George Noory and astrologer Mark Lerner discuss the power of planetary alignments to predict future events, the connection between astrology and important battles in World War 2, and the importance of discovering Jupiter and Uranus by historical astrologers.
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Man, welcome back to Coast to Coast, George nor A, you with you along with Mark Lerner Mark, how have they labeled that object still floating around out there? Chiron? What is that exactly?
Okay, well, yeah, a couple of things I wanted to bring up about these new moons and full moons and eclipses. So that's good that you brought that up again. So can anybody out there can go to Wikipedia or anywhere and type in Chiron, which is c h Iron and it's considered well in mythology. Chn was the wisest of the centaurs, and since its discovery, which was November one of nineteen seventy seven, there have been other what we call CenTra like bodies like Chiron is considered Mail was one of the great centaurs, was considered to be the son of Saturn in mythology. But then Saturn basically took off and Apollo, the sun god, raised Chiron, and so Chiron became filled with all kinds of wisdom and genius in almost every field. The one this little planet was discovered by Charles Cowell An astronomer in nineteen seventy seven. You've got to remember, this is really amazing of what happened. So no other of these centaur little planets are like asteroids, but they exist. Chiron exists between Saturn Uranus. It has a fifty year cycle, and I want to mention something really significant in a moment about fifty years. And again, see we've talked about this earlier this year. The United States has chiron in ares exactly where this eclipse happened. And people like former President Trump as well as President Biden, as well as Kamala Harris and the different people running Fried's President and so on. Almost everybody has enormously powerful chiron in a birth chart. And that can be because you have it overhead. It's rising actors for instance, like f Bridges, who is in Starman, has exactly a Sun Chiron conjunction. D Pak Chopra has a Sun Chiren conjunction. These people in different areas if chiron is very strong. But you see, we didn't know about it until nineteen seventy seven, and what happened in seventy seven. Star Wars comes out in late May of nineteen seventy seven, post encounters comes out in the fall exactly in the same month that Chiron is actually discovered, anwar Sadad surprisingly goes to Israel and that becomes this catalyst, and Egypt and Israel, even though we have this giant problem in the least that existed for decades, ever since Israel became a country May fourteenth and nineteen forty eight, it is now five wars, and the one that started last year was basically fifty years before, which is a Chiron cycle. Was the previous one, the Young Kipplewar. So Chiron is both a shaman a mentor. It opens doors to higher consciousness. It symbolized that a chart by the key like a key that would open a doorway, but it's like a vertical looking key. And it's interesting because the discoverer of Charles Cowell is the letter C and K, and that is in a way the part of the symbology of this particular planet. But it's a catalyst, George, all of us have it in our charts. It's considered very much a maverick. But also I've done unbelievable research over the decades about the power of Chiron. And the thing is that rules also the Twilight Zone. Do you remember we talked about Rod Serling, and I said, Rod Serling, who was born on Christmas Day in nineteen twenty four, was born at a Chiron return for the United States from July fourth, seventeen seventy six, and he lived fifty years. And when Chiron came back, he passed away. He gave us the Twilight Zone among all his other great things. And the Twilight Zone, in a sense, it's a Chiron vibration above our regular five senses. I mean, it's just sort of part of the doorway into the great beyond. But it also rules from the archetype of Chiron. He was an immortal and he was poisoned by one of these arrows in one of the labors of Hercules and mythology, and so he's in terrible pain. And the whole myth of Prometheus, who had been stealing fire from the gods was chained to a stone. This is a lot of what mythologists will understand. There was a trade made so that Prometheus was freed and exchange, Chiron was able to be sort of not having this pain for this poison hour because he was an immortal. And now we sort of honor him in the sign of either Sagittarius as Centaurus. So he's considered sort of like this great ancient centaur deity with all these spiritual qualities. But there's a lot of pain with Chiron. It both heals, but it's healing pain psychically and emotionally as well as having all these sterling qualities.
What kind of an influence does the moon have on things?
Mark Okay, Well, that is one of the big things. When I first got into all this five decades ago, I thought, like most people's, like, whatever these sun signs are. That sounds kind of not real, you know what I mean? Because my father was a doctor, I was into math. I was into science, mathematics of all kinds of things, even sports, Reading the Almanac, everything having to do with numbers and things like that were fascinating to me. So the thing is is that one of the first books, aside from astrology, the Space Age science, I got a sun signed book, and that sounded all the people I knew, my family members, my friends, everybody. Sun sign made sense because you're born within a thirty day time period, everybody has the same sun in that area. But the moon is our closest celestial body. So every two and a half days or two to two and a half days, if you're a let's say you're a sun signed leo. Okay, if that's all you know, and you know you're born, say approximately July twenty third, and each year it's slightly different. There's fourteen hundred and forty minutes in a day, and there are a lot of people who think they're on the cust and that's not really true because during the one day that the sun is changing, literally one minute out of the fourteen hundred and forty will make you either let's say a sunshine cancer leo, if we're talking about July twenty second, twenty third. And then the point is during that thirty day time period where people are saying, well, I'm a Leo, that's my time period. The moon is changing every two plus day, is giving a different nuance to who you are in that year that you're saying, Leo, I'm just giving you an example. The moon is much more your personality, your moods, your feelings, your instincts. And when I first learned about the moon, see the moon you have to look up. You have to look up and figure it out or you have to have your chart done. It's not like just like, oh, I'm going all this one. I'm a leo. So this means you go to an astrologery. You need to figure this out yourself or look up these kind of tables to figure out where was your moon because it moves very very fast. It's not like thirty days of the Sun being in one side. It's every two to two and a half days. And because the moon makes all of these alignments like trines or which are one hundred and twenty degrees or squares ninety degrees or conjunctions, the moon is the most active player every day, which I've been doing for forty two years in the astrology cosmic calendar to give that sense of like what's happening in the heavens, because who that's who we are. Our charts are actually frozen in time of what is happening in the cosmos at that time that we're born.
You brought up a note that one of our listeners had given you from about Jupiter. What's the significance of Jupiter in this situation?
Well, I'm not sure you mean about the eighty three or exact cycle that I discovered or something else about Jupiter.
Yeah, the eighty three years.
Oh well, that's a discovery I made, which is really fascinating. What happens is there's a lot of generalities in astrology and if you don't know the specifics, and this was a kind of accidental kind of thing where I was doing some research back in nineteen ninety five, and I found that nineteen twelve, and if you added eighty three years ago, nineteen ninety five, and I was doing this research nineteen ninety five, and I was going back to nineteen twelve because I also had done all this research about the sinking of the Titanic, and I did a whole story in Welcome Planet Earth of his history repeating itself because I associate the sinking of the Titanic with two years later at the start of World War One. These are all very precise astrological discoveries. The thing about Jupiter is there's no other planet that makes an exact eighty It's not a question of an eighty three year cycle. That's the one that Jupiter's doing, But no other like even your the Sun. If somebody is celebrating their birthday, it doesn't come back to the exact same minute you're born. It could come back the day before, the day of or the day after, and so all these other plants, like mercury has about a one year cycle approximately, Venus has a one year cycle depending on retrograde and other things. Jupiter does this thing as the largest planet, which I believe makes history kind of repeat itself. Not exactly the same events, but we talked about this before. Nineteen of forty one and twenty twenty four are separately eighty three years. And what happened eighty three years ago in the summer was that Germany invaded Russia. Now that's not happening now, but what is happening is the German state now with eighty one hundred million people are having all kinds of issues being on the front lines with NATO and everything happening with that war. And people might not know this, but a very right wing area took over in one province, one area which had not happened since before for about one hundred years in Germany. There's a lot of changes politically. And the other thing is that it was eighty three years ago in December that Pearl Harbor happened. And we're doing very well with Japan. Japan is our ally very strongly, but there are some other things that are going to happen on December sixth and December seventh, having nothing to do with what happened in nineteen forty one. And in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor, Mars is going to stop to go and reverse on December sixth, and Neptune, the planet that astronomer was just talking about, Neptune is going to stop to go forward on December seventh. So like new moons and full moons and eclipses when clianets don't move. And we have this eighty three year cycle where we are repeating these vibrations from the World War two time period. It started in twenty twenty two. We were repeating nineteen thirty nine eighty three year cycle. Lo and behold, Futen invades Ukraine. And then last year, which was eighty three years since nineteen forty the Battle of Britain and so on, that's when Hamas attacked Israel with killing so many different young people, and that has started this whole crisis which is just getting worse and worse and out of hand. Almost a year.
Do you see any ends of that crisis?
Unfortunately, I don't because part of this thing, as if you watch an ATV shows, I mean, their current prime minister, you know, is kind of on the ropes very much with his own scandals and so on. So he's trying to hold onto power. Fifty years before when the Young Kipor war happened, literally one tiron cycle before gold In may Air was prime minister. And again part of the problem here is that somehow or another, with all the expertise that Israel has, you know, technologically and all their advances, fifty years ago, it was Young Kipor and somehow they the celebration of that day of Atonement, they were caught off, aren't And the same thing it wasn't a Young Kipoort last year it was, but it was a different Jewish holiday, and the same thing happened when they're supposed to be like just the top country in the world, probably for guarding their country, and something happened there. And unfortunately, because Israel has been surrounded ever since, I mean by creating the state of Israel, being supported by the United States in particular and Great Britain and France and some other countries, now we have this whole battle because that's where Russia and China and Iran and all these different countries have their other facilities or something, whether it's GM and Saudi Arabia and different other countries and the influence of these big powers. It's been like this for since this creation of Israel. It's basically seventy five years last year, though I think it was fifty two. Yeah, seventy five year anniversary last year, and now it's seventy six years since nineteen forty eight.
Back about forty two years ago, you discovered what was called the nuclear access? What is that?
The nuclear access? When I was thirty two and well compliant, Earth was a newsletter, wasn't even a newspaper magazine for twenty years, I started. What happens. It's hard to explain to s George, But somehow instead of becoming a doctor like my dad and my uncle and so on. When I shifted over, literally the same day I was taking Closs to the Columbia and coming back where I was living in Queen's, New York, I walked into a bookstore, get the Astrology of the State stage science. This is not something I'm controlling, you know. It's like being dieted and I have had unbelievable dreams and visions, and I consider myself extremely psychic. But I don't mean looking at a crystal ball. I'm using the word psychic, meaning psychology, the power of the mind, and having dreams and visions and precognitive dreams. Like my whole life. Somehow or another, everything was directed, you know, for me to get into this field and do it to the best of my ability. And that has a lot to do with these sort of vast discoveries and out planets like Euranus, Neptune, Pluto. By the way, what the astronomer didn't say, Galileo actually discovered Neptune in sixteen twelve, okay, but he didn't know that it was Nepten. Neptune wasn't discovered until the astronomer said, September twenty third, eighteen forty six. Galileo drew these pictures of what he thought was like a star in I think it was December sixteen twelve. And he's the one who discovered the four main moons of Jupiter and did so many other things Gallea, and then then he lost track of it. He saw one more time in the beginning of the following year sixteen thirteen, and he wrote about it, but he didn't know it was a planet. Otherwise Neptune would have been discovered in sixteen twelve rather than eighteen forty six. And Uranus didn't get discovered till seventeen eighty one when America went it's worth independence. Can you imagine if we had discovered this planet twice as far away as you're honest, which had the biggest shot in seventeen eighty one and is connected to the industrial age and science and invention shots and surprises. So it's just amazing that certain people find something but they don't know what they're finding, and if they if it wasn't asked, I mean, it would have been unbelievably incredible for Galileo to have discovered Neptune. He saw it, he just didn't know what he saw.
Well, they just didn't have the right equipment. But for what they did have, they did amazing work, didn't they.
Yeah, if James Webb or how old we're around in sixteen twelve, and it's just amazing that the astronomy and telescopes are really an area because of James Webb is infrared, that's one vibration below the color red. I've studied this a lot, about the electromagnetic spectrum. I believe they very much. And I can never prove this that at some point somebody like a Mitio taku with somebody like that, because they believe in the same thing, just like spiritual work that I do or study. I have studied of different great teachers like Rudolf Steiner, Edgar Casey. Of course you've had, you know, John Hogue, You've had so many times, great teacher about Nostra Damas, you know, really probably the greatest astrologer researcher ever in our history. So all of these unusual people have these different gifts. So we're anyone now, we're all, as they say, standing on the shoulders of giants.
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