The Switch

Published Apr 5, 2022, 5:27 AM

It’s the off-season, so anything goes! Jared joins Ben and Ashley for a candid and honest look at what life is REALLY like for new parents.
Is Paradise canceled??? Ben and Ashley discuss the rumors that our favorite part of the franchise might not return. 

And we take another look at the timelines of Katie Thurston and her relationships with Blake and John… was there any overlap??

This is the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with IR Radio. Welcome to the Almost Famous podcast. We're back. It's the off season and we cannot be more excited to be joining you all today to talk about a ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous amount of bachelor headlines. Stuff is happening in Bachelor Nation and it is exciting. But first off, we're gonna check in with uh. Well, I would say, uh one of, if not the best mothers I know, Ashley. I can eddie. Um, Ashley, I see you on this podcast in action. No, you're juggling a baby and a and a podcast Mike and feeding all at the same time. It's impressive. Do you see his legs behind me? Yeah, that's pretty great. Um, Ashley, how you holding up? Give us an update? I know it's the off season, so we have some time here to catch up with you, to tell us where your life is at. Ben, I wish that my life sounded interesting right now. I am the ultimate mom and I'm like I now give my mom and like all their like stay at home moms so much credit because running a house and a baby in cake and care a baby is so not easy. Plus, you know, I have other things like my podcast, and we have social media work and all that, and there's just like no time in the day. I remember my mom like still to this day, like whenever we're home, she's always like, there's not enough time in the day. I'm always doing something on this house. It never stops. And now it's like I quote my mom to her, now, I'm like, seriously, like it never stops. There's always something I should be doing. Even before we had a baby, I was like, you know, whenever I'd still on the couch and be watching a show, like there's that little voice in the back of your head saying you should be doing this, you gotta do this, you gotta catch up on that. But all of it seems like, you know, it's not very urgent stuff. You're like, she's being productive. I eat that. I hate that. We feel like we always should be being productive in some sense, but now as a mom and now having a house instead of an apartment, but mostly because of being a mom, there's always something to do. I can't get even through like you think, like, oh, you know, like a lot of time to stay on the couch, not even really, because like I don't know if my focus on on something other than him, Like even if my eyes are on my phone on the TV. He doesn't like it. You can tell. He's like, give me all your attention. Look at my eyes when you're giving me a bottle. It's so funny. I don't know where the time goes every day. And then I think like, okay, um, you spend half an hour every three hours giving him a bottle. So that's a whole, that's a huge chunk of ours that you know, that are that you used to have that you don't have now. And I'm so not complaining, Like I love it. And it's just like I can stare at his face all day long. You're not complained. But it's so crazy, what just like how it changes your life completely. Jared's here, he's walking up the stairs. He just came home from work. Jared's working all the time because you know, we have the new business. Hey Jared, he washes his hands before he touches the baby every time him. I mean that's great, right, but like also, like Jared the dost, we don't need to do that. The So he's been working, You've been at home. You're trying to catch up. Now I've been saving this question. It's a very it's not like a revolutionary question, but I've been saving it for the moment that, UM felt necessary. So you're you're into this mom thing now, like you're you're gonna always be learning. It's always gonna feel crazy and like you don't know what you're doing, but like you're in it now. What is something that was unexpected or that you didn't understand about being a mom that you've learned now since your mom day started? Um, I think, well, because this is like an episode just of headlines and Jared is walking the room from work, and I blessedly get to have him today, UM here at home at five o'clock. That's amazing. I'd love for him to come and do like this segment together. Yeah, So, as you just mentioned, Jared is walking up the stairs, he's washing his hands before he holds your baby because he cares so much. And now that he's with us, and it is a gift as we've learned that he is home at five o'clock from work, able to spend time with the family, it's a big dealities here with you. UM, I think it would be awesome. We've all kind of been waiting and saving um the questions for this moment. But if you guys could just talk a little bit about what you've learned as parents so far, some of the things that are shocking and surprising to you too, some of the things that maybe you feel like, wow, I'm better at this than I even knew. I was just spend some time, if you don't mind, walking through what being a parent is like to this day. First of all, Hi, Ben, how are you buddy? He stead? Oh yeah, I gotta talk. First of all, actually, why are your hands filthy? Well? I got a blessed moment before where he was asleep in his car seat for like an hour and a half, so I spray painted the uh so, all right, So the question at hand, what have we learned as parents? Well, what's what's surprising? I think that what's surprising is one everything does come natural. Like everybody says it, well, uh yeah, I mean it's just like anything in life. You just adapt and learn how to do it. It's like, Okay, here's a kid, so just keep it alive. I was just saying that the biggest change for me is definitely the time suck. Like I mean, just giving him bottles is like three a total of three hours a day. Yeah, i'd also said, just see also, you're not here for all the bottles. I'm not here for all the bottles. I would say, just the emotional exhaustion of it all. Really, yeah, I'm always tired. But maybe it's some other shop all the time, because you're at the shop all the time. I would it's yeah, man, it's great. It's just you're just your life isn't about you anymore. Like I it sucks. It's just it's great, but it sucks at the same time because it's like I just you know, I can't go to the gym anymore. As much as I want to, as much as I want to, I just don't go to the gym anymore. And then, you know, so I don't feel my physically best, which doesn't make me feel my mentally best. But I do love Dawson more than anything. He's definitely worth it. But then, you know, like bro golf is just I've been golfing in a long time, so that's out the window as of right now. But also I would say that has a lot to do with Audrey's because I'm there so much. One thousand percent. All of our stress comes from the fact that we decided to do three things at once. Yeah, so it's gonna settle down. House, baby, and business. Okay, so they're like three full time jobs that we took on, all in the same month, the same season, the same season, at the year. He's just making He's very entertaining to bed. He's just I'll go grab in a second, I would say. Also another surprising, not surprising. I think a lot of the things I expected. If I'm being honest, I know it's underwhelming answer, But you know I expected to fall madly in love with him. I am. I expected to be uh in awe of every little moment everything. I'm just like, look at him, look at yeah, everything he does, as long as he's not crying, it's like, holy, look at him. He's awesome. He's the best. You know. I'm excited for him to grow up. I'm excited to him. Listen, I'm gonna be a parent. I'm not there's a difference between being a parent and a friend. I'm not one of those people that believes that, Like I want to be my son's friend. I want to be my son's father, but you know, I want to play catch with him, and I want to, you know, show him the things that I love and uh, it's cool, like even something as stupid I was feeding in this morning, a Mission Impossible is on and I'm like, bro, you're gonna watch every Tom Cruise movie and you're gonna love it. Oh my god, my favorite moment with him. Unfortunately Jared wasn't here for it. But last week he was. He was like being a little uh, he was being like a little fussy, and we were really realizing that he loves being out, like he's super social. Whenever he's out, like out to dinner, out at Audrey's, he is in his happiest state. Like he likes to see a lot of things around him and like to hear different sounds. So I was like, you gotta, we gotta turn you onto music already. So I started playing the Greatest Showman soundtrack for him, amongst others of my favorites. And we're not just talking boy bands, were talking about like lots of other like classic, great timeless music, and he was kicking and moving his arms and his legs and his eyes were getting widinarything as we were listening to the Greatest show in soundtrack, and it was so cool to see his reaction to some of my favorite music. Well, you guys have also, like you mentioned, you've you've done a lot in a short period of time. You as to repeat, you got a house, you start a business which we we may move out of because we because we want to make things even more difficult for us. Actually, well this is this is the thing. Our house is. Actually we were very much like our house, but it's thirty five minutes from Audrey's and we thought that wouldn't be that bad of a commute. I'm just gonna babble here. This is like a therapy session with ben Um. Yeah, we didn't think that was gonna be that bad of a commute for Jared, but it is because he at least has the kind of job there as the owner that he could bounce back and forth when during busy hours and slow hours, you know, he could be home, but he can't exactly bounce when the commune is thirty five minutes. He's not going to go back and forth twice a day. And then with Dawson, he wants to be as home as much as possible and like, I need more help, So we're even looking for another house right now, which is insane because I'm gonna have to do what I've just done, moving and settle and make it make it a home all over again. But in the long run, we do think it's going to be helpful for us and like good for our mental health and our whole family health. And I get it, no, and that makes sense. And you know, a lot of people when you have a baby, a lot of people don't add the things that you guys have on, but you have added a lot on. There is something I'm really intrigued to talk to you both about because actually we spoke about it before Dawston was even born, and I haven't got talked to Jared about it. But uh, you know, in thirty three, a lot of my friends are having their first children or second children um or they're thinking about having kids, are trying at this stage. There is an anxiety element, right even just having a baby in your house and worrying about your baby now and worrying about the baby's sleeping, and then also the worry about the work, and then the worry about a new home or work in general. How are you two doing when it comes to your anxiety levels? And your mental health and how you're functioning both as humans. Oh, I mean, we're fully depressed. But I was going to say, how honest is he gonna be here? And that's fair, No, And it's fair to talk about because I think, just be honest because there is I mean, I get to hear right when you're when you're friends with people or there's people listening who have been through this, maybe you're not depressed, but we're like, hey, this is super easy on us, and like we're just thriving, and that's okay too, But be honest about how where you guys are at. The way I centered myself is, listen, we're tired, we're exhausted, like we were saying before, you know, everything that we do now is really Dawson first trying to prioritize how he's doing. I know, I try to help Ashley out in any way I can, um, but so it's exhausting and there's a lot of things to complain about. Having said that, the way I centered myself is, I mean, all you have to do is is look around the world. No, no no, no, I was gonna say, all you do is look around the world and realize, holy you know what am I complaining about. I'm breathing right now. And that's what I really centered myself. So, like as exhaust as I am, in times when I get really down and just sad, I all I do is think about why am I like one day I'm gonna die and I'm not gonna be able to hold my son, or I'm not gonna be able to breathe or have a sip of coffee or just look outside, he's grabbing the mic, and so that's one. You know, those are the moments where I really just kind of centered myself and realize, Okay, Jared, relax, You're not the center of the universe. There's a lot of people stressed out, there's a lot of people in worse scenarios than yourself. So just relax, breathe because you get to breathe. You know, not everybody gets to do that. Not everybody gets to live to thirty three. You know, it's it's a blessing and so hopefully we live for a very long time. And so that's how I think mine is very similar as well. It's like Jared and I have this horrible fear, it's dooming fear that will happen one day of our parents dying, and then like our siblings, we don't even think about ourselves links because you know, lois all those things. So I think about sometimes we just like you know that day is not today and we have everybody happy, healthy and safe, and like, I can't be luckier. Has these existential questions became heightened now since Dawson is born? Do you find yourselves kind of asking and worrying and thinking about these big life things now? Oh my god, When we first had him, when we were living at my parents for those couple of weeks, I was crying all the time, being like and not in a baby blues way, you know, not in a postpartum way or anything like that, because it was like happy tears. But I was like, you can't get better than this. Somebody's gonna die soon, Like you can't, just you can't live a life like this perfect, just because like when he was born and you know, you're like, oh my god, I love him. I can't believe how much I love him. Yeah, I think about those things too. Were I was on a flight by myself, I forget when I was probably on the Oh you went you you went back here for like three days. Oh my god, we're afraid that while I was thinking of something, well, I think about this. I think about it differently now because now if I, you know, something tragic happened, I wasn't here. It's weird to think that, you know, Dawson would grow up without a father. You know, the same thing with my mom. Jesus, with Ashley. I mean, obviously I think of it in my terms because I don't want to think of anything bad happening in Ashley. But like it's weird to think, like, yeah, bro, you you know so men and my friends unfortunately have had to grow up without their dad for multitude of reasons, whether it's you know, they're not he's not with the family anymore, or unfortunately passed at an early age. And to think like that would happen to That's that's the weird mind blowing, Like to think that, like I would die and then he would grow up and then he would be the kid. Now to be like, yeah, my my dad died when I was, you know, a baby. It's like Jesus were about Jared in the car driving back and forth, I'm like, do we need to get you a bigger safer car. Now, all right, let's talk about is near something bro well, And it's just interesting to see the switch, you know, all this is touching about the switch ones Dawson was born, where your minds went, where your hearts went, where your you know, your heart was opened up. Your anxiety and your fear increased, and your responsibilities increased at the same time. Yet you're sitting there smiling at your beautiful boy and enjoying every second of it. And it's weird, right if if I was to describe, Hey, you're gonna think more about the fragility of life. You're gonna be more tired than you've ever been before. You're gonna have more responsibilities then you know what to do with. And on top of all that, it's gonna feel like you're learning every day something new. Hey, does this sound fun to you? If you didn't add in that you had a baby, you'd be like, no, that sounds awful. But you had a baby, and for some beautiful miracles, miraculous reason, you're like, and it's all worth it, and it makes my life better And I cry because I can't imagine it being any more perfect than this moment. It's weird when we think of ourselves as certainly, I don't think of myself as indestructible, but you always I don't know if you guys feel the same way, but you worry about every other people. I don't worry about myself. That's what I mean. Like I feel like I you know, I don't know. I always think of ways of saving surviving things. Point is, Uh, it's so much different with him because he's just so fragile, And I'm like, we think about it like if I trip, he's in my arms, I doesn't even know how to turn. If he felt like it's just good. Every time we walk down the stairs, it's a thing, you know, every step I take, it's like this could be it. It's so weird to think about how vulnerable he is. Jesus man, Like your life is literally in our hands. Isn't that crazy? Bro? Yeah? And then one day is gonna grow up and be like, I hate you dead, because he's going to say that because all kids says, I've never said that to my parents before, And did you ever say that? Yeah? I did. I said it to my dad once, and yeah, I still remember the moment. I didn't mean it. I was angry, and I it still sucks that I ever said the because it's the opposite of anything I've ever felt or felt the time or feel now. But yes, you do. You're a teenager, and they it's usually because they catch you doing something you shouldn't do and you're feeling super guilty about it and you've lied to him and gotten out of it, and then they like ask you one more time and you're like, hey, I hate you. Stop asking me these questions. And they're like, well, that hurts really bad. But to this day, I remember being in like first or second grade, and I was going through this phase where it's like I didn't want to be taking care of anyone that wasn't a girl. Like I wanted all my teachers to be girls. I wanted like every you know, every baby said I had to be a girl. And so they were going to leave me home with my grandpa and my grandma, but I guess I didn't want to. I don't know what it was about Grandpa and I go, no, don't leave me home alone with Grandpa. He's mean. It's like what he was the nicest, never mean ever, But like Grandpa, Now, to this day, I still think if he had heard that, I just can't. I can't deal with that guilt. Yeah, but then you fast forward yourself into their shoes. Now we're all adults. If a kid said that, you'd be like, we would laugh about it, you know. So I guess as a kid he feel a lot more guilty about it than as an adult. But still, well, it's really great to catch up with you two, and it's good to get and what you're accomplishing and what how you're changing as humans. It's great to see it, and and I think from all of us, we appreciate you all giving us the update, and we will continue to keep updates as your family grows and as Dawson grows, and as you two continue to navigate this wildly fun journey that his parenthood. Um, you're doing it well. Next thing is trying to make him smile. So he smiles in his sleep most of the time, probably because he's farting. But now I'm trying to make him smile because I can see it, like I can see it's on the verge. I can see his facial recognition. I could see like he's opening his mouth, he's enjoying it. I don't know what that means, but I say it a lot to him, but he seems to enjoy it beforehand. Yeah, I can just so bad about lois so bad. She's actually gets plenty of attention, but I think it's her looking at the love that he gets that makes herself okay. But wait, one more thing that I wanted to mention because I said this on Instagram and I had somebody respond. I don't remember who it was, but it was also a Bachelor mom. So the only time that I've been more tired because he's really good sleeper. We don't get like solid, like you know, eight hours straight through. We get breaks and stuff, but we get more than the average parents. I think he's been he's pretty good, and he has been pretty good from the start um. But the time in my life where I was way more tired than this was definitely filming The Bachelor because we would go to bed at two in the morning and wake you up at seven exactly, so we can survive that and then like beyond camera, you can get through it all. I get through a lot, you can get through a lot. Well, I have something that's gonna make Dawson smiles. No, no, no, I didn't get to the bachelor can get through anything. Yeah, I mean it's the same as torture, right. I do have something that's gonna make Dawson smile. It's gonna be bachelor headlines, and they're gonna come up right after the break. Moving on from bachelor headlines are chie moving on from Jared, Nashley and Dawson, We're gonna go into bachelor headlines and there's a lot of them the day, and there's some that we really got to celebrate, and this first one falls into that category. Former Bachelor at Andy Dorfman is engaged to boyfriend Blaine Heart. The quote is I finally found love. Yeah, ber Andy, I'm excited. I'm also curious because they met or Okay, so they rekindled their relationship in Italy, and I want to know rekindled or she says the she rekindled last summer in Italy, So I gotta know rekindled from when? From what? Was this a fling that turned into a relationship at some point later down the road or was this an ex boyfriend who turned into a now current boyfriend and fiance. I don't know, but we have to get Andy on here and ask her about it, she brings up Italy because that's where she's thinking about doing the wedding. She says that she's not interested at all at planning a wedding. She says she wants to take the groom's job, basically doing nothing um during this wedding planning process. Um. She says, it will be like a small thing whenever it does happen. But as far as the engagement goes, happened this week it was very exciting. He told her, Uh, let's go to dinner, and before do you want to like just get some you want to have some cocktails on the beach during sunset. She says it's something that they do that they do a lot, so it wasn't like out of the ordinary whatnot. And she's like looking at the water and before she knows that, she turns around and he's down on one knee. She says she doesn't really remember anything except for like crying and hugging him. And then they instead of going to the restaurant, he goes, we're going to spend the night at Hotel bel Air, And then he said, well let's go home. First pack a bag, and then when she opened the door. All of their family, they're both their families and then closest friends were there to surprise her. Her niece and nephew came running up. She said it was so cute and um he also they they picked out the jewelry. They picked up the ring actually together, which is interesting because why wasn't really a surprise. Camp couldn't have been a surprise if they were picking out jewelry. Another thing we have to ask, um they used the same jeweler as the as her parents did forty years ago. That's amazing. That's such a great story and great for Andy. I wonder actually, if you remember right, maybe two years ago, we had a headline where Andy Dorfman had posted a picture with a guy's legs on the beach. Remember that, Oh my god, is that him? I wonder if it is him? We gotta ask her, we gotta get her on. But I'm just wondering back in the day, there is that like Bennett, you know, has Bennett Jordan's it was maybe him and he was like, no, he's playing all coy about it and it wasn't him at all. I wonder if it was this guy and that they maybe like took a time, some time apart and then got back together. I don't know. Those are all speculation and we need to bring the questions. I'm very very interested in Andy Dorfman's love life, so I won't forget it. Uh hey, we we mentioned it last week. Actually, we kind of argued back and forth if we thought Bachelor in Paradise would happen. We wondered if it was going to happen. People were starting to speculate that it wasn't gonna happen. But we now have some more info for you because we promised you we would. So here's the headline, Bachelor in Paradise. Everything we know this according to Mary Claire. Yeah, so I had mentioned last week that like the timing was weird. I was like, why don't they just start filming Bachelor in Paradise in May and then we get that season? Why do another Bachelor? Why do this bachelortte season now when we already have Michelle's Bachelortte season to pick men from, and then we have, of course this pass Bachelor's season to pick women from. And then you said, I don't know, I I get canceled. Well, that was a speculation, especially back in October and Reality. Steve mentioned that because of the ratings, he was thinking that it might get canceled. But this does not seem to be the truth of the matter, because right now it looks like producers are making calls to Bachelor lum seeing if they're interested in being in the upcoming season. We just don't really know when it'll air. It'll probably be airing later than usual, like maybe October time after the Bachelorette airs, And I just find that that's gonna be maybe a little bit weird feeling because Paradise is such a summer show. But but who knows. I guess we'll just experiment a bit. It's gonna be interesting to see. I mean, I think a lot of people um are intrigued. You know, the Paradise might have low ratings, but the people that watch it really engage in it. And there's there's a difference between now, I think on television where people just watch the show and it gets great ratings, or people reacting um and taking action on the show. And I think Paradise gets a lot of social media attention. People love talking about writing articles on it. I would still I mean, last week I said, hey, I don't know if it's going to happen. Uh, As I spent more time this week thinking about it. I'd be shocked if it didn't happen because it is such a involved show and people love watching it. It's very loyal following. Yeah, it's definitely like if you're talking impressions versus engagement, it gets a ton of engagement if we were like talking in social media terms, and I can I can say that I personally know that some of these girls are getting calls for producers, so they're in the casting process. Well, that's exciting for so many. Now, we do have some very interesting headlines that I didn't think we'd be talking about this week, but we they came up. Um, they were given to us, and I think they're interesting to talk about. Katie Thurston and John Hersey reflect This is the headline on Blake Moyne's reaction to the romance twelve Days. A messy backlash that Katie received is also involved in this article, and they also touch on do they feel pressure to get engaged? All this is according to US Weekly, But again here the things that we're gonna talk about as actually breaks it down. Katie Thurston and John Hersey's relationship. Also Blake Moyne's reaction to the romance the twelve Days of Messy if you remember Katie did just a while back and kind of the backlashes she got for that, And do they feel pressure to get engaged? Okay, so let's start with do they feel pressure to get engaged? Uh. She says that because the bachelor process is so fast, people just expected to come. But it's not anything that they feel pressure to to go into right now. They're in the normal world, she said, not on a dating show, So after a few months, that's just not what they're thinking of right now, and they're very much mentally living in the quote normal world. Um. As far as Blake goes, John said that they're kind of disappointed in the way that the Blake stuff has gone down because he's been relatively open about how things unfolded on podcasts, and he said that they was no overlap in the relationships and that he actually hung out with Blake for like twelve to eighteen hours. They say, Um, when Katie and Blake were together and John was with another girl and they had a lot of fun together, they didn't escape Room said, they hung out all day. Um, So it was disappointing when he heard Blake on all these podcasts saying things like, oh, I wasn't putting Katie wasn't putting effort into our relationship. That's why it was failing and falling apart. And then he goes, well, at John says, as Katie's good friend at the time, I saw how much effort she was putting into that relationship and how much she was trying to make it work and it wasn't just one sided. And he said that was really upsetting to see. So then the other reason that Katie in the whole twelve Days of Messy thing, let me start that fresh game. So then the twelve Days of Messy thing, why Katie and John went public so quickly? She's they said that, Um, once they explored their connection a little bit and they knew that was gonna be something that was going to be long term. They didn't want to have to sneak around. They didn't wanna like, they didn't want people to like see them in public and then like wonder like with their own agenda or narrative. They just wanted to be out there and open with what was going on. And I guess that was smart because if they did hide it more, then thereould probably even additional speculation that there was some overlap in the relationships. You know, obviously both sides I think have been you know, open since the breakup. And these breakups are messy. I mean they are, They're already in the public light. Uh, they're already talked about. Um, people are being asked about. I mean, I can't you know, be on either person's side here because here's the truth of it. Blake has his own things going on now. So if he goes in a podcast, he's gonna be asked about Katie. Like I know from personal experience, you're if you like it or not, you're gonna be asked about whoever it is that you're with from the show. That's a thing, and it's gonna happen for years to come, and you're gonna find like a few things to say and a lot of things not to say, to give like some type of fair response and truthful response without you know, maybe throwing the other person on the bus. Now, Katie and John they're dating, like you expect them to hide it, not to be out there about no like you should. They should be out there. They should have fun, they should be exploring this thing. I just think, uh, it's one of the interesting things that happened in this world as people's feelings are real legitimately really hurt, because there are still emotions at play and there's still history at play. And that's something for all of us to realize as we watch these things unfold, is these are still humans trying to figure out how to find love. It's it's not easy, so um, you know, but they're talking about it, and that's something that we're gonna talk about here. They talk about it, we're gonna talk about it. Well, speaking of talking about it, Tasia Adams confirms a b C gave her and Caitlin Bristow a heads up about Jesse Palmer hosting The Bachelorette is according to US Weekly as well, she said, Caitlin and I both had a phone called weeks prior saying that they were going to go move forward with Jesse, so it wasn't really a surprise when it was announced in the finale that he would also be hosting The Bachelorette. She says, I'm very happy for him. I feel like he's been so sweet and kind to me. So I wish everybody that takes that position the very best, and I'm excited to see the new season. Caitlin Bristow is also speaking about UM how she felt triggered by The Bachelor at having two leads for season nineteen. It's an interesting common I'm excited to hear about the article actually because obviously I was on that season. Um, I told you last week. I do think it's going to be interesting, to say the least, on how they do this to Bachelor. I think I don't know how it works out and how it works out well without just adding more messiness and more drama to the situation. But I also will say it will probably make very interesting and fun television. But it's it's interesting to hear Caitlin's response, So Ashley, why why is she saying this? Well, it makes me feel kind of guilty for being excited about the two bachelorettes because back during Caitlin's originals, you know, were not original season. I guess that was Chris's, but her bachelorette season with you, I felt like it was going to be her and the entire time, and I was excited to see how they were going to navigate that how guys were going to date one and then there's gonna be dates with another and blah blah blah blah. But then it ended up being eliminating bachelorette, which is like the most hurtful thing, and we we all like are not really down for the way that that unfolded. But I thought, with there being to the entire time like it's gonna be with um, Gabby and Rachel, this could be fun. But then Caitlin says this, and I'm like, oh darny. She totally has a point. So she said, is, oh my gosh, can a woman have her own season? First it was first it was her season. She was like, it was Claire and then she was gone, so that it had to be Tasia two in one season, and then there was Katie, back to back with Michelle's season, and now we have two bachelorttes again, can't it just be, you know, one bachelorette? She was, I just want somebody to have their own season, and I just don't want them to be pitted against each other. I don't know how the format is going to work. I don't know what their little system is gonna be like, but I know how two bachelorettes felt with her, and it felt like being pitted against each other for men to decide. She also said we could all get weird on what's acceptable and what's not acceptable in Bachelor world, because you know that that's a real gray area. But I wish I was there for this because I know how it feels, and yeah, that's so true. I do like Jesse as a host, and put in the case of there being two bachelorettes, it would have been appropriate for Tassia and Caitlin to be host, especially Caitlin, but yeah, Tasia was also part of a two bachelortte season, so when I think about like that, it's kind of confusing why they wouldn't just stick with Jesse for the Bachelor and the girls for the Bachelorette. It is confusing, um. And it is interesting to hear Caitlin's take because she obviously has been there and she knows, and it's interesting to hear this take also because Caitlin was the one that walked away being the bachelorette during that season, so if she still felt like that was odd to, you know, remove Britt from that season, I can't imagine how she feels to either share a season um, or how Britt maybe feels about this whole situation. I'm sure Brett's fine, she seems very happy, but I do think it's odd. Um. I also believe Ashley. Just my prediction, UM is that because of the backlash. Now, I'm sure the batchel are at and the Bachelor franchise knows they're gonna get backlash because of two bachelorettes, Like that's not beyond them. They they're very they're very like aware that this is not gonna just sit easy with everybody of a feeling we're gonna see a double Bachelor season probably following this. Oh smart smart man. Very very odd. And here's here's what I think, Actuley, I'm all for that. Um, tell me what you think. I'm all for it, because yet, I mean, Caitlin's right, like there's been a lot of double bachelorrettes here coming up. I just hope this isn't a trend, like I think it takes away from the show a lot. I mean, you know, we want to watch, um, the leads journey if it's a Bachelor Bachelor. I hope we don't start having like two or three or whatever Bachelor's and Bachelorettes every season. It just feels like it would be hard to like get emotionally invested into. Yeah, I don't know how much to elaborate on that set for like, I hope so too, because while this is cool for one season maybe even two with the Bachelor, I don't want it to be the norm. I don't either. It's less romantic, but it is less romantic, That's what I think. Um, But we'll watch it and we'll see how it goes. It's going to be intriguing for this next season. Well, um, speaking of the norm, this has been the norm well since we were on the show. But Jesse Palmer thinks on set Psychologist, he came out and said, this, uh are very necessary. Now, this was a part of our show and we were doing it actley, So why is he speaking about this now? It seems like, well, mental health is being talked about more than even when we were on the show. And I also feel like fans have just been asking a lot about it. I think that because mental health is talked about more now, people have been asking the question like, is this time in which people are like got the spotlight on them and it's highly emotional, like is there somebody to guide them? Is there just producers to talk to, or is there somebody who can really help them if they are mentally struggling? And yeah, then and I have talked about it multiple times, but now Jesse is saying this. He goes, psychologists are always there in the moment, talking to the Bachelor and the Bachelor and the contestants to keep everyone as mentally healthy as possible. UM. ABC has made mental health care a massive priority UM because it seems like some of Bachelor Nation, the alum themselves, have complained about mental health after the show and the show's lack of resources. So I think what Jesse's trying to say is that there's always somebody there during filming UM and then there and then he also says that they're always trying to take steps to benefit their CASTMT verse. I can just speak on experience. I didn't really need like a lot of help during UM the aftermath of the show. I actually handled the online criticism relatively well, being that I did have some episodes where I got a lot of hate, but I would just vent a lot to family and friends. But on the show, I definitely used the a psychic ause. Psychologists a lot in Paradise. I love talking to her and it made me feel so much better to vent to somebody who didn't have like any sort of agenda. But it's not and they're always there watching supposedly they're like always in the back room making sure like everything is like really really okay. What was your experience with the psychologist. They switched psychologists during Bachelor Winter Games, and I didn't feel as connected or close to that one, So I didn't really talk norder. Did I think I needed it as much then? And same with the Bachelor, like they checked, I checked. You know, you check in with them multiple times throughout the process, especially depending on how long you're there for. But I didn't really use it as a resource, like as somebody to really confide him until Paradise, you know, I uh, I struggled. I still do, like I can get pretty down um And so I I didn't use the Bachelor psychologist. I hired my own. Did they did you bring them during the show they're in the show and the filming of the show, I didn't. I didn't speak to the psychologist. I think they had to do a check in once, but it was just a check in. Honestly, actually, I felt like I recognized it. I was so kind of confused and my mind was so emotional and I was so over my head, like unlike I there was no prep for for me to be the bachelor that I just kind of recognized, hey, like I'm not good. Um. And so as soon as I got home and then I started to you know, access some resources pastoral counseling, um, personal like more secular counseling, like really started to dive into because I knew, I knew I was going to need it. And I have a feeling that my friends I can't remember probably had encouraged me to do that. Um. But yeah, I mean I think it's important to have. I think it's a great resource. I just don't remember ever using them, so I don't remember remember being around really yeah, I don't remember. Maybe as the lead, you're so busy that it's just not in front of mine. Maybe you just don't even think about it. M so, but it's that's that's sad. I loved the psychiatist. I loved her. I would just so advent to her. I really felt like she understood me. It was also my only time like doing therapy at all, if you want to call it therapy. It was like five minutes like in the bungalow. Well, it's a great note for any future contestants is to access that resource because it is there, uh, and it is available. Uh. And it is a safe space and a place that doesn't typically have very safe spaces. It is a safe space for just letting some things out. And I think it's very great to use. Um. Okay, transitioning a little bit. You were talking about a little bit about Paradise there. Blake Moyn's we just talked about a second ago says he would never say never to Bachelor in Paradise after Katie Thurston split. The quote is can't wait to get on that beach? Oh okay, Well he's being sarcastic. He was doing something you know on Instagram, Q and I and somebody said are you going to do Paradise and like when are we going to see you on our TV screens again? And he was like, duh, Paradise counted down, can't wait to get on that beach, get back into it. And I think that that would be like, you know, most people would think, yeah, Blake's totally going to make an appearance. He made an appearance on Katie season ended up winning the thing, so uh, seems natural that he would give it a shot in Paradise. But he says probably not. Never say never, but not unless it was a great opportunity for something. But I'd like to not. What do you mean a great opportunity for something. It's a great opportunity for love, Blake. Yeah, come on, Blake, open that heart up again, buddy, It's worth it. I think he'd be great on the beach. I think people would be very, very interested. Um in his story. Well, final headline of today, it's about Ashley Hubert and JP Rosenbaum. Um. We talked about them, uh having a divorce just a few years ago. Well, Ashley is now opening up about her boyfriend. Um, it seems like it's getting worse serious, seems like it is out there in the public now. Um. This according to US Weekly, Ashley, I can only tell us about it. I was surprised to know that she had a boyfriend, so she hasn't really shared it on social media, which is why I didn't really know. She has been with him for almost a year now, but she says that the first four or five months she was in denial about the relationship, which is why she feels like it probably went so fast, like how like she blinked and it's been a year. She says that she's probably not gonna get married again one day. She says, marriage complicates things. I'd rather just love someone and choose to be with them. She ended up introducing him to her kids, um, which are four, I mean four which are seven and five, about nine months into the relationship, so relatively recently, and for some reason. She doesn't know how it happened, but but they both thought that he was their babysitter and they said he was the best babysitter ever. Hey, I mean that's that's some brinie points right there, right, actually introduces them and they think it's a babysitting and they love the babysitting. That works. Well, she said it's one of my friends, so she didn't say this is my boyfriend. Yeah. Yeah, well, uh, that is the big update. I actually saw that on the news, like on um one of the website see yeah, we were some of today or Google was Ashley I was talking about her boyfriends. So it's out there in public now and will continue to follow that story as it continues to progress. Well, that's all the headlines we haveter you day. It's a lot of headlines, a lot going on in Bachelor Nation. We talked about engagements, to past romance, to Bachelor in Paradise, to the mental health initiatives that the show is trying to implement. It's a lot to going on in Bachelor Nation and will continue to bring it to right here on the Almost Famous podcast. But until next time, I've Been Been, I've Been actually bio followed the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcasts on I Heart Radio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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