As we are continuing to see the wildfires still burn in California, there is a new get out of jail free card that the Democrats are now using in California for their lack of competency, their lack of listening to the warnings that came from countless people that said that you guys are sitting on a ticking time bomb for exactly what happened to happen. And the get out of jail free card is a play out of the playbook of the Green New Deal. Anything you don't like, blame on global warming. That is exactly what we are now witnessing Democrats are now saying, and this is coming not just in California, but all over the country. They are telling you now that what you just witnessed in California or are watching right now is actually the fault of you for not buying into the Green New Deal into global warming. How far is this reaching from California all the way to the other side of the country. From Democratic Massachusett Senator Ed Markey ed has claimed that the Los Angeles fires are in fact the result of you and the climate change disaster that was stoked and they're blaming yeah you could guess this was actually very predictable Donald Trump for the fire in California. The Democrat trying to use this as a political issue in DC, saying that it's because of Donald Trump and the fact that he embraces big oil and then says, I'm warning you there is more death coming as a result. Trump has been bought for one billion by big oil. Is the new claim coming from Senator Marky. This is his tweet that he put out just a payoff to kill the IRA and the Green New Deal. We know what will happen, more fires, more climate disasters, more death. The fires are a preview of the coming atrocities. So if you don't agree with us on the Green New Deal, you're wanting people to die. He wasn't done, by the way, with that post. I think he felt like there was some momentum. So what was the momentum? In another post, the left wing Center said Trump is adding quote unquote fuel to the fire by expressing support for more natural gas drilling. When to shut all that down. His tweet, Los Angeles is on fire and Donald Trump says drill, baby, drill, and stop wind in solar. He will only add fuel to the fire. As multiple fires are burning through thousands of acres in Los Angeles. Marquee wasn't done saying this quote. Republicans can say that we can't afford a green new deal. What we really can't afford is the sacrifice is to sacrifice our lives, our homes, and communities in fires fueled by the climate crisis. We need a system change, not climate change. This after he posts a picture from Forbes of satellite images showing the devastation caused by the Los Angeles wild fires. Now, Republicans are pretty clear about this. You go back to the facts, and the facts are that Democrats could have avoided these wildfires if they would have done their damn job. It was on multiple fronts. They refused to do appropriate forestry management. They refused to get rid of the brush. They refuse to have the reservoir, for example, filled with water it was offline. They refuse to save the water from the record rainfall they've had over the last couple of years. They refused to actually realize that this could happen. Now, what's even more insane about the fact that this was something that they refused to deal with and refuse to look at Okay, is this this has happened before. They have had wildfires that have exploded before in California. It's not like this is the first time this ever happened. Okay, they know what happens. They understand what happens when wildfires rage. There's a reason why there were warning signs for many people, not just people in California, but people in the federal government and even back when Donald Trump was president the first time, warning California that you better get your head out of your ables and you better do your job. And your job is to take care of the people and to make sure that this can't happen on this type of scale. But what are they do instead? Oh well, let's just be clear. What they did instead was they decide to hire people based on their sexual orientation. They decide to hire people based on DEI diversity, equity and inclusion. They decided to cut firemen by the hundreds that wouldn't get vaccinated and not replace them. The fire chief said that they had half as many firemen as they should have. This is also the same woman that said it mattered more if you're a gay or lesbian than it did if you're actually good at your job, and then number two in charge, and I've played this for you before, said that if your husband is in a place, in a bad place and can't get out and I've got to pick them up and drag him out, well, then that's your husband's fault for being in a bad place. In reference to people that asked the question, hey, if we have a bunch of female firefighters, can they drag people out of buildings that are burning? If they're really big, well strong men, that's why you want to have them, right, Like, that's the whole reason. Now you put all this together and you look at all this incompetency that I just describe for you, and it was a hell a lot of incompetency that caused all of this massive budget cuts to the fire department, local cuts, state cuts, not managing the land the way that they're supposed to that has been proven to work. There's a lot of things here. But what's also even more shocking than that is what we're now seeing the President say. Joe Biden has come out saying that one hundred percent of these costs these wildfires are going to be covered by you and I the taxpayer. So we're going to bail out California for California's incomminency. How big was the incomminency? We actually found reports that knew Some cutover one hundred million in fire prevention programs months before this tragedy unfolded. Let me say that again. The Governor Gavin news Some cut over one hundred million dollars in fire prevention programs months before the tragedy happened. From the twenty and twenty twenty four it was ae hundred million dollar priority to say we don't need to spend this money on fire prevention. And what's even more frustrating is now you and I, the taxpayers are the ones that are going to pay for this. You and I, the taxpayers are on the hook. Now you want to talk about evil bias. You know what the federal government did not do. The federal government didn't not go into Appalachia after Helene and say we're going to cover one hundred percent of this. By the way, that was something that was unavoidable, that would be an actual natural disaster, a hurricane, And they didn't do that. For the people there that are still living, intentse and homeless, they're not worth it because well They're not a bunch of wealthy liberal actors and tech CEOs living in ten and twenty and thirty million dollar mansions and most importantly voting for the crazy socialist Communist Party, the Democratic Party and Gavin Newsom and Barack Obama and Michelle Obama and the Clintons. Right, that's not who they are. They're not going to say we'll bail you out. What's the reason? Because they hate you. But Biden says, the FEDS are going to cover one hundred percent of the fire response costs in these fires in California. But if you're somewhere else in America, flyover country, conservative area that voted for Trump, screw you. So I want to talk to you real quick about this new year and help that is needed for the people in Israel. On January the twenty seventh, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day will be here, and we're going to remember the great evil of the Holocaust, when millions of Jews were slaughtered during the Nazis regime and the reign that they had over people with just pure terror. Today, the rise in global anti Semitism and the constant attacks on Israel show us that it's more important than ever to remember the atrocities of the Holocaust to ensure it never ever happens again. And that's why I've partnered with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. They provide food, shelter, and safety to Jews in Israel and around the world, including those remaining Holocaust survivors. Your donation today will help provide food, water, medicine, and other basic necessities to the Jewish communities in need. And through your gift, you will stand with the Jewish people and against the growing anti Semitism and hatred. So if you want to stand with Israel and the Jewish people, you can give a gift to show your support right now by visiting support IFCJ dot org. That's one word, support if CJ dot org, or you can call them at eight eight eight four eight eight forty three twenty five. That's eight eight eight four eight eight forty three twenty five or support IFCJ dot org. You want to talk about another example of the people in charge saying screw you, and this is specifically to the citizens in California, but also it's saying screw you to the taxpayers because we're gonna cover all of this apparently. And so even though you didn't make these decisions, and your elected officials, if you're not living in La or in California, didn't make these decisions that created this entire disaster, you're gonna pay for it, folks. So congratulations. One hundred and thirteen Los Angeles Fire Department firefighters were fired. Yeah, they were removed from duty without pay for failing to meet the city's vaccination and mandate. What did the fire chiefs say yesterday? There's not enough firemen. We don't have enough. In fact, we need like twice as many as we've got. We don't have enough firemen. But we were so hell bent on saying screw you to you guys out there that we're getting not getting the vaccine. Even if it was religious reasons, we fired you. And even after we knew we got it wrong, it didn't matter because we're dictators and tyrants, right, We're dictators and tyrants. That's what we are. We are dictators and tyrants. What we decided to do is screw you yet again by not hiring you back. This is what communism is, folks. And then when they make a mistake, you and I are the ones that get to pay for it their incompetency, and then they want to blame Donald Trump, and not just Donald Trump, they also want to blame what else. They want to say, it's because you didn't believe in global warming. And if you just would believed in global warming and you just sort have done everything that we told you do, then this wouldn't happen. Now, let's talk about that, just logic, very quickly, very very quickly. Okay, Is there any other state in America that's is extreme on the issues of global warming than California? Like I do think that is a fair question. They've got probably more electric cars on the road per capita, I would say, than probably any other state, I'm guessing, but I feel like they're at least in the top three. They've done more to get rid of gas power cars, for example, than any other state. They ban them coming up and I don't know what year it is, twenty twenty five or twenty thirty five, whatever it is, where you're not even allowed to own a car that has a combustion engine in it, they're not allowed to sell them. They will become extinct in California because they have actually banned all cars that run on combustion engines, Like that's them, not us. That's them, Okay, Like that's them, to be clear, that is them. You'll look get all what they do out there in California. You go into a hotel and like the lights turn off on you if you don't move around the ac units don't run. Every house got to be like one of these like green Kumbaya houses, right, Like it's insane. And this is a place that I think they would argue we're more green than anywhere else, Like it's more expensive to do a building there than almost anywhere else, because it's got to be all this green crap in that like it's insane, folks, Like it is. It is absolutely insane. And I go through all this, I'm like, well, if the green thing was the issue, if global warming was the issue, if there's any state where it actually shouldn't be an issue, wouldn't it be in California? Like these are? These are not Like I'm not trying to be like a jerk when I ask these questions. I'm sincerely asking these questions, Like I think these are really fair questions to ask. These are incredibly fair questions to ask. These are these are questions that need to be answered, like if I'm going to buy that the green thing works, then this should never have happened in California based on their logic, Okay, not based on their logic. So that's part of this, Okay, Like that's just a part of it. But then there's the other part, and that is, well, is anyone going to hold them accountable for their screw ups because their screw ups are great, Their screw ups are massive. They didn't manage their force. Hell, they didn't even have water, like, they didn't have water in the reservoir to then fill up the hydrants during fire season when the winds do what they're doing. They had a mayor during this fire season that was in where was she Ghana, wherever the hell she was. Then you have a governor that cut fire prevention for the state by over one hundred million dollars within the last year, and you had a fire department budget that was cut by tens of millions of dollars in LA alone. And then you add three lesbians running LA which I'll say this is clearly of the fire department. I don't give a crap about if you're a lesbian or gay or transendor. If you're a great fireman. What I do have a problem with is you pushing someone's sexuality over hiring the best person for the job. The psychotic arrogance of so many of these different people that are out there in the fire department is insane to me. Having a woman look at you and laugh in your face, laughing in your face at this trgy saying well, you know, if you're a dude and you're and I got to carry you out of a building, you're in the wrong place, bro, Like that's on you. That's what the assistant fire chief said, Like, not my job to save your life. Well that is actually your job, but okay, whatever, And then let me also just talk about Gavin Newsom for a second. Gavin Newsom, and this was the moment that Gavin Newsom's role as governor, in my opinion ended. There is no accountability or transparency, and he wants to investigate himself, saying we need to investigate what happened here, Like that would mean you're investigating yourself, dude. Listen to Gavin Newsom in his own words.
I want to know the answers. So I'm the governor of California, I want to know the answer. I've got that question. I can't tell you about how many people what happened? My own team saying what happened? And I want to get the answers, and wasn't going to help Becannon with the wasn't getting straight answers. Yeah, I watched the press conference, I met with some of those leaders. We had my team start talking to local leaders saying, what's going on our state. Weren't getting straight answers from I was getting different answers. When you start getting different answers, then I'm not getting the actual story and they're assessing it. And I get that as well. You have a little bit of grace back to the point, we're in this emergency environment and everything else. So I just want to determine the facts. But no one has any patience anymore in this weaponize back to the grievance of Trump everyone else. There's immediacy, and lies travel the proverbial world, and it's hard to get the facts out there unless you have backing of those facts and you can communicate them. So and so that's what we're trying to achieve as relates this. But I have ten other things we're doing concurrently as well, I mean across the board on recovery, disaster assistance, getting the major disaster declaration and may be the first one in US history, over a text with the White House within literally thirty six hours to get one hundred percent reimbursement for folks out here. We've been working concurrently in all of these areas. We're doing executive orders as I speak, as it relates to recovery and land use, dealing with speculation and fraud, and trying to address issues on Coastal Commission here and address the issue of planning permits and how we address all of the myriad of needs for small businesses, all of this in real time. Again as the state, even though this is not a state responsibility or to support the city and the county that are overwhelmed.
I want answers. I want answers. Dude, you're the one that did this. Bro. This is a guy that knows it's his fault, who then literally says, I'm going to investigate myself. By the way, he's got to get a different I promise you that the investigator will not find that it's his fault. He's gonna blame everybody else. But himself. And then he's going to come in and he's going to act like he's the guy that saved the day. I'm getting one hundred percent reimbursement. That part there should scare the hell out of everybody because they're in competency. Now you no matter where you live, you are going to pay for it. And it's going to be expensive. And we're going to borrow the money, folks, and we're going to pay interest on that money, and it's going to put you and your kids and your grandkids in even more debt because they don't care about you. They screw up and they get a bailout. This is a bailout. I want you to understand. This is a bailout. That is all. This is a bail out, and the taxpayers of this country are going to bail out this dumba and the people around him. That is what is going to happen here. I want to go back real quick, by the way, to Gavin Newsom and just part of this Jedi mind trick that he's trying to pull here. And he did these interviews right like there's still fires going He's like, yeah, let me do the interviews. Let me get my hair perfect and get my makeup done, and you know, go on NBC and talk and he says, you know, Donald Trump's the problem. Donald Trump's a real issue here. Donald Trump doesn't know what he's talking about. Donald Trump doesn't know what he's doing. And I'm going to attack Donald Trump because that's who you should be angry at right now. Other Democrats saying it's your fault because it's global warming. And he's like, I'm gonna I'm gonna welcome Donald Trump to come out here to California. Everything he's saying is wrong. Gavin Newsom also blatantly lied, saying all of our water reservoirs are full. The reporter then says, actually one reservoir was empty, like the most important one in the Palisades, and he says, well, oh yeah, that's why we're investigating that. So he lies to you and says all of them are full when they actually were not full. Listen carefully to the report. Now the reporter doesn't challenge him after they just states at once and then moves on.
I called for him to come out take a look for himself. We want to do in the spirit of an open hand, not a close fist. He's the president elect. I respect the office. We have a president of the United States that within thirty six hours provided a major disaster declaration over a text. We had support from the President of the United States, Joe Biden, with one hundred percent reimbursement, all the resources you could hope for. Imagine constant communication. I'd like to extend that to the President elect. I don't know what he's referring to when he talks about the Delta smelt and reservoirs. The reservoirs are completely full. Of the state reservoirs here in southern California. That missing disinformation. I don't think advantages or aids any of us. Responding to Donald Trump's insults. We would spend another month. I'm very familiar with them. Every elected official that he disagrees with, very familiar with them. We do know, though, from reporting here locally, that that one reservoir that serves the palis aids was not full, and that's exactly what triggered my desire to get the investigation to understand what was happening with that local reservoir that was not a state system reservoir, which the President elect was referring to as it relates to the delta and somehow connecting the delta smelt to this fire which is.
Just up there. It wasn't partially full. It was empty. It was bone dry, bro it was bone dry, bone dry empty. You're a lying scumback, he's like, oh, well, that's why we're going to do an investigation. That's that's exactly why we're having an investigator. That's that's why we're doing it. And by the way, Newsom isn't the only one in on this. MSNBC's Jensaki did a quote deep dive into leadership issues surrounding the California fires. She now says from quote her like investigation that it's the fault of you. Ready for this, Elon Musk, I do the owns X and Tesla, Like, this is a guy that started the evy vehicle craze. If you want to blame somebody like is Elon must have got to blame. But you got to understand he went to the dark side, right, he went to the Republican side, he went to the Trump side. So now we must destroy him at all costs. Now she's actually blaming Elon Musk for what happened in California. A guy that's in like Worth is coming from Tesla, they make electric vehicles. He should be like the god of the green new deal for you guys. And this is what she did. She went on TV and she says, this is the fault of them, a quote recipe for disaster. And on the screen it is a picture of Elon Musk and Donald Trump with houses burning behind them. Not Mayor Karen, not the woke DEI fire chief, not Gavin Newsom. No, no, she's saying the recipe for the disaster in California, where everybody in charge is a Democrat, is somehow Donald Trump, who's not in charge right now, right he's not the president of anything right now, he's president elect, he's not the president. And Elon Musk, who also is elected by no one, not in office, like, not in charge of anything in the government.
And with these fires still burning, we are facing important questions about how to mitigate and prevent disasters like this in the future. In fact, this leaders will need to confront a very complicated and challenging reality moving forward. But right now that is not exactly what is happening. Instead, Donald Trump and his allies are injecting half truth, misinformation, and flat out lies in some cases in order to score a version of political points. I suppose we saw something similar to play out just this past October and the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, when Trump repeatedly lied about femas spending disaster relief funds on migrants, which didn't happen.
Also, basically, by the way it did happen, she's a liar. That's a lie. She just total lie. But remember you have to blame Donald Trump and apparently now Elon Musk at all costs for the problems in California. What I said back here, and I don't think people are smart enough to figure this out. I wish all of them were. I don't think all of them are. Is like, if you went back thirty years, you wouldn't be able to get away with this. If you went back to twenty years, I don't think you'd be able to get away with these lives because people would be so angry at you for saying something so egregious in thinking you're soon enough to believe it. Democrats are in control of what right now, They're in control of everything in California they're in charge of the governor's mansion, They're in charge of every statewide office, They're in charge of every major office in LA and in the Palisades, And this entire area is run by hardcore lefties. The senators from California are Democrats. The congress people from this area are all Democrats. Every single person that is going to touch these wildfires on a daily basis in California are Democrats. And then you come out and you're like, let me tell you why Donald Trump and Elon Musk are the problem. And you're like, wait, wait, what, Like, what the hell are you talking about? What do you mean that they're in charge? Like it's their fault that they should be blamed. But that is exactly what she just did there. She is telling you that somehow you should be angry at Trump because of the California fire response. Who cut the fire department? All right, Sally? Like who cut it locally? A Democrat who cut the money for the state to deal with fire prevention by more than one hundred million dollars. That would be a guy by the name of what. Gavin Newsom came out and said, I want accountability for his inactions and he's now investigating himself, except you know the books are going to be cooked. Here's Gavin Newsom on another interview saying, we're going to launch an investigation. I want answers. I want to answers. Damn it.
I want to know the answers. So I'm the governor of California. I want to know the answer. I've got that question. I can't tell you about how many people what happened. My own team saying what happened, and I want to get the answers, and we wasn't going to be cannon with they wasn't getting straight answers. I watched the press conference, I met with some of those leaders. We had my team start talking to local leaders saying, what's going on our state. Weren't getting straight answers, fright, I was getting different answers. When you can start getting different answers, then I'm not getting into the actual story and they're assessing it. And I get that as well. You have to a little bit of grace back to the point we're in this emergency environment and everything else. I just want to determine the facts. But no one has any patience anymore in this weaponize back to the grievance of Trump everyone else. There's immediacy and lies travel the proverbial world, and it's hard to get the facts out there unless you have backing of those facts and you can communicate them soberly. And so that's what we're trying to achieve as really as this, But I have ten other things we're doing concurrently as well. I mean, across the board on recovery, disaster assistance, getting the major disaster declaration and maybe the first one in US history over next with the White House within literally thirty six hours to get one hundred percent reimbursement for folks out here. We've been working concurrently in all of these areas. We're doing executive orders as I speak, as it relates to recovery and land use, dealing with speculation and fraud, and trying to address issues on the Coastal Commission here and address the issue of planning permits and how we address all of the myriad of needs for small businesses, all of this in real time. Again as the state, even though this is not a state responsibility or to support the city and the county that are overwhelmed at this moment.
So it's not my fault. I demand accountability for my actions, and I demand that we have an investigation to what I did. Are they is the report in this investigation? And to tell you that California's Governor Gaven Newsom cut one hundred million dollars from fire prevention budget for twenty twenty twenty twenty four of the fiscal year. Now, why would they do that? Why on earth would they do that? Are they going to tell you that he lied to you, straight up lied to you, straight up lied to you when he said all of the reservoirs are full? They were not. Are they going to tell you that the La Mayor Caaren Bass, who just summoned the LA Fire Department Chief Crowley to a closed door meeting after the chief Blasser for cutting the fire budget. There, the chief there has been very vocal about the city failing its citizens. Are they going to tell you about that? No? No, They're going to cover it all up.
And by the way, is the liberal media going to lie to your face? Absolutely? CNN fact checker, a guy by the name of Daniel Dale, went on TV this week and said, quote, there's no shortage of water in the Los Angeles area. The reservoirs are at or above historical levels. The water is there, so they're saying it's a lie. Okay, let me read you the headline from the Los Angeles Times. A reservoir on the Palisades that holds one hundred and seventeen million gallons of water was offline this month for obviously scheduled maintenance. It was empty, and the Palisades fire exploded. That's coming from the LA Time. So the fact checker's lying to you, the governor's lying to the mayor's lying to you, and even the Los Angeles Times, which is a hardcore liberal newspaper, is saying they're all lying to you. I hope you'll take all the audio that I just played for you. Please share our podcast wherever you are on social media to help us grow, and I will see you back here tomorrow