Ashley opens up about her anxiety as her delivery date grows near. Ben (kind of) knows what she’s going through, because he’s a new dad himself!
We hear Ben and Ashley’s theory about Susie on this week’s episode of Clayton’s season.
And find out why Shanae has something we’ve NEVER seen before on The Bachelor… and it’s not a good thing!
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This is the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with i R Radio. It's time for the Almost Famous podcast where we get to hear well from past Bachelor contestants and Bachelor contestants, but also are wonderful Ashley, like can Eddie Ashley? What's going on? Oh? Hi? Ben? I don't know, not much for me right now, just waiting for this kid to come out, but also very terrified, not looking forward to it. I want my body back, but I also don't want to go through what's about to happen to me. I mean talk about terrifying, okay, right, but so many people have done it. You're a strong human. You're going to do great. Strongest human really not You're a strong But have you are you starting to getting nervous? Yes, I'm very nervous. I'm not starting to get nervous like I have been nervous a couple of months. Like a month ago, I was just nervous about like parent hood and adjustment, and now I'm just straight up nervous about labor. And I'm not worried about parenthood at all. You're gonna be a great mom, You're gonna do great. I I have full confidence um, you're becoming a parent today too. I'm actually so. I don't know if anybody out there has ever had this happen, But last night I flew in from that golf tournament in Orlando, and I had a ton of stuff to do in the afternoon because I've been gone for four days. And I got home and my cell phone reception was completely out, and my wife I was out like nothing was working, and so I just had to like, no call, no show every meeting I had until I found data about twenty miles from my house and I could text and email people. And that's what I did for an hour and a half last night. So, um, we rescheduled the podcast for this time today so we get out, which is why you guys heard um from Peter and Dustin yesterday. I did that solo. Yeah, and uh and now I'm missing picking up Whalen because we were doing the podcast now, so it's like, isn't exactly the most fun thing ever. So Jess went down to pick him up. He'll come up and hang out with us here this afternoon. I'm nervous about that. I had a dream last night. It doesn't like me and I don't know we'll see. We met him before, though I know I don't know if he liked me. I didn't. I didn't exactly ask him. I got nervous. But he is on his way. Jes so much puppy stuff. Our house is covered in puppy things right now. It is absolutely wild what a puppy needs or what she thinks that pupp people want as an eight week old, but she is. He has a TEMPERA pedic bed. I mean the bed is more comfory than the bed I sleep on. Nice ben Listen a little tip from somebody who does know how to puppy parent. Um, you will be overwhelmed and maybe even annoyed and kind of like maybe regretful or at least like questioning your decision for a little bit, maybe like three to six months. Crap, because like they're when they're peeing everywhere, like Lois would pee on our bed, Like that was what was annoying, because then you have to change the sheets all the time, and like you just don't know how to break the habit. Are you guys going to be strict, Like do you feel like you're going to like properly train We didn't properly train Yeah, we have a plan. So I'm actually leaving UM for this podcast, going up to San Francisco for a few days, UM for the A, T and T. We're gonna do a podcast in there. Um. I'm gonna be gone for about a week and a half. Now, Jessica will be here with the puppy and she's going to start working with him. She's very excited about this, and we planned this ahead of time. And then in March, we're actually going to Israel and so we're gonna send him to puppy school for the two weeks where in Israel. UM, we've been advised by that, and so we'll get him trained in Like he's just gonna have like the intensive two week training UM with somebody that we trust and know. So we're hoping that how helps. We also have a bell tied to all of our doors now that I did not understand, and I guess she hopes he hits the bell when he needs to go to the bathroom. Do you have a fence in backyard? No, we have electric fence. UM that doesn't work. So we're just gonna like act like it works. And I don't know's that's a good idea. Do you guys have coyotes around there? Uh, we do. He's gonna be a big dog. I'm not ever going to let him go out alone. There's bear and mountain lion. I'll always be out with him. I'll walk him a lot. We'll make sure this dog is as safe as safe can be. Well. Hey, actually right, lastly, where'd you get the name Whalon from Whalen Jennings. I love Whalen Jennings. I want to name our kid Whalen. She said, you can name the dog Whalen. I said, okay, that's just like you know that Blake Sheldon song. You name the kids and I'll name the dogs. Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of what's going on. So that's kind of what's going on with us too. Yeah. I don't I don't know who ol drinking Ashley. We have a huge podcast in front of us breaking down this week's episode of um Clayton season of The Bachelor. I'm interested to hear your thoughts and how you made it through this episode. I felt like it was a lot of back and forth. I felt like, um, I've enjoyed every episode. I guess there's only been two, and this is the first one. That felt slow to me a little slow. But we'll hear your thoughts. We come back after the break. Funny that you said how you made it through this episode, because guess what, I didn't. You didn't make it through. What do you mean? I fell asleep in the last ten minutes. Is that because of the episode or just because of life? Right now? I think it's both. I think it was both. Um. I mean, I wasn't totally asleep, but it was that kind of asleep. And you're like, Okay, I'm just gonna watch this with my eyes close and do you know what I mean? And you like try to listen, but then you're in and out like it was slow. Yeah, it was slow. It was, but it doesn't take away from us breaking it down. We did start this episode with kind of the cliffhanger drama of episode two, which feels like it was a month ago, but it was really only two weeks ago. Um. We have the Cassidy and Shana thing going on. Um, we have women now starting to speak out and tell Clayton about the drama going on in the house. Ashley, kick us off, Start us off. We begin this episode with the cocktail party. Yeah, so we leave off, of course, not knowing whether Cassie is gonna get her roast taken away. They have two conversations, both which Cassidy was like, I'm not going I am not invested in this thing at home. Yeah, she denies seeing someone at home, so she hasn't had a relationship since two thousand nineteen and um, she hasn't talked to a guy in a long time. But then she also kind of admits there's like a friend that she has at home, um, that she's slept with a few times over the past few months, but that she's already falling into something with Clayton. Um. Again, I really do truly believe her. And when when she says it's just like a friends with benefits situation, it was like maybe a situation at home that she was like sort of hopeful about, but like it wasn't going in her direction. You know that we debated this with Connor two weeks ago, and I still kind of feel like there's a lot of people in that position when they go on the show, Like you know, there's always like somebody and everybody's head, right, I mean, when you're in your twenties and you're single, I feel like there's always someone you're like wondering if it might work out with. Uh. The only thing that was interesting was that Sierra did say something like, um, there's a guy back, because she was the tattle tattle tale in this situation, the one who told Clayton about Cassidy having a guy at home, and she said something along the lines of, um, there's a guy at home like waiting for her, or like that she that she really likes that she's hoping it's going to work out with, or like going on the show is going to make him jealous type situation. And I can also believe that that's a different situation. I mean, I think if we look at this thing, let's be honest. You're in your twenties, you're single, you're dating. Yeah, you're not gonna stop dating because you're going on this show. If you meet somebody and you're super into them, while also at the same time you believe you're still going to go on the Bachelor, I think the right thing to do would just say, Hey, I'm not going to go on this Bachelor show because I've met somebody I'm into and interested in. That's happened many times before. Also, but yeah, but that's like when the other person is down to commit. If you're dating and you're not into this person and they're just the friends with benefits or whatever you want to hall of. If you're just casually hanging out with him and you're like, this isn't my husband, or this isn't my wife, this isn't my partner, then I'd say a lot of people in that situation it is completely fair for you just to go on the show, even if you went on a date two weeks before you want on the show, because you have no clue where this show is gonna speak out. Now. The difference here is she meets Clayton, if she's really into him, now she's cutting this guy off in her mind and she's moving forward, go for it. Um. I think also, though, that that different thing going on the other side. Different scenario is if in her head she's like, I'm just gonna go back home to this guy. I'm gonna be here as long as I possibly can. I don't think Clayton and I are gonna get married, And so this guy is gonna be at home waiting for me, and he's gonna be really jealous because now I'm gonna have all this attention from going on the show. I think that would be a problem, which I think probably Clayton is trying to figure out if she sees this as a game, yeah, or if she actually sees this as something she's really into, because it's hard to tell right now. Very well put and I think he just didn't want to risk it and he sent her home. Yeah. Well, and it wasn't like super dramatic. It wasn't. She handled it relatively, Yeah, I mean it wasn't super dramatic. I think her Instagram stories are obviously, yeah, a lot more dramatic. We talked about those last week where she kind of came out and called out Clayton, you know, called out some of the other ladies, and uh, that seems more dramatic than what happened on the show. But Cassie's gone. The rose was pulled, so it leads us down to the rose ceremony. Ashley, any shockers here for you anything right now? That some women that I mean, here's the problem with this season. With taking the week off, I felt like I was just starting to get to know a little bit of them and then I take you know, two weeks off of the show, and I forget all their names, and I forget a lot of the connections, but some of the most of the favorites, the ones that like have stood out to me, are still there. Yeah, Kate, Tessa and NC go home. I can't I can't at all come up with their faces in my head. Of course, that they wait till the very end for Cheney and for Elizabeth to get their roses, and they're the villains and not the villains. They're the enemies right now. Um, but they both they both get roses and Shana Shane Shane is like, I'm here to win. They are parts of Sheney during this episode that I kind of vibed with. I was like, I get you, but she is quite villainous. She's actually she's got a mean streak we haven't seen in a while. I feel like, I mean, I don't want to say I was right, but when the season started, I said I think this this person. Week one, I said, she's got a little bit more to uncover than we've seen you and I believe it's still yet to be fully seen, and we're gonna see it more as the season goes on. We saw a little bit of it this episode. But um, after the road ceremony, the episode, this new episode really kicks off with a group date. Um. A lot of the ladies are at this point are confused. They think the drama is getting in the way. I don't know if they've never seen this show before, but the first couple of weeks are usually full of drama and the usually is getting in the way. You just gotta rise above it. But they're tired at this point. Uh that you know, they're a little exhausted, a little traumatized. I think was the word uh that would say that. They would say, So, here's a group date. Susie reads it. Serena, Susie, Eliza, Mara, Marlina, Hunter, Genevieve and Jill are going on this date group date cards says, I see you love Clayton. Yes. So this is one of those group dates that they're seemingly incorporating into every season now where it's kind of like a therapy group session. This one is led by Caitlin Bristow and basically she starts out by saying, like, stand up if you if there's part of yourself that you're not proud of, and then or that you would like to change or something along those lines, and everybody stands up and the kind of the common thread, the common theme in all these stories is how people changed in relationships for other people or they behaved in their past relationships in ways that they didn't that they weren't proud of. And it's just one of those like really getting to know you things and it's very emotional. And at the end, Clayton reveals that he um has a lot of insecurities with his body, which is you know, after talking to Ben Smith a few weeks ago, it seems like a common theme for both the men and women. Um, these are great dates. Uh, And we've said it before when Nick hosted this one with um was it Katie season? Uh? He hosted this date And Uh, they're incredible dates because I do think they feel like an actual date. You're getting to know somebody, You're getting to hear from somebody. You're also allowing the space to help somebody maybe heal a little bit, or to get some frustrations out there in a safe environment. Right. You know, we hear um some women talk about their insecurities. We also hear obviously some of the topics that we know the show needed to be talking about talking about um racism, what it's like to be somebody of color, UM, what it's like to have past relationships that are unhealthy. These are all topics that really um for a viewer, and I hope for the contestants. I would just try to put myself in their shoes. I would think these are really good dates to be on. Now. Uh, it's kind of weird this episode because we go from this day to have a bay Watch date, so I think one group really you know that the weight shifted to a complete opposite thing. But Caitlin did a great job at hosting this. It was good to see her on our televisions. Um. We've gotten to see a lot of her own televisions. UM. But I enjoy these dates. I will say that I am not against instead of you know, the wedding dress date and the wedding photo date, like this maybe replaces it and as the constant date that happens every season. I'm all for it all for it gets us to know them more, and it gets of course all of them to get to get to know each other more. The group time, the group time portion, the you know, the cocktail portion of the state. The The standout moments I feel like are with Serene, who talks about how she just feels so comfortable with him right off the bat um and he says pretty much the same thing about her. She talks about how Um her family is not emotional, so like dates like this are kind of like a shock to the system. Um, but he says that they feels like they have a strong connection. Then there's Susie, who I still feel, especially after watching this scene, he's so much more into her and she's into him. The more I watched their interaction, like, I feel like she's gonna keep getting Rose after Rose, all the validation, and then she's going to be that girl like Top four who runs away and he's going to be devastated because I think his plan is to pick her. I have a theory after this data, especially it's not far off yours, she won't be the only one that runs away this season the last six. It's gonna be hard for him to keep all of them there. Wait, why do you think that? Because I just get the sense that, like a few of these women are really into Clayton right now, and it makes sense. It seems great, Um, but with watching the teasers, seeing some of the stuff he says, seeing how emotionally is I have a feeling that like, even if they're into him, at some point they go, yeah, I'm not. I just can't continue this, Like I can't leave this in an engagement, and so I'm just gonna take myself out of it and he's gonna be like, crap, like I messed up. This is just my theory, Okay, but we'll watch it as the season goes on. Yeah, the group they you know, the group they portion of this with Clayton or with Caitlin leading, It almost felt like a cocktail party right there talking. They're conversing amongst each other. They're all in the same circle, in the same group. Um, so you know, the cocktail party itself was just a good add on to that. I feel like they got closer. Some of these relationship did build. We got to see a little bit. But let's move on to the on on one this week. Um, Sarah gets the invite to the one on one and we see a familiar face beckat Kuffrin uh kind of hosting the date or showing up for the date. Yeah, so they have to do like a whole bunch of embarrassing things like run around l A and their underwear, which, like Sarah feels, is super weird and like, yeah, I get it. I had to drive a tractor in downtown l A in my bikini. I think that was like a little more demoralizing because the underwear that they gave them looks like a like Olympics swimming suit. It's not like it's pretty covering, it's not that embarrassing. It's like a sports bra in my opinion. Honestly, no big deal here. He's the one that does have to run around the boxers, which can be a little weird. Um they have to do they have to sing about each other's about their feelings for each other on a mic in the middle of the park. Like it's awkward, but of course they're getting out of their comfort zone, right, Um, I just like don't feel this at all? Is that horrible? I just don't feel their chemistry. I do later on at the dinner portion, like I get it way more, but not during this day the day day. Maybe it's just the awkwardness. Um it is a you know, it is one of Clayton's first one on ones and so it's hard to know how to navigate it. And you're doing a bunch of like ridiculous things together. Uh yeah, I would agree with you. I mean, the dinner portion did seem to like connect them a little bit more. She talks about her being adopted and she actually felt like she didn't belong and she she had a lot of like emotional issues because she was given up from her biological parents and um it also for her parents, she like, you know, she looks different from them, she has totally different ethnic background. Um. But of course she loves her adopted family. But she said, like it took her a while to realize, like all the love there makes sense, and it does, and they you know, like I said, those are the Those are the moments during this episode that I enjoy because ultimately, the drama back home will get into that in a second, because shrimp Gate was kind of happening throughout this thing as well. But you know, the the drama is always entertaining up to a point. Um, But the connection and hearing these people's stories are the things that will I think, kind of grasp onto and hold onto and understand as they continue to try to build their relationship and to see how Clayton responds to these those type of things. It's really important, Um is he gonna be there for them? And is he going to continue to reinforce like his support of them even within their insecurities and and but yeah, let's skip into during this whole thing, shrimp gates going on. It's it's a little bit wacky. Don't need to hear the words shrimp ever again, jo Shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp. It's a lot. So basically, guys, I mean, you you saw the episode, you know what happens. Elizabeth makes some shrimp, not a ton, you know, maybe like a twenty pieces or something, and Chanai, her arch enemy um decides that she's going to go take like like fifty of the shrimp because she calls out for everybody to help themselves, and she certainly helps themselves, so helps herself. And it doesn't go over very well. Of course there's tension from it, but shouldn't. I also doesn't eat them all for herself. She does go around and like offer them and she of course makes it the biggest deal because during this offering, Elizabeth doesn't acknowledge the kindness you want to look at her, and it's just all ridiculous. And this is where the drama that I normally like. I was talking to Peter yesterday, like, yeah, I do enjoy drama. It's fun. I think that, like the second episode was full of actually interesting drama. But this stuff is so silly and this doesn't keep me captivated. No, I want to know what the producers are doing at this point, Like they're sitting back to like this is awesome. This is gonna be so good. She's gonna take some shrimp and it's gonna be a big deal and then we're gonna make everybody talk about it for a long portion of this episode and totally distract from anything else going on. I you know, I don't even know how to respond to this, Ashley, because I feel like, as a viewer, I was watching this being like, both of these people should not make a big deal about it. Elizabeth made shrimp, she offered it up like, oh, you know whatever, that's great. We had a lot of people when we were in the house cooking food for other people. They loved cooking, or they knew how to cook, and they would cook and offer it up to the masses to enjoy. Now, Elizabeth did that and Chaney took it. Now, should have say, taken the shrimp from the some from the person that she's in, you know, disagreements with No. I don't think I was smart. I think she knew a little bit that it was gonna cause dramma being antagonistic. Yeah, but at the same time, Elizabeth could have just shaken it off, made a little more shrimp. She's not paying for the shrimp. The show's paying for the shrimp. She could have passed the shrimp off, made a little bit more. Said Hey, I'm just not going to get in the weeds on this. But I think at this point we're kind of in the the cyclone of issue right now, like where they're arguing. Yeah, so this thing was a mess. Um absolutely a mess, so weird, but it's not gonna stop. We're in the cyclone of drama right now. I think drama everything is gonna be a little sensitive, and I think that's what we saw here. Well, Ashley, we have one more group date to get to in this podcast. At this point, you're pretty close to falling asleep. I stayed up through the actual um bay Watch part of it. Okay, you know when it comes to the kitchy dates like this, I actually kind of enjoyed it because I don't know, I guess like you have all the girls in the same outfit and they're they're participating in the same competition, and we gotta figure out which one's as the best. I mean, the Salomo running was kind of fun. I actually think that Sena mean like she made a a move, her move like it worked. She was hot. I think he was into it. Um. Then there was Gabby who showed off her goofy side and who else like kind of stud Like. You know what's weird is we haven't seen a lot of teddy teddy's on this date such a like a just a standout on night one, and we haven't really seen her make a dent thus far. But I don't think that means anything. I think she's gonna be around for quite some time. I kind of thought this date was was a fun watch, easy crazy. Yeah, it wasn't bad. Like I didn't hate it. Um, we saw a lot of it in the teasers and the promos. I didn't know what they're going to do with it, but it was like a funny day. It was goofy. It was good. Um. Not a lot for me came from it, Like I didn't take a lot of it. Um, but it was it was good. It was it was what it is. Now we do ever, and I believe I'm in the right section of this show. It's kind of a blur right now. But we have the Shenane Elizabeth Um issue kind of popping up again, and she is making comments about her a d h D which is just inappropriate. It's not okay, it's not right because a lot I can't deal with with. I think this is ridiculous when she's bringing this up. Uh the okay. When I said earlier in the episode that there was parts where I was like, I feel I feel this girl. It was it was when they got the date card and it was like we're going to the beach and all the girls were like bit like as if somebody told them that they were going to like the south of France. And then she was like I hate these girls, and I'm like, I love that. That's hilarious. But besides that, now she's been pretty awful. Yeah. No, I mean that that part is is okay, you know, it's it's it's a funny moment. But this d h D thing, a d h D stuff, needs to stop. It's not okay. It's using somebody's um insecurities, um mental health against them. And she day has no backing for anything she's saying. She has no clue what's going on, and it's just it's not fun to watch, Like, I just don't enjoy it. I don't enjoy I mean, this is bowling one oh one, right, I mean when you take somebody's you know, vulnerabilities of opening up to you again and using it against him, like that's that's wrong. It's not, it's not it's not okay. If you open up to me, Ashley and you're like, I'm really nervous about having this child, and that's the best a big deal to say, Like not every new mom would say that that's a big deal. And I said, at some point I would use that against you in a in a mean way. You know that would hurt you deeply, And you can't defend yourself because that was something you opened up about, and so you can't even like, like the only thing you can stay up for yourself against is saying like, yeah, that's who I am, that's what it's going on in me and and that's just not fun for me to watch. I wanted to stop. It needs to stop, and it feels like most of the viewership is calling for it to stop, like, hey, can we just like good over this? And can Cheney at least admit that she was wrong? And I don't know if we're ever going to get there. Well, yeah, the thing about this whole drama is that she's like hates Elizabeth and we have no freaking idea why she just picked somebody random in the house she makes fun of to put hatred toward and that is like pretty much definition bullying, right. Yeah, And we see the women getting sick of this drama. It feels like some of the only drama that's kind of like surfacing right now. The women are getting sick of it. I hope it ends soon. We always say this about week four or five. Hopefully it starts to end and the drama more comes up with like emotion of how much like Clayton and less about each other. But that's where the episode ends. That's what we have to look forward to for that this week, it's the cliffhanger of what's gonna go on? What's gonna happen? That's this week's episode. Actually fall asleep during it. I was very impartial to it. I thought there was good moments. I thought there was okay moments. I thought, for the most part, this is the weakest episode we've seen by far this season. I'm hoping next week picks it up a bit, and I think it will. Um, just wasn't that fun for me other than a few dates like one one maybe Caitlin's date. I like that, and the Baywatch date was kind of like entertaining. But I was also on my phone texting during it, like I'm out. So that's this week's episode of the Bachelor. Let's take a break here. When we come back, we're a breakdown Bachelor Nation headlines. On this week's headlines, We've got a big one during Kimball, Mary's Christina Creeden. We have two marriages this week. We do. It's a it's something to celebrate. We have a lot of good headlines this week, which I always like enjoy. But the quote from them was it was an emotional night. Yes, So, um, we've seen Jordan Kimball cry before, you know, I'm not surprised that he cried seeing his bride, he said, seeing her for the first time, we didn't do a first look. It was at the end of the aisle in her dress. I started crying. Uh. He said that he for sure thought he would be able to keep it together, though, he said, ever since the moment, ever since that moment, I've realized how important she is to me. Um. I mean to cry in front of lifelong friends and family and everything. I never I never loved her as much as I do today. The whole day was so calm. I was just so relaxed, and then right before I started walking down with my dad, I literally lost it. I couldn't stop crying. That's so cute. He also says he was like blindsided by this love and she's just the sweetest person. He can't handle how sweet, genuine and true her heart is. He feels like a protector. He's here to support her Um, and they will always have He says. We always share different kinds of perspectives, but but from coming from the Bachelor to this would to the Bachelor kind of prepared me in a way that I was ready to take UM. This all seriously so great. We also have this weekend other wedding that happened before this week, but it's something to celebrate. Direk Paith one of our favorite Mary's model Saffron this gorn to e. Did you know that they're getting married this week? They were married? I think previously? Really were they married at your wedding? I believe they were, um, based on you know, she lives in London, he lives in the United States. They were trying to figure out how to make that work. But they announced that this week, and so we can start celebrating this week. So if you haven't, you gotta go out there and stilebrate them. Oh that's so awesome. Um. Yeah, they just showed off their wedding rings on Instagram. It said one fourteen one. Yeah, yeah, that's when they got I think that's when they officially got married. No way, So it's a it's a big deal. They're two incredible people. We got to celebrate them. They're awesome. Well, onto some sadder news. Uh we did here this week that Marissa and Riley from Bachelor in Paradise did officially split. There's a rumors out there. We had kind of talked about it, suspected it, but it is now official. Yeah, it's sad, but we did see the writing on the wall there. She deleted all the pictures of him off Instagram a couple of weeks ago. He did not UM, but they haven't posted of each other since, you know, mid December, late December. Um, there was a mutual statement that came out announcing the split. You know, maybe Ben, we can now get we can now figure out if she did kiss somebody else on the beaches paradise. Not to make light of this very sad situation, it was a historic engagement too. It was the first were really helping black people to get engaged. I'm on the Bachelor franchise. Yeah, we're hoping it worked. But you know what, you can't be upset with him for not working. That just happens. And uh, you know we've all had that, you and I both So another interesting headline, Tasha Adams exits Bachelor Nation podcast Clickbait Your Booth takes Over. I'm actually quite interested by this, but we don't really have a lot of information. UM. Tasia hasn't said anything about her exiting these podcasts. She did take the podcast names off of her Instagram profile. UM, but it was the host of Clickbait that announced it Joe Ambla. He said that she is now being replaced by Tia Uh. Natasha Parker is also still there, interested to know why she decided to leave. She was kind of bouncing between Clickbait and um Bachelor Happy Hour. She's no longer the host of Clickbait. Well, on the Happier News, Raven and Adam welcome their first baby. They said, little man made it is there? Quote? Okay, how cute is this child? His name is Gates z got Stock and gots Stock. It was funny because Raven was on my other podcast couple months ago and she was like, I'm just learning kind of kind of how to say my new last name got Struck. So good. Um, this kid is so cute. Do you have to go check him out on Instagram. I have talked to Raven. I'm not going to tell her birth story, but damn guys, she went through the ringer. She is a wonder woman. She may or may not talk about it one day, but like, well, that's all that's important is that she and baby Gates are doing really well. Yeah. Well, final headline of the week. Clayton is our bachelor right now. He's responding to the TikTok rumors about past relationships, uh and escapades, and his quote is I never claimed to be a saint. Well, no you didn't. That's fair. But he is responding to these which, you know, put some weight behind him. Hey, Ben, do you even know about this? Do you know about this TikTok? I? I saw it because I feel like somebody on our text dress stupid you sent it to me. Oh well, somebody had sent it to me, and I think I passed on to you, Like what the heck is going on? So some guy like eating ramen right, being like, oh, I was watching TV and this guy popped up, and uh, I noticed him because he was the same guy that was, you know, hooking up with my girlfriend. Yeah. Basically, the guy in the TikTok says that he like walked in on his girlfriend and Clayton hooking up. I mean we're not saying like Clayton doesn't know. He may not have known that this girl is in a relationship area and we have yeah, we we have no details. I can just tell you that this is what Clayton saying. He says, as far as addressing what I've seen online, Yeah, I've seen these TikTok's come up lately regarding my past or you know, the relationships that I've had in the past. Listen, here's the thing. I've never claimed to be a saint, per se um or a settle bit. For the last six years of my single life. Yeah, I was single and I enjoyed that singleness. There was a period of my life. Or yeah, I wasn't looking for anything serious and I was just having fun and enjoying the aspect of dating. It is what it is. So yeah, we we don't we don't know. We don't know what happened there. But maybe he did hook up with a girl who had a boyfriend. But like also maybe he had no idea that the girl had a boyfriend. Yeah, like, yeah, we have no backstory of this other than the fact that he's responding to it. And typically, if you know, you respond to something that like has hit you at some level personally, but he is responding to Well, that's all the headlines we have for today, and that's the podcast this week. We'll be back next week breaking down the fourth episode of Clayton season of the Bachelor. We'll be here doing it. Ashley and I'll actually be I think in uh San Francisco for this episode with the whole I Heart team. We're gonna be doing an event at the A T and T Pebble Beach Pro Am. I'm not playing in the premium, but I'll be there watching it. Um and Ashley, you will be back home. He's going with you like any Bachelor contestant. Yeah. I think Dean will be there. Wells is gonna be there. Um. I believe that's it for right now. I don't know. I think we're gonna have some special episodes going on that week Boys Weekend Dolphin. That's right. It's gonna be a blast. But we'll be back talking about Clayton's season then. Until then, I've been been, I've been Ashley by guys. 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