Hour 4 - The Real Luck of the Irish

Published Mar 21, 2025, 10:00 AM

Ben Maller talks about the Boston Celtics selling for $6.1 billion and what happens next after the sale, Bronny James ranting about not being a robot amid criticism, Coop's Scoop on Entertainment, Sports Jeopardy, and more!

Here we go tipping the balance of power. It's the original recipe podcast. Don't forget the Ben Mather Show. When you're done with this hour, go over and download that fifth hour podcast. Man, that would be cool, God, that would be neat. Fifth Hour podcast will be up shortly this morning, a new episode, and it'll be available wherever you get your podcast. But here an hour number four on this Friday morning. Can you put the record breaking sale of the Boston Celtics into context? Also, what happens next in the NBA after the Celtics sale, Plus Bronnie James was whining and moping, ranting about not being a robott amid all the criticism, do you have empathy for the spawn of bron We'll talk about that and more. Give it up to hour four. Have a great weekend. Don't forget new podcast all weekend, every day. We don't go away. The pod is open today, fifth hour, Saturday, fifth Hour, Sunday, fifth Hour.

It's all coming your way.

But right now, our number four, the Real Luck of the Irish. Welcome in the beginning of another hour of the Ben Malors Show. We are in the air everywhere, hand in glove as the audio storm has passed.

We think it's been a zany night.

Coast to coast, border to order and beyond into the wee hours of the morning on the mast and ludicrously powerful microphones of fsre amminating live from the griddle as we have been flipping burgers all night long. We're broadcasting live from the tay Raq dot com studios.

Tyraq dot com will help you get.

There in unmatched selections, re shipping free road hazard protection and over ten thousand recommended installers tyro raq dot com the way tire buying should be. I know, the Nature boy who's doing the day night doubleheaders, did a little rare and appropriate daylighting as we call it those of us that are night people daylighting yesterday and Nature White was able to hear hear that he's back with us today as well.

And college basketball.

Yeah, doing this thing here, another full day of collegiate basketball. We will talk about that as we work our way through the rest of this hour, but I'm not going to lead with that. There's a story that I don't don't bear the lead. I find this story fascinating and I think you'll agree that it's out of pro bouncy ball.

So bear with me. Oh pro bouncy ball, what do you doing?

But we have a new owner coming to the NBA, and oh who cares whatever? It's some aristocrat, another rich guy. Most of these owners end up buying the teams when they're in their sixties because they're like, I'm in like the not the final chapter of my life, but I've made enough money, I've worked long enough. I just want the ultimate status symbol. When I go to the Hamptons or South Beach or Beverly Hills, I want everyone to come up to me because I own Team X. So if you didn't hear about this, perhaps not the Boston Celtics, the winningest franchise in the NBA. The Boston Celtics, their ownership group, has agreed to sell the team to someone named.

William Chisholm, who goofed. I don't let me check my big board of oligarchs.

So this guy is the managing director and co founder of something called Symphony Technology Group. The price tag on the Celtics six point one bill dollars with a big so the deal was announced in the last twenty four hours. A group of investors buying the Celtics, led by William Chisholm. The franchise being sold by Irving, who actually owns the team and is his kid, Wick Grossbeck, who's been really the face of the Celtics ownership group. And so it is the largest sale of a North American sports franchise, believed to be the largest sale in the world.

For any sports franchise.

From what I was reading, the previous record was held by the NFL's Washington Redskins slash Commanders last year. So the sale, here's the thing, though it does not include the garden.

It is owned.

That arena is owned by the Boston Bruins, and the Celtics have a lease that runs through twenty thirty five, so they got another ten ten years on that lease to play at the arena. There's been a lot of chatter that they're going to leave that arena and build a arena somewhere out in the suburbs, which will likely not go over very well. Not a lot of available land in Boston proper, all right, So let us discuss the question can you put the record breaking six point one billion dollars sale price of the Celtics into the context.

Of this conversation.

So I've got good housekeeping, cockpit and chess, and we will combine all of these things together and we are gonna make the Gabba goool. We're gonna make the Gaba goool. All right, So to lead off, this is a great day if you're rich, if you're Richie rich, you're now Richie Richie rich, if you know what I mean. The NBA owners, the one percenters who own these NBA teams, are strutting around like peacocks.

All right. This always happens.

Right, anytime a team is sold for a record amount. But this is next level, right And by the way, Peacock is also going to be a TV partner of the NBA next season. It is a massive overpay, massive overpay considering that no arena or ownership of a team network is included. You're not, as we said, you're not getting the arena of the Celtics plan.

They don't own it. They lease it.

And they own part of NBC Sports Boston, which is my favorite TV station in Boston because it is the home of the TV show Benny Versus the Penny. But Wick Grossbeck and the family think about the investment here. They they invested three hundred and sixty million dollars to purchase the Celtics. The team has now been sold for six point one billion.

That is a.

One thousand, five hundred and ninety four per sent profit. Of course you gotta pay taxes and all that, but this is a ginormous financial bonanza.

Is the word I will use for the.

For the owners, as everyone in the NBA is going to see their franchise values go up. I said, well, it's it's it's a unique situation because the Celtics are at the very top of the food chain in the NBA.

But for the green team fan, it's complicated.

So like if you're a rich person, it's easy, but if you're a fan, it's complicated.

Here's why. After a minutes.

Long Mallard deliberation, good housekeeping, as we understand it, the Celtics were sold. The plan was made a couple of years ago to sell the team. They they talked about it about a year ago.

But the team was.

Sold because the Grosspec family simply does not want to pay the bill, the luxury tax bill. The small market I say that in air quotes all market NBA teams. We're able to get together and change the by laws of the NBA to try to screw over the teams like the Celtics, the Clippers, the Lakers, the Knicks, who spend a lot of money and so they have this like like aprins, you know, and who can't get into too much of that because my eyeballs will start bleeding. But the Celtics are expected to have a four hundred and forty five million dollars salary and tax penalties next season.

Now that's four hundred and forty.

Five million for a basketball team that has roughly fifteen players on it, and the number likely will go above five hundred million when they fill out the roster. So the ownership changing of the guard here is not gonna happen till twenty twenty eight. So my theory on this, let me give you my hypothesis is that in the transitional period, the gross Back family will be the bad cop and they're gonna have to clean house a little bit. Now, they're not gonna get rid of Jason Tatum, but Jalen Brown bye bye, he's in danger. Average Al Horford. They're gonna trim some of the excess, some of the really unique features of this Celtic team, and those guys will enter the transfer portal, and I would expect a reshuffling of resources in Boston because he either get rid of some of the big contracts now or you do it later.

And I would.

Assume the new owner wants to come in as like the conquering hero, and he's from.

The Boston area.

And so if you have the outgoing ownership group rip the team apart, then the new owner comes in there, it's like, Okay, we'll all clean it up.

I'll clean up the mess. Good cop, bad cop? All right now.

Furthermore, so, what happens next in the NBA after the Celtic sale.

So I've figured this out.

I've looked at the timeline, I've looked at the map, and there is a message coming out of the cockpit. The message is flight attendants.

Prepare for takeoff. Prepare for takeoff, and this clears the runway for takeoff. I'm talking about expansion. Can we say SuperSonics? Can we say SuperSonics?

There have been blueprints under lock and key for a while now. The tentative plan has been to bring back the Seattle NBA franchise and Las Vegas.


I talked to somebody a while back that is connected who believes that when Seattle does get the team back, they will call it the SuperSonics that they're working out. They've kind of worked out the tentative agreement between the owners of the Thunder and they'll.

They'll work all that out or it has been tentatively worked out.

We'll see if that happens or not Las Vegas, but that will be the next phase. Now that the Celtics sale is done. They've set this ungodly amount for the Celtics at six point one billion, so now they can add teams thirty one, team thirty two. We're talking about three or four billion to get a seat at the table to buy an NBA expansion team, and that's straight cash. That money is divided to all the poverty franchises in the NBA. Everyone gets a slice of the pie because when you're an expansion team, they're gonna have to cut up the league ride league wide revenue from media deals in merch and those expansion teams will get a giant check every year from being part of the paternal order of the.

Cartel of Basketball.

It is also interesting to note that another one of my guys who I text with pointed out that this will set Lebron up because expansion is still going to be several years away. So Lebron can play a couple more years, and then he's got a piece of that Finway Sports group and they want their tentacles in the Vegas franchise, and so Lebron can be the point man for that team.

And Seattle's a little more disjointed.

There's a lot of rich people, the costco groups in Seattle. There's a lot of internet companies in Seattle. So we'll see what happens with that. Now, last thing, speaking of Lebron, A number of you idiots did you see Bronni did?

Were you? Did you see what Bronni did? Ranting?

And so there's no one was watching this because college basketball is going on.

But the Lakers played the Bucks and.

Bronnie James had seventeen points on seven of ten shooting, his greatest night in the NBA. Bronnie James seventeen points and people celebrating this. Bronni's arrived, right, Brownie's arrived. Yeah, I point this out. Bronnie James commented prior to the game. He said, of all the criticism that he's gotten, he said that you know, scrutiny and all that he gave the money quote, he says, I see everything that people are saying, and people think I'm an effing robot, like I don't have any feelings or emotions.

So Bronnie James ranting.

About not being a robot amid all the criticism, Do you have any empathy for Bronnie James after he scored seventeen points in a regular season NBA game.

So I'll go first here, and I'm shaking my head. No.

My eyes are closed and I'm shaking my head no. And I'm gonna get a headache if I keep doing this. But this is one of the great shakedowns in the history of the NBA. You can't rip Bronnie jamesy at seventeen points. Do you want to bet Bronnie James played twenty nine minutes fifty three seconds. You want to take a guess what his plus minus was? He must have had a good plus minus ready. He had seventeen points, seven of ten shooting. He had five assists and a few rebounds. Okay, reveal answers. Bronnie James playing twenty nine minutes and fifty three seconds while he was on the court.

The Lakers were outscored.

By thirty six points in his greatest night in the NBA, the team was outscored by almost forty points while he was on the court. And dumb dumbs, these schmanders, Well, Bronny was so good.

Come on, Bronni is the trophy.

Of Lebron, Lebron it's his masterpiece, right playing three D chess.

Bronnie James, He's just a pawn. He's just a pawn.

And Lebron strong arm, Genie Buss and Rob Polinka, and they gave Bronnie James a four year contract for almost.

Eight million dollars.

And if you look at all the numbers across the board, Bronnie James is in the bottom percentile in every category. But he's got a guaranteed contract for four years because his dad pulled up.

Doesn't I know.

It's not you know, other dads do the same thing and all. It's just it wasn't supposed to be like that.

In the NBA, and it is. It is the Ben Mahlor Show.

As we are rolling on through the overnight out early morning hours, if you would like to be part of this eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven, seven.

Nine, nine, six sixty three six nine. Also on the X Machine.

You can send a message in Do that right now, boy, that would be great, and we'll read a lot of your comments on the air. You can send it in right now here of Ben Mallor on X. That's Ben Mahlor on X. We'll take your calls. Also coming up later this hour, Sports Jeopardy and Straight Ahead the Coop Scoop on Entertainment. Hooray for Hollywood, Hooray for Hollywood.

We'll get to all that and we will do it neck.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Mallor Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Bill Miller and you. It is the Ben Mahler Show. Up all night every night, working that third shift. Welcome getting up early, trying to get that jump on the traffic.

We're here for you. Or you just.

Can't sleep, you got insomnia, you got up, go to the bathroom. Nobody beats the whiz in the middle of the night and turning.

On that audio device.

Got some good photos overnight, guys driving on dark country road out in the middle of Nowhere, Arkansas, Oregon. We love our truck drivers keeping commerce moving and you get interacts. Say hello to Ben at Ben Mallor at Ben Mallor on.

The X machine.

Loreena FSR Tech Queen. She'll be hanging out with the Ducks this weekend. Not the Mighty Ducks, the Ducks, the Geese and Coople Loop Uh Bronco Fan. That's uh Bronco Fan and Coop will have the Kop Scoop on entertainment coming up shortly.

We'll also have Sports Jeopardy. Yeah, I know you're excited. Calm down. I'll be coming up later as well. I know, all right.

Screwge writes in He says, Ben, when will your bosses learn that your you are Fox Sports Radio? They'd actually probably have to listen. They probably have to listen. Uh And if they listen, they might actually tell me not to do certain things. So I'm glad they don't listen.

You know, Bet, I was thinking we should invite them in one night to come and hang out with us.

Yeah, I'm good, you know, I'm good.

Remember my goal of the rain when we when I first met you, Remember I told you my goal every day is to do the show and not get a phone call when I wake up, Hey, call me. When you get that text, Hey, when you wake up, call me. I don't want that text.

I hate those texts.

Yeah, Mike the Leprechaun says, Blobfish named fish of the Year in twenty twenty five.

That's from from.

Your Mom's a blobfish chaun.

Okay, come come there, there's a battle, there's a there's a little bit of tension.

Definitely a little tension there.

Tom says, what about that classic Wally Bachman Ryan, Yeah, that's solid.

I didn't have it on my big board, Tom all time, like top ten big board. I don't do lists, but I didn't have that. I know Terry's goes. Who you do days in a row? I don't. I don't understand stop burg Dogs has been.

If you ignore all of Brownie's stats and it's terrible plus minus every game, you realize he still sucks. Well said well, said alf Or, a Ferg dog brother. Why I confused alf and Fergdug. It's a bad job. It's a bad job of me. Let's go the phones again. It is a call in show. And who do we have any meany miny Moe pick a caller by their name. Well, let's say hello to uh who do we have here? How about we go to Mark on the North End. Hello, Mark on the North End, Welcome.

Good morning, Benny.


So, before I make my comments on Bronie James, I would like to stay on hold for the game show after. If that's possible, I'll put you.

I can't, I can't guarantee it, but I'll put you on hold, and it's possible.

How about that, Foster.

I appreciate it. So, yeah, Ronnie James, you know I have no empathy. I have no sympathy. I don't feel bad for the kid because if it wasn't for him being Lebron's kid, he wouldn't be a blip on the raid on screen.

Well, he wouldn't be in the NBA right now. He was. He was terrible in college and it would have had to go to the minor leagues, to go to Europe or something like that.

But what did he as seven points per game? In college?

Well, I think it was even worse than that. His last year. He was a backup. His last year in college he wasn't even a starter.

And he is a perfect case of getting what you got because of somebody else.

Yeah, it is, And I know what happens in every business and all that, but we were always taught, at least I was that it was supposedly a meritocracy and it was different and you earn it, you're not giving it in basketball, and it also well that's all I was.

Brought up then, and you don't get it unless you wear it.

Yeah, exactly exactly. But to be fair, I mean it is a case. You see this all the time.

Mark, how many of these coaches and gms are the sons of guys that coached or played in Like in football, you got Kyle Shanahan his dad, Mike Shannan, you got Sean McVay his grandfather was like some big shot for the forty nine ers.

So it's like it happens whole the time. But this was just like Blake but Blaye.

Mike Shanningan, Mike Shannahan was a good coach. And you know what I think, so is Kyle.

Yeah he's done all right. Not in big games though that had got so well for you.

Yeah all right, hold on a second, Mark, We'll see if we can figure out how to get you on there. Let's go to Andrea that we've had a crazy night. There have been a lot of weird things. We thought there might be some kind of cosmic event that we.

Don't know about.

Uh, I'm not sure, but let's check in with the astrology lady of this.

We smoked her out, We got she was.

Gonna take a bath, and we we made sure she called in here to give us the inside information. Is there a cosmic event that we don't know about that has paused the loony tones to call in here?

Yes, you know, Virgo and Service. When I heard that, it's like, you know, I'm really there for my clients and for you and your show, and it's like I'll call in I'll put your mind at ease. And basically, the full moon lunar eclipse, we feel it several days before and several days after. So that said, we're still feeling the energies of the full moon lunar eclipse. Just it was March fourteenth, and that was Steph Curry's birthday. He had the lunar eclipse on his son and Pisces on his birthday. He just got injured. I don't know if you heard that.

Oh yeah, I did see it.

Well, they said he had fatigued or he was tired or something like that.

So we're still seven days.

Later, correct, We're still feeling it. And yesterday was the well basically spring equinox, which is sun and aries, so that gets a little impatient and things speed up. And we have mercury retrograde, remember that, the little fly in the ointment March fourteen to April seventh, And we also have venus retrograde, which is a lot more rare, but venus is how you relate to people and relationships and finances, and that will be retrograde till the twelfth of April, so we have about another month of that. So it's been really tricky with a lot of planets retrograde, the full moon lunar eclipse, so we have to give ourselves kind of patients. We're still feeling the intense energies and you know, it's just normal to kind of act out and not quite know, you know, exactly what's going on.

Well, we have been, We've been feeling it.

Man, this is like a cosmic accident on this on this show tonight.

It's been pretty crazy. So well, thank you for the update and appreciate that. Get back to the bathtub. Okay, oh yeah, go.

All on the journey together.

So's right care, All right there she is phenomenal.

Yet again, she never disappoints our friend Andrea, the astrology lady from Berkeley. Let's let's say the Blind Scott emailed me and said, I'm not calling. I spent thirty five hours on hold this week and Fred Touchers off the morning show today in Boston, so I'm not calling your show.

And I Scot.

Hey, you know Blind Scott the most famous person ever from the North End, next to Tony DeMarco, the famous boxer. His record was fifty eight twelve and one. He was kind of a shorter guy.

I know him.

A good friend of mine passed away. You know a few years back. He was like one of those tomato cans they would put in and he would just get wiped out at the end, kind of like you know, remember Peter McNeely.

He was.

I do remember Peter McNeilly.

Yeah, oh yeah, people know him better. Yeah. Yeah. He fought Tyson Peter McNeilly. I think, if you.

Want to call it a fight, he was.

It wasn't very long and he was the creampuff in that in that situation.

Yeah, yeah, you know, I'm going to Vancouver for the meet. I'm just going to drive up there. As close to Boston. You know you had a over the border. I don't want to go through t s A. I don't want no trouble with.

It's about as far away from Boston you can literally see the Pacific Ocean.

No, that's pretty, coach. You just drive them Ontreal.

You drive to watch you all and drive another I don't know. Two thousand miles and.

My girlfriend my girlfriend, No, my girlfriend's Canadians. Dude, Fred, he's so Fred. Maybe he's listening now, Fred Toucher.

He's going he's not listening. Is his day off? I guarantee Fred Toucher is not listening.

No, he's listening right now. He's going to be a pretty's driving that, I swear.

I just he's away. Where's he going? You were such a stalker.

Oh you know, I'll tell you. He's going to Jupiter and he should drive north to Port Saint Lucy. His kid pitches at a school, press school. He's really good. He's going to pitch in the in the majors. You had to Fred had a batting cage in his back.

Okay, all put him on.

I don't want to hear I mean, as much as I want to hear Fred, I don't want to hear Fred Toucher. So let's go to Whoopy Pie Blair. Now that's a legend. Whoopee Pie Blair in the State of Man. He actually put down.

The TikTok to call the show. Hello, will be Pie Blair.

Huh I put down the TikTok show.

That's a joke.

Oh you you're still on TikTok while you're calling the show.

Uh no, I did put it down. You're right. I did. Just now. I just got out of bed a little bit ago, so I'm not like quite a week.

Okay, you want to go back to sleep, we'll put your back on hold if you want.

No. No, No, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. Huh call you're not though, gotcha?

Oh man, I don't think I can do the rest of the show.

Cooba is funnier than heck. He knows you're a lamo. How many Bushways have you had recently? I've had like almost four or five and a half. Oh my god.

That explains it.

Very impressive, very impressive. You know it.

You can't tell anybody that besides me, my mom would be pissed. The other night that was like night before last, Thursday night, not Thursday but Wednesday night. But hey, you know, Ben Mawer, you are. You are pretty good at what you do.

Now you just call me a lamel. Now you're trying to kiss my ass. You just ripped me and now you're trying to make up for it. I know what you're doing. You're like, you're like bipolar man? Are you like bipolar man? We're getting goofy player. We're getting Blair has many personal eyes. This is goofy Blair. We're getting goofy kind of drunk Blair is what we're getting. Neurotic player.

I'm not drunk yet. I'm not drunk yet.

You seem very anxious. For some reason. You're twitching a little bit.

I don't know when you started your career doing what you do for radio. Then you got your podcast. When I start my podcast, it's gonna take me a while to get where you're at. Right.

Oh no today?

Oh man, you can you can cut me off at the pass right there. You know you're you're Blair. Everyone's going to be listening to your words. Can you imagine? What are you gonna call your podcast? It's a Blair in.

The d.

Podcast, it's said, and it's gonna be twenty five bucks.

Wait, wait, you're charging people to listen to your podcast?

Yeah, twenty five bucks?

All right. I hope your mom will pay for it.

You know she will. Everybody will. That's pretty cheap. I got people saying they would.

Yeah. Those people are idiots, that's what they are.

Man, you're so you know you are?

You're a mama luke about that?

Shut up?

Oh yeah, you want to go outside? You're bragging, muffin. We'll go outside.

Yeah, I'm outside. Put you in a freaking headlock and you're done.

Well. You were actually a TV character from an old old show back in the night. You're a You're a big dummy.

You you're a fraud.

You know what you are? You're a blockhead?

How about that blockhead?

Yeah, you're one of these dogs I have with your dons. You there, you go, look at here. He's a dummy, Ben Mauer. Dummy, just kidding, not.

Just to verify what Andrea was saying is not man. You know what you are. You're a sugar, that's what you are. But Sugar, you don't know what that? Yeah, I knew you're you're a parasite? How about that?

Do help me?

No, I can't see all this a little from the TV.

Oh ship, Okay, thank you? Bye? All right? Should I dump that? Yeah?

You know it's Friday.

Figure Blair's on long enough. Eventually he's gonna slip up. That's why people will be paying twenty five dollars for his podcast. If Blair gets people to pay twenty five dollars for his podcast, I am going to jump into the abyss, is what I'm going to do. Okay, do you understand that I am going to jump into the Grand Canyon. If he's getting twenty five dollars for people to listen to his podcast, well, let's get over to a man that doesn't need to get paid right now. Let's say hello to the Kooper Loop, the Coop Scoop on Entertainment, Horebra, Holly.

Horebra, Holly Cooper.

Thank you, Ben.

I feel a little bit thrown off because I don't have my normal U bos Sell. Yeah, yeah, but that's okay. I don't know what happened to him.

Miselle must be over in New Jersey with the famly.

So I'm going to very briefly talk about a couple new movies that are out this weekend. And the reason I'm going to say briefly is because I believe that both of these movies are.

Going to be very bad.


Yeah. So the first one is, of course, Disney snow White.

There's been lots of controversy surrounding this movie and the main character that plays snow White.


The early reviews are not good, and I just I don't I don't see people, uh people going to see this, but who knows. I could be wrong. I'm interested to see how it does. I won't be seeing it, well, isn't Uh this is like the woke snow White.

It seems to me like even they are embarrassed by it. Now. I guess they're trying to I heard, Yeah, they like complaining. They're not promoting it.

They didn't do like a big red carpet, the kind of thing that like they were going to do, And I guess.

They didn't get the pulse of the people in America. Yeah, looking for a woke snow White bad job by Mickey Mouse.


Yeah, it should should be interesting to see how fame.

Will that be worse than when they remember the the all female Ghostbusters was remember that?


That wasn't was that? I don't think that was Disney though, but no, it wasn't.

But it was still a disaster.


Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how much money they lose on this. Another movie that is out this weekend, and it's it's because I just saw the trailer for this for the very first time, like last week, and then it's already it's already out in theaters. It's the latest Robert de Niro Mafia movie. It's called The Alto Knights, and he plays two separate characters in this movie with the use of prosthetics and whatnot, so he has a lot of scenes with himself. The reviews are not good early on. It's got a thirty eight percent right now on Rotten Tomatoes. And one of my best friends already saw the movie and he said, and I quote, that was the most boring mob movie ever.

That's okay, Yes, I mean they've been I feel like they stopped making good mob movies a while ago.

What was the last good mob show? The Sopranos.

That's not a movie that was just it yeah, I mean last night.

That's a long time. That's like twenty years probably at least.

I don't know the last good mob movie was.

It's been been a while.

Uh, you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna go and I'm gonna say that Departed, I.

Mean, where was that? This has been a while.

Yeah, that has been a long time.

Scorre Ses He came out with that one on Netflix, but I just I couldn't even get through it.

Two thousand and six was The Departed.

Yeah, it's almost twenty years ago. Yeah, yeah, right, it's funny graduated price years ago.

All right.

Moving on to television now, there's a couple shows out this weekend and they're all available right now that I well, most of them. First one that I want to bring up is a new series called Happy Face and this is on Paramount Plus and it stars Dennis Quaid as the real life serial killer Keith Hunter Jessperson, aka the Happy Face Killer. It is an eight episode Paramount Plus original and the first two episodes are available right now, and then the rest will come weekly. And then we also have a new show on Netflix called The Residents. Now they're saying what they're calling this is a screwball who done it? Kind of like like if it was Knives Out the White House edition? Okay, yes, and this one has got Uzzo Aduba from Orange's New Black starring in it as the lead detective. Gean Carlo Esposito also stars in this one, and Al Franken also.

Oh he's still around. Yeah, okay, So.

All eight episodes of that are available on Netflix right now. That is called The Residents. And then last but not least, if you want to wait till Wednesday, there is a new comedy premiering on Apple TV Plus. It is called The Studio and it stars Seth Rogan.

Where is that?

There? We go?

It stars Seth Rogen as the head of an aging Hollywood movie studio that is struggling to stay relevant in the streaming area in the streaming era. Kaffern O'Hara also stars Kafron Hahn. And it's gonna get a lot of cameos from people playing themselves like Martin Scorsese and Charlie's.

They're on Ron Howard and all that. Okay, And that is on appatvplus and that is Coopscoop on Entertainment.

All right, thank you for that. Koube you don't have the right team on the court.

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It is I Bill Miller and you are you?

The Ben Malors Show, Rolling On, Rolling On, and don't forget when this show ends, the podcast we'll be going up right after the show. Podcasts will be going up also Fifth Hour Podcast all weekend long, everyday new podcast.

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It's America's most popular game show.

Get Out here Sports Jeopardy.

Do you know what a nipple defense is?

How about penetration?

Do you know how to get good penetration? This is Fox Sports Radio and now here's your host, Ben maller Man.

We will play sports Seopardy.

I just wanted to mention day two of the tournament today, and I'm gonna give you an upset special. I was checking out the lines over on DraftKings Sportsbook Grand Canyon and Maryland. Maryland is favored by ten and a half, and I'm gonna take Bryce Drew, that's the coach at Grand Canyon, and I'm gonna take Grand Canyon plus the ten and a half.

I can check out all all.

The numbers over there on DraftKings Sportsbook and they get the latest information. But let's welcome in our participants for this edition of sports Jeopardy.

We have let's see your eeny meanie monument? Do we have our guy in the north end? Still is he still there? Mark? See? All right?

Mark, You're gonna play. And we have Nick on I ninety five. Hello, Nick, Welcome?

What up? Bill? All right? That's Ben and you gentlemen, your name is your buzzer. The category we'll just do one category. We have double dippers.


These athletes won both an NCAA championship.

And an NBA championship. Gentlemen, your name is your buzzer. Good luck. Two hundred dollars.

This point guard led Michigan State to an NCAAA title in nineteen seven.

Mark pratic Johnson.

That is correct, all right? Four hundred dollars. Also the Lakers in the eighties, four hundred dollars. Well, you're gonna You're gonna really hate this category.

As known as the Wizard of Westwood Star pupil, This center won NCAA titles in seventy two and seventy three with UCLA, and NBA.

Championship with the Nick.

No What, NBA championships with the Trailblazers and the Boston Celtics.

I'm gonna Mark, Mark, I'm gonna go with Bill Walton.

That is correct.

The Big redeat Bill Walt. Rest in peace, Bill Walton. Six hundred dollars. This player known as Big Game.

He was a forward. He won a college title with Michael Jordan.

And the Tar Hills at North Carolina, but he would go on to be part of the Showtime Lakers and win three championships in the nineteen eighties.

Anybody, oh man, how soon we forget? He wore goggles? No, all right, Mark.

Kareem abdul Jabar. I like that.

You were very confident and you're wrong.


James Worthy, James big game, James Worthy, after all right? Eight hundred dollars, last one.

This center forward went back to back NCAA titles with the Florida Gators in.

The mid two thousands. He finally won his first NBA title with the Boston's Nick God, damn title? Is it damn one? With the Celtics last season at age thirty seven. It was it was Al Horford. All right, nobody wins. We're all losers. We're all losers. Have a great weekend.

The Ben Maller Show

When the moon comes out, Ben Maller emerges with the most compelling overnights in sports talk radio 
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