George Noory and investigator Richard C. Hoagland discuss lunar anomalies and canceled missions.
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Richard, you were getting into why Viper was canceled, and there's some big reasons. Why aren't there.
There's no Artemis without Artemis, there's no moon base without no moon base, there's no lunar space based economy, and the radical uplift of the wealth of everybody on planet Earth, I mean everybody. The future is so astonishing if we can get these sensors out of the way, so we find out what we've got to deal with. And the problem is that beginning in January of this year, the ninth of January, not only did NASA delay the Artemis program to land remember the first new four human beings Americans, including a woman on the Moon, they delayed two years. Now, you know the old cliche in politics for the week is a lifetime. What's going to happen in two years?
We'll get beaten, that's for sure.
By the Chinese. How do we know? We don't have to speculate. We know I prepare a little timeline here. NASA delayed Artemis, remember Viper is critical for Artemis, by two years in January of this year, and then on the nineteenth, the Japanese landed their spacecraft at the south pole and it tipped over, but it was still transmitting images. They transmitted beautiful color images at the south pole of the Moon. Of the damn glass dome. I've been insisting for decades covers the entire Moon in various states of disrepair. Then this was followed by the Chinese mission, which was June first. Do you know what else also happened on June first.
Well, three days later it was my birthday.
Bow well, happy birthday, Chang. Of course, the Chinese mission to the Fire side was called Chang six. Right. They landed on June first. Within hours, the Japanese billionaire Yasuku Mizawa, remember the guy who bought a whole starship mission around the Moon for nine artists from Elon Musk. Remember that guy. He canceled his mission the same day as the Chinese landed their unmanned spacecraft of the South on the far side of the Moon. And when we get into the photographs you will see why. Then NASA decided to uh after in February, the Intuitive Machines, the private company down in Houston that sent the first private enterprise I like the ring of that name. First private enterprise mission to the Moon. Remember that it barely landed, but it took a whole bunch of amazing pictures. And then within months of the pat suddenly NASA has announced its canceling the viper mission, which Intuitive Machines was going to follow up with their odysseous mission in February with a landing on the moon of South Pole to look for water et cetera, et cetera in the Lake Paul of this year.
Are they blaming the money on this cancelation, I mean it's budget.
This is not so.
No, this is a cover up, you know why, George. Back during Apollo, there was a limited number umber of people that realized on the Apollo imagery and the astronauts' first person descriptions before their minds were altered by mind control technology, that there was something astonishing about the Moon. Then decades go by and we don't go near it. Then we and a whole bunch of other nations start going near it, and a whole new generation, maybe two generations in NASA and in other space programs suddenly encountered the reality of what their great great Apollo ancestors had covered up. And the final straw was the Intuitive Machines of Decius mission, which showed stunning glistening glass geometry, structures, houses, cities, factories, whatever you want, hanging in the skies over the moon, and they freaked out, George. They have no eye idea how to tell the current population because it's too damn big. So the best thing they can do is put it on hold. Delay, delay, delay, delay, And that's why it has to be part of the current election conversation.
And by delaying it they can skate off because they don't have to explain it exactly.
I mean, you can't exactly book a flight to the moon, George. The only people who can verify this are a few, you know, giga billionaires governments, and if governments fall in line and simply pretend, you know, in the consortium, oh there's nothing there, nothing to see here, Move along, move along. These are not the droids you're looking for. What can we do? We have a window of opportunity to make this an issue in this campaign which this presidential candidate on the Democratic side says she wants to be about the future. Well, let's test her. Let's see how much future she really understands that she can have simply by talking to NASA.
Do you believe is NASA running school now?
She's head of a space council.
As vice president, she's supposed to be.
She's been at all kinds of meetings. I've been following her career over the internet for years. She's gotten better and better, She's asked better and better questions. She's in the perfect position to turn to those NASA contacts under law and simply say, show us what you really got.
Do you really expect her to do anything right now?
If your audience makes noise, there's no limit to what can happen. I mean, don't you kind of notice we're in a different environmental, social, cultural regime. Huge, something radical has changed. Well remember my old grandmother, you know, who had never touched the surfboarder in her life, but she watched TV and she said one day, well, you can't surf if surf isn't up. Surf is up, George. This audience can be the perfect foil to bring this to public attention through a politically responsive system and moment in time.
Why are they running scared?
Because it's so damn huge? What is the first instinct of normal, rational human beings when they confront an unknown of this staggering proportion, to be afraid, to be very afraid.
You know how I know that, you well, whether they afraid of us or something else.
These aliens. The look, this is a technology frozen in time, which is the equivalent of god like powers.
How old are we talking about it?
Millions of years for the oldest stuff, millions of years for the newer stuff, and maybe tens of thousands of years when we get into the images for the most recent stuff, and it's right there, and a law Musk is developing the perfect way to really go. And isn't it interesting because not only does he have his own private space program, he's the prime contractor for the Lunar lander for the Artemis mission.
Are you saying that NASA has confirmed what you've talked about for these last year years where.
They're running at warp nine? Why else would you spend half a billion dollars and then basically throw it in the trash because it's not about money, not their money anyway, it's our money. It's about remaining in charge officially, keeping public order and preventing what all governments sphere which is uncertainty. This is why Truman blink back in nineteen forty seven. This is totally separate from UFOs, you understand, because, as I've said for decades, the difference is UFOs will lie to you ruins stand still.
That's true, and it is absolutely true.
And we have it within our grasp to go and find out.
Has anybody else jumped on your bandwagon here?
Well, I'm premiering this on Coast to coast tonight, my dear friend George. Now, what I want everybody to do who has time to spare over the weekend. Saturday night, we're going to go through with three hours much more evidence, and Sunday night we're going to talk about very curious things that have happened in the campaign on.
The other side of midnight.
On the other side of midnight, it's on the net, it's on terrestrial radio. You can find it the other side of Midnight dot com. So Saturday night, at ten o'clock of Mountain nine o'clock Pacific, we do what they're hiding on the moon, and we've made another astonishing physics discovery about the moon, which may be another reason why they're apprehensive to let everybody know now, look, we know now that it's not going to be you know, Joe Biden that makes this announcement. But the Kamala Harris presidential administration will have four years to grapple with not only the UFO thing, but also this thing which is within our grasp. We don't have wait for anybody to show up. All we have to do is send a close up mission to the moon and bingo, there it is.
Why aren't you approaching Trump's campaign?
Why aren't you approaching Trump's campaign?
We have We gave him the whole damn bit.
And what was the response?
Nothing? Zero? He sat on it. Now, I have a feeling. I can't prove this, George, but I have a feeling that this may this video we prepared for him, may it be the reason why he took all those top top secret documents to mar A Lago, because he wanted a bargaining chip. In those documents. There probably were top top secret classified files on UFOs and maybe even alien structures in the Solar system from NASA. And do you notice how the entire federal case just suddenly went away and just vanished because he was sitting on that was his Trump guard un intended.
Well, said Richard c Oglin with us. His website is called now the Other side of Midnight? Did you get rid of enterprise ession?
No, no enterprises of the archive of our papers, it's documented with you know, thousands of things we've written. But the other side of Midnight is my active microphone to the world.
Are other countries involved in what you have been just claiming?
Well, the Indians and this is where things get really involved in terms of what's going on with Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, and their mission to the Moon. Did you notice, George that suddenly in this election cycle, how many Americans of Indian heritage suddenly have run for president?
Good point?
Do you know why?
Because the Moon connection traces back to India to the Veda connection, and that's one of the things we're going to talk about on Saturday night and then more again next weekend.
Are you going to get into those flying vimanas? That fascinates me?
But remember we found a structure on the moon. The so calls, well, well, we don't have a lot of time. We should probably start with imagery because without the imagery, this is just me, you know, kind of mouthing off on the radio.
We'll do the images right at the top of the excellent excellent, and folks just go to Coast tocosdam dot com. They're in the carousel reel. There's I think, what five images.
I'm being very very restrained. How'd you get them from Natha and the Japanese and the Chinese?
Do they release them accident way?
All this stuff they're just not saying, Well, the art form today to put yourself on the record, so when the food fight comes as to who discovered what first, they will have published data. There's nothing in the scientific protocols to say that you have to, you know, scream like a rooster when you publish something. The art form is to publish by day eight, so when the historical folks take a look, you can establish by date you were first. Well, the Chinese have been publishing data on the ancient glass dome around the moon ever since they're changed three lander back in twenty thirteen.
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