I want to have a very blunt conversation right now about the insanity that is taking place in this country with this what about ism implying that well, Donald Trump should expect to get shot at because of his rhetoric. I was on Piers Morgan's show, and his show today when I was on, also included John Bolton, former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs of the NSA. He's a guy that also worked in the Bush administration. He's a guy that I used to have respect for, but I've had enough of this crap, and I want to walk through just the insanity of what they're saying right now. And what they're saying is, well, maybe Donald Trump, it's his fault he's getting shot at. Maybe it's his fault that he likes to play golf, and so he should just know better than the play golf when there are people that want to kill him. That is the logic that's being used right now on TV by the talking heads and these idiots like John Bolton who hate Donald Trump. They are justifying the actions of the crazies. And I also want to just to be very clear why these assassins are doing this. I think it's because they are being inspired by the left and their own words. Now, I'm going to take you down a pathway to the words, and I'm going to start at the top. And so when they keep saying on TV, you know, why is this happening, and you know, it's just Donald Trump's fault number one. No, it's not all right. And the fact they'm even having to say that is absurd. This is the fault of the Democratic Party. This is the fault of the Democratic machine. This is the fault of a failure of the Democratic Party to actually respect the voters in this country. What got us to this point is their rhetoric. When Donald Trump was elected in twenty sixteen, they immediately said he was not a legiti and president. They immediately said he was a Russian stooge, that he was compromised by the Russians, that he shouldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes. And then they went into an impeachment, and that impeachment was based on a still dossiera dossier that the FBI knew was Allied because they'd offered Steel a million dollars to corroborate anything in his dossier. They then classified it as user generated, meaning that it is crap. But they didn't step up and say to Congress, hey, guys, you guys are about to impeach a president of the United States of America on information that we debunked and that we know isn't true, because they wanted to get rid of Donald Trump too, because they wanted to protect the deep State. I want to just take a quick moment also and say thank you for so many of you that are standing up for the people in Israel.
Right now.
We are approaching the one year anniversary of the horrific events of October the seventh in Israel, and without your help, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews would not be able to do what they have done helping the people in Israel. They are now inviting you to join them in flags of fellowship. It is an opportunity for Christians to remember the victims, honor the heroes, pray for those still held hostage, and highlight the unwavering support of Christians for Jews and the Jewish people. On October the sixth, thousands of Christians will be praying for those impacted by the war and planning flags across America to honor the victims of October the seventh, Join me and let the world know that Christians stand with Israel. Your generous donation today will not only provide a flag symbolizing your support in churchyards across America, but it will also support the Fellowship's ongoing emergency efforts in the Holy Land. We cannot stay silent, We cannot stay on the sidelines as anti Semitism spreads like wildfire in this country. Israel needs you now, and I want you to stand with them, just like I am. Visit support IFCJ dot org. That's support IFCJ dot org to stand in solidarity with the Jewish people. That's one word the website. Support IFCJ dot org. Support IFCJ dot org. So that was where this started. They delegitimized Trump. They said that he was a Russian stooge. They said all these terrible things about him, and they went through an impeachment, knowing the entire time it was a coup attempt. And I said then it was a co attempt. People were like, oh, man, that's a little extreme. It's not really a cop attempt.
Yes, it is. When you try to overthrow the will of the people.
That is a coup attempt by definition, and the American people chose Donald Trump in twenty sixteen, and the deep state and the Democratic Party said, yeah, we don't like your choice, so we're going to try to get rid of him by impeaching him. That didn't work. And when that didn't work, they weren't deterred. They were like, all right, we'll keep undermining him. We're going to start arresting people around him, and maybe some of them will have some sort of of damaging goods on Donald Trump that we can get on him to basically threaten we're going to lock you up forever, or you can tell us anything bad you know about Donald Trump. Remember that, Remember when they were entrapping people like Michael Flann, who served his country admirably and the FBI director at the time, who was laughing about the fact they just sent some guys over to the White House to interview Fwenn and to basically entrap him and then charge him with crimes and then say, hey, all this can go away. You just need to tell us something bad that Donald Trump's done and we'll let you go. Navarro, Peter Navarro, the same thing. Hey, we got one of your guys over here, you want to sing like a Canari. You got any dirt on him, give him the dirt, and then if we get that dirt, then bam, we can get rid of Donald Trump.
And then you get to live another day.
By the way, this is what they do in Russia, this is what they do in Cuba, this is what they do in Venezuela. But it's happening in America, and it has been happening in America on a daily basis since twenty sixteen.
Now, when that didn't work, what do they do?
They went through another impeachment, and when that didn't work, they said, all right, well, not a problem.
We're going to stay focused here. We hate Donald Trump.
And when they realized, wow, this guy may actually run for president again after he lost to Joe Biden, they're like, all right, well, we'll just indict him and that'll finish him off. So what happened. They indicted him in four different indictments, and then they went to trial and then they got thirty four different convictions on ninety one different charges to put him in jail for two hundred and something years. But that didn't work either, And so where they do They ratchet up the rhetoric and the hatred towards Donald Trump. And then they said, all right, well, maybe we can just inspire someone else to, I don't know, go kill him. So how do you inspire someone to kill somebody? You go out there and you tell them that they are a quote threat to democracy, not once, but over and over again. You go out there and you tell the crazies that are listening. Right, the Tenfold had a people that not only is Donald Trump a threat to democracy, but he is a studente for another country like Russia. And you make them paranoid or that he's being controlled by China.
Right, this is what you do.
And you go out there and you say that he's a dictator and a tyrant, he's a threat to democracy, and that he and his people are threats to are domestic freedoms. And then you say that the people that support him need to be deprogrammed. Right, we need deprogramming camps. Remember when they were saying that in sixteen, Remember when they were saying that in twenty again, oh wow, these people that like Trump, they got to be deprogrammed. When you need to send them to basically, you know, concentration camps for deprogramming of those who like Donald Trump. But let me start at the top, and I'm going to go back, and I wish I was gonna say this was years.
It's not.
It's actually just you know days. Let's go back to Joe Biden in his own words. Is Joe Biden responsible for some of the blame for the assassination attempts? I would say hell yes, and why because of the words that he uses.
Listen, most importantly, I mean this from the bottom art Trump is a threat to this nation.
Now, if you're a crazy person, you hear the sitting president United States of America telling you most importantly quote and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Trump is a threat to this nation. If someone's a threat to this nation, you love this nation. That's a dog whistle to go kill the guy that you're saying is a threat to the nation. I'm going to say that again. If you're Joe Biden, the President United It's America, and you go out there on stage and you say, most importantly and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Trump is a threat to this nation. And you're a crazy person who hates Donald Trump, you are going to hear that as a dog whistle to go kill or take out Donald Trump, no matter what, and that is exactly how all this gets started.
Let's move away.
From that and let's go to Democratic Representative Crockett on the morning of the second assassination attempt.
This is after the first assassination attempting.
What did she say to former White House pre Secretary Jensaki at MSNBC.
First, someone, let me start with you, and I really want to start with Donald Trump's refusal to condemn the bomb threats.
What was your reaction to that?
You know, my heart breaks that this election is close, because this comes down to some basic norms and principles of what we should see in leadership for the greatest country.
In the world.
And it doesn't look like this.
Yes, Springfield is going through hell, but they're going through hell because the guy that says that he wants to be the commander in chief is actually bringing that hell.
To their footsteps.
He decided to amplify a lie on a national debate stage, and that is harming American citizens.
That is a problem.
When I talk about MAGA, I talk about the fact that when we swore in finally in January, that we swore to defend against those that are coming against us, whether they are domestic or international. And right now I feel like MAGA in general, they are threats to us domestically.
Well, there you go.
You're a congresswoman, you're an African American congresswoman, and you just said that you believe that MAGA, meaning half the country is a threat, is a domestic threat to our country. So who's the leader of this domestic threat. Well, it's Donald Trump. And if you're a crazy person who hates Trump and you hear this congresswoman tell you that MAGA and the leader of matt at MAGA is a domestic threat to this country. Literally the day that he decides to go out there and to try to kill Donald Trump. And then people are like, well, I wonder why this is happening. Maybe this is Trump's fault, Maybe it's his rhetoric. Are you insane? Let's move to Liz Cheney, for example. There's nothing more fun than saying you're Republican on TV as you trash half the country and trash Donald Trump. Liz Cheney, whose dad Dick Cheney, endorsed Kamala Harris and can't stand Donald Trump because well, Liz Chaney went up against Donald Trump and she lost. That's how it's supposed to work sometimes. But I want you to listen to what Liz Cheney had to say on ABC News about Donald Trump.
So bottom line, why did you make this decision to support Harris and why did.
You do it?
Yeah, I've been voting for forty years. My first vote I ever cast was for Ronald Reagan in nineteen eighty four. I've never voted for a Democrat.
Well, and it tells you I think the stakes in this election.
You know, Donald Trump presents a challenge and a threat fundamentally to the Republic.
Wow, Donald Trump is a threat.
Did you hear that Donald Trump presents a fundamental threat to the republic? Okay, Well, if you're a can you know a former Trump supporter, just like this second assesssin who supported him apparently in sixteen and now you've said, oh my gosh, this guy is the worst person in the world, just like Liz Cheney just said. And you'd tell those people that Donald Trump presents a fundamental threat to the Republic. Is there a chance that someone might pick up a gun and say, yeah, I need to go kill this guy? Same guy by the way that you call Hitler. Keep listening. This is Liz channing her own words.
We see it on a daily basis.
So it's so Donald Trump.
It's a daily basis threat to our republic.
Somebody who was willing to use violence in order to attempt to seize power to.
Say, wow, when did that happen?
I'm just curious, Liz, when did Donald Trump become violent? Because the only people I'm seeing violent right now are the people that are trying to assassinate him. I'm going to say this is kindly as I know, how screw you list Jenney, and I'm going to move on from her. Let's go to Nancy Pelosi. What did Nancy Pelosi have to say at the Democratic Convention? Now, it's important to play these clips because I want you to understand. She said this after someone almost killed Donald Trump and shot him in the ear right. If he hadn't moved with the last second, Donald Trump would be dead. To look at that graph on a legal immigration, So this is their tone down rhetoric toned down after the first assassination attempt.
Right, listen to this.
But it can't. We have to defeat.
A person who is a threat to our democracy of the time that we have not seen at the beginning of our country through Thomas Pains, and times have found.
Us declare wars to establish a new nation. Abraham Lincoln took up.
That charge to keep our country together. Two years later, decades later, and now the times have found us to save our democracy.
That is what we are here to do.
That is what we are here to do.
So Nancy Pelosi says that Donald Trump is a threat to the US, just like the British word of the Thirteen Colonies.
By the way, didn't we have a war over that. I'm pretty sure we did.
Is that Nancy Pelosi saying it's time for you to, you know, take out the enemy, right because if she says that Trump and I actually believe that she's psychoed enough to say this. And this again was after the first assassination tempt. This is a dog whistle. Do any crazy out there, Hey, I need your help. I need you to take up arms. I need you to go to war. I need you to go to war, just like patriotic Americans sit against the British. Because I'm telling you right now that Donald Trump is a threat. Donald Trump is a threat to the us, just like the British were to thirteen different colonies. I want to tell you about my friends real quick at Ammo Squared. If you're like me and you want to be able to protect and defend yourself no matter what, then I want you to know about Ammo Squared. Ammo Squared ensures that you have Ammo there when you need it. It's an automated approach to purchasing Ammo on a budget. You pick your calibers, you set your budget, you select a shipping trigger, and that's it. Your Ammo grows slowly over time and is stored for free as it builds up, and is shipped with a click of a button or automatically on your schedule.
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What did she say?
He has said many many times, after having been questioned many times about this, that he's not stepping down and he's going to be the nominee. So at some point Democrats have to decide that they want to try to win this election and turn their fire on Donald Trump.
She said that at the Republican National Convention less than a week after Donald Trump's assassination attempt where he was shot. Kate Bettingfield said demsey to turn their fire on Donald Trump. And then she says after she says that, well, I shouldn't have said turn their fire. So let's so that makes it all better. Apparently you can say, hey, turn your fire in Trump five six days after someone did.
I think there is I shouldn't have said turned their fire. I apologize that was not the phrase that I meant.
And then let's laugh about it right on set of CNN. Really that's where we are. Now, let's go back to the President of the United States of America and remind people of the president. What did he say again in Detroit, Michigan in his own words.
Most importantly, I mean this from the bottom art.
Trump is a threat to this nation.
If you listen to him and you believe him. The next thing you're going to do, if you're a crazy person that hates Trump, is you're going to say he is bling me to go kill him. Representative in the Democratic Party even on Fox News channel had this to say on seven eight of twenty twenty four, seven eight, look at the calendar, look when the assassination attempted Donald Trump took place, and listen to what he said on Fox News.
It's for your Democratic Massachusetts Congressman Jake Auchenclass Congressman, thank you very much for joining us. Yeah, I'm with respect, congressman. I mean, I'll keep asking about Joe Biden. You keep talking about Donald Trump, But.
There are questions about Joe Biden, are questions about who can beat Donald Trump?
Because Donald Trump is.
Do you really think do you really think Joe Biden can beat Donald Trump? Or would Kamala Harris be a better person.
To do Let's just pause there.
What unifies us as a party is knowing that Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy. This is after, by the way, Joe Biden had a disastrous debate. This is now trying to save Joe Biden or figure out what they were going to do, and all of a sudden, it's like, no, no, no, We'll go back to to the basic point that we always think works here. Guys, Donald Trump is a is a threat and says quote. What unifies us as a party is a democratic party is knowing that Donald Trump is an eccential threat to democracy. So if you're a crazy person out there, please go kill him. We're telling you this guy's a threat to this country in our democracy.
Go kill him.
Democrats have been talking about Donald Trump this way since twenty and sixteen, and it's not just the young congressman. I played with the young congressman a second ago. He's obviously a little talk he's an idiot. But there's the elder statesman, for example, Debbie Washerman Schultz. What did she say on seven to eight of this year? So July eighth, listen.
In, Congresswoman.
I hear you talking about Donald Trump and trying to put.
The focus back on him.
He's been very quiet over the last several days and has not has just let this play out amongst the demos.
Whoa, whoa?
Did you hear that where he belongs? He's been awfully quiet where he belongs? Is that not a dog whistle? Like, Hey, you want to silence Donald Trump, go kill him. Just go kill him where he belongs. He belongs in a place where she be signed. We don't believe in free speech or the Democratic Party. Hell, we want you to take him out.
Keep listening, Democratic Party.
I hear you focusing on the accomplishments you want to highlight from this president. And yet that's not the story that's out there right now. So are you frustrated? How damaging do you think this is, particularly as we get closer to November.
I'm frustrated that the media is literally dissecting every word that comes out of Joe Biden's mouth and is ignoring the fact that the Republicans are about to nominate again a convicted felon, who's a judicated rapist, who still denies that he lost the twenty twenty election, who is committing to upend every single accomplishment that Joe Biden has helped make sure we can recover after COVID and the fifteen million jobs that were created. Yeah, I am pushing to make sure that we can focus on what the danger lurking down the road is is that if we don't make sure that we rally and focus on Donald Trump and the extremest good versus evil existential threat that he represents to our democracy, then we're going to end up back there again. And that's the nightmare scenario my constituents want to avoid.
Any Wow, I mean you mind, just say, Look, I'm telling my constituents just go kill Donald Trump. I'm frustrated that the media is reporting that Biden can't speak coherently. Donald Trump represents an ex essential threat. Right that this has got a convicted fell and it's a rapist, Right, kill him, who still denies he lost a lot of selection off with his head, who's committed to up in every single accomplishment that Joe Biden has had. There's another reason to kill him. He's a danger lurking down the road. He's an extremist. Donald Trump and the extremists, all of his all, by the way, all everybody around him, right, just want to You want to kill them too?
Sure, we don't care.
Then she says, quote this is good versus evil eccidential threat that he represents to our democracy. Then we're going to end up back here again. And that's the nightmare scenario my constituents want to avoid. So somebody needs to take this dude out. Remember represented Maxing Waters? What did what represented Maxing Waters say when when she was on board? I think she was actually on the bus, the Biden Harris bus.
Listen, babe, and commas with Waters.
Her name has been in books several times.
We're going to give you the give you the last word. What do you think?
Well, let me just say when I tweeted about Trump talking about the Constitution, I basically stated in my tweet that he had disregarded the Constitution. He didn't have any respect for the Constitution. I got over a million point three hips on that, and so I think in the final analysis, the American people seek through him and they're going to be guarded in how they deal with the selection. Let me just say this, I'm worried that he's so divisive and that he's talking about retribution and they're talking about revenge, and I think that that's dangerous. He's even mentioned a civil war at one point, talked about there would be bloodshed.
I am going to spend some time with the.
Criminal just the system, with the justice system, asking them tell us what's going on with the domestic ararists. Are they preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned about our safety? What is he doing with this divisive language. It is dangerous and we're going to have to make sure that we understand that we're not at risk with this man talking in the way that he's doing. This is not good for this country. But he does not care about democracy, he does not care about the constitution of.
The United States.
He's in love with Putin and Russia and Kim John own in North Korea.
And all of that.
And so it's not just that he's a criminal. This is a man who disrespects the constitution and democracy, and we have got to find out what they're doing as domestic hearers tried to take over the government January sixth. How are is this going to go? Are they going to be attacking? Whom are go on to attack? What are we going to do? I've got to get on with trying to get an investigation going about that.
And we're with that, We're gonna have to leave it there. Well with that, like what else there to say?
Donald Trump supporters are preparing a civil war against us?
I mean, this guy doesn't care about his constitution. He's a threat to us, He's a threat to our country. He's a threat to democracy. His supporters and him are terrorists. Domestic terrorists have tried to take over the government January sixth. How far are they willing to go? Or are they going to Who are they going to be attacking next? Whom are they going to attack? By the way, how many times have people try to kill Don Trump? Now twice in the last couple months, and she says, what are they going to do? I have to get on with my investigation of this. And people wonder why this is happening. Nancy Pelosi, by the way, loves her some Maxine Waters because she'll go out there and say this stuff. The Democratic Party loves her. You want to know else she said earlier this year in May, she said this on MSNBC.
This is a man who we'd better be careful about. And I tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to ask the Justice Department, and I'm going to ask the president to tell us what they're going to do to protect this country against violence if he loses. I want to know about all of those right wing organizations that he's connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting you know what communities they are going to attack there.
It is Trump supporters are going to try to take over the country. We need you to take out Donald Trump. Donald support Donald, She said. Donald Trump supporters are training up in the hills for a coordinated attack if Trump lose the selection.
So we don't need to get that point. We need you to kill now.
Representative Jason Crowe, how do we get the point where two different people are saying, I'm gonna go kill Donald Trump?
What did he say earlier this year on CNN. I don't know.
I don't spend a ton of my time inside the brain of Mike Johnson or other folks who go down there to kiss Donald Trump's ring. Simply I cannot understand that. I mean, Donald Trump is an extreme danger to our democracy.
He is, in my view, an unstable.
Man that poses a variety of dangers. So I can't wrap my brain around having thinking like politically, you have to go kiss someone's ring to get their support when Ukraine is starting to lose his war, when one of our largest intelligence tools is at great risk right now, Well, we're not able to govern on very simple things that the American people deserve us to govern on. I just can't wrap my brain around any of that. To be honest with you, we can and should do better there.
It is rhetoric inspired by another attempt on President Trump's life.
This is the Democrat's rhetoric.
Representative Jason Crowe an unstable man, right, this is a madman. You need to kill him, table man. Trump is extreme danger to our democracy. Those are his words. That is what he said, Biden campaign spokesman What.
Did he say?
On MSNBC from Atlanta on six twenty seven of last year.
Listen to this, the existential urgent threat for our democracy.
He promises to rule.
As a dictator on day one, promises a blood bath that he loses, promises to replace civil servants with his moilists. So that's that's the contrast thing books are going to see tomorrow night, and we're excited to make it there.
It is.
Right before the first of eate, Biden campaign spokesman calls Trump an existential urgent threat to our democracy right before the debate. I may have said twenty twenty three, I meant twenty twenty four. There, this was just weeks ago. I'll play one more for you. Here's a delegate. Her name is Stacy Plaskett. And this may sum all the brainwashing up in one eighteen second clip.
Having Trump not only have had the codes, but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort with anyone and everyone who comes through should be terrifying to all Americans. And he needs to be shot stopped.
He needs to be shot stopped.
Wow, thank you for at least saying it on air what everybody knew.
You meant.
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