Hour 2 - A Giant Snafu

Published Nov 21, 2024, 11:41 AM

Ben Maller talks about Giants players grumbling over Daniel Jones being benched over money, Drew Lock not being happy with the Giants passing him over for Tommy DeVito, Adam Schefter revealing he broke NFL news while in bed with a woman, Maller to the Third Degree, and more!

Here we go. Welcome, It's our number two. It's a dime store hour all about Danny Dimes. Giants players are grumbling. They're not happy because Daniel Jones has been benched over money. Give me your Riakshan Jones, one of the worst quarterbacks in the NFL year in and year out. Also true Locke, he's upset with the Giants passing him over to make Tommy DeVito QB number one. Do you feel bad for him about that? And Adam Schefter has revealed that he broke NFL news while doing the Dipsy new while he was in bed with a woman. Do you find this significant? Many of you do. Apparently we'll talk about that and more right now here. It is our number two. A giant snaffo welume in the beginning of another hour of the Ben Mahlor Show. It's piping hot right out of the oven. It doesn't get any fresher than that. We are in the air everywhere, Kindred spirits as we do the Malormombo coast, the coast porter to border in beyond on the mast and blisteringly powerful microphones of fsr ammating live from the lounge. The loquacious lounge as we are broadcasting live from the tyrac dot com studios. Tyract dot com will help you get there in unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended in stars. Tyrac dot com the way tired buying should be. I'm laughing. There's something that I found very amusing. But our lead this hour you might have heard it, maybe you didn't. Our lead this hour is from Jersey. The shrapnel is still flying in the air everywhere from the decision to unceremoniously demote Daniel Jones, the demotion heard round the football world. Now, if you've not been paying attention, there's a lot of angst is the word I will Here's a lot of angst about this move. Some of it is just your standard. That's my teammate. I'm standing by my teammate. There's some of that. Now. There are several, though, comments that have gone over the top, next level off the record comments. For example, one New York Giants player who did not put their name on it, said, quote of the Giants franchise, we're not idiots, he said, of the players. They did it, meaning the front office because of money. But he's been all class, meaning Daniel Jones never complained and is now being disregarded. The angry players stated, the team record is bad, he said, you can point fingers everywhere. To try to blame him is trash, the player said, and making him third string is weak as f How about fourth string? There's a report that he's fourth string. Now, that is just one of many I cherry picked that comment, but there are many other comments you can look up on your own there from the Giants locker room players very critical of the move. So let us discuss the question. The Giant players grumbling, rumbling and stumbling and grumbling over Daniel Jones being benched over the money and saying it's essentially playing. It's not his fault. Can you give me your reach shaw? All right, So I've got Bob Ross, junior high school play and multi tasking, multitasking. We'll combine all of these things together and we'll provide a pipe in fresh sports update for you. All right, So, numb, that was one of the funniest things that I've heard in a while.

Anyway, n Burn, Yeah, did not know, did not know that Daniel Jones was cut out of the same cloth as Patty Mahomes or Josh Allen or regular season Lamar Jackson.

I had no idea. So the Giant player's position seems to be anarchy, no justice, no peace for Daniel Jones, who was mind blowingly terrible as quarterback for their football team. Now, are these guys out of their bloody minds? I wonder boo hoo who? The story is equally pathetic and it is a sign of the times. And here's why the Giant players are going bob ross is what they're here. They're painting with a broad brush, and they're painting Daniel Jones as some kind of victim in this story. They're wallowing in victimhood because the Giant said, Daniel, we're gonna pay you your full salary, but we don't want you to play quarterback anymore because you suck. And so that's part of the problem. Now, if you base it on the eyeball test, right, if you base it on any measurable data that we have Daniel Jones not only a quarterback, he's terrible, right, and he absolutely deserved to be betch to you have an idea how bad he's been. The numbers don't tell the whole story. But they tell most of it. Daniel Jones is the thirty third ranked quarterback in the NFL. He is worse than Will Levis and Andy Dalton and Gardner Minshew and I go down pretty much everybody. The only quarterbacks that have been worse than Daniel Jones have been Mason Rudolph, Jacoby Burssett, Cooper Rush, Bryce Young, and Anthony Richardson. He's pretty much on par with DeShawn Watson. But it's not fair. He's not right bench, Daniel Jones. What's wrong with you? You're a meeting. You're a big bad meeting. Shame on you, that's what they're saying. What a bunch of dopes, No wonder the Giants suck at everything. That's the mindset of the locker room. What an embarrassment. I'd get rid of the entire team if I own the Giants. And that was the reaction. It's ridiculous. Danny Dimes, let me rephrase that for those of you a little slow. Danny Dimes has been tuck us. He's been unwashed tuck us all season for the Giants. Okay, and the Giants kept waiting and we tried to tell me years ago, this guy he doesn't have it. Whatever it is, he does not have. And so Danny Dimes goes out there and the Giants are like, well, things are gonna click in the place at some point here soon, everything's gonna go click, and he click. They gave him, for reasons beyond any known logic. They gave him eighty two million more they'd already gave him the rookie contract. They gave Daniel Jones eighty two million dollars on a second contract. And since that contract, he's played sixteen games. The Giants are three to thirteen since signing that extension. The high water marker, I don't believe I'm wrong on this. At the very peak of Daniel Jones' ability, his skill set is what three thousand yards about fifteen touchdowns? You know what that is. That's nineteen eighty four NFL football, it's twenty twenty four. He's archaic to throw back to the nineteen eighties there. And there's also no internal clock, which is a big bugaboo. As again, the low information fan, the unknoledgeable fan blames the offensive line always for sacks. He doesn't have an offensive line. It's not right, they say, But yet Daniel Jones because he has a picnic lunch when he drops back to pass and doesn't know where to throw, and he's going hell l l la, la la la. He has a sandwich, he has a bag of chips, he has some juice, and then he has a little dessert and then he gets sacked and people are upset. Let's not fair the offensive light and block for him. Yeah. Now, the other part of the story which is bubbling up here, You've got Drew Lock, the former Bronco and Seattle quarterback Drew Lock, who is not happy. He's not a happy camper with the Giant front office. They passed him over. They said, we don't want you to be our QB one. Instead they made Tommy DeVito the QB one going for the Giants play the Buccaneers this weekend. So Drew Lock's not happy about this. Do you feel bad for Drew Lock? Feel bad for him? Did he get a bad break? So I do not feel bad for him. I don't. Maybe I should. Maybe I'm lacking empathy on this, I guess I am. I just don't feel bad for Drew Lock. And here's why Locke had been QB number two all season right all season and that means in practice he got a fair amount of reps and he had an opportunity to wow wow Brian Dable and the Giant coaching staff to show them his skill set in limited practice as the number two. So the Giants all season new eventually they're going to have to bench Daniel Jones because the guy can't play. And so they were preparing for this and they determined that Drew Lock has too many imperfections. Now there's something else going on here. It's like a junior high school talent show or junior high school play or whatever. Because this is a popularity contest. It is as popular contest, and the Giants know, no matter how bad it gets, they can sell the hooplaw around Tommy DeVito. It just sells itself, right, much easier to sell that to the fan base than true Locke, who's been a stiff with every team he's played for in the NFL. And here's why, right, here's why. The quarterback sister de Vito is a pisson from Jersey. Right, he's a local guy. He happens to be playing for the Giants. And you know, you go out with the fellows and eat some gabba ghoul and have a fine time there. He's Tommy Effen Cutlets. He's Tommy Effen Cutlets. That sells itself and is the veto is good quarterback. No, he's covered in warts, he's covered in moles. He smells bad. However, folk hero, he's a folk hero. Never discount the folk hero. Do not do it, do not do it? All right, final point, So we pivot to the insider crowd. The insider crowd, several of you sent this to me demanding that he got to mention on a mouth of monologue. So I will now appease you. I will pacify you with the mention. So, longtime football gossip hound Adam Schefter recently revealed that he once broke an NFL story while in bed with a woman. Do you find that significant? You find it significant that Schefter chose to share with the class that he once broke a story while making whoopee? Now shall we say, all right, so this thing went viral. If you haven't seen it, maybe you've been off social media. Good for you. So from that standpoint, it was noteworthy that Adam decided to do this. But when you take a couple of steps back, I take a couple of steps back. It's actually not shocking because Adam Schefter, much like Woges was, we got burned out and now he's got some I don't know, you know what he's doing. It's Saint Bonaventure. Some show up and tell us your WOJ and we'll pay you. But here's the thing. Adam Schefter has had unbelievable work ethic and that's why he's at the very top of his profession. So even when he's going bou chicka, wow, wow, he gets a text message and he's like, all right, I'm looking at my phone here and it's like, now the way I understand the story, And he told the story on some podcasts, but Schefter he was done with the deed. The deed was done, and it was the postgame show. So on the postgame show, you're looking at your phone. So he's doing some postgame he's looking at his phone. He sees this story. A player had been suspended for performance enhancing drugs. I believe was the story. So he does a couple of click and he clicks. He goes on social media, sends out the story and then that's it. He's juggling duty is what he's doing. But people are like freaking out. Oh, this is the most amazing thing, though I can't believe it. Oh my god. The dirty deed was done. The Devil's dance had ended for that that period of time, and he was on to his next piece of work, which was his next conquest, was breaking a story in NFL. No Harm, No foul, No harm, no foul. It is the Ben Mahlor Show. If you would like to comment on anything we just talked about and then we talked about earlier and thing we should talk about later on, you are more than welcome to join us. The lines are open at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox. Let me tell you it does not get any fresher than this show. It just doesn't. Also on X at Ben Mahlor, that is at Ben Mahler if you want to be part of said radio program, will take your calls as well. Later this hour we'll have Mallard of the Third Degree that would be coming away a little bit later. Well, Daniel Jones is on his way out. Someone else is already looking to move in with the house that Daniel Jones built. We'll talk about that and Major League Baseball's great dreams of expansion are in jeopardy. What is that all about? We'll get to it as well, and we will do it next.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Miller Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

It is Bill Miller. We are hanging out. Maller will be back here in a sec is We tell you that most people that consume the live radio program are like logs. They don't move, They just lay like a fallen tree. They just like lay there and that's it, and they never have their voice heard. Well, you can change that taking up a lo lot of gigabytes, I am told by the copy there the Ben Maler Show. Just follow Big Ben on x at, Ben Mahler, Coop Dal Loop At a Bronco Fan and Lorraina the fs R Tech Queen. It'll change your life in amazing ways. Unless it does not change your life at all, and it just helps you get through the wee hours of the morning. Things are just a little weirder in the middle of the night. But now let's get back to a man who is half man, half cow himself, Ben Maller. I heard that. I heard that, Bill, How dare you? It's a bad job by you.

Any update on your new cow, Ben?

Yeah, the malar cow. Uh No, I just saw the one photo. I'd like to see more photos, just Mike cow. I want to see more photos of the cow here. You don't think I'm being taken to the cleaners there. I mean Cowboy Drew as a man have been tegn but he did claim Cowboy Drew that there's a cow in Minnesota named Mallard. They had, they had a naming of it. Now they have to brand the cow. Shouldn't they brand the cow? Isn't that what they do?

Isn't that illegal?


Like Peter's against that?

Who cares what I'm worried about? Peter? No, you brand? And it's the term maverick is from the branding. I remember I did that on the podcast. The term Maverick relates to a guy in Texas and cattle branding. And I forget all the details and I'm giving vague references, but trust me, it does involve Maverick and branding cattle. And uh yeah, because people used to steal cattle. Now nobody better f and touch my cow. Do not touch my cow. Okay, that's my heifer. That's not your half. That's mine, my cow, the Mallard cow, some farm somewhere in the state of Minnesotall right, let's see who do we have you. Let's see a page and late night ducked as he says, Adam Schefter is just trying to make his job sound interesting. We know the real excitement is on overnight sports talk radio. Yeah, Shane from De Moines says, any updates on the Great Jay Scoop? Well, Shane, funny you bring that up. I did hear from Jay Scoop about a week ago, and he was vacating the Ukraine. Last I heard. He should be back in the States now. He was going to decompress. We invited him to come hang out with us when he's feeling better. But he had spent a good stretch of time there in the Ukraine helping their military efforts, and he burned out, as you might imagine, and he sent me a message. I think he's back, but I have not followed up, so bad job by me. Dread Pie writes and says it is not Daniel Jones's fault. Look at his high school rating. Oh wait, look at his college rating. Oh wait, okay, it was clearly Sakwan Barkley was too good. He was making Jones look bad. Oh wait, fire the GM, Fire the GM. He says, there you go. All right, a lot of the boys enjoyed yesterday's scores. We want to keep you on your toes. I we talked about this earlier. We talked about the fact that, you know, just to make sure you're listening. From time to time, will we'll put something on the air.

They are listening, Ben, they are very est are listening.

Lease proves my point, Loraina, that there's nothing the listener loves more than correcting the people in the idiot box. And we just gave them red meat, right, that's red meat in the lions then and I and this is why you're people think you know different things about it, but you're a mentally I mean, that's a genius move by Lorraine, immediately just testing to see this. Yeah, and it worked. Our little little study worked, you know, a little unscientifical study absolutely worked. So let's go to the phones. We'll say, all low to Kyle, who's in Lost Wages, Nevada. Hello, Kyle, welcome, What up?

What so?

I got a good I got a good little story for you.

Ready. So there's one time I was in a Rolex. I was sitting there talking to some of the people that work there on break and uh, in comes this beautiful blonde bomb show. Okay, beautiful. I go up to her, start talking to her. I'm like, hey, how's it going, let me get your number. I'll look over and it's the tall stud of a man's standing there with his little blonde, curly hair. I look at him and I was like, oh, man, he kind of looked like Greg Olsen. He walks off rabs a girl walks away, and I'm like, oh, is that his girlfriend? He looks back and goes, that's because I am Greg.

Olsen, and oh, I am boy, that's kind of a that's a little bit douchey. That a little douche right, I am Greg Olsen. That's a little douchey, you know a little bit.

It was actually Greg Olsen, And I'm just like, wow.

You prove that you approve of his lady friend.

There you were you she's a listen, beautiful family.

Well that that never happens. Very rarely do ex professional athletes have beautiful women in their lives, usually very ugly. Typically.

Yes, that's the first thing I came up with a nickname for myself. I'm now a thousand Island Kyle.

That's what are we going to allow? This? Are we allowing him? Loraina with likes Cheiman. She's raising her hand up.

In the air.


You can be thousand Island Kyle. If you can tell me all the seasonings that go in two thousand island dressing.

Nobody can do that. Nobody can do that.

Man, Listen, listen. I'm gonna have to re listen to the podcast from last week. We were talking about it now.

There is a slight that we did learn though that I always thought Russian dressing in thousand Island dressing were the same, but the main ingredient a little different from thousand direst No, it is so, I said, I said it was a little different. I said that. I just said that you were not listening. You're sick, you're garding water. I don't know what you got going on with their girl. I have no idea.

Hey, Lorena, Lorena, I got something.

For you ready.

So like everyone else, Yeah, not the first time I.

Call it in and talked to you.

I called you the lracle. You said, what's the loracle? A loracle is a play on words for oracle from the Matrix, the all seeing lady that sat in the kitchen. So you know you're gonna drop the base, don't worry about it. That's you. You are. You have that type of power. You can foresee things coming.

I like that.

It also kind of reminds me of the Loraxe, you know, the guy who was trying to save the trees with the big orange mustache.

Doctor Seuss book, Yes.

Brood job, green eggs, and ham Sam.

I am yeah, yeah. And then another reason why I didn't give justin you know, Coop the loop, but nickname is because he has one of the greatest My cousin actually is Michael Cooper.

So you know, really there's like a distant cousin, close cousin.

Well he's he's a second cousin. Yeah, second cousin.

Does he know who you are?


He does.

You can date your second cousin.

I don't recommend that though, it depends where.

You're a Hey, but look, hey Ben, what we gotta We gotta get some chicken fingers sometime next time you come to Vegas. Me and you chicken fingers.

Yeah, yeah, I'm all about man. I love Vegas. You know that the Thousand Island Kyle, I'm all I'm all about that.

I do, I do, I do.

Where's the top? Where's the top chicken? What's the time you gotta find the top chicken finger? But now I know there's raising canes every other mile in Vegas. But no, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why we go to Houston Hot Chicken. We go to Dave Hot Chicken.

We go to any one of these chicken places besides that place.

I just I mean, I like raising cakes, but I can get that here. I mean Dave sat Chen, I can get that here. But Vegas has unique places. That's why you gotta go some some local spots.

Go to some of the Yeah, I go some to like some of the most not known places.

Yeah, that's where you want to do you want to go those low places. That's where you want to give morena.

I'm headed to your favorite spot right now, you shop?

No, no, no, it's going to buy weed.

Yeah, I'm going to the best flowers. I'm going to the flower shop right now to go pick up some flowers. Yeah, and possibly some edible arrangements.

Okay, I thank you, Kyle, enjoy be safe. There's a Kyle next Malor meet and Greek Kyle. We're gonna go out after the meet and greet eats some chicken fingers.

That sounds like a great idea.

The Vegas Mallard meat and greet, which we'll have to wait. We gotta wait till it's like one hundred and seventy in Vegas, maybe one hundred and sixty five, but I'd rather have one hundred and seventy.

If it's one hundred and seventy, I think we should do a pool party.

Pool party. Yeah, we need one of the hotel. We have the restaurant. We can go to the restaurant, but one of the hotels to get involved in this. That would be nice. Let's see who do we have. I can't read that on the air. Eke in Roseville, Minnesota says, the Mallard cow is utterly ridiculous, utterly. A Bourbon Badger says, finally someone said what I've been saying for years. Just make the NFL helmet softer, not harder. That'll put an end leading with a head. Uh joking, not joking, bourbon badger. That's a delayed reaction from last hour's Mallard monologue. But welcome to the show.

That's where did Jorady post the podcast?

Good? I might be up? I know, well, it is bizarro world. You know, you never know what scores you're gonna get. You have no no idea. Maybe you know what I should do?

What what should you depend?

I should just do some monologue from last week to see if people realize that.

I'm that is brilliant. Right, Oh my gosh, we have them in the system.

I could just go and I have a TV show to get ready for us. I can go get ready for the TV show and then I'll just step aside and then we'll play some classic Mallard monologues. I wouldn't that be great? And we'll promoted as a classic, you know, bonus for the listener. Right, we're gonna go back into the archive.

Maybe make it a game.

People still listen to our Bell's old shows, Art Bell, the legendary, the Grist overnight host of all time Art Bell. He's been dead for years, but people still listen to his old work.

There people watch reruns all the time.

Back but TV, yes, but radio normally not. But now we have the podcast, which is technically a rerun. The podcast is a rerun, so in a way, people are consuming audio content as a rerun. When you listen to the podcast, it is a rerun, and.

If they really love it, I'm sure they listen again and again and again.

Exactly. Let's say, hello, now to go to a Walmart in Minnesota and a man who's likely eating a egg sandwich right now, Gunner in Minnesota. There's a lot of people screaming at Walmart this time of the night. Hello Gunner, Hello fan, Can.

You say your Clippers of fire and winning all the time? They've only beaten two good teams a whole month.

Tell me the good.

Well, who's the top team in the Western Conference.

Between Oklahoma City and Golden State.

Yeah, the answer is Golden State. And who's who is Golden State loss to twice this year. I'll wait for your answer. Off the air.


Yes, that is correct, the Clippers. That's right. Golden State lost twice to the Clippers, so that by the process of elimination, the Clippers run the West. That's it, Boom done, run the West. They do. They brought the West absolutely, Gunner.

Well, you're something on top, and I'll tell you they run the West, which will be.

Not this year, Gunner.

Can we do food picks? I feel like we need to do food picks? Can we do food picks? I want to address this call up. I want to make you a great call You want to be a great caller, right, Gunner. You want to be a big part of the show. You love the show. You listen to the show while you're a Walmart. I feel like we need to come up with some stick that you call it. Yes, that's how. That's how food Picks starts. I feel like we just like you calling up ripping the clippers doesn't really work because we know you don't believe that you're not sincere. Nobody nobody wants to hear Timberwolf talking to the playoffs, so that's kind of dumb. And so we need to come up with We need to come up with a bit. We got to come up with a bit. Real Talk has a bit.

All right, Well, if you want to come I take a few.

No, no, we already have Poppy for that. We don't want that. I don't are you a gambler? You betting on the games?

There have a gambling problem.

Yeah all right, well god, I mean, there's got to be something Gunner. What makes Gunner tick? What is the thing that makes Gunner tick?


Whatever you want.

Jesus, all right, who's screaming behind you? By the way, I know it sounds like you're at a bar.

Someone sounds like bumfights.

O people in here have the lunch? Yeah, okay, well I gotta go. Thank you Gunner. All right, wonderful. We're all another fantastic call from Gunner. We're all a bit dumber from that that call. Billy Madison action there, but uh well, okay, Cowboy Cowboy Killer rights and says, hey, Ben, can real talk be banned another four years? He's more annoying than nails scraping a chalkboard, says Cowboy Killer. Yeah. Yeah, Well we'll see. He keeps going down this road, he'll end up getting banned again. And he knows it. He knows he's playing with the fire. He's playing with the fire there, he knows it. Anyway, if you want to be part eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven nine nine six sixty three sixty nine, if you want to be part of the program, well, someone looking to move into Daniel jones locker, his old house there. That would be apparently Shudure saying, now every other day there's a rumor that Shoulder Sanders wants to play for the Raiders. The Colorado Star though apparently could not stop smiling at the possibility of going to New Jersey to replace Daniel Jones with the Giants. Now, whether or not Dion, the patriarch of the Sanders family, approves that or not, we do not know. The Giants will be having one of the top picks in the draft. Based on their suck bag record at this point. Shouldar Sanders is not projected to be the number one overall pick in the draft, so there's a chance. And plus Jacksonville has the currently would have the number one pick, and they already have Trevor Lawrence, who for some reason they keep giving more money to, so they're not going to draft a Quarterbactually, they get trade that pick, which opens up anyone who wants a quarterback. Tennessee, they don't have a quarterback. They're at number two, Cleveland at this moment number three, and the Giants are number four, followed by the Raiders, So those are the top five picks. In the twenty twenty five draft. That is subject to change. It is there's no lotteries. We know in football it's just based on opponents winning percentage, but it's your winning percentage and the strength of schedule of your opponent. Using all seventeen opponents and Jacksonville, they have the worst record. They've lost nine games, and they also have the worst strength of schedule. Their opponents have the worst strength of schedule, so they have win both ways. But Tennessee, Cleveland, the Giants, and the Raiders are all sitting at two and eight, so again those should a Sanders. But if your shouter Sanders, don't you have to flirt with everyone. Don't you have to just kind of play foot see with everyone just in case, you know, Bob, and weave your way through the draft process or process. I think that's how it goes, right. I think you got to you gotta do that. Say hello to Donut Kelly, who is next in Nashville, but no longer Donut Kelly, but she's still Kelly and she's on the show. Hello Kelly, be hello, Hello.

No we're not doing donuts anymore.

I bet you know how to make perfect donuts though, because you worked at the donut shops?

You probably, I actually do.

I mean, yeah, but you know how to make a mean cinnamon roll, right, yes, I do? Ben the greatest, the greatest donut of them all, the cinnamon roll.

Yeah, okay, what we're doing?

Hold on? So, yeah, Lorena, you want us to change she's no longer donut Kelly.

What do you?

I don't think you can just change your name. I can't just change my name from Lorena.

That last guy wants to be called Thousand Island guy. You know he wants that.

So what are we going to call me now?

I don't know.

If it's just happened, are you? Are you planning on working somewhere else?

I don't know.

I haven't decided yet.

Then Okay, you have enough money you don't have to work. Ok that's a weird question, but okay, yeah sure, yeah, Well most people have to work because I have to work. If I lost this job, I'd be pushing shopping carts at Costco, That's what I because I have bills.

To you could sell feet picks bend.

I will say this.

I will say this like I am a firm believer in sparkling water.

So Loreena I'm so with you on that.

Have you felt it up your nose?

It's kind of a personal question. Why that's very very rude of you to say that. Now, are you all right so key? Are you staying in Nashville? Number one? I don't know.

I've been taking a lot of trips lately. I'll say that.

All right, So you might be leaving Nashville. Yeah, listen, we got to wait to see where you settle. Then we can come up with a nickname. You're you're in between names. You're the woman with no nickname at this point. You're no longer Donut.

Kelly because you're like, I can wait, okay, you don't.

Want to just be Kelly, because I mean that you want to be man Kelly. How about how about killer Kelly? How about that she's a she's a man killer though Lorraina and come on, that's it? No, you don't you don't agree with that? No? All right, Well listen, somebody come up with a damn name, and then you want to I know Justin is probably working on that right now, Justin and Cincinnati and some of the other guys, and so we'll come up with a name for it. No, I want to know what Lorena thinks my name should be.

That's what I want to know.

I'm trying to be very artistic with it. Give me a minute.

All right, Well are we doing this in real time?


We're not digging a letter. Let me let me see here, I'll see if I can come up with something. Let's we always go initially, we always go with like, what rhymes jelly?


Jelly? Kelly? Uh, Kelly not Nelly? How about that? No, not Kelly. I bet you never heard this one. She's not smelly, she's Kelly. No, I never heard.

I've never heard ever.

Ever. Yeah, that's brand new, that's original material. Absolutely, what rhyme? What else rhymes with? Kelly? Kelly? And uh, she's she's got no belly, but she's named y know, something like that Kelly belly? That rhymes Kelly?

Didn't rhyme?

It did not, but it told the story.

It was my job, so it made sense.

But how about this hobby you? How about this one? Kelly on the Telly? How about that Kelly on the tell? Okay, does that work? Is that Kelly on the Telly?

Are you on the television?

No? It's actually she's a TV person It doesn't matter whether it's accurate or not. It's radio. Who cares it? Just yeah, even I got a TV show. Everyone gets a TV show. Come on please. Everyone's going all right, Well, thank you Kelly. You're very nice and let us know what have more to say?

No, I just wanted to say I appreciate that so much.

You guys agreed. Well, thank you, Kelly. I appreciate you. And keep us updated any new developments. Let us know, all right, Kelly on the Telly. See I thought Kelly is in telephone. You thought TV set. Oh, look at that, she's on the phone. So that was my when I said, Kelly on the Telly, it's telephone. Yes, mind blowing.

It's like, WHOA didn't even think about I can't believe.

That that shot you. Wow. What else is there that rhymes with under belly? Kelly under belly?

That doesn't really work, right, Kelly.

Maca, Velly, Kelly Melly, royal Jelly Kelly. It doesn't really work. It is Kelly Kelly Bnelly.

That's kind of Funell's Spinelli.

I like that name.

Deli Kelly from the Deli.

You gotta get a job into deli.

If she's from Delaware.

She's not from she could be. Yeah, we let's make it up. It is the Ben Mahler Show. Time now for the Insta Trivia. Bengals wide receiver Jamar Chase the first player seventy or more receptions, one thousand plus receiving yards, and twelve or more receiving touchdowns through eleven games since blank, since blank. That is the Insta Trivia. The answer. We'll get to it. We'll do it next.

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It is Bill Miller. We'll get to Mallor to the third degree coming up here, mall monetarily. But we need your help. Ben says, you have to spread the word. There is no marketing budget. You've heard the show, so you must spread the word on social media. Let people know about the Ben Malor Show and the podcast for those evil daytime people, and you can help promote and keep the show going. The pirate ship of floating and all that. Now back to Benny. All right, all right, all right, all right, Bill Miller. Time now for the Insta trivia, and we'll get to Mallard of the third degree. Here's the instant trivia. Jamar Chase of the Cincinnati football team is the first player with seventy or more receptions, one thousand plus receiving yards and twelve receiving touchdowns through eleven games. I just said a lot since blank. That is the question. What is the answer? And let's see here? Who do we have? Page down? I can't read that weed man hippie guest by Christina, Christina and Ed and Smoke Canner with us. They're up listening late Tony Graffanino from mister nice Guy alf is going with his pal Jeffrey Epstein. Is his answer? Who else do we have? Slug slug, said James jet is the way to go, masshole, Mickey says the mallard ed from Spokane going with Antonio Brown, Joe Burrowed from Stevie Meatballs, Jojoe Townzel from Rich All right, loraino, quickly, what say you? Quickly? Loray?

I think it's pretty woman.

Ben pretty woman? All right, fine answer, No, it's a Randy Moss back in oh seven, Randy Moss.

Here we go, here we gone hellout.

To the third degree. This is one big Ben gets graill goobolo.

There have been whispers suggesting that Brown's owner Jimmy has Them, could get rid of Kevin Stefanski if Cleveland were to get blown out by the Steelers on Thursday night. Ben, are you buying that Stefanski is on the hot seat?

Yes, because the owner of the Browns has a reputation of being a bit unhinged. And Kevin Stefanski was the coach of the Year in the NFL last year. But what have you done for me lately? And see the problem is the Browns continue to have to pay to Shaun Watson and he's terrible, so they need some somebody else to be the fall guy. So Kevin Stefans I think he's an average NFL coach and I like that he said he's not worried, because why would you worry. He's gonna get paid anyways, Who cares? You just get another job next So.

Vance Joseph has turned the Broncos defense into one of the top defenses in the NFL.

More Bronco propaganda.

Well now he's being talked about as a potential head coaching candidate next year. Ben, how important do you think it is for the Broncos to hold on to Joseph as the defensive coordinator.

Well, spoiler, he's not going anywhere. He was a terrible head coach before. No one's going to hire him as a head coach, So you don't rest easy. They want all the brainiac offensive nerds. That is not vance Joseph. He is not that, and so no he's He might get an interview, but he's not going to get a coaching to next Corbyn.

Burns is the best pitcher available in free agents, mister Burns, but the Orioles have insisted that they are ready to spend to keep Burns. Now, Ben, the Ools have spent the lowest Mountain Baseball during free agency over the last four seasons.

Do you think they'll actually pony up for Burns?

I do.

And here's why they have a new owner and the new When you're when you're a new owner, you want to make your mark right. You want to mark. It's like a dog urinating marking their territory. So the owner wants to urinate and mark their territory so they will pay him or somebody else. How do we make you pass? I want Loraina, I want Loreina turk I won that game, another win for me.

The Ben Maller Show

When the moon comes out, Ben Maller emerges with the most compelling overnights in sports talk radio 
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