Almost Famous OG: Keeping Up with the OGs

Published Mar 25, 2025, 1:00 AM

Bob Guiney and Trista Sutter are back to recap Trista’s trip to the iHeartRadio Music Awards! Find out who made her the most starstruck, and which ex-Bachelorette hung out with her while she was in LA!


Plus, Bob reveals the awkward question his son asked when he rewatched his season of The Bachelor!

This is the almost famous podcast with iHeartRadio. Hello Bob Guiney, and hello everybody else. It's the almost famous og podcast. And we are so sorry we've been gone for so long. But Hi, Bob, how are you?

Hi? Trista Sutter, I'm fantastic. How are you? I'm good.

It's been forever. I feel like you went to Carmel or Carmel and I went to La and mixed in between. There's just life, so.

Crazy, bananas. I've missed you for what it's worth.

I know, same same we are we? Yeah, I mean, obviously it's Bachelor season, so when we're in the season, it's the Ashley and Ben Show one yeah, which we love obviously, and then we just get to play ketchup whenever, so this is.

A ketchup it is, Yes, So how are you?

What's been going on in your world?

I am doing great, Thanks for asking.

Just been dadding it up like nobody's business and spending a lot of time with my boys. And you know, we're getting into the first day of spring, so that's been really nice. And my kids have been going absolutely crazy. You would think it's you know, ninety five and Sonny here in Michigan, it's not, and they're out there running.

Around like crazy people.

I mean, I've literally almost missed our podcast because I was chasing Blake up and down the street. The kids out there with like a I don't even know where he got it from, a Golden State Warriors tank top. It's like, okay, thirty eight degrees but sunny, and he's just like chucking around. Next thing, I know, he's got no shirt on and he's on his Spider Man scooter and I'm like, dude, you know I can't catch him. So finally caught him, needless to say, here and I'm back in here with you.

Now, you didn't leave him outside in the street.

I was going to. I was going to.

But yeah, we've been traveling a time, you know, after after Carmel Canyon and I, which was an awesome time by the way, with our with our Golden with the Golden Bachelorette and Bachelor people.

It was all Goldens all the time while we were out there.

And that was end of January, right, So then February we spent a ton of time in Florida, one week of which was sunny, the next week of which we might as well have state in Michigan, and then yeah, now this into the whole March A season and getting ready to go to Mexico. We actually leave tomorrow to go to Mexico, so we'll be in Mexico for a week for spring break.

I saw that Jess was packing and you're just chilling out like a kangaroo.

First of all, so not how it goes, you know, I've got a counterpoint to that point.

But yeah, I saw that post.

I'm like, Okay, that's really really funny but not true, you know.

But yeah, anyway, everyone's like, how are you so tan? How are you?

And I'm like, well, you know, my wife's from California, and to get her to move to Michigan, the negotiation was we're going to spend about a week to ten days each month of the winter in sunny places, and so that's kind of what we do.

So December, he's very smart.

December through March, we were always somewhere sunny for a little bit. And thankfully I have that American Indian Irish lineage, and so the American Indian part hangs on to the sun as long as it can. I stay tanned for the majority of the winter, so not too bad. Yeah, how about you, You've been so busy, I've been First of all, your hair looks lovely. I thought you had gotten glam pre pop.

Thank you glam in my bathroom with my Dyson air wraps.

Damned to be a sponsor this show.

Totally cow. I am obsessed because literally I took Blakesley to a doctor's appointment, just got out of the shower, put my hair up, and then came home and it was wet, so crazy and anyway, I came home and just did this. So anyway, thank you. I appreciate it.

I read Ryan's post of being in the words zone with you guys, and it was so sweet because you know, you and I have done a lot of the red carpet stuff together and everyone's always like, where's Canyon and Ryan, We're like, uh, they're down there filming us.

Yeah, he doesn't. He did not step foot on the carpet. Like we walked into like the line and then he was like, I'm just going to hang out over here, and he literally was like at the end of the red carpet waiting for us to come through, which took forever because we kept getting like bumped by important people and and maybe maybe not important people. I don't know. We were just kind of like hanging out there. I don't know. It was fun because we were in line with Tory Spelling, who I love. And this was the first carpet, like the first red carpet for Blakesley. So backing up a little bit, we got glam by like Emma Willis and her crew. Wanaka was my girl. So anyway, and then Blakesley got to get glam while we were podcasting, and she loves hair and makeup, fashion, all of its very excited. She's almost sixteen years old. Two freaking weeks until she's sixteen years old. Wow. So we went out there for the radio I heeart Meat Radio Music Awards, and then we ended up staying but I'll get into that later. So it was a really fun trip. She got her glam. I thought she looked so pretty.

Every picture I saw beautiful.

I mean, I'm a little biased, but I feel like she's you know, I'm proud to be your mama. And it was fun.

She's an incredible mix by the way, between you and Ryan, Like she really is, and both your kids really are. Actually they're both like an incredible mix between you and Ryan.

You know, it's really I mean little.

A little sided on the Ryan side. Okay, I think that's I'm married. It's not a bad thing. I married him for you know, partly for his looks. So okay. So we're on the Red. Well before that, we're glamoring with like Kelly is it Ben Simon, Ben Simone, Ben Simone Real Housewives? I love her. She was amazing, so sweet, so complimentary to Blakesley Too, hung out with her in the hair and makeup room with Serena Too and Charity. We had a blast and then walked over literally walked over because we were at the Hollywood Roosevelt and walked over to the Dolby Get there, go through the line. And I am always starstruck, Like I did a story where I was like my eyeballs are popping out because it's literally like you can't just look in one place. There are people everywhere and people that I you know, like look up to in the in the music world, in the entertainment world. Jenny McCarthy, who I haven't seen in forever, but we uh we know each other, and saw her, gave her a big hug. She is just looking like she is inspiration for people our age.

She's even prettier now.

Honestly, I totally agree, drep dead gorgeous. And then so she was in this gold, sparkly number and then I see Nikki Glazier, Laser Lazier. Oh my god, she was in silver. And I said to her, because I am not shy about saying hello to people, and she she came into that line where we kept getting, you know, bumped by people. It's fine. I am definitely nobody in music, so it's fine. You Pole, Green Day, Billy Idol.

You all just go, keep going, keep going.

So see Nicki Glaze and say hello. And she was like, oh, I know who you are. And of course that always makes me feel better. You know that I'm not just a fan, even though that's totally fine. I'm happy to be just a fan. But that was fun. And then we took a picture together, but her and Jenny McCarthy, and I told her, I was like, you and Jenny McCarthy are stunners tonight, and she's the gold to your silver, and they're like a yin and yang. I don't know if they got to see each other, but she was like Jenny McCarthy is my comedic idol, Like I want to be Jenny McCarthy, you know. Anyway, so that was kind of cool. It was amazing to be in the audience because I love award shows that play music. It's like a one big concert, you know. So we were just at a concert with Nellie. I was just jamming out because you know, I'm from Saint Louis and know all the songs the words, and was just I could have like gotten up and like walked down the aisles and danced my heart out my seat. So that was fun. Nelly.

I love on a show like that too.

Is it's all killer, no filler, right, Everybody that gets up there is crushing it, and it's all songs, you know, like it's never totally like a deep album cut.

Well, well I don't know about that. I mean there was bad Bunny and I didn't know his song.

Okay, okay, but that's okay.

I mean he's sang it all in Spanish, so of course.

I see see that would have got me already from Mexico.

I would have been like us.

So Billie Eilish started the show. She was amazing, and Blakesley of course, so this took like Taylor Swift when I took her and it was like core memory. That was a core memory too, because she was like, you cry, I love Phillie Eilish. It was. It was a very special moment. She's so talented. Gracie Abrams O lover. Kenny Chesney Performedrilla there. It was. It was such such a fun night. Ryan was having a great time, even though you know that kind of stuff is not necessarily his thing, but he loves music, so it was really fun. We got to sit. Gary was there from Golden Bachelor.

I saw him and Kelly sitting again.

They were We were right next to them. No, Kelly was I think there's a guy named Steve. I don't know if Steve is her is a boyfriend or a friend or what, but Steve was there with her and oh, her manager. Okay, so Steve is her manager. But Kelly and Gary were there, so fun.

And then.

Oh gosh, Amy and t J. Holmes were there and we actually did a podcast with.

The Kelly and Gary were on a date.

Yeah, I had no idea.

I was gonna say so they were. They were actually on a date. Because where are you seeing this? I'm not seeing any of this information in the chat.

I'm in the chat. Why am I not seeing it? Oh? I can't find it anyway. Kelly was direct.

Sorry, it was direct, so Kelly and Gary.

So we did a show like a little like a dating dating game show for Valentine's Day, and I was like Chuck Woolery and Kelly was the bacherette. And then we had three guys from the og. I'm sorry for the og from the Golden Bachelor, but Gary wasn't the winner, actually, but I'd like to find out how that worked out that he ended up on a date, because that's interesting.

I like hearing that.

I love it. I love it. They are so cute. I love Gary. And one person that, oh my gosh, I have to tell you about another But one person I really was start direct by was Billy freaking.

Idol love Billy. I don't I was.

I was the person who was taking a selfie with him in the background, just to get him in the picture.

You didn't want to ask him for a picture, so you're like walking back.

Oh, I felt bad, but oh gosh. And then so Joel McHale ends up being in line next to us, and I walked up to him and I was like, I was like, so, hey, Joel, I'm Trista. You know, I'm sure I gave you. I'm pretty sure you laughed a lot at me back in the day.

Yeah, we gave.

And then he's like, so who are you with? You know? And I introduced him to Blakesley and he's like, yeah, I made a lot of money off your mom.

I love that he was always honestly. I loved him so much on the soup. I loved him on the soup.

And I love the soup. You're so right. I did not think of the name, but yes, he was so good. And then so they don't they don't allow food and drinks and the theater. So I was dying. I was so hungry, hadn't eaten, go to the bar, get stuck and couldn't go back in. And this was during when Gaga got her award.

I was because Gaga.

Oh so anyway, so we're out there like in the like lobby area and three tall drink of waters with cowboy hats and I was like, Okay, where are you guys all from? And how would I you know, how would I know you? And they're like, we're on the show Farmer Wants a Wife or whatever. I think that's what it's called, Farmer Wants a Wife and end up talking to them. The guy with he's a brunette, he had a black hat on. I don't know his name, but he's from Saint Louis, so there were all these connections and he was saying that Nikki Glazers from Saint Louis had no idea. But that was really fun to like just just talk to people that I am. So I'm such a like a fan you know, I fan girl, I loved a fangirl. I am. Ninety nine percent of my life is spent, you know, doing life with my family whatever. But for me, it's really fun to actually get to go to these events and kind of live out my dream as a fan girl.

You know, I love it.

No, I get it, and I'm right there with you. I will say this about Nicki Glazer something. I'm so glad she's having her moment and it's so great for her because so probably about man. It might even be like fifteen years ago, I hosted some stuff for Bonnarou, which is like a music festival that's yeah, you know, and it's super fun and Amy Schumer had just like exploded on the scene with all this stuff. And Nicki and Amy have always been really close, and Nicky and Amy were hosting this tent together and I come walking in and the two of them just roasted me for like twenty minutes, and it was awesome. And I cause I love I mean, you know me, I love making I love making fun of me. Is people make fun of me, That's the only thing. And they were just having so much fun. And I remember just thinking to myself, like how excited I was for Amy and how much I couldn't wait for Nicky to just really kind of come in to her own, which she's always had a great career, but man, right now she can't do anything wrong.

You know.

It's like everything she does, she just chills it. And it's so great to see. So I love that you I love that you guys ran into each other because I've always had I've always been really.

Fond of her and really and really root for her, you know.

So she's amazing. She really is crushing it lately, and she's stunning.

Yeah she is. She's very pretty, very beauty running.

Yeah, I just I it was It was a really fun night, and then Blakesley and I stuck around La. We stayed at the hotel for the next day. Rachel Rekia came to the pool and met us, so we had a little pool time with Rachel. Blakesley loves Rachel. I mean me too, but Blakesley loves Rachel. So that was really special. And then we went and did some college visits because it's going to be here before I know it. So we went to sd s U and and USD and it was perfect weather. We rented a convertible drove. You know. We went to meet ten Lee and Carl's he and we had We got to meet her beautiful babies, her beautiful baby girls, so we got to see them.

When you were when you were at SDSU, you should have dropped the Andrew Firestone name.

You know, he played for defensive Oh my.

Gosh, I'm gonna I'm gonna write I'm going to write them. I had no idea. She loves sd s U loves We have a friend there now and she took us on a tour and guess what, Hannah also went there, and so did Daisy Kent.

I know this, Hannah, You've never mentioned that when we've had we've had Firestone around.

That's crazy.

Yes, amazing, So yes, they were friends. I just love it.

So that's awesome.

That's definitely a top school for her. Right now, we'll see how things.

I really loved meeting Daisy. We did when we did a golf outing one year. I really loved meeting her there.

She was really sweet.

It's great, and it was her coming right off of her season too, and we had mutual friends.

And a guy that I work with.

He actually like has grown up next to her, like he considers himself kind of like an uncle, you know, So it was really interesting. I was like, man, I was watching you all season just because my buddy loves you and loves your family, and it was just nice.

It was nice. She's awesome, good people.

Out of that is what's been going on. And now we're back to life. It's spring break for us. But that was kind of our little spring break trip. Max will be playing hockey this weekend and next week and just getting back into the s ring of things.

Life as we know at the Ogs, we do well.

I'm so glad to catch up with you. I love uh.

I love that we're getting a touch base. I love that Paradise is back, right, Any any thoughts that you're gonna see on the beach on Paradise?

You know, Actually, I was just thinking about this and Blakesley and I were huge fans of Maria on Joey's season. Would love to see her on Paradise. I really hope she she goes. Yeah, and then Jonathan from Jen season loved him. I'm sure there will be but girls from this season if Letia is not Grant's person that I would really loved. She's like my favorite, so I would love to see her. I'd love to see Bailey from this season in from Grant season. She just seems like so cute and fun and bubbly and you know, humorous, So I would love to see her. Gosh, who do you want to see?

You know?

I was, I gotta be honest with you. I was really hoping for a Golden Paradise. Oh yeah, I really was. I was like, yeah, so hoping for it.

And I don't think there's enough cast members.

Yet, probably not yeah, probably yeah, they've got they've got it. And I honestly think that there's probably not enough of you know, I'm not saying that there has to be this but there's so much drama in Paradise, you know that. I just don't think that Golden Folks bring bring that kind of drama yet, because they're so kind to each other, Like there's no backbiting, there's no you know, there's no like clicks, there's no you can't sit with us type of situations ever going on in that shell. And so maybe maybe it wouldn't make for a great paradise. I don't know, but I feel like they're already for love, and so it's like, maybe it would.

I don't know. I think there's totally there's some of that going on too.

But I think we just need some more seasons because we need some more people.

Yeah, I do too.

And then we got Grant's finale coming up, right, so we've got the final two.

Wait, you didn't answer the question who do you want to see?

Oh my gosh, well, I think, you know, there were so many people that I loved that I loved from Joey's season that I would love to see on there. I mean, oh my gosh, you name it, and I want them on the show, you know, because I thought that season was just so great, and I haven't I haven't been as I just started watching Grant season. So I just started watching like about three weeks ago. By the way, I don't know if you saw when I was in Florida, but Canyon made the boys watch the opening of my season of The Bachelor. They did not we founded on sling, she did, Oh my god, I turned it off.

What did they say?

You did?

Oh? I can walk it in and they're like, you know, and I hear Chris Harrison's voice, and I'm like, what's going on? And Canyon's like, I thought it'd be interesting to film the boys watching the opening of your season because they've never seen you on the batch like they see me on TV a bunch, because like, you know, uh, just the Today Show stuff and.

All that interesting without asking, well, what are you doing?

I come it out like I turn it off right away, and Grace looks at me goes, Daddy, why were you hanging out with all those women?

Who were they? Where was mommy?

I'm like, mommy was in high school. I'm like, you're no, buddy, absolutely not. Oh my gosh, I forgot to even tell you that part.

Yeah, so will you will you let them see it later when they're a little more grown up.

Yeah, I'm when they're in their twenties, you know, maybe, yeah, you know, I think when they're much older, like right now, it's funny. I think I told you this story. But like I'll take the boys like McDonald's playland, and the you know, the McDonald's lady will bring me their milkshakes and French fries while they're in the playland, and Grace will be like.

Yeah, it's him. He'll take a picture with you. Just ask him.

He's really nice about it. I'm like, buddy, she's twelve, what do you talk? She does to know who the hell ham?

You know? So we go through a lot of that.

So I think I think them thinking they know what Bachelor Bob means, it's probably better than them actually like.

Seeing it right now.

Yea, yeah, right, So.

I'm not ready for that, and uh, neither are they.

I can tell you, why are you kissing everyone?

I'm like, I'm not off you were you?

I was a kissing it?

I was.

That's true, that's true. I guess. I guess I can't really run from it. But yeah, no, it was really funny.

But but yeah, I mean, I'd love to see people from Joey's season on there. You know, I'm going to tell you more as I get into this season because i'm behind right now. Although I I did watch the last episode and I'm ready to watch the finale, so I'm not worried about a spoiler, you know what I mean.

I'm ready to go, But I do like to kind.

Of get educated a little bit because I know we'll probably interview some of those people, and I do actually want to know, you know, what their angle was on the show and how they were you know, how they were edited in that kind of stuff. So I will catch up. But yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited to see how this whole thing plays out. But I like your picks. I know everyone that you mentioned, so I think that'll be interesting.

Yeah, I think that'll be really interestingly.

All right, So I'm really excited to catch up with you too long.

I have missed you, my friend. I'm excited that we're back. We're back working together again.

Dame same. Okay, thanks for listening, everybody.

Bye bye,

The Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast

Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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