really wows me. It's a very different generation. I'm, for lack of a better phrase, I'm calling it the second Greatest Generation. I don't have a name for it. But on the hands that I see from let's say roughly fourteen to twenty four year olds there are George. They're going to be a very moral generation. And I'm not just saying that in a religious way, but you know that could be there too. I do see them as a god conscious directed generation. They're going to be very much into right and wrong, going to be very goal oriented. That's a big deal. They're going to be very ambitious people. I don't just mean ambitious in the same ways that we've seen before. But they will not be slackered, they will not be victims. They will they will be very pride themselves on being upstanding citizens. They will not want chaos in society. They'll want to see justice. It's a very interesting generation, and George, and I'm very very intrigued by what I'm seeing, and I'm also very happy by what I'm seeing. It's going to be a a very upstanding generation.

Vernon. If something horrible was going to happen to a huge batch of the population, would you see that on all them?

Absolutely? You know, George, I'm from New York originally, and when I first went out to California, all my friends who were telling me, oh, you know, California is going to fall into the sea, and so so for you. For so for a bunch of years, I was reading, you know, so many hands of people from California, and if I if they were to fall into the sea, I would have been able to see it, so I didn't. So, yes, if you're going to see a catastrophe or something like that, you would see it on the hands that you're reading. For So, in the same way, when I'm looking at hands of Americans I'm looking at the economy. I'm seeing a lot of the same things that are affecting people in societal ways. Uh so, Uh, we're all going through this stress of what's going on in our in our society and our culture. And uh, you know, it doesn't matter what side of the aisle we're on. So yeah, these this is reflected in hands.

If you see something bad, do you tell them or do you hold back?

Uh, George, I'm a big believer in it's not what you say, it's how you say it. So let's just say somebody has somebody has a big drug problem or something like that. You have to tell them. Uh. People call me and they don't want to sugarcoat if they call people like me because they want answers and they want straight answers. So no, I don't sugarcoat things. And if I do, see, hey, you know your your your health is going to be affected by this activity. I'm going to tell people because I want people to slay their dragons. I want people to awaken the giant within. I want people to become successful. So in order to do that, I have to tell people uhh and point out what uh nefarious activities they're doing so that they don't go through some difficult spot. Yes, very it's important.

Tell us more vernon about the tie in with the soul.

Well, we are in Sanskrit, there's a verse. Uh, there's a verse uh that says that we're such it in nanda. Such it ananda means that the soul is eternal. Uh, that the soul is is joyful and blissful, and that we have awareness. We have we have intuitive awareness. This this the soul is a very powerful entity and we're all different. Uh. The soul is not just a ball of energy. We actually have a spiritual form, an eternal form, just like we have a form now although it's temporary, it's a material body. But spiritually we actually have a a form and that's eternal. And we forget that because we're in the material world and we're told that, you know, we're our body and uh, pleasure comes from sensual gratification uh and uh it. But real happiness comes from devotion and love and internal internal awareness. So the soul expresses its message through the agency of the hand, and it's it's our hands that we can tell. Through our hands, we can tell, well, what kind of an individuality do we have and the ultimate goal of the soul, George, is to serve others, to serve God, to serve others, to be selfless. That's really what makes our soul happy, the real, the real, the real joy of us is that, as they say, it's always nicer to give a gift than to get a gift. But the constitutional position of the soul is to be of service and to and to give love, to be devotional, and to be humble and and and to be tolerant. And that's where real joy is.

When a baby is born and then it grows up, does the handprint change or does it stay the same, It's just smaller.

And the biggest problem in looking at a child's hand is getting to keep it open for more than a second. But everything is on the palms at seven months in the womb. The Navajo Indians have a they have a legend that at seven months in the mom's womb, God blows his breath on that child and though that breath becomes the lines and the fingerprints an invaded palmistry. It's said that at seven months in the womb, the child is fully conscious, they're seeing their previous births, and they're able to see what they did and what they would like to work on, and that's when their guides are giving them information. So at seven months, the soul is is conscious. They may not be conscious of the body that they're in because it's still developing. But as as the child comes out of the womb, and you know, for the first and we can see this for the first six seven eight months, the child is actually remembering its previous lives. And then after six seven eight months they start to become more aware of they start to forget that and they start to go more external and they're aware of their parents and their uh and and their house and that type of stuff, so they forget their life. But the uh when when the soul, when the soul comes out of uh? Uh? When? The when? When the when the baby is born? Everything is on that hand, but it's it's just harder to read until they're about a year older or something like that. But yes, if a woman is going to become let's say, an arborist or an architect or a computer designer or you know, or a guy is going to become a football star, it's all on the palm and you can read it when they're one years old.

See if you were to have read the palm of Jeff Bezos from Amazon thirty years ago, would you have seen This is all subjective, but would you have seen amazing success or something?

Absolutely you would be able to see that he has done much pious activity in the in previous lives. So he's being rewarded with lots of money and fame and wealth and reputations. So all of his all this you know, auspicious stuff that he has, it's because he probably was very helpful to people. When people are let's say intelligent, and they do all kinds of interesting things and they're in the public eye and they have a charmed life, it's because in the previous life they did a lot of good activities. It's karma, right, it's Karma's they're being rewarded, and that's called in Sanskrit a karma. And then v karma is the opposite where people do let's say difficult activities and they have to let's say, taste the result of their activities. But in palmistry and astrology, any good palmistry or astrologer will say, actually, your suffering has should not be seen as a detriment you should see your suffering as purification and learn from it. So when suffering comes, when difficulties come, you should think, what did I do to this person to get this result. I'm just going to become humble and tolerant and just learn from it. So suffering astrologically is not really for our detriment. It's actually for our advancement of consciousness.

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