Karma - Best of Coast to Coast AM - 6/5/23

Published Jun 6, 2023, 9:53 AM

George Noory and psychic medium Diana Mary Rose discuss the concept of karma, and how the connection of past life events impact your current lifetime, if you can improve your karma by helping others, and how our spirit guides will help us improve the future of the planet.

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And welcome back to Coast to Coast George Nori with you. We'll let me tell you a little bit about our guest. Diana Mary Rose, a psychic medium, a reiki master of the healing arts. Her claire audience and telepathic abilities are just profound, and she uses these skills while writing as well. She is supported by her spirit guides, her alter egos, past family members, and other souls who have played a part in her bookwork. Her unique style is her gift to the world, for within her writings are to be found profound truths.


She's got a degree from Exeter University in English Medieval studies, has worked as a professionally trained archivist, and both these areas of expertise have contributed greatly to her ability to research subject matter with that rigorous eye for detail. Her latest book is called Atlantis and Gaia. Diana Mary Rose, welcome to the program.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you for inviting me on the show.

Do you go by just Diana Diana?

Yes? Yeah?

How did you get involved in the psychic world?

The psychic side? I well, I guess I'm now looking back. I was obviously born with a very psychic ability, but it really came through when I started meditating about fifteen years ago, and that really propelled me into a Claire audience particularly, but also a bit of clairvoyance, and that carried on. Meditating is the means to become more psychic, and certainly my case anyway, meditating daily.

Was there anybody in your family that had this ability?

Yes, I believe my grandmother did. I believe I did. And that is something which I now understand through meditations, because I would see I would see her in it which in the third eye, coming through again and again. I thought, oh, ask my grandmother there, you know, And as times progressed, I realized that she was very, very psychic. And I think people say that the psychic skips a generation sometimes. I've heard that many times, and I think that must be the case with me.

Yes, do you contact the other side the dead? Ah?

Do I contacted they? I would say, they contact me? I don't know. I don't think it's an ability that I would have myself. They come through if they want to, and they will do in a meditational state or as now, in a slightly trance like state and so and so forth. But you can't make you can't force someone to come through if they don't want to be there. They it's their decision upstairs, you know, it's their decision to come through.

Do they ever bother you so much that you just can't get any sleep or anything like that?

Yes, they do, they do sometimes, And that that is something I've noticed on location. If I go on holiday, sometimes I'll have the most weird dreams and I can hardly get me sleep because the dreams are so powerful. And that's because there is an element, as I would understand it now, there's an element of karma at that locational spot. So for example, we went to Canterbury in Kent on holiday last year. All week it was at my dreams were upont and I realize now and I realized at the time because I was told this that in some way the land was being healed from karma in connection to me and other family members. So yeah, it can be.

What do you think of karma, Diana.

Karma is probably the most the most important subject on earth because it's behind almost everything that we do, and also how we how we how we, how we suffer and so on. Love at first sight, that is so often karma. It's unresolved karma from a previous relationship. It's karma is everywhere. The purpose of relationships is indeed to understand and to love each other. When we've been at war in a past, past lifetime, it's unresolved feelings. And and also that that that comes through to all sorts of other things as well.

That all saying what goes around comes around is pretty darn true, isn't it.

Yeah, we can't escape, that's right, we can't escape. If we have a massive fallout with somebody in this lifetime, then that can be on a personal level, or it can even be wider than that on a on a on a on a grouping in terms of warfare or whatever. We have to come back and make good in the future, in a future life form. And and that's what I've discovered through many multiple healings and meditations and everything, that our life today is unresolved from prior lifetimes, and that very often war will come into that because war is an unnatural thing for us to do. To kill each other that's appalling, and to mutilate, that's appalling. So that has to be dealt with in a future life form, and that can come back in multiple, multiple ways.

Yeah, what if people, well, what if people used karma to try to better themselves? Does it work that way? And let me cite an example. You help somebody, but you help them up because you think something good is going to happen for you. Does that work.

Well? I don't see why it wouldn't work. It depends on your altruistic view of life. I think as to whether that comes about. There's no no harm in being wealthy and making money, you know, in the process of doing good. It all boils down to your thoughts, how how you think, what what? There's no there's no escaping devious thoughts or unpleasant thoughts beneath the surface will come back at you. But if your thoughts are truly good, then yes, you are releasing all sorts of negativity from the human aura, which is where the karma in the sense is stored, and moving forward in your understanding towards enlightenment. You know, everything we do in the reincarnational cycle is about moving forward into enlightenment, becoming more noble, more noble beings, shall we say? You know.

The Charles Dickens work of Christmas Carol, of course based in Britain.

Ah, yes, that's all speak.

Where the spirits came and visited the Scrooge.

Yes, yes, yes. The ghosts. Ghosts are an interesting one because they are land based souls. They are they are, they're people who've died, are very often under traumatic experiences and their earth bound. They simply cannot move forward to the light. And a lot of a lot of healers, including myself indeed, have healed ghosts. And it's quite fascinating how you see them moving up up the stairs as they leave the earth plane and they move up the stairs to heaven, Navana wherever they're going, you know, into another life. They downstairs, No, I've never seen that ever. They always climb up and yeah, I mean particularly example the First World War that created a huge amount of suffering for millions and millions of people. And quite often what you'll find when they gather around about the eleventh of November, which is when the Armistice days, you know, and they will be In fact, I had a friend who went to a church service at that time said you know the church was so cold, and I said, well, yeah, it will be it's absolutely stuff for the World War One soldiers who are ghosts. They wanting to be shown the light and move forward. So yeah, it's an interesting subject. Ghosts are fascinating. Yeah, but they're basically waiting. They're wandering around lost, they're waiting to be shown the light.

When you wrote the book, Atlantis and Gaya, tell us how that evolved.

It evolved because of COVID. I mean, like everybody else, I was stuck at home for a lengthy period of time, and I've had these thoughts going around in my head for literally decades. I mean, you know, I've been cataloging my past lives for at least fifteen years, and also those of my family members because I've been seeing them and understanding them and healing them. And finally COVID, O oh, I've got nothing better to do. Let's write a book.

You know.

And it started to come through and it kind of evolved into its own, its own purpose. But yeah, it took about three or four months to write and then I sort of I've send it off to about half a dozen publishers, and one of them, oh Books, John Hunt Publishers, very kindly said yes, we'll publish it. You know, so it's very, very exciting, but it's lovely as well because I've got so many thoughts going on in my head about the world and how it all works as reincarnation and karma, that it was lovely to sort of offload it, you know, into a book, albeit in a sort of wacky wacky style. But yeah, it's great fun.

I assure your clients come to you and what do they want, what do they ask for?

What do they want? They're usually concerned about their health, actually, they usually come for that, although they can obviously want to know if somebody's upstairs and you know, wishing to communicate with them as well. They want closure, and they want peace of mind. I think peace of mind is the big one. They just want to know they're loved. And that's one of the messages in the book that the love is the biggest thing that we have to learn to do. You know, there's so much hatred and so on around and love is the most important thing. And meditating and healing and all of them, using nature's herbs and all the rest of it moves you into a loving embrace with Mother Gia, and and also you become, you evolve and you move forward on the spiritual dimension too.

Do you believe this planet is a living organism?

Oh? Yes, absolutely, yes, it really. It reincarnates. I mean again, just as we reincarnate the animals, reincarnate the plants. You know that recycle everything recycles is one huge recycling element for the universe, and a mother Gia is undoubtedly the energetic level, the energetic, the etheric energy behind the living, the living world. That's right. Without that, there would be no life on Earth. There'd be nothing. There'd been nothing. There's been no momentum behind any recycling and so and so, Yes, I do. Yeah.

Have you had people of celebrity staff us come to you? You don't have to necessarily give us names.

No, No, I haven't yet. No, that would be lovely, it'd be quite exciting that, No, I haven't. I'm actually quite a sort of.


I'm sitting here in Rutland writing my books, writing away, and who knows what will happen as a result of the book. But up until now I've been, you know, very much a sort of small time person really in my in my house, beavering way, meditating, seeing local people and just generally hoping well, helping out but the book is the first the first time I've sort of ventured, ventured into the world. So who knows what will happen?

Dana, what would you say? Your expertise is what? What would you say? You're truly the best at right?

Well, I think that that is in actual fact the written the written word, but it comes through the audio, the audio, so it's clear audience. I do see things, but on the whole, hearing is my biggest ability, and that has been building up for maybe ten twelve, oh gosh, probably in twenty years of healing. Is the more healing you do, the more psychic you become. So I've got to the point now where I can have a sort of one to one conversation with my spirit guide, which may sound a bit weird, I don't know, but I can have a one to one conversation with my spirit guide. I literally hear somebody chatting away to me, telling me things, and I can ask questions, you know, back the ball back, and then they will answer them. That is an extraordinary ability to have. Before that, I would hear the odd word while I was mowing the lawn or doing the hoovering. You know, when there's a sort of background noise a little bit. I would hear words in the noise and I would write them down and undoubt over them and see what it all meant. But as that has progressed, and as I put more healing into myself, it has changed. It changed about maybe three years ago now into actually hearing somebody talking to me. And it's something you can't really you can't really explain it to most people because they think you're batty, you know. But it's simply a deeper form of cleare audience, and it's a very profoundly useful skill to have. So when somebody asks the question, I will very often here for example, you know, somebody will say something, well at a consultation here, and I hear and no come through when they're even halfway through the question. No, that's not right. So they want to jump in there and just help people as much as they can, and then they'll explain what really is going on, you know. So it is, Yeah, it's amazing, it's amazing.

Do we all have spirit guides? Diana?

Yes, everybody does. Every single every single person on earth has a spirit guide. They may not be aware of that. It depends on your level of psychic ability or whatever. But yes, every single person does, and they will. They will come through to heal in your dream state. So sometimes people will see and I've done this myself, because people will see a face right in front of them in the middle of the night, you know, which might totally freaked them out, you know, as it kind of did me really weird. You know, it's right up almost up to your nose. That will be your spirit guide healing you in the nighttime, because dreams are healing your karma very frequently, and the spirit guides come in to help on that level. But everybody has them, but they aren't necessarily aware of them.

Yeah, what about rein turn, what does that sit in reincarnation is?

Yeah, that it boils down to the soul. Everyone that I hope would understand that they have a soul. And reincarnation is when we send a version of ourselves down from soul onto the earth plane. We die, we go back up to our soul with that information that we've received and all the rest of it, and then we reincarnate again. So another another aspect of the soul comes down and it's a permanent process and it goes on for thousands upon thousands of years, and it's all about learning to love and in the process learning to release bad feelings negativities from ourselves. So because in each lifetime we come down to learn we have a mission, but we also have free will, and it's usually free will which gets us into a mess. So the free will is basically the intellect. The intellect interferes with our instinct to be kind and pleasant to people, and then materialism sets in and then we get nasty and do deals, and then you know, there's hatred and fulfriend and all the rest of it, and it carries on until finally our mission, which was originally to love and be benign, is way gone out the window. And then we die and then we have to we reincarnate again in order to put that and bring that mission back on the track and learn to love again. So it's one eternal cycle of trying to learn to love each other and be at peace. Yeah.

Yeah, How do you feel about the future of this planet.

I'm very positive. I'm very positive. Indeed, I do understand that Gaia has enormous power. That is the Earth, the Earth energy. Gaia has huge amount of power, and Gia has absolutely no intention of self destructing whatsoever. And also the universe is connected to those healing energies, so the entire universe is healing Earth right now through its vibrations. And that there are certain there are certain subjects which are an absolute no no, and one of them is nuclear war that will be removed from the earth plane shortly, but it will never be allowed to occur. So there are certain things which are never allowed to occur.

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