Greys - Best of Coast to Coast AM - 1/26/25

Published Jan 27, 2025, 10:44 AM

Guest host George Knapp and author Whitley Strieber discuss the genetics and lifestyles of grey aliens.

Now here's a highlight from coast to coast AM on iHeartRadio, you.

Were talking about the possibility that there will be pushback from the government no matter what gets revealed. Say, someone will say it's all a syop of some sort, it's a cover story for spyplanes or counterintelligence or diversions from legitimate programs that want to confuse our adversaries in the public. And there will be people in UFO world who come forward and say that right that they'll.

Go alonger there will. But you know, there's a bottom line in that it had a purpose and the structure. What basically happened was in nineteen forty, once the bombs started, the atomic bombs started being exploded. They you know, as far as I know, these beings have a lot of experience with not just with Earth, but this in universe is immense, and they probably are aware of many planets in which there are young species struggling to survive, which is basically our situation. And when they saw that we were beginning to attack each other with atomic weapons, they grew alarmed and thought they might not survive, and they began to try to warn us. In the first warnings came in nineteen forty six when they shot down a V two rocket that was being tested at White Sands, a German missile that was being tested at White Sands. Because they'd already put two and two together, they knew that the atomic bombs that were large bomb ungainly objects in the bombbays of of the bombers at Roswell would soon be much smaller and end up in the nose cones of missiles like that. And they can't they don't have vocal cords, they cannot speak, and we can't hear telepathy. It took me a long time to get into a state where I can usefully engage in telepi telepathy. With it, I can actually engage with this. It's not easy even now. But in any case, our military couldn't hear them in any way. We were broadcasting radio. They'd even had it. They were trying to reach us telepathically and it wasn't working. The result is they tried to demonstrate. They gave us a donation at Roswell of this craft that crashed with bodies in it. General Arthur Exten told members of my family that he held one of these bodies in his arms. He said it was like a big insect. My uncle, one of my uncles, was at right Air Materiel when the debris was brought in, and he told me only a little bit about it, but he presumably studied it because he was then a detail to the Atomic Energy Commission, and this entire project went to the Atomic Energy Commission in the late forties, so you know, presumably he worked on for his whole career. But he was very close mouthed. He didn't say much. He did talk to me, and General Xen talked to me after I published Community, And that's why I can even bring them up in any case. They have been attempting to basically to help us, and it's they're not They're tough and they are very determined. And to give you an example, the abductions had two purposes. First, it was to collect, and not just from human beings, but from animals and plants as well, a record of the light of the of the of the beings on this planet, of the species here in case this planet becomes unviable, as it would if we had a generalized nuclear exchange. And I'm sure they've seen that happen in the in the universe before otherwise they wouldn't be, so I'm certain of it. They then also, and I think this was a mixed bag in terms of success. There may be if there may have been some successes I don't know about, but I do know about some semi successes. They hybridized, They created beings that look like us, that are human essentially, but which have telepathic abilities so they can communicate with the visitors. Unfortunately, they are not voiced. They can't speak. So I say it's a mixed bag. They can live here and they can walk among us, but they can't talk. And if they can't talk, they can't really function in human society, can they. So you know they got a problem. They live I presume in little end plaves by themselves. I don't know how many there are. There couldn't be too many in the world. My wife Anne and I engaged and encountered one that lived in the woods behind our house for a while, and when we had the house in upstate New York, and to our amazement, followed us to Texas when we moved to a condo in San Antonio, where the town I was born in, and he would stand in the night outside the condo right outside our bedroom and you and try to engage with me telepathically, and I couldn't handle it, and I eventually succeeded in driving him off. But I mean, boy, he was the poor guy was in trouble. He was not.

He was not.

A whole person. And in the fourth mind, I go into in detail exactly what his genetic problems were. I have identified the genetic defect that caused him to be like he is, and the other hybrids. I've met some other hybrids now too, and some people who work with them, because there are people who are not hybrids who work with them and are not connected as far as I know to the Defense Department, that they could be in any case. That those are the two primary reasons for the abductions. One is to collect a fail safe if we lose if the planet, if we go extinct, And two is to try, and I think not completely successfully, create a bridge species between the two of us. They do not want to replace us at all. They want us to thrive here, and they're trying their best in their own way. They're very tough, they don't have things like they're not sentimental. And if you in the fourth mind, I go into exactly the ways in which they are machines and the ways in which they are biology. And they were mixed bag like the bodies that I discussed in detail that were at one point Fort Detrick in Maryland, don't have reproductive organs. Therefore they are biological machines. They can't be. They had to have been built. I am aware of the fact that there are some of them that do reproduce, and that so they're not all machines. And you know, people talk about a hive mind, but that is not the case they have, and I think this is even true of the little non uh reproducing ones. They have very subtle minds, very big minds, and they are a they each each they have personalities, they're various personalities. I don't think their personalities are as deep and complex as ours. And they are all basically connected to the same larger consciousness they have. In other words, they have individual personalities with a group mind, and that makes them very different from us. And it also when you learn enough about how to be with them, you find that you know, they present a very fierce face to the world, but inside that consciousness there's an extraordinary sense of peace, and they really love each other very much. And so you know, when I hear things like Jake talks about Jake Barbera talks about, they would shoot them down and they call them meat puppets, and things come on, it's not what they were. You're calling you something a meat puppet that has a brain, that has four lobes instead of three, and there's twenty percent larger than our brains. Somehow, that doesn't strike me as a meat puppet. They don't have the same relationship to death that we do. They can come and go in their bodies. I have seen their bodies rise up out of a drawer like dead bodies come to life because they were being insold their devices. The ships are themselves in sold at times. There's a wonderful book called UFO Sky Pilots that I'll remember the name that I've getten too old to remember the names of anybody, but I remember a lot else. In any case, It's a book where all kinds of stories are gathered from close encounter. Witness have own UFOs, and they all say the same thing. You touch something and various people at various different control surfaces, and your soul goes into the body of the machine. Now fast forward to Jake Barber's interview with Ross. He describes an experience where he is moving a machine and something comes out of the machine and possesses him. Something leaves the leaves the body of the machine like a soul and comes and comes into him. And he was found it beautiful and a feminine, gentle, feminine presence that had a certain sadness to it. But what he didn't understand was it was actually their version of a weapon. It was trying to tame him and to engage him as of it was trying to say, we're friends, you don't need to shoot at us, basically, and it's still with him, it's become part of his life. And this is this These operators, these tough guys who are out there on the front lines dealing with this. More than one of them will come forward and say something like that happened to them. But behind it all, there is another deeper thing, and this is my wife, Anne was you know, when I met her, we were just a couple of kids. There was nothing unusual about Anne or me for that matter, either one of us. In my opinion, we were just two kids in New York who met through dating service big deal and turned out to be a damn genius of the first order. I wouldn't have ever published a book if it hadn't been for Anne, because Anne was my editor and she was very good at it. Then, when Communion comes along, Anne understands it deeply from just the beginning. I finally when I told Anne, I said to Anne, I finally faced it, and I thought to myself, I've got to tell an How do I tell her? I got to take it a board a flying saucer by little men. I told my friend Timothy Greenfield Saunders, his dear friend to this day, about it. He said, God, just tell her. She'll she'll pick up on it. So I tell her and she says, oh, thank God. I thought you were going crazy. And from then on and she ruled the rouse. She figured it out. I was gonna call the book body terror. She says, no, you call it communion because that's what it's about. And that is still what it's about. It is about more than standing face to face in contact with people from another world. It is about joining each other in a new way. In the second half of the fourth Mind outlines exactly how that will go down and it's gonna happen. It is not bad, It is not scary. Well, it's gonna be a little scary, but scary for me and I would guess it'll be scary for everybody because you know, it's a new way of being alive, it's a new way of experiencing life. But I think we can do it. I don't think they'd be here. I don't think they'd spend a second on us if they didn't think we could do it.

You know, I you know, you've heard the stories over the years that they're here because they need something from us.

Yeah, they sure do it.

But I was I think it's also interesting that to consider whether they're here also to help us, and that they know what's coming and we're going to need we're going to need to change in order to survive whatever is next.

We need help, and so do they, and we can. We can, we can be stronger together. That's basically what it's about. And they've been here for a long time. It's nothing new. It's just that now things have reached this critical point. Our population has exploded, we're loaded up with atronic bombs, and you know, if they're if if if they're gonna engage with us and get what they would like to get from us. Now is the time. Otherwise it ain't gonna happen because we're not going to be here. This place is going to be a cinder or something sooner or later.

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