Biden "We got BLACK JOBS! So Vote for Kamala, to Keep...Black Jobs"

Published Sep 14, 2024, 8:00 AM
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The phrase black jobs.

When you first hear it, is that a racist phrase? Is that a phrase that makes you angry, especially if you are an African American. If someone said they want to give you a get you a black job, or want to make more black jobs, would you think that person is a racist or would you be like love it. You care about the black community and you're trying to create black jobs.

Well, it depends on what day of the week it is.

If you are offended by this or not offended by this, especially if you're a guy by the name of Joe Biden. Joe Biden was speaking while he was actually running for president at the NAACP event in Las Vegas, and when he was out there in July, he started attacking Donald Trump, saying, I love Trump's phrase black jobs. Tells you a lot about the man and about his character. Right, because we turned it into a racist thing, then listen carefully.

Of course, those are who thinks of black jobs.

I love his phrase black jobs.

Tell us a lot.

About the man.

How about his character?

Tell us a lot about the man, about his character? Right?

That Donald Trump would use the phrase black jobs. So in July, if you say that you're a racist. Okay, So let's fast forward to I don't know, let's say like maybe today, and let's go to the White House and let's go to c SPAN. President Biden was talking about, you know, jobs in America. Now, I'm sure he would never ever use the phrase black jobs right at an African American event at the White House.

That would never happen.

You wouldn't do that, right because in July at the NAACP convention in Las Vegas, you said, and it tells you a lot about a man who uses the term black jobs.

So how do you talk about.

Black jobs without saying black jobs the White House? Well, here's Joe Biden in his own words, because remember, if you use the phrase black jobs, that means you're racist. And if you use the word black jobs to describe black jobs, well then that tells you a lot about a man.

Also wanna hosts this brunch because we have progress to celebrate. Together, we're making the most significant investments in Black America in all of American history. We've centered racial equity as a center.

Of everything we do.

With your help, in just three and a half years, we've created over two million new black jobs for Black.

Americans and black.

By the way, the next black job to be filled is as president of the United States America.

Oh I watched me. Yeah, I watched me.

You can hear them going, oh oh he said black jobs.


I thought you could tell a lot about a man if he ever used the term black jobs. Well, apparently, if you're at the White House aday African American event, you can just say, I screw it. I'm gonna say it anything anyway. President Joe Biden using the term black jobs, using a phrase the Democrats and journalists, by the way, have also said this is a dog whistle for racism, right because former President Donald Trump use it to describe jobs taken by migrants from African Americans. Biden and Vice President Kamwa Harris, a Democratic nominee, we're both set to speak at this event, and in these remarks, as Biden said, you know, hey, we got these black jobs, right, yeah, I got all these black jobs. The next black job that will be filled will be the as president of United States of America.

Yeah, I watched me.

So what happened when Trump used the term in a non racist way, Democrats and journalists try to turn it into a scandal. Quote the fact is that Biden's big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he's allowed to come in through the border. And they're taking black jobs. Now that's what Trump said in his debate with Biden. Then he said they're taking black jobs, and they're taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven't seen it yet, but you're going to see something that's going to be the worst in our history. So the morning after the debate, Democrats are like, ooh, let's jump on this and let's say anyone that ever used the word black jobs, they're racist.


Democratic activists started on social media. Then the left landing journalists took the queue right, because this is how it's all fake news all the time and fake controversies all the time with these fake journalists who are really communists, and they came out railing against Trump's comments. Most of the Democratic response is focused on Trump's literal words black jobs, rather than his serious charge of economic damage being done to the black community because jobs in the black community were being taken by illegal immigrants. Because they don't actually care if Trump was right, they just seeded a moment to say Donald Trump's racist. He used the word black former first Lady Michelle Obama, by the way, is the origin of the idea borrowed by Biden that the presidency itself is a black job.


Who's going to tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those black jobs? Remember when she said that the Democratic National Convention, much to the delight of the media who wrote whole stories about those remarks attacking Donald Trump. So I go back and let's just word salad all this together real quick, because it's so nice to see when you get a side by side word salad Joe Biden in July, it's you're a racist if you say black jobs today. Nah, we got two million of them. We want to tell you we may that are for black in the black community. So it's totally fine.

Of course, here's are who thinks of black jobs.

I love his phrase black jobs.

Tell us a lot about the man and about his character. Just three and a half years, we've created over two million new black jobs for black black Americans and black Who's gonna tell him?

Who's gonna tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of.

Those black jobs? There it is, folks, do with it what you want.

But I think it's just another example of what you need to know about the corruption in the media.

There's also something else.

That you need to know, and this goes back to corruption, and I think it's worth talking about quickly for a moment.

The media is now being fact checked.

The media going nuts over the fact that Donald Trump said that people's pets were being eaten, for example, in Springfield, Well, the viral image of a Haitian walking with a goose is not from Springfield, Ohio. The media is now saying, they're saying, see, that is proof it's not happening. They also are now telling you something else, and that is, well, it didn't that video and that picture of that Haitian man walking down the street with a dead goose in his hand from the park was actually from nearby Columbus, Ohio. So therefore the media is now saying that what Donald Trump said is in fact a lie.

I'm not joking.

All kinds of people sent us this picture claiming it shows evidence of Haitian migrants catching and eating geese in Springfield. We've uncovered the picture was actually taken in Columbus on July twenty eighth, and we pulled this street view from mapping system to show you exactly where it was taken, the forty seven hundred block of Cleveland Avenue in Columbus.

The picture was.

Posted to social media, and Governor Mike Dwaine told me it caught the attention of odn R.

I love this.

So a local Channel seven is saying, Okay, we're admitting that, yes, there are problems with Haitians who are eating wildlife, but the picture that you guys are using is not from Springfield. So therefore we're going to say that the president's claim is false because he said Springfield, this is happening, and anyone that posts a picture showing proof of this, no, no, you're wrong because it actually happened a little bit down the road in Columbus, Ohio. So you're all somehow wrong. Really, Okay, So that's how this works. Now there's also another story now happening in Ohio. Take a listen to this from the Springfield City Council meeting.

And it's nothing but immigrants over there.

And I don't even want to like seem like I'm coming down on the immigrants, because it's the people that's bringing them down here, because wherever they're at that's what they're used to. Bro They're in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them.

It's eating them. Like we've lost a whole bunch of cats.

There was a van load of van pulled over the hat over one hundred cats in it with the Hazans.

They said they was eating them. Actually, yeah, not fake news, not fake news. A van was clefting cats and eating I.

Watched that happen, Yeah, washing them get pulled over with the cats, and then meant to the police that they was eating them.

You're not joshing with me. No, I'm almost fifty years old, buddy, I don't know.

You don't mess around.

No, I don't mess around.

You look at this and you go to the Springfield City Commission meeting. August twenty seven, twenty twenty four, an African American man wearing a Cincinnati Reds hat in a in a hoodie is like, I'm not trying to be mean. He's actually, I think, trying to be pretty nice. And what he's telling you is I'm not I'm not trying to be mean to you, Like I'm just being honest. I'm being very, very honest, this ain't okay, Like this is what they're doing, this is what is happening, which, by the way, brings me back to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump said.

That he looked angry, and he said, people said that I was angry at the debate. He said, yeah, I'm angry. What's he angry about? Though, is should be reporting on. And this is his response to people said, well, he seemed angry during the debate.

Well, there will be no third debate. Too late. Anyway, the voting's already begun. You've got to go out and vote. We gotta vote.

We're gonna this is gonna be the most important vote in the history of our country.

It will be the most important. People said that I was angry at the debate, angry.

I was angry, And yes, I am angry because he allowed twenty one million in legal aliens invading our communities. Many of them are criminals, many are criminals.

I'm angry. I'm meaning they said he's an angry person. No, they're destroying our country.

I don't like she's smiling all practice, right, did you see it?

She's like it.

We're talking about a border invasion the likes of which no country has ever suffered. He's like this, but I am angry about Venezuelan gangs taking over.

Aurora, Colorado and illegal Haitians. And he came in illegal.

Haitian migrants taking over a beautiful place.

It was so beautiful Springfield, Ohio.

I was there.

I can't paign there a while ago. Springfield, who was so beautiful. Now it's just what a place? Can you imagine? You have this small little community, all of a sudden, you.

Have twenty thousand illegals in your community.

Nobody knows where they come from.

I'm no one knows where they come from. He's absolutely right.


The question is what is he going to do to stop all the illegals that are here. There's a story that has come up that has not been reported on much at all. And the reason why is because I think there are many people that understand that this is a common sense approach to dealing with so many illegal immigrant in this country. Trump is announcing his housing plan, saying this illegal migrants, all right, illegal migrants will be banned from renting apartments, are taking mortgages in this country. Trump's saying he's going to ban mortgages for undocumented immigrants, illegal immigrants. He said two things this will do for the American people. Number one, the Republican nominee says it would bring down home prices, no doubt it would. And he said, number two that it will allow for rent prices to come down for Americans because you're having to compete with twenty million plus illegal immigrants.

Here's something that's interesting.

Democrats immediately came out and said when Donald Trump talked about this that, well, the buyers account for a fraction of US home sales, referring to illegal immigrants. Number one, they're admitting illegal immigrants, you are competing against them when you're buying houses. They're saying, well, it's just a fraction. You notice what they didn't say there. They didn't say that they were just a fraction of the rentals, right like the rentals he did.

They didn't say that, oh.

No, no, no, that that they won't touch with a ten foot pole. That's something they're like, well, we're not we're not going to go there, like we're not going to talk about the rentals here, are we?

No, the rentals. That's that's something different. We don't we.

Don't, you know, Okay, so we're just going to say a lot of them aren't buying houses, so it really wouldn't have that much of an impact. So everybody just kind of calmed down real quick. It's going to be fine. He's overstating this. You want to see home prices dropped quickly. This is how you do it. You want to see people that are that are renting right now not have to fight so hard and I mean hard to get a to get a rental property that's affordable because they're having twenty million illegal immigrants that are fighting against them on a daily basis. Illegal immigrants are fighting at a level week you can can't even imagine. This is the reason why I love what Donald Trump is doing now. He's making it be basic again. He's pushing it to be basic again. He's advocating for things that are that are basic. Hey, we're gonna change the way we do things. For example, with taxes, that's a basic thing. We're gonna change how we're going to tax people that do that get tips. We're not going to tax the tip. That's a basic thing that can have a huge difference. Hey, we're gonna if you work overtime, you're not gonna pay taxes on the overtime. That is a basic thing that could have a huge difference. Hey, if you're on Social Security, we're not going to tax your Social Security payments. That is a basic, significant, but basic thing.

This these are the things.

That matter, that that matter to the American people. And when you come out and you also say in a an and again in a simple way, in a basic way, the way that it was described right, in a basic way, in a basic way, we're not going to let you rent to I legal immigrants any longer. That's going to have a very, very very big impact. It's going to have a significant impact on the American people in a way that they can understand that it's tangible. Now, I wish he would have done a better job of explaining.

All of this. I really do.

I wish I really, really, really really mean it when I say this. I wish he would have done a better job of explaining this when he was in the debate.

He didn't.

That doesn't mean it's over though, Okay, it doesn't mean it's over. It doesn't mean that it's not working now, and we've got to make sure that he does a better job of explaining it moving forward. These are things that can have a huge impact on this country right now in this election. Now, I go back to what I was saying at the very beginning, just a moment ago. There are two ways you can look at this country moving forward. You either put Americans first or you don't. You either are standing up for the American people and the jobs and all of these things, or you're not. It's just that simple. It's just that simple. There's also another story that came out. Nothing to see here, It's just a normal, normal headline. Animal sacrifice on the ride rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in twisted rituals. That is an actual headline from the newspaper. You think Chuck Schumer is gonna come out and talk about that. Here's another one. Two illegal Honduran migrants are arrested after shooting down a bald eagle that they plan to cook and eat in Nebraska. As sheriff reveals, the local community is in an uproar. But again they're gonna say this didn't happen. Teens age sixteen seventeen eighteen now accu's of brutally killing a beloved Swan mom Fey in New York Town and then eating the bird where refugees from the refugees were from Mirmar. So when they tell you this isn't happening, just go read the headlines in local communities where.

It is happening. It is happening.

Don't let them lie to you and say the story isn't happening. I want to go back to something that I had said earlier, and I think I actually said this in the show yesterday. What makes me mad is that people aren't freaking out about what happened to the kids that are being raped, to the women that are being abducted, to the people that are dying because of fentanyl. They're upset about dogs or cats, or geese or ducks. And if that's what it takes to get people to wake up, that's fine. But human life should matter more than a goose. I value human life more than a goose.

I just do.

And the part that irritates me about the insanity of this whole entire conversation about people that are coming into our community and like stealing animals is the fact that there seems to be more outrage over that then there is actual outrage over what's happening to human beings and to children in this country this week, and it was completely silenced by the media. The House Judiciary Committee here held a hearing on victims of the Biden Harris border crisis, victims who are now, many of them dead.

Because of the open border policy.

Alexis Nungary told her story about how her her sweet twelve year old daughter, Joscelyn, was raped, murdered, and thrown in a by you. Her savage killers were two Venezuelan illegals that Kamala Harris let into this country. This is a brave mother who went to Washington, d C. To tell her story. This is a story that every member of the media in DC on Capitol Hill should have immediately told to the American people, but they didn't because they know it's damning to the administration and to Harris's chances of winning. So instead they acted like this mother's story doesn't exist. I hope you will take this story, and I hope you will share this story everywhere. Share the podcast so that everyone can hear this mother's story. I'm going to play it uninterrupted because it doesn't need to be interrupted. It needs to be something that people do here, Listen carefully to what this mother said to Congress and ask herself, why did you not hear about it? Why is it that the media refuses to cover this heartbreak?

I was fourteen when I found out I was going to be a mom. I knew I was young, and I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I know I needed to do what was right, which is be the best mom I could be to my daughter.

I fought for her.

December twenty seventh, twenty eleven, was the day the rest of my life changed for the better.

Jocelyn Lessell Nungarey was born. She was the.

Happiest, chunkiest little baby. She grew up to have this spunky, quirky, funny, beautiful, little twelve year old young lady.

She had a personality like no other.

She was so caring, loving, thoughtful, one of the greatest friends who could ask for.

She was so talented.

She had the biggest dreams to be an actress, and she swore that she was going to be famous one day. It has been two months and twenty five days today since my daughter has passed away.

On Monday, June.

Seventeenth, twenty twenty four, my daughter, Joscelyn, was murdered and thrown in a bayou of water underneath the creek on that Sunday night before I went to bed and told Joscelyn good night, and I loved her. She was there when I closed my eyes that night, and that Monday morning, when I opened my eyes, she was gone. She was a preteen out doing what teenagers do, going to the corner store to get a soda. She was preyed on by two illegal Venezuelan immigrants. They saw an innocent young girl and made her a target for their horrendous actions. That Monday morning, June seventeenth was terrifying. Waking up to know your child was missing and frantically searching the area where her phone was being pained just two minutes away from our home. Driving up to that exact location to see crime scene tape and officers by a bridge, my heart sank.

I ran out of the car to the officers.

I explained, I woke up to my daughter missing and I don't know where she is, but her phone was pinging right where we were.

They said they hadn't seen anything.

And they would let me know within forty five minute minutes. I received a phone call from a sergeant asking me to come downtown to discuss her whereabouts. I'm still hanging on a hope that my twelve year old daughter is still somewhere out there. They bring me to the floor labeled Homicide Division. I didn't know what to think after being taken to a room, speaking for about every minute I remember leading up to my last moments with her. Was when they had finally told me that the body where my body, where my daughter is.

Jocelyn's phone was being pinged.

Followed by seeing the photo I showed them confirmed their suspicions and they did believe the Jane Doe body that was found matched the picture of my daughter. Joscelyn hungray. My heart shattered. I couldn't believe what was just told to me. A day after being told about my daughter, I was told they were going to need to release pictures of the illegal immigrants and my daughter from footage to the local news stations that helped find who murdered my daughter Jocelyn.

They proceeded to tell me how my daughter was murdered. She was strangled to death.

She had no clothing from the waist down her hands, and her ankles were tied and thrown under the bridge of water like she was nothing but garbage. The community of Houston was the biggest support, just twenty four hours for them to be found, arrested, and charged with capital murder.

Within those same hours.

I received the phone call from the medical forensics confirming that the body was in fact my daughter, Jocelyn. The two illegal immigrants were Johann Jose Martinez Rangel twenty two and Franklin Penya Rainmost twenty six years old. They're both Venezuelan natives. The Border Patrol apprehended Johann near El Paso on March fourteenth and was released that same day on an order of recognizance with a notice to appear. The Border Patrol also apprehended Franklin Pina on May twenty eighth, also near al Paso.

On that same day he was apprehended.

A judge also ordered Franklin to appear in court at a later date. Because of the Biden Harris administration open border policies catch and release, they were enrolled in the Alternatives to Detention program. This meant that they were released into the United States. It was not even a full three weeks later that they would take my daughter, Joscelyn Ungerray's life. They saw a young girl, my daughter Joscelyn, and placed a target on her without her even knowing. They were seen on video at twelve fifty seven am on June seventeenth, walking across the street down by the Bayou under the bridge. At three oh four, only the two illegal immigrants emerged.

They were down there for two whole hours.

I can't even fathom what was going through Jocelyn's mind, the amount of fear she was feeling in the last moments of her life. Franklin Pina confessed that they had did something bad, the fact that they knew that their faces were exposed all over the news. They were trying to ask their boss for money so they could leave town. It was told one of the illegal immigrants told the other one after they were finished, to throw Joscelyn down in the bayou under the bridge to quote unquote get rid of any DNA. Individuals like that do not have a heart. They are nothing but monsters who are predators, and those are the kind of individuals that we so openly let.

In this country.

I believe the Biden Harris administration open border policies are responsible for the death of my daughter.

I want you to imagine being in the room when she's telling this story, and I want you to understand how little the Democrats don't care about this story. Representative Dan Bishop took a picture of his colleague, Representative Jerry Nadler, hardcore Democrat leader in the Democratic Party. You've heard the name, I'm sure countless times. You just share a committee hearing where they're hearing from moms and girls and women beaten, raped, strangled, discarded, and a boy poisoned to death by fetnel. These are the people that were talking. And what was Jerry Nadler doing He was caught taking a nap is they were telling the stories about their children. Not only that, but recently on TV you had Democratic senators who explained that the quote undocumented Americans are the people his party care about the most. That was on MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes, the Democratic Party declaring that the people that they care about the most are undocumented quote unquote Americans. So you bring these people to Washington to tell their stories that the Democratic Party sleeps. They don't care about you, They don't care about your safety. They don't care about your kids, they don't care about the drug overdoses. They don't care because they're trying to fundamentally change his country. And when they say that this is what they are going to do, you should believe them. They're not lying to you. I'll give you another example. Texas Democrats put out a tweet earlier today and this is what their actual tweet said, quote, we don't have to be embarrassed of our center. We can get a cool new one. Cool. It is a picture of Alred, Colin Alred, who is running against Ted Cruz, former football player.

They got him in his football uniform.

They've got him quote flexing his muscles, They've got him smiling in pictures and they're saying, hey, he's cool. So I want you to also think about the Democratic Party strategists. They have a meeting and they're like, all right, look, here's the deal. The country's going to hell under our leadership. And we got a lot of problems with legal immigrants are committing Hainus crimes just like the one that I just played for you that happened in Texas. And so we got an open border, we got a problem. So what are we going to do right. All right, Well, let's sell Texas voters on another quote unquote cool candidate that can be cool while we flood the border with million more illegals, while we fled the border with fetnol that's killing your kids and your grandkids. And hey, at least the guy is cool, right, quote unquote. While this is all happening to you, that is their campaign strategy.

That's what they're telling you. It's truly amazing.

Make sure you share this podcast please with your family and your friends, especially the story of Jocelyn. It is important that we share this story now more than ever before.

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