Villain Behavior with Victoria Larson

Published Mar 21, 2025, 4:22 PM

What’s it like to be a “villain”? Ben and Ashley are checking in with Victoria Larson from Matt James’ season for a no-limits conversation about her time on reality TV. 

Victoria holds nothing back when sharing the details of how producers affect what happens in the show, and we hear the true origin of “Queen Victoria”.


Plus, she gives us a behind the scenes look at “House of Villains”!

This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast with iHeartRadio.

Hey, y'all, welcome to the Almost Famous Podcast. Today we have Victoria Larson joining us. She was on our podcast back in December, but it well, first off, you may remember her from Matt James this season. She was the quote villain and she was here in December talking about her stint on the House of Villains on E and now we wanted to have her back to talk about Matt James since you know, he's been a hot topic lately and specifically this TikTok that she released about Bachelor production manipulating her.

Okay, I did, thank you for having me, and yeah, I just post on my TikTok so casually without thinking, and then I'm like, oops, people are watching. Does that happen to you? Guys like you forget?

No, I never forget. I'm scared of all oil post I never I never do anything. I'm overthoughtful about it. Yeah, I will say this.

Ben was talking about how not just how one of our closest executive producers seems to be on the outs this month, but a lot basically anyone that we knew from our time on the Bachelor might be gone after I heard that this coming finale, and I have then zero ties and no one to I don't care about talking as much if there's nobody there that I truly care about out of you, not that they I really have much tea to spill, but like if I and especially not about my experience. However, if I see certain things now watching the show, like, I'll feel a little bit more free to comment.

Well, and I'm glad you say like your experience too, because whenever people ask me like, oh, how is it on the Bachelor, I'm like, well, my experience was this, Like each person has a totally different experience, so right, But yeah, and I've seen things going around now like some girl, you know, whoever was the villain this year kind of went through the ringer, but I haven't followed.

Enough so I have. I kind of want to go into the psychological sides of your TikTok okay because when and I could be wrong, I want to talk this through with you because I want to try to get to an understanding of how somebody becomes a villain. I think we talked in December about the villain on my season was Olivia creedy, and I think it was very unfair to her, just not who she is. And but you, okay, so you said you were manipulated, I think to be the villain because you wanted screen time. If I remember in December, though, you kind of own that, you like kind of own the screen time idea that you like to be on TV. You obviously agree to go on House of Villains with the title of villains. And so I want to get an understanding of why this TikTok came out.

Now, well, okay, maybe manipulated is a strong word, but it wasn't meant in a malicious way. It's just it was a TikTok trend. Like I just threw something up.

Manipulated was a TikTok trend.

No, Like the trend was the sound, and then you put it with like like the trend was you're so funny, here's a horrible experience I went through, and like, you know, that was the trend. So yeah, I think that's why I put it up. And I think as in December when I was on House Civilians, I was embracing that role, rolling with the punches, and I don't know, it just wasn't a serious TikTok and then it got a little bit blown up.

Okay, so that this helps, so you this wasn't kind of a tell all. Let's it's wild timing. So I think the audience is watching this in San Okay, Victoria or calling them out at a time when articles are getting released. Yeah, exactly that it's an unhealthy idea.

I actually do live under a rock with the Bachelor stuff, like I'm not tuned in. It's I saw the Matt and Rachel think from Call Her Daddy, but like Bachelor news, I really I'm not tuned in.

Okay, So let me update you because I want to get your thoughts now about at the same time that your TikTok came out, they pretty much are well. The executive producers the Bachelor have now left. They are no longer working on the show. And when Ashley said there's nobody really on the show that you would know in terms of production, that is going to probably become a very true statement. In a week. We don't know how many people have been let go or have left.

I heard of that because one of my producers from How Civilians It's now doing Paradise, So like I hear talks about it, but I didn't know there was like articles like I just know private conversations.

So it's great timing, and I thought that would my questions were leading into. I thought this was maybe a time where you said, Okay, if staff is speaking up about an unhealthy working environment, maybe I will speak up about my experience on the show and let people know what it's like to be a cast member who is cast or at least produced to be a villain.

No, actually not at all, like complete coincidence, like she was just doing a trend.


Yeah, I was wondering why it went viral, But now it makes sense. I had done pilates with someone, so since we last talked, I was going to get back into aviation. I randomly got back into pilates. Was coaching a client and I'm like, yeah, none of my things go viral, and he does marketing. He's like, well, you have to comment back to people to like boost the algorithm. So I thought that's why. Still had no idea until you guys just told me. But that makes sense.

Well it's your reaction then, I mean, you just found out that it went viral because it was a great video. I don't want to take it away from you that it wasn't a viral worthy video, but now that you know the context at which it was posted and you're finding this out in real time, I would love to hear your real time thoughts on how this is all looking.

I mean, I don't know. I guess change is always inevitable, and I believe change is good. And I think that I, personally, as a viewer of TV, don't enjoy toxic drama anymore. Like I used to love The Housewives, I can't even watch it anymore. I don't feel good after watching that type of show. And I do know a lot of the comments I got were, you know, like you're taking away from Matt's love story, And I think when people watch The Bachelor, they want to see love stories, they don't necessarily want the drama. Although on the contrary, there's other people that are like, we only watch for you, we love the drama. So it's hard to say, but I think that this next generation is a very positive place and so like they probably just want a more love story TV show rather than drama.

Well that that's very nice. Considering we were crapping on Gens yesterday, we were like they don't have I don't know how to have conversations.

That they don't, but I still think they like good vibes.

And that's true.

Yes, yes, yes, And you know you have two young boys, so you'll want them to grow up in like a more positive, loving universe. And I think because I even thought about it, like one of my pilates instructors is like this gay guy and he's fabulous, but he's like he's saying, how like the old school gays were much more catty, And I mean gay friends now are like fabulous and kind, and I think a lot of society is moving towards that.


Well, I'm glad that you have this. Meant that's very that's very sweet. And I do feel like you were putting on a show a little bit during Matt James' season and you said that, But there.

Are elements of both, Like I was putting on a show in some regard because like I said, like I'm rolling with the punches, but there were parts of it where I was like young, it was my first time on set, and like there were elements where I was misled. And I think what people aren't understanding is they think it's either black or white, like were you manipulated or were you this? And it's like combo, there was some gray area.

Well, yeah, it's definitely kind of a paradox overlay that you have on top of this TikTok because you said you were manipulated into being the villain because you wanted airtime, and it entertained during COVID when everything was canceled culture. So basically you're saying like, I maybe wasn't so manipulated because I wanted to go along with things that were spicy.

I guess the manipulation was I did not realize the edit kind of.

Well, you didn't know that scary music would go behind what you were saying and make it sound way more evil than it really was supposed to be.

And even when I was talking to Katie, this popped up on my TikTok the other day. When I had the conversation with Katie. I do remember that specifically, they were like, you can't go to bed until you talk to Katie. I didn't want to talk to Katie. So I mean, if that's not manipulation, I don't know what it is. But it's also then people say you have free will, which is true. So then when I went to Paradise, I learned, oh, I can say no, Like I didn't know that my first time. I really didn't. So that's where I say like it was manipulated because in the Crown like that was not my original idea and I was like, I would never do that, and they were like, just do it, it'll be funny. So like things like that. I mean, I don't know if manipulation is the best word or if it's like, you know, what would you say? Say is a word to describe that situation? I don't know.

I mean mine would be at a time. And this is not a hit to you. It's easily influenced.

Oh for sure.

I was, Yeah, you didn't know. I mean it's a wild statement, in a powerful statement a lot of ways. And I think one that a lot of people going on the show would make is I didn't know I could say no, which is a very which isn't like I don't want to say this and say that like no isn't a reasonable response. They might not like it. They might get pushy.

You might have to say no like five times.

You also may not get as far. Yeah exactly, I wouldn't say yeah. I mean I would say that, you know, I said no many times. You know, there's especially as a lead.

But they'll still test you like you have to be so firm you. I really do believe, like when you go on that show, you have to know who you are. And when I went on that show, it was like I was young living in La, which now that I moved back to LA, I see how much I've grown and how stable I am. But LA is kind of a place where you can lose your identity a little bit. So I was in that situation and then went on the show. Yeah, I was definitely very easily influenced.

There's a few things in the comments of your TikTok. And then I want to move on to your House of Villains choice, because I do think it very much relates to this TikTok in the sense that you don't want to be the villain, but you went on a show full of villains.

Well yeah, and they said they said on House of Villains, like you can show that you're not a villain. So it was kind of like my redemption that Paradise didn't give me.

You and Kurran both really not villains.

No, Karin's so not a villain, She's just hilarious.

You said quote in your Tiko talk that said this was the worst experience of your life.

I think that was like really old.

Yeah it was twenty one, okay, but it's still you said it. It's out there and it's it's getting pulled back in articles because of this video. Do you still stand by that, Like, looking back now and you have had this House of Villains show paradise, maybe you'd say yes to Paradise again if they asked, is it still the worst experience of your life? Or have you had a different perspective now?

So the filming wasn't the worst experience of my life, but all the online hate afterwards, I will absolutely say still that was the worst experience of my life. I've never experienced that type of magnitude of hate. It was such a st stressful time and like, yeah, I mean I couldn't even go on Twitter. It was just like memes hate. That was horrible. That was definitely the worst experience of my life. But I do think life has good and bad for us to grow, So I'm not like resentful that it happened.

Yeah, I remember when that was happening to you. You had spoken out, and I think it was probably in relation to the same thing I just brought up. And it's always important for us. And I think I don't want to just say reality television. I think it's in general sports, you know, coworkers, whatever life is, you know, surrounding you with the hate is is so unnecessary. It doesn't do anything good. And I think it's always a good reminder, especially in this situation, that like, you're a real person reading this and it's affecting you deeply. But I guess the thing that happens there is you probably start to question yourself in a thousand different ways. When you're reading these things. You're probably getting pretty down on yourself and also super sad. Yeah, but you're watching this on television at the same time. Did you feel like you there was any accurate portrayal of you on television or do you feel like you're watching a stranger the whole time?

No, And even my friends who watched it were like, I don't know that girl, Like I don't know. So I think The Bachelor can be very one dimensional. I mean, if you compare it to other reality shows, these girls are given one season, they're given one character thing, whereas even on How Civillains Like, they showed more dimensions, more sides. So I think that was an issue as well. It was like I was just boxed in as the villain and like they didn't show any other moments you know that I had. So yeah, I don't think it accurately portrayed me at all.

So you would say you were you were more of a villain on The Bachelor than you were in the House of Villains, Is that true?

Yeah? I think so, because how Civillains like, they show more sides of you. They show when you're silly, they show when you're kind I mean, do they show kindness, I don't know, but they just have more overall, whereas, like you know, even on The Bachelor, when you were there that day, like me and Brie were like throwing the leaves up, having fun, and like they don't show any of that. They just show storylines that they want. I don't know. It's a different.

Experience that's interesting. So yeah, would you you don't regret the House of going on House of Villains? Then No?

I loved House of Villains And how was that produced differently? How was it, like, you know, how was productions handed at all?

I never saw a production and that's what we're talking about yesterday. So I remember. Yeah. I even asked Wes because he had done Real World, and I was like, wait, is this normal, like we never see producers and he's like, yeah, I'm like Bachelor, I was with them all the time, So that was different for me. It was more real conversations because you're like meshed in with these people. For me, like my experience oftentimes on Bachelor, like they would make us have a conversation. I guess the difference is too. On Bachelor it's like all New Girls, and then how Civilians it's like all stars, Like these people know how to make a TV show, know what to do, and you know some of them are in their own characters a lot of the time.

But characters. So would you say that they have like a mask on, like they are playing a role.

Definitely, Candy the drag queen like puts on a show. But yeah, and Safari too. Safari likes to act. He's never serious.

TV is obviously something that you've thrived in. I mean, you know, guys like it or not. Your villain character has you know, helled you into new opportunities. I don't like the hate.

You know, have exciting news. I'm doing a movie like the end of April May, so I'm so excited.

I'm like, yes, tell us, more like, can you tell us anything?

I'm kind of just playing the hot, dumb girl, which is better than the villain. Okay, we're moving up. What kind of movie is it. It's kind of a drama, but then my role is like funny, congrats, thank you.

So my whole point to this and where I want to go with this interview is you are a villain on the Bachelor. It's propelled you in to these new opportunities. The hate and the online you know noise is really hard, especially when you're new to this. I think it, you know today, like if it happened, it would still affect me, but it wouldn't paralyze me maybe like it used to back in the back when this was so new.

Mm hmm.

You go on House of Villains, you enjoy that experience. And so where I want this to go is you have now kind of owned this villainous character in some way, You're more confident, you're getting into acting, You're staying out there in the spotlight. So for anybody in upcoming seasons of The Bachelor or in reality television in general, and they have this villain title thrown to them, what would you tell them as advice to help them get through that season as they feel like they're watching themselves on television and it's not really them.

First of all, I would say it would have been easier to go a different route. I just ran with the villain thing because I had to anyone going through it, I would say, this too shall pass, you know, and like just try and go with the cards that were dealt to you and know your worth and know that's not who you really are and that it can still be a stepping stone onto the next part of your life and just not get stuck in that. And also, my dad gave me the advice to just like maintain a neutral platform because it's like when people were like the Queen, I was getting really high and they're like, whatever, you get really low. So just kind of like don't listen to anything like good or bad because none of these people know you.

If it makes you feel any better. There's probably two cast members from Matt James's season that I could remember off the top of my head, and you would be one of them.

Yeah, that's a pro You'll be memorable.

Yeah, you're memorable. So sure if Paradise calls, I don't know would you go. I mean, obviously you've had a rocky road, but Paradise was better for you than the Bachelor. You said, yeah, I.

Would maybe do it. And there's new producers now, so it could be a cool experience.


And you had a feud with Katie Thurston on Matt Jams season. Have have you talked to her at all recently?

Her and I have kept in touch, but not like consistently. But I saw like she's going through something crazy. Did you see she posted like she has breast cancer, so hopefully she was doing okay. I don't correspond with her, but we're like fine.

And then Mad James, so yeah, he's a single man. Now, I'm assuming that you wouldn't want to go after that though, No.

That he's definitely like not on my list at all.

What was your take on the breakup and how it was so sudden.

I mean, I watched Rachel's interview. I feel bad for her. We've all gone through that type of relationship and Matt like I feel bad for him too, Like I don't think anyone deserves like online hate. I was surprised actually she went on a podcast. I guess she wanted to have her side of the story out, But I mean I would love to hear I'm on a podcast and hear his side.

Too, well, Matt James, You're welcome to come on our podcast.

Would love that.

I think he's actually gonna stay quiet about this breakup though, I think he knows that's what's probably best for him, being that Rachel is really to steal your title living a queen lifestyle right now, Like this girl is seen Rachel, We're like bound down to her.

She looks fabulous. Yeah, but it's also like, remember the media did that with like, uh, what was it the vander Pump, Like the scandabal like Marianna really took off, and like, I mean, did you guys watch what was it? Traders? With Tom Traders is hilarious? Well, Tom was hilarious on that show. And it's like, as we were talking about earlier, like everyone's a human being reading these comments. So whether someone has a breakup or cheats or makes a mistake or you know, like that's their own business. But we live in a day and age where the whole Internet just dissect it, which is insane.

Yeah, I would. I would just say though, if you sign up for multiple reality television shows, you're putting yourself out there for praise and criticism. If you like definitely don't want it, you don't do it.

And what Jared always says is if you are not being talked about, well then you're probably like kind of boring.

Well, guys, that's why I posted the TikTok like I am irrelevant, So I'm like, I didn't know it would go viral, Like I just post on there chilling living my life like post me and my dog hiking like it's it was not that deep and it was kind of scary, to be honest.

It's it's it was. It was great timing unbeknownst to you, Which is one of the most like comedic takeaways from This Time with You today is that you had no clue that at the same time that you're calling out the show, the show is calling out themselves with mass mass exodus and and the show will look very different. Now, Victor, you got to look into this. This is this is happening. Staff is leaving. We don't know what the Bachelor's going to look like in a year or who's going to be running it, and so your TikTok was wildly good timing for you not planning it.

I'm in alignment still with Bachelor Nation.

It's right you somehow get it, Victoria. Next time you have a big TikTok, come back on, let's talk about it.

Thank you for having me.

Yeah, and we wish you the best. We'll be tuning into this movie announcement. It's a big deal. Congratulations. And then also if you get the phone call for Paradise and if you say yes, we would love to see it. One more redemption story for Victoria Larson. Until next time, I've been been.

I've been Ashley, Victoria, last time, I was scared to talk to you this time.

Thank You're so nice. Goodbye bye to Ben and Ashley. I Almost Famous podcasts on iHeartRadio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

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