Chaos in Paradise

Published Nov 3, 2023, 4:49 AM

We’re recapping this week’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise, and we might be more confused than the contestants!


We’re firm in our predictions that NO ONE is getting engaged when they leave the beach, but are we missing the “good” couples because they’re not good TV??


Plus, do we feel like this season is turning into “The Kat Show”??

This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with iHeartRadio.

It's week six of Bachelor in Paradise. Ashley is here with us to break down this week's chaotic I'll call it confusing.

We're going with the confusing theme again. Where we said confusing last week was like, it's.

Still confused, like this is. But this is confusing to me in the sense it felt like a whirlwind of craziness that I could not I had to draw a chart before this episode to figure out who's still with who and why they're with each other, because it feels like nobody's back together anymore.

Well, Jared and I on our recap last week, we're saying that, like, none of these super are running up together. Like I've never watched this season and been like, okay, but nobody here is getting married.

Going into this week, I really thought that we could have some surprise engagements.

I thought, oh, like Eliza and Aaron. That's the only one I thought.

I actually thought that Rachel and Braden might not get engaged, but I thought they would be dating.

Yeah, me too. I'm pretty surprised at his surprise moving fast, and.

I really thought Blake and Jess would come out of this thing on top like that. We hadn't seen a lot from that.

I'm fading out, especially after last week.

But how do we know that because we don't see anything, Like we kind of see they get it. There's a confrontation.

We knew that because because she basically said she now she is confused. Jess is the most confused. She's like, hey, like, I think I don't know that I'm sold on this, Okay. She tells him basically like in so little words, I want to sort of date other people, and then in this episode he decides to do that because she told him that they should, and then she was like very sad and annoyed.

Bryet, Yeah, she I think Jess as a catch. I personally watched this and I'm like, that is somebody that with the right guy on this beach. I could see her getting engaged from this because it's too young, I think, is it?

Yeah? I think she's not ready. She doesn't know, she doesn't know what she wants because she and then she also said something in this episode that made me be like what she said like nothing's going my way here, and I'm like, Jess, what are you talking about? You're with Blake the entire time, and then last night you said that maybe you should explore other options and what's not going your way.

True, that's a good point. Yeah, well, we have a lot to talk about. I think the main thing when I say confusing, and maybe that's just that, you know, the consensus for this whole season is it feels like a whirlwind and it's confusing to me because we don't have any couples that at this point were like, Yeah, I'm confident that they're going to be together at end of this This is going to be a cool love story. And we're getting farther and farther along in the season. We're at week six, Like, at this point, it's rare. I don't know if I remember a season where there's not one really strong couple. Now, to set the stage at the beginning of this episode, the couples that exist are Eliza and Aaron b We have Braden and Rachel. We have Tyler and Mercedes. We have Tanner and Kat, we have Jess and Blake.

Tanner and Kat are a little up in the air, as he went.

The closest thing to a couple that we have. We have Olivia and Tyler and is that it?

Yeah, I think so, John Henry and Olivia, John Henry and Olivia.

Who's Tyler with Mercedes? That's right, Mercedes. Yeah, okay, so we got them all now, we got them all paired up here right. The episode starts with some teasers charities arriving at the beach. We really don't know why at this point in the episode. And uh, there's distance between Blake and Jess obviously because theast episode's conversation now it comes off at the beginning of this episode to me, and it's kind of the cat show through this whole episode.

The entire season is mostly the cat show. She is a really good reality TV character. She is a nut.

I mean, what do you what are you getting at a cat?


What I'm understanding is cat she said it. I guess I can only go off of the words that she says. She feels like the guys that she's dated in a lot of ways are below her, right, she said, Tanner like is below her, like she is. You know, he can't break up with her. She has to break up with him, right. She also had you know, has kind of jumped around a little bit, as most do in Paradise and now she sets her eyes on John Henry. It's I guess what I'm trying to understand, and you would maybe have a better perspective in Paradise during week six. She's obviously attractive.

Yes, she's extremely gorgeous.

But at this point the guys have seen.

But the guys, yep, I know what you really did.

Like, the guys have seen that she is volatile and can definitely like make a dude cry pretty fast, but yet they still are finding interest in her.

I don't know. I think the only reason that John Henry is entertaining her in this episode is because he thinks she's hot and he hasn't been there the whole time. And I actually still think he likes Olivia Moore and let's talk about their conversation. Initially, Tanner comes back from his date with Davilla Davia Davia the day earlier, but like they, he doesn't speak to Cat. So in this episode he speaks to Cat and Legit says to her, I don't think our personalities are compatible, because he sees that she is fiery and a little scary, totally intense. Is the anti she has, like this personality that really puts men off in my personal perspective, but not also saying that, like I've been there, because like I would like to think of like myself in paradise, like walking down those stairs, like hopefully somebody would want to go on a date with me, but most guys didn't because my reputation personality wise preceded me.

So are you saying that you think she walked down to the beach thing saying most guys are going to want to take me on a date, like they should want to take me on a date.

Yeah, I think that she's like confident and like feels Yes, I feel like she does think she's a catch, and she just is very intense for these guys to really want to get involved.

I think, Well, and I wonder I'm curious kind of how the other women are feeling, because there's a scene here where they're all kind of on the daybed and kat is talking about Tanner and Dobby is there on the daybed as well, and she's just kind of bashing Tanner and saying how she's above him, and you know, Dovey's in a weird place because she just got there. She probably doesn't have the depth of friendships that these other women have and she's just kind of having to take it. We really don't see a reaction out of her.

I think she just didn't want to get involved with Cat's drama. She is the most dramatic person.

It is feeling. I just didn't expect to set a Cat. I guess this is what my whole point is. I didn't expect Cat to be this way because during her time on The Bachelorette, I remember her.

Being so she was way more subdued.

Yeah, I remember her being in my top two most of the season. Yes, until she wasn't. In this episode, she is. She is fiery, and she is out to go after the things that she wants. Right.

The Tanner thing is so selfish for sure, or self centered? She is self centered. I somebody's throwing around the narcissist word. I don't like to throw on that.

She's just definitely out like there is no there's no consideration the empathy for the situation that is that is around her now. It is interesting me, outside of maybe how we're seeing her being shown, it is interesting me that Olivia continues to be the one that is caught up when somebody else wants somebody else's man, right, Like when we saw this during the very beginning.

Yeah it was Kylie. She was going up against with Kylie Thott. Who would have thought, I like forgot because like, look at Kylie right now, she's so settled.

I guess Kylie Naven is the relationship we never mentioned because we don't see much of them, and they seem like really good and solid.

I read somewhere that he made some sort of snip on social media alluding to the fact that he's annoyed at the fact that they have very little screen time.

Well sorry, but to be honest, so Cat to calm down and you'll get some screen time.

You guys seem pretty like you yeah, pretty together, but you're a little boring.

Well, I mean, every good couple in Paradise never gets shown. I know, it happens every season until like the last week and we're like, oh, yeah, they're still there and they're still together, and maybe they'll be happy one day. But I mean, it's not a big deal TV.

That's just not TV.

It's not TV. You can only show people like having good conversation and making out so many times until they're still on the couch hav a good conversation and making out. Yeah, it is interesting me that Olivia continues to get kind of thrown into a mess. Yeah, and Olivia is your girl, Well, yeah she did. She was a little mean this episode. For me, I up until this point, I think she was funny and like had a good good a good way of protecting and kind of like hiding her own sadness and emotion by kind of being funny. She got a little bit too personal with Kat during some of those ims. For me, it felt it felt like, hey, now I'm starting to see maybe, like that a little bit of the mean girl behavior that I never had seen before, where I always saw she was just kind of like protecting herself by being funny. But I still I still want I mean, I still want Olivia to be happy. And this John Henry relationship is is funny to me because yeah, John Henry is everything Olivia says. He is right, he is sweet, he's good looking. I don't think he has any clue how much he could get wrapped up into a love triangle and get spit out on the other end and just get destroyed. Like I think he is a genuinely good dude who doesn't quite understand.

He's pretty aloof. Yes, yeah, he's I also think that he like doesn't really care that much thenk that's why he is a loof. I don't think he's like imagining himself getting married from this experiment.

And that's fine, but I do think he is. He's he's treading dangerous water right now, because how this could play out for him actually is if this goes poorly for John Henry, and it will, it's there's too much going on for not to maybe he ends up with Olivia Kat goes home, and then maybe I could see the water settling. But if this goes poorly and he keeps like putting one toe in Cat's water and a whole foot in Olivia's and trying to figure out which one he wants, he's gonna have Olivian Cat coming at him.

I know, a very scary situation right now.

That is the scariest situation I can imagine, because those two yelling at me like I would be crushed. They could use words and use say things. I'd be like, I have no clue what you're talking about. I'm so confused. I don't know if I'm right or wrong or if I'm like, I don't know where I stand in all this, but I just want to go home because this is so scary.

Yeah, no one, and those two are like loud. They don't just say angry things, they like scream them.

And I think the reason that it would intimidate me is because they both Kat with braydon not as much. But she said a lot of things. Now they might not have made sense, but she said a lot of things very quickly, and she was very confident in how she said them, even if they weren't true or weren't making sense. She says, I'm so confident that you're, like, I gotta believe you. Olivia, I think is just so quick, like quick witted, yeah, and so good at like being quick witted, that I would just be like lost in her intelligence and her ability just to make me feel so small. Yes, yes, that's that would be this thing that would scare me the most. Now, so he is John Henry sits in a place where about mid part of this episode, we start to see Kat come after him, We start to see him have an interesting cat. We see Olivia's reaction to this. We can pause that now because Genevieve shows back up to the or shows up to the beach for the first time. I don't remember Genevieve from Zach season, but she is like beautiful and she I know. She says she's like lacking some confidence. She has our time making eyes attack, but like, I don't see any of that. I see a confident person coming down to the beach. And I didn't necessarily sincessarily see the Blake connection.

He didn't feel like any passion, but they didn't feel like a romance beginning, okay, because yeah, I think I think I feel it again. Don't feel like this long term like love romance, but I do think it's what Blake needs, somebody who is obviously interested in him and like puts him at ease. And then I think obviously staying home with Jess realizes that staying home and him letting him go out probably did open a door for her with Tyler. Now I cannot wait to see how this unfolds with Mercedes, because he literally goes, you know, Mercedes is like my girl, But I could really kiss you right now. And then I was remembering who did he kiss last week? I couldn't remember.

Who he kissed her on the campfire last week, there's somebody in a Truth or Dare and I was like, Oh, where's Mercedes. I guess it's inconsequential because maybe it was the Truth or Dare.

I don't think it was.

Jass No the either. The date with Blake and Genevie I do think had a lot more chemistry than maybe we even saw. I do think it was good for Blake. I do think the two of them make sense together. I didn't see that couple coming because I didn't quite understand how much separation there was between Jess and Blake. I know that conversation happened, but I didn't think either of them would act on it, because I thought the two of them would kind of come back together and be like, yeah, but you're the best thing I got here. So the Blake Genevievey, you know, date did show me there are legs to the two of them things interesting.

I definitely thought they were over after that conversation.

I also think that the thing we're seeing and we saw it week one, and we saw we heard it as we prep for Paradise, as a lot of these guys came to Paradise with an interest in Jess like I think.

She yeah, well she's super hot.

Well I just think she's the hot commodity coming down. And Tyler wants to kiss her because he's like, yeah, Mercedes is my girl, and I'm so glad. But like, I didn't have a chance with you back then because you were with Blake, and now I do. Yeah, And it's kind of like Sean. Sean was like, I didn't have a chance with you from week one because you're with Blake. Now I know I'm going home, So like, are you interested in this? Like I think Jess, if you looked at the dude's text threads leading up to Paradise, I think all of them are like, you know, it reminds me of the Jade situation back in the day, like totally, you know, they were all coming down and being like, whoever's gonna help with Jess is very lucky. Granted, I don't think any of the guys that are finding the text start texting about Jess ended up with Jess at the beginning, because I think Blake was probably on his own island coming down without really knowing anybody. Yeah, and all these guys in the last season we're texting and then he gets her and they're like, well, dang it, like none of us said it guy.

Yes, yeah, and then we just have to mention I'm sorry, but I'm just realizing that, like, while this is going on, Kat is still like screaming and causing drama. One she said one, it's the whole like I need to be made out with with tongue. Like the entire theme of the episode is that Kat needs to be made out with with tongue and that John Henry has a tongue piercing and this is really turning her on. And then she's also telling Eliza that Aaron B has like a shady past and that Charity said that of all my guys, watch out the most for Aaron B, which I said last week was shocking and they were like twisting all the previews to make it look like this. But apparently yes so because even though Charity brought him back to the top three and then Winter seen that before she gets off the show and gets a DM from one of his exes and no, here's the debate that you and I have to decide. Does this decipher a bit?


Charity gets these dms saying like Aaron left me his girlfriend to be on the show with you, and like, we were dating but he you know, a classic scenario, a Jed scenario, right, But then and then Kat goes. Kat goes and reveals this to Eliza, and first we're like, okay, is this is Kat just being dramatic or is this legit? Later in the episode, Charity comes down, of course, and she sits down with Eliza and tells her exactly what happened, and it seems as if Charity believes this girl who DMed her. Then Eliza goes and sits down with Aaron and confronts him about this, and then Aaron gives her the weirdest story of all time. And then again with the confusion theme, because he goes, well, I was dating a girl and we ended it in September, and then I was and then we're not sure if he is another girl or the same girl. And he goes and then in December something something something, I got the call on I got the call to be on the Bachelor at in December, and then in January he ended things and it's like, wait, dude, we are so confused and we don't have clarity on this situation.

I thought his claim was that he was dating girl. They ended, and then he started dating another girl girl.

In October, and then he got the call in December, and then in January he ended things and then they call the show back and was by the way, I'd like to go on in March.

Maybe I don't remember the January piece, but it could have been.

So despite the fact that we're all confused about timelines and like how many girls there are, it sounds as if there's two who do you believe here? The girls that are Dming or Aaron.

I believe them all.

There's like a weird middle ground for you.

I think there's a middle ground. Yeah, I believe them all. I think you know, I think that Aaron went on the Bachelorette. And it's interesting with the storyline that we know now has came out of the Bachelorette, kind of Aaron B's story today.

Because aren't you shocked? Like Charity really liked him, really liked him.

I think she liked him less than what we saw because Okay, he just showed up to the beach, and I think she kept him around or kind of like had him there because she didn't know what to do, you.

Mean, money, She accepted him back top three.

Yeah, I mean, I don't even you know, I think that was I think it was probably she knew what she was going to do the whole time, and so I think this was just kind of a hiccup or a speed bump in the road for her. I believe them all. I believe that Aaron was dating people. I don't know the exact timeline, because yes, it was confusing. I believe he was dating up until he left pretty much for the Bachelorette. Yes, And and when he left for the Bachelorette, I do believe he ended the relationships that existed to pursue the Bachelorette, to pursue charity because he knew she was going to be the Bachelorette.

I don't necessarily know if that's wrong to go on the show when you're casually dating some money.

Yeah, if you've ended it, oh yeah, And if you've ended it, if you've ended it and it's been clear to all parties that it's over, then I don't think that's a problem necessarily.

Yeah, but like you're still going to get the what he calls a disgruntled X sending dms trying to come after you saying that he broke up with me because of the show, And.

If he did, great, If he broke up with her because he saw a better future possibly with Charity, Let's let's assume that was his reasoning and not to get the claim and the fame from the show. Yeah, let's assume that it was because he said, Hey, this relationship I don't see is going anywhere. It's no different than what people do in paradise. I don't see this relationship going anywhere. I'm going to move on now to somebody I think there's a better future possibly with, and that's Charity. I don't think we can be upset about that, Like, I don't think that's wrong.

Yeah, because like, really, could you imagine leaving your soulmate as somebody you sees as a future spouse to go on the show then, and that if that is really what your relationship was like, like it was that serious and that wonderful that person left you for the show, Well, then you probably don't want to be with him exactly.

So you broke up you were seeing on the show. Yeah, but that is the big That is the thing that's always been on this podcast. Actually, what we've criticized for it's not that you might have been dating leading up to the show. For goodness sake, I hope you were dating leading up to the show. If you weren't, like, you know, if you're interested in finding love and you weren't trying by dating, then I don't know what to tell you. Everybody was dating. But if you were going on the show and you're single, there's no problem with that, even if I mean, I would go as far as even if it was the day before you left that you're like, I've been like trying to figure out if I want to do this or not, and I just don't see a future for this. It's over. I'm going to go. I'm going to get on that plane tomorrow and go. I still think that's okay. The difference would be if they were still dating and he went.

On Okay, all right, I kind of I guess would really boil down to it. I guess I do agree with you. I think what we were concerned about here is if he left, went on the show and did it with the intent that perhaps he was going to get back with her. Is there any at all that.

It could be. I mean, it definitely could be that maybe he went on the show again could be a.

Huge read flag. That's just not a huge read flag, do you because I'm not sure.

I think it is a red flag enough for Eliza to confront him on it and be like, tell me more at this. Yeah. I think he did a terrible job at explaining.

Explaining it like so bad because he was so awkward, Like, I get it, he was cornered and there's probably some truth to it all, he was way too vague and just felt like it just felt like in his explanation he was trying to just get it over with.

Sure, I think he did a terrible job and explaining himself. But if if what we said, if what he said when you boil all the confusion down is actually true that a relationship was ended and he went on the show, I don't think it's like a red flag enough for Eliza to be like, I can't date you anymore because your values and your morals don't align with mine. I don't think that's the case. I do think Eliza has questions now, and I think.

She should be more skeptical now.

She could be more skeptical, yes, a little bit, but.

Also like, think about all the people who get annoyed seeing their x on the show.

Here's what I don't love. The Bachelor world is is one where you know, there's a lot of communication, positive and negative going around all the time about every contestant who has made any type of name for you know, from the show, especially those that are living in going to Paradise. I don't love Cat's move here. I think that was probably the worst piece to me. She brought Charity the bachelorette into a situation that Charity was not around to defend herself or to speak to because she wasn't on the beach yp and Kat is good friends with Charity, besties, they say.

Which it's an odd couple there. There's must be a whole other side of Cat that we're not seeing because the girls actually seem to have some sort of loyalty to order.

Well, I think she's funny, and I think she's like, I think she's probably your friend that you're like, that's just Cat, Like yeah.

Exactly, yeah.

But if Kat is like if I told you something actually in confidence, or even if I didn't say, hey, please don't tell anybody this, if I just told you something and then I saw you on Paradise and you're like, you know, Ben told me that that person kind of like isn't as good as I thought he was. Ill I would be upset with you. I would be like, Ashulely, you brought me into television when I wasn't I wasn't there, and I don't like that. You're a friend of mine, and I respect kind of the code of privacy to be able to confide in you you in a friendship and know that it's never going to come back to bite me.

It sounded as if Charity wanted this information to get out because she said, like my girls. She was like, my girls, all my guys are wonderful that are going except watch out for him. So I do think it was something for everybody to sort of know that.

Could make sense. She gave that permission that I get it.

She didn't seem annoyed by it. Okay, So besides that storyline, which we have no idea what kind of move Eliza is going to make after that, we need to talk about Brayden bringing Becca on this date or back up bringing Braiden on the date. It was I think a bummer for all of us, just because we were really rooting for Rachel and Braden. They seemed so cute last week and now it's actually only a day after their date. That sounds seems wacky, but yeah, it's a day after their date. And Beca invites him on and they're and he says early in the date that he thought he had the great time somebody can have with Rachel, but then this date far exceeded it, really early on. That's oh, that sucks.

Yeah, I mean, good for them that they have such a good date. I do think Braiden, I don't think this was a great move on Braiden's part, because I think you needed to give Rachel a little bit more time. I do think there was something special there. They had a lot of fun together. It does, in a wild way, kind of fit for me, the two.

Of them together, and you mean Rachel and him.

Rachel and him. Yeah, and even if he was interested in Becca at some point during this whole process, actually, I would assume I've never been again, never done it. I would assume, as attractive as everybody is and as cool as everybody is, at some point you say, hey, I'm gonna if I came here looking for love, I'm gonna settle down now, like I need to at least play this one out, And it felt like Rachel Braiden had enough fun and enough chemistry where he could have easily said Becca, I'm super interested. You're gorgeous, but I want to play this one out for a bit with Rachel to see where it goes.

Yeah, he was too giddy. The giddiness made me disappointed because I thought the giddiness was a reserved for Rachel at this point. But maybe it was a little bit too early on. And I'm also not ruling them out having something, even though he did say that on their date. I think Beca just seems like I just feel more substance with what he has with Rachel, so we'll see.

Well, we know Rachel better too. I think that's why.

We're obviously rooting for them, because we have such more of a loyalty towards Rachel.

Yeah, but that was a shocker for me. It was a shocker that Braden is going on another date. It's a shocker that really any man here that had it feels like that kind of has a connection with Rachel is not like super interested in it because we know her well and she has some incredible qualities, she's beautiful, she took the chance on one on the beach. It would just I would just assume.

So freaking good this season, she just looks amazing, so glowing in paradise.

At some point, somebody's going to be like, you know what, I want to try this thing out with Rachel. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but at least this is a good like a good thing for me because I think she's great and we think she's great. So, as you mentioned, Charity does come down to the beach. Now, after kind of all this being said, she sits down. Mostly the big thing here is with Eliza to kind of go over what we've already talked about when it comes to her concerns about Aaron B. Eliza confronts Aaron B and we get the really really confusing, super super confusing answers from Aaron B that make no sense. And we have done everything we possibly can during this podcast to try to clear up what he was trying to say, but he just didn't say it well and and so we were yet to be seen what happens now moving into the next episode, with Eliza making that choice on if she you know stays in this relationship or not. Ashley, I guess to kind of close up here, do you hope she stays in this relationship?


Yeah I do.

I don't feel like so strong, Like I don't like have like a ton of strong feelings for them, But I don't think this is breakup worthy.

Okay, So we have the sneak peeks for next week. John Henry, we see kiss Cat, so maybe he is in the Cat.

Yeah. Yeah, there's definitely gonna be some real ceremony drama over that triangle.

We see the Cat in Olivia confrontation, which I cannot wait because, like I said, I think the two of them are probably the most quick witted and also have no hold back on what they will say to each other. That could be a front seat that I would like to have.

It could be like the entire episode. I'd be okay with that.

Yeah, it's gonna be wild. It's gonna be interesting.

Oh my god. And what we don't see teas but I can only imagine is coming. It must be coming. We're going into week seven is Katie Thurston's arrival, especially with Blake coming back from this date with Genevieve.

At some point she's had to show up. We know she was there, we just don't know if it's going to be shown now or not. I guess, and.

I'm eager to see what happens with Jess and Tyler and Mercedes Ashley.

To close up everything, I want to play a little game with you after next week's episode. Let's assume there's no new arrivals. Okay, no new arrivals. We're ending next week's episode. This is going into the week eight. Now, what couples will be together?

I do think Eliza and Aaron b will be together? Are we talking couples? Are like? Who's going to give roses to? Who?

Who's going to give rose to? Who?

Predict the next rose ceremony?


I think Tyler is going to give Jess's rose. I think Blake is going to give Genevieve's rose. I think that even to Kylie will probably be the most secure relationship. Oh, Peter and Sam. I think Peter to Sam, We're not going to see a lot of them because I don't think it's very heavy. I actually think Brandon is going to end up somehow giving Rachel arose. It's just my guess. And then who am I missing, and then who's gonna give catterer? I think John Henry's rose. Who do I think John? I think it's going to be I want to Okay, I think it's going to be Olivia.

Okay, So we'll say Mercedes and Becca will be going home then at least from this group that we expect, and I would say I agree with everything you just said, and Kat would be then going home as well.

You do you pick Olivia over Kat?

I think at this point I have a feeling that one of these dudes is going to sit down with John Henry and be like, what are you doing? Like, yeah, I know everything your body's telling you yes, but.

Will be going giving to I.

Think everybody's gonna say that John Henry's body tells him yes, but his mind should start telling him no, and that he should uh, he should just pick Olivia and uh and make his life a little easier. I don't know that that the conversations about his tonguering really made be uncomfortable. There was a lot of innuan so much, so much, so much goodness gracious, that poor fella he is is gonna get he is going to get destroyed.

The vibrating tongue ring, A.

Vibrating tongue ring. M I can't imagine. Anyways, Hey, this has been this week's episode of Bachelor in Paradise breakdown. Actually and I are going to continue with another episode of The Golden Bachelor. We've had headlines this week, so make sure you go back and listen to those until next week when who knows what the tornado of cat Olivia and the poor guy John Henry is going to look like. I've been Ben, I've been Ashley.

See ya.

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Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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