Ben and Ashley Tell All

Published Aug 31, 2022, 4:15 AM

It’s time for the Men Tell All for Gabby and Rachel’s season and Ben and Ashley aren’t holding back how they feel!

Is it time to end the Men Tell All?? Were you as disappointed as Ben and Ashley?

We look at the good and the bad as we get closer to the final rose.

And Ashley has an idea for the next Bachelor that could totally revitalize the franchise!

This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost famous podcast with her radio. We're starting this podcast off with some news that Ben just informed me about, Like crapply, he just found a black widow, just like right now, found a black widow yure right now, right before we press the record, Yeah, I did. Do you know how scared I am most spiders, let alone one that is actually poisonous, Like you could die, I could have. Yeah, I guess well, I mean, I'm I'm a big guy, but like my puppy, my wife's My wife's a tiny human, little Jess, like she'd have ten minutes to go to the hospital. Isn't it crazy that things like that could just crawl into our house and something that big could truly just kill us? Am I being an alarmist a little bit? I mean I didn't think of it to this. So what happened was we had Jesse's brother and sister in law in town this weekend and it was awesome. Uh, we had a really incredible time. They stayed in our basement and then this morning before they left, they were downstairs and we found in the room that they're sleeping in a black widow on the wall. Now, I am a little bit less wearisome because here's what happened. I don't know if you guys remember this story from a few years ago at my former house before Jessica and I moved. I went to my garage one day and there was all these little nests and eggs everywhere inside the garage. It was a detached garage in the back of the yard. Um, thank good Lord. And uh, wall of a sudden, I'm like looking at the eggs and I noticed that it's Mother's on all of them, and it's black widows. We had an infestation in the garage where my office was. I had built my office in said the garage, and so inside like my office in my garage where I used to record this podcast. Uh, they found over three black widow and so, oh my god, yeah, oh my god. The imagery I would I don't know what i'd rather do. I don't think there's anything in this world that I that I would be scared of. It would be less, yeah, that I would be more scared of than seeing the fit. Like there's something about that creepy, crawling body. I know they're tiny, but I would rather feel like I would I'd rather face a shark or an alligator. Interest think interesting thought? Okay continue? Sorry, Yeah, so we're in the process today. Jessica obviously isn't it like a massive fan of spiders, And so my afternoon is going to look like working and then also trying to figure out the best way to uh rid my house in the safest ways possible of black widows and make sure that there aren't a ton crawling in the sheets and crawling around in the beds. Um. So I'm gonna do a whole lookout if you hear some stuff going on the background, I do have a couple of people out right now looking through uh the house, making sure um that there's no like, no immediate threat because they are pretty dangerous, but they are there are pretty creepy to like when I'm not usually that scared of spiders, but when you see a black widow, like the black with the hourglass on the on the bottom of it, um, it looks like it wants to destroy you, Like it just looks like it's ready to pound. So that's my morning. Actually, it's been a great morning. I've got to work out in I found a spider uh and now to watch this lovely episode one that the fans they're going wild over they thought it was the most fantastic thing they've ever seen. That's not true, No, not not not true. So so we're gonna jump into recapping the episode. I don't even know how much recapping we're gonna do of the recap, So we're gonna break this up into two sections. Because of the fans reaction and because I think of most people's reaction, Uh, it would be hard. I honestly don't know if I saw one positive comment about the show last night on Twitter or on Instagram. So both because we break down the show actually and I want to try to give a little perspective to what was happening. So we're gonna break it up a no positive and negative section. What was positive about this show? And then what was negative? What? What? What things do we feel like we just missed on? Because I do think the show missed on some stuff. I do find it a little confusing. But let's jump into the positive first, which is who one of my favorite you know, members of this show this season is Aven. I've liked David since the beginning. I think you have to. I feel like he is especially on this hometown actually that's how you kick it off. I feel like he is quieter than I expected him to be. Um, I felt like he could be. I think he's a sweet guy, and I actually think he could probably be the one at the end because he is. He listens well, he's considerate, he was definitely receptive of his dad and mom's advice. But he is quieter than I expected. Um. We don't, honestly, as much as I like him, I just don't know a lot about him yet. I really don't have much to add. I completely agree with you. I like the fact that his hometown is Salem. Just looking around was fun for a second, which Jay was a little silly, but you know, when you're in Salem, you must. And yeah, I liked his parents. I don't think that they were nearly as scary as he prepped Rachel for being. And he is just that nice, sweet, good looking guy. There's really there's I got no complaints about him. Well, there is a comment here something that I felt as a viewer I did not enjoy, and I don't know if I've ever recognized this until this episode. I I like hometowns a lot. I think it's a fun episode, but their date, even though yeah, you're in Salem and stuff, it didn't help me know anything more about him. And that's what I really feel like. Hometowns are meant to be, like what do you do in your hometown? Even like how do you spend your day? Even if it's as simple is going to like the high school you know and meeting and showing off your old high school, or going to your favorite restaurant in town, Like, I'm not looking for an extravagant date in your hometown. I just want to learn something about what your daily life looks like, or what your daily life looked like when you lived in this town. And I feel like their date didn't give me any of that. And so I leave this day against saying I like, even I think he's he seems great, I just don't know anything about him yet. That was actually quite perspective, like you had a great That was intuitive of you to pick up on that, because I was like, oh, of course a great something like this, not thinking that they could have utilized it better. Sure, I mean, I'm sure Salem obviously has the history and has the kind of uh the known factor of what Salem is for and what goes on there, and I'm sure that's a huge part of their culture as a town. It sure is like they live for Halloween. Sure, and that's awesome, that's great. Well, but even I want to know more about what you do. I mean, maybe this was what you do, but I never heard it during the episode where he told Rachel, Hey, this is how I spend my days in Salem, like going to these shops. That had been fine if that's the thing, but it would have helped me at least know Um, but he doesn't. I don't think he spends time going to those shops it was. I don't think he does either. But it was also odd to me Ashley Um that this hometown air during this episode. It definitely kind of threw me off, like it was a weird switch, but I got back into it. The positives of this. I thought Even's parents were great. They were the perfect amount of not harsh but inquisitive of concerned, also excited. I thought they had a good mix. They balanced each other out well, um, and they made sure to ask good questions. But they definitely didn't uh leave Rachel or even. I don't think looking for wondering if there are support for the two of them together. You you left wondering if there was the support. There's good support. Yeah, yeah, I said, they're they're the perfect mix. Where I didn't watch it and go, oh my gosh, are they for or against this whole thing? No, they asked good questions, they were concerned, they were inquisitive, they pressured and pushed a little bit, but they also gave the validation to the two of them that hey, if you guys are adults, if you're into this and you want to run with this, go for it. Yeah. It was like perfect parenting. It's great. I mean. And then and honestly, uh, and and this we're still in the positive section of this podcast. We were still speaking positively about this episode because we want to pull some good things out. Uh. The dad was a huge hit on Twitter. He was He was such a cutie, very very sweet. Many definitely handled it in a way that like Tino's dad could have last week where he is a little skeptical um wants them to remain in the real world, but did it with an attitude that was supportive. Okay, so onto then the mental awe which happened after the hometown date. Again, just to be clear, we're speaking on the positives right now, so we're not going to mention that we didn't see the road ceremony, because that wouldn't be a positive in our minds. But the positives and the mente all Ashley, what stood out to you that you fought felt was um genuine, sincere, likable, loving and added to the to the to this whole storyline the season. Well, you're not to put you on the spot. Definitely spot, but you're not gonna like my aunts. It was the commercial for the Bros ad for the movie that I was actually like, ah, I would like to see this. Oh goodness, that's it. I uh, let's see. Let me let me scroll through these notes here for a second. The Paradise preview. That was fun. Actually, we're not even talking about the show anymore. Even though twenty seven percent of the show was ads. That's what I just found out this morning, I know, because Bachelor Data did something. So it was like, in addition to the actual commercials, there was like built in ads for you know, we could assume like over fifty of this show was us watching a promo for something else, which was most people's biggest critique. Okay, but we're still in the positive Okay, okay, okay, okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna come up with something because I do truly want to come up with something positive. Uh. Tyler, his whole just demeter in presence there, I think is always so sweet. I liked him and his always understanding of the situation. Hope we seem in paradise. How same. I liked seeing m Jordan's V again. Really want to see Jordan V in paradise another stand standout, just a moment for Jordan V. Just being there. In general, I think it's like how in the war after like looking at the mentor last night, Like how in the world this dude not make it farther? Like I don't get it? Yeah? Uh. And then I like our friends who we met last week, Spencer, Spencer, Spencer, Oh, looking so good with the facial hair. Should have had it more. Yeah, okay, So on of my positives. I uh, I really enjoyed the bloopers. I know that some people don't, but I liked the bloopers of Gabby, especially just being like Gabby. You know, she's like Champagne. The Champagne was awesome. She farted and like I know how that environment and there's five people in a closed hot room because there's lights and it's a close camera and there's audio and all this stuff, and she's doing this interview and she farts and she says, I'm sorry, but he hold their breath. I thought that was fantastic. I never did that. Obviously, I needed to multiple times, Oh you poor thing, you had a tape worm or whatever pesticide, But like, I never had the confidence of that. I thought that was a very likable, relatable moment for Gabby during the bloopers, where it's like this is who we remember her as from Clayton's season. I did enjoy Tyler as well. I also really liked one of my and I've said it every season, I get really like angry, uh viscerally, like very angry. When I watched Mentel all and I see somebody that was there for like two hours critique the Bachelorettes, her critique the other cast because they have no place, they've they've not been there, they've only watched some of these episodes on TV. Like everybody else, they can act, they can act like they know what's going on. They have no clue what's going on. So did Roby rob you the wrong way? That was a negative? Finish hair? No, gosh no uh I So Roby spoke out often at the beginning. I really a positive was Ethan, who we've grown to really like during this whole season, kind of the guy that you never expected because he was quieter at first. He kind of just sat back in the shadows. Great looking dude, definitely a candidate to be the next Bachelor, I think. But when he spoke up and said, hey, you were you weren't even there, be like, stop bringing up bad moments and stop bringing up controversy when you have no ground to speak on. I find that an amazing, amazing thing to like set the tone for the evening, like this doesn't have to be controversial, it doesn't have to be dramatic. There doesn't have to be arguments, especially during a season like this where we don't have a lot of cast arguments, and the ones that we did have cast arguments against weren't even there, Like they didn't even show up. So, yeah, what's it? I'm sorry, I'm like horrible with his name is Hayden Hunter. Hayden, Yeah, Hayden. I thought he was actually hiding in a trailer, but I guess he didn't come. Yeah, Well, you can't necessarily blame the dude, because he would have been probably Chris and Hayden would have been the only two cast members this season that would have consensus in within the house to be mad at or too critique. So I mean, I don't blame him for just being like, I know what's going to happen. If I walk out there, I'm just gonna get crushed and there's nothing I'm gonna be able to say, so I'm not going. Yeah, I am shocked because it really seems like it was a choice of his not to go, and I feel like a lot of people don't feel like they have a choice to go or not. Apecially in this season where there wasn't a ton of drama between the guys, you would have thought that the show would have really wanted him there for the conflict. I'm surprised he did not show. I will say, I don't know what they're um agreements are. I don't know what the situation is. I can't speak to that. I would imagine if you agreed to be on the show, you also are at some level agreeing to do the mentel all or going to the live shows. I would just imagine that. I mean, I think that's how that works. So I'm surprised the show isn't like I'm sorry, dude, like you have to go. Same So who there's there's been bigger villains who have showed up. Though not saying that, I'm not trying to downplay what he said. What he said was pretty horrible. You know, all the girls bitches that you're trying to do. But like we've seen way bigger villains before up and you they show up, So, I mean, I'm sure they wouldn't have wanted to what I want to watch given the choice, Like they should have shown us the conversation that Hayden was having with ever whatever producer in the trailer, Like that's what I want to see, is the producer being like, dude, you gotta go, and he's like, nope, not leaving. They're like, oh, you think he was in the trailer. I don't know. I mean, I don't think so they put his name on there for looks, Okay, well you've been fly out. That's fair. I just would have loved to see the behind the scenes of those conversations. Okay, Ashley, any other positives for you. I thought the Bachelor that's really pretty, really liked Gabby's dress. Yeah, do you You've liked Gabby's dress all season. Now Rachel's you've been you've been a little more critical. Every everybody has been a little bit more critical of Rachel's. You know, Rachel kind of just said she doesn't have a strong fashion sense and she just kind of let them dress her. That's fair. That's fair. Okay, So those are the positives. Now we're on a switch to uh speaking into not just bashing, because I don't think that's fun and it's not a great listen, But we're gonna speak into some of the biggest criticisms of fans for this episode, because there was a lot if you are not aware, if you're listening right now, or maybe you haven't even watched the episode yet and listen to our podcast before you watch it, criticism came in and it was I would say the most criticism I've ever seen publicly on social media for an episode of the show. And it wasn't criticism maybe like we've had in the past towards a specific issue or something that somebody felt, um offended by or they felt was inappropriate. No, this was criticism just on kind of being bad, formatting, bored, not not enjoying the watch, which you don't get a lot during the batchelor. People love to hate the Bachelor's very trendy to hate the Bachelor and Bachelor at but you don't get a lot of people just criticizing the I would say, boring nous of the show, Like if you don't get a lot of people just saying why am I watching this? Yeah, so okay, let's start at the beginning. Do it chronologically. Ashley, what are your thoughts on not showing the rose ceremony? And Jesse just simply saying, hey, all the guys are staying. I wouldn't normally have minded it, but when you see the kind of content that they replaced it with, which was a lot of commercials um and just overall like non substantial stuff, you make you feel like, oh, the rose ceremony would have been more substantial. I could have at least used the suspense of it, like pretend as if well, yeah, I guess, like here's a question that lingers. Did the guys go into that rose ceremony knowing that they were all going to get a rose. Was it just formality or we're you know, like, we're all the Roses sitting there and they're like, oh, look, we're all getting a rose. That's so exciting. Or was there some sort of suspense? Okay, great point, and I would have liked to know all those things. My comment to that is I watched the show because I want to watch the show. The Mental Law for me, I could take it or leave it, Like I honestly, I prefer not to even have this episode. I know we always say it every time it comes around. I really think they need to cut this episode. It's just run its course if we know I don't enjoy it. Jesse was like, what you've all been waiting for? The men? Tell all? It's like, believe me, nobody in this audience has been looking forward to The Mental all the most, especially this season where there's been a very little amount of drama between the guys. I have a positive, though, I'm thought of another positive the super tease the rest of the season. It's really really good. I have no idea where it's leading, and it truly gets me pumped to watch the final few episodes. Okay, so back to then. What I was saying was, yes, we watched the show. To watch the show, the super Tees was great, let's get us into that, let's keep let's keep this thing moving. The Mental All feels like an unnecessary break, an unnecessary movement of a lack of momentum, especially when the Mental All is like this. And so for them to cut the rose ceremony for the Mental All makes me say, I think the priorities were wrong, like cut the mentel All for the rose ceremony. Um, I want to see I want to see the drama. I want to know who's going home. I want to see somebody sweat a little bit. And so for them to cut it and just do it like that, it felt unnecessary, but it did at the beginning of this show, actley this We're gonna keep moving on. Then from it did get me excited for the Mental because I was like, there's so much stuff in this Mental All that they can't even do the roast everybody. Now, uh, my thoughts are proven incorrect, But that doesn't mean that I wasn't excited for a moment. Okay, So the next thing any tweet from Dan Emerson just a fan online he goes, we didn't have time for a rose ceremony, but we had time for an app demonstration and a cruise giveaway. And then there's a judge look from Judge duty as a gift attached to that's pretty cute, definitely and very uh not untrue. Okay, So the next big criticism, I don't even know if it's a criticism, uh is Roby comes out with platinum blond hair. Now Roby can do what Roby wants to do if he wants to have platinum blond hair. Uh. As I get older, my philosophy is, go do that, Roby. However, I feel like it was a host mistake to not even ask Roby why in the world that he dies hair platinum bond. We have no clue. He just showed up like this. Well we've only known Roby, as Ethan pointed out, for about four hours, who's only in like four hours of production time. Yet we do find we we know that he's somebody who likes attention. He is a magician. So I think the color was gonna get him some attention, and he succeeded at that. He did succeed. He wanted some attention, he got some attention. Unfortunately, I just don't see it being beneficial. Like, I don't know what he was going after he got a few moments of speaking lines. I don't see this playing out very well for Roby. I don't see him getting a lot of gigs based on this episode. But that's my own opinion. He can prove me wrong later on. Okay, So then we go into the men's conversation, like where the men are there talking amongst each other and Jesse is hosting it honestly, Ashley and and and I'm gonna throw it to you here. This would be my only comment. I don't I just watched it a few hours ago. I don't remember anything from their conversation, and that's not a good thing. That means watch That's why we're not going to go through it because we don't remember it, because it was all inconsequential conversation. It was it just felt like it was kind of a filler, you know. It was like we're at the mentel. Also, the men have to have this moment, but it didn't feel necessary, which I believe. At this point, Jesse pauses us in the show to give us an app demonstration of how pain can be delivered, right, Champagne can be delivered on a cruise ship. That's we are all currently not on. And when he gives away to the cruise. Remember the tease last week was that there is news that we're going to get at mental All that's going to change our lives, actually only changing the lives of the people in the audience for a week, but they will have memories to last lifetime. And you guys know, I've talked about Le Trista two weeks ago, huge cruiser. So I am truly jealous of everybody in that audience and I'm also very happy from them at the same time that they get there to this experience. But what let down for all of us well, and that's what I think the show needs to be careful of. And so to get a little bit like farther out these teasers that are disappointing lose trust in your audience. Oh my god, what a point, Ben Higgins. You know, it's like you remember the days of the Fence Jump, when there was a tease that lived up people, people responded. And so during a season of the show where the show is trying to gain back the trust of the viewer, trying to um move forward gaining the trust of the viewer. These big teases that don't live up to the hype are I think very Um. I want to use the word dangerous, but dangerous seems very heavy. But like what I mean is these, uh, these teasers that don't satisfy what we're all hoping for, especially when they say it's life changing, I think make the viewers at some point go, I'm done with this thing, Like I don't want to watch this anymore. I don't want to be drawn into something that's going to disappoint me. The show has to deliver and and teasers like this are not delivering. And if they don't deliver, then how in the world is the show going to expect their first episode when they show the highlights for the season two gain the attention of the public if all they think about in their mind is how many times do the show disappointed me in the past? Ben, you're so poignant today, like you're making me. Jenner would say, like, realize things. An episode of realizing things and I have not slept well. Um, but that's a topic for another time. I'm glad that you brought your brain today because you are sharp. Well, that's that's it. Okay, So we have this app demonstration that if you're in a cruise ship you can get champagne delivered, right, I mean, first off, very cool. Does make me want to take a trip on Virgin. They did a great job promoting Virgin. I I say, like, I'm like a big commercial. I know. But you know what the one question that was that could have been answered at mental all, it wasn't how Logan went about Well, I guess there's two questions, okay. One there was the Nate drama. What happened off camera him not telling an next about a child for a year and a half. That was a one huge lingering question. Jesse starts the episode by saying that we're going to get answers to that. That's great, thank you, But um, the other the other question that we have is Logan and not his decision to switch teams quote quote but whatever happened with the COVID thing? Why didn't everybody else get COVID? And was his test really positive? And what he just was eliminated? And where did he go and all of this stuff? Why didn't he get to come back when he was better? Those questions were not brought up and not answered, which just further confirms to me that there's some shady business going on there and they just wanted to get rid of Logan. Yeah, I would say that's a good way out. I think that's gonna be one of those things that in a season we forget even happened, and I think the show probably assumes that we will forget it even happened. There are a lot of questions there. I mean, Logan felt like he was gaining a better relationship and so he had some some momentum moving forward, and then all of a sudden, you've gone. Nobody really talks about him. He's out of there. Ashley after this app demonstration whereby get champagne. I'm sure the crowd was loving it. These filmings are a long time and so to get champagne during your eight hours sitting during this show is probably very nice and it's a good little treat for all the for all the audience members. We move on then to Nate's conversation. Probably it felt like would be the most important versation of mental all I um, there's been some recent headlines come out today that we know about. You know, we watch this episode, Nate speaks to why he never introduced his kids to the people he was dating his kid, his kid, uh, and he's a dad. I mean I want to hold criticism and judgment very loosely here, because he is a dad, and you want a father uh and and a parent to parent and bring up their child whatever ways they see necessary to protect him and love on them. And we have to assume he's doing all those things. So I'm not you know, people last night were fairly critical and positive on what Nate's words were. Right, Here's the crazy part. Here's what things get weird to me, is I think Nate, I felt like last night, this is while pause actually because I want to hear your thoughts. I thought last night they were so you're gonna make me say the bad thing. No, no, no, no, not not at all. Um. I felt like last night they were setting Nate up. I felt like I was watching them setting Ate up to be the bachelor, Like they were trying to reconcile and and and spin not spin this, but like bring it out enough where the public would say Nate should be the Bachelor. I felt like that's what I was watching. I don't think they were successful in that. Today, I think we see that they definitely were successful in that based on this headline that I'll read here in just a second. But Ashley, what did you think when you watched his interview? I thought it was phony, okay, fair, and I get that, and I felt like it was almost forced. Like I said, they were trying to force this idea that he should be the bachelor, even though you know, these rumors did come out, and no matter what he says, people are going to disagree with him. Right there. There is a divide on Hey, he's doing the right thing here or he's doing the wrong thing. But there's a divide. And now we see today in the headline that Nate was seen holding hand at a grocery store with a girl. Yes he was. We don't know the girl's name, we don't know who she is, but he was, and we also don't know shape for that. I don't care for You know, he's had time apart from Gabby, he got eliminated six, she sent him home. Whatever, go hold hands with a girl in a grocery store. That has nothing to do with me thinking this came out across a phony. Across phony to me a lot of the A lot of it has to do with the way that they produced it. They showed so many audiences faces during that interview, so many women nodding or like being like yeah, it's like sympathy, and they were so trying to make us be on his team. It was almost so shoved down my throat that I was like, no, no, you will not force me to feel this. Yes, I mean I think that you just brought up a great point. You're saying I'm on it today. I think you're on it. I think that's why this was hard for me to watch, because I kept watching he would say something like I have a daughter, and everybody in the audience. They'd show these audience members just shaking their head, Oh yeah you do. It's like, okay, come come on, like this this is not this is not a talk show, right, this is not a daytime talk show. I felt like a daytime talk show. It was Dr Corney, Yes, one hundred percent. Jared even pointed out that they that they said they made sure to poise the conversation in a way that it started out with good things about Nate, then they addressed the controversy, and then they ended with good things about Nate and they had to have what's his name? I have no freaking idea in the line of men say hey, hey, Jesse can I had erupt for a second. I just want to say that a good man does make other men better, and that is what Nate did to me. Like it was all so calculated to make him the next Bachelor, and we're just all I just feel like we're all not having it. Even if we read one of the headlines. There is a headline in which basically backstage at Mentell, all Gabby, Rachel and some of the men, I'll talk about who they want to see as Bachelor and they all say Nate. And it's just too much And I'm sorry, I'm going to ramble now. If if this was a guy that we saw so much screen time from and that we just like, we're so obsessed with and so loved during the season, and then we see that he made a mistake in real life. Maybe maybe, but the fact is we didn't like we we got to know him. I liked him. I even said that when he got dumped, I really wanted to see more of him. I was upset that I wasn't going to I can't get over now that I can't get over that he didn't talk, that he didn't tell a girl for a year and a half. A year and a half, well what two girls? Yeah, well, well that's like up for debate. Like he even admitted that there were two girls in the picture. I don't know he was like seriously dating two girls at once. Whatever, it wasn't addressed. I get not introducing your daughter to somebody after a year and a half. That's fine. I understand your reasoning between the divorce and not want to get your daughter into it. So respectable not bringing up the fact that you have one that does seem like you're hiding her. I had a huge aspect of your life, making it seem as if, well it a little controversial to say, but almost seeing as if you're purposely trying to hide an aspect of your life, A big aspect of your life. I think it was. I think no matter what, it's an odd decision to date somebody for a year and a half. It is an odd decision to know somebody for a year and a half, like a friend, uh, a coworker, I don't know, like just somebody in passing for a year and a half that year having some semi regular conversations with and not for up the fact that you have a child. I mean, I talk about my puppy to everybody in anybody now different than the kid. I feel more strongly about this now that I'm a parent. I can't go a minute without being like, I'm sorry, I know you're a stranger. I just meant, can I show you a picture? Like I'm that person now? And now I understand why people do that. It's also, oh god, this is a little controversial as well. It makes me feel as if maybe he wasn't as president in his daughter's life as he was trying to put across earlier in the season. Makes you bring up questions, right, That's brings up questions. Thank you. Yes, I'm not accusing. I'm just I'm just questioning. It brings up questions, and I again to in this statement. I think your comments at the beginning, if they just would have had Nate sit there and and talk um and with that we weren't trying to be persuaded in any way, then I think my response is a lot better. This isn't even as much of a criticism on Nate and what he said and hasn't said, or what he's done and not done. Honestly, most of the time, I felt like I was watching an infomercial, like when you see the people cooking in the nonstick pots and they got to the audience, they look, how look and they go look how clean it is, and all the audience shakes their head and smile like this is the best thing ever. That's how I felt this was to me, and it made me just turn off and go, I don't I know I'm not being persuaded here that no matter what I'm done, there's nothing that's going to convince me either direction, because this is so corny to me, especially using the fans, your action to to everything he was saying, Um, it was odd. So that's that's what'll close that, and I will enter this conversation very briefly. This is just another moment that said to me, Hey, Tyler Cameron, whenever the heck he wants, give him all the opportunity he wants, make him the Bachelor, or or you will have another rating season. Really, this is this, This moment made you think of Tyler Cameron. Oh, this moment. Moments like there's always running of Tyler Cameron. He is your savior for the show. He's the show savior because he is a celebrity now. He's not only just antes former contestant from a heyday, from one of the last seasons in which there was good ratings and there was a lot of excitement and chatter around it. Not only that, but he is a celebrity now, so now he's almost like a stunt casting. It's almost like having um when they had like of the Prince, or they had um like Charlie O'Connell's brother and stuff like this, and even like Bob Ginny to a certain point was almost a celebrity when he became the Bachelor. Yeah, I get that, Okay, fair enough. I mean I think, yes, Tyler Cameron is a bachelor would probably be a good thing for this show. I cannot disagree with that. Could you come up with one person in this in the cast of single men from the franchise right now? Not necessarily this cast, but another, but another one of recent history that would spark as many ratings, attention and excitement amongst the fandom. I can think of a few personally that I would like to see. I would like I think that Mike Johnson could do it. I think that Mike Johnson with Peter Krause would be amazing. Do double, do double, you have to do double. If you're gonna do two girls, that's awesome pairing. Um, But I don't. I can't. But I don't think that's like a huge I don't know. I want Peter Cross will be an amazing freaking bachelor, But I do think that people have forgotten him at this point. I think they lost that opportunity years ago. But who says who lost to you know, Like, I think there's a lot of rumors that say that it was Peter that passed up on the opportunity. I can find good pairings, Okay, I go, I can find parents, But like Tyler Cameron will bring it all. Now, now you tell me who else can bring it all? Ben, I mean, I think that Ruth Spencer's could probably pull a fairly good audience. I think if you're looking to revitalize ratings, though, you're probably gonna have to pull somebody from past seasons just because this show had more viewership back then. And so I mean, I don't disagree. I think Peter might be a little far removed for people to get super pumped up. But I do think Mike Johnson, I think, um, Michael A could probably do a pretty good job. Michael Lake could do a great job. If he doesn't end up with somebody from Paradise would be a great, great transition in I think that it may have been their intention with him on Paradise. Yeah, I mean I think it's hard. I mean I think you look at Tyler Cameron and people go, yeah, he is a celebrity, he has made his way outside is I just don't think there's any shot. I don't think there's any reason I wouldn't do it if I was him. I mean, it would just be a really hard sell. Uh. And then I feel like the season would almost have too much weight on him, and it would it that might, in my opinion, be the death of the show because you have this this person that you're gonna put up. You're gonna let negotiate what they want, what they don't want, look how he wants and not once and then all of a sudden, the show dramatically changes forever. I don't think you ever get it back. And so maybe as a finale, maybe as a final season. I get it, but I don't see that being a healthy stepping stone for the show. Um, I just see it going backwards from there quickly again. And so uh no, I don't I don't see the show making a decision. I don't see Tyler making that decision. I'm not saying I see it. I'm saying that that's what would be, in my opinion, a saving grace. Okay, so shall we go to headlines. No, not quite yet, because we do have a few more things actually to touch on. We do have the cruise giveaway everybody in the audience because the cruise it's good for five more months. I heard, Uh wait, they have five months to do it. It's good till the end of the year. Is the rumor being spread and it only leaves out of two ports Miami and somewhere else. Um, but hey, you get a free cruise like by the plaint advantage. It's pretty definitely not life changing for Bachelor Nation at all. But if somebody has a free cruise and then they go on that cruise and they find their husband, could be life changing. I would love to see it. Um. Well, actually that's all we have from mentell all it Uh. It definitely felt uh like an unnecessary, unnecessary watch from my opinion. We're not even gonna get into all the ads. That's why this is so quick, because there was a lot of sneak peaks and ads and trailers for things Paradise does look cool. I'll say that I'm excited to watch Paradise. I am as excited as I ever am to watch Paradise. I think it's a great show. I think it's a lot of fun to watch. I think it doesn't have the issues that this show has right now. Uh and so as a result, super pump that that's coming out and that we can start getting excited for that. Actually, it is time for headlines today. We have a few to get into. UM. After we scroll through our headlines, just have a ton of Twitter reactions the last night's episode, UM Shackling. None of them are great, but the first one is this Peter Webber likes post about reuniting with Kelly flannagain, jokes about having impure thoughts about her. WHOA, this is the we need guys. This brings me alive. Can did you know about this? And you been following this story for the past week or so? Yeah? I have. It is Fastiday. These two have talked so much smack about each other and now they're just back together. Okay, so this is the quote proof that we have right now, besides the photos that we've seen them together, which is enough proof for me. Um Kelly posted this picture on Instagram on Sunday. Somebody I just a fan said having impure thoughts miss houghtie with lots of fire signs, and then Peter responded underneath it and said same. Uh. Somebody also commented under the picture happy you guys found your way back together, and he liked it. Nohow, I love this story. It's so juicy. It's juicy, but it's kind of like it's like a you know, like the like they like each other. They were so mad at each other. There's so much pain and resentment for whatever reason, we never really know why. Now they're back together. I wonder what this conversations were like as they tried to reconcile and spend more time investing each other. I wonder if it was always kind of this, I'm into you, I'm into you, but I don't like you for some reason, And now they're finding themselves back together. This is why we need a reality show that documents our lives post show, because this stuff would be such a good TV. And what I like about this relationship that I find so interesting is because I've never had a relationship like this, and these two people just like they have that thing where they probably fight all day and it's firing and see me and there's probably lots of makeup sex and it's just passionate and they're not always nice to each other, but it's hot, but it's hot. It sounds like a movie you just you just made up in your mind that they are to me, jeez. Next headline is this Bachelor a favorite? Andrew Spencer gets real about his life changing time and Paradise. He just said that basically that the people who have never been down there, it was a shock. It was a shocking experience, which is what I've warned people every time they go to Paradise. I'm like, listen. It is a totally different environment and process and the show. The show can be so much fun. Paradise can change your life for the for the better. Of course, look who's on my lap right now? But it is emotional boot camp. It never stops. You get to rest on the main show, but you never stops testing you Paradise and then just as far as like a fun little quote, Andrew says that the best thing to bring down there for anybody who is going to be down there next is a fan. He said, some people brought three or four fans, and some people didn't break any. But it's a very vital part to having a comfortable experience down there. I can imagine. I'm excited to see him on Paradise me too. He's the sweetest. Katie Thurston amidst John Hersey dumped her, her quote is a blessing in disguise. Guys, we got so much tea from Katie Thurston. On Caitlin's podcast this week, she says that technically they broke up twice. The first time no one knew about it. Uh wait, like a week or two later we kind of worked through it and decided to get back together, So I thought we were golden. However, in June she said that the final split was unavoidable, explaining that she knew um more reasons why he did not like her than liked her. That is a really feeling, she said. And she said, as for the relationship tipping point, Um she was piste off by John wanting her to take surfing lessons after she learned how to skydive. She said, I knew nothing um I did was ever going to be good enough. So she obviously like she took skydiving lessons for him, and then he wanted her to take surfing lessons, and then she said, ultimately it was really a blessing in disguise because I think I would have stuck it out longer than I should have. And she says that in reference to the fact that he broke up with her, and she said, initially after the breakup, it was the saddest she's ever been, but now she's in a very good place after a trip to Mexico and a secret hook up. So the best way to get over someone is to get under someone. That's that's a quote, that's act. Isn't that a lot a lot of that's a T shirt right there? Um, the you know, the next headline is, you know Katie went on during this podcast. I guess you could just listen to Caitlin's podcast because there's a lot that she talked about when it comes to Nick File, when it comes to the breakup, when it comes to kind of the Nick File and Katie Thurston feud. Also, we have a headline here about Blake Horsemen and Nick File feud. You can listen and pull all those things up to read them on your own here. Uh, hello buddy. Um. But in short, Katie and Nick are still feuding, and Blake and Nick are still feuding. Uh, they have not reconciled. Um there their differences. Yes, Blake. Blake was asked about this on the red carpet at the v m As and he literally just said he's tried. Uh, it's just not gonna happen between the two of them. It's like rather exhausting. I just want to ask you, Ben, as somebody who's pretty good friends with both of them, what's it takes only they like each other? I mean I don't. I don't know, Like I guess like you have think this big family, you know, we all don't we're not all going to get along. Yeah, I uh, you know they're both him at bachelor party. I thought that could I thought that could be a good a good way to reconcile. It didn't happen. It doesn't seem like um friends with both of them. I think they're probably Uh. I just don't. I think it's one of those things where you you need to stop talking about the other person, like Blake need to stop talking about Nick Nickson needs to stop talking about Blake. They need to move on. Understand that they're not gonna see Ida and they're not gonna get along, and there's no healthiness or good things coming from them feuding publicly because it just ends up bringing up wounds not only for them but other people that have been affected because of their feud. Uh. And I think that's just unnecessary to bring, you know, to bring these things up, make them headlines. Uh. And then when these headlines come out, it mentions, um, the reason why they're feuding in the first place, and it's like this, this isn't fair to that person. You know, and specific I'm talking Klinklin gets brought up in these conversations when it's written about it's like she's moved on. People need to move on. It's time to move on. Um. When it comes to Katie and Nick, I don't know as much, right, I'm not around Katie. Yeah, you don't need to comment personally on that one because we don't really we all don't really know Katie personally. But the podcast with Katlan obviously brings out what Katie feels the details of this, so um so yeah, that's what I think. Anything to need to stop that would be my my friend opinion to the both of them. Uh. Next timeline is this inside Joe and Serena's a dreamy elevated boho engagement party. This according to people, Yeah, one year after getting engaged in Bachelor in Paradise, they finally celebrate the minal milestone in Toronto, Canada at the one hotel that was initially like not part of their pre wedding plans to have a party like this. Serena said, I think my parents originally brought the idea to us of an engagement party just because we had an unconventional engagement. We got engaged and it was secret for a long period of time, so this was a nice idea to bring some sort of family and close friends together to celebrate A whole year later, she says that it all happened so fast and now they're a year into it, and they realized that their parents had never met in person, so this is a good way for their parents to meet and all their close friends to meet each other's close friends, and they're happy that I finally happened, um, even if it was a little bit of a delay. She said that the elevated Boho vibes she loves it is really beautiful space, lots of wood and greenery and a nice bar area. She said that that just that that like style, elevated Boho kind of encapitulates the couple's style together. Lots of little twinkly lights and candles and neutral colors. They wanted something soft and romantic while still looking luxurious and modern. Um. They're also both huge foodies. We know Joe is. We just started selling his Sauce Sundays with Joe at Audrey's and they even had a sausage table. Guys. They had a sausage stand of a whole bunch of different sausages with toppings. And Joe is also a huge cookie guy, so they had a nice little dessert spread there as well as your coottery board. So I'm obviously just painting a huge picture of what it looked like they're at the at the party, So I wonder if their wedding will look very similar. Happy for them, a beautiful, beautiful engagement they're having obviously we're just with Joe. That Will wasn't Sarah's wedding, and he's looking stunning, looking good, being cool like he always is. Well, hey, that's all we have for today, uh, Bachelor Nation. We encourage you to keep listening to this podcast to hear are are what we attempt to have our most unbiased perspective on this show, both positive and negative, and quite frankly, I could have gone without this mentel all. I feel like a lot of us could. So until next time week, until when we break down the next episode. I've been Ben, I've been Ashley. See you guys. Follow the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcasts on IHUR Radio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

The Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast

Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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