George Noory and author Jonny Enoch explore his research into aliens who may have established ancient civilizations on Earth, and whether stories of fallen angels in the Bible were actually referencing extra terrestrials.
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Thanks for listening to the best of Coast to Coast podcasts. Become a Coast Insider and you can hear this complete conversation, as well as recent shows featuring guests discussing new cases of the troubling cattle mutilation phenomenon, worries, some instances of clandestine c i a torture, and the evidence that the Lost City of Atlantis may have really once existed. Check out these programs and many other fascinating episodes waiting for you and the Coast to Coast archive by heading over to Coast to Coast a m dot com and signing up for Coast Insider. Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeart Radio and welcome back to Coast to Coast George Norri with you. Johnny Enoch with us a clinical hypnotherapist, lecturer, writer from Vancouver, British Columbia. As a better fact, he's one of the keynote speakers at the Architects of the New Paradigm on June and I'll tell you about that a little bit later on again. Now, not only has he been researching extraterrestrial phenomena and esoteric subjects, for more than twenty years, but after witnessing the series of unexplainable events while growing up, his search for answers has led him on adventures all over the planet. He's a featured speaker on Ancient Mystery Tours of Egypt, the Serpentine Mysteries Tour of Peru and Bolivia with Brian Forrester, and he's writing books on advanced civilizations, one of them the Cosmic Origins of Civilization. Johnny Enoch on Coast to Coast Johnny, welcome to the program. Well thanks for having me on. Great to be here. You're looking forward to this and your work is amazing. What led you into this field? Well, thank you. My investigation into these very fascinating subjects started at an early age. I grew up with a lot of strange things happening around the house, and I guess one of the first, you know, memories I can think of these is my youngest sister, who is now in her thirties. She has no interest in the subjects that you and I are interested in, or any of the post listeners who are uh, you know here listening into our conversation. She's more interested in what the Kardashians are doing in tell of mass rather than rather than the paranormal. Well, she's haunted by a memory to this day from when we were growing up that at twelve years old, she saw a gray extraterrestrial with the smooth gray skin, the large hairless head, and the classic black tear drop eyes peering through her bedroom window. And so this was the sort of start of these experiences growing up. And then my mother, who is a very religious person who doesn't want to talk about these things so much, tells us to this day, you guys were complaining that you had these little gray men coming into your bedrooms at night, and she herself relayed these sort of experiences. So on top of that, growing up, I was having these intense out of body experiences, George, where I'd be, you know, floating above the bed and looking down at myself, or or sometimes just waking up, rushing up to a kaleidoscope of multi fractal colors and leaving the body. But the problem is is that I had nowhere to get answers, because growing up in a religious houth, you have like an information embargo. And so I like the joke that when other boys my age they were hiding playboys under the bed. I was hiding, you know, all the occult books and crystals undermind. If I wanted to see the playboys, I had to go to there. I think I was a nerd like you, Johnny. We did the same thing. I mean, I was in the Edgar Casey books and UFO books and Alka, you know, Frank Edwards, the journalists and all those books on extraterrestrials. That's what really got me. Turned on me too. I love that stuff, love all of it. And so I'm sure you can relate to this that when you go down into the rabbit hole, it keeps getting weirder and weirder the deeper deeper you go, and you can never really quench the thirst. So you know, as I started going through life, I started digging deeper into the mysteries, using clinical hypnotherapy to to bring in into interviews with contact ese, and started traveling around the rural world and like you know, crawling under the crypts of temples and looking at what the reliefs are saying. And I think that we just keep finding pieces of the cosmic puzzle everywhere we look. Is it safe to say? And this is in a good way. You have been obsessed with this, absolutely absolutely obsessed. And I think we all are a little obsessed once we get a taste, you know, Yeah, we are. I mean, and you know the depending on whatever field people get into. Uh, there's nothing wrong with jumping in with both feet and really digesting it. And that's what you've done. That's what I've done in this field as well. I mean, we just can't seem to get enough of it, can we? Yeah? I would agree with that. Okay. Now, as your research unfolded, it took you into different places in different areas. You went to Aerosibo in Puerto Rico. Uh, the incredible radio telescope there. Um, you've looked at CET and what they've done search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Um, what's your thoughts on that? By the way, because they're gonna they're gonna be funded again by NASA for the first time in years. Yet, there are some people who are very critical of SET because they don't think they should be listening. Uh, they think there's a different way. Well. Absolutely, I kept hearing this question over and over again, people saying, if extraterrestrials are real, why haven't we heard from them yet, So, like you said, I jumped on a plane. I flew out there and I said, look, I'm going to find an expert, because you know, it's been my experience and I'm sure you've found the same thing because you've been You've been doing these investigations and talking about these things forever. And when you when you meet people, there's one answer for the public. There's the answer for academia, and then there's the answer when you go there. You talk to the archaeologist egyptologist, and they tell you the real answer. So I'm thinking to myself, they're gonna tell me if this Arecibo Observatory has actually got a signal, and they said, no, no, there's there's no messages coming. But as I know you and your listeners are are well aware, there was a very powerful message sent into space by Carl Sagan back in nine and he beamed it, you know, something like twenty five thousand light years across uh you know uh over at a global globular star cluster called M thirteen, and he sent binary code information about our DNA elements, the solar systems, beings and all that stuff. And you know, I said to them, you know, have we had a have we had a reply? Uh? And they said they came back to me. Uh, they said, of course no. And I said, what about there was a crop formation that I don't know if you've ever seen it. There was a crop formation that was found by that chill bull and radio. Yes, that was very elaborately done. Absolutely, And so when I looked at that, you know, they're they're very adamant that. They say, well, we don't want to go near that. And they still think, you know, potentially a hoax. Some say, hey, it could be real. Uh. It was very very interesting. So you know, when you dig deeper for answers, uh, you know, maybe we're wasting our time. You know. Michio Kaku has told us that, you know, there could be potentially all sorts of different civilizations visiting our Earth and communicating with us. He's used the card to shed scale to talk about that. But he said, the reason we haven't heard from D. E. T. S Yet is because we've only been searching about a hundred light years from Earth for a signal, and our galaxy is about a hundred thousand light years across. Uh. And of course galaxies are tens of millions of light years apart. So really we've only been searching in the hydrogen frequency. Uh And according to him, he said, then we got to start looking in laser and broadband. But you see, Orge, I know that you know and the coast listeners know that we're getting communicated by E T S. And I think that this communication they're using is much more sophisticated than you know, the sort of signals or even breaking them up like broadband packets or communication. I think we're talking like quantum entanglement and using energy like an IP address, and that's how it's happening. Sorry, now the late physicist Stephen Hawking is warning us and has warned us to be very careful about sending out signals announcing where we are. What do you think of that? You see? I don't agree with that because you know, when I look over at the the tremendous work that you know, whistleblowers like Sergeant Major Bob Dean, you know what he's done. He's he was talking about what he learned when he was at the Shape Supreme Headquard Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe with NATO. And I'm sure that you're aware of this. Also that he said that when he had learned through his top secret cosmic clearance that extraterrestrials were already here and we were getting visited by a whole whole types, all sorts of them, that you know, they didn't pose a threat to us, and that if they wanted to wipe us out, they already could have. Uh. And so that there's already military intelligence that we are getting visited by all sorts of different types of civilization, whether it's interplanetary, interstellar, multidimensional. Why do you think the cover up continues? Because it it shakes up academia. I mean, look at look at this. This is the oldest story in the world. Shakes up our our our narrative, it's shapes shakes up our religion. I mean, look what we did to poor old Geodaniel Bruno when he tried to tell us. I mean that was you know, going far as far back as the sixteenth century, and he was telling us that we weren't a the center of the universe. He told us there's countless sons and countless Earth all rotating around their sons. Uh. You know, it's the same reason why you know, like a Robert shock Will will shake up the the story about Egyptology when he starts talking about the Sphinx. I think that it's it's a very very interesting question we all got to ask ourselves, is that you know, who are we then? Uh? And what does our society mean to us? Well, you know, lots of us believe we've already been visited. You do too, when we look at the Biblical et s and you've you've looked at that when they talk about fallen angels and beings like that, could we be talking about extraterrestrials that came down here at that time? Absolutely? You know, it says in the Bible, in the Book of Hebrews. It's thirteen two in the Bible says, do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing, some of unwittingly entertained angels. And I've always thought about that that verse in the Bible, and to me, I think that it's entirely possible that we have mistaken our visitors as spiritual entities due to their vastly evolved capabilities and their technology. And of course we know that the word angel just comes from the Greek word and gallows, meaning messenger. Uh So, I think that what we've actually seen has been very interesting what's been taking place in our theological discussions, because I'm willing to entertain the very pragmatic idea that you know, angels are good extraterrestrials, and and perhaps the old term demons, which I think is as a vast understanding of the multidimensional intelligences in our universe, maybe that those are malevolent beings. But most certainly we have records all through the Biblical texts that are quite quite interesting that makes us question things. And believing in extra terrest real life does not negate one's belief in a God, does it. Absolutely not. And I'm absolutely shocked at people when they say that. You know, in some of the religious communities, I've had such wonderful discussions with scholars. Because I'm a I'm a very big fan of comparative religion. I'm not going into these subjects. And some have been worried that by looking in extraterrestrials that there's going to be a new type of religion that started there. But from what I'm gathering, George uh the et contacts I talked to say that the E. T. S don't want don't want to bring people out as a messiah figure anymore. They don't want to bring people out that are are going to be professing some kind of message. That's why there's more individual contact being made. And uh, you know, it's it's a very it's a very interesting way of looking at it. Every time I've interviewed for ancient aliens on the History Channel, they always talk about Vermona's flying machines in the ancient times? What do you think they might have been? Because I'm convinced they were real, they existed. Was it something that we had of high technology with advanced ancient civilizations or do you think they were UFOs? I am very convinced that vimanas are real, and you know, there's so much evidence for them. I've been gathering research for some time for not only writings I've done, but for upcoming presentations in the event in the medantic writings of ancient India. When we look in the Ramayana, the Epic uh the Epic Tale or the Maha Barata which has you know, a summation of the Ramayana, and the Summer Randana, Sutradara and all these texts we have the mentionings of these flying vehicles. And the amazing thing is is that when we go back to some of these oldest writings, I mean we're going back to possibly third and fourth century BC. Here, um, we are getting these incredible uh, We're getting these incredible tales that not only talk about war, spot in the heavens, shooting weapons and incredible conquests. I mean, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. If we go back and even into Buddhism, and and I'll tell you, George, there is there's so much hidden in Buddhism that the real Mahayana Buddhism, the stuff that was taken up into the Tibet all the secrets there, uh that that we find in mystical Buddhism, and stuff like the secrets of levitating stone with sound and esoteric meditation. They had stories of these pagodas and whatnot that the Bodhi stapas were moving around. I mean, I've I've traced this thing back. And even if when we go back into our Samarians and Assyrians, look back into the ancient Persians, when we look at the story of Zarathustra and he's encountering Ahura Mazda. And you don't have to see the you don't have to look very far to see where the connection is. Here. If you're stuck in traffic and you see a massa car in front of you, look at that little mass the logo that that massa logo that has like the winged disc that's on the back of the car. There, there's no doubt that that is the connection to Ahura master from Zoroastrianism, that was a flying disc with a man coming down from the heavens. So, I mean, these things are everywhere, even even in the Bible, in the Book of Ezekiel, the cylinders within cylinders and you know the wheel that of Ezekiel. Yeah, well, I mean in that story it talks about there was a glowing metal appearance, thousands of blinking eyes on it, which are no doubt lights on its sparkling rims uh. And to me, that primitive description that we read there is very similar to even the story that we find of our first nations people are indigenous people here in Canada, we have stories of flying canoes. Well, blinking blinking eyes are flying canoes. It's the best way they could describe a very advanced technology. Wouldn't you love to find of amano? Absolutely? And you know they're there's sort of little pieces of the puzzle that people have found. I was talking to a egypt collogist friend of mine, Mohammed Ibraheim, about, you know, the discoveries they made over in Sakara in Egypt where we get the words sacred from, and they found of course over there in the late nineteenth century there was like a little perfect sort of a glider, even with a tail wing and whatnot. It's absolutely amazing that we've found kind of evidence of ancient knowledge of flying machines. But you know, I would point the best answer for this why we haven't found one actually came from David hatcherd Children's He said that, you know, you could preserve gold, but you know if you had metal metals gonna erode, you know after about two hundred years and and it's gone or they flew away, that's right. They could be in uh, they could be in some some other place, you know, gone into the heavens and that's it. They're in another planet. Listen to more Coast to Coast a m every week night at one a m. Eastern and go to Coast to Coast a m dot com for more