Hour 1 - Not Hanging Around

Published Mar 25, 2025, 10:03 AM

Ben Maller talks about Puka Nacua recently saying that he plans to retire from the NFL at the age of 30, Michael Irvin saying that Aaron Rodgers is dragging out his decision to make it all about him, the latest drama with Chiefs WR Xavier Worthy, and more!

Here we go. Welcome. It's our number one of the original Recipe podcast. A happy Tuesday to you. It's the twenty fifth day of the month of March, and we are brought together again because of the podcast. And here in our number one of the original Recipe podcast, we talk all things football. Where is the malar worri ometer for Puka Nakoua leaving the Rams? He says he plans on retiring at age thirty. Also agree or disagree with Michael Irvin, the Hall of Famer says that Aaron Rodgers is dragging the Steelers' decision out to make this all about him. Also, can you unscramble Chiefs receiver Xavier Worthy and his drama arama with a woman he planned on marrying. We'll talk about all that and more right now. Give it up for our number one not hanging around, not for the long time, for the long run.

Welcome in, not beginting, Come another night of the Bad Balor Show. We are in the air everywhere like teammates as we are, a cut above coast to coast, border to border and beyond on the mast and satisfyingly powerful microphones of fsre emmating Lie, good Lie.

From the classroom. We're always learning new things as we are broadcasting live from the tyraq dot com studios. Tyraq dot com will help you get there and unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road hazard protection and over ten thousand reck a man An installers tyraq dot Com The Way Tire Buying Show B And we're back at it the day night doubleheader. And I know that a number Terran England, the long Suffering Cowboy Fan, and a bunch of others that were with me on the daytime, the rare and appropriate daytime show that we did earlier locally, and now we're back at it here on the overnight. Now. I didn't get the memo. I'm fullid Floyd Mission. I didn't get the memo. We're supposed to talk about some women's basketball player that got hurt. I don't know her name, but you got hurt. Apparently I didn't get that memo. So I think we're gonna go with football, because people actually watch that sport even the offseason. It's fascinating, it's an amazing thing. And so there was a story. A number of you pointed this out to me, and I'd heard about it hours ago, and many of you were very concerned. You thought, well, let me let me bust Malors balls here because you know there's a team that I like, and uh, the top offensive player for that team has now made a bold statement. So if you didn't see it, you don't know what I'm talking about. Here. Our lead is from the NFL this hour and poo pooking occur the breakout star last couple of years for the Rams. He has become a wide receiver number one. He really been outstanding the NFL career, really just just getting started. Uh, and he's been great. But the wide receiver has already announced he is thinking about retirement. Say why, uh yeah, So if you didn't see this, and maybe not, maybe you were busy doing stuff. So Pooga Inkua said he wants to have a big family. So I think most people that have a big family normally have to keep working. Usually is that usually out where you gonna feed him, But not if you're in the cartoonish world of the NFL. So Pooka's got it all planned out. He wants to have a big family, so I guess no birth control, and then he wants to check out of the NFL. Not live, but of the NFL at age thirty, got that all figured out. He's ready to go all right. Nikoo entering his third NFL season with the La Rams, and he has been outstanding so far. Speaking on some dopey podcast that had about two listeners, Puga Toakua said the following. He explained that he wants to follow a similar path as Aaron Donald, the Hall of Fame defensive player for the Rams. Nika said, quote, I think Aaron Donald is the way to go, to go out on top. I think it would be super cool. He said down. Donald retired actually at age thirty two. He quit on the NFL, walked away despite earning All Pro honors and the Rams were Super Bowl winner a couple years prior to Donald hanging up, but he said that's it. I'm done. The Rams tried to get him to come back. I heard last year he said, no, I'm not coming back. I'll come back and watch you practice, and I'll futs around with my hands and play with my thumbs, but I'm not going to actually go out there and play. And Pooko's talking about traveling around and doing this, that and the other thing. So question, question, where is the malor worryo meter, the malor worriometer for Pooah Nakua leaving the rams at age thirty, even though he's not these years away from that. But where's the malor warriometer for Pooka Nakoura retiring when he gets to age thirty? So I've got jungle Book, Rhodes Scholar, and Alfred Hitchcock, and we will combine all of these things together, and we are going to trim with a razor, is what we're going to do. So to kick off the festivities here, the malor worriometer never wrong. The malor warial meter goes one to ten. Ten is holy crap, We're screwed. That's a ten. Ten is a holy crap, we're screwed situation. The malor warial meter has never let me down. So on the scale of one to ten for Pooka Nakua retiring at age thirty, the malarial meter is at a one. It is at a one is where I am on the malar warial meter, and I think I'm going high. This is a small pimple on an elephant's ass, is what this is? Okay? It is Despite all you fear mongering losers.

Oh bet you're gonna be worrying. You're your top plane on play anyway, shut up. I love how Pooka's got all this mapped out. It's wonderful and in theory, it's a great idea. I don't disagree with the theory, right Why not make all your money, retire at thirty, live a heatonous lifestyle and travel.

Around and get a yacht and just go all over the oceans on the planet seventy percent of the ocean, seventy percent of the planet's water seemed as wells to get a boat and go out there and travel around, knock yourself out. And I'm also aware that life is what happens while you're busy making plans. Right. We spend most of our time planning crap, and then we're actually living our life while we're planning what we're going to do, and eventually you don't actually complete all your plans because you end up game over, lights out, checkout, time, the whole thing. Right. So, but this also reminds me that's how I relate to this story is I'm going to call this the Jungle Book, but it's really just the jungle. Great radio guy Jim Rome legend worked at our company for a long time. I worked at the station Jim worked at in San Diego years ago, and Jim's a Hall of famer in radio. But I will never forget when I was working the local airwaves years ago and Jim Rome did an interview. So long ago any these things called newspapers and people actually read them. So how long ago this was? And Jim Rome did an interview if I think it was the La Times, it was around the year two thousand and At this point, Jim was in his mid thirties, and he essentially said, I'm paraphrasing, I'm paraphrasing this, but he essentially said, hey, nobody wants to hear a guy talking smack in their fifties, implying that he was going to get out of radio by the time he got to his fifties. So Jim was in his mid thirties when he said that. I'm happy to report that Jim Rome is now sixty plus years old and still in the jungle and still giving out takes. And good for him. That's why I'll never listen. They're gonna have to rip the microphone out of my bloody dead hands to get me out of here. Okay, that's how that's gonna work. I'll open to it. But Jim had a plan, and Pooka Nakou's got a plan, and everyone's got a plan. And it's wonderful and it's great. It's the bare necessities and all that, and good luck, good luck. Even Aaron Donald, he wanted to retire a couple of years earlier. The Rams convinced him to come back for at least two more seasons than he originally wanted to. And as far as Pooka and Aakua trying to stay healthy and worried about as long term health. By my account, he's been in the NFL two years. He's already had a foot injury. He's had issues with both ankles Little Snap Crackle Pop, has had knee problems. He's had injury to the chest, He's had a hamstring problem, some kind of shoulder thing, and a concussion which I believe is a brain injury. So all of those things have already happened. Now, furthermore, turning the page on that, we have a Hall of Famer chiming in on a eventual Hall of Famer. So Hall of Famer on eventual Hall of Famer, and that would be Michael Irvin. Because there's one thing we need is Michael Irvan's opinion on airin Raders. Relax. So Michael Irvan Hall of Famer back so long ago the Cowboys actually to win. It's how old Michael Irvin is. He has a Cowboy championship ring, so you know he's a dinosaur. So Michael Irvin wants to see Pittsburgh get their quarterback. He wants Pittsburgh to get the quarterback. But he believes that Aaron Rogers is drawing out the decision. He said, so the attention is all on him. It's all about him. So agree or disagree, Michael Irvin agree in disagree with Michael Irvin that Aaron Rodgers is dragging this Steelers decision out to make it all about him, all right, So I could have consulted. I do work with a guy during football season who makes it all about him. Uh, some looney tune guy, So I could have text him. But as far as Michael Irvan's concerned, when it comes to football people making it all about themselves, I am going to side with Michael Irvitt. So I am going to agree with Michael Irvin on this because it's kind of obvious that the playmaker is a Rhodes scholar at making it all about himself right back in the day, bona fide expert in this department. So why would I question Michael Irvin whether it was showing up with a full length mint coat back in his playing days, the Ferrari, the diamond stud earrings, all of that. He made sure that everyone was looking at Michael Irvin. And he's still to this day, is monetizing that all about Michael Irvin. And so the Steelers, by most accounts, check all of the available boxes for Aaron Rodgers. They have no quarterback, no incumbent quarterback there in Pittsburgh. They got rid of the dead weight Justin Field, who blows They sent their trash that he's now on the Jets so he can stink up the Jets. Russell Wilson so bad he can't even find a job. And so there's no quarterback there. And Mason Rudolph. Please, I'd rather have Mason the red nose Reindeer than Mason Rudolph. So you've got no quarterback. Check you've got that, You've got a playoff caliber defense. Check, you've got above average playmakers at wide receiver check check. DK Metcalf came over from Seattle, although he's inconsistent. And George Pickens, who's also a knucklehead, but hey, why not goes with the positions you got that you've got the debonair charismatic coach and Mike Tomlin. Rogers spent six hours, six hours schmoozing in Pittsburgh eating Perogi's and hot cakes on Friday. Now, the normal human being, the normal human being goes and meets with someone on a Friday, says, all right, let me think about it over the weekend. I'll have a decision on Monday. Well, now we're heading into Tuesday and there's been no decision from Aaron Rodgers. And could it be at our friend Andrea the astrology lady spot on that Rogers is waiting for Mercury to go out of retro grade, that we have to wait till least April seventh for some kind of decision. Inquiring minds would like to know. But supposedly the offer has not changed. That the Steelers have made their contract propos at Aaron Rodgers. The parameters, the outline of the contract is already there. It's just available and Rogers can get on the docu sign and click his name there and he's good to go. Hadn't done it yet, hadn't done it yet, We'll see dragging out making sure that every gas bag and blow hard has content. We all need the content, very important to have the content. We have the content all right. Now. Last thing, we have a wild story involving Cans City, the losers of the Super Bowl. So chiefs Wide receiver Xavier Worthy is suing a woman he had planned on marrying. Yeah, his former in the state of Texas, the Great State of Texas. There leeging that, among other things, this lady stole and destroyed more than one hundred and fifty thousand in cash and property and also assaulted him. That's the accusation. So can you unscramble the reporting that the chiefs Wide receiver the woman he had planned to marry went rogue? Can you unscramble it? So it sounds based on the read it's really good reading by I recommend reading this. It's good toilet reading. It sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho from and you're getting his side of the store. You can say anything you want in a lawsuit, and we always throw that out there because it's true America, how it works everywhere. But you can throw all kinds of wild stuff, and they encourage you to throw more wild stuff in there, the more outrageous, the better. Just put it all in there. Why not? And so right now, so he said, she said, situation it is leaning. The scales are leaning towards Worthy. And here's why. Worthy was actually arrested earlier this month, chiefs Wide receiver you might remember, was arrested. He was charged with assault, initially accused of like strangling the woman, and then the district attorney realized that the evidence doesn't quite add up here, So there were no charges filed against Worthy, which would seem to back up his claim that this woman had a vendetta against him and so she had made it appear that he was the aggressor and that was not the case. Now he is claiming in the lawsuit, among other things, avery Worthy, chiefs Wide receiver, claiming abuse, theft, extortion. He provided evidence that the woman he planned to marry destroyed his property, violently ripped out his hair. Wow, that's the next level man, rip your hair out, and demanded a house, also money, cars, and this is all after she had an affair on him and then lied about him being the abuse. There'll be a quiz on this in our seven. There'll be a quiz on this an hour seven. Now, the other part of this, if I read this accurately, and I was a little sleep deprived, so maybe I read it wrong. But as I understand it, the wide receiver Xaverworthy, he's seeking between two undred fifty thousand and one million dollars in damage, punitive and exemplary damage. It's so fine, Okay, you've got that, but then you read the fine print. Worthy drives a Xavierworthy Chiefs wide receiver, drives a Rolls Royce, which is estimated in the neighborhood of five hundred thousand dollars. He also owns several other luxury cars, including a Bugatti, and that ain't cheap. Yet his salary is eight hundred thousand dollars. So maybe he's like staying in a studio apartment somewhere and he's just spending all his money on cars. It's possible that's the case and he's just living cheap, but that's a lot of cars for a guy who's not by NFL standards, eight hundred thousand a lot of money. I think I was rich if I had that, but not if I had a five hundred thousand dollars car and another two hundred thousand dollars car. Anyway, it is the Ben Mahler Show. We'll take your calls if you'd like to be part eight seven to seven ninety nine on Fox. That's eight seven seven nine nine six six three sixty nine, also on the X Machine, and you can interact with us throughout the overnight, and that's at Ben Malor. Your comments can and we'll be used against you in the court of sports talk radio. So send comments in accordingly. We'll have your commentary coming up now. A viral star, a former football player at Alcorn State, has been the talk of the interweb. Break out start, unstoppable star. But there's a whole lot more to the story, a whole lot more to the story. We'll get to that. We'll take your calls, the whole thing, and we will do it next.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Bell Miller and you it is the Ben Mahler show up all night every night. Whatever brings you here, whether you are working the third shift, or you're just naturally nocturnal like an owl or a bunny rabbit o sound of an actual owl, or possibly you just work the second shift and you stand up late and having a grand time. We're here for you either way, or you just had to go to the bathroom. Whatever it is, Say hello to my little friends, Say hello to Ben at Ben Mahler. That's at Ben mahlor on ex Lorraine, the Queen of the Fried Chicken going with FSR Tech Queen. That's how you find her FSR Tech Queen. Kooble loop Ah Bronco fan. That's a Bronco fan, and your comments cannon will be used against you with the court of sports talk radio, so send them in accordingly. And now back to the gas baggery with Benny Blabermouth. There's no Blabbermouth. It's just Ben. I have many nicknames, no need to get to them right now. Late Night drug Tester writes in, says Pooka has it all planned out. Of course, it could all change if his special lady friend goes like Xavier worthyes, girlfriend, uh yeah, a little out, a little out there. Fergduck says, I'm sorry, Ben, I'm so broken up over Juju Watkins injury that I didn't hear a word you said in your monologue, and you please keep us updated on our health throughout the night. If she's okay, I really don't know how I'll manage. I'll look up who she is in a minute and I'll see if I can find anything on that. I think Jason covered that. I think Jason covered that like it was a political figure being shot, I believe. But anyway, all right, Milkman Mike in Colorado says, fantabulous and entertaining opening monologue, Xavier Worthy probably has a double wide somewhere on the West side, explaining why he has car cash. Won't be long before they're all up on cinder blocks, so he says. Spocks weed Wright Sinn says, hearing Ben declare that he will leave radio when they tear the microphone out of his cold dead hands makes me feel great joy and great trepidation all at the same time. That's the way to do it. I had George Nori on my Fifth Hour podcast a couple of years back, and George does the Coast Coast Show. And George been doing that for many, many years, and I was like, what, George, when are you going to retire? I was just curious. And George's like, yeah, keep going and you know, whatever happens. He essentially said, you know, be in that studio, and then at some point I won't be in the studio anymore. But he's going to keep going, going and going and going and going. Ryan rights in from San Diego and he says, the ex girl of Xavier Worthy sounds like an ex girlfriend I had. You're bringing back my PTSD, So.

I bet she only stole like ten bucks from you though.

Oh look at yeah taking shots there, Lorena out there and Loraena. Have you ever been that woman? Lorena? Have you ever gone psycho?


I'm always the sugar Mama.

You're the sugar mos. You've never had to destroy property of someone you were with?

No? No, never throw a blow dryer once? And you know what I do want?

There's one like I have this just loaded up in my bank for when I am hurt. One day, I'm gonna glitter bomb someone's car, and I'm gonna rub blue cheese crumbles into the back seat so that it gets all moldy and nasty.

So that's your plan, that's my plan.

Yeah, maybe put a feral wet cat in there too.

Yeah. Well, the silent assassin is the way to go, because if you make it obviously if you destroy someone's not that you should ever destroy anyone's property, but if you destroy someone's stuff, right, if you destroy someone's stuff and make it obvious, they're going to know that their car has been vandalided. But if you put something that smells really foul in there and they don't know where it is and they can't find it, then that's much more effect.

Have you ever lost a burrito in your carbon.

I have never lost a burrito in my car. I've not done that.

That happened once to me, really, and I came to a really hard stop and the burrito came flying out from underneath the seat.

Yeah, well there. It wasn't a burrito. But there was a silent and deadly incident where we went to the grocery store and there was a pack of chicken that had been left in the back of the car. And if you leave chicken in a car in the summer for a day, that chicken comes back to life and it just gives you the I mean, it's like it's died again. It has died again.

The burrito thing actually happened to me, but yeah, what it was it was it was kind of a different like it was my ex girlfriend had Taco Bell ordered stuff, wasn't hungry like enough to finish it.

Put a burrito in the side panel of the door. Oh, and then.

Just walked away.

Forgot the.

Yeah, and was this a bean and cheese burrito? Was just a beef burrito? What kind of burrito we talk it was?

It was some sort of Taco Bell burrito. I'm sure I don't.

Think there was.

Mine was a breakfast burrito for sure.

Yeah, because I would say that the rotting meat is worse than beans. Yeah, yeah, definitely definitely worse than that. But anyway, all right, it is the Ben Mahlor Show. We will take some calls here coming up in a moment, although I got a bunch of Emao, don't take it. Any calls. You shouldn't take cal you do shut up, all right, we take some calls. We mix. You could just shut your big We mix the calls in. That's that's how we do it. That's right, we mix them in. It's all part of the ingredients here. There you go. Yes, Uh, Trucker Joe says, why don't you ever use one of your sanctioned what isn't Bill ever use one of your sanctioned nicknames? Speaking of which, what are those again? Well, I was not planning on doing the nickname truck or Joe, because you know, we don't have time for it. We're very busy here. We have a lot to do. But Trucker Joe apparently wants the nicknames, and you are the customer. The customer is always right, that's what we believe here. So I have been called trucker Joe, among other things, the Baron of Balderdash, big ball bladder, Ben is the menace Benny beat Down. That's for my talent there at Scrabble, Captain kneeesierk Duke of the north Woods. Yeah, and also general of the Generous Tycoon of T's, Master of Disaster, the hustler of the Philipbuster, night light of Nightlife, the pummeler of producers, Benny Brightside, Manatee of Insanity, Marconi, Maller, Moneyline, Mallard, Masshole mall That was my honorary name given by the late Great Masshole Mickey, Emissary of Embellishment, Weeknight wind Bag, Wizard of Wacky, Slayer of Naysayer's Grand Goober of gabb the Oligark of Dark, the Tower of babbel On, Honest to Donnas, Senator of Sarcasm, Nocturnal Colonel, the Underdog of Monologue, and the Holy Pope of the Slippery Slope Wall only half of my nicknames. We are closing in on sixty nicknames. But you already knew that Truck or Joe. You were already aware of that. I believe Trucker Joe's the guy that sent the moonshine in He claimed that he wants full credit for the moonshine, and that I told a wrong tale about the moonshine, that I gave incorrect information. But I feel like I've got more than one container of moonshine. But Joe seems to think he's the only one that sent moonshine, so he wants to take full credit.

I've never had moonshine sounds disgusting, though, isn't it like straight liquor.

Yeah, it's pretty. It's you know, well, I kept it for the parties. I think actually still have a little bit for the parties. So next if I have some, I'll find it and I can go. Next year, we'll sound some moonshine. You can a whole have a whole bottle if you want. In fact, if you just want moonshine, they'll probably have ten. Dudes will send you moonshine, like bathtub moonshine, Lorraine if you want, I could babe make it in the backwoods in Tennessee right now. If you want some moonshine, they'll get you some moonshine.

That's so sweet.

No, I know I'd be down.

Yeah, taste it. I want to taste it.

Technically is illegal, I think he sai illegal to send it, but there are workarounds you can work around sending you illegal contraband in the mail. Not that you should send something illegal in the mail. That's wrong, Should not do that, should never do that. So there's this viral video. I don't even saw this or not. This thing's been going around. It's been on Excellent. I guess it was on TikTok. I'm not on TikTok. So it is a wellness video. Some influencer dude makes this video about his daily routine. The thing's been seen like fifteen million, actually more than that. I mean, last I checked, it was way over fifteen million. So this video thing went viral and it it shows this daily routine where you get up at the crack of don and yeah, you know, you rub banana peel on your face. And this male influencer guy who's got the body of Adonnas and of course the internet is just unloading on this guy. And now we have heard the rest of this show. I don't if you've seen it. This black dude, and he's like, it looks like he's got cartoon muscles, just tremendous shape, and he's like put buries his head in ice water, rubs banana peel on his face. He's got all that. So now we're hearing that this guy actually was a college football player at Alcorn State back in the day, and he's now got millions and millions of followers. You know, the Internet is the matrix what is real and what is not. So they went back and they looked at his college football career because one of the stories, I saw this headline and said, you know, former NFL reject player that was rejected by the NFL now becomes internet influencer and has millions of people following him and all this stuff was Oh man, this guy must have been good. How did I miss this guy? So I started digging around, and I was like, you know, fussing around on the internet, and he's bragging about his four am workout routine and all that stuff. And as a general rule, I'm not always right about these things. You know, what do I know? I just did the Overnight show. But if you brag about your workout roots team, you're a douche. That's my general rule. I've never been proven wrong on that. I've never been proven wrong on that. So I went to look this guy up. This guy Ashton Hall is his name, and he.

Was never heard.

Yeah, well he played at Alcorn State. It's bad Alcorn State knowledge and his entire football career at Alcorn State, he was a running back. He had six carries for eight total yards, six harris for eight total yards. He averaged using the math there, a little over one yard per carry. And uh yeah, he's clearly, clearly found somebody. That video has actually been seen. Now the latest count is seven hundred million views, seven one hundred million people watching a video and then pretty much all just goofing on him, just goofing on him from from everybody. Have you any he's seen the video? I know you haven't seen killed. You've seen the video, coops seeing the video, not me. It does look like sat tired? Does it? Not cool? It does like you were trying to mock like a routine. Yeah, but I don't know the whole thing where he starts with a tape on his mind. Now it does.

But then I've seen like follow up interviews now where he's talking about the video and he's like so he's like, oh, people are you know, messaging me with their own videos and it's like so great, and like I like, he doesn't I don't know if he doesn't realize that people are making fun of him, or if it's all part of the gag, part of the routine there.

It's just you know what I mean? In that world? Yeah, I don't know. Okay, how much do you make on that? If you get seven hundred million views? Do you how much money can you make? Is there a lot of money to be made. I'm not sure how he monetize those things. I don't monetize any of that. I know the company monetizes the videos to get out there on the YouTube and and all that stuff. But and but by way, if you if you're doing all that stuff, you can't have like a job, right, you can't. You can't have a real job if you're you're getting up at three point fifty two in the morning. We were up all night here man, my workout. I'm doing vocal exercises, you know.

I suld that was horrible. Your scales on our paggios.

That was the rock. Listen, do not question the art I am an artisan, okay, an artisan of the spokes artisan that sounds more impressive than than artists artisan of the spoken word. Okay. Do you understand that?

Yes, Ben, Yes?

Uh? And the whole thing again.


And I I I deal with these people, you know. I do occasionally partake in the gym, and there's always the uh. There's the two types of people. Well, there's many types of people, but the two types of people. There's the at the gym, you've got the look in the mirror. Flex guy at the gym, the the hard old gym guy that looks in the mirror and kind of flex you know, see these mirrors that were Then you've got the woman dressed up as with makeup to go work out. That you've got that also, I'm sorry.

The worst thing, though, is when the girls wear booty shorts that go all the way up there booty is.

I would say, that's not the worst thing. I do not have a problem with that. I don't I do not have an issue with that. I support that as someone who goes to gym, I think that's a fine way to approach it. The whole going with like the makeup thing though, because you're really like I would think, and I'm not necessarily right, but I think the whole point is to go and kind of get a little sweaty, and if you're wearing makeup, wouldn't that get in your eyes? Would get all mest waterproof?


I don't think that stuff works. I don't know anyway. All right, there you go, that's a guy from Alcorn State and big stud This guy looks like complete Adonnis ripped and the whole thing washboard abs. You think that's all legit or you think he's doing some steroids or something like that. I don't know. Never, I'm sure that's all legit. And no, never, never, ever, ever, ever would have done something wild and yeah, no, not not at all anyway. It is the Ben Mahlor Show, as we are working our way through the greatest. Coop should get this right away. I don't think Lorena will greatest Alcorn State football player of modern times. Greatest NFL player from Alcorn State modern time?

What is Alcorn State?

I only know the Bison, all black school in the South. I believe, I believe, I aim, Yes, go ahead, Coop, greatest Alcorn State NFL player modern times.


I feel bad because I don't know this, but oh, come on. Many shared the MVP award with Peyton Manning. I believe one year Steve mcmah that's right, Steve McNair. Also, Donald Driver went to Alcorn State. Donald Driver had a pretty good career for the Green Bay Packers back in the day. That ends the Alcorn State portion of the show. It is the Ben Mahlor Show, as we are working our way through the late night hours. Time now for the who am I game? This is where I pretend to be somebody else in a blatant attempt to get you to listen to longer who. Thus we call it the who am I?


That what's who am I?


You can answer this on X at Ben Maller, but here it is. Manager Will Vettable named Sean Burke as the White Sox opening day starter. White Sox and everyone else opening up on Thursday. He's thrown just nineteen big league innings. That is the fewest career innings by any opening day starter since me. Again, the White Socks have named somebody named Sean Burke as their opening day starter, the worst team in baseball. He has thrown just nineteen big league innings. That is the fewest career innings by any opening day starters since me. Who am I? That is the question? The answer will get to it, and we will do it next.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Bill Miller you it is the Ben Mahler Show, up all night, every single night podcast every day. You can stream this show and all the other blowhards and gas bags on Fox Sports Radio Live twenty four to seven. The company wants me to let you know that it's new and improved the iHeartRadio app. Just search Fox Sports Radio in the app and then stream us live. Do it Live. One of the newest features in the app. You can select Fox Sports Radio, Ben malor Show, Fifth Hour Podcast all as your presets, just like the presets on the car radio dial. In fact, a little inside radio jargon, somebody says you're a p one. That means preset one. So make the Ben Mahler Show, Fifth Hour Podcast, Fox Sports Radio p ones and be sure to preset Fox Sports Radio in the iHeart Radio app and it will always pop up at the very top of the screen. And now back to the Taka Fiesta. It's just a talk fest. It's not a taka fiesta.

Always I said, Taco Fiesta. I was excited.

Well, it is where we are heading into a Taco Tuesday. But I usually Taco Thursday because that's the day I eat tacos. I usually go Taco Thursday. That's my move me on that time. Now for the who am I game? Made possible by Tractor Supply. Tractor Supply knows that a winning season takes practice, teamwork, and a can do attitude. Thankfully. When you have a neighbor like tractor supply, teamwork comes easy. I hear the voice of our friend in North Dakota screaming tractor Supply. Whether you're caring for pets, chickens or a few acres. Yeah, our team members will help you succeed season after season. Tractor Supply for life out here, and be sure to check out the Tractor Supply Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge Fox Sports Radio dot com. See how the various blowhards and gas bags are doing with their picks and how the top ranked listeners are doing. The listener with the best bracket at Fox sports Radio dot Com and win a twenty five hundred dollars gift card to Tractor Supply. Here's the who am I game? Opening Day? The real opening day in baseball is coming up this week on Thursday, not the one baseball farmed out to Japan and so here it is Will Venable. That's actually a manager of the White Sox. He named Sean Burke the White Sox opening day starter. Now, this guy Burke has thrown just nineteen big league innings. That is the fewest career innings by any opening day starter since me who am I? That is the question. What is the answer? And Miguel on Fire says, Ricky wild Thing Vaughn is the answer? Who else? Sir smokes a lot says, wake up, wake up is the answer? Pitch Perfect singer Ben Mahler from Ferdnog OnCore OnCore, Well, if you come to my performance, me and inca Terror will be performing. Traveling around the Milkman Mike in Colorado says, you are the legendary bob Yucker Alf the alien oponter going with Ugu Urbina. Didn't he end up in some legal drama? If I remember correctly, The Homer Simpson guests by mister nice guy, that's his answer. Red Sox legend Sam Malone, he also owned a bar, Sam Malone, he's a bartender. That's from Andy in Lion o' Lakes hotel Ryan guessed by Shane and on whatever happened to hotel now? I was in du Luth a couple of years when I stopped by Minnesota. I didn't know where he worked. I'm sure he doesn't work at a hotel anymore. He blew me off at a hotel near lax Well, US. His hotel, Ryan was a caller famous caller, and he actually got me in trouble with Sam Ponder, Christian Ponder's wife. Yeah, how about that? Yeah, because he let Sam Ponder know that we were telling jokes about her husband. She apparently didn't like that. No sense of humor. Late night she got like go by late Night. Drug tester says, you are Danica Patrick, who was forty three today? Which lapp will Danica record? Wade Boggs guess by Scrooge the Chicken Man? Not according to our friend in Charleston, Male Rubin Mali Rubin says Danny Darwin. Who else do we have page down? Gay Lord Perry from Pauli d a wild Thing, Mitch Williams guess by Big Lou He's on number two? Who else? Al Snow guests by Slim Tim Sidney Ponson, the Prince from Sean in the Valley of the Sun, Jim Scott or Joe Rogan from Spock's Weed, Charlie Brown from Sir Smokes a Lot. That's his answer. Supermarket Steve says you are the most famous Alcorn State alum Michael Clark Duncan rest in PC. Yeah, he died too soon too. Are do you have an answer, Lorraine.

Another man who died too soon Jack Dawson.

Oh man, only the good die young. I know you correct. Another guy that died too young, though this guy just passed away that long ago, the most valuable Dodger of all time for nothing, Oh balance, way that you have a sombrero through to the sky.

The Ben Maller Show

When the moon comes out, Ben Maller emerges with the most compelling overnights in sports talk radio 
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