There is some shocking news that is coming out the day before the president of debate. We're gonna get into this President's debate and what's going to be important tomorrow night.
How to watch it, what to expect, what use.
And don't this debate? How important is this debate? And I'm going to get into all of that. But before we even get to that, this coming out from CNN on a two thy nineteen, that is when Kamala Harris ran for president nineteen America, remember against Joe Biden, accused him of being a racist in debates. There was a ACLU questionnaire and on that twenty nineteen ACLU questionnaire, Kamala Harris said that she supported listen carefully, taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants, decriminalizing drug possession, and drastic cuts to ICE, along with ending immigrant detention altogether. This is shocking that this one happened in nineteen and two, it's now twenty twenty four, when we're just now hearing about it five years later. That tells you how bad the media is at their job because their state sponsored communists and they're not actually journalists. Now, I want to go through this here line by line so that you understand how big of a radical agenda this woman has for America.
And so let's start with the first one.
Kamala Harris said on this twenty nineteen ACLU questionnaire that she supported taxpayer fund of gender transition surgeries. The question that you should be asking is why are you paying for any surgery of any person who is not an American citizen when the number one way that people in this country were going bankrupt is medical bills. If you google, for example, gender trans reassignment surgeries and you look at the cost, the original cost of the surgeries can be about one hundred to one hundred and thirty five one hundred and thirty seven thousand dollars.
Okay, But the thing.
Is it's a multi stage of surgeries and the average price goes up from there. Now, it's not just the reassignment surgery, just so you understand the beginning. It is all of the care that is needed after you have the surgery, because you're trying to constantly convince the person's body that they are a different sex than what they are. That is the reason why I'll go back to what happened and a couple of years ago when Vanderbilt University was busted on video talking about how they were getting into transitioning surgeries for children and the reason why they were doing it is because each kid was basically worth a million dollars in fees over their lifetime, if not more than a million dollars, because when you go in and you do these transitions, you're constantly having to convince the body to stop doing things that it normally does with your DNA because God made you perfect right with your DNA, you're either xy chromosome and you're saying no, no, no, I'm going to fight that. So it's not even the one hundred and fifty two hundred thousand dollars up front. It's the lifetime of care that is so expensive, which is exactly why so many of these pediatric hospitals and so many doctors are getting into this.
Like they understand it.
It's a massive guaranteed amount of money that you're going to get by mutilating children and adults. When you mutilate them that you own them. It is residuals, it is guaranteed income. As long as they're going through it, you're going to have a piece of their paycheck. Every single month. You're going to get their cash every single month. So when you look at this radical agenda item from Kama Harris, she's basically writing an unlimited check from you, the taxpayer. Because I go back to this, but I think people lose track and lose sight of this point, and so I will continue to make it over and over again.
There is nothing that is free.
When the government says we're going to pay for something, they are taking it out of your bank account, They're taking it out of your paycheck, they're taking out of your wallet. And so when in twenty nineteen, Kama Harris on this questionnaire said she supported taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants, she's saying, yeah, I want to take one hundred of thous of dollars for American citizens and I want to give it to illegal immigrants who are.
Being detained so that they can transition.
We're going to have more of those details for you in a second, but first let me tell you about my incredible friends over at Ammo's squared. A lot of you have opened an ammo squared account because you understand how amazing the idea is and that you can save serious money while stocking up on Ammo. Now, I'm going to get you some free AMMO in your account.
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So let's go through this.
If you're in Venezuela and I don't even know if it's legal there to have these surgeries, and I'm not saying that like to be I haven't done enough research, Okay, I'm just I'm using example or Cuba. I'm There's two things I'm going to assume in this conversation.
One, their surgeons are probably not.
Really good, and their medical community is not probably really good at transition surgeries number one and number two in these third world countries like Haiti and others, they're probably not going to pay for it the government itself for you to cut your manhood off or to add a set of boltons so that you can walk around acting like you're a woman, okay.
Like are giving you like a vagina?
Like I just don't think that these third world countries are probably that good at that. Call me crazy, but I'm guessing that's not saying they're like pros at so if you are. And I think to mental illness, and I think we've stopped treating it like it's a illness, and that is a mistake here. That's the reason why you see all these shooters at schools now that are all these transgendered time and time again, whether it's in Georgia or Nashville. The list goes on and on, because what we stop doing is we stop treating.
It as a mental illness.
Okay, Like we stopped treating people that believe that they're trapped in the other in the opposite sex body as a real mental health issue. Like we just stopped doing it. And that is a problem, and we've normalized it. But the reason why we've normalized it is because the medical community and those that do counseling understand that if you can advocate for this, you get rich. I'll give you an example of counselors, and I'm gonna make some statements and there's gonna be some counselors. They're gonna be really upset with me for saying this. So I'm going to say it on the front end. If you're a counselor and you're listening to me and you become upset by what I say, you're probably not listening to what I'm actually saying. All right, I'm not saying that all counselors do this. I'm saying there are opportunist counselors out there that look at people that have mental health issues as automatic paychecks every week. And if you are one of these psycho counselors that is encouraging a child to go through a transition, I believe that the reason why you are doing that is because either you have mental health issues yourself, like I think you're a horrible person if you actually advocate for this, or it may just be that you realize you have a client for life, because because you're constantly holding the hand of someone that's dealing with the mental health issues, you are constantly, constantly dealing with a person that is believing that they are the opposite sex of what they are.
So you're going to make how many thousand a year? You can do the math.
They spend an hour week in your office, and you encourage them in their mental health catastrophe. Right, You're supporting a bad habit, and next week they come in you got to hold their hand again.
And the next week, if it's one.
Hundred dollars, that means it's fifteen hundred dollars a year, and then over four years that's over twenty thousand dollars.
Over five years, that's over twenty six thousand dollars.
Okay, over the lifetime, that's a six figure client for you. I understand why there are people that say no, no, no, I don't want to tell you and fix you. I want to support this insanity because then I'm going to make six figures. And every single person that comes through that's transgendered, I can make a bunch of money off of them. This is no different than the doctors at Vanderbilt, and I need to find those other I'm gonna do my best during the break, Miss Producer remind me, as soon as we're gonna break to go hardcore.
Look and see if I can find this in my files.
But we had those tapes that came out of Vanderbilt, and it was they were just talking about these kids as straight up dollars.
It was just dollars.
When these videos came out exposing Vanderbilt for what they were doing, it was a it was just dollars. It was pure cash that they were going to get their hands on, and they said they looked at these kids as a money grab like it grab as many of these gender confused kids as you can, and let's just cut off their stuff and add stuff and give them hormone blockers and go through these surgeries because we're gonna make a killing, which brings me back to Kama Harris. Kamala Harris is in favor of doing this and mutilating children. She's also in favor of saying to the rest of the world, Hey, if you are mentally ill and you believe that you are transgendered, come to America and I'll have my taxpayers, my citizens pay for you to get this surgery.
What world are you living in if you think we can afford this?
What world are you living in where you think that this is the right decision for America?
And that is what she put down on this list.
It is again maybe one of the most sick things you can do to take advantage of a vulnerable person, our vulnerable children, especially so that you can make money off of them. Now is the money? And I talk about the money because the money is real. How much is the money? How much are we talking about here? Let's go back to Vanderbilt. They open their trans clinic in eighteen. They told any doctor that was against it, so shut up or get out. You're gonna do this. You're gonna be a part of it because the money's too good not to. How do we know this because the undercover camera is catching doctor Shane Taylor at the time.
Starting an energy anuary versus twenty seventeen or to be Affordable Care Act insurance cover carriers are mandated to cover medical expenses for transfers. Some of our UFC financial folks in August of twenty extract co work twenty sixties or a couple of years ago put downsand costs of how much money you think the patient would bring in. And this is only including top surgery. This doesn't include any bottom surgery. And it's a lot of money. The surgery made a lot of money. So female is a mail in test reconstruction can bring in forty thousand dollars. You should just find a routine mormone treatment who I'm only seen a few times a year, then bring in several thousand dollars to requres a lot of business and labs that actually makes some money.
For the hospital.
Now these are got the Internet, but it's from the Philadelphia Center or Transgender Surgery, which has does a lot of surgery for patients my tun stay an idea of one huge bottom surgeries are making and this is I think this has to be an underestimate. Uh, this is for a dodgement plasty they're staying. They're quoday roughly around twenty thousand dollars for a national eposcy. But that doesn't include your hospital stay, but doesn't include your post opposites, but doesn't include your anesthesia r or So I would say that this has to be a gross underestimate.
I think that's just like the surgins piece of.
It, which anybody who's ever been in the hospital, and those that those like ten percent of it, And in the females and mammal popping surgeries, these are huge mony anchors. Again, I think this has to be an underestimate. If they're quoting around twenty thousand dollars for a ballot plasty.
There's been different things that I've read that said it could be up.
To one hundred thousand dollars.
Doctor Linaker, who's our surgeon, said there's.
Entire plants where the entire plan supported just fire ballot and that is like a fraction of the surgeries that they're doing. These surgeries are laboring as it.
There are a lot of follow us.
There are a lot of our time.
They mind, it's all about the money. We don't care about the patient. We care about the money, right, I mean, this is a lot of follow ups. These surgeries acquire a lot of follow ups, They acquire a lot of drugs. We own these kids for the rest of their lives when we mutilate them. And Vanderbilt, by the way, was very concerned that not all of its staff would be on board right there's a lot of people that doctors that actually you know, take their empocratic oath like do no harm like and mean it. What did Vanderbilt say about that? Because remember it's all about the money.
If circunscientious objection you have less that that is problematic. You are doing something to another person and you are not paying for the.
Costs for your belief.
I think that is a real I mean, I think that's a real issue.
So so I think you know, so you're so, yes, Vanderbilt. If someone has a conscience objections for participating in sword surgery, if probably enough to accommodate you.
So they've said that that you can.
Find another person.
Who do your job who doesn't have an objection other things of that nature. But I just want you to take home that's saying that you're not gonna do something because if you're conscientious because of your repentious beliefs, is not without consequences, and an entrue not.
Made without consequences.
And I just want to put that out there.
We are enormous.
If you don't want to do this kind of work, don't work at Vaneriel.
If you don't want to do this type of work, don't work at Vanderbilt. Why would these sick people say this. It's not even a I don't even think it's about the surgery. I think it's about the money. Anyone, quote, who decides to use a consciences of objection, you're problematic. Anyone who decides not to get involved in transition surgeries due to religious beliefs will face consequences.
And the last part of what she says, listen carefully again, we are enormous.
If you don't want to do this kind of work, don't work at Vanerie.
There it is.
Don't you work at Vanderbilt. So they were concerned not all the staff would be on board. Who cares? So you go back to Kama Harrison was nineteen eighty you. Yeah, I support absolutely. I support transgender surgery for every mental health patient in the world that wants to transition. And I believe the American taxpayer should have to pay for that.
That is who she is, folks. She believes that you should pay for that.
And this becomes at some point it's just a financial question.
You got to ask yourself, do.
You want a president of the United States of America that puts to legal immigrants ahead of you? Because that is what she believes in and has believed it for quite some time and put it in writing in twenty nineteen.
Now she's going to try to change and say that's not who she is, but that is clearly who she is. Now.
Before I get to that, I want to say, first of all, thank you to so many of you that listen to the show that have gotten involved to help the people in Israel. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is doing amazing work on the ground and we are quickly approaching the one year anniversary of the horrific Commas attacks on Israel. The sad thing is the Holy Land continues to be attacked on multiple fronts. We have had deadly threats that are increasing in northern Israel, constant rocket attacks from terrorist groups like HESBLA that have been fired to Israel causing widespread damage, and even wildfires have destroyed precious farmland. Now, since the war started, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has been on the forefront of Israel addressing the needs of the most vulnerable. That's why I have partnered with IFCJ and I want to ask for your help. Your life saving donation will help provide emergency food as well as critical security needs such as flat jackets, firefighting equipment, armored vehicles including armored ambulances, bomb shelters, and more. We are looking for five hundred listeners to join the Fellowship and me by donating one hundred and fifty dollars to meet the urgent needs of the security needs of the people in Israel. And thanks to a generous IFCJ donor, your gift is going to be matched automatically, doubling your impact in the Holy Land. Now, if you would like to get involved and you want to make a gift, please call them eight at eight four eight eight IFCJ. That's eight eight eight four eight eight IFCJ. IFCJ on your phone is four three two five. You can also go online to support IFCJ dot org to give that's one word support, IFCJ dot org SUPPORTIFCJ dot org. Israel needs are support now more than ever. All Right, so let's go back to the second point. Kamlay Harris said she's in favor of decriminalizing drug possession. Okay, so you talk about drugs, right, like, well, what type of drugs are we talking about here? We're talking about like a lot of drugs. We're talking about all drugs. I mean, how does this work? What type of drugs? Well, let me go to CNN. Harris indicated she supported the decriminalization of all drug possession for personal use. So if you've got kids that you love, a grandkids and you don't want them using heroin, doesn't matter, Kamala Harris. Like shoot that stuff up, crack cocaine, meth, it doesn't matter.
Feedanyl doesn't matter.
Harris indicated she supports drug legalization.
This is again on CNN's website right now.
Her answer focused solely on marijuana, citing her co sponsorship of the Marijuana Justice Act, which sought to legalize federal marijuana. So she wants everybody being able to walk around and just smoke weed, no consequences. Everybody, puff puff give If your kids get a dick to it, great and don't worry. It's a gateway drug. But we don't care about that. She explained that drug use should be treated as a public health issue rather than a criminal one.
So if your kid's.
Got heroin and dies of an od, I'm just curious the person sold it to him.
Does that person matter anymore?
Because there seems to be a weird double standard on that issue. Throughout my career quote unquote, I have supported treating drug addictions a public health issue, focusing on rehabilitation over incarceration for drug related offenses, she wrote during her nineteen campaign, har has it been into smoking weed in the past and calling for its legalization.
Now, let me go back to the very top of what CNN said there.
I love quoting CNN because they're obviously playing to a different audience. Harris also indicated she supported the decriminalization of all drug possession for personal use. That means every single drug out there, every single one of them. By the way, I know people that gone to jail for drugs and they will tell you that it saved their life. These are people that went to rehab and it didn't and it didn't work because they were just addicts and they went in and left or went in and came back.
Uh, like it was constant.
I know people that have gone to jail that were out of control addicts and that was the only thing that worked, and they will tell you that literally going to jail saved their life. Tama Harris says, no, we ain't doing that, like well, I don't know. It's where I don't know what world you're living, and we're not doing that. We don't, we don't, we don't we like, we don't do that, right Like, that's not what we do here.
That's not that's not that's not how we that's not how we roll. I I mean what woman.
Says that all drugs should be legalized in essence, and all drugs. If anyone's caught with drugs, they're there should be no consequences for that. Let's move on to the next list. From twenty nineteen, she also talks about immigration.
Harris's starkest contrast or current position might be her new tough immigration rhetoric versus what she told the ACLU when asked about criminal justice reform. On the questionnaire, she wrote she would end immigration detention facilities along with private prisons. Harris also says she supported decreasing funding for ICE. Why would you say that, Well, when you're in favor of anarchy and lawlessness, you say that.
I'm gonna explain all of this in.
Detail, plus your phone calls one eight seven seven three eight, one thirty eight eleven one eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight eleven in her own words, and just think about this, she said, quote, our immigrant detention system is out of control. This in nineteen, so what would she described in twenty twenty four? And I believe we must end the unfair incarceration of thousands of individuals, families, and children. I was one of the first sinners after President Trump was elected to advocate for a decrease in funding to ICE. Harris appears to be citing her efforts in seventeen to oppose increase ICE funding under Trump when it was working.
To secure the border. Harris wrote that in eighteen she was introduced.
She had introduced the detention Oversight not expansion called the DONE Act, to increase oversight of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities.
So in others, she was.
Turning the good guys into the bad guys. She wanted to slash detention by at least fifty percent, so an arbitrary number, so if you came across the border.
You wouldn't be detained.
And she went a halt funding for the construction of expansion of any new facilities and instead catch and release, which is what has caused twenty million illegal immigrants to come across our southern border, including rapists, murders, child molessers, sex traffickers, and drug dealers. Harris also pledged the time to end the use of ice detainers. Let me go back also real quick to again, we get this ACLU questionnaire from nineteen Okay, and now it's just become public day before the debate. And if you look at what she has written her entire career and look at what she's done, she is a radical coming. Harris wrote in twenty eighteen that she had introduced a detention oversight not expansion, called the Done Act getting rid of immigration detention. She wanted to slash the detention facilities by at least fifty percent and halt the funding for the construction or expansion of any new facilities. This is what also caused the humanitarian crisis you may remember with kids in cages that was part of the Obama years, and also the humanitarian crisis that we saw with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants that were under bridges, for example, in other places outside when coming across because there was a backlog. Now, look, I think this was controlled chaos on purpose. And I've said this before. When you saw that crisis happening where you had tens of thousands under one bridge and it started hitting TV. The Harris and Biden team are like, all right, this makes us look bad. We'll just start releasing the crap out of them as fast as you can. And if we do that, yet a flood America with a bunch of illegal immigrants, and we wouldn't we won't have done our due diligence.
We don't know who these people are.
We don't know if they're rapists, we don't know if they're cartel members, we don't know if they're drug dealers. But they're basically saying like we don't really care, Like we don't, we don't care, Like, just do it anyway, just go for it. We don't care, And that's what they did. Harris also planned to end the use of ICE detainers requested by ICE to local or state law enforcement to hold an individual up to forty eight hours beyond their release time so ICE can take them into custody for possible deportation. So she was clearly against deportation. Why would you be against deportation because you want to flood the country with illegal immigrants who will then vote for you when you give them amnesty.
During the Trump administration and so you understand what her real policy was, ICE aggressively targeted undocumented immigrants. And then what happened was crazy radical Democrats said, okay, we refuse to work with ICE. Right, Sanctuary cities refused to tell ICE or work with ICE when they found someone that committed a crime that they believed was an illegal immigrant.
They just wouldn't tell ICE.
This may be the weirdest show topic I've ever done in my entire life. I honestly never could have imagined that twenty four hours or less before a presidential debate, there's a very good chance that the presidential candidates Kamala Harrison Donald Trump might actually be talking.
About the eating of pets.
Yes, Haitian immigrants that had been shipped into this country under Kamala Harrison Joe Biden are eating pets and wildlife in the Midwest. New reports are showing the Haitian immigrants are eating residents pets and wildlife in Springfield, Ohio, for example, leaving residents to warn each other to protect their pets. Springfello, Ohio residents are warning their pets and wildlife that they have like ducks and geese are being eaten by the Haitian illegal immigrants. One neighbor said she saw a cat being carved up by a Haitian. Another neighbor said a police officer told her this is happening to dogs, ducks, and geese. Another neighbor putting up a picture of a Haitian immigrant carrying a goose as he walks down the street, alongside a screenshot of a recent warning by the Springfield residence in the neighborhood quote warning to all our beloved pets and those around us. My neighbor informed me that their daughter's friend had lost her cat. The warning stated she checked pages online kennels asked around. One day, she came home from work and as soon as she stepped out of her car, looked towards a neighbor's house where Haitians live, and saw our cat hanging from a branch like you'd see a deer for butchering, and they were carving it up to eat. The residents claimed that the Haitian immigrants were allegedly doing the same thing to pet dogs. Additionally, the residents said local police and rangers had warned that the Haitian immigrants. We're butchering and eating ducks and geese from the local park, saying this, please keep a close eye on these animals.
One of them says.
Springfield, Ohio residents are warning their pets and wildlife like ducks and geese are being eaten by Haitians. The neighborhood said that they are seeing this happen on a regular basis. And then there is a picture posted of a man walking down the street holding a dead Canadian goose. I cannot believe that I'm even having to have this conversation right now with you, but this is exactly what happens when you start importing an insane amount of illegal immigrants from around the world that have a different set of values and a way of life. By the way, in these countries, it is not weird to eat dogs and cats. And when you have twenty thousand plus Haitians that have been imported to Springfield, Ohio, when you do a little research, and that is exactly how many that we know of that are officially on the paperwork, I'm going to say that number again, twenty thousand Haitians have been imported. You paid for this to Springfield, Ohio since Biden and Harris took office, Migrant populations in Springfield, Ohio have surged the number of Haitian migrants twenty thousand.
The total population.
Of Springfield, Ohio in twenty twenty three, to put it in perspective, is fifty eight thousand. You may ask yourself this question, why would such a small town of fifty eight thousand have the Obama and Harris administration target them with twenty thousand Haitians Because the neighborhood there is predominantly conservative, and you can flip it and therefore maybe flip an entire state or the legislature if you import twenty thousand Haitians who might vote for Democratic candidates that are handing them an entire city to just take over as their own. Can you imagine fifty eight thousand a total population of Springville, Ohio in twenty twenty three, with city eight thousand, and then bam, all of a sudden, an extra twenty thousand people just randomly show up, who are then taking geese out of the pond, and cats and dogs are disappearing. This is what happens when you don't have a plan.
This is what happens when you.
Have a very significant and real problem, and it's all being done by design. Here's something else that I want you to know, and I'm gonna put this list up on social media. I'm gonna post this in just a moment on In fact, I'm gonna post it right now on X because I think it's that important that you see it. Make this go viral. Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna post this. Make this go so you know I'm doing it in real time, go viral. I just put it up on X as you as we speak. Go there, Ben Ferguson show on X right now and share this.
Democrats and independent.
Biden voters do have no idea what actually Harris's radical policy positions are, which goes back to this ACLU questionnaire from nineteen where Kamala Harris said she supported taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries costing you millions and millions and millions of dollars for all detained immigrants who want it.
She's in favor of decriminalization of.
All drugs and drastic cuts to ICE, along with ending immigration detention altogether, so you come across the border, you just get to stay. This would explain what is now happening, for example, in these small towns where they're being their total populations fifty thousand, and we bring in twenty thousand Haitians, and then they start stealing cats and dogs in the geeses and the ducks from the pools are from the ponds and eating them. Democrats and independent Biden voters on the Harris policy positions in a new poll show this, seventy one percent of respondents we're unaware.
These are people that support Harris.
Seventy one percent we're unaware that she backed defunding the police. All right, well, then right there, they should tell you exactly what Donald Trump should be preparing for today, getting ready for the debate, and that is, Hey, seventy one percent of the people that support Kamala Harris are unaware that she backed defunding the police. Now, I don't know how many in the Democratic Party or independent voters that are looking to vote for Harris also support defunding the police. That number may be high, but that's still a significant policy issue that the American people are really unaware of.
You want to know what else is shocking?
Eighty one percent of Democrats and independent Biden voters on Harris's position. Eighty one percent were unaware that she supported eliminating private health insurance altogether, outlawing it. Now, when she says eliminate, that means she is in favor of saying that is against the law to even have in America private health insurance. This is the reason why I call her a communist, because this is how communists gained control over the population. You don't have the right to go see a doctor on your own. You have to go see the doctor of the government gives you. And if the healthcare system goes to you know what in a handbasket, well guess what you ought to Just be glad you're even alive, And if you complain, you might not even get to.
Go see the doctor you want.
Here's another category Democrats and independent Biden voters on Harris's policy. Seventy one percent also unaware that she supported massive reparations for descendants of slaves that could cost this country trillions of dollars and put us into bankruptcy. Why would anyone want to put America into bankruptcy? Well, if you're wanting to take over the country, the best way to do it is to make all the people so broke that they can't fight and send up against you. So it's actually part of how you get communism when people have a lot of money. Communism usually doesn't pop up when people are poor and they don't have food and they don't have they don't have drinking water, and they don't have gas, and they don't have all the base neccessities. What happens the government becomes the master to the people that are now enslaved to the government.
Here's something else.
Democrats and independent Biden voters on Harris did not realize. Seventy four percent were unaware that she backed decriminalizing border crossings.
Altogether had no idea how is this even possible.
When you have a communist media that is not actually journalists, but they put out propaganda of the government, which happens to be the Biden Harris team. That's how you get to the point where seventy four percent of voters in the Democratic Party and Independence that support her are unaware that she supports decriminalizing illegal border crossings. Seventy seven percent were also unaware that she supported abolishing ice, which.
Protects the border.
And here's the one that's even more shocking to me. Of Democrats and independent voters that vote for Biden. Remember, no one's voted for Harris yet. Seventy eight percent are unaware that she promoted a fund to bail out violent protesters during the twenty twenty riots. Now, what does this mean for you? If you're listening to me right now to exactly what it means. It means that you have a job to do, and your job is to take what I just told you and make sure that everyone sees it. You can grab the Ben Ferguson podcasts, for example, and you can share it.
It's got all this in there.
You can grab Mark's podcasts, it'll be up tonight, you can share it. This show will obviously be that podcast. You can go to X right now and you can share those data points. I just posted it right now at Ben Ferguson's show and share it so everyone right now can see that this is how unaware the voters are of her actual communist radical values. Make sure you share this podcast with your family and your friends, and I'll see you back here tomorrow.