Love Never Ages

Published Aug 7, 2024, 6:55 AM

It’s time for Ben and Ashley to break down the latest in Bachelor Nation headlines. We react to the shocking loss of Bachelor alum Hailey Merkt from Nick Viall’s season, and we share resources for fans to help her family during this tragic time.

Another Bachelor fan favorite is pregnant and Ashley has an expert prediction on the gender.

Plus, we have an update on The Golden Bachelorette!

This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with iHeartRadio.

It's time for Bachelor headlines. This is a big episode with a lot of headlines. We want to start with one that has well. It came across our phones this week and it really shook the Almost Famous family up a lot. I didn't know her personally, but she is a part of the Bachelor world. She was on Nick Viles season of The Bachelor. Hailey Merkht has passed away at thirty one years old. She had kind of documented her cancer journey. The quote is her beautiful spirit has touched countless, countless lives. Now, before we get started here kind of talking about Haley one. She was beautiful inside and out. Just as we've seen the tributes and as we've kind of learned about her story and also followed her story, She's a beautiful human inside out. Most Famous podcast has donated and we encourage all of you to donate. Actually, myself have gone out and donated to the GoFundMe. The gofunme has links. You can kind of find it if you Google it, or you can go on the social media and find it. But we ask you to donate for many reasons, and I think this one small way we can show support during this really tough time for somebody who was only thirty one years old and obviously had a huge impact in a lot of lives. Actually, I just mentioned that she was on Nick Files season. I actually don't even know how long she was on the season four me neither.

It's only it was very brief. I know that Nick said something like he didn't get to know her well, but what he could tell from her is that she was beautiful inside and out. There have been some girls from her season. Daniel Maltby said that I can count myself so lucky to know your laugh and grateful to have met and loved the realist, warmest and most beautiful soul in the weirdest of places. Forever grateful for your friendship there and in the real world. What a force, my girl. Rest easy, and so much love to your people. That's what she wrote. And then I know Raven spoke really highly of hers. She said, Oh my gosh, so so sorry to see this. I was so hoping for her recovery. Rest easy, Haley, You'll never be forgotten. Yeah, this is just like the saddest, saddest news she had leukemia, and we are just we're so sad to hear this news.

Yeah, it definitely, it's definitely sat with us, and you know, it's tough to continue on with the headlines episode after this headline, but I do just want to take a second and tell everybody listens, if you do nothing else, go to her social media and leave a comment, because I know the family is watching. I know during this time, the smallest of things, even from a distance, in support and just saying hey, we're thinking about you, or hey we saw this and this broke our heart, but we recognize how beautiful she was inside and out. Could mean a lot to probably somebody in that family or somebody close to her, a friend that's keeping tabs on it. Or go out again to the GoFundMe and donate if you have the ability and the desire.

The go fund me will be open till August tenth, and the proceeds are going to her mom and the family for all the costs that they've gone through with her treatment.

Totally switching gears. Completely switching gears here, and I think it's the only way to do that after this type of headline. A guy in Bachelor nation who continues to shock brings shock and all too many to many people. James McCoy Taylor. James McCoy taylor has made headlines recently for outing your favorite person just to you know, somebody. It just seems to always pop up, and somehow he is popping up in all the wrong places, including this time he's in jail.

Wait, that's right.

Bachelor alum James McCoy taylor as arrested for assault. Says this. The Bachelor alum James McCoy taylor was arrested Sunday on charges including assault. Page six is confirming this, and they reveal that thirty eight year old James McCoy taylor was handcuffed at a bar in Northgate Entertainment district of Brazos County, Texas. The College Station Police departments public information officer David Simmons tells US. Simmons is quoted here, says the former reality star was taken into custody on warrants issued by a nearby Bryan police department.

So we don't have any more on that except for the fact that you know he was arrested on Sunday in Texas for assault. We don't know what kind of assault it was or we have no further details. This is just what we've been getting in from People magazine and maybe we'll find out more. But this is not the first of legal troubles that that he has had. He had some legal issues with Ben himself, and in twenty twenty two, he also was arrested for driving while intoxicated and unlawfully carrying a weapon. We also recently reported about him having an issue with like an eighteen year old college freshman companion when he was driving her back to her dorm room. There was some sketchiness with that. So, yeah, Ben, I know that you had an issue with him and he wanted to sue you for like slander or something liable. Yeah, so the guy gets in legal trouble a lot, and somehow he's still making headlines.

It's wild. Back to better headlines. Bachelor Nation, Alump can long reveal she secretly married Mitchell sagely we eloped.

She says, yes, Well, she's actually gonna come on the podcast for recording it on Wednesday and get all the details. She says that they elope before they moved to Germany, and if I remember ferredly they moved to Germany quite some time ago, so this has been they've been secretly married for a while. Well we'll find out, but they did this. They got married in Santa Barbara, California, Yeah, before they moved to Germany in twenty twenty two. So like they've been married for over a year and they're just announcing it. Uh, that's pretty cool. And this is not surprising to me because one, Kendall in eloping just sounds right, and two they were perfect together. We met them about six months before they got married, it seems, and they just worsel mates and everything happens for a reason. It's amazing to see her and you know, Joe a mob Lay both having found their spouses after what seemed to be like just maybe a bit of a messy breakup and feeling like I felt so bad for Kendall and having to go on and watch Joe meet his fiance turned wife Serena on the show. But then you see Kendall find this guy that was just so much more right for her, and hilariously, you know, they blamed their breakup, Joe and Serena, I mean Joe and Kendall, on the fact that they couldn't decide on where to live, and neither of them wanted to leave their families. But we see them both with their spouses now leaving the city that they intended on staying in.

Yeah, isn't that interesting? Love love when you're in love. I think moving means different. I think Kendall actually has a quote that says, when you find that like the right person, you'll do it. And so obviously this is the right person for both of them. We're happy for both of them, But to focus on Kindle here, we will get all the details. As Ashley mentioned Wednesday, when we have her on the Almost Famous podcast, next headline is this bachelor lum Sarah Herron, friend of the podcast, her twins finally come home after four weeks. In the nick You, she says her quote, I think is a great quote. Let the games begin.

I know, I feel like I've been following Sarah's pregnancy more than my own, and I'm so glad that her girls are healthy and they are now home. They were, like Ben just said in The nick You, for four weeks, and she documented so much of it on Instagram. I cannot believe those four weeks really flew by. And now she's documenting all about how to how the heck you wash enough bottles for two for two newborns, And they both have oxygen tanks at home. But they're doing really well, and the two of them, her husband Dylan and her are really running on absolutely zero sleep. She said that their most used item from their registry is the coffeemaker because it just takes them so much of the night to feed two babies. Who you know, they try to get them on the same schedule, but that's pretty hard.

Yeah, it doesn't happen right away. I wouldn't assume you would know more than me.

No, it doesn't. So you know, they're just they're really surviving on coffee.

Ah. Well, it's still exciting and super awesome to see this all happening for the two of them. It's something they dreamed of and wanted for a long time. Next headline is this Andy Dorfman is pregnant. This was an announcement made just a few hours ago on social media. Very exciting. Ashley, tell me if I'm wrong, but she's pretty far along. Oh is she.

Going based off the the sonogram right here? Yeah? Or did she say what she is?

I don't know if she said, are you looking at.

Her, Ellie and saying that she's far along? Okay, yeah, it looks like a real baby in there. That is not that is a full, full baby in there. Well, she says, we don't actually know how far along she is, but she says on her on her Instagram future mom and dad just say that we are over the moon as an understatement. Baby hard coming. Oh yes, later this year. So you're right, she's definitely fully into her second trimester.

We're less than four months away from the end of the year, so she's less than four.

Months from four months okay, September October, Oh god, oh god.

This is the eighth month. Actually, there's twelve months.

In a year. You're right. I always think of like we're in the middle of the year at August.

Now we're clicking along here.

Right, Okay, she's far along.

Good for my assumptions were correct. The next headline is this, we have an official launch date or debut date for the Golden backlarette. Joan will be coming to our screens.

When September eighteenth, so a pretty much exactly a year from Gary's premiere date. The tagline is love Never Ages.

Very cute it's really sweet. It's gonna be a lot of fun to watch this season. So September eighteenth, we will be here breaking down the very first episode of The Golden Bachelor. We can't wait to see how this season plays out. We love Joan and it sounds like the group of men there's a great group. It'll be really interesting to see the dynamic of them. We haven't gotten the men's names released yet though, that seems.

But soon soon because we're in Auga. We're about less than six weeks away, so we'll get those guys soon and hopefully we'll see Kelsey's dad's bio amongst them.

That'd be awesome. People be very excited for that. Well, that's all the headlines we have for here today. Make sure you come back and listen to the Almost Famous podcast because we have a lot of content coming your way. So until next time, I've been, Ben, I've.

Been Actually see you next time

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Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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