Guest host Connie Willis and psychic medium Jen Kruse discuss her research group the Shesquatchers, who have been looking for evidence of Bigfoot across the country, how she uses her psychic abilities to help track Bigfoot, and how a warning she received helped protect her from an attack in the woods.
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All right, we are talking with Jen Cruz. She is the founder of the She Squatchers and Man, Jen, that was a great story. Love night Vision. It's really cool to be able to have that camera. But you know what, at times I've found myself when I've had access to those, it's it's cool to look at You don't get to see that far. You're exactly right inside, you know, some sort of haunting. That's a whole different thing because you're inside a house usually and it's it's you know, or a building of some sort, so you don't have to go out as far with looking into the woods. But yeah, when I've when I've been able to look through them before in the woods, it's it's kind of creepy as well, because when you look through it and you're going slowly to see what you might see, if you do see something looking back at you, it is a little it's a little like WHOA, what's going on? And And isn't it interesting too that when you did see this body, right, this like human form, it's not like, well, think about it, if you're in the middle of the woods, and you would see just a man alone in the woods, like a real human. It would freak you out because like, Okay, what is this guy doing here? That's much scarier than when you see a sasquatch. Do you agree? Yeah?
For sure. You know they say that the scariest thing you can encounter in the wood isn't an animal but a weird moment.
Yeah, it's about human exactly.
Yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure.
So we got the girls together. We've got a team. So tell me about how I mean, you guys have done a lot. I've heard a lot about you guys along the way or you girls, I guess, even though I you know you guys is the universal thing. Let me just say you girls, because you are the she squashers. Tell me about you guys as a team, you girls as a team, and how things have been going after getting together.
When we first started, it was Jenna and I. Tammy wasn't able to join us right away, so she, you know, she wasn't able to join us until twenty eighteen when her life settled down a little bit and she was able to travel with us. So it was Jenna and I at first, and that was fond and great and everything, but it just really rounded out the team when Tammy joined us, because she brought her skill set along with us and we really needed her. She's a really incredible tracker. You know, she had learned from her husband, from her husband how to track, and then she's always picking up new skills in that. So we've been on expedition with Adam Davies and Robert Crider and they're excellent trackers, and you know, they they were awesome and just showing us different methods of tracking, and Tammy was all over that she is our official tracker.
I liked that, And I like Adam Davies too. He's really nice guy, funny, I like hilarious, he's good guy. He's a good guy. So yeah, so this what you were saying is what really interests me as well. So we got Tammy, Jenna, and you Jen, So let me let me throw these things out and then you help me out on this. You are the team leader, you're the public speaker, you're the psychic medium. You are a geographic remote viewer, an impath otherworldly communicator with the water spirits, which we have on our website too, by the way, we have pictures of the water spirits that you sent into us, Jen little people. I love that and you feel energy on a physical level. Uh, is there anything else with you? Because then I want to ask about Tammy and Jenna.
Well that that's just like the general gist of my main, my really strengths. But you know, I got all this. Everybody has a little bit of everything, but those are my main strengths. And we do share, you know, even even though we've listed like what our what our strengths are, we do share some abilities. But like, for instance, Tammy is these auras really easily, like very quickly. She'll just see the energy field of something. And everything has an energy field. So for people who can see it as colored light, that's their aura. You're seeing their energy the energy frequency of that person or living thing. And for me, I can see ours too, it just takes me a while. I have to really focus. It's not very quick, and I do better if they have a white background. So I mean Tammy's definitely that's the strength of hers and it's not my strength. So even though we have the same abilities, I'm not as strong as that in that as she is. So if that makes sense.
Sure it does. Yeah, you can't tell that bigfoot once you even find them to say, stand right there, hold up, give me some time and get behind that white background. It's just not gonna.
Actly exactly so. And we all have our own strengths, and all of the can remote you. I'm probably the strongest one there. And because I go in and I look at areas of using Google Earth and satellite imagers, and I'll look and I'll ask questions, and what I see on the image changes in response to the question that I ask, I might be seeing a bigfoot face, It'll show me an expression that gives me an idea of the disposition of that big foot. Are they mean? Are they aggressive? Is it someplace we shouldn't maybe go? Or are they pretty friendly to make? Sometimes they see them wave at me like hi, you know, yeah, yeah, So I mean, what I see on the image changes an in reaction to what I'm asking. So I'll ask is there bigfoot here? I'll ask is there any bigfoot evidence here? What's interesting about that? When there is, what I start to see is a whole area that will light up this yellow yellow light, just like I saw that pathway with a lean yellow light. So it shows up in the remote view, as if showing me a whole area of yeah, there's evidence here, and so what we do now. I taught the girls how to remote view the way that I do it. I don't have any formal training in it and like controlled remote viewing, but I call it geographic remoteum because I've always done this. I did it with maps before there was satellite imagery, so it's just I've always been doing it and it's been really accurate. Because when I first met Nels Gahan in Washington, he asked if we would remote view for him, and I sat down with him and he gave me his phone and opened it to the satellite imageries of different areas because he wasn't really wanting to give me the GPS coordinates, which I.
Know never yeah, never do that exactly right.
So I was looking at it on his phone, and you know what I first saw was a bigfoot leaning up against this tree. I said, I see a big foot leaning up against this tree here, and he's like okay, and he takes his phone back and he opens it to another spot and I look at it and I'm looking and zooming in and out, and I'm like, okay. Read here, and I pulled my finger on it and drop a GPS pin so that you can grab the coordinates of whatever I'm talking about. And I said, right here, I'm seeing a man and an Indian man and an Indian woman. But they're from a really long time ago, like they're The clothing that they're wearing is hides and teeth, and you know, there's no it's not like fabric. And she's wearing a weird hat. I've never seen this hat before. And they're standing there with a bigfoot and it's the man the woman in the bigfoot and they're so close that they're literally touching, and they're all smiling. I said, they were friends, they were together here and there's like no fear because she's standing in the middle and they're literally touching. They were friends. And he's like okay, and he didn't. He gave me like zero feedback. Yeah. A few weeks later, a few weeks later, we start talking online and because we did this in person, and a few weeks later he's like, you know that space where you saw the the native people with the bigfoot and I said yeah, and he says that hat that she was wearing, and I said, yeah, because I didn't understand the hat. And when I kept saying I don't understand the hat, I've never seen one like that before, and it kept showing me the hat, and then it changed when I kept saying I don't understand the hat, it changed to a fancy lady's hat from like the eighteen fifties. And I was like that, I understand mid eighteen hundred. You know that I understand. And so this is what I had told him. And so a few weeks later he gets a hold of me online and he said, you know that spot that you said. I said yeah. He said they were together and they were friends, and I said yeah. He says, that is actually you correctly identified where my tribe had a settlement in the mid eighteen hundreds, where we lived with Bigfoot in our village and they literally spoke the same language. And he says, that is where it was. I correctly identify, and they literally were friends, they lived together there as a community. So so that that was when I met No.
Yeah, I love him. He's great. He's just he's great. I love him to death. He's great. Well, let's go to Jenna's. So she so Jenna Grover tech advisor Hiker loved that singer psychic medium, She predicts danger, sees visions, receives messages. Suspected alien abductee is suspect. I love that, y'all say that suspected alien abductee. I got some questions for her. We'll know immediately. I bet she is and a near death experiencer. So tell us a little bit more about Jenna.
Oh. You know, I knew Jenna before she died and then after, and she is not the same person anymore.
Okay, okay with her near death experience.
Okay, wow, Yeah, she lost her fear when she died and came back. She's so much more calm and just not as afraid to just live her life. Like Becod she was a little worried about what other people were going to think all the time. She's completely different. And I think she's more intuitive now too. Yes, And so she just came back different and and I like to change it. I liked her before, but I like her, but I.
Really like her now. She was like okay before, but no, no, no, no. You know, it's interesting that you had that perspective as well, because you know, I think there's a lot of people I can tell that they're extremely afraid of death and other people not not. So, you know, not much at all. And I'm one of those. I'm you know, I don't want it to happen tomorrow or anything like that. But I had one of those same things happened around four and a half. And not that I just remember as a child, but some of the things that I know along the way that have happened. I don't have that fear. But you're right, there's people that have that fear big time. And that's that's always interesting to me because I've never had that, thank you God, but that that you notice that difference with her big.
Time, big time, big time. And you know, and now when we're out in the field and we're doing something and I think, you know, that might be a little dangerous, She's like, let's do it, Okay, go ahead if you really want to. But I'm like, thinking, that's probably not smart.
Yeah, don't be stupid now.
But you know, she's she's dumb ho She's ready to go. And Tammy and Jenna seem to argue over who's the most fearless, and you know, it's an ongoing thing that they continue to go after and I'm okay with not being the most fearless one.
Well I understand that. And you know, so how do you say Tammy's last name?
Trichelechel okay, So Tammy okay.
So she's tracker, scuba diver, kickboxer, psychic medium. You know that's cool. She can use all that out there, the kickboxer part of it in the woods if anything happened that she needs to take care of you guys. But I got to tell you. I got my patty license or whatever it is, certificate with scuba diving, and I don't ever want to do that again. I went underwater enough, you know, the two or three actually times to get the patty certificate, I think is what it's called to say that, Okay, I can scuba dive and it's all good. And I actually saw a shark when I was down there, and I didn't like it, and I freaked out and I just shot up, and I thought, I don't care if I get the bins. I don't want to be eaten. And that to me is scary. That's their world. They can stay on it. I want to float on top of it. So I think she's already the bravest of all, just for two and that alone. But like you said, she sees the auras the energy feels animal communicator sees entities with the naked eye interesting too, removes negative entities, okay, and a medical intuitive So that's perfect when you guys are out there too, very.
Much so, very much so, and you know, it's been really fun because when we're all together it maybe this makes sense to you, Commy, it seems like our abilities are amplified when we're together. Does that make sense to you?
Yeah, yeah, absolutely, I would.
Yep so, And it seems that way when I'm with other psychics, I feel like my abilities are amplified and I am so much more aware of everything else that I don't normally sense. So I think that there might be something to do with an amplification of that energy when people are together like that. And then how it works for us when we're together, it just seems like we find stuff and it's easier for us. Yeah. And Jenna for her sensing danger. I mean, I'm probably alive today because Jenna sends danger for me. Before I was even in danger, before it was even at the location, Jenna had called me up and she said, Jen, the danger in the darkness is real, and I was like, what I was talking about. She goes, I don't know, but that's what I got, and I was like, okay. And I had just gotten a new night vision camera. I wanted to go try it out, and I was going to my mom's friend's house in the country down in this river valley and we were going to try out to new camera. Was because I just got in and I wanted to see how it works. And so we're out there and I'm looking and I can see everything turns it into the day until I turned into this one location and I couldn't see anything. I'm like, why is it just dark? Why doesn't it show me? And then I hear this hoof hoof, and I was like, oh, something about there. My Mom's standing there with me, and I'm like, I can't see it. I can't see it. Then you hear it house again, and then you hear it running towards us, like you can hear it home as it's running. And I didn't realize my mom had took off running to the building.
Oh yeah, she took off.
I think she thought I was behind her, but I wasn't I'm still standing there.
With the cano. She didn't turn back around and looked jan She just took off.
She got to the door and she turns around. I'm still standing there with the camera, looking in the direction of whatever's coming. And she's like, yeah, over here, right now, Jennifer, I go run. I'm like, oh, And I remember Jenna saying the danger in the darkness is real, and I was like, oh, yeah, run right right. I ran to the door and my mom slammed it and locked it. And uh so, I don't even know what it was. It could have been a bear, but or a bigfoot. I don't know, because basically I've been had been spotted in those areas before. So I why didn't the camera work? I don't know. It worked everywhere else I pointed it. So it was a weird thing. But Jenna predicted the danger and I'm probably still alive because she did that.
So I love that story and your mama, oh my, YEAHA. You gotta kid her about that every chance you get.
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