It's Tough to be the GOAT

Published Aug 18, 2020, 3:39 AM

Ben & Ashley catch up with Taylor Nolan for some inside info on Vanessa Grimaldi’s engagement! We hear her honest thoughts on watching Nick Viall’s season come up on Bachelor GOAT and we try to figure out why contestants get anxiety about the old seasons coming back to TV.

We dissect the breaking Bachelor rumors and news. Why was Clare spotted at The Bachelorette set if she’s “out”?? Is JoJo really taking over for Chris Harrison?

Plus, we check in with Lauren Luyendyk and she shares the most important lessons she’s learned since becoming a mom.

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This is the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast with IR Radio. We're back with another episode of the Almost Famous Podcast, and today we're going to start out with one of the sexiest people and Bachelor Nation, Ashley. Would you agree with me? Yes? The most sexy, the hottest, most beautiful face, and the kindest, warmest soul, Jared Dared. You're ready for real? Oh he's here here, Jared, thanks for coming on. I'm gonna take a step away. I'm gonna let you to handle this. I know you have something really exciting you want to tell everybody that at the Almost Famous family about. And Ashley, I know that you're sitting right next to Jared, which makes you interviewing him a lot easier. I'm just letting you know, based on what you said, it sounds like we're about to announce a baby. That's okay, are you now? Then? What are you announcing? All right? So tomorrow and I help I suck at dating me Dean Angler. We have our first ever live podcast. That's right. We waited untill the pandemic to do our first live podcast, which is why we're doing it virtually now. It's gonna be awesome. You guys can come on the podcast, ask us questions. Whatever you want to ask us to talk Dean you talk to me. You can ask if Dean's married. You can ask if him and Kaylin are planning to get married. You can ask Ashley and I, uh any anything you really want to ask us about dating relationships. That's the whole point. I'm too well, seeing how we live together, you'll probably make a cameo. Uh So, what you want to do is you want to go to high said slash tixar dot com. That is wait a second, High said, is that your acronym? That would be help I suck at dating. Unfortunately, we don't have an a f alright, we're not fancy like you too, we have a long name. Okay, High said, uh so you go to high, said dot tisar dot com. That is h I s A d dot tis r t i x r dot com. It's ten dollars just to get into the podcast. But if you want a pretty awesome help I suck a dating Camo Beanie, which Dean and myself both rock and let me tell you there spectacular, it's thirty tag suck Army. Parents were like, Jared, what, Yeah, that's probably the best thing to show your wife's dead. Well and once once I told them what it meant. You know, you just need a little explanation. But it's you know, listen suck army. That's what you know. We call the listeners to the podcast it sucks coming inside joke. Yeah, so if you listen to help by suck a Dating, you'll understand the inside joke of hashtag suck army. So you for thirty dollars, you get the beanie and a ticket, or if you just want to stop by, ask some questions, talk to us on the podcast. It will be a great time. It's ten dollars. Once again, the website is high said dot tixar dot com, h I s A D dot t t i x R dot com. Okay, good job being an auctioneer. His guest tomorrow or Taylor Nolan who will be having on the podcast in a very short bit, Um, Mike Johnson and Evan Bass. That is correct. All three people will be on the podcast. Um, and that's all I really have to say. Okay, well, should we give them some juicy dish into our relationship to make them feel like this is something that they do want to listen to you you. No, if you want some juicy dip, is that what you called it? Dish dish? I think that like dip, like you're dipping a chip in there. Let's changed the expression to juicy dip because that is way better than that's a better visual than juicy dish. Yeah, I'm thinking of of salsa. Anyway, what was I saying? Uh, it's gonna be a great time. What are you gonna like? You said, Oh, no, we don't want to give any juicy quote unquote dish on us. Because if you want juicy dish on our relationship, just tune into the live podcast tomorrow and then you can get all and then you can ask us whatever you want. All right, Uh, and that's it. Let me let me let me interrupt you here because Ashley and I uh did a live podcast just a few weeks ago. Um. It was a really awesome experience. Ashley called me afterwards and we were talking like that's just it's a lot of fun because you get to interact with the people listening to the show. You get to actually answer and clarify some of the things you said in the past, And I think the best part is you get to spend a little bit time with the people who have invested so many hours into listening to your voice, to get to see your face and see your reaction. Jared, have you I just want to be clear, you've never done this before, right, No, we've never done a live podcast. We've talked about it after we saw you guys do the live Pack podcast in San Francisco. Jared, are you okay? I have something stuck in my craft lying as for the past four minutes, just like, actually I'm excited. Also, I got a text from producers saying like, make sure you get the energy up. And I'm getting the energy up, baby, and the energy is gonna be up tomorrow night. Summer of Georgia. Good god. Well, um, here's the thing. If you're interested in hearing from Mike Johnson, Taylor Nolan, Evan Bass, Ashley Iken, Eddie, Dean Ungler, and Jared Havan, go to help I Suck at Dating live again. The link is this h I s A D dot t i x R dot com. Tickets are ten dollars, but as Jared mentioned, if you want an amazing beanie to represent the Suck Army, it's thirty dollars. So that's all you get. You get a great beanie and you get to meet them on the podcast. August eighteenth is the day. Make sure you tune in five thirty Pacific time the Help Help I Suck at Dating Live podcast. Jared, you're the man, Ashley. I'll be watching you guys tomorrow night. Hey, thank you you're the man. Just for for clarity, and uh, you look great by the way, the beard on point, you're you're you're study, I'm growing up. He just compliments Ben every time he sees He's very easy to compliment. Uh. And and just before I go, I just want to bounce off what you said, Ben about the listeners, the people that listen to the podcast, listen to all our podcasts and follow us on Instagram. Uh, just always know that we appreciate you, and specifically to people who listen to Help by Second Dating, Like, I can't tell you how much it means to myself and Dean. The idea that people listen to us on a weekly basis just spewing my nonsense. So I don't ever think that I am not in immensely grateful for every single one of you guys. So okay, bye bye now okay, So yeah, it's funny because every time somebody comes up and it's like, oh my gosh, I love almost famous, Like that's so sweet. And then Jared's like, if K she wanted to, you know, listen to a new podcast, make it part of your life. I have one called Headlost Secreitating. Well, it's uh, it's been a podcast's been around for a while. They have had great success. I've listened to many of their episodes because they're insights. Now here's the thing. This is gonna come off so mean, but it's your husband, so I feel like I can say this to you. Oh you can make from them so much. Well, the concept of help by second dating, we've talked about it. It doesn't really make sense because he's married to you. Dean's in a very successful relationship. But you listen to the insights of the podcast, and I've learned a ton, or if I haven't learned from them, They've raised questions and topics that I want to think about. I honestly, I think it's worth it. And our next guest is somebody that you and I have both learned a ton from over the last few years. She has been a constant on the Almost Famous podcast. The reason is because her insights not only are sometimes very new to you and I, but they also are always very thought provoking and thorough. She's gonna be live tomorrow night. And I'll tell you this, Taylor and WiLAN has no, no boundaries on how she'll answer questions. And I love that about Taylor is you ask your question, no matter how personal, no matter how vulnerable, She's going to answer it to the best of her ability. And she'll be live tomorrow night. Hey, Taylor, how you doing. Hey, I'm doing well. Thanks for having me. Of course, you had the nicest dedication to your friend Vanessa last week, who got engaged. Can you tell us a little bit of the deeds when? What went into that engagement? Yeah, a little bit. Um. Yeah, her and Josh are absolutely fantastic, And I feel really really happy that I've been able to actually develop a great friendship with Josh. Um. I feel like he's got my back. He's always like, who are you dating? And you know, Okay, we gotta find you like someone really good so we can do double dates and stuff. Yeah. It was really really sweet and he had been planning it for a while, and Um, I was asking for my help in it, and everything turned out perfectly and she was super super surprised, had no idea it was coming, um and absolutely loved it. So like she this was not like this is one of those like surprise engagement. She didn't know it was coming. Did she have any clue that like a ring was even purchased. I will let her share that. Where did it take place? Uh, they were in Quebec City and it was it just like a like a random part. It was not like it was it a park. It looked like a castle type of thing, but it was kind of like a bridge thing. I think kind of from the photos you can tell a little bit. Um, But it was super sweet and he had like candles up there and like they played like music and it was really really beautiful. Well, we're here to have you talk about your appearance on the Live Help I Suck a Dating podcast, which will be tomorrow night. But I also wanted to talk to you a little bit before we get there about the upcoming Goat episode of Nick Fiall's season. Is it Is it weird at all for Vanessa to like just be engaged and then have to watch her season back and watch her engagement to Nick. Um, I don't really think so, because the that was recorded way before all this happened. So, if anything, I think it's kind of weird that, like with her update with Josh, they won't be engaged on it and they are now. Um, but yeah, is it weird for you? Like is are you what's your emotions? Um? I went back and rewatched my season and it was definitely not as terrifying as I thought it would be, which was nice. Um, it's a little nerve racking, of course, because like you're back on TV and you know, that opens up the floodgates on everyone's opinions on everything about you in the like thirties seconds that they see. Um. So yeah, it's been nor bracking. I feel like no one who has been on the show has been excited about these guy episodes hearing. No, I don't think so either. It's not for most of us. I mean, even if we find love on it, or even if you know, we make great friends from or even if we have a quote great at it, it still is a lot that you go through. So I don't think, Yeah, I agree with you. I think most people are like, why why are we doing this, you know, I think there's the level two where like most people are thankful for it in some way. Right, it's either enhanced our friendships, it's enhanced our relationships, and it's enhanced our life. But you've also, just like anybody would expect you, you've moved on. You know, you've either found new relationships or you've started to invest into a career path that is either entertainment focused or it's not. And so to pull back, like I wouldn't said it this way, I would I had to watch my good episod I don't want to watch myself in College again, great experience. Loved every minute of it, but like if I had to watch it, Yeah, if I had to watch it back, that's like horrifying. And so the same thing happens with these good episodes. You know, you're watching yourself kiss again and those things. So I get it. Um, Taylor, tomorrow, you know you are going to be on the Help I Secondating Life show HM. And before you came on, I was just kind of talking to Ashley offline about you know, some of the things I really respect about you is your vulnerability. Um. I feel like you you really have been an open book, UH, which helps everybody connect with you tomorrow night. What is your when when somebody's asking you these questions? Is there anything off limits or is there anything really that you're excited to talk to them about? Mm hmmm, I mean I appreciate the acknowledgement there and kind words. Then, UM, I do try my best me an open book obviously with still having my own boundaries. UM. You know, I'm not gonna share anything about a partner or you know, a past partner that I know they would be super uncomfortable with me sharing. UM. So I don't like share any kind of private or personal information about like people that I date, UM, unless I have their permission to UM. I think I'm excited to talk a little bit more about like the conversations around sex within relationships and how we go about, like, uh, engaging in our sexual experiences within our relationships. I'm always excited to talk about sexuality. So I think I'm looking forward to that. Tomorrow. You're going to be like the resident expert tomorrow. I mean, I'm totally happy to take that role on UM. I'm starting my pH d in clinical sexology UM, and like two three weeks the program starts so really yeah, thanks, super excited about that. Um. But I also do want to say, just to talking about go for a second, Ben, you know, I watched your your Goat episode and just have to say, like, you truly were a fantastic bachelor, and everything you said to Olivia was so heartfelt and so genuine and I think really healing, um. And I was just like, yeah, wow, damn, Like then it's like really a stand up guy. He is like really thoughtful and kind. And I was just like, damn, good for you. I was like that was that was really really great? You know. It's it's interesting, um, because you look back on an experience and there's there's so many elements to being on the show and being the bachelor, Bachelor of being a contestant. It's never wracking. It's a risk and if you summarize it all I think looking back now and I don't know if you'd agree or disagree, but it's like, hey, I just hope every body comes on the show at least either can grow or say they're glad they did it. Like the worst thing that you could do would say, hey, I took this risk to like create a story, to enhance life, to get to know myself in it, and in a sense, it like ruined me. And I think for Olivia, she's one of the prime examples of somebody that, like when you get hurt as deeply as she was hurt from the show, you know, she cares and you know, like there's there's a depth inside of her that just wants to belong and it and it really I think even the fans response to it that night was like I actually and Olivia could attest this like I cried. I called her and she was crying and I was cranks, like no matter if I was associated with or not. It was beautiful to see the fans response saying, hey, Olivia, welcome, welcome like you, we love you. That's cool, that's good stuff. Yeah. Well, and I don't think that every Bachelor thinks about it in the way that you do, which I think was part of what. You know, I had had conversations with Nick and you know, knowing that the goat is coming up and um was on his show and whatnot, and you know, his his response more so to like me being sent home was just kind of like, well, I knew it didn't matter, Like I didn't really care because I knew I wanted to be with Vanessa, and just the fact that you have this like empathy for the contestants that were on your season, I thought was just very very kind of you, very decent of you. And I know it meant a lot to Olivia for you to like have her back in that way. Um, And so just watching and I was just like, Wow, Ben was like, actually not only a really great bachelor, but like is a real stand up guy. So that's a great segue then to talk about where where I've learned a lot in my life and being convicted a lot from and it's something that you and I have in common and it's definitely someone want to talk about. So you uh have publicly talked about and also shared with us that you're a big fan of Burnet Brown, who I am a massive, massive fan of. Listened to also read a ton from what about Burnee Brown? And for anybody out there listening, Burnee Brown is an author and a speaker. She has an incredible ted talks out there. But if you if you just want, I'd say every person and Ashley, I don't know if you evenne okay, if you're listening, you're like I've never heard Bernie Brown. I'm just gonna tell you this right now, go out there and just like google her watch some of the stuff. I think it's really gonna like relate with a lot of us. But Taylor, what about Burnee do you most like, uh associate with And what do you get from from just reading her and thinking through what she's saying? Yeah? Yeah, So she's like the world's leading researcher on vulnerability and shame. So those are like the two big topics that um, that she speaks on. And it's funny because whenever people ask me why I went on the show in the first place, I usually include her in that response because her second book or second book and like after Gifts the Imperfection, then Daring Greatly, then Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness. UM, I was reading Gifts of Imperfections during in my program. When I finished my program, I started reading Daring Greatly. Now was when the opportunity for the show came on, and I was like, yeah, okay, how can I dare greatly in my life and like be vulnerable? And but I was like, yeah, you know, what better way to air greatly and challenge myself with being vulnerable than to go on a national reality data show and data total stranger. Um So that piece to me. Um, There's so many pieces of her work that really like resonate and stick out to me, but certainly, like the most life changing for me was taking on the like how do I dare greatly and that's what literally led me to going on the show So cool, so very cool. So tomorrow, when you're on the live podcast, we know that you have a lot of insight, whether it's vulnerability or sex. What is one thing that you feel like you still need to learn a lot about and still need to approve upon yourself to become a better data Um. Certainly, I would say sitting in my independence. Um. I think one of the things I struggle with in relationships is when I get in one, it like becomes my whole identity. Um. So I think navigating how to maintain your own sense of independence while in a relationship is something I'm always continuously working on, and in that it's developing interdependence. Um. So for me, that interdependence is kind of like where I talked about on Paradise of like being your own full puzzle. But I look at it more as like even diagram now, So it's like I'm my own full circle here and my partners their own full circle here, and when we come together as a ven diagram, we still our own full people, right. But then we have this like middle space where we have interdependence, where we can rely on each other for things while still knowing that like our life and our identity exists outside of each other. You are so fun to listen to. Where can people know for real? Like I could just listen to you and not speak for a while because you're just full of knowledge. Where could people listen to you more? Um? I try thank you? Actually? Um really smart in some areas, not at all in others. The main people, the main place that people can listen to me is my podcast which is called Let's Talk About It um. I've also started a Patreon page where I'm gonna be doing like bachelor breakdowns, talking about sex, doing sex Q and a s um sharing like the things I'm learning in my PhD program on there, which you can also just search I think patreon dot com slash tamoka um. But on my Instagram at tamoca is where I have like all the links in my bio for all the places that you can follow me, find me, support my work, UM, all that good stuff. How long will this PhD? Uh? I guess I don't want to say class, Like, how long will it take you get your process? Take the journey? The journey from my PhD will be about two years. UM. I'm getting in that modern sex therapy the institute, and so the first the first whole year is your coursework and then the second year is like your dissertation and supervision. UM. There's not a whole lot of regulation around sex therapy certification, around being a sexologist. UM. Florida is the only state that actually has regulations around being a sex therapist. UM. And so the institute is based there and their license and UM. I have a friend here in Seattle who's an a sex certified therapist, UM, who's gonna be doing the program with me. Literally excited about UM. But yeah, a SECT is like the largest accreditation for sex educators sex therapists. UM. And you know that I could do, but it would take me about the same amount of time. And I was kind of like, you know, I think I wanna get my PhD instead, So really excited about the program, and yeah, I'll be finished by the time of thirty and hopefully also be an author. Maybe that's amazing. Hey, Taylor on behalf and not to be cliche. Thank you for Thank you for daring greatly. Thank you for sharing and talking with us. Thank you for being a constant guest on the podcast. If you want to hear more from Taylor again, check out everything she's doing uh that she just mentioned. But also you have the opportunity to see Taylor, which is a gift to us all at the help I Second Dating Live Podcast August eighteen. You can buy tickets their tin box, or as Jerry just mentioned a second ago, you can pay thirty bucks and get a beanie with it. Uh at h I s A D dot t I x R dot com. Taylor No One is a special guest. Taylor. Thank you for coming on, thanks for talking with us, and we're wishing the best in your further studies. Yea, thank you so much for having me. All right, Well, up next we have Bachelor Hall Topics. Ben is going to share a crazy weekend story with me and Lauren. Lindyke is talking about her new clothing line. Actually, this weekend I went and hiked my first fourteen er in Colorado. You know what that is? Nolp Okay. So if you live in Colorado or anywhere near the mountains, everybody always asks you have you done a fourteen yet? Which means you've hiked and summitted a mountain that's above fourteen thousand feet. So it's a long hike. It takes about a half a day. You wake up super early to do it. It's not easy. Um, and I did one this weekend. That's an accomplishment in itself. I'm super proud of myself for doing it. However, here is the story I want to share with you. Okay, So I'm on this hike. I'm going down the mountain and literally the trail walks alongside of like a thousand foot drop off, Like it's like a I mean, it's just straight down and the and the path is about let's say, three to four ft wide, so you have enough room to walk. It's not that scary, but it's I mean if you go off the side like you're going down on the mountain, which happens like people, It exists with people, right, it happens so sore on this walk and there's a ton of dogs in the walk always, uh, but a dog gets left alf off its leash and there's a mountain goat and this dog runs off the side of a mountain right in front of us after this go a dog. What Yeah, somebody's puppy runs right off the side of a mountain after this goat. So we're standing there. How did I hear go Because it ran after a goat. So there's like a mountain goat. Um. So this dog runs literally off the side of a mountain so far down that like you can't see it anymore. It's that steep like you're looking over the cliff and you can't see the dog. And this this the owner is freaking out, obviously is super sad. And then we hear we hear the dog bark, but it's so far down the mountain. This owner, so this is this represents love to me. This owner, out of pure love for their dog, literally like like climbs down this mountain side which is so dangerous after their dog and then grabs the dog. Finds a dog five hundred feet below them off the side of his cliff, and the dog is only staying onto the cliff by a snow bank. So there's like a snow build up and the dog had like fallen down to the snow bank and was sitting on it. The owner goes down and then out of pure like fight or flight, crawls their way with their dog back up to the trail to walk at home, right in front of us, all wild, wildest day. I don't know, it's crazy weekend. How does this dog survive that drop? Uh? It probably actually like ran and it just like never fell fully. And if it fell, then it fell just a few feet because it was the steepness of the cliff was like gradual until a certain point, and so they didn't put the dog. I mean, I don't know, I to see, but I'm assuming the dog to actually fall five feet. It ram probably you know, four seventy five ft and then fell the last But the dog was fine totally like just like stumbled and likely down the yeah, and then got caught up on the snow bank and the owner was able to crawl down. It was it was the wildest thing for the snow bank. What a wild thing to experience. I mean, my hands are sweating talking about it, Like what a wild thing to experience in person. Um, But that was my weekend and obviously, Ashley the Bachelor headlines didn't stop this weekend at all, and we have a lot to talk about. I can't wait to hear from you. Everybody. Always I asked me, you know, what's Ashley's insight? Like, it's always above and beyond anything I could ever come up with. So the first headline this week is Joejoe Fletcher, Yes, Joe Joe Fletcher, the beloved contestant from the twentieth season The Bachelor and then The Bachelorrette on season sixteen, is filling in for Chris Harrison as the host. I think it's probably the first time Chris has ever not hosted an episode of The Bachelor Bachelorette, and she will be doing it for the next fourteen days. This according to US Weekly. Yeah, okay, so actually Chris Harrison did have a fill in. I think it was another former contestant who filled in for him. And this was over a decade ago. This is before I watched the show. Forgive me for not remembering what season it was, um, but I hear from a very inside source that Jojo was supposed to go down to the Quinta for fourteen days. And this I was told like I was actually told this before Harrison went on the trip to drop his kid off at college in Texas, So either they were planning on her filling in the entire time, Like if he was going to go to Texas, that was the plan he was going to have to quarantine for fourteen days. It seemed a little fishy to me though, because the other quarantines down there have not been fourteen days, They've been about seven. And usually with two negative tests you are able to start roaming about. And I do want to just emphasize again that it is so safe down there. You are quarantine to your room, can't see anyone, can see producers, not even with a mask on um. You can't go out to get food that the food is delivered to your door, and you have to have two negative COVID tests up the nose, two nostrils before walking around the campus. It's super safe. And I do believe that the producers and the casts had a quarantine for about seven days before they started shooting. Now, why would they change that with Harrison that he goes, he goes to Texas, drops off as kid of college, comes back, and then has to do fourteen days. There's also reports that Chris wasn't very happy about that. I have no firsthand knowledge of this um, but I do think it's interesting that Jojo was set before Chris came back to have fourteen to have a fourteen day stay at La Quinta, to throw a little twist in this. While we've been recording this podcast, et who I find a very reliable source in all this, as Laurence Ema, Chris Harrison's girlfriend, works there is has new pictures of the executive producer, Chris Harrison and Claire in a red dress at La Quinta filming with cameras and lighting around them. It could be a promo. They could be shooting a promo. But he's definitely not quarantined to his room right now. So is this a twist? Are they just trying to twist this season so much that Jojo fills in and it's fun, it's just like a new thing, it's a new a new whoe moment. Or is he actually busy to something else for the season. So, Ashley, I think everybody's asking, is this a change in the guard for the Bachelor? Do you see this being a long term change or is this really just a temporary fill in of Jojo for just this season. Well, what do you think? I think this is just truly a temporary fill in. However, there's some fishy smell around it all that there's more to this to me, That's what I'm wondering now. I don't think at any level Chris Harrison is close to being done with the show, and I do think Jojo is going to do a tremendous job at hosting this. It makes sense to me how I don't think this is a permanent thing. I don't even think it's hinted at that it is fishy. There's still a lot to be found out. Here's the truth to it all. To sum it up. As a fan, I am so interested in this season now. I mean there's so much chaos. It's they took the environment and the in this like what the world is feeling in reality, and just moved it down to Palm Springs and like hyping it up a little bit. Oh yeah, There's never been more promotion of a season than this, and it's almost all natural promotion, and it's great because nothing else is happening in entertainment today. I also think we should mention that Claire was spotted. There's photos that have been linked to her from from her stay at Laquinta over the past week. I believe, not not that I have this as factual knowledge, but from what I gather, that Claire is just gonna end up staying at Lacina and has stayed at Laquinta since she supposedly dropped out of her season. Really yeah, I would be shocked if they were like to sing Claire home. That doesn't seem like even if she's off the season and after show, they're gonna follow up with her. They're going to do interviews with her, They're gonna show whatever the progresses in her really aationship. I have no doubt she's still probably down there hanging out doing her thing. It's probably a lot easier than mean The Bachelor at uh. But again, this is wild and there's still a lot of unknowns. However, we do know that Joe Joe Fletchers filling in for fourteen days at this point for Chris Harrison onto the Next Story, one of our favorites on the podcast, and somebody that's kind of come on a couple of times it helped us host and also just came on for interviews. Um Karine from Nick's season really came out this week and showed a lot of vulnerability and really started opening up about what it was like to be on The Bachelor. She thought her life was over after her actions on The Bachelor. Karan Uh mentions this on her interview with Nick, and then e Online covered it. But Karin and Nick sat down for a very vulnerable talk, which is obviously something that is intriguing to watch. Ashley, what do we know about Karine and what exactly did she say? So? She says I acted like a psychopath. She says, I was a completely different human at the time. I tried to do whatever I could to get your attention. I think she's referring to Nick and that in that situation, so she did everything that she could to get Nick's attention. Everyone freaked out, but I didn't care because I got my time with him, you know, on screen all that. Um. She also said that there was a lot about their relationship that viewers didn't get to see, including a heartfelt letter that producers never ended up giving to Nick, but she sent she put in their hands. She also said that she was upset because she feels like she has the qualities of a good wife and that she is a good girlfriend currently, but that side of her wasn't shown. She said that she felt like she looked like a pimbo. Well, we love Karen. We have appreciated her openness and honesty and her humor. You know, it's always a learning experience, as we talked about many times, and it, you know what, it helful to hear people come out and talk about their experience and how it affected them. Speaking of Nick season, Ashley um Vanessa, who was engaged to Nick after that season of The Bachelor, uh is uh is now engaged. She got engaged and Nick commented on the social media post uh with a very kind comment, which is which is nice to see. Yeah, he said, well, thank god I followed you back a week ago to hear this news. He wasn't following her for the past year or so after their breakup, and then continues to say, congrats to you two lucky guy. Um Vanessa started dating her lucky man over a year ago. For sure, Ben and I got to meet him at one of our Tahoe trips last summer. Wow, that was last summer. Time flies by. But he's super nice. He's a great guy. We're really happy for Vanessa. This isn't an unexpected engagement, but it's one that we still will celebrate. And it is great see Nick and Vanessa talking again. Uh. It's you know, obviously with Nick coming out with his new Patreon show. Uh, it's gonna always be interesting to fall along with those interviews and how they actually do speak of their relationship and what they learned. Ashley, You and I are really excited. We've talked about in that for the last couple of weeks. But we have a really co opportunity with Fan Investor coming up and uh, and we really want our fans to get involved. We're teaming up with Fan Investor to raise money for No Kid Hungry. You can win a private virtual fantasy cocktail hang with us and three of your closest friends. Plus you will qualify for a daily one thousand dollar cash prize when you download the app. Let me tell you what this experience includes. You're gonna get a case of Chris Harrison's Seagram's Tropical Rose. It is the best drink ever. You're gonna get a dozen beautiful long stem roses. Ben's gonna send them your way. They're just like the ones at Bachelor Rose ceremonies, and they're from Hidden Garden Flowers. I'm gonna help you pick out an outfit from one of my favorite stores, Shop Fine Funky dot com. There's gonna be a Bachelor and Almost Famous podcast gift bay that you get surprise guests will join the meeting the virtually and you'll get to a video of the experience to share on social media. Just download the fan Investor app now at fan investor dot com, the app store, or Google Play and set up an account to enter to win. You can also buy additional entries, with proceeds going to No Kid Hungry. For more information, log onto fan investor dot com exclusively from host me Ben and Ashley from The Almost Famous podcast and fan Investor invest with your heart. Our next guest on the Almost Famest podcast is somebody you know, well, somebody that's been on the podcast before, has participated with her husband on an in depth episode actually uh if I remember it as our very first in depth episode. Uh is somebody that is constantly uh seen through the headlines of trying to do good in the world, and and we're pumped to have her on today. Lauren Lindyke. Welcome to the Almost Famous podcast. Thank n Hey, Ashley, have Ben. How are you guys? So good, so good, good good, good to hear. How are you doing? You posted something on Instagram the other day about how you're feeling a lot of anxiety lately. Anything you want to dive into with us, um, I mean, I don't want to go down a rabbit hole or anything, but obviously I'm overwhelmed. I'm dealing with the launch of my brand, which is a big thing for me, something I've been working on for a long time. And I'm also trying to be a good mom and wife. So there's just a lot on my plate at one time. And you guys recently just moved into a new house, right, Yeah we did. Yeah, so we moved in our new house like two months ago, and we're actually also remodeling our house, so that's another huge thing. Real quick, I want to pause you here because it's funny, Lauren. My grandma and my aunt both follow you on social media to like keep up with your life as a mother and as a wife, and they both followed me too, but like it's always impressive to me how much they know about you and uh, so on on behalf of them. I feel like I need to take a second here and and just ask what does it mean for you to be a good wife and a good mother, Like if we could dive into that a little bit, what are you trying to do? Um? So I guess on the front of being a good mom, I have a one year old daughter for those of you guys that don't know, UM, and I think for me, the most important thing is just setting a good example for her and showing her that she can do it all and she can be happy while doing it. So um, part of the reason I'm doing this clothing line is because I want to show her that she can do the same in her life too, So there's that, and then also just making sure that there's time for me to be with her and have quality time and teach her how to swim and talk and do everything that she likes to do. So that on the mom front, and then on the wife front, obviously you have to spend quality time with your significant other two to make sure they're happy. So it's just it's more like a balance of time that is difficult to do, but I'm trying my best at it. So Yeah. On the same note as Ben. When I look at your Instagram, I'm like, how does she do it all? Plus looks so pretty and put together doing it? You're hilarious. No, seriously, Me and Jay talk about it all the time. We're like, her hair is like perfectly done. I was perfectly done. Um, but like I know you are. Probably you're probably like doing something towards work at all time times, whether it's your personal life or your brands. Yeah. Yeah, basically every single every day, whether it's the weekend or the weekday, we're doing something that is for work. Um. So maybe that's why I'm always looking put together, But I guarantee it's not always like that. Well, let's let's transition then over to your most recent projects, something you've already kind of hinted at and that you've been working hard on. You are coming out with your lifestyle line, Shades of Rose. Lauren Hut there listening to what tell him about it. So I started working on Shades of Rose about two years ago. Um, and I guess I've always just had this passion since I was in high school. I did a little modeling for fun. I wouldn't say I was serious about it. But I met this really cool designer locally in Seattle who helped me design from a bathing suit with her, and that's kind of what inspired my passion to go down and designed my own clothing line. So it's called a lifestyle line. I have a question, is there anything beyond clothes? Well, for right now, it's just going to be clothes. I'm thinking about benching into like kids clothes, maybe um, you know, maternity, or possibly begin like interior stuff in the future. But that far your play your houses always looks so perfect too, so I think a lot of people will be interested in that furniture home to core line. Thank you. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. I love doing that. When is the official launch of the brand. So the official launch of the brand is tomorrow on August eighteen. I got my my picks, my favorite items from your line and delivered to my door today. I am in Rhode Island, but it's an It's in l a and I can't wait to put it on. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. I hope so you. I was like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna need every single item. She's thank you. Yeah, I really hope that you love them well for about the listening, you can go to the Shades of Rose dot com again. The launches August. I'm I'm assuming just because of of you, Lauren, and also the quality of the product, that sales will go quick. And so make sure you get online as as soon as you can, as soon as you wake up and check out the Shades of Rose by Lauren Liondike. Lauren, thanks for coming on, and uh, we wish you the best and the most success in this. This is gonna be a lot of fun and and we are incredibly supportive of you. Before we let you go, Lauren, UM, if is there any little thing that Lessie is really into these days? Uh, she's starting to say a lot of words, like what was her first word? Yeah? So Lessie is a busybody. She's so independent only at one year old. Um, she's talking all the time in her own little language. She's constantly like babbling. Um, that's really cute. And then she also just learned how to swim under water, so I think that's probably her new favorite thing. She loves dunking herself under the water and holding her breath and she's really proud of herself. So it's really cute to watch. No way, that's so cool. That's impressive. I it's really impressive. It's a big deal. Actually, my buddies and I were at the lake two weeks ago and we're trying to hold our breath underwater for as long as we could, and we're not very good at it anymore. So let's see good for you you might have. I'm pretty sure I was scared to do that until second grade. So she's ahead of the game. Yeah, I know. I was for a while too, so I'm really impressed with her. And I still gotta plug my nose. Well, Lauren, you're the best. Thanks again, and best luck tomorrow on the launch. Uh if you if you need anything, let us know, all right, Thank you, guys, Bye bye, Thanks for joining us today. Guys. Next week we have Nick Vile coming on. He's going to talk about his Goat episodes and his in depth interviews with his girls. But until then, I've been Ashley and I've been Ben. We'll talk to you soon. Everybody follow the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast on I Heart Radio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

The Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast

Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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